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6 7 J85 Investigation of the State of Local Silver and Gold sov/181-1-9-511". Level!i in ~',errnanium dpendence of the carrier concentration for two p-typc germanium samples prior to (curves 1,2) and after (curv(. 11, 21) the annealing process (5000 C, 24 h). The curves exhibit a certain T-independent range, for which the AgI-J-i- purity concentration can be calculated. The following wqs obtained for the two sampless N - 3.6.1015 CIM-3(l) and 1.6.1013cm-3(2). Figure 2 illustrates the influence of annealing on i. It is found in general that T is considerably reduced by the introduction of silver. Curves 1 and 11 show the behavior of sample (2).An interesti-. phenomenon is that the plateau existing before annealing vanishes after that process. A maximum appears in its place, i.e. there is a recombination level with the activation energy Et . U,07 ev. The course of the function -s (T) before annealing is, as briet.. 9hown, explainable by the theory of recombination on multicharge centers. Figure 3 shows the temperature dependence of the carrier concentration for two gold-doped germanium eampless before annealing (full circles) Card 2/3 and after annealing (empty circles). Annealing took place at 67385 Investigation of the State o1 Local Silver and Gold SOV/181-1-9-5/5' Levels in Germanium 5000 during 48 hours, and the course of the curves was found to be practically independent of the annealing process. Nor did an annealing carried out at 600 0 during 72 hours effect any change therein. Curve " shown i (T) for p-type germanium 2C ohm/cm) again before and after annealing. Here again, no influence of qnnealine ~s noticed. Finally, the Authors thank V. Ye. Lashkarev, Academician of the AS n-rSSR for his advice,' A. N. Kvasnitskaya for preparing the samples, and N M, Tkach for his aid in the measurements. There are 5 figures and 21 references, 7 of which are Soviet. AS'-C'C1ATJ,N- Inqtitut liziki AN USSR Kiyev (~hysice Institute of the A lkr:~..-, K i y e v S UBM ITT L.D: Jinuar.o '), 19~)9 Card 5/5 GLINCHUX, K.D. [Hlynchuk. K.D.1; HISILM9, Te.O. (Miselluk, O.H.I. FORTUNATOTA. N.V. Clortunatova. II.M.] Recombination of charge carriers in germanium doped with some imparitios. Ukr. fiz. shur. 4 no.2:207-218 Kr-Ap '59. (XlRA 13:1) I.Inatitut fiziki AN USSR. (0ervanium) KOSENKO, V.Ye.; MISELYUK, Ya.G. e Soma characteristics of the FES.-;'L: silver sulfide photocells. Prib. I tekh. eksp. no.3:127-130 VY-Je 160. (MIRA 14:1C) 1. Institut fiziki All USSR. (Photoelectric calls) 3/18 1/60/002/0 BOOB/BO14 AUTHORSt Vinetskiy, R. M., MiSeIYUK, YO. 0. 1ITLEj Determination of the Impurity Ourcontrati,r ir 3ermarium PERPI)ICALi Fizika tverdogo tela, 190, Vil~ 2, No. 1, pp. 67-69 TEXT: The authors descrite a nimble method of deter7irirF the impurity concentration in germanium. It is baBed on the following principle, The lattice-induced diffusion of impurities ir germanium causes & temperature dependence of ? (9 - resistivity of the semiconductor), which has the 1.66 2 ,1 form T in n-type material and the form T in P-type ?Le 9LP material (Rof. 2). Indices La and Lp show that this resistivity depends on the scattering from the n-type or p-type lattice, The frartiDn of Impurity scattering In resistivity was determined at 1000K. For an experimental determination of log (1000K) it is sufficient to mea.-ire L Card Determination of the Impurity 31 /1~ Concentration in Germanium BOGBXBC14 the resistivity of the samplj kit two temper;itures, to find the A logg and to gubtract It from the standard vdlues of theor9tical. calculation of the lependen,-,e cf log L impurity concentration V in, however, also poDnible. The arconpanylr.,- firure shows such dependences for r-type and p-type germanium alloy,-J with easily ionizable impurities at 100 0K. After log -1- (1000; has te"r ?L determined experimentally, the corresponding impurity concentr8tior. is calculated by means of these curves, Verification of the method suggest-1 has shown that it permits an esti-ration of the total concentratior of easily ionizable impurities in germanium. Besides, the degree of compensation for impurities of the opposite type can be determined by this method The lowest concentration of easily ionized impurities, which can be determined by this 7.ethod, is ' 10,3 ,-" with a measurinr accuracy of resistivity of -~? 5% The authors thank A. N Kvagnltskayd for having prepared the germanilim samples There are I fiirure-a-nT-'r---- references, I of which is Soviet Card 2/3 Deter,'i- --)f the Impurity Concentration in Germanium s/116 IZ60/002,"~'ll 6, BOOS/BC14 ASSOCIATIORt Institut fiZiki AN '.'SSR, Kiyev (Physics institute, AS UkrSSR, Kiyev) SUBMITTEI)t May 4, 1359 Card 3/3 91770 i F3 60/OC 2,'~ 2,'C- 7 24, 13006XB067 AUTHORSt Belyayev, A. D., Vasilevskaya, V. N., Miselyuk, Ye.-G TITLE: Investigation of the Influence Exercised 1,y Some Factors or, the Occurrence of Dislocations-~in the Crystallization and Its States in ^.ermanium.Single Crystals P PF,RI3Dl0ALt Fizika tverdogo tela, 19(0, Vol 2, No 2, pp, 227-2.54 TEM The authors investigated the influence exercised by the geed, the impurities, and the pulling rate on the occurrence of dislocations in germanium single crystals bred from melts. Furthermore, the effect of thermal processing on the state and distribution of dislocations In single crystals as well as the effect of the latter on the lifetime 1- of the non-equilibrium carriers was investigated. The influence ex~?rciged by the dislocation density in the seed crystals on the dislocation density in the bred single crystals was investigated for dislocation densities in the seeds between 102 and 107 cm-2, where the seed crystals with dislocation densitie3 of 10 4 cm-2 and more were cut out of 3pecially Card 1/4 X Investigation of tne Influence Exercised by S/181/60/002/02/07/033 Some Factors on the Occurrence of Dislocations B006/BO67 in the Crystallization and Its States In Germanium Single Crystals bred single crystals. The seeds had uniform dimensions and shapez cubes 2 with a cross section of -0.2 cm . The influence exercised by the pul- ling rate on the occurrence of dislocations was investigated at rates between 0,8 and 6 mm/min, the effect of impuritlea by means of the active 124 59 110 115 isotopes Sb , Fe , Ag , and Cd , For the purpose of influencing the state of the dislocations occurring in the single crystals, the single crystals were heated at 750-9000C for 1-3 hours in vacuo (this causes displacements of the dislocations which partly show approach and "recombination", partly repulsion, according to the angles formed by the BUrgers vectors of the interacting dislocations). The dependence of the lifetime of the non-equilibrium carriers on the dislocation density was measured by a photoelectric and an impulse method. Density, distribution, and displacement of the dislocations were investigated by etching, measuring the etching rate, and by taking etch patterns. The pictures were evaluated by means of a metallographic microscope of the type M14M-8 (MIM-6). The samples were subjected to the following surface processingi Card 214 01770 Inveatigation of the Influence Exer,.ised by S/181 /I '~'011002IC2''-J-' Some Factors on the Occurrence of Dislocations B006JBO(,7 in the Crystallization and Its States in Germanium Single Crystals grinding with 7/Aabrasive, chemical polishing with HF + HNO 3 (3,5); 45 see at 700C; slow etching with 2 parts of HF + 2.5 parts of HNO 3 + + I part of CH 5COOB + 4 parts of R 201 8 mg of iodine per 50 cm were added to this solution (this etching agent proved to be most favoratle) The results of the investigations are discussed in detail, and a number of microphotog-raphe of the etch patterns are shown. The dislocation concentration in the seed influences the dislocation concentration in the single crystal in such a way that the higher the former, the higher Is also the latter. The Impurities had no essential influence on the occurrence of dislocations with concentrations below the solubility limit in Ge, at higher concentrations, however, an influence was noticed Pulling rates 4 4 mm/min influenced the dislocation concentration not essentially,whilat pulling rates above this value caused a considerable increase. Beating led to a reduction of the dislocation density (e.g., reduction by 50-60% at 7500C during three hours, by almost 90% at ?OCOC Card 3/4 81770 Investigation of the Influence Exercised by S//18 6U/002/02/07/033 Some Factors on the Occurrence of Dislocatior's B006YB067 in the Crystallization and Its States in Germanium Single Crystals during one hour). An increase in the dislocation density led to ~i reduction of 'r, and vice verna. The authors thank A. N. Kvasn.,*skaya for preparing the germanium specimens. There are 4 figures, I table, and 15 referencest 3 Soviet, I Czech, 7 American, I apanese, I German, anl 1 British. ASSOCIATIONz Inatitut fiziki AN USSR Kiyev ~Institute of Physics of the AS UkrSSR Kiyev) SUBMITTED% May 4, 1959 Card 4/4 39131 S/058/62/000/006/071/136 Ao6l/AIOI AUTHOR3: Belyayev, A. D., Vasilevskaya V. N., Miselyuk, Ye. G. TITLE: The effect of some factors on the generation of dislocations In crystallization and their state In germanium sIngle crystals PERIODICAL: Referativnyy zhurnal, Fizika, no. 6. 1962, 2C, abstract 6EI66 ("in collectlun: "Rost krIstallov. T. 3". Moscuw, AN 338R, 1?61, 380 - 3B7. Discuss., 501 - 502) TEXT: The effect of the density of dislocations In seeds, of Impurities In concentrations surpassing the limits of solubility, and of the growth rate of 1.3,e single crystals on the generation of dislocations in them has been inves- tigated. It is shown that dislocations "germinate" from the seed Into the bulk Df the single crystal. Up to a concentration not surpassing the limits of solu- bility, Impurities do not have effect upon the density of dislocations In the crystal. Above the limit of solubility, impurities sharply raise the number of d1slocations. Up to a crystal pulling rate )f 4 mm/min, the growth rate Is not found to influence the generation of dislocations appreciably. A further rate Card 112 The effect of some ... 3/058/62/0r)0/006/071/136 A061/A101 increase makes the density of dislocations grow. High-temperature annealing reduces the number of dislocations dispersedly distributed awng the boundaries of' not-oriented blocks. An elimination of dislocations connected with the block boundaries takes place at higher temperatures. The Increase of the density of dislocations In the specimen is accompanied by a decrease of the lifetime of minority carriers. The measurement of the position of energy levels created in ~;e by dislocations yielded 0.20 - 0.15 ev, which fits values ootained earlier. A. Shlbanov [Abstracter's note: Complete translation] Card ?/? -7560 30qh2 S/564/61, (,'O-3/OOO;'Ol -1/029 D207/'MO4 AU T110 10 1 Belyayev, A. D., Vasilevskayn, V. N., and kliielyuk, Ye. G. T I TLE The effect of some factors on formation of disloci,tions during ci-pitallization tuid the sttit-! of dialocntiont4 in germanium monocrymLalig SO URCE t Akademiya nauk SSSR, Institkit kristallografti. Ros t kristal lov, v. 3, 1961, 36&-387 TEXT t The authors report how formation and density of dislocation.4 in germanium monocr-ystals are affected by the presence iLnd density of dislocations in a seed crystal, the presence of iriyuritieN in concent!"s- tions greater than their solubility limit, and by the rate- of crystal growth The authora investigated filso the, effect of subiequ,-nt heit treatment on the state of edge disloctiLions and the effect of difloctition densitips from 10 3t0 10 cm -2 on the carrier lifetime in germanjuci mono- Card 1/4 The effect of some- IMI? 8,'56,1,'6l,'003 000 01-1 029 D207,'DOO-1 t rys tal 9 , The pu rl)o8e o f the it W d i t!.-i was t o obta i n 9.. r'mtln lum I t,%! with it more rperfect structure. lionocrystals were grow-n by pill i ng f I om m#211 in vacuum. In each test special prkrutition-i vt,t,-, tahen to k--,-p th, melt tempetature, the rate of litilling, and tiv, rate of rotation of U, I c ru r i b I e tin d th t, s e e d c ry s La I its ( o n ~4 t it n t a fi poms 1 1) 1 t- ( t h ~ ( ni ( )blr ti-nd th- scied were rotated in oppo.4ite diroctionti). The rate of' pul I ing witt varied from 0.8 0 0 mm/min. Seed (ryhtiLI4 rontaint-1 dimlotationh w I th 2 7 - 2, - f f P - s dens i ti es rangi rig f rom 10 to 10 rm The t ,~ t o f i ripi r i t i on fo rmati on o f dislocati ons was it tudic.-d us i rig radioiic ti v*, trtir ~ -'r S b F.? 59, Ag 110, Cd 115 1 in the experiments on tho effect of imi)urt ties, 4ee'l ,itals had low (10 2 _ 10 3 cM_ 2 ) dislocation densitipn Beat trt,aimno C ry, of its-grown monocrystals consisted Sf 1 - .3 hours henting in vatuum tit tempeftitures greater than 700 - 800 C. Lifetimes of nonequilibrium were measured tin it function of dislocation den.0 tv, Disforntion densi ties were found by 12 min . etching of ground and elf-( t: opol i sh,d (100) and (111) faces in the following solution! 2 parts [IF, 2_5 piirtf4 Card 2/14 30542 The effect of some... S/56,1/61 '00-11i'0001/01 1 '029 D207/4304 HNO 39 1 part CH 3 COOH, 4 parts If20, and 8 mg I per 50 cm 3 of solution. Etch pits were counted under a metallurgical microscope It was found thati (1) a high density of dislocations in a seed crystal produced an even higher density in a grown monocrystal ; (2) Sb, Fe, Ag and Cd impurities increased dislocation densities in monocr-ystals and even produced polycrystalline structure if they were present in concc-n- trations exceeding their limit of solubility in germanium; (1) many dis locations were produced if the rate of pull ing was greater than 4 ami min. because temperature gradients were greater at higher pulling rateal (4) annealing monocrystal-i reduced dislocation densities& in a sample with more than IO'l disloentions per cm 2 a 50 - 60% reduction waLu obtain-d after .3 hours fit 750 0C and a 90% reduction after I hour at 900 0C. (r)) mono- crystals with high dislocation densities had high resi.4tivity and low nonequilibrium carrier lifetime; recombination levels due to dislocations had activation energies of 0.15 - O~20 eV Acknowlpdgmpnt is ma& to A. N. Kvnsnitakaya for preparing germanium xamplPs. Th,,rp nrP -1 fi0itt-M, I table and 15 references: 4 Soviet-bloc and 11 non-Sovipt-bloc Th, Card 3/4 ~I it It? Thc- f4fect of iiome-. S'; 56.1 ~cl 1 003 , 0 00 /01 .1 , D207,D.104 4 moat recent references to the Engl Jah I nnAninge Ijuh) i , it, on.'4 tt-i,ii all follows- G- Wertheim and G. Pearson, Pbys R-., 107, 694, 19571 A Ku r tz, S. Kulin, B, Averbach, Pbys. Rev , 101, 1286, 1956; J, Okuda. I' Phv!;. So(. Japan, 12, 1138, 195T; W. Tyler, W. Dash, J. Appl Phys , 2e, .I :_' ~-' I I 1957 . Card 4/4 CI-.,Y3oo //43 T --'X 11 was pape r e : e i T-:~ made vii,,,.o ry germanl'~Lii 6.1,( and cl Inp. I n V e U t. I Kfi t I') rl ~l WT, had been gr,-em Specimen,i -)f var,. F'7 N shape of I 0u 4 5 s e c j rid y y by me ar, s f Card 1 4 n D 2 -3 g K,~- m Tne el.-nirw th V I S A making vi6.i produced '.Y fact triat Vl' r. 6r e W ";, -1 - ',~ 7 f. 1 -.I .;- . 1.. II ...1 , .. I i . e)L er I ;Li. miru' es Card 214 Tne prA'em 21 m4e.r. durat '.c,r. , C I ni~- x , :r I:- again decreaseo I A 1 i K y 1 found to be op, I ma a, Planes t tie f,0 1 2 4. b . 4 The etcr.i.,,- med j:z ed6ed J i s i ~.lki , 1 r ri!~ was tiie PaS, sl~, devel C, "ed S,tz. -j a I inear it~riq i oca t i ijrj i i L :;I r mixed oneo , .e au t r,,, i,~r. 71 I, I Z 1 Card 5 / 4 Tne i rob, eln I C, assist fince , e r ~ir,- t~ f ', Ku r scvlet-tlo~ 'In't r..r v v 36k"~,, I AT 1'. Card 4/4 AFMI. 'AT ti a/ A~P=31~* !t~s, 3W30 2927/62/000/000/0236/0243 40THOR *,T4, Gil Tomashavsk4ra, R, L~j Tkhorik, Tu. A. -for pulse,61roults ER~Port at the AU-Unlgg "'r Confer~ mce on onductorluress, Tashkent, 2-1 October, 19613 AOUMt n*ktronno-dy*rcchny*ye perekbW v poluprovadaikakh. Tashkent, Izd-vo A$ UzSSR# 19629:- 236-243 TOPIC TAOSt gamwkust diode-, MDQ-1 diode ..ABSTRACTi-As a prerequisite to the development of high-pwer pulse-type 00 diodes,, tranpients in Go diffusion diodes.were studied. Effects of resistivity and'llfe- time.of materiolsgeometric factors,, and p-n junction processing on the switchMg characteriatUs'of diodes were investigatedefartiouUrlyp the effect of Weation ~level: (or forwardcurrent) AM reverse voltage an the reverse-resistsn~e recovery time ~ for various. lifettwe and bass thicknesses, were. investigated. As a r4sult, ti a new ae'diddep IM-1p with thiss parameters was developeds peak current Vith a 0.5-microsec pulse wd 1/2000 pulse duty factorg up to 15 aM1 voltage drop at 1 v'9*6 - 0.8 vi,forward resistance, 0.5 - 14 obml reverse current, 0.6 - 15 /2 B125/B102 AUTHORS: Glincriux, i- V'., and MiselyuK, Ye. G. TITLi~: T~ia cross section of thm 4.-,ectr-n capture "y charged atnma of deep impurity levels ir. germanium R 1 ~,D 1 C A:, Fi ZI'L q *' veru - 6 , t e I a, V. ;, r,o. of tnt! e,'~ictron caoture n -.X 2* The cross secti:~G :; y n c- r 6,-.,3 atoms is ;etermined by invest~gatir,6 tne pnotoconductvt' tj tI-ermanium, with, a Ni impurity (concentration N-10 atnmsicm" -1 1~ pnototransition of electrons from dual charf-ed atoms (wi 'r, Ft- c r. t, t r tion) into the conduction z)an(,. The values and the tempe:-atLire tr-ler'.Ce of tne cross section S 2 cannot be :et~r-n~ned exactly fr-m intrirs.,c pnotocor-luctivity sinceethe carrier recombination is linear on 'y f r ;n-ection levelA wnic!~ are di.ficult to attain S. 'Iezhdunarodnoy &oriferentsii ~o poluprovodnieam ~Papers of tr.p Conference on Semi conauctors ) , p. z41, Prague, 1961; K. D. ulincn'.~j( et i.., Uxr. Fiz. zh., 7, I~iW. The main measurements, iLa~k-- on swipips xitn Card 1/5 Tlt.e cross 9~ctlon of tr, . . . ,i i r. ' e a c t s n 1 cr. res; ~L;vi ty ,r t ly c, m., r-3 r Af n i c,-, < conceritraticr, of an t~:,si r,. z k e lord 1, 1 u ri ty . F.- th- m ant !i tre a [-4~ P ~)n o.' '.rr- ncn-el,;l c 0 -1 c e r, t r a t , 0 r, w . t r, i n e ft cc na t . or. nas ~uen consi i c-- . z, r,. t r, L i r. f ~uence o, tne ~a ,. :, ;, c c t z4 - *,' '. :, u a'. , r. o t ca: 1 ur, eliminated. h e f t t . -,,e I v , ~' 1. ',N 'N ~N -,N F1 S -1 n e 0 2 d am- i ne and 3 ta t i onary va: ue 9 C f I -1pi r, ty pnotoconduction. r, - N d- 2N 2- N1.N I -N -,N 2 is t.,.e electrnn concentration in tre r, c N - ' - n ~ N ani N - N + N r,.ve to :)e f3,un . from meagurenents of *-.t! 2 o o 1 2 C 0 e f f I C I e r, t . T 'I-, e f u r. c t i o r. i - T 3 r I o N r i s t ar. :! e 1; i - consi sts of a reeior, of A ea". 4. 1 200K ) arid ol 9 tror,*7 tt--mperature dependence. Tre weax temperature depenaence o. -. .9 3o~el, 'jj the chant:e of Ir, - CDT,-;tEn,, N-N ), the strona temT,erpturt, \ 0 2 ,;e-encence also by the irc.-~,ase of n and N-N the follo-gir,,; ~x.-resq-r. 0 2- Cari 2,'3 cross 3ecton of r, e ;12 10 2 3 V U I i U f t, I- b 0 t 11 t VM r'k t U r 0qn 1? 3-6k 21 tk T r.(, r II - . , ," V tit T-~jC- iuu'K and It Cj t c e v a' . T 00 K . The lattt~r 4,~ra~4. ore. I Ari'r. tr.e values for i,-t~pe , erman;,;m. The temperature for r- 'ypp germanium wi th At: and ;,~ imi,uri ties 1 3 siml I ir ~ut i-t 4 1 41st;nct as with Ni i ir, p u r i t i o s. "he chanf e9 of thp tempcroltur"! (1r, Ce of 3 point, to the existence of at least two different mecr,,Lr,.sm--i I 3r electron reombinatior, a. sin6le charged atoms of' the deep im;%.rity c~intc-r.,i in Cerman;u::i. The absolute valu,~~s of S- tire determined by the ie,,tn of ,ne produced by miltl-chargod m:urities and by tr.+-- C;;U!~,mt, repulglor. at trie recombllz,at~ort cenL+.,r. There are 2 figures. ASSC)C!;,TIGN: inatitut ~o!,,l~rovoanieov AIN USSR, Kiyev Semic~~nuuctors AS UKrSSR, Klyev SUB.MITTED: August Card 3,,I/ D2 Cl D t 7, 670 r. UC ~c) c'rS n --St r . tec _y C C, e I -Bed. n o . w C r TIC _~_es - t re 0 1 - ~ r - . e c: as F_ a :7, 1 ~c c-.:.Or- , t 0 lis C- C -ra ; a dl. A e t i rate DY .1 S" v e D C" C -S ef . -I r' T- - -1 e ne e 7 r.* ca x e o + cj 5 4 cl . 10 4- a Vee"e- -eve a , Ile L A S* C' a- Y 3 o, t C.r'a r. density a . a . a r. . C r. f o'.) n- type G :;tu~y o,' true turall r...i a na an, a t reve.led by r L i t c -.a n t a I so i -,al I e - e t i~e -,i,, s o c a r. U, we I s on C C L C, 0 c f -,--re L~u t r. D f n-; da3 9 c-ow;ne _~truCt'_ire s e,: ra.1 w i -.-aces, a r. ano polyhe~ra_ t -n,~ - I t" P and o Ireferent.'al or_.,7~*.ii'._ -r..s _oc at or. L:istributaon wis sbser-ied. -,.,s --axes ne - _s.3cations or. o ne o t e c rys ~ al - C ~7 ra - n c:ensity of cr. wl th r.;~s~ect -3 t-P z- 3. -Lines, ir.-,~!spect;.ve o: _tj -feet was stuaiec. of s~. e l arp changes in 'he zrystall izati,~n cess- (d,,~e to changes 1r. t:,'rowt rate an(.' Introa~.cticr. of .7: t . or. *,.E- dens;.ty aid distrioution of alslocations; Ls a r(,s--t of tir.v:~e tne distribution of the dislocations becomes very irreg'L~la_'. At the sites where the crystallization process has beer, disturbedt an Card 215 -uc t,,:., ,cc, -Y s ti 4 t C c car.(". o mi I b 1 r, t --ef.--ar (-,:-,CeS 4 SOV:.,, * are c- c e t .5 f1c r. b I o c . c t h e e - :.C- - -'C b: 1 ca t0 rLq ows e r reac & s~c 7 :'s lys 2 :~ev. 119, 357 19 C; -7 126,z, 2, SO C conducto --Llv-ldry,-.Iv AIN ~MS_~ (-rstitute 0. rl 1) fthe AS UkrRSR), iCyylv May 22, 1961 'ard 5/3 .J. t3 a Sodom 0i. Ow 77 , &r rc: 3/ 4 e aa se .1,.i~. -, -1, )j-, 10-- 324 ~2 t e r c S v C: v on of r r 2 k)~~I ~3 r, c r : 3 t - c s sz, t e e r, i y n c n,;u- c~ jvv: Ln~ i;i y s .,~ajj 1 ci -nd :)rancnes A.Te e effE!ct a---' tnrr Y~ es of g.a8s is nearly t.%e 3, ~M~rovc% o* z~naracter:.stlcs was a-so observed wner. tre g.-iss nau zeen re- ,ard 'rovoan!Kov f f f d ry GLINCHUK, K.D. (Hlynchuk, K.D.); KISELYUK, YeeG,[Miseliuk, 0.0,j Studying the recombination of charge carriers in rb-germazium doped with multiply charged impurities, taking the Pcpurity pbotoconductlvity as a oasis. Ukr. fis. zhur. 7 no.9:992-1002 9 142, (KIRA 15912) 1. Inatitut polyprovodaikov AN UkrWh Klyev. (Germanium) (Quantum theoryl (Photoconductivity) S/ 8 ~t i; v f; V i :i p I k , Yp. v t i t i r, f tf.e ~itr i 't,ire and , gom4 en q r,,_~ t. r t ir; ci f e r ma r, j m I eriA ri t ~~.q F i K a v r it , v . n r-, r e i r i,, e r'ut n I'j 7, ;1!-. 1 e r m n i u,-.. r r o w., r f) m ;i s-j p e r c o o I e I m e 1 t . They were U) 7, r- ) pn De -i I r i t e 9 e!,~j t.,,;in 1,) , thick exr, 1 hi'al nn- 7- 1 7.,, r P a r, e . r, e f 1 r a t ca n e t ~l t 'I --7.. A I 'Ce3 W.-re 1 an t e,t 1, - F-, * P r- i I s I~q 13 1 m I I a r for it!. e v P n. n, o r f - r ;,n Al riumt-,?r f twin L)Ianes , nor- 1 o -, - ',,'I ' ~-- ' ~i - ' (~ , r ~),, t h ' 1 1 1 ,) ') . t ., , , 1 .., A , . 's !r~ J qtyin If,~ r c m;, I t- t e " an J " I rc ) m, I e t e The 1 11; re, t i - ri ii r '. ~,i t ijri fia:i ~ n ve nt ip;jted ir. the lonvi tud inal aril transvernf~ 1 1, r F, t T ". e i'! r, I : L y n f t h p I i a I ) (a t i,ins provel to be greater in the I i r n-, t i )t; ,,roTi*,,i qrvi D:P,,i 1 1 t, r )n the f, I (r, e a it was neveral timeg am,ill. r -n tr r i F?p f. e s s t v t t ;i r r i r e me -:i r-1 a;I r, :r,t x ma i n t e r. I e n s i ty I jt h rr,- r r t i f i t c ry F3 t a I ,i i r r-. I n I r., ri i m - i m crirre-.9 r, r E, r. r a m ou n t t s ri r f.trl r, 13 e lit r e r ~j ti i p a i e o were al, -1 9 I f f ri r e r ;~n n S/1 81 /63/()05/,)0 i t I o n , f t ho? .9 t r ic t,j r e . . . 3 1 02/B 1,96 C A A 3 J, JN :r.r-, t, i t1j t pr)l,j;irovodn i kov All USSR, Kiyev ( Inat i t1it e .iemiconiuctors AS UkrSSR, Kiyev) D 7 ~j !y 16, 1?62 r (1/181/63/305/303/035/046 B102/B180 AUTHORS: Glinchuk, K. D., Litovchenkot N. M,, and 141selyuk,_Ye. G. TITLE: Trapping and adhesion of electrons on positive tellurium ions ir germanium fERIODICAL: Fizika tverdogo tela, v. 5, no. 3. 19639 942-944 TEXT: Te has two donor levels in Ge, 0.11 and 0.3 ev below the bottom of the c-band. Electron trapping and adhesion was investigated for Te 0 , Te+, and Te ++ impurities in n- and p-type germanium by measuring both the attenuation and the stationary intrinsic photoconductivity. The hole trap- ping cross section, 3+, was calculated and for both carrier types, 7, the h lifetimes in the free state, were determined an a function of temperature. The S+ estimate yields 3-10- 19 cm2at 130 0i(; this is only vcakly iependent on h temperature in the range 90-1500K. There are 2 figures. Card 1/3 6/161/65/005/0031/035/04c Trapping and adhesion of electrDnr, or. ... 3102/B183 ASSOCIATION. Institut poluprovodn;.&ov AN USSR, Kiyev (Institute of Semi- conductors AS UkrSSR, Kiyev) SUBMITTED: October 19, 1962 Fig. 1. Model for the Te atom in Gel S_~;~: 3e, S;~ 3h' EF_ Fermi level. Fig. 2. T(1/T) for p-type (1) and n-type (2) Ge with Te impuritieel Small diagram: The same for Ge with acceptor ions. Card 2/3 S/18!/63/005/003/035/046 Trapping and whesion of clectronB on...BIW/Biao Fig. 2 t F, too. Si to Te To A '*~- ~Jl 4 0 fo Cqrd 3/3 MGVCHAN, Ye.A. [Movehan, IE.O.); WSELYUK, Ye.G. [Miseliuk, O.H.) Inversiona of the sIgn of the Hall coefficient in ',eliurlijz. Ukr. fiz. zhur. 8 no.10:3174-1176 0 '~,3. (MIRA 1-~: I) 1. Institut poluprovodnikov AN UkrSSR, Kiyev. AOURCMt-!:;".' doil- idiW Wzx'IftVestiqateCby deterudninj:1 the ~m6dulatid, iiirux 1,-Llt~v c6~du v XM-42 lAfrared "opectrm6te'r (X 2-4 JJ 7-' z- p _j cc dk6gd 46bilion'- got elebtrod- -,capture' cr - by, iq no was *- -not' V' qz:eatly, x,ItO" cm a 10015K and did -.fouh4`tq:,boJl :,4ita aW Z , _ . * 71, 85 Thi, .14001C a may v6 to 01 been .4mo tunnel go ; 'trAn barriere It , wasi' eatimblished that~ in, g -mi.11PO. viiiii1itniim'; . C]7~tais witti -or without- nickel' there: were - centers . re IspIo,nsihljjL;~~,_jOj-_,_"1Oj4. slow c-onponenItr of the photoconductivity rela,xi--~*,', ltion~- - al "**4in ind 'ti's included! ersivore Of atrii6tux J., . 'qdj~4iilocatidzoi, -'authors - -thank - 8 * S.';MaISjoIoVetv and K, Z& nts .-and Ao tM r d tht.:ax 'd _'Mcr$Uo~l ov-'v~.(Institute rice ilia., -of file -.6 Sumnotiv. .-,,-~_- -4, ?, " " --!' _ , d V"I ~,-OMMRI,:, 00 ~ t* w. -_i 7tf 'AC-CE,SSION N-R! AT4045012 S100001CA1000100010 IA3/0187 -'C-'THOR: Vasilevskaya, V.N.. Ye. G. Miselytil, T, . 1.1 . A ~,.tufly of Lhe alloying of germanium with admixtures oi ( crtain elements SOURCE: Sovu-shchmiye po prr)hli,m(, atimmoy cnvri7ii. Mvv, 1961. .1vtomailka, i !i.m, i- i tckhniko (Radiation ('011ti'01 SySteITIS, iFMl1jj'C,';, '11A llm';- 11) ~;vbclwv iuld tvvhrloloj~y)' (14)klady' sovushchmiiya. Kiev, lzd-vo AN Lrki."R, P16-1, JH3- 1-~7 TOPIC TAGS: germanium, germ,-Lnium monocrystal, germanium alloy, -,ilver, iron, Lin, antimony, cadmium, tellurium, admixture segregaLion, admixture s(didpility, liquation, deliquescence ABSTRACT: nie main purpose (if the paper was ti) study the hqwilion (st,grevation) and deliqu( scQnce (solubiLity) of admi-xtur(-, (if Ag, Fu, Sn, Sh, 01. and TI in momocrystalline gerni.mium (Itiring crystilLizati(m. R.Ldioactive isotopes of the ch-ments mcntioned were used. Autoradiography and microscopic i!xaniinatkon were used, and photomicroj~raphs were taken of sa~niplcs etched with Perhydrol or with HNO3 + If F. If C, is the content of Uie admixture In tho supercrysta-Ilized part of the alloy, C L is its concentration in ble other paxt of the alloy, Mo Is Uie weight of Uie idloy, and M in Uie weight of the remaAning . 1/4 Card ACCESSION Nit: AT4045012 part of tho aJ](-vy after a rx)rtion of Me -Wmixwre has penetrated Into the crystal. then the equilibrium roefficient Ko can he obtained fruin tho formula C' /('r, ("I'-)'' P"' (1) Ple ratio ChIC I, by Itsolf determines tho effective liquation coefficient Kff of the ad- mixturv under thl, grivo'n conditions of cryiitallization. The dependence of Keff on tile Cs of tli(~ admixture punctrating the germanium nionourystal during ftfi growth process is shown in graphical form In Fig. I of Uw F.ticlosure. Photornicrographn of npecimens of gernianiurn monocrystals witli silver [xmetration are shown both at the limit of solubility and for the supraBoluble case. The experimental data suggest that the value of C. cor- responding to the beginning of the sharp increase in the segregation coefficient represents the solubility Limit of the element in germanium during crystallization. These values of C. for the named elements, and the corresponding values of K0, are tabulated and vary from 1. 5 x 1014 for Ag to 6. 0 x 1018 for Sh. Orig. art. has: 3 figures, I table, and I formula. ASSOCIATION: None -- 2/4 Card ACCESSION XR: AT4045012 SUBMITTED. ManG4 ENCL: 01 SUB CODE: SS NO REF SOV: 002 OTHER: 000 Card 3/4 r- - --ft - - ..- ACCESSION NRI AT4045012 1qf 10, to fall If 10 'i ENCLOSUREt 01 Fig. I Variation In the effective segregation coefficient in relation to the concentration of admixture in the solid phase. Card 4/4 I ki'V K'I ves top- a A a se us IMINAIrw re"Welooft, ful"r 0t G. For- ("am), &-i& too. S/.'1O9/60/0O5/0b/Oil/02i 9.4000 9140/316,3 AIJ THORS ShtenshiaYger.-LI.. and MiseZhnikoy. -~-S TITLE: Wave Propagatior'bir, Ellectr;c NetworXs Conl-a'i;iin4 Negit Resistance, in App.1i----atjor, tn Travelling Wave Quarit:irri- Mechanical Ampl if I er6 PERIODICAL: Radiotekhn1ka .1 elektronika, ',)'LO, Voi 5. Nr pp 96e'_-96o (USSR) ABSTRACT: This paper was presentad in June r,:. the A.S. Pc;,~-- So (~ -, e ty (~.iantum-me~-hantr;al (_paramagnetic) travel! Ing-Wave amDr)l1fier have extremely low no'51-se -temperature and fairly wide Liand (Ref 1). The presenod -f the paramag- netic material is in principle expressej tr,7(-,agn the introduction of a negative real resistar'.-I nt(., ear.k. section of t~,e waveguide system. The presant art~cie analyses such systems in terms of an equlvaier.~ network with negative pure resjstprj,~e In It is shown that In su~,h systems the netw(':'.,~ ;Jr. t)e Card matched only at a sin4le frequency and nct over a 112 AssumIne a reQIorncal system it is demonstrate,l .arowinp aaves mav , -~ljr b(,tri ~fi trp T-.L33~)an,'. S/.,LO-4/bO/0V/0,7Jc.,:A --, E i-O/El t'j Wave Propaga ttor, in Ele,.~tr. c Nptworks I n ing Nrga ResIstance, In Application to Tra~,tjilng Wavp q-anr,)-~.D kmpliflo4rs InItial fllt-,- ar.,i c.,jtside Tne pa:-ametws tra'.-elilng- wav(, quar obtaine~l In P.Xpl-, 11 There aig ij~..j r e;4 e I r- S-vlet and ~s Engi is.r: SUBMITTED-. July ~-4,1 /6 1/006/ ? 302 10fS, /4 3) V! sezhn kc)-,i, G..;. , ftnd V. Theory of a travelling --w-,v- i,; i 'uir, pira. -!.-tic amplifier Radiotekhnika i elektronikri, i- 6, no. 1545 - 15',)5 I ri t,ie pretient. article, th,~, auth,,-- (~ret3ent an t ro,! c f analy z in~-, a wuveg!~, i d P i,,)fi "o r trave I I i n)-, wave amp I i f i e r T,- is ed i ~,.idvari tarf,~, n f fie modif 1(,,4 -iion thod t tB a soiu i on to be o W 1 ui th :,r%. i rp(I irary. 11, is thal elow completely fi.LIPd with a homoren-. !4,; c -~ tr Ch I (! to trea t the eys tem as eri; oi rause c,,)- fil, u simple chan~,e of ju~ fr(jm consideratior, of a sl-,u in -CIVU propagrates in the z direcl.~ !nc? 0. a travelling wave that the periodicity of tli( i 3 r, 7 1: 1 C om p". - 1VI!1ength ,^. in the system. s Lin aF, i a o Prms of the basic space anri coruilerat, .0 structure as an anistropi-, conduct!r4 plan .,(~tion (along the posts) and i inducting plane I. direction. With the bound,,t.,-,, i ons Ex/y=O = 0, HX/Y=+o ~- HX/Y=-o t., *.~,oee at the waveguide wallf3, t'. r -7,ponentB of the e .9agnetic fields can be obtair.(!,J fr~r,,, the expreSsionS U and magnetic V Hertz i E~ 3 E, (k' 21530 S/109/61/006/00-, 1018 Theory of a travelling wave D201/D302 av kwl,~ Hv=- 4) FY V where E and p are the dielectric and magnetic permit~,.,~ 'he medium; k - phase constant of the wave in free apace; constant of the wave in the medium. Punctions U and V 'he wave equations 6 U + k2u = 0, 6 V + k2V = 0. Considering regions I and Il as shown in Fig. 1 the ac or U and V is obtained for partial wavee which satisfies the 1 ..ry conditions and that of E = 0 at the waveguide walls an Y -7-- 0 tg 6A Card 3/11 128530 S110916110061c,r-' Theory of a travelling wave ... D201/D302 00 U, - Uoi sh 0 (b - y) sin kz + Yj Um, A Tfltlz sin V, - Usi cb 5 (b - y) cos kx + YJ Vmj Ch TMIZ 003 amly, is thus obtained where k' + The boundary oondition (2) is satisfied here when Hx/y=o 0 01 .substituting into (2a) the expre8sione for U, and V (PTniVmi - kc4njUn,) Sh T-3 X is obtained and after integration Card 4/11 1018 6) (2a) 26530 5/109/61/006/009/013/018 Theory of a travelling wave ... D201/D302 HT,1 _1 ku_ (r It -r 4, 1) 1). In region 11 the electric and magnetic fields can be represented as a superimposition of TE and TM modes satisfying the boundary con- ditiona at the wavegruide walls: Ex = 0 for y b; By = 0 for x a; E 2 = 0 for y = t b and x a or Ulf~ A*2' X) 11105 14njj/ 1 (9) "-2 I'll T~, (a x) %i it (4,2Y, where a (2m - 1) 3t/2b; y -Vp-2- k2+ (X2 and are m2 ~ M2 = M2; Um2 Vm2 the unknown amplitudes of partial waves in the region 11. A system of linear homogeneous equations is obtained which has a non-trivial Card 5/11 x 21530 S/109/61/006/009/013/018 Theory of a travelling wave D201/D302 solution when its determinant is zero, i.e. ai bil . . .b 1, 0. . . a , b,j . . .b_ 0 . . . CI 0 . . . C, 0 . . .0 d,,. A where a. - cos kA ch (b - y) cos u,,ydy A, k sin kh b, B,T,, 811 T,,h + 6- -ib Ch c, = k co.9 kh A 9 (b - y) si n a,,ydy + C,sin kh; d., = D, A T,,h + 6nr b T,, ch 'r,,h; 2 b = PT,, (Ch T,, h - 1); g, ~- ka,j (ch 7,1 h - 1). Oard 6/11 (17) LAk 2M5 30 S/109/61/006/009/013/018 Theory of a travelling wave ... D201/D302 The dispersion Eq. (17) permits dependence of 0 on k to be found with any degree of accuracy, I*or given goemetrical dimensions of the oyatem. The oolution in zero approximntion, which can be phYni- cally interpreted, may be found considering the field of the TEM wave in region 1. Putting n = 0 in b U01 (coq kh ch O(b - y)cos a n1 ydy - Ank sin kh) + 00 7" + / 'V (B Y h y h + 6 ch y h) 0 r1 nr rl rl nr 2 r1 r=1 (j,,(kco9kh~,.h,q(b-y)mina,jydy -(-'~sinkh )-t- (12) i D_ %h T,,h 1- 8- T,, C h T,,h Card 7/11 ?.I'. Ic S/10 61/006/009/013/018 Theory of a travelling wave ... D201%302 U01 (cos kh ~ ch B (b - y) dy - A ok sin kh0 (18) is obtained from which using 00 ~, ch-p(b-y)sin a m2 ydy sin a m2y -COs an1 ydy n b 77 Ym2 th y m2d (13) m=1 for A 0 1 2 5 W-4 kh -F Th--~b- (19) ,_, 1 th T-2 is given. The dispersion characteristics of the delay system as determined by Eq. (19) are given in graphic form for different va- Card 8/11 28530 8/109/61/006/009/013/018 Theory of a travelling wave D2ol/D302 lues or d/b# togethe- with/ex erimentally obtained points by Do Grasse for two values of d b Td/b = 1 and 0.33). They show good agreement. When applying the described delay structure in paramag- netic travelling wave amplifiers# the slowing of group velocity v = 1 is achieved by a decrease in the pass band of the delay 9 0 P15 W system which means that distance d between the poets and the narrow wall of the waveguide should be made small. The magnetic field uti- lization factor P can be expressed by the formula I-V 7, is da lip (23) M = (24) 1) is further developed (see earlier works by R. W. DeGrasse at al., BSTJo 1959, 38, Ift and 1961, 40. 1117). An ideal delay system comprising an infinitely thin row of studs ("comb") in a rectangular waveVAMO if considered. The waveguide cross-section In divided into four areas, solutions of the wave equation are found for each area and the fields are joined at the area Card UD6 621.372.653.1:6,21.3765.5 L 10393-66 -ACC NR*. APS026905 boundaries. The resulting dispersion equation is used for platting dispersion characteristics of the delay system for various geometrical parameters. It is lound that the Incomplete filling of the system with &electric essentially deforms ~the dispersion characteristic permitting. fa some cases, Increasing the group- Nelocity delay factor up to c/v m 300 within A f /f = 6% and thereby enhancing the I gain of the corresponding TW quantum paramagnetic amplifier. This way also !ensures a practically maid nmm coefficient of utiUxation of the r-f magnetic field and precludes excitation of stray modes in the system. "The author wishes to thank Y. B. SkeXBohleymer for. ble guidance, and 0. A. YevstrgM for _djAcussing Ithe results and valuable c fits." Orig. a has: ?figures anorblarmulas. A'SUB CODE: 09 SMM DATE: 29Jun64 ORIG REJFs 003 OTH REF: 002 jW' 0 .:Card 2/2 L 19M&6 ' EWT(1)1'~W CW/WS-2 0, ACUSSION Us AP.WI0142 0 ; Kalbasows T, As; IMses As Z*;~ Dmsklkhg jM!ft 0. 8 AUTHORS 2LWAIMA -1 NIkUUUS De Teel BUSEM11141 era To 9 TITtat Mwesdiation or tile 10 it-'as' o*f excited 1wdragen at 5 Ce Mweleflatbo using a quantum parswagnette ampliner -BOUNCZs AN SSSR. Ddkladys Y, 463# no. 29 19659 332-334 no width, "glaxy" galactic nebula# U as Intenalty" 11 TUM TAOS: nq* astr=wwyl *bydrogen line, quentum device ABSTRACTs , Since stars we more likely to Wme excited b3drogen than neutral 1wdro- gen,, a stu# or the excited-t4rdrogen radio lines can yield Informetion an the structure or the galaxy. The authors describe experiments made in 1964# uldch C firmed the presence or such a lftep plotting its profile In the Omega nebula. 7hIs vas w%de possible by using a traveling-veve quantum perssagnetle al%lifter for 5-cm wAv6IQV49th# Operating Gt 4.299 with gain, of 25 db ad Nudwidth 26 Me. The rsdlo- Aq%wPoph used for the observation was a modulation-type redlometer with triple frequency comwelon ad contour ansilper, Two measureants von w4de (in Or and JUU)o in the first the spectrum from the nebula vas caqpmd vith the redWIM spectrum oftbe sarthle atmosphers and ansljmod- In the 5.,~-Ka bud# sM In Ow Cw4f 3/2 L 1938-66 ACCISSION 01 AP5018742 A~ second the camp "an V" With' the radiation frois A-Cypt and the anQysls In the 305-Me band* 81allar results were obtained In both cases. A pronounced Increase In the radiation frm the nebula vas.observed lz~ the 5763 He region* The radio- line Iz*ens1ty at the maxims In est4mated at 3A * 0-54 of the cmtinmw V40- trum, and t~m width at W% Intensity, to 1.2 * 0.3 Me. The effect of the earth'a rotation aroun4 tho am on the, U a position vap also abguqrod. "Ae authors thaza 0. S. 12 !Va. - N. T tkc~fsp. Ae han4," T~e GO-6, mm j ~ - I. KOK21 , A. Rozem-.5, -WO V. No TVZ"v 've P6 xo4*Uvovi*md 0. W. ftjnj!;5tGrueeftd discussions help. " We x4pox pesetited by V. A. Zatellnikove- Oft. art. has, figures. ASSOCIATIONi nome SUW=1 &we& ZKY's 00 On C=t AA t 003, m MW Sol Wk -h cm-j 0/9 i %IISGIff.D. G. Praparation of the automatic apparatus for irritation of the higher nervous function i- guinea pigs. Cook. fysiol. 4 nn.4: 191-199 29 Oct 55. 1. Nemoentee lidove policie, (CZNTRAL NERVOUS STSTTF4. automatic appar. for tactile irritation of pigs) (PHTSIOLOGT. 3erlin (MR). physiology vestibular. audito" , optic 4! higher nervous funct. in guinea apparatus and instriments. automatic apT)ar. for vestibular. auditory. optic & tactile irritatIon of higher nervous funct. in Fuin"a pigs) AU TIHOR R. A Re f b 1 ;-,,3 1 P--ant-ii P.; *"~,3 Sa7atov Refinery Re t s i ra "',mbi, ar ... yk! i us tA r. na Tz % PER -_ 0 D T r. AI P 1~0_:~u.. fir 11, J- ~; 7 '~;Fi AB STRA "I T; z nral plants was oarried T,je -:..ant5 am f-)r refining t 3a 7AA-2&-_"7U 7 h vs obl t T,~Aa 3 a )aLya as r a: I -.a r sub s tar :.e s , and t 4 IF.1 rl .);,I; 91t I -_ It was methane- -f the gaso- -.2 -vit'.o-.jt the ad- T lfurr',er of frac- 1 t , 300')C) equal- -.],) and ;:1a7 _ , L)et-. 0 -1 ar -alysine, the p ' cli3tlila,ion aolumn, t was f r -i~ it fra_,'-I,)_i bolling betwee,, t, -nsi~,udr.:e, re,~t_fi-,ation was Carl _/4 t f f r, _-A -Flart Lat:)ratory, Re,~ c n s t ru c t I F, - z XA th_-rt)f--a' arr 91 t tw rimants. in the first c rj~ t ~~5 1 S I '~ _9 f: E "i _mr. oas ~_Istllled under . star,Aazd 7.d' t 7, i and t f fl-Ij -1 t !. , r , b' at 350 C, ta.kai. tf. Tt Is ws j a -,- -, - 11 ,..~rLd fr-a,:;Ion with c a 4,:, 'a'i i a _Jlf, jzint of -12 t~e heV fr-a 'tl-r, b - I i ,q t-- 235-)"- iflash;Ant 750C r ~ 11 and 3 1 la If at i 7- Ir.c wai disti-L lei off. Dur- na 9 Xr -leum was dis- Ing the 36 '6 im 15 tr~,-, (mrudc ,etr tilled !.Jqr stancaT" - and the fractions, boll- A~ - 1, - 3" C ar, - Ing at 2~5f ~;35 ~D the residue, were distilled f. Tre f ra I-) I ADE' %t :e3b 3504 was af a light f IdIfIr;at1on a.-.j !,.'I 11!?d I e twe e n 42 t o 45. c'. tr a CA 1 '2 11 1 - .5 zhese experiments, 1, h 10 i _' , - f - , 1 :7 was r--- lonstructed 1-Y Ir- 1,vil- a it(Jaq - 1." .1 Tra r-tai separation ;,jri I, riaSa,'L ty c- - 7% and the effi.ler,-? :f 0.8 f a ly 1~ S % Tat la 3 1 - This re- 'f r, I .. webs & t Fj -1 A further modifl- to deorease r. r f. L' -.Alni and In the cracking t,, 40 50 days, Card 2/4 third Card 3/4 a 1 V.- ry 't -7921bla to Increase 7, kerosine. This c o1 imr., No. I Ing products; the i 3epar&tjd In column (FIC, This last of ci,a p'ants by 2 _ 3%. Optimum con- '1: vid 11,.5 a.-,I carosine were f"arle :)etrole,,im from ~:-.a rec.)n3tructlon of the ~Omp,?Sitlon and the 11 .3 1 1 1 C t ';/~5-5S- 11 -6116 R~j c, n ri!~ -, r, t '- -1 ! ~: f C, --, T', I P --a r-- a r.- t-. e B a r-A -~ I-; ;IR f I --. e ri- amall --s ~%, 4- out to rec, ify this defect a --e snow-p ~, -- ". TII,.9 type :~f plan", is at prevent - I ir uss t- ,-e NPZ. T~a-,3 are 2 Tables and E ASSOCIATIM Sarrati-,,5kly NPZ Sara~.-. , 2-,f--'ziYxg Plaat) Card 4/4 HISHA IU, T.H. (Tyumn' ). -k 1 Constructing graphs for functions X and ax. Wat.v ahkole no.5:71-73 5-0 '51. (KUA 6: 9 ) (ftnctions-Graphic iuethods) MISHAGII,, V. N., Cand Tech Sci -- (aiss) "Graphical aria structure of flat curves." Sveralovsk, 14 pp; ~f and Secor;dary Sp(cialist tducation USSR, Ural'sKiy Pol,;-tecnr;.JLc -*ri=t .4- 1. S. K. Kdrov); 15u copies; I.rice riot given; (KL, 22-bu, 1;/) GAMIK. Z.A LSHAWVA;-*,&&- -- Natural garnAt concnntratsts in thn milet P)f QimtsirnarT doposits in tho nrrthnrn nnd northwastArn Dart nf th#, White, Russian S.S.R. VPAtflI AN 1535R S"r. fiZ.-'t"kh. nAv. no. 1: 96-99 '58. (MIRA 11-10) Oihitm Rnssla-Gnmet) GORELIX, Z.A.; MISHAOOVA. A.D. Granulometric and zineralogical composition of eolian stn'is In the poltsk Lowland. Trudy Inst. geol. nav. An BSSR no. 2:143- 150 160. (NMA 13:12) (Polotsk District--Sand) GORELIK, Zalman Abramovich; MISMOVA, Edit Donalldovich; LUKOV, Ernat Arkadlyevich; AVKSENTIYEV, A.N., red.; BARARANOVAp v.e., red. Izd- va; VOIDKEMOVICE, I., takhn. red. (Sande of the White Russian S.S.R. and their industrial utilizatl,z,~ Feeki BSSR I ikh promyshlennoe IspolIzovanie. Minsk, Izd-vo Akad. nauk BSSR, 1961. 170 p. (M3RA 14:11) (White Russia-Sand) BOKSER, O.Ya.; MISHAKRIN, D.A.; POLTYREV, S.S. (Philosophical significance of the problem of reticular formation of the brain] Filosofskoe znachenie problemy re- tikullarnol formatail golovnogo mozga. 2., dop. izd. Ivanovo, 1961. 40 p. (BRAID) (MIRA 16:6) FERRYALOV, G.Ye.1 KPIPTIR, S.P., dnteent, oty. red.i HISHAGINa VA.# -kand. tekhn.nauk, red.; PEREVALOV, G.Te., starshiy prepodavath-TI, rMd. f Linear measure of plane continua. 1 0 lineinoi more ploakikh kontinuumtov. 10mak] 1962. 26 p. (Tyumen'. Gosudarstvennyi pedagogicheakit InStItut. Kafedra matematiki. Behenye zaploki, vol-13, no.3) (MIKA AtO ARTMIONOV A V , 1). ; , OCY LOV , V . G. ; I A V.X; ; I I SHAKIN) V. i . ; ."LZAIMV, V.N. ; " UfAil(N , I. . ; SF. A.71 YAJir)V, It". Y AKOVLFV, ij. A. ; V1 L' -'::: J.:, IJ., red. (Civil defense in ruroji ri - , ~ i it i, rN i n,, nj? winu n I j 'trazhc an- skaia oboronn v znell.kixi , j ucheor-ot. 1 oso: 110. Vo- skva, Voonlz&it, I I!, , ..; " ~. MlSRAKINAV L.K.0 inzh. Study of the additivity of glare. Svetotakhnika 9 no.5:6-9 W 163. (MIRA 16.7) 1. Voesoyuznyy evetotakhnicheakiy inatitut. (Fluorescent lighting-Physiological affect) .03CO c0" 'r cor-ol -;"5 control Of linear t4 C3 tc7- IG Z: 1911 240 y `6 Icte. -11,n-~ar -:7.s 373 -1-ity and -ear :-~ -., I t 7,ACY o. no-Lunear 427 0 dz o f 0 t~ 6 ssion c-.anncl3 466 :,--"ods of d2,,--4n~nz 530 581 635 C 639 -t ind,.ix CODZ: C? 26j,~-,:63 'YR REF S07:o6i 011 AC.~: 27Dcc63 2,/- MISIIAKCV, G.S.; A , . F', 1. J. Potentl &1 -9 of thi- n( r ph" tri- me thnd. Trudy 'M IGR I n,../.,,4: " 11- 41 1 163. 11-1,1AA 17-,~) USACFILFV, P.M.; LESIX, N.P.; OVIIATANOV, G.T.; TSCHEISTOV. A.I.; BELOV, V.I.; GENS. M.A.; MISHAKOY V.110 Ap.) ~ - Hydraulic fractlirtne of otrata and the underground 1nvqst1Fnt10n of fractured zonns. Naft. khoz. li, no.S:2A-17 My ",F. (WfIRA 11:0) (Oil wells-Hydraulic frneturing)