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RT:',A-NL, /i~icrobiology. Fuaan and Animal Pathogens. F Bacteria of Intestinal Group. jour; Ref Zhur-Biol., No 2, 1959, 5563. L -%.uthor 'ichaefler, S. ; 'Antzer, L. Inst Not given. Title i'.'Lechanism of 9ulfathiazole iction Against 3. typhimurium. Crig Pub: -,tudii si cerceteri inframicroblol., microbiol. si paresitol., 195?, 8, No 2, 249-257. Abstract; Activity of gulfathiazole (I) against 3almo- nella typhimurium decreased in the presence of methionine (11), glutamic acid, peptone, urecil, PA.BA, and an alKaline hydrolysate of folic acid: It remained unchatwed In the prosence of folic acid, thymonucleic acid (Ecid hydrol-,rsate", hy- -lard 113 31 RUV~~711-. /11,icrobiology. Human and nnimal Pathogens. 3acteria of In',eLtinal G-roup. kbB Tour: Ref Zhur-Biol., No 2, 1959, 5563. abstract: poxanthine and quanine; it Increa3ed in the presence of' adenine and xarithine. Py zucces- sive increase in concentral-.ion of I in the presence of Indicated anti,iulfamide metabol- Ites (All) the resistance o' 9. typhimurium to I Increased 15-20 fold, whLch was not observed in the absence of W'. Aboat 501,i'7 of the resis- tance was further preserved even without Al~. In the authors' opinion, the development of resis- tance is connected with a gradual adaptation of the microorganisms to changing environmental con- ditions, with a subsequent selection, and is not the result of simple selection of pre-existing resistant variants. %ith the presence in the Card Z/3 RU- 111D / Microbiology. Fudan and krimal Iathoizens. IZ ~ F Bacteria of Intestinal Group. kb3 Jour; Ref Zhur-Biol., No 2, 1959. 5563. .mbstract; medium of complexes 11 ~ I and 11 ~ adenine ~ I there developed methloiine-dopendent vari- ants of 9. typhimurium. -- From authors' sum- mary. Card 3/3 32 SHRFIAR. S.; KINTZJM, L. ~-~A Bffect of oulfathissola on Salmonella typhimarium. Zt.ur.mikrobiol. opid. i immun. 28 no.5:9"8 My 157. (HLRA 10:7) 1. Is Instituta spidesiologli i mikrobiologit 1.1antakuzino (Buicha rast) (SUINATHIAZOIA, off. on Salmonella typhimurium) (SAIMORELIA. of f of drugs . on typhimurium, off. of oulfethiazole) MINTZER, Leonle RIHDA51, Goorgett, Sa"Gm - continued ILUVAKIA pnarmncInt Lnboratory of ?harmcoenocy of tho School of Phnr-mcyp viologiml Products Section, of tho "Dr. I. C~ntacuzJnol Institute and the Laboratory of Bactoriolo&7, Bucharest. Bucharest, Fnrmacia, vista d Unitinti Sooiatatilor do 4iinto ;Iodi(Ale din Loimblica Poa~jlnra Pnmina No 9, Vol A, S;T ~,PP 5~35-50- "The Anti-Icrobial Effect of VolatIle Oil fttracted fron Herb* Lquioati MInoria.1 Co-authors% MINMR, Lmonlej S ~OSR, U& 2 of 2 ZILISTEANU, G.; OLINICI, N.; MINTZER, Leonie Influence of bacteriophages on the artibiotic sensitivity of certain strgLins of Escherichia coli and Klebt.iolla. Study "in vitro". Preiiminary note. Arch. roum. path. exp. microbiol. 21 no.2:301-3(Y7 ,62. 1. Travail de l'Institut "Dr. 1. Can wmuzinon. (ESCHERIGHIA COLI) (COLIPHA,,~Z) (KLEBSIELLA) (BACTMOPHAGE) (ANfIBIOTIGS) OLINICT, N.;MRITZER-MORGERSTEM, lamie; IMCINSCHI, Sofia; BUSILA, Sofia Preparation of anti-71 agglutinafing serum with young bacteria. Irch. roum path. eirN mimblol. 23 no.31543-546 St63 1. Travall de 111natitut OtIr. 1. CantaauzLno*; Service des Prodults biologiques, lkicarest. STARATIN, U.1 UDARAG, Mena; MLRTZER,44ORGffISTHR;, Leonie Particular sensitivity to heat of gomf- cersus-en thracia-myco ides phage strains. Arch. roum. path. eirp. microbiol. 23 no.3t637-W S'63 1. Travail de In Fa7ultqda ledi,~'inp 7-iterinaire et du Centre National de Pba,--~:-R~fe-,ence, Bucar#-3t. At_k.. NKi AT7003293 SOURCE CODE: UR/3152/66/000/014/0104/01 10 AUTHOR: Minulthin, V. B. ORG: none TITLE: Intermediate stage in recording for prospecting geophysics SOURCE: Razvedochnaya geofizika. no. 14, 1966, 104-110 TOPIC TAGS: geophysics, telemetry system, gecphysic instrument, magnetic rding, prospecting geophysics ABSTRACT: The possibilities were investigated for intermediate rernrflingy of prospecting geophysics data using an analog form magnetic recording With froquency modulation, pulse width modulation and three bor-hole multichannel t('1('Tn'1rY systems of electric logging on a single cable. The telemetry systems mentioned were: frequency modulation telemetric system dereloped by A. G. Bartninskiy, thc- "Azineftekhim" telemetric system, and the OKS-VIM (single logging cable with PWM) developed by 0. V. Rudnev. rhe recording was made on a single-channel Imagnetic recorder with a 30 cps to 30 Kc transmission band, based on the MEZ-15 tCurd 112 - ____ _ ~ - I ACC NR, AT7003293 radiobroadcasting magnetophone. It was found tha: the conservation of dittil of geophysical investigations of boreholes can be mace on a magnetic recorder in an analog form with ordinary magnetophone -type equipment. The accuracy of the above-mentioned telemetry systems proved satisfactory. The method used was found to be more practical with a large number of channels and a moderate dynamic measurement range. [GC] SUB CODE: 14, 08/SUBM DATE: none/ORIG REF: 006/OTH REF: 001 Card 2/2- ACC NR: SOURCE COI)E; UR/0271/66/000/002/B012/B012 X 1z u in , R . G --ect r0aic Sys tem f Or t'.-Ie eva !.~;a-z .:01, 0 ~` orap.-' i c func t I, ors SOU-ROZ: Rel~. zh. Avtomat telemekh i vychisl tekan, tbs. 2386 Rz7 SOURCE: Sb. Meteorn. rasprostr. radiovoln., no. 2. Kazan', Kazansk. un-t, 1964, 141-145 ,OKO p'lotoelectric method, photoelectric trazking, graphic data processing, meteor tracking, rzeteor detection, radar meteor observation or converti-..Z; gra?nic re RANSLA?10" : An FT? photoelectric conver-,er f cords of proces- ses into corresponding electric voltages is described. The voltages can be subsequent- ly fed into varlous analyzers and, throui;'I-A a _siaall interface, into a VM purich. 7he FZ? is designed on the basis of sweep si3nal and is intended for processing meteor ob- servations. Th,a mcordings may be made on a continvously moving 35 = movie film, when the meteor signals are recorded lengthwise or -..n frames, as well as transposed on photo.-raphic film, photographic plates, or tracing paper with dimensions not exceeding ,30 x 60 mm. -.'-e MEF was designed for automatic processing of meteor radarecho obser- vation. 3 figures. V. L. SUB CODE: 09 UD~': 681.142.644.6 Card 1/1 CONWA, P.; FIWICM. 14.: VIU, A, - TZODORUTICI, G.; DUCA, E.: DRAG4WrR. C. - LASCU. N.; HINU-POPOVICI, V,: SXGAL, I , ENE. M. Antltul&remic Ilving vaccine In therapy of tularemia. Rev. Igiena microb. apidem., Burur. No.2,-27-36 Apr.-JtLne 54. (TULARIVIA, therapy living vaccine, resaits) (VACCINICS AIM 7AMINATION. ther. use tularemia) I SS le-i () W-11". i P Vi n tI 5 1 r. 1 -1 T- 7 -C Lf ~ t diaV,rs, Trjd:-, no. Su~-I-L-Iry in ,j-r Title tr.: C,-)ntr,IIatjLo 'itcti 'rnpt~IlPr In ',-!~ti-Vim. SC: Aeronaitical an(I Av-i-iti m in 3ov-irt ','r!i,)n, Llibrar-,- ris, I ;-asrhet wintn ior) otnf)si te 1 'nr.i *.(--.,j:-i i "ospwa, , -'-' '. " 1 .Trld'y, n,- :1) Id! lir~,7ra: t~y: - . c.-. -it 1e tr. : Propeller de~;i,-n in e W t-,i, thf of (I Ilvt icrice 3-': Aer,,ra :tic-t' Sci enc,,-s -Lnd kv: atioi, !,,, tJ,e "ni-xi, Tdl-r ir- MINUXIIIN. TI.L. (I~rl)ink) Solution Tlot~-,l fnr Diophantinq equAtionn. Mat. pr-Ft. no.~: IS7-165 'SR. (,.('.Ri, (Diophantinn anal.,oRls) GURKIN, Georgiy Antonovich, inzh. ; ItMUKHIN, Viktor Savellyevich, tekhnik; KAJIINSKIY, L. N. , red. ; 1,111AN'(VA, 9. r. , teklm. red. (Establishing norms for tractor wo-k] Normirovanie traktor- nykh rabot. Khnrlkov, KharIkovskoe knizh. izd-va, 1961. 67 p. (m-,RA 16:6) (Tra4ors) (A~riculture--ProducLton al.nndtirds) mIxUKHIH,_!jR,.,,j " New standard plans for ftLrm tniildinem. !,ell.atrol.ll ne ; 11 JI '56. (KLRA 9: 9) 1.11achallnik otdola tipovogo proyektirovLnlyra 'Latgiprosal'stroya". (Farm buildings) MrNUKH LLA-1.6m ..-- ~ ,10,1111M ~ Standard plans for cultural and public Imildings. Sell.etret.ll no.8: 26-27 Ag 156. (KLRA 9:10) I.Nachallnik otdola tipovego ProyekttrevaniyR Latgiprosol '*troy@. (Architecture-Designe ind plans) HIMMIN. T . StandArd projects for houses. Sell.stroi.11 no.11:2R-29 N '56. (MLRA 10:1) 1. Nachal'nik otdela tipovogo pro7ektirovani7a "JetgIproaelIstro:va. (Archite-ture, Doffeatic-Degigns and plans) IAYTS, N.Yu., doktor tekhn. nau-k; KLEYNFR, M.K. , inzh.; 1"A"JA1.15HIN, Ye.K., inzh.; KALUGIN, Ya.P. inzh.- FI,LILEYI-V, *.: . , ~nz~ .; KAGARY N.I., 'Inzh. [deceasedl; PrIni'ma'i uchastlye: K ?V, V.N. Inzh.; CHUYKDV, A.A., Inzh.; M10"JUNA, L.N., inzt..; KHATSAREVICH, V.R., inzh.; TTjLMACHFVA, I.A., inz~..: HAZHENOVA, VJJ., inzh. TechnologAcal and th#-rmodynamic chimicterlst'ic.,i n" s*r',; I beating for the continuous furnace we.dIng W' Stal'24 no.8:746-750 Ag 164. Y 1. Ukrainskiy nauchno-issledovatel'skly trubnyy inst:L~jt, Urallskiy nauchno-isaledovatel'skly trubny-y lnstl-ul, 1 Chelyabinskiy truboprokatnyy zav0d. KNULESCU, M., ing.; LITA, N., ing.; GEORGESCU, B., ing. Urban solution of access to the city of Ploiesti on the national highway Bucureati-Brasov. Rev transport 9 no.4j151-156 Ap 162. Of -7- - .- 7: -~ '-- -:- - - : --- - --- 1 -~- 1 -:--. i - --- - - . t ., - - .-. . . ~ m - . -- -- - .. -. . , , , - . -1 , - -- 777 --- 7 . .... - , -,- ---l-I --- - , . -% Yj . . I - . j , - ~=. . - - ". 4~ - =: A , I ~ ~ I.-., ~,, - ~ = v~41, r'--=7 - , -_ 1-.. -.1 ~- -, ~-' - I ` --,: --- I ~ - ~ ~ , ~~ -=- e_~. - 11; 1 11 ~ - ", 14 USSR/Morphology of Man and Animals (Norm'. and Pa,liologic). S-5 The Musculature. Abe Jour : Ref Zhur - Biol., No 4, 1958, 17112 Author : Minuakin, V.Z. Inst Title The Hilus of the Rip Muscles Ln Embryonal and Early Childhood Age. Orig Pub Sb. nauch. tr. Krasnoyar. mod. in-tu, 1955, No 4, 43-45. Abstract By amms of preparations and roentgtmography a study was mde on 40 extrem!ties of children und fetuses from the 6th month of intrau',erine life on, of the sources of blood supply and inn!rvation of the muscles as well as the topography of sites dhere arteries und nerves enter the muscles. Two basic forms of entry of arteries and nerves into the muscles vere established. The segnental form is characterized by a Ftuccessive entry of arterial and nerve branches along the entire length of the rm, cle (posterior Card 1/2 MIIA",S.B., dataent. redaktor; UVAROVA.A.F., tekhnicheakiy redAktor [Stenm engines; A collection of articleal Pnrovye dvigRteli; abornik stntei. Moskrvn, Go9.nAucnno-tok-hn. izd-vo mAshinostroit. lit-ry, 1955. ln8 p. (MLRA ():2) (Stenm engines) HIBUT. S.B., dotsent. Flotting theoretical volume diagrams for quadruple-expanstom steam engines. (Trudy] KM no.56:38-63 '55. (MI-RA 9:6) (Steam engines--Construction) MALYSHEVA, Z.S., at. propod.; GLUKHOV, N.A., kand. tekhn. nauk, dote.; M-11W, S-B., dote.; FETROV, G.N., kand.takhn.nauk, dots.; RESHMV, L.N., doktor tekhn.nauk, prof., red.; [Theoz7 of mechanisms and machines) Teorila makhanismov i mashin; kurs lektaii [By]Z.S.Kalj-sheva I dr. Fod red. L.N. Reshetova. HoBkva, No.4.[Dynamics of mechanisms and machines) Dinamike mekhanlzmov i mashin. 1959. 91 p. (MIRA 16:7) 1. Moscow. Moskovskoye vyssheye I-ekhnichaskoye uchiliahche. ~Meehanisms) (Machinery, Klnematies of) Mum. S.B., dotsent, kand.takhn.nauk Analytic inves 'Agation of the motion of an arbitrari 17 selected point on the connceting rod of n craik mechanism. Izv.v-7a.ucheb. zav.; mashinostr. no.7--9-30 '59. (MIRA 13:6) 1. Hoskovskoye vyushere tskhnicheeko,.re uchilishche imeni Baumana. (Granks an-~ crankshafts) (Mechanical movements) POPOV, S.A., kand. takhn. nauk, dots., :UKICHEV, D.M., kand. tekhn. nauk,, dots.; SKVC)RTSCVA, N.A., kArid. tekhn.nnuk, dots.; 0 kand. ' C NIKONOROV V.A., tekhn. nauk, dots.; FINUT ~.B.' dots.; RESHETCV, L.N., doktor tekhn. nauk, prof.; NIKOLAYEVSKIY, Ye.V., assist.; MASTRYUKOVA, A.S., kand. tekhn. nauk; (Theory of mechanisms] Teoriia mekhanizmov; kurs lektsil. [By] S.A.Popov I dr. Pod red. L.N.ReahetovR. Moskva, No.5. 1962. 123 p. (MIRA 16:7) 1. Moscow. ?4oskovskoye vyasheye tekhnicheskoye uchilishche. (Mechanisms) MITITEU*, C. , ing.; MINUT, V. , Ing.; CKA , 14. , ing. Output obtained at the pla-nt fcr fiber recovery from the waste water of the Reconstructia Pulp and Paper Mill. Cel hirtie 12 no. 12: 407-417 D 163. a If a U IS 0 If u oos 00 :: 00 Iff-91 ski. V "' lkw-klya AM 0, P. Afinut-Swokhtina A,,b ~11 6"d W S S. R.) 50, NO 3. 91-6(n r"C11,11, w) INO On levitation the iwrfubatr (bf th, skin ctintsintol a usWance ihmght us tw histaintra, r u~, 4; rj s AT A swanae"O Ad - 0 -l"go " - I, var,-; 0", 0 ; - I u a 0 10 a 0 & tv it a At a 91 a 0 0 6 11 - .1 0 0 0 0 0 : 4 0 0 metal, Me 1'. A ""WIT fw 0 0 6 9 a 4 T-20 - -. . !-. : : :1 0 0 411 0 00 ::o 400 goo goo goo ago '100 ~o IN 11111-1~ _I-- - , - , : A, . . . -~!l -1 ~ '. I - . '. . . . f. r,., I . . I I . .. I . .1 , tanAbdiclas - 2~4101nis JUVAV* IAm-dialne - Nft-wovA Syet*a *3~ Peculiarities of Restoring the Function of Smaged Nerves With Zomrine,m 0. P. Xinut- marokbuns, Te.. A. Obetlyanow, Chair of Physiol., XNAmrovsk Ned Insts 8 pp Visiol Zhur SSSRO Vol =T' No Recent2jy neurologists have started using a Substance, which ha&~ maticholinesterass, action, to resUme the function of demaged. nerves. Presents about 20 case histories wbere natural sewine vas used successfully In restoring the fmation of Taricus damaged nwwes. States that 4w ()4/49%9 ~/*edlcine - Iserine (Contd) Jul/Avg 45 restmation of tba v"asotor f1rst ladication of success ft1witted 10 Apr 47. functions is the of eserlm treaiment. MINUT-SOROKHTINA, 0. P. "Part Played b the Themoreceptors of Ve nB irl the Regulat-i n -X Feat Uchange." Dr biol Sci, Leningrad State U, Klu.uarov M~dica I inst, L ntnVrad, 1953. (Uh~iol, No 8, Dec 5L) :;urvey of Scientific and Technical Dissertations Defended at USSR HJ4,her Educationa-L Institutions (12) SO: Sum. No. 556, A Jun 55 1. !'PJUT-,3CRCKrUlI`%lA, C. ?. 2. US3R (600) 4. Electro-)hysiology 7. Electro:)hyjiolcgica-I analysis of' U.P Nncti-n of" ven,us t!.em.,al rl~ce-)tors, Fiziol. zhilr. 39, No. 2, 1953. A.)r 11 Q. Monthl List of Russ Ian Access Ions, Llb rary nf -origrf,ss, -- -- - . )" ~ , . SCROKHTIN. G.H.; 1411IM-SOROUITIIIA.O.P.; TURRINA. L.Y. Affect of Schisandra chinensis and giLseng root extract on cerebral cortical rhythms. Zhur. wye. nerv. deiat. 5 no.5:7'k?-?55 3-0. '55. (MLRA 9:1) 1. Kafedra fisiologit Kbabarovokogo molitainakogo instituta. (PLAIITS. Schi2andra chinensis, off. in AW (CONDWRITS, effects. ginseng. on NAG.) (RIACTROMIMICXPHALOGRAPHY, "ffai-t of drugs on, ginseng & Schizandra chineniiis) MINUT-SOWK]ITIIIA,..Ollga Ptivlovm; SIROTIN. B... [Phy-Ainlopical t;lj-,nificance of receptors of thp. veins) lizinlo- gichemkoe znachania retseptorov ven. Moskva. Rodgiz, 1'057. ,-,27 D. ( 141 RA 1:1 : 1 ) (NNRVOIJS STSTIN, Vt6OICTOR) USSP/Phar.zcolca a.,d Abs Jryur: Ref Zhur-Di~~l_ Ii.- L; 1)5-5, A157 1ji Ll,.or Sorokhtin, GJT ; Minut-Sorokhtiia, 0.1.; Turc)i..a, L.V. ,2. ti Effect of Ginsen, upo~i the Adajlation of the Cerebral Cortex to Miyth.7.s. Ori (~ Pub: V. A Matcr~aly 1, zi,d, zhuiitbeitya Li,i,-;djLn VYP- 3, L , 1(,'58, IJ3-1-40 Abstrr.ct. In cyperii.,,ents c,.iAj-tcd i~ mbtit3 C d ~,ra;iial cLuc,.r~xlkq, i,e- ,~,.Stured 11A.11 Lls-ics vt 2-15 herz/SLC. 7",i(- r-,-1r) ir,.s Lien u 8iiisciijr uxtrE.(:,- w.L" 1u ted w. th wate r 'I'r,.; ucb.u. slr--L f 17 1 C r'J"A' r k t1l th n. SOR0911TIN. O.N.; MjjM-S0jj()j[HTINAq O.P.; TEMPO, Tu.B. Mature of spinal shock. Report No.l: 3tate of the af'prent neirons in spinal shock. Biul.ekap.biol. i me( . 4P no.9:V-2n S 159. (MIRA II: I) 1. Iz kafodry fiziologii (zaveduyushetily - prof. 0.H. Sorokhtin) Khabarcrvokopo meditainskogo inatituta. Predstavlons. daystvitellnyTn chlenom AYN SSSR V.N. Chernigovskim. (SPINA-L CORD physiol.) MINUT-SOROUTINA, O.P.; 30i(OUTIN, G.N.; TU4HIR, Yu.B. y center in f-rg. Flziol. zhu--. 46 no.3:299- Atonia of the respiratoz- 304 Mr 160. (!C?A 14:7/' 1. From tho Chair of Physiology, Meditml Institute, lGiabarovsk. (IMPIRATION) (VAGU.11 NLeRVF--ZUHG191Y) (ELECTHOPHYS101,DGY) SOROKHTIN, G.N.-, MINUT-SOROMITINA, O.P.; Ta-11"R, Yu.B. Problem of the nature of spinal shock. Report No.l: Atony -,' t,-.e motor neuron in spinal snocK. biul.exap. biol. i :red. 49 no.2:65- 67 F 160. (MLtA 14:5) 1. 1z kafedry fiziolorii (zav. - prof. G.N.Sorokhtin) Khabar-vskogo meditsinsiwgo instituta. Predstavleni deystvitel'nym chlenom. AYM SSSR V.V.Parinym. (SPINAL (;OiW) MI'TUT-SORCKHTINA, O.P.; 307:10KHTIN, S.'I.; TEMPEF, Yu.B. Nature of narcotic sleep. Fiziol.zhuy. 48 no.6:638--645 J"~ '4~. ,'?/I"A 15:0) 1. Prom the Department of Physiology, Medical Institute, Khabarovsk. (AN--STHFZIA) Mr-TUT-SOROMITINA, O.P.; SOROIC:TIN, Q.V.; TEITE'R, YU.B. Polarization potential of t'.e brain d-urir...- d7irg. F--'z-*o. z*-.1.r. 4F no.8:89349P Ag'62. NIRA 16:6) 1. From the Department of Physiolog-,, Medical Institute, Khabarovsk. (ELECTROEMEPILkwmApiry) (DEA-H) MINUTKO, M.A., uchastkovyy vracli i~'!Sul%fl of %ae wor'c cf a ;is tr; -t ~'ny~q' -- ~ an. . " -, .. ".ir a/.. 903. med. 'nst. nc,.i6:~e-63 't,, - ,, ~' A .' : , I 1 . I z K ft re,, ry or g im ~ za', s I ; z i rav o(,,, n:-,, nm i ya k zt, v .- ,a*. ,i - ,. 1, ,o ',n-w :' ~;'u A."j. Rurf, Kurskowc- gosuGarstve%nof, i Kurs?.oy gort),,is&oy bol'iC.'-sy No. 3 (j,1nvryy - A.A. . --- Ml- YA,--4-0-tvan - NOW locornotivri W~Lrl d ifa3 t.,;-cj m [r: li~ 1,t'.. i~. &r.- - ;,,~ gep 6 no.6:177 15c). 1 . Mo3zk..rai Kul - Ar - i - ~' ~, j.. BEZUGLYY, P.A. [Bezuhlyl, II.A.); BIJIW, N.G. [Burma, M.H.); BUTENK0,T.F.; MINYAFAYEV, R.Kh. [Miniafalevp R.Kh.] Letermining the elastic constants uf s,,,.Id A-ori!.a in t-lie temperature range of 1800 - Ukr. fiz. zhur. 10 no. 11: L251-L257 N 165, (KULA 18:12) 1. Fiziko-tekl,n',-,ititix.y in,9titLt n,.ZkiKh temperatur AN UkrSSR, Khar I kcv. TAUBB. A.M., prof. (deceased); BIR. Sh.S.; MINI TAR-BELOWCHEV, R.K.; OSTAPEWO, V.P.; KCL3SNIKOV, P.M.. red.; DJUJILOVA. Z.S.. red.-leksikograf; SCLON0111K. R.L.,, (Prench-Russian military dictionaryj Frontsuzeko-rueskii vrjennyi slovarl. lzd,4., proamotrennoe i dop. Sh.S.Birom, R.K. Min I ior-Beloruchevym I V.P.Ostapanko. Moskva, Voen. izd-vo K-va obor.SSSR. ig6o. 824 p. (MIRA 14:2) (Prench la nMiage--Dict ions rie a-Rus oian) (Military art and science--Dicticnaries) I ii r., r :-hr rf- nj !-a j ',1, 5 v ? K jr, C tj~ q r r r, ta r a R h fl. ra I X - .!T ZA' I L GEL' SKI Y , C, B. ; 1-op j.,)nv,l , '.F , :'., N(.~~FNF, ("','A. L. Yo . ; M14Y AT. Fe. Ia. In tr-racti on o: ' . ne, d~ 'J. '171-irrsvil a , ,! a ~', no.3t508-51-1 My-.'e 't,4. IM;pp 18:1,1: 1. Institut radiat:;i,nroy ', f'lz!kr)-kh'mi~htwnk-jy brinlogli AN 55SR, Moskvn. . . I , I ~ I . V . . I . I -'. , . I . - . . T . I % , .1 - . I - I KMATOV, A.V. Heating of an endless cylinder enclosed in a ahell. Zhur. tekh-r. fiz. 30 no~6:611-615 Je 160. (MIRA 13.8) (Heat-Conduction) 9/179,'Ijl/OOO/003/006/016 E07 I /L't 15 A.V, owl I j u I a t , r) - o f the b6'- r .. s .911 1 e OTI I bori y (if .(In in a supersonti: f low P E 14 1 1 P L~ L Ali-trmiy. nauk SSSP. lzve-liya. Otdeleniye heskikh nauk. Mekhanika i mashinostroyentye, I ') 6 1 . N c, , I , 1) p . 3 2 - 3 9 TEXT rhe f I ow -an be divided into six z,-nes 0 tie f o h e -,k -1 f I he Lit ~, It u p t ( f h e f j Y q t r ha r a c t e r i s t i c f r om t hf~ I Is * Vis ion f I ov, roiind It ~ f, edge of the base 2 t !I r s-vl i ,n of ir.i x ing at , onslant 4tat j, pressure in the o in I I I v t, 1,ndar N, layer on the edgo of the stagnation zone flou in the external 4tream adjacent to the region I- f ri L I n Ic, It . I - , t-_gion of III. r eaf-d pressure adjacent to the 4- ri, I It he 111111"IJIM "On'. 5 thi- IRtagnation zone. P I III 1-gir'ns I and 3 the f lui (I is idea I and IT, h" he par itme * Pr -; I, nri he determineti by It he met hod I a I 1 4 . I , i P f ur thet a~ sumed that narrowing of the ~ri,i I t lit signation ione takes place isentropically. F r -in n. t,t r I -I s o-t equa t i on~ he 1 ros 4ur e ac ros!~ the region C " , ~ ," 9e 7 3/1 1/000/C)07'/()o('/C' I T h n hf t,a - P F. M I /F I 15 CI f M k r1)1 I T,- 5 f . (iot dinates are in' r )d u XY -l pal ,in- idiniz 1~ I !h I lie inner botindary of h e -'11 ', s x t P i no I I ot~ , i ii-I tFe xy system in the real Lill 1~1- V 101,~ i a t- I I r ,m hv XY s y~ t em by a sma I I quan t I t y x I ri .11 1 1 t,n of the ax t s Th is displacement i .9 v n - I t! N1 11 gfile 1~lwof ~ on 9 v a t ion of momentum at two OnS f :;,. , ri,- of t he - e i) e i fi v at the beginning of the I) m k n v n i ~ h ~ o I h e r a n a r V) i I r tr -Y ii,3tance x f ro- the t a I Inv 'lk~ , I -~ n '. t v . Th ~ s t team line in the 'Ull~l it .1 1 '1 1 n9, lip f I ti id in t:ip 11 tagnation zone from i,- - ' I - j n b e , I e r ill j n t~ d hy equating the rates of t e t I oil s . The ve i i t N pr ofile in the region of ir I I ill i n e ( ifr orn lip f-ini; of motion and i1-1 rig Mangler s 0 1 anst o-mat ton , which reduces the f r ni :, r - - pond i n y, t o I ha t f or a plane boundary t i i nea i t a i -in a rid w ith .he ai-i of the assumption that I hf~ L n I t ia I -e I o t~ i t v pr o t i I e i -i the boundary layer tn i i L ri f fri , n g an be ignor ed, the sol-lit ion of the equation ut m -n a n c i I v b-~ expritss,-3ed in terms of the error function. T1. ~ t I I f f : ! - N rj aniiJ>sing the flow in the region where the Cj r I I -2 ~ 967 S/179,'t)1/000/003/006/o16 t l"t t t e r m -1 n I n.v t I- ang, le through wh i (-h '11 n -A . Th i s c ou I (I( t e rmi ne(t t)y know t n L, t he t t lie w,i i, e n (I i t o f~4 t I I t ha t the flow t.111 I I ho I f t. ha ') f t lie I '4 ~; e . Knowing the r i I n t lie req ion ()f ml x i ri the stream] ine can I)e - - - ;, t r -t ' *~ -4 1 h e f I u i (I %v h e 1, i ne t i: energy is 1 7 1 " I I i r, It ~) the r, g i ) ri f inc reased pressure from IN i n i -an er gy i s in-s-if fi c i e n t to overcome the P, ~ - , i n 11 5; 1 niz ttit, i --su I t ~-; det ived for J-1 e!~ 'i Lit e o Y e t; i n A simplification either Li I it t i n cr ob t it i n an approx i ma t e f I Th e r-.- ore ~ f iguresi and 10 an (A n"in S- te The four most recent r - it 'i - I tit zui ptib I i i o n -i read its f o I I ows Cf. r1].] r; D 14 I~ it - hr. D,M. Ui r s on H 1; Rep , NACA No. 1356 1 rt f . H_ 1 1, t D.W. Regan J.D. ARC Current Paper No.271 I 't. - '~" ; .. ~ S. I . I ') ','i -, t, , N j -, 6 - I R 0 D I? Jf,-f NAI A . I ') ') (, . No . 10 --) I .0, Bj1h;,IJUV, Yu.I.; FOS'rC)USC;V, N.P.; IUNYAYL-V, A.A. ; SHIROKOV, S.P. Magnetic device for hantil-ing billets. Metallurg 8 no.6:33 Ja 163. (mmj~ !-:;7) 1. Severskiy metallur~-icheskiy zavc)d. (Rolling (14etalwork)) (HaterialB handling) L _T ACC NRs AR6ol952O SOURCE CODE: LJF,/0285/66/000/002/001-1/OCI'I AWHOR: Antonovich, A. V.; Minyaylo, A. F. TITLE: Simulation of thermal fields in experimental Investigations of cooling systems of Fas-turbine cylinders SOURCE: Ref zh. ~urbnstr, Abs. 2 .49-85 REF SOURCE: Vestn. Kiyevsk, polltekhn. In-ta. Ser. teploenerg., no. 2, 1965, 3-19 i TOPIC TAGS: gas turbine engine, envine cooling system, temperature si-mulation, thermal field ABSTRACT: A method and conditions for temperature simulation are described for purposes of studying air-cooled systems of gas-turbine cylinders. (Translation of abstract] [KP) SUB CODE: 21,,Zcj/ SUBM DATE: none IL C.,d I UDC: 621-438-001.5 I-J- a JL-A-A--J. a 11-A L a **A es .~, 06 c 90, 00 24tlf) FP 'OVAL 09 P I LLARS - M. h 'AM r. PS sea (YIR. J. IRIG, (12), 14). 00 f 001 60 j 00, a 06,3 .00 00., -00 .06 .00 .00 .00 MDYAF.V, -.F. (-,Of'NVI 74. -00 -00 a 00 *0 roe 00 00 nee 00 w90 00 00 00 IA IA S 0 ft 0 9 A 4 1 u a 4; MTITYAEV. P. K. Mining ~'-naineering Experiment in applying the subdrift caving systcr, In Uwikh II mine. ("or.zhur. no. 3, 1952. Monthly List of Russian Accessions, Library of Conp.Tess, April 19521. Unclasairi&l. L 230'2'-(6 1- )/a, -,l ),1'f 'W-4/r,-.4/ 1; H ACC NR: Ap6oo96511 SOURCE CODE: UFVOIBI/66/008/003/07114/0749 N.. G._, Min afa ev R. Kh. AUTHORS: ~~Zuglyy, P L. ; ~~i ORG: Physicoteabnical Institute of Low Temperatures AN UkrSSR Khartkov '(P lifl_i6_ _T&khn1c he sic ly lnntltu~E TITLE: Elastic constants of polycrygtaIlLne me-thane'ln the tempera- ture interval 14.4 - 77K -____.______. e-. SC"RCE: Fizilca tverdogo tLa, v. 8, no. 3, 1966, 7411-'(49 TOPIC TAGS: methane, polycrystal, temperature dependence, elastic modulus, sound propagation, acoustic speed ABSTRACT: In view of the lack of experiniental data on elastic proper- ties of solidified gases, the authors have measured the temperature variation of the elastic constants of soltdified methan using for this purpose a dynamic inethod baued on the measurement,'itf' the propa- gation velocity of longitudinal and tranoverse-ul-Frasound waves. The test procedure was a modification of a pulsed method first described by N. I. Brazhnikov (Pribory dlya lzmerenl-ya akusticheskikh i Card L 2?021--66 ACC NR: Ap6oo9654 Fig. 1. Acoustic measuring line. 1 -- Indicator, 2 -- Johansson block, 3 -- lead, 4 gtdde~ ~5 -- cryostat cover, 6 -- glass vessel, 7 -- quartz holder, 5 -- ,piezoelectric pickup, 9 -- glass cylinder, 10 -- central conductor .of coaxial linej 11 -- tube, 12 -- German-silver tube, 13 -- ;stainless-steel rod, 14 -- bellowa, 35 -- covar junction, 16 - ,'flange, 17 -- threaded cylinder, 18 -- nut, 19 traverse, 20 anvil. _Card. ---- --- L 2 ion _66 ACC NR: Ap6oo9654 opticheskikh velichin, No. 4, 1961) employed by the authors earlier .to determine the elastic moduli of polyc::,ystalline ammonia (UFZh v. 10, 1251, 1965). A feature of this modified pulse method is the use of an additional acoustic line filled with a standard liquid, in-which lithe propa ation velocity of sound is known with sufficiently high ,accuracy ~Fig. 1). The measurements were made at 1 Mcs and in two temperature intervals, 77.4 -- 63.5 and 21.2 -- 14.4K. The tests ~ylelded the adiabaticcompressibility and the Poisson coefficient. The measurement technique and the sample preparation procedure are des- cribed in detail. In the 21 -- 77K range the compressibility in- ;creases with increasing temperature, frca 0.48 to 0.19 x 10-11 CM2 dyne; the Poisson coefficient Is 0.30. A phase transition is obser%W at 20.4K. The Debye temperatures of thci high-temperature and low- ;temperature phases are estimated to be 120 and 137K, respectively. .Some of the difficulties still to be overcome In future mea,-3urements bare briefly discussed, The author thanks A. V. Nazarenko f3r careful ipreparation of the measurement line. Orig. art. has_F_Ff1g-ires,, 4 ~formulas, and 1 table. f; :SUB CODE: 20/ SUBM DATHI 19jul65/ OTUO REP: 005/ OTH Fal?s 004 Card ACCESSIM ITR: AP4030793 8/0020/641/~55/W,-/V,,~"l/cj939 AUrHOR: Zavillgellskiy, 0. B.; Illyashenko, B. N.; Kirqat, E. Ye. Rudct.~--uko, 0. N. '71TIE: Protective artion of acridine orange against ultraviolet irr iiktjo f I ad n 0 DNA-i.n.fected bacteriophage 1 sub Phi 7 G no. 4, 1964, 937-939 OURGZ: AN SL;:,[A. DoklAdy,*, v- 155, G TOPIC TAGS: bacteria destroyer, becteriopbage.. phage, bacteriolvtic agent, acridine orange, DNA.. desoxyftbonucleic acid, decooribonucleic acid, biochemical research,, physiological research, TRA, spheroplasit ABST,RACT: In the Interaction of the basic dye acridine organge (AO) with DNA two complexes are fortmed: complex I, probably coasiating of AO dimers or higher aggregates and complex 3:1 is an AO monmer. Ccq?lex I is 'Postly formed with single-chain MU and HU,, while compJax II is fo:nwd with aative double-chain MA* The purpose of the present work was W find wbether AD can be used an protective substance aglain t lawtIvatlan of Lafectuous ERA by UV radiation. In tia tests, MA of the Intest"n-1 ~ 107 was used. MA Isolated fX= 1,?7 is laactuaw for spherapUwt bactowla* SNA 0496MUM vu don acooldW to the NUM" Card- 1/3 ACCESSIM NR: AP4030793 method. Spherop1sats were prepared from & bmth culture of S.coli C. An elabo- rate test showed that dyeing of infectious DNA with M LA a 5 - 10-7K concentmtion caused practically no screening of IN light. The same test was repeated with 1 q T bacterlo. pbage. AO dye has no effect on the whole phage (IVA ~ albmin skin) since it does, not penetmta through the albumin skin. Neither does UV radiation. With increased AO coacptratlons,, the qupata, Ir4put of lethal UV action. decreases (5910-T a 1.6x; 2.5 *101 a 2.85x; 5-19'un, 4.8x). The tests shoved that in a MIA solution " with AO and irradiated with UT light (of the nucleic acid absorption spectnm), the dye pxvtecta ERA from U&actlystion by the UV quanta. This means an effective energy algratlon from the MA ba" to the dye v1th sub- sequent light output or beat convaVelion. Orig. art. had: 1 fj&UM.. no fo=MLW, no tables. ASSOCIATION: Institut raa&atsionnoy I fUlko-khImicheakoy biologil AN SSW (Institute of Radiation, and PIWAlco-Cbealcal Biology AN SM); institut d-loloOl I alkrublolagit Ia. R. F. Gamaleya Aleadad' meditainskm JuLuk WWTI=~wu of 391daK"a and JUcrablalaa, Acad=W of Medical Sciences SM) Card 2/3 ACCESSION n: AP4030793 BuMaw t 3OAu663 D= AOqi 3QApr64 ZNQLj 00 SUB CODE: LS 170 IW SM: 001 012MR: 005 Card 3/3 MINYATOV, AN. (Moskva) Calculating the pressure on t?-e blurt trailinL7 edge .)f a bate separating two supersonic 'I-)ws with laminar mixing. ::-.z r . z.- r. I no. 2: 11-5-149 '61. (MIRA i-4:14) (Laminar flow) I T I 11717rAlr-- , r. Y. !:iys -1 'mnmvir.F '~,e :~fllciency ol ~n V. 7:k~lrr .,c~,nical Sciences) FTliZhT,AYa Let.,,)PI51 Q 1-1 HINUMV, B.K., gornyy inzhflner. Open finished Etope 9,73tem In -iinin,; iaclined Dzk.-~zkiz,' Gr,~twlz. Gor.zhur. no.l:V-1Q Ja '56. (9LaA "): ) (Dzficizkazf;iA.n--Minln(,, en-l-ineering) KINYAYNV, B. K. of increasLig the efficiency of the open stope x7stem in Dzhezkazgan mines. Trudy Unipromedi rio.2:24-35 '57. (HrRA 11:11) (Dzhezkazgan--Copper mines nnd mining) KIKYAYEV. B. K. Industrial testing of BKK-2 boring machines in underground mining. Trudy Unipromedi no.2:143-1,56 '57. (MrRA U:U) (Boring each iner7--Tes t ing) (Mining engineering) HINYAYBV, B.K., kandidat takhnichaskikh nauk; PFMINOV. 1.A.. inzhener. "UNIPROKOI" Institute. Gor. zhur. nci.8:41-43 Ag '57. (KLBA 1019) (Ural Mountain region-Copper mines and mining) (Mining engineering) CHEREDNIKOV. A.V.; MITATEV, I.I.; SHKODAKOV, M.N. Three-spindle borer. Der. prom. R no.9:27 S '59. (KIRA 12: 12) (Drilling and boring machiner7) POLTA.KOV. Te.S.; MINTATEV, I.N.; BADALYA.N, Kh.A.; LUK'TAIIOV. V.V., doktor retsenzent; NAZAROV, R.I., kandt- dat telchnicheskikh nauk, Aoteent; appterodaktor; KTJDAYEVA, V.r., re4aktor; MMOTKITIA, N.A., tekhni-Oieskiy redaktor [Macaroni plant equipment] O'horudovanie na~nronnoeo proizvodetva. Mosl~va, Pis-chepromI7.da+, lQS4. 105 p. (MLRA R:7) (Ka(aroni) (Food ind,istr7-Squipment and supplies) 1 . klITITMV. N. A. 2. 'JSS-. (600) 4. Leningrad Province - botany 7. Basic stages In the history of the development of fl)ra of Leni-lg-al Pr,,-,ril-a. Nauch biul Len un. No. 25 l-)51. 0. Mr~nth "Y ~l V !* P-,m; ly; A~- ,!; . :, ~ , , !-. ' ' !~~- 7~ , April KARKOVSKATA. L.A.; MIkTATU, N.A.; MISHKIN, B.A.Cdacaasedj; MISHKIRA. A.Ta.j MURATITICYA, XMMWVA, T.L.; ROUNTITS, R.Tu. (deceased]; YLO- ROVSXATA, To.F.; SHISHKIN, B.K.; YIJZZFCHUK, S.T.; SHISHKIN, B.K.,prof., redaktor; MWISOV, N.N.. radaktar; GATAULLINA, A.S.. takhaichookiy redaktor. (Flora of the Leningrad ProvinceJ Flora Leningradskol oblasti. Otyet- styannyi red. V.K.Shishkin. Leningrad. Isd-vo Laningradekoge unly. 90-1. 1955. 285 P. (Microfilm] NLRA 9:6) 1.Leningrad. UniverattelL 2.Chlon-korrtgapondent Akademli nauk SSSR (for Shishkia). (TAningrad Province-Botany) DMIISOVA. G.A.; ZAICHARKVIGH. S.F.; KIRPICIUMOV M.N.- KORCHAGIN. A.A.: KLff*YJ1W*Jk.A,,.L_K1SHXIN. B.A. Cdeceasedl; MIS161111A. A.Te. [deceased] KURAVIYKVA. 0.A.; SOKOL4DVSXAYA. A.P.. YLOROVUAYA. Ta.F.; B.K., prof.; PITROVICHNVA, O.L., reell; YODOIAGINA. S.D., (Flora of Leningrad Province) Flora Louingredskoi oblasti. Owt. red. BoX.Shishkin. [Ioningrad]. no.2: 1957. 240 P. (KIRA 11:3) 1. Leningrad. Universitet. 2. Ghlen-korrespondent Atcad*mii nauk 55M (for Shishicin) (Imningrad Province-Botany) \ -'I'UJM4x Sygtgmtics of Lotu3 spocies in. that northwestern part of the LuTopean U.S.S.R. Pt .1. got. mat.'Gerb: IP119-141 '5?. (ml-RA lo:6) (Russia, Northwestern--14tua) BORKHVAADT, V.S.; VASILIYEV, 1.V.; KOZLOVSKAYA, N.V.; MA--tKOVSKAYA, L.A.; VINYATEV, N.A.; MURAVIYEVA, O.A.; SERGIYEVSKAYA, Ye.V.: SOKOLOV- SKAYA, A.P.; FLO:',OVSKAYA, Ye.F.; SHIShM, B.K.,prof.; YUZEF-CH7(,S.V. prof. [deceased]; KARPOVA, L.A., red.; ZHUKOVA, Ye.G., tekhn. red. (Flora of Leningrad Province) Flora Laninrradskol oblasti. Otv. red. B.K.ShiBhkin. Leningrad, No.3. 1961. 206 p. (MIRA 14:10) 1. Leningrad. Universitet. 2. Chlen-korrespondent A14 SSMI (Shishkin). 3. Kafedra botaniki Leniugrradskogo Ordena Lenina f.-.osudarstvennogo uni- versiteta im. A.A. Zhdi,-nova (for Sergiyevskaya, Yuze~.iuk). (Leningrad Province -D icot-y led ons MIYYAYEV,, N.A. Distribution of the bedstraw Galiam vernum Scop. in PskcT ?roVILCe. Vest.ILU 16 no-9:136-140 161. ".fl :,.A ~. (Pskov Province-Bedstraw) AMAYEV, N.A.; SINIDT, V.M. Investigation of the flora of Pskov ;"rovince. Vest.ILU 16 no.9: 151-159 ?61. (MMA 14:5) (Pskov Province Botanical research) JUNUR' f,,__Nikqlay leks!~n~ro KHOMIROV, B.A., prof., otv.r4d.; A __yjch; TI FETROVICHEVA, O.L., red.izd-va; GrLIGANOVA, L.M., tekhn.~ed. [Structure of pl,)nt associations; based on research saterial on the blueberry-crowberry sawles of associations in the Khibiny Mountainsj Struktura rastitelinykh assotsiataii; po materialam Issledovaniia chernichno-voronichnol serii assotsiatsii v Khi binsium ra4m nassive mookwav lid-wo Akad.nsuk SS5RP 1963. 260 p. rRastitellnosti Krainego Severa SSSR f sie oevoenie, no.4) .1 1 (MMA l6t2) (Khi~iny Mlountaind~~Plant communities) MiNY-ARVA ILA,; 3MIDT, V.M, Fourth yea-r of the studi o~' flora ',.a Pskov Pro-vince. VA-St. ILU 18 no.15:lt,1-162163. (I-LIRA 16:9) (PSKOV PROVINGFJ0FANY) ~`, j: "'! ,!vV , ;. .'%. , -t . : - , , t . . . L I I . . . :*. , r ., :'!I . -1 MINYAYEV, N.A.; RfZZHIVINi,, Yo.Ya. Valoritina BamlYicitolIR Mik. r. ',n L-nliprad f'mvincc,. Vei3*,. 19 no.7:181-IF4 ")4. ( M : RA I ' : - , (4-NYA - - . I '. , . - . 11 . I , - . . I , r, : -t ; :, , 'i . '. . , ;~ E " . . , - ~ I . . . 11 -1 , I ", , . .( , .. , r, . I , -. . ~ -I - , :" I i ... -.,I, . , ': , ~ . , . I , - , t.-. ".. - - x * . 'l- 1 7 . - . - . * : - :- , - ,l - , f - "', . ~ . * : . , - " - I r BORKHVARDT, V.S.; DROZLOVA, I.E.; ZAKIWEVIC-A, S.F.; KCZLOVSKAYA, N.V.; MARKOVSKAYA, L.A.[deceased]; MIUMEN 11 A.; 11MRAVIYEVA, O.A.; SEFIGIYI.VSYAYA, A.F.; STANISHCHEVA, O.N.; TAKHTADZINAN, A.L.; FLORM,UYA, Ye.F.; TSVELEV, N.N.; SHISHKU!, b.K., prof.[deceased]; SHMIDT, V.M.; DUIROVSKAYA, I.P., red. [Flora of Leninurad Province) Flora Loningradskol oblaoti. Leningrad. No.4. 1965- 356 V. (MIRA 18t9) 1. Leningrad. Universitet. .1. C?.len-