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DA:: '. 1 1; . . I .
It ~Lrds -)--' I -, (.~P.-.ral ani ':~-ana-Urals.ff -Ind --0l -~C-, -.,. ..
Ac:id Sci US ..' 14ni-n;-r,,id, 1~5'-,,'. ('-.L, . o 12, .'ar :,',)
S-.: SU:1. NO j, 2", ;e-)t 1~-,; - Surve, -f -c-. ..~, - a . . ., I -,~. - -, i j~' mr,
Defended at Edu,-~: im 1 Insti~ut.. z,,-, (1~)
'-, ......I........
Datermining the accuracy of a bird census [sith English summar7 in
insert]. Zool.shur.35 no.1-1:1697-1701 D 156. (MLRA 10:1)
1. Urallskiy gosudaretvennrv univerettet iment A.M. Gorlkogo.
(Birds--Geographical distribution)
Changes in tho bird fauna of overgrowing clearings in the Central
Urals. Zool.zhur. 17 no.12:1898-1903 D '58. (MIRA 12:1)
1. Ural State University (Sverdlovsk).
(Sverdlovsk Province-Birds) (Forest influences)
Molting of Bome birds in the Arctic Urals. Trudy .;t,ts.
UFAN SSSR no.1:390-392 159. (?l PJt 14: 9)
(Ural Mountains--Birds)
Birds of the Arctic Urals. Uch.zap.UrGU no.31:57-73 '59.
NIRA 14-5)
(Sob' Valley-Birds)
Changes in the bird fauna of the Central Urals during the past
one hundred years. Trudy Ural. otd. MOIP no.2'q3-97 f59.
(MDU 14111)
(Ural Mountains-Birdq)
Role or predators in the reduction of the abundance of birds
during the nesting period. Trudy Ural. otd. MOIF no.2:117-
122 '59. (MIRA 14:11)
(Obordantsevo region-Birds of prey)
Bird fauna of the Central Urals and the trans-Ural region and
the history of its formation. Trudy Probl. I tem. sov. no.9:73-
80 160. (MIRA 13:9)
1. Sverdlovskiy gOBUdarSt~TbOnyY liniversitet.
(Ural Kountain region-Biris)
DA,NILDV N.H., kand.biolog.nauk
System of measures for the coneervatton of.birds in the Urals.
Okhr.prir. na Urale no.3s63-68 962. (MIRA l6t6)
(Ural Mountains-Birds, Protection of)
Geographical variation of the propagation of the fieldfare and the
redwing in the Urals. Ornitologiia no.4:142-153 162. (14MA 16-34)
(Ural Mountains,-Thrushes)
Past and present distribution of the whooper swan in the Urals.
Ornitologiia no.5t281-283 062. (MIRA 16s2)
(Ural Mountain regior,-Zwans)
1 -f - - ia, ~ -n ., " --!, Is, ~ , I ': ',~ - 'T,' ~ ', !-" I , , n , ",
tS5~ ~ m , P. , '- &
Birds of the lowq- Obt Valley and changes in the',r dis-.ributlon
during the last ten yearn. Trudy Inst. b1ol, UFO SSSR no*381lO3-
log 165o (M,RA 19:12)
Asiatic snipe Capella stenura Bp. of .he Poiar Ura,os. Trudy Inst.
biol. UFAN SS,",R no.38tl49-151 165.
(MIPA 18i12)
LISICHKINA, S.M., obahchiy red.; TOKASRPOLISKIY, L.K., obshchiy red.;
CHUTXMUSMLI. Te.V.. obahchiy rod.; KARTAGIN. I.D.. red.;
KIRITANOVA, Z.V., red.; KATVITKV, P.V.. red.; KOTORIN, A.I., red.;
POPOV, I.V., red.; POPOV, N.N., red.; PROSMTAKOV, A.Y., red.;
SOKOLOV. Tu.S.. red.; STUPOV. I.D., red.; BELTATSKIT, A.K., red.;
QIU21?UL', T.S.. red.: DANIWV, H.N., red.,- RAKIUCWINOV, G.I., red.;
(Development of th~j national economy of the German Democratic
Republici Razvitie narodnogo khoziaistva Germanskoi Demokrati-
cheskoi Respubliki. Moskva, Proizvodstvenno-izdatel'skil kombi-
nat VINITI. jq5q. 906 p. (KIRA 13:4)
1. Akademiya nauk SSSR. Inatitut nauchnoy informataii.
(Germany, last-Economic conditions)
Improvement of the electrical system of a ball durometer.
Zav.lab. 26 no.7:886-887 160. (MTU 13:7)
1. Rybinskiy poligraficheeldy zavod.
Using a metIM of heating concrete with infrared rays.
From. stroi. 40 no,9:29-31 162, (KIRA 15:11)
(Precast concrete)
(Infrared rap-Industrial applications)
C~' -4
J, ~~i 00)~ 0
r~ec 4
AUTHORS: Danilov. S. N., Venus-Danilova, E- D ~r!Dva. A N-
-4eli-z ci ~ro v Kazimirova, V~
TITLE: In Memory of A. I. Bol'9
PERIODICAL. Zhurnal obshchey khimii, '960, Vol~ 50. IN.-) J,
pp. 3145-3147
TEXT: A. I. Bol'shukhin died on November 14. 195'j. An outstanding peda-
gogist , he ranked among the best teachers at several inst itutes '~f Lpnin-
grad University. A son of peasants, he was born in the Government of
Vitebsk on February 20, 1906. At the age of :)nly fifteen he was already
allowed to frequent the preparatory classes tit the 11hysi?al nnJ mathemati-
cal department of Leningrad University. He worked himself through his
student years as a laborer and a clerk, and later was a laboratory assis
tant at the Tuberkuleznyy institut (Institute of Tuberc~losis). There,
under the guidance of E. D. Venus-Danilova he was able to complete his
graduation treatise on the synthesis of thyroxine (Ref, 1), whiuh gave a
description of the intermediates 3,5-d1io1o-4-(4'-ethoxy phenoxy)-nitro-
Card 1/3
In Memory of A. I. Bol'shukhin S/079/60/0')OjOO~/015/01C
benzene; 3,5-diiodo-4-(4-ethoxy phenoxy)-aniline along with his hydro-
chloric salt (Ref. 1). After graduation he -worked out an original inethod
of determining acetyl cellulose-bound sulfuric acid at the Institut
drevesiny (Wood Institute), at the laboratory headel by N I. Nikitin
(Ref He collaborated in the synthesis of scluble cellulcse triacetate
(Ref: '3~. As an assistant, he worked in the field of general, inorganic,
and organic chemistry at the Lesnaya akademiya (Academy of Forestry), at
the Komvuz imeni Stalin, at the Zootekhnicheak ly inst itut (Zootechnical
Institute) I and at the Leningradskiy gosudarstvennyy universitet (Lenin-
grad State University). He submitted his dissertation for the degree of
a Candidate of Chemical Sciences at the Leningradskiy tekhnologicheskly
institut im. Lensoveta (Leningrad Technological Institute imeni Lensovet).
During the war he headed the laboratory of the Glavnaya rodoprovodnaya
stantsiya (central Hydrological Station) in Leningrad, and, later, the
Trust "Lenvodoprovod". From 1943 on he was a docent at the Pedagogicheskiy
institut im. Gertsena (Pedagogical Institute imeni Gertsen), and at the
Leningradskiy pedagogicheskiy institut (Leningrad Pedavogical' Institute).
After the two institutes were merged he was appointed dorent of the Chair
of Inorganic Chemistry. A list is given of his writings a part of which
was worked out jointly with E, D. Venus-Danilova, A N. Orlova, A. 3~
Yegorov, N. I~ Nikitin, T, N. Rudnev, N. Ya. Solechnik, S~ G, Avraamov,
Card 2/3
/ r '60/-,liO,'009/015/015
In Memory of A. I. Bollshukhin 3107~/ 1
Ye. P. Brichko, V. L. Zhitorchuk. There are 1 figmire and 20 Soviet
Card 5/3
"Structure and reactIvIty of organic compounds" by V. V.
Razumovskii. Revie-/ed by S. N. Danilov. Zhur. prikl.
khim. 33 no.11.,2616 N 160. (14IRA 14:4)
(Chemistry, Organic)
(Chomistry, Physical and theoretical)
(Razumovskii, V. V.)
FAVORSKIY, Aleksey Yevgrafovich. khimik, prof., akadamik, Gem Sotsialisti-
cheekogo Truda (1660-18451; FAVORSKAYA, T.A., prof. (translator]; DA-
VILOV, B.B., otv. red.; DOWUN, N.A., prof., doktor kbim. nauk, red.;
MURASHOV, G.14., kand. khim. nauk, red.; KAPIAN, M.Ya.0 red.ind-va;
KONDRATIYEVA, M.N., tekhn. red.
[Akademician Aleksei Rvgrafovich Favorskii; selected works] Izbran-
rqe trudy. Moskva, Izd-vo Akad. nauk SSSR, 1961. 790 p.
(MMA 14: 11)
1. Chlan-korrespondent AN SOO (for Danilov).
(Favorskii, Aleksei Evgrafovich, 1860-1945) (Chemistry, Organic)
(I IM: '~,-,ne 7iven
TTTLE. ieneral Assemblv of .ne t-r
Kademii nauK ~D, . 'e,a rt
Mlca. I n C 3 :~e
Academy of Sciences USS.R. , Marcr.
i-ERIODICAL. Akademiya nauk SSSR. Izvestiya. 'I,,:eniYe k:i-iicr':eskikh
nauk, no. 7, 1961, 1A57-11~t'k'
TEXT; This is a rei~ort on the meetings of the ~;eneral Assembly of the
Otdeleniye khimicheskikh nauk Akademii nauk 'SS-'H Department of Chemical
S'~4enres o' the Academ
I y of Sciences USIS,~' held on .'BArch 9 and 1J, 1,96, on
the chemistry of cellulose. r'rofessor Z. ,. Rogovin re,-crteJ on new
methods of modifying the properties of cellulose, and mentioned some
trends of research work in this field. C' ~3ynt-esis -)-7 new types of
cellulose esters; (2) introduction of new types o!' functional groups intc
tnu macromolecule of cellulose; 'A" synthesis of graft cc~olymers of
~-ellulose with polymers containint; heterogeneous arJ cl~rb-n chains.
0.. :-. -,rlova, Doctor of Chemical -ciences, reCrtf~i o!~ t of the
Card 1,
4'eneral Assembly of the ...
t~.~ernqal irccess of cellulose decom,positi3n". 11'~Prmall iecomposition was
gt-.jd,;?d in twn cellulose modific;ition:3 o' different physical structures.
,:,~tfon oellulose ind hydrPtion rofes.-~r .. V. Kozlov
ret-orted or, structural c.-,&racteri-tic8 -,' -e.1u.(j:-e ind its derivatives-
He said tnat V. A. Kargin, to,:--ether wit.; a number of other scientists,
proved the amor~-ncus structure of these natural polymerg. He also men-
ticned that the ideas on the"packa6e"-ty~e Ftrucl 'ure of i~olymers expressed
by V. i_ Kargin. A. I. Kitaygorodskiy, and 1. _. 'Ionimqkiy are of
grPatest value f)r the examination o! the macrostruc, tire --f cellulose and
i'E3 derivaf4Vej. S. N. Danilov, Correspondirg ~'emcer reported
-n the "Rie _t4 vity 0 _eg_~ers ct' cellulose and in-' ~P pointed out
:,a*. -..,t irt aril cellulose supp' led esters cf Sr,-at )r-,tc* i4cal value. Thoir
.,:-oducti-n, !,.owever, is stil' dif F,,-jit 'n own namo and on behalf
r,f f. 111. ldintsov, Academician zt.:, Lalviyskay-, I':I':;, A. 11. ;'a~'nn'sh,
LAlP-_.i A:3 Latviyskaya SSR, rei.orted ,)n tntl 7f levelopmen'r
cne,,n1:ttr,.,. He stresse,i t,,.e nwc,-~-s,,ty o! fin-ling new methods '-,r
tre ut, I iz-,ticr, -f large timber resources, wool w-i-e an! veEeta~le remains
Ir ;1~_r, "I-' ture, und (.f rational' izin,~ -onvent ~ona. tno same
time t.-ier)rn`r,_,I wcrk in trlis I ii,ll ir, to -e Inte-..91. ':ei "..N. incrygina,
-ard , '
,D r ii, i -
v; -n, t i z ;; r, r
i c a I 0d i f i c t i n n DI
as 'Aipl; C V
The Distribution of Carbon Bisulfide in Viscose Depending on the Conditions.
Communication 10.
course of 1.5 hours avoiding the long-lasting stage of ripening in the viscose cellar,
which is important In connection with speed-up production methods. With a decrease in
the degree of squeezing (from 3 to 7) and consequently with an increase in the alkali
content in alkali cellulose the percentage of trithioaarbonate rises to 35 50%. The
rise of the quantities of xanthogenates formed is more considerable (by 6 8% higher)
than in the case of an increase in the meroarization temperature. A decrease of the
xanthogenation temperature to 10 - 120C reduces the quantity of side products ocn-
siderably, but it decreases also the total sulfur content in viscose, i.e. the degree of
x.anthcgenation drops.
There are: 4 tables and 13 references, 12 of which are Soviet and 1 German.
ASSOCIATIONt Leningradskly takhnolcglchaskly inatitut im. Lensoveta I Institut vyso-
komolakulyarnykh soyedinenly (Leningrad Teohnoloaio&1 Institute im*ni
Lensovet and Institute of Hixh-Molsoular Comnounds)
SUBMITTEM November 14, 1959
Card 2/2
AUTHORS: Levitskaya, K.V., Pastukhov, P.T., Danilov, S.N.
rIT,LE- The Distribution of Carbon Bisulfide in Viscose Depending on the Conditions.
Communication 10.
PERIODICAL-. Zhurnal prikladnoy khimii, 1960, Vol 33, Nr 4, pp 890 - 896
TEXT: The distribution of carbon bisulfide in the main and side products affects
esserti&lly the properties of viscose. The effect of a temperature increase during
different stages of viscose production on the carbon bisulfide distribution was in-
vestigated in order to find the best conditions for a continuous process of viscose L-~
production. The experiments were carried out witl~ sulfite cellulose of the following
characteristics: 0( -cellulose 92 4%, ash content 0.25%, viscosity 230 centipolse,
swelling number 3.4, weight of 1 ;;~ 377 g. It has been shown that an increase in the
temperature of mercerization (up to 400C), pre-ripening (up to 350C) and xanthogenation
(up to 30 - 400C) does not promote a more favorable distribution of carbon bisulfide.
The total sulfur content in viscose was 1.8 - 2.2%, of which 65 - 721,9 pertained to
zanthogenate sulfur and 28 - 35% to side products. Viscoses suitable for spinning can
be obtained by heating viscose to 35 - 400C after or at the end of dissolution in the
Card 112
AUTHORS: Levitskaya, K.V.. Postukhoy. P.T., Danilov, S.N,,
TITLE: The Effect of Oxidizing and Reducing Additives to Viscossion Its
Properties. Communication 11.
PERIODICALt Zhurnal prikladnoy khimii, 1960, Vol 33, Nr 4, pp 902
TEXT: On adding sodium hypochlorite to finished viscose directly after dia-
solution of xanthogenate the amount of titrable sulfur decreases in proportion to the
ripening of viscose, mainly at-the expense of xanthogenate sulfurl the polymer grows
more quickly than in experiments without addition of an oxidant. It is evident that
under the action of the oxidant cellulose dixanthogenidea are formed which split up
easily in an alkaline medium, speeding up the ripening of viscose. The addition of
persulfates into the maroerization alkali strongly decreases the viscosity of tho viscose
obtained. If persulfate is introduced during the dissolution of xanthogenate the viscosity
of viscose, the salt index and the total quantity of the titrable sulfur decrease strovg-
ly, mainly at the expense of xanthogenate sulfur. Sulfate which is formed from per-
sulfate affects little the properties of viscose. The addition of 5% of sodium p*roxide
in relation to the weight of Ok -cellulose prior to arddirectly after the dissolution of
Card 1/2
The Effect of Oxidizing and Reducing Additives to Viscose on Its Propertips.
Communication 11.
xanthogenate increases the ripeness and viscosity of viscose, but reduces the total
quantity of titrable sulfur. Sodium peroxide partially speeds up the ripening process
of viscose. The treatment by oxygen on various stages of viscose manufacture changes
the properties of the viscose obtained, especially during the-stages between the
mercerization and the dissolution of xanthogenate. The addition of sulfite (1.5% of
the weight of the CC -cellulose in alkali cellulose prior to xanthogenation) increases
the content of xanthogenate sulfur in viscose and decreases also considerably the
viscosity of viscose and inhibits Its coagulation. The introduction of sodium sulfite
into the finished viscose affects the viscosity of viscose, but does not change the
distribution of carbon bisulfide.
There are: 7 tables and 13 references, 9 of which are Soviet, 2 German and 2 Japanese.
SUBMITTED: November 14, 1959
Card 2/2
Ethers and the reactivity of cellulose and chitin. Izv.
AN SSSR. Otdokhim.nauk no.B.'1500-.1506 Ag 161. (MIRA 14:8)
1. Inatitut vyaokamolskulyamykh sordineniy AN SSSR.
Cellulose others
DANILOV, S.I;.; PL15i,O, Ye.A.
Chitin. Part 4: Synti-esis and pro-erties of carboy.-
Zhur. ob. khir.. 31 no. 2:469-473 F 161. (NIFit 14:2)
1. InstitLt vvsokomolekmlyarnykh soyedlneniy At: -JSSR.
501 C) D202/11305
AUT11ORS: Anikeyeva, A. N., Orlova, T. I., and Danilov, S. N.
TI TLE: Amino-derivatives and methacrylamides from xylite and
xylitane acetals
]PERIODICAL: Zhurnal obahchey khimii, v. 31, no. 11, 1961, 3544-3550
TEXT: This is a continuation of previous investigations in the series
of xylite derivatives in quest of new polymerization monomers. 11) new
compounds were synthesized, the amination being carried out by substitution
of tosyl groups in tosyl derivatives of xylite acetals and by substituting
the chlorine in dimethylene xylite chlorohydrin. The structural formulae
of all compounds are given, as well as preparation details. The starting
products: tosyl eater of 2,4-3,5-dimethylene and 2,3-4,5-dibenzylidene
xylitee and that of 3,5-methylene-1,4-xylitane were obtained by methods
given in Western literature. Cpd. I: Chloro-l-desoxy-2,4-3,5-dimethylene
xylite was obtained from dimethylene xylite in pyridine and thronyl
chloride at 0 0C, the reaction mixture being heated to 100 0 C~ The product
Card 1/5
Amino-derivatives and... D202/11305
was extracted with CHC1 3 and recrystallized from alcohol, yielding 14 g
of product with m.p. 129 0 C. Its chemical compoaition was determined as
rith all other products in the Analytical Laboratory at the Institute of
High-Molecular Weight Compounds, Cpd. Illt Amino-bis-2,4-3,5-dimethylene
xylite was obtained from tosyl ester at 2,4-3,5-dimeth-ylene rylite and
methanol saturated with Nil 3 at 0 0, The mixture was heated to 125 0C and
eventually yielded 54% of crystals, m.p. 234 - 2400 (decomp.) Cpd~ Ili
From the filtrate of the above product after drying and extracting with
CHCI3 a small amount of aniano-2,4..-3,5-dimethylene xylite was obtained
of m.p, 120 - 1210C. Compounds III and 11 were also obtained from
compound I by the action of methanol saturated with Nil 3' Cpd. 1EX -
Toluene -sul f onami de-bi s-2,4-3 , 5-dimethyl ene xylite was obtained from pro-
duct III by the action of n-toluene sulfochloride in pyridine at room
temperature, m.p,, 211 - 212 0. Cpd~ Xs Benzoyl-amide-bis-2,4-3,5-
dimethylene xylite was obtained from product Ill and benzoyl chloride
solution in pyridine, m,p, 261 - 2620. Cpd, I-Vt I-Butylamino-2,3-4,5-
Card 2/5
301! ~
Amino-derivatives and,... D202/D305
dibenzylidenexylite was obtained by beating 1-tosyl-2,3-4,5-dibenzylidene
xylite with butylaminel after 0 crystallization from "cohol, an amorphous
powder was obtained, m.p. 146 o Cpd., 11: I-Butyl-toluene sulfonamido-
2,3-4,5-dibenzylidene xylite was obtained from product IV and n-toluent
sulfochloride in pyridene; crystals (from alcohol), m.p. 126 - 127
Cpd. Vx I-Phenylamino-2,4--396-dimethylene xylite was obtained from !to
1-tosyl ester and aniline; a white, amorphous powder, m.P. 1330. Cpd XI I
I-Phenyl-n-toluene-oulfonamido-2,4-3,5-dimethylene xylite was obtained
from product V and n-toluene sulfochloride in pyridine; small crystals.
m.p. 1760,, Cpd. XIIIt I-Phenyl-benzoylamido-2,4-3,&-dimethylone xylite,
obtained from product V and benzoyl chloride in pyridino; m.p. 118 0
Cpd. VIx 2-Butylamino-3,5--methylene-1,4-xylitane, obtained from tosyl
ester of 3,5--a-ethylene-1,4-xylitane and butylamine; (in collaboration
w-ith Yu. 1. Dmitriyev); colorless crystals, tu.p~ 34 - 35'OC,, Cpd XIV.
2-Butyl-n-toluene-sulfonamide-3,5-methylene--1,4-oxylitane '. obtained from
product VI and toluene sulfochloride; m.p, 110 . Cpd. VII~ 2-.Phenyl-
amino-3,5-methylene-1,4-xylitane, obtained from tosyl 0ester of methylene
xylitane and aniline; yellow crystals, m,p. 123 - 124 , Cpd XVi 2-phenyl-
Card 3/5
Amino-derivatives ...
benzoyl-amido-3,5-meth-ylene-1,4-xylitane, obtained from product V11 and
benzoyl chloride; crystals, m.p. 128 0. Cpd~ XVI, liethacrylamido-bis-
2;4-3.,5-dimethylene xylite was obtained from product III in CHU V
dimethylaniline and methacrylic acid chloro-anhydridet vhite.amorphou8
powder, mp, 2170- Cpd, XVII, 1-Fhenyl-methaeryl-amido-2,4--3,5,-
dimethylene xylite, obtained from product V as above,~ white, amorphous
powder, m.p. IS30. Cpd. XV111s 2-phenyl --me thac ryl -ami do- 3, &-me thy I eue-
1,4-xylitane, obtained from product VII and methacrylic acid chlorn
"dride with dimethyl aniline in dichlore ethane, yellow crystals m.p
114 . Cpd, XIX. 2.-Phenyl-acryl-amido-3,&-nethyleno,-I 4 r7litane
obtained from product VII and acrylic acid chloroanhydrid- with dimethyl
aniline in CHO 3' There are 5 references, 2 Soviet-bloc and 3 non-
Soviet-bloc, The references to the English language publications read
as followa, R.. M, Hann, A. T. Ness, C S, Hudson, J Am Chem Soc
66, 670, (1944); M, L_ Volfrom, W. J. Burke 'E_ A Metkalf, J Am,~,.-
Soc., 69, 1667 1947)1 A, T. Nesa, R M, Hann. C S Hudson. J. Am, Chem
Soc., 75, 132, 89153).
Card 4/5
p I'A
S '079,'61 0.11 01 - 005'0' S
Amino derivatives and D202 &10')
AS-90 C I Al I ( N 'I n s t,l tu t vy so komo I e ku I v ti ru y.- h io ve d i ii en - v Ali tid piii i i n itu It
SSSIl (Institute of Iligh k1olecul a, Compoundg, AS USSIO
SUBM IT rE D: 1)4(embor 30 1960
Card 515
Fractionation of woodpulp. Zhur.prikl.khim. 34 no.11:2578-2579
It 161. (MIRA 1511)
PLATE, Allfred Feliksovich; 8YKOV, Gt.-orgiy Vladimirovich; EVINTOVA,
ariyu Solomonovna; DAITILOV_, SJ!,-, qtv. red.; VOLDDIIIA,
Ye.I., red. izd-va; WULU~Fi_,_ S--.-P., tekhn. red.
[Vladimir Vasillevich Markovnikov; story of his life and sci-
entific activity, 1837-lW4) Vladimir Vasillevich Markovnikov;
ocherk zhizni i deiatellnosti, 1837-1'04. Moskvit, Izd-vo
Akad. nauk SSS, 1962. 149 p. (MIRA 15:3)
(Markovnikov, Vladimir Vasillevich, 1637-1(04)
Bibliography, Zhur.prikl.khim- 35 no.l1228~-229 Ja 162.
(Chemical structure) (Hydrolysis) (HIRA 15:1)
Butlerov's (186 1961) theory and law of chemical structure.
Zhur.ob.khim. 3 lno.2:333-347 F '62. (MIRA 15:2)
-1 %11
1, (Chemical structure)
Nev data on the structure of xyl-itol dianhydride. Zhur.ob.
khim. 32 not2:656-657 F 162. (MIRA 15:2)
1. Institut vysokomolakulyarnykh soyedineniy.
Cleavage of an anhydride ring in dianhydroxylito-' by amines.
Zhur.ob.khim. 32 nooll:36*3614 N 162. WdRA 15-11)
1. Institut vysokamoIekuIyarn7kh soyedineniy AN SSSF.
(Xylitoi) (Anhydrides) (Amines)
Cleavage of an anhydride ring in dianhydroxylitol and its
derivatives by hydrogen chloride in glacial acetic acid.
Zhur.ob.kbim. 32 no.11:3617-3621 N 162. (MA 15:11)
1. Institut vysokmolekulyarnykh soyedineniy AN SSSR.
(Yylitol) (Anhydrides) (Hydrochloric acid)
Now data on the structure of xylitol dianhydride.
32 no.11:3622-3627 N 162. (MIRA 15:1-1)
1. Institut vysokamolskulyarnykh soyedinaniy AN SSSR.
(Xylitol) (Anhydrides)
Structure of acetals and ketals of 1,,A,-WlhydrOX7litOl- Zhur.
ob. khim. 32 no.12%3913-39111 D 162. (MIRA 16:1)
1. Institut vysokamolskulyaMkh soyedinaniy AN SSM.
(Acetale) (Xylitol)
Characteristics and use of an alkaline solution of the iron sodium
tartrate complex for dissolution of cellulose. Zhur.prikl.khim.
35 no.12t2760-2763 D 162. (MIRA 16-5)
1. Institut vysokomolekulyarnykh soyedineniy AN SSSR.
(Iron sodium tartrates) (Cellulose) (Iron~+AnRlysis)
TOM, A.ff,,Oty.rqd.4 GLJK~Wi, S.A., d1oktor khi-m. nauk, prof,,,red.;
GEI*, K.P., at. mauchn. sotr., red.; V.S.,
doktor tekhn. nauk, red.; DANILOV) S.N.$ red.;
YEVTIJSHENKO, V.A., kanc. khi;!.. nauk, red.; ZIN6VA, A.L.,
kand. biol. nauk, red., FIZEVETTE',, doktor tekhr..
nauk, red.; KIRaEVA, Y.S., kanu. bio'L. nauk, red.;
VULINHW, IA,A., red.; POTEMIN, L.P., red.
[I.-ansactions of the Fir:it A.11-Union Conference of Workers
in the Algal Industry of the U.S.S.R.] Trudy Pervogo Vse-
soiuznogo nauchno-tekhnichaskogo soveshchaniia po vodo-
roslevol prornyshlenmiti SSSR. Arkhangellsk, Art, hangel'skoe
knizhnoe izd-vo. Vol.l. 1962. 214 ~. (ml:,A 17:12)
1. Vsesoyuznoye sove.;hchaniye i-~~botn~kov pro-
myshlennosti SSSR. lst. 2. Chien-korrespondent A34 3SNi (for
Danilov). 3. Vsesoyuznyy nauchnyy institut morskogo rybrogo
khozyaystva i okeanog:-afii (for Kireyeva). 4. N,%challnik
Upravleniya rybnoy prot,y-,hlenno~;ti Arkhange'Llskogo :3ovnar-
khoza (for ISapko). 5. Sa:-atovskiy gosudarstvennyy universiteta
im. N.G.Chernyshevskogo (for Glik-man).
Mechanism of oxidati~)n of celiulose others by oxygen. Part 15: Effect
of the chain length of the substituent in aliphatic cellulose ethers
on their oxidation rate. Vysokom.eoed. 5 nc,.3:4Z4-427 Mr 163.
(MIRA 16:3)
1. Institut vysokomolekulyarnykh soye~iineniy AN Sboh.
(Cellulose ethers) (Oxidation) (6ubstitutin (Chemistry))
Hexitol anhydride with with a f-ring-
1,3-anbydro-2.4-mothylons-5g6-dizethyl-D-sorbitol. Zhur.ob.
khim. 33 no.2s453-457 F 163. (KMA l6s2)
1. Institut vylokowlekulyarnykh royedineniy AN SSSR.
(Sorbitol) (Hexitols)
Transformatir of a1doses following Cannizzaro reaction &B
an intemole lar oxldation-reduction. Zhur. Ob. khim. 13
no.5:1424-13 My 163. (MIRA 16:6)
1. Leningradskiy tekhnologicheskiy institut imeni Lenboveta
i Tekhnologicheakiy institut kholodillnoy prom3rshlenndsti.
(Aldoses) (Oridation'-roductiff TeiLctlan)
- &- Z--~
Reactions of 2-4oall-1,4-7,5-dianhydroxylita with amines.
Zhur. ob. khim. 33 no.511V9-1431 My '63. (MIRA 16:6)
1. Institut vysokamolskulyarnykh soyedineni AN S~,SR
flylitol) (Toluenesulfonic acids , I
Therml oxidative degradatian of cellulose eaters* Zhur.priklekhlms
36 no.3:622-628 It 163. (MIRA 1635)
(Cellulose e5ters) (Oxidation)
DA.Nl:LGV,-S.N.; KOZ'141.'iA,, O.P-; KUZ-LJV, M.f.
synthesis and properties of cellulose eater and trimethylacetic
acid. Zhur.prikl.khim. 36 no.3.682-685 Vq 163. (MIRA 16:5)
(Cellulose eaters) (Piva.1ic acid)
Water-soluble sulfamethyl and sulfoethyl cellulose ethors.
Zhur. prikl. khim. 16 no.9:2060-2064 D '~,3. (MIRA
1. .!!,! -,' ~ut vyBo~omole~JilyarVkh soyed.rienly- AN 17-*:-('R.
ACC-'SS1G-,-' NL(: j/1.-)7q/'o-, - -/604/11j~_ _L064
AUTHORS: Anikeyeva, A. N.; Danilov, S. N.
TITLE: Methacryllc ethers of the acetals and ketals of xylite and
3OURCE: Zhurnal obshchey khimii, V. 34, no. 4, 1964, 1063-1064
A'S: xylite acetal methacrylic ether, xylite ketal metha-
crylic ether, xylitane acetal methacrylic ether, xylitane Icatal
a~ethacrylio ether, synthesis, property, melting point, solubility
ABSTRACT: The methacrylic ethers of xylite and of 1,4-anhydroxylilte
(xylitane) acetals and ketals were eynthosized and charaoterized:
Ii2c-ohfa C111-
(IV. V, VI)
(I. IV) R = G11'. (11. V) Rr1tr..".. (111. VI) R = C(C.H.),
Me cor, -r.11,
7he monomethacrylic ethers were synthesized from the aceuds by
reaction with methacrylic acid anhydride at room temperature in
pyridine for 24 hours and crystallizing in ice water, or by reaction
with the chloranhydride of methacrylic acid in ether in the presence
20% allcall at OC with strong a-Itation for 14 iiours, separating
ti-le ether and extracting the water layer allth et~-.Pr, was'hin~-,
,jrying and allowing to stand for 2 days to crystalliz,). -.rp I-
.-:~~.,Liiacrylyl-2,3-5,5-diinethylene (dibenzyliderie, ciliso-)ropylldeno)
f--,,j and the 2-methacrylyl-5, 5-me thylene (,Den zy, dorio , 1~;,,--ropyll-
thus obtained are insolub1e n -,;:t',Pr ~~it are
~Dle in solvento (acetone, chir;rofor,-,~, ber-Lone jci %Icj-
"Yu. L. tcl)~~ In
',ne of methacry".1c others o!-
i table and 1 formula
:not.11tut vy', coye na"a, Z
.-Igii I 'ec 'cie cf.-
'c ~3:~R (Inatituto of Mo. u-ar Cc,,-,~,.ound7 ri F,
DICL: 00
---' 3/3
4 '.
3,5-Ethylidenexylitol an- its -,er'v-i*.'ve~;. Zhur. oL). 34
no.6:2532-2534 Aky ' o4. c.,I:.J~ 1,7:9)
1. Institut vysoir omolek d yarn yki. soy,-Iinen~y A:: 333A.
VW.N.HIN, A.I.; K(lZIMINA, G.P.; IJAN11,0111 11.1141.
. nt~,e ~- ~ a ~,n i - I es on ~L-:,u r)! ! 'I u tki.-. ;~ I . I . C) 11; t~
eswrfi, Zhur.~rIKI.khIm. 37 .,* .* I I '..
1. In.9titut A';
ACC Mgt Anomw SOUM COEE: U8/(286/65/0O0/(9Q/0067/00W
AVMORS: A. S. ff.
ORG: none Z
TITIEs VAthad for obtaining polymers. Class 39, No. 175660 �amunced by Imatitat
for M&I-ecular Compamids, AN SSSR (Iqoitut ~yio-kom-oreliay-wrqkh &qy*dinw-iW,'
AN SSSR)_/ -fr/ .34
SOURCE: 'Byullatent isobrotenly L tovarvykh zaakovq no* 20v 19659 67
TOPIC TAGS: polymorp radical polymerization, polymerization, polywric structure
ABSTRACT: This Author �F16..ts method for obtaining pol7aws b7
radical PEIJ~Wizat,10W of the acetals andketalm of a P03*-
atodc alcohol wdW&ld having a littear itructure, monowtha-.
crylic asters of acotalm anti ketalm- of 1.4-anhydroVllte are used*
SUB COIxt a7/ sum DMI 1qftp64
CjPll,-VA , T.1 .; ANIKFTH A, A.N. ; ~ .7 .
Toryl ethens of z -. .* -.,*". . , . I.- , *
zleriva,.ives. :'hair. Dl,. ld~lm. -4c n -' ,.I ". .
. w ~?!: -
I . Insti tut vysokomrlek ~ lyn ~-r vk~. nc- I : ,, ''. .
DAN"~'.)Vl S.N.~ CHYH'-KVTSW.ILI D.T.; MDTNARAr,ZF, -- A..-. GCr,^','APZE, V,P..
XT.9%A47AN, A-1,; NAPOBAS ffVT' 1, Ye,M,, SALZP~!A, 11'r.
:n memory of Prcfess-r AkakI.i Melltcncvi,!h Sakhok.dze,1909-1964.
Zhur. ob. khirt. 35 no.6ilI17-1119 is 165, (MIRA 18,6",
DAY I LOV ~ -S. N.-.. grl - -. %-d . - ARBU ZOV, A. Ye . , red . ; VVEDPZI.':KIY, A. A. ,
red.; VENUS-DAIIIU)VA, E.D., red.; Zk'rik-OVA, A. I., red.;
IOFFE, I.S. , red.; KAVERUEVA, Ye.b., red.; U17MiKi- , I.F. ,
red.; MISHCHENKC, K.P., red.; Na.TSCV, M.S., red.; PFrROV,
A.A., red.; FREYDLIIIA, R.Kh., red.; SHM."YA-KIN, M.P., red.;
SHUKAREV, S.A., red.; YIJRIYEV, Yu.K., red.
[Biologically active comlounds] diologicheski a;rtivMe
Poodineniia. Moakva, Nauka, 1965. 305 f.
. . I I
( :, . ::. , * , - L , . ". I .. - . - ~ I t" I. : . .. .
i :, . .. :~
Fluoro dprivativen of polyhydric alcholos. Part 1: Ketals of
glycerol and 'k-chlorohydrin with trifluoroacetons. Zhur. ob.
khim. 35 no.9il620-1625 S 165. (MIRA 18:10)
1. Institut vysokomolekulyarnykh soyedinenly AN SSSR.
Z A P U! i TN." K ll~ , (". M. i I AN,' ,O'w't Li ti .
P -'U-)r In P I er J va t ~ . e a of , .-, 'Yryeri - ~i * -, -,6. -, P ." --I :- -. ,
Tr!fluc~.roa~tatone , f .,~, - ~-'- . - ~~i-:r. - ~~. . ~ -- :7 .z
r.,).'1 ";. ~ "W- 1 "9F 0 lt5. t Y " - t -, I P . " ~ , "
-:e - , g. -_ , -, I r,
. , r. -, '~ . , - V), 3 7m. - I r~ 1. 1 - - . .
L_3552-66 EK(m)/tPF(c)/tWP(j)/T ra
ACGESSION NR: AP02098 UR/0286/65/ /015/0080/0080
a4 ar%09
Danilov. _I Ustyuzhanin, 0, Ye.; Sidorova, N. S.; Kaganple No$
Isakovap V, Fe
TIT1,93 A method for obtaining epoxy resins. Class 39P No, 173405
SOURCEs Byulleten' izobreteniy i tovarnykh znakov, no. 15, 1965, 80
TOPIC TAG3s epoxyj resin, alcoholp phenol
ABSTRACTs Thin Author Certificate presents a method for obtaining epoxy resins
by condensing epichlorhydrin of a polyatomic alcohol with biatomic phenols
applicable to the production of epoxy resins (for instance, resorcin or dian).
The reaction is carried out in the presence of a base at a rising temperature,
and solidification proceeds in the usual manner. To broaden the base of raw
material by replacing the edible products with inedible ones,, epichlorhydrin of
xilitane-1,4-2,3-dianhy~&o-5--chlor-5-deso,VVlite is used so epichlorhydrin of
a polyatomic alcoholo
AM1ATIONs Institut vyookomolekulyarpykh soyedineniy, AN SSSR (Institute of
High Molecular Compoundag A14 SWR)
.arcs 1/2 -1 LA
L 3552-66
AccwsioN NRs AP%24398
NO RM SOVt 000 OTHERs 000
Cmd ,2/2
_~ANILOV, S.N., glav. rei.: ZAKHAiiOVA, A.I.~ red.; ARAZOV. A.Ye.,
A.A,, 7,9d.; IMUS.-DAVILOVA, E.I., red.;
IOFFE, I.S... red.; KAVMaIEVA. Ye.D.,, red.; LtnSE21KC,
I.F., red.; MISHCHEMO, K.F., red., NEMTSEV, I.S.v red.;
PETRbV, A.A,, red..; FREYDLINA, R.Kh-., red.; SM,'fAKIN,
V.X., red.. SHCHUKAREV, S,A., re-l.-, 'P.'HIYFV, Yu.K., red.
(Problems of organic s:,iitriesis) Problemy o,-gan,cheskogo
sinteza. Vcskjl,, Nauka. 1965. 323 p. 18.8)
DAr I LOV, S.N. , Frlav. red.; DOMN I N , t. A. , zarn. red.
(,;ynthesis of naturhl compo,;n-s, their an~t.ov3, Fint.
frngir.ents] Sintez prim(inykii soeoinen--'y, i kP~ ani; , o~!.,v
C~ -,q~ .
I frligentov. ,.'o.;k-va, Nauxu:, Pu . I 1 1.
I '.
. : 11 )
L 16006-66 EWP(J)/ZWT(s) RM
ACC NR: AP6005517 (A) SOURCE CODE: UR/0080/66/039/001/ 0164/0170
. I
AUTHOR: &utkjq., V. N.; $1ayetskaya.-P. A.,. Koz'min . 0. P.; Danilov, S N.
ORG: none
.TITLE: Synthesis and properties of mixed gyanoethyl cellulose esters and ethers
SOURCE: Zhurnal prikladnoy khimii, v. 39, no. 1, 1966, 164-170
TOPIC TAGS: ether, ester, cellulose
ABSTRACT: Cellulose ethers were cyanoethylated by introducing cyanoethoxyl groups.
Methyl-, ethyl-, benzyl-, trityl-, and allylcyanoethylcellulose with different de-
grees of substitution were thus obtained. To produce esters, acylation of incom-
plete cyanoet I etherdiwas carried out by using acid chlorides in pyridine. The
introduction of functional groups which differ in size and structure into the cellu-
lose molecule widens the choice of solvents which can be used and causes a change of
the glass point. During the synthesis of mixed cyanoethyl cellulose ethers and es-
ters, no appreciable degradation of the cellulose macromolecule takes place, as in-
dicated by Intrinsic viscosity data. Infrared spectra of the mixed ethers and
!Card 1/2 UDC: 661.729
L 16006-66
ACC HR: AP6005517
iesters and their main electrical characteristics 0, tan 6, and o were analyzed.
i"Authors thank A. I. Artyukhov and K. K. Kalninlah for measuring the electric prop-
~erties and taking IR spectra of the mixed cyan-o-e-Wyl cellulose ethers and esters."
10rig. art. has: 2 figures, 2 tables.
SUB CODE: 07/ SUBM DATE: 23Jul65/ ORIG MF: 005/ (YrH REF: 005
i Card- 2/2..
ACC NR, AP6028897 SOURCE CODE:- -UR/0079/66-/0-36/008/1406-/1-40-7-
AUTHOR: Danilov, G. N.; Afanas'yeva, Ye. Ya.
ORG: Leningrad Technological Institute im. Lenoovet (Leningradskiy
tekhnologicheakiy inatitut)
TITLE: Fluorinated polyhydric alcohols. V. Synthesis and propertiao
of 5-fluoro-5-desoxy-1,4-anhydroxylito1
6ULjKCL. Zhurnal obahchey khimii, v. 36, no. 8, 1966, 1406--1407
TOPIC TAGS: F j r3 c ~ I pu'tassium fluoride,
chlorodesoxyanhydroxylitol, fluorinated organic compound, fluorination, annycLrous
ABSTRACT: It is shown that 5-fluoro-5-desoxy-1,4-anhydroxylito1 (I)
Ic d28 1.3376 n20 1.4687) may be obtained by both fluorin-
(bp 117-119' , 2
ation of 5-chloro-5-desoxy-1,~-anhydroxylitoI with KF in diethylenegly-
col at 160-180*C or by fluorination of 1,4-3,5-dianhydroxylitol in a
mixture of diethyleneglycol and water (15t1). I is a transparent yello%i
i liquid, soluble in organic solvents. (W.A. 501
SUB CODFi 07/ SUBM DATEi 150ct65/ ORIG REF: 005/ OTH REFt 003
UDC1 547*42046el6l
lit. 8
V. 13'
DANILOV. Sergey Semenovich; KATIN, IBaak Iosifovich; IF&MCHIKOV, V.I.
spetared.; YRISHMAY, Z.S., red.izd-va; DROZRZHII;A, L.P.,
(Utilizing ~Iie curves on preliminary drawings for ship
ftandlingJ Ispol'zovanie krivykh teoreticheskogo chertezha
v sudovykh unloviiakh. Leningrad, Izd-vo "Morskoi trRnsport,"
1959. 39 P. (MIRA 13:2)
(Shipbuilding) (Ship handling)
Moscow. Stankoinstrumentallnyy institut
Voorusy tochnosti v tekhnologii mashinostroyeniya (Problems of Ac-
curacy In Machine-Building Technology) Moscow, Mashg1z, 1959. 90
Errata slip inserted. 3,500 copies printed.
Ed.: B.S. Balaskshin, Doctor of Technical Sciences, Professor; Ed.
.Df Publishing House: 14.N. Morozova; Tech. Ed.: L.P. Gordeyeva;
Managing Ed. for Literature on Metal Working and Instrument Making
(Mashgiz): R.D. Beyzellman, Engineer.
PURPOSE: This collection of articles Is intended for engineering
,ind technical personnel of plants and laboratories and also for
personnel of higher educational institutions and scientific insti-
COVERAGE: The collection includes articles by members of the depart-
.nent of Machine-building Technology of the Stankoinstrumentallnyy
Institut imeni I.V. Stalin (Machine Tool and Small Tool Institute
Lmeni I.V. Stalin) dealing with accuracy In the manufacture of
cav'f 1/4
Problems of Accuracy In Machine-Building (Cont.) SOV/2245
machines. Various problems concerning accuracy in (ylindrical
grinding and machining of rigid steel parts by the nethod of fine
turning on an ordinary lathe, the effect of machine tool rigidity
on accuracy of machining, accuracy In high-speed retming of deep
holes, and problems concerning automatic assembly are discussed.
'i'Leyzer, L.A., Candidate of Technical Sciences, Docent. On the
Nature of the Cylindrical Grinding Process 5
The process of cylindrical grinding was investigated. The re-
suLts obtained show that the productivity, wear a0 life of a
,,rinding wheel and the finish of a ground surface for a given
~j,rinding wheel and work depend only on radial pressure.
-)vIyev, S.N., Candidate at Technical Sciences. Investigating
the Accuracy of Machining Rigid Parts by the Methods of Fine
Turning 25
Optimum conditions for obtaining 2nd class accuracy and class
7 to 8-surface roughness in high-speed machining on an ordln-
;try turning lathe were determined.
C,-,rd 21/ 4
Problems of Accuracy in Machine-Buil.1-ng (Cont.) SOV/2245
DaniLov, B.S., Candidate of Technical Sciences, Docent (Deceased).
Effect of the Rigidity of Model 116 Nuiticutter Semiautomatic Machine
Tool on Accuracy of Machining 50
A test method for determining the rigidity of multicutter
machine tools is described. This method makes It possible to
determine the operating conditions which Insure the required
accuracy of machining. Numerous practical instructions con-
cerning the setting up of Model 116 semiautomatic machine tool
are presented.
Minskly, N.A., Candidate of Technical Sciences. High-Speed Reaming
nf' Accurate Deep Holes 76
The author presents results of an experimental investigation
of accuracy in high-speed reaming of holes 15-16 mm In dia-
meter and 50D deep In parts made of type 50 A unquenched carbon
steel having a Brinell hardnefs number between 177 and 217.
Maksimov, Yu.Ye., Engineer. Problems Concerning the Automation of
Assembly Operation to Ensure Dimensional Accuracy Between the As-
sembled Elements 84
Card 3/4
Problems of Accurady in Machine-Building (Cont.) SOV/2241~
A model of an automatic assembly unit designed and built at ~he
ZIL (Plant Imeni Likhachev) is described. The unit performs
several automatic operations such as bending wire and assembling
the washer-rivet joint. The machine is to be used at agricul-Itur-
al machinery plants.
AVAILABLE: Library of Congress
Car(i 4/4 10-7-59
CHEPURKIN, S.S,, prof.; V ' , -nzh. : ' tN--, '-'. i 27.1.,
I rrvest I g a ting the rough! no? 9',h:irl of a 1 *104) - :,, M-, -,I
0 16~- 1W - - 6 '. -~,
Stall 25 no.10e920-922 I L
1. Zhdanovskiy metal'[ Inq'~ '~u,-
7 1 14t I V t V
L (I
V. DA"170,
act' _n e
:,,.aterlals 3_u-"-ir-,i-
of man. -7a-.v. Zinc. ".-Cad- iesti'5 I-
9. Monthl List of Russian AccesBionB, Library of Congrpss, 1953, Uncl.
t 2 774-"
)00720S SOURCE CODE: UR/2619/65/000/036/0137/0153
'AUTHOR: Kharin, D. A.; Kuzlmina, H. V.; Danilova,,,T. I
ARG, Institute of Physics of the Eafth, Academy of SciencesqSSS (Institut ft~ki-
jzemli Akads i na4k SSSR)
,TITLE: Vibratidns of the soil duri.n underground explosion
,:SOURCE: AN SSSR. Institut fiziki Mmli. Trudy, no. 36 (203), 196S. Seysmicheskoye
:mikrorayonir*vaniye; voprosy Inzhenernoy seysmologii (Seismic microdistrict
1problej of engineering seismolou), no. 10, 137-153
TOPIC TAGS: underground explosion, soil mechanics)"Seismology, gromd shock
ABSTRACT: Soil vibraiions are measured in a series of underground explosions with
ivarious charges at reduced- depthel. h/rC.--,2,66jvjd1~. The structural strength of the
soil above the charge remained constant during-theise explosions. Several addition
series of explosions were made at various reduced depths. The experiments were
;on an elevated slightly broken terrain. The land had a grade of 10-12
Wells were sunk ds'pth of 30 meters through Quaternary morainic loan
::,.,:Card 1/3
L 24774-.(A
ACC MR: AT6007205
deposits. The soil oscillation's were measured by seismic detectors and cacillo-
graphs developed at the Institute of Physics of the Earth. The instruments were
to displacements ranging from 0.001 to 200 mm. A series of concentrated
i~.~Acharges were set off to determine the wave pattern and the basic parameters of soil
oscillations as functions.of the we.,ght of the charge and distance. The parameters
jof these explosions are tabulate.d. A maple given showing placement of the charges
--and instruments and the entire experimental The-wave pat-
procedure is described.
tern taear the epicenter of the underground explosion is simple in form. The seism-4
of this wave pattern consists of two oscillations (upper and lower) with a
period of 0.5-0.6 sec. The pattern becomes more complicated with distance. At 20-
40 m from the epicenter, distinct RI and R2 phases detach themselves from the body
wave (P phase). The distance between the P and RI phases increases with epicentral
-.adistance, while the distance between the RI and R2 phases remains constant. The am-
,~'-~:.~Plituds of the body wave decreased,with distance much more rapidly than in the'R,
band R Thus, R-vibrationo'become dominant at greater distances from the
2 phases.
epicenter. The same groups of.waves-appear on all recordings regardless of the
weight and depth of the charge. Thi's fact was used for plotting a composite travel] -
time curve for th-i first arrivals and characteristic phases. It was found that the
compress Lon wave for an qixplosion, at. 'a depth of about 12 meters travels from the
Card 2/3
t 24774-M
ACC NR: AT6007205 IT
focus of the explosion to the surface at a rate of %450 m/sec, while the correspond-!
ing velocity for a charge placed at a depth of 28 m is 700-800 m/sec. ThP apparent
velocity for propagation of the longitudinal body wave is approximately 1000 m/sec
'at distances of ur to 100 m from the epicenter. There is an inflection in the trav-
.el-time curve at this point and the head wave goes out to the first arrivals at a
velocity of 1700-1800 m1sec. The point at which the branches of the curve intersect,
indicates that the depth of this transition point is 25 m. The interface may be I
either the base of the loam deposit or a water-bearing layer. The curves show a I
.second interface at a depth of about 200-220 m which Is probably a limestone r*of.
Empirical formulas are given for velocities in body and surface waves in term of
he weight of the charge and the distance. These formulas way be used for calculat-
'ing seismically safe distances. Orig. art. has: 13 figures, 2 tables, 3 formulas.
307,'12-2 '-'0-2,,'-C
OTHORS: Danilovj T. L., Ivancv, A. P., Kr~7shkir, A. A., Razov, I.- A.,
-SFe-vancTI-n, "??' M. , Sh-4 molevich, I. L.
TITLE: Investigation of the Bending of i Br-,ad 3a:~F'- in
the Deformability of Metals (Ispytaniyp rh4rAoy proby na zag~~
!'ya otsenki Jeformmutillonn,y b no-, t
PERIODICAT: Zav,,Iskaya Labc-ral.r.)-'ya, 19"', V-,- 2.,, Nr '0, 12"-12~6 ',7SSR)
ABSTRA',": T(,sting the ~,endine t rf~ r.i: * h 4 n t h~ cs t -t te 3 e rv- s t ~~ r! 1, afy
thp t- OST !683 a certar r,,t;-
plasti~!i+y of Acc-r 4. 1
t,~,tween the .-,iJth an] t-- :f t~--- -qm;le =,-st exist
.qh,~~. irrr. an!
:r, the bend4ne tests --,f
jnj--mr actual coznditi~,ns the --v~!'h 1-f 'he cf metal
tQ bending ?x,-e,-ds, h~-N-ver, th-~! th,-cknp,-,s !y t-:.- ',- -n-,
fold. For this rpasDn ~he tos',,nE of ir.-,-. -4L. ~arr-!
broad samp'les qt pre-sert. The new '.'SXkjt 0 92,
ista-.-- -
MK have a higher rpsl*
wi de sample in cold tending t c-st3 make3 T~C99 the -Iacs;
fi cati:-.- of the ipf(:)r,--
-;ond,~ tions , -los- c rp--i: TI.- t~st~ no- he ~ r-,Rd 3amF
Card 1 2 'm i t h re spe c t t - beml i ng : 3 t r, b e ft rr qnee~ f -)r sh,- e t i ron of
lr.~,estigation of the Bending of a Broad Samp:- in C:asslfY4r.6 the Deformab"
~f Metals
any thickness. The res~;Its If
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diametgir, an-I !f 'h-, ~ -~: ' '--r-- .~"
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V_ 'Ref
.1,3kKvyunska.Ya , , 3 f F un - I r a, I
-~-zml-red .,nr~-c arp f
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?a sh,),, d be f i by f - rr sam
w ~ 11 h; k f
Experimental use of hydrogen metal build-up. Nor. flot 15
no.7:21-23 Jl '55. (mak 8:9)
(Odessa--Ship--Kalntenance and repair) (Wel(Ling)
Efficient automobile servicing in garages. Avt. transp. 35 no.5:Insert
MY 157. (Automobiles--Maintenance) (MLRA 10:6)
___DAk7MV. V. (Stalingradakaya oblast')
Foam-pouring units. Pozh.delo 5 no.4:25 AP 159.
~KIRA 12-5)
(Fire extinction-Chemical systems)
DAKILOV, V. (Danylov, V.], inzh.; LARIN(V, M., inzh.
Thermal treatment of air-entrained fly-ash concrete slabs in
pit-type steam-curing chambers. Bud. mat. i ~onstr. 4 nc,.3:
27-29 Vw-Je '62. (AURA 15:5)
(Lightweight ccncrete) 'Autoclaves)
DANILOV, V,, inzh.
Full-scale investigation on the moisture cycle of the walls
of apartment houses. ZhIl. stroi. no.IC:11-12 165.
(MIFLA 18:11)
MAKARTSEV, N. (Novosibirsk); KHAYTP A.. neshtatnyy korrespondent (Sverdlovsk);
DANILOV, V. (Leningrad); IIAZAROV, P. (Ural'sk, Kazakhstanskoy 3SR)
Labor safety is a national responsibility. Mest.prom.i khud.prcmys.
4 no.2:27 F 163. (MIRA 16:2)
1. Tekhrlicheskiy inspektor Novosibirskogo oblastnogo professional'-
nogo soveta (for Makartsev). 2. Starshiy inzhener '-Aningr,-.dskogo
oblastnogo upravleniya mestnoy promyshlennosti (for Danilov). 3. Ne-
shtatnyy inspektor Ural'skogo oblastnogo komiteta professionallnogo
soyuza rabochikh mestnoy promyshlemnosti i kommunallnogo khozyayst-
va, (for Nazarov).
KRASNIKOV, V.V., kand.tekhn.nauk; Dj%SILOV, V.A., lnzh.
Experimental device for thn iryine of paper. Biim.prnm. 34
no.10:20-21 0 159. (MIRA 13:2)
1. Hoskovskriy tekhnologicheskiy institut Dishr--hevoy promy-