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Method of areas in the theory of univalent functions. Doki. Aff SSSIR 154 no.2:264-267 Ja'61#. (MIRA 17:2) 1. Predeat*,Ifno akademikom N.A. Lavrentlyevym. MILIN, I.M. Estimation of the coefficients of univalent functions. Dokl. AN SSSR 160 no.4:769-771 F 165. (MIRA 18:2) 1. Submitted October 3, 1964. LEBEDEV, N.A.; T-~Itjg, On a certain inequality,. Vest. LGU 20 no.19:157-158 165. f (MIRA IE:10) IM1110 Ljubosir P. Voterl=wy pbar=LoolW and tagicology BsoaM, Isdavacko prod=ece naradw repuUlks Srbijop 2951. 410 p. F11UN, Dr. Radivoje "A Contribution to the Study of Syndrwws in the so callodd Southern Wind Disease (ZAMIVANJ,r) in Sheep." Dz, &,jIvojQ Milln - Lmstructor mr hiztoloa and nmbr-jolca & chief of the Inst. of the mme name at the Medical Facu7,cy of Iho U. of Sarajava lab. at Vet. Inst. of RepublAc of Bosnia & HerzaLglovim , Samjevc. S(XJRCE: Vet., BRW 3-6-7, p. 401, 1932 C 0 UTIRY YU00SLAVIA. B CATEGORY General Blology. Individual Development.Postembryonic Devolop- ABS . JOUR. RZhBiol., No. 1~1 1959, No. 19111 ment. R AUTHOL Milin, R. UTF3dtTM'7J:qture Society. Y IT U; 'IhO Effect of !,yophilized Placenta Extract upon the Urowth and Metamorphosis of Rana temporaria Tadpoles. OARIG. PUB. Glasnik b1ol. sek. Rrvatsko prirodosi, drustvc i, 1953 (1955), Ser. 2B, 7. 259-263 ABSTFC4CT The development of the ova of a frog subjected to the gotivity of a placonta extract (PE) in a 2,7e10-4 oncentration bocomes retarded. PE In & _ ,10 concontration stops the development a 2 Of -day old tadpoles and causps their death. 1~ A weaker concentration (1.5*10-L~') inhibits the dovelopment considerably, ~t the heiGht of _ ~) InhibIts tho metamorphosis, PR (0.5010 development of 20 WA 30 days old tadpoleB as well. kpparently PE influences somatotropic 2 YUGOSLA.VIA / General Problems of Patholody. Trans- U plantation of Tissues and Tissue TAerrapy. Abs Jour: Ref Zhur-Biol.) No 11, 1958, 51577. 1 Author : M I i n , Jovanovic j V. Inst :Croatian Society of Natural Science. Title :Investigation of the Mechanism of Tissue Therapy. Orig Pub: Glasnik biol. Sek. Hrvatsko prirodosl. drustva, 1953 (1955), Ser. 2B, 7, 263-264. Abstract: Placenta extract, prepared by tho mothod of F1.1- atov, was administered subcutaneously to 15 adult.; and 10 sexually ionaturo rabbits for a reriod of 1-30 days. Tho extract had a growth inhibiting effect. Degonerative changos were noted in tho thymus and s,,leen; the effect of the extract is similar to that of cortisone. --- Ts. S. Lemberg. Card 1/1 P- 041Ar SMV. P., prof. dr..; MILIN, R., prof. dr.; KOSAK, R., dr. Mechanism of action of a water soluble asulene derivative. Ked. Pregl., Novi Bad 7 no.4:265-275 1954. 11.1notitut za, farmkolog1juMedicinskog fakultets., Sarajevo, sef prof. dr.*PoStern;' lustitut sa histologiju i embriologiju Nedicinstog fakultets., S&rajev, sof profs dre WAIlIn. (MMOCRIM GLAM. off . of drugs on chamsulone In tadpoles) -7w j iota At ondaz Wane- P. ster (Ked, SM=O. YucosavIrrwo 'Miai -l 12 76 N i i f U U 19SQ - o. - o cont nuat on o , ear er . ;zk (MaZwk; clied, 19% Val. vii. pi 265) azutene i was g ven to tadpa, of Fawakneperark, where It lithibited th, Metamocphods "A cat down the, and to rats. ft pi,.ed th.0 physcal. gh th.r pm-cualaxIs and _ en thuscaused the seem6cm oft enocortkotropin. Thchypo. ax- thatamic - nucki of cats And eipecicily the ruprachkamadc and PIMVWWcufar tusclei show crm histophyslot. ChALM&M-i The histological Changes "a presented i4 the form of m1cra. -Phdtographs~ the. phWol. ones am an Increased ricau. i tocw actly(ty of the cauglion CeUt and a hypertmEz' which. means that the hypotharamus-hypophytis complex I i h d has eta Act vate we-Mtr ts and caft !t pments Up (AMn'blood in the anaes~thaiiried cat hy the hisUmina YUGC87j,AVLh/Hw-an Qne -'uUmal Mysialoc.,- - Intc-r-nal Secretion. T-7 The Thyroid. Abs Jour : Ref Zhur - Bicil., ITZ, 18, 1958, 84342 Author : IUlin, 11., Tsiglor, 14. last : Title : Effects of Sunrays upon the Thyroid. Orig aib : Mcd- Precled-, 1956, 9, ijo 6, 353-357 Abstract : Infantile rabbits (40) were exposed to sunray irraclia-,icns fir a 1)Qriod of 7-30 Or%Y:j. '1110 Look vic~,-c '11 10-11 a.n. and lasted for 5-60 minutese Some histolo._,:ical inUcations of the thyroid beconin[t, stimlated vere foumO.. Card 1/1 KILIff, Radivoj; STZR1f. Favao jiffect of asulene on bypophysis. SrpskI arh. colok. lek. 84 no.4:-441-445 Apr 56. 1. Institut za histologiju I embriologiju Kedicinskog fokulteta u Sarajovu Upravnlk: Radivoj Milla. Institut go farmakologtju I tokeikologiju Kedicinskog fakulteta u Sarajevu. Upraynik: Pavao Stern. (CYCWPIMANIS. off. asulene on pituitary gland (Ser)) (TIIRPZM. off saw) (PITMTARr GLAND, off. of drtw on asulane (Ser)) EXCERPTA YEDICii iec 8 Vol 13/5 Netirolory Xay 60 2210. OLFACTORY INFLUENCE ON THE HYPOTHALAMUS - Influence uJactive r I'h7pothalamus - M ilino R. Inst. d'llistol. at d'Embryol., Fac, d(,- V 4d., Sarajevo, YouJffFMVW---C7-R'ASS. ANAT. 1957. 43/05 (572-578) Illus. 3 Olfactory stimulation by the smell of iodoform in rats caused a morphological response of the supr'a-optic and paraventricular nuclei, polymurphism and hyper- chromasla of the neurosecretory cells (neurolysim), mainly of a phluxinophilic quality. inequality of the nucleoli, capillary congestion. The malodorous effect o( isocyanide mainly affects the paraventricular nucleus, causing hypertrophy and vacuolization of the neurosecretory cells. The results obtained prepent a histo- . physiological' proof of the -olfactohypothalamic reflexes. Beau Nancy (1, 8) EXCERPTA I-TDICA Sec 8 Vol 15/5 Neurolog-,y Xay 60 2624. THE EFFEcT OF THE EMOTIONAL FACTOR ON THE HYPOTHALAMIC STRUCTURE - Contribution 5 Vktudc de PH(et d;4113rtcur ¬tf Psur ;.-. is:r-.;c - ture hypothalamique - M i __R. , 5 t e r n P. a Serstnev E. Inat. IILLaS nd d'itistol. et d'Embrvo1_._._Fnst. de Pharmacol. et de Toxicol., Vac. de M&I., Sarajevo, Yougoslavie - C. it, ASS. ANAT. 1957, 43195 (579-586) Graphs I Tables I Illus. 2 Hares in a state of captivity, placed in the presence of hunting dogs, present a thyroid hyperactivity. The neuroglandular cells of the supra-optic nucleus react by a hypertrophy and a hyperplnsia. The nuclei increase in volume, but it is especially the nucleoli which react by a constant and progressive increase in volume. The neurosecretory substance, which was abundant in control hares, pre- sented itself in excited hares in the form of smail and dispersed intracellular granulations. The thyrotrophic effect of the emotive strest; runti parallel to the hyperactivity of the neuroglandular cells of.the supra-uptic nucleus. Beau Nancy (1,S) BERICo M.k .9, SCEPOVIC9 K.; SEDLAR, D. _!~ ~Bq R~ Hypothalano-pituitary complex and sterility. Ked.arh., Sarajevo 15 no.1;17-30 Ja-F 961. 1. Ginekoloako-akuserska klinika Hedicinskog fakulteta u Sarajevu (Sef: prof. dr Milenko Beric). Institut za histologiju i subriologiju Nedicinskog fakulteta u Sarajevu (Sefs prof. dr Radivoj Milin) (STMLIT!f etiol) (PITUITARY GLAND physiol) (HYPOTHALAMUS physiol) R. InfJAwwe of the epi"eal extract on the'-cerebroid gangli A in eartknorms (Iambricus terrestris). Bul op Youg 7 no.1/2:8 F-Ap 162. 1. Zavod za histologiJu i embriologifu Madicinakog.fakultetap Sarajevo. it MILIN., R. Influence of the substance P on the cerebroid ganglia in earthworms (Ltmbricus terrestris). Bul 9c Youg 7 no.1/2:11 F-Ap 162. 1. Zavod ze, histologiju i embriologiju 14edicins)yDg fakulteta, Sarajevo. I "I Go. J,.- (Zagreb) The JU-61 assembly system. Gradevinar 15 no.9:341-346 S 163. MILIN, V.P, -- i "Investigation in the Field of Electroprqphic Anal ISO" Cand Chem Sci) Saratov Us Saratovj 19.r.,4. ([iZhKhim,, Ito 20s Oct Survey of Scientific and Teelmical bissertations Dkofended at USSR . Higher Educational Institutions (10) SO: Sum. No. 481s 5 May 55 . KILIN, V.P. WWWAF% Now portable slectrographic device for use In shop units. Zmy.lab. 22 no.8:997 Ag 156. O= 9:11) 1. Uaratovskiy gosuderetvennyy univereitet. (Galvanizing) (Blectric apparatus and appliances) USSR/ Analytical Chc;mistry. Analysis of Inorganic G-2 Substances. Abs Jour: Referat. Zhur.-Khtmiya, No. 8, 1957, 27167. Author : I.P. Ryazanov, V.P. Milin. Inst : Saratov University. Title : Quantitative Determination of Zirconium with Monoethanolamine. Orig Pub: Uch. zap. Saratovsk. un-ta, 1956, 43, 155-158. Abstract: Monoethanolamine (I) is sualested as precipitator of Zr(OH)* . 0.04 g of Zr 4t) salt or less in 40 to 50 ml of the solution is heated to 85 to 90op acidified with 0.5 ml of 25%-ual HNO_T and Zr(OH)~, 18 precipitated with 10 MI of 5%-ual solution of 1.. 10 or 15 minutes later the precip- itate is filtered off, washed 3 or 4 times with a C ard 1A USSR/ Analytical Chemistry. Analysis of Inorganic G-2 Substances. Abs Jour: Referat. Zhur.-Khimiya, No. 8, 1957, 27167. hot 1%-ual solution of I and calcined to ZrOA at 800 to 9000. The determination error is about 0.004 g of ZrO,2.or ~* 0.25%. At the potentiome- tric titration of ZrIO"' with I solution and hydro- gen electrode, the jump of the emf takes place before the equivalent point is reached (error from -4.9 to 5%); if titration was done in alcohol- aqueous solutions, the results of Zr determination are 1.66 to 1.80% too low; at the amperometric titration with Pt microelectrode, first a gradual decrease of JA (~ Is not proportional to the con- centration of Zr and later a sharp decrease of I.A (I.,, is proportional to the concentration of Zr) are observed. The results of Zr determination are about 10% too low. Card 2A MILINP V.P. Electrographic method of analysis. Uch.zap. SGU 75;107-108 162. Determination of free lime in a clinker."IW-StIOS '-~, - I - (MITLCV~-- 3) USSR/Soil Science, Tillage. Melioration. Ero3ion J-5 Abe Jour : Ref Zhur - Biol., No 43879 Author Q,41ilin Ya,,A, inst Title :Methods of Studying the Redistribution of Soil Horizons with Meliorative Plowing in Solonetz Soils of the Chestnut Zone. Orig Pub : Poclivovedeniye, 1956, No 12., 31-37 (Res. Fr. Abstract : This study was made on the solonetz complexes of Stalingradskaya Oblastle Three plow types were tried out: the rT-2-30, P-50-P and the PP-50* The best results were gotten by working with tile ET-2-30 model. A complete displacement of spots in the 25-45 and 45-65 cri. horizons was not attained. They were merely intermixed* -- V#A. MDlodtsov Card 1/1 36 yuGMLAVIA/Forer,try - Forest Management. K-4 Abs Jour : Ref Zhur - Biol., No 5, 1958,, 20149 Author : Milinp a,.) Mishchvich, Ve Inat : Title : Supplemental Data on Structure and Growth in the Planted Spruce and Beech Forests in the Goch Mountains. orig pub : Shumarstvo, 1957, 10, 110 1-2, 20-36. Abstract : The results are given of the practical studies by students of the Faculty of Forestry of Belgrade University made in 1956 and embracing the basic elements of an evaluating description of the Goch forest, it is indicated that the spruce tree stand has a structure near that of selected plantings in the mixed spruce and beech woods. Tree clis- tribution is shown according to classes based on thick- ness in the mixed plantings, and recommendations are given on maintenance felling intensity depending on the growth accretion features. Card 1/1 Y.!Igos I lt-v I rl CATEGORY : I-robloins of ~,athology- Irlimunihv ASS . JOUIR. : RZhBiol- , No. 2" 1958, NO- 1061)2-A AUTH 0,R : c v I c , X . I I n - I s av IV, . jy s IT L-I, Oji !C-,. PUB, ?"P, I ABSTF-ik,' T No abst"act. KOTOV, A.G.;.nHEZHETSKIY, S.Y4L.; MILINCHUK,,_V.I.; TUPIKOV, V.I.; TSIMKO, V.I. Form~ion and recombination of radicals by. o/ -irradiation of frozen H202 - H20 aglutions. Kin, i kat. 4 no.6t926-929 t,&-D 63. (MIRA 17:1) 1. Fiziko-khimicheskiy institut imeni Karpova. S/190/63/005/001/010/020 B101/B186 AUTHORS: Kj~~hulcq--V-,-4.p Pahez. . kiy, S. Ya.t Kotovj As 0.1 ~4pikov, V. I., Tsivenk,., V. 1. TITLE: Formation and recombination of free radicals by gamma- irradiation of polypropylene. I PERIODICAL: Vysokomolokulyarnyye soyedinepiya, v. 5, no. 1, 1963, 71-74 TEXT: The effect produced by the amorphous and crys~talline phases of irradiated polypropylene on the stabilization of free radicals was studied. The polypropylene was i-eadiated with Cc 60, d*one rate 700 rad/sec, and the nuclear magnetic resonance spectra were take'n at -195 and +200C. Conclusions: With a dose of 350 Mrad, the radical concentration in amoIrphous polypropylene was -12-10 20 radicals per g, which is twice an much as in crystalline polypropylene. At 20 0C, however, the radical concentration 16 in crystalline polypropylene was,-'5-10 radicals per g with a dose of 125 Mrad, which is one order ofimagnitude higher than in amorphous Card 112 S119 0/63/005/001/010/020 Formation and recombination of free ... B101/B186 polypropylene.. Recombination in amorphous polypropylene irradiated at -1950C is faster than in crystalline polypropylene and is considerably accelerated, especially near the vitrification temperature. This is attributed to the fact that amorphous polypropylene at low temperatures promotes radical formation, whereas higher temperatures promote recombina- tion. The e. p. r. spectra of orystalline.polypiopylene were found to change reversibly. The hyperfine structure of the e. p. r. spectrum taken at -195 OC contained 9 lines, whereas at + 200C 17 lines were found. There are 4 figures. ASSOCIATION: Fiziko-khimicheskiy imistitut im. L~ Ya. Karpova (Physicochemical Institute imeni L.*Ya. Karpov) SUBMITTED: July 17, 1961 Card 2/2 - I TUPIKOV, V.I.; TSIVENKO, V.I.; PSHEZHETSKIY, S.Ya.; KOTOV, A.G.; . MILINCRUK, V.K. - Formation and recombination of radicals In the ?'-Irradiation of solid ammonia and-hydrazine. Zhur.fiz.khim. 37 no.1:138-142 Ja 163. (MIRA 17:3) 1. Fiziko-khimicheakiy institut imeni Karpova. .- MILINCHUK. V.K.; PSHEZHETSKIY, S.Ya. Zffect of ultraviolet light on free radicals in 'A~-rayed Polypropylene. Dokl. AN SSSR 152 no.3s665-667 S 163.. (MIRA l6s12) 1. Fiziko-khimicheskly institut im. L.Ta.Karpova. Predstavleno akademikom S.S.Madvedevym. FWP T _.E1 L'178 JDIO~IGSIFX NRi-----AT404 984Z VOM/641060/0010%4/0069 t wit ORV 48~ U ortria on roe nation otxadic at 'on 0 lid:sbluti'O ofltvdrazimin~ AIC66f_ ar~& t a.-. so -Polyvinyl Ye av' roo-ertlei-~ 8 URCE: ~'Xhlinkd- r iski OyOtV& LmoaUiketdi~& owlatov p ifii*~'ii6difi~itic~'~6k '-sbornik, a 1964,, 0 tatey. Moscov; Im&vo.Nauka 5 rri4l at on TOPIG S. poly. Loi -iale6h6l. solid sol,.6 ti6n~ hydriATIS, L L iledtion, .0io;aViagnette .resonance Ats on irozewhydv~-,~nas- -its solid'soluti' n, exper m. on-in Oolyviryl 'I i1#1 - alcohol; ~pure~po yv ~T established, that: tfi~a, sonance'O ,a gna during - i-, ydrazIna is a to i a nji ne ::vAignet, c; .4~ ~1. ~;. ~md is - d on- film' Tho 0~" *catv H H' 'Thamessuroment, jiostl~ji la:-ra -for a Wort me a 2 3 ny Ohol''(with co as source o n oiitiij -,of '~,M, hydrazine and 76% poly t Ale f VirkadLation --and d6se- -of .600 Mrad7iec At 77K or at' room t"'Wetature) The liq .uid n. -mog n- a ZPR a ctrim of this six- irradiatfid ~sm'Vl is~ were kept in Thi ra, 8 owu.-An Overlap of the EPR signalw, ion hy4razint and,pure polyvinyl Alcoa a in the spectra depe~ i Lug on the temperature of irradiation differ-arse A I I itII .0illoic- Id soli .-te iiistLtutlmi 'i Ai t Y ~`777777!~ A L.',M4 TITLE --n ber. ree'.ra( GGI --4- Iff K ik~X 1C, :psfi6z alra:66fi-Ve'ralon of r--p r f6hits- -fi certain Garnmii irradiated 1 ACCESSION NRt AP4032567 S/M90/64/W6/004/06"/0671 AUTHORSs Milinchuk, V. Ke; Psheshetskiy, S. Ya. TITLE:' EPR study of free radical conversion kinetics in gamma-irradiated polypropylene ~',SOURCE: Vy0sokomoleke sayedin., To 6, no. 4, 1964, 666-671. -,TOPIC TAGSt crystalline polypropylene# hyperfine'structures alkyl radicalp polyans! i,radical., conversion.kinatica,, polymer, free valence migration, macromolecule q ABSTRACT: A kinetic analysis was made of the hyperfine structure of EPR spectra ln~: crystalline polypropylene to determine the conversion of alkyl(I) radicals into alkyl(II) and polyene(III) radica.~s~ The I to II th III conversion in characterized by the ration of the EPR spectral components a h P, m hl/h2l P 2 1/h3 in turn 'characterizing the radical concentration ratioq IItI and IMI. The conversion. 1kinetics van carried out by irradiating thi polymer at 77K with 500 1000 and I t 15W Hrad. radiation'does, -beating at various temperatures (273K to 323KI for several! ninutiss, and subsequently 1=ervlon. In liqtdA nitrogent at which Point the EM aitt ACCESSION NRt AP4032567 Lpectra*were recorded. The results confirm the possibility of such a radical conversion by means of a possible mechanism of free valence migration in the macromoleculee An expression is derived for the radical conversion rate pl given (Rai -(71 (Rol) + :ThiB gives a magnitude close to the recombination rate constant of polypropylene radical, The activation eftergy 'of radical I to radical I! conversion is estimated I 1 kcal/sol. Orig. art, hast 13 fomdas and 3 figurese Ito be 6 i4 1ASSOCIATIONs Fiziko4ddjdchaskiy institut im. L. Ya. Karpova (Institute of Physical liChamistry) iSUBMITTEDs 24APr63 ENbL% 001 NO R3F SM 003 OTHER: 002 iSUB CODEs OC '72/2 C sun C()D]9.. oc :X0 ur i~r-'Oos 2/4" Card 7~7V 4-1 F_r -7_:~7 Um- 1~u tk "i.W~ YA 4 AN. PR "cft~m E for pobr- gamma-Irradlated; the isame Sam is Of -r-- h 8Z -22 Mett' _b oug 8 X~ W. "it kz I-A v W4, J., ~4 Y- w7 ioo. r 77,-- MILINCRUKP V.K, Formation of free radicals by oxygen. Vysokom.soed. 7 no.7:1293 J:L 165. (MIRA 1818) L 15192-66 EWT(MVMP(JVT1EWA(h)1EWA(1) HK/GS AM; Hx: ATS023443 SOURCE CODE: UR/0000/65/000/000/019(4/0205 6 AUrHOR: Milinchuk.- V. Aa,&tezhetskiy, S. Ya. ORG:-none TITLE: -Recombination and transformation of free radicals In y-irradiated 22b_mrs SOURCE: Simpoklum po, elementarnym protseasam.khImli vrokikh energLy. Moscow, 196: Elementamyye protsessy khImii vysokikh enerelly (Elementary processes of the chem- istry of'high energies); trudy simpoziuma. Moscow, 1965, 194-205 TOPIC TAGS: radiation.polymerization, polymer, Isoprene, polyisobutylens, polybu- tadiene, EPR spectrum, gamma irradiation, free radical, alkyl radical ABSTRACT: Recombinatlon and transformation of free radicals In y-Irradiated (15- 1500 do, 77-32PPK9 y-irradiation uration 0-40 min) PQiLr_r__._U_U_tz=_-. 1 164 P'n-n-a 7pQ&pE=1ene I and pglXbutadiene -were Investigated using the EPR technique. The object of the.sQ; was to elucidate the mechanistic details of the free radi- cal reactions in polymers. The EPR spectra ohowl, that during y-irradiation of Pok, pr.opylene (77*K-and 25-megarads)g rvcombLnatIon of Card 1/3 LEPKOV, L.P.; YASTREBOVA, V.F.; CHEKAREV, I.I.;,VjjjjFKOVICN.p .!.I.j-_�HILK3NA, L.M.; AYBASHEVA, T.V., red, [Manual of estimates and norms for the overhauling of build- ings and structures in railroad transportation) Smetno- normativnyl spravochnik po kapitallnomu remontu zdanii i so- oruzhenii zholoznodorozhnogo transporta. Monkvaq Transport, Pt.2. Sec.2. 1965. 184 P. (MIRA 18:8) 1. Russia (1923- U.S.S.11.)"Ministerstvo putey soobshcheniya. 2. Normati-s.-no-tekhnologicheskiy sektor Proyektno-konstruktor- skogo byuro Glavnogo upravleniya elektrifikatsii i energeti- cheskogo khozyaystva Ministerstva putey soobshcheniya SSSR (for all except Aybasheva). HILIN"'HUK-VOLYNSKIY, L.I. (Dushanbe) Large hailstones. Friroda 52 no.8:101-102 Ag 163. (HIRA 16t9) (No subject headingB) . . . . 1~ 1 1! t, s I i ,,lLINGi[UK- VOLYNSKAYA, L.Ye. (Duahanlya, Btzarnvy per., 3, kv.~,~ Study of the sex chromatin of noutrophil leucacytes by "skin windows" met"hod. A'kh,, anat., gist. i embr. 44 no.5: 75-83 My 163. (IMIRA 17:6) 1. Kafedra biologii I medLtsinskoy parazitologii (zav.- kand. med. nauk. A.I. Shchurenkova) meditsinskogo instituta, Du3hanbe. etITLINCIC, D.; DAKOVIC, B. "Time Necessary for Underground Chambers to Reach Definite Thermal Equilibrium." p. 41, (ZBOPNIK, 1952153. Beograd, Yugoslavia.) SO: Monthly List of East European Accessions, (EEAL). LC, Vol. 4. No- 5, May 1955. Uncl. aLINGIC, D. Thermocbmandc effects on the economy of work and maintenance of underground prendses. p. 1169. Vol. 9. No. 8. 1954. TWNIKA. Beograd, Yugoslavia. SOURCE: Bast European Accessions List, (EM) 14brary of Congress, Vol- 5. No. 8, August. 1956. .NILINCM,-P-. TECINOLOGY PERIODiCALS XILINCIC, D. Grap!-dc determination of the maximal coefficient of heat current and the Animal thickness of unmoist walls. p.113. No. 3, 1955. Published 1957. Monthly Lisb of Eastern European AccesBions (E-All Vol. 11., No. 2 I April 1959 Unclass. MILINUIC, D. Analogy between some heat and hydro-dynamic phenomena. p. 355. ZBORM RADOVA. (Srpska akademija nauka. Masinski institut.) Beogradp Yugoslavia. val. 6o, 1959. Monthly List of East European Accessions (EEAI) IL, Vol. 8, no. 8, Aug. 1959. Unci. .MILINCICy-Dobrosav,, dr. ing., assistant profj (Beograd,, Zahumska 28a) Zatimtion of the distance between supports in heating networks. Tehnika Jug 16 no~lOW95-1804 0 161.- 1. Mining and Geological Faculty of the University-of Beograd. N MALICP Dragomir,, prof. dr inz. (Beograd, Save Kovacevica 6); MMINCIC, Dobrosav, prof. dr inz. Determination of basic parameters required for designing heating, ventilation, air conditioning, and heat-producing equipment in Yugoslavia. Tehnika Jug 19 no.3:405-411 Mr 164. 1. Faculty of Technology, University of Belgrade (for Malic). 2, Faculty of Mechanical Engineering, University of Belgrade (for Milincic). I NMDkLV A., dr.; GRU, A., dr.; MERMO, A., prim. dr.; JURISIC, S., dr.; n4n.-&, dr. Epidemic and typhoid and paratyphoid favors in Osijek-Donji Grad in 1958. VOJ-ean.Pregl. 18 n0.3-0273-280 Mr 161. 1. Opos. bolnics, u OelJoku,, Zarasni adjel, Rigijenski savad u Omijoku. (7YPHOID epidemiol) (PARMPHOID FIV opidemlol) MILINIS, I., arkhitektor New type of apartment house with a communal section. Zhi-I. stroi. no.110-6 164 (M7PA l8z2) MILMSp IJ*#_-arkhitektor Manni now housing districts in the capital. Gor.khoz.Msk. 36 no*6:32.-34 Je 162. (IOU 15:8) (mbecow-4ity planning) m AP4046692 RAEM(t ACCESSION NRI WG/JD 4 ~4/Pa -4 4/Pu-W lihitidliwmlAJWLIBSPIE~p(o)ISSDI'E~D(t)~ a) S/0109164/009/0101189311891! A~v 4S C TICilk' hA- h 'Id iliH6 a Aik c as -y-i matitute ~414 SWR) , , ~; -tj 4 -No REIr-, S UB C ODE f-,-ZC Tcard -z/- h"' c 't ch ica l'- R oft i 3 U 6 CL: 0 Z7 ---0TTMltt" 09 0 d- - ZO ps;~-5' ~5~-W-Piea p de:e-UnO4~,:-'a, io6rk ~--terrerencefiaeijl--an a-~ -c ry .'quality of reception,.' a~550-11 afinition (Oz 49 -~~picturt are reported. Orig. art. has: 10 fi irm gt t.'6332 so CCESSIOXNR.-~~APSQ -AaOCTA TrOfff-.~--*"iiii"'-*-i,'-~,~'--:~~~~~-:.,:-~~ --j 51W DEV EG EN CL. SU33MT.TEDf 0 No RM-Sovi"~.000 OTHER: Od 7 --FAD/F.WT-(I)/FiE(3(k)-2/T/EWP(k)/ZMA(12) IJP(C) ;No ACC NRt AM6015021 Monograph UR/ Kobze-vlv, Milinkip, B, M.; YEmel yanov, R, G le Laser applications in communica ion (Primeneniye opticheakikh tovykh generatorov dlya tseley avyazi) Moscow, Izd-vo "Svyazf", 1965. 119 p. illus., biblio, 10,000 copies printed, (At hea-- of title:, Ministerstvo avyazi Soyuza SSR, Tekhnicheskoye upravlenlye) Series note:.Lektsii po tekhnike.evyazi TOPIC TAGSv laser, laser application, laser design, radiation, ...,communication system, quantum generator PURPOSE AND COVERAGE: This book is intended for radio and communi- cation specialists and students of schools of,higher education and 'tekhnikums.concerned.with the operation of lasers and their application ~-to the field of communication, The authors made an attempt to-oummari jnformation on lasers and to explain the possibility of using lasers in-communication. TABLE OF 'GQNTBNT3;: -6word 3 IlItrOdUction [Kobzevl Card ~---L- 25650-66 RUNGARY/Plant Diseases. Diseases of Cultivated Plants, 0-3 Abs Jour : Ref Zhur - Biol., No 7) 19581 30227 Author : Milinko,, Istvan Inst : Title : Control of the Tobacco Mosaic Virus Which Attacks Tomatoes Orig Pub : Kerteszet es szoleszet, 1957, 6, No 6, 19. Abstract : No abstract. Card 1/1 - 13 - BABIC., Dusanp drt;-MILINKOVIC? Dusan, dr.; KONECNI, Josip, doe., dro Anemia in endocrine and metabolic dissaoes. Med. glaon. 15 no.l: 22-25 Za 161. 1, Interna klinika *A" Medicinskog fakulteta u Beogradu (Upraynik; prof. dr Bran Stanojovic). (ANEMIA etiol) (EMOCRINOLOCE compl) (METABOLIC DISEASES ccmp2) MILINKOVIC. I ............. Medical care for preschool SrbtJm no.5:97-102 154. (PiDrATRICS, in Yugool.. care (CHILD WKYARN. In Tugosl., care children in Serbia," Bibl.Big. inst. for preschool child) for preschool child) MILINKOVIC, 1. ; SEVIC, 1. Modora views on the role of kindergarten and nurseries. P. 35- (Socujalna I zdravatvena politika, Val. 10. No. 4. 1957, Beograd, Yugoslavia) SO: Monthly List of Fast European Accessioms (EFAL) Lc. Vol. 6. No. 8, Aug 1957. Unc KITIC, Dobrila; HIM Laboratory control of our BCG vaccine. Glasn. big. inst., Beogr. 4 no.3-4:49-52 July-Doc 1955. (RCG VACCINATION, In Tugoel., laboratory control (Ser)) iYUGO SLAVIA LJUBISAVLJEVIC, S.; VIAMC, S.i and MIL 4KQ3fjQ,_Jj_, of the Serbian Tuberculosis Institute (Institut za Tuberkulozu SR Srbije) and Serum and Vaccine Institute (Institut za Serums i Vakoine) in Belgrade. "The Results of Com-oarative Tests of the Antigenic Value of the Yugoslav Dry BCG Vaccine in Relation to the French Dry and the YuGoslav Fresh BCG Vaccine." Belgradeq Narodno Zdravljeg Vol 199 No 7-81 1963P pp 242-245. Abstract: Given proper handling from beginning to end' the Yugoslav P fresh and dry BCG vaccines proved to yield entirely satisfactory results. The dry vaccine is prepared from the cultures as the fresh and is used 3.5 to 4.5 months after preparation. The slightly bet- ter results obtained with the French dry BCG vaccine might be ascribed to its stronger concentration. The authors suggest the selection of cultures in which BCG bacilli display great enzymatic potentialp as well as the regitration of the Yugoslav dry BCG coins as a standard. Five tables, three graphs, no reference 'Y, U,,'I C, R - "ILL, E Short method of computinp, basic elements; !-:o:~e rcfiec-uions. ~~- 37- Yuroolavia) (~,,Cjjj GL,',5~1131., Vol. r, ... 6, jum 1'-~'5L, - ; I I SLI: i'lonthly list of East Euroman tceessions, (E&I), LC, Vol. ~4, n~)- 1 Jan. 1955, Uncl. MMMOVIC, R. "Testing and analyzing the speed and pressure of rifle ammunition., p. 895 (Vojno-Tehnicki Glasnik) vdi. 5,, no. 12,, Dec. 1957 Belgrade', Yugoslavia SO: Monthly Index of East Euraman Accessions (EEAI) TC. V01. 7.. no. 4, April 1958 MILINOV# P.; TSIKOV, B. Diencephalitis "ndrome in an influenza epidemic in March 1959. Suvrem nod., Sofia no.2:37-42 161. 1. Okrushna bolnitsa, Varna. (G1. lekar Chakalov.) Zusm compl) DIENCEPHALON dis) rMI"T0,11r, r) FTTTr- Milinovo~,-f, Filip VoInd kratke f-,1cI-tro7rafnv3tic1co vIny (!~d. 1.) ri-caha, Tccnnick!~-- vedocke vydavatclstvi, 1951. 76 r. (Ultranhort oloctromignotic ~.-avos. Il'.u!,., Bibl.) SO: Monthly List of East E~=onean Accessions, W, Vol. 3 No. 1 Jan. 154 Une. J~ITT Jl-~ ' - - 7,' R. J.; th(-,, (f -rO.,r Fcr f- Irl .". A. ':ir(r.(;v'- -i 1. - I - I., I'c-thod", - j03, (KAT, T'do'ly 3~' Vol - 9, 1'c. 131, Fovc.,.-Irr 2?5/., ;'al - "i sawl? 1,01ard) SO: I:onth-ly Liat of -JaA lurcpe:-r (I'll), !.C, VC-1. ":, "o. ."', Larch 195-;, Unrl. MILIMSKI, J. "Soviet me'thods of concrete." y. 343. (INUTERIA I MUDOWNIC710 Vol. 11, No, 119 Nov. 19.55- Warazawa, Poland) SO: Monthly Zdat of Rast Zuropeen Accessions. (]MAL). LC. Vol. 4. No. 4, April 1955. Uncl- .e~ P/517/61/ooo/oWool/ooi EIL93/E383 AUTHORS: Staub, Fryderyk, Bublii~ski, Jan and Mili6ski, Piotr TITLE: The effect of temperature and degree of plastic deformation on the formation of slip lines and phase transformation in the 18-8 austenitic steels SOURCE: Gliwic'e. Politechni)ca Slaska. Zeszyty naukowe. no. 4L 1961. Mechanika. no. 9. Metaloznawstwo. no'. 1. 5-29 T EXT The chemical composition 0'00 of the steels studied in the present investigation is: Steel C Mn Si P S 'Cr Ni Mo Ti lFil8N9T 0.13 0.83 0.79 - 0..026 17.7 10.4 - 0-55 m8NIOM 0.07 1.49 0.25 0.010 0.022 i9.6 8.78 2.10 - The preliminary heat and mechanical treatment consisted or: -1) heating the steels to various temparatures in the austenitic range (900 - 1 250 0C), holding at the temperature from 10-40 min and quenching in air, water or liquid air; 2) plastic deformation in tension; 3) ageing for 10 hours at 550 0C. The experimental Card 1/4 1)/517/6i/ooo/ohi/ooi/ooi The effect of .... Hl 9 3 / E3 8 '!5 work included tensile tests at temperatures between 20 and -188 OC, determination of trite-stress/true-strain diagrams at 20, -70 and -188 OC, examination of' slip lines in plastically deformed speci.- mens, determination of' the proportion of residual austenite as a function of plastic deformation and temperature, X-ray diffraction analysis, hardness measurements and metallographic examination. The results can be, summarized as folios-is. a) Stee4 11118N9T, water- quenched f7rom 1 050 0C has a UTS equal to 580itg/mm- and a finely crystalline structure;- quenching from 21 200 C brings about grain growth and reduces the IN.!; to 43 kg/mm b) Plastic deformation of less than 2.51,*. causes twinning. Slip lines appear after a deformation gre;,,'.er than 2.5~1`., the distance between them decreasing from 5 It after 2.5~,' deformation to 2 It after 20?,' deformation.A small quantity of inirtensite is formed at the austenitic grain boundaries in material subjected to 300,.. deformation. c) Austeni- tizing of' steel 1118NIOM at 1 200 0C followed by sub-zero treatment at -188 OC brings about the precipitation of 1100' ferrite. This figure can be reduced to 5.50. by using a double treatment: writer- quenching from 1 200 oC followed by water-quenching from 900 0c and sub it -188 OC. (1) UTS of steel. H18NIOM -zero treatment 11 Card 2/4 P/517/61/000/041/ool/ool The effect or .... E193/E383 2 increases with decrensing temperature, being 55, 100 and 135 kg/mm at 20, -77 and -188 OC, respectively. e) The proportion (M, ?"') of the ferromagnetic phase (a + 6) in steel HANION varies with temperature and degree of Plasiic deformation (E = en(I lle ) as demonstrated in Fig. 9. f) The following*values were cal2ulated for the temperature 01 ) of the martensitic transformation, tile s temperature (T E of the thermodynamic equilibrium and the temperature (N1 d30 ) at which 5000' martensite is formed in steel subjected to deformation C 0-30: M T S d30 11118N9T - 337 0C 4.2 0C H18NIOM -221 0C 332 0C -25 0C g) The lattice parameters of various phases in the steels studied have been found to be essentially the same an those quoted in the literature. There are 20 figures and 6 tables. Card 3/4 P/517/61/0QO/Olil/001/001 The-effect of .... E.193/E383 Fig. 9; -t~ 4- 1- "- _i; .j -1; -0 Al IV ,l Al ms 0 ac S. bli, 4 Card 4/4. HUSSM, Vladimir Pavlovich', inzh.,- PCHELINTSEV, Vladimir Alekseyevich, kand. tekhn. nauk; FEDORENKOp Vaa:Lliy Semeuovichp kand. tekbn. nauk; YAKOVLEV, Anatolly Ivanovichp kand. tekhn.nauk; ,gjLjNBM.,A-J-q red.; K(X4ONOV, A.S.., red.izd-va; LELYUKH121, A.A.p tekhn. red. [Fireproofness of buildings] Ognectoikost' zdanii. [Ely] V.P. Bushev i dr. Moskva, Izd-vo M-va kommun.khot.RSFSR, 1963. 166 p. (MIU 16:12) (Building, Fireproof) 0 go go go******* 0-0-7; 00,0 00A 009 008 0041 006 008 004 sod 000 006 soll 4-4/ Oldlik". and 19 no ASMI.$&,A WTAW~Aot C4TIVA; CLAPPIPICATIMIN seem 61111441190 9s"00 -Am, Awl, dog 0 0 of 00000410000000004 6664019660400646464004 0 0 a -t- v . fall Ru jell 36V ass 41 CONOCO v a IS , ,I 1--", t ~. a I--A.- a- -4 0-41 AMC rdeffel-is woof N. A. Alib"Am. Rum. bl.. w'"CfAw-muftm im t"at"I r kma for ibe clakwimation A t1w cammuti" Wilk waiter, m1k. ft-d b-i" "ke. Mmu 1. th~ 2 0006000000000000 06,0906064100001000 '00 .00 6049 =00 400 w0 -0 0-0-0 0-0-0 0 0 is a 0 st-64-4-W - * i 4 a** 7 7 :*Ooooo*ooo 0 0 1 6 0 Ile WC CO74 eooo 0 F 0000*000000 r 7- o0 0 16 l L 11 i I ; to a aSee 010 t __ 4 . 060ce %if S&.0 pacrtsidt WD 44 A A 09 it Now so" 41 g I , C r -00 -00 X-Is U SO JW& . " 79 MON VZN) ri"Olka of 41bg awhOlitistion COWlill; p*401jimle, .Watkm St kno Plow a Wo 101ptatems put. 7u UM 00 4 - k. asaknot mrWalkna. mad iglkt at the I&OW IWO! iN kWAIL topludocoby"Yvis. C, im cusimati t4rodaim cvmpriew the folim"- m fAff III twin. of be md""WI few Wi4kcieno. 41h. momia MAN (6% N&(vI O"d HWY, Nftm DO at 00 711*. (a) Smifte Our 30 NOW. in 0 3% ""1 on,". is' i'll WAOOfOA% No liciaw"If (or $Aber wottimseevol). 69.3 (a) %rookho is bet. a" t1we ka cam Water. t- (W- see 400 v 011 "."t witit NaMS 0% valtabim CI) (ug 30 Imb mm Wolff''a (7) Acidilkodam with HOkk 4 1h& : 46411 a wm0ir4 with MM wGiff. A. P.-C. L 1 11 Wes 1 401"L~ML LIVIIII&TOWD CLISUPOCITON 600 wee see, woo of-, 'a. *#&as) aw dow All Ile ORA $tewe S a A, IF Islip it i i i i di it liiit i i li 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 000 000000000000 nelvagdoo2ey 000000 0 e 00000000 001000090 0-000000*0000 sle,006-0 , go**** Oslo O'D- - - - - 0 Iv is own 6 C 11 V 0 0 5 L a a a ft a s I W T11 A 1 -A ! 1 r . - -.k ~L ~ Op ION OF )4P 4p )OF lob ,let too lop Ogr 11"ki A -w- amp"Pom t- III PM"A 5" PM-.iam WW-d v;I MR1 two 6 P" "MA1140 sAm4mJd Affal B"r Rif& 11"Wil :#13"w P" Owm p -C J!p Joe it" copies 1 1. 9WWJ P"D dim" Ap" F"'981 SRI pw of 4mm aw 2"Ipm swas"s say" 0 "Imsmad ON 0 q" Anq mml~jp v a " = 1141 "All Wl MAW 0111111 sklemilf Jul OPIA 111" MCMIN In pq P"- 113 Ills P"-4 *(. ma I" M 4401 U-*INII '"'.0 'Awwwafiv *01qv '10-1 4 "Poo 'v'N'AO"3wOM w 02A,) sew PROM 4 At A fLan 01 0 m a a I jol" Jews many 9 :ALM-* 7 0 WO 0 n so 00 -00 00 Tv, 0 r1lumlosel see twomovir. w 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 00-0-wo nor 11 is 9 31 id a 9 0 j0 0 a a PSMISIS too 1`110FISTIO l"Of 9 _A t& N. A. N. 1. 00 KMA'.4,C, i OWN NO&Admanow Moo, Slkwoik -00 06 Rdw K a.-KAvi". oad. NowhAssidnaw. loss. -00 ZAdw low. No a Im.-Mucum Fit Cl pa *00 09 4 The go. A arms , *Ad impoove ibe qudhy of . F"- 00 a wrm tbe S~b of The own suma "I" cmt mmsima% -00 00 a -00 oo a go's 0913 -00 000 400 00 w ass 49 mass '9109 see R-smi "polo st 10 a I WL v 0 4 3 1099000,*9000 0 0 0000000*000 , a " a u " a -x -AL -L- a m p a III AND IAQ POOCI IIWbuW I%b Ow% 4L 0 -?* T 0 . 0000*0 I-C" RJR. in & @WE. 0 090 awav-dNafkbohme pert. dam *o" km md c'WW saw, (a) Inam"m ww 40-ml in& Oda. clue. as. dulkv 4 100- cmis pw (4) gum" Vkh am wat z gll&LLk*SKft LIMAT01 CLMOSOM I II -- - R. H. f 0 Of .00 zoo U410 200 a** see go voo am= woo -- - o 0 idLi-.S~dY, J. ;L. ~ - L. -MY 34039. Talanina, A. 3. i :,;.L7IirsJdy, 'I. A., Prukrasnivanie khlopc'-atoba~Az- kh tkaney. Tekstil, prom-st', 194-9, ."o. 10, ss. 26-29 SO: Knizhuaya Letopis', Vol. 7. 195~ _0 I,- 1 /71 1/1 ASTASHN. A.G.; bMKOV, II.A.; MMINSKIY. N.A. For a widespread use of peroxide bleaching of cotton'fabries. Tekst.prom.17 no.1:47-0 -J& '57. (MM 10: 2) 1. SamstItell nachallniks Tekhntcheskogo upravlentys Ntnister- stva, legkoy promWohlonnosti SM (for Astashey). 2. GlAvnyy , po khimichaskoy obrabotks tokhnalog Tekhnichemkogo upravlonlys tkaney Ministerstya logkoy proWshlonnosti SM (for Surkov). 3. Starehly Inshener Tekhnichaskogo upravlentys Ministerstva, legkoy promyshlonnosti SM Afor'Nillaskly). (Blij~ehlug) (Cottoi fintshidg) (Hydrogen peroxide) SMIGN, P.A.; KIKINA. I.I.; MILIMSHY, S.A., red.; NOSKOVA, R.F., red.; SUGMOT, V.S.*, [Now technological processes and equipsient In the finishing shops of the cotton industry) Novys tekhnologichookie protsessy I obo- rudovanie v otdelochnom proizvodetva khlopchatobumashnol pro- myshlennosti. Leningrad, Pavillon "Khlopok." 1958. 35 P. (MIRA 13:11) 1. Vessoyusnoya promyshlonnaya vystavka SSSR. (Textile finishing) (Cotton fibers) MILINTON, Trifti; SMAN, ion How to obUdn a larger volms of work from convw~tional"tractors. Mmea sindic 7 no.3s29-31,,42,Mr 163. 1. Presedinte al comitetului mindicatului de la Statiunea de masini si tractomrs Grivita., regiunea Bucuresti (for Serban). NILIRUD, B.T.._-" - I Production standards and waps. Sakh.prom.30 no.11:62-63 if '56. (mm 10:2) 1. Shpolyzaakiy sakharnyy sayod. (Sugar Industry--Production standards) (Wages) MILIMP. B,T, Sugar industry of Cherkassy Province in the sixth five-year plan. Sakhe prom. 31 no.3:6-10 Mr '57- (MLRA 10:4) 1. Shpolyanskiy sakharnyy zwod. (Cherkassy Province--Sugar Industry) GOPAKO A:.K.; KILIRUD. Oimmtor P.G. Chapur's method for boiling first mannecuits. Sakh. prom. 31 no.403-34 Ap '57. NLR& lotO 1. Shpolyanskly sakharnyy sayod. (Sugar Industry) -- I I : -- - J, - . A I KILIRUD. B.T. - ldfferenti&te wages during the industrial period. Sakh. Prom. 31 Ao.5:38-39 yr 157. MIA 10:6) 1. Shpolyanakly sakharnyy z&vod. (Sugar industry) (ilages)