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APPROVED FOR RELEASE. 06/23/11 CIA-RDP86-005138001134700009-6 ~..~_~ ~~,tx ~ /~~,~ss ~/~~,~aT 1 /~~rr ~n~ ,w.~~P(~~,) ~r, ~)~2 ~-.> ,, ,_~~ar~~v~ .z.~E.~ r~ ACC IdR2~596 / / ~~ SOURCE CODE: tJR~13T~7oo(~/U13/OU3~3~ 1 ~r4~ ~ 3~ ~~r/.~~~ ~~ T ~ Pod01~ 0. A.. � tJlcolov S. $. ,' ~ INVEpTOR: Ageyev, Zh. S . ; Mitroshin E . ~YY ~ ~.~_. ~ ORG: Nbscow Order of Lenin Aviation _Institute im._Sergo_Ordzhonikidze (Moskavs ordena Lenina aviatsionnyy ins~itut TITLE: A method for automatic spBCeCraf~ control. Class 21., No. 18;327 SOURCE: Izobreteniya, proap~shlennyye obraztsy to arnyye zr~aki, no. l3, 166, 36 ~OFIG TAGS: spacecraft control, spacecraft ABSTRACT: The method for automatic spacecr~sft control e~npl~~ys overload se~asors, gyroscopic sensors, and control units. To achieve optimum t:erac~}rnamic performance with changes of parameters .and flight conditions, the langit;udinal and tra:asverse overload components are measured. The angles betwee:: the resultant ~overlaad vector and longitudinal axis of the device and between the reference direction and lenngitudinal axis of the device are determined. The aum of these two angles is yep, to s ndnimum by the control circuits. SUB C4I~: 22/ $UHY~ DA's: 15Apr65/ ATD PI~ESS:,~Q t~ Card UDC : 531.55.019~6~'1.3.078 APPROVED FOR RELEASE. 06/23/11 CIA-RDP86-005138001134700009-6 APPROVED FOR RELEASE. 06/23/11 CIA-RDP86-005138001134700009-6 ;,; ~~ ~~ ;' ~< ~ ~ ; ~ E * ~t. % ~ ~ ~'~ ~ . '1~'~ ..."a :~: _, f~~. - -.. ~. 4 C }. a. , Pft ~ _..f~ ~~' ~ ~:; �~y~ :` ,, ~ `r ~, _ ,- t -~ Y~~~ ~';r~~~, ~~ ~~t~~ ~~~i~~+~~,~ c~~r~ - cliff ~~, _, ~ :Y ~ ~ t ~~' ~ ~~ '~~ ~~~~ 3~" r ~ tie ~;~ ' ~ ,~.. ` tie .r~~~~ , l~~F ~ ~~~~#~R a'E }~ ~?' di ~~, ;,~~'~ ~-s~~ ivy '~ $~~e ct~' ~ ~ "4 ~'rkj; t. ~~" "~ ... ~..~.c r., ... ~ . >:!`~. ~r~:`. ~1.ailt~ri.5itiii a. ai,.. . ,., . .. APPROVED FOR RELEASE. 06/23/11 CIA-RDP86-005138001134700009-6 APPROVED FOR RELEASE. 06/23/11 CIA-RDP86-005138001134700009-6 Pressing Pow3ers on the Basis of Epoxide Re!3ins f38~1]. S/1 ~+3i~t~/c~f~/~~~~4/C~~3/} X07 A 1 E~3/A026 250 h at a relative humidity of 95 - 98;6 a~ad a temperature of 2ti�C. Capacitors molded in the K211-34 powd~~r ware al$o tested. The capaicit~ars moldE~d in F'EM-TT powder withstood a1.1 tests,, and a considerl~,ble number o I' th,ase molded :ln x,211-,3~+ powder did not. Tn addition to capacitor inoldir~g, the ,PJ~~'~I~~'T press:!lrlg poy+der may also be used in the production of vari+~us alectrica.!~ and radiate-chraict~l prod- ucts. 7.'here are 5 tables and 9 Soviet ref~srences, A590CIATI(?Nt Vsesoyiazn.yy zaochnyy energetiaheskiy inst;ltut (Al.l-[Jn:lon Power Enw gineering Go:rrespondence Institute) PAESk~1TED s by the Department for Eleetroinsulation aid Cable Engineering Card 3%3 APPROVED FOR RELEASE. 06/23/11 CIA-RDP86-005138001134700009-6 8~3g11 ;!-/1 ~3/~0looo/OG4/c~03/~7 Pressing Powder. on the Basis of Epoxide Re~cins ,~-i6;3/ao26 the resin mixed until the ~~alidifier is completely disso;Lved and the eeres~.n (or stearin) evenly distributed in the compound. Later, a f:lller - having a temper-~ ature of the surrounding medium - is poured into and is ~rarefully mixed with the resin for 2 - 3 min. The liquid mass is then poured from the mixer into card- board or metal containers (in 1 to 1.5-cm i;hick layers and left, at room temper- ature in the apen air for ?0 - 2~+ h. Upon complatiran of the partial. pc~J,ymer:iza~- tion process, the solidified, dark-grey thE-rmoplast~,c substance is remc~vec~, from the containers and crushed and ground in tyre "Perpleks" mill. The e;raund powder is then passed through screens with 1.6 to 1.$ mm mesh ~~nd is ready to be procW eased into various products by pressing or by pressure casting. Wheln sub~e~:.ting it to campressian pressings the temperatur~a is 150 ~. 17(ioC, the speaif:lc presW sure 204 - 344 kg/em2, and the tame of the pressed pawdF~r in the mo~.d ~s ~ �- 1 ~5 min per 1 mm of product thickness. The ma:ln physicamecYi;anical and c~i.~~..~trc~insu-� lating properties of the P~1-TT pressing p~awder are cam~,lared with tr>os~r of r,he K211-3~ (K211~-~~�~ powder. The PEM-TT powdisr was also u;~~ed far mina ca~ pacitors which were subjected for damping for 500 h at a r~slative humidii~ of 95 - 9~ and a tropical temperature of 40oi;~ prolonged heating at E>.OU�C end subsequent damping for 250 h at a relative humidity of !i?5 �- 9$96 and a uempera- ture of 20oC9 and temperature cycles 4-60'~C, ~�150oC) subsequent damping fbr� Card 2/3 APPROVED FOR RELEASE. 06/23/11 CIA-RDP86-005138001134700009-6 AUTHOR: T~'1'LE: S/ ~.~~~f 15(3/~a0/~ ~/~~ ~f `~r~ A163/A426 Mitroshichev, N.V~ Engineer Pressing Powders on the Basis of Epo~cide Res:,,ns PERIODTCALr Energetika, 10160, No. ~, pp. `>3 - 63 TEXTS The article deals with pressing powders made from resins. Thee author descrii~es in d~i;ail chemical Composition, production process, t.ech- nalogy of pressing and the properties of tr:e new I1~M-?T (;PEM-TT) pressing pow- der. T''na Soviet chemical industry has prociueed liquid an~1 solid epoxide resins, of which the following are the most import~~nt: ~,1I,-5 (ED-'5)' ~~,-6 (ED-6), ~-37 (E-~7), ~-~}0 (E-~0), ~-~}1 I;E-~}1) and ~-4~+ i;E-~6~). Tn recent years, a method hab been developed for obtaini~~ pressing powd~3r on the basis of liquid epc~xicle res~ ins. Metaphanylenediamine was used as sol,ldifier. The c~~hemical aorsposit~.on of the pree~sir~g powder i~ as ~~o~.lows~ epoxid~9 re~iin 33>79~, me taphenyl~=,npdianllre 3�~ - 59~, growr:d mica 31.6, ground fluore~par 3~..2~ and ciex~es~.n car ~~te;~rin ()-. ~~Ge When starting the production of the PFM~TT powder - basecl, x~artly on liquid epoac- ide resin at~ud partly on ED~-fa resin -the r+esin is first l~~ea,ted with caresi.n (or stee~rin~ up to a temperatu;ce of li0 - 120oiw. Then the si~,-].~,d~.fier ins added and cars ll3 X APPROVED FOR RELEASE. 06/23/11 CIA-RDP86-005138001134700009-6 APPROVED FOR RELEASE. 06/23/11 CIA-RDP86-005138001134700009-6 S/143/62/0 Ci0/008,/Q01/OC-~ I011fI242 Investigation of ... hardened by a atochiornetrio ~>>nount {8.2~) of the ee~me hardener and contained 35 to 80~ ~~~' fillers such as T~-150, ~'i02, A1.20 ~, ground mic*~, ground fluors~~ar ~.nd a lsl composition of mice and fluorspar. All the spec~t~lens ~vere prsss~~d ~.nd agecl for 5C?(? hr: at 2000::. ~ and tgS'were i~ea:7ured at f r 10~ cps. l~~inimLtm vry].uea of ~ o.nd tg~ and the m.mximum v4~,lue of (~, were attained air hi f~~er tempero,turea (150�C, 20000) with the stoichiometric .mount of hardener. The degree of pol;lmeri~ation incres.sed~~:tth amount of herdener up to the stoichiometric amount. ~ decrease~~ while tg~' and P~ rem^~ined practically constant w~:lth an in temperature up to 150-18000 i`or different anaour,~~t$ of hc~rden~~r. between 184 s.nd 21000 tg~ ~ ~xnd l.- inc~re~,ae o.nd ~,, decre~-~~es. ~~. e.nd tg ~increRSe and ~,~ with ran increase in ~ f~.ller� The most st:~ble filler ~systetn: rare those fluorspar nt~d T-:L50. Card 2/3 APPROVED FOR RELEASE. 06/23/11 CIA-RDP86-005138001134700009-6 r ~l~�)~~ ~ _ s/~43I~,~'/oao/oQ~/'~c~l/~a4 j,~ `~~ P `~ I~ll/I2~42 dUTHORt `_r~litroshicl:~E:v,,,~N~V. , Lng:tneer TITLES Investi~.ticn of electr:~.c~.lly .insulating materials on the b~,s:is of epoxide resins e,t hi~~her tempera.., tures PyHIODIG~I,; Ener~;etika, no. S, 1962, 3f~42 TEXT; The dielectric cor~sta.nt ~ , the losF:s P~n;le t~ ~~', Ind the volume resistivity Pv were ihvast_ ,~ 'ted as :t'unct:i~ns of temperftture for the pure epoxide resin ~A.-6 (~~'D~-6} h:~,rc~en~~a by different amounts oa' hardener and at different temperatures. Soane of the resin speciv~ens were p~,rtial:ly harder�se~d by 7.+a, B..Z, g ~ ~ f 9.7, 10.3, and 12. ~~ of metaphen-ilendiamin; others were ~~xd 1/3 ~- .r r APPROVED FOR RELEASE. 06/23/11 CIA-RDP86-005138001134700009-6 APPROVED FOR RELEASE. 06/23/11 CIA-RDP86-005138001134700009-6 APPROVED FOR RELEASE. 06/23/11 CIA-RDP86-005138001134700009-6 APPROVED FOR RELEASE. 06/23/11 CIA-RDP86-005138001134700009-6 APPROVED FOR RELEASE. 06/23/11 CIA-RDP86-005138001134700009-6 APPROVED FOR RELEASE. 06/23/11 CIA-RDP86-005138001134700009-6 APPROVED FOR RELEASE. 06/23/11 CIA-RDP86-005138001134700009-6 t hol Normal and ~r~thnl~a~5t cal} . ~' U~.~~ ~ ~t~men aru~ ~1ni,tt:a;l. Grp ~y ( ' ~'erv`oue ~yr~tea~. ~erip~,era~. Nez~v~r~u~ ;~yeteM. Aba Jour : ~;af Zhur � ~''in7.ogiya, No 9: l~`~A, No. ~~"~~~~+ author : ;~ti.t�~~,~t~r~~~,~ Y.~:,: � In-~t ;, ~'ite'~gk ~y~c~.ica~. ln~titute Tit1~e : On tree ~lcrtic ~;ranchee of tre Vague Nerve in Ian Orig Yub : Sb. nauct:~r~. rRbot. Viteb~-Kiy med. in-~;~, x.957, YyP ~, 75-7 Abstract : It wKO dg~menatrated on 2`j(! r&dt'rater(.~3ard,~es ~ ex wain} i~x the egos of ~.~ 9 g and age; fibera rf the vl~gue nervA (~'~} t~aka part in the c~.+mpcnition of tree plex~trie�thc~rac~.coaorta ~Prona. They ez;,t~~r into the plexus of '^he branches the cardiac p:16x1.e rand^yctly from the VN. comix~ directly 4'rom the VN o;�iginate at var~.ous 1.e~rel.e. The gr~-ateat numlEr of brar~chee of tGe VrJ going to the ~ and ]./2 APPROVED FOR RELEASE. 06/23/11 CIA-RDP86-005138001134700009-6 APPROVED FOR RELEASE. 06/23/11 CIA-RDP86-005138001134700009-6 APPROVED FOR RELEASE. 06/23/11 CIA-RDP86-005138001134700009-6 M~~~tQSH~C, V. Kh. d~ i~7. r%W~�T Y.S/1 ~:1? i.![ ~..:G.ti tt, it r~~!= %d :.R� ~..~ . ~~?i + n~ ~h.m ~:,-rf~hci~~Y r~ the c;ru:~: ~~e~c,~~ c~~ :rte posvye~~h~h. ~~rcf'. ~~~v~.ny~~r,, `T~~,rrra~, :131}~, i?~ ~~-r',~.~.~;;3 Sas U-~ f~l, 1t) A~~~1 195:x, tl,~~:~t,c~p~.s ':hur~~~l 'nykYA ~~t~~, I~FY~ '.~Ic~. 1~?, 1~34~;~). APPROVED FOR RELEASE. 06/23/11 CIA-RDP86-005138001134700009-6 APPROVED FOR RELEASE. 06/23/11 CIA-RDP86-005138001134700009-6 APPROVED FOR RELEASE. 06/23/11 CIA-RDP86-005138001134700009-6 D.N.; prl,li, u~oha$ti3~ ~~~; GAt)3VAI~'D, V.G.; GAyyATSN, V.1~.; ~J,INg1~~, ~ y 1u.F.; Icy' ~ `,,,,.~~.~.~.~..:.w..... pQyA~ov, A. ~ . ; ~-a~ov ~ r . ZElILUD, ~ #~ . r ~"~�~, ~~: ,~*N.; VQj,$E~1, A�A�F'.I,~rrabotnik; ~3NNNgTt~', p.o.e., FgDf}~~- S.v�~ GpNCHAR{~'rabot;aik; DF-~N~ p,.Ye., rabottil�k; rabotn~3 C1~IIP~:[19A, I.A., G.N~ ~C rabotnik; SIIMANY~' ~ ~pCg~pKfl, ~'.'q. , an the coal psx'~t�ri3 of ro111.n~ and technol.og ~ TgNXTCHD4 no.29sl3fi-�14S InveatlgatinB poorer (gbor ~, trud. (MT.RA 1.7:4) 290 gedivaa sheet mill. +b3. ~ o a~ngtitttta 'PSe1ntral' nogg na'~chno-ias~val,' d,s ~~ hko" ~ Yolkov: 1' gotrudn~i ii (for Gerasimov, Grua tBekh chernoY netallur.g �q) 2 Listopr+~katnyy ~~~~ ~,tz.opol'skiY~ Fadosey k~binata (:for Goncharov, ~gnitogorak~ag,o matallurg~�cheskogo Si.~ny,~~. ghe~etov, De~~i.n, Chuprina, Goxicharenko 9 APPROVED FOR RELEASE. 06/23/11 CIA-RDP86-005138001134700009-6 ~~~'~t~~`~ ~ ~~t~.~~ . ~ '~#~ve~ 'pith raap~r~~ ,~ ~~a~~~ ~ ~ - ~`~~~ a~ . ~~ x 3.A~i~ Tai ~ ~:1w ~ f, ~ 39 � ~~. ~~h c~ela,y;~~ te~ti~~~it~~, F~rn~i~~~~te~ ~'ar '~~~~~;~-~` ~~h+~~ti~~' fob ~~~' e~~~ ~r~# ~~hed and ~1~e ~~. ~t~t s etd ~rt4~u~eut r 1 A~.p PR~~ APPROVED FOR RELEASE. 06/23/11 CIA-RDP86-005138001134700009-6 H~~~~. G s ~ ,~.~~ 3,. F 1 ~: ~;~~~~~~~~. ~!~ :~~~~~~~~~~ ~t~ ;,, ~ X13': r; r 4 ;~: r a .~ 3 -. t _ ' ~~ t' IYIM1~M .w ..' _ ,. y r .. ,. .. ~.. ~ } T.~ ~"~ .~yy}yy~yr~rWwY~tlrYNM+~+~1~MM~+~1!Ilnw~- tr �~ t ~ 1G~ us s ~ ~ .~~3 4 ... S QTY ~ ;. - _ i .' I - I , ,}~x 4th ~ F I ~" ~w'x 4r ~~:~~ .~~~'~~~ ~~ ~~,~~~~14i- ' ; ~~I~~ii ~; ~~! ~~~Y~~~i.~.+~ ~~~ ~~iii~'~ ~�� ~. _ ~ ~ ~, tF 1r Eck ry I 3~01'I Question on Period:lc Solutiana oY Nonlinear Sy.~tems of Equati.ans VPith a Small Parameter among their eralutione x~ ~ x ~ (t), for which the cha:raoteristic equ~atiori n x 1, corresponding to the systElm of equations in variationa- 1~ d &'x~ ~ {41 - t- ` ~x; (xo) Sze , has only roots with a negative real parr, 3. There exists a convex neighborhood 17~AE Ln at the F~olution x ~` in which the (~{x) have oontinuoue partial der~.vativee to x up to the alaaon order. d 4� For x, x', x~~ Q~p and all real t ifi ha~,de {5) IY{t,x)~ ~ M Card ~~~ APPROVED FOR RELEASE. 06/23/11 CIA-RDP86-005138001134700009-6 r aB~;iC~2 ~6,3~oc s/o4~h-o/o12/oa4/oo3/a~1 0111 !~, 22 IOTHOR3: xi tr.~i?ol! eky.~ Y'u.~1,~,~:.. 8nd Lykova, a.B. ~~ ~ ~...r TITLEt On the Question on Periodic Sol~~tions of Nonlir~e~ar Systems o;f Equations With a Small Parameter PERIODICLL~ tlkrainekiy matematioheskiy xhurnal, 19do, V'ol. 12, Ito. ,~~ p~~ 39'1 - 401 TEXT: ~'he authors aonsido;r the system Rhere E ~ 0 is a small pi~ram�ter f t is the tim. f z,,X,,Y are n-dim~~neiox~al veotore of the Euclidean En ,and the folla~ring condit;tvr.~e are Qatid~`i~ed f 1� Y(~,x} are continuous and 2~i - pexiod~.4 in t ~ 2. The equations 2i There ~(x} � ~; ( y(t,x}dt ~ have an ie~olated stati.oal solution x* . x* d Card 1~ ~ o APPROVED FOR RELEASE. 06/23/11 CIA-RDP86-005138001134700009-6 APPROVED FOR RELEASE. 06/23/11 CIA-RDP86-005138001134700009-6 APPROVED FOR RELEASE. 06/23/11 CIA-RDP86-005138001134700009-6 A2~L1 p,02b La~a~~ A`Y~.~v~znant,s in the Fitt~~ tsf ~nfl,.:~,,~.nQa~' M+~~u~~a~nLc~ ' P~T Mo~~y~n..KO~s 'R~; ~. a ~L*~.on p~"~'J~.~~a!=a ~~Iro una~abl~ v~.b::~ation in tuxbin� ro,~at~~ t,~ari.s, ,. n ,~ ~Y' me#,k~ad and' ~ 0 ~1{~ d~,~tr't'~.ble~,~-.'1 p~1.7"f~.mtxt~!"~s ~.$, v~~?o ev'G~lv~d an ~na~aget,~�. o~ ~Y'.e,~'t~~ - bax~~ 9 ~~~' 9 ~R~:E 1~) ~~o ~n~ag,F;,~ i:~ t,?~.!+ tr' b~at3.on , ~, ~, ~ ~ end O ~8., ~,i.k~,v,~ t Ktincz~enk:� ~ f 8) Yu~O~ ~,.,,r...pL1. ~~,i.y ~,to ~ ~r4x:~rat~~~ F.~~ a , hanging pat~^am , f b~L aAp ~.*~ lAr~~a!�' ,~~, ~r~~ae~t~.on~ ~t~tk~ a~1CV~3.~r ~� o~~i.bJ.~ r~ssar. ";h cln to ~in~ar' ~~~~,~ma p~z~io~.i~ aka ~~c ~~n~~~,and ~ .~z~g 1 A "~~a~;ed ~yatems9 ICaVo Za~d3,~' Zubax�~v (Rdf~ $) 1rr~c; �~ a~: L�~, ~ o N o N, Hogal,~b~av and D: N ~-at~~ ~a x�~lrcxa~G~,on ~~st~ms; fit. A~ $r-eu'1~.=, ad the oompensation px�~.n~ipl.e 1n l.on~ l~n~m~ ~ ~ a~~flcs~.:.~ ~;oa~f`1. i~n~k:.~, ~:rc~,+en,d ~}~ ~~~~0 1~tv~~t,i~~a~e~d ail.~f'~:r+~ni~~.~. ~,~r,~~;*,~,.on ~ .~'!"�~~~~'~'~ ~~~�;~-KC!~ w1.~Y, .~~.~~~ ~~~~'~'~ wk~.i.~s~ ma;~ b~ '.~a~d i n the ana:lY~i~ of ~peai~J, kY ~ ~ A~ M, Fedo:~obr~nlio ~R~f .. ~:~) ~kzo iri{:.xpclu.o~as~.~.~~~i~ar'~~ka~ (~tExt ~~vc~~.~ving p~ ~~, r rc~~c~op~ ~Y~ , era, ~ ~aanox~l~ ~~aa~:~.on~ r~a~o~~,bing a e~,,At~i.n ~ ~ ~ r~;.f.C~ ~.n mrr~~~~' ~~~ an..~ ~ua~a~~ox~a mho ermp~y,c~',W~~t~yyt~'h~ m~~,1~ad~~ cif,,a: ~ a~..:_~,.s. ~~t~. ~;1~f.n~BS'~~i$ An�~l ~.Ul40Rla~',~,s":, ?:OAF?',"`Q~.,~ nA, ~~~ r'r^j ~.t:~.~;fl w~?d ;rl.~'r~~.� t.f)S1 ~1.t,`t~ L,i.. `~ v r~~a?~b~~ a~ px�ob].am~ t,c~ t~kF ir~~~.u~nc~. r ~ ~~~,n~+r of a~elaxa~~.oan os~,~, an ba.~~mor~i ~ a~::~ ~_z.~,t.i,~:n,. A ti~~,v ~~d ~/~s APPROVED FOR RELEASE. 06/23/11 CIA-RDP86-005138001134700009-6 A?~2/~~a~'~ AUT~dR ; ~tropal.' ~~,i~t ~ ~~~ . r; Achiever~e,nt~ i.n ,he I~ i e~.d. of 1Vr~ne.I.~:ne~x� l+ie~ t~ a~~~..~. TSTIjE a L~ In~yni~ar~kiQ, 19~C, Vcai, ~, Na ~, Fp~ i~~ ~1.~3`a PEA.Z4U1CAL6 Roxp~a~ o ,-w~u1t.~ off.. enex~a.l. ~urv.,y of ..~w.. Tom; The ~io2~s preecents a IW{ri~f and 8 c~.u~ov 1.ri t.~a~ fi,?1~~ , the ~~~~{~~~~or~ ~:a N,~:. ~~ Y ~ ;;onc.+$pf ~:ained during the lamt', deoade- by ca, Th~~ author' gives a brief e~.pna ir-Icoe~y~tPm~~i.t,h oY nc~n4~linear msohanf. ~_, vi.b ~, toti.c evolvement ~'~'~~ ~f differential and intsgv't~~L ca;.oui'us` Th: of as~tnp Ly eb, p~e~netera by m solve a. number of problElma and exFs et etnseno~brations an~~ mRthod was used t,o vib~at;ing Y .. -------~_~`~~ncy "~i.rau~a:lda..~. transition through ~esone~nce i.n non-~1ine~� roaoop , mot; ems, pay:.. i.~l~le ~,.ength pendulum, the effeot of ai a~o~.u1a~~ed- ~'r�e~' -- a s.;r~. e v~ unstebl.e p~;'ooselses in ~ t ^ V ~,U~' XQtOr~ r r; . ~ , .f~orae on a non~l.inear vibrator, r~ritioal. numbex�s 1.n cran~~z1af't:u, cent~if~ages' to a num awe V~k~l.:~r ~Re~~ 5l and aSaooiaG+,Aa a r~ a amp:lt..~ Latei,y, the m�~hod we~a used 131 ~ m~~~ a I,n cyolot;ron cai.r�uia~i,on, ~~peoonane et~d~~~oouati ~ :. be* of ~z'obi.em ~ ,, ree tude~ oP synyh~`atron oeoill~~tion ~yited by ~ aut,~c)."~` ~r~A UkrBS~t, reaent~ly the Ctdal. teoreticheskoy fi7,ik9. ~fg~temati.cheskpga in,~tituta im. ~. A. 5teklava A:N SSSR (Uepsrl~~nent oi' I'hearetic~xX Physics +~f the Mathemat3.cs Inet~ctute z.naexi3 ~� ~.. 5tek3,av of the AS ~JSSR). He is directox� t~:f the Labaratc~wiyt~ teoret~.whe~ek~~y fi~ik~. Ob'~yed3.nennoga insti tut~z ye.dexxaykh ire].@d~~vaniy (Lab+~ratory fcr Theoretioel Fhysics of i~hg ~ainb3 Instit;ut~a of Nuclear xeeearchj� Under his supervision ai~out 50 d~.ssert~~ti~~na of pars+ane aspiring for the degrae~3 of car 'Doctor were defendedo He founded schools for nanlinear meohax-ic,a (Kiyev) a,nd theoretical physics (&toi~cow, Dubna~ Kiyev). Card 3/4 APPROVED FOR RELEASE. 06/23/11 CIA-RDP86-005138001134700009-6 Nil~olay Nikolayevich Bo~;alyubavt ~~3~~~ 369-'~ -~~1 "~ ~On the Ooaasion of Sis Fiftieth }3irt:hd6ty~ Later he occupied himself with the th~~o:ry of nonlinear oscillations and d+avel,oped apprnxitnatiun methods in the field of nonlinear mechanics; he then passed oin the asymptotic methods ix~ statistical. ;areahani,os and statistical physics, and published, among othQrs9 a number of p~~p~~rs in the field of statistical physics of el.aseioal. systeraa~~ kle d@veloped a methc}d of distribution functions and of gener~~t;lrg funetionals for t}ie solution of the main pxoblem of statia�ti:al physics -the ca3aulatio~n of thermodynamic functions b;;t means of the molecular characteristics of tha subet~~n,.e, in which conneatican he developed a theory of non-perfect g~~.s~ias. By means of the msthematiaal. apparatus of distribution f~~anctione hs fuxthex dealt with the nonequilibrium proeesseig ,.~s well as with problc:s~s of gw~,ntuui eyetem$; he developed a metl~o~,t of approximative second que.nti~at;~on in order to remove t''�ie difficulties arisi~~ in connection with the symmetry of the d+,:nsity matriz. He further dealt with the theory of the d~egr;:neration of non- perfeet gases and made the fArs+ step �tonrards developing a microscopical. theory of fhe;;~ of He TI. Further Card 2~4 work was devoted �sa problems of supracian+'luctivity, and in APPROVED FOR RELEASE. 06/23/11 CIA-RDP86-005138001134700009-6 ~~(o) AUTHORS: l~itropolt s;kiy~ Yu. A. ~ 'I'yabliko~r, $. '~,- SO'~f53-~9-'~'-9~1'~ ,,....~, �~.,,,~,ti,.~.,,..,.~4.,,~...,,~. TITLES Nino Nikolayevich Bo,golyubov (PJikolt~y Piikolayevich Bogolyut~av) On the Occasion of ~iis Fiftieth 8irth~~a; ~k pyatideeyatiletiyu s~~ dn~ya roxhdani;~a~ PERIODICALs tTepekhi fizicheskikh na�uk, 1959, PoI 6~~, Nr 1, pp 159-164 (II3SIi) ABSTRACT: On August 21, 1959 the well-known Sovi~st theoretical physicis�. N. N. Bogo~lyubov celebrated hie 50th b:txthday. Re was born at Gvr'kiy, ~~orked at the seminar of N. M~- ;Krylov already in 192;.;, and wrote his first sai~entific paper i~~ 1924; in 1925 he was - ~ ~ Aspirant at t;be Chair for Ma~thsmetiaal Physics of tlxe AS USSR: e,nd defended his diseex~tation in 1928. Two y+?arFl later he was awarded the title of Doctor h. es. ; in 1939 hs became Carrespond,ing Member, A,S 'akrSSA~ in 19~~7 he was appointed Correspand,ing Bdember AS USSRy in 1948 l~aal Member AS UkrS3R, and in 1953 he became Meal lHembsr AS U~S~~R. Hs began his scientific career as a .mathematician and published a number o" papers (ca.Iculus of variations: theory of periodic funetions9 Card 1/4 differential equations) together with l;~f s teacher N. M. Krylo'r. APPROVED FOR RELEASE. 06/23/11 CIA-RDP86-005138001134700009-6 u~ t7~~ On Periodic Salutic~ne of S4~rs tetr`~;=_, ~;? ~3:ar~:~. wr~e~r. SOV i ~'F~ - ' ? - ~~ ;,r'' Differential Equat:i.ons Wzt;~-E i`IrJtt-Df~'oren~,La.bie Right Part a~~~ .~ r ~ ~~ t.~ r i w'r2:ere D ~.~ ~ ';r,~~?:a.r; t :.~la~~.i r~i~ ~.~ ma.t.r. i ~. a"~d. ;~ i ~-. =.t ~ ;.r~~~,.~ ;- GC?ITI~}~.Tl~.f~:~.::~rl ~ j..,' V�; ~71,~ ~ i ~f.i'!!`~ ksX~'7~'C3�.fl.t i ~;~ ~. ! !.iCll..' .,..;'t` ~3 y< ! }1 ?'i ~t511t3"T13~2]'~~ ~'1 ~ K-? c~~_rr7~ tUSSR) ABSTRACT: Theorems Given the ayatenl ~~~} dt ~ ~X(tzx}~ where x,X e,re :~ofnts of the En, tie the ti~~e; ~ ? 0 .~ -~ ~~~~..~~ parameter. a} T,et X(t;x} be rontinuoue X(t+2~C;xl Xt,,:x ~1~~~ where ~,~i" 0 have the 1. X('~ } have bounded partial der?v~::t~.�~~ with respect tq '~ up to the third ordex inc.lue~.�ae ~,r 2 ~ I~~Ioz~ ~~r~p eol.utions ~, t ~,~t) of (y1) 'there ex~ete onl;~ sta.} i ~;~~.~. Card 1~~ solution ~ ~ pia fox' which APPROVED FOR RELEASE. 06/23/11 CIA-RDP86-005138001134700009-6 7 ~+~(~) #!U'~3 s Bitropol' ski~r~,Y~_�ar~d- Tysbl ikov, S m Y $ I30q; 4 ~ ~ ~ 1 ~~; ~8~ x ~ TITLBs ..~.~.w....,..,.~.~_..w..-.-.~-- pikale-y 1Vikol�r.yevich Bogolyu.bav (on the ga~Waeion ~rf hie 50�h Bi,~thdaY~ PPRIt?~XCALs Ukrainekiy mat,e~aatis~heekiy zhurne:lp 1959v 'Vol 1 ~ q Nr 3~ ' PP ~95w34 i (17~~SR) AE-S~'RIICTa The ~utbt~re g~~ve game biogr~-phioa~ data anl~. ~ survey c~z~ the most a,ase~#3.a~1.., r~ulta of 8oggl~-ubovs Se. ~s barn can A.u~zst . ~4.q~.'fgOq in 4c-,~ok.�yo Siaaoa. 7q2~ he eye in the seminar of the .. -. .Aoad'i~i:eian I~~,YaKryla�; in ~q24 he publ.deh~~d hie first paper; in i~.2S. he. publi'~hed hie diesertatiom; in ~9S~D he became Dr~4~aathohoa 9 . in 1 q39 he becoamg s oorreeponding member o f the �S Qkr o S SRy and ix; ~q~3 .~vade~aiaj;an of the AS USSRo Bogolyubo~n has t,~a Stal,in prixest a Lenin pries,, trrp Lenin orderep faur further distf.nctians~ and the Merlani pa~ize (~ologna)~ There ie a pht>ta of Bogolyubav sad a list of hie X79 putllicatione~ With translatalons in other lanSuageso ' Card 1~1 APPROVED FOR RELEASE. 06/23/11 CIA-RDP86-005138001134700009-6 6bG45 sc~v/~~ --:~-~. ~ -1./~7 at~~ On Peri odic Solutions o~~ Nonlinear Systems of Dii'f erenta. r~.l ~c~ua- t ions That Come Close tp that Autonemau~.s 4n~ee approxamat:ion of the periodic solution of system (~.) is given i:~ the form: x.'I(t)~+Dh~(i~j+~,u(t,xb~~Dhi; ~%) ~ (~'~) where h'. (t) is the periodic solutions of the sysiJem of equa~io~ns _~ ~ ~ The unique, stable and periodic solution of sys~te~ (].) is formulated: ~ x(t) = xo + Dh (t) + ~;, u ~t,xo + D:h (t}~ . There are 4 referencea~, l of which is French, 1 So- viet, l Italian and l Germ~.n.. ~.SSOCTATION: Instytut m.atematyky A1~1 URSR (Institute of Mathematics, AS UkrSSR) SUBMI'I"I'ED : Duly 1, ~.9 59 `, Card 3/3 APPROVED FOR RELEASE. 06/23/11 CIA-RDP86-005138001134700009-6 666~s5 SCiV/21-~-11-1./~~ ~n Periodic. Solutions off' Nonlinear ~aystems of ~}i.f'fer. enti al Ecua- ti ons That Cotiae C1:ose ~to the Autanamous 4,ae8 ~~ where egquation - 1 Y(x) = y(t,x)dt (3) dman~ its a~~ = x~`(t) solutions has ~~n isolated ~>tatic solution x# ; xo , for the equation `Jn~ .-c~~ -, ( a) ~ ~ Q has all .its radicals ti;rith 3ub- stractable re a7. parts, and that witxiin Eucii~ea~i ;;p~.~ce En there e:Kists a convex area U f o~� the x'~'= x'~ (t) ,solution of system (2~, in which funci;ions t~(x} have crntinuous partial derivatives by x izp to the third order inclusively, wherea, f~~nctions Y(t,x) are limited and satisf;~ing the Lipshits condit~.ans `Y(t,x) I ~ M (~~ a.nd ~Y(t,x') - Y (t,x")~ ~ "~~x.'-x" ~ (6) Gard 2~ where ~d and ~ are additional constaalts. The fi:.~~st ~~ APPROVED FOR RELEASE. 06/23/11 CIA-RDP86-005138001134700009-6 ~ s i. bbb45 ~~ AUTHORS: R~~.tropol's''k~'y, Yu.. , Correspondin@ Member, AS UkrSSR, TITLE: On Periodic; Solutions ~of Nonlinear ~iystems of Differ ential Equations ~t Come Cloa+e to tb~,e Autonomous OYies PERIODICAL: Dopovidi Akademiyi nau;k Ukra~:~ns'ko~-i RsR, 1959,, Nr 11, pp 1175-11`,8 (USSR} ABSTRACT: Exam~.ning a system of nonlinear differential equations where x,X +~nd Y are n-dimensional vE:ctors of Eucli- dean space E , ~, ~.s a small additional parameter and t is tame, tie authors prove the ex~~stence, unique- ness and stability of the pexiadic~ kolution for Chet system and give an estimation of th~+ d3.fference t-e- twAan that solution and its f.~.rst approximf~tion,~ They as sum+~ that functions Y(t,x) a~^e periodic a~n t with a per:~.od of 2 ~ that a system of equations dt = X(x)+ ~ Y(.~) Gard 1/3 = c~ (x,i, ~(2} APPROVED FOR RELEASE. 06/23/11 CIA-RDP86-005138001134700009-6 APPROVED FOR RELEASE. 06/23/11 CIA-RDP86-005138001134700009-6 APPROVED FOR RELEASE. 06/23/11 CIA-RDP86-005138001134700009-6 An investigation of instatianary . dt`_wtl~v+ S~04~;~62~pUC;~OG7~0 iC;~1OC) ~~~~jc333 00 at~Q i dtt~6 2s ~~ (rwl -- sv) a; 3Y u - 2w1 da where �� au~ our air ~- ~; ac~a~ ~ ~ aaQ a� + ~~� a~ ~, where Ci1'1 ~ is the virtual energy averagod on th� osci:llation o~,ycle of the ~' �th term of the Fourier expansia.n of the fc~rco ~7f distu:::,~:~ce. Analogously one can construct the eauationg of the se~~onci Cansiderod is the case where there are only potentis.l force:3 ~~res�rit. ~'he application of the m�thod an systems with uistriouted a;ax,~r:,ctex;~ is shown by the fallowing examplass transverse oscillations of a Aar of the length 1~ at the and of which them works an a:~iai for,c; Card 3/4 {~/'~ ti' APPROVED FOR RELEASE. 06/23/11 CIA-RDP86-005138001134700009-6 APPROVED FOR RELEASE. 06/23/11 CIA-RDP86-005138001134700009-6 ~j~~~ 3 !vf ~,~ ~~~~ ~z/~~o,~ ~7/c1~:/ _ c11 ~~~~53 x~;~rxoRS: ~:itxopo~.'s'kiy, Yu. o., .~~~ysy6nxo~, :~. ~. TITS.: An inv�s~a:g~t~.~ri~_ Of "i~i~"t~"ti,onaxy o~cillat:ing P systems with distribut~;d parameters PERIODIC~b: ~?ef erativnyy zhurnal ~ ~vtate~matika, nc ~ 7 ~~ 192, ~~~~~ ~ f - abstract 7183. ("Visnyk k.yivs k. un to , z95y~ ser. astron., r~atem. to mtlkhan., na. 1, 3-~7) T~~tT: By aid of the energetic m~:thod of `.tu. ti. ,.itrano,l ~ s'.ci.y one investiQatea one-frequance processes in a numbcx of~cemethod itselt~Lisl sys te~ue with distributed parameters. ~i.rst of e.11 tjlo described: Tnstsad of setting up strio4 equations one sts.rts from the expressions far kinetic and potential energy and the t~enexal.i.~od farces and se ~s up approximative equations fo:c the determinai`.ion of ~:he prase and the amplitude of the Oz3Clllatlv215� ''~ thee~can vi,ctualy~~Y~+~,:~;~aw~=iu of 4he fixst approximation on� calculates c.n ~ ,d ;;eve carxiad out the forces of disturbance at asine-shaped proc-�~~ .ro~z.~ during a complete oscillation cycle on th� derandlthe~~phase.e~~he obtained correspond to the variations of the amp'itu Card 1/`~- ;; APPROVED FOR RELEASE. 06/23/11 CIA-RDP86-005138001134700009-6 APPROVED FOR RELEASE. 06/23/11 CIA-RDP86-005138001134700009-6 - ~:: ~.. � AnTRflfls Mitropa3'ski ,_,_. ~~ r....~..._ ... , TITLES On the Stability of a One~~parsm?txi.:: rau;i~;~ o~' Lr ~,A~ions of a System of Equs�ti.ons With Variable Caeffi.~~i.~ant,s ~Qb zzstoyohivosti odnoparametricheskaga semeystva rea}~eniy .~:Ls+.emy u:ravneniy s psremennymi. k~ef~~.ts~.yEntami) PERIODICAL: ~Jkrainsk~.y matematioheski.y zhu.z~na1P ~958~ ''~c~l 1Qy Nr 4P ~~ ~~~~~39~ (U~3sR) AB9TRACTs Suet the system of eriui~t.ioris f~) dt ~ ;~~ ~�sx~ f ;X#~~9QPx9 satisfy the fa:l~.cawing ,ondi,ti.on>3: " ~ for the undis'~urbei! system ~2) ~~ ~ ~~ ~ yx), ~~ conat i'or ali "~(~aa~'~~~) there sxiste a family of stable periodic eplutione \3) X~Xa~~..y+~�~lt~'`~~f zf); ~;~.i~)~x~('~P~~+~,P ~:z~�3t+,~~; 2) there exist ~ a,nd ~,~ so that in the domain -ara%t tal ~ xED 9 O ~' ~, ~ ~oP where D~ is a ~wneihl~orhood c,f (3) i,ri the 3 Card 1r2 APPROVED FOR RELEASE. 06/23/11 CIA-RDP86-005138001134700009-6