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MINAR, S., dr. ------ Cetums of Btains on po.11shed eptical.gues during the maufacturing process and ways to prevent tbes. T~a mech opt 5 no.4:107-111 Ap 160o 1. Ustav pro vyzkum optiky a Jame mchaniky, Prerov. MINAR, S,,. dr. 6 Present conditions, the importance and main tasks of researcb in optics and precision mechanics. Jemm-mah apt 5 no.5:135-140 My 160. 1. Ustav pro vyzkum optiky a jesme mehaniky,, Prerov. WNARp S., dr., C.Sc. Effect of funds ntal parameters on the glass grinding process. Jemna mech opt 7 no.6:167-171 Je '62. 1. Ustav pro vyzkus optiky a Jenne mehaniky, Prerov. MINAR, S* -------- Principleo of climatotechnology of optical instments. Je,-T-1 mcch opt 7 no.12082-387 D 162. e- MIMA,,-S. RNpr., C.Sa. Protection of OPtical swfaces from dbgradation affect of climtic ObWtions,. Jemna mech oPt 8 n0,3:69-73 Mr 163. - I 1. Ustav,pro vzykum optiky a jemn.ei me~h'anikys Fre~ov. MIVARj, S.0 IWDr.v Me. &-*.4.6;~ Bev methods in the toobnology-of produation of outer re- flecting layers on glasoo Jamna mech opt 8 noolls 353-357 N163. 1. Ustay pro vyzkum optik7 a Jews mochanikyo Prerov. ACCESSION MR: AP4016122 Z/0012/64/000/001/0007/0018 AUTFOR: Minar, Silvestr (Minarih, S.) TIM- Now findings In machining optical silcon glass by grinding and polishing SOURCE: Silikaty, no. 1, 1964, 7-18 TOPIC TAGS: glass grinding, glass polishing, polishing machine, polishing powder, polishing velocity. polishing theory. cerium dioxide powder ABSTRACT: For polishing, saitable powdered substances in water suspension used to remove glass damag- caused by grinding. Pressures of 500 to 4060 g/ were studied by the authvi. To obtain acceptable polishing. the equation R;, = (6.9 � 1.7) Ha must pply; R? is the mean value of the maxi== difforences between five high and low points on the varface of the glass. Ra is the arithmetic mean deviation from the middle line of the glass surface. Experiments using polishing velocities of 3 m/sec and powdered Ce202 "a described. The oxide was prepared by calcination of Ce oxalate at 900 C; the powdered mixture con- tained also ferric chloride and alectro-corundum. The chmical machwAsm of Card 1/2 ACCESSION M: Ap4ol6i22 polishing is explained by the theory of broken chemical bonds between silicon oxide polymers, and the formation of activated surface centers. Action of Ce oxide in water suspension is explained by formation of CeH?O complex cations and hydro)Wl anions. The anion of the dissociated surface acid forms a bond with the cation of the dissociated base on the surface of the crushed grain of the polishing powder. This bond is changed by the cation of the polishing tool, which replaces the cation of the polishing powder. Preferential breaking of bonds and their modification take place. according to the scheme of the Polish- ing process. The microscopic particles of glass form a thin amorphous 4yer on the polished glass surface and are finally washed off from the working area. The polishing takes place besically in only one direction. Orig. art. has: 9 figures. 3 tables." ASSOCIATION: Meopta, - Ustav pro v~zkum optiky a je=6 mechaniky (Meopta. - Institute for Optical Resoarch and Precision Mechnics) Prorove SUBMITTED: lpec62 DATE ACQ: 14peb64 EWL: 00 SUB CODEs MA. ED W RV sovs 004 OTMS 010 Card 2/2 i%ff/JO/ lo m Aumal MIAW, 3i a-matims cadume or awwames) A/V ] o MOS. VidW for Pnelsim ad pmw TO&WtUs of ultal Odde U ff"s an time GrUlat no* 1, 19669 MW I me pow Ifterlm prebUm In ths preftUss at 0 r d~ Pd=kt*S t th a e prwes~ 1 0 we Omiiwl~ Md the of - Oms, 12 07 SM DWI ON awl US .7 --- - - ---- - ------ AW-U AP6004816 SOURCE CODE: CE/0013/661000/00110028/0028 INVENTOR: Hinarf,,'Stlvesti (Doctor); Chmelar,'Vlad W r ORG: none.. TITLE:_ Preparation of neutral light filters on glass. CZ Pat. No. 112645 SOURCE:. Sklar akeramik, no. 1, 1966, 28 JOPIC TAGS: light filter, optic filter, glass coating, nickel.compound, chromium compound, phosphide, thin film ABSTRACT: iA Czechoslovakian Authors Certificate has been Issued for neutral light filtering thin (0.01-0.1p) films of amorphous nickel or chromiust phosphide, chemi- cally deposited owglass. The films contain aminimal excess of base metal and miy be heattreated up to 350C. JJKJ SUB CODZ:.,,11/ SUM DAM. none/ ATD PRESS: -L 13539-65- Pq-4 WH ACCESSION NR.I AP4044505 Z/0030/64/000/008/0233/0236 AUTHOR.- Minar, Silvestr, (Doctor of natural sciences, Candidate of sciences) TITLF.. . brev. trends in the -technology of production and fInisbing 6p icaL,.. "rraces SOURGEt r:.-Jamn.4- mechanika aloptikat no. 8, 1964, 233-236 ~g'ia_s`s.:--c_o__atIng', glass processing, glass property, TOOTC TM!~ s surface active substance, surface condition ABSTRACT-.,: various trends in research dealing with the produc- 71- su:rfaces---- o f---:Pressed7,glass--.are-_:,. described, -with par- Iiihing -p ,aramefe- r-si--- su-ch: 2 sure (3600-g/cm or the speed of the polishing-tool against the ~ra d 1/3 -l"fir:SU ~qpen#xqn-w~~;--`O ber:-- pr6ducti6n-o e-c - fj:*i --ah-- 'th f ncjq,~, q o 6h. PC#_ pqu 1 our toict on:,Of-sur- t PC f - theitbohe r tbetWe -0o T0!!A, Jlri; M7, Jirt Pharmacological relaxation of the muscles In relation to personal experiences with procuran. Aoshl. chir. 36 no,2:73-fil Yeb 157. 1. 1. chirurgicka klinikn KU, nobocka v Pisni, jrednoats doe. Dr. X. Domansky 11. chirurgich 1--linika KU, pobocka v Pizni, prednottft doe. Dr J. Spi&cs. (DECAK MIC-NIUM COMPOUNDS, off, decAtnethmlom iodide on ruse. (Cz)) (MUSCIaS. -ohysiol. off. of decamethonium lodlis (Cz)) POLAND/Theoretical Physics - Quantun Theory of Fields. B- .Abs Jour : Ref Zhur Fizika, No 3, 1960, 5089 Author : Minardi, E. Inst Title : On the Bilocal Theory of the Electron Orig Pub : Acta phys. polon., 1956, 17o No 6, 429-433 Abstract : The interaction between an electron and external electroma- gnetic field is described by an 8-dimensional spinor equa- tion. The wave function depends symietrically on the or- dinary "external" coordinates AV and on the "internal coordinates" 7~A)( V =1, 2, 3, 4). The electromagnetic mass of the electrons breaks up accordingly into "external" and "internal" part. In aalculating "intertal" part with the aid of perturbation theory, in the initial approxina- tion the electron is considered as a Majorana neutrino. The total electomagnetic mss of the electron is found to be equal to the experimental one, if the universal length Card 1/2 9 MINARDI, E. On the bilocal theory of the electron. In English. p.429. AGTA PHYSICA POLONICA. Warszawa, Poland. Vol. 17, no. 6, 1958. Monthly List of East European Accessions Index (EEAI), LC. Vol. 8, No. 9, Septmber 1959 Uncl. NINARIKO Y.; DMWU# The problom of dispersed radiations near diagnostic x-r&7 apparatus, Pracovni lek. 10 no.2:141-144 May 58. 1. Ustav hygleny prace a chorob z povolania, Bratislava, riadital MUDr. Imrich nuelk. 7.M. Bratislava, ul, 29. Augusta 8. (ROUTGBN RAYS, injurious effects hazards in Acinity of diag. x-ra7 equip. (0s)) (RDOTGZNOGRAPHY. . same) MIARIX. F.; DYURCHAK, K.; MIFARIK, A. (Bratislava) Danger to medical pefsonnel represented by the scattering of rays in radiography. Gig.truda i prof.sab. 3 no.4:11-17 il-Ag 159. (MIRA 12:11) 1. Institut gigiyeny truda i professionallnykh sabolevaniy. (X RAYS-WATTERING) MT-NARIKR E. Czechoslovakia CA:47:11760 "Effect of pH of water on the solubility of the pectins in exhausted cossettes." PaurAtsl Potravin 3, No. 1, 35-6(1952); Sugar Ind. Abstr. 14,, 193 (1952) MIMMK.. E. MNARIK,, E. belection of wine yeasts resi tant to 80 and their application in the fermentation of sulfurized mu:ts. P. 183* Vol. 2. no 6 Aug. 1956 KVASNY FO~t TECHNOLOGY Praha, Czechoslovakia so: ERSt F4UWean Accession Vol. 6, no. 2, 1957 MINARIK, E. A contribution to the study of wins yeast. p. 21. BIOLOM, Vol. 11, no. 1. 1956. SOURCE: East European ACM331ons List, (EEAL) Library of Congwss Vol. 5. No. 8, August 1956. GZECH03LOV,UML / Microbiology. Technical Microbiology. F-3 .ribs Jour: Ref Zhur-Biol., No 16, 1958, 72023* Author :.Zinarik, Erich. Inst : Not-g-Iven. Title :On The Influence of Fungicides and Insecticides on the Fermentation of Grape Must. Orig Pub: Biologia, 1956, 11, No 9, 523-529. libstract: A Bordeaux mixture, through frequent sprinWng and increased concentration, can impair the fermentation process: sometimes the fermeatative capacity of the yeasts is completely paralyzed. Sulfur preparations ("sulikol", ISO bari=~ poly- sulfide), were used for sprinkling under normal conditions, as well as dinocide and dinol, even though use of the latter in increased concen- trations exerted no effect on the fermentation. -- 0. S. Grabenshbhikov. Card 1/1 24 CZECHOSLOV,.~KL.. / Microbiology. Technical Microbiology. F-3 A,bs lour: Ref Zhur-Biol., No 16, 1958, 72022. Author Minarik, Erich. Inst Title Preliminary Tests on Preparing Wines by tha Use of "'ctivators from Mold Fungi* Orig Pub: Kvasny prumysl, 1957, 3, No 11, 251-253. Abstract: Activators from Aspergillus niger, Penicillium notatum and Botrytis oinerea, tested under lab- oratory and s6mi-productive conditions with juices of grapes and malt musts, accelerate the fermentation of sugars, especially in the first phase of fermentation and have no influenne on the taste and flavor of the beverages obGained. -- From the author's resume. Card 1/1 ~C 14 CZECDOOLDVAW/Chemical T-jLhnology, Chemical Products and H-27 Tbc:, r A,,jrll cat"Cup Part 3. - Fermentation Abe Jour:: Beferat. Zhurnal Xhimiya,, No 10,, 1958.- 34154- Author : Erich Kizn~rik inst : Not j~1'.rcc Title lnzoiuence of 'Activators Produced by Mold Fungi on Wst Orig Pub: kol~giajp 1957,v 12, No6,454-459. Abstract:,The .Influence of fermentation activators frcm, Aspergillus nigerp Botrytis cinerea wA Fewaillium. notaUm on the forme-ztation of grepe must was studied with introducing 0.5,g~of the pr-eparation per liter. In the presence of activatorsj, fermentation is especially much acoelerated in Initial phases. At the 9th4a y of fetvmtsition of Card 1/3 CZECHOSLOVAM/Cher.1cal Technology, Chemical Products aind Their Ap,91-4cation, Part 3- - Fermentelioa I&L.7rit1j.. A-Its Jour: Referat. Zhu-mal Kbimiya, No 10, 1958, 34154. hie;ily -oa7,ry grape and fruit juices) where a deeper ferwntation is achieved besides its acceler- atia:.~ane- lower t:oncentration of volatile acids. Card : 3/3 H-27 CA 41 MINARIK 0 E. "Contribution to the selectivo fermentation of glucose and fructose by means of wine yeasts." BIOLOGIA, Slovenska akademia vied, Bratislava, Czechoslovakia, Vol. 13, No. U, IL958 Monthly List of East European Accessions (EUI), LC., Vol. 8. No. 8. August 1959. Uncl. MI14ARIK, E. Improving the quality of our sweet-and vermouth-type wines. p. 170. KVASh.'L- i7RUMBL. (?4inisterstvo potravinarskeho prumyslu) Praha, Czechoslovakia. Vol-.5, no. 7, July 1959. Monthly List of East European Accessions (EFAI) LC Vol. 8, no. 11, Nov. 1959, Uncl. MINAUK, E.; LAHO, L. ; NAVAR.,X, A. Chromatographic proof of the 'ermehtability of diarmostic sugars. p. ?40. KVASITY PRIPSYL. Praha, Czechoslovakia. Val. 5, no. 10, Oct. 1959. Monthly List of East European Accessions (EEAI), LC, Vol. 9, no. 2, Feb. 1960. Unal. AIV /V ; k ABS. SOUR. : RZI[hiju.. , No. 1959, No- 72529 AUTIHOR : Minarik L - Lahol L. -, flavara , h. Al HST. T IT L-T :Use of 'Parer Chromatography for IdcritlficatLcni of Brewer-ts Yeast, Opk1G. PUB. :7,01noh, 7 1(/5c ospodarstvo , I ( , No 11 15-- 8 ABSTRACT Doscription of a Chrcm--~Ltographic metl.od of ifLvc,stig,--!tion of 'Che f(--men.tation of sugars used it. the identifl-Cution tests, by brewer's ye~,st, which in c(m- junction with the known v1sual methocts makes it possiblc to determine- -more re~--aily and with greater precision the fermentabil-ity of,sugars, pal.t4 cularly off" -.,afflizose and ;-7alactose. -- Yu. Chelltsova. CA2D: MINARIK, Erich Composition of the yeast flora of wine nade in a viticultural. region in Little Carpathians. Biologia 15 no.4:272-279 6o. (EW 9:9) 1. Pobocka Ceskoslovenskej akademie polnohospodarskych vied- Vyskunny ustav pro vinohradnictvo a vinaretvog Bratislava (SLOVAKIA--WINE AND WINE MAKING) (FERMENTATION) (YEAST) MINARIK, Erich Systematic classification of technical strains of wine yeast. Kvaany Prum 9 no.10:242-245 0 163. 1. Vyoku=y ustav pre vinohradnictvo, Bratislava. MpLqjx, Sriahjp inz... SaC. Colleation. of yeast plants and yeast microorganisms. Vest ust zemdel 10 no.6/7.-281-014 163. 1* Vyobmny ustav pre vinohradnietvo a vinarstvo., Bratialavae C z MHOS LOVIAMI. Erich 1IM'APM, Dipl. ing., C3c; lant-in;te for Enology and Viffe~lndutmvj r0riginjr.) wvaion of not Atatcdl 4 L Bra tiqlaVa. "Or,currer-ce of Sacchar=7(.ts cormnus Saito ti!-. Grapert." uratftlava' Vol 18, No 2, 1963; pf ~60-163. Abstroct. rGernan articie; English st-rum-&-:y mod~f itrIj -. From zroi . I d r TI-I r 'W Wr;nt Slovzlda, 2 srraiun ot this ra-re Fnr-Eastern yea-4;t wcv-.~ isolated. Tabislaticr., of compnOte-risive biochrmical showa relationship t* zbe strain as described by XuC1rizwzew' four drawings of cells, table- 4 referimcas: I Sovi't, Durch Itext, pernoi~al communication, .3-1rvxk thcsiA by withor. J/1 I. MINARIK, Erich Mlicrof-lora of aweet Tokaj wines. Kvasny prum 10 no. 2: 40-42 F 164- "Key for determination of bacteria" by J. Arpai. Reviewed by Mirarik. Ibid.: 45. "Identification of anthocyanin dyes by thin layer chromatography" by H. Tanner, H. Rentschlerp G. Senn. Reviewed by Minarik. Ibid.: 48. "Microbiological method for determination of chemical preservative in wines" by H. Luthi, T. Bezzegh. Reviewed by Minarik. Ibid.:48. 1. Vyzkumny ustav pre vinohradnictvo a vinarstvo, Bratislava. - I MINARlK, Erich Stabilization of the Tokay choice wines against biological turbidity. Kvasny prum 10 no. 6:131-133 Je 164. 1. Research Institute of Viticulture and Wine Making, Bratislava. MINARSKYY E. , inz. Dekatron ECT 100, a new element fo:~ calculation technology. Slaboproudy obzor 25 no.li55-57 ja'64. I I -? 14 - HMRIK vo I - MINARIN, F. . -.1, ~ C. "' -I f~' .Some data on tho w4loal serrico of old Marlboro Zdrav, vont., Ljubljana 23 no.3-4:57-61 1954. (HISTM, MIDICAL *YU9081.) MMARIK, Ferenc Irradiation dangers to the physician in ro-entgenography, radiol. 10 no.2:106-108 June 58. 1. A Pozsoriort *m*aegeezsegW1 Intezet (Igazgato: 1mrich Klucik dr.) kozlemenye, (ROBNTGIIKOGRMT 4o*e of x-ray scattered around x-ray appar., dangers to roentgenologist (Hun)) XMRIK' F.; DUIRORK, K.; MINARINO A, The problem of dispersed radiations near diagnostic x-ray apparatus. Pracoyni lek. 10 no.2:141-144 M~y 38s L Ustav hyglany prace a chorob s povolaniag Bmtislava, riaditel Mr. ImrIch nualk. F.M. Bratislava, ul. 29. Augusta 8. (ROIRTTGIN RAYS, injiwious effects hazards in Y~icinity of diag. x-ray equip. (0s)) (ROUTGOOGRAPHY, I same) MUM, 7.; DYURCHSK, I., HIMRIK, L. (Bratislava) Danger to medical personnel represented by the scattering of rays in radiography. Gigotruds i prof.sab. 3 no.4:11-17 JI-Ag 159.6 (NIM 12: 11) 1. Institut g1giyeny truda i professionallnykh zabolevanly. (X RLTS-SCATTERING) DTURGMK, Ir. [&A(ek, K.]; KIRARIK. F.; STANKOVICHOVA, A. [Stankovi'cova, AJ; PAMSHOVA. M. [Petr-16W.- URICEUM, L. [Urivce)r. L. Domes of X Irradiation to which patient@ and medical personnel are exposed during cardiac cathaterixation. Ned.rad. 4 n0-10:66-70 0 159. (KIM 13:2) 1. 1z Instituta g1glyeny truda. I professionallzWkh zabolevanly v Bratislava (dir. - doktor med.muk I. Xldchik). (EMA CATHMMIZATION) (RADIOGRAM) to STANKOVICOVI,, Alojzia (Bratislava.0 ul, Narodneho povotania a. 18-20); HINARIK., Frantiaak-lBratislava,, ul.Narodneho pdystania c. 18-20); III I IR " ZWO.1 (Bratislava, ul. Narodneho povitaida c. 1&20) Methods of absolute dosimetry of Sr9p. Mat fyz cas SAV ll no*3 s2l4p-221 163., . r 1. Ustav hygieny prace a charob z p~wolamia, Bratislava, KLUVAMK, P.; DURCEK, K.; KASARTK, S.(-o HINARIK, F.; %a tach.spoluprace URICKA, L.; DOUPOVCA, V. Effect of technical shortcomings of roentgeno-diagnostic equipment on spreading of secondary radiations. Cask.rentg. 15 n0-1:30-36 1P 161. 1. Ustav hygieny prace a chorob s povolania v Bratislave, riaditel MUDr. 1. Klucik. (RADIATION PRMCTION) NDIARIKI F.; STANKOVICOVA, A.; MAPICA, J,; hOMOMA, V., techn. spoluprace --------------------- Slectrical poperties of dusts In mv mines In Slovakia., hucaval Isk. 13 no.6:269-274 Ag 461. 1. Ustay bygiony prace a uhorab z pavolanis, v Bratislaveg riaditel KUDr. I. Rjualic. (DUSTS) BORISF.Kj,R.p drAnz.; MINARIK F.p Ins. I , -==~& ;~- Neehanism of sulfite delipification at high tempwatures. Sbor eel pap no,7&47-62 162. SCHMIW# J... inz.1 HINARIX, F., in2r. Reoirculation of cooking liquor in delignification reaertion. Sbor cal pap no.7t63-72 162. CZRCHOSLOV AKI A -14MTHL~~~F STMKOVICOVAo A.,. HANCA9 J-PInititute of Hygiene of Work end Professional Diseases# Manager Dr 1, Kluelk ( Ustev hygiany pra*e a chorob z povolania# riaditel MUDr, 1, Klucik)q Bratislava, Some Problems of Medical PhTsics in Work with Sources of Neutron Radiation*" Pregues Pracovgq lAkerstvlo Vol 15t No.. 2e.Mareh 63,, PP 69 - t4. Abstraot:The authors give first a description of the prop- er on of neutrons and of the nature of their radiation for 4 sources (Ra-Be# Po-Bep ft-Bet Sb 124-Be). They give also basic principles for the safety of handling these matarials, Tn the lost part of the article they di3attas a few specific problems of work safety with the radiation sources mentioned. I Tablst 1 Figure# 3 Western,, 1 Czechp ~ Russian references. STAIL-M-COVA, A., :F. ; Ins tituto, o-l' cne of an d of PC CUT)at ional F'09-a 'u' Bra t ir lava, -anag cr Pro f . d-) c 'I,- o r L-Ustav hy-iony rrace a c-orob z novolania, 3'ratislavan, K.o s al --iad',tel nro. dr. I. It 7. "Experi,,-.iontal Determinr;.t'.on o fEfficiency of 1-PilterS Dc-s-.Zned for Retention of Radioactive Aerosols." Prague, Pracovni Lekarsstvi, Vol '15, ITo 8, 196'), -,)T) 343-3L,,4 Abstract: The article doGcribcs the effici-:,~ncy of 5 filter nedia tested. The deternination was made by mcasurin-~- beta activ-ity of media through i..,hich passed air with fission nroductz of radon. RaB and RaC. 1-1'xnbrane -.'ilters iuorc the -most- effective. I Pi.-ure, I Table, 5 Wastern, 1 Russian reference. XNARIL.Frantiseks inz, Aftlysio of multistage pulp u6hing. Papir a colulosa. 18 n0.5198-1010 104 my !t3- 1, vyokumny ustav papieru a celulotyp Bratislava* HINARIK, F.; UHRIK, F.; HRABOVCOVA, A.; MORAVKOVA, M.; URICEK, L. Spectral analysis of radioactive gems radiants in waste water and Danube water. Vodni hoop 14 no.12:46&469 164. KWCIK,, rmrich; RENO, Milan; TRNOVW,, Tmas; MINAIN . Frantiseko Metabollom of SK24-labellmd antimmy oxide In rats, Prac" lek. 16 no*2t53-56 KrI64 1. Ustav hygieny prace a chorob z povolania v Pratislave; riaditelt prof. NUVri, M.Nomde TFUOVEC, T.; BENO,.N.; ZBORIL)V.; PLESKOVA, A.; RUSEK.,V.;_~ ~A=~- Effect of parathyroid hormone on radiocerium uptake by bone tissue. Bratisl. lek. listy 44 no*1224-29 164. 1. Ustar hygieny prace a chorob z povolania v Bratislave; riaditelt prof. MUDr. M.Nosal. 40 SCHMIED, Josef, Inz. CSc.; MINARIK,-Fraritige1c, inz.; PUCEEK, Bohuslav, promovany fyzik Matrices of mass and power tr&nafer in the design and control x*, of pulp production. Papir a calulosa 20 no.lt4,10 Ja f65. ,,-l. Research Institute of Paper and Cellulose,, Bratislava. MINARIKj.F,k; UHRIK, F.; HRABOVCOVA, A., PETRASOVA, M.; DCTJPOVEC, V.; .MMVKOVA,, M.; URICEK, L. Analysis of gamma-emitters In the fallout on the site of the nuclear electric power plant A-1. Cask, hyg. 10 no.7t4OO-403 Ag 165. !1. 1 Jstav hygieny prace a chorob 2 povolanda, Bratislava. --L 30921-66 ACC NRI CZ70038766/W0/06VM22/6af AP6022920 SOURCE COOZ: ~o MTHOM Uhrik. Frantieekt M1n"",JrVWU#.qkjj1rabovcova, Alojaia ORG: Research Mwtitute for Labor Wgiew and Occupational Diseases, Brazislava (VyskwoW u4n bygieW prace a chorob z povolazda) TITWs Automatic step drive of the discriminator In a pulse spectrophotometer SMCZ: Jaderna snergis, noo 1. 1966, 22-23 automatic rischine, spectrophotomter, frequem7 discriminator, gamms, TOPIC TAGS: spectrum. spectrm analysis, pulse counter, recorder eqwlpment ABS70= t The article is an abstract of authors' Y6arly Report of the Insfitutels*Project VUHPCHP No 9/1963, Automatic step drive of the single channel spec tropho tome ter "Pries eke-Hoepfner W-94" in described* The movement takes place when a given number*, of pulses has been registered onan PH-49 pulse counter. - The iperiod for whioh a given channel position remains unchanged is 'recorded an an FE-449 time recorder. The arrangement Is suitable for spectral analyses made with low gama activities; for these .11911 by tho makers is. not suitableo. Orig. 's~rt'e has: -the pkapp 2 flc"~Ud 2 tab2"* LOMW MB CM31 110 090 13 MM DAM now I CWd 1A - ~:o .. UDCs 621.374.32 339012*075:621*2!~! 'kJ MINARIK, Jindrich Otazky primestskeho zemedelrtvi v C-11R. (Problems of the Suburban Agriculture. in Czechoslovakia. 1st ed. illus., maps, bibl, notes) Introduction by V. Vrbensky. Prague, SZN, 1957. 112 p. Problems of the Cz. suburban agriculture and its tasks. Comparison with the Soviet conditions. The study deals with the special nature, scope, specialization, and organization of the production in the Cz. suburban agriculture, its methods of planning, and it presents maps which represent an outline for determining the suburban zones, and organization and specialization of their agriculture. Bibliograficky katalog, CSR, Ceske knihy, No. 35. 8 Oct 57. P. 747. MIHARIK) J0 Agriculture in areas adjacent to Czechoslovak towns. P. 139 (VIZIVA LIDU) Vol. 12, no. 10, Oct. 1957., Praha, Czechoslovakia SO: Monthly Index of East Europem Accessions (EEAI) LC, Vol. 7, No. 3, March 1958 CZECHOSLOVAKIA / Farm Animals. Wild Animals Q-5 Abs Jour: Ref Zhur-Biol., No 3, 1958, 12153 Author Minarik J. M. Inst Title On the Breeding of New Fur Animals (0 razvedeni! novykh pushnykh zverey) Orig Pub: Chovatel, 1957, No 3, 45 Abstract: A certain increase in the number of South American chinchilla, a high-priced animal, on the farms of Czechoslovakia is reported. The breeding of Chin- chillas on a large scale is limited by a considerable difference of the local climate from that of the habitat of the chinchilla. The possibility of the acclimatization of this animal is considered. Card 1/1 42 CZECHOSLOVAKIA MINARIK, L; STEk-LACOVA, E; CERBA, A. 1. Hospital for Tuberculosis (Liecebna pre tubarkulozu), Yyena Haga; 2. Institute of National Nealth (Ustav narodneho zdravia), Revuoej - (for all) Prague, Rozhledy I tuberkulose, No 2, 196~, pp 77-86 The Pathology and Clinical Course of Cystoid Cavities." BATEK, F.; WORRA, A.; 1=XROVA, V.; KINARIK, L. Role of the spleen in interoceptiTe conditioned blood picture changes in rabbit. Gesk. fYsiol- 7 no.5s429-430 Sept 58. 1. Yysiologick7 ustav u Ustav organiaace zdrvaotnictvi lek. fak. Me Olo- mouc. (BLOOD CHLIB, count. eff. of splenectoaW on conditioned cbangee In rabbits (Gz)) (WLK, CONDITIOM, conditioned blood count changes in splenectomized rabbIts(Cz)) (SPIJW, eff. of excise on conditioned blood count changes in rabbits (Cs)) BATEK, F.; KUCZRJL, A.; KUCNROYA, V.; MINARIK, L. Effect of ardemlectoor on the course of interoceptive white and red blood picture changes In rabbits. Cesk. f7slol. 7 no.3:431-432 Sept 38. 1. hsiologick7 ustav a Uatav organisace zdravotniotvi lok. fak. PU. Olo, MOUCO (LIKKOC"B CMT' off. of adrenalectomy on interoceptive chaj%es in rabbits (Cz)) (BRYTHROGYM, count, eff. of adrenalectony on interoceptive changes in rabbits (Gs)) (AMULNGTOKY. ef f. on Interoceptive erythrocyte & leukucyte comt in rabbits (Gs)) MINARIK, L. "New views concerning the irritability of tiesueeff Ceskoslovenska Pysiologie. Prahap Czechoslovakia. Vol. 8p no. 1,, Jan 1959 Monthly list of East European Accessions (EEAT), LC,, Vol. 8. No. 7, July 59, Uncles KUCXRA, A.;BATZK, I.;MIWIK. L.;KUCIROVA. V. on the effect of pentamethonium on the course lnteroctptive chaws of white and red blood pictures In rabbits. Cook. fyslol. 8 no.5: 418-419 8 159 1. J~FslologlciW ustav a Ustav orpnIsace zdravotnictvi Lek. fak-. FU. Olomouc. (KMONIUM COMPOUNM pharEacol.) (ARTMOGITZ GOUNT pharmcol.) (LW1OCM COM, pharmacol.) WGRA. A.;BATJK9 F.;KINARIK, L.;KUCZROVA, V. .. .... Affect of -i~;'pltu'ltmry on the dynamics of changes in white blool picture. Cook, fYslol. 8 =.5:419-420 S 159 1. lystologicky ustav a Ustav ornanisace idravotnistri Lek. fak. PU. Olomouc. (I=OGTTl COUNT) (HIPOPHISACTOKY eff. ) --------- -w. --.-, A simple. mcazurlnr~ dovJcr~ - . ved. prac. lok. Itak. Karlov. Univ. 7 rn-4:557-51J2 '~,4- I j - .... Fyzlclogiclly u.--,tqv Le'Karske falmlty Palacl:ehc. I'dversity, Olomotic (precb-.o3ta: doc. MUDr. A. Kuc~ra). ~;ZECH03LOVAKIA HAMOVA, S., KVAPILOVA, I. MlXpwa L: Physiological Institute Medical Faculiy-,-1ra1-a-c7y-ikfV- n' aity-flIffologicky'Ustav Lnk.'Fak. ?.U.) Olomouc. "Extension of Anesthesia Duration by HyperventilbLtion with Atnospher- ic Air," Prague, Ceskoslovonska Fysiologie, Vol 15, No 2, Feb 66, P 72. Abstract: Use of an extension of anestheSift induced by thiopenttial arter 5-remedication with atropine-lobaline to influence-CNS activity is discussed. The extension of anesthesin in connoctod to hyperventilation hypocapnia. It appears that the effect is due to hypocapnoic vasoconstriction in th& cerebral ref7ion. No references. Gubmitted at zhe "16 Days of Physiology" at Kosice, 29 Sep 65o i1xi U I - L~Qi?V --ICA Sec.1-1 Vol.10/4 Oto.-Rii-no-Laryrigo Apr5? 831. MI,TARIK M. Otolaryngol. Klin. UK. Bratislava. *Foniatricki starostlivost na --ST5v_en_sW_uPhoniatric care in Slovakia LEK.OBZOR 1956, 5/3 (175-180) The author gives a short hidtory of the science of speech and voice disorders and describes the contents and tasks of phoniatry and its development in Czechoslo- vakia.where the care for speech voice and hearing disorders is directed by the State. In Slovakia, there are 2 phoniatric departments at the University Clinics and 4 other departments in provincial towns. Apart from that, lagopaedic courses under the supervision of pediatricians are run in many towns. Seeman - Prague (XI, 17*) f4l NA R in -tr M~ ToMffek,- L * (Alials(rY Light Ind Pm K ., ofix u )-, . g -Mrmidu-The process" employ ed i US S n . . and jn:cx~~*%-Aia ar~ dZirlba. involve a very light Cc tinjIgge, ttgotetil b~.vegitt,%ble.tAump Its drum$ U.S.S.R.Yor 4ccombinatidn tA suspeMers and-drums ctechoduvakil), Data are given as ta amt. 'of tattain I waited tu-the %ewer,atWer vadw%~cottdidpns- If. IbU. - anin given. 227-8.~-Tfie,rfftcts of reduction of amt, of t2 -wasted u-tto stu died utwttdtr fiqu4irs Clu - i,-Wy by ining die loss a tannin be kept at an CcoIt-AUWIY't()jtrAhlC JeVd. The Cwhadavalk leathers fire softer, fell detisei and more ' itretchy than U.S.S.R. - leathe", but absorb le-A ffO. * By usiniC-the Cr-vegetabte Aualytical data am given. -tan"in's process the time for tannage Is sfigNtcried fratt; M to 39 dayt. The btad leather Is -Ithfactory. hot fitficitts are not. Rritdts do not support the a4% i%%b9ity of coa- Ycrting 6,4e-kathcr t2nnerks to the Cr~vcptxbte proem. 7" A P, I Y-1 I Tr\ , CZECHOMMAKIA/MemiO4 Technology. Chemical Products and H-35 Their Application. Leather. mechanical Gelatins. Tanning Agents. Technical Albumens. Abs Jour: Bef - 21hur-Olmiyal No 11, 1958, 38440. Author : Tomisek M, Kucka L, Minarik M. inst : Not given. Title : Results Achieved in Czechoslovakia in the Field of Manufacturing Sole Leathers of Chrow Vegetable Taming. Orig Pub: Kozarstvi, 1955, 5, No 12, 227-22B. Abstract: Chrow vegetable tanning of sole leather does not yield leather@ like those of the usual taming, either accord- ing to quality or according to analytical characteristics. The producing cycle is reduced from 86 to 39 days. Wear- ing durability Is alwat the same as usual. See source WhXhim, 1958, 2o184. Card 1/1 f. nil puot-rAnt teg W-.A y a The coam. Ang in 8 w-~cndcrv and 2 drums, by w" 7, 2W, 48. e8 and 98 Barko=~ter, p'l 8-fr 2.&5 The 5~/v The MW af La"IUN amt. of CrA was kowecti i v-7 -. -84, 'lauvatu-nin was 1.814 aud 2 CZkUiUbWVAKIA I Paw*1 MVDr; RM, Borivoj, MVDr; PLIA, Otakart MVDr 1, Yratislavice nod Nisou (for Minarik and Byal); 2. Janmk& (for Petr) Brua, Yeterin&rstvi, No 3 LMarch] 1967, pp 118-122 01afeetious nophritim in poultry** MINAaj&,jLqaAA,,jnz.; SLYSKO, Pavol, inz. Resistance welding of aluminum bronzes. Zvaranie 13 no. 7: 193-198 J1 164. 1. Research Institute of Welding, Bratislava. PEENAMP Rommo ilme -: - - ------ 'Tecbnology of regsists-ze butt weldingm by U.S.Kabanov and E.S.Slopsk, Reviewed b7 Rown Minarik. Zvaranis 22 no.8:255 Ag 162. so MIKARIK., Romanp inz. OResistance pressure weldingO by M. Lipa and J. Hohwek. Reviewed by Roman Minarik. Zvaranie 12 no.2:51 163. HYIM Bohumil, inz.; OLSANSKYS Cestmir;,IAINARIK$ Rudolf .9 Production of Edam cheeses by using cultures of IactO- bacillus casei. Prum potravia 14 no. 12:656-659 D 163. 1. Sdruzeni mlekaren Vyroba cistych mlekarskych kulturp Praha (for Hylmarl. 2. Vyzkumny ustav mlekarensky, Praha, pracoviste Zeletava (for Olsansky). 3. Lacrum, n.p., Zeletava (for Minarik). MINARIK Rudolf, irz.* OLSANSKYj Cestmir 9 Using polyvinyl alcohol am AC-15 percent Strucol emulsion in Edam cheese curing* Frum potravin 15 no.8:414-417 Ag 164. 1. lacrum National Enterpriset Plant Zelava (for Minarik). 2, Institute of Dairy Research, Prague, Worksite Zeletava. (for Olsansky). OLSMSKY, Cestair; SEDLAK, Bronislav, inz.; MINARIK, Rudlof, inz. ~- o- - - - - - ~ Lino for processing large cakes uf cheese to be stored in eaves on pallcts. Prum potravin 15 no.121624-627 D 064. 1. Institute of Dairy Reseprah, Prague, Workaiie Ziletava (for Oleansky). 2. Strojirny potravinarakeho prunVolu, Hradec Kralove (for Sedlak). 3. Lacrum National Enterprise, Brno, Branch Enterprise Zeletava (for Minarik). IIIA;4A~IX'i 'C. k11 AUTHOR KINARIX S.T.0 NOVIXOT V.A. PA - 2666 TITLE '-7rs-~f*_z9f V, Th# Bi and T1 induced by high energy I -quanta. (Dolonly Vt Th. Bi i T1 -kvantami bol'shikh onergiy.-Russian) MIODICAL Zhunal Ikoperia. I ?**rot, Fisiki 1957P Tel 32# Ir 2p pp 241 - 246 (USSR). 6/1957 Reeeiveda 5/1957 R*Yiowod: ABSTRACT 1120orlaoits: The authors determined the d*pqnd*noe ei thi fields Of phot lesion of the nuclei of U2380 jhZ52 and in 03P 0 on the nazinum onera of the spectrum of Brommstrahlung on the synchrotron of the Physiael Institute of the Academy of Science of the USSR. After passing through & loid collimator, the I,- bundle of the'synabrotron dropped int* a momentum ionization chamber. The targ0sof the elements to be investigated consisted of thin layers of V 0 ThO and of metallic BI and Tl which wore applied on to Lea'luxiilu; bass of 30& thickness. DIBUISIM Of resulle.L The *rose- section of ph*t*f ission can be represented in the fern df where da denotes the or*** section of the absorption of the photon by the nucleus and r A r - the relative propability of fissioning (0,2-0t4 for uranium and a value of &b4UtL (2,5'- 3)- times as small for th6rIum)* Therefore, the @rose section of photefiesion by the increase of rf/zr is able to increase at the utmost by 5 tines CARD 1/2 PA - 2666 Yission of U, Thq DI and T1 induced by high energy I-quanta. Its value In the case of uranium and by about the 10-fold in the case of theriu6p at the,utuest Uporimental values of the areas aeotions'ef photo production, howtv*rp increase by about the 20-fold In the ease of an increase of the energy of from e0 up to Within a wide domain of*i a tation energies the r*lativo fission probability of the U236 nuclei remains practically constant. At energies of r-quents, of from 10 to 300 X*T, an average of 3 - 4 neutrons is emitted on the occasion of each act of fission. At least In the ease of U238 the increase of a at photo energies of from 180 to 250 VoT in duo only to the incrolso of 6 a. The sea* applies to other elements investigated bore. The incre so of the arose sections of photo fission observed above 150 NOT cannot possibly be 4zplaiaod by the re-absorptiou of masons alone. The similarity of the onera dependence of the areas section of photofliste'n and phs,toproduction of the mosens tends to confirm the assumption that one and the sea* mechanism of interaction of I-qwmta,with nuclei is roarnsible for the increase of the areas sections of photeflosion. 8 illustrations) ASWCIATIOX: Physical Institute "P.NoLMDEV" of the Academy of Science of the BUICTMI 30- 80' 1956. AVAILANIN i Library of Convesse CAIM 2/2 at ~C-Uv S/120/62-205 '/000/005/008/036 E039/E420 AUTHORS: Agafonov, V.P., Govorkov, B.Be, Denis .ov, S.P., TITLE: Determination of the efficiency of recording gamma-quanta by means of monoc .hromatization of a beam of bremsstrahlung 1962,-47-50 PERIODICAL: Pribory i tekhnika'eksperimenta, no-5, TEXT: Descrilition is given of a'new method of investigating the energy dependence of counter efficiency. In the path of a collimated beam of bremsstrahlung (diameter 3 cm) is placed a lead target which becomes an intense source!of electron positron pairs, emitted primarily in the Oame di~rection as the incident y quanta. Electrons of a de-finite energy Bol selected from the beam by means of a magnetic field, collide with a siedond I-ead target and produce y quanta of energy E Y (the target is sufficiently thin to avoid the probability of double radiation and for multiple scattering to be negligibly small). These y quanta of energy EY are allowed to enter the telescope detector Ty which is under investigation-. Measurements were carried 0_~krd 1/2 S/120/62/000/005/008/036 Determination of the efficiency ... E039/E420 out an a beam of bremsstrahlung from the Physics Institute's synchrotron at 265 MOV. It is shown that the efficiency of a y telescope rises steadily from a few 53 at 20 MeV to 1 40*16 at "--'150 MeV. Measurements of efficiency at two values of E Y were made for other y telescopes of similar construction and the results agreed within the statistical error. The variation of efficiency with thickness, of the lead converter was also measured for E = 6o.8 mev. A flat maximum 'at ---120*/* is obtained for a Y thickness of 8 mm. There are 4 figures, ASSOCIATION: Fizicheskiy institut AN SSSR (Physics Institute AS USSR) SUBMITTED: December 25, 1961 Card 2/2 S/056j62/042/004/013/037 B163/102 AUTHORS: Govorkov, B. B., Denisov, S. P., Minarik, Ye. V. TITLE: Elastic photoproduction of n 0 mesons on carbon at 155 Mev PERIODICAL: Zhurnal eksperimentallnoy i tooretichookoy fizikit v. 42 no. 4, 1962, 1010-1012 TEXT: y rays with an average energy of 155 Mev from the FIAN synchrotron 0 12 12 0 were used to produce -.c mesons in the reaction y + C _~c + In. The angular distribution of the n 0 mesons was determined by coincidence mea- suremento of the two decay y quanta with two I ray telescopes, each con- sisting of two conventional fluid scintillation counters with a 5 mm lead converter in front. The telescopes were arranged in a plane whose incli- nation against the primary y beam determined the average angle of emission of the n0 mesons recorded. The experimental differential cross section for the elastic photoproduction of n 0 mesons is in good agreement with Card 1/2 S/056/62/042/004/013/037 Elastic photoproduction of... B163/B102 theoretical values calculated in the impulse approximation under the assumption that protons and neutrons contribute equally to the coherent photoproduction, and that the distribution of nuclear matter in the C12 nucleus equals the charge distribution known from electron scattering experiments. ASSOCIATION:. Fizicheskiy institut im. P. N. Lebedeva Akademii nauk SSSn (Physics Institute imeni P. N. Lebedev of"the Academy of Sciences USSR) SUBMITTED: November 23, 1961 Card 2/2 -~W(za)/BW AFnC/A5 -J': AVTHOA 4, Govoikov B B Denl4ov, 8, P.,, and HI n a r i k.S TITLE Near threshold photoproduction of aoutral mesonstf nuclei PERIO DICAL.1 :Zhurhal- okspe Irimentallnoy itokhniohaskoy fiAki, v. 44, no. 3, 1963' -W6 TZXT: -Earlier experiments by researchers of both the Riot and West showed that the photoproduction of mesons by quanta of energy up to 200 Mov is basically du~,.., to' poherent . produ ction. The. present paper presents the measurement of tha, ..sngulsr.dependance.of theirO-aason photoproduction cross section on Be, Al, Cu, Cd,~_Iand Tainuclei for 154 Nov mean primary photon energies. The 70-mesons were ..:.obs3rvad.-bY r6cording.odincidences of nof-P F+ Ir 48cay r-quanta with the aid of wto scintillation telescopes. An analysio,of the results obtained shows that the ~.,_Main contribution-to the cross section is from elastic coherent photoproduction. ..-,:A more detailed analysis of experimental results will be published at a later date. 7. A 14. 'Haldin -and A I Labodev evaluated the theoretical implications of the -experim,antal results* There are 8_figures... Card 1/2 L 76-63 102, ACUMM AP3000033 /oo56/63/044/003/1463/1469 (00 -AUTHOR: GoXorkov, D* Be; DenIsM So Pea* Lebedev A* Iel HL=Ikl-ie-.V. TIM: High partial waves In the Ehq~%roductl a neutral pions on protons SMCE: Zhurnal eksper. i teoret. fiziki, v. 44, no. 5, 1963, 1463A469 TPPIC TILGS: Neutral pion photoproduction,, threshold reactions, partial vmves ABSWACT: %he angular distribution of neutral plons produced on protons by Sh'01tons of 181MV eneraywaq~meaaured with an aim at caqwIng directly the averlmental results with the exact dispersion-relation calculations, which hitherto ~has met with some difficulties. AxL increase in the experimental accuracy and a daterm1nation of experimental quantities that can b4c calculated Without the need for taking the dispersion integrals into account can help account for. the remaInI disparity. %e authors describe an accurate aaurement of the angular distributions of the neutral-pionphotoproduction. on protons: new. threshold,, and give an analysis of the results from the point of view of reconciliation of experiment with dispersion-relation calculations. The Card 1/2 L a36-63 ACCESKLIN MR: AP30MO33 neutral plans vere registered by slmu1taneouWy counting the two decay photons by scinitillation-ccunter telescopes, -The net results were more accurate azW~'dlstributlons for. neutral-plan photoproftation new threshold, better agreement vith theone-dimensional dispersion-relation calculation., and detection.of some disparity between the experimental,date and the dispersion- relation calculations if no account Is taken of the: resonant meson states. elis May'indicate that the resonance Meson states make awe contribution to the investigated process. "The authors th P. A. Cherenkov for interest in this work, A.~ M. Baldin for valuable advice, A. V. Mitsenka for help in the work with the. computer, 1. A Yegoroy for numerical estimates, A. 0. Oerasimove for help in carrying tC; enm1meats, end the vhole wjncbrotron crew of the physics Institute of the Academy of Sciences." There axe five figures emA three tables. ASSOCICICN.- FUlcheskly institut 1m. P. H. L46bedevap Akademli nauk SM .(ftsics Institute, Acadew of &lences) MENITIM: 2ftOv63 DM ACQ: laTun63 'ENCL: 00 So CODE: PH HR REF SOV: 007 onw: 008 T Card 2/24 GOVORKOV, B.B.; DENISOV, S.P.; LEBEDEV, A.I.; MINARIK, Ye.V.; K*LAI.UV, S.P. Photoproduction of neutral If-mesons on 210 Mev. protons. Zhur. eksp. i teor. fiz. 47 no.4:1199-1201 0 164. (MIRA 18:1) 1. Fizicheskiy institut imeni P.N. Lebedeva, AN SSSR. AV k bkp*ao q/120/62/000/OC5/008/036 !)et#r-w4n.Nt ton of tno efficiency ... 6031)/!.1420 otit on A tpe~asm of brem4ittrablitne from the Physics Institute'.-% *ynchrotron at 265 MoV. It i4 'Rhown that tho efficiency of .1 y rl4opq etoAdtly froft a few 0, at 20 MeV to - 4U,- at -'-' ~').O 110-l". Mpac4virpment-% of efficiency at two valuus of EY were smd# for other '( tele.4cnpes of timilar construction and the roi~W* agreed within the statistical error. The variation of offici#ntv with tbicknesok of the lead converter was also measured for ZY T fo,8 MOV. % flat maximum at 0,-4 20 ix obtained for a thitkn**4 of 8 mrs. There are 4 figures. Fisicheakiy institut, AN 55511 (rhysics 1natttut* AS U55R) SUAY, A TT I Decomber 25, 1961 Card 2/2 3/05 62/042/004/013/037 5* Poq Donisay, 3. N. Vinarik, To. V. 91a*t1a phitoproitiction of x0 neconi on arbon at 155 Mey okip#r1sentiallnoy I tooretichottkoy fi-.iki, V. 42 4, W2, 1010-1012 rAys Wh An Avorago Pnpr" of 155 Mov fror the FIAN synchrotron to,re, j4+4 t u*sons in the rtnction C12~)C12 + no. The -h,t,rkl~r li'l"Tibliti3n 6f the 10s4sons ins 49terninel by coinci4ence =ea- il' ths iwj itesky I 1,~ianta with two I ray telescop,48, each con- tm!-, fljii scintillation counters with a 5 am load :itmY#rA#r in fr-int. -,b* telescope* were arrangod In a plane whose inali- aAtio,~ 1%,gainst V~* prinAry I bins determined the average angle of emission of tht No **son# r**orJ*4# 77h9 *xperiaental differential croos soction 0, 0 4ar the *~%vtla pholoprolmotion of a nosons Is In good agreement with :-,Arj 1/,I 3/056/62/042/004/013/037 of... B163/BI02 -#)reti-zotl values c-allc~jlated In the i=?uls* approximation unler the a#~-*Aap.W~n that rrntons and neutrons contribute equally, to the coherent ;~ i,%.,;rn+i~~t Ion, ani that the iistribistion of nuclaisr Sattor in the C 12 ni:,ori-q the eharge 41stribution known from electron acattering Z .5,D A 74:~,%: ?1xiche9kiy Institut is. P. X. Lobti4eys Akaiezii nauk SSSR (Physics Institute isieni P. X. Ltbelsv of1he Academy of Science$ 9~;SR) 3 T" 7-4 -~ D - Novesbor Z1, 196t 7,1~~i lf'z U&M61 AU nr6al M10 MC4 Wf WIKS AFM/ASD 5/056/63/044/003/018/053 1*8 Do"Isova S" find HinerAk. star thr*ehold Photorroduetion of Goutral nseonaltf nuclei 2wrasl okeporlsiontellney I tqkhnichookoy fitikil, v. 44, no- 3, 190. '17,5-W NAT, torll*t *2vorlion'to Ipy res"rah&rS of both the Uft and -West showed that U4 ;,b4topprtfictlen of' maoene ay quont-6 of energy up to 200 Xev is bosically Juv to *Iostlt fth*rorst prelvatlen, 7he present paper presents the measurement of the snju;tf do*oadonoe of' the IWO-rosovi photopro4uttlon cross section an Be, Al, Cu, #M1 It avelo) for 154 gov wan orlsery photon energies. Tho VO-zesonts wore #m ktV44 ~j rooomat asineidonsso or no-* r+ r dotty f -"nts with the aid of wto atintIlIvilen telescopes. An analysis ot the rsoults, obtslno4 shows that the **In sontrIbuttin to the or*#* s4etlan to from elastic coherent photo production* A *,)t# Jal*11*4 onAllels of axp*rlzeaul results will be publish;l at a later date. A. X. U141A and A, 1" Lo;:dov evaluated the t'hoor9tiasl laplications of the r#*Wltso There are 8 figures. Nri Itz