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n!!~~ 4 . I Surge test of magnatio-core sheet insulation. El tech cas A 34 no.4:246-247 9639 I,- RTSAVY, Bohumil; MICHALEK, Jaronir;FIDLER, Vladimir. Poselbillty of adaptation of AmIdostomm anseris (Zeder, 1800) Raillet and Henry. 1909. In other birds. Cesk.biol 4 no.7: 391-396 J1 '55. 1. Biologicky ustav CSAV. parasitologis, Praha a Drubez&rske savody. Libus. (PARASITIS. AnIdogtonum anserls, adaptation In birds other than geese) (FMS, DOMMIC, adaptation of AmIdostomum anseris in birds other than goose) L 21122-66 EWP( J) RM ACC NRs ANJOZZ55b SOURCE CODE: Cz/oo08/66/000,(001/0087/0089 AUTHOR: Vosolsobs, Jan; Michalek Jiri ORG: Department of Inor c-Tec 097# College of Phemical Tachnologyo;prague (Katedra anorganicke technologie, Vysoka skola chandcko-technologickal TITLE: Differential reactor with gas recirculation SOURCE: Chemicke listy, no. 1, 1966, 87-89 TOPIC TAGS: heterogeneous catalysis, exhaust gas recirculation, chemical reactor, sulfur compound ABSTRACT: Difforential reactors with gas recirculation are suit- able for the study of heterogeneous catalytic reactions.4 The ,reactors should use very little of the reaction gas, be ~ot in- fluenced by outside diffusion, and offer an easy arrangement for the'ealculation of reaction velocities. The authors designed such a reactor suitable for studying reactions of sulfur dioxide. .It ii constructed in aluminum and may be used at temperatures UP to 52000. The recirculating pump used for the gas is desoribed. Detailed description of the reactor, and of its heating system is given. J. Muller, F. Huml and J. Tichy participated in the development of the mctor through graduate work in the fleld of inorganic technology. The authors congratulate them for its successful completion. They also thank Misters J_L Att-0i L. Eichelmann, and N. UrbanjLwhotook part in the development and construction of the reactor. Orig. art. has: 1 figure and 1 formula. 1JFRS1 SUB CODE: 07 / SUBM DATE: 12Feb65 / ORIG REFt 001 / SOV REF: 001 Card HICHAMt Josof. KUDr Obv. lakar, Litovel. -_", " Phytotherapy of diseases of the gastrointestinal systes. Prakt. lek. )4 nosq:205m208 My 154, (GABMINTIWINAL DIULUS, therapy. soytothor. ) (PLO". *Pkwtoth*r. of castrointestinal, dim.) AURALIK Jozef Wounds of the buttock complicated by multiple extraperitoneal perforation of the urinary bladder. Polski przegl. chir. 28 no. 12:1277-1279 Doc 56. 1. Z III Kltniki Chirurgicznej A.M. w Bytotlu Kierownik: prof. dr. M. Trawinski. Adres autora: Bytom, ul. Wyczolkowskiego 4. m. 7. (BUTTOCKS, wds. & inj. with wmltiple extraperitonnal perf. of bladder, surg. (POI)) (RLADD11R. perf. multiple extraperitoneal. complicating huttock wds.. surg. (Poi)) ~ U. I k - r~ , - 0 -,~I MICHAIK, Josef. Obv. lakar, I4tovel. Phytotherapy of gastrointestinal diseasev. Prakt. lek. 34 no,,8: 170-174 Ap '54. (GASTROIMSTINAL DISUSM, therapy, Ophytother.) MICHALM. J. Crohn's 41sease (ilettle segmentalis). Polsirl przegl. cbir. 29 no.1:25-28 Jan 57. 1. Z III Kliniki Cbirurgicsnej Slaski"j A.M. v Bytomiu Kierownik: prof. dr. M. Trawinski. Bytom. u1. Wycsolkowskiago 4. m. 7. =Ores autara. (ILNITIS RWIONAL (Poi)) o-bu-%L,AWYK xAO-sq!9-,, - - Gastritis hy-pertroDhiez glandularis. Polskl urzegl. chir. 31 no.4: 433-437 Apr 59. 1. Z III Kliniki Chirurgiezuej Slaskiej Akademii Redyeznej w Bytamiu Klerownik: Prof. dr M. Travinski (GASTRITIS, surg.) MICHALSK, Jazef RmPture of the kidney in a female cancer patient. Poloki prsegl. shir 33 no.1:79-81 161. 1. Z III Kliniki Chirurgicsnej 31. A.M. w B.Vtmiu Kierownik: prof. dr M. Travinski. (KIDKM meopl) SOURCE COWS AUTADRt 1AGh&JWk, Jon jEng1neer) .--- ~ ORG s none TITLE t Temprature ooqmneation of Hall generators by mans of therodstore SOURCiis SlAboproudy obsor, v. 26, no - 7. 1965. 402-W TOPIC TAGS: Hall generator. te"rature dependenoe, thernistor. HAU oonstant, ABSTRACT t The tomperaturo dependence of HaIlls constant (k) In Hall generatqrs causes variations of their sensitivity w:LVb tewpeTature; Jalpe 'eFm'"'eqcof*' Pm -Xf(T) Is determined In the article for gonqprators * &nAss n3b and Go and a test- -perature compensation Is suggestodq using thermisterso The ar- ticle Is supplemented by a computation of the- ampmeating nat- work and Its experimental chookings ' Orige art. hase a r*"s, 12 forma" and 1 tabl*6 fB6;d' on saWw's Eng. W~eitff 911fiff SUB CODFt 09. 20 / SUM DATEs 26oct64 / ORIG RM 002 / SOV MIN 001 L'~ ccwd V03063OUS :j HIMIM.SKS J De"I of luorgwls T Zip lmtltute of Teshmiew. Prepw both) ~ftj"dmlL =ft" a y filum OPO OI)iJV*VMtlgl ~tW wIth We reolMdatlone* Country :OLFijh(j6LOVAKIA CatcSory:-- :Diseasej of Farm Animals, R Disease. Caused by i3acteria Fung' ADO. Jour. :Ref ZhUX-13jol.9 yo klq 19, 9 , "'& ,7()05 A-ut'nor :Svec, R,; Lichalek, IAStltilt. :- Titlc ;Data oi~ uiie Prophylaxis of Cholera in Fowl, OrIg. Pub. :Veter" casop., 19.')7, 6, 14-o 6, 485-4.-_9 Abstract : lha suoaessful results of experiments ii-i whici-i fowl cholera was er,,Ldicated by a single admini- stratio.a of s,-afamide prepaxa:".ions or o2 a spe- cific serum fiith a Simultajafecus 0;'-Clusion of F-aimal. protein frora the ratiow of the fowl wilic were given fodder stowed Lo a pulpv are reported Card, C; 0 ~ NT i4 Y CA2,::GOR*~ -149 IA J ow me t ri c; OP -7 -7, a x Ir ','M ra 14TC11ATIEK- KA rol SUww%, alven Haaw COMtrY1 Czechoalovskia Acadmic Degrees tDvm AffiUstim, /Trnava SOUrc61 Prague, Veterinarstviv Vol 11 Bo 8, Aug 19"l; PP 3cc-3C3 Datal "Preliminary Data About Treating Fowl Cholera v1th Sulfaquinoxaline" 400 %61t!&) KCHALRY, M. Characteristics of hydrodynamic transmissions. p. 245. ZrLENZNICNI DOPRAVA A TECHNTKA. (Ministerstvo dopravy) Praha, Czechoslovakia Vol. 7, no. 8, 1959 Monthly List of East European Accessions (EFAI) LC. Vol. 8, No. 11. Nov. 1959 Uncl. HRIVNAK, Jan; MICHAIZK Milan; STOTA, Zdenek Determining the phtheilimide content from the melting point of binary mixture. Chem prum 13 no.ltl8-19 Ja 163. 1. Vyakumny ustav agrochemickej technologie, Bratislava. MICHALEK, Miloslav A simple apparatus for testing fluorescent lamp starters. Elektrotechnik 18 no.202 F 163. 1. Benar, n.p., Litvinov. MICHAT K, HiloolaV L braAm for electrmotor tests. Fdektrotechnik 18 no.7:211-212 n 63. 1. Narodni ppdaik Bonar 110 Litvinov, :777777~ CZECHOSWWJCfA/Cherdeal Technology. Chemical Products and H TImir Application. Synthetic Polymeft. Plastics. Abs Jour: Ref Zhur-Khim., No 13, 1958, 45087. Author Michalek Miroslav. Inst Title Plastics -- A New Building Material. Orig Pub: Nova techn., 1957, 2, No 7, 214-216. Abstract: A reviev of properties and uses in industry and building of phenolic plastics containing as filler asbestos felt, flax fiber, mulfite paper, and also of those of polyester-glaas plastics. It is noted that an exhibit pavV' a has been built in Czechoslovakia which covers a surface area of 2400 m2, and conprisce H-bearm, 2D5 cm long and Card 1/2 40 MICHALEK, Ondrej Production of highly superheated steam as heat carrier for chemical processes. Ropa a uhlie 5 no.lsl2-17 Ja 163. 1. Slovxaft, n.p., VyskumW ustav pro ropu a uhlovodikove plyny, Bratislava. VECEREXIV Bretislav; MCH&LEK, Pavel Automaticn in analy-tic chemistry, Ft. 3~ Chem J-istY 57 no.3.264- 268 Mr 63. lo I* ustav pro chemii lekarokou a aoudnip Fakulta vBeobeoneho lekarstvi., Karlova universita, Praha a Ustav radiotechniky., Ceske vyooke uceni technicke., Praha. =MUM, R.; MA, L. Graphic wthad of detemimtlon of the size of soil Cmins. po 542. TO* WSPOOMM. (Ministorstvo energetiky a nadniho M*pA&rmtvt a Tededm toolmloa spaleamost pro vodnI hospodarstwIL) Pmha, Czaahoslawaktap No. 12, Dec. 1959. Monthly List of Ikst Ewopeen Acceasion (mr), LC Vol. 9, no. 2, Feb. 1960 Unal. NIMUIK. R. Deepmen water In the Ostrava-Kerviam coal beetn. p. 548. VO* WSFOjiMTVI. (Kinisterstyo omrptW a nodniho hospodaretvl a Vedeeka technics spolemost pro vodni hospodarstwIL) Praha, Czechoslovakia$, No. 12, Dec. 1959. Monthly List of Ikst European Accession (EUI),LC Vol. 9, no.2. Fob. ig6o uncl. MICHALM,R. Certain recent findings in tetanus, Case lek. cesk. 99 no.22: Elek. veda sahr.lpe 97-99 Z? My '60. 1. Neurologicke oddeleni KM Usti n. L., prednosta primrdr. Ivzen Ponca. (TBTANIUS ) Michalek, S. Michalek, S. Economical aspects of the reconstruction of production equipment. P. 8. Vol. 12, No. 1, Jan. 1957 PAPIR A CELULWA TECOOLOGY Czechoslovakia So. East Europeon Accessions, Vol. 6, No. 5, May 1957 KICHA-LEI~,-Slayomax-- -- Goncentration of diluted solutions of uranyl nitrate in a vacuum evaporator with forced c-rculation. Jaderna energie 9 no.10:327-328 6 163. 1. Ustav Jader-rehr,iu, ",eskoslovenska akr-de.-i'e ved, Rez u Prahy. '1 2 XIS k3yC - ; " V. . I III -, anrdversar/ ~f!`.c-t~-ct, l4ca, : , ,z-c~,oslovakia. . -)Q7. (',**~'I' ( rah.-, ) l-'- 7, ri--. -,:, ~, --~ jU: --monthly iridex of '-,a5t .',.uro,~,,ii. -.-cc"Isloll 1', 1" , , ~11 . I . I pv Analysts of the Wei leaving the reaction vessel In the I Methy1rhIpjamn-PIL by the method of Wa d (I Two - zyvi sztuc=ycb. GI-1-11L, ~~- ~119!0%~Xfa C- Lakiery 4, No. 11. fi- W 1959).-71a gases detd - un H. air. CH4. MeCl. The ads~wbaut Is activated C; the cutralmed by Coo Which saw$ at a rate of ve through the app., and the CO~ goes then In an azototucter which bfilkdWkb&W9z' KOH This flow rate is jaut flght to get all the PASOrQ auihe carbon. 'naegassualy- min sis is J=" In a microbwet th4t 6 &a HE :rVCCI Is the first of the gnses to = d. 204 references. Weraff fno~,7- ~7 MICHALEK, Z.; STOCH, L. Allophane from Carpathian Ylysch. Bul Ac Pol chin 6 no.5:337-339 '58. (9W 9:7) I. Chairs of Mineralogy and Petrography and of Mineral Raw Materials, School of Mining and Metallurgy, Cracow. Presented by A.Bolewski. (Allophane) (Poland--nysch) (Carpathian Mountains) M I CHALEK. Z. Nolybdenux in iron-sulfide minerals. Bul Ac Pol chin 6 no.12: 777-783 158. (BRAI 9:6) 1. Department of Mineralogy and Petrography. School of Mining and Metallurgy. Cracow. (Holybe.enum) (Iron sulfides) KUBISZ,J.; MICHAT-Iff Z. Minerals of theoxidised zone of the wenilite beds in the Carpathians. Bul Ac Pol chim 7 no-10:765-771 159. (]MAI 9:6) 1. Department of Mineralogy and Petrography, School of Mining and Metallurgy, Cracow. Committee on Geolopical Sciences, Polish Acadeaq of Sciences. Cracow Branch. Presented by A. Bolewski. (Poland- Menilite) (Carpatlan Mountains) MICHALEK, Z. Nickel and cobalt in pyrites and maresolteo. Bml geolog PAN 8 no.l. 1-5 '60. 1. Departmnt of Mineralogy and Petrography, School of Mining and Metallurgy, Cracow. Presented by A. Bolevski. (Nickel) (Cobalt) (Pyrites) (mareasites) K, Zdenek, inz. Double-current motors. Letecky obzor 6 no.11:356,35ri ',,2. 141GRALEKt Z. Montmc.r.411onite sediments in the Carbonifer4 of the region in Upper Silesia. Bul geolog PAN 11 no.3:121-126 '63. 1. Lehrstuhl flir Mineralogie und Petrographic, Aademin f6r llerplviu- md H~tteyywenen, KrRkow. Vorgoatellt von A. Bolewski . MICHALEK-MORICCA, Hanna Comparative investigation of tyrosine metabolism in animals. Kota biochim. Pbl. 12 no.2tl67-177 065 1. Department of Physiological Cbsmistr7, Medical School, Arsuava. S(yV/184-59-5-4/17 AUTHM: Taganov, N.I., Michalev, M.P., Candidates of Teclinlcal Sciences TITLE: Thrust Forces of Rollers Depending on th-3 Softness and Recovery Propertles of Rubber During Their Mazttcati~,n PERIODICAL: Khimicheskoye mashinostroenlye, 1959, Nr. ~:,, pp. 10-11 (USSR) ABSTRACT- Using the theory of similitude and the dimensional analysis for processing experimental data la the only reliable method of obtaining equations for determining the t st forces &rising in the roller contact areha during the rubberie. - mastication process. Formulas for calculating these thrust forces are given. They are based on the graphoanaly-tio processing of experimental data and the limits of their applicability are indicated. The experimental investigation was carried out on a laboratory test installation of the Leningradskiy tekhnologicheskiy InstItut imeni Lensoveta (Leningrad Institute of Technology imeni Lensevet). The rollers used were 450 mm long and 2D0 mm in diameter. Factors affecting the magnitude of the thrust forces varied within the following limits: gap - 0.6-2.0 mm; speed - 6AB-18.9 m/min; ratio of the peripheral speeds of the rollers - 1.0-3.0; rubber band width 150-400 mm; charge 350- Card 1/2 4800 g; initial plasticity of rubbers 0.06-0-15; duration of SOV/164-59-5-4/17 Thrust Forces of Rollers Depending on the Softness and Recovery Properties of Rubber During Their Mastication mastication - 7-40 minutes. Under all processing conditions the temperature of the rollers was 45& 50C, wh-Ile that of the rubber was 8Q:t5OC. The following rubber grades were used for the experiments IICKs# -4o" OKN-4o) (specific gravity 986 and "UH-26" (sKN-26) (specific gravity 962) butadle-e nltr~Nubber. "CK --30 (SKS-30) (specific gravity 944) e~~dPTX~--17- SKS-10) (specific gravity 912)t butadiene-st oA~bber,- natural "amoked sheet" rubber (specific gravity 930 . For demonstrating the practical use of the equations obtained, the authors compiled in a table the results of calculating the thrust forces of 11 rIA -2130C" (Pd-2130S) rollers (660 mm diameter; 2A30 mm long; 1 mm gap) during the mastication of the aforementioned rubber grades. There are 2 graphs and I table. Card 2/2 MICHALEWICZ, Jan. 11ACHMAll, Wiktor: WITMUSKI, Hmiryk (przi, ota,m1prni) hiricay zywienin i zrv,nl)s-i ~45*58) Nutrition in how-oitnis. PO'alrl tYgOd- lek. 14 no.n:1357-1350 20 July 59. 1.(Z Dzinlu Hygieny Zywipnia 1 Zy-wnosci Woj. Stacji San.-Rpld w Olaztynte: Icierownik: mgr. 11. Witkowski: dvrf-k-tor Woj. Stne.1i San.-Epid- d-r. V1. Kuzin. (HOSPITAL FOOD MVICE) '71Z , jc- (if-, Cadu) ; Given Nazam-3 Pc, ~rd Z:,cl Z: D- -rco! a c Z-.acJ4 a ar. afr, c Lj adysla-4 j~"Z7;, C) :.C.- ;'C)-'Scr.,ing o- ',",ie -errain of z 'Llenryl, .. p . '. '. ,. 11 r ..,-I . - i . y I I . - I 9 . . 11 . ) I I p I ) , p I I MICHALEWSKII Wlodzimierz., mgr inz. Mining of the safety pillars of active pits of the mines of the Bytom ABsociation of the Coal Industry. Wiadom gorn 14 no. 12: 380-385 D 163. in ClIku C A G. "Effect of sulfite alcohol prod,.Action on the economic efficiency in the production of sulfite pulp.* p. lhO. PAPIR A CEWLOSA. (Kinisterstvo lesu a drevarskeho prwqyslu). Praha, Czechoslovaida, Vol. 13, No. 6, June 1958. Monthly list of East European Accessions (EEAI), LC, Vol. 8, No. 8, August 1959. Uncla. )UGHLUG, Gabrielp ins. Omx~ ftftwooftm. Plan of construction of fermentation room in o*Uulose factories, and prospective effect of the now teabsoloa on t1w sugar content In waste li", Prum potravin 14 no*5:239 My 063. 1. Vyzkumy ustav papieru a oelulazy, Bratislava. MIE_~ ~IC, G~abrie ~,,, ~ixgkt,, Use of waBte liquor from the aqueous prehydrolysin of beech wood. Papir a celulosa IS nc).7:143-146 J1 163. 1. Vyskumny ustav papieru a celulozy, Bratisiava. I-ITCHALTrA, J. Organization of mass Production will imp-rve pro0uctivity an(,. ec, nori-al oneration. -.11~'7. Technika frada. Pratislava. Vol. ", nc. 3, ~:ar. 10r7.) SO: Monthiv List of !,ast Ei;ror)ean Acr,?ssi-ng (BELL) WJv Vol. 6, no.7, Jul--- 10r7. 'Incl. MIGHALIGA,, Jaroslavp inz. From the meeting of the ?4echanizat-on and Automati-r Commission of the Slovak Council of the Czechoslovak Scientific Te(;!~nolo- gical Society. Automati:ace 6 no.J.1:293~-294 N 163. 1. Strojnicka, fakulta, SlovenskE. vysoka skola technicka, Bra- tislava. For fur ther -i eve I opme.,.'- of ~7echcsiovak ,-iU DY aoi;rce: East 61iror,--Ir Vol. 5, "-). 1v 1-)"6 MTCHAT.Tr.A , K. Contemporary problems of measurement techniques. p. 254. -ny-. Scientific Technical Society for Machine Engineeri-nf', and the ~Ulflllment of its tasks. p. 255. -gor-. Modernization of cement a.,.d lime kilns. p. 255. (Nova Techn;ka. Voi. 2, no. PI Atig. 1957. Praha, Czechoslovakia) SO: Monthly List of East European Accessions (EEAL) LC, Vol. 6, no. 10, Octobr 1)57. Uncl. Z/039/60/021/03/025/028 AJJTHORx Karel Michalica (Engineer) 9073/9135 TITLE: Obituafy--7-En'gineertimanuel i=voboda PERIODICAL: Slaboproud~ Obzor, 1960, Vol 21, Nr 3, p 192 ABSTRACT: Engineer Svoboda dled on January 15 1960. He was mainly concerned with economic problems of tele- communications. His experiences were sum arised in a book "Graphical monitoring in telecommunications", VIX and he was the author of a booklet on "Draft of new technical specifications for telecommunications". He lectured at the Slovak Technical University, Card Bratislava, on the subject of economics and organisation 1/1 of telecommunications, There is 1 photograph. MICRALICA, Karel, inz. Technology in the service of crogress and peace; the 3d Internitional Fair in Brno. Cz spoje 6 no.12:20-25 D '61. MICHALICA, Karel, inz. Two observations on the telephone service. Cz spoje 6 no.12:28 D 161. MICHALICA, Karel, ins. New graduates of weak-current electrical engineering in telecommnlcation operation. Ca spoje 7 no.1:30 Ja 162. MICIIALICA, Karel, inz. A conference on telecommunicaticn caoles and wir-9, Cs -p--Je 7 no.6:23 Je 162. MICHALICA, Karel, inz. A conference on measurement techniques in teleco=nm~catiow. Cs spoje 7 no.8:26 Ag 1622. FTI.TPKOVA, Miroslavay dr.; 14ICHALICAP Karel? ins. New types of mail boxos. Ce spoje 7 no.9:26 3 162. 1. Hospodareka. ustredna spoju, Praha. LNENICKA, Josef; MICHALICA, Karel, ins. For a reliable technical operation of telecommunications. Cs spoj-G 7 no.Us25-27 N 162. 1. Vychodoceska krajoka sprava spoju (for Imetticka). 2. Hospodarsks, ustredna spoju, Praha (for Michalica). MIGHALIGA, Karel# inz. --- Telecommunications in the Czechoslovak 3ccialist Republic in U-0 years 1937-1980. Slaboproudy obzor 23 no.1:1-9 Ja 162. 1. Hospodarska ustredna spojus Praha. MICHALICA i-ns, Development of telecommunications in Czechoslovakia in 1961. Slaboproudy obzor 23 no.9:543-544 S 262, MICHALICA, Karel, inz. IEM reading apparatus. Slaboproudy obzor 23 no.39:603 0 162. MICHALICA Karel inz. Conference on the cords of tale comwumicati on equipment. Cs spoje 8 no.2:19 Ap '63. 1. Hospodarska ustredna spoju. MICHLLICA, Karel, inz. World telephone otatistiom 1962. C& spoje 8 no,3tl5 Je 163. lo Tolefo=i ustredni sprava, Praha JaCHALICAP Karel, inz. World telephone statistics 1962, Ce spoje 8 n0.3:15 JS 063. 1. Teleronni ustradni sprava,, Praha MICHALICA, K., inzh.; TLAMSA, Jiri, Inz. At the door of a now technology in telecommunication installations. Cs spoja 8 no.4:16-17 Ag 163. 1. Technicka ustredna spoju (for Michalica). 2. Vyzkumny ustav telekomunikaci (for Tlamsa). MICHALICA, Karel, inz. Line con-c-e-ntiators for local telepnone networks. CS spoje 8 no.5tl3-14 0 163. 1. Technicka ustredna spoju. MICHALICA, Karel, inz. World telephone staTastics. Slaboproudy obzor 24 nc.1:58-60 Jo 163. MICHALICA, Karel, inz. New experience with stoMe batteries. Slatoproudy obzor 24 tool:60 Ja 163, MICHALICA, ROP inzo UtimtO Of ths ruture need of intercontinstal telecoumni cations. Kaboproudy obsor 2/+ no.,4 Q 51 Ap 163. - MIGHALIGA,, Karel.. inz. Revision of the Czechoslovak standards on teleco=nmication apparatus cards. SlaboproWy obzor 2.4 no.5:313 My 163. WCHALIGA, Karol, Inz. Reading device for data tranBmission. Slaboprorudy obzor 24 no.8t494 Ag 163. MICRALICA, Karpl, iriz. World telephone st.,itistics to January 1, 1962. Slaboproudy obzri- -14 no Ag 163e WCHALICA, 9., inz. Some statistical data on the development of communications in the Soviet Union. Cs spoje 8 no.4:15 Ag 163. WCHALICAL, Karel, inz. Typification of post office buildings in Great Britain. Ca spoje 8 no-4:31-32 Ag 163. KCHALICA, Karel, inz. Toward international trade and peacefnl cooperKtion through technical development. Ca spoje 8 no-404~29 Ag 163. 1. Technicka ustredna spoju, Praha. fUCIH.AL-I,q4,_,Kare,j, inz. . 1-1. 71 - I What changes the new system of meaiixes brings to the corruminication engineers. Cs spoje 8 no.5s28-29 0 163. 1. Technicka ustredna spojli, Praha. ..~CHALICA, Karel,jus. Dom df telecommunication engineering in the German Democratic Republic. Slaboproudy obzor 24 no.10:622 0 163. KCHALIGA, Karel, inz. Nev microswitches in the German Democratic Republic. Slaboproudy obsor 24 no.10:620 0 163. KICHALICA, Karel, inz. Advanced building elements, a prerequisite of the development of electronics. Cs spoje 9 no.3:20 Je 164. 1. Center of Telecownunication Engineering. - m-icRALICA, Karel, 4nz. Some data on teleco=unicationa from swiitzerland, ~:c, spoke 9 no. 2:28-29 Ap 164. 1. Technical Central Office of I'tilecomman'-cation. MICHALICA, Kare-1, ;11z. Cti s;,ofe r.n es n ff. te p:~ . 7;e ,n C ~~ 4 nr MICHALICA, K., inz. Conference of building elements for electronic engineeriLg. Slaboproudy obzor 25 no.8:498-499 Ag 164. Far.31 Fiftti ~-,cf,:!rPnc-3 of the ~;igi~er 3cn,)r,'. of in Dresden, Cs spije 9 m-,.6:11-13 D 164. 1. lAntral Techni,~7.ql CTfice of GoanuzAcations, eragie. MICHALICA, KarFil, Inz., World to-lephone stati.91,1cq. I:s spo~'e '10 ro.2:2-5 A--- '-~ 1. Technl~!al Central Office of Telpeommimication, ?rag-ie, MICHALICEK, M., inz. ---- - -- -Some results of the geochemistry research. Fmc~e uzt naf'~ 18s15-16 161. KVETS R.; bC9QiALj;MMFfI'M. LRLchalicek, M.] _ Hydrogeochemical surface survey in the Carpathian Flysch in Czechoslovakia. Prace ust naft 18:44--46 161. MIKHALICHEK, 14. (Mchaliceks M.3 Geochemistry of prospective petroli-ferous deposits in Czechoslovakia. Prace ust naft 18:46-47 161. MICHALICEK, Miroslav The 3d Scientific Technical Conference of Petrole= Engineers In Budapest. Geolog pruzkum 5 no.2:59-60 F 163. LLABAC, Mikulas; MICIIALICH, M!rr)RIFiv ~,nntrlbutJnn tr Ihr- of up ')anj'r*- '.alley. F:.P--e Ust naft 21 n(,3.'4-J/c)Rt72-11(,- I Q,. MICHALIGEK, Miroolav Geochem-'stry of sed'Lmer.-.s o' the Ncva '14-aska-I key rrrehc.le. Prace Ust naft 22 no.919:88-94 '64. P, "/",: I . " : lil ! ,r.! r , 'v- .4 . . I " :~. - j 'i " rw *,rf!?t? ,-, .- . i 1. ~ I ~ - I ~ - - -" - r-fl 9-~.:,- : ,- .. I .... ~ I q , 0: ". , , . ; 4~ I., - : :- 1, - . MICRAUCEK Vaclav inz.; POKORNY, Vaclav Experience with panel supports in the deep mines of the north- Bohemian lignite basin. Uhli 5 no-3:92-94 Mr 163. 1. Banake stavby, n.p., zavod 02 hlubiny, Toplice v Cachach. MICHALICKA, Ladislav, ins., C.Sc. Use of gas turbines in wtallurgleal wd chosieal industries. Energetika Cz 11 no.12:637-639 D '61. PHASE I BOOK EXPLOITATION Z/6284 Jerie, Jan, ed., Engineer, Doctor, Corresponding Member of the Czeaho- Slovak Academy of Sciences Zikladnl' proble'my ve stavb6 spalovacich turbin (Basic Problems in the ConstrUctlon of Gas Turbines [collection of articles]). Prague, Nakl. CAV, 1962. 627 P. 1600 copies printed. Sponsoring Agency: 6askoolovenaka' akademle v6d. Ed. of Publishing House: Marie Moravoovi; Tech. Ed.: Frantifiek Kon'oicky'. PURPOSE: The book Is intended to familiarize turbine designers with recent developments in the design of gas turbines and to present some rosearch results which may be helpful in designing more ef- ficient turbines. COVEMAGE: The book comprises artioles by leading Czechoslovak turkne experts on thermodynamic cycles, flow research in turbine components, burning of fuel In combustion chambers, axial compressors, and characteristics of turbines manufactured In Czechoslovakia. Basic Problems in the Construction (Cont.) Z/6284 V L. Michalicka (State Research Institute for Heat Engineering, 77 Prague the Use of Oas Turbines in Industrial Processes --J. Jerie (State Research Institute for Heat Ergineer-_'Ln,~, Prague). Combustion Turbines of Highest Efficiency 95 V. Kmonicek (Institute for Machine Research, Czech~.ii_)iaK Academy of Sciences, Prague). Some Heat Recovery Problems In Gas Turbine Cycles 119 L. Krejci (Institute for Machine Research, Czechoslovak Acad- emy of Sciences, Prague). Problems Related to a Temperature Increase in Gas Turbines 141 Z. Bayer (Institute for Machine Research, Czechoslovak Academy of Sciences, Prague). The Effects of Interstage Cooling, Re- heating, and Precooling In Gas Turbine Cycles 161 Card -3/&- -",2