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MIROSHNICHENKOl A. "Technological classification of black coal of Bulgaria." P.13 (Ninno Delo, Vol* 12, no. 3j May/u'une 1957, Sofiis, BulCaria) Monthly Index of East European Accessions (EEAI) LC, Vol. 7, No. P, Auguet 19q MIROSHNICHENK0, A. "Raw material basis and technological peculiarities in the process of coking coal mixtures in Bulgaria." P.6 (M[inno Delop Vol. 12, no. 5, Sept./Oct. 1957, Sofiia, Bulgaria) Yonthly Index of East European Accessions (EFAI) LC, Vol. 7, No. 8, August 1958 GUSEU, A.A., kand. tekhn. nauk dote.; TROSHINA, V., studentka; SHELKOVIIIKOVA. M., studentka; KROSHNIG , A., studentim;BMU, N., studentka Gomparative characteristics of the processes of welting and sewing the welt on an automatic single-process flat full-fashioned hose machine. Izv. vys. ucheb. zav.; tekh. leg. prom. no.4:124-137 '59. (KRA 13:2) 1.Moskovskiy tekstilInyy Institut. Rekomendovana kafedr07 tekhnologii trikotazha. (Rosisr7) (Knitting machines) 14JTRQSHNkWkN4Q,-A. Organiziitlon of thP maintpharce and rppair by units and spctions in White Russian automotive tranep:)T-tation units, krt.transp. 43 nu.5r-2.6-27 My 165. (KRA 18W 1. Nalachno-isaleduvatallskayn laborntoriya avtotranSpOrtA 'Indatorstva sytomobLOnogo trsnsporLa BS3R. IYAUDA, M.N.; MIROSIINIOPENKOj ji.A. Flow lines for the polishinq and sorting of porcelain prodLcts. Stek. i ker. 19 no-3:41-43 Mr '62. (MIRA 11~-3) (ceramics) (ConveyinF machinery) LEKONTSEV , Yu.A. ; ',11H , A.,%. ; L "; . , I'. '. I.' s In g hl~,'h-ou If ur mazu . I r, b. amt. u:%r, .' ', ~ r.~, . ~,- , ;, , .- - 10 no.8:7-P A g, I ~,/. . '/ 1. I , . ("hu a, vsko,~ mr ti, " ~ ~ Fg, 1,-r~pe k ~ 7 MMOSHNICHENKOt A.A.1 LEKONTSEV, Yu.A.; PASHKEYEV, Q.G. Characteristics of the performance of a blast furnace with the use of mazut. Metallurg 10 no.50-10 My 165. (MIRA 18A) 1. Chusovskoy metallurgicheakiy savod. MI ROSHNICHENKO , A.B. i Prinizala uchastiye SOLOVTSOVA, K. M. , kiM-. RECHMEDIN, 1.0., kand. geogr. nauk, nauchnyy red.; SOTADKIY, D.I., red.; GURVICH, A.G., tekhn. red. (Dnieper; guidebook]Dnepr; putevoditell. Kiev, Kievskoe obl. knizhno-gasetnoe Izd-vo, 1962. 332 p. (MIRA 16:3) (Dnieper Valley--Guidebooks) CHEUXMV, G.N.; BASHIAVINA, G.N.; MARUSOV. A.Ta.; KCRKMV. V.A.- FILIPPOT, Tu.T.; URIN, D.A., MWIN, P.V.; KOMKOV, A.M.; IrAF?AVAMA, Z.F.. IfIRM- NICHENKO, A.F.; KOLDATEV, P.K.: SKVORTSOV, P.A~, PATWV, V.V. Discussion of K.A.Sallshchev'~ renort. Brief report of speeches of G.N. Cberdantsev, G.N.Bashlavina A.IA.Karusov, V.A.Merkuloy, 1U.T.Filippov, D.A.Larin, P.V.Denzin, A.M.Komkor, Z.Y.Karavaeva, A.F.Miroohnichenko, P.K.roldaev, P.A.Sk-vortmoT, V.V.Pavloy. Vop.geog. no.34:114--34 '54. (Cartograpay) (KLRA 7:U ) -1 , HIROSHNIGH M 0, A.F. Cartographic basis andwthods r)f using cartographic materials for geographical field research. Test. Moak. un. Ser. biol., pochv., geol., geog. 12 no.1:237-242 157. (KIRA 10ill) 1. Kafedra kartografti i goodazli Mookovskogo gosudarstyennogo uni- versiteta. (Cartography) (Agriculture--Kaps) MIROSHNICM10 A.F. . , Mn-je rip r,ic-A i -w- rit,*t,7-r! I -, n` !I I 1~ -i a ',!' * - - - 1 ' ' -I - ~ " - --~ t,, rr Ito ry . V,, n I. Moiik . !i ". Ci,,, . ~ " I. . " , - .. , ". . I I . . 0 .. , no. I:Iql-lQ'l Or,". 01,71i, :,:") 1. Lt)fP(!-j kTirtot-l"Ll 16klrl',t-ZJ4 ** Ai,,ri r!li It ur-- -Map a) ,- ! " - [:~~A . , V I I riy~h I M '1(6~ HN . -.~' -I O~FC , A.", ~ - - n ~,~ , , 145MCFE NK~ - . v . , .!- F ! P Fl~ , 1 , K , -7,-z - -'-" - - . I 0 "t-8, n 9 ',r'FT - Ir- bY smeting ',r. -- - 'urri,-9 d -' ',t f, -! qnd coke. ~Wshlr.Gs~oenle 11 '. -1 - M. v -~ I v , . M-F.- e MIROSHITICHENKO, A.G.0 inah.; IMCHENKO, G.V., inzh.; KLIMITIYEV, I.D., inzh. Charge level indicator for cupola-furnace atack. Vashinostroenie n0-402 Jl-Ag 165. (KRA 18 18) MIROSHNICHENKO, A.G. ~bchnnized nhop for pig-iron ca5ting. Bitil.tekh.-ekon.trifr)rm.'*,,,B.naurb.- lasl.inst.nauch.j takh.inform. 17 no.1%37-40 '64. (ICRA 17:2) MIROSHNICHENKO, A.G. Economical charge for 1,10-Strknyth cast -'rcr,. :.4t. proizv. no.6:36 e 164. 1:T:RA .p t 17 ( 2)" i- . ~/-~ - 7-,-- -1,-.- - AU-Ili'-R: '. : ." - ~ sn Ic heA e e 41 1 r s ITLE: About ~ne Aty:,L~I-i'. ',c-:-zie S, FER IC Dl:;AL: 7 1 "r J "SR) ABSTRACT: In I 6arriso,- I n4 A ~,--es ~arotlti t,~ca-me a-~arent only b-,- r: is Tl~ere v,,as n -receding or simultaneous affectio.. --f otner gl ands. Ty.~~ical e~ilde ... -'c cond-4t-'ons vilt-. epide:~iic parotitis while;~Wmfectious disease was observed) con.f-Irmed the /.~a,ure of the disease. The dis,~ase began suddeniy and in 0acute form. Tem- peraturee increased up, to 39 t,I 40 . E.S.R. reached 20 =Ar. The course of ~he disease was favoratle * After Ic to 7 days, orchitis came I:c ar. end wi-.n cr, tical defervescence, simultaneously genera. phenomena Card 112 0 p 4ntoxIcation disapi;eared and f--~11 recovery began. V/- 7? - About the Aty~~iCal Ct,.,i,se rf E, L There vie.~-u r-, u rt, ;i du.,j.' In case a-n ric .it e) ~3 S * x" C ous, prophYL-ictic Irld taken at ~,nce. Card 212 C 68-5-4/14 AUTHORS:Lipkin, D.S., Kapelizon, I.G'., and Miroahnichenko, A.K. TITLE: From experience in replacing anchoring colilmn on coke ovens in the Magnitogorsk Metallurgical Combine. (Opyt zameny ankernykh kolonn na koksovykh Tsekhakh Kagnitogorskogo metallurgicheskogo kombinata). PERIODICAL: "Kok3 i Xhimiva" (Coke and Chemistry)l 1957, NO-59 pp.19 - 24 (U.S-.S".R.) ABSTRACT: Prooedure adopted in the Magnitogorsk Combine for replac- ing buck staves and reinforcing frames from the coke side on two batteries is described in some detail and illustra- ted with diagrams. There are 7 figures. ASSOCIATION: Teplotekhstantiya and Magnitogorsk Metallurgical Combine. AVAILABLE: Card 1/1 HIRWaICHUN, A.K. - --- -- --- Reconstruction of fire brick (cham tte) coke ovens. Koka I khIm. no-2:24-25 163~* (MIRA 16.2) 1. Uglekoksokhimremont. (Donets Province-Coke ovens) A L 3179--66 -ETC(m) WW A- 3--' 86 C ooo oog oog oogg AMSSION mt:- A~OW5 / 5/ 8/ 681.14 -M~! MUjYM-,-4a--G.; KrasikQ ro-slu Ichenko. A. K.," -16. AUTHOR: Mqkao F - hQY Ye.","Khe f -Toron 'V Smirnov, N t;, A.- "Ob* A. ~11~ B., Alipov, D'yakono , G. bro G. A. -1f.j' d time. TITLE: Electronic instrument for measuring velocity, distance traversed, an iCiass 42, No. ITOTT6 ISOURCE: Byulleten' izobreteniy I tovarnykh znakov, no. 9, 1965, 98-99 TOPIC TAGS: tellurometer, radio rangefinder, geodetic instrume t 1 5 ABSTRACT: An Author Certificate, Issued for a device which measures velocity, distance traversed, and time, combines a high-precision tellurometer, a phase recorder equipped with a unit for converting sinusoidal signals to pulsed signals, and a unit for measuring phase differences. Readings pLrb made visiualy. The circuit cdnnecti6ns of the oiViceg-consisting of 6 s6ries of computer-type modules, are described in detail. ASSOCIAMN: none (SP] Ctird 1 /2 L 3170....66 ACCESSION MR:-- A-056i~ir-,3 suBmiTrED: ohmar63 NO REF SOV: 000 ENCL! 00 OTHER., 000 SUB CODE: ES, EC ATD PRESS: W25 [gar4 2/2 *so 00A !*so; oos 4 ON 0 Uk' F4 'f4tol! L L- D. IL MUL "Domarbov;AAL MAN i ChbL, iw,.- w&. 1~~ w-"; Na U_U; m0. yMb a( sor md of do pow" momew ~pma; at do ovm in M.W2, 04 0( .W 80 AiAW 400006 qf-Wa~ down Area 3 to, -4 o4 dde ad Mm b maltIbm A - I- tc 1 0 by a doc&e rN~ do dw lu.u wffiow'j"9'9~u; of on=- be cc its ILI TL aw .1 wo : me ;Z11MV:06 *so *Oaks :, 0 900" @"Inv 000 00000 so *a '06 *so -00 000 4~60 use I N i c 14 f- t~j ~ , (f) ~- ) VODfflV, G.G.; SHEMOV, A.K.; DIDERKO, V.Te.; IFILIPPOV, B.S.; TSAM, N.V.; ZASHVARA, V.G.; LITVINMO. M.S.;KU7XW, K.P.; MOLOI)TSOV, I.G.; 14WWV, K.I.; RUBIN, P.G.-, S&POZHNIKOV, L.M.; TTUTTUNNIKOV, G.N.; DMITRIYU, M.N.; LZYTZS. 7.A.; LEUMR. B.Z.; KCDVYMV, S.M.; RXVTAKIV, A.A.; TATCHER, N.M.; TSOGLIN, M.N.; DVORIN, S.S.; BAK. A.1.; OBUKHOV- SKIT, Ya.N.; KOTKIN,A.M.; ARONOV, S.G.; VOWSHIN, A.I.; VIROZUH, Te.V.., SHWARTS, S.A.; GINSBURG, Ta.Te.; KOLTANDR, L.Ta.: BELSTSUTA, A.F.; KUSH91MICH, N.R.; BRODOVICH, A.I.; NOSALEVICH, I.M.; S11TROMBERG. R.I.; KOPELIOV MIROSHI[ICHZNKO A, ICA. V.M.; TOPORKOV, V.Ta.; ANOSIN, K.B.; WWRENKO. D.P.; IVANOV, Ts.B.-, PITSAKHZON, I.B.; KuIAK0V' U.K.; IZRAELIT, N.M.; KVASHA, A.S.; RAPTLY, S.I.: CHMMTKH, M.S.; SHAPIRO, A.I.; UALABUZAW, G.S., 5T6KT, P.Te.; GARAY, L.I.; SKU11SON, A.S. Boris loslfovt~h Xugtov. chitiviry. Koks I khim. no 2764 '59.(MLR& 9:3) (Kuatov, B-'riR lonifovich, 11)10- 1')55) POLAND / Chemical Technology. Processing of 'aturally H Deposited 3olld Fuels. Abs Jcjur: Ref Zhur-Khimiya, No 22, 1956, 7S185. Author :,9LL2g=chenko, A. E. Inst Not given. - Title Thoorotical Concepts for C harginp .0~)15 rMd th,.! I)rocuss of Coke Formation. Ori,~ Pub: Koks, smola, gaz., 195?, 2, No 6, 24(-243. ,hbstract: Modern ~iypottetical concepts on t1., .~ompo.,3itirn and the structure of coals are .rur(~nt,,~d as wull as tht~ir tnerm8l decompo-ilition ir, it..- proc,-;ss of' coking and its chemistry. Ebphaois is madu on thu role of polycondunsation In cokL. lormation, the role of radicals formed as a rusult of the thurmal decomposition of' orgAni-- [,iattQr of coal and th,: roltj of the gluing ~in!d cumentiniF s1nF on tho forraation of coke lumps. Card 1/1 112.4 AUTHOR: A. M., St--.- neri~ S. Ye., -M! Sapo7hrfk v, Ya. Yu. T IT LE: C~jkln~~ i! ,ihikht) PERIODICAL: Koko i Khimiyti, I ' 7, 11~. (JS3R) U671UCT Resul ',s obtaLn,-- I i r~ k; n~-- i 1~an porl ~harr-f~ fr,jm ex- pertmc-n'-,x] C-rAi ire ,; v-~n. f ccals and the "r1 -~r; r' arc, -if -tively. f "',~!nl:i ijt~ , j~ i un in 1,;illen I "n rr' P(-.( Cr~ k i. i tjr, d ~*~ : , r,.-, -ir.'pr,~p~,rti. 2 " pr-~Auced -ire. :3hown in tflt"p It *-h,j* -3t,m-pe-i citrirg-rit, -,f Llends ccmtalning r~xk mpr-v(~~ *he 'i--I-ty h, roke pr,)!u-.:!J-. There are '.aLe:; and wn~-,- 31~Avic. ASSOCIA:,'ION- UlOdN y -~f f'vri,,,r~ AVAILABLE: Lj'-raT- E. s: 3oil i- Ve:, f c T AUTHOR: T "r A P-R T D C A L S tan(' r ABSTRACT: D,e r,,. -r ro,, - r ty of Card !,,,2 The r i ri A T Card 2/2 MAf-,F T BnOK EXPIAIITATTON SnV12I'-- Kokookhimichaskoye proizvodBtvo; abornik statey (By-Produet coking Tndustr-f; Collection of Articles) Moscow, Metallurgizdat, 1959. 240 p. 2,500 copies printed. Ed,j B, S. Filippov; Ea. of Publishing Housei A. A. Revyakin; Tenh. Ed.: P. 6. Islantlys" PURPOGEt The book is intended for engineers and technicians in the by-pro w If, y I v /I CD-1 > Fig. 1. Wiring diag-ram of an eleCLronic model of a hydraulic arive. CARD 3/3 SOFDKIF G.M.; CLEYNIK, I.P., doktor ekon. nauk; RYABUSHKIN, T.V_ doktor ekon. nauk; DTJDINSKIY, 13., kand. ekon. nauk, MIRDSHNICFMIKO B P.) kand. ekon.nauk; SERGEYEV, V.P,, kand. e 0 na 'iiRNE~~kIY, 0.1., kand. ekon. nauk; STOWDIEV, V.I., kand: ist. nauk; KONOVALOV, YO.A., kand. ekon. nauki GERTSOVICH, G.B., kand. ekon. nauk; POPOV, K.I., kand. ekon. nauk, red., ZEVIN, L.Z., red.; NIKOLAYEV, D.N., red.; PAK, G.V., red., GERASIMVA, Ye.S., tekhn. red. (The building of communism In the U.S.S.R. and cooperation among the socialist countriea]Stroitellstvo kommunizma v SSSR i sotrud- nichestvo sotsialistichoskikh stran. Pod obshchei red. G M.Soro- kina. Moskva, Ekonomizdat, 1962. 334 P. (MIRA 16;2) 1. Akademiya nauk SSSR. Institut ekonomiki mirovoy sotsiallstiche- skoy slatemy. 2. Chlen-korrespondent kkademil nauk SSSR (for Sorokin). (Communist countries--Foreign economic relations) MIROSHNICHENKO. B.P.; M4BLEVSKIY, Z.[:Jomblewski,Z.),(PolIqkaYa narodnaya Respublika);GZHIBOVSKIY, Z.[Grzy~>owski, Z.), (Pol'skaya narodnaya Kespubliksk);SHCHEGELINYAK, V. [Shchehel'nia3K,V.J,(PolIska3,a Narodnaya Respublika);TOMAII, I. (Chekhoslovatskaya sW; ENGEAT, M. (Germanskaya Demokraticheskaya Respublika); PIFLOV, If.(Germanskaya Demokraticheskaya Respublika); LOZE, E.(Germanska;ya Demokraticheskaya fiespublika); BOYTELI, b. [Boitel, B.],(Germanskaya Demokraticheskayn i~espublika); IAU-i, L., (Vengerskaya Narodnaya Respublika); NIKIFOROV, V.,(Narodnaya mes- publika jolgariy); GERTSOVICII, G.B., red.; STUPOVA, A.D., red.; NIKOLAYEV, D.N., red.; PAK, G.V., red.; GERASROVA, Ye.S., tekhn. red. [Flanning in European socialist countries] Planirovanie v ev-ropei- skikh atranakh sotsializma. Moskva, Ekonomizdat, 1962. 27f, p. (MIRA 15-6) 1. Akademiya nauk SSSR. Institut ekonomiki mirovoy sotsialisti- cheskuy sistemy. (Europe, Eastern-Economic policy) MIROSMICHEU0,-R.F., -otv- red. Prinimali uchastiye: STUPNOV, A.D., red.; GOTSOVICH, G.B., red.; YE;VSTIGNEYEV, R.N., red.; NIKOIAYEV, D.N., red.; POVOMAREVA, A.A., takhn. red. [Improving the forms of industrial manavement in the European people's democracies) Sovershenstvovanie form upravleniia pro- vWshlennostliu v evropeiskikh stranakh narodnoi demokratil. Mo- skya, Izd-vo ekon. lit-ry, 1961. 236 p. (MIRA 14,10) 1. Akademlya rauk SSSR. Institut ekonomiki mirovey sotsialistiche- skay sistemy. (Europe, Eastern-Industrial organization) 14IROSHJ ICHKIKO, B. Russia - Industries Kinds of goods and quality of output are the most important problems of the 3tate p1m. Plan.khoz. no. 3, 152. Monthly Ust gLRu3sian- Accessions, Library of Congress, September 1952. Unclassified. MIROSHIIICRMO. B. Coordination of the econocAc plans of socialist countries. Top. skon. n0.3:31-43 Mr 16o. (MLU 13:2 ) (International ggonomic *Olations) NIRDSHNIGMM,B. Several problems of ~laaning the national econoer at the present tags. Top. skon. no.11:28-41 M 160. (MIRA 13:11) (Russia--Zconomic policy) FIROSUNICUNY~, B. Improve the natl-~.-)al ec,)nor , P T 1 ;, n , ~ n i, i -) ~ .- ~- !- . 5 . -' . a . t , T,- E *, 1~ ~~ ' 42. ( y -, X, 1. - . I , tnFks. Vir. rkon. no. 1 : 3-, ~ a (Russia-Economic pclicy~ [UROSHRICHENKO, B.; SONIN, M. "Planning the national economy of the U.S.S.R.; problems of theory and organisationw by G.M.Sorokin. Reviewed by B. Miroshnichenko, M.Sonin. Vop. ekon. no.MI16-119 Ag 162. (Russia-Economic policy) (Sorokin, G.M.) MIROSHNICH = 00 R. Now stage in the socnomic cooperation of socialist countries. Vop. ekon. no.12s25-37 D 162. (MM 16:1) (Mutual Sconomic Apistance Council) (Surope# Fastem-Sconomic policy) FdROSHNIZENKO, B. Current Problems ' - - n ml - , )pp. ro%~I-.n qm~,.w, members - f *.,IF Mutu&l Economic Aq9iqtanr,3 C:,iincil, V,,P. -k,,n. n4,. ).-lf-,~8 .3 '6 3. (MIRA 1, -.',) (Mul,uAl S-,)noml,~ Aq.,3i,;t)inrf- C,);n,,I0 MIROSHNICMKO. B.Ta.. Insh.: SUKHOV, I.Y.. inth., red.; FREGZR, D.P., [New instruments and devices for marking and todelin in the machinery industry] Novye Instrumenty I prisposoblenlia d1la mashinostrottel'noi rnzmatki-shablony. Leningrad, 1955. 13 p. (Laningradekii dom nawhno-tokhnicheek~t propagandy. Informatatonno- takhnicheakii lietok, no.55(741)) (MIRA 10-1?) (Measuring instruments) Z7=tt- . . .1 I I - - . L I I 141RO-SMICHESKO. Boris Takovlevich; BUMALOVA, K.I., insh.. red.vypmelm; MZUJRSOV' U.6., inz--h-.-,- r-e-d.-; GATRILOV, P.G.. kand.takhn.neuk. red.; SMVA. T.K.. Inzh., red.; KARCH=OT, I.A., [Layout precision in the manufacture of machineryj Tochnost' -mahinostroitallnoi razmetki. Sverdlovsk, Gos.nauchno-tekhn.izd-vo mnshinostroit.lit-ry, 1960. 86 p. (Biblioteka razmatchiks. no.4). (KIRA 14:1) Mayin-a out-Machira-shop practice) DESHEVOY, G.M.; MIRDSHNICIWO.,B.Ya.; LASTOCHKIN, S.V. Prininall uebastlyei BURDIN, N.K.; GUDKGV, N.K.; SEFAGUEV, M.A., inzh., retsenzent; YAKOVITSKII, O.N., red.;LMINA, T.L., red.izd- va; KUREPINA, G.N., red.izd-va; SHCHETININA, L.V., tekhn. red.; SPERANSKAYA, O.V., (Manual for a lay-out machanlc]Spravachnik razmetchika- maahinostroltelia. Moskva, Mashgiz, 1962. 375 p. OGRA 16:1) (Laying-out (Machine-shop practice)) DESIffVOY, Sergey Mikhaylovich; KON, Aleknandr Arorovinhj MIROSIWICHENKO, 13.Ya.., red. [Rapid layout of medium and large sized parts,' Opyt sko- rontnQl ra2vietki detalel nrednikh i krupriykh gabAxitov. Lei.ingrad, 1964 29 p. (MIRA 17-11) NIROSHNICHINKO,_~.Ts.; BTXDVA, H.S.. kAndidat geologo-mineralogicheskikh nau~k,' otyatetyann" redaktor; YUM, A.I., rodaktor; DAZENINA, G.N., taidmicheskly rodaktor; SICHgR%.IWV, A.T., takholcheskiy redektor (Carboniferous lemallibranchia sullusks of the Karaganda Basin] Ismannougollays plaottachatoshabornys molliaski Koragandinsirogo basssina. Alma-Ata. lzd-,ro Alcadecii nsak lassichakot SSR. 1953. 77 p. (MIRA 9:12) (Earegands, Basin-lanollibranchiats. Yossil) ~~-57-2-1260 Translation from: Referativnyy znurna', -teo-'.owlya, 1917, I;r P a ( 'I 337,R ) AUTHOR: Miroshnichenko, 9. Ye. TITLE: Paleontological Ch~racteristjcs rif trie Supra-Karagundt, and Dolinskiye Strata of the Karaganda Basin (Paleontologic rieskaya kharakteristiKt2 nhuKbraganuinskoy i dolinskoy svit KareFandinskogo '-,,sseyna) PERIODICAL: Tr. Labor. veologii uglya All SSSR, Ijb4, Nr 2, pp 160-16b ARSTRA CT: Bibliographic entry Card 1/1 LIPKOVICH, Z.; ESTRIN, G.; MIRCSHNICHWC D.; TRUBITSY11, N.; STRELKOV, I., master; Rauxovio, K. Experience of innovators and efficiency promoters. Stroitell 8 no.10:25-26 0 162. (MIRA 15:11) 1. Predsedatell komiteta professional Inogo soyuzo rabochikh stroitel'stva i promyshlennosti stroitellnykh materialov stroitellnogo uchastka No.108 tresta Mosstroy No.18 (for Upkavich). (Building-Technological innovations) MIROSHNICMIMO,, D.,, prepodavatall astatichaskogo vospitaniya Readerr' letters on asathetia training. Prof.-takh, cbr. 22 no.942 5 165, (MIRA 18~9) MIROSffNICHMO,D.F. - Toward new successes in the now year. Kryl. rod. 3 no-1:8--9 Ja 152. (NIBA 8:8) 1. Sakretarl partiynoy organizateii 3-go Mookovskogo goradskago aerokluba Dobrovollnogo obahchostva sodeyetviya armli, aviataii I flotu SSSR. (Aeronautics--Societies) 00 so of u .1 -1l 4 11 S ILI, I U I A 0 w 6 i., so c 11, 1"- 1 .0 It, 10 Wo 0. an too 918c"kall Candwdilfty. D. S. Stain" md ~P. phys Zrots 1 3 a POP "t mu. I to rovoomoda Ow I".. turth'.1% "twumfinn. (a) liv it&m rXicatim of the 1"AdneliAng olcq. " MW 1b) "V '"'I"ne-OWN 1114,1140 111 di"Itoom M the %,rtt.* toy Iw "I"). the hr"I It" 4111 f"eWI On thO 11"MAJ the having no, vile, i at All In stp far all the Itulthatsomen magriettwAtsim, jurnim can Ik- repre-wcotnt as iouthlen haultroo o,f Iiiwtwm ,( the magivettioatuon % tur thl-Igh Ism, thrN IkA%r lit, ctlect un the etrctru al ctww"tjvjt$~ -.00 goo .00 00 :011111 .00 "0o .00 t~1111.11,411 It-'%WK-VPC% are 0 too It IF 'it .0 j jj r - " D u IS . , 0 4 0 0 a 0 0 0 : 00000 go 0000 0 so 000 Z/ I I I t . Uzi MIEVJENKd~ oo 40 0 A 00 we x4gawadn'sim jaw New) amilklaft D 14(olabet mid V -1 1) Mt h 0* . . . nm wt& v *-ww iriviw 10 S- &Plf*hmk*. IM, (Waian.1 JU ifm( ,( a :06 spon"Offlas magmtkation on tjW nm.., of 1311 Whel irun and I d tb C b ll b j j lk elav ~ . a . a oys a c w tma a 1 n J .y 4wvj JOT&f, tnvmtApGed *zVft1vxuftUy It is shown Lt the chan d n ( c . va p o *Akv, (Offamadmetio =26wkb oba to W low 4 $ i - W / * 0 oe Y t # p P - (A - it am the I s "WO AM ,~; ps am # 4 b ro 0 a e wWo *ag ., p% o , , #f thr dirwUuvA n1 apmiaommm vvuWmU"tJ-m &M J th. mrvmt. iml 4ifflemni io l f A W J M ii A R T lot " a . . s m nm ~ y. I** 40 9 1&0 ae* W s a If 00 all -T a OO KO A Is 1 1 1 " 0 6 6 a 71 " 4 6 6 0 :o 4410 MU). - (In Qvits".7 Butheat. diermr,"l jh" whm ffw nwgurtic ISM In I&* W%kwA afil Mrki is OWA44mmefy kvW&W4. lip, M"ftjj,M MAOM11194tit'll 44 thr MPW lft"*Wg IN VA W"W of " aM nc4 ",ntinvormOv An ritlilanathwi tif thip harkhavorn rCfc4, burti on Aknlq-v's 1hwv 4 m4a IWOMAIMM. is $twra. An s"vowdie uwibM fiv &4emothm Ow w4wity 4 1 k-a to a mrW eadowd In 4 ftW Irr wbk-b Ga ak- dear4ribsol. Thie awl" im sampip aM v. apr4"I C., 'i't'rusine t4 Inai v at Pmrssadva (61 of advWfizatim in strrthf arof two" umpire nf 4 nk"-knot allay conWning IN%, nis~. I -&- n-4 hlwftf dt"Iy con thr sinvu, but cbmW with ohs- 141ter pn,,,IM thAl 1W f1wrn 4 thr brCer"M "Op, is chavitra WbM thr kMP is nvuftulst. t1ar wkeu~tkatum has be.0mv b(teifflocisaL dws aw Tvimmity is cwww"nt, to 0 funrike of M, the mmqvuy "I. OW b We I y Plot 01 lians 1. ftw in"Mv -4 Mad"W"Na .1 H 43, T ale it 4 fra.4061cat t,rl*dlkd# CLAIPPICA1108 $-6410- - o u fit At -0 it. At it 't M a a d I I to 0!0 0 000041 40000 000 I - - - - - - - - - - - - - WOO coo coo 1'~ goo foe 00 boo boo 'a- woe 91, A_ lot 1 00 900000 00000 0 0 '07 A 82593 3/17 60/003/005/0'0/017 0 0 B01 2YB056 AUTHOR. Miroshnichenko~ F. D. TITLE: The Influence of Plastic Tensions on Maximum Magn-etic Susceptibility \ PERIODICAL: Inzhenerno-fizicheekly Ehurnal, 1960. Vul- 3. No pp. 100 - 102 TEXT; In the present paper, the influence exerted by plastic deforms, tionApon the magnetic susceptibility of polycrystalline samples is in- vestigated. The author proceeds from the statistical theories of the domains of spontaneous magnetization. It is assumed that within the domain of maximum magnetic susceptibility, magnetization is mainly cau8ed by irreversible boundary shifts between the spontaneous domains. Formula (4) is derived for the maximum magnetic susceptibility. It waa experl mentally checked. For this purpose, a soft nickel wire annealed in hydrogen, and having a diameter of 0.5 mm and a length of 60 cm was used. The experiment is briefly described, and Fig. I illustrates the experl mental results. The latter shows thtAt the characteristl~ of the family Card 1/2 P2593 ') , /C-, The Influence of Plastic Tensions on Maximum S1170V6O1o031GC'1r,- Magnetic Susceptibility B012/ 13 056 of curves (magnetic susceptibility as a function of the field H) is a hyperbola of the second order: xmaxHoo a const. It is shown how this formula was brought into relation with the internal stress di of the sample, and that in the present case, like in the case of non-annealed nickel wires (Ref. 7), the experiment confirms the correctness of for- mula (4): % ax - const/d,. In this way, the existence of a particular law 0-1H - const, for the shift of the maximum magmetic suaceptibili- 1 00 ty in plastically stretched nickel wires may be considered to be estab- lished. There are 2 figures and 7 references: 6 Soviet and I US. ASSOCIATION: Pedagogicheskiy institut, g. Zaporozhlye (Pedagogical Institute, Zaporozhlye) Card 2/2 88047 s/i3q/6o/ooo/oo6/ol2/032 E032/L314 AUTHOR: Miroshn_iche~ik,2j_._F, D. TITLE: Magneto-elastic Metho;d for the Determination of PERIODICAL: Izvestiya vysshikh uchebnykh zavedeniy, Fizika, 1960, No. 6, pp. 89 - 92 TEXT: In a previous paper (Ref. 1) the author discussed the maximum magnetic susceptibility of hard Ni as a function of elastic stress. It was shown there that when the magnetising field H and the stress or are in the direction of the longitudinal axis of a wire then the average magnetisation of a specimen may be written down in the form TaK011 (popMV,100, e ~e sm 0 d0 Card 1/8 880147 S/139/6o/ooo/oo6/ol2/032 E032/E314 Magneto-elastic Mdthod for the Determination of g where X is the isotropic magnetostriction coefficient, I is the saturation magnetisation, W Cos is the energy associated with the magnetising field, a(3/2)X adcos21 is the energy associated with the elastic stresses, and is the angle between the spontaneous magnetisation and magnetising field vectors. Using the substitution cosIq X and a(3/2)h sor a Eq. (1) may be replaced by e wx+ax'xd~c (2) f eW.+ax'dx Card 2/8 58047 S/139/6o/ooo/oo6/012/032 E032/E314 Magneto-elastic Method for the Determination of g If Eq. (2) is differentiated with respect to W , then one obtainSi the following result xdx di d/ dw /' ()- dH d IV dH aw (3~ f e%'.t."S'dx e-r- xzdx /I W, P Af((O (4~ eax' dx As was shown in Ref. 1, the maximum value of the susceptibility is obtained when W 0 , in which case, Eq. (3) becomes Card 3/8 88047 S/139/60/ooo/006/ol2/032 E032/E314 Magneto-elastic Method for the Determination of g Au) 3 + 4 a+ 8 + 15 (5) 315 3 The function f(a) can be shown to be of the form of Eq. It is then clear that I 2 - 1 As (6) 3 8 when a = 0, = N u = (1/3),2 A Substituting m, o Card 4/8 88047 S/139/6o/ooo/oo6/m/032 9032/E4i4 Magneto-elastic Method for the Determination of S a - a(3/2)Xso one finally obtains Eq. +(3/8)axao (7) It N0 e (7) where the signs + are associated with different signs of the magnetostriction. If this expression is rewritten in the simpler form Eq. Koe- then one finds that a is given by Eq. (10) 11mg In (10) b Card'5/8 88047 s/i39/6o/ooo/oo6/0l2/032 E032/E414 Eq. Magneto-elastic Method for the Determination of where m = 105 S/cm 2 and n 1, 2, 3 From this equation it follows that g In rimb XM The quantity l/b in this equation is determined experimentally and by substituting the experimental values for no and xm one can obtain values for g . However, the results obtained by the ,present author were not very accurate and so a modification of the method is now described. This consists of the following. According to Eq.(8), the sensitivity of the method is given by Eq. Ag "hame (12) (12) Card 6/8 88047 h(p 2 W p o a,/ ~ I I ki-f 3 1 . M#- - h U) t m t tie "n nd % m ma )I i mtjm v h t n - f . I a) - .4 11 1 .101 A% It I , f- 1 tj 4 1 lit p in r t he ma q 7 18 " x I r) min k) ri ' . I br,ma I m tin t- .f rt I c I# h'l v , 1, - q i mum n t I v i I en bv , , I T' , JE I x [a-,- it I ng CY v -M- h a ii b a b I v t- d Thu 4 t h e Ina n F I hc /.I PC, r f lic Pe da v U Iv I it I f" " K ; - I It il t b d f - F ~ N 4 1 rhr e I e r ti d ~)i 88047 1')/ 60" 00010061i of to it to tita q MIROSB NIMNKO,, F.D.; ULODBUUM, I.S. MetWe Par improvement of the magnetic parameters and t~wper"vre stablutr of f rrate rin a made from "Okelfer-2000" material. Isv. e : 3 VY%%uahWb.s&v.; 1'67-171 163. (MIRA 16t5) 1. Zaporozhakiy gosudarstvennyy pedagogicheskiy institut. (Forratee-Magnetic properties) (FerrOw-Thermal proportion) "'AX-IMUM '~ - 'I ~ ;'f IN ~ '! IFf I K: - , - ~ - F Ft , I , ~ . !. , , . . i ~ I K 1 , -A",: ~. I . .'n, . I : ~ n I? ! c ` . .. . - - : . - I - -Z . . - I . . I I 4 1 MIRDSHNICHENKO, F.S., inzh. Mochanized changing of mandrels on automatic pipe rollirg mil-'s. Stall 21 no.9:926-&7 S 161. (Mipu 14-9) 1. Nikopollskiy yuzhnotrubnyy zavod. (Pipe mills-Equipment and supplies) -;z7f 1-3 ss 4i~ Aba' 4;, s A -AMOR Mips Mla ~i 77 Ora ohilo-. 444- hdt, i;rbuin MJT An qid e0ro" a --,-Souther Pim Pi ly iill-` 666 oC i4to tj6hki e-,~-IW 6 ~.,-dove oped- by the ~ MwWITI q Uith. 0 Via--- It has. booh-L establMICT- i t thi I t gbje_ n : '- t atur --toulog pipe $--.of; Istool: UhIMM -at a , exaper evf~-30? U-r -_h~03:llm tvd,.-tuwg -taldn t r t 6A, afisd~ bwkb, togs 0. om lbi I of bC The'. .0 str- _- and. the supp Lle i ftvjl~ a,.hl4jA fro q*ushcr: *urrent w - 7 diDIA (:b4`t6i*-'t ~entr* 6 iht' t he he 0 or 3.heliiW OL ail '0407 apparatUA t, 100 p or -hot: roll of pirs r--ste6 ltcpll jj,OahtZ'Qojjs of sodium' rdtrate 40%)v w ater Ulm icant oorks iiting f klass was: df. vor Ph (17460 -i3id:, I kidd :also used- 6L of the,ispaAA6 4 Toxemovelha,, '~~:Iubric'aht th4~ 4 - PA ',are.~washe,d In*hot water-U040?).. beilw :.t. - .. pas xt " A - I ..;. Lfitd -the ~~~ bath ~Weidd -f a' r, -a" pe riod 'of mi=tes; - tieated with a. -heated to malt 6f potissix ft-iAtratp 120), 1 ,cmd Oaustia: so" 60%),-- bkOA th 111~ r4nhing water'-~ Then the -.of _s for .2 iAution. -0 jazitiroduotidn' f L 41 h,- a diam W, fdr~p Poo ter'of'38 -godl'IL3i---th6-~f6ilowing-marmor hic 2t-Yr has ahan -..aft i- ----- f kibliv~bin4tgf-7- 69F 71%7!~J#F 5i. 8r the first tuft is V61 -4d fini&ed pipe, A Ing the-,- had p pe~ x1i ~_O A~,~ MixTall xxi~iiot_-:06 32 5 U "diiiin- a' I on's vin-Is ..prodwed ftom:-b illets 89 38 -X-2& 7r did 77=7 77 W90 U6. ekdVia,~ f io ~Irlzisilngo oompp Ing -are shoftemd# 1 T f-M, AVIOUKH, N. I.; MINGHNICHUXO F, V. - Casting one half of the face plate of a vertical boring and tuming lathe. Lit.proisv. no.8:24-26 N '54. (KLRA 9:1) (Younding) Nachine tools) a is If a IF 0 0 a 46 a onto 00 IW 64- it U LA -- - 090comwe Ads ""141141 Peq 0 : " l 000 t 00 A o 1 1 FOL s 900 0 Kim (W the 40ftcuixassffi~ ON as 040 it WMAillidwila 50610- ! 't V2 3- KG 11I 4 R 1. 1 4 o. oy". 1 F No. 3. 144(IW).'-A'&Z. couscei do& I. wk b 4 twe4m& mbber stonw. to am of them is Owed a A-WA. p1w. MA in the other a a" rod t"imd wkb&UahrcbAup. Knocily250mi.oftbeyoutispisced in the &A. The port dmid be kuukvwd in wvcgW -00 ml. c4 the Uquid. The fiquid mid. with the gm begins to 406 0" a AU do piW. The time neccomy to dII 5 mi. is noted. The Val. of the ded lkpW equak tbe COO vat. ob- cqW =00 takW (TOM j1W YMM. It thg 1kW SOCCINAMY for 250 mi. Go's sti k th ( t t d 6 j N C(h i f i GOO Of nown . O s e cyMe o ve a m you o g ft or the drew of susu fermentation per unit time 30 * i t 25 t d bi d T f o funs am ec a ce o temps. rang . n4 t t d b I f f l t h t k" th COO ennen e m . u o ar e am . o sugst - y f yfta In I Itr, Is caled. depending cc the time during see which the 2W-ml. 2&1"* of yeast gives an a MI. ON CO~. W it "Von SOO (Soo lee too t 4 6 4 - I L A 621"L~&L 401144161141 CLAUNIC410110 9-8- Nee L., Id a"D #4 1 104440 "at mv *ac - - ' ' F , assall ad 4-v All 06 0166 0041J.- 'OF WWI ill 4a i fin- O $a A I a at a of tweeds@ legal + 0 0 0 0 0 a 0 We 0 410 0 400000011,00 1 0 40 0 0 0 960900960 0 * 0 40 lee 410 is 0 if 00 0 1110 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 a 0 1