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MININA. S.A. Pharmacology of preparations made of Tangut scapolla grown in leninegrnd Province; author's abstrnct. Yarm. I toks. 21 no.1:81 JR-Y '58. (MIRA 11:4) 1. Kafedra farmakologli, (zav.-doktor med.nnuk T.A. Nellnikova) i kmfedra tekhnologit galenovykh preparstov (zav.-dots. Yu.K. Sander) Leningrndskogo khimiko-farmateevticheakogo instituta. (SCOPOLIA--PHYSIOLOGICAL PJTrCT) MININA, S. A,9 GAND PHARM SC,., . Z~ AFW OF SCOPOLIA C v TAUOUTiCA (SCOPOLIA TANGUTICA MAXIM)v" CULTIVATED IH LENIN- GRADSKAYA OBLAST*" LENINGRAD9 1961* (TARTU STATE UNIV). (K-L-9 3-61t 237). 491 "ITNINA, sj,.; ADUYLTSKAYA G.I. 9 -------- Study of the alkaloid content of the blaider4ort. Physor:hlaina orientalis Don. Apt.delo 14 no.2:66-68 Mr-Ap 1695. (MIRA 19:1) 1. Leningradskiy khimiko-farmatsevticheskly institut. VASILIM, L.A.; MIUl . Using the shlieren syatem of photx)graphic iW"uremeirto for the qwmtitatiw investigation of the supersonic flow around the aerofoil. Zhur.nauch. i prikl.fot. i kin. 8 no-5:337-342 3-0 163. (MM 16:9) /Colorimetric determinadon of Lion in natural wvers wi 2 furyidiantipyrinytmathane, V P Zhi7apist~ev and I" Nimina. Uch"Y' Zapiiki Molotov Unsv.~"~ 3. No. .3. Mas, Pia. , t.Aun 37--'I~ N&4, 2-FaryIdiantipyrinylrnrxhw-ie (1) in t!ta of C:.q\l fonns With Ft a red ppt. which is sol. In =4(ne'e Increasing the semsitivity of HCNS maction many told. The pro- redure is as follows: AcWy 10-20 ml. of the H.0 with 0.&-1 ml. of coned. HCI- Add 3 few drops of K-UnO. to oxidize anyre". Int-herm%eiimniPO,---,C40t--,AcO-,atd 4- CHFMMUKHIII, I.K.; Ml~~~- ~RANKIXA, L.G. Cotton stalks as a raw material for hydrolysis plants in Central Asia. Gidrolis. i lesokbia. prom. 11 no,5:21-22 '58. (MIR& 11:9) 1. Perganskly g1drolisnyy zavod. (Asia, Central--Hydrolysis) (Cotton) MRIDIA, V.S.; IJSMfilJOV,l n.U.; IS.T.ITJKIIAMEDOVA, M.S.; LUBUIETS, A.T. Effect of ionized radiations on polysaccharides. ?Mim. i fiz.- khim. prirod. i sint. polim. no.1:53-60 162 (MIRA 18:1) 1. Chlen-korroupondent Idl UzSSR (for Uornwov). MININA, V.S.; USMIOV, Kh.U. Kinetics of hydrolysis of guza-paya hemicelluloses and cotton hulls* Xhim, i fiz.-lehim. prirod, i sint. polim. no Iz66-71 162 iMIRA. 18:1) 1. Chlen-korrespondent AN UzSSR (for Usmanov). MPERTA, V.S.; SARUKHPJIOVA, A. Ye.; USHANOV, Kh.U. Chemical emposition of dehydration hydrolyzates from furfurole production wastes. Khim. i fiz.-khim. prirod. i sint. polim. no.102-77 162 (MIRA 18t1) 1. Chlen-korrespondent AN UzWR (for Usmanov)o AM4Al4E[X)V,K.; MITITNA, V.S.; -USMAPOW, Kh.U. Hulls of naturally dalinting cott-ynseeds is material for the hydrolysis industry. Ehim, i sint. polim. no.1,.'-!-86 162 valuablli-, fiz.--k-him. prirod. (MIRA 181l) 1. Chlen-1co.-espondent AN UzSSR (for Usmanov). MRIDIA, V.S.; SARUKHADOVA, A. Ye.; USHANOV, Kb.IJ. Produetion of furfurole and levalinia arAd im t e hydrelysle of th ;~ A. packed guza-paya. Kh.-Lm. i fiz.-khim. prirod. i sint. polim. no.l.-87-93 162 (MIRA 18cl) 1. Chlen-l-orTespordent AN U6S'l (for Usmanov). USMANOV, Kh.U.; MIVTHA,, V.S.; DUSHIN, V.A.; ZRIINIk, M.A. Costra kenaf (Hibiscus cannabinus) as new raw material for * the production of furfurole and protein fodder. TJzb,khim.zhur, 6 no*2:79-80-162. (MIRA 15:7) 1. Institut khinii polimerov AN UzSSR i Yangiyullskiy gidroliznyy zavod. (Kenaf) (Furaldehyde) (Feeding and feeds) -- MININA, V.S.; USNMV, Kh.U.; RUNOVA, L.N. I - . modification of the cheaLcal composition of cotton stalks in long storage. Gidroliz. i les6khim.prom. 16 no.8:15-16 163. (MIRA 17:1) 1. Institut khimii polimerov AN UzSSR. USMANOV, Kh.U.; AKHMAMEDOV, K.;_MININA, V.S. Variation in the carbo)Vdrate composition of hydrolyzates of the husk of naturally stripped Aeods in stopped hydrolysis. Izv. AN Turk. SSR. Sor. fiz.-tekh., khim. I'geol. nauk no.4:38-42 163. (MIRA 17:2) 1. Institut khimii polimerov AN Uzbekskoy SSR i Institut khimii AN Ti=k- menskoy SSR. USMANOV9 Kh,TI.-, FJNINA, V.S,; AKMAMDOV, K.G. ~~ --I' .... .. Determining the speed of hydrolysis of cotton-husk cellulose diluted with sulfuric acid. Izv. AN Turk. SSR. Ser. fiz.-tekh., khis. i geol. nauk no'.ltll8-120 165.' (KRA 180) 1. Inatitut khimii AN Turkmenskoy SSR, 19 MIMAI V. V, Tibia - Tumors Primary epithelial tumor of the tibia. Vest. khir. 72 no. 2. 152. Monthly List of Russian Accessions, Mbrary of Congress,, August, 1952. Unclassified. 1 10 go 00 -00 .40 008 t moo 0*,t 0.0 43%, . a - I. . ogo hidbm b pa am indiffou am; 60's go A.G. P. goo moo 400 as too 4 ORTALONWA& Lnl"14M WAIMAIM two *=Iiv*~ WWJAV IA"" oat *so 40 -411,11 ON O%V Sol -w ~ 161 TIMMS food* OVIWWSAO 2 a Vgo 100 1o0 10 0 o 0 0.0~4 g OT14:8, *I-Mlo *go --l"Woolle I 1 4 1 9 it Is u Is w .A A -r- Q~ I ~? ANO 0e f i;l Oes 046 a 00 f f! 00 z 1'. ~ so a 3i !!. 000, ill 00 1 lei 04t0 a" ; k ---- !?o 0 pecefflet AV -60 The bommeme ad si meuvi hmmars do ow sw ebmwa- kdow al am., a. M V. Ckwvs. CbvWm- Mm S^"A* AdA ' p i i r. ~.) No s 47-twim?.- Wh"'G f t lact med K omml sll ( rotll at "rkW staps of Womb gofm s catio of (took to "wk- do w cqus~~. ; A Wmgw system d " 3 WF h d = n $ k"*Wc 4 1 o to 4. ewmel t e re . A bw N W t k A . imrfwmm . -00 f6m tat"Mistblerewbas. i u i i "Iscaftua ffil kww mg ON on as ft4lPluctiall pulcat a a l aw ca". $941 Om at Obw k Is Isr the #am* tolls. A few K 00 nuftitipm designs to o eurbsky*64" and t" cowers as 3 (nCletat of The add l i d h etift-todac ion catial WMA to ' r . torw lama ve Set * ,, logo* Roe goo goo go,- goo goo jig ;i iii ai~ul -,11;06 1 v me 0 a 0 1 v a 0 do 0 2 4 v 000 too*0404000000::;::oloooo*ooooo*oo*eooo ooe::;00*0000000000 *606000000000060900 WA Sol-olwl 4 ta 1# 0 14 '#Ipfol et '.941 A Lq Ad LVW, 4141 $"two a ;Aw~h~ 1. 1" Caiiidltla" of M= " OM 5 S 7 MIX t 2 *0 G Alialon. Cam#. tal *WRIVRIft -tf r t It &i S S U N 00 . i . . . ir-lid. oc44. sci, . , . , . 31, WK44. -The perbidic N fettilhing of cucunilwis Ill. 09 a iz, ctrwws the sugar content about 2-fuld and dcuftaws the l 00 l total N slightly; this greatly alters the Isularltota v ,alio. This ratio Is changed Slightly in I te tilil 06 ln"Ir -tion by periodic K Irttililing, The 1 It 0 J 1, Wrre 1114le dowero Is Increawd by Ibi. Periodic N ferldi't. , : Ing and citcfeawd rarnewhst by The 9 Ivellilling. The :0 a I trealmrot of the plants with gave% front smouldering wood 00 .3 3 which contained OAMeCollide increased the female 9ttual 00 6 K-arril first slid male Ilowrfs gradually inaravd with snthrr development of the plant, Corn plants which I were subjected to 8 starvation wmmulated sugar will had a prepmWerstice of female flowers. Conclusion: The gmetrally librierved rriation bttwcrn 4ticar arctimulation and preponderance of female set development, which may 0 0 be influenced by various cxtrrnal treatments. may be ton- urt-ted with a shift in the reductiori-oxidation conditions 4.1 the ti4%ue% which direct% the mexual prortswo. C. K. flumer W_#_ 4r 4- -t k A 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 or -.00 -00 -00 ~-00 :-00 -00 1.00 .00 40 -60 0 0 00 10 so AIM-SLA M1l1lLLLPrKAt 1.171S.T4,11 CL-151POC.1"G. CO 0 i. 40 too to it 1 04 it a I. 'A' l't Ow a _i- ar to j da q I _ --im 4 J; U It ct 0 0000 n '414 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 4 & 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 * 0: 0000,0 0 0 000000 a000 0 00 0 _0J 0-04 0 0 000 4 4 906 00 000~ MINRIA) r. G. 14'6r., All-4!nion Inst. Hydrotechnics ~t Amellar 1.1 ..,-.s, -1940-1910, I'Developmcnt of the GrovLg Gone in Two V2rieties of Summor %,ftieat under Differnnt GonditiQns of Humidity and Temper2ture of t~.e Air,lt Dok.ATI, 26, No. 3, 19hO,- "Development of Reproductive 0--g2ns in Spring Wheat with Reference to HiLmidity and Temperzture of Air," ibid., 30, No. 1, 1941; "Sexualization of P12nts as Affected by Different Moisture Conditions of the Medium," ilLid., 42, No. 7, 1943: "P-Ysiolocical Knowledge of Fffect of Gases on Sexuiility in Growth,11 ibid., 6o, ,y in K. A. Timirya?.ev, Dept. B~ol. Sce., No. 2, 1947; IRT., Inst. Plant Physiolo~, Ac,;d. Sci. -c1949-- "The s--*Lnificance of Age for Dctermining t";e Sex of Plants," i,-id., 69,, No. 1, 19119. L-aNTINA, E. G. USSR/Medicinc - Plant Fhysiology Medicine - Cucunbers PA 2OT3 5 Jan 19h7 "Physiological Knowledge of the Lffect of Gases on Sexuality of Grow-th," E. G. Minina, L. G. Tylkina, 4 Pp "Dok Ak Nauk SSSRII Vol LVI No 2 Presented by A. A. Rikhter 3 Aug 1946. Experiments -acre carried out on cucumbers. On the basis of Mevus experLments, the process of sexualization cannot be explained other than a closed chain of chemical reactions in the oxidization-reduction system of the plant. 6 6 14 Is LIS a p a 1 , i Os are 00 .......... -00 40 c -00 so *00 Lot. L G. MWim a'ad /Sb d wm III ~Slok~ $L-361 -aw- C a A, S. V. k"llift I% -[CA) 6W zrz' 1.1;= - - & oo 12 two" fA-40 A- *A WDWW A a a stow of ~~wilbCOO .owsmawaijollmols dome :400 logo l -, fee :So i Me* see 1000 1,_ Mail L(WA"&&. UTIGAIVII CLAUVICATIM as" $1.14119. basil, Go It. 0 0 0 0 1 w a 9 a do* see -A 0 we* use I E. G. MI. I ETA , "The Develor~ment of Flower Buds in Cak Trees." (p. 50) by 11-linina, E. G. SO: Journal of General Biology XII (Zhurnal Obshchei Biologii) Vol. 12., hta,l, 1951. to MMINA,-rr- G~ (Change of sex in plants through the action of factors in the environment) Moskva, Izd-vo Akademii nauk SSSRW 1952. 197 P- (54-23390) Q027-M5 ~ 'i, , j, . i '. iiLLi I -- - Oak Biological bases of fortilIty of the oak. Leo. khoz. no. I , Yj-52. Monthly List of Russian Accessions, Library of Congress, September 1952. Unclassified. m'INIIIA, Ittioz6vIJ L. Ya. Plants, Sex in 0.onditions for the female sexualization of oak buds. DokI. AN SSSR 86 'to. 1, 1952. 9. Month List of Russian Accessions, Library of Congress, December 1952 Uncl. ir ANIKICYICVA, I.D.; MIMNA,- ~~ Physiological activity of growing points in trees as related to exual specialization of generative shoots. Bot. zhur. 44 no-7: 07-915 Jl '59. (MIRA 12:12) ; l.Institut lesa AN SSSR, solo Uspenskoye, Moskovskoy oblasti. (Trees) (Plants, Sax in) Vital activity of buds as related to sexual differentiation in wcod7 forest plants. Boto zhur. 47 no.7:938-944 JI '62. 04IRA 15:9 ) (Woody plants) (Buds) (Plants, Sex in) TUNINA Y?,. G Dissertation defendedi n the Botanical Institute imeni V. L. Xbmarov for the academic degree of Doctor of Biological SaienceB: "The Sex Datermination for Trees." Vestnik Akad Nauk No. 4, 1963, pp. 119-145 MININAV Ye.G.; CHERWYKH, I.S. , Changes in the growth of buds in dioecious plants of the V*Uow Salix acutifolia L. Biul. MIP. Otd. biol. 68 no.5:51-58 S-0 163. (MIRA 16:10) MININA, Ye.G.; SUTOKSKAYA, I.V. Sexualization of Phytophthora infestans de Bary; the oxidation level of the mycelium and conidia. Fiziol. rast, 11 no.2s 293-300 W-AP 064, OURA 1734) 1. All-Union Scientific Research Institute of Phy-topathology. . LESHKOVTSEVAO I.I.; MININA, Ye.G. Cytochowtical. study of the male sporogencrus cello of balsam poplar in connection with aexualization problems. Fiziol. rast. 12 no-5: 832-836 S-0 165. (MIRA 19:1) 1. laboratoriya. lesovedeniya AN SSSR, Moskovskoy oblasti. AUTHORS: Yakovleva, V. V. Minina Ye. I. SOV/2o-121-1-51/55 ~ TITLE: alR~dl~eo ~cybdenum in Plants (K voprosu On the Physiologic o fiz'iologicheskoy roli molibdena v rastenii) PERIODICAL: Doklady Akademii nauk SSSR, 1958, Vol- 121. Nr 1, PP. 179 - 181 (USSR) ABSTRACT: Of late more and more attention has been paid to the problem of molybdenum in the plant nutrition and the increase in crop of culture plants. It was found that Azotobacter chrooco- coum needs molybdenum and is not able to bind the air nitrogen without sufficient supply with this element. Molybdenum is indispensable for the normal vital functions of Azotobacter chroococcum and increases the binding process of the air nitrogen by 600 - 700 % as compared to the control (Ref 3). The Ale of molybdenum is especially important in the trans- 'formation~~processes of nitrogenous substances. It is necessary in the reduction system of the nitrates. Plants grown on a culture medium without molybdenum have deep-going disturbances of the assimilation. Besides the reduction of Card 1/4 the nitrate nitrogen quantity the quantity of the amide- and On the Physiological Ole of Molybdenum in Plants SOV/2o-121-1-51/55 &mine nitrogen and thus the protein synthesis increase. Of late it has furthermore been pointed out that molybdenum plays also an important rGle in the oxidative-reduotive system. Cysteine plays an important rldhe as reducing agent in the plant metabolism (Ref 2). Its reducing properties depend on the sulfhydryl group SH. Cysteine is transformed easily into cystine in the living cell. It is re-transformed as easily. The cysteine-cystine transformation forms an oxidative-reductive reaction if water in the one case is extracted, and in the other affiliated. The authors investigated the content of SH-groups in plants well supplied, and insufficiently supplied with molybdenum. The SH-determination was carried out according to S.M.Prokoshev. Table 1 shows data on the crop and the SH-content in clover leaves (k_L_ folium pratense) in bleaching earth (pH 4,2) with a different supply of phosphorus with and withou4 molybdenum. Molybdenum was introduced in the soil as (NH ) 2MoO (2 mg Mo/1 kg soil). Table 1 shows that the number of 4he SH4groups is considerably reduced under molybdenum influence in all experimental varieties. In the case of salad the same effect was still Card 2/4 greater. An increase of the crop was observed. The carbon On the Physiological eole of Molybdenum in Plants SOV/2o-121-1-51/55 hydrate-protein transformation in the clover leaves is different under molybdenum influence. (Table 2):the protein synthesis is reduced in the case of a low level of the phosphorus nutrition. If the soil is wqll supplied with phosphorus, the protein synthesis is increased. Molybdenum plays an important A"'le in the oxidative-reductive system besides its participation in the nitrogen transformation. This is confirmed by the above mentioned material. There are 2 tables and 9 references, 4 of which-are Soviet. PRESENTED: April 1, 1958, by A.L.Kursanov, Member, Academy of Sciences, USSR SUBMITTED: February 21, 1958 Card 3/4 On the Physiolog;cal E(ole of Molybdenum in.Plants SOV/2o-121-1-51/55 1. Plants--Growth 2. Plants-Biochemistry 3. Molybdenum--Physiological effects 4. Molybdenum--Biochemical effects 5. Protein--Biosynthesis 6. Oxidation -reduction reactions Card 4/4 MININA, Ye.I. Rate of molybdenum uptake and translocation in plants. *ziol. rast. 10 no.3069-371 MY-Je 163. (MIRA 16:6) 1. All-Union Institute of Fertilizer and Soil Research, Moscow. (Plants, Effect of molybdenum on) Ye. Cand Aslri Sci - (cjiss) effect ol' :i:ol-,~deznum ci th,- harvest arna quality of aFric-d-,ural -r--..z -7-w.n or., so"Is U ., oscorl, !?- - ~~. :~n . - -- Q, - I r Koscoy. Order of Len-in AgriclItural Acaueiq im K. A. Tizdr:,,~zev) (KL, 37-0-3, 122) Milli Vqa S_ A&L kandidat biologicheskikh nauk. vwdp~ - rrost-restating properties of the root system In grapes. 7 no.6:163-171 148. NLRA 9:10) (Plants--Frost resistance) (Grapes) (Roots (Botany)) KI NI NBIRG. S. Ya. _ .. I Activity of catalase as an indicator of shade tolerance In plants. laukesap.Klev,un, 0 W,5:135-140 '49. (KLSA 9: 10) (Catalass) (Botany--Pbysioloff) KININBERG, S.Ya. Intensity of regeneration in different vortaties of grapes according to frost-resistance. 8 no-5: i91-194 149. (W-RA q: 10) (Plants--Frost resistance) (Grapes) (Plants--Reproduction) M-ININMGI,-S. YA. Viticultvre Viticulture as a means of utilizing sandy soils. Nauk. zap. Kyiv. un. 9, no. 7, 1950 Monthl List of Russian Acceesions~ library of Congress, July 1952. UNCLASSIFIED MIKINBUG, S.Ta.;SffLTWDV5ZLYA, X.M.[Shatkovalka, M.N.] Iffeat of manganese on the course of biochemical processes and .Mpes.,Ibu~r. sap.,4iv. un. 16 no.20:89-94 157 (Plants, Iffect of srAnmnesd on) (NUM 13:3) (Grapes--Yertilizers and mumres) MIN I PJ (3 8 R C, x1g, C TRY CATMORY : r3ultivated Plonte. Fruits. Berries. m JOIXIL ;'MhBiol., )To. 23 jqL~3, No. 104z317 AUTHOR Fininberg., S. Ya. -M T-;f 'MMUMM ral icaderay imeni Lanin TITLE., The Effect of the Conditions of Soil Futrition on the Froductivity and Frost 'Realstance in Grapevine. ORIG. PUB. i Dok. VaSKhNIL, I,- , No. 2, 26-30 A73STRACT t Studies were conducted In-Kiev oblastt in 19 J~4-1956 with Vari6tien Shasla belayu end Lidiya. Fertilizers were ap-, plica in the form of solutions into 6 holes putched with Kolosov "aword* around oach vina to the depth of 40-50cm. 1n.19.54, fertilizers were applied before the bursting of buds and at the beginning of the formation olf clusters. In 195_i,,fertilizers were not aplied end in 1956 they were applied only at the b6ginning 0t Vegetation, Applied under I vivo were 1;,,-3-", g, Pc-,150 a 11 rij-150 g, E&"-'04 -1.;~ t~. which were dissolved in 3 liters of water. j The average krovth,incremont of a shoot in Shas~ayith CARD: 1/2 MININBERG, S.Ya. Effect of the conditions of root nutrition on the dynamics of .6blorophyll in-grapevine leaves. Visnyk llyiv.=. no.l. Ser. biol. no.2s,45-49 059. (XIU 16 W (GRAPES-nRrILIZERS AND MANUFM) (CHWROMM) MININHERG, S.Ta.; CHERNOBELISIkYAp M.N. [Chernobyllalkap M.N.]; Tej-.[Sardiuchenkof ICOVO] Zffeot of the conditions of nutrition on the microflore of the rhisosphere of grapevine. Visnyk Kyiv.un. no.279031ol. 85-89 159. (GRAPES-MTILIZERS AD MANUM) (MIRA 16SO (ItHIZOSPHM MICROBIOWGY) I,- BELOKONIY I.P. [Bilokin', I.F.); HININBEMp S-Ya.; POLISHCHUK, L.K. Daytro Pylypovych Protsemko; on his 60th birthday. Visnyk Kyiv.4 no.2. Ser.biol, no-lal5l-15/* '59. (KIRA 16:4) I (PRMSENKO, DMITRO PrLYPOVgCH, 1899-) MININEERG, S.ra.;.,XHOMITSKIT, B P.9 [Xhomitelkylp B.P.1; SHATKOVSKAYA, .- -- N.j4,' [Shatkowelimp M.M.j zrfect of micraelements (Mn and B) on the dynamics of glutathione content in ieaveo and stems of the grapevine. Visnyk Kyiv.un. no.3. Ser.blol. no.1:63-67 160. OGRA 16s.4) (GLUTATHIONE) (PUNTS., EFFECT OF TRACE VIEWNTS ON) (KIEV RWION--GRAPE) BILOKON19 Lpe; !IHINBARG. S.Yai; POLISHCHUX. L.K. Dattril.Filippovich Protsenko; on his 60th birthday. Bot.sbur. 45 n0-1:157-518 Ja 160. (MIRA 13:5) 1. Klyawskly goeudaretyanW unlyersitat In. T.G.Shevchenko. (Proteanko. Dultril Iftlippovich. 1899- ) MIF331BERGp S. Yao Effect of mgane" and boron on tbg'bond strength of chloropbyll with the protein base in grapevine leaveo, Vionyk Kyiv. un,no*59 Ser.biol. no.lt28-32 162. (MM 1685) (MAM,, EMCT OF TRACE EUMM ON) ~mmtftwl (PPMEIKS) MININUM, S*'&O ~ Effect of different mineral fertilizers on the dynamics of tanning substances in leaves and stems of the pragovine. Visnyk~ Xyiw. un no,2# Sert biol. no.20-12160. (KMA 16.8) GRAPkS-FERTILIZERS AND NANUREa) (TAIINDS) PROTSENKOP D.F.; hTNINBERG, S.Ys. 'Tractical work in the anatomy of plants" by R.P. Earykina. and othen. Reviewed by D.F. Protsenko, S.IA. Wninberg. Bot. zhur. 49 no.4:607-609 Ap'64. (MIRA 170) 1. Kiyevskiy gosudarstvennyy universitet. i'l ;,VG, 5 A.. inzh. Most accurate solution of the standard error determination In estimates of ore deposit reserves. [Trudr] TMI no.31:114-130 157, (NIM (Ores--Sampling and estiwttlon) mi inzh. Calculating cir-lentation through tvo shafts. Izv.vys.ucheb.zav.; gor.shur. no.5:37-38 '59. (KIRA 13:5) 1. Yeavoyusnyy saochnyy politakhnichookiy institut. Rekomendovana kafedroy morksheyderskogo dels. I geodezit. (mine vur*v,eying) -W ROMANOV, V.A., prof.; MINING, S.E., inzh. New method of evaluating the accuracy of connecting to mine plumb bobs by means of a tie-in quadrilateral. Izv. vys, ucheb. zav.; gor. zhur. no-9:53-60 160, (MIRA 13:9) 1. Vsesoyuzn7y zaochny7 politekhnicheski7 inOtitut- Rekomend. ImfedrO7 marksheyderskogo dela i geodexii. (mine surveying) MINING, S.E.) aspirant Triangulation adjuut.:ont by the irdiroct tachniqup. using the multigroup miethod developed by Prof. A.1. Mazmishvil-J. Izv. vys. ucheb. zav.; geed, i aerof. no.5:77-38 163. WIRA 17:8) 1. VGesoyLiznyy zaocl-myy politeklmiclieskiy in,;Utut. S OURCZ? COD'~O M./0362/66/00i AUTHOR: Dubentsov, V. Minino. L. C. ORG: Central Institute of Forecasti (TsentralOnyy Institut prognozov) TITLE: Position of the tro mus in middle latitude jet stream SOURCE: AN SSSR. Izvestiya. Mika atmosfpry I okeana, ve 2. no* 3,19"s 464-473 TOPIC TAGS: jet-stream, tropopause, vind velocity ABSTRACT: A study*of the behavior of the tropopause In jet streams of the middle latitudes has revealed, through statistical analysis, that the tropopause in strong jet streams of the temperature latitudes, like In the subtropical jet streamg experiences a discontinuity. During the period December 1959 through February 1960 it i7as possible to collect data for 100 cases of jet stream when the maximum wind velocity on the axis of the jet attained or exceeded 50 M/sec. In many cases on the axis of the jet stream it was possible to detect presence of tvio tropopausos. The first was the polar tropopauso, situated several kilometers below the second tropo- pause. The superposing of one tropopause on another in the middle latitude jet stream- occurs less frequently than In the subtropics. Whereas the tropical tropopause Is characterized by a change of the vertical temperature graide"t with height, the middle latitude tropopause, and especially the polar tropopause, especially in winter height. Discontinuities of the tropopause near the axis of jet stream arise In the process of formation of the jet stream. In the first stage, when the jet streawis IwAnr4pg to form, the horizontal wind shear Is relatively small and. the tropopene- L-069IU7-* --- ' ACC NRt Arl %AMWO* may or may not be present. Since the temperature zone jet streams frequently are formed when there are considerable merldional displacements of warm or cold air oases, very frequently under the new conditions of radiative equilibrium one of the tropopauses, and sometlems both, disappear, but as soon as the Jet stream begins to weaken a new tropopause is formedg although at a different level. Orig. art. has: 2 fl.-ures and 3 tables. -PRSI7 SUB CODE.- 04 / SUM DATEs 02 Dee 65 ORIG REF: 009 VOTH REFs. 006 C" 2/2 XI. 7~' BOV/112-57-5-10736 Translation from: Referativnyy zhurnal. Elektrotekhnika, 1957, Nr 5, p 163 (USSR) AUTHOR: Potekhin, B. A., Mininzon, G. M., Rozhkov, 1. V. TITLE: New Instruments for Determining Chemical Stability of Ethylated Aviation Gasolines (Novyy pribor dlya opredeleniya khimicheskoy stabil'nosti etilirovannykh aviatsionnykh benzinov) PERIODICAL: Novosti neft. tekhniki. Nefteper(.-rabotka, 1956, Nr 5, pp 20-22 ABSTRACT: Bibliographic entry. Card I / 1 ADONIN, A.H., kand.takhn.nauk; ALIVERDIZAM, K.S.. kand.tekhn.nauk; ANITAN, V.A., kand.tekhn.nauk; ANISIXOT, Ye.F., Insh.; APRMY, K.A., dotment; BAMIKIT, V.W., Insh.; BOGDANOT, A.A.. kand. tokhn.naukl GORUNKO, L.A., Insh,; DANIALTAX, A,A,g Inshe; DIAMOT, T.N., prof.; IVANKOV, B.A., inzh.; KORIMM. K.I., insh.; LAVRUMMO, P.N., insh.; LISIK, N.P., Insh.: LOTLU. S.Aeg kando tekhn.nauk.- LOGINOV. B.G., kand.takhn.naukL KININZQ]t._ K.P. kand. tekhn.nauk; KOLCHANOV, G.T., kand.tokhn.nauk; NMVIUT, I.K.. prof.; MUSHIN, A.Z., insh.; CLISEVANG, D.Teep ~nshe; FODGORNOT9 K.I., inzh.; FATIBM, I.L., kand.takhn.nauk-. YOKINA, Te.D., insh.; IWISM. A.M.. Insh. Ldsoeased]; OT, P.R.. vedushchly red.; KUKRINA, B.A.. (Reference book on petroleum productionj Sprsvochnik po dobyche nefti. Koakwa. ks.nauchno-takhn.isd-vo neft. I gorno-toplivnoi lit-ry. Vol.2. 1939, 589 p. (KIRA 13:2) (Oil fields-Production methods) S/0"6J60jocz~ AUTSCRi Uno gi,en TITM ct-vniclt VERIODICAL; Geod*viya L kft~tografly.. 1960, No. 6. pp. 72-T-. TEXT% Prom Vey 10-14. 1960 the sh.stcy. sov.shchaniy. po gmvisatrit (S111h . I . ... ...... c-f. in Mosco. gou" .9-od.31L I 900fiSiki Akad.nii --k SSSR (Sou-1- for 410"Oly of the Co-itte. of Geodesy and Geophysics of it.. of S.N.04, I'll, and the Afrciravizetrich.alctym laboratorlys, Zftl--tute, I/ Mzzl .,at As SSSS (Laboratory for A.rogravim.try of th* of r.,tb of the AS USSH). 216 0 part in this conremneo: producticn% r*:*krcb,c*SLt*rv, testing and Construction org-ix.tio~$. In titut me aand orgeoisalion. of the Akad--Lya Mk SSSa (A-t-r of Science* CSSR), Sibirokoys otdoleal7o AX S35B (31barl" D*pAM==1 of the Card 1/6 IS USSItA~adeci n,.k 1krain Xor. L!1a,;koy.1 ks.rb:~)shahakoy ISSR (Acad.m- f Sol* fih Uk In key,. Lito'. and At.rbaydzh~..kay. So). .jeshogo I ~"dn.g. f ai:b.r and Secondary Special c" Q. the UrSR)w ZiAlottrat- C-logii I khr ny ..dr SSSR (:UnIs try of ..l ogy an P re sr,.-Ion of v*o:r7t.s). Xmitt st"d.rto,, mar 1 it.dritolloykh pribor~. ;r- Zovete ; Uint air*. 3331 (Cc= Iit-- on Standards, Ve.surva. aid :.*.s,ourLr4 Instrusents of the Cohocil of Uln1ster. C33R), 1111 TTS, aoa~%'.-yy Lo*ll ---yu .:t,5*,*,ta 91,1stra SSSR po '"on""'t"' I Mhl ost-7~ (Sta ctm.$ on Aut'amati" and :!&.... C .. 1ructift'., V.- z~ il of Kinisters 9=1), all &D representatives of the factories of the &a 2kov kly ma"arkh (go. so a the ==r=x (L.cla"a. 'I S, ..r'kb.3o.")trUho2,L~dude.r it.trlo 70 lectures wer. hold. I* 11, 2hop* Ilint to'. .7 '.. or.. estroto"ZIL AN SSSR (In,tl -1 Wr.n-j of th. 'S -S.Pr~qnc. vltvD So=* rarmacterz Field of the Seri , i Ku b 4-at one of th. Seem' Card 2/6 Third Artificial Utol'it-X: D. V.,skiy (rvl:,) spoke --he D=r.loaxl.. of the A;..IUI; V.-rG--3T of the It .t T111 .jM In L, In 1:-j poke b..- -het -SiCh- dju. precision