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M ACCESSION OR: AP4012184 S/0101164/000/002/0012/0016 AUTHOR: Li, P. Z.; Mikhaylova, Z. V.; By*kova, L. V. TITLE Production of self extinguishing chlorine- containing polyester resins using unsaturated organophosphorus compounds - SOURCE: Plasticheakiye massy*, no. 2, 1964, 12-16 TOPIC TAGS: polyester resin, flameproofing, self extinguishing polyester, fire resistant fiberglass, chlorine containing polyester, vinylphosphonate polymer, phosphorus containing polyester, polyester resin curing ABSTRACT: Fire- resistant binders for fiber x lass can be obtained from a chlor- ine-containing polyester resin, di-/f,/-41-chlorethyl eater of vinylphosphonic acid, and polyesters based thereon. Hardening of the chlorine- containing polyes- ter resins by adding organophosphorus compounds at room temperature in the presence of various initir-tor systems was studied. The system, consisting of unsaturated polyester, styrene.and polyester based on the di7d./I-chlorethyl es- - 1/2 F-4-- . .. -.- - ACCESSION NR: AP4012184 ter of vinylphosphonic acid. hardens at 20C In presence of benzoyl peroxide and dime thylan iline. The phosphorus- containing polyester reacts through the double bond of the vinyl group, forming insoluble 3-dimcnalonal products. Fire-resist- ant fiber glass having excellent physical- mechanical propo6rties can be obtained by using a highly unsaturated polyester resin in conjunction with the diA/111- chlorethylester of vinylphosphonic acid or polyesters based thereon; beeter properties are attained with the organophosphorus polymer. Orig. art. has: 5 tables, 4 11%gures and I equation. ASSOCIATION: n'one SUBMITTED: 00 SUB CODE: MT DATE ACQ: 26Feb64 ENCL: 00 NO REP SOV: 005 OTHER: 000 Ccrd 2/2 )VA L 341Q40,- EPA(t)-2/=(M)/EPg(c)/EPR/MW(J)/Y-- P 0____RpL IrOr--AT4049840 --S/C,000/M1OOO1OO~AO 800M.- WO AUTHDRCTYakubsh,~Ik K.j.; Shagov, V. B.; Hikhavlova, Z~ V. TZM: 4ow reactionsof the hem'Lacetal terminal groups of a etaldehyde polymers SOUILCH:114h1#1cheskiye evoystva I modifikatsiya polimerov (Chemical properties and the wd. Ification of polymeirs); sbornik stateyo Mascowg lzd-vo Hauka, 1964, 102- 105 TOPIC1409t., acetaldehyde polymer, trimethylbromomethane, tr'iphenylehloromethane,.: acrcplef.W~ allyl alcohol acrylonitrile,_ isoprene. infrared spectroscopy, hydroxyl groupj !(ismLacetal group, pol~aldehyde pwp~h I --- -rd; n o ar to clarify the effect of-different terminal groups in sceta-~ Idshyd ;1' e,~polymers on the stability of these polymers, the reactions of the hydroxyk groups in these-polymers with acetic anhy termlna!~. I d;ide, trimeth lbromomethaue triphen ~,ltlcrhlorow'thane and some unsaturated compounds (acrolein, allyl alcohol, Scrylon 119i isoprene) were Investigated*- The amorphous,acetaldehyde polymer was obti;linlad by vol=rization of the aldWde at -78C In the presence of aluminum t oxide. The preparation and acetyiation of the polyme7 nd o her reactions are 7a 'Card 1 /.1 L 341411-0 ACCESIPON WE: AT4049846 -T- f 7 dextrtbed In-datail. -The -intrinsic viscosity and e I ptakllilj of the~poly- more #!,ere determined and tabulated data show, for the reaction with acetic anhy- drlde~!,thst polymers with scetylated terminal groups are more stable than the initisol-polymers, Optimum results were obtained by r-cetylation at 20C for three- 1 dayo.,;At 2DO the-molecular weight of polyacetaldehyde remains almost unchanged and tbo polymer undergoes no degradation. The infrared spectra of the acetylsteC 'Polyswr showed a sharp band at 1720 cm"l characteristic of the C-0 group. The band a ~~.4haracter is tic of hydroxyl groups were MIS 1i * The reactions with trixeShylbromomethaneqand trtghenylchloromethenelahlowed that the hydroxyl, groups are sulpstitufe-d-MMN6 groupso Poiymers VIEN ese end groups (where R'- CH3 or %H~j) are wre stable than the initial polymers; trimethylbromomethane gives a mord"eta.ble polymer.thad triphonylchloromethaneo Infrared spectra show bands characiertstic of (CH ) C groups over the region of about 1250 CMIL (trLmethyl- bromomilthane) and'of 49 groups at (triphonylchloromethane). It was had that he eetaW.s miacatal hydroxyl groups react'readity with unsaturated com- poundso as CWnVrmed by TR spectra. The best results-were obtained with acrolein~ Tabula~;ed data show that by precipitating the polymer from acetone solution with sodium',bicarbonate, its stability is increased. The stabilizing affect of Na W L 3414'1o6.5 ACCE NI: NR-., -AT4049846 F1 -fact that Wbinds the acetic acid present in bicarbbnate iv explained by the the po~ymor-and thus prevents the subsequent acid decomposition of the polymer. Howeve.0 -this stabilizing effect-is found only until, during depolymerization from tie ead.of-the chain, the equivalent amount of acetic acid is formed, for ---the-agitralization of which all the sodium bicarbonate adsorbed by the polymer TKa7sub-srItutivw-of-the- ce a is us#~V up, he~a' -CH.0 (where WHO, I CO- and RCH2 acetalklehyde polymers by CH3COO, (CH3)3CO- (C6H5)1 I CH20H;JCH..and CH=CH2) groups increases the therma stability of these polymers consid4rably.' Orig. art. has: 3 tables and 4 formulas. -AS ATION::~-_--Leningradskiy gosudaretvennyy-universitet-in. A. -Zhdanova. (Len-t- 4 state unliersit 7 SUB-CODE: OC SU*Mi'fM-. 28Jun62, --ENCL.- 00 NO RIF SOV: 001 OTHM 009 4 A_ j Card 3P L 401 re-4 RM ACCESSIONI NA:.' AR5009906 UR/0081/65/000/004/9071/9071 SOU C Kh imiya, Abs. 4S461 A? AUTHOR C AU'i; P Z. t HLkhavlova i Z. V.;.PUjachsvsk!jaj x. r. TITLEI Vrol4rties of unsaturated p 1 f 1,2-prmlene ?=4 0t trans ~/I=sd, on then. yV .esters~o parent plasti! led. Goa. qTED sstn t*khn.J ekon*~ Infbm. R.-I. in-t tekbut-ekon. iv~ .provi-sti. pri Gosplane SSSR* vyp. 6. 1964, 16-19 d, polyester plasti- 3 unsaturated compoun Cs propylone.glycol, transparent plastic TRUMATIJIMi Ths'_Otoc~erdes of polyesters based on 1,2 polypropylene. glycol and I an various qliazkfles -of :maleid and phthalLc anhydrides were studied as wel.. those Of __tr_a"P-4wt--Pl"t_Ud - 4 ddLtiw-t-cv a stw4 1,: the Under for these plastics contains styrene Ln various quantities as polyw well as b~wdiners# When an initiator system of Isopxopyl benzene bydr-operoxide and Cobalt _' I'L itaftate-j--the- -hardeninir-priocesiv took- 21 -days-i-- whilw- the use- of n pb main L t500"06 i*thyUtII:jIA*t 6n6- peroxide shortened it to 7 days. The optimm cmtent of styrene In,the bJ[6&r-w&s-%40%.- It was found that the thermal stability for copolymers of polyestelis, with. styrene increase with the non-saturaticn of the polyester, whiln the h"iessead--compre,usive strength of. these copolymers eLmultaneously decreases. 0: -satur4tion 6 the polyestar is low the wator rasis~ance of the com- When -. th notx~ f po"S i4m 106ducti* to poor.' The str*n,gtb and bending modids.of-slasticity for transparl fit: plastict -vItIf -4 bindir-14sed. on polypr;Opylenii-glydol Mleateptithalate L.5") E~IMMWFPF (C )/7;-R/E-ITP() A-XI.t -0141 till: APG012100 Ur!/0 1.) l/(~.-'/0()o/0')G/G005/000j 678. 674. 0 1: 536. -196:643, 472 AUTHOR: r'rj-W--ovn, A. fi., ChIHvovft, Yo. I-., Ginimberg, E. G.1, Z. V.-" It- Y'!: 1'. THLE: T1--rr,--W 'Iv, of uw-~ormed prilyroters V)URCF- PIrnticheiAdye mir-q, no. 6, 11)65, 6-7 TOPIC TAGH: polyctbylenn rlyrol enter, mn1rAc nrid cater, sucotntc acid enter, phonic arid crter, polyhydvophtlv~l:,in, unn-itur.-!-1 r-1yo-tor, polyetitor degradation, thermo- o)AflAtvc (1~;,rifl-itlon, ctyr, no copolyniorl2~!!,m, cyalrihmmone peroxide, cob f tipplithenato, Polyester hardening APSTRACT: The followinp polyuntero were studied: polydiothyleno glycol maleate succindel 1. 0:0. 5-0. 5 (polyentor 0, j"JycthyJcno rlycol malante d1phen3to 1. 0:0. 6:0. 5 (polyester to, ar.dpolyhydroplithnlatol.O:0,4:0.6(polyenterHI). The polyesters were also hardened by copolymorUation with styrene in the prenence of ft reducinr eystem of cyclohexamne fi,roxidt, and cobalt nn1)hthrnitn. The oxidation kinrttcg of the polyesters were followed by r3emiuring the chanro in tho preasure in Vie syntom. The thermal oxidation of the Wu-I bnrdoned polye8tors to charrwtorized by a subutantial evolution of gages which bogtm at 1300 and incremes market3y with rising temperature and initial oxygen pressure. C.'d 1/3 awe L 540tB-65 ACCENSION NR: AP5012100 i Approclablo induction perlodn wnro obnerved In the oxidation of the hardened and non- hard,irnd polyoqtor resins. Polyf,.,itor III atudled in a circulation dovice which made It popriblo to frooro out the dr, :rLid ttlon prod~ictn and determine the thermal oxidation kinotles only from the aboorl,; F-m of it In the 3yotom; Induction periods wore obsarvqd at the end of which tho rnarl ),,it d -mitoncceloration. This Indicated a radical-chain mocbji.nJrtm procor)dln,,, wilh r~ brPr)c)Anrr,. The oxidation of a styrene hardened eolut! on of polyc:-,tor III to whl,ii or;-i,nlc rAnblilzoro had been added also Indicated We machi-ninm. Tho biflurmco of varlou.) InflUrtorn uned for the hardening of unsaturated polyct,tora won manifoated only at htf;h temp-.iratuive (about 260C). The products of the therratil, oxidaUon of polyontor 111 were Identified. Orig. art. hasi 7 figures and I table. ABSCCUTIONs None IYUBMUTED: 00 ENCLi ~00 BUS COVIC.- 00, W NO RU COVi 004 OTHEM 001 2~ 2k 55 XWP IM/0191/65/000/000/0062/0064.--- Yu. D.; i A R DudM &Y.; Mironova, V.V# TITIX: -Jiro:p~erties of ae!Amp reinfo gh transparency SoUR'Caq: Plastichesidye massy, lio. 6, 1945. 02-64- TCPIC 'X~WSV- fiberglase. reWtorced plastic' transparent plastic, _glass filler, sizing ag6utp, bilicWr, polyester resin, polymer stubility the-influeace of variouit-typte of dus-fill2ra --sizing-, agents, ad binders on the - light tranenilasion and properties 'A highly U-2naparent ftherglaa~'i reinforced plastics. In the preparation of the latte.r. PNM-8!gd PNM-2 polyesteii4esias-were employed, __A_studyC1f'jI& tTRn3111jRAjN ith a spherical ef4v 'h6wed -flat the pk;;i~ce of a pirdfla or w I int t' photom 0 _polyvinyl aceta a z agen clacrae6l, thtitrawp"oy of the material In all wes, reptdleas of the filler used, whefea4 ~;Nipresewft' of glass cloth Increavas It c6siderably. The two of a glass mesh of loose Aructure is highly recommfinded, particularly if Its p&rWft content is low. Tbo ligh tranambsim also depevAs on the curing system employed and It decreases In thwfd~jcgj* order of jjul~jj systemes cyclobexanone Veroxide + NX accelerator; 1141 ketme Perajd6) + NX aocaleral*r- benzoA peroxWe + dimethylanilins- The Card ACCEM AP6014608 -Ham -find the stmosobere v - also gtwfi _ id.'~- It 1.0 that the planU39 prepared y ushig PNM-8 NO PNM- I b ooncluded -resing _w . tharicterbod by a high bamparency (760-80 . -gocd physicomecbanica)i 4 - satidtatmy reslatance to the-effect of the atmoophere.and light, -A and I (S 46d As in coistructUn. "L. . Oarabturovs t(k)k.plirt the expO!~~zintal work,"._.~kfg. ad. but 2 figures and 2 OW. Off . 0u- 0.1- NO REV! orgmu - 004 if ~;- ' 2 6 rd 1, taw. -618 ACCESSION 5019045 0 /015/6615 670,674. 678,028.294 A L.-' V. Mbto ova, I.- K., AthHOA' ~-_Kikh!216va Z. - V. BAova Traval L. V -TITW: A- i d-f&r-'hardenina--unsaturate~l-po~Zestdr-reains.---C~.ass.39 No- 7 7t' 17263i ... . ............... 7 tl 11.1uliaten' itobretealy i- tovarny):h' zin'aikov, no. 12 -1965, 75 SOURCE.f TOPIC TAC t ci~j -resin' ,pql:y4ster recin, thermal stability. -Autharli Certifidate intr-(4ucea.A~.metbc)d,for~~ardening unsaturated. Polyester..; ~0*v by co~plymerization with a cross-linking phoaphoruef-contaLning ~agent An-tt ence,-of -an oxidation~-red%'ictlon_pystem 'at. room, -temperature The thermal --at and self-stopping priopelties ok these polyesters are inroved by using di(yo thp;ryl6tbyl)metbylpho'Llpb4nate as the phosphorua-containing cmis-link., ing agent.~~ ~,i Raudhno_issledova Vskiy1ristitut, plastUheakik -dwo to h (Scientifid; SOURCE CODEs UR/0191/65/000/012/bO55/0059 AUTHORS t Iludina, Yu. D.; Hikhayloya, Z. Kaganovs To. L., I Z40~1 S. D. ORG: none TITLEt GIs a reinforced p1gatic based on unoattwated star-resins or hi SOURCEs Plastichaskiye massy, no, 12, 196% 55-59 TOPIC TAGSs7 glass textolite, tensile strength, resin, fire resistant material, elastic modulua,, compressive atzength,, impact strength / PH-IS resin, PN-3S resin, PH-6 resin,, FN-62 resin ABSTRACT: The results from an investigation of physical and mechanical properties of polyeator fireproof binding agents and glaas-rainforced plastic based cn these materials are reported, and the effect of var;ous glass fillers upon the Froperties of plastic glass Is exp3ained, Resins PN-IS V1 PN-3Sj, PN-6p and PH-62 uere selected for this study,, Their synthesis and ~W-O'~ Hr-iea were described by Ps Z. Lip Z. V. Hikhaylovat, L, %, Sedov,, Ye, L, Kagawvat and Ye, L. Gefter (Plast, ZQASYP 1100 llp 9, 1960). muil by P, Z., Us, Ye,, L. Kaganova, and Z. T, Hikhaylova, (Plast, massy,, No, $1, 131, 1963)e Specific Impatot toughneseq limits of bandingt tensile and compressive strengths, and corresponding elasticity moduli, Brinell hardness,, and Martens' UDC: 6784.06-4194:677*521.029.65 ALk; MKI A26001503 I thermostabIlIty of glass tOxUlIt48 based on above realus are reported@ Hygro- scoplaity of the realno and of plastIcs based on theme to von as their weather- and light-.4stability and Mjt&SUaj-t&-QCgcgwth of two wore imest1gatede Orice and 4 tabbse art, has: "(6 i'1 SUB ME DATEt none/ ORM HEFi 004/ OTH REP$ 003 nr L65i3o-6,v~ 'F ~LrXT(w)/ZPF(c)/9WP(J)/T RM AP5 ACC~IOV !1~2 02_1~" VR/028605/000/013/0070/0070 AUTHORS t I i:Mikhaylova# Z4 Vj l(oganoval Ya-*.L,l Malinovskayn, T. P '.TITIE.- 'A1( Wthod Do rhardening, a mixture of polyester-malclinate and polyester- a Cla 9" No. crylate ;esins., 3 . _172491 Soma f ~Unetvnl isobratenly i tovarqrkh inakovp no. 130 1965,-70 TOPIG ThGtil-'resins- polyesterIs, hardening; method 4- ABSTRACTil. a Author.Certificite-present-a a wthod for hardenin- LY amixture of I I i1v_ yest *a : 61einate and polyestoraci7late; re ins in the presence of oxidiz pol ro4uolng realm. at roorir temperature. To:-accelerate geUing d=ing simultaneous in intenalvejhardening-of roe two hydroxides, a tertiary amino, and a fatty acid salt, sucf,ds cyclohwmnono peroxide, isopropylbenzine bydroperoxide, natural rubber avieletator, and dimethylaniline,are used-as the oxidizing-reducing ASSMUTItt. hno-is sloLdovatel I s3dy institut plasticheakikh X~ass_(Sciontifie'.4 ti Research tA, of, MAM SUB=IEE SUB CODEt -00' bo NO VMRS- ~000 Cam L 38508-56 EWT(m)/a1VPQ)/T IJP(c) N W/RM ACC NR, ;.p6ol8l23 (A SOURCE CODE: UR/0191/66/000/006/0019/0021 ;A UTHOR: 1.1, F. Z.; ~Likhaylova, Z. V.; Bykova, L. V. ORG: nonEl qITLE: CopolymerizationAof unsaturated polyesters~with different monomers ~SOURCE: I'lasticheakiye massy, no. 6, 1966, 19-21 'TOPIC TAGS: polyester plastic, copolymerization, polymerization catalyst, 'heat res'.stance, hardness, vanadium pentoxide, ~AjomeR ABSTRACT: The effect of vanadium pentoxide as an accelerator in an oxidation-reduction curing system for the copolymerization of unsaturated polyesters with different monomers was investigated. The study was conducted uaing resins based on polyethylene glycol maleinate hexachlo::~oendomethylenetetrahydrophthalate blended with polyester acrylate 160 ---ffe-sins were ~TMG,3 r with polydiethylene glycol maleinate phthalate. cured with cumene hydroperoxide (C) and 0.25 and 0.5% solutions of V205 In acid phosphate (accelerator B). The gelling rate was affected much more by .,hange In concentration of B than of C. Gelling with C+ B started In 1-3 hours in the polyester samples; the corresponding Card 1 -ULC: 678.6741410 =9:678-7144] :678.044.6 L 38508--,:,6 ACC NR. ix6o18123 induction period at room temperature for C-#-NK (Abstractor's note--M' not defined, probably cobalt naphthenate) was several days. The C+ B system gives a harder, more heat stable lightly colored non-sticky glassy product. If resins made with C +Bare heat treated for 3 hours at 800C their hardness and heat stabilityNre higher than for room temperature cure. Gel formation is slowed down in a 3-component system of C-t B+ NIX., Optimum hardness and heat stability are obtained if about 0.5 parts by , weight of NK is used per 100 parts of resin. Unsaturated polyesters Can$ be cured. at room temperature with systems containing V20 ; resultant I resins have improved properties. Orig. art. has; 8 fig'i2es and 1 table., i SUB CODE: 07/ SUBIJ DATE: none/ ORIG REF: 002/ OTH REFt 009 Card L o8798-6L EWT(u)/EWP(J) IJP(c) WW/RH ACC NR, AP6030851 (A, IV) sdu CODE: UR/0191/66/000/009/001~0/0042 ___ & Z. V.i Bykova. L. V.& Chertok. 0. M.; Volkov, .AUTHOR: L~L P. Z.A Mi~a~.~ova _ B. V.; Zaslavskiy-, N. N.; Telegin-a, L. I ; Novikova, T. V. 3,~ 1ORG: none !TITLE: Moisture resistance and chemical stability of unsaturated polyester resins ~modified -with colophony SOURCE: I'lasticheskiye massy, no. 9, 1966, 40-42 TOPIC TAGS: solid mechanical property, polyester plastic. synthetic material, physical chemistry property, stability constant ABSTRACT: Moisture resistance an( .ition stability of two commercial resins modi- ,?oxi&- fied with coephony, resin PN-10-'a copolymer of an unsaturated ester with styrene and resin TGM-~- (a copolymer of an unsaturated ester and polyacrylate)'and some glass laminiFt-es,-,,;5ased on these two resins were investigated. The physical prop ert i es-o-F-tge- colop~_ony~modified resins ave tabulated. The tensile strength of the colophony-modi- fied resins and the glass-laminates based on them was practically unaffected after holding in water or M-sulfuric acid for 7-360 days. In general, the addition of colophony was found to be beneficial with respect to water resistance and chemical stability of the unsaturated polyester resins. Orig. art. has: 1 figure and 3 tables-~ St6l CODE: ll/ SUBM DATE: 00/ ORIG REF: 000/ OTH REF: 006 ceird 3.13. not UW_! 6 A-filk SPA(s)-*I.EW(M)IEPF~O)IF-iWEWP(J)IT .'P" Ps-4/Pt-lo -ASD(m /Pr-4/ )-3 ACCESS! 6kmt:~ AP4048204 0/6101/64/060/011/0019/0021 'MOE Z. -V.' U, P. Z. Savichb* 0. L ~6 Trr k. Of -the pmpertieB of po Ind of the MI-1 .' aWdy.o _kvk!LmA1ycolma1eate_ diphenate glass to 6 Wites based on them CE! SOUR achpodyepassy*, no, 110:1964, 19-21 -TOPIC as.. MMLIO a klixi . textolite, ~Oolyathyleneglycqlmaleate, diphenio acid, inate - rties of po ABSTAK"ITi-Miprope 1yethyleneglycobnaleate d1phenates and the glass t' ad 1rom'th6mwerO_1av*sUgl%hg1_- sing-~olyeAter-resinB-based-on,.ethylone texiall Oil L o__ - - - __u - - patlii diphe -glycolmit!, n4e. with differqht proportions of acid roagento in the formula, ob- tained byi ~*Iymdensation in a malt. The reaction was carried out at 200C until an acid number 33-36 w as obtained. The beginning of polycondensation was noted at 140-150C; the react. bn time was- 9-16 hra. d.epending:on the ratio of the acid reagents. The syn- thesizo& lyesters- were solid, brittle, br)wn products. Their characteristics are tabu- latod jm& I tW The polyesters are chazacterized by a good compatibility with styrene up to u r 0 of about'-26:75. - The -temperatare dependence of the, vismoityof the atyr~ne ~90 solution -,,,r,~olyethyleneglycolmaleate-diphenate showed a hyperbolic -6haracter-i-nd could be --Card - 1/2'W KUHATLOVA-ALKS YEVA. L.Y. -(Iosaingred, Vevskiy pr., d.128. kv.69) Substernal goiter [with ou=ary in Bnglish. p.1.54] Voot.khlr. 77 no.12:95-98 D 156. (MMA 10:2) 1. Is fakulltatakoy khtrurgichookoy kUniki (sav. - prof. A.T. Nellaikov) 1-go jAningradskogo maditainakogo institute in. eked. I.P.Paylove. (GOITER. statist. subaternal) fy~ j r~' 14 A Y j (1~1/ ,A - )?) (-- I,- )~) /A "~" "" K. 1-.~ ~/ ~-) ') L ~' I KI'VATOORODSKIY, I.I., dnktor tekhn. nauk. prof.; EHITCHIRSKAYA, A.Z.; ARCHAKOVA, R.Ao,- MIKHATILTA-BOGDANSMA, Z.A.. BARINOVA, A.S. Investigating methods of reducing the ~olumatric weight of foan glass. Trudy VVIIStekla no-37:3-11 157. (KIBA 11:1) (Glass, Gellular) , 1101."JAK, VjVj, Vand.t,,~skhndj)ni1ki 41KIiA*[,,OVA-nOOr)Lli!JXIYA, *,',,A,, Insh, ~-- - - ~, - 1- ,. - Erfect of thm bbbllrr or pintia bnt,:~ b'-.1 tht or air on Ite ohorninnll hnnr)g~t,,ejtys ~taks I ier. -I 0 164. (MIN )Pill) ls Gonudarstvennyy rifi~i(--Ino-inslfldovatnltrkly Instl t.0. MIKIUYLOVA-GUBRIKO, Singular integral equations in Upshits spaces. Dbkl. All SSSR 159 no.3009-511 19 164 (MIRA 18il) 1. Leningradskiy gosudarst7ennyy universitet imeni A.A. Zhdanova. Predstavleno akademikom T.I. Smirnovym. NIKHATU)TA-LUKASHEVA. T.D. Dynamics of motor chronazy in epilepsy as an index of theranoutte effectiveness. Zhur.nevr.t paikh. 55 no.5:349-358 155. (KM A:7) 1. Pat of ist ologicheakaya laboratoriya 1-y Hookovskoy gorodskov psi- khonevrologichookoV klinicheskov bollnitey iment Kashchenko (glAv- rqy wrach A.L.Androyev). (XPILVSY. therapy. resulto, motor chronazy an idox of effentiveness) (MMVOUS Sn"EM. in various diesanea, epilepsy, motor chronaxy as index of offeclivoness of ther.) USSR/Humn and Anirnl Physiology - Norvous Systc:n. T-10 Epilepsy. Abs Jcur Ref Zhur - Biol., ND 7, 1958, 32187 Author Mi Inat Title Or, the Neurodymu-de ILq)air=nt in Patients with EpUupsy in the Period Between Attacks. Orig Pub Vestsi AN BSSR. Ser. biyal. n., Izv. A11 BSSR. Ser. Bi-ji. n., 1956, rio 4, 129-138 Abstract In patients with general crilepsy, with grand and petit attacks, the developmnt of differentiated retardation was delayed, it was unstable, and subsequent retardation was observed; with the use of inhibited con-litioned sti- rnd=ts., the we.11-developed conditioned reflexcs dropped A out) the latent period of reaction increased. The impair- raent of the intercction and rmbility of primary processes affect nut unly the c,.jrtex but a1sc )ther sections ,f the Card 1/1 (711S. USSR Human and Animal Physiology (Ncrriml and Patholo- T gical). Nervous System. Epilepsy Abs Jour! Ref Zhur-Biologiya, No 21, 1958, 97873 Author Mikhaylova-Lukasbeva, V. D, Inst Not given Title The Influence of Shimmering Light on Convulsive Attacka in Rats Induced by Strong Sound Stimulants Orig Pub: Dokl. AN BSSR, kc)57, 1, No 1, 37-40 Abstract: Rats whidh reacted with a convulsive attack (CA) to the bell, become insensitive to it In those cases whero switching on of the bell was preceded by the effect of a shimmering light. In animals insensi- tive to the isolated bell atimulant CA was observed as a response to the same bell on the background Card 1/2 86 USSR/Human rind Animal Physiology - Blood Circulation. Abs Jour Ref Zhur - Biol., No 7j 1958, 31721 Author Mi'Aiaylova-Lukashova, V.D. Inst Title Preliminary Data on Changes of t4ie Elec trocardi,, gram In Epilectic Patients in the Periud Between Fits. Orig Pub Vestsi AN BSSR, ser. biyal. n., Izv. AH BSSR, ser. biol. n4j, 1957, No 1, i2g-i36. Abstract No abotract. Ca rd 1/1 MIKHATWVA-UJUS1407A. V.D. [Milrhai lava- laikashova, V.D.] Study,ing conditioned notor connections In epileptics during Intervals betwasn selstwes. Vestsi AN BSSR Stir. bilal. nav. no.l: 110-118 158. (MIRA 11:5) (EPIMMY) HIM-TWA-UMASIWA, V.D. Dynamicn of electrocutaneous resistance in e,3ileptics. T I t. rwJY ns fislol. AN BM 2:80-90 '58. (MIRA 12:1) 1. litboriLtorlya v7sahey nervnoy days.tellnosti Inatituta fiziologil As WSR. (3PILVST) (SKIN) (3TZCTTIO-IHT3IOIO3T) HUMATLOYAn-VIPMOTA, V.D. Nikha I lave -Lukas hova. V.3.1 . -Contour dynnmics of th,) rNual field In respon&p to wliite ~-olor In epileptics during the inte-vals between attacim. Vents" AN BSSIZ. Ser. bit3l. nav. no. ?:(19-92 159. (mTIA ilia) 'FIPILFAPSY ' IPER IMNTRY I MIMiTLOW-LIKASHEVA', V. D. , Doe of Blo Sol -- (diss) "Physiological Study of Epileptics during the Interfit Period," Minsk, 1959, 37 pp (Institute of Biology, Acad Sol Belorussian SSR) (KL 4-60, 116) KMAYLOVA-LUMMITA, V.D. Vyimartlcm of the boundaries of the field of vision of colored objects in epileptics. Trudy Inst.fistol. AN BSSR 3tlO3-110 159. (MIRA 13:1) 1. Taboratorlym vysshey nervnoy dayatelluosti Instituta fizio- logil AN BSSR. (IIPMVST) (COLOR SINSI) PIMIAXWVA-LUKASMAliWg.ntinA_Lhplyanovna; BULYGIN, I.A., prof., red.; - --BUUTi-O-.t ia-.-izd--va; TOLOMMOTICH9 1.9 takhn. red. [Pathophystology of epilepsy] K vaproau patofiziologii spilepaii. Minsk, Izd-vo Akad. nauk BSSRq 1960. 242 p. (KIRA l4t6) (EPILEM) . rMikhallava-LuIcashora, V.D.] ~1KHATLOVA,LUKASHMA, V.D I Boole on the signifliance of the reflex theory of the materialistic conception of the nature of sensation (OThe problem of sensations and the reflex th-iory" by V.M. lovalgin. Reviewed by V.D. 141khallava-Lulmshova). Vestal AN BSSR. Ser. blial. nav. no. 4:142 143 160. (MIRA 14:1) (Senses and sensation) MIKHAYLOVA-LUKASHEVAY V.D. Bioelectric activity of the brain of elderly peoples Dokl. AR BSSR 7 no,107-61 Ja 163o (MIRA 17:1) 1. Sektor gerontologii AN MSR. Predstavlenc, akademikom AN BSSR V.A. Leonovym. MIKHAYLOVA-LUKASHEVA, V.D. Conditioned reflex activity of elderly people. Dokl. AN BSSR 7 no.7t492-497 Jl 163. 'MRA 16:10) 1. Sektor gerontologii AN BSSR. Predstavlono akndemikom AN BSSR V.A.Leonovym. S T: 7) yljr Tfl', V.., . ; 147 K ~ YA"OVA-MV-91IFTA) VOO bloOftet,r1e, activity r m1motic rmji:e t -, It old"17 , ;--~; In. Dokl. A17 Er.9-R 9 nc. Ilt765-768 N 065 f!.!7,TIA 29r1) 1. ;rk.o - ge -or f-ol ogi I AV Er,:,R. 1. 4039-66 - Acc ws- M,6o3o9w SOURCE CODE: BU/0015/66/027/001/0039/005Q AUTHOR: ~I,UjUgXa-joycheva, P. ORG: Matti Llamo upravl. za geol. prouctivaniya) T I TLE: -.rofaunistic investigations of the Albian in North-wostorn Philgaria SCURCE- Bulgarsko geologi(-hosko Spisanic, v. 27, iv,). 1, 190), 39-50 TOPIC TAG!,: paleontology, peotog ABSTRACT: Drilling expeditions were conducted in connection with ,Ion betw9in the village of Rabisho, micro"sunistic investigations of the rf3r and the lo'cor river in North-Western Bulgaria. The study covered the entire prorne of the Albia period and compared it with findings on the surface. It turned out that the Olonsoinsian horizon compri7ing the H. bigouret.i, tha Noleni Zone, and the Jacobi Zone of the lower Albion can be examined layer by layer. The Nolani Zone has a monotonous and poorer foreminifai-a assemblage with a prevalence of agglutinated shells. Now species with an abundance of planktons appear In the Jacobi Zone. There is again a apfirsity of fauna in the Tardefuroote Zone. The Riddle Albion - tthe Dentattis Zone - is almost deprived of foraminifers and contains only fish romnstits. Plankton foraminifers of the family Olobigarinidas and ~radiolsrls are chiefly found in'the Upper Albion - the Orbipyi Zone. Orig. art. haal 1 table. LJFIL31 36,841.1 SUB CODE: 06 SUBK DATEt IlMar65 / ORIG REF: 005 / SOV TU 1 001 OTH REF: 004 0 4 797-Z' 71. KIKKAIMOVICH, A.K., Inshener; WHAPMAR. Ys.A., inzhener. PAV.44;1.,r '"',',-, - Testing a ground-peat vortex-type furnace. (Trudy] KM no.15:30-44 152. (KEaA 8: 5) (Furnaces--Testing) WIRNOT. Vladimir Petrovtch. Prinimali uchastiye: LADITSKIY. V.F., ksnd-tGkhn-nauk; SHAPKIN, I.F.. kand.tekhn.nsuk; JUKHAYWTICH. A.M.. Inzh.. KNORRE, G.F., prof.. doktor takhn.nauk, zaalu- shennyy dayatell nauki i tekhniki. red.; TOROYIN. K.P.. [Boiler units) KotelInys ustanovki. Fod red. G.F.Knorre. Moskva. Gos.energ.izd-vo, 1959. 303 P. (HIM 12:6) (Boilers) 112-1-196 Translated from: Referativnyy Zhurnal, glektrotekhnika, 1957, Nr 1, P.29 (USSR) AUTHORS: Kuznetsov, L.I., Mikhaylovich, A.M TITLE: Investigation of the Spreader Type of-airning Anthra- cite with Liquid Slag Removal on the Aand (Issle- dovaniye sloyevogo, szhiganiya antratsita a zhidkim ahlakoudaleniyem na stende) PERIODICAL: Sbornik: Issledovaniye kotellno-topochnykh protsessov, Moscow, Maahgiz, 1955, pp.62-70. ABSTRACT: Bibliographic entry. C ard 1/1 MIKHo'LTWVICH A-H- inzhener. I. ",** Design, manufacture and installation of ash-sluicing apparatus developed by V.P. Smirnov for periodical and continuous ash sluicing in h,7draulic ash removal systems. (Trudy] M77U no.59:124-139 '55. (KLRA 9-5) (Ash disposal) MIKHAYLOVICH, A.M...; DOGINOV, B.I., Juind. tekhn.nauk, red, (Lecture on a course in "Boiler systems*; brAler equip- ment] Lektaiia po kurou "Kotel'nye ustanovki"; armatura kotellnykb agregatov. Moskira, Vses. zaochnyi energ. in-t, 1962. 72 p. (MIRA 16:11) (Bbliers) ACCIS NRt;- AP :Wo 82/0/000 08A oil a b043353 0 353/2M llf-irov, - Zh. 1. 10*6-Mikhozova, AUTHM Xorolikov V 1 tuxikhg V W:17 "t-, PASUGG of -Study, --ths grovth of and cadmi TITUVI f us ts fil -as on, :the: --jalliuml-ars snide sups Er-affiR, -Sy ~tsv transport rogation SOURor", 'Fit 'ka~~*~vardogo tale, v'. A. no.- 8, 1964 9353-2357 .,gallium 1hosphide,',ca4mium telluride, gallium phosphide 1AGO: fills admiu"m telluride film, thin f Ila groving, film roving -ADS IT:':'~--The vpitaxial- galliuvi:p hosphide and ~6&dxiux-'tellurido filab -S!,* -gallium-'arsenide substrate by usi vere own:on the ng transport reac-1 t16A IWO 0 gasec" state and todint an the transporting medium in-ampule axsicuj,j1,,qd,-to approx 10 -.:- Ms.-- Hg.o:.l -Alm a at -.:.all -the.. films.:.ver* single cryiati!.s.", 41 th'~ iiir r-'or- like surifacest- -.The rate of.-the film grovt4.waa faun ;, o--'dopond'on -the a ur 'fallum Ph'osphide or:cadmium telluride cl a cc (11 *lluride tcmp~ei'Uure only (not'on the sulistrate temperature) and to vary fro% 2 P/hr.';4t iom- to 4. s u/hr-at li)90X~eource temperature. The typo of condulivity-of -the f Ila ~-vas tho s am* as that of,the substrate. The N&C _:.._AP 0 ACM 3333 XNCLOSUM 01 , , j -Fig III - Volt-super* characteristics pw, f :phosphidC-ana gallius arsenide - LO cis 5.: film thickniss N a _'10 Rd 1016 ca-.: substrate 300 u,: I . 3'-~,,m; 39 71 x Al Csrd7' ------------ A LF~ F 1 "h. I.; , V. I . ; M1F1lAYJ-fAlA-MTFla,YFJA ~ i.p. ; M M.ANE NKC , V.N. ; Study on the growtK of gallium phosphide and cadmium tell~,rlde on gellium arsenide in ras-transport reactions. Fiz. Wer. tela i rio.8:2353--r'35- Ag 164. (M,'T,~. 17: ' I ' .. Fiziko-tekhnicheskiy institut imeni lloffe All SFSP, Leningrad. i7IZ76/65/OW/Oa2/OQT/o52 5 Z/Al, 26 4=0116t'~ Krestenetsicirt IsMe o md Mikhvrlovert H*Vo U'' 0 eahnoIogr, of machining TITLE 9 w development in tits t elezents-of-'guiding apparatus for-centrifugal,pumps PMU01Y WALz Referativnyy zhurnalf Tekhnologiya, mashinostroyeniya, no. 2, 1963-j. 40p abstract 2' 156 (Novosti neft. i gas. tekha. Nert. oborud. L sred6tva, avtomatizoi no. 6p 19629 31-32) TEXT t. -.The' technologIcal praceas -of manufaoturing the blank with allowehqes and tolerances -is desorLbed as well as the aubsiquent Machining L an Ajt ~ the guiding apparatus to'the secon& Class of finish. When 0 f Men millir .iIgthe channels a special face.,plate is used Mounted on the turn table' or thfi;;m,&ohin6* The face plate has movable LCenters and in a number of cases-lan be.coamon for elements of goveral. dimensions. There are 2 figUrGM Tj, Taukerman (Abstrkoterts itotet Complete tran~iation..) Card'. Mlr,HA'IWVER, M.V.; TUREVU11Y, 1. 3). Certain problem3 in the technology of Ue manufarture of the fundanentnl parts of pumps under conditions of Werimental productlon. Wish. 1 neft. cb)r. no.Ut26-34 163 WRA rt7) 1. Vloskovqkty zavod ekqp~r-~.,nentalvnykh mashin Gosudarstvemogc nauchno-Isslednvateltnkogn I pror-kUngn institula neftymngo maeb1nostroyenly-ae BMUILOV, I.Te.; KU_RDYUM0V, V.11., iuzh.; V rabote prininall achast17e: GABRIIMTKO, I.V.; GRABOVSKIT, I.I.; NMHCHADIN, A.G.; BZIOBORODOV, V.V.; VISHNEPOLISKAYA, F.A.; MATSUI. Tu.P.; GATTSIROXI, Y.I.; USACHEV, A.S.; ABIINA, N.N.; RUNTANTSEVA, A.G.; 10SH1127, A.k.; GRIGORITF.V, F.L.; LUKASH3710H. A.M.; STTAZEXINA, A.G.; MIERAYLOVICH, A.H.-. TEDEMSKIY, P.M.; HASLOV, P.Y.; KUDRYASELEVA, Z.P.; PROSMUSHE11T. CH.; SHTALIBIRG, V.A.; BOTTSOV, N.I. Operational experience with a newly introduced oil-extraction line equipped with the DS-70 belt-conveyer extractor. Ylas 1. -zhir. prom. 26 no.3:29-31 Mr 160. (MIRA 11:6) 1. Veesoyuznyy nauchno-issledovatellskiy institut shirov (for Bezuglov, Gabrilenko, Grabovskiy, Neshchadim, Beloborodov, Vishnepollakaya, Mateuk and Gaytakhoki). 2. Leningradskly shirovor kombinat (for Km-dyumov. Usachev,.Abkina, RmWantseva, Koshelev, Grigorlyev, Waishevich, Styashkiua, Mikhaylovich, Yedemskiy, Kaslov. Kudryasheva, Frosmushkin). 3. laningradekoye otdolent7e treeta "Prodmontazh* (for Shtallberg and Boytsov). (Leningrad--oile and fate) (ketraction apparatus) 1. I!?'.'-' 11.*t: M3 C11, I.N. ~Vngs.' 2. USSR ('00) 4. Olecrtarprine 7. Detei-mining salt content in margarine. Masl. zhir, prcm. 17. no. 2. 1952. 9. Monthly List of Russian Accessions. Library of Congress, February -1953. Unclassified. NMH.(,,HkDjMp A.G., inzh.; Prinimali uchastiyes IOADEYLVAv K.M. insh,; yEDFjeKlyv p.m., inzh.;,MIKHAYWVICH, -4,N,, inzh.; MITAKOVA, M., Inzh. Monloothermal stop extraction with the yield of high concentra- tion micelles. Misol.-ahir,prom. 28 no.120-13 D 062 (;MA 161l1 1. Vi3esoyuznyy saochnyy institut pishchevoy proaqahlennosti (for Neshchadim). 2, Leningradakly maslozhirovoy kambinat (for Fadeyeva, Tedemakiy, Mikhaylovich). 3. Leningradskoys otdeleniye Voronethskogo tekhnologlebeakogo instituta (for Yemellyanova). (Oils and fats) (Extractio6 (Chemistry)) YTj',jOSLAVIA / Diseases of Farm Antmals Diseases R-1 Caused by Bacteria and Fun~71 J~)ur~ Ref Zhur-Biol., No 2, 1958, 7304 Author Stamatovich C Mikhaylovich B Inst Not Given ritlo Infectious Inflamation of the Hoofs of Sheep O-ig Pub: Veterin. glasnik. 1956, 10, No 10, 745-752 (Serb- Khorv.). Abstract: The eplzootology, ethiology, pathological anatomy, the clinical picture, diagnosis, differential diag- nosis, treatment and prophylaxis of hoof rot are described. In Yugoslavia this disease has great importance in sheep breeding. In bacteriological examination of diseased hoofs Spirohaeta penortha ,S necrophorus and Fusiformis nodosus were found. fn treating the disease, good results were obtained Card 1/2 YU(IOSLIVIA / Diseases of Farm Animals Caused bY Bacteria and F~jngj. Diseases R-1 Abs JOUr: Ref Zhur-Biol.' No 2, 1958, 7304 Abstrac-;: from Copper sulfate, 5 percent of chloramphenlcol,- Oinl-ment, terramycin 'ointment and a solution of Pleric acid saturated with 96 percent alcohol, as well as from bathin8 wi of acid copper sulfate or th 5-10 percent solution Of formalin. In a 5-10 percent solution from the healt The diseased sheep were separated hy ones. and no less than a month were released iilto the healthy flock after their recovery. Card 2/2 13 jjj(j0SLAVjA / Dise0808 of parm Anl=18. Diseases Cound R by Bacteria and Pungi Abs Jour: Ref Zhur-BiOloglyas No 16, 1958, 74208 Author Dzhirich, V., MikhayloVich, B. List Not given Title On the Problem of Treatment of otitis Externe in Dogs Orig Pub: Acto vetorin., 1957, 7, No 2, 51-57 Abatract; The following bacteria were found in different forms of otitis externa: Staphylococcus albuss Proteus vulgaris, Pseudomnas neruginosa, Corinebacterium, Sarcinum, Staphylococcus aureus et citreus, E. coli, Bacterium paracoli, hemolytic streptococci. Ad- ministration of antibodies quickly leads to re- Card 1/2 JT I/I/ ""r !-,' /-7, If ~ ~ V , . I' , 'I - MIKEEATLOVICH, 1. Rev motorbus ortation in Leningrad. Lyt.tranap. 35 ne.10-37 0 157. (MIRA 10:10) (leningrad-Notorbus lines-Stations) - 7 , ~ ': : / . I . , . 11~ , I KIKHATWVICH I.N - The group method to plastering and masonry. Dull.tekh.lnform. 3 no.5:30-12 '57. (KMA 10:10) (Plastering) (Hasontry) IUKUYLUVICii, L. U.,;'.1,1?/Chenda-try - Syota:,B,, il~r"f Sep 4 C Oiaxis-try - ItumAnic Comoowt4a "Anary Systu-.w Go.---~uwd of ttia aUdee of Alie.3nf TitArdump T.In Aracnic, antlaony and isismth r.1th Variods jr..,an1c QKx,,ounds,,* No A* -'Uming Collaborstourst NO V&iwvlcho I* VolktskU4 To VorWowvoyp L. Mwiclieng Lo KWAylovichp Le Hikalidip Is Parkho"flop YGO Ubovicho Opp 8&,ur Ubzhd~ Minil" Vol WIN# No 9 Investigatw fusibl"'Ity diagrams *L 16 binury eystem o Shows that arvouic trichlarlde ulth aidlint and lo3s4-4W11dins gives kVh-watirg *wWuunds of coMosition ASC13JC6451112 wd AsQj*3(C'13)2rA'3*W2, "n"o t"rsdibride W"A 0-vit"nisolD t)rm a ca !-*und of eQm1W1sCuUr ckqmdtiov* SnC14*0*G61h(AD2)eC6CH3* no resalnine aCratemog excor)t arsenic tribrood(W-asobonsenal, are mechanical dixtures In the crystalline statee A sacondq nodificaUou of blsmtb tribraml a-data with transit-,in to.-+vr;Ature of ISloo Stahmitted 13 Jun 47, VA 30/49T5 MXHAIWVICH, S.M.; YERLEKSOVA, Ye.Ve Remote reiralts of 112-10 inJur7. Ked.rad. 6 no.3s54,58 161. (POWNUN-TOXICOLOGY) (KMA 1415) -x 6 AFFY/S n: 837 ,J- 'AMOR ight sif-,&, ir.10M. --------- TITLEV~ Ude - of ~ 1-Wohylus in acute radifiti2n aInduced by 0-7 - --- --- %OTMOM Wit,41makays radLologi7at - V* - '9, no. 4# 1964# 43-46 IOP AGS., -lavehrlus thorapetitie effecti- mithloll radiation .,,slolawas, ~~polonitm-210# blood coagulition# capinary permoabilit7p lary _--iiit 011pil: :frag 7 IAEISWPTV ---The ;,thiorapeutia -affeat of'.2ago6ibisp at"tio prop4tfdti orip - oxv:_bal~illar~r fragtlity- viud -pormeAbility-An &auto radlatiim pickness-was invost gAted in 120 mica, 170 ratsp and 8-dogov 'Radiiii;Ioul- sickhoss was induced in the animals with single suboutan eous:J?0I.M1 , .210 injections (0.1 -ma/kg for mice# 0#05 6/~g for rats;. iand 0,j06 Ma/kig for dogA)d, Lagochylus preparations in the form Of AA 21% ithier'-tasion, or a 5% -tincturb were administered daily f co 10 Up ~aftev Irradiatiomb, In-ad Itional tests Ia gochylue propwal, on ;oomblpod -with-u-nithiol. (51 water solution) ard admiiiijitered tw....., [Card (2 A VAJIMNIrp IVA.; HMWMVICH, -YA.- Acetylprcoazine and levoprcmarine used In premeacation for general anesthesia. Toot.khir. no.10S135-3.40 161. (MM 14: 10) 1. Iz kafedry torakallnoy khirurgil i anosteziologii (Sav. - prof. S.A. Gadzhiyw) TonlWadskogo gosudaietwennogo ordena tenina inotituta usoverohenBtvovani~a vrachey ix. S.M. Kirova i leningradskago gorodskogo onkologichookogo dispansera (g1. vrach - S.S. Yaritsym), (TRANQULIZING DRUGS) (ANESTIMSIA) GALZHIYEV, S.A.; VANEVSKIT, V.L.; WKHAYLOVICH, V.A. Aneathesiological problem in surgery on the open heart. Grud. khir. 5 no.1:122-128 Ja-F'63, (MIRA 16:7) 1. Iz kafedry torakallnoy khirurgii i anesteziologil (zav.-prof. S.A.Gadzhiyev) Leningradekogo ordena Lenina institute usovershen- stvovanlya vrachey imeni S.M.Kirova) (HFART-SURGERY) (ANESTHESIA) MIF.HAYLOVICH, V.A., referont., Minutes of the Anesthestological Section of the Pirogo-r S-u-- gical Society for meetijigs Nos. 57 and 58. Vest. khir. 70 no.6:154-1157 (MIRA 16t12) SHRAYBERP H.G., prof.,, referent; HIKIIAYLCIVICH, V.A., referent Minutes of the Anesthesiology Section of the Firogov Sur- gical Society for meetings No. 54 and 55. Vest.khi . 90 no.3:154-158 W163. (MIRA 16:10) (AITESTIUS 10LOGY-CONGRMSES) KIRFIATLOVICHO V.A,, referent Sittings of the Leningrad Anesthesiology Smiety, Test. I&Ar. 93 no,&157-158 Ag 164, (MIRA-180) LYININ, prof. referent; I-UKW%YIjjVICH, V.A., tund. ned. noulk; YDE14,11TOV, A.V.** dotaefit7,-'- Proceedings of Surgical Societies. Veot. khir. 94 rio.2:147-11116 F 165, (RIRA 18: 5) KTKHAYLOVICH, V.A. Electrical activity of the brain durl,nf open heart surgery under moderate hypothevila, Eksp. khir. I, &nest 8 no.5t 66-71 S-D 163. (MIRA 17,6) 1. Kafedra torakalinoy khlrurgia i anesteziologil (zav.- prof. S.A. Gadzhiyev'l Len.ngradskogo instituta usovers hens tvovani ya vrachey imeni S.M. Kirova. 1,0 MIKHAYLOVICH, V.A., referent Minutes of meetings Nos. 61 and 62 of the AneethealologIcal Section of the Pirogav Surgical Society. Vest. Khir. 91 nc, lOtl56-158 0 163. (MIRA 17:7) 1-1-HUMVIC111 V.A. Mintites of tb(s Anesthesiological Section of the Pirugov Sur- gical Society for the menting No.56. Vestn. khir. GT'ekov. 90 n o. 4 : L 50-151 Ap It, 3 (MIEY, 17 t2) KUTISHEV, F.D., doktor med. nauk, referent; -MIKHOUVICH, V.A., referent; KABAKOV,B.D., doktor med. naukp referent Minutes of Surgical Societies. Vast. khir. 91 no.7:147-159 J1163 (MM 16z12) 1,UKHAYLOVICH, V.A., referent Minutes of the Anesthesiological Sect,,on c" thp Society, for meetings Nos. 63 and 64. Vest. Q: C - - 117 P '63. 0-71 -, .0 cal I v- r Li, n !or 1-c', -er r C(~ rin s ~:,. c ~i Z 1~-, 3D>35 -A Y L-r,; ur- r V i..i c I e.-, I( - 5 ~i 1 ': rii 5, V(- :(-"; 1 c", I . "I . n 'I %. A. J-!j;-VLyj,)vr it. A. it-a A 4 -! ` --trol.-rim I- or,~iLrAc n ! -r, ~ ' , U-,r. 7,, rr,,,',, 10'.. ~~Ii, 11" - . , 4 1 . , ,- ~ ; , - ~; 1 - ~ ~ ,, ; ~ ~ -~ . q , I SU: 1, -_ -, A,i -jjt ',-3, (-e, , Jl '-,. -- -) ~ ~ , I I.Q) . 6 - Pi. -A. Must. 6c Is awt $w. and Acom wltb~ Colok. Rto d to wahwa. Itn'. - , an 7. Values fit tmpt, Ifat N results CA V RW Ico 0.04, pad 4# eav"" fvs W Wk. &i. flu. 8- Kkv). Vanim. Kum. ZAw- 14. IWA1960); et. 6w- IS. In masdame. coctamond. wa ono, as ma as im matfuino am ."ttmk It uumt* mm aed. to oft* at -eaa- in "ructur" to tk* Cib the Odubakim - e 4 - W at the -Sww lew". I at W. 0.2s: at 490 03%. 0.A% CUO(ctwjwm supenald mAns. I" an% ;;6idy. Owull makhad 014 pal~~ to pmp. mtber %whis twumktims With w4twr Ow" 4d camtefte. (". 91. x4allanne MsKliAyjOVNINfI, A.A, C4C4%"iMWAdkk#JdwW*4fUAL8A. B.O.&Aaaw. 173. 4 tw wasWo Imamm rwged frm 0.13 to 8.23 mg. rst;' 's (00 &Y wt.); Itl*be" Tabw w" (amid is Repom am". ad umftpoai&bk VAVnmb reaWd kow 0.9 to 6.7 we-%(Wetwt_)- vokkatow piewmis b"Vicle stomp. Ibm man'al 50) wA 4W mo we v also totwd in &be coww al Aro -,. G. M. Kololopoff /7 M111HAnWNINA. A.A.; SHAPIRO. S.A. M-ronstography of nar*tene pigpents in notticinal undo. Ukr.khin~%tMr. 17 no.1:50-58 '51. (KUU 9-9) 1.1natitut erganichoskey khimil Alcadomit nauk Ukrainakoy SSR i Ukraim- elly nouchne-issladovatel'skiy tRatitut kurertologli I ballneelegit. (Chromatographic analysis) (Carotene) (Baths, Moor and mud) pill sops. 4W-W, 1) at. of. a- or O'camtt" In X 0 1) In the abwjw of %=O doo not, to a of the after ex- tendtd pertwo tvc- at a vaW temp. The i whkh =pt comsW of lartial pd., f 9 as Wtil *1 It r smild cloadidom the lonimtka of d)-cb ffma p"AwalsateB at firic W00%watm a and 0104-camefic ji, Mo. M am almo famstd Ju m4lier antu veo-a- elevated to OCOO-OLmOnt U' Cf. Bc&&,ddJ., C.A.36, U = 5MI and Zteivadner and Tusm, C.A. U. glwrj, 7 L sits" and in &I in *Wated bY the ft"ll) VIOL-,' / ~ No . 41 Ow = showed that In Inert atm r 0 tion 6f st.1lb.M d 0- f A , 25 1954 Pi. awation of mono-cis wooom cd dkim ISDOW m toruss an nme the WvW is wt agmud bY ackle. 7m oxMWve atuKk prodiseet tb* Iwo.. *zW&dm SO(Mit), of cam(efte. V. L wtwi it A A it uill(. IS. Ii. A. A. '-Wv! ... L f (it, n, Ulcus.. Ac.cj, IM. ItLr. S.S.k, Ai,!d. Naidt I 11r. S.S. P.. I , I fit -!,7( f 9.7: 1, 1,% kro. Khtfir. 054. N41. 2wt:Oa.-Siu,G,-% %--rv 41.441".4-ti .,to f1w 44 car."woge a% A 1C.411 t4 nit- eatal);W actilst (I , 714 pfodwu fortuaf -ATru f(satut it* Im! fif 3 vefy Oafqlk-, coocavu, Ttb Wcutity the OWt cwt~titmist-q of ific4oll(I-kif tf,,I. , Vw i1mailpa. J caotme uithout jarwum of att!3. 0 UrAcc tfic bill-.141%Ck, )( - telap. 01-ting) ae light prclcmll acalreftic to tric w-firlitc: fly decompa. of the camtenaiij structum. It. W. AWa, The cowrorimt'N 1117 t0g.1% uik NMI* It Cjm-r k x-mr. a)", vdarris-L hv Com-tw(c. ca;cr, th I 250 1954 W&I 44S, ntp. stfit k apfKirtfItIr An !AAW.~ C-tfkd sfq~'-~4 ~ W.V edfoOst, br It i m lc F. a s c pm ; - tt-mictim 1% att v uif the hi Lfbo' tt1 ewrt yi~ ho . z . p& tcA c l, j t aferably, 11, 90(id state bj tons stoding of it I J~c tr. fliptr salsat. fu tlt~ cot! - t ' - - I 12 h i i id A b U d J d 5% 1 Vime p e & n it . .cm . s t cep re 46 , tq, y dnd rcww square p4tts frwu.Cjfi.' 1; a It Cis'dt 41.4ki.f Infix.. III various so!venta "e. pr1r. etber,Wt. 4*.'Ltnm~w~ . -(Oil 47r 475, 44-1. CIff,480. 4M 1: 114. ctic:, ix5. 4r Synthesis ~'I/I t Rib. 22 20/48 M, b., AfathM Kurlshko, A. H. and Hikhaylovnina, A. A. Reaction of fumaric and maleic acid eaters with allyl halide and Mg Synthesis ofels- and trans-form 4,7-diallyldecatriene - 1,5,9-diol- 4,7.- r~1136C4' Dok.- AN SSM 9V5, 831433, August 1L 1954 -Abs iwe-i4mental datii on he synthesis of cis-and trans- 4,7-diallyl- decatriene-J,5j'9-4iol-4,7,, are. presented. The trans-form of the given (diol) was abtainecE -through the reaction of ethyl fumarate with. allyl chloride and magwaium in- an absolute eater medium. The ds-form of the glycol*was derived from the reaction of ethyl maleate with allyl bromide and magnesium in an absolute ester medium. Data on the hydroxyl groups, molecularweight, density and bromine number IL :oC the synthesized lycol, are-included. Six references: 34SF~H; 2-USA and I French t,899-1952)., rnstjt~utioh so, 'State,University,.Uzhffo~,od Prei;ented by Academician B. A. Kaz.anskiy, April-3, 1954 USSP/Organic Chemistry - Synthetic Organic Chemistry, E-2 Abet Jourmal: Referat Zhur - Kbimiya, No 1, 1957, 842 Author: Savinov, B. G., Verner, D. A., and Mikaylovnina A, A. Institution: None Title: On the Monomethylation of Xylene Original Periodical: Ukr. khim. zii., 1956, Vol 22, No 1, 64-87 Abstract: The conditions for the preparation of poeudocumene (I) from xylene (II) have been investigated. The methylation of II with CH C1 for 12-25 hours in the presence of anhydrous A12C'3 at 800 givel I in Yields Of 30-38% (based on II charged). The separate methylation of the isomers of II produces no advantage compared to the methylation of the mixturej I and mesitylene are formed in both cases. Mesity- lene and II are obtained by the hydrolysis with 20% HC1 (30 minutes) followed by ateam-distillation for 90 minutes at 80-900, of the sul- fonic acids formed when the fraction of alkylated products boiling at 150-1800 is sulfonated with an equal volume of concentrated H2S04 Card 1/2 [MyhallovIina, A.0.]; VIYUN, A.A. [Vwiun, H.A.]; WO-MICH, V.A. [Dymovych, V.0.1 Isolation and study of some substances from the myceli= of Fusarium monilifomep itriin 2801. Mikrobiol. zhur. 23 no.2: 31-33 '61. (14111 14:7) 1. Institut organicheskoy khimii All USSR i Institut mikrobiologii AN USSR. (ANTIBIOTICS) (FMAHIUM) BIIAYP V.Y.; MIKWLGVHINA, A.A..; STEPANOV, P.N. Active principle of Dendrochium toxicum. DokI.AN SSSR 1" no.D105-107 It 162. (MIRA 15 15) 1. Institut mikrobiologii AN USSR i Institut organicheakoy khimii AN USSR. Fredstavleno, akademikom MIM.Sharrvakinym. (Dendrochium) (Toxins and antito~~ MIKHAYLOVNINA, A.A. fKvkhailovnina, A.0.]; SERDTUK, L.S.; KILOCHEINKO, S.M. Isolation of ergosterin P-om the cyceliun of Dendrtdochitm tax!~n--m. Mikrobiol.zhur. 26 no,4t6o-62 164. (MIRA 18t10) 1. Institut mikrobiologil i virusologil AN UkrSSR. KIKHAYLOVSKAYA, A.A. Omm"Osm __MMMVi - - "_ iologr and fisheries of herring in Onega Bay. Hat. po kompl. izuch.bsl.mor. no.1:74-89 157. (KTQA 10:8) I.Polomorskaya blologIcheskaya stantsiya Instituts, biologil Karellskogo filiaia Ali SSSR. (Onega Bay--Herring fisheries) 4K TMVSKATA Aleksandra AIPL-sandrovna; ALTUKMV, Konstantin Alekseyevich: MUMMCDIYAROV, Pettakh Bakirovtch; NADZZHIN, Vasil y y ov ch: IIDVIKDV. Petr Ignatlyevich; PALXNICHKO. Zinalda GeorglyevnA; PANIaWHDV. A.P.. red., SHUCHMUD. L.T., [Fishes of the White Sea) Ryby Belogo aorta. Petrosayodsk, Go*. tud-vo Karel'skol ASSR, 1958. 161 p. 04IRA 12:2) (White Gea--Fishes) MIKHAYLVISKAYA,A. 1. 11 Prlem~j ekEj/,zftz--". report olibillitted I-'or 7Lh lllt~ `orij~, Antlirt -al ~- !L: Moscow, 3-1D Aug t,4. A ) ; -~ , ; '- '~' -/fW. /~' " ,/.Z-/) PA~) / 0 ~' ---l . " AKOV LP V, V.A.; ARTAMONOV, M.A.; SLAVIN, Yu.T.-, STRAKHOV, K. I.; XCmmSH IN, A. K. Induntion furapee for molting IwWnesiuml nllo7s; wiggestion by V.A.lAkav- lev and othmrs. Prom.anarg.11 no.6:28-30 Js '56. (KiaA 9:9) (glectric furnaceg) (Nngnesium alloYR) V1101AYWVSKAYA9 A.M. Work of thegroup of health deputies. Zdmv. Roo. Feder. 4 no.7: 26-28 Je "60. %'MIPA 13:9) (PUBLIC HEALTH) (,. jr lVkha i ' -~u, A. ~ I; it" ", , , .1,. YHARCHEITKOP S*M-.; A r-" ':-- - - ~ -' : ? 'l- .'- '-,4. Blonynthef3l-.i rf I - 1 -:~ la Institut mikrohioloi-i! 1 v'lruscj--,gjj ;""; LTF - A LIFSHITS, D.B.1 MIKHAYE4WSKAYA, B.TS.; KALASHNIKOV, Ye.Ya. Xinetic study of enzymatic maltose hydrolysis and a precise method for determination of the maltase activity of fungal preparations. Mikrobiologlia 33 no.0713-718 Jl-Ag ,64. (MIRA 180) 1. Ukrainskiy nauchno-issledovatellakiy Inatitut pishchevoy promyshlonnosti, Kharikov. NIKELAYLOVSKAYA, B.TS. Manufacture of m1tose products from baking Industry wastes by means of fermnt preparatiom. Trudy UHIIPP no.2:44-49 59. (KERA 14:1) (Maltose) (Food) BAGAYEV, V.I.; MIKHAYWVSKAYA, F.R.; TIMOFEYEVA, L.V. Recovery of selenium from strong acids of contact acid section of the Konstantinovka chemical plant. Sbor. mat. po obm. opyt. NIUIF no.12s62-67 159. (MIRA 16M) ZVEREVt Ivan Dmitriyevich; MH . V IWUDVSKAYA I A 0 red.; SHADRINA, M.S., red.; KOSAIMVJP, YO.A., tekt!h?nj-.----ria. (DeveloPwnt of students' knowledge about the evolution of the organic world] Razvitie znanii uchashchikhsia ob evo- liutaii organichoskogo mira. Moskva, Izd-vo APN RSFSR, 1962. 166 p. (MIRA 15:7) (Evolution-Study and teaching) ROUOV, H.S. MIRRAMMOU, I.I. SOLODOVA (USSR) "E'volution of chemical and mineralogical composition of sandstones." Report presented at the Conference on Chemistry of the Farth's Crust, v4scow, 14-ig mar 63-