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MSHCHAIISKIY, L.B., red.; XUZ'KIN, G.K.. takhn. red. [Sphemerldes of TSivger pairs for 1956, 1957, and 1958] 3fewridy par TSIngera, na 1956, 1957 1 1958 gg. Mosima, Izd-vo goods%. lit-ry, 1954. 273 P. (leningrad. Mentralinyi nauchno-iseledovatellskil inatitut goodazii, aeros"omki i kartWafii. Trudy, no.106). (Sphomerides) (MIRA 10:12) PQWZKO. Tevgeniya Grigortyevna; HE4HMNSKIT, L.B., redaktor; KHROKOBENKO. F.I.. radaktor izdatel'stva; redaL-tor [A bibllagrap~q of the works of the Central Research Institute of Oeodesy. Aerial Surveying and Cartography from 1929 to 19551 Bibliograficheakii ukazatell trudov TSentralinogo nauchno-issledo- vatel'skogo instituta geodezit. aeros0emki i kartografit za 1929- 1955 gg. Hoskva. Iz.(I-vo geodazichaskol lit-ry, 1956. 58 P. (HLU 9:11) 1. Leningrad, TSentrallnyy aauchno-isaledovatellakly institut geodazii. aeroswyemki i kartografii. (Bibliography-Cartography) (Bibliography-Geodesy) (Bibliography--Photograp,by. Aerial) ~26 --I PHASE I BOOK EXPLOITATION SOV/4829 Moscow. Tsentrallnyy nauchno-isaledovatellskiy institut geodezii, aeros"yemki, i kartografii Rabochiye efemeridy par Tsingera dlya shirot 50-600, epokha 1965,0, tom 3 (Working Ephemerides of Tsinger Pairs for Latitudes 50-600 for the Epoch 1965,0, Vol. 3) Moscow, Geodezizdat, 1960. 139 p. (Series: Its: Trudy, vyp. 134) 1,000 copies printed. Sponsoring Agencies: Glavnoye upravleniye geodezii i kartografli Ministerstva geologii i okhrany nedr SSSR; Tsentrallnyy nauchno-issledovatellskiy institut geodezii, aeros"yemki i kartografli. Ed.: L.B. Meshchanskiy; Tech. Ed.: V.V. Romanova; Ed. of Publishing House: V.f .-7a"-av'y"-e-v-a PURFOSE: This book is intended for astronomers. COVERAGE: This is the third of a 3-volume work containing the working ephemerides of Tsinger pairs used to determine time for latitudes from +30 to +601. Volume 1 contains ephemerides for latitudes from +30 to +400 with pair numeration from Card 1/2 Working Ephemerides of Tainger Pairs (Cont.) SOV/4829 1 to 500; Volume 2 contains ephemerides from +40 to +500 with pair numeration from 501 to 1000; this volume, the third, contains ephemerides for +50 to +60' with pair numekation from 1001 to 1500. The'pairs are compiled from stars of a magnitude of not less than 5.3. Computation and check of working ephemerides was performed by the Moscow Aerogeodetic Establishment of GUGK (Main Administra- tion of Geodesy and Cartography). Selection of pairs was made by N. Belyayev, senior scientific worker of TsNIIGAiK (Central Scientific Research Institute of Geodesy, Aerial Surveying, and Cartography). There are no references. TABLE OF CONTENTS: Explanation of Ephemerides 3 Mean Locations of Stars Composing the Pairs of Working Ephemerides Contained in Volume 3. Epoch 1965.0 3 Working Ephemerides of Tsinger Pairs for Latitudes 50-600. Epoch 1965.0 13 AVAILABLE: Library of Congress Card 2/2 JA/awm/sfm 2/W61 PCHELKO, Ye.G.; MESHCUMISK17, L.B.,v red. (Bibliographical index to the Transactions of the Central Sci- entific Research Institute of Geodesy,, Aerial. Photography, and Cartograpby, for the years 1956-1960JBibliografichoskii ukaza- tell Trudov TSentrallnogo nauchno-issledovatellskogo instituta geodezii, aeroslemki i kartografii za 1956-1960 gg. Sost. E.G.Pehelko. Moskvap 1961. 29 p. (MIRA 15:11) 1. Moscow. TSentralinyy nauchno-issledovateliskiy institut geo- dezii, aeros"yemki i kartografii. (Bibliograpby-Geodesy) (Bibliograpby-Cartography) red.; VASIL'YEVA, V.I., red.izd-va; ROMAKOVA, V-V., ze re (Working ephemerides of TSinger pairs for 400-50olati'tude of 1965. 0 epoch. Vol.2] Rabochie efemeridy par TSIngera Ua shirot 40 506epokha 1965.0. Moskva, Geodeniadat. Vol. 2. 1962. 140 P. rZ46w. TSentrallnvi nauchno-issled6vatel'skii institut geadedi, aeros"emki i kartografii. Trud , no.136). (mm 16:5) %ars-Ephemerides) MESHCHENKOO V90- TURKELITAUBP M.S.9 prof., red.; KRIVIN, F., red.; 0 -S ~~ P- LUCHKIV .A, M.9 tekhn. red. (Mineral springs of Transca,-pathia]Minerallnye istochniki Zakarpsitlia. Pod red. M.S.Turkelltauba. Uzhgorod,. Zakarpatskoe obl.izd-vo, 1956. 59 p. (MIRA 16:2) (TRANSCARPATHIA--MINERAL WATERS) ZAJ)ZRIY. I.I., kandidat gal' skokho zyays tvennykh nauk; NESHOBENK0. Y.M. nauchny7 sotrudnik. mmolv-,~- -- ~-, ; Atiology of hematuria of cattle in the Transcarpathian region. Veterinarria 30 no-9:39-43 S '53. (MLRA 6:8) 1. Zakarpatskaya. eel skokhozyaye tveanayu opytua*.a stantsiva (for Reshchanko); 2. 7-akarpatakiy sanitarno-baktarialogicheskiy institut (for Kes~chenko). 7 a3 b4d, 'Zildclif, V,14z W01. Aut. d IL A '161'and, ilk &CIrInjillian and L '11-,&t to Ill 7nnal W"Ct,on thr 1011flity 0 iriuvi l3rd chick- in in, hichiand., -The ch-6a., compn. of the-fodder (or. r - (s'!edj),oat %traw,-onty hlgiitv wnts~.%R tow a, P, and vltanjla~ A id D N .1pp-innitly ~lo not ulli~ct M; f"tulty, -Tbe zhiTtritnee in 1crtility -4 ii, sbown to he rclzitul to lh4 1., Mic dcj1t_;cacV In ajld~dflzlking water of tht big"J'and. In'th. t lit- foddix -irfq lay, - aetrli), L grecu fp!, Ofairs var,ed from-27 -d clover) the amt. or Ln (el ra 1. ~ bland) . ~= -rAp: farala=l); . thr L- rr-a-A z=al A land 74,lo-Awid 10' j11kg., MV c-A~tp. The.npw - rattn- of Ole rezibii (higbland),. 7S (ferduld), nud 0.0-51.9 (In-Aklud), * * avn ,z-,d chi~kert lqgp Con"Ancd t Feft1l ' 'It olies, (21.1-G.,; WIC,3 Z.). -supplenjim (*edl jig with I m.-. KlJb1rdfd_,y inrr=ed the overall rgz hatebi by V% T~~ decrnsiirg tlv~ eunt, of stzrile cZgs f,:nd Olt.- nint. not inwcizod. - Tl~e fced,'~4 of 0.,15 rn--. (1Os0,/b1_,;dJd_ay' increawd riot only thk: ers fc,-tilky bi-A,alto file dtwflon f2l-27-7o). HoWevrri the effvd'wat ld% pre, ro p noillictl In IIWAIM th"Co i hc~ CoaWliat a0ldcAt C, MNSHCHNIIKO, V.M. (Uzbgorod) Some questions concerning iodine prophylaxis of endemic goiter; concerning a communication by M.3. Skatkov entitled: Iodine prevention of endemic potter. Probl.endok. i gorm. e no.2:108-110 Mr-AP 157. (MIRA 10:10) (GOITER, prev. & control iodine in endemic areas (Rua)) (IODM. ther. use prev. of erdemic goiter (Rus)) USSWIIuman and Animl Physiology (Normal and Pathological). T Internal Secretion. Thyroid Gland. Abs Jour: Ref Zhur-Diol., No 17, 1958, 79749. Author 14eshchenko, V.M. Inst Title Connection of Endemic Goiter in the 9.'nknrpatskaya Oblast with the Icdine Content in the Objects of the External Environment . Orig Pub: Vrachebn. delo, 1957, No T, 739-744. Abstract: Analysis of the drinking water, soil and food products 13howed that, in regions of endemic goiter (EG), the content of I decreases, especially in the food pro- ducts which containv 85-900 of the necessary I; water contains not -5-85% 1. With the use by the population of mineral water which contains I, the percent of I Card 1/2 I. I.. doteent Ono, V.H. :Provention and treatment of hematuria in cattle. Taterinariia 34 ao.5: 46-M W 157. (KI2A 10:6) 1. Selotafrkovskiy ael'skokhozvaystvannyy inatItut (for Zadoriy).' 2. Direkt6r Zakarpatakogo nauchno-issladovatel skogo sanitarno- baktoriologichoskogo instituta (for Neshchouko). (Homaturia) (Cattle--Diseases and posts) --scriT)tioli of various biotoDes in 'lie 'IrnnscarfatAan o*- I.-Lst tl----. riel..,,Doint of rLr:tur,--l foci of himrm diseavas." -o . 2 7 DeRyntoye Sove3hchrmiye ro par--/Itclo,-ichesldrr nroblemam i bol,~zny-,m. 122-29 OktyqbryR 195P .~. (Tent~i Gonference on Probl"ns and Digeases aith 'fatw-r-11 Foci 2?-29 October 1,959), Moacoa-Lenin-~rad, 1959, Acr)demy of Medical S:Aenc-eq USSzi nnd kc-~,Iemy of SciRrIces USS)h, ljo. 1 2541p,-- ~41~ Mw -tm~:%P t--z ii 5M V. Y-. D. , FT-1 T'."I T. ;-4- In crnrpctpri,:t-Lcc; nf t-p fr,rlic rf t4.,-' urp Tr-nscprratHnn nblast." Fpve P4 n syn tove s ov e s he'r. P n i ve r nA rp t -'~ -v I c'- tz 91: ir -bl err,~n rp i -ri r-J n holeznvam. 22-29 Cktvabry? 1-15,q (Tenth, C-nferenc- -r Fnrn0t-l--Lcp! -roblems qnd Dise-ises with Naturn- Fc~ Cctnber 105c), y -f ,:edic-il Scipnt--s U`~F ;;nd AcqdpTiy Scipnces Leninp,.rp-d, 10