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KITCHA V, N. ......... From the tundra to the subtropics. Vokrug evets no.2:12-19 F '54. (KLRA 7:2) (Geography) MIIHAYLOV. H.tlaureat Stalinakoy premii. b~;~- - . .. . .. . .. -,., . Plains and nountains. ZnAn.sila no.4:1-5 Ap 154, (KI-RA 7:5) (Physical geography) .',ILCV, Nikolai Nikolaevich. wide open afaces and treasures of our native land; materials for political i e.3 M1) sk-va, Voen. Izd-vo MinAster-qtva o~,orony S-)"IR, 1955-39 !j. M.AYORDV, Semen Mikhaylovich; MIKHATWT. -Alikolag Hikolayevich VADZYN. 0., redaktor; TFDTABOVSKAYA. I.-9--f-elffiAlcheskly redaktor. (The Russian federation] Rossitakals. Federatella. Izd. 2-os perer. I dop. Moskva, Goa.izd-vo polit.lit-ry, 1955. 213 P. (Russia) (KLRA 8: 12) MIXHAYIAN.N. OPhysical geography of the U.S.S.R.: Asiatic pann B.P.Suslov. Revieved by N.Nikhoilow. Geog.v shkole 18 no.4:69-7o ji-Ag 155. (KLR- 8:10) (Russia, Asiatic--Physical geography) (Suslov, Berget Petrovich) KIKHAYLOV, V. "Geographic works.' I.K. Krasheninnikov. Reviewed by N. Mikhailov. lxv.Tses.geog.ob-va 88 no.2:208r210 Kr-4p 156. (NLRA 9:8) (Krashei;lnulkov, Ippolit Klkh&tlovlch, 1884-1947) (Physical geograpby) MIKHATLQV, Nikolay Hikoloyevich; KOZLQV, I.T., red.; KANDTKIN, A.Te., ~r4kf-"" -'a. ' e laie [I travelalong a cartdian] Idu po meridianu. Moak-vs. OSovetairii pisatell 0 1957. 169 p - (KIRA 11:2) ~Voyageo and trqvelo) AUTHOR: Mikhaylov, N.N. 25-11-13/28 TITLEi Change in the Character of the Country (Strana menyayet svoye litso) PERIODICAL: Nauka i Zhizn', 1957, # 11, pp 27-29 (USSR) ABSTRACT: 7he establishment of the Soviet regime brought about the indu3trialization of the country and the development of its mineral resources. The output of electricity increased by 100~ In 1957 the output of coal in the Soviet Union increased by 15 times in comparison with the pre-revolution period and the production of oil in 1957 surpassed the formir output by 9 times. in 1957 the production of cast iron increased by 8.5 times. The cultivation of virgin soil and waits land in KazaKhstan and the Altay district led to the creation of a cultivated area equal to the size of Italy. During the sixth Five-year Plan the main routes of tht Siberian rRilways will be electrified as far as Lake Baykal. Thore are two sketches. AVAILABLE: Library of Congress Card 1/1 KIMUYLOV, Hikolay Nikoleyevich;-HALIKOVA, G.V..; TOKAIWA, T.H., [Traveling down the meridian; a trip from pole to pole] Idu po, meridianu; puteshestvie ot poliusa k poliusu. Moskva. Gos.izd-vo detskoi lit-ry M-va proav.RSFSR. 1958. 190 p. (KIIIA 13:12) (Voyages and travels) MIKHATWV. N.B., kand.geograf.nauk; KOFTOV, G.Te., kand.okonou.nauk; ~'Jj L-K.K.; HISTKWV. N.V.: SMIRNOV, A.M., prof.. doktor okon.nauk; RUBINSHTLYN. G.I.,O kand.gsograf.nauk; JOKIN. D.F.. kand.sloon.nauk; AZOV. V.N.; KOROTATIN, A.P. [doceasedl; KZYLIN. A.D., prof.; YRZKOV. Ij?.: RAMZATTSXV, D.F.-. kNKUDINOV. VA.; SPAJIDARIYAN. V.B.. red.: SEU, SKATA. V.A., red.isd-va. BRONWVA, I.A.. [Handbook of Soviet forsicn commerce] Spravochnik po vneshnei torgovle SSSR. Nonkva. Tneebtorgizdat, 1958. 270 p. (commerce) (MIRA 12:2) MIKHATIDV. U. ndamental problems in the theory of physical geography* by I.M. Zabelin. Revieved by H. Kikhallov. Geog. v shkole 21 no.2: 73-75 Mr-Ap 158. (MIRA 11:2) (Physical geography) (Zabelin, I.M.) ACHARKAH, V.A.; BAMOV, I.N.; BIRTUKOV, 1.31; BORODIA. L.Ta.; AR11NNZR, M.K.; GORZUK, B.Te.; GUMEROV, M.N.; ZORKAYA. M.N.; IOTWW, A.I.; KATDALOYA. 0.N.; KAPUMIN, Te.l.; LZBZMTA, N.A.; LZSMT?bW. V.A.; LYSIM. V.P.-, MARKIN. A.B.; WIff'Iffe I.T.; NZCRAYIT, Me; NIKOLISKIY. &.T.; OSTROUKHOT. M.Ta.; PIGARZHZTSKIY, O.N.-. POLtYBOYARINOT. N.K.; POPOV, Yu.N.; PRASOLOT, N.A.; POXATAYLT. Tu.Ne; RIMBERG. A.M.-. RYABOV, V.S.; SIMOT. B.7.; SPERANSKATA. Te.A.; TAKOM, K.T.; TRIFONOTA, G.K.; TROFIMOVA, V.I.; 12111KNAZAROV, O.Kh.-, SHKAM- KOVA, G.P,; SEHMING, K.G.; ZYMIKAN, B.I.; KINAELTM, N.A., red.; KMIN, Tu.1., [U.S.S.R. as it is; a popular illustrated handbook] SSSR kak on ast'; populiarnyl Illiustrirova nnyi spravochnik. Moskva. Gos.izd-vo polit. lit-ry. 1959. 462 p. WRA 12:2) (Russia) Mikhaylov, Nikolay Ni-kolayevich Glimpses of the U.S.S.R.; its economy and geography. Moscow. Foreign Languages Publishing House, 1~60. 196 p. illus., maps, port. Translated from the original Russian: Vzglyad na SSSR. -qIKHL=V, Nlikq1qy _Dliko~Veyich; KOSENKO, Zinaida Vasil I yevna p daktor med. nauk; VINNIKOVA , G. E. , red. ; BESSONOVA, N. D. , tekhn. red. [The Americans; travel ta-lesjAmarikantsy; putevaia povest'. 2 izd. Moskva, Sovetskii pisatell, 1962. 237 p. (MIRA 16:2) (United States-Social conditions) ACCESSION NR: ARW15491 SOURCE: RZh- Geofizika, Abs. 12G54 AUTHOR: Mikhaylov, N. N. S/Ol6q/63/OOO/Ol2/GOO7/GOO7 TITLE: On the density of the intermediate layer in the oceans CITED SOURCE: Inform. sb. In-ta geol. Arktiki, vY*P- 31, 1962, 61-64 TOPIC TAGS: intermediate layer, Bluguer anomaly, earth's crust, Mohorovicic discontinuity TRANSLATION: Gravity anomalies in oceanic regions are (lependeni on bottom relief, the Mohorovicic surface and heterogeneities In t.he eari.h'u cri, - - Wi'll t,),(! duction of a Bouguer correction with an effective density of 1.07 g/cm3 the outained anomaly gives a reflected image of the bottom relief. An empirical formula of the relation of the gravity anomaly to the ocean depth is worked out, which makes it possible to 3stimate the effective density of rock in the intermediate layer as 0-7-0-8 9/cm - The introduction of a correction with the indicated density value frees the anomaly from the influence of the principal form of reflief of the ocean bottom, and the latter in this case reflects only the influence of the two remaining Card 1/2 ACCESSION NR: AR4015491 factors. It is recommended that the density of the intermediate layer be calculated by differentiation for different ocean regions, but the determination of the thick- ness of the earth's crust from gravimetric data at present is admittedly inexpedient. V. Bryusov. DATE AcQ: o9jan64 MM CODE: AS, PH ENM: 00 Card 2/2 SOVI I I Z-57-6- I Z877 Translation from: Referativnyy zhurnal. Elektrotekhn-ika, 1957. Nr 6. p 174 (USSR) AUTHOR: Mikhaylov, N. N. TITLE: Devices for Finding Roots of Characteristic Equations (Ustroysva dlya otyakaniya korney kharakteristicheskikh uravneniy) PERIODICAL: Tr. Z-go Vses. soveshchaniya po teorii avtomat. regulirovaniya. M.-L. , 1955, Vol 3, pp 117-129, discussions pp 140-143 ABSTRACT: Finding roots of a high-degree characteristic equation is a very laborious task. Many electromechanical and electronic devices have been suggested, under the name of "root finders, " that quickly solve the above problem with an error of 2-4% for modulus and 10-30 for argument. A number of electromechanical root finders produce an output voltage proportional to the value of the characteristic polynomial. The roots are found by bringing this voltage down to zero. Polar -coordinate notation (trigonometric or exponential) is often used; however, a Cartesian notation (algebraic) is also possible. Automatic root finders present a distribution of roots on an electron-beam screen in the form of luminous points on the complex plane; that permits Card 1/2 SOV/1 12-57-6-12877 Devices for Finding Roots of Characteristic Equations varying the parameters of the system in question to trace the movement of the roots, i - e - , to obtain all roots with negative real number a - All points of the complex plane are automatically scanned in such root finders by means, for example, of motor-operated potentiometers supplying the modulus of the complex and by means of a cosine -and -sine potentiometer supplying its argu- ment. The law of variation is so selected that the beam on the screen moves along a spiral or along radii. If the complex is defined in Cartesian coordi- nates, the complex plane is scanned line-by-line. Voltages proportional to the real and imaginary parts of the characteristic polynomial are fed to two zero - indicating circuits; each circuit, with zero input voltage, sends a pulse to the coincidence circuit, which gates the beam when both the real and imaginary parts vanish simultaneously. At this moment, a point flashes on the screen and indicates the position of the root. Electronic root finders can provide the same result with mechanical travels, which considerably increase the speed of the operation. Similar devices are used to reproduce functions of a complex variable. A. S. R. Card 212 AUTHORt Mikhaylov, N.N. 119-12-1/16 - ------------- T=: Automation and Automatic Equipment (Avtomatizatsiya i aytomatiches- kiye uatroyetva) New Means of the NII Teplopribor for Pneumatic Autamation (Novyye aredstva pnevmoavtanatiki NIITeplopribora) PERIODICALi Priborostroyeplye, 1957, Nr Q, pp. 1-5 (USSR) ABSTRACT: During the years 1952-195~ a unified, pneumatic multioell system of apparatus and regulators k AUS ) waa developed upon the aggregate prin- ciple by the NITTeplapribor in collaboration with the Tnatitute for Automation and Remote Control of the AN USSR. At present they are pro- duced in series by the "TizpriborO plant of the City Council for Poli- tical Economy, Moscow. A.1a.Golosovskiy and M.I.Zhutovskiy (Ref. 1) have described the normal model of . The complex of pneumatic in- stinqnents and regulators of a small size constructed by the NIITeplo- pribor consists of 13 parts, among which there am: I) I'econdar7 registration apparatus of two modifications type 3 PA-Iji? (fig.1) and type2PT1179 (fig.2). 2) aeoondar7 indicators of three modificati ons, type (fig-3), Card 112 type IMJI-30 A (fig.4) and type IC JJ- 3 1A (fig-5). UTHOR: Mikhaylov, N. N. (Moscow) 103-19-5-12/14 rTLE: Electrical Devices for Solving Algebraic Equations (Elektricheskiye ustroystva dlya reBheniya algebraicheskikh uravneniy) ERIODICAL: Avtomatika i Telemekhanika, 1958, Vol. 19, Nr 5, PP. 477-490 (USSR) BSTRACT- A survey of the existing circuits for the finding of roots is given here. These are classified and evaluated from the point of view of the possibility of an automation of root- detecting. The following is stated: 1) According to the nature of the problems to be solved it is expedient to have two types of root-detectors: semi- automatic and automatic ones. The former are determined for finding the roots, the latter mainly for investigating the connection between the roots and the factors of the equations. 2) It is expedient to construct the automatic root-detectors in the form of open systems which search the roots according to the inspection method. ard 1/3 trical Devices for Solving Algebraic Equations 103-19-5-12/14 3) The use of the carrier in the root-detecting circuit limits the frequency of repetition and thus renders the obtaining of the root-motion-trajectories difficult. 4) The formation of the polynomial in a trigonometrical form is possible without the presence of the carrier. There- fore such a form of the polynomial permits to construct fast-working root-detectors most rapidly. 5) The restrictions imposed upon the carrier-frequency and consequently also to the repetition frequency by the selayns and the adjustable transformers are absent in a circuit with a delay line. Therefore this circuit is polynomial in the representation of the exponential (and not trigonometrical as with Choudhury (reference 12)) form and can serve as a basis for the construction of a fast-working root-detector. 6) The existing root-detecting construction are little usuable for solving the characteristic equations in automatic control systems. Therefore it is desirable to construct such devices by means of which it is not only possible to investigate the influence of the poles but also that of the zeros of the 2/3 transmission function of the open system upon the roots of I te o r r, K~h tho equati-ing ~,,,)-d -Ysi-rn -i-,it fri:it Thp DcBsible f' -,wh ri--t Fty-- Hy utiii-tilir f ,)nt!ri., s nat~(,n (.!,-annine,,) -,f' n~ )rrj,jr)r T,,.,ine 'i dg,v,,-e f-r it- ,n-tru-ti,n of' r~onfnrma., miri-r, imRFoq tin be prodw-k-d ~ti tr.- baqiq f,I knnwri r.)ot T~~,~re Krp fig-urcq tri,i -A rtfprenc~,.-, 1 1 of Which are f-3-VI gUBMITTEP ser)f-mhor 9 !qI)I AVA I i,AB 1,F Library of 1. Mathematical computers-Applicationn 2. Algebraic OquRtions Card AUTHOR: Mikhaylov, 11. N. (Moscow) lo3-19-7-4/9 TITLE. On the Problem of the Construction of Root Hodograph8 of Automatic Control Systems (K voprosu o postroyenii kornev-(kh godografov sistem avtomaticheskogo regulirovaniya) PERIODICAL: Avtomatika i telemekhanika, 1958, Vol 19, Nr 7, pp 661 - 673 (USSR) ABSTRACT: Here the analytical, the graphical-analytical, and the graphical methods for the construction of hodographs of automatic control systemsaxe investigated. It is suggested to mechanize the pro- cess and to utilize root finders for it. The possibility of the automatic construction of root hodographs is proved, Block schemes of such devices are given. An automatic rootfinder was worked out at the IAT AS USSR and at present is in operation (Ref 6). The automatic rooters considerably facilitate and accelerate the construction of the hodoerraphs. As the systems containing zeros in the transmission functions occur very fre- quently rootfindern specially for the solution of the character- istic equations of the automatic control systems of the general kind must be produced. At the same time these devices can also Card 112 be used for the mechanization of the construction of root hodo- On the Problem of the Conotruction of Root Hodographa 103-19-7-4/9 of Automatic Control Systems graphs. The automatization of the hodographs gives the greatest effect when the device does not compose the single points but the whole (or a part of the)hodograph in form of a continuous line at the screen of the cathode ray tube. This gives the possi bility to observe the influence of the various parametE-ra of the system upon the configuration of the hodograph. On occasion of the production of such root-hodograph-plotters sinple blocks of the automatic rooters can be used. The block schemeeof the h6dograph-drawers, which are given, furnish the possibility to obtain also trajectories of roots which form in tLe variation of other parameters (save the amplification factor) and to con struct families of the ph-tse hodo,-raphs. There are 9 figures and lo references, 5 of which are Soviet. SUBMITTED: October 15P 1957 1. Control systems-AnalysiS 2. Hodoseopes-Performance Card 2/2 K, iA Y ljov, : ~ . : ~ . , -~, :~, -1-J, D ~ i :~ c i. 5 L, I - - ( ~ ~ I E ) "Ar, App,',,rz,tus lCor Plotting R."Id ic~; 1 Gr ~-- s t-o I L Ity Ll- I '~L if' A',! ~~ I - L 'I :-(- . I - - i-~ y s t,~ q-, - , "-, -, F- c ow , 19 t j , 11 - p p ( i,~ . t -1, ~,* i~ ll~ 3n~ Ic-r, A ~J .--c1 :~E-R) (KL, 1:,-) WCESSION NR: AP4015307 S/0280/64/000/001/018710195 ILUTHOR: Milthaylov, N. Nt_(Moscow).- Novosal'tseva. Zh. A. (Moscow) TITLE: Optimum transient processes in a prediction system SOURCE: AN SSSR. Izvestiya. TakhrLicheakaya kibernatika, no. 1, 1964, 187-195 TOPIC TAGS: automatic control. third order automatic control. predictor automatic control. oscillatory element automatic control, oscillatory element plus integrator control ABSTRACT: This article presents a mathematical description of phase trajec- tories; and an analytical method for their construction in the case of transition of an oscillatory -element -and -integrator third-order system from one steady state to another. Trajectories of the state point in a phase plane are given as are rarnw1as for the number of sign changingsi. duration of transients, etc. The prediction xnathod is suggested for a practical realization of the optimum control. LCCEWION NR: AP4015307 ts advantage lying in that only a knowledge of the law of oscillatory-element ,ontrol is necessary. An experimental verification of a third-order prediction xmtrol scheme included: (1) a conservative element plus an integrator; (2) an ~scMatory element plus an integrator. 0scillograms of the transient processes a the simulator used are supplied. Orig. art. has: 8 figures and 23 formulas. LSSOCIATION: none PUBMITTED: 23Apr63 DATE ACQ.- lZMar64 ENCL: 00 M CODE: CG, IE NO REF SOY: OOZ OTHER: 001 ~wd 2.12 ~YLOV, N. N.; NOVOSELTSEV, Z. N. "Prediction for an optimal steeriw of' ar. o6,'ect --ontalning an osciiiatinjF, membbr by means of an analog computer." report submitted for 4tr, Intl Conf, Intl Assn for Analog Computation, Brig~.ton, uK, 1.4-10- Sep 64. AVEN, O.A.; DVORETSKIY, V.M.; DOMANITSKIY, S.M.; ZALMANZON, L.A.; KRASSOV, I.M.; KRUG, Ye.K.; TA11, A.A.; KHOULOV, V.A.; BULGAKOV, A.A.; DE~UDENKO, Ye.D.; BFRNSIITFYN, S.I.; YFMEL'YAN(V, S.V.; LERNFR, A.Ya.; PEYFROV, M.V.; PERELIMAN, I.I., FIT.13IVFR, L.N.; CHELYJSTKIN, A.B.; ZHOZHIKASHVILI, V.A.; ILOIN, V.A.; AGEYKIN, D.I.; GUSHCHIN, Yu.V.; KATYS, G.P.; I-FLITTSER, L.V.; FITSNER, L.N.; PARKHOW NKO, PA'iKHOMEMKO, P.P.;_j:~j ~~fqY P.P.; ROZENBLAT, M.A.; SOTSKOV, B.S.; VASILIYEVA, N.P.; PRANGISHVILI, I.V.; POLONNIKOV, D.Ye.; VOROBIYEVA, T.M.; ITYABRUN, I.Ye. Work on the development of systems and principles of automatic control at the Institute of' Automatic and Remote Control during 1939-1964. Avtom. i telem. 25 no. 6:907-851 Je 164. (MIRA 17:7) IT o Iruncating,Ae-".'s-, Y-lotem by.,-ohe:c Ma c qu4 ion::~*,.,i, lkig~ it r f~ 1 ~75,i lo, 441cl tiklflili khtntid-A U. N titute 6 OTHEM:-'. 9 "kY7- ~,e Q-'R.-r kim ,-.L -L 6526-66 swT a Vt(q 2/EWP(Y)/E __ _~__)Z_ , YN. I ACC NRs AP502311I SOMME CODE I M/0103/65/026/( AUTHOR% MikhaylovtN N (Moscow); Movoaelftseva,, Zh. A. (Moscow) ORG i none TITLEt Optimal processes in a third-order system having complex poles SOURCEs Avtomatika i telemekhanika, v. 26,, no. 9, 1965# 1502-1513 ;/1502/1513 TOPIC TAGS: automatic control, automatic control system, automatic control 42liM automatic control theory ABSTRACTt Time-optimal processes of transitiont in a third-order plant, from an initial state (41, Xsiv X.I.) to its final stable state (XLf-- X&Spect X2f = X3f = 0) are considered. The plant has complex conjugate poles and consists of series-connected oscillatory and integrating sectionss Xi = X3, Is A, ks NXs Xs + U where P is the damping factor of the Qscillatori ii~u# the plant output variable, The control ifi~ t aid is law, U the form JU 1 is sought.The optimal phase trajectory In the diolique-coordinatepLme XX, consists of n arcs of the spirals Which have the Card UDGs 62-505J8 09"0/ 7.F a na rj,7 'THOR MIKHAYLOV N.N. PA - 2673 TLE r--mesen-decay- 2IODICA1 Zhurnal Ekeperim. i Teer. Fiziki 1957, Vol 32, Nr 2. pp 284 - 288 (USSR) Received: 5/1957 Reviewed : 6/1957 ~STRACT The present work investigates the energy spectrum of the pions created on the occasion of the decay of a T-meson on the asumption that the isotopic spin of the T mesons is equal to 1. Here a possible isotopic symmetry of thaTmesons and the n-mes9ns with different electric charges are consistently considered. Furthermore, the following is shown: The energy distributions investigated by R.H. DALITZ'and E. FkBRI can exist ale* in oen- sideration of the isotopic spin of the T- and x-mesons if the pion& with a minimum orbital angular momentum fly apart. Here the ratio between the probabi,lity of the decay of the T-mosen into three charged pious (dw and the probability dw of the decay with the scheme T + -.) %! + 2x* is as 4 to I if the T-meson is a paeud9soalar or a vectorial particle. If dw /dw differs from tie m2 these values, then summands must occur in atriz element of this process which correspond to higher orbital angular momenta of the pions. The author here mentions the most simple RD 1/2 Pk - 267 3 7-mosen-dooay. expressions for the matrix elements which correspond to the decay of a T meson in to 3 pions with dwl/dw2 ' 1 or 4 applying (see above). The author investigates the decay of a partiole with the spin J the parity m-r, and with the isotopic spin IT into three partioles with the spin J. . 0, the parity P,, 1, the mass MR, and the Inoto pio spin IX " 1. An reforenos system that system applies, in which the 'F-mesen rests. The matrix element ,0.003, the initial conditions do not go beyond a cer-zain domain. While at first glance this domain appears to be small, it grows exponentiai- with the growth of S. Several modifications of the problem were investigated: !) modeling of optimum controi for equilibrium, and 2) the modeling of optimiz, con- 1 for a rectilinear trajector-j. The general form of the latter problem: gIven a ie function f(t), it is necessary to provide a system control such that the rela- ~ns x (1); X2 (1) f (1); x 3 (1) A true from a previously unknown moment Of time T. When f(t) = rIT + r2, the ~blem can be considerably simplified. A circuit diagram for this case is presented. g. art. has: 6 figures, 4 formulas. CODE: 09,12/ SUBM DATE: 12Feb66/ ORIG REF: 006 -d 2/2 KMCHHHKOV , I. P. ;MIKHAYWV, S.Nj -kn nd. se I' s kr.;~rhozyoys tvennykh nauk. Fertilizero for collective farm cror, rotati no in the non-Chernozem zone. Zemledelie 7 no.11:3~i-44 N '50 (9liA 1):3) 1. Zamestitell direktorn -o nauchnyy ~hastl V5esn,,,uzrLo4o nauchno- Issledovatel'akogro lristitutA udobreriiy i avror)ochvovedeniyu (for Yamchenkov. (Fertilizprs nnd mnnures) NAYDINp P.G.1 MILUYLOV, N.N. Zonal investigation of mineral fertilizer norms and large- -scale soll maps. Pochvovedenie no. 2:1-9 F 161, (MIRA 14:2) 1. VBesoyuznyy nauchno-issledovateliskiy institut udobreniy i agropochvovedeniya. (Fertilizers and manures) (Soilp--.Maps) KCRENIKOV, D.A., kand. sellkhos. nauk; M14HAYWg N kand. sell- khos. nauk;MINENKOVA, V.R., red.; EIEMV " N., tekhn. red. (Store fertilizers carefuLly and use them properly] Be- rezhno khranit' i pravii'no ispolIzovat' udobreniia. Mo- skva, Sallkhozisdat, 1963. 127 p. (MURA 16:8) (Fertilizers and manures) M - t H : ' 1V , S ~ N . , 9 tic, rsh.,. y nhiu- v --, q , , , ,4 - - , . f - . I . Trea t i ng aga 1 ar. t.1 s r, - -)-.i ~- . ." . ". 7 1 n 1 7 '. I li li ~ r) 11 . , - ,p - - , I , I - , . V - : '. , p , I , VaesovuzT-vy Ind" -,rpcF- mcn~.Allroy vetprlnarl-', MIKF.AYLDV, N.N., band. -i:iuk Obstetric practicr- Jn s6r-ne --iising. Ver.,rinarJla 41 nr).6: 97-98 Je 164. (MIYA IP:6) 1. Vsesoy-uzny-y ingtitut Pk,;T,,rlmen*.ai'nr)y Y-HHAnnv, N.N, , k a nd. b I ()24-7g. nil ik I I I NA, K N.; CESTYUCV, I. Ya. , y' 'scltrndrilk Hygi-np , f t~.p prelj:i*-tr,: r~a!ttY 1.7 l/p*,prinarlin 4' n. 1: ,e - oq S 'r)4 . (MIRA V -3p, s oy-a -nyy i r, s t 4. t. it n I or ~ mf-, ',,-1 11 1 r~ oy ve tr- r i rar i i Starshly I Fibcririt V qes~y i L nstl t ita -V. s-pprimental ' n, v w-terirnrii (f,~r Kondrfik!~,',nq). G.NRs ~.'A#54231.36 ~~-SGURCZ CODE-0~.-.90/0346/65/ddO/doS/oOO4/0085' 1H.ORt Sunaykln# As As (Candidate of biological sciences); Mikha 10 .b.Lcondidats of biological sciences) All Union Institute of Experimental Veterinary VASKHNIL v~soym,zxiyy-IqsU.tut okap'arimentelingy'.voterinaril VASKHNIL), VLE r Vs4. no 4ie6trdp'io properatiobs,for "nooological dii eases Gown jRGE: Voter .InarlyaAno, 8t 1965# 84-85 ?IC TAGSt animal disease therapeutics, nervous system drug# drug root, animal husbandrys hormone 3TRACT: Neurotropio properationst furemon and proserine, have been 3d to treat gynecological diseases and Infertility of cows at some rkbozes near Moscow over the post seven -years., Subcutaneous Injec- )no of a 0*5% aqueous solution of proserins or a 1% aqueous solution furamon administered In a 2 ml dose at different Intervals depending course of treatment have been used by veterinary specialists for 3atment of oneometritiss ovary cysts, subInvolution of the uterus# 3 others* In treating ovary hypofunotion, the therapeutic arfoot of UDC: 619:615.78t6l8.l: 22682-66 C NRI AP5023736 0 3 no0rotroplo preparations was enbenced with the oombined use of E(j, a hormone preparktion, With SZHK administered 5 to 6 days Llowing the injeation of a neurotropio preparations the SZKH doses a be oonsiderably reduoed. The sovkhomea report that approximately 4 of the animals with hynecological diseases or disorders have been ooeasfully treateds It was also reported that the 1% aqueous solution furamon In tbe rsoommended doses produoes no side effoots in animals* Igo arte bast Noneq BCODEt. 06/~ DATEt none ,rd 2/2 l,l:YJLAY',.C'i# N.N.; SILAYFV, A.". MaLhods for &naly,,,I:.F thc effl,-tivelieu,,~ of Lv,.-,crTi.rntior. of cows. VeterinariJa ~' 11) 1~1~. 1, IC4: ~ , 16403-66 Evr(m)/T/EW1) ( t )/IT IIJ11(c) JW/JD/1P1 :C NRs AP6013775 SOURCE CODE: UR/0070/66/011/003/0443/0447 'HOR: Mikhaylov, N. N.; Petrov, S. V. Institute of Physical Problems AN SSSR (Institut fizicheskikh problem AN SSSR) 'LE: Growing single stalSlof MnF&_and COF2 RCE: Kristallografiya, v. 11, no. 3, 1966, 443-447 'IC TAGS: manganese, cobalt, single crystal, magnetic property, single crystal wing IRACT: An apparatus is described and methods are presented for the growing of KnF2 ~ COF2 single crystals. Details of the apparatus were presented along with a sche- :ic drawing. The MnF2 and cor2 raw materials were prepared by reacting 40% hydro- Loric acid with the corresponding carbonates in a platinum dish. processing in a .uum extractor over P205 and further treating in an atmosphere of dry HF at 8500C - 6 hours. The detailed preparation was different for each fluoride as was the sin- t crystal preparation. FCC MnF2 (with a melting point of 110000 0.2 atm of HF was id in the single crystal furnace; the temperature of the conical platinum crucible ~ dropped to 9700C in the null-gradient part of the furnace; further cooling was ve at 1000/hr and when the temperature reached 500C, the furnace was flushed with a i and the single crystal of HnF2 removed. For COF2 the furnace was maintained at UDC: 540.5 NRs AP6018775 VIC. Two forms of impurities were noticed in MnF2 single crystals: a change in Lor, indicating a lattice change in impurity levels, and a white zonal structure ap- tring at the top part of the crystal. The color change was related to the change oxide content and the formation of a solid solution. Temperature distributions in i crucible were analyzed for different growth rates. Some crystals Of COF2 also ex- dted the zonal structure but the brownish coloring was difficult to find. The tensions of the crystals depended an the charge and varied from 0.5 to 4 cm in Lght; the weight of ame crystals reached 8 g. Orig. art. has: 2 figures. I CODEi 20,14/ SUBM DATE: 20Apv6S/ ORIG REFi 003/ OTH REF: 006 rd 2/2,W,6,4-; ACC NR. AP6()202()O SOURCE uTi/oo56/t)6/o5o/()06/l4-r,,,, 11, %LMhOR: Be A. 1 Ye remenko., V. I %I pavl-v V. N letrov, S. V. Ph ysi ccl e -,lin i rill institute of Ac i, UV -) fSc ipri 'K ,;.SR (Fiziko-teehnicheskiy institut nizkikh teffq)eratur AkademiFi nau -k Ukra:rise,~Yj SSP); jisti-t~ite gf-_FhyBiqpj nW of Sciences.SSS ~Institut fizicheRkikh 7 )roblem Akaderaii nauk SSSR) 'I T LE :Magnon nnd phonon excitatic-n luri-ng light absorption in anti ferromappeti r I 1i F2 ~GUFCE: Zh Eks pe r i te o r fi z , v0, ii c - I' ) f,', , 14 72 - 14 7 7 VT1 C TA!;S :ma,671on, phonon, magnori Pxcita~i-jn, phnnon (~xcitati-)n, light al;s-i-p Lion, ~Irkel fl'uoride, antiferromagnetic irviterial or L " n,4,lot -SA1-Orrfpv"1 ; tiotir e,*Ojr19rl6,U y a3TRAC'r: The structure of the 3A2~ ' 1'r2w trFU119itilln in the ribsorption 3p~,(-,tr~im (-)f u-itiferromagrietic rilrkel rlijorlde a temp~rutur-~r3 bc-twf-eri 4.2 and -(7K htts t-eon Ln.,Uyzed on the basis of experimental data on its vibrat i orift I frequenci~-s. I t has ef-n shown that band v 20,622 cm- nnd brvid v = ~01,717 CM-1 are due tr, eiectron- ingnon trarisiti oris wl d th e fo rmat ion of' one and 1111. magnrjns re spect I v el y , wi th ia-ximum frequencies. 77he imiximum Frequency of the magnon vm 100 CM-1. lbe mahgiori 112 X NR~ AP6020200 Lt,Ire cf band V,, nfu; be-,-i cunfiriwJ .y EL:. E3 s s ~i ap e , -vij- ri t,- re -e end - f- E', , . f ce o f s pe c t ra 1 p,)s i t i , r. , i n d t i rA I ' -w i . r r id I table. B as e d on irm t h c) rs ' al, 5 ~ru t N T CODE: 201 SUBM DA7E: I i.] wi ht i- 1 F TIT,F 00~ MlrfikfLOV, N.N. M~)skvn); NOVOSE.1.11SEVA? Zh.A. (Moskv&) IclimAl processes in a third-order SVSteM With CCM~,I-A A"rt~~m. I toglem. 26 ac.1!150,~-1513 S '65. 1-:10) OKLMICHEV, P. I. (Professor), LAICIN, S. I. (Assistant Professor) MIMIiLOV, N. P. nd KkKHANCHEYEV, (Veterinary Surgeons, Leningrad Veterinary and Buryat Agricultural nstitutes) "Utilization of sodium selenite for prophylaxis and treatment of the white muscle disease of lambs" Veterinariya, Vol. 39, no. 6, June 1962 PP. 50 RABINOVICH. N.A.; BLANK, N*S.; NLKE[AYLOY. V.P. Transferring ring kilns from operating on solid fuel to producer gas. Ogneupory 18 no.10:435-443 053. (NIFLA 11:10) (Kilns) (Fuel) SHCRYGINA, N.N.; ~U.HAYLOV, N.P.; GRUSHNIKOV, O.P. Obtaining some modified preparations of hydrochloric-acid lIgnin. Zhur.prikl.khi-m. 37 no.Isl7O-I76 Ja. 164. (MIRA 1":2) 1. Institut organicheskoy khimii AN SSSR 1-mani N.D.Zolinskogo. L)p I j, r1 r t t ion n.. i Y, t,) r n in v: Cal MlKHAYLDV, N.P. Calculating the temperature conditions of units for *.ne temperature separation of natural gas using Inh.'bIIorB of hydrate formation. Gaz. delo no.12t8-11 'U. ' IP-A 1 -1 x 2 " 1. Vs-q9oyu--ny-y nauchno-lasledovatel'skly 1--istItut rrIr-Yin-,Fo gilza. I . - - 1. , . . . 1,11L-;V, .-o,.al A-.iiiion u.' ~;ic ,. ~), r , 'i r -)." s~ i.-, ~a an:! --.,ie suu -ierr. acc,~r,!Ang -.-- 5 Y .,A " 1-1 - I. - t~ r. , . . - / . , - ;;L - ~ ~' ;- .;~ A. .( - , -j . ~ ~a L~. i. I,r-, ro, , A~I. e ~A. , 1 40', ' s e "), !,. 3-,-,-, - bi-liuLl : L"- tt- --.s - - V-),s 2 ) I I a I 'c:. , 3, ', Lf, ' ~~Pis ' :. rc. ta', c - , .) I , , ') VIKEATILOV) N. P. Cand ~PDloi~-Idneralog Sci Dissertation: "Upper Cretaceous Ammonites in the ~,outh of the European U35R and their Significance in Zonal -)~,ratijraphy 6 I-lay 49 Inst of ~;eological 3ciences, Acad :;ci 80 Vacheryaya Moskva Sum 71 MIKHATLOV, H.P. Ultrabasite belts of Eastern Kazakhstan. Dokl. AN SSSR 110 no.6:1060-1063 0 '56. (MT-RA 10:2) 1. Predstavleno akademikom A.G. Betakhtinym. (Kazakhstan--Ultrabasite) MI Petrochemical characteristics of ultrabasic and basic rocks of Bet-Pak-Dala, aad the southwestern Balkhash region. Ivv.AN razakh. =.Ser.geol. no.22:23-32 156. (NLU 9:8) (Bot-Pak-Dala--Racks, Igneous) (Bialkh h region-Rocks, Igneous) AUTHORt Mikhaylov, N.P. 5-5-6/6 TITLEz Zones of thf, Port-,ij,"r- t-P,(, in the Region Near Moscow (Zony podmoskovnogo portlanda) PERIODICAL: Byulleten' Moskovskogo jbsh-f~,stva Ispytateley Prirody, Otdel Geologicheskly, 1957, No 5, pp 143-159 (USSR) ABSTRACTi On the basis of new ammonite specimens collected in the region near Moscow and the revision of old collections, the author classifies the deposits of the Lower Volga stage and cor- relates them with the columnar sections of Western Europe. A number of new species characteristic for various zones of the Lower Volga stage is described, in particular, represent- atives of some genera typical for the English Portlandian stage. In conclusion the author proposes a new stratigraphic classification of the upper part of the Jurassic system for the regions near loscow and the Russian plateau. He ad- vocates the expediency of singling out the Portlandian sub- stage as a definite stratigraphic unit in the columnar sections of the Upper Jurassic system, giving this substage the size corresponding to its English counterpart. The Port- landian substage will then include three upper zones of the Card 1/2 Lower Volga stage which should be divided into two rather Zones of the Portlandian Stage in the Region Near Moscow 5-5-6/6 than three substages as presently. The lower substage will remain in the present size. It will correspond to the Middle and Upper Kimmeridge according to classification of Arkell (Ref. 21). The article contains 3 figures, 3 photos, 2 tables and 37 references, 17 of which are Russian, 11 are English and 6 in French. AVAILABLE: Library of Congress Card 2/2 ~.ATWV H'.'P. General characteristics of the distribution of ultrnbasic Pnd bnalc intrusions in eastern Kazakhstan (with summAry in English]. Sov.geol. 1 no.7:99-112 J1 158. (MIRA 11:11) 1. Vaesoyuznyy nauchno-iseledovatellskiy geologicheskiy inatitut. (Kazakhstan--Rocks, Igneous) MIKHAYWV, X.P.; FOLYAKOVA, Te.D. Incorrectly isolated type of diamond primary deposits. Sov. geol. 2 no.6:134-135 Je '59. (MIRA 12:12) I.Vsesoy=nyy nauchno-lssledovatellski7 goologichaski7 institut (VSEGEI). (Diamonds) TOM=EV, S.I.; MIMINER, V.V.; MIICHATWV, N.P. W.D Arkell (igo4-1958); obituary. Izv. All SSSR. Ser. geol. 25 n0-9:136-137 S 160. (MIRA 13:9) (Arkell, William Joecelyn, 1904-1958) ABLULKAbIROVA, M.A.; ALL-.KbANDROVp'., M.I.; '-FONICHEV, N.A.; b,'.1,'DAi,-'TCV, 6.1-1.; i3-:A,AL4DV, V.F.; BOGDAXOV, A.A.; BOIOVIKOV, L.I.; BOEXY, B.I.; DORUKAYEV, R.A.; BUULE.IR, A.F.; BYKOV,., N.S.; DVORTSOU, K.i.; DkZIBO, T.M.; ZM',OV, M.A.; ZVONTSOV, V.S.; IVSHIN, N.K.; KOPYATK-VICH, R.A.; KOSTENEO, 11.1%; YUMPAN, A.S.; K-U11YUKOV, K.V.; UVROV, V.V.; LYA11IGa"V, G.F.; MA:URFL;VICH, M.V.; MlKlli~YDDV, A.Ye.; MUU1AYLQV-- N-P-; MYGIINIK, M.B.; NIDLEMKO, Ye.F.; Plb.ITIN, I.F.; NIKIFOROVA, K.V.; NIKOLAYZV, N.I.; PUPYSIEV, N.A.; IU-SKATOV, G.I.; Ri;EGART-,21, P.A.; SAVICH-TA, A.Ye.; SjtLIN, B.A.; SEVRYUGIN, N.A.j SkX1,NOV, A.I.; CIIIEWNYAKROVSHY, A.G.; CllljYKOVJ'., V.G.; SHLYGIN, Ye.D.; SIRJL'Gj., V.M.; FLIGZIl ~.;.S.; YjIGOVYIII, V.I.; NA~IVKIN, D.V., akademik, red.; FEW-UNOV, 3.V., red.; V.A., (Geological structure of central and southern Kazi~',.hstan] Geologicheskoe stroenie TSentrallnogo i IUzhnogo Kazakhstana. Leningrad, Otdel nauchno-tokn.inforTmtsli, 1961. 496 p. (Leningrad. Vsesoiuznyi geologichoskii institut.M-iterialy, no./,l) a (Yazakhstan--Geology) MIKHAYILV, N.P. Zonal subdivision of the lower Volga stagejits correlation with the Bononian and Portlandian stages of northwestern Europe. Trudy VNIGNI no.29:1r6-63 vol. 2., 161. (MDU 14:7) (Russian P3 tfom -Geology, Stratigraphic) (Euroje., -3tern-Geclogy, Stratigraphic) MIKHAYLOV, -N.P~_ Shalgiya serpentinite,-gabbro intrusion. Trudy VSECZ;I 74-107-1114 62. (MIRA 15:9) (Bet, -Pak -Daiw_ Zerpentinitea) (Be 1, -Pak. -Dala-Gabbcro) MIKHAYLOV, N.Pl Int-rusive ophiclito comple"s in western Kazakhstan. Trudy VSEGEI no.804109-.2-23 162. (MM& 16 z9) MIKHAYLOV, N.P. Pavlovia and related groups of ammoni*,es. Biul. MCIP Otd. geol. 37 no.6:3-30 N-D 162. (MIRA 1t,:8) MIKHAYLOVA N.F. Upper boundary of the Kimeridgian horizon. DokI.AII SWR 145 no.6:1366-1368 Ag 162. OUM 15-8) 1. Geologicheakiy institut AN SSSR. Predstavleno akadem:Lkom A.L.lanshinym. (Geology,, Stratigraphic) ,MIKHAYLOV, N,P9 Development of some concepts of V.N.Lodochnikov in the recent studies of ultrabasic intrusions in Kazakhstan. Zap.Vses.min.ob-va. 92 no.2:219-227 163. ()ERA 16:5) 1. Veesoyuznyy nauchno-issledovatel'skiy geologicheskiy institut (VSEGEI), TAningrad. (Kazakhstan--Ultrabasite) MIKRAYLOV, N.P.; SEMENOV, Yu.L. Karaturgay picrite-diabase complex in Kazakhstan and some problems in the petrology of p1crites. Sov. geol. 8 no.3: 43-58 165. OGRA 18-5) 1. Vsesoy-uznyy nauchno-issledovatel'skiy geologicheskiy institut. press ;re on the ,aragenr~3-; I t-C, r,,c . 5: 117 5- 7P~ F Vsesoy,,;zri,,,y riq-.( -.!5s I e.dovri'-,i f ~~c-r ?,-,g LI; Z , t Led I/ 0 M' lay i. Ki,IWSHIN , A.M.; 1~ilffiAYWV, N.1 . Investigating the operation of a unit for the low- tempera tu re separation of natural gas with an injection of diethylene glycol ' Gaz. delo no.l:(:,,-9 I iD5. (MIRA 1S:6) 1. ',6esoyi)zny-y na~icrinc-iss!,~dovhtei'sKly Jnatltut prirodnogo TATAR1210VO P.M.; ARTEMOV, V.R.; fgp ~ __LK~kV, fj~P.; FUJMYANTSEVA, N.A.; SERGIYEVSKIY, V.M.; SMIRNOV, Yu. Basic and ultrabasic rock formations in the Urals; critical observations on an article by S.V. Moskaleva. Izv. AN SSSR. Ser. geol. 30 no-5:135-143 My 165. (MM 18:6) 1. Voesoyuznyy nauchno-iseledovatellskiy geologicheskiy institut, Leningrad. wi s rt, KOKURICIEV, P.I., prof .;_.MIKHAYLOV, N.P., veterinarnyy vraoh; KARPOV, V.P.; MOSKALEVA, Ye.G., veterinarnyy tekhnik; VOLROVA, A.-'.. veterin,arnyy tekhnik; MASHUKOV, M.1. Selenium preparations in the prophylaxis of diseases in lambs and young pigs. Veterinarila 41 no.8:65-b7 Ag 164. (MJRA 18:4) 1. Leningradskiy vetevinarny-y InstLtut (for Kokuric-hev, Mlkhaylc4). Glavnyy veterinarnyy vrach sovkhoza "Leninskly Irkutqkoy oblasti (for Moskalevat Volkova). 4. Glavnyy zootekhnik govkhoza "Le- nin8kiy" ITk-atskoy oblasti (for Mashukov). PERGAMEN'T, Kikholl Abramovich,* )4;WTLOV, II.P*, otv, red,! Y-F p A.Ve, akademik,, glavv~j red.; K.%, red.; NINER , V.V. , red. ; I'l MOFFYKV , P. P. , red. (Knorera=2 and Cretacecq.~.q st-rat4'grhphy of tne Pa--'-fl.c aroia.] Itiotseramy i stratigrafil.a me'a Ti~-hrr.,kearnkoj nblastle Mosk3a, Nauka, 1.965. 101 P. (A~.L-.demi'a nau~, GA(,-'Logi- chaskii inatitut. Tmdy, 110.,18 (MIP-A 1- sQ) MIKHAYLOV, N.P.; GUSTOMESOV, V.A.; FFYVE, A.V., glavnyy rec.; MENNER, V.V., otv. red.j KUZNETSOVA, K.I., red.; TIMOFEYFV, P.P., red. 'Boreal Late Jurassic Cephalopoda.j Boreallnye pozdnelurskie golovonogie. Moskva, Nauka, 1964. 220 p. (Akademiia nauk SSSR. Geologicheskii institut. Trudy, no.107). (MIRA 17:10) 1. Chlen-korrespondent AN SSSR (for Peyve). 77-- . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . 3 'r e r .jj~ KOYTTRICFEV, P.I., PTOf.; L-AdTLI, S.I., dstsent; 1,17Y w,6 * , - na:rmyy nrach; 14AYHOCHEYEV, K-V., rra(-~ Use of sodium selenAte tn the prophylaxis and tnerapy cf w,-1" 4,r ruascle disease Lr lamb,---.. Vet-e-rinurl"a 39 no.6250-51 Je 162 (MIRA l81ll) Loeningradskiy ve*er7rtLrnyy institut ~ Buryatekly sell9kc khozyayBtvannyy L,stitlt. 17 MAChEIM, V.A.; Kk~'ZLOV, V.M.; GUSEVA, :,.S. ; ?rinimali uch&stiye:PAPOPORT, m. B. LLJ Y 11 iw ."&L., MaJdng high-titanium slags o' iron-titanium concentrates fror coast- I -,: 9) al pi,-icers. Titan 1, ego uplavy n, .~):86-95 163. (TiLanium-:~l,,.ctrometallurg~,)