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Publication Date:
December 31, 1967
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`~.~M~:DZIANOW5RI, Alfona { (Olezlyn, ul. l?artyaantow 10. )
Cytoetatic drn~e in the treatment of proliferative ~ neop3aetic pro-
ceasee of the hemopoietic sy~item. Polaki tygod, lak� 13 no.9:32b-332
3 Max 58.
1. (Z Oddzialu Wewnetrznego ~izp:ttala Wo~ewodzkieg,o u- Olaztynie: ordyna-
tor: dr Alfone Miedzianowaki: konAaltant wo~ewodski: prof. dr med.
Marian Tu].czyneki; dyrektor dr ?,yg~rurtt ~zloweki;l,
(HxMOPOYB'.ClC fiYS'1'~M~ dia.
neoplastic 8o proliferative, cytotoaj.c drag then. review
(cY~cO2oxzc ~HUas, thl~r. nes
hemopoiet is die. , neoplaetic 8o prol9~ferative, review (Pol) )
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A case of reticulosai�coma with ~^ardiac ~etastasea, chylopleura &
chyloperitoneum. Prl~:ki y~;o~i. lek. is T:o�5:17~-i-Ro 3 FFy ~$�
1. Z Oddzialu Wewnetrzne~o Szpitala. Woj�wodzkie~o w Olsztynie;
orciynator: dr A. Miedzianowski; konsultant wojewodz~~i: prof. dr rued.
Marian Tulczynski. Adres: Olsztyn, hloniuszki 177.
(SARCOMA, ItETICULUM CEI,~I,, case regorta
mmultiple metastases with chylous asci~tes & chylopleura (Pol) )
(.f~CITLrS', cane reports
chylous, in chylopleura & raticulum cell narcoma with
multiple r~etastases (Pol) )
(PI,L~[T.EiA, dis .
chylopleura in ch~vlaus ascites & reticulum cell sarcoma
with ~miltiple meta:~tases, case report (Po1))
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G^ ., , ~ . ~ , . Uruts .
t,-... ~.~ c....:,:f,.
ci ~11ur Biol.., 1T ~ 1~,, :~,~5~;, .;,63~g
l~bl~ Jour
' -~ - I}T.:rr_\~1J._ttr ;,~f' t11~ L: ~ ~.~,.
TiIS'G ~ ~rl~:L U5C ~ C3Cx']) I1G ~ -
rifice ~'-ZCl i~l u Co,.i~ ~:~_,lc
'" 4 t~
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~~ x~ ~~y
Essay with serpaell in BaaedoTA~~ a disease. Polaki t;ygod. lek. 12 no.38:,
1452-1453 lh Sept 5?.
1. (Z $1lniki Chorob Wewnetrznyoh A. M. w Bialymatoku: kierownik:
prof. dr med. Marian 2`ulczynaki i x Oddz iglu Wewnetrznego Szp itala
Wo~ewodzkiego w Olas~tynie; ordynator: lek. A. Miedgianowaki. Konaultant
wo~ewodzki; prof. dr med. M. T'ulczvnaki). Adrea: Olsztyn, ul. Noniuszki
(RESE3PINS, therm eut i.o ua e,
hyperthyroidism (Poi.))
(HYP~RTHYROID~M, therapy,
reaerpine (PoI)~
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~i~cz,~St~Aw, .,J,
POI~r-T+D/Human and Animal Physiology - Body Temperature Regulation
Abs Jour Ref Zhur - Biol . , No 1C-, 1G~~, ~+5~36
Author Bober, Stanislaw; Nielubawicz, Jan; Just aa, Mieczyslaw;
Kremi.nska-Lawkowiczowa, Iza"ue11a,; Martine , ,leslaw
Inst -
Title : Blood Electrolytes in E~tperimental Hypotherr:~~.a of Bogs �
Orig Pub ~ Polskf. ty~od. lekar., 1~a57, l2, No l7, 627-Ei31
Abstract As a group of dogs was :sub,jected during chi]_ling to infu-
sions of physiological :end glucose sblutiar~F~ with the
drop method, as well as to surgical opcration~, a conside-
rable chloride decrease in the pL~rna of thr. ai~ir.~uln was
found to develop. Na and K levels tended t{~ increase,
and the Ca content to decrease. Wkaen anath~~r grouz~ of which was not sub,~ect~~ .Loatdeczle~:se-of~~ti enrh 1G-
treatment but underwent chill g,
ride level was detected after an iz~iitia~. period of its
insignificant increase. Na and K levels decreased
Card ~./2
-- ~.~. -
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BO~B~, Stanislaw o NIFLUAOwIC'Lq Jang, IKIECZYSLAWp Ju~tyna~ KRZEt~IINSK~~~
LAWY.OWICaOwA, zan,t~sl~.m; t~h.RG~[I3';;~~~a~~e~~~t~a::_~,;f~~
Volume o~ circulating blood ~Ln e~rperi-nental hypothermia in clog.
Polaki tygod. lek. I?_ na.10:3~r6~'~4~8 4 Mar 57�
1. (L Prr~cowni Chirurpii Do s~~riadczalnej; kierowni.k: doc. dr. med.
J, Nielubowicze Zakladu Pntomorfologii Polnkie,j llkadamii Nauk;
dyrektor: pref. dr. nauk med. L. Paszkiewicz ora~: z I Kliniki
t;tloroh 69ewnAtrztrych A.Mo w S~tarszawie~ Kier~~wnik prof. dr. nauk
med. A, Biernacki). Adrep: WartizawamOkeciPfl ul. ~-azimiarza
(HYPOTFfF1R'{IAo exper,
deh,errn. of cir~�. volum in Biog. (Pal))
(IiL00A CIRCULATION, determ.
circ. volume in sxper. bypothArmia in dog (Pol))
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. ~.
~ l;'r'CERP'I'A t~k,DICA Sec 1G Vol 1210 (;bstetrics Oct 54
1891. "I'1iE 13F:liAVIUUft OF THE CIRCUL~~Ti`I,; I3LC~U VOLt'hlE AFTER
G1'~AECOLOGICAL OPERaTi(~tiS - ?rt i e c z�n i k,o:c s k i__ ~. , ~t ~ r' K : ~~ +.: ~ z
i J .. B i e n i a s~ A, and B a r a fi s k a Ft , Clin. II of Ubstets and G~;nat~~ ai ,
~ Cracow Acad, of hied., Cracow - CYNAECOLUt:~lA (Easel) 159, to+I2
,� (127-137) Tables 3
~ In patients undergoing minor and major gynaecological operations the volume of tl3e
circulating blood was determined bath before and after ttie operation in order to
evaluate the results of compensatory blood transfusions given before and during tt~e
surgical procadurea, A description of the method by which the amount of circulating
blaad waa determined to followed by the results crf these determinations in 44I p;;-
tiente, taken an the day before, khe day after, and lU days after operation, The
average loss of blood on the first postoperative cnay was 894 ml, , ern the 10th da}�
still 522 ml. In a minor operation the average loss of blood was 6Fit ml. , in ab~iom-
ineil hysterectomy 873 ml, , in vaginal hysterectomy 853 ml, , and in radical oper�at-
ioris for cervical carcinoma 1793 ml, From these data it appears that tt~e amount
of blood transfused according to the nowadays generally accepted principles is in-
su'tticient, Cohen - Amsterdam (X, 9~~)
1 ,~' � , -r
' ~ t _ ,..
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j~~�u~~ ~vrg~nic c;twmistry~ SYnthotic Orgrcnic Cher~istry~, G-2
.", be Jour r R~hKhim., IJo 10, 105, rjo 32~,L6
of II is added littlo b~,~ li Etlo n~t SO to 600, the mixtiiro
is soa,sor~ d 1 hour, and ~,-110 ~1_ 3 r ,.
i:~ prfduacd 2 ~ t~JOZCC1i~iS02t~~-I}C f~Ii~CII3 (VI )
,yiold Q1;~, m,ol tiny; point 12~ ~~~ 1250 ~~'rar:
alcohol) 003 r~olc~ of V~ in 100
(soo thr.~ r~~ductic,n of ZV), V is ~ lit o!' C~I~pr' i.; r~.~~lucod
Card ~x~~
~~~'~ J ~"
l '-''
r~'s h' ~ _...
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POLt,ND ~ Organic Chemistry, Synthetic Organic Chemistry, G-2
ubs Jour : RZhKhim� P1o 10~ 1958, Ito 324116
to 157�~ 0,065 mola of IV in 100 mlit of CH~~GH is addod
drop by drop to the boiling mixture of 0;36 ~;-atom of Fo
filings, 200 mlit of 50f-ual CH30Ti and 017 mold oi' glacial
Cii3C00H, tha mixtur� is boilad 2 hours, neutralized with
20 g of ilaHC03 in 100 mlit of orator, filtered l;hile hot,
about 75~ of CII30H iU di tilled of f, a00 mlit c,f vr~~tcr is
addod, neutralized with l~iCl (aoid), and V is ot~tainod, yield
58f, molting point 142 t~~ 1430 (fromwator). 0,25 iaalo of
n-to.luidino in 250 g of concontriitod H2S04 a~l; a tamperaturo
bolcn~r 0� is nitrf~tod wi ~di the mixture of l6 -� of concentrat�d
HNO3 cued 34 ~; of coneont,ratod H2S04~ ~,0 min, lr~tor it is
poured out on icc~, thQ p:n~cipitato is dooomposod with 15 ~;
of I11x2C03, acid 2-O2rj-~-H,ZNC6H CH3 is ol~tuiiwcl, yialcl 67 0,
malting point 78� (from vrator~, To 0,1 mole oi' the latter
in 300 mlit of vra~tor containing 10 g of. CH3COOP1a~ 0.096 mold
Card 3~4
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P01.~~?~ ~ Org;.~nic Chanistry. Sy:~thvtie Organic Chomistry. G�?
:tbs Jcur RZhhhin., Pio 10, 1958, PIo 32Pt~6
>. ��,..I..121JCgH3CH3 (III) ,nd 2-~g~ii..G..~S~ -G2A1-
-(31 -02P~C6H~S02~~~i) Sr. ordc,r
C6Ii~iSO?NH)C6~i3CIi3 (IV) from I and TI ti~rorr7 f ct~nd.
to confirm tho structur~3 of IV, it eras roi.lcc,alho d`,;res~pro>,
ti~rhich ti~ro,s pz~~parod also by countor synthos .
parad by combining; IV �rrith various dinitrat�d amines, or di.-
nitratod Vwith 1iIII" o'r gy~a-acid, aro of lour r~ualitya
Tho c?initration of V is carried out at a tor~,~eraturc abovo
0� in a great oycoss of acid (in oi�dor to a~JOid tho ir~nedia-�
at� com'oin-~tion tirith the'V romai.ning in sol~:tir;n), 0.~-C
mold of It is addod to 0.~5 rlolo of I in 2.00 ir~lit c~f CH30H
at a tr.~nporaturo belovr ~0 , thn mixture is stirro~l 3 hours
ti~ral:ar is addod af't;or cGOlin~; !lIltil tllr)1].c1111r1 '?r~gGl^4, ~ i;urbid,
f'ilt~7rod (~L solt.xt,ion), tl~o prc~cipitato is disar:~lvocl :in 2-~-tizl
atici IV iu r~?;~;'~i:~r1c1, ;~ir31d fi(7'%,
liC,]., prccipit~:torl v~th Na}iC03, ITT r~r' ?,,ll.a.r,~:;:~
molting paint 166 to 1Ey7~ (frnrt 1!t'CLtOT'). l;:
from tho r~ solution sovural days lator, rnc~l,t,inE; point 156
Card 2~'i
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7 ~
� POI~i~P1D ~ Uxganic Chanlictry. ~ynLhrlti~ Or~;anir Ghom~z~try~ lr"~
~ xbs Jour RZhKhim,~ i~1o 1J, 1 J58, ids 3244G
:Lutlior s is, Cnrzaszczozvska, J, Kotlor, ''f, rrlioczniko~vslca-Stolar-
cz,yk, G. Odor,S. Pizona., .-- ~'~"
Tna.t s L~~io tow~~r2, n~~,u[,,
Title Arylsulf'oi~,yl Dorivative,e of 2,~:-Diaminc~t~~luf~;w.
Orig Pub ~,at~a chim, Lodsl:io towarz. Weak., 1956, 2, 7'~~Q5
1~,b~ltraot Tha acylation roaction of 2,~-~diaminotaluene (I.) ti'rith
m-O~I1C5II~502C1 (IT) waa studs od with a viow to PreParo mono-
acyl dor~.vatives, vrhich could bo used as ini'~:ial I~roclucts
for th� synthesis ~~f photostable dyos, It eras e,stablisr~ed
that at th� condonsation of I and II in th~3 presonce ci s~.b-
atancos bonding HC1 (C~i5I1, PJa~C03, CH3COOi1a,), 2,~--(m-02Ii~
CFI{rY3O2P~i)~C~Ii3CIi~ (mol'~'.>_ni, ~>olnt 1E}5 tc~ 1 ~E~�) ~;ras r;roduccd
ri~Fxrly excl~~sivF;zy, -rriTh,ul; rant' r~.-;nrr3 +.:, tl'~r; rri;l.~ Z ZI:
wnd the solvent. ~:~:. r~~:iitir~na c.f' t;hr; ~,rr;;,az":~Ti~~r.:~.' ?.-
Card 1/^=
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t ~ Ww.i
:s'' ! tt':S t!'e~a...;i l:e. {L.3..: t� ~ '~ ~ ~'i ~.~~ ~ si s .l ~L r:, t`,:~.t~4 ~�, !.` /n ! '~ s i~ k
.,. t ~ 1'.i r~,' ;lli ~!1.s3 ~ ti~ ~.lirl. ~/~(;')Iysl ..! i.` !
i i
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