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S/756/62/000/002,/004/004 The effect of various operating factors on ... A004/A126 rise in hysteresis. The test results obtained make it possible to recommend springs of the M18M steel if the instrument unit operates within the wide temperature range investigated. Oxide-coated springs of the OVS grade material can be recommended for devices operating at normal temperatures. The magnitude of X varies considerably If the temperature is changed. There are 5 figures and 3 thles. Card 2/2 MILOSERD LA~~~; MARKOVj P.N., dots., red.; PETROVAIK.A.,, red.; YERMOV,, M.S.,, tekbn. red. (Collected problems on geological prospecting) Zadacbnik po geologo- razvedocbnomu delu. Pod red. P.N.14arkova. Moskvaj Izd-vo Mosk. univ.j, 1961. 191 p. (Prospec.tirg) (HMI 14: 11) MAKSIMOV, A.A.; MERENKOV, B.Ya.; MILOSERDINA, G.G.; S4IRNOV, V.I.; SYROMYATHIFOV.- V.A. - - - Petr Nikolaevich IflArkov, 1894- ; on his 70 th birthday. Vest. Mosk. un. Ser. 4: Geol. 19 no.4:83-84 il-Ag 164. (MIPA 17:11) too KIWSERDOV9, D.,, polkovnik; FEFILOV, YU.., inz~ener-mayor Shortobrangs guided mi-sale antiaircraft riile. Voen.vest.40 no.10:n9-121 0 160. (MIRA 24:5) (Guided minsles) (Antiaircraft guna) LJL6217-~6Q EWTfd)/F$S-2 ACC NRs AP5028760 (A) SOURCE CODE: UR/0018/65/000/009/ooeti/ooea AUTHOR: Miloserdoy, D. (Colonel) 7 -7- ie_ ORG: none TITLE: Fire control of an antiaircraft battalion in a defense position SOURCE: Voyennyy vestnik, no. 9, 1965, 84-w88 TOPIC TAGSt antiaircraft fire control system, ground fire control system, antiair- craft defense ABSTRACT: A fire control problem involving strikes by enemy aircraft flying at low altitudes Is described. The article discusses the coordination of the activity of the battalion with that of interceptor aircraft units. Fixes were made of anticipated directions and angles of attack by low-flying enemy aircraft. Provisions were made for visual observation of enemy aircraft in cases where they could not effectively be tracked by radar. The battalion commander estimated the tactical importance of each target, its probable flight time , etc., and selected the targets to be fired upon. A tactical map of the problem and a step-by-step account of the problems are given. Orig. art. has: I aq, 1 table. SUB CODE., 19,15,17/ SUBM DATE: none 1, 44776-66 __2C ACC NRt . AF6030915 SOURCE CODE: UR/0018/66/000/009/0070/0073 AUTTIOR: Milosardov, D. (Colonel) IORG: none ,TITLE; Saving time in the control of antiaircraft fire SOURCEj Voyannyy vestnik, no. 9, 1966, 70-73 TOPIC TAGS: antiaircraft fire control system, antiaircraft gagra-qw4r", gunnery training .ABSTRACTs Methods of reducing time in the control of antiaircraft fire are described. During training with low-flyinR targets, the gunlaying Fig 1. Fire-control syst'em'of an antiaLrcraft' -2 artillery battalion 3 ~,4 I - Control of reconnaissance and target-plotting 5 station; 2 - battalion command post; 3 - com- manda: 4 - reports; 5 - target designation; 6 ba ttery command post. Card 2 13 L 44776-66 ACC NR- AP6030915 radar and antiaircraft fire controller are situated side-by-side, so that the azimuth of the firing positions of both Installations coincide (see Fig. 1). This nakes it possible to quickly detect targets with a 040- --Lot. NJ NZ R- 2 .3 Fig. 2. Lines of aerial-target reconnaissance and mission assignment I - Detection-zone boundary of the battalion, reconnaLs anceland target-plotting station: 2 - 1 ine :6tablishing the battery. a firing mission; 3 - de- tection-zone boundary of the gunlaying radar; 4 - tracking-zone boundary of the gunlaying radar; 5 - boundary of antiaircraft-gun firing zone. Card 2 i 3 ACC NR, AP6630915 .krange finder after they have been detected by the gunlaying radar. ~To ward off echelon air penetration, all means of detection (gunlaying !radar, range finder, visual observation) as well as various firing !methods (according to data from the gunlaying radar, the range finder, and from direct sightings)are employed. The first echelon of targets .is fired upon by the antiaircraft fire controller using data from the gunlaying radar. The following target echelons are fired upon by the iantiaircraft fire controller using data from a range finder (see Fig. 2). In tho'se cases when targets appear suddenly, the gun batteries! .1resort to visual sighting. Primary attention in tactical exercises is !given to'directing fire on low-flying targets. Orig. art. has: 2 ~figures. [WS] SUB CODEi 190 05/ SUBM DATE: none/ ATD PRESS. 5080 1 19, DEFEUSE 0 MILIKIKOW. A.Z.4 TRCIrIMOV. F.T.. mekhRnik tkatskoy fAbrikil M11MMOT. 1.T. waster po romontu oborudovenlya. Useful brochure about bearing alloys *Zinc base bearing mlloys and their use In light IndustryO By A.T. Mastriukov. V.P. Gusev. Reviewed by Aele Nellnikov, F.T*Trofluoy, I'T. kiloserdov)a Taket.prou.16 no.16369-70 0 '56. (NM loti) 1. Wachallnik remontno-sontashnogo otdola Moninakogo kcmbinata (for Kellnlkov)o (Bearings) ' (Kastriukov. A.T.) (Gusev. V.P.) 1-1~~~~Onom Effect of shelterbelts an field crop yields. Zenledelie 23 no. 2:"-47 F 161. (KM 14:2) 1, Partizanskiy agralseamliarativnyy punkt. (Vindbreakevishelterbeltse (Field crops) N.M. Dust stam and shelteebelts. Priroda 50 no. 2:100-102 F 161. (MIRA 14:2) lo Agrolesomeliorativnyy opytmyy punkto Genicheskiy rayon, Khersonskoy oblasti. (Ukraine-Duit stornw) (Windbreakat shelterbeltsp etc.) MnAUMOV N.M. Wind velocity and the evacuation rai7ge of silt behind forest belts during the *black storun.0 Izv.AN SSSR.Ser.geog. no.3:43-47 MY-.Te 162, (MnA 15:5) I., Partlsanakiy agrolesomeliorativnyy opytnyy punkt,, Khersonakaya oblantI. (Genichesk-Windbreaks,, sho2terbelts,, etc.) (Genicheak-Winds) Lars the bAIS le ? Ln!-, 11 -1-, eJ It dyy s tepF& of nf, ' k4MIRA -'7-.,!O*j Filgivaghakaya agi-,--If-.-.3ome,"Iorat-i.vnayd opytnaya stantsiya. MILOSERDOV, N.M.0 kand. sel'skokhoz. nauk Forest belts in the south of the Ukraine. Priroda 53 no.2: 126-127 164, (YJRA 17:2) 1. Prinivanhakaya agrolesomeliorativnaya opytnaya stantsiya. MILO inzh.; NAUMENKO,, P,V,I, inzhs; GELIFERIN,, N.I.v doktor tekhn.nauk Distillation and rectification of synthetic fatty acids. Masl.- zhir.prom. 29 no.11:16-22 N 163. (MIRA 16:12) 1. Volgodonskoy filial Vaesoyuznogo nauchno-issledovatollskiy i proyektnyy institut sintetichoskikh zhirozameniteley (for Milo- serdov)o 2, Gosudarstvennyy komitet po pishchevoy pr hl nnosti pri Gosplane SSSR (for llaumenko). 3v Moskovskiy inst-,Tt tonkoy khi-icheskoy tekhnologii imeni M.V.Lamonosova (for Gellperin), MILOSERDOV, F.H.,__inzh.; GEL'i%RINP N.I.,, doktor tekhn.naLuk Development of optimum conditions for the recti of synthetic fatty-acids. '.Report Voll.' Masl.-zhir.pron. 30- ;,nos 22 F 164. ~ , " .1 -4~4* (KRA 170) 1. Volgodonskoy fMa Vaesoyuznogo nauchno;-16614i~"td Iskogo i prgyektnogo instituta sintetichelom zhirozamhAi* Oor Miloser-dov). 2. Inatitut tonkoy "cheskoy teWmalagii imeni M.V.Lownosova (for Gellperin). - L 00885-66 wr(m) R14 ACCESSION NR: AP5020206 UR/0332/65/000/008/0021/0023 665.3/35:665.123 A WHORS: Miloseidov Engineer); Y Makikh. Ye. Pa TITIE: Effect of brief high temperature treatment upon the quality of synthetic fatty acids. -SOURCE., M0811irovaya, 8. 1965,, 21-23 TOVIC TAGS: organic chemistry,, fatty acid, temperature effect ABSTRACT: The behavior of synthetic fatty acids (Clo-md'ld under high temperature treatment (250-4000 within a short period (5-15 min) was studied to select the -optimal conditions,for rectification of fatty acid mixtures. Three samples were selected as starting materials: the C _C16 acid fraction, the residues after 10 removal of this fraction a mixture consisting of 50% of the acid fraction C 10-016 and of 50% of residues, Experiments were performed in acid-resistant tubular vessels with side sleeves for introducing the acid mixture. After displacing the fair, by~00., the sleeves were closed with coppier-lined bolts, and the vessels*were immerped in a metallic salt bath consisting of 40% HANO20 53% K1103 and 7% NaN03. ca L 00885-M L 00885-66 ID Cr4 i MIA ~aq I I - 1 o noo n tU s I n 9? Z ~ [%"JR! N I Card -3/3 VILOSERDOV, S. 1-1. Miloserdov, S. 11. - "Rapid strep.ris of the Atbaahi Irrigation syster., 11 (Operptional experience), Trudy Sredneaziet. n,-uch.-issled in-tp irrig,,-tsii, Istsue 73, 1913, -p - h2-1-8 SO: U-4355, 14 August 53, (I.-topis 'Zhurnal Inykh St!~tey, No. 15, 19L,9) SWZWV, AeI,q red,-Sostavitelli Prinimali uchastiye: OCLOYANOT, 8.1,; GONOR"Sny, P.A.; DORRYNN, K.I.; YERMILOY, Te.N.; KOHN3M, B.G.; KULAKOVA, A,K,*, KEMBAT", IoA*; LIKOV, T.M.;-KWYNOW, B.Y.; MMOSU=V,.S.S*_## PZMOVp V*Pq; SCKHUMMITO A.T.; SKUROT. A.Ta.; TOPALOV. Te.B.4-SHAPOTALOT, P.7.; FMV, T.N., [City on the Mal Gorod as TSne. Tambov, Tambovskoe knizhnoe isd-yof 1960. 174 p. (MIRA 14:4) (Tambov--Guidebooks) MARTINAEVICH F (Ydnok)l GUDAYKIN A. (Minsk) I mmmmmm T. (Minsk); P ama - nWif-KOv N. (Minsk) '-WM- Methodology of planning the state purchases of agricultural products. Vop. skon. no.P144-US My 163. (MIRA 16t6) (white hussia-Produce trade) r. ~ IARMA, Tamars, Zakharovna; KIIDSERDOV tch; RESMM- .j Vladimir Dmitriyev a a -hifik-j-4 aktor; KHITR T.Mi:ch4 NADZE9 Y.B,., kandidat sIdkF 07, P.A., takhnicheskly redaktor [Uperience in dispatching trains with complete bralm equipment] Opyt otpravlentis, poazdav a polnym vkltucheniem to*rmoznykh pri- borov. Kookwa, Goa. transportnas zhel-dor. izd-yo, 1955. IS p. (Railroads--Brakee) (KMA 8:6) W-Aw MIM611ERWIVI 1). r. Gray Mullet - I Catching grey mullet in winter cn the Dagestan coast, Ryb.khoz. 28 1;~. '1, 1952 I 9. Monthl List of Russian Accessions, Library of Congress, July -19A? Uncl. MILOSEEDOVA, A I. MILOSYMOVA, A. 1. "The transfusion of plasma into the bone marrow and peripheral veins as a cure for children's anmi&5. Trudy Kishinevsk goo. mod. in-ta, Vol. 1, 1949, p. 182-93- SO: U-3261, 10 April 53 (Letopis - Zhurnal Inykh Statey No. 110 19,49) M1140SERDOVAg A.I.,Doc Med Sci -- (diss) "Hematology of = tuberculosis and tubercular meningitis in children and its changes during chemical therapy." Kishinev,1958. 23 pp (Acad Med Sci USSR). 200 copies. (Y'LO 12-58, 101) -71- MIJ~WgRMVA, A.I.; YUMAKOVSKAYA, G.D.; BOBROVA, S.P. - , I - - TreatmeUt of pr1mry pulaonArY tuberculosis in children. Zdravo- okhranenie 2 no.1:20-24 Ja-F 159. (KIRA 12:7) 1. Is kafedrY detakikh bolesney (zav. - doteent A.I. 141loserdova) lechebnogo fakul'tota Kishinevokogo meditainskogo inatituts i Res- publikanakoy klinichaskoy bollnitay (gl&YW vrach - N.T. Gordayeva). (TUBUCUUNIS) MIWSMWVA, R.I. -z- Find of fossil trees in the lave formation of the Siberian Platform, Trudy VAGT no.7:127-129 Id. (MMA 34:7) (Siberian Platform-Trees, Fossil) KLOSERDOVA, V.D. Methodology of cultivating insect tissues. Dop. AN URSR no-4: 540-542 162. (NIRA 15:5) 1. Institut zoologii AN USSR. Predstavleno akademikom AN USSR V.G.Kaslyanenko [Kaslianenko, V.H.]. (Tissue culture) (Insects) of' the Infectiousness of nacleic acids in the tissue r.,altures of lrsrcts~ experiment .41th DNA-containing virus of nuclear polyhedrosis In tent caterpillars. Vop. vJrus. 10 m.0417-420 JI-Ag 165. (MIRA 1W) 1. Institut. m1krobio-Logil .1 virusologii AN UkrSSR, Al 1 LU S C fc- A SUM)VE (in caps); Given Name Country: Rumania Academic Degree3: Affiliation: -not given- Source. Bucharestg Microbiologia, Parazltolostiat Epidemiologia, Vol vil No 5, Sep-OcF_T%T_s PP 4zl-423- Data: "Contributlons to the Study of the Mistbodd. Applied for the Isolation of G11. verfrinstes. Note II* Isolation of Gl. ferfrinpas from Fbodstuf?73-ausages) by the Enrichment Technique at 46 to 47 Degrees Celsius." Authors: _qASARM_AW I A*, -Dr JPJXWNMMV 9 T4ea -Dr.- __SQ1QMN, Eugenia, -rDre- jjjjQSZ3CU P. -Dr.- ~SPI~Mq Aarlaq -Technician.- e, o 1104h8reSt jfit~rla' Vol X!, 1* 2 e"-Lpr 62 a0Go;a::!::&h=c*r V the Skin In Oil Pfinariss and the try, Prof P..!~nL pp 9-,-Ul. ;:%;n:=*pn&=g*n!a Jb3A or FIbrous Structured D"st Is," Dr D. 3ggJ2,Dr Radles, Dr L. Pw-9t-=. 'dbrlt perrormwd at th nst I do i P5 ~.P.U. :d I Zly" U am ~Ilp 113-123- 3* "16111MALtIc"S In %be OV$wdm 7blioving the Adminis- tvatlow or 3121oon by the Digestive 1buto." Dr P., _~Cg;.38100_~=d Dr OP. PA?MCCIAN- Wbrk .1 ~t . RF at r aenerar v7-na (Catedrs! "hweensts*or wMactrolytes fron tbo Skin under the in coal Ms * Dr I date In A-dioal Sciences Handiag;9 pp *ftgI4mI* lu%d Sanitary MasIderations on the Vain 1(atu-1 Psi Using Or Banat RwgIw%* Dr M.40pik' D. C-,AUS"tS- CUr K~M~ V zRr= NO= P. pVR *:-. the ivi~tut' at I a fplw<lh~ f rum ti tu ong, 81.5anstate -'Ubllaa al 1. . -a Br PR). Ommwa Rralane Section of the Timiscez -ch I (ftUftU Tintsoaray Sectis, do T416na rAmnals); %IE21sh amb"; vp 6- 'Iffeet of METV-d 1gleftl C*nd--tVG-.on Butte- 1069t* MA y1b4o Dk- -JAI~mh end 4 S%3=. Wbrk lierformed. at the D& - m 0 (Cat-dra as Igiens. a A an atiel ..uti4 Hadloo- mr 2Y_IA Chlef of Subject Sof do Diselp:1na); T. .010strIbotlens to the Study of Water Supply in DabrvdA~ Zw A. DMI,93M-A A. RW "(Dr Imcla MA_147SCU. SMICE Id Sener.1dul 15FM-KKZ-~ Dahrmdja-. Vp 163-1W. p 3/2 Milk LID Department of Food ltgiene of the Institute for Medicine nnd - Pharmacr, Buchoxeut (Catedra do Igiona, a- Alimentatioi, din I.g.p. 0 Bucurosti). BUCIMMet, Idona, Rovista do InLona al SUntato Ptbli NO 5, -C-ftj Vol X19 SOP-Oct 62, PP "7-450- *Contributions too the Determination of the Practical Significance of Spirophilic Boctoria, in Pasteurized Milk.4 - (Rocoarch compiled In the Department of Food Ifflasne of the Institute for Medicine and Phmrnncv, Bucberect.) Co-cuthorsg;' sma"t lot NEWMe IN (VA.) AAW AW&iiA JPU'Thl, F., MD; SULUMON, Eugenia, Department of Food Hygiene, Institute of Medicine and Pharmacy, Bucharest (Catedra de igiena alimerntatiei, Bucuresti) - (for all) Bucharest, Igien No 4 , Jul-Aug 63, pp 335-340 "Contribution to the Microlbiologic Characterization of Cooked Food." J AVT;~A , F.d R I j. dr. to the c' rs~dmmellae L L., h~-,rs rlloeuvr-~~.~j. kLlucur.) 9, no.,0131-320 JI-Ag 164 1. 'xi-r"re -,n df, altmentata, (;at.~-dra de lviema a JANTEA, F., dr.; MILOSESCU, P.,dr.;'IISTRICEANU, Mona, dr.; BAD-OPRISESCU, Doina, - Incidence of B. careus in cooked foods. Hicrobiologia (Ricur) 10 no.2tl63-168 vir-Ap$65. 1. lacrare ofectuata In Laboratorul de microbiologie alimentt-ri, Catedra do igiena alimentatiei,, Institutul madico-farmaceutio, Bucurestie )4TT,8,qw.4 T%nvola Yn q 4 Pe%w4 e-4 SURNAMEj GIVen Names COwtrYI Bulgaria Academic Degrees %-Dr.- Affiliation: -not given- Sources Bucharest. Min k1glogjam ParazitOlORI&, ftldeaLologlaj Vol Vit No 49 Juj.-wAug Ivbkv PP351-3500 Dates "T'he Contribution of Parpitic lAtox1catlon to the Aotlopath9gonssIM of Symptomatic 20116psy. Oft ici, Dr, of the Bulgarian People I s --lerlablic "A Case of Threefold Infestation of the Body with !~'at~tqtrongilus- elongatus, Taenia saalnata and E.-n-terobius vermic,.Lla.ris." Bucharest, Microbiologia, Parazitologia, Epidemiologia, Vol 8, No 3, May-Jun 63, pp, 227-230. Abstract: Describes the case of a 6-1/2 year old child in the Bulgarian village of Pristoia sufferin,- such an infestation. The clinical sympto= are and the various tests leading to and co-n-firming the dia~-7rLosis are given. It is pointed out that,:".-etastrongilus elongatus rarely infects humans. Among the.etiolog-ical factors cited arc the geographic zone, contact with pigs and poor personal hyGiene, 1/1 2 '!Tjfl,-" " , " The improvement of bee culbure and the increase In plant )roduction. P0L-MRRr--.r'PEDA. (Drustvo polJoprivrednih *,_nzcr~",cra i tchnicn-ra Si-blie) Beograd, Yugoslavia Vol. 6', no. f~ Aug- 1P58 Honthly liot of :~_3stern European Accession Index LC vol. 8; No. 11 November 1959 Uncl. YUGOSUMIA/Chemical TochnoloW. Chemical Products and Their H ApPlicetion. Elemonts. Oxides. Mineral Acids. Bases. Salts. Abs Jour: Ref Zhur-Xhim., No 10, 1959, 35453. Author : Todorovic, M. Qjid aLo~~ Inst - Title Brief Descript-ion of the Panchevo Nitrate Plant. Orig Pub: Tehailm, - 13, 110 7, 7(1958; Hem ind, 12, No 7, 108 110 (195871 (in Serbo-Croat with a Rvench surmary) Abstract: No abstract. Card : 1/1 JANTEA, F., dr.; SCLCKON, E.p dr.; MIlWESCUt P., dr.; BAD, D.v dr.; BISTRICEANU, E.; SOIKAREM, V~'j--- +,ihn.'-- -' Contribution to the otudy of the incidence of bacteria of the Protsus genus in the area of mat and food preparationa. Xcrobiologla (Bucur) 8 no.1:29-37 F 163. 1. Imcrare efectuata la Catedra do igiena a alimentatiei, I.M*F., Bucuresti. (FOOD CONTAMINATION) -(M&AT) (FOOD HANDLING) (FOOD-PROCESSING INDUSTRY) (PROTEUS) JANTRAy Fejj dre; BAD, D., dF.; SOLGMONv E.,, dr.; MILOSESCU, P.p dr.; BISTRICEAKU, Sop dr.. Contribution to the study of the incidence of enterococci. in awt preparationso Microbiologia (Bucur) 8 n0-4:341-3" n-Ag 163. 1. Lucrare efectuata in Laboratorul do microbiologia alimentara, Catedra do igiona alimentara I.M.F.p Bucuresti. (FOOD CONTAMINATION) (MEAT) (STRUTOCOCCUS FAECALIS) .4 0 .5 Y / C- ),~ IV~~ a Y7 OGNJAMOVIC, Warija, dr. ; MILMVIC, Angola, dr. '%,C41 4*twA4 The problm of tuberculosis In school children of XDYI Sad and Its suburbse Nods preglo, Novi Sad 7 no.4:292-299 1954. 1. Dsoji antitab,-dispamor Skolske poliklinike. Novi Sad. *of dr.- Hu-Ija Qpjanovl~. (TURORCULOB189-sts,tImte Yvgosl.o In school child.) T)f t1d , t 6 w Use of coal dust in driving locomotiveB7 p, 87. (Nauka I Tehnika. Vol. 8, no. 2. Feb. 1952, Beograd.) - SO: Month List of East European lecessions, Vol. 3, No. 6, Library of Congress, Feb. 1954,, Uncl. "Produ,.-tior. cif :'-'lf:ictr-,c -'-'nor(;.,,r in SwiLzerland and 1t-3 Use fur VII, in Publir Institutizmz, r..nd Cra"t'j" r~ ].:I) (EAUKA I TZ"BEEKA, Vol. 8, no. 9, Iov. 19-1.2, Eeo,;rad, 30: 7onthly List of East European Accesoior LC) Vol. 3, no. 5, 1-:ay lr,,1~11/unci. u gf-fivnmi t, "Electrification of the Austrian Federal Railroads.* P. 32. "Use of Solar Energy. Tr. from the English." p. 39, (Nnuka I Tehnik Vol. 9. no. B. Jan. 1953 Beogrnd.) SO: Month] List of East EurolDean mcessions. Vol. 3, No. 6,, Library of Congress, Feb. 1954, Uncl. MILOSEVIC, Bora, inz. Historical development of the internal-combustion engines. Tesle, noe3,3/14:18-19 S-0 155. MILOSEVIC.? B. kroposal for the solution of the Zagreb railroad junction. (To be contd. ) p. 27. (ZF,LEZNIC,I. Vol. 13, No. 6, June 1957, Beograd,, Yugoslavia) SO: Monthly List of East European Accessions (EEAL) Lc. Vol. 6, No. 10, October1957- Uncl. IiILOSEVIC, B. Proposal for the solution of the Lagreb railroad junction. n. 23. (GLASNIK, Vol. 13, No. 7, July 1957) SO: 11,onthly Liat of East European Accessions (FEAL) LC Vol. 6, No. 12, Dec. 1957 Uncl. MILOSEVIC. Bozidarf inz. Marshalling yard in Thorton. Zolesnico Jug 17 no.9/10:64-68 161. 1. Clan Podakcionog odbora, *Zolesnice". (Great Britain-Railroade) MILDSEVIC, S. . inz. Now Temple Mine mrshaling yard. Zelosnice Jug 17 no,11/12:54-55 161. HILOSWIC. Boolljbx, doc.Dr: MRSWIC, Drugoljub,asist dr. Changes In a fetus of mother with congenital cataract. Srpoki arb. celok.lek. 87 no.lC:1225-1231 Oct 54. 1. Glaskolosko-akusersim kliniks, Medicinskog fakulteta. u Beogradu. Up-ravnlk: prof. dr Sinlas Tasovac. Histoloski Institut Nedicluskog fakultsta u Beegradu. Upra*nlk: doc..dr Jovan Cankovic. (MR. embryoloff , pathol.changes in fetuses of mothers with congen.cata, ract) ((;ATARA,CT, conpn.pathol.ocular changes In fetuses of mothers with coapn. cateract) CV MILOSWIC, B0811jim, doe.dr.; HUSAR.Marta. anist.dr. Surgical treatment of sterility. Srpoki arh.celok.lak. 87 no.11:1419-1427 Nov 154. 1. Ginikolosko-akuserska klinilm Medicinskog fakulteta u Beo- gradu. Upravnik: prof. dr Sinisa famovac. (STMLITf. FROIA. surgery) KILOSWIC. Bosiljka. , Placenta praevia as a clinical & therspentical problen. Med. glass. 9 noelO:363-367 Oct 55- 1. Ginekolosko akuseroks, kliniks, Nedicinskog fakultsta u Beogradu. Upravulk: prof. dr. S.Tasowac. - (PLACMA PRAWFIA, Incidence & mortal. statist. (Ser)) KIWSWIC, B.; =OTICH. Dj; STOLWICK.1; PAWTIC, M. Vw application of broterosalpingographr In diagnosim la Syne- coloff. Srpoki arb.colok.lek.83 no.1:61-75 Jan 155. 1. Glaskeloeft-skuserska klialks Nedicluskog fakulteta u Beogradu. Upr&vMk: prof.dr Sinism Tamovac. Isdioloski. Institut Modiclaskog fWmlteta u Deogredu. Upravulk: prof. dr, Stojan Dedic. (GTIMWGICAL DISMASES. diag. hysterosalpingograft (Ser)) (GUITALIA FAKALI. radloVapbr IWsterowalpInograptW In diag. of gyu.dIw.(Ser)) MIIDSIVIC, B. I RADIO, J. The use of aerosol In the treatment of vaginal and cervical infections. Srpski arb. celok. lek. 83 no.4.-478-490 Apr 55. 1. Ginekolasko-akuserske. kliniks Wedictnekog fakultsta u Beogradn. Uprawalk: States, Tasorac. (TAGINITIS, ther. aerosols (390) (CUTICITIS, ther. aerosol (Bor)) (AUDSOLS, ther. use cervicitis & vaginitis (Ser)) KNOSITIO.Bosillks.P.-rof. dr. ; FRIGA.sRadeta,dr. On theoretical prim iples of labor pain. god. glasu. 13 n0-10: 500-505 0 159. 1. Ginekolosko-akysersks kllnft Nedialnekog fakultota u Boograda, Uprnvulk: prof. & S.,Taoovm; Ginikolosko-akmaersks, bolnica u Beogmdm, Uprevnlk: prof. dr P. gostic. OADOR physiol.) MIIOSXVIC, Boiljku; IAZIG-YATIO, Marija; GRUHAC, Hilena Uterine nWoma in pregmucy. Srpski arb6 celok. lek. 87 no.2:144-155 Feb 59- 1. Ginekoloako-akuserskL klinika Hadicinakog fakulteta u Beograda Upmvnik: prof. dr Sinisa Theavac. (PMITANCY. compl. leiocwoma of uterus (Ser)) (LBIONTONA, in prega. uterus (Ser)) (U?X= MOPUSM, in pregn. leiomwom (Ser)) MILOSEVIC, Bosiljka; MIRKOVIC, Alekeandar; BOJC, Franciska Postoperative pneux"ritaneum in gynecological surgery. Srpski arb. celok. lek. 88 no.7/8:791-798 -Tl-Ag '60. 1. Ginekolooko-akuserska klinika Medicinakog fakulteta Univerziteta u Beogradu. Upravnik: prof. dr Sinisa Tasovac. (GTNECOLOGr surg) (FNEUMOPERITONSUM etiol) MILOSEVIC) B.; STOLEVIC, H.; KRAJI-NOVIC, S. Blood groupis in female genital carcinoma. Higijena 13 no.2:95-100 161. (OWITAT-TA FDWA neopl) (BWOD GROUPS) )WZVIG, SIALvkiLl MILOSMCj ~ ~siljakj BANDUR, Bojam; STOLEVIC, rciJLij* Middlebrook-Ddboa hemalutination test in serological diagnosis of genital tubermlosis in vown, Srpski arb. aslok. lek. 89 M0.3: 2"68 Nr 161. I* ftroblolooki institut Medloinskog falmlteta u Beagradu. U . pftvnlk I prof. dr Milutin Darisic. Ginskolooko-okoserska klinika Midicinskog fakultets, Universitsta u Beogradu. Uprivnike prof. dr Sintia Tasovac. (TUMULOSIS FDLMA QUITAL diag) (IMUMUTINATION) MIWSEVIC, Bosiljka, prof. dr.; DODER, Marta, dr.; JUZNIC, N., dr. Psycho-physical preparation in labor and our experiences. MedoGlas.17 no.11/12:464-467 N-D 163. 1. Ginekoloska-akuserska klinika Medicinskog fakulteta u Beogradu (Upravnikt prof. dr. B. Milosevic). YUGOSLAVIA .go3_ijjka-IaILSEUC., Prof Dr and Head of Obstetr ic-Gyneco logic Clinic (Ginekolosko-akuserska klinika) and Dusan DINULOVIC and Radivoje RADIVOJEVIC, First Surgical Clinic (I hirurska klinika) Head Prof Dr Bogdan KOSANOVIC, of Medical Faculty University of Belgrade. "EXternal Migration of Ovum." ,io-elgrade, Srpski Arhiv za Celokupno Lekarstvo, Vol 91, No 3, Mar 63; pp 323-326. Abstract french summary modified]: case history - right ovariectomy and left tubect=y in young woman followed by long sterility, punction of ovarian cyst was then followed by Chalier-type plasty of the remaining, contralateral tube whereupon 2 normal pregnancies ensued. Gynecologic surgeons stwuld therefore preserve all tubal tissue even if the ovary must be excised as ova from the other side can apparently easily migrate for normal nidation. Three Yugoslav and 2 Western references. LL1 MILOSWIC, Bo5,lljka; V7.RK-Wit". -i',Iu?..,~t:nd,,---; J(iVANIA1111, CarcLnoma of tlhe -,erriy. iitf3:-,, ij, 1~ . . .1 1 . lek. 92 no,4:387-393 Ap 1(4 , Irpax." art.. 1. Glneh-closkc--akL:jr,--'.9Va- klinika helcultO,-, u Beogradtj (Upravnik.- ;Prz)f. dr. Besi"4ka Mill.n.-wric). YUGOSIAVIA HIRKOVIC, Aleksandar; HU%DLNOVIC, Dragomir andAVRAMOVIC, Dusan;. Clinic or Obstetrics and Gynecology of Medical College (Ginekolosko-akuserska klinika Medicinskog fakulteta,) Head (Upravnik) Prof Or 1!!!k1,Lk&A4PSEV1C. Belarads. "Torsion of the Uterine Adnexa.11 Belgrade,-Srpski Arkh1v za Tsclokugno Lekarstvo, Vol-93, No 3, Hir 65; pp 277-282. Abstract [French summary modified]: Of 4685 laparotowles done in .58 months 1960-1964, 54 vere vith the indication-of adDexal torelon; frequency has been Increasing regularly every year from 0.9 in 1960 to 1.7% In 1964. Except. for actopic pregrancy, adnexal torsion is now the met frequent ob-gyn swergency-surgical procedure. Five tables; 3PTugoslaf and 5 western references. No rei 6 Jsn 65a YUGOSIAVIA MLADENOVIC, Dragomir; Clinic of Obstetrics and Gynecology of Nedical College (Ginckolooko-akuserska klinika kiedicisnkog f-akulteta,) Head (Upravnik) Prof Dr Bosilika MILOSEVIC, Belgrade. "Parturition After Uterine Perforation and Lesion of Small Intestine." Belgrade, Srpski Arkhiv za Tselokupno Lekarstvo, Vol 93, No 3, Mar 65; pp 319-321. Abstract [German summary modifiedj : Severe postabortal sepsis with uterine perforation and vaginal prolapse of sizable piece of small intestine, 256 cm of which had to be resected, did not prevent normal term parturition 18 months after incident. Three Ydgoslav, 2 Western references; manuscript received 25 December 1964. 1/1 - 47 - MILOSEVIC. Bosil ,DINULOVIC, Dusan; RADIVOJEVIC, Radivoje Apropos of a case of external migration of the ovum. Srpski arb. celok. lek. 91 no.3023-326 Mr 163- 1. Ginekolosko-akuserska klinika Medicinskog fakulteta Uni- verziteta u Beogradu Upravnik: prof. dr Bosiljka Milosevic I hirurska klinika Medicinskog fakulteta Univerziteta u Beogradu Upravnik.- prof. dr Bogdan Kosanovic. (OVUM)' (FALLOPIAN TUBES) (OVARY) (PREGNMICY, TUBAL) LUKIC, Djordje; MUDSITIC, Boza; KNGK&NOVIC, ZlatimIr Local us -7orti"sone i~zn various diseases of the eye. SrV arhiv lekar 82 no,2:202-214 F '54. (ML 3:7) 1. KlInika za ocne bolenti KedLicinskog fakultsta u Beograda, upravnik: prof. dr. Djordje Nesic. (Rad je Urednistvo prisilo 26-TI-1953 god.) (Me din. fther., cortisone, local admin.) (CORTISONs,'ther. use *eye din., local admin.) KILOSIVIGO Bosa; BLAGOJIVIC, Milan. ... Surgical treatment of Intraocular craticercoals. Spr arhir lekar 82 n0-3:364-371 Nr '54. (IUL 3:6) 1. Kliniks z& ocne bolesti Kedicinskog fakulteta u Boograda. upraynik: prof. dr, Djordjo Nesic. (Bad jo Urednistvo priallo 20-VII-1953 god.) (CYSTICIRCOSIS (BTB, die. *eye, surg.) Ocysticorcosis, surg.) MIIDSEVIC' Bosa t. - --1 Surgical treatment of retrobulbar tumors with Golovin's modification of Kroenlein's operation. Srpaki arh. celok. Isk. 84 no.12:1352-1359 Doc 56. 1. Klinika a& ocne balestl Nedicinskog fakulteta u Beogradu Upravnik: prof. dr. Vladimir Cavka. (ORBIT, neoplasm$ surg., Kroenl"in's operation, Golovin's modification (Ser)) KILOSIVIC, Boza; LITRICIN, Olga Tuberculona sclerae. Srpski arh. celok. lek. 85 no.1:101-104 Jan 57. 1. Klinika za ocne, bolesti Nedicinskog fakulteta u Beogradu Upravnik: Vladimir Cavka. (SCLMA, die. tuberculoma (Ser)) (TURIMCULOMA. case report sclera (Ser)) - --7---- ---- -L-39- W4-66 T JK ACC NRs AP6029584 SOURCE CODFt 'YU/0015/65/000/06-/0218/0220 AUTHOR: jff 10-igic. ena (Professor; Doctor):' KraJinovic. Slobodan (Docent; Doctor); Udicki. Slavka (Do6effito-Moctor); Sokic. Slobodanka Doctor.)-; Nastasovic. Hilena ~Doctor); Maric, Radmila (Doctor_, radovic, HirJana (Doctor) ORG: Denartment of Epidemiology, Medical Faculty/headed by Professor# Doctor B. Mi c~c Belgrade (Epidemiolosid4 institut Medicinskog fakulteta) TITLE: E ct of collective-immunity on spontaneous circulation of the diphtheria pathogen SOURCE: Medicinski glasnik, no. 8-9, 1965, 218-220 TOPIC TAGS: public health, respiratory system disease, immunology, bacterial disease AWTRACT: Data show that it is only the severely toxic strain of Corynebacterium diphtheriae that has been reduced in incidence by vaccinations and antibiotics; the less virulent strains are as widespread as they ever were; this brings up many questions as to true condition of public health safety in this important area.* Doctor R. Novicic? V. Kiljkovic, Senior Medical Technician,, and K. Subarevic Medics, chnician participate in this work. Orig. art. has: 1 table. IJ 36,5991 SUB CODE: 06 / SUBN DATE: none / ORIG REF: 001 / OTH WW: 005 YUGOSLAVIA l'!T~11)lmn N prof; Epidemiological Institute of the Yedi- I I Ra ~, cal Facultyg UniV-ersity of Belgrade (1!',pidemioloski zavod Medicin- skog fakultetal Beograd)t Belgrade. "The Possibility of Applying an Epidemiological Method in the study of Cancer of the Pemale Genital Organs" Belgrade, Narodno zdravlje, Vol 21, No 10., 1965, pp 289-291 Abstract: CAuthor's English summ modifieg Retrospective per- sonaT -interviews of women patients have provided valuable infor- mation on their conditions of life which might be considered as having a certain influence on cancerogenesisp especially of the cervix. A group of 134 patients who had undergone operations at the Gynaecological-Obstetric Clinic in Belgrade, were interviewed by means of special questionnaires prepared for this purpose. The majority of cases recorded were in the age-group 40-50, of which 33.5 percent had been operated on 5-10 years ago, while 7 percent, more than 10 years before*. These results indicate that a consid- erable survival rate has been accomplished. Other information thus obtained which might be of interest is that 30 percent do not come for any control, whereas in cases of cancer of the cervix, a great-percentage of women indicates early sexual life and many partners. The characteristics of these patients can be determined ,wby a descriptive epidemiological method which highlights an even- MIMSEVIC, Bozidar, inz. Economy of materials for railway tracks. Zeleznice Jug 19 no. 2:45-48 F 163. MILOSENIC, 13r)?,tdrtr, dipl. Inz. Disinfection stations and installations for washing rail- road tank cars. Zeleznice Jug 'CC) no.3.18-22 Mr 164. MILOSWIC, Branko, Dr. Simple method of determination of blood volume In surgical patients. Red. arch., Sarajevo 9 no.4:131-138 July-Aqg55. 1. Is Itrurskog odjela Opce boluice u Osijokii. (Pretstojnik: dr. J. Bencevic). (BLOOD. TOLIM, deters. simple colortmetric technic. (Ser)) (COWRINNUO in deters. of blood volume in surg. patients. simple technic. (Ser)) NIIDSNIC. Branko. Dr - Intra-earterial blood tranmfusion. Lijec vjes. 77 w-8-9:379- 386 Aug-Sept 55. 1. Is k1rurskog odjela Opee bolnice u 091jaka. (DWOD TRMIUSIOW, Intra-arterial) MIIA)SEVIC, B. IndIcations In the treatment of hemorrhage and shock. Acta, chir. lugool. 3 no-3:201-217 1956. 1. Kirurski odJel Opee bolnice u OnlJoku (predstojn1k prim. dr. J. Bencevic). (HVCRYdIAGE, therapy, (Ser)) ($M01, therapy, (Ser)) MILOSEVIC , B. N Contribution to osteosynthesis in fractures of the c2avicle. Acta chir. Iugosl. 8 no.3z204,210 161. 1. Kirurski odjel Opce bolnice u OsiJaku (Sef dr B. Milosevic). (CIAVICLS fract & disloc) MILOSEVIC, Branko, dr. arosis of the pancreas with antiferment. Treatment of acute ne. Lijecn. vjasn. 84 no.2:143-150 162. 1. Iz Kirurskog odjela Opce bolnice u Osijoku. (KALLIIU(EIII antag) (PANCIWAS dis) F~JGOSIAVIA -1 Dr Branko MILOSEVIC, Surgical Department of General Hospital (Kirurski odjel Opce o --~,Osijek. "Pathogenetic gases, Indications and Reaults of Sphincterotomy.11 Zagreb, Li , 1~, Vol 85, Eo 3, 1963; pp 275-283. J.S~~ Abstract [German summary modified]: Discussion uf the anatomical and physiologic role of the sphincter of Oddi; indications for resection; tabulation of 80 ratients so operated by 12 indication groups (mostly cholelithiasis and sequelae; stenoses; hypertonia;~ early and distant results. Five tables; 24 Western references. 1/1 L 19 MILOSEVIC. D. (Eng.) *Artificial green surfaces in settlements and the need for arranging of gardens at railway stations" SO: ZELEZRICE No. 6, Year XI. June 1955 NUMVIC. Djordj*, dr. Fracture of transverse processes. Brpski arh. colok Isk. 02 W.9t 1109-1113 Sept 54. 1, Ortopedeks kllnlka Pledidnekog fakultata u Boogradn, upraynik profs dr, Byet1slar itojanovic. (SPIU, fract. transverse processes, ther.) (FRACTUM transverse processes, ther.) MILOS P...Djor ; MILOSEVIC, Vukosava Generalixed chondrodystrophy in children. Srpski arh. celokc. lek. 84 no,9:1031-1037 Sept 56. 1. Ortopedska klinike. 14edicinskog fakultata u Beogradu Upravnik: prof. dr. Svetislav Stojanovic. III Decji dispanzar u Beogradu Sef: dr. Jelka Jankov. (DYSCRONDROPLASIA, in inf. & child chondrodystrophia generalinata in child (Ser)) XIIDSEVIC,Dorde; XMIG, Ivan A new case of pathological fracture of the fe- in hydatid cyst, Srpski arh. celok. lek. 87 no.9:821-824 S 159. 1. Kliniko za ortopedskm hirurgiju i treumtologiju Kedicinskog fakulteta u Bmograduq upraynik: prof. dr Svetislav Stojanovic. (SCHINOCOCC(SIS compl.) (FEKUR dis. ) MILOSEVIC, Dorde, dr.; SIMIC, Petar, dr. Acute renal insufficiency in orthopedic surger7 and traumatoloor. Voj. man.pregl. 18 no.2.*165-167 F 161. 1. Medicinski fakultet, u Beogradus Klinika za ortopedsku hirurgiju i tromtologiju. (ACUTE RENAL FAILURE) (SURGERY OPERATIVE compl) STOJANOVICO svetialav,, prof.0 dr.; MILOSEVIC Dords dr.; UUMIC, Milan, dr.1 1YANOTICO Milenko,, drej ;6~~~~dr, Open leg tmaturee. Vej.san.pregl. IS no.4:339-344 Ap 161. 1. Medicinski fakultst U-Boogradu, Klinika z& ortopedsku hirurgiju i ttavmto~ogijue (IXG fract & dioloc) MOSIVIC , Dards . 4r. A rare ath2stle Injury and its ramlical tbarapy. Voj.san.prggl. 18 no-6/7072-573 Jo-JI 161. 1. Ybdicinaki fakultet u BoogreAu,, Klinilm sa ortopedsku hirurgiju i tra=atowju. (RIP wds & tnj) (SPORT MICIM) MILOSMC, Dorde Contribution to the differential diagnosis of destructive lesions of the cervical vertebras. Srpski arh. celok. lek. 89 no.61759-763 -T1 161. 1. Klinikm za ortopedsku hirurgiju i traumatologiju Medicinakog fakulteta Univerziteta u Beogradu. Upravnik: prof. dr SvetiBlav StoJanovic. (SPINE dis) XONJOVIC, Milon, dr.1 KOSTIC, Ljubomir, dr.; STANOJZVIC, Vitomir, dr.; MILOSIVI~~~olub ~dr. Uloer of the anterior vall of the atomach. Mod. glasn, 14 no.12% 561-563 D 160. 1. Plandger, ll osko ode1jenje Gradske bolnice u Zemmu (Nacalniks dr M. Konjovic). Hirursko odeljenje Gradske bolnice u Zommu (Nacelnib rim, dr N. Kovacevic). Interno odoljenje Gradake bolnice u Zesunu acelniks prim. dr L. Ristic). N (FzPTIC UWER) RISTIC., lazar, prim., dr.; FILIPOVIC, Keenija-,_nLOSEVIC, Dragoljub Periodic disease. A report of 2 cases. Srpski arh. celok, lek. S9 n0-0451-455 Ap 161. 1. Interno odeljenje Gradake bolnice u Zemanu (Beograd). Sef: prim. dr lazar Riatic. (PERIODIC DISUSE case reports) RISTIC . lasar; MILOSEVIC, Dmgoljub ------------- Insipid syndrome during In course of encephalitis. Srpski arb. celok. lek. 90 no.21206-23.1 F 162. 1. Interno odoljenje Gradeke bolnice u Zemmnu (Beograd) NacoWkt l"ar Riotic. rzm'i,'UU-TIS ecapi) (DWWWA compl) (DIABIMS iNsimus stiol) MILOSEVIC., Dusan,, inz. (Beograd,, 29.novembra 71) Construction of the Bajina Basta Hydroelectric Power Plant at I Perucac. Tehnika Jug 18 no*5:Suppl.:Gr~deviraretvo 1~ no.5:8240-830 MY ro~, 1. Glavni inzenjor pripreme gradilista flidroelektrane *Bajina Basta'*, Gradevinsko preduzece KHidrotehnika", Beograd. mi C,,.Dusant inz, (Beogrady 29ono-vembra 71) NEVI Construction of the Bajina Basta Hydroeleatric Power Plant at Perucac. Pt.3. Tebnika Jug 18 no.7sSupplementsCiradevi- narstva 17 no.7%1225-1233 J1163. 1. Glavni inzenjer pripreme gradilista Ridroelektrane "Bajina Basta"', Gradevinsko preduzece ffHidrotahnika"',, Beograd. ,'NILDSEVIC, Dusanp Inz., *ogrado 29.novembra 71) Building of the Bgjina Basta Hydroelectic Power Plant at Ferucac. Pt. 2. Tehnika Jug 18 no.6:Suppl,tGradevinarstvo 17 no.6:1025- im je 163. i 1. Glavni inzenjer pripreme gradilista hidroelektrane *Bajina Basta",, Beograd. GINZBJIRG.Ervin; MIIMBVIG,Kliment Uperience with resectiona &M with other surgical interventions on the lunge in chil(*ood. Taberkalosa,Beogr. 11 no.2:179-188 059. 1. Hirmrsko odeljenje Oblasne vojne bolnice, Skoplje; Specijalm bolnica s& djecju tuberkulosu.Skoplje. (PNWMONBCTOKY in inf. & child) MILOSBVIC,, K.; 110VAKv J. Cavernous form of tuberculosis in cid1dren. Tubarkulosa 15 nn.1:39-46 Ja4tr 16). 1. Spec. bolnica sa decju tuborkulaza, Skopje - Soft prin. dr Klimntije Milosevic Azuijeka bolnica, Skopje - Soft Potpuk,, dr Joelp Novak,, (TUMCULOSIS, FUIMONART) (TU OSIS IN CHILDHOOD) (THORACIC RADIOMUM) milokevi" K. Sur 11fle fornit'j" signIllatoire. I"'111 s, I.i, - z, , it ~ I z. (m f, I I I - ()). (,.~ i IA, 1-rem-b sintimar)) Ili casca,-flimdd,~l Itireadi It tilt by f1, 1,114c I's t I 1~ fl I I 1v F (0,- m ;I; p Ilk f 11111.t it ik 11 1~ lal ol m I b" V lic MildW.4, Kovina. Sur la sonime d1une adrie. Fac. Smt. SLi. Nat. Ed. Sp6c. 3, 42 pp. (1050). (Svrhf~-Croafinn. Frendisummary) The atithor dc-rives. a formula, invol-itig IjcLaQujU-=jz._ f r limt,- ~.jkwtj .I finiii, proulm is of spccial finite slims. 1'l 461.611 a fito (.f aboill 180 Ik'noties such as + 4104-3 13111+ R P ;2 V02