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BELOWOROVAY A.; DANILOV,_ V,_~ '1KA1, E.; KAHU, M.; IC:.CA'A, T1. J~W 114ayorova, T.1; SOKOLOV, A.; SUROV, A. [Slairov, A. H.; TUISK, A.; Ui~~, E.; VEERSAU, E.; TE AKCIN, S.; ,'IMAIFI, I., red.; EINJERG) K., tekhn. red. [Achievements of Soviet Estonia in 20 years; stal.istica-1 Survey] 1'.oukogude Eesti sanvutusi 20 aasta jooksul; stat.stiline koguraik. Tallinn, Eesti riiklik kirjastus, 1960. 173 p. (VULk 15: 5) 1. Estonian S.S.R. Statistika %eskvalitsus. 2. sotrudniki Statisti- c cheskogo uprevleniya Soveta Vinis-,rov Estoi.skoy S.S.R. (for all except Juhani, Einberg). 3. Direktor Statisticheskogo upravleniya Soveta Pinistrov Estons1coy S.S.R. (for Timakov). (Estonia-Economic conditions) DA;111,UVl V.A. - L t,~, -,, t . -,, ,n - ~),n ,,i -- , .. ~ : . T Replacins, IT texlw- " ~, r u I ~* -1) 27 -ic.'729 Jc..? Ijl. (Com,-ress--~-s) - u1 11 1- DANILOV, V. A, and KRASNIKOV, V. V. "Heat and Mass Transfer at the Proccos of Combined Drying by Convection and Conduction." Report submitted for the Conference on Heat and Mass Transfer, Minsk, BSSR, June 1961. - DANILOV, V., lnzh.) NESILOV? G., lnzh., TAI.'YJIUJ, V., '-nzh. "'he "Kazaklistan" and "Kazak-hal-qn-'" ra,-,"o rp--P'Vi~!r3. RAd'o I e no.4z3l Ap 165. (M.-RA 18:5) KAZIL I ,Solomon Isaakovich; DANILOV. Tiktor Aleksandrovich; AKINYITZV. B.Y., otvetstvennyy redaktor; LIDNVA. I.T.. takhnicheakty redalctor CCity telephone lineman] Konter-spaishchik gorodskikh telefoanykh setei. Moskva. Goo. izd-vo lit-ry po voprosam eviazi i radio, 1956. 112 P. (KLRA 9:9) (Telephone-Handbooks. manuals, etc.) DANILOV. Vladimir Fedorovich; B.TMIROV- D'YACHEMKO, QUIT, S.A., utvetstvendyy redaktor; LETBOV, M.K., redalctor; BIESSIAMAYA. L.Sh.. tekhnicheskiy redaktor [The work of a brigade with installation of telephone cablas lead-in] Rabota brigady po ustroistvu vvodov telefonnogo kabelia. Koskva. Goo. izd-vo lit-ry po voprosam eviazi i radio, 1957. 17 P. (Telephone cables) (KIRJ, 10:2) I)ANTLOV, V. A. "New Experimental Method of Investigattion of Kinetics of High - rate Drying. " Report submitted for the Conference on Heat and Mass Transfer, Minsk, BSSR, June 1961. KRASNIKOV, V.V.; DANILOV, V.A. Heat and mass transfer in the ccnductive convective drying of capilliary porous bodies. Inzh.-fiz. zhur. 4 no.6:27-32 Je 161. (MIRA 14:7) 1. Tekhnologicheskiy institut pishchevoy proinyshlannosti, Moskva. (Mass traefer) (Heat-Transmission) (Drying) KRASNIKOV, V.V.; DAITILADV, V.A. Local rates of mass transfer in composite drying. Inzhe-fiz. zhure 5 no.7-.39-.44 -T1 162. (MIRA 1527) 1. Tekhnologicheakiy institut pishchevo~ promyshlennosti, Moskva. (Mass transfer) (and - KMNIKOVR V.V.; PA!IP _Y.A, Y, Electric contact method of drying thin fibrous materiaAe. Trudy IITIPP 15:87-93 '60. (MIRA 160) (Paper-Drying) DANILOV, V.A. Methodology of investigating a combined intermittent drying process. Trudy MTIPP 15sl0l-104 160. (mIRA 16s2) (Drying) KWNIKOV, V.V., dotsentl kand.tekhn.nauk;_RANXI?Y,_~.A.,-inzh. Kinetics of paper heating in case of drying. Bum.prom. 37 no.U:18-20 N 162. (Paper-Drying) (MIRA 15:~) KYU~SDIIKOV, V. V. ; '~ iVIIU)V, V. A. I,. 'i -,criv,--ctive and ! ~r -f .: rc-q,c,rt L~-.t,rultted for Ind fd!-Unlon 1~i, ~~ew I-? Ma6~~ --2 ~ju., L ~lt 1 i . Mcs--cw -.e,--,.nc,.'w,-*--EL Inst cf Fc,11 . SOV/ 1 37-58-8- 1 682f) Translation from- Referativnyy zhur-ial, Metallurg-.ya, 19;~8, Nr 8. p 85(USSR) AU MORS. Starchenko, D.I., Kapustina, M I . (jorenshteyri, M.M., Danilov. V-a, Savchenko, AAI , Yef-,tyieriko. 5.P. FITLE Intensifying Breakdovvn Opvrati,,:,.~ Heavv Shcot (In- tensifikatsiva rezhimov obzhatva pri vrolkcitkc listov) PERIODICAL: Sb. nauchn. tr. Zhdanovsk. metallur,,~. in-t, 1957, Nr 4. pp 126- 142 A BS T RAC T Experimental rolling (R) drid studs. Of ('XIStI114 breakdov--n schedules (B) for thick sheets of the major sizes, tVpes, and grades of steel on the Nr-l mill of the mi. 11,101 plant make it possible to define thL' kil ~t';Vd po,,\vr arid available eii(-rg\- of the mill during the initial period of R of 8.8x.~095 mm and 10.8x2O85 rnrn Nr-3 steel sheets. &nd also to determine unused 51ting capacity of the ro'II-. Yhest- factors are used to de"t-lop and recommend new, more iriterisi-.e f~ SL h(-dUI('S. envisaging a considerable increase in FA durmiL, hc first passes, xith tht- present deformation ratios being r--tainvd V-5S('T,t,,aII\ at the (-TId of B. The B of sheets of different *Ypf,s and dimensions was ~j rd I performed in 21-23 passes as agai-ist ~7- i I passes undcr the SOV 1 57- 58-H- I b826 Intennifying f~rcakclom.-n Operations in Rolling Heavv Sheet old B sc hedules, makint4 it possible to rt,duL v the R for A s:l~t~lle Ingot and thus to raisc the productivitv of a thrcc-hi~.,h Lau'~h mill h% on the avera~yv. 1 toci-Iroccorinr 2. 1 ! c t:: 3 '.0111 in -- ril 1r; --r-erf or ance A. N. Card .1/2 SOV/ 1 37-58-9-18985 Translation from. Referativnyy zhu rnal, Metal 1u rgi ya, 19~8, Nr (), p I 19(USSR) AUTHORS Kapustina, M.I., Danilov, V.D., Savc-henko, A.M. TITLE A Contribution to the Problem of Determination of Pressures and Torque Moments in Rolling Mills (K voprosu ob oprede- Ivnii davleniy i krutVashchikh momentov na prokatnykh stanakh) PERIODICAL: Izv. vyssh. uchebn. zavedeniy. Chernaya metallurgiya, 1958, N r 1, pp 138- 14 3 ABSTRACT An examination is made of the operating conditions of resist- an( e strain gages (SG) pasted onto rolling-mill spindles. These are compared to the operating conditions for similar SG pasted onto a calibration beam. It is shown that a wire SG attached to the surface of a spindle at 4~1 to its axis is subjeL ted to a state of plane stress (PS) when the spindle is subjected to torque. The constantan SG usually employed have a tensile sensitivity range of 2. 1-2.3 and func tion differently under ( onch tions of linear and plane S. Therefore, given identical degrees of SG strain on the beam and the spindle, the strains causing them prove to be different. It is determined bv experiment Card 112 that the stress oil the spindle is 7i"I. of that (w ~)vam. It is SO V/ 137-58-111-18985 A Contribution to the Problem of Determination of Pressures (cont.) shown that the correction factors of 0.9 to I recommended in the literature are erroneous. Therefore, it is shown that in order to determine torque moments under conditions of industrial operation, the calibration of wire SG must be done on special models, the nature of the S on the surfac e of which corresponds to the nature of the S on the surface of the shaft being subjected to torque. It is observed that the accuracy of measurement of the roll-separating pressure by attaching a pick-up to the housing depends upon the point at which the pick-up is bonded. M. Z. 1. Rolling mills--Operation 4. Rolling mills--41ressure Card 2/2 2. Rolling mlils--'rorque 3. :7train I STARCHENKO. D.I.. doktor tekhn.nauk. prof.; KAPUSTIVA, N.I., Icand.tekhn.nauk, dotsent; GORENSHTEYN, M.M.. kund.tekU-nauk, dotsent; WINDY T D. inzh.; SAVCHENKO, A.M., inzh.; YNK)MIX0, S.P., inzh. Investigating deformation conditions in plate rolling. Izv. vya. ucheb. zav.; chern.met. no.5:121-129 My 15P. (MIRA 11:7) 1.Zhdanovskiy metallurgicheski7 inatitut. (Deformations (Mechauice)) (Rolling (Metalwork)) KIRILLOV, B.S. , kanri.t"Ichn.nauk: KAFMTINA, R.I.; KUZMA. I.D.; Dix!TILOV, V.D., lnzh.; SAVCHRINKO, A.A. Invastigatlrq, the crankshaft of a rolling mill atean driving gyatom. I-v.v-,s.uchen.zav.: chern.met. 2 no.2;143-151 F '59. (MIRi, 12: 6) 1. 4danovelrir metallurrl-hnakiv institut. Rokon"neovnnn kafedroy mekhanicheskogo oborudovaniva netallurgicheskikli zavodov Zhda- novskogn metallurgicheskopo Instituta. (Gran" and crankshafts-TeRting) (RollirW , mills) KAPUSTINA, M.I.. kand.tokhn.nauk; KMM, J.D., kand.tekhn.nauk, KIRILWV, B.S.. Imnd.tekhn.nauk; DANIIA)V, V.D., inzh., SATCHIM. A.M., Insh. Dev~lopiv4g 9fficigut conditions of ingot rolling on cogging mills. Zool.shur. 38 no.1:05-100 Ja 159. OaRA 13:4) 1. Zhdanoveldy metallurgichackly inatitut. (Rolling (Netolvark) S/I 37/61/000/1002JM8/04t~ A006/A00 I Translation from. Referativnyy zhurnal, Metal lurglya, 19611, No. 2, p. 4, f 2D-31 AUThORS: Kapustina, M.I., Danilov, _V.D., Yeflnenkr., S.F., Savchenixo, A.M. and Mezhaurov, M. TI'ITE: :mproved Reduetion Conditions in a Reversing Think-Sneet Mill at Insufficient Power of the Main Motor PERIODICAL: " metailurg. in-C , 1960. -No.5, pp.257-263 TEXT: The authors analyze fantors determining the permissible reduction In the roll!ng of sheets and plates cn a reversing 1,200x4,4~0 mili. It is esta~_ lished that the factor, limiting the reduction, 1~s lnsuffl?lent power of the dtive bV Fj motor. Under the3e conditfons it is re,~onrierded tj perfonin, the mplal grip . t e rolls not at. the time of speeding-up the irotor, whi.,,h req__'res th43 expenditure of the dy-namis-al torque component, but after the rolls ha--~e attained the rated rota- t-lon speed; to accelerate 4--he speed of rolls the of pauees srould be used. Ya. Sh. Tranalatorts notei This is the !ull translation of' the or!ginai Russian abstra--t. Card 1/1 DAIII'LOVO V. G. DAINILOV$ V. G. -- III.Ws with Transverse and Network Control and Their Use." Rin Higher Education USSR. Moscow Order of Lenin Power Engineering inst imeni V. M. Molotov. Moscow, 1955. (Dissertation for the Degree of Candidate of Technical Sciences.) S(j: Knizhnaya Letopis', No 5, Moscow, Feb 1956 UTA-LIZOS ag -A 6 suddee &-.A!t;sges a. -The;-. oirc - ga,t.,va-~feedbac alanded, rtetli~r6 r 14 _T qnly:)on!~~'de d gr f t&, -ubeEt ,Ai VO .t~6i g 'C ~Id__ Mt~-~ . . -:- ~-.- --7 DANILOV. V.I., inzliener; HUSAMAN, E.S., Inzhener. Reactorless start of a %mchron(ma generator for comensatiN., operation. Elek.qta. 24 no.0:55 S '53. (~"-RA 6:Ji) (Dyua,mos ) STROKOV. S-A-,- DAMILOV, V.I.; GURVICH. Tu.A. The 3 Sh-70 motor-driven chassis. Traict. i ael'khozma6h. no.1:4-8 Ja 159. (MIRA 12:1) 1. Rostsel'mash. (Rotor vehicles) I*'. ~ I.. 0 --j"/ . 4* STITSUKO, A.K.. inshener; DAMIWV, V.I., inzhener. Dry nitrogen used for protection of machines and Instruments. Vest.mRsh. 37 ao.6:32-33 Js 157. (ML&A 10:7) (Protective atmospheres) (Nitrogen) AUTHOR: Danilov, V.I., Engineer 67-58-3-8/18 TITLE: The Application of Dr7 Nitrogen for the Conservation of Machines and Apparatus (Primeneniye sukhogo azota dlya konservatsii mashin i priborov) P11RIODICAL: Kisiorod, 1958, . , " . Nr 3, pp. 36-39 (USSR) ABSTRACT: The application of organic oil as an anticorrosive agent for the protection of metal parts is not very advantageous in the case of such metals as must have no greasy surface. It is recommended that such parts of machines and apparatus be conserved in dry nitrogen. A device serving this purpose is shown and described (fig. 1). For the drying of nitrogen in the cooler liquid nitrogen is here used as a coolant. The use of the conservation device described gave good results when used in the USSR and it is further being improved. By comparison it was established that, while metal objects covered with a protective coating against oxidation showed signs of corro- sion after 2 months, the same objects showed no signs of corrosion even after 6 months when unprotected in the apparatus mentioned. This method of conservation was found to offer the same advantages Card '/2 when compared to various protective coatings such as oil, eto. The An i-I cation of Dry Nitrogen for the Conservation of 67,58 -3-8/18 P Machine3 anJ Apparatus uged for the conservation of metal. This method c!' metal con- sar-ra-cion was tested simultaneously on hundreds of j i ch appara tus and was found to give satisfactory results both from a practical arid an eaonomic point of view. There are 3 fig-ures. 1 t;, q-', -quipfrient-Dr,,servat' on "w :-u.,: ~ cr, ~ iih -i b i tors - A t o r.,: 3. Nitrogen-De*dratioi, C a rd 2,12 -DANILOV. V-1, LDanylov, V.I.]; CHURSIN, M.I.; GAVRI1kV, V.P.; KAZMOVSKff, F.A. LKazarnovalkyi, F.A.j Special prollems of operating the electric equipment of SK-3 combines. Mekh. sil%hosp. 11 no.8:10-14 Ag 160. (MIRA 1319) 1. Rabotniki Spetatallnogo konstruktorskogo b-luro zavoda *Rostaell- mash" kfor Danilov, Churain). 2. Rabotniki DSKB pri Taganrogskov kombaynovom zavode (for Gavrilov, Kazarnovskiy). (Combines (Agricultural machinery)-- KLectric equipment) -DAITILOVI VI-.- ---- Air feeder. Stek. i ker. 18 no. 1:38 Ja 161. (MIRA 14:1) (Pneumatic machinery) (Weighing machinery) GOLIT:)-,fN, S-V-, DAHILOV, V-I- Onobrychis radiata K.B., a now Caucasian plant in the flora of the eastern Ukraine. Bot thur. 45 no-5:727-730 My 16o. (MIRA 13:7) 1. Voronezhakiy gosudaretvennyy universitet. (Ukraine-Onobrychis) 1 11 GOLOVANOVA, E.N.t kand.biclog.naLAi '!.7,1 ?ITERSKAYA, A.M.; DERYABIN, V.I., nauchnyy sotrivin'.'.; BALAYAN, L.N., nauchnyy satrudnik; BURDA, Yu.N., nauchnyy sotrudnik Controlling sparrows. Zashrh. rast. ot vred. i bol. 8 no.9s 19-20 S 163. (MIRA 1611O) 1. Samarkandskaya oblqstnaya i3t31',qkokhozyaji3tvenna o ytnaya Y a P Stantsiya (for Deryabin, bal~iyan, ht~r,la). MATEVOSYAN, P.A.; DANILOV, V.I.; LAPSHOVA, M.P.; K13ELEV, A.A.; LISOV, I.V.; VOLYANSKIY, V.M. Improving the quality of blooming mill ingots. Stall 23 no.12:1086- 1087 D 163. (MIRA 17:2) 1. Volgogradskiy metallurgicheakiy zavod "Krasny-I Cktyabrl". A-X-4017341 BOOK EXPLOITATION Granatman, Vsevolod Vladimirovich; Danilov, Vladimir Ivanovich, Kiryachek, Andrey Yakovlevich ------ Industrial contactless apparatus with discrete action; a sur-vey (Prorly--shlennaya beskontaktnaya apparature diskretnogo daystviya; obzor), Leningrad, LD.XTP, 1963, 102 p. illus., biblio. 4,500 copies printed. (At head of title: Leningradskoye otdeleniye Obshchestva po rasprostraneniyu politicheskikh i nauchny*kh znaniy RSFSR) Series Note: Leningradskiy Dom nauchno-tekhnicheskoy propagandy*. Seriya: Pribory* i elementy* avtomatiki TOPIC TAGS: contactless apparatus, automation, magnetic core, automation, magnetic logic element., ferrite transistor logic element, square hysteresis loop TABLE OF CONTENTS (abridged]: Introduction - - 3 Ch. 1. General.principles of contactless relay assemblies 5 8 79/62/00 /8 0/ -Dg34/D308 v TLE I -rionlib ke-PrO61 as' h, I bility~ of a c lindiid4l~ reallure 4i t ~d ii v 777 soyu=oy-ko a- r y .1961 .i8v W-46 -ran. oldty 9. 0:1 VE2 biv 0 a She I_.. a,neI :4 Ability.: t.i :T h "t, d ported or clampe ki-,;Odergy., me, had, in, the- -de dnd a ti - 1*4 A I t -is. -stated' that t 4:sxoa- PI by- saki ayqv&'._,,' gaps, v:, 4"`tan,t*, I'lawit6r) I' A Xcapt _vs6ntiA;V' ": ~ thd 6 't e,.shOjj,:_,c6jjcju-w- h _q ;_ * ~ I ,~ h the above Over'P -,-twiaG,:,.thq: saaw length' -cases Ars,14q Lop, 6-t- 4-d", g,~, 4 KAYNARSKIY, I.S.; DEGTYAREVA, E.V.; PINDRIK, B. Ye.; KUKHTENKO, V.A.; KULAKOV, N.I.; BELIGHENKO, B.I.; IVNITSvAYA, N.S.; SMORODA, I.M.; SHAROV, M.F.; KOZIN, L.M.; KVASHA, A.S.;P=HCHUK, M.T.; PRYAKHIN, L.G.; LEVINA, L.T.; DANIWV, V.I.; DIDENKO, S.Yu. FROTSEKKO, G.A. Reducing dust formation from dinas bricks and dinas mortar. Ogneupory 29 no.3zlD9-112 164 (MIRA 17:3) 1. Ukrainskiy nauchno-iseledovatellskiy institut ogneuporov (for Kaynarskiy, Dogtyareva, Pindrik, Kukhtenko). 2. Gosudar- stvennyy institut po proyek-tiroveniyu predpriyatiy koksokhi- micheskoy promyshlennosti (for Ku-lakov,Bellchenko, Ivnitskaya). 3. Vsesoyuznyy trest po stroitellstvu i montazlm koksokhimi- cheskikh zavodor (for Peleshchuk, Pryakhin, Levina). 4. Ukrain- skiy nauchno-issledovatellakly institut gigiyeny truda i pro- fessionallnykh zabolevaniy (for Danilov, Didenko, Protsenko). D AL I LOV , V. I . ; Y-r:,: C! TV I C ~i , 1 . :-, . ; :K U. , . L. ; I ' - V , E.A. ; 5 AFCTT C'J' , A . N . ; "-;-: C K - 1 '11 '-'; , ~ . "' . [caicii-ation of the initial region of ~~taule chase osc,".- lations in a synchrocyciotronel ~qa.;c,.Pt nac,.tt'I'noi oulasti ustoic,ivykh kolebanii v sinkhrot~-.4kiritr-ne. LLbna, Cb"edi- -.-) nennyi in-t inderrykh issl. . . . . KFdJ'ILYAK Yu.A.; DANIWV, V.I.; GAYDAY, V.M. Ro~(,(-,rding' tau~~o`m'e'r-~,,- ro-r-mE of bases tn the pro~!ssa r.f the con- 3~ructl,on of a genetic code. Dokl. A.N SSSR 157 no.1120~,)02 7L 1611 (MIRA 17 :F ) i. lrs~ltut fizlcheskoy kbimill At,' UkrSSR. Predst,-vl~no ELka- demikom V.A. Rngellgardtom. DANfl;)V,7.1.; Kj~UGMAY., Yll'A. r I i a F, !-,Up. )f, ;1r. !~ - - ~ - IT - ,, - ~ " MT,' -11, -: -3 ~ r. LCA. AN 35-SH i5" n).4*:1)8i 4g '-,4 . I .-I .. .'~.;in ; i.11. - ". - -3 ~ . . -.,: 11" r~lsl;. ',':.oJ;l , , .,. .,! - .1 : i1 - . "~ , " . " . 0 I ) , " t, ! ~ I - \,I ,,I KRYUGHR, P.K.; KOTS. S.L.; KAZAKOV. V.N.; GKI-CHANSKIY, V.S.; FEDCROY. P.N.; M07HENK0. I.A.; PERELIKAN, Yu.S.; DANIUN, V.I.. lnzh., red.; KHITROT. P.A.. [Repairing electric equipment and cab sections of diesel locomotives] Remont elaktrooborudovaniis i ekipazhnoi chasti teplovozov. MosIrva. Goo.transp.zhel-dor. izd-vo. 1()'~. ISO p. (min il-6) (Diesel loccmotivas-4kiintenance and repair) IMMOT, T.r., inzh.; KRATSMU.HVTCH, M.N., lnzh., CHIR1115HEYTCH, F.I.. 1 nzh. Reply to the Inquiries of our readers. Elek. I tepl. tiaga 4 no.5: 44 My 160. (MIRA 13 :7) (Electric railvay motors) (Railroads-Sigmling) KONOVALOV, N.A.; DA11ILOY V.I. inzh-; KHATSKILIVICH, M.N., inzh. Reply tolbe inquiries of our readers. 114k.t teDl.ttaga. 4 no.6:42-43 Je '6C. (MIRA 13:8) 1. Master motorno-apparatnogo tBekha depo Moskva III Moskovskoy dorogi. (Electric locomotives--Maintenance and reDair) (Diesel locomotives) (Railroads--Signaling) GORR, V.N., iazh.; KLIMOV, U.N., inzh.; DAMILOV, V.I., inzh.; KHATMIXTICH. N.Y.. inzh. Reply to the iaqairies oZ our readers. 119k. i tepl. tiags, 4 no. 9:44 S 160. (MMA 13:12) (Railroads--Signaling) (Diesel locomotives) GOR11. V.H., inzh.- DAIJILOV. V.I., inzh. 0 Reply to the inquiries of our readers. Klek. i tepl. tiaga 4 no.10: 45 o 16o. (MIRA 13:10) (Railroada-Brakes) (Diesel locomotives) MiATSKEMICH, U.N., inzh.; DAKIWV, V.I., inzh. Reply to the inquiries of our readers. Klek. i tepl. tiaga 4 no.11: 42 N 160. (MIRA 13:12) (Railroads--Signaling) DUILOT,_V_I.; CHEREPANOV, K. Ye.; ANTROPOV, K.V. , osmotrshchik-avtomatichik; KHRIPUNOVP V.S., oamotrshchik-avtomatchik; SHASITURINO A. Ye., oemotrsbchik-avtomatchik Are emergency brake accelerators necessary on freight trains? Elek. i tePl. tiaga 5 no.3,43 Mr 161. MIRA U: 6) 1. Master avtokontrollnogo stantsii Sverdlovsk-Sortirovochanay (for Danilov). 2. Starshiy master punkta tekhnicheskogo osmotra stantsti Sverdlovak~Sortirovochnaya (for Cherepanov) 3. Stantsiya Sverdlovsk-Sortirovochnaya (for Antropov, Khripunov, Shashmurin). (Railroads-Brakes) TOLUCHEV, V.P., insh.; KLIMOV., N.N., inzh.; -- DANIUV, V.I., Inch. Replies to the Inquiries of our readers. Elek. I tepl. tiaga 5 no.3:44 Pr 161. (MIRA 14:6) (Railroads--Brakes) IiIN.11fivy V.I., inzh. What causeo the skidding cf electric locomot'vea" utl -' put.*-hoz. 5 ne.7:32-33 J! 161. ("IRA 14:F) (Electric locomotives) k -k KHATSKEIZVICHO M.N., inzh.; ZAVIYALOV, G.N.; NOVIK(TI, A.V., inzh.; OZOLINO A.K., inzh.; LAPIN, V.B., inzh.; DANILOV, V.I., inzh. Replies to the inquiries of our readers. Elek.i t6pl.tiaga 5 no.9:45-46 S 161. NIRA 14:10) 1. Glavnyy tekhnolog po avtotormozam Glavnogo upravleniya lokomotivnogo khozyaystva HLnisterstva putey soobhcheniya (for zavIyalov). (Railroads.-Brakes) (Diesel locomotives) (Insulating oils) YURCHENKO, I.F.; GOMI, V.N., inzh.; DANILOV, V~I,q inzh, Answering readers' queries, 61ek.i te.~.l. tiaga 5 no,12:39 D 161. (MIRA 15:1) 1. Nachallnik Urjravleniya truda, zarabotnoy platy i takhniki bezopasnosti Ministerstva putey soobohcheniya (for Yurchenko). (Locomotives) YTJRCIU,;NKO, I.F.; OKUNEV, P.F., starshiy mekhanik; TOLUXIIEV, V.P., inzh.; BYCHKOVSKIY, A.V., kand.takhn.nauk; GORBATYUK, V.A., inzh.; IAGUN, YabI., starshiy inzh.; 8HALDIOV, V.S., inzh.; DAINILCII, V.I. , inzh. Replies to the inquiries of our readers. Elek. i tepl. tiaga 5 no.6:4i-43 Je 161. 14: 10) 1. Nachallnik Upravleniya truda, zarabotnoy platy i takhniki bezopasnosti Ministerstva putey soobshcheniya (for Yurchenko). 2. Otdel.eniye avtotormoznogo khozyaystva Vsesoyuznogo nauchno- isaledovatellskogo instituta zheleznodorozhnogo transporta Min- isterstva putey soob!ihcheniya (for Okunev). 3. Otdel glavnogo tekhnologa Perovskogo zavoda po remonty elektropodvizhnogo sostava (for Lagun). (Diesel locomotives) (Ra:Wxoads--Rol-Ung stock) BOYKO, Fedor Ivanovich; DAfflID1,Valentin Iwanovichl SHAKURSKIY, K.D., inzh., retsenzent; SAUNTSEV, Yu.S., na ., red., VOROTNIKOVA, L.F., tekhn. red. (Repair of provisory No.270-002 air distributoral Remont voz- dukhoraBpredelitelal USL. No.270-002; opy-t Ontrollnogo pun- kta avtotonnozov stantaii Sverdlovsk-Sortirovochnyi. Moskva, Transzheldorizdat, 1963. 41 p. (MIRA 16:4)- (Air brakes--Maintenance and repair) k BOVE, Ye.G., kand. tekhn. nauk; KHATKEVICH, G.N,, inzh.; DANILOV, V.I., inzh.; ZEL'VYA.NSKIY, Ya.A.; NIKUEHIN, A.I., inzh.; NIKOLAYEV, N.S., inzh. Replies to the inquiries of our r*~aderB. Elek. i tepl. tiaga no.5:34-36 My 163- (MIRA 16:8) 1. Starshiy inzh. Glavnogo upravleniya elektrifikatsii i energeticheskogo khozyaystva Ministerstva putey soobahcheniya (for Zellvyanskiy). (Diesel locomotive-) (Electric railroads) MMUNI"', fill '. 1A, ii74WiAhwwli-! -1. .4WM ~G. D . Koratkovai 5V" tud Z. 1 NO -lAj4fll-'Z littemiua, (641414m 7, .1;1-43( i03) - -Dint,ai rl. ~- f Imp of oile iffecti of cmtao witt., benr-Aistla 1 it Ornp ~"A dtwilwd b; doW. Dmu4tids, duk AW a nctyw3 S"-tem' im'i a am t~'l m;0-'r' ;Qc-l the -.7j, - occurs predo Kaujapau- ERMAN. M.1.; DANILOV. V.1.; SOKRUTINA. Z.A.; SIGALOVSX1YA, K.K. Hygienic working conditions in benzene divisions. in benzene rectifica- tion shop@. in resin distillation @hope in byproduct-coking plants. Gig. i san. 21 no.10:50-51 0 156. (KLRA 9:11) 1. Iz Ukrainskogo teentrallnogo inatituta gigiyony truda I professionallaykh zabolevanty. (AIR POLLUT ION in by-product coke indust. causing occup. die.) (INDUSTRIAL HTG11011 prev. of occup. die. in caused by air pollution in by-product coke indust.) f DANILOV. V. I., Ca~Med Set -- (diss) "Ayir.~tc Labor~Problems In the Production and Rectification of Ben7ene In Coal-tar 3 A I` r, Chemical FlantB." Kharkov, 1957. 10 pr., (Khark- Mod Inst) 'A (KL, 7-58, 112) 1.6 - HU4ANIA/Chemical TechnoloGy. Chemical Products and Their Application. Safety Engineering. Sanitary Engineering. Abs Jour: Ref Zhur-KhAm., No 13, 1958, 43787. Author Piskunova V. G., Anatovskaya V. S., Korotkova G. L., Nerubenko A. B. , Lianilov V. 1. , Ernar, M. I., Yeremina 1,. 1. Inst Title Labor Hygiene Problems in the ?roduction and 6se of ;3enzanthrone. Orig Pub: An. Ftam.-6ov. Ser. igiona si organiz. sanit., 1957, 11, No 2, 57-61. Abstract: A translation. See RZhKhim, 1957, 21784. Gard : 1/1 1"1:.*, A A PJ*ICLE ACCELERATORS: SYNCdROCYCLOTRON "Method of Increasing Density of a Proton Beam Taken rom. the S4x- Meter Synchrocyclotron", by V.I. Danliov, V.P. Dmitr vskiy, and A.V. Chestnoy, Joint Institute for Nuclear Research. Pribory L Te~IiL~ka EksperLmenta, No 3, November-December 1956, PF 9-,3. Des-ription of a method for in-reastn~.r the density beam taken from the six-meter synchrocycloLron. This to forming, on the path of '~Iie output beam, a magnett- -ular -onfiguration in the non-workln,~ rej.,iou of the the a.-elerator. The focusing actlon of the ma~~netl , ted on the basis of the analysis of the motLor, of the the beam trajectory. A similar effect ~s used in the ,:yclotron in Berkley (see Powell, Henrich, and Kerns Scientific Instruments, 1948, 'L9, 5o6). 1)f the prnlon method redu,-es fiell of a parti- ele-troma.-liet )f flel,! ~s ~ai,-ula- particies along i34_~n-h s~,n~~hro- el ai. Review of Card 1/1 AUTHOR: Danilov, V. I., Denisov, Yu. N . and Dmitriyevskiy, V. P. TITLE: -A 1~iiferential Electronic Fluxmeter.. ")iffemntsialInyy Elektronnyy Flyuksmetr. ) PERIODICAL: Pribory i Tekhnika Eksperimenta, 1957, 'To.2, pp. 74 - ?? (USSR). ABSTRACT: An instrument for measurintS sharply in-homogeneous mat;netic fields is described. 2he probe element consists of two calibrated coils wound in opposition an d differinF. in tLeir characteristics by not more than 0.002c'. The rotation of coils, w1iich are both wound on the same former, is aci,ieved with the help of a special current excited wind- ing. The electronic part of the arrangement consists of an integrating network, of an inductively coupled amplifier, of a peak readinE voltmeter and of a remote control arrangement. The characteristic con--tan.t of the instr-iment was determined from measurements on a ~movin magnetic field using Equation 4, where N is the flux meter reading-. he sensitivity obtained for an instrument, built at the Institute, was 0.02? oersted/cm/division. A raecaanical drawing of the coil arranSement and a circuit dia~,ram of the electronic part of the instrument arv -iven. there are 2 "I'lavic references. Card 112 1. -.A Differential Electronic Fluxmeter. 1- ;.14 SUBMITTED: July, 30, 1956. ASSOCIATION: Joint Institute for Nuclea-r ResearcL. ~Ob"yedinennyy Institut Yadernykh Issledovaniy). AVA11AB1Z: Library of Congress. Card 212 DM~ILOV, V. I. Cand Phys-Math Sci -- (diss) "Formation of mgneti,~ fields for accelerators with spatial variation." /*Dubna, 19!~f 13 pp (Joirit InBt of Nuclear L-a -- Studies. Laboratory of Nuclear Probl6ms), 170 copies. Printed by duplicating* machine. Bibliography: pp 12-13 (10 titles) (KL, 41-59, 102) -1- PHASE I BOOK EXPLOMUION SOV/4W Danilay V. ., V.P. Dmitriyevskiy, N.L. Lapi-atin, V.V. Kollga, Liu Nieh-chl-, I I __; .0 V.S. Rybalko, and L.A. Sarkisyan Forairovaniye magnitnogo polya tsiklotrona s prostraastveanoy variatsiyey (Production of a Magnetic Field in a Cyclotron With Space Variation) Dubna [Izdatellskiy otdel Ob"yedinennogo Instituta yadernykh isaledovanii) 1959- 27 p. 300 copies printed. (PHOTOCOPY] Sponsoring Agen-y- Ub"yeklinennyy institut yadernyk-h issledovani.Y. LabomtOriya yadernykh problem. Tech. Ed.: V.P. Sarantseva. PURP0139: The publ-Ication Is intenot-d for nuclear physicists. COVEFAGE: The book aaalyTes problems aseo-~sted with t-he production of a magnetic field in a spiral cyclotron by a system cf r!.~ and spiral shims. Calculation of the magnetic fteld in a system of such shims v&s based on the assumption of C ard 1/2 uniform magnetization of their volume 'c tht of the vertice-1 ccmponent of the outer magnetizing field. pr:tlemp !-n construrticm of Wml shim and design n-hare-cteristics of th4 p-:!- 1,erw-ffn-ils of the ele-tramagnet am described. The author th&akg 7.?. B.". Z&mc,!,dch-1kov, L.V. Vaaillyev, Yu. N. Denlea7. M.M. Semenc-w K.A. Bayrher, N.11. Dlyakcrw. N.S. Matyukhin, and A.A. Gleyn-ik. There are 22 rtfereaceA- 16 So-iet and 6 English. Production of a Magnetic Field SOV/4F*) TAKE OF CONTENTS- Introduction I. Selection of Parameters of a Systen ~~f Spiy-&i Sh-Ims II. Magnetic Field of a Cyclotr~n Wit-a Sps,:e Va-T'~-jtlc-n 1II. Measurtment, cf the Magnetic Field 3 3 6 11 12 18 ';A/dwm/gap 12-7-6o rV. Pole Terminals Conclusion AVAIIABLE: Libraz7 of Congrecr, (W,787.,--8D8 Card 2/2 054M SUV/ 6 AUTHORS; Danilov, V, I.,, and SavchenLko, 0. V TITLE, A method of Focusing Charged Particles from Accelerators (Metod fokusirovki zaryazhenriykh chastits ot uskoriteley) Pt;r(IODICAL- Pribory i tekhnika eksperimenta, 1~r 3, pp 17-20 (USSR) ABSTRACT: Charged particles extracted from the acceleralor cliamber usually have to travel a considerable distance before they reach the detecting apparatus, This leads to a considerable decrease in the useful intensity In many experiments electromagnets are used either to bend the beam or as analyzers, It would be useful to use such electromagnets not only to bend the beam but also to focus it, This can be carried out by shaping, the magnetic field along the path of the beam so tloat it resembles a quadrupole lens. If a ferromaV,netic body is placed in the gap of the electromagnet, such that its dimensions in the direction of the field are greater than at least one of its transverse dimensions, then in fields greater than 9000 oerrsted the 1,ody will be 0501 A Method of' Fucusine, Charged P~irticles from .iia, i.~t~tizpd almost to saLuration. In L!Iis t,rle ferrumae,netic body may be looked upon as a collection of uniformly distributed magnetic d1poles an,i the field components due to the specimen may be evaluated analytically, The field in the electromatretic Kap is assumed to be uniform, The ferroma6rietic body considered in the present paper is in the form of the parallelipiped in Fib 1, In the set of coorJinatef sh'-)wl. in this figure, the z and y compoLieiits uf the field due to suc:. saturated specimens are given by ,~q (1) and (2)where M = (21000 + 500)/4-ri oerrsted, which is the ma6netizati,,)n for the majority of ferromagnefic. mat-rihls W1. e n ferioma,,netic bodies of' this form are placed in -he electroma~,net gap as shown in Fig 2, then in the re,icn defined by Eq (3) one obtains a non-uniform ma6netic field as a result of the superposition of' the extt-rnal fields f' the block 1 and the blocks Z ai~u 5 1 r. choosin6 the ceo:netry of these ferroaia- L-LiC ~- iOC 11 S, and in the calculation of the ma~,netic field que to them, it is necessary to take into ac-ount the -!ffe-t, of the pole pieces, This may be done loy thr- aethoi ,~ar'l ~,iven by Smy-the in Ref 2, It is showi, that a A Method of Focusin6 Charged Particles from Accelerators coLfit,uration of such ferrouia6netic blocks may te as~--d to obtain double focusinb,and this is ob',Hined ty placine~ alon6 the path of the beam ferromapne tic block assemblies which simulate qaadrupole lenses havin, t-radients with alternating, signs. Such -juadrupcle- simulaLiL6 leri.-~es have been used by the authurs with 600 Mev T)rotons and 500 MevIT-mesons The incrt--ase in the int&nsity ot,tained with these lenses was fo~ind to tie r-)," '.~ie )r-der if 5 ai4d 2,,7 respectivel-iBS. Ne,,aricv i!z than-ked formaking and testirq~ tr- lerr,ses and A, A Kropin iE ~hariked for a numter ,,I' W'Iltiable su~--6t~stiorls Phere ar~- three fie-ure.- ai-I 4 refer-:!Lices, I of whi-h is ooviet and --' are Sovi,-:-t traislations from 'I~r.L7 I I sh 0 ASSOCIATION Ot"yedjno~=yy ins,--itut yadt:~rn'vkh Woint. Institutt- fe- 1,4uclear Studie.~ SUBMIP VL~D AT, r- ~ i 21(g) S,,V/,j,') -6-6 -7/27 AUTHORSt Vasilevskaya, D P., Glazov, A A ~Vl- Denisov, Yu. N., Dzhelepov, V. P., Dmitriyevskiy, V F., Zamolodchikov, B. I., Zaplatin, N, L., Kollga, V V , Kropin, A. A~,1'1- Rybalko, V. 5 , Saverikov, A. L , Sarkisyan, L. A TITLL; Putting Into Operation a Cjclotron iith a Spatially Varying Tension of the Magnetic Field (Zapusk tsiklotrona s prostranst- vennoy variatsiyey napryazhennosti m~ignitnogo polia) PERIODICAL: Atomnaya energiya, 195~), Vol b, Nr t57 - 6)d (LJ33ii) ABjTRACTj In the present "Letter to the Editor" t~;e tuthors report on Eouie measirements and t~,eoretical cons iderat ions concerning some- parameters of the new cyclotron In the Laboratoriya, yadernykh problem Ob"yeaincnnugo institita yadern~kh issledo- vaniy (Laboratory for Nuclear Problems ol' the Joint Institite for Nuclear Research) in the town of' Dabna tne new c5clic accelerator was started in January 1`~59; this ne* type shows both an azimuthally and a r~diaily periodically varying ma6nktic field. The dia-eter of ttie )f tne accelerator is 1200 mm. The linc- of constant fielc t(--.,,-gion q~Ave the .,,hdi-e of tipirals Card 1/3 of Archimedes, r - 16 2 ,, periodicity of t1he field structure: Putting Into Operation a Cyclotron With a Spntl~ilij SOV/89 -6 -6 -7/ 27 Varying Tension of the Magnetic Field N - 6. The mean value of the field tension incruases radially according to the relativistic mass increase of the acceleratua ions. Since the acceleration originates from tne center of the magnet the fundamental fre4jencies of the free oscillations change accordingly jz" 0, 4 r - 1 (at r.0) to qz. 0.2, 11tr ' 1,01 (at r - 52 cm). It was shoNn theoretically that the radial increase of the mean magr.~tic field tension which is necessary for the elimination of tht nonlinear resonance effect occurring in the center of the accelcrator ~aay decrease with increasing N, accoraing to N/25(N-1)! and with an increase gf the ra,~ial spacing i:: t%e N-2 I case of a fixed N as (X 11'~,2) Th-ie investigation results were taken into account in sLlecting the six-spiral structure of the magnetic field in the center of which no nonli.--ear re- sonance occurs. All mea3uremtnts of the field tensions were carried out by means of a nuclear magnetomtter (error +1,5 OB) A resonance quarter-wave system *ith )tie D-shaped electrode Card 2/3 was used for the ion acck-leratior. In tn,~ cy.,_,lotron & Putting Into Operation a Cjclotron 1iit.1i a Spatially 301/8~-6-6-7/27 Varying Tension of the Magnetic Ficld were accelerateu up to 12 Mev and u-particLes up to 24 Mev at a minimum amp 1 itide of tnL accelt~r~itior. tecsiun or, the Qiant of 8 kv. Th, two itth,,-ds wnich were Asec *.'.jr tno en,rgy in tine casc of a rnaxi-ium orbital rauius are oriufly described. A pict,re shows the accelerating chaaber of the cyclotron (Fig 2), another one an a~tugraph of a nEutron bEam in the case of difi'erei,t radii The investi~.ation results prove the possibility of' prodicii.g a relativistic cyclotron sith a proton energy which ei-i-ils t!~at of a mucurn pharsotron. Tliere are 2 figures and 2 refert:ixes, 1 uf Ahicn is 5ovit~t SUBMITT~'Ds April 9, 1,69 Card 515 pi-l'i" LO D: I f -~, C ;:, : A C,,,clotr.,-I,i-L With I-, :;,;-t :I -OV Mir'netic. Field Dil,et-., on -,o!"s N f-7~ x t "::d d, A Cyclotron With Magnetic Fleld IW-en.,~V'y of th.-, dee.-, wa~; k... r- 4 th,:- relation Inri(-r h,,,m I,,' ti., I :,,,A rad';-~:i with -It 'k 1"-;Im was I d t 1 1 t _" ~t,thors t' Iv '(4Nr, ~t 1 1' Cield Ti 1) r,-d ~:31.nir m r- J., !.:r ..;as pr!"'Gry I Card d~ r (t (R -,I -hFL;!.r.*.naya A Cy I W, M:) in C:~ri 1-j A Cyc I a t ron W1 ~ I i a i a 1 1 j V Magnetic Field Int.~:iislij o v IVoo [-- - 7 F1 (A) Arq III A- 1 ot' magnetic I'l (-,I dfit-) 1 1,,) P!.~, f' p i ra 1 3him ~ert~ is ment "I I di ',,,i 'Poin WI tit ;I :,J);w 1~1 I IY FLeld I r f~- t t:3 I m(At.1 1. 1 1 f !,;(-).'Y' ~i r I a t 8 1 J ma , ,r 11 1, t 1 01, OIY~,l .... ... .. ., -_ ,, -i M.,,J-d a I ot r(_)tI W h 1 1 .~- M~t~-,:!- F Li- -1d Re ort o" 'Ai- JA:orat.(_)rY' u." N -,i r P v(_: 1 m s Oi'/aI) (1919T Th:- a s dee !.I rudt -: ()C E, the (1~ -ind f,ho Arijri~,t,v -r- "fie dee :,M. Tht- -2mt 1 1 -d- r:, P~_.tential -~:diice the bat:kgro,ind diie tc, 1ori,.r,-I I -~-d ra d t u! 1 :.~otopes, the ,r mide 11'-cm alloy. Worx[lli, 'a'--cum wa.- mtm Hr_ TI v,~ Lon source (--)f' tht~ Pr~rini,i ,,Id ;-,) ;'d be displaced in L - :jrhl,trary h t-fi, - :i - ;-xi. Three 4 ;,irt., w It h i~ I. i -r - t-d a6 v 13kial or (~Urrer,,~, InWl r,)',' The authors cl,iim th;,t .-ill d ~~i, theory of .~pactal A-:0,I I I*J (,f' !-,I. motion In he m. --itAnF, necessary ;!-! !I Tit A Cyc lotror. With ~j Spacld ~l j Vary' Magnetic Field In' erislty Thecretica 1 and expe a o:. of the spac ial't,r varying fleld3 .i.d :-.2' A~; p,~ ~j fo r shimming t he C en, ra lz!.' J -,:.ii: *ain, or c y c 1. c t ro n s c f a p p r ~~ p ra 1, u :- '-:,2 t,.3r a, ~ e I e ra t i 0 n s o f pa Irt ic I e s -,p 1, c.) e, ~3 a 1 :."lw only 4.n phasotrons arid w.11 h , t~arn, -~vder or harldruds of K. A. N. 1, Frclcv, M. F. Sh--illge, and F V . C r. -ianagers olf varia s divisions ~-jt' '::,e OIV,,l ,-.,.e -,orlstrc~c- tion of the cyclell-ron D. 1. B, ox~. :3e: , D. V. Yef re - mov, K. N. Meshc!iervaK(;,', aril V. N. ~~howt!J interest arA heipoi E. 0'. Kumar, I. F. Malyoriev, L. N. 'ne chamcer and the accelera*lor mag,-,t2-., V. Ches'~-,Yy helped in the early stages ~)f ,.e prcL.'ems. There are 9 figl.lires; and Sovle~, 3 U.K., 9 U. S. The 5 mos. K . a,A I'. re ferences a re N. King, W. Walki:i3~ow, D. Kerst , H. Ha isma:., R. P:ix: L. L,i e* F. M! i le3, Card 9/10 T. Ohkawa, F. A Cyclotron With a Spacially Var-yi--;g Magnetic Field I rite ris i ty W. Wa 11 e n-mey e r, Rev . Sc i e n11:', s t r m2~ N r (1957); W. Walkinshaw, N. K-':-.g, Li.-.ear Theory S"'R. Cyclotron, Design, AERE, GP 'R P. L. Mtil I et T. P 11 c ;(-,I v a ne, W. Wa.' i~ CFRN Sympusi--zm, D. D-:-~', K. 1 e r , J Nr K. Symon, L. JC--,-41?3, P. 1~'. (1955). SUBMITTED: Vig-,ist Z7, Card 10/10 2 X 0 (also / 00 S/057/61/031/004/006/018 B125/B205 kLITHORSo Biryukov, V. A. and Danilov, V. I. TITLEs Magnetic field of a rectangular, current-carrying coil PERIODICALi Zhurnal tekhnicheakoy fiziki, v. 31, no. 4, 1961, 428-435 TEXTt A study has been made of some special cases of exact formulas for the coefficients of the magnetic field of a current-carrying, rectangular coil. These exact formulas are obtained by summation of the magnetic fields of elementary currents satisfying the Biot-Savart law. For both theo-etical analyses and practical calculations it is advisable to have an exact solution to the problem of a coil having several layers of finite dimensions. The first part presents the calculation of the field of a current-carrying turn. The turn, through which a current i flows and which has an infinitely thin cross section in the plane z-0 of a rectangular coordinate system, is assumed to be such that the axis Oz passes throuch its center. If the radius vector i points from an element of the turn dl to the point of observation (Xotyotzo ), the magnetic field Card 1/11 2MO S/057/61/031/004/006/018 Magnetic field of a ... B125/3205 i , - generated by this element is given by d9 Idl according to the 41IR3 L Biot-Savart law. The equation dH V (d, VR.), 4n 3 dH, = 47,1RE' dH, = i X (dI.RF - dIVR.), UR holds for the components of the field along the axis. Only the field produced by the sides 1 and 3 has a component along the Ox axis, i.e.,r H. 4x (cis 1/0" (2) The field generated by currents 2 and 4 has a comp9nent along the Oy axis, i.e.' Card 2/11 21540 S/057/61/031/004/006/ole Magnetic field of a.._. B125/B205 Hr x Ive - -), + (Y~ - d, f r(7. -,~ , (, -.- 90 (3) T16- The z-oomponent of the magnetic field will be the sum of the eummands of all four sides of the turns dy - 1). . (-dx) (4) a) (YO - d r2 (Y. - Y), - OP Card 3/11 215'40 S/057/61,/C,';1/004/006/018 Magnetic field of a... B125/3205 -I- (ye -4- a) dX j I . " I IT-4 .--4-- (4) Here,and henceforward, a and indicate the limits of the integrals P2 determinedi thus, )-f(a, f (C" f (a2/'2) + f (al ' '1 f ("V/11 2) i Pi is valid. The constant in (2) - (4) and in the later formulas corresponds to the AMM system chosen here. Thus, the field strength is expressed in a/cm, the current i in a, and all linear dimensions in cm. The magnetic field of a rectanaular coil of infinitely thin cross section can be ex- pressed as the sum of magnetic fields generated by similar turns. The winding of the coil is supposed to be continuous.' The current i - jdz flows through a coil element of height dzi here, j - DV/2h stands for the linear current density, where i is the current flowing through the winding, W the number of turns, and 2h the height of the coil. The plane xOy traverses the center of the coil. Then, one finds the components of Card 4/11 5/057/61/031/C)04/006/018 Magnetic field of a ... B125/B205 the magnetic field of a coil having the di'mensions 21x 2a by integration of (2) (4) over thp heiaht of the coil: H. 4z X)T) %lai -4- Pt (SO x J_ arsh 0 , (5) (5) 4x R 1123 -4- Tit H,=- ar 4z (6) L I UA L" -q- (So - S)2j V1 at P2 ~_(Zo p" sods (so - 01) % 0-1 - P2 - (go - X7 (6a) al Rare tg -+-arctg (6a) Card 5/11 21540 S/057/'61/051/'(.04/006/018 Magnetic field of a... B125/B205 Here and henceforward, the field strength is written down in the form of (6a). After summing up the arc tangentD one obtains H, =-- -L arc ctg do (7) 4w ( R I Val -*- ~O instead of (6a). The field of a coil having an infinitely saiall heignt and many turns is given by H#=_Ll[ are tg k;ip' - s( ', 4% -+- arc tg so 11(k; are tg x" V go arc tg 1 (9) Card 6/11 Magnetic field of a... 22540 3/057/61/031/004/006/018 3125/B205 where d denotes the thickness of the.coil. The svmbols k'~ = [(yo a I - (x6 - k' , = [(yj a I - (X0 -4- k,' a) -+-- (x. k,, (8) k; a) -+- (x. -1- 1)] k,, Ky - z 0 - are used here. With the symbol f XY (k,T) arc tan 2--f-2 the z +z y-component of the field is given by Hy = -4L, 1 [f., (k.. 0f., (1 01 (10) rAO AAA KPATKOCTH o6oaitaqeHO f.,(k, p):= arc tg 4- g0 I/ tk 7) 2 -+- X2 Card 7/11 23540 S/057/61/C31/004/o06/018 Magnetic field of a ... B125/B205 and the z-component by ~H -L I [f (k,,p) (k.. ?)I (k,, (k,, 4n 1-d The examples calculated here comprise many practical applications. The calculation of the field strength of a coil having finite dimens-.'ons, which is necessary in spite of all approximation methods, is discussed in the fourth part. The magnetic field of a rectangular coil having the internal dimensions I and a, a height 2h, and a winding of thickness d can be represented as the sum of fields of coils having an infinitely small cross section and a height 2h (Part II), on the one hand, and a3 the sum of field strengths of coils having an infinituly Small hc-,wh' and a thickness d (Part III). The same result is obtaine(, in both cases. The Card 8/11 ZA,>4U 8/057/61/031/004/006/016 Magnetic field of a... B125/B205 components of a coil of height 2h are given by is k jaretg y ar A q C(k Is &r A = - IF., (k, 1)) (Ila) wherefrom it follows by integration that 4% 4" 0-04+4 %-'0-A (12) H, (F., (k, F., (k,. 4% [F., (k,, F., (k3$ Y P (13) Fxy being defined by (11a). The parameters k are defined by Eq. (8). The Card 9/11 2WO S/)57/61/031/004/006/018 Magnetic field of a ... B115/B205 component H is given by ar A ~k p - 1 trsh k 2V dl z - I ( so*.% --gar A T arc t r (k -,p) I VIO - V V(" 1P)j -,- F2 -+- k_ ar A -4-- 1- &r A k 27 V(k -+- $))I 4F t i Vkt 211 k arc tg (k -+- 2111 0- It %-# (13a) k VFk .4 which leads finally to 4x Card 10/11 S/05 61/031/004/006/018 Magnetic field of a... B125YB205 The difference between the fields of real coils and those determined from the formulas derived here is determined by the uniformity of distribution of the current density over the cross section of the winding, i.e., by the degree of constancy of j and jo. There are 2 figures and 5 references3 4 Soviet-bloo and 1 non-Soviet-bloc. ASSOCIATIONo Ob"yedinannyy institut yadernykh issledovaniy Moskva (Joint Institute of Nuclear Research, Moscow) SUBMITTED: June 14, 1960 Card 11/11 -------- --- ~,"'M6olodchik6t. B Hat? ov D zan astbv N" -i-tiatit; of th rm. ftdreaai4l~- eivali~ ~datd-,- A el. Ok. .......... t '_4 - 6~ f he*' Oart cled`iit t diantgr 4 g.xelii~ mO;:~.4nd,.;secondj; Ahe a ou. diijifik, ye.0 rm solut On of -.,.C .. ... .... A the I accUerating: re g 06 "ie*rgt gpo lu 6h': tv.-'the_ ii. for a.~ c stant,:acce --'enerl th* ;zidiud~: 6i. 6 curve.:-i eter bingtbs~. ezz Th Pon- -pax --,energy~ -~, as 4 unction of'rAd iis -- i Y*`mqans~-~df-lp dtut s.. -t &L'f el