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Publication Date:
December 31, 1967
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K'-Ty, L-'; - IA, : . . . " . L .. : 4 1
" 11 - , ; , v F, . . h .
il, r t,6 ~ I , - - " - 71 , 1. c I ~ * , -, 1~ - . . I
KOVAIJV, N. 1. , otv(3tii tverLiyy r,tdi~ ktur , SISIAVSI YA . T .7. , ra&,,ktor;
K07dIZH371IkV A, I ii . r--Ar4'p- I or I'IAX'A N. K N~ . t a O~ni -,!is a V I y redn ict or
[ Measuring . ~vt rumen t a: r-fer#,~, -.p rit ta ior. Iz me r I tq I ' a.7e pri bor7:
kata log, aDrwio: hnik . RI ir * -~k ~r I ri' r7m t 13 11 , 19'6 . 157
( 9 -IRA I I
I. R,Igaia ( I It MI ek,-'. , ~1,. " Voy
romyuhlenars ti
(He~-t g, i r t n,- 114 g t
S.Ya.; DOROFEYEV, V.A., tekhn. red.
[Reference catalog on measuring instruments' KstAiog-
spravochnik ismeritellnykh priborov. Moskva, Bluro tekhn.
informmteii, 1952. 163 p. (MIRA 16,8)
1. Russia (1923- U.S.S.R.) Rinisterstyo promy5hiennosti
sredstv sviazi. (EleAric measurements)
(TelecommunicAtion-Fquipment and supplies)
AUTHORS: Khramov, V.D., Engineer and Mishakov, Te.V., Engineer
TITLE: Casting large thin-walled parts by the method of
directed-successive crystallization
PERIODICAL: Moscow. Aviatsionnyy tekhnologicheskiy institut.
Trudy. No.49, 1961, PP.5-23. Voprosy tekhnologii
liteynogo proizvodstva
TEXT: When large, thin-walled castings are being produced the
following types of common defect are particularly liable to occur:
incomplete filling; non-metallic inclusions formed through
turbulent flow of the metall shrinkage cavities due to breakdown in~
the order of crystallization. In the present article, the authors
discuss different methods of feeding the metal and consider how
their adoption influences the development of defects in large thin-
walled castings. They discuss first methods based on the
introduction of the metal into the mould using an overflow gate
system. Vhen metal enters the mould near the top, shrinkage
cavities are avoided but non-metallic inclusions, air bubbles and
possibly violent oxidation can occur. This technique is
unsuitable for magnesium alloys but can be used for aluminium alloys
Card 1/5
Casting large thin-walled ... E111/E435
for moulds under 150 mm in height. When metal enterg the mould at
the bottom, non-metallic inclusions are less prevalent but
oxidation occurs and shrinkage cavities can arise and it is
generally unsuitable for the applications being considered. The
advantages of these two techniques are combined when the mould is
filled from an auxiliary cylindrical reservoir large enough in
diameter to prevent freezing of metal, connected to the mould by a
vertical slot and supplied by metal near its base; with iarge
parts, however, control difficulties arise which lead to defects.
The drawing of metal directly into the mould under vacuum has many
advantages but can not be used for large castings of magnesium
alloys if the casting height reaches 3 m; the same considerations
apply to castings under pressure, The method recommended, that of
directed-successive crystallization, is based on the technique of
supplying the metal to the mould through standpipeg which remain
stationary while the mould is lowered in such a way that the ends of
the pipes are 50 to 100 mm below the metal surface in the slot
feeders. The mould can be earth or metal and the slots which
connect the feeder reservoirs to the mould proper are 4 to 7 mm wide
and extend over its whole heisht, In some arrangements the
Card 2/5
Casting large thin-walled EIII/E435
standpipes discharge directly into the mould proper. The
reservoirs can be on the inside or outside. The tundish nozzles
are :losed by spherical stoppers and are aligned exactly over the
feeder reservoirs. The tundish and standpipes are heated.
Ideally, the rate of lowering of the mould should coincide with the
rate of crystallization, The first portions of metal are isolated
in a well which should not be rigidly attached to the base since
this would create additional stresses. The standpipes are either
preheated by gas outside the mould immediately (usually 3 to 5 min)
before use, when the mould is relatively low and the pipes are
large enough to retain their temperature. Freezing of metal in the
pipes can also be avoided by inserting nipples into their lower
ends so as to keep a good height of metal in the pipes.
Alternatively, the pipes of any type of steel are heated by feeding
directly an electric current (24 to 30 V and 200 to 400 A). As a
basis for the design of the new type of casting systems, the
authors discuss its theory and draw some practical conclusions.
The flow coefficient for the pipes was determined in numerous
experiments with type M;15 (ML5) alloy using a special model.
Card 3/5
Casting large thin-walled Elll/E435
Pipe lengths of 0.1 to 3.5 m and 8 to 18 mm diameter were
investigated, showing that the coefficient falls smoothly with
pipe length, The correct selection of flow conditions was shown
to be of paramount importance in casting quality, especially wtth
aluminium and magnesium alloys. This Is mainly due to oxidation
(producing secondary slag) which occurs above the critical velocity
of rise of liquid in the mould corresponding to turbulence. This
is governed by the Reynolds numberi thus, for a given alloy the
critical velocity depends on the hydraulic radius (i.e. wall
thickness of the casting). The value (mmlsec) falls from 60 to 3
if the wall thickness is increased from 3 to 10 mm. To find the
number of pipes required the filling time is calculated from the
height of the casting and the critJcal velocity. The total flow of
the metal is next calculated from the weight of the casting and the
filling time. The number of pipes is then decided on
constructional grounds and the flow per pipe calculated, from this
and the height of pipe required, the pipe diameter is found
using experimental flow rate -height diameter data. The new method
enables part of uniform wall thickness (4 mm) to he obtained with
heights greater than was possible hitherto the mechanical
Card 4/5
15833 S/536/61/000/049/001/003
Casting large thin-walled ... EIII/E435
properties being superior and not anisotropic. Examples of values
for an ML5 alloY casting specified and obtained are. respectively;
tensile strength, 16.5, 18.0 -21.5 kg/mm2, compressive strength,
16.5 30- 39; relative elongation, 3.0, 5.0- 7.0%; yield point in
tension, 9.0, 10.0- 12.5 kg/MM2; yield point in compression, 8,0,
10.0- 13.5 k /mm2. The extension of cast constructions made
possible by the new method represents a substantial gain. There
are 15 figures, 3 tables and 2 Soviet references.
Card 5/5
in gumm cp"Bass. v V.
AW*9&'* IL L Gemake"C L 1. 90!g A-P. lvji~~
flood k D. BMW& DM -At@& Nault N.U=IW.
mrs rodar&d
4adswe (lba. ad"s of "40cfaw mare were dwtw t*
adwistal wt* Af at=Mr parttetes.
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wAssitio won wAssaftd. 214 ad ukkk met* farwAd bmWe
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Category USSR/Nuclear Fhyoicr, - Elementary particles C-3
Abs Jour Ref Zhur - Fizif-a, No 2, 1957 No 3129
Author Alpers, V.V., Barkov, L.M., Gerasimova, R.I., Gurevich, I.I.,
Mishakova, A.P., MuKhin, K.N.
Title ProduFTI`onof Slow -iT-~LMesons In Photographic Emulsion Nuclei by 660 Mev
Orig Pub Zb. eksperim. I teor. fizlkl, 1'156, 30, No 6, 1034-103,
Abstract The emulsion camera procedure was used to study the production of slow
qr 1 mesons in the nuclei of the ermilsion by the action of 660 Mev protons.
The pro-eduxe used made possible an effective study of the stars with
the produr'.1on of slow ~Tmesons, and also the energy and angular spe-tra
of the 3low 'if' mesons produced In the nuclei.
Ca.rd 1/1
1< L
TITLE The Decay of the i-Meson-
PERIODICAL Zurn.eksp.i teor.fis," faso-5,904-905 (1956)
Issued: 1 / 1957
On the occasion of a further inspection of the emulsion chamber irradiated in
the stratosphere in Lay 1955 (V.V.ALIPERS et al, Dokl.Akad.Nauk, 106, 207 (1956)
a decay act of a particle brought to a standstill in the emulsion was found and
interpreted as the decay of a single positive pion with the typical image of
n-4:1- --) e -decay. The range of the myon wis 550 microns. The trace of the
primary particle enters the emulsion under a wide angle and the trace of the
secondary particle (pion) is parallel to the emulsion plane. This renders intef-
pretation of the case difficult, for the possibility remains to look upon this
case as the scattering of a pion. The grain density was measured on some pion
traces which take the same course under the same angle of inclination and in the
same direction as the primary particle. A comparison of grain density in connec-
tion with these traces with that of the trace under investigation showed that
scattering of a pion is quite out of the question. Consequently, this must be
the decay of a particle which came to a standstill.
The range of the pion is 600 microns and the energy E - 4,6 MeV, which excludes
the decay of a K-particle according to the scheme K --~ i + R 0 + Q. Therefore this
decay can be looked upon as the decay of a i-meson with the alternating decay
scheme into a positive and into two neutral pions (T 9 R+ + 2n0). When follow-
Lurn.eksp.i teor.fis,)l,fase.5,904-905 (1956) CARD 2 / 2 PA - 1775
Ing the trace of the T-meson it was found that it was created outside the
emulsion chamber before entering itj its remaining range in the e=ulsion was
3,76 cm. The exact determination of the mass of the T-meson is rendered
difficult by the wide angle under which the trace enters the emulsion.
MeaBurements of the grain densities on the given trace and on the traces of
those pions and protons which had the same angle of entry were carried out.
The results of measuring ionization showed that the masB of the investigated
particle is smaller than the mass of a proton but larger than that of a pion.
Thus it may be concluded from these Ionization measurinfs that the investigated
particle is a K-meson.
This to a nearly verbal translation of this short report.
Category USSR/NucleaLr Physics - Elementary Particles
Abs Jour Ref Zhur - Fizika, No 1, 1'1671,No 435
Author Alpers, V.V., Gurevich, I.I., and Miihakova, A.P.
Title Observation of Decays of Positive Jwer'_O__n__ -and- Single -Charge Ryperfragnent
Orig Pub Dokl. AN SSSR, 1.956, 10B, No 2, 207-20c4
Abstract An emulsion chamber, exposed at an altitude of 27 detected decay of
~ p -r ~i It Q. The value of
remainingt' hyperon, folloving the scheme:~'
obtained was 113 � 3.8 Mev. The hyperon was formed in a star of the
20 -t In type. The hyperfragment occurred in a 4 + On 3tar and can be
explained if a scheme .,! T* -o, p -+ p -t n + Tr +is assumed for the decay.
Two protons remained in the emulsion, the -meson left the chamber, and
Its energy was determined from measurements of the Ionization. A value
of 40 � 5.8 Mev was obtained for Q, and value Bj~ - -5.3 :t 5.6 Mev was
obtained for the binding energy of the Z,' particle In the T nucleus.
Card 1/1
AUTHOR S~~APIRO S. , x, 1 :1 " , -
. I I M12HA40VA, A. P. PA - 2084
T:-, a Or, Lne Spin an- Pari", ,.a ]--44eson (K voprosu o 91rine I
7- -Ine z 0 na) .
Flit 1. C AL Zhurnal 'Arextt. FiZiKi, 115", Voi 32, 'ir i,
pj 1"1-175
Received 31'1?~'f Reviewed 4/"-,c,'7
A-i,LTRACT Or, t.,,e strenj~tn Df rors; Ieration which formerly nave nct :,eon taxer, ,7~tc
account, t.-,e present work snows that experimental data excl-,ile the pc,s-
siD,I~ty investi~atel cy YARSHAK. The authors hereby Uase )n tne
consiieratiorLq. 1) The is-topir spin 13" of the system of 3 ;Ions -)ccur-
rinty, on the occasion r)f Y-decay is equal to 1. This assumi tion made aisr,
.'y .tner a,iu,ors fron, t r~e j
I I 'ELL-ZANN scheme according to wr.~cn tno
T --vieson !.a.9 ti,e spin 11, - 112. The slow decay 7+~ +
-an ~,e expialnei :~y the nrn-conservation of isotopic spin. 2)K- e3cns w,,17:r.
decay accorlin, '.c tne scneme Tt - vT + 2irO are iientifie~!,
3) Acccrdini to vvLr,,,,),s fbx~erimenta~ ,-. W-rP?17, -1, Is Lr,.Ie '.'-r tn# -a,.-,
-11 u" 7 and r ie,, a.. -,ng vaii,.ity si c-r.,41tioris )
arl.-I ~ ) , i t !.t- 1 In *Nr 1 - I.r 6 '/~'F +t). Here F isnotes a q,,;an-
tity wnict 'car. -e )ctained cy ~~ntt , :,, the sqiaLres of tne T,,~,(,4u~Li -f Lne
Ma"rix-eltments, are sy'nMe'.'- -tr. respect t-- tne -,.r~menta of a--
i-ns, over tne ener~ie3 of t,je ns denotes an -.;3 q-uan-~t;
wf.ic~. can ce -,,,tained fr-~,. --ne Tatrix-e.ei.ents wn~cr are qy7retr!7 -r-y
wit,,, respect t' o~ne mn~-.e'-'ta 'I the i-ient,,rai pi~ns. it --s fo-n,, *~r-attt----
i a . . i z ris ar e pr ;,e-i oniy 4 n states Ln~t ~re sy.=etr-:7 w-. *-'~ res -.'ect
'lard I
On tf~e Spin ilarty Y-Leso-l.
,r.e m,)rrer,*,.a nf ail i-irtic ies f tnis ass-=,, or. 1-1
-f it I ve - ~ ~ T. ', %f! -af3e 7" ~lacay m-~S '~ e '~ -erl*-
;) gitive pi --t.s t.,.e '~A.'3e -f 'r---ecaj. The ~~Wes ~ nr~ !,-a
resT , %-n; ',e~qe i., a i-re ver; in . -9cneme wr.~ -n .,e
:-L '. t a 7 ~'T.IeT~* is 3 Ws - -~e
a r .T,;.k ', r-e eme r. I, s '3e~ ',y
0' L
.rven -r tne 3ie-Lr-.ur, f ns :.ave r,:r *,%e
riatr.x e. ILemt- nts .e .9~-'Metr~ stateg . Tne c,,;,rveg
sp',rLq anr~ qfr-,T.e-,r-,es I-, and liff'rzi ,.S', "?r." -Y r -'r-'
,,.e ez; 1^r a -.--I ti Slec T, r'z. i'!rees ~ e';!~ We
w1 -~:. tne er a r val ie n tne i rv v r r e s o r 1 '.144 t -- c as e
3 -)Tre 1 7 ~F T-5t rcuazle I or s r. an
tr L tj y exr n ;s L e
tt~-*, e.4 t r~ a7l r r e-, e
le Sl r - e7 -i5'.ratjon)
ASSC(; 1 AT '10 N Y.,,-q--ow St it, e nivers z ty
3 -*BM ITT ~D
AIAILA,~,LE :,rary C --.ogress
C ard e / ?
PA - 2046
TITLE: The Study of Explosion Showers produced by High Energy
Cosmic Particles (Russian).
PERIODIOAL: Doklady kkademii Nauk SSSR, 1957, Vol 112, Nr 1, pp 35-36
Received: 2 / 1957 Reviewed: 3 / 1957
ABSTRACT: The present work deals with the preliminary results obtained
by studying 29 showers by the method of the emulsion chamber.
The emulsion chamber consisted of 100 layers of 10 am diameter
and 450ec thickness. This emulsion chamber was Irradiated In
May 1955 for 7 hours at a height of 27 km. On the occasion of
the microscopic investigation of these emulsions the explosion
showers were fixed with more than 5 relativistic traces which
are in a sufficiently narrow cons. Furthermore, the rays were
fixed with more than 3 relativistic traces. On the occasion
of the examination of 26,5 cm3 photoemulsion 27 explosion
showers and 29 rays were found. In the course of a further in-
vestigation of the rays through the emulsion chamber it was
found that two of them originated from stars. The remaining
27 rays were found to be electron-photon showers. On the
occasion of the microscopic investigation of the explosion
Card 1/3 showers the primary particle which excites the shower, the
P1 - 2046
The Study of Explosion Showers produced by High Energy
Cosmic Particles (Russian).
number of relativistic particles in the shower, and the angu-
lar distribution of the shower particles relative to the
shower axis were determined. Turther, the angle _6 between
the symmetry axis of the shower and the direction of the
particle producing the shower were determined. 3xperimental
results are shown in a table. A diagram illustrates the de-
pendence of the number of relativistic traces In the shower
on the angle ~_1/21 which encloses half of the shower par-
ticles. In the diagram the shower@ caused by heavy particles
form a special domain and are characterized by a considerably
larger number na of shower particles.
If it is assumed that the observed showars are produced by
nucleon-nucleon showers, it may be expected that the angular
distributions of the shower particles in the center of mass
system of the two colliding particles are symmetric with re-
spect to "center of mass angles" 0SP - %12. Next, the
formulae for transition to the center of mass system, which
Card 2/3
PA - 2046
The Study of Explosion Showers produced by High Energy
Cosmic Particles (Russian).
are obtained on this occasion, are explicitly given for the
case of ultrarelativiatio shower paxtioles. By assuming a
nuoloon-nucloon production mechanism of the shower we find
ne a k~' otg ~" 112' Some showers satisfy this relation and
can thus be assigned to nuoleon-nuoleon interaction. However,
the angular distributions of the shower particles contradict
this conclusion, for a noticeable asymmetry of angular dis-
tribution was found. All showers produced by nucleons and
--particles have a marked asymmetry with respect to the
angle 0 - x/2.
AVAILA.BLE: Library of Congress
Card 3/3
The paperl8overg a st.!,(t, of 39 1,irst shower,9 I-enerater', ~y liir-h-erwri.,,
-)articles (710 ev) in n,iclear f-Millson. The mair, part -)!' t!e e
had already been investigated lyy trie alithors in art earlier work.
The aim of tfiis paner is to consider all errors (fluctuational and caiised
raeas,irements) tnat influenced the arij,ular diqtri~oition of shower particles.
was necessary to verify the earlier conc)usicin thal. the ani,lil:ir djstrit-it~rn r;f
shower particles in thg centre-of -inertia system is asymmetric back-war-is (ir t e direc-
tion of anles 150-11L) ). Th-4.9 concl,is.-)n lid nr,-t a;-ree with the nre(lictJor...; -)f
variwis theories of shower prod,iction. The main e"ort in th!s st,it- wa!; to -!eter-
mine the errors tnat are rosnille ;n deter7r-r-ni- the true dJrecton of the sri(,,wt:,r
y particle -.iay Ye taken asthe direct -Dn n'the
axis. The direction ofthe rrirar- I
shower axis; if this is irT)ossi~le, then the direction of "t~ie centre of ) r;~v,t.v" rf
the Fhower is considered to ~,e the direct4or nf the shower axis.
A study has been made (ex-.)erime. tall:- and ty 1,ne ".onte (~nrlo -nethodj of the
deviation of the direct on os the "centre of j,.r;4vitY" of the shower from that of
tne primary particle. It haBbeen found that tho anount of t'llictmition in 1Pterr,-,*.rArj-
shower axis Is 0.17 ~,~ ~), which corres-Ponds to an errr)r of 2U in determr.,ni- 1he
d'rection or the shower axis in the center-of-inertia !3:,.qte-1. an eval,jitif-n of W11ering
due to this effect shows that the of particles In the interval o - 3()(' In the
center-of-inertia system will diminish by - ~12'. rhp tAtal syster-satic o-rr(--)r n tho
experimentally olserved number of nhower particles In', ne interv;il 'i
Centre-of-Inertial system amonnts to - 21~3.
The anrlilar distribiftions of shower particles inhe cer.tre-of-.riertia 9,..gte!-,
stribiitinns indic~j'.
have teen ohtained for 39 showers from 00 to 11(i The d, e an
essential anisotropy of shower particies rovJr-.f rather unifonrly rnmirds an,f ,-ickwaris
w,*th respect to the direction of motJor. of the ~)rimary particle.
Thus, accolint of this error lea's to a a)-mm'etrization of an, lilar di--tril.-jtlon
ir, the centre-of-inertia system rplative to the in,-le (_ -- .1 /% T,tis cr-nel,isir,n
in agreement w-th the lata rf -ill. ntner lahorator~e!- that were analysed in tile
ite-Dort oresented at t:ie International tay ~nnfererice, Xo-'C"W, -1,; ".11.,
KISWrIvi-, 1A.P.
A.F. Mishakovz, A.S. Romantseva. G.3. 3toly2rava, V.A. Tumany2n, S.A. 3hUyPV2,
A.A. Varfolo-neyev, R.J. Gerasimova, L.A. M~nka*rIns,
The cross-section of 11rect rroduct'nr. -.' -positron pqlrs ~--- high 4-nergy
electrons was measured experimentally, For Vils purpose, a study was -ade of isotated
electroo-photon cascades an-1 the photon caTponant o' hir)-, enerwy nuclear interactions
in emulsion stacks exposed to rgiiation In t~,e 9tr&tospher-_. In or-ler to exr,ude
spurious cases of direct pair prorlii-tIon. w-~-h constitute t'),- rA'n d'_ff"cUltv ir,
experimental measurement of the croY5-section of such patrs, tl%e ~2E
carried out by the Monte Carlo mpthod.
The calculation wns mpde fnr three values of prl,,mary electron energy: A; 100
and 1,000 P.?v. takinp Into consideration two popnihle variants of the Pre-TisstrPhluniz
spectrum: Bethe_Heltler and Ylrlal vnr-lants (L2ndnu-Pomer2n&!,1k and Ter-.Mikaely2n
effects). A met~,od for detormininp the energy f ultra-re'2tivist-4c electrons from
the lateral di!mtrllution of the Ppexps of' electron-positron pnirs Is nuggested.
Durinr the exT_-,PrimentP1 measurement of verY h1rh electron enerv~es, certain yossil-~le
sources of underestimation were ellminated.
The cross-sectian of lirect pair productSon 1-y htwh enerp,-i nlertmns was "oundto
~-e in arree7ent with .',~hllha's calculat'nn witnIn tl)e limits of' exTw%rinentn1 -rror.
report rresented 6t t-P lnternat~on2l Cos-ml, Ray (~onforance. KYscow 6-1-1 J,Ll: 1159
rovft) A. P.
"A study of Explosion Sbowern r!-iu--,!tI by "i -h-L:n(,rr,,y '3orml, 7.riy
Pa.rticlers," by V. V. Alpere, 1. 1. ';u1--vi-'I., V. M. KutLLcvrL,A-
P. MirhaIova, B. A.
demli 11"luk SSSRJ Vol Il." 110 1, PP
Pesul'x P-r, L~Lvc:', r)~ -t ~-~ud-.-
ener67 -,osrii - ray parti(.1f z. An f-muliiion :nanb---r, ontrini..,_; 7',,-pe
P" emulsion, war, ez-poscd for 7 )~Our.'~ In .)5, -)L', an altitud- of
r7h, 2') C.-plosioll sl-)W~--rn ob~;- r'., 71~- prirua--
cle cau-sing each show-r, ',.- raLnb-,- lat.4-"isti pax~.~ T.' :- 3riow-r,
and lh(-. an,;ular distributLon o~ ~7.rni r pELrtl 'I s -.-~Iativ(, t,
a:,.is are determined. (U)
1-3 010
AUTHORS: ur,. i c h I t
Nikol, ' 3 Ij L . . .
TITLE: The etr,- i:. t .... .. t 1'.-ju t i,,,,f e
Dec,)- Electr-) .,.~; c v - i t c r c E. i a i
As r i j a (,~v, c r, e, e r,,:. + p +
-raspada p(, v " c !j 1
?ERIODICAL: : ", u r i. - I E k 3 p e I'l Q: t Uj 1 7 e r e t 1 c n e s k n ji i
Vol 54, :[r 2,
ABS"R;.CT It r e .,. i :; i o.,, er x x c ; r'..
layers of ~,;i i, -7~*~o r-~, :- c.ul "10- r t tj-pe
war irrLdi~te,! vi i t i, .: I . ,,,,zitive j)."cns c~ t'.,.
~ )b"jedi,.err..f-." lr;!-,tltUt -,Lderr.~-l": :ssle-'~. i r, i t e d
Inst itu te f-i .'iic 1 e;, r ',.e. c4?,,rc syt.c NT ~)CV r
wr,. n mw n t ed, . t, e
nure thut ti,- ;c tt(-rp- --neti, f'j e I d -, f t t
did not 'e-d 1. .. ;,rpce:i.3.,c. ~)f t..e ,. zc 1;
loo;,,- t,',.ro,~, r, t~,e -7-ulo.ur,3 :Lfter ieve) o t t. - s e ~;efl
were select,:J v;~ere thf, whole mf ),,. : the le- ,y
Card 1, is st1l'i-ted I:, I L311-, I-le 1 "f t L" ~, ') .,~ . '~
Ally'lliet ri
Elect r ''.I a ()!,iwrvr- Al
Dn I % e t
t wC,
eter r, t
0 t r C-6 t e r i
r t r
C) t i -: wn V-,
n C ra 3,~, :i1 t
i r P, r
Card 2, a
11, , A +
1. e Asi-..etry ii. ti,,~ A:., .1ai, Zt-,t, . , ti-,- ' ,
Electrjns (Youerve .1 in 'it C E:.,Ll I!, 10,111,
---t decay ~race,--e,. . r o ce ! i:.,, 'r u v , r
previoijo wDr~ j -ild tl,,).gjL- I Lhe rese;,t tio.,
is also shour in tKe errDr
t..e r(xluti~,.- I +
+ -, Cos-, ia ujrfi~;: C-t, 17'.ur-2 + -arc
.re ., l'i"Urco, - t 1 3
Sl a v i c .
ASSOC IilTI 3" AS T'S Sit ~:-I a ~Li 3 SOR
S"L:.'ITTED All,;. 0 t I I
j -~r, res.;
A V A I L i ~, ri. r
1. Photographic rmul3ions-Irradiption
y ; -(, C
-7 4 -
e- ~- / 6
e r
lie f
21 ( 7)
A L; TEL it -3: Tumany an, V - A - , Sto I yrtr(jv;j
TITLE: ~-n t~.e Probler, of the Direct :.1.,
rAectrons of High 6nergy
FERI,-D I CAL: ;,hurna I ekbpt--rim(-nta I' nuj i ', j e ',I --I, f Iz iki
Vo 4r 2( a) ~6~ 1 U-JR
A:3-'TaACT: The liruct pair formatior~ cr,u.,E, -oc 'r t~ ~r
U. 5 - too Bev has d1rea-1, I..- t-r. .~i t oti..-at-t! !,e ie~- 1
'Ref's 1- 1 5) ; the reaul ts di,'f'-ir r! onsirl,--rat 1'ie-
mental lifficul ty is the necessar- ~.-l of -f7h: ie
tliplets" (pair formation causei b~ th,- converai-,ri -,f a y - r, tum
of' the bremsetrahlunp,- of an elec 1i ~ toly ~,f te r i t G
produc tion) - Me thod a Of ,Va I Uii till 9 tnnt f rqc t I JT1 re tj P 1
the most favorable theoretical treatc-nt ol this ,i;
that by the Monte Carlo methoJ. Also in the [rea-nt iFijor 'hiki
problem i8 investi~Tated by means of an improv-1 variant ~If tne
Mont,, CarlD methol. Tht, fundamentals of the calculation of the
absolute number of' fala~! tripletb for the ~rimarj electron
I () 1 1 12
Card I/ eneri~iea 10 1 G and 10 ev are oz, v the
_n tne FrDhl P- uf the Di rect E, ec tron-1 osi tron Fair Formation by Electrons ~,f
High EnerFy
lbremsatrat.lunv cr-,sa auction and all croab sections of ele-
mentary 1;iocesses) -ntprin,, into these calculations were obtai,.-
-d fr,im the nuclear emulsions NIKFI-R and Ilford G-5. Deterinn,,-
ti-,)T-, Of the distance at which the bremestrahlung quantum trans-
furma into a pair from the primary electron ~ differs.
dy2 + 1. z2is between 0.2 and 0-44y (Refs 1,4,5). This
~,,,r7tpriur) is to be unifi,~d: Ay!!-~ 0.2p ; Lz 4, 0-44AA , but also
for 0.3 and U.b6 4 r4~8ultq are given. Th,! diarram, (Fig 2) shows
the lepen-tence of the avorRge number of false triplets n on the
distance to the primary electron; the valuos are compared with
the curvej obtained by Neil aa wr?ll ne with those obta-,ned ac-
corling to the spectra of Bathe-heitler and Migilal Ulef 17).
Fig-ure 2 showb the iependfn,,e of n on electron energy paizaln
compiii-erl with Jieth-lk-itler and Mi4zrial)- Arr(.-ement id L3atiB-
factory. Furttier, the lifferontial transversal !i3trioutior. J.'-
pairi, ',h+- integral -?nerw..~ .~puctrum af the prlmar~ electi r,1j
~,Iftpl paji;age 01, 1 unit A - fi,;ar-~ '), , I,,,, Iffer-ntial
--ner),j apectruffi of the tron-~uitrcn ~irL3 with
Prctlem of tne :)ir,ict Lifuctr,,n---ositr~r. iair Firmation cy --,"ect'-Dr.5 -f
J, - t hH e i t I e rn d k ia, I i r i Ku r e 7 s r, (- v., o I h, -ie~ -i-
,if-rice of' the ~iveriig- lititance of th~i pair6 on the axis in f
or. ti,e lectron ~ner,7.i- The .t3 obtained are discu-,t;,.
letail. Tho t~p~ of' Irem8stuahlung spectrur., describ,.A nj
Yielal f ormsilas also takes the L&ziinu- Flome ranc huk ii-A t,.t- 7.
V.ikayelyan-eff,ct irit~- acerjunt. Tht- jo3z3ibilitj io
menjuring tht- -nergy of' the fi,%Ht --je(:tz- nb b, it! terr.~ i
lependence of the mean t,,--,njv-r.)p dial,tric-
v e r t i c f ~ : o f t h,? c- I e c t r o n - p o a i t r (,.,i pi i i - ~ , i - D d u c e d b y I r e m af i -
I -ing y-qu,irLta. Ir. the las t i art of tnt ii piper experimenta I r
vilts are finally -Aucuo!3, e, ;in it it, ~-,nyvin 111!it ti.,?r
t i on of li rec t i,air I rod,Ac ti or. -,,I -,u1 teal ,~ s~ r,
i t h e x per imen ta I r-,- P, , I t u . The -t) .~i rt; fir., li tl.anx Frul
. I . Gurevich f (-,r ~ii H in toi ?ot an.: dJ acua8iiin , FIB W'--1 I R3 FT-)-
fn 6 uu ru A . I . A I i khanyan , K . A. To r-Mar t i ro fjyan bind M. L - T- r- -
M1 Kap~ I yan , ana A . A . 7 ~ rf,) I omoyp v an d B. A . :11 k,-, I I as. I j f (i r ti)el r
;L ! Vi '!" , arid V . A . 7-,.a rk ov for hi 9 a bal u tanc e -11,(-re, trp.
7 fiorureti an,i 22 reforencen, 6 of which are Soviet.
SUBMITTED: F,~hruury .'1, 1159
Card 3/ 3
4 6 b 00
lo, -46 0
AUTHOR-': Mljha;wvi;,, A. P., N! I y, ;". A.
TITLE: Angu lar D! .1tr I 1,ut ton W' -hower Pa.-te Fx; c) v-
Shower.~ ProduceJ ~y IlIgh-Fnergy C(,jml(, Ray Partlcle.3
PERIODICAL: Zhurnal ek~q)(.-rlmorltal Inoy I tvorctlc~ie.,ipny
191~91 Vol 117, Nr ~), pp 1,1J1)4-:(,'
AB3TRACT: An Inventigation wa.i madf.- o:' tht~ angular ll.,itrll~,uton
of co3mtc partlcle:i In ,ihuwcr-.i wtth art (,ri(,rgy ol*
I () 10 -11i ev In the center mans jyotom. The data
were ot,ta!ned on th(- banin of' an analy313 of' 3~)
co,imlc ,ihow#,r.,i rf,cordo,d In 191)6-l')~7 at the height o!'
2'-,"( krr- Thu mcthod of' tne arialyil:i wan (le~icrlied
In the f' ! r n t, art o "Uri 1 :3 -3tudy (cf.II. Qu r e v Ir,,
A. P. Mintiako-va h. A. N1;zol':3kIy, r.
Zhur. ek3p. I tfloret. f*,z., ,,i, J)".),I The rra In
Card 1/5 f'eaturt~ n u r tt,-- ra i I at I (in are ~~ummaj- I;- t-ci n ""a L I r. I .
Angular Distribution ()f' Shoiewr Part
in Explosive Showeri Produced t,Y
Cosmic Ray Particles T. III, I I
Ifl itO
7 7 4 19
81 7MI
9h 71 'I'll't
I, fill 89 11
4 0 96., .47. 10"
7 16 1; 211. 9.-, 1 11
i 4
4 1)
1 1 1(1
89 11 . 2. K-1 III,
14 f' 9 . .
6 .
41 6.38 h. 1:.111
I " 3 1 L . . K8 III,,
5 5 , P. 1 1171W
41 .6 Il I W, 44 11 1!
If 9.45 9.49 1 AIII.,
. 64 4 flit asd rey reacki
Card 2/5
A ngu ia. r [A it v 1, t,ut Io Ti f' -,t,(jw.
C,-~ml- Ray Pavtlolo,l T*G. 614t
A). 9
9.0) 9, W ,32 1.74 Io,'
2m. -'0. 4 24, 1 1. Im It),'
109 H
f41 H jh
M, 27 9, GM I Y 11,11
U!. 4-17 Ill. I'll,
-. I 4,11t 4 W, I'lle
1 94 111"
1 th. 4 3.22 1(,"
V. IP 1~, 85 17. b,' tj Z 1011
17 4 37 6,25 1
71, )4 7,75
p im 10.62 2 1 1'0.
1, 17 "t .8.4 2 18
Al K I D I
+ or4imber black ,, 4 3-,y T-46 10% JAI-L1
n jov. r,
a 0
an d tha, --nere r !'c~I
T-re r:
o f' the partlc:c, a r t ~-,owe r
, "ax G-.-a at,
Card 4/5 M. PlarkOV,
E.-q- P" -
~ia,* pal"
I.- P7
X4, b ?o
A'JT9CRS: Nikol'skiy, R A , Mishakova, A P
TITLE: Fluctuations in the Ang,,;lar Distribution of Se-ni-ir-i
Particles of Explosive 3howers 19
PiERI-DICALi Zhurnal eksr-rimental'r.~~y i teoretlchi-;kD~
7,~ 1 3 '- , r, o5, Tp 1507- 151 1
TEXT; Assuming the "two-center" model of the production of 3t.ower
particles in Kigh-pnergj explosive sho*Prq, the authors. havf-
th~. fluctusAtions of the angular Jistribution of shower ~articl,-j "y
Yorte--Iarlo method, In the present work, the auU,ors only give th,?
reaults of these calculations and a coml-arison of the O.eor,sti-al r-,:t!
with the abundant experimental material. Fig I shows chartrterl.9ti-
examples of "two-cpnter" arqrulnr distritutions of cosmir s.1_--.r ~artlr_i.j~
observed in the latoratories of V'Hcatgo, Bristol, Varias Fi,~ %.r
the angular distribution of two particles each of tt,ese i~ow-rq.
,orrPspond partly to narrow an(] partly to wlJe oreq Ir tl,i! intorolt,,r.,
system. The distributions ar,~ riven ly the f-,inctionq lo,:, F,,'I-F,
'"ard 1/2
P I r- P, ',7
Fluctuations in the Angular DistrIbutl on ~41
of Seconlary Particles of Fxplosive Showers BOO~/BO~D
f(A), where A - log tan,~, VXis the angle of emission of the ghower
particle in the laboratory system, F(,~) - the fraction of Fhrwer
with ar. angle smaller than the given one. The 3no7ular Mstrlbutij-~ whi-f.
is iqGtropic in the center-of-mass system i-s given in tLis ro(,rI;natq
system by a straight line forming an anglecd - 630 witY tte a~sclssa
Fig, 4 shows the results of angular diBtritutions in the same -ocrlinat~
system, calculated by the Monte-Carlo mettod. Fig 5 shows thp pertinent
distributions of "narrow" and "wide" particles. A comparilon of the
experimental and theoretical distribution curves (Figs I Find 4, ql~ows
that the majority of the experimental distributions can bp exTIninp! ~y
natural statistical fluctuations in the angular distribution The Ai,th'T.;
thank 1. 1. Gurevich for his interest, N.,A, Lobacheva for her hPIT ir
the cal7ulations, and G.-Cocconi and M MI esow I U,--Lor mak in P, qva 1 1 AI P
,rnprints before their publication Thers, are 5 figures FinI 9 rt~fs-roncu-
2 Soviet, 1 US, I 'IS4N, and 4 Italloin
S','BMITTEDs November 6. 191~~
'I Asimuthal. angular distributions of secondary particles created -)n h1gy
energy collisions"
report presented at the,Intl. Conference on Ifigh Energy PhysIcs, Ceneva.
h-11 July 1962
56/6?/'()4 5/004/,l 5/ Or
BI 02161
8. A.
i tri-ution of iccondary particIrs ;,ro-
r r', i n ter -tc t ions
n ten re t i chpe koy f 17, 1, K i , v .
r v tz !-..u tt,,i i anp , lar i i s tri bu t i on of ~-,cc )n ia ry
r i n e d rec t ly the authors jsed anfular pair
f rn-~, i (F ) t r,,, ~ i s t r I bu t i on r~l , t ho a z i rij t?~ i I
i c ~e piirn i n a K-emnetry nhown In Fi%7.
S-) t t e nn! .," A
nB ;ic I r., r
C., c
rs -in t er
p q vr, e
Ir I t vii th O.e 'n') le r) r v f
t, I s inw j I r nf,mon I ou, i t Ir, I I j_t
i~ 1846-66 EWT(m)/FCC/T IjP(c)
ACCESSION NR: AT5022288 UR/3136/64/000/618/0001/()016
AUTHOR: Mishakova, A. P.; Nikol'skiy, B. A.
TITLE: Paired angular correlation of secondary particles in cosmic shovers
with energy E sub 0 greater than 10 super 11 ev
SOURCE: Moscow. Institut atomnoy ener&q. Doklady, LAE-618, 1964. Parnaya
uglovaya korrelyatsiya vtorichnykh C"stits v koemicheskikh livnaykh s
energiyey Eo~>1011ev, 1-16
TOPIC TAGS: cosmic ray shower, secondary cosmic ray, cosmic ray particle
ABSTRACT: Experimental distributions of paired angles between seconuary cosmic
ray particles with energy E. ~~-1011 ev are compared with calculated distributions
obtained by assuming the absence of a systematic angular correlation of shower
particles. A good agreement between the calculated and experimental distribu-
tions is observed. The results obtained are analyzed from the standpoint of
the existence of unstable shower particles which decay &nto partIckea of short
lifetime, "7n conclusion, the authors express their appreciation to Prof. 1.
GurevLch for numerous discussions and for reviewing the results." Orig. art.
has: I figures and 9 formulas.
Card 1/2
L 1846-66
ENCL: 00
6MER: 003
Card 2/24
14 Z
704t *4t.
%v, 44,
*0 A
t. 0 C 4T
jzo ?,I.
44P 04.0 ~ 0
Pt-,0Q'e.,, oze
04 04,1:p tto ttf
0%, Ire .4 t 60,tt ~/
01, Q.1 PO cooo, gp't 44t .3 136
.(OO,V -4.
et. oz~( ?*,J V65
C4 0
0, ~1000/8
49 0 Of
e cc, 0 4 04~( el) ee
Coo F, ~f 4% 0 44 C Ot. CO 61,
e 64 Q.F( o Y 0001/,
4bor de 0 44 to 00 to O*j
.10 Ot %'t, .04t.
eh 04" co of OL 4's 4'Z,60 tfep, 00?0
a 40t, 1 .94 4491, Ott
ec ot-0 4 4ti. 01(,e Of-et. 1? 91. O1- 0 4.k
t4tota 140 14 A e 44 loo At
7o 4.0 ? '0 Q1, a 14".
9o. tea, I- Oe 'fe 4q, Ot.
IN, Pq Af, %4~0 to Ot Qt> tlej, le 9,
.7,e t*te t -1~ %,A, e J) eo 40 ?t.( 0 c SS .
CO Cje (4 Os C.1"0101c, pq 4j. 4,e
CoO& lee
OC, a to . 4eO Qetle-t 0,?,g
40 ?.,Qe 0
e ee
et.t c/ te 'Oe t4q t", q
9110 -:to* 04, 01, .0
'CO Q4
0, "a coeeof
Alt-JC-le of Q'e &Q' 4t CO
& 4y
.0 .Ze eot 17j* 4t0
eZIL -lot Qte lelo (it C Ot
04 , % P,(C at S4 p
I& lqtt"
et q16,$ oj) 4
P,00 qt o"bi
ep 0to o
t, 4?,t
4t 4fc, 04f -tt6 '(0j) QZ'(~
It ~Qt C4P t0tj,
4e ~(I, Ott, 0 4
-"0., 4'. o.(P 't I'll- ce 00 a
.1011t qftIir 1. of Co 'r, ob~
-0.1 0 ('t6 47 t4 4" Ot-
f C
to 1
t&46 07
14004t, 04 %6
ef.0 4 Of
z4je4e.. 64,~l
04 04F
:L 5o87-66
i 7
!particle. "The authors express their gratitude to X. 1. Gur,2vLgh_for a dLacussLott
~of the results and constant interest in the work, K. Niu for graciously presenting
Ithe IEFC data on the angular distribution of shower particles, and A. Baghamv,-
i L._A._ Chernyshov, and 4. A. Hakar' in for assistance in the work." OrLS. art. has:
16 figures, 8 formulas, and 8 tables.
ASSOCIATION: Gosudarstvennyy komitet po L6pollzovaniyu atomnoy energLL SSSR
(StAta Camittee for Utilization of Atomic Energ)rASSSR ; InstLtut atomnoy energLL
im. 1. V. Kurchatova (Institute of Atomic Enp;gy)
01HER: 003
Card 2/2
L 1"Y7 A i~~, Lc-,.
4cc N1- AP6023084 (A, o)SOURCF CODr: UR/0367/rr)/003/00-1/070:i/0710
AUTHOR: Mishakova A. P. ; Ni ol' skU_ B_ A-
ORG: none
TITLE: Azimuthal angular distributions of secondary particles in cosmic-ray
showers /,/
SOURCE- Yadernaya fizika, v. 3. no.4. 1966, 703-710
TOPIC TAGS: particle distribution. cosmic ray shower, nuclear energy.
nucleon interaction. fired,9,&&- -oor~, 0i7sroV,,t3u'r/,2Aj
ABSTRACT: The azimuthal angular distrihutions of secondary particles ir, 16'j
showers with energies of 10 10-11014 ev t1ave been investigated by the method of
pair angular correlation. An isotropical azimuthal angular distribution was observ-
ed for primary showers due to nucleons and an anisotropical one for secondary
showers due to x -mesons. This indicates the different nature of NN-interaction
and ttN- interaction at very high energies. The data on the angular correlations of
Car - 112-
1 1,7,
ACC NR~ AP6023084
secondary shower particles have twer, discussed from the point of view of the
fireball model. The authors' thank 1, 1. Gurevich for discussing tne resu,'*.9 and
for constant interest in this study, and A-.- Bazhan-ov, L. A. Chernishov, apd
L. A. Makar' in for assistance. Orig. art. has: 4 figures, 8 formulas, and
5 tables. [Based on authors' abstract) I NT
SUB CODEA/,24 SUBM DATE: 19May65/ ORIG REF: 003/ OTH REF: 007/
2/2 ' "'
ACC NRj APM124U SOURCE COM UR/0367t67/005,001 0150 0152
AUTHOR: Hishakova, A. P. 141kollskly, B. A. -- Nikolsky, B. A.
ORGi none
TITLE: Azmuthal angular distributions of secondary particles In cosmic showers
SOURCE: Yadernaya fizika, v. 5, no. 1, 1967, 150-152
TOPIC TAGSt angular distribution, cosmic ray shower
ABSTRACT, It is shown that the azimuthal angular distribution of particles
In secondary jets produced by neutral shower particles Is anisotropical.
The authors thank 1. 1. Gurevich for discussion of the results, Yu. A.
Smorodin for making available information froca JCEF, L. A. Hakarlii and L.
A. Chernyshov for help In the work, and G. B. Zhdanov for valuable advice.
Orig. art. hasi 2 figures 2 formulas and 3 tables. ITS" ed on Whors'
Eng. Absty. LJ'PRSt 40,3;~30
Co,d 1/1 - --- - - . --
Method for preparing anti-P sera. Report mo.l. Sad.-ced.sicapert.
3 no.102-37 Ja-Mr '60. (MMA 13:5)
1. Nauchno-lealedovatel'skly Institut sudebuoy meditsiny (dlr.
prof. V.1. Prosoroysirty) Winleterstya z dravookhranentys SSSR.
Capacity of anti-P heteroimmme sera to detect agglutinogen P In
preserved and nonpreserved blood kept in a liquid state at varlous
temperatures. Sud.-med.ekBpert. 5 no.4:33-37 O-D '62.
(MIRA 15:11)
1. Nauchno-isaledovatellskiy inatitut sudebnoy meditsiny (dlr. -
V.I.Prozorovskly) Ministerstva zdravookhraneniya SSSR.
CbtFi ~-ri I ri g w *, -1" F 8 e r~-mss t!y ~ 7m.-te -. 7- ~ n,- hr. ~,T,&. r; a * ~ w
Pchinocoo~cal all !,~rger . Suld-m,fl. --), oi-rt. , r..- .,. I "... - ,
D-DIO , :
. . :fl" hr )- ~~!- - - i , 0, ~. ?,., .. I . ., . ~ 1 .7
11 , I ., . . 15
O.r.-i-rr)'. 'J'. I.Pr 7-.- ~-. , y ';
lnve~,,t,lj:a!AnL , - lrlf,url.,lc::Ig "ne ~: 1, ~f:f, -~
in optical. senb-4*.!zAti,f.. Ziiu-i.rai-~-i 7
no.4:245-,~51 I,,- - ~.,-..A .:I:pl
i. Filial ViFs,)yuzr,,)i: ) ,auc.,lmu-i:js:c-(lDvate.L '!;k, , -) einuf *-,-)-
in-'AitUtU, KaZ&-n'.
'lPh-j!.ogra,,I.ic emulsion.~)
Sensitizing effect of some polyethylene glycols. Zhur. nauch.
i prikl. fot. I kin. P no.1:211-212 My-Je '63. (MIRA 16:6)
1. Filial Vseanyuznogo naurhno-isrledovatalskopo kinofntr~-
instituta, Kazan'.
(Glycols) (Photogranhic emulsio-r)
MISIiALOV, Yuriy IvFinovizh R/5
?4ICHOLDV, Yurij* Ivanovich
0 podgotovke i usloviyakh raboty prepodavbteley sovetskoy shkoly
(Iz nablyudenly pedagogs) (training and working conditions of Soviet
school teachers) VTunkhen, 1955.
190 p. (Ineledovaniya I m terthly. Sorly~, 2 (rotat.ornyye IM.' nr.
At head of title: InBtitut po, Izucheniyu Istoril I Kulltury SSSR.
Sum-aries in German, French and Englith
Bibliographical footnobes.
7--I'LLHONOK~2 Nikolay Anirizovich[Zallchonak, ekskawitcrahchik;
:'I.,',fHJIAVA, Yo.A.0 rod.; UUIUYHLEbAU, A.A., tokhn. red.
(Full lm-d :*or excavat,:-,; Z,:ikavatzLra-- - p-jumau nah.~.izt-.U.
Minsk, Dzia.-zi.. vyd-va ,;e ikohitspaclarchai ~it-n, B.'-C' !')6~
'.9 11)
A ; ' y, r-oliratsio:ncyp up:-,veri3-n,
r',or.ollskay obl-~Ai (Cor &alichonok).
(White :u, sta- --a ir.;q;e )
MISHANAVA, Ta.A., red.
[Put chexl-~'In. in --be , , fft-r:k~re; A
of materials frou. FA rFid',(j - nfer.-rici , KhIr,' I u - na s uz:.:p,
khlebabarobu.' '~-w,rnlk mator7la'-all -aflyeicanfereritF -- 1, .
Minsk, V7J-va *Vrad z6al , " 1,464. 104 P. -A .-I -
BARAZ, V.I., inzh.; MISHANIN, B.S., Insh.
Raise the standard of work at pmtroloun and gas lndua~ry
enterprises. Bezop. truda v prom. 8 no.lltl9-22 N 164.
,^rtrif,iral - pnint ht-r-izerq. A%-I)r.! ruin.
'Ti Isq. I -
(M'RA 11.9)
(Spray painting)
USSR / Forestry. F,)rest Crops. -5
A bs Jour: Ref Zhur- if o I.# ~in 1 1. 1)60 7Z'325 .
Authcr - I. i -. har, Ina-, A. T ,
Inst -Itnt-5-1ven
Titip, Seedling ^Trnvyth of Tree-Shrub ~pecfes '--enrling
on Ncthod-. r)f Seedinj.
r%riq Pub! '~. Mi. P,)1j,)lzhIva# 11)5-i, ..r 51-5.).
Abstract: The Influenck, I seeding mcth-,d- -,f tre-r,~,rul.-
soecips vms studied Ir ex,ertmer-ts (1355) -,.It ~ P
Ko-.hkir. Nursery in Kuyby3hc~vs;~aya "blast (f-rest-
stc-)pe z-ne). -ireer, ash, Tatar and Ii rm-m- Vanlrp
ST,),jjj-je;-jVerj 7,,id f-r)mmrn elm, Qatar
U -1 p rj
r J, rl 1);~ rr ci P r lew r c_rj .' A r.
Ing-, vlt,"i Irrigat I )n ancl seallng-1:. 9e-13 ,d
i,iur,.Tjs prrvided a large
unit if arep; -nly tl,,e seedl -f
Card 1/2
J~ P
late re3U]t~ from altmenthry-toxi- a.P,.Ir',oj n,
78-87 'a I c7.
I. I-- ~rllniki gogoittil' noy tor&Di I (dir prof. P A ')e-ln)
Hove a. b I rskogo meditsinakogo I nat t vita.
alimentary toric a leuki a -nused ")y )~- Ir, . th wl r~te:ot~-
over cereals k, ti-g
1. :", - : :, - ~ r. . I . :- I
". . I I'll ,
I ' . s, I . 'r..
j , ! -.r A:, - - - :; s ~--: - - ' ~'- ,I'
. M~ nth. L. s I- -. . -
PETROVA, LariBa (cl.Sokolox, 1-*jnlnKr-adijknya obiastl); XD~~AJJJV, V. (Kii, hili,ji
141SI1111, Vladimir; AISIWAA, Tama-r (s.ZactA-pi-lovy-a,
obiast'l; YEM"OVA, Ilatasha s.,anayKa, -.a*,fi,-s4,aya "h/;
PETROVA, Vera; KURN-r"V:CHP Olya (MDBkva)
Editor's ma!:. JUn.nat. no.7.3t)..-37 .71 1 t-4 . " I f" : 8 )
(Nature study)
v . r, A.
17. ':'F.
C) 7,
. ~I`K. E?,' , Vaiv Ft 4 ed c) rovnii ; M,' :ihP N~ jVA , '! o ~ , red .
.'-i a~ o:- a t ' on '.- r. :,oiz.,; an,,. s - ~ , -., '. * . rp -a . - n ~
: spiren" e 3 -,c),ot I .)a '.a nB ;.o~ t.vs~nr.o' v, a j;', . !' . T.:; Y. ,
.:rovol' ~-Itr. 393 T . 1, -.. ~. I '- ; .
DUrAGIN. T'.k.; rMCHI'l,'117irriv, D.V.
WnrkITV, placer layers In a trarisvnr%f4 ravitin with t.!in rili of
orplon ivnn . Prom.onorg,. P. F 11,0.
OCRI. U:~)
(14iniTy-, (-NInq,,irin#;)
Horse Breeding
Conference of horsebreeders, Konevod., Ilo. 1, 1952
-Monthly Ligt gC Russian Accespion , Library of -ongr^-ss, !arch 1952. UN IA33:FIED.
TSEKHOMSKIY. A.M.; CffUPILIN, I.I.; SHATALOV. Te.T.. rlrLvny7 redak-
tor; KRASNIKOV, V.I., redaktor; MIRLIN, G.A., redaktor; RUSANOV,B.S.
redaktor; PMAPOV, V.S., redaktor izdatelletva; GUROVA, O.A., takhni-
iheskiy redaktor.
Onstructions for organization and execution of ppnlopical surveys
in scale@ of 1:50.000 and 1:25,000J Instruktaiia po orpanizatRii
i proizvodetvu geologo-s4emochafth rabot masshtRbov 1:50,000 1
1:25.000. Moskva, Gos.nauchno-tekhn.izd-vo lit-r7 po reol. i
okhrane nedr. 1956. 373 P. (MLRA 10:6)
1. Russia (1923- U.S.S.R.) Ministerstvo geolorli i okhrany nedr.
(Geoloor.ical surveys)
Luziil TimOI,cyuV.LcjI; [dereased);
L.F., K......
vcuLshchly I
[Strutig-,-aihy, tuctomc "I anc; iepnatitc potential of tho ncrl~h-
western Whi,,e :~ea regioll itratigraflia, tektonika
c,n(Lmostl 6 ever c)-:'.upudnog c) !,elomorlia. Leningrad, 11,6C. ill'
(Leningru,d. Vst;soiuznyi gco~of,', InBtitut. -r,.dY, vo-1.3ti';
1. Vsesoyuznyy riauchno-i...;l,:dovi-t.-Ilsiiy g ologlicheikiy in.,A,tt,t
(:'ol- ;unelandov, Zakharchonko, .,mirnova,.
('e.liite 6ea region-Geology) ~~ ~ -_i g7mi t i t,~ s
Vis hA rev
7 1 o Yrow t~~P "000, -r~ ry w .j-e
s ney rn~-Iq*'
r FP I - ',I CkL Veatnik vy9,ln.Py q, k- T)
AP-7:~Al--i 7he orgnr'- nti r. i, r,~ rii nf,) rmn i o nit~~e :Prinrrnl
Jolytecl-ri7~?: :ng* i - i- rq e c t ri * e r 1~ n inn s t i tu t e
and Leninpril nv n p I ne P r. - g9e a c r i b e d
in this Rrti,:Ie. I I -.i ~ e s ru ~ '. i 0~ -3 pe ca I I n -
fo rmn t I o n t u : I , t i !.,, i ~w n t, qrn ) f , r t I , ', e a I n ., ov i a t
n n I fo re i rn ru i - 4q p,. r i -f qpecinl interest
to stulentq. , n r -.,.n,,Tnnl ~ , e r-j~ I i ,a t i on of Spec I A
ppri-dicn: ~,:Ieltnq -r. ''erFll;re in sppciAli7el narrow
branches Df sclen-P fnr qt.!"rts Pr~ tencl-erg,
a rd I /I
M1.314AREV, Oleg Sever'yanovich
Surgical Anatormy of the I>olar Plexus
Assertation t*or canlidate of a Medical Science degree, Chatr of
Topographioal AnstorV (head, prof. S. K~I. ArkharWellskiy), Sarstov
Medical InstJtute, 1952
EXCiRPTA VMICA Sec 9/V01 13/5 SUR"MY V.V 59
Apix) ".I LN AL. CAVIrN (Hussian text) - M,Bhjrcv 0 S - ZDHAV(A)J%HH
It F IJ)H. 110 5 7, 4 (41) - 121
For ana,,sthetic purposes inhilration a4mg the nwajor arterii,s an near as pos "I'le
to their origin to advised, For example. for anarsthesia of the icsser curve .1 the
stomach novocaine should he injected from the right side along the hepatic and
right gastric arteries and from the left side along the left gastric artery. Th
author advises that all manipulations in the region of the left gastric artery hc,.I~)
he performed only after injection of novocaine solution into the gastric plexus.
"I.,- I.
FIFish burris; turvey ul liternture from nbrond. Dinarelln 14 no.5
140-144 My 159 (MIRA III?)
1. Iz knfFgdry khiruriii (znv. - nrof. A.M. Boldin) Beloriiankopo
inntituto upoverohen9tvovnniyR vrnehey.
(BURDS, thernpy
review (Run))
MISRA"". 0.S.
f inusyml gilh. M~,skva
11:1:-,5-1(-6 N I Sp. OGAA 12:1)
1. Iz '~:hirur,,~inheq,,o -ro'. A.M. i i In BP : ) MIR SkO40
--)qli,lqr-;tvennoeo Inntit-ata 'isoverilienqt,~r-vanl7n vra9,e,- Ir. - nrof.
M. 1. '%ukova)
(P~U"IG UILER, perf.
jejurull ( ?,1l8))
At the meetins of t~e Surgle-I Society of the WhIte !t-nsiar.
S.S.R. Zdrf,v.Bel. no.3:74-75 162. - - . ~ )
MISHAREW9 O.S. (Minsk, ul.Kraiinoarmeyi3kaya,d.8,kv.36)
Characteriotics of a momenViry burn, experimental study. Klin.
khIr. no.5ill-16 My 162. (MIRA 16a4)
1. Kafedra khirurgit (zav. - prof. A.M.Boldin) Belorunakogo inatituta
usovershenstvovaniya vrachey.
SO'V' ZOOTEKhNlYa, 1949, NO 2, c. 45-47
SO: LETOPISI NO. 31, 1949
1 . %Tl--,HAFlV, S.-.
. " (6(- C )'
7. Freeding %cork In herds f '~rent.i rv -oAtt s. :,cv. zoot - kli. 'i N(,. 9 , "-
Vsesoyuznyy Nuuchno-Issl~-dovatel Iskiy Ir)sl .11it Ovtsevod--;tavEh.' Kcz,-vc,,..qtvn
. Month- list cf Russian Accespic.n1i, ! : i r-%,ry of Congr,..,;g, Auj"'-~o ,
; 777; -, I .--., ! - ~ 1 .3 1 ~ ", ". ::~' ., e~-)' 8
Don repion roats and their sivni rica.,.r-~ in the 'iuz. 1 ity o" ~ -n- rovine, ar,s~ora ,
00'~S. zhiv. 14, NO. c), l'V,2.
9. Montril
-Y List of hussimn Accessions, Library of C ~n,-re-,;s, AL4-ust I ~' ;~.
- , ,r-.
'Orenburg Dousy Goats and Brooding Work with Thm." Cand Agr Sci, Azerbsydzhan
Agricultural Inst, 16 Doc 54. (BO, 7 Dec 54)
Survey of Scientific and Technical Dissertations Defended at USSR Higher
Educational Institutions (12)
S03 &m. No. 556, 24 Jun 55
Cr f
C .L
Oiv,~ W(-i, w C r,- -wi
w' 5
Wt- 1*~-
1-7 2. w
KISHARNV, S.S.. kand.sel'skokbozyastvennykh nauk
. f. --
Results of improving cohRir does b7 breeding with Don bucics.
Zhivotnovodstvo 20 no-11:55-58 N '58. (MIRA 11:11)
lo Tassoyuxvy7 institut ovtoevodetva i kozavodetya.
(Coat breeding)