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S/10_9~61/006/009/006/018 Design of plane aperture anternae D201/D302 a&i) ~ A (e' , YI) dt k, J2 (7) where Jl(~,), J2(11) are the n~r1pl-101do-Phaiju d1utribution of litiour antennae and k1, k 2 are constants, These two equations may be con- sidered as a system which permit the synthesis of plane aperture antennae from knownp in the main planes, directivity patterns. J (g) and J 2(1q) are, therefore, considered to be known and the possi- bility of determining A(~, j) and bft) is explored with the aim of applying the design procedure of linear antennae to that of plafie aperture antennae. Two kinds of amplitude-phase distributions are then considered. The first kind when the amplitude phase character- istic can be represented by explicit dietributions of both amplitu- de and phase as in (~n) 2 Card 3/8 S/109 /61/006/009/006/018 Design of plane aperture antennae D201/D302 and-the second when both remain implicit in the expression for N). For explicit representation two types of problems are con- sidered 1) The aperture (b(-~)) is symmetrical with respect to axis. a~ In phase symmetricL distribution. The author concludes here that the effective distribution J (72) is equal to the distri- bution, of a plane antenna in the diree on of the ~ axisy multi- plied at every point by a quantity proportional to the effective moment of the cross section in 7taxis direction. b)'Asymmetrical in phase distributions. The evaluation of amplitude phase distri- bution is carried out. c) Symmetrical out-of-phase distributions. For an odd phase distribution the basic equation has the form of Mr.) A, (~)0,60) As (q) cus (q) d Tj J, (12) It follows that R,) and 'V2(~) influences the effective amplitude distribution. 2) The second type of problem is when the ..Card 4/8 LX S/109/61/006/009/006/018 Design of plane aperture antennae D201/D302 aperture is symmetrical with respect to both ~ and q axes, With in- phase symmetrical distribution, the problem reduces to a set of two simultaneous equations 1--- 6 r') (13) A, (Q As (q) dq - kLJI As (TI) A I (t) dt = k: J2 (n), (14) When the distribution is implicit, the knowledge of it in one plane does not result in much information about the distribution in other planest so that the solution of problems of implicit distribution is hardly possible and only one case is consideredg i.e. that of symmetrical in-phase distribution, for which (21) A (t, -q) dil - J~ (E). Card 5/8 5/109/61/006/009/006/018 Design of plane aperture antennae D201/D302 is giveng which has to be solved. If A(;,'T'q) is given then after integrating (21) an ex5ression is obtained for finding b(t). When b0l') is given, Eq. (21 in its general. form cannot be solved as an iniinite number of solutions can be obtained. The following solu- tions of Eq. (21) are recommended: a) 1, ak Ik (q) jt (E), (22) A tj) - k-0 nk T(4)T in which fk(*I) an arbitrary easily integrated function; t Pk fk (,I) d~; 0 b) A(rl) dJ,[a(l - rl)) (23) dr where r, 1 + Card 6/8 3/109/61/006/009/006/018 Design of plane aperture antennae D201/D302 dJ, (a(Yr::D)j A c) (24) where r a(l) a function inverse of b(~). 2 V1 + b(V 17 Finally the "artificial" rocking of the beam is considered. This method can -be successfully applied to visualize to full directio- nal pattern from one plane only. Since a linear phase shift produ- ces the shift of the main lobe and of the %Yhole of the pattern in the generalized system of coordinates (t,j) cos andn (25) representep in factt the effective distribution of a linear anten- nair whose directional pattern coinoides with that of a plane aper- ture antenna in the cross sectio 'n plane u2 = a. Taking different.a the patter can be studied for any required number of cross sections. Card 7/8 8/109/61/006/009/006/018 Design of plane aperture antennae D201/D302 It is stated in conclusion that the method of plane aperture anten- na synthesis from one or two cross-sections of the directivity pat- tern permits using the basic relationship between an aperture of arbitrary shape with linear antennae. There are 9 references: 7 Soviet-bloc and 2 non-Soviet-bloc. The reference to the English- 1'anguage publication reads as followst G*H. Brownp Pattern Synthe- sis Simplified Methods of Array Design to Obtain a Desired Direc- tive Patternp RCAp Rev.-1959, 20, 3v 398. SUBMITTED: August 5#- 1960 Card 8/8 AUTHORt Milkovichp 'TITLE: Symmetrical diagrame'realized by circular radiation apertures IERIODICALs Radiotekhnika i elektronika, v. 6, no. 12, 1961, 2095 - 2097 TEXT: The analogy between the linear antenna and a circular aper- ture indicates the possibility of obtaining the conditions for rea- lizing a symmetrical directional diagram by means of a circular aperture of finite dimensions. In the far region the directional diagram aperture is determined by the Bankel transformation F (U) - A (p) Jo W) pdp. where (2) 00 (up) Udu Card 1/4 30444 S/109/61/006/012/UI9/020 D201/11305 B.M. A (p) F (U) JO 0 30444 8/109/61/006/012/019/020 Symmetrical diagrams realized by D/201/D305 the connection between (1) and (2) being valid not for all even and non-continuous functions F(u) and A(p)* In the present short commu- nication the conditions which have to be satisfied by functions F(u) and A(p) are given. Using Eqs. (1) and (2) it is easy to show that functions Y(u) and A(p) are interconnected by an equation ana- logous to the Pareeval equality for the vourier transform I F (u)js udu I A (p)JI pdp. 0 0 For a physically realizabie distribution 2 /A(p)/ pdp oo (4) 0 or IF(u)l2 udu -< co (5) hold. Since In the opposite case the directive gain is equal to zero when F(O) is finite then inequality Card 2/4 30444 8/109/61/006/ul2/Olj/020 symmetrical diagrams realized by ... D201/D305 2 /F(W)/ du _< 00 (6) is true* The Hankel transformation Eq. (1) is now reduced to that of Fourier and &fter thatp using Eq, (6) the Wiener-Paley theorem is applied to the Fourier transform. Since COD UPIF dy, -Eq. (1) takes the form F (U) (Y) (7) where A (P) P I (Y) - ap v Card 3/4 ~ft/61/066/U12/U19/U20 bymmetrical diagrams D201/11305 is an ev en function of class L (-lv 1). F(u) has therefore to sa- tisxy the following conditiollsi the continuation of the function into the complex dowain'F(z) must be a whole transeendez*Ll functioi, of an exponential type with index ----l; function F(z) must satisfy. at the axis z for condition (j). Eq. ()) shows that functions whicht may oe realized as Ghe directional diagrams of circular apertures must diminish in infinity 1/u times faster than the corresponding functions of linear.apertures. There are 5 referencee: 3 Soviet- oloc and ~ non-6oViet-bloc. The.reference to ihe '=glish-language pulication reads as follows: T.T. Taylorp Design of circular aper- ture for narrow beamwidth and low side looes. IRE Trans 1960, Ae- SUB14ITTED: Juiy 10p 1961 Uard 4/4 L) AUTHOR: TITLE: PERIODICAL: S/109,/62/007/001/023/027 D266/D301 Minkoryich,_~B.M. Application of the two-dimensional Fourier transform to the synthesis of antennas having a plane aperture Radiotekhnika i elektronikag v. 7, no. 1. 1962, 171 - 173 TEXT: The purpose of the paper is to describe briefly the synthe- sis of aperture distribution functions if the two-dimensional ra- diation pattern is given. The author writes first the Fourier trans- form relationships between the distribution function A(~, J.) and the radiation pattern F(ulp u2) (19, ~ and ul, u2 are coordinates referring to the lane of the aperture and the direction of radia- tion respectively5 and states the Plancherel-Polya theorem (Ref. 3, Commen. Math. Helv. 1937, 99 224). This theoremg a generalization of the one-dimensional Wiener-Paley theorem, gives the conditions which the F(u 19 u2) function has to satisfy in order to have a Fou- Card 112 S/109_/62/007/001/023/027 Application of the two-dimensional ... D266/1301 rier transform which vanishes outside a finite domain D. The first step in the synthesis is to specify a realizable F(ujq U 2) func- tion (it must belong to the L 2 class of functions and Its analytic continuation must be an entire function of finite degree) and then using a method outlined by B.Ya. Levin (Raspredeleniye korney tse- lykh funktsiy (Root Distribution of Integral Functions) GTI, 1956) the shape of the aperture and the amplitude and phase distribution in the aperture can be determined. The author showsq fu;thermoreg that if the radiation pattern is separable, i.e. F(ul" u2 ) = F1 ("j 1) F2 (u2) the distribution function becomes also separable and the problem reduces to the wellknown case of the rectangular aperture. There are 2 figures and 6 references: 3. Soviet-bloc and 3 non-So- viet-bloc. The reference to the English-language publication reads as follows: T.T. Taylor, IRE Trans. 1955, AP-39 1, 16, SUBNITTED: July 10, 1961 Card 212 3~992 S/109/62/007/004/014/018 10 0 D271/D302 'AUTHOR: lylinxovich, B.I.T. TITLE: 'A certain ilyp of partial radiation patterns PERIODICAL: Radiotekhnika i elektronika, v. 7, no. 4, 1962, 708 - 710 ' a]EXT: In search of a new solution of F (u) iu, a AQ)e d (1) which occurs in the synthesis of linear antennas, the method of parL.ial patterns is further expanded. The method was first proposed by L.B. Tartakovskiy. Partial diagrams are proposed in Lhe forn, of bessel functions of half-integer index. A(g) in the general case is L a function of a real variable and can assume complex values. The system of partial solutions of (1) can be expressed as 1 P (S)e iu'sd~ = in -V2-7jru- j (u) (4) J/ n n+1/2 S/10 62/007/004/014/018 A certain type of partial radiation D271YD302 where Pn(",,),are Legendre polynomials. Eq. (1) is rewritten in the form 00 VTF a W = VTir 7, Cnin in+1/2(u) (5a) n=O where Cn are complex constants. The problem is thus reduced to re- pres2-ntation of a prescribed radiation pattern as a series of Bes- sel f,.Lnctions of half-integer index. Every continuous function can be approximated over a limited range by a normalized Neumann series and when v U a(z) is written out in this form, coefficients are deter- mLned from the kno%-m radiation pattern, This method gives accurate and slngle-valued results only when the radiation pattern can be determined on the entire axis u in such a manner that its continu- ation into the complex region is an integer exponential function ol (:rp class L2('001 oo). There are 7 references: 4 Soviet-bloc and 3 non-Soviet-bloc. The reference to the Mi-lish-language publication reads as follows: A. Ishimaru, Proc. IRE, v. 48, no. 7, 1960, 1344. SUBI;*lTTBD: October 5, 1961 -.-Card 2/2 MINKOVICH, B,M. Antenna radiation pattern representation in the form of the s= of A-functiona. Radiotekh. i elektron. 9 no.6:1073-1079 is 164. OG RA 17 17) ~',ACCESSION NR: AP404ZSZB S/0109/64/009/007/1308/1310 .1AUTHOR: Minkovich. B. M. ITITLE: Designing antennas with flat apertures SOURCE: Radiotekhnika I elektronika, v. 9. no. 7, 1964, 1308-1310 TOPIC TAGS: antenna, antenna aperture, antenna directivity, antenna synthesis, antenna theory ABSTRACT: This Is an addition to the author's earlier work (Radiotekhnika I oicktronika, 1961, 6. 9, 148Z) on the synthesis of a flat aperture for two major sections of the radiation pattern (the method of equivalent linear 'aperture). Modulus -symmetrical, arbitrary-phase amplitude -and-phase distributions are considered for the purpose of synthesizing a flat aperture. It is shown that, for a specified shape of aperture, this problem has only one solution, and for each new shape, the solution will be different. Orig. art. has: 18 formulas. ASSOCIATION: none SUBMITTED: 27May63 ENCL: 00 SUB CODE: ECp DP NO REF SOV: 002 OTHER: 000 L5116-66! ErWT(1)/T/FCS(k) WR _CCMION NR: AP5020131 jA UR/0109/65/010/008/1525/15z -a 621.396.671.2.095 __M 'AUTHOR: hfipko!~~, TITLE: Selecting khe length of an antenna SOURCE: Radiatekhnikaielektronika, v. 10..n0. 8. 1965, 15z5-1528 TOPIC TAGS. antenna configuration, antenna theor V: ABSTRACT: The 0. R. Rhodes method for synthesizing a linear radiator which i ensures a better mean-square approximation of F M45 L. (IEEE Trans., 1963, AP-.11, 40 440) is adapted for the purpose of determining the radiator length. Given are: F3 (U) (-1, 1]. the accuracy 'of approximating the function F(u)SW, to the function F factor on the condition that. ,(u); andthe superdirectivity im W NO jfl.)j1d.:5 From the above data, the electrical length cof the e p 014074n 17 121-66 hVIT(1)/T/FCS(k)-- j*!R V -.5 ------- L 'ACCESSION MR: AP5022438. UR 10 /65/010/009/1 /0 9 719JI715 621i396.67.012.12 AUTHOR: Kinkovich.' B. M. TITLE: Directional, patterns and synthesis of amund aperture SOURCE: Radiotekhnika.i elektroni1m, v. 10, no. 9, 1965, IT12-IT15 .:-'l TOPIC TAGS: antenna :-.'.'~ABSTRAM The form of the functions which can describe the directional patterns of Aa round aperture Is established, and the synthesis of this aperture by a method of equivalent linear radiator is generalized. The class of functions representable In the form of this Hankel trarwformatl~u F. is found. The function F.(u) is a finite-power integer function of the 11~ class and is representable as an even function p.,* (tt) e W.,w multiplied by u" . The method Of equivalent radiator is briefly explained. The directional pattern is described in terms of~ A-functions. Orig. art. hass 18 formulas. ~Card 112 170 5121-66 ACCESSION Wt: AP5022438 ASSOCIATIOM nond SUBMMED1,03SeP64 ENCLS.- Oo SM CODzt Ea REF BOY' 007 OTM 001 carc, MINKOVICH..,_~~G.,t inzh.; LAM-ETS, M.A., 1nzh. Concerning L.I.Dvoskin's article "Enclosed power distribution unita In the univerBal plan of a large thormal electric power plant." Elek. sta. 36 no.9--86 S 165. (MIRA 18:9) VOROBEYCHIX,,.Ya.N.;.4L41KO~IICH,..M.Ya, (stantsiya Oboll) Rural plVoician and consUtaticn services. Sovet. zdravookhr.5t /+O-,4Z- 963 (KM 17t2) 1. Iz Obol'skoy seltskoy uchastkovoy bollnitsy Shumilinskogo rayons, Vitebskoy oblasti, MINKOVICHO O.A. Recbvery of phthalic anhydride wastes in the production of alkvd resins. Itikokras.mat. i ikh primi no,1:83 160. "(MIRA 1Z~-45 (Alkyd resins) Phthalic anhydride) RT, E.R.; KHEYDEY, A.A.; MINKOVICH, V.Zh.; GRUSHANOV, L.,, tekbn. red, [Heat transferp reduction temperature and surface friction in a plane plate with bydrogen injection into the 1-4y, boundary layqr] Toploobmen, temperatura voestimovleniia i poverkbnostnoe trenie na ploskoi plastins 9 podachel vodoroda v laminarmyi po- granicbnyi aloi; soveshchanie,po teplo-i massoobmenup g. Minsk, 5-10 ilunia 1961 g. Minsk, 1961. 34 p. (MIRA 15:2) (Boundary layer) (Heat-Radiation and absorption) (Mass transfer) i!, 1, N KO.J fwcthodt; of toneldrw in Mir.. op. Vo 01, 1 uncolulocAf-d C% MPIcx ilim l,di!(,,ot.,on v ;%Oscow Fcd:~: o,--icil inst Lmcni 'i. 1. 1- nin. 0:' C 0, I P5 6 (Dissert.?tion OZ' UIC- in Pean-cuical clource: lchizlinnya letonis I No. 28 1956 :".O.Scow i~TN IFOVSKIYI 111. KII. at. Medical Sci. Ifor., L-c-ninvr~,d Sci. Ins. I7--!urosurjc-1 Inst., im,; Po'-~lov, -cl)h,'-. efor. Chair, Otor1riuvlar-!ngology, Leni,-vrzd Order of Lenin St2te InSt. For Advancement of 71'ysicilms In. S. 11. Kirov, -c1946-- I'llew D~ita on ti,e Mec'I-I;nIJsr-, of tntt Pr-~P:2r-y-Ccrel.ellar Re;,ctions ;nd Tleir SiEnifiCance ;n N-u-o:~,urj-icQi Cli.-.ic,;l Work," Vop. lllevl-r-kHrurgii, 'No. 2, 194P; "Clir-ical Significance of Functioi.;.l Between the Otolithic Form2tion -nd The Srlm'c~'rcul~,r Cqnjl from the Standpoint of ti~- Theory of Evolution," Vest. Oto-rlno-l;or'.n~lol., No. 1~, 1948; "Effect of Tickhorn-:i I'nceph2litiS on the Function of t.-;e Innftr Fir," i-id., uo. 6, 191,8. MMOKCIISM, A. Yll. FA 710-1103 "r ill NINUSKIY) A. KH. 33599 Sheyno-Labirintnyy Fenomen. Vestnik Ctorinclaringologit, 1949, No. 5, C. 48-50.--Bibliogr: 7 Nazv. SO: Lotooisln:,kh Statey, Vol. 45, VLoskva, 1949 3., KNIKOVSI(TYp A. KH* 2. USSR (600) 4. Medicine. 7. ToneiDitie, Izdo 2-c Yoekva, Medgizp 1951- 9. Monthly List of Russian Accessions, Library of Congress, Januar7p 1953. Unclassifie( MINIIOVSKIT, A.Kh. 0'1~' Problem of correlation between sound and vestibular analysors. Vest. otorinolar.. Moskva 14 no. 5:23-26 Sept-Oat 1952. (MAL 23:3) 1. Doctor Medical Sciences. 29 Of the Department of D1046ses of the Bar, Throat and Rose (goad - Prof. V. G. Termolwev), Leningrad In- stitute for the Advanced Training of Physicians ineni S. M. Xirov. MINIKOMIT, A.KH. condit4lonei.reflex Indaced labyrinthise %Wsta&mms. Vest- otoriwl&r.. Moskva 15 no. 1:28-31 Jan-Feb 1953. (CLIG 24:1) 1. Doctor Medical Sciences. 2. Of the Departamt of Diseases of the Bar, throat, and lose (Head - Prof. V. G. Termolayev). loniwad In- stitute for the Advanced Training of Physicians iseni S. M. Kirov. POPZMSXAYA, V.,I.; MMIKOVSKIY, A.Kh., dohtor meditainakikh nank, zaveduyushchiy. Injury of a group of cerebrocranial nerves in parotid ubsceas. Vest.oto- rin. 15 no.1:93,94 klr-.T# '53. (YT-21 6:8 ) 1. Rafedra bolezney ukhit, gorla i non& Chelyabinsikogo Tneditainakogo insti- tuta. (Parotid glands--Abscess) a MINIKOVSKIY, A.Kh. :' ~114%wer) tl-~~~~- Review of "Cerebral cortex and functions of the vestibular analysor,m a book of the honored scientist [professor, zas- luzhennyy dayatell naukil K.L.Khilov. Vest.oto-rin. 16 no.l: 86-89 Ja-F '54. (MLRA 7:3) (Cerebral cortex) (Labyrinth (Ear)) (Khilov, K.L.) KINIXOTSKIT, AM, professor (Chollabinsk) OWN46 Classification of angime and chronic tonsillitis. Vest. oto-rin. 16 no.6:56-57 N-D.154. (KLRA 8:1) (TMILLITIS cl&snif., proposal) MINIKOVSKIT. A.Kh,, professor I ----wM"en=er*s =llesass. Yest.oto-rin. 16 no.6:i5-zo Y-D 116. (na lo:2) 1. Is kefedry bolesnev ukhm. gorla I no@& Chelyabinskogo wditsin- skogo Institlats. (MUMOS Dimum clin. aspects & suggested change In terminol.) - , I ,. . - -1,- MM1KOVSKIY,,, A.Kh.,'prof. "Clinical m"pects of foreign bodies of the lArynx, trrichen nnd bronchi" by P.O. Lepnev. Neriewod by A.M. Min'kovskll. Yost. oto-rin. 19 no.6:97-99 M-D '57 (KIRA 11.1) (RESPIRATORY ORGAIIS--FOREIGN BODIES) (LEPNEV, P.G. ) LUKOVp BA, prof, (Kuybyshev); MITROV, V.I., dotsent (Moskva); FAVIZUKOO T.M., aspirant (Moskva); YEW4OLAYEV, V.G., prof. (Leningrad); ADO., A.D., prof.; VCVSI.. M.S., prof.; umloumvp V G.., prof. (Lenim&W); KUPRIYANOVA N.A. (Kazan'); FETROV, G.1. ~Maskva); DOLGOPOLUVA, A.V. (Moskva~; SAKUROV, POP*, prof.; BYXHOVSKIY0 Z.Ye., prof.; MIRIKOVSKIY, prof. (Chelyabinsk); YalELICHONOKP I.P. (Irktitsk); TFWKIN, U.S., prof. (Moskva); I.frN'KMXIY- A-Kh-, prof. (Chelyabinsk); MILISHT"EY11, T.N., doktor med.nauk (L~ninkrmd); TRUTNEV, V.K., zasluzhennyy deyatell nauki, prof.; TSEiESHKIN,;B.D., (Moskva); SOBOLP, I.M., prof. (Stavropol' TURIK, G.M. (Moskva); FRENEELI, M.M. (Moskva); MAZOP I.L.; POKRYVALOVA, K.P.; PROSKURYAKOV, S.A., prof.; ATKARSHAU, A.A., prof.; GOL 'DFARB, LV., prof. (Izhevsk); PORDBINMKAYA, N.M. (Noskva); RUDIEVy G.F , prof.; VOLV~SOIT, I.Z.t prof. (Stalingrad); DOROSHENKO, I.T., prof: (Kalinin); .'' ROZENFELID., M.O., prof. (Leningrad); SHULIGA, A.O., prof. (Orenburg); MIKHLIN, Ye.G., prof.; TRETIYAKOVA, Z.V. (Moskva); MARYLOV, YeeN.j, prof. (Moskva); DOROSHENKO, I.T.,, prof. (Kalinin); YERMOIAYEVA.. V.G.# prof. Speeches in the discussion. Trudy goo. nauch.-isol. inst. ukhap gorla i nosa no.11:79-87,129-146,179-186.,233-248,311-333 159. (MIPA 15: 6) 1. Chlen-korrespondent AM SSSR (for Ado). 2. Direktor Moskov- skogo gosudarstvennogo instituta ukha, gorla i nosa (for Trutnev). (OTORRI -CONGRESSES) --MIN, 11OVS11IT, -AJX..._ prof. Paview of S.Y. Khachinashvili's 'Tentibular function.0 Top.otarin. 21 no.6-.89-91 T-D 159. (MIRA 13:4) (VISTOULAR APPARATUS) (MOMINASE[VILI, S.K.) MINIKOVSKIY,-A,44,, Review of S.Z. Romm's book "Prophylaxis of angina." Vast. oto-rin. 25 no.2:105 -Mr-Ap 163. (MIRA 17:1) GINZBURG-3111K, Lev Davidovich; NINKOVSKIY, B.I..* red, [Riggings and rigging operations in the Installation of thermomechanical. equipment in electric power plants] Takelazh I takelazhnye raboty pri montazhe teplomekhani- chaskogo oborudovanlia elektrostantsii. IzO-2.t perer. Moskvap Energilap 1965. 2?8 p. (MIRA 18:7) MINKOVSKIT &LAWidat tekhnicheskikh nauk. - Ift"Mr.&M-A Commutation vector of a mechanical rectifier. Sbor.nauch. rab.Bel.polit.inst. n0-53:59-69 '56. (MLRA 10:2) (Electric measurements) 8(0) SOV/11Z-59-4-7337 Translation from: Referativnyy zhurnal. Elektrotekhrika, 1959, Nr 4, p 127 (USSR) AUTHOR: Minkovskiy, D. I. TITLE: Vector -Measuring Devices PERIODICAL: Sb. nauchn. rabot Belorussk. politekhn. in-ta, 1957, Nr 61, pp 93-101 ABSTRACT: Vector meters with a 2- or 4-contact synchronous mechanical switch and a built-in current transformer axe described. Transformer errors are compensated by a variable -inductance coil. A scheme is suggested for splitting the single-phase system into a slightly asymmetrical 3-phase system; calculation and analysis of the scheme are presented. D. 1. M. Card I I I S/143/60/000/010/011/011 A169/AO26 AUTHORS: Minkovskiy,..D, I,,, Candidatp-__of_TP_chnJ~al Sciences.-Docent. and Kutsylo,,V..K., Engineer TITLEt The Third Conference on Dielectrics and Semiconductors of Schopls of_Higher Learning PERIODICAM Energetika, no. 10, 1960, 118 TEXTt Tretlya mezhvuzovskaya konferentsiya po dielektrikam i polu- provodnikam (The Third Conference on Dielectrics and Semiconductors of Schools of Higher,Learning) was convened on June 13 - 18, 1960, at the Le- ningradakiy.elektrotekhnicheskiy institut im. V. 1. Ullyanova (Lenina) (Le- ningrad Electrotechnical Institute im. V. 1. Ullyanov (Lenin)). A total of 178 reports was read by different sections, as indicated, on the following problemst 1) Section of the Physics of Dielectricst solid-state physics, discharge shaping and the influence of impurities. 2) Section of the Inor- ganic Dielectrics: dependence of the structure of glasses and ceramics upon their properties, the performance of these dielectrics at high frequency and increased temperature, and the improvement of the molding process of eleotro- Card 1/3 -9/143/60/000/010/011/011 The Third Conference on Dielectrics and... A189/AO26 lytic capacitors. 3) Section of the Organic Dielectricat uorvi properti.0c; of transformer oils, 4) Section of the Effects of Irradiation Upon Dielec- trics and Semiconductors: the effects of gamma irradiation and of other sorts of irradiation upon the properties of materials. 5) Section of the Ferroelectrics and Ferrites: "termoaiellkograf" LAbstracter's Note: name of an instrument] for dielectric measurements and the properties of ferro- elebtrics and manganese-zinc ferrites. 6) Section of Crystals and Crystal- lization: growing and properties of monocrystals. 7) Section of the Physics of semiconductors: surface phenomena of semiconductors, galvanomagnetic properties of gallium arsenide and others. 8) Section of the Semiconductor Diodes and Transistorst the theory of the nature of semiconductor phenomena, their application, and the carbide-silicon diode. 9) Section of Photocells and Luminous Materials: new materials.,investigation of their properties, influence of the ambient medium, and their application. 10) Section of Se- miconductor Resistors and Thermoelectrical Instruments: varistors, circuit designing and the use of thermistors, and the production of semiconductor thermoelements. The following items were displayed at an exhibition organ- ized at this conference: varistors, powerful germanium and copper-oxide Card 2/3 .46 S/143/60/000/010/011/011 The Third Conference on Dielectrics and... A189/AO26 diodes, a long line of transistors, a non-vacuum electroluminescent screen, a 5-kw thermoelectric generator, new sorts of ceramics, organosilicon mate- rials, latest dielectric on the basis of glass fiber and asbestos, and fer- rites. In resolutions, among others, the conference recommended to inten- sify work in the field of ferrites and heat-resistant organic insulations, and to extend the training of specialists in the field of electric insula- tion by means of night and correspondence school instructions. LAbstrac- ter's Note: Neither names of participitants nor the titles of individual papers are given in the article.] SUBMITTED: June 27, 1960 Card 3/3 14MOVSKIY,, D.I. kand.tekhn.naak.. dotaent; BLADYKO, V.M.., kand.tekhn. I t RevielR of "Static electromagnetic frequency and phase-number nrnvpy~ters.ll Izv.vysouchebezavo; energ, 5 no-4:133-134 AP 162. (MM 15:5) (Frequency changers) (Phase converters) ?ffNKOVSKIY,,_D.I., kand.tekhn.nauk, 4oteent; ZAVISTOVICH, I.I., inzh.; MAZELEVA, inzh. Compensated loss counters. Izv. vys.-ucheb. zav.; energ. 6 no.12:105- 109 D 163. (MIRA 17sl) 1. Belorueskiy politekhnicheskiy institut. Predstavlena kafedroy teo- 'retbo'heskikh osnov elektrotekhniki. MEKHEDKO, F.V., kand.tekhn.nauk, dotsent; 'YINKO-VSKIY,n-I-,-kand.tekhn. nauk, dotsent; KRASIN, V.P., kand. hn.nauk, dotsent. Review of I.V.Voloshin's monograph "Direile.-current networks containing thermistors.0 Izv. vys. ucheb. zav.; energ. 7 no.3.-122-123 W 164. (MIRA 17:4) MINNON-' t M , R'YKOV v V. j MBM starshiy inzh.-konstruktor Generators for steam curing chambers, Bill. bud. 11 no. 2:17- IS F 161, (MIRA 14:2) 1* Nachallnik konstruktorskogo byuro IWAsterstva sel'skogo ~~Ozyaystva USSR (for Rykov). (Autoclaves) A, / 114, Irc*1 ~I MINKOVS11IT. Hudollf (Minkovski5r, Rudolf] - , Collisions of galaxies. Tekh.mol. 26 no.2:9-10 158. (MIRA 11:2) (Stare-Glusters) ZljJSHITZ)91, V. Ye., kand. tekhn. nauk; TMIOGRADOV, A.S., kand. tekhn. nauk; POGREBITSKIY, R.D., inzh.; MUOKOVSKIY, V.F., inzh.; KISELEV, IT. P., in zh. The PSN-1 mounted loader for silage. Trakt. i selikhozmasa. no.2t26-28 F 165. 1. Ysesoyuznyy nauchno-issledovateltskiy institut sellskokhoz- yaystvennogo mashinostroyeniya (for Zaushitsyn, Vinog-ador). 2. Gosudarstv,--nnoye spetsiallnoya konstrLktorskoye byuro po aellskokhozyaystvennr mashinam, g. Klyev (for Pogrebitskiy, 14inlkovski-y, Kiselev). i~Nlxmtfffyj V't. Dokazatellstva ot protivnogo i aksioma tntarinova. Zh. Matem. v shkole, 3 (1941). SO: Mathematics in the US'3Rg 1917-1947 edited by Kuroah,, I.G., Merk=hevich, 1.1.9 RasherWyq P.K. Moscow-Leningrad, 1948 'T MINKOVSKIY, V. L. (Mathematician) Verbatim., Minkovskiy, V. L. - "On the 50th anniversary of Professor D. D. Mordukhay-- Boltovskiy's scientific and pedagogical activity," %tematika v shkole, 1949 No. 2 P. 45-47 SO: U-4355, 11+ August 53, (Letopis 'Zhurnal Inykh Statey.. No. 15, 1949.) I.ffW,WSKIY, V. L. ~- - ---2,6.2,00 -, X-- Qchyerk dogichyeakikh osnov myetodov matyeratichyeskogo dokaztye lbstva. matyamatika v shkolye, 1949, 4o. 5p a. 1-9. SO. LEMPIS NO. 34 KEWOVSKff. V.L. (Orel) On the book nkthodeleff of math*ustLes teaching.* S.A.Gasteva. amd7 others. Reviewed b7 T,L.Minkovokit. Mat. v shkole no-5-M-77 590 '56. (Mathematics--Stu4y and teaching) (mm 9:10) (Gastevaq S.A.) KrNEDVSKIT, Y.L. (Oral) Atheistic education of students in connection with teaching mathematics. Mat.* shkole no.6:22-27 N-D 157. (KIRA 10:11) (Kathematica--Study and teaching) BRADIS, Vladimir Kodestovich; KINKOTMIT, Vladimir L' -yovich; INARCHETA. Avgusta Konstantinoyna; i4i:2419A,, 'Nj.,,-,--r-e-d.; NOTALMO, T.L., [Irrors in mathematical judgmental Oshibki Y matematicheakikh rassuchdonliakh. Izd.2*9 parer. Moskva. Goo.uchabno-podagog. Izd-vo N-va prozy.RSrSR, 1959. 175 p. (MIRA 13:4) (Nathematics-Study and teaching) MINKOVSKIY, V.~4 (Orel); PIPHTIRIN, L.F. (Tomsk) iew of the book ONathematics textbook for the s-tudents of the.8th grade to be read outside of classes,* by A.A. Wosov. Reviewed by V.L. Mli~covsklt and L.P. Fichurin. Vat. Y shkole no.5:?7-80 S-0 159. (MIR& 13:2) (Vathematics-Textbooks) (Kolosov. A.A.) DOBROVOLISKIT, V.A.; HNUKOVSKIT, V.L. %--t ---------- Remarks on VLA i-Buntakovskiits letter. let.-mat. isol. no.12: 511-524 '59. (NINA 13:11) (Arithmetic--Study and teaching (Primary)) (Dualskowskil, T-IA-) L I -W MINKOVSKIYI V.L. (Orel) Bringing out the esthetic aspects of matliematics in class. Plat. shkole no-4-.25-30 JI-Ag 163. (KIRA 16:9) (Mathematics-Study and teaching) KOZLOV, M.V.; PIVOVAROV, A.T.; DP,IKOVSKIY., Ya.I.; OPRISHKO, A.A. Automatic control of the circulation of a bead catalyst. Rhim. i tekh. topl. i masel 9 no.4:45-48 Ap 164. (MIRA 17:8) 1. Groznenskiy filial Nauchno-issledovatellskogo i proyektnogo instituta po kompleksnoy aytomat,izateii-proizvodstvannykh protsessov v neftyanoy i khimicheskoy, promyshlennosti. PIVOVAROVP A.T.; M:!N'KOVSKIY, Ya.I.; SUMANOV, V.T. -, Determining the optimal temperature of catalytic cracking. Khim. i tekh. topl. i masel 9 no.918-10 S t64. (MIRIA 17~!O) d0 1. Gro2nenskiy filial Nauchno-issledovatellokogo i proyaktnogo institute. po komplokenoy avtomatizatal.i proisvodstvannykh protsessov v neftyanoy i khimicheakoy pronyahlennosti. SKIT, Yeflu Markovich; OYSTANNIWW, Nikolay Nikolayevich; GRYAZNOV, ISO f7f.4' I TV, A.M., takhnichookiy redaktor [Operation of calculating machines] Akeplustatsiia vychislitellnykh washin. lsd. 2-9, dop. I parer. Konkva, Goa. statist. lzd-vo, 1955. 243 p. (XW 9:2) (Calculating machines) MINIKOVSKIY, TO.M. Training specialists for machine accounting. [Izd.] WRIT014ASH 44:203-206 158. (MIRA 11:9) (Employees, Training 9f) MINIKOVSKIY, Yefim. Mark ;A:VSYANNIKOV, N.N., red.; USTIYANTS, V.A.# -9~O ~ -red.; ILIYUSIMNOVA., T.P., tekbn. red. [Calculating machines and their use in accounting] Schetrqe mashiny i ikh ispolIzovanie v bukhgalterskom uchete. Moskvap Gosstatizdat TsSU SSSR, 1961. 247 p. (14ML 3-5:2) (Calculating machines) MINKOWICZ-WYSDCSAVSKI Tadeuilz The fluorine method for the determination of the relative age of fossil bones. Biuletyn Geolog 1 no.1:167-172 161. 1. Chair of Quaternary Geology, University, Warsaw, KINKOWSKI, Ingenluss (Pnryz) - M Problems of schizophrenia. Neur. &c. nolska 7 no.4:495-503 Jul-Aug 57. (SCHIZOMMIA, PsYchol. psYch0pathol. (Pol)) DVORAK, Zdenek;,I~I~P,,_jiri Sublimation meat drying without vacuum. Frum potravin 14 no. 12:622-U5 D 163. 1. Vyzkumny ustav pro maso, Bmo. 111RIKS, Jiri; DM~AK, Zdanck Drying of durable sausages in sal!.. -F-= potravin 15 no.S: 376-379 Lg 164. 1. Penearch Institute of -.ea+.,, BrI10. FILIPPOV.P.; MILITSER,L.; HINNUS,B. 0~,7- - -.- - - 1 '; Using knurled pipes In ammonia condensers. Khol.tekh.32 no.2: 42-14 Ap-Je '55. (KLRA 8:10) (Condensers (Vapors and games)) 14(6) SOVI 112-59-5-8605 Translation from: Referativnyy zhurnal. Elektrotekhnika, 1959, Nr 5, p 29 (USSR) AUTHOR: Martynovskiy, V. S., and Minkus, B. TITLE: Comparison Between Compressor-Type and Absorption-Type Thermal- Pump Plants PERIODICAL: Tr. Odeask. tekhnol. in-ta pishch. i kholodil'n. prom-sti, 1957, Vol 8, Nr 1, pp 13-21 ABSTRACT: Wherever heating from the central heating-power stations is impossible, thermal-pump plants can be reasonably used, particularly in the areas of large hydroelectric stations. The advantages of a thermal pump as compared to fuel combustion in furnaces or boilers are: substituting low-grade fuel for high-grade, lesser load on the city transportation and sometimes on the railroad transportation, and improving atmospheric conditions. Reasonable "chemes.and designs of thermal-pump plants should be sought, an important problem being the choice between compressor type and absorption type equipment. The range of temperatures available in a single-stage absorption- Card 1 /Z SS SOV/1 1?-59-5-8605 Comparison Between Compressor -Type and Absorption-Type Thermal-Pump Plants type thermal pump is presented graphically, as well as the degree of thermo- dynamic perfection of various absorptional and compressor step-up and step- down transformers for various temperature differences. Not only.average temperatures of the heat emitter, heat receiver, and the carrying agent, but also the law of variation of these temperatures have a bearing on the choice of plant type; this is illustrated by a graph. It is noted that capital investment, particularly in the step-up transformers, frequently plays a decisive role. It is pointed out that, with equal average temperature drops in the equipment, the metal requirement by absorption-type plants is higher that that of compressor- type plants; however, absorption plants require a smaller investment, particularly in the low-capacity range. It is indicated that the choice between absorptional and compressor types is not singular; the choice must be made on the basis of a specific engineering economic analysis. The field of preferential use of absorptional plants is restricted to low capacities and low temperatures of the heat emitter. M. L. Z. Card 2/2 BARE11BOM4,, A.B., inz~.; mjWs, B,&~,JcaW.tekhn,nauk# dotsent; SHTEMERGO I.B-., -~h. Foiperimental. investigation of a freon air cooler with flat pipes. Khol. takh. 38 no.6:7-10 N4 161. (MIRA 15:1) 1. Odeaskiy tekbnologicheskiy institut pishchevoy i kholodilinoy promyshlennonti (for Rarenboym, Minials). 2. Penzenskiy dizelinyy zavod (for Shteynberg). (Air conditioning-Equipment and supplies) MI 0 kand. tekbno nauk; BARENBOYM, A.B.j inzh. - ComWison of the energy characUristics of ths vorking substances of refrigeration turbocompressors. Khol. tekl6 39 no.5:37-Q S-0 162. (KERA 16:7) 1. Odeaskly takhnologichookiy inatitut pishchevoy i kholodill- noy proMehlennosti. (Refrigeration and refrigerating machinery-Testing) -.MI.NKUS,_.B,A., kand.takhn.nauk, dotsent; BARENBOYM, A.B., inzh. Fields of efficient application of heat-using freon turbonachinery sys- tems. trudy OTIPiKhP 12s54-62 162. (MIRA 17%1) 1. Kafedra kholodiltnykh mashin Odesskogo takhnologicheskogo instituta pishchevoy i kholodillnoy promyBhlennosti. ILICHENKO, S.G., otv. red.; CHIjKLIN, s.G.2 zal-n. otv. red.; RYZHEI"FO, L.P., red.; BADYLIM, I.S... red.; ALEKSEYEV, V.F.., red.; VEYNBMG, B.S., red.; GOGOL111, A.A., red.; 11-MITSER, L.Z., red.; MADAN, S.Z.3 red.; NAY:R, V.A., red,; MIfIKU . B.A"!.' red.; BARENBOYM, A.B.., red.; NIKULISHINA, A'I;W1Re [Transactions of the Conference on the Outlook for the Devel- opment and Introduction of Refri er ting Equipment into the National Economy of the U.S.S.R. Trudy Konferentsii po per- spektivam razvitiis i -iedrenila tekhniki v na- rodnoe khoziaistvo SSSft. Moskva, Gostorgizdat, 1963. 262 p. (MIFLA 18:3) 1. Konferentslya po perspektivam razvitiya i. vnedreniya kho- lodillnoy tekliniki. v nnrnd?1mrci L-)in7,vP-vtir^ CQ9R, rldn-n. 1C40. 2 Odeaskiy teklinologicheakiy institut pishchevoy i kholodnay promyshlennosti (for Minkus, Barenboym, Chukldn, Nikullshina, Zhadan). 3. Vsesoyuznyy nauchno-issledovatellskiy institut kholodillnoy promyshlennosti (for Gogolin, Badyllkes). MLN-KjP.,._ p,&,,.,-k&nd.tekhn.nauk, dotsent; BARENBOYM, A.B., inzh.; IAZAREV, G.I., inzh.; SHTEYNBERG, I.B., inzh. Use of radiators in boiling and condensing liquids in tubes. Izv.vyo.ucheb.zav.; energ. 7 no. W04-108 Ap 164. (MIRA 170) 1. Odesskiy tekhnologicheskiy institut pishchevoy i kholodillnoy promyshlonnosti (for Minkus, Barenboym, Lazarev). 2. Penzenskiy dizelInyy zavod (for Shteynberg). MRIMI, B.A.. . kand. tekhn. muk Duall -tempera tu re refrigeration system with a jet beck-'preesr-rd compressor, Khol. tekh. 'A. tekh. no.1-69-72 1651. (M.TPA 18,-9) 7. F -,7p( i )/T ACC NR- AP6024261 SOURCE CODE: UR/0066/66/000/007/0027/002~7~~~I AUTHOR: S. (Doctor of technical sciences, Professoril, Minkua B. A. %Candidate of technical sciences, Docent); B~arenboym, A. B. tCandlaate of technical sciences); Shteynberg, I. B. ORG: [Martynovskiy, Minkus, Barenboym) Odessa Technological Institute of the Food an Refrigeration Industry (Odesskiy tekhnolo-gicheskiy institVt-pV9?VC-1Te-Voi i -- --- ---I kliol-o-dil-i-iiiiy--ii:-dit~kohlennosti [Shteynberg] Penza Diesel Plant (Penzenskiy dizellnyy zavod) TITLE: Cooling the air in an internal-combustion-engine supercharging system .SOURCE: KholoAillnaya tekhnika, no. 7, 1966, 2T-29 TOPIC TAGSt supercharged engine, internal combustion engine, engine combustion system, combustion augmentation, diesel engine cooling ABSTRACT: The range and effectiveness of$ internal combus- tion in enginea through supercharging are determined by the increazi- _&V~iessure in the supercharger and by the subsequent amount of a r cooling. Intermediate air cooling lowers the temperature of the engine's operating cycle and simultaneously lowers thermal stres At low air temperature the required density is attained with low sulpl;r- ! UDC.- 621.43..546.217.-542.4 F-g. 1. Air-cooling system utilizing exhaust-gas heat (a) and water vaporization for *engine cooling ,water I - Engine; II - supercharging and cooling system; III - re- frigeration compressor: 1 - centrifugal compressor; 2 - gas! turbine; 3 - water air cooler; 4 - freon air cooler; 5 - regu- lating valve; 6 - freon Com- pressor; 7 - condenser; 8 ir:-! frigeration compressor tur; n ;1 9 waste heat boiler; 10 & 13 pumps; 11 - condenser; 12 throttle valve. charging pressures; the oper- ating-cycle pressures may therefore be lowered along with the engine's mechanical stress. The Cord 2 / 3 ACC NR: AP6024261 -ACC-NR, increased degree of supercharging used by modern engines necessitates greater cooling of air, and air and steam cooling systems are used to cool it below the temperature of the surrounding medium. Both of these systems were analyzed, and the steam cooling cycle was found to be most effective. The Penza Diesel Plant in cooperation with the OTIPKhP has developed a more sophisticated heat-recovery unit for air cooling, which features minimum size and weight (see Fig. 1). A feature of this system is the use of the engine's water-jackat space as the freon boiler. 'In this way the heat acquired by cooling the engine is used, and the freon-turbine condenser is exchanged for the water of the cooling area, Th'e vapor cooling cycle can also be used with water- vaporization engine cooling (Fig. 1, b), but in this case an elevated temperature !.a produced in the water-jacket space. The type of cooling and its driv2 depends on the operating conditions and on the type of engine. For low-powered diesels and two-cycle automotive diesel en- gines, it is feasible to use a piston-type or rotary compressor driven from the engine's shaft. For powerful motor vehicles, the best system is one using a centrifugal compressor and turbine operating on exhaust gases. For marine and stationary engines, where there is an adequate supply of coeling water, it is more practical to use a cooling unit which recovers heat. The air cycle can only be used for four-cycle engines with low'supercharging pressure. Modern supercharged engines should use vapor compressors. Orig. art. has: 4 figures. 60[K SUB CODEs 217 SUBM DATE: none/ ORIG REF: 001/ ATD PRESS: Card A/q )/Ewp(t)/a1P(v)/T/&&(k)/~q(h /EWP(l) L 2-:,~2-66 EVT(d - . P.-- - - ACCESSION NR: AP3026336 UR/0105/64/000/009/0093/0093~ AUTHORs Yefremov, I* So; Minoy, Q. K-~; Petrov, I. I.; Rosenfelld, V. Yeof Svenchans kly, A. D.; Pokol6ij ~~ufryanskiy, N. A.; Chilikin, M. Go TITIZ: Aleksandr Dmitriyevich Stepanov on his 60th birthday SOURCE: Elaktrichestvo, no* 9, 1964, 93 TOPIC TAGS: electric engineering personnel 2 ABSTRAC 'As D. Stepanov, Professor in the Department of "Eleatrical T -Transportation'O of the Mosoow Power Engineering Institute and prominent .'speotallst In.the field of diesel and gas turbine transportation, had his sixtieth birthday this yoart His interest fo the past 35 years bas tionl-bf trans beenAn the field of automa quipmont. Among the ~great number of printed works by Professor Stepanovo his boolts"Diesel- elaotric Drive for Transportation Equipment" and "Ways for Increasing the Efflolenoy of Diesels and gas Turbine Looomotiveall.deserve speolal attention along with a m3mber of books on diesels written by him In oo- authorship with workers In Industry and transport. He has just published, &_now book, "Automatio Power Control of Diesel and Gas-Turbine Locomotives#" Card 1/2 L 2969 ACCESSION NR: Ap5m6,356 Me,be&n-his engineering activity at the "Dynamo" fsatory im. XIrov. A .:system which fie developed.le.used In mass.produood diOGGI 1000m0tivei- '~Other systom6 for the el4o-trfb* transmissions on diesel locomotives and !gas turbine locomotives which were developed under his direction are being used in.Boviet industrys He Is the founder of a course "Diesel-oleo trio Rolling Stock" at the Moscow Power En nearing Institut8o 6rigo art, has: 1 ftgu~e. ASSOCIATION: none SUBMITTEDs 00 ENCL: 00 SUB CODE: EE NR REF SOVi 000 OT11M 1 000 JPRS jo V/,% Card 2/4 1. GELIFREM, V. 0.; MINXUS, H. A., Arch, 2. ussR 6oo 4. Public Buildings - Moscow 7. 20-story administrative building on Smolensk Square,, Gor. khoz. Mosk, 23* No. 7. 1949. 9* Monthly List of Russian Accessions# Library of Congress,, April 1953j, Uncl. L. A. PA 65T25 ~/&MdOU7 - umm" AIW 19W 1"161me - Olatmou *The Protective Properties of the Tat layer In Vw- cur7 Ointment," A. 1. Froohina, Sanitation Bacteriol Lab of Froletarsk Bayou; L.,A. Mdnkwits, 'IhUW&r8P Plant No 9 of GlavlaktreparatProm, * P -GJLg I Sanm So 4 There has been a w1dely accepted belief that awrc=7 in smAlsion with fate will not evaporate. Present data collected at Plant No 9, Alch disproves this Otatamt. OM : , , ~ -. - ~11 71 1 1 -~ I/'\4~- * CHIITENOVA. E.G.; MIUMITS, M.L. Now varieties of f&ts for food concentrateu. KOnB.i '-)7.ppron. 12 no.5:6-9 Ily 157. (iaRA 10: 9) l.Vaesoy-usnyy nauchno-issledovatellskly Inatitut kornervnoy i ovochcheaushillnc-7 promyshlonnosti. ((,ils and fate) (Food, Concentrated) ROMANOV) A.N., kand.tekhn.nauk; IVANOVAp G.A., starshiy nauchnyy sotrudnik; PETK,,,'VICH, V.P., starshiy nauchnyy sotrudhik; CHINANOVA, E.G., starshiy nauchnyy sotrudnik; 14INYVITS, M.L., mladshiy nauchnyy sotrudnik Improved processing of peas and cereals in manufacturing food concentrates. Trudy VNIIKOP no.10:16-29 159. (MIRA 14;8), (Foodo Concentrated) (Peas) (Cereals as food) IVANOVA, G.A., starj~kir,,qsuchnyy notrudnik; KHAKIIINA, L.P., starshiy nauchnyi &otriidnik;JCHINE11OVA,,E.G., starshiy nauchnyy sotrudnik; PENEVICH, V.P., starshiy nauchnyy sotrudnik; IYEVIEVA. I.A., mladshiy nauchnyy sotrudnikLMIhKVITSL H.L., mladshiy nauchnyy sotrudnik Industrial production of dried meat, a semikocessed product for food concentrates. Trudy VNIIKOP no.10:109-115 159. (MIRA 14:8) (Meat, Dried) (Food, Concentrated) CHIRENOVA, E.G., starshiy nauchnyy sotrudnik; MINKVITS, H.L.p m1adshiy nauchnyy sotrudnik flew types of fate used in the concentrated food industry. Trudy VNIIKOP no.10:163-172 159. (MTRA 14:8) (ftodo Cmcentrated) (Oils and fats) -~w=VIC=-,--A-1- [Minkevicius, A.); MARUND, A. Outline of the development of mycology and phy-topathology in the Baltic Republics. Trudy VIZR no.23:240-250 164. (1-9M 19:2) MINLIB&YEVt K.S.; ZDOREKKO, DoD., inzh.po trudu i sarabDtnoy plate They vrits to us. Tranap.stroi. 12 no.los-62 0 162. (MIRA 15sl2) 1. Machallua,otdela truda L sarabotnoy Plity treat& Zapolbtranestroy (for Minlibayev).. I (Building trade"tudy and teaching) MINLIBAYEV., K.S. Construction administration staff works profitably. Mmnsp. stroi. 14 no.8:37-38 Ag 164- (MIRA 18:1) 1. Nachallnik otdela Zapsibtrantatroya. MINLIBAYFV, KIS.- HDANOVHH, P.F. -.1-1- - - --y. - .. , Herove brilpads-- -.irrk5 here. "ransp. c-trr,-. 1.1, F 165. (MERA 111P. 3) 1. Nachallnik atdela truda " zaratv-Ilnoy platy tresta Zapsllbtransstroy (for Minllhayev). 2. Tmitruktor Nnvosll-drsRoy N"19 (for Zhdanovich). SVITKIN, Yu.V.; MINLIBAYEVA, A.K. Problem of the interaction between ketone and nitrogen-containing bases. Part 8: Chloroacetylation of primary aromatic &mInes. Zhur.ob.khim. 30 no-8:2579-2581 Ag 160. (KM 13:8) 1. Bashkirskiy gosudaretvenny7 universitet. (Amines) (Acetylation) (Ketone) SVETKIN, Yu4V~; IUNLIBAYEVA,, A.N.; EWIZOVA., N.A. Reactions between ketone and nitrot-contsin' bueso Part 9: Chloroacetylation of primary aromat c &min". Zhur.ob.l-'him- 31 noe6t2O23-2025 Jo 161* (KML 14:6) 1e Baohkirskiy gosudarstve=yy universitet imeni 40-letiya Oktyabrya. (Amines) (Istone) SVETKIN, Yu.V.; MIKLIBAYEVA, A.N. Interaction of ketone with nitrogen-containing bases. Part 10: Chloroacetylation of diphenylamine in solvents. Zhur.ob.khim. 32 no.4s.1034-1037 Ap 162. (KIRA 15:4) 1. Bashkirskiy gosudarstvannyy univerBitet, (Diphanylamine) (Chloroacetic acids) SVETKIN, Yu.V.; WNLIBAMAJ, A.N.; VIKHRYAKOVA, L.I. Reaction of ketene vith nitrogen-containing bases. Part 22. Chloroacetanilide pyridinates. Zhur.ok6khim. 32 no*10:3227-3230 0 162* (MIIA 15:11) 1. Bashkiroldy gosudarstyennyy univdraitet imeni 40-letiya Oktyabrya. (Acetanilide) (Pyridine) SVETKINO Yu.V.; MINUBAYEVA, A.N. Reaction of ketene with nitrogen-containing bases. Ptrt 13: Qloroacetylation of secondary aromatic amines and some hydrazineo. Zhur.ob.khim. 33 no.433.108-11U Ap 163. (M:ERA 16#5) 1. Bashkirskiy gosudarotvennyy universitet. (Amines) (Chloroacetic acids) SVETKIll, Yu.V.; MINLIBAYLVA, A.N. Reaction of ketene with nitrogen-contisind bueB. Part 14: Chloroacetylation of primary aromatic amines. Zhur.ob.khim. 33 no-4: 1287-1298 Ap 163. - (MIRA 16:5) 1e Baphkirskiy gooudarstvennyy universitet. (Amines) (Chloroacetic acids) (Pyridinium compounds)