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1AL vA, en 3.1 -rw-5;tjn ;ST,;c - -un-ing in L." ,,e e r1. 'DW -'resen' at, -AJ cc ti F' 3( .,vai" ibl j:1 L'~brkry HICHOTSK, S. "General Cost In Building And The Ways To Reduce It; A Book Revieverts Remarks" p. 21. (Prseglad . Vol. 25, no. 1, Jan. 1953. Warszawa) East European Vol. 3, No.2, SO: Mont List of /A=W= Accessions, /tibrary of Congress, February, 1954 X16*6 Uncl. 1.4 1" ,it "I'-h " ; I ~- r, 1 E, j ~l ...,, ., 1 r, 1, . .- - - r u - : 1 fl ~I , ,t ,~! -1.q,f r k . " r f , - - ~ f " . ., z ., T.:'I - ; ~- r , -ff, , - , :~ ~l ! ~ . j r. C,14 'i (. , ..P r 7 v ~, ~, f,r, ~,, n,,. 1,11 , . I Ir,A. . Ml' A10"LK , Stan I wo !r , n ~. Irf:nriE In e A -nai y-7, r,j: , ,( C '.rSLLM It i on - f fu,. - 2 f o - !,F- a-, ~ !"-;~ 8 PI - ..T.~ r',* . 1'r Z," 9, 1 1- S', rj,- . ~ P . . , ? .', kr~ 'o4 , " 'lk: '.. J. J, "', Polyamide filter.5 In -3uf,ar .,,anli"acture. F. 2o6. (: 1-3'~Y 3311"K.71-'!~.-.: (. rar.a. ' 7o1. 77~, r, .. ,, -;P-. t. ~:,-? 3k, : ":onthly Imdex of -:;I*ast Eur,,,- +--an Acc.?.s3ion 1) : ~ *1 ' . ?. :~ -). r . I j, ~ Y! f7;4 ~ 7A , ' . IlFolyami~e liltra~i )n in the i- r~a- . n'. . + ..- . " , r '~Iraha, , -I 'i ~, . - j 'I-. ' , "0 r - , 1 ? - . 7' '~ ' --A --' I (- ze, i D-1 i I Month'-.- ',i + of Y~i,~t Kurnpea- ;.,-c~ -, -~F '~ . I i "! . I 'o'). ; , " I (~!- I ;' , . Fno-,I,n:c!!rjpr!. MICHOVSKA, J. Effect of the periglacial erosion in the Causses karst. p. 222. (Sbornik, Vol. 61, no. 3, 1956. Praha, Czechoslovakia) SO: Monthly List of East European Accessions (EEAL) LC, Vol. 6, no. 6, June 1957, Uncl. MICHOVqn, J. DimitriJ Lnucek's Dumbirsky velehorsky kras (Dmmbier Alpine Karst); a review. p. 229. (Sbornik, Vol. 61, no. 3. 1956. Praha, Czechoslovakia) SO: Monthly List of East European Accessions (EEAL) LC, Vol. 6, no. 6, June 1957, Uncl. Z/031/61/009/004/002/008 A121/A126 AUTHOR: Miohcvsk~, 0. TITLE: Centering and clamping head for Internal grinding of ge&rs PERIODICAL- Strojirenska ykroba, no. 4, 1961, 176 - 18o TEXr. The author deactribes the head and the grinding process and submits the relevant calculations on the centering and clamping head for internal grind- Ing of gear wheels. The clamping head is shown In Figure 1. The main cylinder body (1) is sorewed to the carrier plate (2). For the clamping and centering of the gear wheel three interchangeable jaws are used, screwed to the wedge-shap- ed slides (10), which are connected by means of springs (16) to the star wheel (6). Gear wheels of 20 to 120 mm outer diameter may be chucked by means of the described clamping head. The axial motion of the star wheel (6) is performed by the connecting rod (8). The cooling agent Is supplied by the tube (33). In order to obtain a high accuracy of the clamping head, the body (1) Is flattened on three spots and provided with wide and precise radial grooves, in which the wedges (10), screwed to the board (15), are inserted. The lubricator (34) per- forms the lubrication of the wedge surface and the wedge. The interchangeable card 1/4 Centering and clamping head .... Z/031/61/000/004/002/008 A121/AJ26 jaws are ground by a sDenial machine; a spreading device and a ring fastener are used in this operation. Wheels with ztralght teeth are centered by means of rol!6. For toothed wtpeln of the modulus 2 to 5 mm the roll diameter Is chosen In su,:~h a way, t"a4. their contact points witbthe tooth flanks are lying I - 2 mm from the outside diameter. In thA machining of spur gear wheels with helical teeth, balls are uped instead of rolls; these balls are attached by means of cables to a special ring. r.=: shown in Figure 8. The ballis should not have any deviations in direction of the cable. The dJameter of a ball is computed in &~n example. The choice of the diAmeter of the -oll or of the ball can also be wade from a nomogram. There a-3 11 f tguras and I table. ASSOCIATION: ZVIL, n.p., Plza; (ZVIL, People's Lhterprise, Plze~) Figure 1-. (&) Coo!'-.rig agent supply; (b) changeable adjusting sleeve according to the w~:,rkDle,2e; 1c) changeable jaw acoording to the workpiec4�; (d) view in the dirsetion "S". Card 2/4 ROTTIM, Andrzej; MICTNICZ, Jozef; KOPMSKA-ROTTYMOUA, Par'bnra Vnlue of Sulkovitch reaction for the determi-istion of calcium con- centration in the I)lood Rnd urine. Polski tygod. lek. 14 no.11: 1453-1456 1 Aug 59 1. (2 11 KlIniki: Charo"i Wewnetrzrtych A. H. we Wroelqwiu: kierownik: prof. 4r med. Antoni Fnlkiovicz) (CALCIUM, chem.) MICHOWICZ# Josef; GLENIAGZt Vladyalaws, A case of Gaucher's syndrome with hypersplenic syndrome. Pol. tyg. lek. 17 no.2:57-W 8 Ja 062. 1. Z II Kliniki Chorob Vownstrznyeh A.M. we Wroclawiu; kierounik,. prof. dr Antoni Falkiewics. (LIPOIDOSIS case reports) (MERSPLENISH case reports) YWCZ, Lessek; 'IICHTA, Zhigniaw: HAPORA, Albina. Analysis of causes of exacerbation in pulmonary tuberculosis with special reference to work factor. Gruslica 23 no.11:80"- 913 Nov. '55. 1. Z Panstwowegn Sanatorium Przeciwgruzlicaego w Bystrej SI&ski"j. Dyrektor: dr med. W. Pregowski. Bystra Sl&sim, Pafistwow" Sanatorium Przmciwgruzlicze. (TU9FXUWSIS, FUDIONARY, physinloff. exacerbation in vorkers) ~WORK' effects, on tuborc..pulm., exacerbation) 't- -5 - - - . ............... . . ........... PRIWWSKI, Wladyslaw;_MICHTA. Zbigniew AM and pulmonary resection in a case of extensive bilateral fibro-cavernous tuberculosis with acute development. Gruslica. 24 no.12:1207-1211 Doc 56. 1. Z Sanatorium V Bystrej Slasklej. Dyrektor: dr. med. W. Progowski. p. o. ordynator lek. Z. 14ichta. Adres- Bystr& Slaska (Sanatorium Prseciwgruslic,-e). (PURMINT04T, in various diseases. tuberc., ftbro-cavernous. with ACTH (Pol)) (MIRCUWSTS, PULMONART, therapy. ACTH, in fibro-cavernous bilateral tuberc., in pnoumonectomy (Pol)) (ACTH, therapeutic use, tuberc., fibro-cavernous. in pneumonectomy (Pol)) BELYAKOV, V.A.: VEKSLER, V.I.; IFIRYCOV, N.M. KT.ADNITSKAYA, Ye...N.; KOFYLOV, G.I.; 1ICTY111T, A. [Michu", AJ; PENEV, 1I.N.; FCTOLOVA, Ye.S.; SOWVIYEV, M.I. - ~I-Meson resonAnces generawd u1multw-cously wish tslmn~-o particles In p -p-in tern ctions at 7.5 Gev./c. Zhur.ek.4j,.i teor. fiz. 46 ne.'~:1967-1978 je 164. 1. Ob"yedinennyy inst'i "nt yadernykh .,. -f - trudnik Instituta. atonnoy fiziki Rumynfi~oy Akridemil miiv, Bukharest (for Mikhul). (,v.:!'-4 i7-1C) %MORE, William Gronk-, WAYSENBIN, A.0. (translator]; TROITSrAYA, V.A. (translator]; MICHULIN. V.V., redaktor. [zleotronics in nuclear pVq9Ics] Blektroulks, Y iadernoi fizike. Moskva, Isd-vo inostrannoi lit-ry, 1951. W p. [Microfilm] (MM 7:11) (Illectronic apparatus and appliances) (Ilectron-tube circultiO HICHULIS, A. ussR/Astramm - conision or stars mr/Air 52 "S patial. HDtion or Three Stars of the Vain Se- quence," A. Alkents, A. Xichulis, All-Union Astronomical-Oeodetic Society, Riga Branch "Astron Zhur" Vol XXIX, No 2, pp 215-217 AcknoWledge the helpful advice and consultations or P.P. Parenago. Calculates the pr?Imbility of collision to be of the or4er or 10- god the probability or close passage to be 10- there- fore concludes that these events an practically Inme1ble. Stars Investigated were the follow- im 3: W+25*3344, 78*x, and W-1!3hTh. Subsitted 20 Oct 51. 2i&6q VfANZTWV, A. ; NICKMIN. A. Tranmformed face. Babotaltma 34 no.3:)l Kr 156. (KLAA 9:5) (Surgery. Plastic) Ell t~7 14-57-6-12221 Translation from. ReferativnTy zhurnal, Geografiya, 1957, Nr 6, C p 75 (Ul AUTHOR: Michurin B. N. TITLE: Water Balance of a Spring Wheat Field in the Irrigated Lands of Trans-Volga Region (Vodnyy balans polya yarovoy pshenitsy v usloviyakh'oroshayemogo Zavolzhlya) PERIODICAL: 5b. tr. po agron. fizike 1954, Nr 7, PP 5-)0 ABSTRACT: The author states that the water requirements of apring wheat depend upon growth stages and water content of the dark brown soils of the Engel's Card 1/1 Experimental-Reclamational Station. VIRSHININ, Petr Vasil'yevich; KKL'UIKOVA. Kariya Konstantinovna; KICHURIV, Bo.rix Nikola"vich. MOMMOV, Boris Sargeyevich; POTASOV, Vikolay- U-0-0 Veirovich; dHMOVSKIT, Abram Filippovich, prof.; IOYYI, A.F., skademik, red.; R3VUT, I.B., kand.sellskokhoz.nauk, red.; ORLOVA, L.I., red.; POLISKATA, R.G., (Princi-oles of agricultiiral physics) Oanovy aeTofiziki. Koskya, Gos.izd-vo fiziko-matem.lit-ry. 1959. 903 P. (MI-RA 13:2) (Agricultural physics) mq,~H LIP, IN, P.N. s rict-ire - ?Ocr.voved~ r~ 71r. e o r) N 16~ tp !Y 1. Agrofizicnestlly ss sunmi%t~d Lec. il-,, -.064. YEVLAMPIYEV, R.A., inzh.; KUZNE"SOV, M.A.; FANASOV, A.Ye., inzh.; DZYUBENFO, A.U., putevoy obkhodehik-prolazabik, (st. Troitsk, Yuzhno-Urallskoy dorogi); MICHURINI D.N., insh.; WWROV, I.S., putevoy raboctAy (Stavropol', Severo-Kavkazsk6y dorogi); TRIGORLOV, G.I.; VELICHKA, T F., normirovshchik (st.Tomak, Zapadno-Sibirskoy dorogi); B3GAYCHUK, I'S. (st.Kazat'in, Yugo- Zapadnoy dorogi); BYCHKO, S.N.; KRASIN, N.A., inzh. (Tashkent); LOKHMDTKIN, G.A. Letters to the editor. Put' i put.khoz. 6 no.12:39-41 162. (KRA 16: 1) 1. Glavnyy bukhgalter distantsil puti, st. Ryazhsk, Moskovskoy dorogi (for Kuznetsov). 2. Zamestitell dorozhnogo revizora po bezopasnosti dvizheniya, Yaroslavl' (for Michurin). 3. Zamestitel' nachallnika Tomskoy distantaii Zapadno-Sibirskoy dorogi (for Trigorlov). 4. Dorozhnyy master, stantsiya Verkhovtoevo, Pridneprovskoy dorogi (for Bychko). 5. Mokovoy master, stantsiya Sinellnikovo I, Pridneprovskoy dorogi (for Lokhmotkin). (Railroads-Track) ARTYUG111, I.M.; GRACIIEV, Yu.P.; DAVYDOV, L.N.; DOY14IKOVt Ya.P.; KIRPICBEV, V.I.; LEV.11TAL', G.B.; NEIMITIYEV9 L.A.; NICHURa.-I.1,; NIKONCV, A.P.; :4SHOVKO, G.I.; STARIKOV, V.G.; FROLOV, V.I.; KH!(ILEVP L.S.; RAbINOVICH, A.L., red.; SODOLEVA, Ye.M., tekhn. red. (Technical and economic principles of the expansion of heat sup- ply engineering in power systems] Tekhniko-ekonomicheskie osnovy razvitiia teplofikatsli v energosistemakh. Moskva, Gos. energ. izd-vo 1961. 318 P. (MIRA 15:3) beat engineering) (Electric power plants) - KI-CHURINJI L.N.; MAKHAYEVA, L.V. Feeding habits of wild reindeer on the TaymVr Peninsula. Zool. zhur. 41 no.12tl883-1888 D 162. (MIRA 160) 1. Research Institute of Agriculture of the Far North, Norilsk. (Taymyr Peninsula-Reindeer-Feeding and feeds) MICHURIN 0 LA. i4fostation of wild reindeer by tne iarvae of the warble fly Oadamagens, terandi L. in the T&yW ftninsula. Zoole zhur. 42 no.l: 149-151 163. Mik 36:5) 1. Research Institute of Agriculture of the Far North, Norylsk. (Tayw PeninBulap- Parasites--R4zldeer) (Taymyr Peninsula-Botflies) MICHURINp L.N. Sam mv.7-phollogicAl oharactaristics of wt-ld re-IrAeer rn the Tayx:yr ?eninBula. Zool. 2hur. 44 no.911396-L405 165. (MIRA 1811o) 1. Nauclino-issledovuteltakiy i=titut sellskogo khozy-ay-stva Kraynego Severa, Nwrillak. SAMOYLOVA, T.S.; MICHURIJ;, E.V.; KURTACH, B.L. (Ioningrad) Metastatic aderoma of the thyroid gland. Probl.endok.i gorm. no.1:106-110 162. (MIRA 15:0 1. Iz kafedry obahchey khlrurgil Leningrndskago pediRtrichankogo Yo.P. Semenova). GLAIM--TUMORS) (zav. - prof. V.I. Korkhov) meditainskogo instituta (dir. (THYROID -180, Borodinakaya, d.1/88 kv-45) _Aloeningrad, F Pelvic bone fractures in children. Yest.khir. 89 no.lltlx-13:L I t62. (KM 16:Z) 1. rz kafedry khirurgii detakogo vozrasta (sav. - prof. G.A. Bairov) i k&fedry obehebey khirurgil (zav. - prof. V.I. Korkhov) Loningradskago pediatricheakogo meditainskogo instituta (rektor - Y.P. Somenova). (PELVIS-IFRACTURE) L I Iz kafe-Iry obvi,k t,,:y r: _j7 ULITSBURG,, L.M., kand.tekhn.nauk; MICHURIN, 0.1., inzli. Tocimica.1 u:ul economic expediency of using mercw-y rectifier units with aovanc~jd pivise ohift angle. Prom. energ. 18 no.8:4-9 Ag '63. (MIM 16:9) (Electric power distribution) POLISM, D.Ye.; RUDKITSIKIY, N-ya-; DYKHOVICtIM, YUA-; M, 'URI-N-2 -V-F' ftgW4*mt inmeaes in the pressure on moil foundation& of ISWO- block Widings. [Trudy) NIX oan. no.49960-67 1620 (MIM 15S12) 1. ilpravleniye po proyektriovaniyu xhilishchno-grazhdanskogo i keommallno o stroitelletya g. Koskry (for Dykhovichn", FAchurin). ISoil mechanics) (Foundations) KHOWANSM, M MV kand.tekhn,muk (14askva)i KOLINER. V.M., kand.takhn.nauk (Mos~-rrxi; MICHUAItl, V.F. . Inzh. (Moskva)l SZROVA, L.P., Inzh. (Yrskva)) TEMIKV. Tu.A., In3h. Noskva) Stud7 of the action of transverse elements of large-panel arartment houses. Tsel. po tecr. socruzh. no.14t169-18Z 065. (MIRA 18t10) GESHELIN, S.A.; MICHMiN,J._.~, Diabetes mellitus in surgical patients. Test. khir. no. 6: 75-& 65. (MIRA 18:12) 1. Tz khirurgicheskogo otdeleniya (zav. - prof. B.Ye. Frankenberg) 1-ay Odesskoy gorodskoy klinicheakoy bollaitay (glAvnyy vrach - A.S. Teslik). ANDREYEV, Yuriy Aleksandrovich; KOBAK, Valeriy Oskarovich; MICHUItIN,_V.I,_,. _band. tekhn. nauk, retsenzent; APTEKFAI;, PI_3F, red._;___T_SAL, H.K., tekhn. red. (Double T--shaped bridges in selective amplifiers]Dvoinye T-obra2r,ye mosty v izbiratel'rWkh usiliteliakh.. Leningrad, Sudprongiz, 1962. 103 1). (MIRA 15~9) (Amplifiers, Electron-tube) (Bridge circuits) I YKi L E7, V.I., ka~`tijn 2-go rm~ ga; GUIKHOV, G.P., ~ '. - -Kr. runga; Z.A.MJBTN, L.K., kapitar. 2-go range; :'-T, '~' kap'tait 3-go ranga; KAPTSEV, R.F.. kap'f-~n ]-,- MTCHURPI, V.I., kapitnn I-go rar.grx. Matured pr,)blems. Mor. abcr. 49 r,(. '! ' ~ '- . I i MICHMINX 111 :,,r - .1 1 1 " I Ila-, ~ 0 , ~-, I w ~ A , " " I -I r r. 3 MICHURIN, V.K. M.V.Lcmonosov as a physicist ar,~: -i9t. - Dokj. na nauch. korLf. 1 no.3.13-.21 162. (MIRA 1b-8) (Lomonosov, Mikhail Vasi'.1evich, 1711-1765) ACC NRI AR6017170 SOURCE CODE: UPv/0058/65,/000/012/AO08/AO08 i-AUTHOR: Kichurin, V. K. Ivanov, A. 1. J TITLE: Concerning the origin and magnetism and interpretation of magnetic phenomenC51 on the basis of an examination of moving charges SOURCE: Ref. zb. Fizika, Abs. 12A78 REF SOURCE: Dokl. na nauchn. konferentsiyakh. Yaroslavsk. gos. ped. In-ta, v. 2, no- 3, 1964, 187-193 TOPIC TAGS : electromagnetism, physics, education ABSTRACT: The authors consider two versions of exposition of the thnary of- Llir_elec- tromagnetic field in modern'textbooks, and note none makes use of the ponsibility of establishing the interrelation between electric and magnetic fields. Demonstratir)n of the connection between the electrostatic and magnetostatic fields makes It pos- sible to instill in the listener's consciousness the concept of electromagnetic field even during the earlier stages of the teaching of the material. The entabliah- ment of this connection, first, reduces the number of principal laws an which the theory of static field Is based and, second, explains the nature of the magnetic phenomena. A derivation of Ampere's law and of the Biat-Savart-laplace law from Coulomb's law is presented. It is noted that the use of these derivations In the ex- position of the principles of electromagnetism can entail difficulties connected with the need for prior mastery of the formalism of relativity theory on the part of the listeners. P. Khramov. [Translation of abstract) SUB CODE: 20 ,05 Card MICRURIN, Te, alesarl-aborshchik; ALEKSODROV, A. (a.Dnermonetrovsk),* MMTMV. A. ; UMI SHBWO - T - : W12APOVA, A.; SPIZHAiISKIT. R.; NAZAB=O. P.; SAMIYZV, V. (g.Arkhangellsk) latters to the editors. Sov.profsoiwW 16 no.11:44-49 Je '60. (MIRA 13:6) 1. Koskovskiy xavod malolitrashaykh avtomobiley (for Michurin). 2. Redaictor gazety "Z& tempyg Kolosenskogo zavoda tekstillnogo mash Inom troyentys, (for Belyayev). 3. Starshiy Instruktor i(lyevskogo onlastnogo soveta profadyuzov (for Ilullshanko). 4. ZavedtWushchiy achebno-kursovoy bazoy Astrakhanskogo obleovprofa (frr 14,t7arenko). (Iabor and laborine classes) 00206/63 MPW- 777 , is --v Arm, TW-14ticaL Ad"im dt:rjs~j-:~, T.-Mitroua o &~-~Oo Of 1 : 10106 -of the, sues In fol-' . . qt add jap"" &'Caol- to L 32017-55 E'dT( Fe-4/pr-4/ps-4 IJP(c)/' ME _J~DIPGAM_ AccEssjoH URI AP5006449 $10051165/018/00310532/0533 A., Labedev,_ -01. Lot mi Chu rin a A, V > 7. TITMIx eur pitmn..Complixes with fluorinite'd '6-~* -1 Liiistnescence-of A diketones in' a po yacrylate matrLx -77 Tr777 6 ilk I ~F_~_SOURC 0 ?..I k Of I *s ph a ~t it 6 8~ ~0~1, A t ai a e r t c h e a t i a U -'V,q P* i u-- 14 c h a la t -a' f I _-u 6- _r i n-- a- te d I k -9 i 'a n a, c 6IMP I a It 4-:2 a t r t k wnfit e a titfut-_7 u qu t-um ttivei~---otctlj4jttqn~ threshold f-lum i cenc a;6- f ~two~_'-.gurqpl .um -~cheL-ites have been, studied--! n-,-vith- MU 66, An-auxop- um -bentoylacetonate d' c_'u_r P' um_~_. e-n--*- an tr-ifluti.mace ton ate-*- The-_ sampl 11~8 6f eur-opium,_ o 8-(-11--~L(,2.-M..-thati6-yl,-)!7~3, 3 i 3-t ri f luo roace ton ai 0- 3) and europium-~*--_-,--:-j_-.L-- -it-ri toy 1 _31j_3 (EuPhi-y-wete--pre --both J~ epared 't h~a io -ne--s .Ace:~ -WIYO-An- t .- . rerystal-fil t ~e -iftatrii 11~1 their -poly- (methyl-.tiethacrylate) o*_r__m_e_thmc.-rylAmid*,. and -n~-b`1utyl-._-._ T' ectra of Eu_T_j e*tanded over --me-thdckrylate copoiymerf -he absorption sp A-;T L '16MJ46 IJP(c) JD/JW/JG/FJI zWr(1k)/ZWP(j)/T/F0(t) ACC NR: AP6007011 SOURCE CODE: UR/0051/66/020/002/0340/0342 AUTHOR: Lebedev. 0. L.; Hichurina A. V. ORG: none TITLE: Luminescence spectra of fluorinated and branched t2E22ium and terbluma 0-diketone complexes 7 SOURCE: Optika i spektroskopiya, v. 20, no. 2, 1966, 340-342 TOPIC TAGS: luminescence, europium compound, terbium compound, ketone, fluori- nated organic compound, stimulated emission ABSTRACT: In a search for compounds with stimulated emission capability, luminea-. cence spectra at 77K were obtained of n-propyl alcohol solutions of 25 europium and terbium complexes with S-Miketone"of the type R'COCH2COW', where R' and R" are various organic radicals,,branched or unbranched and/or fluorine substituted. The effects of the symmetry of ligands (diketones), molecular structure of the radicals, accumulation of fluorine substituents, combinations of two branched radicals or branched and fluorine-substituted radicals were examined on the position, width, and Intensity of luminescence peaks which correspond to -Card UDC: 535.37 L 163M-M ACC NR: AP6007011 5D _7F and SD4_7F transitions in Eu and Th tons. The solvent was selected as 0 2 5 representative of the class of oxygen-containing solvents with similar spectra, which reflect the activity of the tlectrcu shells of oxygen atoms interacting with Eu or Th ions. Impurities in such a solvent do not interfere with the shape of 5D _7F transition. The spectra of the europium a-pyridyltriflurodiketone CO:plez1hoplayed a narrow red band identical in soluti6n and in - esum-; cry8ra-13, PT a y e ause of the formation of an N-containing chelate ring. The luminescence intensity of thecterbium ion in terbium bis(1,3,5-trimethylbenzoyl)methide [sic); remained high th spite of the presence of the branched radicals In the ligand, which generally quench luminescence of the lanthanide ion and simuitaneougly pro- note blue-green'-esission due to the molecule Itself. Certato [unspecified] of the complexes studied way be capable,of producing stimulated emission. Orig.,art.. has.,- I figurer, [JKJ SUB CODE: 20/ SUBM DATE: 29Apr65/ ORIC REF,., 004/ OM REF#. 003/ ATD PRESS: GK -i~. it; 41.__.:~. GRISHINA, T.Ya.; MICHURINA, G.A.; PAKSHVER, Z.A. Formation of polyacrylanitrile fibers. Irnim.volok. no.4: 13-15 '59- (MIRA 13:2) 1. Vgesoyuznyy nauchno-inaledovatel'skly institut iskusstvennOgO volokna. i filial Tsesoyuznogo nauchno-iseledovatellskogo institute, iskuostvenn o volokna v g Kalinine. Oforlon) ZAcrylonitrile) XLIMEM, V.S.; ZVWMV. M.P.; GRUZIZV, V.A.; BONDAREM, v.m.; micmMmA, G.A. Synthetic fibers based on isotactic polypropyleue. Shim.volak. n0.4:19-22 159o WU 1312) 1. Teesoymanyy nauchno-istledovatellskiy institut inkmentwennago volokna. (Textile fibers, Synthetic) (Propane) Z. 8709 3DW-' 0 2 0/ B C):, Fj AUTHORS: Gruzdev, V. A., Klimenkov. V. S., Serkcva, L. A.. Michurina, G. A., Zhuchkova, N. G., Bondarenko, V. M TITLE; Thermooxidative Destruction of Polyprofylene and the Fiber on Its Basis PERIODICAL: Khimicheskiye vn-lokna, 1960, No. 19-1.' TEXT: The authors wanted to study the influence of the compc~sitiQn Of th,3 polyprcpjlene fractions on the thermooxidative destrutjr-n and the -lari fication of the possibilities of stabilizing the poljrmer in s.%aping arid the fiber. Polypropylene with the f-)Ilowing characteristic values was used for the study: molecular weight 200,000, contents of the amorphou-9 frar- tion 4.3%, contents of the heptane fraction 5.7%, ash contents 0.4%. The fil,ars were produced according to the process described in Ref". 5. The thermooxidative destruction of the polypropylene was studied between 140 and 2400C, since the fiber is shaped at these temperaturea, The data ob- tained are given in Fig. 1, and show that a period of activatic~n 7f the process exists, whose value decreases with rising temperature uril whoge 87,1479 Thermooxidative Destruction of Polypr-,pylene S/ 18 DO- and the Fiber on Its Basis B020/BO~8 oczurrence depends on the accumulution of radicals. The 3epenlence _f the intrinsic viscosity of the polypropylene heated to 200 GC (Fig. 2) arJ 1400C (Fig. 3) on the composition of the fractions is trared graph-ally. It can be seen from Fig. 2 that the change of the ccmpogition of' the fra~- tion at temperaturesabove the melting point of the polymer Joes not cause any change of the intrinsic viscosity during heatng, and thus neither influences the thermooxidative destruction. It can be seen from Fig. 5 that the introduction of 15% of the amorphous polypropylene fraction reduces t~,e activation period to about one-twelfth. Fig. 4 shows the change ~f trie intrinsic viscosity of the pc.,jner in japenlence or. the irti,-xiJar,13 Ugel The most effective ant i,)xid;trt:i ~if. 2-)k)' -i:e !Ieoz.-)ne *j :ir,; i~.n_l . :i-wever. the act ivity of ' he.3e -trt itx , 1,~nt:: %.,.en .he ~-peruture rc 240 CIC ,',;~bie 1) 7he effe~,! cl -1rious anticixidants ur, the -mooxidativu deitri(tior. cf polypropylene is mentioned in Table 2, j, it can be seen that the adlition of D.1% lonoi Urd C).0 ~Ieczone D ufficient for the stabilizatiGn c-f polypropylene at 200 C. Fig. -3 ~_ependence of intrinsic Viscosity anO strength of the fiber on the Z ;~, --ation of heating and the polyrner c(.,mp.-siticr_ Table , ,ives lata on tre effect of the stabilizer *:,v, Jut i' .,:r. : he-i'ir~4 ~_:n t-;e tnermo oxidative t NH_z~re D 87479 Thermooxidative Destruction and the Fiber on Its Basis and Ionol respe c t ive 1.y , or phenol-sty-rene condensation when heated for 50 hours at 3 Soviet references. of' Polypropylene zi mixture of 0. 51J' pro 9uct d- n" 140 C. There are 111i31/i,O101'_1 )0 A " J0, 110201,R058 Neozone D wi th 0, u f a change their properties :j figures, ' t;ihles, an] ASSOCIATION; VNIIV (All-Union Scientific Re8earclh 1n.,3tit,jtP Fibers) Pdt4 - .00WAMO 60 6" dn- yaw ioltition, rGpYUh4: Me ftom A ~10 Im. TOMO 91" IS r Aia 0 utiont. t uAt-vik th*',~t*Oritxires~ which are---. A4 on. t klatillL4 ~6f he;compo the. a I Lb4i'lli i~ion di df vi '614 The! -, pe~nce;, sco n, the ve-nt t t- rati=d:'and-,_the latensityof the shift h"' pd mer-sol tb sys am. q)o4, a;~, go- 16' tudled*~,Njgh4boiling 740rooarb6a 'wlth" boiling. points between 200 and een, 8 ~merlc.structure :a were se p aratedby-t wasp "od 4666AI44~-b fa~ (ji, i00 ~17 9~:, 1.955 t1708) It! old t _4t;h -or: &,taotid eredblo V e _polypropy ene'ad utions and at ok-roppolymei! iii~aurii_, b "fluld'at ~*iAougi;'ensities.iA&,tomporaturei3e The 4is- M4.-b~tw4eA::'2'0 *4d aOC* However@ it in-- Ly th fuxtb~r:~ at' jfiit~l at -,J- detes t 41,14, u U". IDO rr l6t4i4m, X56 and 260C, 'rho.. r VOL- ' ' icwO fibits- fkom- 6hiv:~t i ~t p .6, iiaioso -!~i~--t w,8141tim- --~06w- of tho 1po T' 42! o ypropy At m~~f bws mmIkt ;If ext : ' ' , he- tim, if Ab6i'-'; t viloft6tiok Gal: a*t- hit for.'s Otte fibas) , 31k -:23A462 2OAtW - 1 * " 1 : "W ' in' 0 jaw, Ns" . IN 2 , t Or I m . w IVANOVA, A.S.; SRARAT, SHLEUDIK, T.Te.: PECE101, N.G.; TATSMO. V.A.; USOVA, A.P.; FRCLOVA, P.A.,; ROGOVSKAYA. Ye.G.. red.; VCLKOV, I.T., [Agroclimatic reference book on Ammr Province] Agroklimaticheakii spravochnik po Awarzkoi oblasti. Leningrad, Gidromteor.izd-vo, 196o. 134 p. (MIRA 13:11) 1. Khabarovsk. Gidrometeorologichookaya observatoriya. 2o Khaba- rovskaya gidromateorolo.-ichookays obBervatoriya (for Ivanova. Shabalin, Kichurina, Shlendik. Pechen'. Tatsenko, Usovs). 3. Ns- challnik Otdela agrometeorologii KbDbarovskoy gidrometeorologicheakoy observatorii (for Ivanova). (Amur Province--Crops and climate) MICHURINA, I.A., klimatolog Climatic conditions of Khab~rovsk. Amur pbor. no.2:13.5-1rC '(C. (KIRA !J:), 1. Deystvitel'nyy chlen GeograficheskoFo obshchestva S5SR. (Khabarovsk--Climate) P..'CHU.,J11'J., 1. V. BAKHA -- 11, A. N. Nauchno-a'.- IstIr- ewroe zmc~enle 11chPniia I- V. Michiirina Z-6cientific anO atheistic siFnificEnc, -~f 1. V. Michlirin's, theorips-7. Mosk-w~ , Gos,(,il I t,, -- sv, , i zdat, E105772. Y p. SC: Monthl-v List of Russian Acces!d,, ns, Vol . 7 Nn -- Mij.,; 1`54. dew ed alwaiiiiiss by 06sta" wool" I~ A, &bw kos~. N. Prilcshwva, and C, V, sovak ( U %'~ "J'Am, 4tr1'niY,%1o%mw). InvisAkad Nask52iSR,.Ser~ L FL&. IS. 41S 2:1(1951 j -Tmh At Annealed at W' for A tin. to a jinun use of 2-3 q, mm ., et~hd with A I I mixt. of IICI and MrOll, plarcif in petf,grum. An,I uvAdc AM.& 61W a -Ingle %marlsdi-whargeof A 11ji-v coilwilantv AnoodefcpIk-aultim I-nin. we.-.ansd Wilk all clectrim ilik-foociplvir The cubic tructuir at the periphery of the hok iijilwAred distorted *rhv VV1111111 I-All apprareil covereal with a nictitifir (mm fnrtfmi froni molten And ~-.tKmratins sn'tal aletfulcurl call he replA~i by ,I'%td 160 to avoid the forin.ati,", ,( stabic . 11, s,, anpas ut the ertmoon bule The fumitj-. 4 tru,tur, 1-1, Io con'Uterable Nuface lim(kciffig S PAk.WCr USSR/Metallurgy - Wolfram Powders, Jan 53 Application of Electron Micro- scope "Study of Wolfram Powders With the Aid of an Elec- tron Microscope," A. I. Krokhina, K. A. Michurina, G. V. Spivak, and others Zhur Tekh Fiz, 'Fol 23, Wo 1, PP 17-22 Investigates effect of additions to W powders and reduction methods of metallic W on size and shape oll its grains. Surmmrizes data obtained from studying 27CYtRO n= rous micrographs of powders. Ratablishes that metallic W particles, even those Of smallest size beyond resolution of ordinary microscope, have shape of regular cube disregarLling metal grade or tech- nOlogical process. 27CT89 AUTHORS: ~a'rli, K.V. , LicifLAna', K.A. , SkAkov Yu.A. 3 2-12-; 1/ 71 TITLE: A Method of Investigating the Llectron Emission of Steel (Yetodiks. elektronno-emissionnogo issledovaniya stali). PERIODICAL: ZRvodskaya Laboratoriya, 1957, Vol. 23, Nr 12, pp. 1443-1446 (USSR) ABSTRACT: although a model of the elec- In the introduction it is said thst ~i tron emission microscope for indust al use (in the USSR) has already been vorked out, there is atil: a lack of scientific publications dealing ,Yith this problem. Reference is made to the Ymrk by K.Heidenreisch (Journ.of Appl.PIVs. 26, 1955), which contains suit- able information for the activation-working of carboniferous types of steel. In this paper a ne%v method of emission-microsoopic invest- 'g!ition of the re-orystallization ferrosilicon (iron silicide) and alio a method how to study the -transfortation of electrolytic iron is suggested. Besides. the results obtained by studying the pro- cess of nickel formation in the steel 10X05 are given. Research work -nits carried out by means of the aicrosoope " ) J "1 -75". The samples viere ground and electrolytically polished. Because of the aotivation of the surface of the samples the following solution (accord,-ing to Heidenreisch) was used: 11 mg formate of barium, 75 ml formic acid, C,, r-3 and 25 ml isopropyl alcohol. In order to be able to expose the samples A KPO-tod of Investigating the Blectrcn Emission of Steel 32-12-21171 to a temperature of 1200-13000 during the research work, a special objective-holder is used, i~ which the sample in the emission micro- scope is under a vacuum 10 mm torr. For the purpose of comparison sirultaneous recordings were made with light microscopes. In the ohapter: Research results it is 3aid that investigation of emission muzt be carried out at temperatures above 8500. In the c"e of ferro- silicon it was possible, during heating, to follow the process of re- crystallization and of the dissolution of the ferrosilicon grain. In electrolytically pure iron the0(,_f' 1 -tmnsfornation could be ft- ser7ed as well as the structure of the ferrite at a temperature of 850-9000 (photos are shown). In 1OX05-steel it was possible to study the austenite structure. Observation made at higher temperatures di- minished the contrasts of oontouru; at low temperatures resnarch work is in need of working out suitable activation methods, in the course of which - as is presumed here - the application of formate of cobalt is said to be necessary. The micropictures were taken at d ~ 1000 R. There are 4 figures, and 3 references, 2 of -ahich are Slavic. Ca M W3 A Method of Investigating the Electron Eniission of Steel 72-12-21/7' ASSOCIATICE: Moscow Institute for Steel imeni Stalin (bloakovskiy Institut stali im. Stalina) AVALLABLE: Library of Congress Card 313 1. Steel-Electron emission 2. Emission-Microscope applications '2/SED (M)/ZM(b)- -2/T/FWP(t)/WP(b) 1jP(c)1SSD1ssD(c)1BSD1 .__WMJ17A'_3D( )-5/A*~)-2/AFETR/E3D(d -AP4044 _P)jESD(98)/E3D(t) ---JD ACCESSION NUt 654 B/0048/64/028/008/1360/13CB .Rt -BgIivAkG.V.'- -Shishkin,B.D.~- MichuAha K. rive-" !Mabel Ti~M the quahtitative investigation of efficient oidtters.In a wide tempera- ture ranie by~observation of contrast in the el*ctron-,optical image ffeport, llth A I Union.Confereke:on Cathode Rlectronid3~held in-Kin -18 Nov i9627 ~SOURCE: AN SSSR.:,-rzv.Seriya fizicheskaya, v.28, no.8, 1964, 1360-1366 _-BIOPIC TAGS emitter electron emiss ion, 'electron micro 4~lectron optics,.ca- .thode -'ABSTRACT: The: Present: work was. a continuation of a series of studies* by. ,the authors ,of emitters and surface -4mission by means- of various electron-optical techniques. 'The . authors e arl ie r analys is : of contrast formation electiun-optical-image of'. an emitter1s generalized to the.paselof.honuniform efficient cathodes..The resultar ,provide the basis.for Interpretation of data on localemiasion, taking Into account_~. varicnza -14otors-. For the present study there.,was unsed an electronic-circuit that~ -made.possible rapid-measurement, of local currents from a whole region of the emit- tar: from a point Th .~ f' ph 6-)_ cont. as !rathe* than a. ormation-of as rast under the inf luence . V_-, 56~3'hh-66 3-rr (m) /'--X~' o t 'I F I I J' AT 1DS/J"j1';, L kc T)~ u 'o /'~G /('j /(Jl~ I L iI:`V'J kk)L~') tKI --"'J LvOlkik"., L i i Et. T I I L I C I I111 Ve 4t I f-, -1 t i (- 11 "d C, I Ito' !:i 2 . ~ - I -ktii ("()Itfc Ic nr~o oil tile pit), , LC -I I T-1.1';uo of C a Liicxle Elect r-n ic.-; nelci In L,e,i i nZ i-nd 22 -2G Oc t abo- r 1 9(-~57 SQ'riya fiz, h v. 19GG , ~1.7.1-176 an(] .30, no. 3 , f k 7 3 I it, "i" I I "~';l alicil Ine o rth -,y i,l 1e -7~ eb)c',z-~n ~,mi3- "Dr, micri).ICOPO A Ic o.~ V I I,-. TWI it -Aos th-I t ~I ~d h.'r'n I I" V. LI I-,-' Q:' 1; %Vit 11, -1-75 j;jI. 11, p x; I c Z' I"(, 15-:": 1"IrILILO', nt IkJ I, i:i :I,- :m,i Wflj'--W a L- t I (x f (- I I111to three j~. 1'1)~.j) Ti'( t;~(~i(- I 1.1-ollp it Id till," ':'*llkI'l':; m ii,o ir stirficas and pr:icl i(-filly w) io CS "02 r f C,I-mu-6 W(-' I I ill L hO I i fC L os t .i'hC SUrfaces of the cathodes of wo ro c ovo v- -d w i th ne t-4, o f w ido (up to 30 microns) crncks which cmittcO II . T.'-se entiltXios pf-I '01-med Imorl", in the life test. 'The C.-ILIIO(,'CS (); the L1,11-d C ar d 2 L 3631di-66 ACC NRt AMOY"B9 gro,tp e:-,IJbitcd 3-PoLs fro,,,i 'ill LO iM fiIiC)-0Zt'-. ii, (~inzctcr in w1116i, t~ic eml ~ rj- -ir- ior UVO Ordq~rn of bel(A"' "1:1-? L115C.5 CMIL-11ninr LjIC!-,Q C.ILii00(y~; viltill poi.,;oni2d nrons d j (I n(A ,;urv I ve Giv I ifo Lo:, L ()%,, J iig Lci r~~duced mut.tin I condiv-,t a i;cc .T h u '.-I i I Li()rs (TZ. if I I otf,16,nika i eI ektroiii i(n , I U , 1295 ( 1965) ) itnve prev iotin I y foiind I I in t c rncl~s An (r:lde-ccirtted cnthotle5 can be f orined in Uie (2.i r I y process Ing durinG mintif ac ',ijrc ,a ~jd in pnrticiilar 1) by fnstoning tho cntiirxle tightly to the mica, and 2) by I,eatlnZ 1,io !~e ons the formation of cracks as well as the possibility cathode above 13000 K. a for o1 their appearance during normal operation of the cathode are discussed. rt is con- ClLXIcd that cathodes intendlud for Iona-lifo or low-noise applications should bo froc of cracks and that sample control with the clectron emisision microscope after each sta.-O of the manufacturing process should be instituted. The authors thank L.M.LIpkovSL.IiLy and Yu.F.Zarutskiy for providing the investigated cathodes. Orig. art. has: 4 figures "Cul REr; 001 SUD CCDS: 20, 09/ SUM DATE- 00/ ORIG REFi- 004/ A Cd3rel 212 L 3626-" ACCZMON NR: APS01766S szose, at early, tubs-treatment stages (after exhaustion). The cracks emit as well as or: better: than the brightest spots, on the cathode. Good integral emission In aesodit",4it' h- either (a) a network of cracks an the cAthade or (b) fte-emission structure crwwsi~ The latter ensure a longer tube life. 'Is conclusion, the Authois wish t' o thank workers of the Moscow-zlectric-LaMD rAr&o_ry L. hL U. r. zarut ]LADhowskiv a" !LdZ for levAiag the tubse =d for u"ful disca"Wei WAI -9. -&1 h a a.- :4 figu "Iva A450-CIATMN't Moshavaldy genWarstvannyy wd"reltetImA M V. mlo wsm (Moscow ata" UdVel-sitO.- yT5- 777 rZz;~ 'Q'~K IMLW'YNV. L.A., MICHMMA. I.I. Conditions for using mixing pump substations in central hosting systems. Trudy LINI no.5:163-197 '50. Mak 9:8) (Heating from central stations) BOLOTOV. V.V.. doktor tekhnicheskikh nauk; MEIENTITEV, L.A., doktor ekonomicheakikh nau1c; BRIL, R.F., kandidat takhaicheskikh nauk; LEVEN'.2W. G.B.. kandidat tekhnicheskikh nauk; MICHURIN.L, I.I. kandidat takhnichookikh asuk [reviewers]; WNALSYSILIT.-IT.I.- [author]. "Technical and economic principles of heating systems." N.I. Dw2aevskii. Reviewed by V.V.Bolotov, L.A.Kelentlev, R.F.Bril', G.B.Leventall, K.I.Nichurina. Ilek. eta. 24 no.12:56-57 D 15). (KLRA 6:12) (DUnaevalcti, N.I.) (Heating from central stations) MIGHMMA, X.I., kandidat tekhaicheakikh nauk, dotsent; MN"I'. Ya.I., inshoner; CHAYGHUI, A.Ya., inzheser; ROGOV, P.M., inzheser; BUVBRW. D.A., Whener. G*-operative effort to increase the efficienc7 of the iwat supply system in machinery-manufacturing plants. Trudy LIBI 20-7:80-96 054. (Heat engineering) (MLRA 9:9) F I I . I . I r I MELENTOYNY. L.A.. professor. dcktor skonamichosirM nauk; IIICkiURINA K I doteent, Indlidat toichnichookikh nauk. SeUmtIng typos of heat supply for apartment houses. Tru4y LIZI no.12:4P,72 1956. (KLRA 10:6) (Heat engineering) A BE, GA',.,- , A . M. ; ill ~-- I [U;. , I . I 1 0 A.typim., ":- b-I(", : ;~. . ~, - 'r. I . . .1 . Vol). gemat. v . ,. . 1: , *r- ". ?.,.. BUSHMANOVA, Galina Vladimirovna; NORDE1, Aleksandr Petrovich; SHIROKOV, A.P., nauchn. red.; MIGMHOA, N.N., red. (Introduction to conformal geometry] Vvedenie v kon-formTruiu geometriiu. Kazan', Izd-vo Kazanskogo univ., 1964. 92 p. (r~ J.,A 18. rl) HICHURINA, S. Using the FZK-M colorimeter for determining nitrite content of meat products. Kies. ind. SSSR 29 no.6:21-22 158. (MIM 11:12) l.Groznensiriy cyasokombinat. (Meat) (Nitrites) (Colorimetry) DOMBRACHXVA, Te.F.; KOZLOT, A.M.; KRICHAVSKIT, K.Te.; IAPITSKIT. N.A.; LISTOTSKIT. N.D.; LUWOF. N.A.; UNUNT. N.P.; MICEMIS. POLTACHIM. A.T.; TrNDFBYW. N.A.; TSTMOT. T.S.; CHISITAIrOW. T.D.; KOPEMrXg. P.A., In h,, red.; KRMKOV. T.L.. red.; KOBTLTAKOT. L,K,, red.; ZUBV:W'IW, zP,, takhn. red. [Practices In tractor repair] Op7t remonta traktorov. Koskya, Gos. izd-vo self)dioz. lit-ry, 1958. 301 P. (KIRA 111-7) (Tractors-Mainteriance and repair) I MICERRIA V.V. j . ~ Nerve elements in the stomach of pike. Uch. za~. -;af. ;-c~ pedag. inst. no.41:31-35 163. Division of' i.erve celjs in lower vertebrates. \'-~ o Y. , ' * I, I" ,4, jl~ . P., I 'nm-~ ~iq'.,3 - "-, --~ ' - ' -,n -,' sur - ' ; , ~-- c I qnri I ndus trl a! ',jr- q *,- j- * - r f I cat., rn at ~nterc r : -,p ~, -, f th- Westprr j7q' - - '- - - I. ~ -,-. ~ . trltv * rr,: ' ~ - 24" " - . !v, * , 2: . - 1 - ..... ... p 'I.- - .- .~ i I - I 7 ~11~ ll~, - I.. LIAKUMOVICH, A.G.; MICHUROV, Yu.I.; FEKLYAYEVA, S.D. Determination of hydrocarbons dissolved in tert-butylsulfurlc acid. Zav. lab. 31 no. 12t1"5-1"7 165 (MIRA 19:1) 1. SterlitamakBkiy zavod sinteticheskogo kauchuka. : : . ! ~ - . , . , .1, IJAKUMOVICE, A.(,.; Yu l.; Rate an,i of ~he -" *-,~,-~~c.,t.v:--- x -, r fl t -' -~ -t I from ~,Ydr----rbnn fra(,tions dil.Y. qulfurl,- acvi. Kh-~,T.. Prom. 1.2 no.9. 656-i-58 S '6~. (N~IPA IP~q) Z/032/62/012/004/003/007 &197/E435 AUTHORS: Kupec, J., Engineer, Michvok, Z., Engineer TITLE: Pressure An(] acceleration transducers incorporating differential transformers PERIODICAL: Strojl'renstvl/, v.12, no.4, 1962, 293-297 TEXT: The purpose of the article is to describe the principles or operation arid the appliC.Ation of differential transformers as trall5ducers for measuring pressure and acceleration. In the introduction the authors discuss the advantages and drawbacks of piezoelectric transducers, strain gauges and differential transformers, the latter being the simplest and most robust, described as gaining popularity abroad. They continue to discuss both the open and tire closed magnetic circuit types and the associated bridge circuits and quote as representative output voltages: 0.5 mVl~L for the former and up to 10 mV/4 for tire latter per 1 V feed voltage. An example of open magnetic circuit design consists of a cylindrical former, 18 mm long, 20 mm diameter, with 3 coils, the two outer of 1300 turns of copper wire 0.08 mm diameter, the middle one of 650 turns of Ca rd 1/ 3 Z/032/62/ol2/004/003/UO7 Pressure and acceleration ... E197/E435 0.1 min diameter. At it feed voltilive of 3 V and 3000 c/8, tile sensitivity was 0.1 nN/ti. A closed magnetic circuit design adapted from a miniature transformer had a centre coil or ~-150 turns of 0.1 min copper wire and 2 coils of 600 turns 0.05 mm. Size of laminations 8 x 16 min, output about 8 mV/u (at an lintated frequency) . 1,11-ten used in it pressure transducer the first exotmple' rientioned had - at mains frequency - an output of 2.5 mV/at, v,ith a ineinbrane suitabl.e for 0 to 10 at, and 0.2 mV/at with a membrane suitable for 0 to 50 at. A high pressure housing for a range from 0 to 800 at is also described and illustrate,]. ',,v'hen applied to accelerometers the average damping factor '3hnul') be between 0.6 to 0.7, preferably 0.611, and a transducer with an open magnetic circuit which was used in the range 0 to 10 g Lad a sensitivity of 10 niV/g. Size of unit: 38 min dia, 58 mm weight 170 9. A closed inagnetic circuit accelerometer had the dimensions 25 x 40 x 15 min, weight les3 than 40 g, sensitivity 25 mV/g, resonance frequency 380 c/s, and was suited fox, measurements in the range 0 to 150 c/s. The authors briefly describe and illustrate a carrier frequency measuring amplifier, Card 2/3 Z/032/62/012/004/003/007 Pressure and acceleration ... E197/E435 300C c/s, feed voltage 3 V, with an output of + 5 mA into o 10 ohm load, suited for an oscillograph type 5T and states that the unit proved to be very stable and satisfactory. There are 15 figures. ASSOCIATION: VZLU-Let;any Card 3/3 MIGIMI, L. Problem of soil forming factorp and conditions. Geogr cas SAV 15 no.3:206-211 163. Gray-brown podzolic soils. 211-215 MICIAN, Ludovit; BEMtTJA, Zoltw. T Iwo kinds cf ver"cal z4,:hlity of ir. CmitrE.1 :,~ur-pe -.r-itri Special rngard t., Sl,,)vak terr!t-)ry. Gec-gr cas SA7 16 ri-.It 40-51 16,4 . ..: I : .. , K - .- 1, r, -. I - . - , - - :- '! ; f . . I , -, , , t, r r r. :.. f ~. r1f , ; .. ~ , , ~ . . . I * ~, p . , - . -. V 1 1.,. 1 !- 4 '' " 13. -W. - - ': r . - : , . -, ~ I " ~- . , t ".. . L A1788-66 ACC NR, ____ kP6621647 SOURCE COM CZ/0084765700010 9/03001 AUTHOR: Itician Wdovit ORG: none TITI-1: Question of soil-geographic laws with special consideration of the territory of Slovakia SOURCE: Geografichy casopis, no. 4, 1965, 289-300 TOPIC TAGS: soil, physical geography. physical geology ABSTI=T: Tho article deals with the soil-geographic laws. In presenting an outline of opinions on tho above question in the literature, the author analyzes the individua soil-goographic laws operating in the territory of Slovakia, shows the conditioning of their origin and presents a concise outline of their concrete manifestation. Orig. art. has: 3 figures. jased on author's Eng. abe_t7ffJPR_S7 SUB CODE: 08 / SUBM DATE: none / ORIG REFt 023 / SOV REFt 019 OTH REF: 004 Card MICIAT, , R. I inz. i,roduction of Armaporite in Kaznejov. Stavivo 4-1 no.lfj: 364-355 0 163. 1. Armabeton, k ( - - 41- MICIC, J. micic, J. Estimating the arorw-tic adscr-ptive car,city of u i I ica Lr 1. f . 2P5. ~ol. 20, no. 5, 195~ GLISNIY Etc~-rad, Yugoslavia .Jo: Z:Ftern Luropean Accc-sai(,r Vol. 5 ~~o. L April 1?5~ vicic, J. . se of comL int v unuer thc ct,:~c, t -~,,ns r:- I stint, in ot;r at-,' Ic .. ~:.Irr. P. 14". ' . ('nHND(-' . Vol. 12 , 4o. ', 191,~7, hrograd, Yuposlavia) SO: Monthly List of Last Puro;(an i1cuss, ns 1 1, 11 T.c. ','ol. (-, lo. ( , CtA F r- 7. Uncl.