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MINYAYEV, V.A., kand.meditainakikh nauk Proper utilization of medical personnel. Zctrav. Roo. ?eder. 4 no.6:10-12 Je '60. OCRA 13:9) 1. Zaveduyushchiy Leningradskim gor-odskLm otdelom zdravookhroLneniya. (MEDICALL PERSOY!;F.L) MINYAYEV, V.A.; SHELOMUTSEVA, K.A.; DEMIDOV, V.A. Concerning the articlea, "Medical care without registration in out- patient institutions of TaBhkent" and "Distribution of surgical beds in a city." Zdrav. Ros. Feder. 5 no.5:39 (1,1,1.,,A l/. * -41 MY 161 . -5) 1. Zaveduyushchiy LeningradsKim gorodskim otdolom zdravookhranentya (for M-inyayev). 2. Glavnyy vrach ob"yedinemnoy bollnitsy imeni V.I.Lenina, Leningrad (for Shelomentseva). 3. Glavny-I vrach poliU iniki No.37, (for Demidov). (TASHK:-;I?T-HOSPITAL3-OUTPATIi2JT SERVIOES) (PENZA-HOSPITAL B-;-'DS) RINYAYEV, VA,-- - -- t4ohill.-iiij, iatr.,t ro!,our-ej in public ~Lf,'Ultf- WOrK, .;41-0. Fader. ~ no.3:7-9 Mr 162. (XIRA 15.i,j 1, Zav,~-duyushchiy Leningradskim Corod ikLm otdclom zdravook.-~ranf-~ (PUBLIC IDALTH) MINYAYEV, V. A.; DEMIN, 7. N.; ARYHI.'OVA, 1. 1. Oncological care and the role of the public healt)~ a-.-ster, in ',he prevention of cancer in Leningrad. Zdmv. Ros. Feder. 6 no.5- 25-2-F My 162. (MIRA lc~:-) 1. Zaveduyushchiy Leningradskim gorodskim otdelom zdravrokhraneniya (for Minyayev). 2. Glavnrr onkolog Leningradskogo gorodskogo otdola zdravookhraneniya (for Demin). 3. Zamestitel' glavnogo vracha Leningradslogo gorodskolyo onkologicheskogn dispansera (for Arkhipove). (LEN IN GRAD--CAVCER) MINYAYEV, V. A., kand. mod. nauk Improve in evor7 possible way outpatiant and polyclinical attend--nce for the population. Zdrav. Roe. Feder. 6 no:837- 10 Ag 162. (MIRA 15.7 1. Zaveduyumhchly Leningradskim gorodskim otrIelom zdravookhraneniya. (LENINGRAD--MFDICAL CARE) MINYAY'FV, V.A.; ~,TIKHAYIZVA, Ye.A. (Leningrad) Public comicils In therapeutic and pre'rentive Institutions -,,f Leningrad. Sov.zdrav. 21 no.7:15-19 102. (,,LIRA 15:q) (LENINGRAD-PUBLICH HEALTF ADMINISTRATION) MINYAYEV, V.A., kand. med. nauk Financing of p-lycllnl-a, Z-Jrslv k3B., Feder, 7 nr_~_L4 16 Je 163. (MIFLA 1". 1) 1. Iz kafedry orCanlzatsii zdravooJLhr&n&nlva (zav. prof. S.Ya. F-eydlln) I Lonlrivratiakogo iati(ittainakogo Lnotituta imeni akademika I.P. Pavlova (raktor A.I. rvanov). WNTATEV, V.A. Mechanical cleaning -)f op-rt- Ingot molds. Stall ~-, no.,ft 79q S t63. (IG RA 16 110) BYAKOV? Miron Rom9nov1ch [deceased); URETSKIY, Moisey IAzamvich; MINY TEV retsenzent; TSVENEV, V.L., retsenzent; SATANOVSKIY, Ya.S., nauchnyy red.; SHAKMVA, V.M., red.; KOROVENKO, Tu.N., tekhn. red. [Operational planning in shipbdilding plants) Operativnoe pla- nirovanie prolmdetva na sudostroltallnom zavode. Leningrad, Sudpromglz, 1963. 259 P. (MIRA 16:7) (Shipbuilding-Management) MINYAYSV., Te.N., inzh. Electronic control devices mpnufacture-d by the "Komega' plant. Energomashinostroenie 4 no.2:-)9-41 F 158. (KIRA 11:4) (Electronic control) MINTATEV. Te.N., inzh.. SLAVIN, A.A.. inzh. Kodarnizeel elect rohydraul ic autamntic co~~trol sys*,em made by the *Konmpal Pinnt . Emirgomashinostro-inte 4 no. ":3~-39 Je '~R. (MIRA 11;B) ( Automot ir cf-,nt -o1 ) USSR/Ingineering - Automatic Control, Servo- J~Ml 52 mechanisms Zlectronic Follow-Up System," V.D. Mironov, Cand Tech Sci, Stalin Prize Laureate, Ye.N. Minyayev, 1W, ...c Lab of Automatic RegiORtion, "Energodetal'" Plant It V-S Teplotekh Inst" No 7, pp 14-17 Describes simplified follow-up system developed at VTI for cases when identical shifting of several regil- lating members from single automatic reg7ulator is re- quired. Electronic following device of ESP type Is specific element of this system which permits par-11-1 233T28 zr Irl-ser-ies connections. Describes parallel electronic follow-up system in application to servomotors of KDTJ type 233T28 >4 A, 4, Gib 44. RIMINI #4 EV MIXYASVA 431UW 0.). 0 MUM CV-q1P C-2 lp~ 6 pWaFWTPW witas o1w-nmial aMOM WaicsoM XWw". IDiiignoidie charime. ten of the anther mmU of Red Ckrm and its distributim within the bust-~-M- Pfw.. Zmaiw., AW. 16. pp. 110413, IN& :4 C A oomperstive rtudy am the anther xmId of m4 clover I r4ation 00 a prarmarl cauaml by ikrp* amdAepAik (R.A M., xvii. p. 4401 showerl 00 that diamemi planta am o(tilis mme height se healthy omm but lighter 0 in weight and with fewer dwA md bee& The colour of the be&& 0 cannot. Wye a a dimpa" cka*&AW as pale-mloaml LOS& Omar : 00 both in disramed and hftMy plants, ard the therems mn only be r"- f1l, 00 aimed with frdainsw flow the typical $my mlouring of she asithers. OW opening o(two of thne dowlses WW two or threw butte (T*xU the matno of beet! being cimaktatul amemmary fat a reliable d"goomim. Anatocuk-al 00 "yaw n(th# mmls from dmm&4 plants rv"" a Vvister permup 00 of infectetl amis then indk*W by Ow LmAVrW asethod. and 4bowM 0 a that in the cam of primary infection dovek4kg from idmW aved the ee 0 lium is piement; in an Puts 0( the Pkat, Men femins coils in the atemw AM dower giallm In infectecl aseds the mycehum can be beat detected in nctiom cut parallel to the oa4 Woos. hem 14 C" be som in the parenchyme timmum, wbda the i=C.Mt UY mw the future mdirle. It can amly be won affiv thorough Stain n- -A dideve from the mycetiam is odier puft of tim plant by the hyph" 2: bring slightly thirker amml sotmetilmm fortnute thick-wallet! bodkw punibly a twing swV o(Ow Awgim TVA mwant o(mycehanz weamme T ,-&$o4&& del"& wanes. being kegam to Ow poody developed. heown smeds. In the am of secondary WWU= In t& " the attwk a OnAmsd to the -00 .00 1.40 .00 -00 .00 000 -600 t see 1*0 see goo 0 a** foe too 640 LID 0 1001 '0016, 10, :;*deg 1 0 0 0 0 1,0::0:o ; 00000000000000010:0 0 41 00000 0000000000000000 4 0040000000446*00000 p0 00 00 00 00 00 00 00 00 00 00 00 00 00. 00 00 00 Ptom, AmD rx vi rrrcIAL IVOWtATIONS OF THE TrM THE IPUWM PJWAIXW LAMMED, RARE',Y PTNETUTING IMM THE DlZnR TAYERS OF TIMS. 00 00 G* 00 00 V10 0* 00 :0 * 0 a 0 0 0 0 0 a 0 a * 0 0 0 o 010 0 0-0 0 It. R* 010 0 0 0 GFS so 9 0 0 a a 41'! Of* 0 0 0 0 A L 1 00' 00 The biolciff Of 40thf6cuO" Gi led d",, ..d be olatrof -!surfs a 11 AI Aftlya..'. B..7 I;Aiast it '4 S R 1040. MI 1 71 kwh- all I-v~ cl'.uld parl. .,f ,, I t,- I'll, h..' n"t I." It 00 00 400 90 0 a __ 1 0 0 0 0 00 Wo 04 0 00 0 0 0 .T',,:Oooooooooooooooo4000040**0*6*00 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 00 00 00 00 00 *0 00 0 0 0 0 0 0 a 0 0 a 0 00*000000000 YINYAYWA, O.M. 25077 !q~TYAYPNA, (-.!4. 'lolezni S--myan "'ormovyk~) lio Vy)e 1. t~o h Trav I 3~c')Oby -Izdorovleniya Pomr!vnopo 7 Sh: Voprosy Kormoeicb~,-vanip. V-.rp. 2. M. , 191.9p 3. 16l-65. - RibIlLogr: 13 N;tzv. 10: Lpfopl6l, Nn. 13, 1949 . I ". - ~'.. --, 9 . . . I I * - . . I I , ! - '. , I - " . '. . , '. , , . I. -, ! I , I . I . I . I . . I "n.7, :-, 11, A ~ - _0 - . GMWIKOVA, Aleksandra Ivanovna, -kand. sel I skokhoz. nauk; RWAUTA, M I ga Mikhaylovnap kand.biolog.nauk; KAPTSHEVA, V.S., red.; BALLOD, A.I., tekhnored, [Diseases and pests of forage grasses] Vrediteli i boleznl kormovykh trav. Moskva, Goe.izd-vo aellkhoz.lit-ry, 1960. 359 f6A 1061 (Forage planis-Diseases and pests] CHEITKIN, A. F. ; '", NYAYEVA , 0. V. , J o ts e n i, Diseases of Kidney ,eana. Za5nr:~,. ot, vr,.,I. . ~)O,. ~? . - , 2.~- 23 D '63. k.'.i:,,A -L-'.3) 1. zane.9"itell aacrlll~ tllka 'J, irav~w-,.,ya za.;.,,,t.;,,.y rr,- .-~ pro~zvodstvu -I zagotovok sti: -,;~,Sp, (Iror Chenkirl) . z . , 03, :.,~ r. FIJ a r,;, rift L,~ r,* , rlR ~;- - 3K-~' f-I 'I '., * V'! WAYU akadomiya im. K.A.Tim-r.,~iz. v,, ~,' - 'oj,,jy,Ly(jVfl,. USSR Gen ral and ;Spec lall zed Zoology - Insects Abs Jour Ref Zhur - Biol., No 6, March 1957, No 23283 Author Miny4va,_T.A. Inst Not Given Title Biology of Cherry Slimy &wfly in the XLma-Ata Oblast Orig Pub Tr. Kazakhsk. s-kh. in-ta, 1955, 5, No 1, 309-310 Abstract Mie sawfly chiefly harms stone fruit trees, less so seed varieties. In massive infections larvae of the third gen- eration vigorously skeletonize leaves, fruits develop poorly and fall off prematurely, young shoots do not mature, freeze during frosts and subsequently dry up. The flight of first generation sawflies occurs from May 20 tc, about June 20. Sawflies multipl~j parthenogenetically; males were not found. In 24 hours the female deposited up to 16 eggs in breeding places, and up to 6 eggs in one spot. Under natural conditionr 30 eggs were found on one leaf deposited by different indivi- duals. The egg stage lasts 10-13 days. The beginning of larval egress of the first generation is at the end of May, the second generation in the second week of July, the third in Card 112 SAUKHATOYA. Sof'ya Viktorovna, prof.; YN."INA, Lyubov' Mik~wylovn8; MINYA, Antoninh Alakshadrovan; WrYSERVA, Tamara TladimirovriB; DALKATOLATA, Irina Ippolito-rns; DOIJRCKHOTOTA, Sof'7a Yaai~'yevna; KINTATEYA, Tevgeniya ~;eorgiyevna; ROSTIOTTSEVA, Lidiys fednrovne; ?.XLAThXATA, A.I.,; POLOS1.1A, A.S., LStudies on Carboniferoua sediments of the Volgn-Urnl oil-betiring provincej Katerialy k izucheniiu K:awnnougol'nykh otlozhenii Yolgo-Ural'skoi neftenounoi ob)nsti. Pod red. S.T.Somikhatovoi. Koskva, jos.nnuchno-toV-hn.izd-vo neft. i gorno-totlivnoi lit-rye 1959. 2o6 p. (MIRA 1):3) (Volga valley--Geoln'xj) (Ural Mountains--Geoloi7) j AUT 110 R TITLE: SUURG%: Einyaylell1w, jj.Q. S/526/62/000/024/011/01,3 D234/D308 Intensification of heat loss to the gaseous heat carrier in channels at high temperatures ~Jcademiya naul- Ulcrayins'koyi IISR. Instytut te-,)Io(,.nrr- hetyky. Zbirnyl( prats'. no. 24, 1962. Teploobt-An ta hidrodynamika, 118-123 T*-:XT: 7he author su-gests that radiative Ineat exchan-e can be increased by adding graphite dust to the heat carrier. "xpres- sionn are deduced for heat absorbed by such dust, and the deree of blackness is plotted versus the concentration of dust and the radius of dust particles. The degree of blackness i e al to 1 tqhcn there are several tens of grams of graphite in I NO orgas. There are 4 figures. Card 1/1 S/526/62/000/024/012/013 D234/D308 'AUTHOR: Minyaylenlto, ~!.u TITLE: Deduction and taking into account the tcr-.,'crature of cold junctions of.rotating thermocouples SGU!,CE: A-.ademiya nauk Ukrayinslkoyi ILSR. Instytut tci)loener- hetyl-y. Zbirnyk prats'. no. 24, 1962. Teploobmin t" hidrodynamika, 124-127 In measuring the temperature of rotating machine comr,cn-nts automatic recording should be used in order to take into account the time variation of cold junction tem,)craturc of thermo- couoles rotating with the component. Several practical methods of doin,y this are described. I- the junctions are coole6 by an intense air stream their tem-,erature will be equal to that of the stream. If the velocity oZ the latter w.r. to the junctions exceeds 75 m/sec a correction must be made for stream deceleration temperature. There are 4 figures. Card 1/1 ~4 S/1 70159/OC2 1,,'006/021 ""THORz 11in aylenko, N. A, B0147BO14 TITLE! 'tariation in the Nonsteady Temperature Field of a DiSK hot,~~r- )uring Its Cooling, Some Recommendations Concerning Its Cooling Process PERIODICALt Inzhenerno-fizicheskiy zhurnal, 195", Vol Nr f2, p~ 51, ABSTRACT. The author first gives the dimensiors and thermophysical data of the rotor under consideration, which is made of austenitic steel. The equation of thermal conduction for this special body is written down, and heating is descrited in detail. The rotor is cooled symmetrically and asymmetrically in air. Only the investi- gation results are given in this payer. The method employed was published earlier (Ref 1). Temperature and temperature gradlent IT with and without cooling are diagrammatically represented in fi- gure 1. An analysis of the temperature fields of the rotor shows that the effectivity of cooling is approximately e U&I with sym- metric or asymmetric blowing of the running rot ?Fig 2). The temperature of the cooling air has a considerable influence (Fig 3), The temperature gradient decreases with a rise in temperature Card 112 of the cooling air The author finally gives some recommendations Variation in the Konstaady Temperature Field of a S/170/59/OC2/'12,/006/021 Disk Rotor During Its Cooling, Some Recommendations B014/BO14 Concerning Its Cooling Process concerning the starting and operation of gas turbines on the basis of these results When the turbine starts, the rotor should be blown with preheated air in order to warrant uniform heating. In the case of continuous operation the rotor temperature should be reduced by means of cooling air There are 3 figures, 2 tables, and 2 Soviet references, ASSOCIATIONz Inatitut teploenergetiki AN USSR, g Kiyev (Institute of Heat Engineering of the AS UkIL5SR. 0 1 t-Y ~af Ki uav) Jew Mftrd 2/2 q erko, M.O. r i ny --A Yl 'In -4sks ,-y Air qRs lur~;ne 0 rlr p 11 C-~o'-ing +ve perip~-er,,-- cm- f icacy Of ef C+icpL-j e ent k + eT, -tjRp+inF- rrhe g Fir, ~r'InPF -tFir I riete Ir ~,,e are con-iderR~,IY less k rise in the tempersture ~Jrcooled. . .,-.en~le~ aF e ng -nCLY te rec 0,.- A,jrtng start" air c- I-Y."e'll- rojin ng Of --e vp .9 ir t e 1~rxrel~e~.W t'- e V e r. on +'~--e 7,p + advice r,, P C C fo!"o "Ing, f n F. stp.rtir.F-: - - Otor duri ~ A , 17 -F,. lisk r a e-xhR,!s in mean car-, re i.,nrTrpd - j ,, - oviet and p-r r e r r 7 k r ACCESSION NR: AP4012590 S/0021/64/000/002/0220/0223 AUTHOR- Shvets', I. T. (Academician); Fedorov, V. Y.; Minyaylenko, M. 0.; Ba=y,*kov, A. I. TITLE: Experimental study of the nonrtationary terq)erature field in the rotor of a gas turbine SOURCE: AN UkrRSR. Dopovidi, no. 2, !,)64, 220-223 TOPIC TAGS: gas turbine, gas turbine temperature, gas turbine thermal stress, gas turbine starting temperature, gas turbine stopping conditions ABSTRACT: Using the test assembly shown in Flg. I of Enclosure 01, the temperature field in the rotor of a gas turbine was investigated under the following operating conditions: normal start-up, start-up with hot rotor, and emergency start-up of a cold turbine. * 1. Temperatures at the top of the blade reached 550 to 560C after 3 minutes in operating conditions 0 - 100 - 0. Temperatures at the bottom of the blades were 180 to 200C. 2. The maximum temperature difference (Fig. 2. ofEnclosure 02) between the periphery and the hub of the turbine wheel reached 290C, 10 to 12 minutes after Cqrd ACCE4ION NR: AP4012590 start-up or 5 to 7 minutes after arriving at 100 percent load. 3- The maximum temperature difference between the periphery and the hub during start-up with warming at low rpm was 240 to 250C after 20 minutes. 4. The temperature gradients between the periphery and hub are considerably reduced with warming up at low rpm. 5. The maximum composite thermal stresses in the turbine rotor are -1600 (quick start-:up and maximum gradient), -60 (quick start-up and constant temperature field); and -720 kg/mm2 (normal start-up and maximum gradient). On the basis of the obtained results it is possible to consider reducing the start-up time and to provide safe start-up and operating conditions for gas turbines. ASSOCIATION: Insty*tut teploenergety*ky~,AX UkrRSF41natitute ot Thermal Power Engineering, AN UkrRSR) sumaym: 17jun63 DATE ACQ: oyar64 ENCL: 02 MM C012: AI, PR Card 2A(2- NO REF SOV: 002 OM: WO M I - ',' TLENKO, N. I. Cklint %i I a vo, M.( -I ~)l -1p I 1 1, 1 ed --t hc 1 f -jr -,a: . : ~ , , ~i, t .q t ur,: ' 1~ I, ~~ ! max 'Lmum amb ie.. t pre ssu r-3 -., t , - -' -, r ~ ' -, vI i Sk r ' zi t ~ !-~- '. e I f' starting, Zblr.:,vAts' li,at t-i, 1, . .1i U~SE no.16:5 4-6~ (M IR, 13: 1 )) ( Gh t~ t,i r ~ I n(- a ; PHASE I BOOK EXPLOTTATION SOV/5497 Minyaylenko, Nikolay Afanaslyevich Opredeleniye temperaturnogo polya I teplDvykh napryazheniy v turbinnykh diskakh (Determining the remperature Field and Thermal Stress in Turbine Disks) Kiyev, Izd-vo AN UkrSSR, 196o. 68 p. 500 copies printed. Sponsoring Agency: Akademiya nauk UkraIn3koy SSR. Institut teploener- getiki Resp. Ed.: I.T. Shvets, Academician of t.'ae Academy of Sciences UkrSSR; Ed. of Publishing House: O.M. Pechkov;3kaya; Tech. Ed.: T. R. LjLber- man. PURPOSE: This book Is intended for technical personnel of the turbine- building industry as well as for students in advanced courses at aviation and power engineering schooli3 of higher education. c ar-d-l-/4 Determining the Temperature Field (Cont.) SOV/5497 COVERAGE: The book presents simplified methods of calculation, re- duced to nomographic charts, for temperature fields and thermal stresses in air-stream-cooled gas turbine disks. Methods of ex- perimental determination of temperature fields in actual rotating gas turbine disks are discussed. The author thanks I.T. Shvets for his direction of the work on simplification of methods carried out at the laboratory of heat engines of the AS UkrSSR, and Z.D. Kostyuk, Candidate of Technical Sciences, who wrote the section on "The Approximate Calculation of Stresses in a Disk". There are 51 references: 46 Soviet, 3 English, and 2 German. TABLE OF CONTENTS: Foreword 3 Introduction 5 Methods of Determining the Temperature Field and Thermal Stresses in Air-Stream-Cooled Disk Rotors of Turbines 6 Required boundary conditions 8 Card 2/4., S 262 62 000 WN 008 022 100, 120, A[ THOR Minvay1criko. M 0 TITLI The influence of individual factors on the teniperiture distribution in an air-cooled turbine rotor disk PERIODICAL Referatjvny~ zhurnal. t)tdel'nyy vypusk 42 Silovyye u,,t,in(-)vki, no 9, 1962, 33. abstrao 428 163 "Zb prats' In-I teploencrg. AN URSR'*, no 18. 19M), 28 3h(Ukr Russ re% i TEXT The influence of the coefficient of heat transfer from gasesto ihediSk dndfromtheiiisk tothecouling air is studied. and the effects ol'asNrnmetrical air flo%% are analyzed 1-here are 5 figure% jAhstracler's note Complete translation Card I I S/021/61/OOC/-06/008/009- D247,/D301 AUTHORS: Minyaylenko, M.0 , Fe-dorov, V.I., and S.hellmenko, N.N. TITLE: Temperature measurement of tur'~-ine elements PERIODICA-L: Akidemiya nauk Ukrayinalkoyi RSR, Dopovidi, nn. 6, 1961, 759 - 762 TEXT: The authors, after discussing the importance of the tempera- ture conditions in different parts of steam and gas turbines"? des- cribe experimental methods at exact temp-r~iture r:,-asurements in turbine rotors or housings, worked out in the department of ther- mal motors of the Institute of 11, at and lower Engineering at the Academy of Sciences UkrSSR. A chro!!iel-alumel thermocouple vla.8 pre- pared from an 0.5 mm wire, plaited,,~ilth a rja-s threal impregnated with a silicone firejTrooff cemenO in the tested rotors a central opening was bored ou w i t 1. read ial holes et chosen points, inter- Becting the centrai one. In the holes th,:rmocrjuples w-re inserted by means of wires, the fcr.-Tier being coated with a Gla--s fabric pre- Card 1/5 /5- 25167 slo2 I / 6l/0()'_I/OO6/C'(-~q/OCq Temperature mejisurement of D P 4 7,/:) 5 I_` I servi.,,g them from mechan cal lamage. Vli,er. the thermocour~'.es we re pu. led through the hol "s the.-,, werf~ held fant in their Tlace hy ri special df~vice and welded to a chorien p,,i-it; after welding, were filled with ? :. 'i t r e.,i i:i I ant emuritlSini T-1 ta~ ', ic ~1 topi ~r w,is fixed on thf- top, a ts ohjert being to wi ti!itand the c(~!~,Pnt pr essure during thf. turbinc, hii-I. spf~pd r(~vulut~ nr;~I, and thuv pr-i(:_~nt A islo- c;. t i on f t he th e rm,-- c o u p I e 9. A s c 11 er,-iti t. I c I raw i n g o f t h (. f I x i no-, d e- vice is giv-n. For determining the exact temperature range i.,. work- ing and 9t, tionary turbine elements a special api),lratus has been developed, pvrmittinE the recor,lint, of th- variable !'-,YF of thermo- coupl,2s in a few sec,I-)rAs, within 2 ~4. TI,e th(%r!,ocouple !'-,','F w~.fl con- ducted through a rotary ccntact, un ,tuto--ilic switch and thr-'11gh an amplifi,~-r to a recordinp-, oscilloi-.raph. 'her:.ocouples fro-. sta- tionary eiem(,nt.,; were lir-ctly conr.ected Nitl~ the a,i'--m,,itic switch. For evaluating the Pquip,,~~erit r!pf.,riLtion, i mt~thol (,f cr.-m!'' r1son of the oscillograpf, reaiinj-F of tLe tnt-ri:~ocoul)Jes vii'll thr)se of stand~ird ones %vas on,! (~f h,., (,(,ntrol therm, coupl#~s b-:nr, con- nected with cro.,3.el, tl,us *tint- tlif- lp~-rm:r ti'n of i tS ends Card 21111- S/021/6i/oo, / (~6/008/009 Temperature measurement of ... D247//D301 the amplifier background (Ifb.f,.). The eralurition proceeded as fol- iAi3: U ) The difference betwp'(!n the (,,,ii -i I lograph readin,-.q for two standard thermocouples was taken - 118t2 - Hot whf!re If E3 t2 -read i np, of the non-crossed standard th~,rmocoupl--?, HO - reading of "he crm,,ed one. (2) The value of the barkgroun vins determined: 11 bg Bt22 If 0 . (3) The difference Hst2 H5 was letermined, H 3 being the width of the light-ray tip taken fro,,:, the oscil:ograph m. (4) To the value Hst2 - HV the val,ie of the back~,,rounrl was added or subt-acted, H = Hst2 H3 � Hf (subtracted when H, -, Ho, ad-led wher, Hs - HO). The value "H" 9 t t2 corresponds to the temperature dif!'eronce: t hj - tcj th.,it of the Card 5/5 S1021 61/00,- /006/"',)9/('09 Temperature measurement of D247,/D301 hot aiid cold junctions of the standard thermocouples. The cor- rection scale for the oscillograph reco-ds was calculat K thi tC.1 H (6) The temperature of the investigated point was calculated: t = (H t H3t Hf ) K + tcjO where H t is the defle-ction of the light ray on the oscillograph un- der the effect of the EMIF of the investgated thermocouple. The me- thods and equipment mentioned were used in the Institute of Heat and Power Engineering to determine loca. temperaturee in turbine rotors and housings and for evaluating -.hermal stresses in these installations, and were found in practice to be very valuable. T~,is report was presented by I.T. Shvets (1.1ember of the Academy of Scien- ces UkrSSR). There are 3 figures. Card 4/5 25167 51021161106 /C)06/OG8/()O9 Temperature measurement of ... D;?47//D301 AUOCIATION: Instytut teploenergetyky All U!~SR (Institute of Heat a.nd Power Lngineering. AS UkrSER) SUBMITTED: October 8, !q60 y f._f S/021/6l/0GrI/C'_C.'/~C7 D251/D30-4) ALI THORS! Fedorov, V I , Minyalenko, '4. 0. , and Rusakov. S TITLE- The temperature field and gradients in elt!,ments o welded turbine rotor under 3tartinr-7 can`,tionq P:,R!CI)ICAL. Akademiya nauk Ukrayins koyi 5)pcvirli, ro. I() l'ibl. ~517 - 1322 TEXT: The authors investigitted the !,emparat,ire field anI tempera- ture gradient at the joining points of tie discs in a welded rotor under boundary conditions very simil,,r t:) those which rise in :)rac- tice Three elements of different reometric~tl profile aril Nith coe- fficients of thermial dis',5ibution o:~ the outer surface equal to 500 1.500 a:.d 2500 kcal/m hour OC, respectively, The effect on t~,o temperature field of a) Velocity of increase of the temperature .f tne working body, b) Variation in the coefficient of therm;.i listri- bution, c) Variation in the ~,,eometrical iimensioris of the o:(!ment. were investig;.ted and the results Viven in t:.1bulaterl f,)rm. I*- is Card 112 S1 62116 1 0 G I The te:-,perature field and D2151/D305 sricvrr- that very nigh radial and fixial temperaVire tr,,il i --nT, 'Ir iz~ the regio.,. of the joLnine of the disc3 T, e riu t ~, c, r s s t'~iaT these may be iowered by filiing the space between the vje~lea -nl~s witt. a liquid of high thermal C,'.,j)qC1t~' 4r.,! -)~Auc,.ivity ihere ,ire 5 figures, 8 tables and I 'Joviet-bloc refert-ce A.,.:)OCIATIPN- Instytut tepioenerhetyky AN ;Ir.!;titute -,,f Ther- rr.,al E'ner~,y UkrSSR) S I T B1.1 'I "'~'D: April 14, 961 FEDOROV, V.I.; '41hTYAYIENKO, N.A.; RUSAKOV, S,S. Temperature field and gradientr in thi! parts of a turbine rotor, made of welded discs, under st&rting oonditicne. Dop. Ali UP.-SR no.10z1317-1322 161. (MIRA 14--11) 1. Institut teploc-nergetiki AN USSR. Predstavleno akademikom AN USSR I.T.Shvetsom (Shvet8l I T.I. (Purbi.nep~ * ~Thermodyjamics) '0 10, 0 C"'O" i 00o 0 1 1 D291)," D504 AUTHORS: Fedorov, V. Y. , ariJ Minyaylenlo, 1. 0. TITLE; Unsteady heat exchange between rotor and turbine Hhaft PERIODICAL: kkademiya nauk UkrRSR. DopovicA, no. ",, 1961, 1498-1502 TEXT: The results are given of measuring 1he nstead., temlerature field and temperature gradients at the Joirts between .-,tor and shaft. The investigation was carried out by sim-ilation )f the heat ~,rocesses on a hydro-integrator. First, a tarrel-type r)tor with a shaft formed of two cylinders, was investieated. The ralius of ro- tor to that of shaft varied between R//r = 1.5; 2; '); r- 200 mm. The temperature at the end surface of the rotor and t':.e shaft surface changed linearly, attaining a maximum of t -X500' 2 = .1 . Various rates of temperature increase of the were consilered. The change in the temperature gradients and rotor temperat,~re was determined from varilous ratios, up to the maximum temperat~.,re (,f the body in the neighborhood of the rotor, i.e. up to 7001)r". The Card 1/3 1362 3'102 1,'r 1,'000 '0 1 1 0 10 0 1 1 Uri L; teady het t C-' X(: hUnge D29r~/D 1 Ot" following results were obtainod with R11r 1~ ar.,j -o e If ~ c j ur, t ) f heat transfero~l = 500 kcal/m2hour degOlelB. Wit~~, a :,rrj1on'ged In- crease in temperature of the turbine t,ody, ti,e decrease. The heat exchange between the medium, the e.,.i .9,,rf:t,e of the rotor and the B~.aft j_irf~_Lce hii3 an unt ellfe,,t )r, the temperature field of the rotor during the fir~,t few min-iteo of heating; but from the tenth minute on, this Influe:.ce becomes _-)n- siderable. The intensity ')f the heat exchange at t!.e e,.J of the rotor ;iffects ti,e rn~tgnitude )f t '.e temper~it,re An increase in rotor diameter, with un::hanged edge '2onJ14,~,,)rA.9, leiis to a decrease in the rate of heating of the rotor, in temperature and in the radial gradients; it also leads to an in,~rease in negri- tive axial gradients. Purther, a disc-type rotor with ih,,ift i~i cun- sidered. It was found that the temperature grvilirnls t tf.,: -,urface Ere m,,iximal at the moment the body temperature :,ea.,3es t) r;.3e. At the oints between disc bind Br.aft, -Are E'r U tKt~~ .1ilerits ire considerable. The incre;tae in the axial gr-Ldier,". ,w a j6.ierved during the rise in body temperature, as well as after that - at i rd 2/3 Unsteady heat exchange ... 21362 S/0 4_ 1 /6 1/ 000 "0 1 1, "() 10, 0 1 D29-/D304 constant temperature. The temperature and t~.e temperat,;re graJients of the disc surface increased with higher ccefficient of heat transfer. The size of the shaft has a considerable effect on ti,e temperature and the gradients at the joints. The larger the Miaft diameter, the larger the temperature gradients. In order to reduce the temperature gradients at the joints, it is suggested heating the end surface of the rotor and t.,,e shaft Eurface d-,ring the starting period. There are 4 figures, 1 table and 1 3ovlet-blo(- re- ference. ASSOCIATION: Instytut teploenerhetyky AN U_"SR (Institute uf Hjut and Power Engineering AS UkrRSR) PRESENTED: by Academician I. T. Shvets' AS UkrRSR S'JBMITTED: April 14, 1961 Card 3/3 -1j; MINYAXLENKO, N.A.[Miniallenko, M.O.) Reducing the parasitic e.m.f. on colleutor br-ashes b7 cooling. Zbir. prats' Inst. topl. AN UISR no.22t6o-62 (MIFLA It: 6) (Turbines) SHV'r-S , ' T. [Shvet a I , I. T. ~ akademik; PT.,(";CV , V.I. ; MINYAY!_~NKO , N. A.; RANN I KOV , A. I. (Bannykov, A.". I I.xlerimental study of a non-steady temperature feld ~n t~p rotor of a ga3 turbine system. Dop. AN ~'RSR no. 2:2.'3-223 'f~,4. ( M I FLA I'l : 5 .' 1. institut tel,loonergetiki AN Pkr_").,l'R. 2. AN UkrS:~.;!( (for Shvets). KURBATOV, A.D.; HINTATM, D.D. mmwmmmv-~ Zffect of the age of mAted pigs on the ratio of oozes in offspring. Test.Len.un. 9 n0-1-57-64 Ja '54. (KLRA 9-7) (Swine breeding) , ~ . . ! " , ". , :", " -: . I . I - I I : ~; I ; I . . :, I . :, . ~ : , .., - . . . I . L 38507-66 9WT(m)/T/E7MPQ ACC NRi Ap6o18129 (A) AUTHOR: Rozenta 1. L. V,; *_41rl:aylo, ORG: none TITLE: Certain potentialities IJP(c) WW/JW/R4 SOURCE CODE: IJR/0191/66/000/006/0053/005 S. A.; Suchkova, 0. M. of the thermo~mvchanical method SOUiCE: Plasticheskiye massy, no. 6, 1966, 53-55 TOPIC TAGS: thermomechanical property, elastic deformation, cellulose plastic, pla3ticizer, ABSTRACT: Apparatus for themomechanical on films' was developed and tested. The apparatus comprises an eleci;romecha al arrangement for linearly changing temperature with.time, and an opt'-al (photographic) arrangement for recording deformationAmeasured with ~, qathetometer_,i~Work may be done In air or under ni~r;6`gen. Tests were run on cast cellulose -tracetajgllfilms. The obtained thermomechanical curvpa showed TEe degree of anisotropy of the mechanical properties (oeformation) In cellulose triacetate. Tho effect of different amounts of different stearate ,plasticizers was aloo ovaluated. It wan con;*Irmed that the erfectivenean -of a plasticizerl-5-can be evaluated not only b:t the degree of glass i Card UDC: 676-51414.43-1416.017:620.172.251.22 L 38507-66 ACC NRiAp6018129 state. m, S, Ivanov, A. A. Lapauri and M. B. Meyerzon participated In developing the equipment. Orig. art. has:-6 figures and 1 table. SUB CODE: 07, 201 SUBM DATE: none/ CRIG REF: 00;?/ OTH REr: 011 Card 2/2e~~,~, TCRCBITNT, T.F., general-leytenant. dotsent, kand.voyennykh nnuk; LI- PITIAIT, S.T.. polkovnik, kand.lator.nauk; KU71KIN, N.Y., pol- kovnik, kand.istor.nauk; WJRIT3V. D.2.. polkovnik, kand.voyennykh nauk; KONOVALOV, F.P., general-mayor, kand.voyennykh nauk; GNKWT. 1.L., polkoynik, kand. voyennykh nauk; ARDITTMOV, A.B., polkovnik; TNOTCHEIIKO, L.N.. polkovnik, kand.voyennykh nauk; SUKHCVTSOV. N.I.. nolkovnik. kand.voyannyirh nauk; KINTA110. S.N., kand voY"n.nsuk, polkrvnik; 'M.ISETMIKO, D.Kh.. podpolkoynik, red.-, VJBAKOT: T.Te.. p(,;.",)vn1ic, red.; SOKOLOVA, G.F., (Battle history of the Soviet Armed lPcrces] Boevoj put' Sovetakikh Tooruzhannykh Sil. Koskvs, Voen.izd-vo K-va obor.SSbR. 1960. 570 p. [_.Atlaa of battle maps] _-_,Al'bom elchem. (MIRA 13:4) 1. Koscow. Toyannaya akademiya imeni K.V.Prunze. 2. Kafedra irtorli voyennogo iskusstva Voyennoy qkademii imeni K.T.Frunze (for all, except Zubnkov. Sokoloya). (Russia--Army) NASTENK, P.M.; MIITYAYLC, V.I. New technology and machinery used in potato growing. Mekh. sill. hosp. 12 no. 3:25-28 Mr 161. (YI-RA 14: 4) 1. Ukrainskiy nauchno-issledovatellskiy Institut mekhanizataii i elektrifikatsii sellskogo khozyaystva. (Potatoes) (Agricultural machinery) XOGINSKATA, N.S.. duktor zeditsinskikh nauk; MINUTLO, Ye.T.. vrach-rent- genolog; NOVIKOT. N.1.. caster-protesieC. Roentgenological examination method in prosthesis following amputation of the lower log. rad. no.5.-68-76 S-0 '53. (HLRA 7 -- 1 ) 1. In Leningradskogo nauchno-looledovatellskogo instituta protesiro- vaniya, (direktor - professor F.A.Kopylov). (Amputation of log) (Artificial limbo) (L-Rays) VI NY A (",0, -Ye.V. , 'i!ed .,c i -- ( A: ,; "A-r ~y , ., '. ., C [)rostneOiO--+fw4ces, a`%er aw)i*-;,',~ n of' !.,it- :,riin-rj~n-.ll D-n 1'6P, It) t)- . ~ Vin Of 'iea' trl ~'i T* L I-,PP, Ved It. t'. - A-idlm4lc,. -in T . - . I avl. rv ) M.) -oI j 0.5 ( ~ 1, , , I j )'~ 10 - ~ 1:) - MI NYAYLO, V. A. .., - - Deatruction of the poplar borer SaIA.-da careharlas L. try Nauch.dokl.vys.shkc)ly,; I)iol.nau;.! ro,,3.*19-21 165. (MIRA 1838) 1. Rakoinandovana kafe(jroy lasric,J, er.'Amologil I zoolog~i Br-yanskogo teklinologichenkogo InWit.,ita. 1,Avt.*trskt. promt. 59.9-12, 1(my"1954 IThe editorial gives 6=0 -InfPCONtim concerning tastes Cankated. by tip Scientific Autemati" Institutes M. gtandardisift fua puspe for the Q&51s. ZM# 1 M "a ZIS-U?O~ and ZIS-5N autmobils, memo. 12114straticas and diammii dopiatiog the testiag of ftel pA*s,, are Institution t tted i , KUROV, B.A., kand.tekhn.nauk; IJWATWV V F.; USAIFOV, A.D., kRnd.tekhn.nauk. . ., Engine of the FIAT-600 automobile. Avt.i trakt.prom. no.7:44-46 J-1 157. (MIRA 10:11) (Italy--Automobilea--]Cngines) V- : :I U 7!', R S Kurov, B.A., 'a r. .1 -,1;, ~e e -,. r. al c e - -: 9 s V.F. 7 I-E The :.loyd-60C "ar -Xg,-,rA ~v, pq fe , fiv -,,)t a ,y - -f V, T I Avtom~~bil na..a promyqn:er., -.9t i-, A 7 "Ihe a r t i c , e c,, ir.; r . 9 e .9 FA t o rp v t w r and charar ters tics of t~-.e ?nti-re tl-,e t m-.- b i I e w i d e I ~- ged n '?;P-;t Aerman.;. Pre a re 9 and graphs. i . Automobf le ind%s nz 4 r. e -a rd 1 '1 12(2) AUTHOR: Minyaylov, V.F. TITLE: The Par air e ~ e r Se 1 ri ) if D r ~rm F 3 PERIODICAL: A v t o ir,,) b I r-1 r m.-.,, s.,. I e,,: ,.3 15 (1 -:1'JSR, ABSTRACT: An wiallySis (.f ind f eng-,ne fue! ~u,-.-qps -:.w are selected r~~rl, 7~ ule- a- 1.s` on ob~7,:- 7v. ri.,- e r -,e! pum:ls Ire ..,;ed fr-r ments ~inl e I c of tlie a re ri ep. f-:~ntl Consequ .7. .3 e f (-) r t.,. r r. 1-,e r. ri c r, r ri,, I T,l,e dimensions, 11ow;JA. Ong service of i ts s i. . 'u e t~'% 7 e "end m Card 1/3 on the diaaeter t',.,, .a. r, o s, ng ,~e 1-1;~acit-y The Parameter S e 1 e c t i o.- f -9 r P e pe n I n *,np ~;~ith of t I,. e S n t*-Ie f iel ana I s v 1" s 1~ r,t u 's ;,:Ifllps nger :,*roke 11c Val- since and lone-, if- the calc~ilqtiun o." f thtj 7IL- 12' en,_ . n iii X I ..e -~u; -e metho(i, .3tel vvis Ilesied at :;A:,',I by c j , i I ne PA-ZO, :,,,:A --irirl ZIL-1 .3 t2 W--- 1 3 a t i s - Card :--1/3 ft-- to r. SCV/113-71 -5-4/21 The Parameter Selection of Di F.lel- P'u:;,,i.,s of standardizing the existin,~ fuel pump t~,pes. TYere a-re 4 di,,i~~razis, 4 -r-.[~hs and I table. ASSOCIATICN: NAMI Card 3/3 MINYAYLOY, V.F.- ~iooolina p;mps witn 9n electric drive nbroi,d. j,vt.pron. I no.8:).'-36 Ag 'bO. (MIRA 13-8) (ouel PUMPB) MINYArLOV I V. F. Means for reducing bydraulic resistances in the gasoline pump. Avt. prom. 28 no.6132-33 Je '62. (MIRA 16t4) 1. Gosudaretvennyy sayusnyy ordena Trudovego Krasnogo Znamni nauchno-issladovatellski]r avtomobil'a" I aytonotorm" institut. (Fuel Pumps) r. 13 STUPNIKOVA, II.I.; ZYKOV, S.I.; 1HILMYEV,-14A. Age of rocks of the Central and Southern Urals dated by the lead-iso.tope method. Geokhimiia no.7:572-582 162. O-a-A 15:7) 1. Cbair of Geochemistry of the Lomonosov Moscow State University. (Ural Mountains-Geological time) (I.ead-Isotopes) 111,,",7 77 ye. 7 , .3--d uf !,'e,1 SC4 -- . ~ t I",ordt,,)n ,,' - e .:- i- c ~n i . ,c ' ~.r . - .1 1 . - I I _ys'-1-:1 )iillin'l L-U~. :--. -)-), I -'ev, 1 1-3 ')- (Instit.te -11' s , ~3 4 W, ,.,c;, Jemy of !~C(J,c - , '-' i -,! coj.,~ I .,i . , .. -, , 1. MINTUK, Ye.Y. (Kiyev) Stnte of the enrdlovReculnr syRtem In viryls !,if Illenzo ,nil -~rtArrhv of the unper rproirntory trnrt. frnch.delo 10.2:171-17~ y `~ a. (MIRA Il:-Q 1. institut infektsiorinykh bolezney AMN SSSR (nAuchnyy rukovoditell rnboty-chlon-korr. AO SSSR, orof. U.I.Morotkin). (CARDIOVASCULAR STSTMM) k niFUTIMZA ) (CATAILM) ml Irfux 2 yo..F. .(FIyryl Cliangf-v In it,,- '-J~ !if -rarl"! lrf,:~,fnza. ~;boroauch.,.,",d, 1, ~ -.., 5.-, 1Q. (M-~RA "8:6) m I ~[YUK, yu,F. j i, "~ ~, ~V, '' . . '. .,,. .'. . 1. "': ~-" V Changes In - , i,- '- '~ 1, 1 .". .. ~ ; -w" -. Sbor.naur!h. t r-, ri. -ns t. . " ~ . , . ~ 3-- - , U. : -~ ~7 :, i K'UZNETSOV, A-N.; KJNTUKHlN, V.I. Unused resources of the Sverdlovsk Railroad in the service of the new five-year Dlan. Zhel.dor.tranap. )7 no.12:50-53 D '55. (KLRA 9:5) (for Kuznetaov); Nachal'nik Planovo-ekonomichaskogo otdela 41avnyy Inazhener Sverdlovakoy dorogi (for Miayukhin). (Railroads--Management) MINYUKOV, P~6. ; BAIWWVL~Kll, V. L Semiautomatic unit for the impi-eFnation and drying if '~urn-,c-*.urn inBulation. lAul.tu/-h.-r,4uri.inform. no.10:54 'r-1 - ( "- : I - , (-lectric insuiatoni and irwulation) 'I.:, .. I I . I ., . , . I r I I - . .1, , I . . . I- . -1. . I I . . . .1 1 1. , I I I I ... . ,; .1. 1. . I . . 1. . I J I 1 .1 I I . 1 4 -. , , ) . . ! I % I I I , , I . I I . I I I :, "' 'r : I . . . I , I ) . . - , , "I , 1, ') . I. I . .. . % . . I I I I I I /,v! / A/ -/ I t , i / , . , ( ~ . . .- I . . I . C,-'~ -*,', ~ - , ( , ..- . . , , ... .... I-, G, . I ,i C~, i-C., r -s ver- GCRSKI, Marian. HUDr.. prof. prednosta kliniky a oddeleni; HINZ, Tadeuss. N.D. Dr. starsi asistent kliniky -_Wmmmmmmmwft Use of quick polyinerizing acrylic resins in treatment of fractures of the jaw. CeGk. otomat. no.3:106-110 Jure S4. 1. Z chirurg. stomatol. medic. akademle we Vareave a celistneho oddel. nemocnice urazove chirurgii we Varsave (JAWS, fractures surg., use of quick-polymerizing acrylic resins) (TRACTURIS jaws, surg. use of quick-polymerizing acrylic resins) (ACRTLIC RESINS quick-polymerizing. use in surg. of jaw fract.) FMANTA/Coamochemistry. Geochemistry. Hydrochernistry. Abs Jcur: Ref Zhur-KUu -, No 23, 1958P T7047- Author Ianovici V., Glusca D.# Stiopol V., MIEKaKLx~u Inst "C.J. Parhon" University. Title Physlographic Study of Deposits of Polymetallic Sulfides at Gemene. Orig Pub: An. Univ. "C.J. Parbon". Ser. stiint. natur., 1957, No 1~, 153-16o. Abstract: The deposits are found in sericite-chlorite schists and is considered to be an epigenetic one. The Ldcroaco- pic study of ores showed the presence of following m1nerals in them: pyrite, arsenopyrite, sphalerite, chalcopyrite, tetrahedrite, bournonite, g1Lle:-,.a; gangue ninerals - quartz wd baryte; secondary mine- rala - lemnite, azurite, cerussite and miglesite. Card 1/2 i-IT1312A , "". , 'IANA3E:SC,' ,,*. , '- .', - ;I . On the wiLherito 1- ',,Ip Cal-ra barlte Rev geol geog Rum ' no. z: ~7~-1~80 163. BALANFSCU, I.H.j MOSCU,I.1 GHEORGHIU,V.j MINZAT,I.; VRANCEANU,M. Studies an the motor reaction to the action of words durirg sloop, Rev psihologie 10 nc.ls23-39 164 I I w t, ,- - k'rN I- - - . T:3CHEE--N., E~ ; L:VT '!- A I I . , :1 14 a F) I 1 7 - 1. 7 f - ~ 13 - ~ . - ;- : 1~ - - - ; ' - . I . I I .. " 7. t, * : , " - . Q " - '. t , - , Pxv FE-!.O - , . I I . - I . - -I a 11 : '. -: - " x, '.. -. . -gy , p - .- r' - ~ I , #I * - T . - -, . I GABOS, Z.; MINZAT, L. Meximum work. Studii fiz tetin Iasi 13 nc.2t28,;-23--) 16 2 . MARTALOGU, N.; MINZATU, I. On the electric polarization of the neutron. Studii cerc fir 11 no.2.- )03-313 160. (EEAI 10:1) (Neutrons) (Polarization) MMATUR I. Some problem of the polarization of fast nucleons. Studii cerc fiz 12 no.1:185-201 161. (MI 10:9) 1. Institutu-I de fizica. atomica, Bucuresti. (Nucleons) (Nuclear spin) (Polarization) DO ND T ~4m :A ACYIL I* d-:. jkt 8"', $J$ . , tic IMIke ~U"w t of ==tea. ILU4 oll tm r ... . . .. . .. LLIYEV, A.G.; NIMOLAYSTA, L.A.; 14INZBEW, L.V. Tho relation of porisity to certain parametem of reservoir rocks, and the use of this factor in compiling core reading of the porosity of rocks in the Kirmaki series. D*kI.AII Arerb.SSR 12 no.1:15-19 156. (KLRA 91 7) I.Neftyaza7s. skepeditoiya AN Azsrb&6ydzhassk*7 SSR. (Porosity) (Oil well logging) KLITF,V, A.G.; MIHZBERG. L.V.; MIKOLAYEVA, L.A. Reservoir rnek characteristics of the Kirmaki series In the Apsheron Peninsula. Arerb.n"ft.khoz. 35 nn.5:1-3 MY '56. (kCRA q- 10) (Apsheron Peninsula--Petroleum geolog7) . . I I I MINZBERG. L.V. Characteristics of -ollectors of the ipper section of the 'Drodicing layer of Lenin Petroleum Trust fields. Azerb. neft. knoz. 36 no.,~,: 11-13 A '57. (MLRA 10:9) (Baku--Rocice. Sedimentary) ALIM, A.G., MIfJZBXRG, L.Y. affect of the composition and type of cement on properties of reservoir rock in the upper part of the eastern Apsheron producing formation Lin Azarbaljani with summary in Russianj. Izv. AN Azorb. SSR. Ser. riz.-tokh. I khim. nAidc no.5:11-17 1,)R. kMITIA 12-1) kApnheron Peninsula-Petroleum geology) MIRMG, L. V., Candlrlatp r,.eoj()g-Mjrm3rnj()g. Scl (dlrn~, -- "TnVnrt I grit I rn of !;ho col Inc tor praper-t ion of rock In tho uppor port irin -P I Er, rj-r),!jc I vf, f !I 1,' 1:11 , f easterm Apeheron and the dependpnr-, of th"n on (,orkintntlon". Ttnku, I I " Tn, (Min HIgher Edilc TJgfl,, Azorb Rtato - im r*. M. Kir,-), IV) -ipl"if, (KL, !To ~);,, 17-1), 1~0) AVANESOV, V.T.1 MINMMG, L.V. Studying the reservoir properties of rocks in horizoas 7 and 7a in the Karadag areao Trudy AzNII DN no.MI68-177 !66. (PURA 14 -.4) (Karadag region-oil sande) MARTIROSOVA, A.O.; MUKHARINSKAYA, I.A.; -MINZBERG, L.V- Relationship between t~p vamma activity and the granulometric ,!omr,ohltinn and specific surface of Frains of aro nac-ous-ellt of t~ producinp formation. Azert. neft. khoz. 39 no.3(405):1-3 Mr W. (MIRA 14:9) (A?,Prbai.isjn--Rocks, -Spdimentary) (Gamma ray5) ALITIT. A.G. -. tIMMUG. L. T. Bffect of clay minerals In cement on the reservoir properties of rocks in the upper division of a producing formation. Aserb. neft. khos. 39 ao.6:1-3 is 160. (NIU 13:10) (clay) (Oil sands) ~ SAMEDOV, MMMEMBEYLI, M.R.; MINZBMG, L.V. Effect of the depth of beddIL-ng on the porosity of rocks. Tvidy Inst, razrab. neft, i gaz. mestorozh. AN Azerb. S5R 1145-61 162. 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