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------------ A,--e :nan~-es in '.h--~ llarvil phase of Fhyf.~)ripira L. 7hllrl~ 1.1 nc,~:);1423-14_25 3 ~ 6 2. Department of zoology, Academy of Sciences of the Biel,-w,zs:~ian ~Ll nsk. (Owl6t moths) 'Larvae-Insects) MMHEYEVSKAYA, 0.1.; GERASTEVICH, Ye.A. A method of collecting live izmects by light. Zool.zhur. 41 no.Utl741-1743 N 162. (MM 16:1) 1. Departmen4. of Zoology, Acadenq of Sciences of the Bielo- russian S.SX, Minsk. (Insect traps) I Ab~- (Al - - - - - -" ---'----- I -a-.-- - I i MERZHEYEVSKAYA, 0.1. [Yarzhaeuskaia, 0.1.] Owlet moths of White Russia. Vestsi All BSSR. Ser. biial. nav. no.4:127-129 162. (MIRA 17:8) 2 0. 1 . I Moryhytiuskula , V . I . I - KHOT 'Ko, E. I , 1 1 kop P:,'T . I , K.UNDA KOVA , "' V. ; MUL~;HANOVA'p R . V. tMa lchamvi .. R. ". " Feed : ng ~-a oi ts of Agrot i s s egf-,, tum -':: chif f anc A ;rotis e x.- , ara--f6'R'-,s L. Vestsi AN 5SSR. Ser. biJall. nav. n0.4:12'1-129 164. Mh .~ ~. ~I- ~ , "', ~ "I. ~ YA , . I . flpw f ~ xat ~,r fCr ~a I - : , 4 ''a r~ . "oo I. zt;i- I-. I~c,.~ :4 - .,- 1.-/ 1, -, . - I ~ 1, - I " : -1 1 Icandidat takhaichookikh nauk; ITSKHAKIN, V.I., imfheasr; MMEMYSTSKIY, A.I., kandidat takhnichaskikh nw*. Delay cables. Test. elaktroprom. 28 no,4:21-24 Ap '57. (KIRA 10:6) 1. Ian~pgradskly filial lqauchno-issladoTatellskogo institute. kabelluoy promyahlounosti. (Zlectrio cables) (Pulse techniques (Electronics)) MERZHEYEVSKIY, A.Ie Remote cup anemometer with a h`i~h-freouerlc transmit'~er. Trudy Len. gidromet, inst. no.15-15C-152 163, (MIRA 17:1) MERZHEYF!17SKIY V.A~ --- 7y___ - Fqaivalent circuit for connecting a control transformer in the transformer group of a double-bridge rectifier. Izv. XITPT no.9: 1M-121 162. (MM 15t12) (Electric current converters) MOISEYEVA, N.V.; -IME--RZLIKINA, M.N. Rapid method of determination of 0 -phenyleth~l alcohol in technical raw 0 -phenylethyl. Zav.lab. 29 no.12:1437 63. (MIRA 17:1) USSR Cultivated Plants. Potatoes, Vegetables, Melons. M-2 Abs Jour : Ref Zhur - BioloSlya, No 2, 1959, No. 6266 Author : Pallenko, T. 3.; Morzhvinskaya, I. M.; Korbut, G. Inst : Not given Title : The Effect of Various ~Tathods of Applying Manure and Mineral Fertilizers on the Yield of Potatoes Ori,S Pub : Udobreniye I urozhay, 1958, No 5, 19-21 Abstract : The application of N30P45K60 ks/ha In holes during the course of potato sowing in experi- monts carried out in 1955-1956 increased the yield of tubers by 2.2 and 3.5 t/ha, respect- Ively, In comparison with broadcasting the same fertilizers. The addition to N30P45K60 k-/ha of 5 t/ha of manure during the same Card 1/3 40 USSR / Cultivated Plants. Potatoes, Vegetables, 'Melons. M-2 Abs Jour Ref Zhur - Biologlya, No 2, 1959, n. 6266 experiments and of 3 and 6 t/ha in the experi- ment conducted in 1954, when localized fertili- zation was practiced, had no effect on the yield. The additiun of' 20 t/ha of manure to the mixture N30P45K60, placed by broadcasting increased th- yield by 20%. The addition of 3 - 6 t/ha of manure had no effect on the yield. Hole placement of the VASKhNIL mix- ture (All-Union Agricultural Institute im. Lenin) during sowing (3 t of manure, 3 cWt of P,tand 3 cwt of lime) and of a mixture enriched ,d h 1qE0 produced -ir, increase in the yield of potatoes of 2.9 and 11.9 cwt/ha, respectively (control: 158.6 cwt/ha). Mineral fertilizers somewhat diminished the starch content in the tubers, The experiments were carried out on Card 2/3 USSR / Cultivated Plants. Potatoes, Vegetables, Melons. M-2 Abs Jour Ref Zhur - Biologlya, No 2, 1959, No. 6266 leached-out chernozem containing little humus and turf-podzolic sol,,s In Zhitomirsicaya Oblast'. -- V. V. Prokcshev Card 3/3 41 KORETSKIY, L.M., kandidat ekonomichaskikh n2uk; HVINSKAYA, L.K. Now vall map representing the economic geography of the Uk7aine and the Moldavian S.S.R. used in secondary schools. Good. i ka:-t. no.?: 54-57 My 156. (ML LA 9: 10) (Ukraine-Rconomic geography) (HoldaVia-Rconomic geOgr2`0hr) 24(8) 910V,`~,I 5r) 1 5/2' A UT HOR llerzhvin3kaya 0 V TITLE: On tho Problem jf the Determination of Te-.iperaturr- D-.f' ~-en~-e Petween the Water and Air Surface Durin~ the rormation -' Evaporation i,!ist ~F .r:,::rosu ob opredelenil ra7nosti tern~,era tur -overkhnosti vcdy 1 vr)-.du,:ha Tri obrazovanii tumano"' PERIODTCAL~ Ventnik Lenincqadskogo unversiteta 3priya f-,,7iki 1 ') 59 Nr -PP 43 5B (TTSSR) ~'BSTRACT: in this pa,--er the aul:hr~r lr,-i-;es the resLilts -,f a la~cra- expei,iment -onf--:---rnin- rrie condition-3 vihi:,~ lead t.. 'he formation of mi-t in cold aAr that is ljy a wa-rmle:- huntil surf-ace. Such mist. is observed in n-,t:-:re winter overthe sea- An investigation cf the formati,-,,~ cf evaporation -.1st is therefcre of 6reat practical ~mportan-- to their forecast and lispersior. :I',-iL-I-,cations I-, nDt a-,ree as to the temperature difference between air an~ and, the atmospheric humidi'~y content which leads to of mist (Refs 1 8)- Consequently t,e author letermined --.L and relationship between the atmospheri: tem~eratuxe t aLr Card 1/3 in the fa.-maiicn cf wit'- lif the vater tempera~ura t water SOV/'4 '-1) On the Problem of the Determinati'r I-f TeLperaT,-~rp DIfferen-,':- Uate r and Air Sur f ac 9 Dir in g t h e Format i o n 0 f Eva p ora T I c n '.,!I a ferent humidity content (h'146) cf the air pa!33ir- over t-e- va'. er The da"a obtained were compared with the re3--lits -.f theoretical computations. The experimGnts were made in twr~ chambors ( F i (.,~ n 1'91 ) , f ~ r f i t t n (-. It it mb o r ' Y4 i t ho it t t a k i i i g i n I o account the flow of air. The humidity rcntent of mint i e,, its transparence was determined L7 means -1-f a photocell. Further, the microstructure i e.. the disrr,-bution -,f dr(.)i-,,B in dependence on their radii wao daterm,~ned by KhrgiaWq and Mazin'a formula (Ref 14) Tt results that the drops are distributed in a hom-6etieous mariner, being very small in the formation !~.f mist The measurements were taken at the minimum temperat-.ire diffsrences t air twater which already cause formation ,)f mi3t. The results are contained in table 3 The theoret.-Lcal calculati--r. was made with the assumptir~ri ~,f a thin air layer the temp,,rature cf water anti a hamidiuy content of 100'i'fo above the wat-~r surfa-e. ar,,I the air passing over it that mixes with the th-n air layer, The exoerimental results agree well with thermodynami- ca'culations Card 2113 of the temperav-Ar~- d:ffar~-nce brztween water ard air ,n this sov,~54 r/25 On the Problem of the D~termiriaL2-n of TemperatLre Dif er f Water and Air Surfa--e D--rlr.,~ the Fcrma! -,.-n of Eva-.cra-,i -.,n assumpticri., F-irther the a~ithor inlrestigrated the :.nfiue,,,:e exercloed by the veal D(-~!Ty - the air ,u~iL - vnr t tt wh;.,.h 1~.s C I, E~ water, The data 7btairie,j are ,i tabir, " It res,).ts that for stronjer wit;J 1-rtens:.7-,e~3 iii nati~re 1rhe minimum T-~m perature differen:q In,-ween water and air at which mist 15 formed must be hiF-her than in rha- :-.a5L- cf oalm air abcv~- the water level., Thp auth~-r thanbs B, V Kir~,ral.-hin for 3uper -!,ere ar~ vision cf the f -Z, and 21 refere!2~,31j jf SUBMITM June '0 , 9 5 6 Card 3/3 -,,,:A y,~ 7;~iy J. 1. f II o f for-ia' lon of OrFj f 4 racl, !'~"'C. n. --prl 01 Oj .5- KMZHVIIISKATA:. Ye. First class machines for agriculture. Sav.profsoiuU 3 no-3:29-32 Mr 155. (MIRA 8:4) 1. Chlen mestnogo komiteta profsoyuza Vuesoyuznogo nauchno-isoledo- vatel'skogo instituta sellskokhozyay-stvennogo mashinostroyeniva (VISKhOM) (Agricultural machiner7) HMHVINSKAYA, Ye.P.; GLA.DSHTEYN, D.S. The SPY-0.5 and SPY-0.1 mounted hoiat booms. Biul.tekh.-ekon. inform. no.11-71-73 ' 58. (MIRA 11:12) (Hoisting Tachiner7) K&RUVINSKA A T _jt~tj!.; 13011ISOV, A.M. The TU-5 ani7ersal conveying machine. Biul.tekh.-ekon.inform. no.12:56-57 '58. (MIRA 11:12) (Conveying machinery) MERZHVIIISMITA, Ta.P.; BUNINA, H.K. The PW-10 mobile worm loader. Biul.tekh.-okon.inform. no.12: 57-58 '58. (MIRA 11:12) (Conveying mchinery) MMMIVIN -T~.F ; SOROKIIIA, A.A. -iq9ff-F-s&M Lt-6 The UM-0.5 mounted power shovel. Biul.tekh.-ekon.inform. no.12:58-69 '38. (MIRA 11.12) (Agricultural machinery) ~MIIVIIJSKAY'v Ye.:~.g RYBKITJA~ A,A.? STUPA, N.D, Types of tractor--driven transportation machinery for 1959_196C Trakt. I selikhozmash. 31 no.2.1-.--lr/1-17 N 161. (1,MA 14'12) 1. Vsesoiraznyy nau&mo-.i9sledovat,sl.'skiy institut sellskokhozyayst7ennogo mashinostroyeniya. . IDe sign and construction) BCRISOV, A.M.; WMHVINSKAYA, Ye.P.; FATF-YEV, M.N. Types of loaders of continuous action for agriculture. Trakt. i sellkhozmash. 33 no.6:35-38 Je 163. O-URA 16:7) 1. Vsesoyuznyy nauchno-isoledovatellskiy institut sellskokhozyayst- vennogo mashinostroyrniya. (Loading and unloadi; ) (Agricultural-machine I '~11LIZLM,"CP V. YA. 6921. Merzlenko, V. Ia. Vodomery iz plastimasy kon3truktsh Rostlovsko.-,c in3tituta A-KKh. (M.), 1954. ~'3. s chert. 20s-a. (Akad. ko=iun. khozyayst-va i.n. K. D. PamfLlova. Inform. Fislmo. 12/51). 4.00 ekz. Bespl. - Av-t. ukazan na 1-y s. -(55-342zh) 62S.15+681.121 SO: Knizhnaya Letopi.31 No. 6, 1955 -MERZLENKOR, V.Ya,. KULZMSKIY, V.I.; 14IKHAYLOV, V.A.; KOGAV, A.S., kand. wxmonaulc, nauchnyy red.; EOTOVA, Yu.M., red. (Ifultilayer filters] Ymogosloinye filltry. 10,6006 p. (Alcade=iia kammunalinogo khoziastva. Informatsionnoe pislmo, nol), (-AURA 14: 1) (Water-Purification) (Filters and filtration) FEIRMENKO, V.Ya. " Now designs of slide-valves for water s-uplpl,7 mmain3. Np_-~ch. tz";dy AKKH no.22tl54-157 t63. (MJRA 18-5) BURSHTAR, M.S.; IMZIJNM, TU--T- Rewilts of geological Drospecting in the Kuma Vailey and prospecta for its development. Geol.nafti I gaza I n0.11: 13-19 N '59- (KLU 1): 3) 1. Va(i[3oy-uzrqf nauchno-issIndovatel'sUY gnoloj;o-razvsdochn~7 noftyanoy institut i Stavropol'okoye neftepropyalovoyo " onlye. uprav ~ (Kuma Valley-Prospocting) VASUlY.W, V.G. JL~I~LL --Yu.R.; HATSKINICII, N.M.; ZHIVAGO, N.V.; LI GIIZI' Chao-JUQ; GOLYAKOV, V.A.; SHALATITI, I.V. KIELIKVIST, V.G.; GRATSIANOVA, O.F.; BbDNII-,'OV, N.B.; BELOV, K.A.; 11UMMOVI S.P. Dise.ussion. Trud~ VNIGNI no.32:282-336 160. (WULA 14:7) 1. Veasoyuznyy nauchno-isoledovatallskiy in-titut prircdnogo gaza (for Vasiltycvp Zhivago, Khellkvist). 2. Neftepromyolo- voye upravleniye 6tavropollneft' (for X-~rzlenko,. 3. Groznens'r-.iy nauchnoissledovatellskiy neftyanoy institut (for Matskevich'. 4. Moskovskiy institut neftekhirucheskoy i gazcvoy promyshIennosti im. I.M. Gubkina (for Li Chzhao-zhan', Uspenskaya). 5. Stavro- pollskiy filial Groznenskogo nauchncis:~ledovatellskogo neftyanogo instituta (for Golyakov, Shabatin, Borisenko, Mdroshnikov). 6. Ministerstvc geologii i okhrany nedr SS3R (for Gratsiano", Budnikov). 7. Glavnyy geolog neftyanogo i gazovogo upravleniya Stavropol'skogo sovnark-hoza (for Belov). (Caucasw, 1-forthern--etroleum geology) (Caucasusv Northern-Gas, Nitural-Geology) L 2fiM-65 W(n)/kPF(c)/kMn)-2/xFR Pr4j/pa-hfiv-4 mq S/0089164/017100610448/0452 ACCESSION NIX: AP50012~66 AtMIOR: Siney. N. - M.'; B Bldkhin.. 0. 1. Broder D. L.: Gabrdsev. V. N. - Dudnikov. Ytr-. V.; Zhil!ts,;;~, -V.A., Koptev,- oto A, P-; LAn1aQY--U-.kL;-Li6ochk1n,-G. A,-Mermlikin G. A. Moromy I- -G-; Komaroy-ALIa. (deceas'a ~SIXUsarey. P- Ughakay Q- N- F Shmelev~ V. M. TITLE: Small-size atomic electric poweroinotallation TES-3 SOURCE: Atomnaya energiya, v. 17. no. 6, 1964. 448-452 TOPIC TAGS:. small atomic power Installation, portableiatomic power Installa- tion , nuclear reactor, electric power generatlaf~tw-3 reactor ABSTRACT: The paper Is a summary of the SSSR report #310 at the.Third Inter- iqpalLponfetence on Peaceful Uses of Atomic Energy in Geneva, 1964. It -PAt . describes a movable small-size atomic electric power ftwt~tlon with the water cooled and moderated TES-3 reactor (under 10,000 kw). It consists of four c,.,d I / 2 _L 2U3_1---65__ ACCESSION NR: AP5001266 blocks each of which was assembled at the manufacturing plant, and which a-re' placed on four self-propelled flatcars on caterpillar tracks. No housing is re- quired for the Installation, the oni, y local preparation needed to the radiation protection. The results with a demonstration model show a satisfactory agree- ment between the theoretically expected and actually obtained parametersof the Installation. OrJg. art. has: 4 figures ASSOCIATION: None SUBTAITTED: 00 ENCL- 00 SUB CODE: NP NR REF SOV: 000 OTHER: 000 CWd 2 MER2,1 lKIDI, G.S, Z -, _:. -a ;- --., -:- - -,I~ I- Ilh-Dn-'c aae[;t4- ~: . -- _ - - . a . E; - "E z - 5 - f - - -I- ~!,~ ; .1 . - ~ - I no. 2 9 42,'.-4~2 0 1 (' " , I... - , - 1. ; 1. rz kafedry .1-11 - ~, -, -. 1,;j I r. v~;y k~'! rur~.l i.,'-n~,vaddsk:,gn pedi a mod i ta; n s kog ri , r..-i ',,. i,!-i I i~ ~ r I MERZLIKIN, G.S. Respiratory Nnction of the luni.-, following prolonged aseti(, atelectases; experimental study. Vest. khir. 4. 1. 1z go6pitallnoy khirurgicheskoy kliniki (zav. - prof. Grigorlyev) i kafedry operativnoy khirurgil, i toj,c)j;7raflcnes.,Cjy anatomii (zav. - prof. Ye.M. Marf7,orin~, Leningraclsko~,c pedliti'l- cheskogo rneditsinskofo instituta (rektor - do"sent Ye.t . -Sernencr:a co tho bo-_co hcc Of Sr~ t!D difforent pjjyaiccchc::dCvj vV- rad. 2.0 r-0-1-1 '65- rc-1ation to th(l, of rats -4'- 0._, t, Q :In nill,-* 1led, '10 Soto, 1, Stibmitted :LIT 10, 196i- AC7;TFGF: Merzlikin, N., 11,2nc,~I alia -a,a:n-_kcv, Yu., ?-37-e-m-a-n---Trzt-n~t o r T_!.~~E. The Way is Cpen for Electric Locomotives (Otkryt put' eiektrovozam) PERIODICALt Professional'no-tekhnicheskoye obrazovaniye, 19'~9, Nr 2, P 13 (USSR) The teaching staff of the Sasovo Railroad Schcol Nr 2 wel- comed the suggestion of the Ryazanskoye oblastnoye uprav- leniye tr-vdovykh rezervov (Ryazan' Oblast' Administrat- ion of L~bor Reserves) to start training in a vocation which is new to the school overhead network electricians. The author describes what preparations were made for this project, how the foremen-instructors were chosen and trained. He further mentions that the workshops were supplied with visual aids and explains in general how the training of overhead network electricians has been organized. There are 2 photographs. C Card 112 The Way Is Open for Electric Locomotives SOV/27-59-2-8/3G AS'~OCIATION: Sasovskoye zheleznodorozhnoye uchiilshcne Nr 2 Ryazanskoy oblast-i (Sasovo Railroad School Nr 2, Ryazan Oblast'). -ard 212 .array ci:-;-~ '6- 1. vo '. 1- - MFMLIKIR, V. (g. Riga) -I- I---'-: ~ ,~ ~~.:' ~ " Work with the active members of the physical culture group. Grazhd.av. 13 no.2:14-15 F '56. (KLRA 9.5) (Physical education and training) 36950 s/l42/Gl/or,4/OOG/015/017 E192/F382 AUTHORS: Bolotin, L.I., Volkov, V.I., Lesnylch, 'M.S., Lyap'lcalo, Yu M '.Ierzl Pipa, A.V., - - rc _h ~Iorrnkcy. ttte , r TITLE: I ..YrM3't IS -power pu . PERIODICAL: Izvestiya vynshllch uchobnyka ~avodonky, Radiotelchnika, v. 4, no. 6, 1961, 726 - 728 T EXT: Generation of higli-power bursts of u1 t raL;hort -wave frequencies is of importance in linear accelerators of heavy particles. A pulsed oscillator based on the triode, type (GI-4A), was therefore developed. Construction-ally, the oscillator is based on coaxial tuned circuits, in which the tube operates as a grounded-5rid system (Ref. 1 - M.S. Noyman - Triode and tetrode generators for WiF (Triodnyye i tetrodnyye Soneratory SVCh), Suvetskoye radio, 1950). The anodo-grid resonant circuit is in the form of a quarter-wave line, terminated with the interelectrode capacitance Cag (Fig. 1). Since the external diameter D - 33 cra, internal diameter d = 14 cm and Cag = 35 pF, the resonance frequency is 142 Mc/s and the length h of the anode grid-tuned circuit is 19 cm; Card 1/3 S/ihz/Gi/oo4/ooG/ol5/0l7 A lUgh-tenporature .... B192/2382 t:io5o calculated data vero verified onporiciontily. The cathode-:;rid circuit is in the form of a short-circuited polycylindrical coaxial section of a half-wave line; this is terminated with tlie capacitance Cag . The feodbach is provided by three non-adjustable loopa positioned at angles of 1-O'o with respect to eacii other, in such a manner that the loops pass through the comion wall of tho resonators. The separator condenser in t.'Ie nlod-_-rid circuit consists of six groups of condensers, each consisting of two condensers in series. T:i o oscillator was tested irit:i an 82--i resistive load, which was in the form of a polystyrol cylinder with a water solution of sodium carbonate. It was possible to obtain a maximum power of 1.2 MW wita an anode voltaZo of 32 kV and pulse duration of 450 ,is. Tlin oscillator was also tested with a high-Q load formed by the resonator of a linear proton accelerator; this had a resonance frequency of 142 and a quality factor of 50 000. It was found that at an anode voltage of 36 kV the resonator of the accelerator received a power of the order of 500 RW, so that the protons could be accelerated up to energies Card 2/~ s/i4z/Gi/oo.Voo6/ol5/0l7 A hiGh-temperatuxe .... E192/E332 of 5.5 '-IeV. There are 4 figures. ASSOCIATION: UchenTj sovet FTI AIN U1,rSSR (Learned Council of FTI AS UlzrSSR) SUDMITTZD: April 28, ig6i Fi--. Card 3/3 MERZLIKINL, T.I. i , Blolog7 of the florescence of the Japanese spindle tree (Evo- nymus japonica Thuab.). no.19:135-137 154. (MIU 8:2) 1. Nauchno-isaledovatellska6ya op7tnava stantsiy~a subtropichs- skogo lasnogo i lasoparkovogo khozya7stva. (Spindla trees) MZL*INA, T.I. Method of hot extraction. Biokhiaiia 20 no.1:47-49 J&-7 155. (HLRA 8:5) 1. Biolaboratoriya Sachinakoy nauchno-iseledovatellskoy stantail subtropichaskogo lesnogo i lesoparkovogo khozyayetva. (CUMMICAL ANALYSIS, hot extraction technic) Sci. Res. aXptl. "ta, of -'lubtrop~cal For~-stry ,.id Forest Park Ind., A.n improvement ov-.r the soxhlet Pxti~. ap.,-.. is described d6signed specia-ly for the extn of diff~'culty sol. fatty sub-,tances WMLIKINA, T.I. Introduction of economically valuable forms of event chestnut in forests on the Black Sea coast of the Caucasus. Trudy Bat. iast.Ser.6 no.7:167-168 '59. (MIRA 13:4) 1. Sochinakaya nauchno-im5ledovatollskaya qpytnayn stant"iya gubtropicheskogo lasnogo I lesoparkovogo khoz7aystva. (Black Sea rogton-Chestnut) V -N tah by h W A V t'71'e and V "'a. dild -7 la :on at -57 -Ve. 2&~' 'i'll"'11A b I ja eup~cbrly a -t - expc. 34- . I I - ft3 "d tire Dry nis g Iq Qd at U. Itee'-4ppreaabl Wr - q! Y. confir Cr at 3&J-1 "l-ara 'orn~ It i 6tpbWty -5, Pto Mo. Sion of' _~fn UP to 3606 allI C 0 1 C'Xl Aland alloy e pr,.;ez M of IT.6 cu is A] C th, j, abited I Steel vapors d"j, slabrt (18--D) Vb , an! not Lta - (!VCZI at ?Ve 5oo- 'ran at 2oo_4,0~ cTt th- stabilit of 1_1,~ wltl- aad rer"U'X'J a"(f 't Y of . . .% hinlc~, b. :Corros."'), in tj Me cel.T.O. S1011 arc ratio '\Tal. C Jl Rua -f c' . - 10.1', U- Diln. AI St at CQ, but h'd ' 011-cre'l steel tba: %VCM. VC1 Oil astj telup, r ,r IT'S It afn'c's 8~ 425, a5 425 atability of and _-!ej B159- and 50'. r zld o Ir It., a. D i ~t 4E2c T3 L AUTHORS: Tseyt'in, Kh- Sel'tSer, A. S., Zemlyanitokaya, 11, 1,1, 9 SOV/32-24-7-54./~5 Strunkin, V. A.p Merzlo/ TITLE: ukhOva, L. il' Corrosion Determinations in Ampoules (Korrozion PERIODICAL: v amPUlakh) nyye Opredelenly, ZalodskaYa Labo,atorlya, 1958, VOI~ 24, Nr 7, pp' 898 - 899 (USSR) ABSTRACT: Of late glass ampoules are used for corrosion investigations of steel; the former make it Possible to carry out several ex- periments at the same time, which fact is especially favorable in the case of small sample quantities, and in the determinatiors of rare metals, as well as of expensive and dangerous reagents~ In the laboratory mentioned below an apparatus ~ on this basis, which serves for the d Was constructed resistive, rare terminations Of chemically metals in hydrochlorie acid. The apparatus con' sists of a heatable steel drum with acsteeltube grid into whic eight steel shells for the glass ampoules are h and two samples each werp Put- 40 MI Put into each mp,ule; the, th Put in a sealed state in~ ey were to the apparatus which was rotated by a reducing gear. After the expcriment the ampoul es are broken Card 112 UP. Corrosion experiments with tantalum in hydro Chloric acid Corrosion Determinations in Ampoules SOV/32-24-7'-~4/65 or in hydrochloric acid saturated with chlorine, or in HC1 with an addition of hydrogen peroxide were carried out at 100 - 1100. On this occasion a corrosion rate of less than 0,005 g/m2.hour was found. Thick-walled ampoules were also used for the determinations of nickel, copper, aluninium and other metals in molten AlCl at 2000. The experiments with this apparatus must be carried At taking into account all pre- cautionary methods known in the technique. There are --- fi,',ures, ASSOCIATION: Institut organicheskikh poluproduktov i krasitelej im.K.Ye Voroshilova(Institute of Organic Semiproducts and Dyes imeni K.Ye.Voroshilov) P Card 2/2 CBERKASSKIY, A.A.; I.IERZWUKHOVA L V :jL___!:R. _. Determination of impurities on mano-and tetradianthrimides inn dinitrodianthrimide by means of paper partition chromatography. Zav.lab. 28 no.10:1177-1-179 62. (MIRA 15:10) 1. Ilauchno-i8sledovatellskiy institut organicheskikh poluproduktov i krasiteley. (Anthraquinone) (Paper chromatography) 14KRZIA)UKHOVA, Ye.V., inzh. Clarifying, notes on the state standards project aFluoreacent mercury lamps" (replaces state standards 6825-54). Svetotakhniks. 6 no.1:13-15 Ja 16o. (MIRA 13:5) 1. Maskovskiy elaktrolampovyy zavad. (Fluorescent lighting-Standrads) MERZIBUKHOVA, Ye.Y., inzh. All-Union State Standard "Fluorescent mercury lai2pa" (re- places State Standard 6825-54). Svototakhnika 6 no.l: 15-18 Ja 160. WIRI, 13:5) 1. 14oakovskiy olektrolampavyy zavod. (Fluoreacent lighting-Standarda) YEVSTRAVENKO, P.;- MER.ZLOV, A.; KALENOVA, M.; ROMANENKO, G.; KRASIYEV, F. Contribution of airmen to the victory of `Jot'-Labinsk grain growers. Grazhd.av. 20 no.11:4-5 N 163. (KIRA 17:2) 1. Zamestitell komandira aviatsionrogo podrazdaleniya po letnoy sluzhbe, Krasnodar (for Yovstratenko). 2. Glavnyy agronom Ust'-Labinskogo proiz- vodstvennogo upravleniya (for Mlerzlov). 3. Nachallnik otryada upravlaniya po zashchite rasteniy Ust'-Labinskogo proizvodstvennogo upravleniya, (for Kalenova). 4. Sta-rshiy agronom kolkhoza imeni. Lenina (for Romanenko). 5. Starshiy agronom kolkhoza "Kuban'" (for Krasiyev). M'ZOV, P., polkovnik. Principles and rales of antitank fire. Voen.vest. no.14:20-27 151. f%KFRA 6:12) (Antitank guns) KUVSHINOVP I.S., prof., doktor ekonom. nauk; LOVKOV, Ya.A., dotsent; KKRZIDV, V.K., assistent Evaluating the economic effectiveness of the use of mineral fertilizers in agriaulture. Izv. TMM no. 1:3-2-1 165 (MIPA 19t1) 1. rafedra ekanomiki sellskogo khozyaystva Moskovskoy sellsko- khozyayBtvenno-y ordena Lenina akademii imeni Tiairyazeva. PCHELIN, V.A.; 12MAYLOVA, V.N.; MERZLOV, V.P. Mutarotation, conformation of polypeptide chains, and cross-linking in gelatin solutions. Vysokom.soed. 5 no.9-.1429-1435 S 163. (MIRA 17-11) 1. Moskovskiy gosudarstvennyy universitet imeni Lomonosova. RERZLOV,V.P.; PCHUIN, V.A. Role of ionogen-ic groups in --'.-~rmation converoions ol elatin. Dokl. AN SSSR 156 no. 3:6~ -6& 164. 014 1 A'k17:5) 1. Moskovskiy gosudarstvennyy universitet im. M.V.Lomonosova. Predstavleno akademikom P.A.Rebinderom. 2EZIN, A.B.; BA-KEYFV, N.F.; 1~2-11102V-, .V.P.; SHALDINA, L.A.; KOZLOV, II.V. Aggregation of molecules of poly-L-glutamic ~,clj in aqueous solutions at low pH values. Biofizika 10 no.2t2O7-211 165, (MJRA 18:7) 1. Khimicheskiy fakulltet Moskovskogo gosudarstvennogo universiteta imeni Lomonosova. WRZLOV, V.P.; PCHELIN, V.A. ....... -- - Matarotation mechanism and gelation in gelatin solutions. Dokl. AN SSSR 163 no.l.-147-150 J1 165. (MIRA 1837) 1. Moskovskiy gosudarstvennyy universitet im. M.V.Lomonosova. Sub- mitted December 29, 1964. MOZ LOV Y 9. iA--, Increasing the life of circulating lubricants in marine diesels. Mor.flot 19 no.11:36 N 159. (KM 13:3) 1. Starshiy makhanik toplokhoda "Odessa," Dunayakogo parokhod- stva. (14arine diesel engines--Lubrication) t M-ERZLO.V, Ye.; ZAVIYALOV, A.; LTBEDEV, N.; LAKTIONOV, A., gruppovoy I- -- ;. in*z'h.-eIektromekhanik; VERIGO, A.J. ele-ktromekhanik Automatic control on ships. Mor. flot 23 no. 12-:45 D t6 NIRA 17:51- 1. Nachallnik sluzhby sudovogo khozyaystva Dunayskogo parokhodstva (for Merz1ov). 2. Nachallnik tekhnicheskogo otdela Dunayskogo parokhodstva (for 7avlyalov). 3. Starshiy inzh. NIO Odesskogo vysshego inzhenernogo morskogo uchilishcha (for Lebedev). 4.-Dunayskoye parokhodstvo (for Laktionov, Verigo). WMLOVA, V. For an excellent servicing of passengers. Avt.transp. -40 no.11:8 N 162. 1 (MIRA 15:12) 1. Pre~dsedatell ol*Achestvannogo soveta konduktorov 1-go avtobusnogo parka Leningrada. (Leningrad-Motorbus lines-Employees) KMLYAK, A.N.,-inzh.; RAPOPORT, G.S., inzh.; F-nORENKO, V.S., inzh. Usirg fireproof g.,rpsum-perlite plasters. Mont.i spets.ra").v stroi. 22 no.4:24-25 Ap '60. (MIRA 13:8) 1. Institut teploproyekt , i TSentral 'nyy nauchno-issladovatel 'a',Ci.V Institut protivopozbarnoy oborony. (Plaster) (Building, Fireproof) KALIYANOV, likolay Nikolayevich; MERZLY-AK,__AI?K= Fggpovich; KITAYTSEV, V.A.., red.; TIMIRIK, M.S., red. izd-va; TEMKIVA, Ye.L., tekhn. red. [Verrdculite and perlite: porous aggregates for insulating articles and no!.cretes] Vermikulit i perlit - poristye zapolniteli dlia teplo- izol-4atsionrorlch izdelii i betonov. Pod red. V.A.Kitaitseva. Moskva, Gos.izd-vo lit-ry po stroit., arkhit.i stroit. materialam, 1961. 153 P. (MIRA 14:12) Nermiculite) (Perlite (FLineral)) (Insulating materials) I 'I . t-'. ; :)U SfR' F. ; .',I, TT ,L,:...; VEL'.3C"'-'KIY' V.I..; dARdItINA, GORLOV, Yu.F. A;,r,, -T-y G. Y E2'"' II,, !.A. Z~-- '7 T Sy F. D. KOS-Yi'.EVA, Z.S.; L :i.:~ A*'Ili' U. I-, A ... A.1;.; HODCV, E.S. RCZ",-lC'v ,A.- . ; SIJKHAREV, :,%i1 USTEIIKG, A.A.; 'K.!*Ct-.Ul'KG, Z.~. SWID-1, ETIT 'M-', L.11-1. A.0. ; YAKHONTOVA, !:.Ye. ; FITAY':., Ai.dreyevich, p.-of.,,, -"ck'oi- tekhr. -auk, red.; Li.G., giav. red.; IROKPINIOVSKAYA, I.P., zam. glav. red.; K~UVCIIENKG, I.V., red.; r:lTA-Yl-~G!,.ODSKIY, I.!., red.; F,HZJHFl,l.Il"SKIY, S.A., red.; Ye.L.. red. ;hA.LAT'Yll'V,PJ. red. [Mar.ual on the manu;ac~ture of hepai insuia,-ing and r-icous- 4 1cal materials] Si---;.;-.o-cIinik po proi:~,:oas'~-ju 'Lep-Loizo- t liatsionnykh i akus%icheskiFh ma.-Lerialov. Stroi- izdp-t2 1964. 524 IS: 1) GIROVSKIY. V.F., nauchnyy rabotnik; KANTOIM, S.B.. nauchnyy rabotnik; SHASS. H. Te., nauclinyy rabotnik; D'YAKOVA, M.V.. nauchnyy rabotnik; BABMO, A.P.; TOLPTAMIY. S.Ya.; MEMMUK, G.H. [Socialist competition for cost reductior in construction work] Sotsialiati- cheakoe sorevnovanie za anizhenie stobnosti stroitellnykh rabot. (Avtorskil kollekti-v: V.F.Girovskii i dr.) MoBkva, Gos.lnd-vo lit-ry po Btroitellstvu i arkhitekture, 1953. 55 P. (MLRA 6:7) 1. Koszhilstroy treat (for Babenko, Volpyanskiy, Karzlyak). 2. Kafedra Organizataii i planirovaniva stroitel'nogo T)roizvodstva KIEI imeni S.Ordzho- nikidze. 3. Moskovskiy inzhenerno-ekonomichaskiy institut imeni S.Ordzhoni- kidze (for Girovskiy, Kantorer. Shass, and D'yakova). (Construction industry-Costs) I- k.~ "'- L %(-l 7-1 .I-tj .Iv AGALINA. M.S.. inzh., AKUTID, T,K,, Inzh. - j~PR3,SOV, A.M,, in-,h.; ARISTOV, B.S., kand. fakhn. nauk, - B.'Q0OcTQTSKIY, 0,B,, irzh. ; BERLIN, A.Ye,, inzh. BESSKIY, K.A., inzh.: BL-", A,M., lnzh.; BMJI-I, I.V,. inzh.; BRODSKIY. I.A., inzh.; BURAKAS, A.!,,inzh.; VAY1114AN, I.Z., inzh.-; TARSaAVSKIY, I.N.,inzh.; VASILIYEVA, A,A.,inzh.. VORONIN, S.A,.inzh.: VOYTSEKHOVSKIY. L,K., inzh.: VRUBLEVSKIY, A.A,.inih.: GERSHRAN, S.G,,. inzh.; GOLUBYATHIKOV. G.A.,in-.K.; GORLIN, ~-i7h.- GILU4KATIKOV, A.N., inzh.; DASHEVSKIY, A.P.,inzh.;DlDKOVSKlY, I.L., inzh.: DOBROVOLISKIY, N.L.,inzh.; DROZDOV, P.F.,kand. tekhn.muk,; KOZLOVSKIY,A.A,,Inzh.; KIRILENKO. V.(r'.,inzh.; KOPELYANSKIY, G,D,,kand. tekhn, nauk,-. KOREETSKIY. M.M.,inzh.; KUKHARCHU, 1.14.,inzh.; KUCHEH, M.G.,inzh:'. K-?',MYAK M_T,.,inzh.; HIRONOV, V.V.,inzh.; NOVITSKIY, G.V.,inzh ;-FAROk,~-' ~.M!.inzli.; PANKRATIYEV, N B , inzh.; PARKHOMENKO. V.I_kand. biol. nauk,; PINSKIY. Ye.A..inzh., POILUBNYY. S.A., inzh.; PORAZHXNKO, F.F.,inzh.; PUZANOV. I.G.,inzh.; MMIN, I.F-Inzli.: ItKNIK, I.S.,kand. tekhn. aauk,; ROGOVSKIY. L.Y.,inzh.; RUIERMAN, A.G,,inzh.; RYBAL'SKIY, V.I.,inzbL.; SADOUIKUV. I.S.,inzh.; SETWYANOV, N.N.,karld. tekhn. nauk.; SEKESHKO. A.T.,inzh.; SIMKTN ~ , A.Kh., inzh.- SURDUTOVICH, I.N,,inzh.; THOPIMOV, V.I.,inzh.; M.M.,inzh.; FZALKOVSKIY, A.M.,inzh.; FRISHKAli, M.S.. inzh.; CHMESHNEV, V.A., inzh., SHESTOV, B.S., inzh.; SHUMAN, M.I., inzh.; SHUMYATSKIY, A.F.,Inzh.- SHCHZIW.~KOY, V.1.,Inzh.: STANCH.6NKO, I.K., otv. red.: LISHIN. G,L. iLzh.,r-ed.- KR-,IVTSOV,Ye.P.i; GRIGOR'YEV. G.V..rpd.; KAYINSKIY, D.N.,red.; KHASOVSKIY, I.P,red.; LNYTMj~N. LA., r6d.fdf%ceaj3ed-l,- (NJHEVlGd, M.S,,, DANILSUKIY. A.S.,inzh.,red.: DNYI-lli, A.M., Inzh.,rad.; KAGANOY, S.I.,inzh.,red.; B.N., kand. takhn. npuk, red:.LISTOPADOV, N.P.,inzh.,rsd.; HENDa..E'VICH, IJI., inzh. redldf)c~.;i~,,edj; lcontinued on next card) M-2-0 AGALINA, M.S.... (continued) Card 2. PENTKOVSKIT,, ROZENBYARG. B.M.,inzh.,red.; SILAVIN, D.S., inzh.,red.; rEDOROV, H.P..inzh.,red.; TSYMBAL. A.T.,inzh.,red.; SHIRNOV, L.V., red. izd-va,; PROZOROVSKAYA. V.L., telchn. red. Lmining ; an encyclopedic handbook] Goraos delo; antaiklopedichaskii opravochnik. Moskva, Gas. nauchno-takhn. izd-vo lit-ry pa ugollnoi' promyshl. Vol. MOrganization of planning; Construction of surface buildings and structureaj Organizataiia proektirovaniia; Stroitel'stvo zdanit i sooruzhenii na poverkhnosti shakht. 1958. 497 p. (ItIRA 11:12) (Mining engineering) (Building) BARKAN, D.D.; TIKUNOV, P.R.; SHEKHTER. O.Ta.; MOBRAZMTSKATA, N.A.; SATINOT, O.A.; LUMIN, A.1a.; GRNB311NIK, A.A.; NZRZLYAK, TS.H.; ALEKSANDROV, M.A.; TSAPLIII, S.A.; PAVLOVA, A.B.; DITREM-,--Tn-.T-.; KHATIN, B.N.. red.izd-vn; TXIIKINA, Te.L.. (Instructiona for drivIng and extracting steel pile planks using SH 59-59 vibratcral Instruktaiia po pogruzhanilu i izvlecheniiu stal'nogo shpunta vibropogruzhateliami SN 59-59. Moskva, Gos. izd-vo lit-ry po stroit., arkhit. i stroit.materialam, 1959. 46 p. (MIRA 13:3) 1. Russia (1923- U.S.S.R.) Gosudarstvennyy komitet po delam stroitalletva. 2. Yquchno-isaledovatel'skly institut osnovanly i podzemnykh sooruzheniy Akademii stroitel'stva i arkhitektury SSSR (for Barkan, Tikunov, Shakhter. Preobrazhonakaya). 3. Vse- soyuzuyy nauchno-issledovatellskiy inatitilt gidrotakhnicheakikh sanitarno-tekhnicheBkikh rabot (VIIIIGS) (for Savinov, Luskin). 4. Fundamentproyekt kfor Grebennik. Harzlyak). 5. Vaesoyuzhnyy nauchno-iBsledoyntal'skiy institnt stroitellnogo i dorozhnogo mashinostroyeniya (VIIIIStroydormash) (for TSsplin). 6 Gidro ro- yekt (for Pavlova). 7. Gidrospetsfundamentatroy (for Litri (Vibrators) tPiling (Civil engineering)) KWLYAK, Ye. I. Case of lambliasis in a 15-