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I.IEIIY, J. 'nary, J. Normative calculation in the Szombathely Leather and Shoe Factory. I P. 34. Vol. 10, No. 10, Oct- 1956. TOH:-.TERKELES TE CHNOLO GY Budapest, Hungary So: East Euronean Accession, Vol. 6, No. 2, ieb. 1957 MERIYANOVA, V.L., mladshiy nauchnyy sotrudnik Physical development of children in nurseries In Rovtov--on-Don. Vop.okh.mat.i det. 7 no.8:66-69 Ag 162. (MIRA 15:9) 1. Iz lostovskogo-na-Donu nauchno-issledovatellskogo instituta akusherstva I pediatrii (dir. - kand-,med.nauk F.S.Baranovskaya, zav. organizatsionno-metodicheskim sektorom - A.A.Perelygina). (ROSTOV-ON-DON-CHILDREN-GROWTH) 1469. Pisrolleatton of glass sands bY flat4flon Itrula HFAI '11BRYT114,4, VA, V.,rj34!;sljKoV arlis I . YA, ~40N "-S f5yek. Xeralls" 0 0; -TmftW11ffffC TIMMMM givall Oft the Ru M (Fee .4 Or. 1167, 19501. The proct-is. indlidmi 3 simultaneous c4m,ratlans: datatiall. removsl of the Fe'hydroxicip filris antl w3h1ling. The InMt- HIlit.'41411 MigVnti Sri!; - rAW sulphatenoap (alkalis rcralculated as NasO, 0,41,1); acids, 70-7'/',,, Including 32-42% fatty acids, 33-5311/, resin acicls, 6,11/10' oxyncids, and 6-101,110 unsaponifiablo adds). 1-021 ,I" subs.tatims insultibto in other and 1,16%, of mechanical admixtures. I kg, of this snap is ncedcd for I t. of santi, and caGric-d Roda in thet;J11111tity of 3 kg/t. ,rhe proportion of tile solid and Iiijaid lit tile slurry is I : 1-5, le temp, of tile water -T18-20' C. anJ PH 7-0-7-2. The ibimtimi of tile prmcs3 varies from 15 to (30 mill, dviienditig on the flow-shcet. The r(Atiction of Ile oxide.4 was: for an initial coattint of 0-03-0-051111- 3911,1,, (varying rom 28 to 501%j, Pir 62% (33-78"',), fiir 0-2-0-57 0",, 61 %', (40-90'!j',). The bulk of tli~ ilillid purified con- tains of Fv Oxid". It was folind that the vilectivelless of tile nwillod Nvas clifl(.-rcnt with difiervat glass sands, the Itmest limit of Fe oxille refloctioll builig reached with tile sands that had a cmisidt-rable, content of (0spari (mily 241-64111,', oil tile initial content). Thc impitritit-i in tiands. containing Fe oxides are Ciassifiled as clayadmixturcs, heavy minumis, I.-c hydr,,xidu films, light inhierals (fi-1,par, Wotite, glaticnilite, etc.). and llwhl~wwl ill th- piartz graiil,. 'I 1w nint1wil ilt-siribeil removcs only tlj(, Fir-A 3 (chv, film, mid heavil millcral't. In 01'. , LCY impliritit-q thcre is of th~: t,,tal Colitclit ,f Ft. )Nidv~ (all avvi-a"V of f,,r '-,(I 101"um firposits invu'ligai,A), ill ill,- lllllwral.~ 0 Sli", ill 1111- 111111, 0-530,11) (average 22",), i,: light Aw,ii- and m,;d, 11w grmn 9-541;,', (;Lvcrag~- 35',',j. 1 hu- highc5t omt,tit ,( light mh~ oc admlvtu I e% S fulu'd i n t Saild I %V Ill a 11 Ig I i A 110 1 co ri ti: ii t. LtN i ~iL Ill IS a r t: fu i i firi c Lism I t r( I MW, Martan. Illumination and its relation, to visual fatigue. VWomoscl lek. 7 no.4:261-264 Apr. 54. (VISION, fatigue. off. of Illumination) (ILLUMINATION, in visual fatigue) EXCERPTA 'e'MDICA Sec.14 Vol.11/12 Radiology Irov 57. 1918 MERZ M Warszawa. *Izotopy * okulistyce. Isotopes in ophthalmo- 'ii-j~114.0CMA 1957, 27/1 (63-72) Graphs I Iltus. 3 A general review of the problem based an the literature. Their use for diagnostic purposes is discussed and also the possibility of their use in treatment. Exact de- scription of the methods is presented with special reference to their efficacy in neoplasms on the surface of the eye and the lids, in conjunctivitis vernalis. and the anterior part of the eye. in vascularization of the cornea, and keratitts. The possibility of complications. even serious ones, is stressed. The author suggests a greater development of this matter in the future. Szmyt - Lddt (XII. 14) MIRZ The eye & the hypothalamus-hYPOPhYsial system- Klin- oczna 27 no.4: 629-636 1957. (M. Dhys 10 1. relation to hynothalamo-hypophysial system (Pol)) (H'YPOTHAIAKM, nhysiol. relation of hypothalamo-hypophysial system to eye (Pol)) (PITUITARY GLM, physiol. same (Pol)) I W, -N JEDRZEJOWSKA, Hanna; SOBKOWICZ, Hanna; MERZ, Marian An atypic case of Hallervorden-Spatz disease. Neurol neurochir psych 12 no.6:829-837 N-D 162. 1. Klinika Neurologiczna, Akademia Medyczna, Warszawa. Kierownik: prof. dr med. I. Hausmanowa-Petrusewicz...-i Klinika Okulistycsnr-., Akademia 14odyczna, Warszawa. Kierownikl~prof. dr med. S. Altenberger. RN -1 MERZ, Marian; PIOTROWSKI, Aleksander Dicumarin cwpounds in retinal pigmentary degeneration treatment. oczna 32 no.3:239-244 162. 1. Z Kliniki Okulistycznej A14 w Warszavie Kierownik: prof. dr mod. S. Altenberger. (BISHYDROXYCOUMARIN) (RETINITIS PIGMEITTOSA) 'POLAND MERZ, Marian and LAINCUCK1, Jan, Second Central Clinical Hos- pital (2 Contralny Szpital Kliniczny), WIMM rWo.jskowa Akade- L mia Medyczna, Military Medical Academy] (Diroctori Dr. mod. M. MERZ) and the Clinic of Dornifitaloey (Klirillca Dormatolo- giczna), AM [ARadomla 11odyczna, Modical Academy] in Warsaw (Directort Prof, Dr. mod. S. JAL-3LDITSKA) "Cataract in the Course of Pruriro.. RaDo r r n f I;i rq qa;7 - fl Warsaw, Polski Tygodnilc Lolkarskl, Vol 18, No 24, 10 Jun 63, PP 857-861 Abstractj [Authors" English siimmary modified] Authors do- scribe six cases of prurigo with cataract appoaring in five of them. They discuss and review tho liLerature of the mor- phology, pathogenosts, and treatment of this disease. They suggest that the disoaso is probably more frequont than re- ported, and that the first lonuicular changes are probably related to puberty, As prurigo improves, ';he cataract be- comes stationary, or ruay even rogress, There are 29 refer- ences, of which ono (1) is Polish, two (2) Fronoh, six (6) German, and the others in En&llsh. Li/ 1 MM Marian Kjjn~ oczna 33 in tk-e ant,,jor chamber of the eye. L)rejashes n0.1:69-72 963. cznaj AM W Wargzawie Kierovnik% prof. dr 1, Z Kl-tniki OkulistY mod. S. Altenberger. (EYE FOREIGN BODIES) (EYELASHES (AQUEOUS HUMOR) HLNTZ, Regina; MEP-7, IMArlan Con4unctival vessels diab4--te2- :,~i. ar-zh. mied. wevnet. 0 noolM1323-1327 164 1. Z III Kliniki Chorob Wewnetrzrych A-kademii Vie c zr. 9 Varszawia (Kierownik- prof. dr. med. 7. KodejszM 1 21 .rzychodni Okulistyc2:nej 11 Centralnego ~zpltala Iv.'cliskoweli A'kademil Medycznej w 1-cjdzl, (Kierownik: dr. m,,--id. 14. Merx). VFRZ, Marian Studies on Lhe benavior c;-' gases in *~he antericr chamt~er cf the eye in the rabbit, Kiln, oczna 34 no~ 3.321-32b 164. 1. Z Zakladu Patologii Doswiadczalnej PAN w Varszawie (peln. obowiazki Kierownika; proF. dr med, .",RuSzczewski). L Prcducinj-. oxice ccatirFs on t~e. sk rl'ace ci mriter iron. P. 24". o 5 Ix. 7/8, ~,:~,,//A 19 P.?Z-UAD ODLEWNCTUA M C LOGY y.-akcw, Poland So: Last hurcceon Accessifn, c1. ', c. I , ,%ay -Hem, J. Vintroductlon de la diffirentiation absolue dwis v1space Ift. Publ. Math. Debrecen 5 (1958). 330- 337. " It is shown how the covariant derivative of a vector on q a surface in a flat unimodular affine three spac'e_-c-a--n-beN obtained by projecting the derivative of the three di- mensional vector on the tangent plane parallel to the affine normal. In the case of homogeneous affinities the projection is not parallel to the affine normal but to the i, position vector. D. 1. Struik (Cambridge. Mass.) 4 MERZA) J. (Debrecen) A-ffine trihedrals associated to curTes. Annalea Fol math 15 no.3:217-.231 964. i'E;"ZI~', , I . ~)P-brL~ ) s o: f -. if! , ~ r! , . , . - , - - !:, -,:- - r-. - :, : , * -, :-/, " :* - - - - 5 . Aj I T" n t e -~ ~ '~ :..: ~ ~ !. 11" !1. . ~ : 1 ".~ I Pl- Rev characterization of the affim geodetic curvature of surface atzveso Hat kozl WA 13 no,,2*..U9-14 063o WL: 1801-1(6.-'~,- -'M . ....................... :ACCESSION NWAP5019522 UR/0244165/024/004/9076/0078: J 41" 613. 289. 6+612. 664. 0!636. 293, 2 'Merzametov, M., M. AUTHOR:, (Leningrad) TITLM Buffalo, milk, a valuable nutrient SOURC& Voprosy pitaniya, v. 24, no. 4, 1965, 76-78 TOPIC TAGS: processed animal product, animal product, food product, animal ihusbandry ABSTRACT: The chemical- composition of buffalo milk and milk lipids was studied on samples obtained from a kolkhoz farm in the Dagestan ASSR in the winter of .1963. The following findin rted- fat content 8. 1%; total protein 4. 3116; gs are repo casein 3. 676; lactose 4. 9%; phosphorus 0. 120/6, calcium 0. 18% and dry solids 18. 110. IContent of polyunsaturated fatty acids in 7 samples was as fo ows: 1. 5-1. 7 linol ic, 0-53-wO. 58 If* d 0.49-0.20% arachidonic acid. Themi e nolenic an W. was white, Indicating the absence of carot-ne, The transcaucasian po p0ation uses t-hismilk as is or in processed products. Considering that buffaloes are rather -the above findings, the author resistant to a number of diseases and in view of IC~trd :1/2 J '7 "vr , .. .I ...:: I.; - t Dallmu [cows and, -Brihtat Sit. "I av peo MO., MO. Win. Ails I audAlesel were ound to he eqtiatly effective tugo otars' for it CuO cmtalyst in the hydrolevatiock of acetone VIENUOID itrary to ZuO which wu much less atm. and 160% Cal t C110. iffective. Raney 4. Proved to be far few active than 0 was a better catalyst %Then irlately. Cul n with Nlj4Qgj m'~Witb us& 04 tha SLONICAR, Ivan, inz.; DERZEL, Marijan2 inza Natural gas and petroleum products as raw materials for the production of carbon black. Nafta Jug 13 no.11/12:312-316 " s62. 1. 'S%tan*,, Nutina. HMPT., Marijan, inz.; SLAPNICAR, Ivan, inz, Producti properties, and application of carbon black in rubber i2stry. Tehnika Jug 17 no.10: Suppl.: Hemindustrija 16 no.10.-1971-1976 0 162. 1. Keaijska industrija *Metan*, Kutina. SIAPI1TCAq, Ivan, inz.; M:FRZEL ~iar--'Janl 'irnz. Gas and derivatives of pet-c7.e,,=- as raw materials for the production of carbor, b-lack. Nafta -Tug 13 no. !1/12: 3U-316 N-D 16-1. 1, "Metan" , "'iAina. ACC NR: AP700.1400 SOURCE CODE: uR/04l3/66/000/021/u070-/G0']6 I,WENTOR: Smirnov, V. V.; Fomin, Yu. V.; Sud'in, A. P.; Merzenev, 14. D. ORG: none TITLE: Arc welding attachment. Class 21, No. 187905 SOURCE: Izobreteniya, promyshlennyye obraztsy, tovarnyye znaki, no. 21, 1966, 76 TOPIC TAGS: arc welding, arc length, automatic arc length control ABSTRACT: This Author Certificate introduces an attachment for arc welding which includes a welding head and a copying device. To ensure a stable arc length and to improve the welding quality, the welding head carries an additional argon nozzle and is connected to a membrane actuator. The argon jet from the additional nozzle Fig. 1. Welding attachment I - ~1-mbrane actuator; 2 - welding torch; 3 - nozzle; 4 - argon jet. Card 1/2 UDC: 621.791.753.39.03 ACCj~R, AP700 serves as the copying device. The change of jet pressure caused by the change ia the' arc 'Length activates the membrane actuator and controls the arc length (see Fig. 1). Orig. art. has: 1 figures SUB CODE: 13 SUBM DATE: 02Apr65/ ATD PRESS: 5111 LCqrd 2 2 V . ,-.EA-EAXOV, I-Aron Tarashovich. The manufsctur~- of railroad cers. Mosk-va, %~Psh2;iz, 1~4P-. 49c T- . IWO- 000 s e ~ 4 0 ; ; 0 . , I ? l It to 13 it a u 0 Id 13 it V to 0 4% 0 U 44 tty S A .4.00-4s Tko catto of ump"Awto on prmav dunt-2-016-CVA-M A. A. 9ftrithAnivi (Kistut4aUr latit. F4oj(f lnlu4- 11y), Vtfx.-M~r st Visotfadcrstvo S.S.S. R. 0, No. I I T.1, 17-INIM"t)).-A ttWMUIA I', dtfiVetl fl-f Ok' VtIA"V- Id f k h h i i erruent c anging ceirip. In teg slur l premure wit nig Iff :i~i wia". The (ortutda I's 1 101 WItt PS Q1141 P, ZTV 14MMIft-1 At Land (t, 0, and 0, are the atrawption ccrff, td th~ wire for C03 At tempti. 1, und t,, rr~jy_ K & A ct~tiou fate. , f- li th It h f dai Il f on ci mi am e enry- a tor to account or t e t . ' arc the vats. j( wine anti gait spAce (alicive law. &n4 It and r E 1. the mine level), r"fl. Where nogrr2t4Ix-ur4cy6r~qutr,-cI, ' 5 d P fi i see j U; At , not excert atm., ant Once r 6 nr inazily imily ng 2 -2.15r; of Site total vol- a simplifirti formula can be u-ol: zoo /'t PI V ~1, ;to - 51. flo-14 1; 1 Cog 00 MAtIfIAS. E. M Y). =T.'-Ur last. Fool Intlutr I ~c_j.,,4w 6, No. % 'rh, I ZOO Ifin gjjjj"-j VA j% to ;4mVUo1ULA(e dItTI119 wc-1- It -1- th1t, will h C(1 ~ ,, j-' s It"IM1041"Al A" 11111c IIIIn't trIIIII., J~Nufc, an() vat conlim. (%usar And -At on t1W qUAIjjy Of the SfWkjing Wine proi=~A WA3 ~Wtll"! AM M- reAult. are li~h Too & co* !L-T- I A OCIALLUCGKAL U11441641 CLASUFKATIC44 L Rod.. to. unaeg -0 -11 0." M i, aa a., ;-lob 416 I u *uia Live 1111 $,t a` 1-9a ft a M tt L s a rw 01ITIM01,30 a 1 9 41 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 WMWIAN, A. A. 20808. Merzhanian A. A. Ob igristykh svoistvakh shampanskikh vin. ( Sokr. tekst kand. dissertataiij. Trudy Krasnodarsk. in-ta pishch. prom-sti, vyp. 3. 1948, s.23-82. --Bibliogr. 15 nazv. SO: LETOPIS ZHUFOIAL STATEY - Vol. 28, Moskva, 1949. ~ERZHANIAN, A. A. 20810. Morzhanian, A. A. i Kozeako, Ye. M. Samopishuschiy pribov dlya sb"yektivnoy atsenki igristykh svoystv shampanskikh vin. Trudy Krasnodarek. in-ta pishch. From-sti, vYPP 3, 1948, s. 117-23. SO: LETOPIS ZHURNAL STATEY - Vol. 28, Moskva, 1949. r~~k -- MR iv ~, i,ag~ zf ~.6~ g4 YmI '~7 WMHANIA14 A. A. 20809. Iferzhaniang A. A. i Kozenko, Ye. M. K metodike kolichestrennogo opredeleniya svyazannoy uglekisloty v igristykh vinakh. Trudy Krasnodarsk. in-ta pishch. prom-sti, vyp. 3, 1948, s. 149-54. SO. LETOPIS ZHUMIAL STATEY - Vol. 28, Pbskva, 1949. M, IIZHAN LVI 9 A. A. 20807. Merzhanian, A. A. 0 zavisimosti davleniya shampanskogo ot temperatury. Trudy Krasnodarsk. in-ta pishch. prom-sti, vYP- 3v 19480 a. 155-63. SO: LETOPIS ZHURNAL STATEY - Vol. 28, ~bskva, 1949. 'i I .' A. ~.~e 6 !L IZHANIAN. A.A.; KOZFNKO, E.H. The determination of combined carbon dioxide in wine. Vinodelis i Vinogradarstvo S.S.S.R. 9, No-10, 30-3 '49. (XLRA 2:9) (CA 47 no.14:7155 153) 1. Inat. Mahrimgamittelind., Krasnodar. l-arboa dioside ab"V,= coaftient (or wl". A. A K044411 0 10. XX abiloirptiort cocil. and cortf. td C(N drsorpttm capacity d witte depend only on its ale. and sufa conteat &M do not chance with est. content. A simple equation for calen. in champagne it: a &J/v. where a in the absorption coeff.. IndicatilaS the amt. of C09 to kg. absorbed by a *Mie at given C t P. couT prellaule inthr.01clanufacclaq.tri.audatad, =IJ90 em of t he CAA over the wive and thAt dissolved In tbA wine equal to I i I gi t.; b is an ctupirkgJ constant depeadins (wt ale. A rid Suc" content of the wine. dctd. grAplitc-Ally tritm Atith-ltv" ~Cxpql. data - .1 1- the l,wff. 4 Oh-MI'li'm C041kirity of Ille wilm f.W ZX~ (C(-. jailles n( Kiw1wriga ami ka,,hicin o4l, 1040. N.. 31-12) -n.1 , 1. the ~j~uy 4 the Wme in - t1twliwo at the expil. temp. If. Otfield Itte WATW of diethyl Met$ of Pytocalboatc COG us qwItling and gasified wines. A-A-AlegthAttion (Kra~no- dar Inst. De~craar Ind..). Via,%kiie j Vjavrada,jtr~ S,S~S.R. 11, No. 3. describes an in- vestication on the effect of the ethyl enter of cWbonic Xcid ou the CO~ cmi"ion and the sparkling qualities of charn- pagnt,andga,%ifie4whics. Expis. wrrerarried out in which the diethyl c-ster of pyrocarbonic " (1) was introduced in:o dry white wine at a coacn. (31 M-6-102-4 Mg. per 100 ml. %-herr nochampagnization or gasification waspresent. the added I was converted in yield of 91% to CO, and Etoll. In vgpt , where the wine was ga.Fified to 1.25 atin ad,ju of I in these concrts. raised the prmv-ar to 2-2NI alm in3days- liieithrrwincKaiiiiedto35xtm.ocinettamp4s- nized wine, addn. of I did not increase the free CO, premurr, but increased th~- amt. of combined M It is concluded that the amt of I remaining in the unh!rdrolyzed state after addn. to dry wines is a function of the C01 pfructre Ad4n. of I to ra'itivd Lind vhan'J'agul."t it. J'Ackling qualily And n~ ~tyvv---- S (t.,111wh M. Item during WflLPg. A. A- The champapu pres-sure sY! 1. No. the 7, equation, p k + (P.-k) 11. .1wtv p pressure of C(h al)ovc tliv. wineat t 1wi. ufter Irughistiije, of me process; P, ociginal prct"urc;, wid k undc devch,fluz on tie -ervair, it wLLS winu compli. alkl theparmirtur of thc rt was folvered to the in tije re.,crvnir can be lowerell to -.5atill. ivitImut arit-Cling (1,v x(mcas. of free and )Yglud CO (if the prothl'-f this Ilic entire ~tMMIYA111, A, A. Champagne (Wine) Theory of making champagne 'fin. 39SR 12 No. 2, 1952. Monthl List of Russian Accessions, Library of Congrosn, June 1952 MIGIASSIFIED. ;O l n :~o h f 41 Ul do g -flip w A.;A. 'wit (fall. r4fx[ Ind" KrAssaul4r). Wnu-, ag t.WwArdifesn" s3s.R. il. MO. ' l no u An givia fail tit q olcu. nkwrv- wilts .01 Jw h WO.z w 114h on d!c. lormcmatfort wilt yj;:1d m pNdilct of~ A-, simurl, 1160tyt IWMIU'Lt, atud flAvar. 14- Kr n,Wi -A A' tfr-*,-Ij ~jj KCO~!lko fll;V.i q Z~ A 771 M 1 Ph, Ccl~t" !A, f, 10'-5 11 t1-;(-- c:r"! c i CO- ~ : 1 ~- -ia.~IiL, ma!E-- at equil ording t~l th. qts~itlon; a rcc:- t 1. vn;~! a EIJI 'Linz. 1-~s flkb~ b, 1 ~4 tz, i:ks J -Z I ,pt sm ME M, ZRANIAN.A.A.; BICHUK,H.Ye. A--- ~~- Calculation of ingredients for preparing tiraga and sweetening liquears. Vin.$SSR 15 no-3:55-57 '55. (HIBA 8:8) 1. Krasnodarskiy institut pishchevoy promyshlennosti (for Kerzhanian). 2. Leningradakiy zavod sbuempanskikh vin (for Bichuk'~ (Wine and wine making) UIESR / Microbiology. Technical Microbiology. F-3 ,~bs Jour: Ref Zhur-Biol., No 16, 195a, 72G20. AILuthor : lderzhanian, Kozenko, Ye. M. Inst : Krasnoa_ar_7-n�`t-iTute of Food Industry. Title On the j,.b3orption o-.'L' Carbon Dioxide by Yeabt Deposits in ~.,v'ine. Orig Pub: Tr. Krasnodarsk. In-ta pishch. prom-sti, 1957, vyp. 9, 51-54. ."bstract: 7iines which contain yeast cells absorb more CO 2 by means of adsorption of gas on the surfacc of the yeast cells than wines vhich hcva be,n filtered from yeast. Powdered yeasts possess more adsorption capacity than whole yeRsts. The amount of CO 2 adsorption in yeas-.s ,vi-Un de- termined content of deposits is permanent: for powdered yeasts it equals 0.1 g/g, and for whole yeasts - 0.0006 g/g. Card 1/1 22 I ,TRZEIANIAN, A.A. M-R99 transfer enefficient fOr C02 during the "spRrkling" of champagne. Izv. vys- ucbeb. Zav.; pishch. tekh. no-3:59-63 158. NIRA 11-9) 1. Krasnolarnkiy instittit Dishchevoy proqrshlennosti. Kafedra tekhnologii. vinodeliya. (Champtw,ne (wine)) MRRZHMiIMI, A.A.; CH&UPAUNA, N.F. Stability of monodisparse wine f0ac'. Izv.vys.uchcb.zav.; pishch.takh. no.6:80-87 159- (14MA 13:5) 1. Kruanodarskiy inst1tut pishchovoy promyshlennosti. Kafedra taklinologii vinodoliya. (wine and wine making) (Yeam) MERMANIAN, A.A. Investigation into the phenomena occuring on the surface of sparkling wines after the discontinuance of airtightness in the system wine - C02. Trudy KIPP no.22a6l-.8? 161. (MIRA 16:4) (Champagne (Wine)) (Foam) - - - - '- ~; i ~- -- ~ - f;; ,-I -- I - 6 -, ii ~ - . ~I - MERZEANIAN,_A.A. Absorption of gases through the wine surface coated with an . 10 0417 film. Trudy KIPP no.22888-94 161. (MIRA 1624) (Wine and winemaking) MERZHANIAN, A,A, Changes occurring in the physicocheadcal characteristics of the wine during bulk champagnizing. Trudy KIPP no.22195-104 161. (MIRA 16:4) (Champagne (Wine)) MERZHANIAN, A.A.; XIBKO, L.A.~ KLIONER, M.I. Studying the process of yeast reproduction as applicable to the conditions of continuous champagnization. Trudy KIPP no.22.-105- IL10 161. (MIRA 16.4) (Champagne (Wine)) (Thast) WMHANIAN, A.A. Surface tension of wine. Izv, vys, ucheb, zavo; pishch. tekh. no.2.-99-102 163* (MMA 16:5) 1. Krasnodarskiy institut pishchevoy prom7shlennosti, kafedra tekhnologii vinodeliya. (Vim and wine making-Analysis) HERMANIAN, A.A. Factors of accurnilati,n of combined carbon dioxide in cham-pagne wiae. Biekhim. vin. no.7-.148-163 163. OKIRA 16:4) 1. Krasnodarskiy institut ishchevoy promyshlennosti. (Chappagne (Wine)5 (Carbon dioxide) Du b ov i t sk F. 1. F30,11, o- I rzhar a v , A. iy, j TT 7" Th- 'tia-si-Stead Taken by Explosion Peactions t~-Ulovoy rt-z*,lim protekaniya vzryvry'r-1, ak ts ~-"R TODI~AL Doklady Akademii nauk SSSR, 1950t Vol- 12o, Nr 013C'*:~) AICTRACT: Fir~,,t the unteady 3ystem of equations describing a thermac ex.-An.-ion and the pertinent initial conditions are Fiv'-~!n. au'-ors study, without loosing the general character o~ th,.. final conclusions, the most simple type of a self -rit;n- reaction, that is to say the auto-catalytic re- ar!tian o" t.irst order: IY(j) = 01 + I,)(' -I ), "'here 10 ~enoteo the criterion of autocatalicity, this ouantity heing .09sically Fmall. (1o-1 - 10-3). The quasi-steady system of equations is vrritten down. Only in a certain interval above ti- boundary of the explosion the reaction proceeds still in a -!ua~!:-steadv manner. The expressions resulting from the co'ut4on of tn- 3ystem of equations for the critical condi- I/ tj,~ni o,-.' th.~ depth oF the preliminary reaction, for the The ~liasi-Stead.y Course Taker. by Explosion Reactions SOV/2o-120-5-39/67 7~f-riod c` induction, for the period of indiiction above tne hr,undary of nd t'or the course of the reaction "'lith tire are aritten dovni. The quasi-steady behovior ct:n be, conqi-lered ra. c--se of the non-isothermal course of t.hts reartion. In self-accelerating reactions it occurs uven above the Ioundary of explosi6jri. The width of the domain of' the preliminary reaction of the explosion Is dependent UP,-)n the degree of ~;elf accelerat ~on. In reactions with nor- Mal kir,,2~ ic;l the react4 on is auas:~i-!~teady only beiow the bound,~irli o~ t~~e c:xr)losion after the maximum of h9a+in1g. formul.a is -iven for estimating the periorl of induction. -he a:ithn_- t-,ank for valuable E!uagestiona made by 'I. N. r,cadem,,, of Sciences,- USSR, and by Ya. B. ZePdov_~,_h, C,.)rreliponding Yember, Academy of Sciences, US';R. There are figures and 4 references, 4 of which are Soviet. 119 S PNT 1' D Februar:[ 3, ~56, by V. 1H. Kondratlyev, Member, Acp_lemy o4' C.ard 2 AUTHORS: Barzykin, V. V., Merzhanov. A-- . SOV/2o-12o-6-29/59 'TITLE, A Boundary Problem in Thermal Explosion Theory (Krayeva.--,a v teorii teplovogo vzryva) PERIODICAL: Doklady Akademii nauk SSSR, 1958, Vol 12o, 11r 6, pp 1271 - 1273 (USSR) ABSTRACT: In this paper thermal explosions of substanceq in the condensed phase are considered. In such processes the temperature on the boundary between the substance and the surrounding medium can remain constant only under definite experimental conditions Ordinarily the heat exchange across the boundary is more ccm- plicated, The heat liberated in the reaction causes a combustion of the nearest layers of the surrounding medium., Thus the temperature of the medium deviates from the temperature at Infinity. This paper Is a study of the critical conditions of the thermal explosion with a heat exchange as mentioned above The respective boundary conditions are given first. The equation of steady heat conduction and the boundary conditions read as Card 1/3 follows: A Boundary Problem in Thermal Explosion Theory SOV/2o-12o-6-29/59 d2o m dO r G at 1, ( d 19 -Bi6 d 52 ' dT Oe d ~ S' m=O for an infinite plane parallel slab, m-1 for an infinite cylinder, and m=2 for a spherical domain. The Frank Kamenetskiy criterion ~' is a function of the criterion Bi - ar/,k on the boundary of the explosion. If Bi oa and 0 Q ---~ 0 the problem is reduced to that of Frank--Kamenetskiy, By varying BI from 0-0 to 0 all possible cases of heat exchange are taken account of, from an ideal heat exchange to the case of no heat exchange (adiabatic case)~ The authors determine the steady temperature distribution and the critical conditions for the domains mentioned above. The case of an infinite cylindrical domain can be solved analytically all the way through. Expressions for the critical condition and for their distribution on the boundary of the explosion are given. No general integral has hitherto been found for the spherical problem ' It possibly does not exist at all, The critical dependence ~-(Bi) can also be determined by an approximation method within the frame Card 2/3 work of unsteady theory. A corresponding formula Is given- A Boundary Problem in Thermal Explosion Theory SOV/2o-12o-6-29/59 There are 3 references, 2 of which are Soviet. ASSOCIATION: Institut khimicheskoy fiziki Akademii nauk SSSR (Institute of Chemical Physics,AS USSR) PRESENTED: February 26, 19589 by V. N. Kondratlyev, Member, Academy of Sciences, USSR SUBMITTED- February 24, 1958 1. Explosions--Analysis 2. Explosions--Heat transfer 3. Matt'_- matics--Applications Card 3/3 2(1), 5(4) SOV/20-121-4-26,'5,! AUTHORS: Dubovitskiy, F. I., Manelis, G. B., Merzhanov, A. G. TITLE; The Formal-Kinetic Laws of the Thermal Decomuositi-on of Ex- plosive Substances in the Liquid Phase (Forr.-allno-kineti- cheskiye zakonomernosti termic"rieskogo razlozheniya vzryvchat- ykh veshchestv v zhidkoy faze) pp _"70 PERIODICAL: Doklady Akademii nauk SSSR, Vol 121, Nr 4, C uf (USSR) ABSTRACT: The investigation discussed in this paper takes into account also the variation of volume. In the overwhelming majority of cases the volume practically does not vary if two or more components are interchanged. In the first approximation it may therefore be assumed that the voliime of the condensed phase is an additive function of the volumes of the non-re- acted substance and of the condensed remainder. The volume of the liquid phase may be considered to be a linear func- tion of the "degree of conversion" (glubina prevrashcheniya'/. If the volume is variable, the reaction of the nth order Card 1/3 satisfies the equation SOV/2o-121-4-26/54 The Formal-Kinetic Laws of the Thermal DecomDosition of Explosive Sub8tances in the Liquid Phase d,j/dt = k - (1 _-,)n/(, _ ,)n-1. A denotes the depth of the variation for a total decomposition. This reaction is reduced to the equPtion of a simple monomolecular reaction if the variation of the volume by the decomposition is sufficiently hiah. This implies that the reactions of the first order may proceed according to the monomolecular law and also ac- cording to the bimolecular law. Also the taking into account of the volume by the autocatalysis (which is caused by t:ie final condensed products of decomposition) modifies the char- acter of the kinetic curves. This case corresDonds to the kinetic equation dVdt - kl(l --I)+(k 2cz(1-11) where a denotes the share of the catalyzer in the condensed remainder. For 4 - 0, the last equation is reduced to tne classical equation of autocatalysis. A diagram shows the calculated dependence of the reaction velocity on the dei)th of conversion for various values of ~. The maximal velocity and the corresponding depth of conversion _qmaximum de~_;end in a high degree on the value of p. A formula for 11,nax '- Card 2/3 given. The eXT)erimental data found by the decomposition of SOV/2o-121-4-1-16/54 The Formal-Ki.netic Laws oi' the Thermal Decom-posit4on o" Explo~,ive S,.:`--ances in the Liquid Phase various substances in the liquid phase may be lescr-~bei su*.- ficiently well by the equations deduced in thio paper. There are 3 figures and 3 references, 2 of which are Soviet. PRESEYPED: April 4, 1956, by V. TI. Kondratlyev, Academician SUBMITTED: March 8, 1950 Carl 3/3 2(5) SOV/20-124-2-34/71 AUTHORS; Morzhanov, A. G., Dubovitakiy, F. I. TITLE: On the Theory of the Thermal Explosion of Condensed Explosives (0 teorii teplovogo vzryva kondensirovannykh vv) PERIODICAL: Doklady Akademii nauk 33SR, 1959, Vol 124, Nr 2, pp 362-365 (USSR) ABSTRACT; The authors first give a report on several previous papers dealing with this subject. The present paper deals with a more general theory which takes into account the removal of a part of the reaction products from the reaction volume. According to this theory for liquid explosives, all the main characteris- tics of the thermal explosion can be calculated: the critical condition, the depth of pre-explosion decomposition, and the period of induction. The removal of the gaseous products from the reaction volume is assumed to be a quasi-equilibrium pro- cess; this assumption is justified in the case of low rates of gas liberation. An expresaion is given for the rate of con- ductive heat transfer. The authors then give the system of equations for the thermal explosion. The removal of the gaseous Card 1/2 product exercises a considerable influence upon the thermal ex- - ------------------ ~ 0 SOV120-124-2-34171 On the Theory of the Thermal Explosion of Condensed Explosives plosion if the depth of the explosion reaction is comparatively great. The authors then investigate the simplest case among such reactions, viz. the autocatalytic reactions of the first order. Some characteristics of the thermal explosion can be calculated according to the steady theory of Frank-Kamenetskiy. Finally, the equation of thermal balance is given for the con- vective heat transfer. The expressions for the characteristics of thermal explosion can be deduced from the solution of a quasi-steady system. A diagram shows the results of some cal- culations. There are 1 figure and 5 Soviet references. ASSOCIATION: Institut khimicheskoy fiziki Akademii nauk SSSR (Institute of Chemical Physics of the Academy of Sciences, USSR) PRESENTED: September 9, 1958, by N. N. Semenov, Academician SUBMITTED: June 4, 1958 Card 2/2 C, 66435 AUTHORS. ~Lerzhanoy, A. G., Abramov, V. G., SOV/20-128-6-40/63 Dubovitakiy, F. 1, TITLE: Critical Conditioas for the Thermal ExPlosion of Tetryl PERIODICAL: Doklady Akademii nauk SSSR, 1959, Vol 128, Nr 6, pp 1238 - 1241 (USSR) ABSTRACT: The processes taking place in the explosion caused by heating molten tetryl were investigated experimentally. Figure I shows the experiment apparatus, Hot glycerol served as beat carrier, The temperature was measured by means of a thermocouple and re- corded by a potentiometer of the type EPP-09. The critical con- ditions of the explosion caused by heating the material, i.e. the relationship between temperature and the dimensions and con- stants of the explosive characteristic of the transition from the non-explosive desintegration to the explosive one, were de- termined, It proved possible to atop the reaction at any time by quickly replacing hot by cold glycerol, Table 1 liate the ex- perimental data, which permit the following conclusions: The ex- lies between perimental value of the critical temperature T cr Card 1/2 the values found when assuming purely conductive and purely LIK 66,,35 Critical Conditions for the Thermal Explosion of Tetryl SOV/20-128-6-40/63 convective heat transfers. Thus under experimental conditions a co7,binp! heat transfer took place. Observations by means of the tc-l-vision apparatus PTU-OM proved that the convection is due ,!, the gas bubbles formed during the decomposition. This ~-_ results in a considerable increase in the initial heating -ver the value calculated according to N. N. Semenov's theory (Ref 5), The dependence of the induction period under critical condit.ions on the temperature way be represented by the equa- tion tcr - 10- 21-5e49OOO/RT sec. The degree of decomposition found experimentally before the explosion set in lies in the vicinity of the calculated theoretical value of 0.49. The ex- plosions exhibited a "soft" character in all experiments, and no impact wave formed. The influence found of the gaseous de- composition products upon the heat transfer is believed to hold for all liquid or molten explosives. There are 4 figures, I ta- ble, and 5 Soviet references. PRESENTED: June 1, 1959, by V,~ N, Kondratlyev, Leademician SUBMITTED, May 28, 1959 Card 2/2 5W SOV/20-129-1-42/64 41UTHGIIS: Merzhanov, A. G., Dubovitakiy, F. 1. TITLE: On the Theory of Steady Burning of Powder PERIODICAL: Doklady Akademii nauk 3SESH, 1959, Vol 129, Ur 1, PP 153-156 (USSR) ABSTRACT: Ya. B. Zelldovich (Ref 1) set up equations for the calculation of the burning of' the solid phase of powder from the character- istics of the gas phase. The present paper investigates the burn- ing of powder as regai-ds to the processes in the solid phase. The dependences between the temperature distribution in the powder, rate of burning, thermokinetic characteristics, proces- ses going on in the solid phase, and of the heat flow entering from the gas phase are derived. In formulating the set of equa- tionB the experimental results by P. F. Pokhil (Ref 2) were taken into consideration, according to which the 3um of the pro- cesses proceeding in the solid phase of the powder is exothermic. The set of equations is transformed to the nondimensional form by applying D. A. Frank-Kamenetskiyls rules (Ref 3). The authors give an approximate solution, arriving at the formula by 0. 1. Card 112 Leypunakiy (Ref 5) for the heat reserve and the thickness of LI-I" On the Theory of Steadj Burning of Powder SOV/20-129-1-42/64 the heated layer. Calculations based on the equations given and on data by Samsonov on pyroxilin powder are carried out (Fig 2, Table 2). There are 2 figures, 2 tables, and 6 Soviet references. ASSOCIATION: Institut khimicheskoy fiziki Akademii nauk SSSR (Institute of Physical Chemistry of the Academy of Sciences, USSR) PRESENTED: June 1), 1959, by N. N. Semenov, Academician SUBMITTED: June 10, 1)59 Card 2/2 ~- J14 A 81936 8/06 60/000/06/08/011 B020YB061 AUTHORS: Dubovitskiy, F. I. Barzykin, V. V., Merzhanov, A. G. TITLEi Thermal Explosion lof ~initroxydiethylnitraLine of Purel~ Convective Heat Transferftx jUnder Conditions r- PERIODICALs Izvestiya Akademii nauk SSSR. Otdeleniye khimicheskikh nauk, 1960, No. 6, pp.1124-1126 TEXT: A method of studying the thermal explosion of liquid and molten explosives in purely convective heat transfer has been developed. In the tests, the method previously described by the authors (Ref. 1) for determining the critical conditions of thermal explosion was used, a device for mixing the substances (Fig. 1) being used in addition. This mixer was used for examining the critical conditions of the thermal explosion of dinitroxydiethylnitramine. The experimental results were compared with data calculated from N, N. Semenov's formula (Refs. a,q), and good ag-reement was noted. There are 1 figure, 1 table, and 9 references: 5 Sovieti 3 Canadian, and 1 German. AUTHORS: Merzhanov A G TITLE: The ~uasi-steady Theory PEPII-MICAL zh e S PP ~?Zi C/D 76/4,0 /.n z )/O~- /0-, 50 Exp I, 6 TEXT: T~ie p~&per3 b,,, ~,,- I D A and .0 Y T~-des (RE;, -2 ~ ' -- thc- 'nermal t --)sion -) + - seif -acce, Z'- aut'-:,rs' zoncept (Ref i) -n., - n 1 I.S. - y t cond"iticns 1r. tile d. e r!.'ia being theif study ',,T I - - 7 S d shcz,s the quasj-ste~-,dy dis-USS ar,(i app 1y 3 te~:l ! f _j ~a a ly f---rst order proceeding. wi til cor,,-,~tan- r.S I t a rd 81867 S/ 020/6o/ 13 3/02/ 42/06d B004/B-064 AUTHORS: Manelis, G. B., Merzhano-~., A. I., TITLE: On the Problem of the Mechanism of Powder BurninS PERIODICAL: Doklady Akademii nauk SSSR, 196o, Vol. 133, No. 2, Pp. 399 - 400 TEXT: Proceeding from experiments conducted by P. F. Pokhil (Ref. 1) the authors investigated whether the burning of dispersed powder par- ticles occurs in the hot flame zone near the maximum temperature, or whether its decomposition occurs already on the surface of the powder. For this purpose an isothermal estimation of the lifetime t life of a particle is carried out. It was assumed that the decomposition of the particles starts at T surf of the surface. Equations are written down for the burning rate u, for t life' and for x disp' the path of the dis- persed particles. T surf" t life' xdisD were calculated on the basis of' the experimentally found values for u, and x disp compared with the Card 1/2 q,- 8186 ( On the Problem of the Mechanism of Powder S/020/6o/133/02/42/0--d' Burning B004/Bo64 experimental value x gas of the breadth of the dark zone in front of the flame. The data for pyroxiline powder is given in Table 1. The following conclusions are drawn: An exothermal decomposition occurs in the condensed phase, causing the dispersion of a considerable part of the powder. The decomposition of the dispersed particles occurs close to the surface of the burning powder with 300 cal/g and more being released. The firial reaction occurs with the formation of the final products, and release of the rest of the heat in the zone of maximum temperature. There are 1 table and 6 references: 4 Soviet and 2 American. ASSOCIATION: Institut khimicheskoy fiziki Akademii nauk SSSR (Institute of Chemical Physics of the Academy of' Sciences, USSE7 PRESENTED: March 2, 19601, by V. N. Dondrat'yev, Academician SUBMITTED: Februaxy 2',', 1960 Card 2/2 8?~. 1 2- S/020/60/135/006j'0291/0571 R B004/B056 AUTHOR: Merzhanuv--a a TITLE-t The Role Played by Dispersion in the Combustion of Powders PERIODICALt Doklady Akademli nauk SSSR, 1960, Vol 155. No 6, pp, 1439 - 144, TEXT: When investigating the combustion of mercury fulminate, A,F.Belyayev (Ref,l) discovered the dispersion of the concentrated substance in the process of combustion. It was the purpose of the present investigation to analyze the relationship between combustion rate, surface temperature, and depth of dispersion, and to evaluate the role of dispersion in the com- bustion of powders. The author proceeds from the approximative eqULItiOTIS 2 2 adopted in the theory of combuf3Lion: ~,d T/dx ,cQudT/dx+QQk 0exp(-E/Rl) - 0; 00 * - U d,,'udi,p ; udec ~ k0exp[-F,/RT(x,u)jdx The boundary conditions are 0 * - 0, T - T x = oo T = T~_ -) T denotes the temperature in 0K, T s is the Card 1/5 871,11 The Role Played by Dispersion in the Com S/020/60/135/006//029/G37 bustion of Powders B000056 temperature on the surface of the burning powder. T0 the temperature of t'~Ip powder outside the zone of combustion, x is the linear constant (CM), u Is the combustion rate (cm/sec), u disp is the linear dispersion rate, u dec 18 the linear rate of decomposition. A, is the coeffici-ent of thermal r-on- ductivity of the powder (cal/cm se- deg) c is the specific heat (cal/g,deg)~ Q is the density (g/cm5 ), a is the coefficient of thermal diffusivity (CM 2/3eC), q is the heat Df d-composition (cal'1g), k0 is .he coefficient of the exponential function (sf-,:- and e is the activation energy (cal/mole) The depth yi of dispergion is defined as Id = udip/11, and,, using the results of Ref 4, the fDjlowing relation is givens 2 = 2/F u [1/(! - ~d)jak..exp[-E/RTjJ(RT T Q( jd)/2c T 0 - Ij I equation represents the relationship between combustion rate, surface temperature, and depth of dispersion For flameless ~~o---Dustion ti-e following relations are given! T T (21; 0 -2d Card 2113 87412 The Hole Piayed by bis~c-r ~; icl:~ r--~ S/02016011 35/006/G29/V-j bustion of' Powders B000056 2 _ 1_1)2- 1 _ ~, ) /, u [21 ( jak 0expf -E/R[T.+Q( 1 -~,)Icjj (cR/QE) [T.,Q( j 2 ( 3 Application of equation (3) to exPerimental data by P. F. Pokhil (Ref 2) concerning the combustion of pyroxyline shows good agreement (Id ~ 0 7_ T8 - 280 - 3000C). From equation (3) it follows that the function '7d (Ts) slows down the increase of T s ~d teas plays the part of a regulator There are I table aned 6 Soviet r-~,ferences ASSOCIATION: 1nstitut khimicheskoy fiziki Akademii nauk SSSR (Institute of Chemical Physics of the Academy of Sciences USSR) PRESENTEDs June 30, 1960, by N N. Semenov, Academician SUBMITTED: June 20, !960 Card 3/5 .1 572 9 S/076/61/03' ' 10021006101-1 B124/B201 AUTHORS: Dubovitakiy, F. I., Strunin, V. A., Manelis, G. B., and Merzhanov, A. G. TITLE: Thermal decomposition of tetryl at varying m/V values PERIODICAL: Zhurnal fizicheskoy kh1mii, v. 35, no. 2, 1961, 306-313 TEXT: A. Lukin and S. Z. Roginskiy (Ref, 5: Acta chem,-phys. USSR, 2,8, 1935) found a critical ratio to exist between the weight m and the - volume V of the reaction vessel in tetryl (2,4,6-trinitro phenyl methyl nitramine), in which the slow decomposition passes over into an explosion under the promoting action of various additions (NO 2 et al'). An exteRsive study has been made of the k,.netic rules governing the isothermal dec6~_ position of molten tetryl as a function of the m/V ratio. The reaction concerned was examined in a device made from stainless steel, as diagram- matically shown in Fig. 1. The pressure rise was measured with the aid of a thin membrane made of stainless steel to which tensometer 5 was fastened. The change of resistance of 5 was determined by a m5-2 (GPZ-2) Card 1/12 69572 Thermal decomposition of tetryl- 3/07 61/035/002/006/615 B I 24YB20 i galvanometer inserted Into the diagonal of the bridge. The measurement was made by the compensation principle, The membrane was brought back to zero position by introducing nitrogen from bomb 6 into the compensator. The pressure rise was measured at given time intervals with the pressure gauges 7 and 8 connected to the compensator. Also a strain gauge was fastened onto the membrane, to serve as second arm of the bridge and for a compensation of temperature fluctuations. The clamp 4 (Fig. 2) was pressed onto sealings made of fluorine-containing synthetic material 3 between flanges 1 and 5, the tubes from the strain gauge were via tube 6 connected to the outer arms of the bridge. The minimum measurable pressure is 0.1 mm Hg, the reading accuracy on the mercury manometer + 0.2 mm Hg, The gaseous products were analyzed for NO 2# NO, N20, CO, and CO 2* Samples were taken by means of traps 9 and 10 (Fig. !) and cuvette 11. The kinetic curves of gas evolution at 1500C (Fig. 3) and 1600C (Fig. 4) in the coordinates: conversion degree ~ - time at various m/V values are given. The m/V maximum was about 44 times as large as the correspond- ing minimum; the maximum end pressure of the decomposition products was about 6000 mm Hg. The curves show that the reaction kine-cics is practical- ly independent of the mass of the substance, and that the decomposition Card 2/12 8 9 5 '1~ 6/076/61/-35/GU2/'0O6/01 5 Thermal decomposition of tetryi_ B1241B201 rate increases at all temperatures with rising m/V. The percent content of NO 21 NO, and condensation products drops with increasing decomposition, while the percentage of CO2 and N2 increases somewhat toward the end of the reac- tion, and the 1^0 content remains practically unchanged (Table 1). The change in the number of NO2 and NO moles per mole of tetryl as a function of the conversion degree for various m/V at 150'C is given; k 1 is the constant of the monomolecular reactionp k~ that of the autocatalytic reaction, and k 3i3 * constant depending on m/V, in which connection dj/dt - k, (1 - q )- k2lrt(l -TL) * k3 V1 k, (1 -1) + k 2 (1 where k 2 - k~ + kY m he dependence on m/V is shown in Fig. 7. The initial acceleration of the reaction of k1 i~ correlated with the course of the macroscopic stage of the reaction, which leads to the formation of a highly volatile product with a catalytic action. This process is inhibited after some time by thetatryl decomposition. The further acceleration does not depend on the volume of the reaction vessel, which is indicative of an autocatalysis by the final condensation products Card 3/12 S/076/'61/'C)35/'CO2/006/0!5 Thermal decomposition of tetryl,,.. B124/B201 (picric acid according to HinshelWIDod). The effe,3tive values of the activa- tion energy and of the factor of the exponential function in the Arrhenius equation were calculated from the rate constants (Table 3). the values ob- tained for k 1 being characteristic of the monomolecular decomposition, whereas an activation energy of 37 kcal/mole was found for k 2 with all m/V. The explanation offered by the authors fits the respective hypothesis by N. M. Emanuel' (Ref. 10: MakrosKopicheskiye stadii, osobaya roll nachallnogo perioda i mekhanizm deystviya ingibitorov 1 polozhitelInykh katalizatorov v tsepnykh reaktsiyakh (macroscopic stages, special role of the initial period and mechanism of the action of inhibitors and positive catalysts in chain reactions); Collection: "Voprosy khimicheskoy kinetiki, kataliza i realctsionnoy sposobnosti" ("Pro.,;'Lems of chemical kinetics. catalysis and reactivity"), Moscow, 1955, p~ 117) on the significant role of the initial initiating stage. There are 9 figures, 3 tables, and 10 references: 4 Soviet-bloc and 6 non-Soviet-bloc. The references to the English language publications read as followai 1A., A. Cook, M. J. Abegg, industr.a.EnKng.. Chem. 48,1090,1956. Card 4/12 6,4 5 ",- Thermal decomposition of tetryl... S/07 611035100210061015 B124YB201 ASSOCIATION: Akademiya nauk SSSR, Institut khimicheskoy fiziki (Academy of Sciences USSR, Institute of Chemical Physics) SUBMITTED: may 21, 1959 Legend to Fig. 1: Overall diagram of the device. a) pump. Card 5/ 12' 0 S'--2~00 27685 z,/076/-,1/035/009/UG8/C15 Blo6/'BllO _~~nov A. G., Barzykin, V. V., Abramov, V. G., and AUTHORSs _M Dubovitakiy, F. 1. TITLE: Tnermal explosion in the liquid phase under conditions of a purely convective heat transfer PLKODICAL: Zhurnal fizicheskoy khimii, v. 35, no. 9, 1961, 2083 - 2069 TEXT tThe authors tried to realize the thermal explosion of explosives in the liquid phase for the limiting case of purely convective heat transfer. The heat exchange is of such intensity that no temperature distribution takes place in the reaction zone, and the total temperature gradient falls to the wall of the reaction vessel. Such a heat exchange may be achieved by intensive artificial intermixing of the substance. Under these con- ditions, the heat-transfer coefficient from the reaction zone '~o the ambient medium may easily be measured since it is derived from the heat- transfer coefficient through the wall of the vessel. Moreover, these conditions may serve as starting point for a detailed study of the compli- cated convective heat transfer. Two explosives with strongly different Card 1/ 5 27685 S/076/6,,/035/OG9/0-38/31'5 Thermal explosion in the liquid phase ... B106/B110 properties were chosen for the experiments: Dina (dinitrooxydiethyl- mitramine; melting point 52.50C/ and Tetryl ( melting point n4 13000. The decomposition of Dina is a reaction of first order and only leaves a small condensated residue. The rate of heat development per unit volume is independent of the extent of transformation, and is only determined by the temperature. Under the conditions of a purely convective heat trans- fer, Dina represents, therefore, the simplest example for the theory of thermal explosion according to N. S. Semenov (Ref. 7t Zh, Uspekhi fiz. nauk, RFKhO, 60, 241, 1928; 23, 251 1940). On the other hand, the decomposition of Tetryl has an autocatalytic course and leaves a very large condensated residue. Tetryl is a good example for the quasisteady theory of thermal explosion developed by-the authors (R6f. 6: A. G. Merzhanov, F. I. Dubovitskiy, Dokl. AN SSSR, 124, 362, 1959; Ref. 9: same authors, Dokl. AN SSSR, 120, lo68, 1958; Zh. fiz. khimii,3A, 2235, 1960). The investigation mEthod had been elaborated previously (Ref, 21 A. G. Merzhanov, V. G. Abra!jjv, F. I. Dubovitskiy, Dokl. AN SSSR9 128, 1238, 1959) and was only co:pleted by a device for the intermixing of the substance. This method perjits a determination of all fundamental characteristics of thermal ikplosion. In Table 1, the experimental results Card 2/ 5 27685,' 5/076/1'61/035/009/006/015 Thermal explosion in the liquid phase ... Blo6/B110 an the thermal explosion of Dina are compared with the values calculated according to Semenov's theory; they agree well. The data for the calcu- lations were obtained independently of the experiments. Table 2 gives a comparison of results of experimental investigation of the thermal explosion of Tetryl with the critical temperature and heaftmg calculated by means of the equations derived in Ref. 6 and Ref. 9. Also in this case, the agreement is good. D. A. Frank-Kamenetskiy (Ref. 1: Diffuziya i teploperedacha v khimicheskoy kinetike (Diffusion and heat transfer in chemical kinetics), M.-L., 1947) is mentioned. There are 2 figures, 2 tables, and 9 references, 7 Soviet and 2 non-Boviet-bloc. The two references to English-language publications followas A. J. B Robertson, Third Symposium on Combustion, 1949, 5451 W. G. Chute, K. G Herring, L. E. Toombs, G. F. Wright, Canad. J. Res., B26, 89, 1948. ASSOCIATIONt Akademiya nauk 333R, Institut khimicheakoy fiziki (Academy of Sciences USSR, Institute of Chemical Physics) SUBMITTEDt February 5, 1960 Card 3/5 vou 28735 5/020/61/140/003/017/020 /X X04 B110101 AUTHORt Merzhanov,_ A.-G. TITLEt Quasi-stationary theory of thermal explosion PERIODICALi Akademiya nauk SSSR. Doklady, v. 140, no. 3, 1961, 637 - 64c) TEM Within the scope of the quasi-stationary theory, the character of thermal explosion is studied at the dynamic conditions of linear temper- ature increase of the surrounding medium with increasin time In the initial system of the equational CQ(dT/dt) - Qk 0exp(-E%T)~p(j) - a(S/V)-(T-T 0); dT~dt - k0exp(-E/RT)(p(j), To - wt (1) (initial condi- tions: t - 01 T w T 0;,q - 0), where T - temperature in the reaction zone, OK; To . temperature of the surrounding medium, OK; I- transformation 2 degree; t - time, see; a - heat transfer coefficient, cal/cm .sec-degreel V - reaction volume, cm3; E - activation energy, cal/mole; ko. factor of the exponential function; c - specific heat, cal/; Q - density, Card 1/6 (~uasi-stationary theory ... 28735 5/020/61/140/003/017/020 B110/B101 g/cm3; w - rate of change of T 0 , degree-sec; T(~) - function expressing the rule of the reaction course at isothermal conditions. The quasi- stationary course of the process before the explosion is specific for con- strained systems. If T 0 is variable, the heat input is expressed in the Semenov diagram (Fig. 1) by a family of straignt lines. During the reac- tion, the equilibrium position (intersection of heat input and heat loss) is shifted along the heat input curve. If heat input and heat loss are considered to belong to different coordinate systems moving toward each- other with a velocity w along the abscissa, explosion occurs at the moment of contact. With a linear increase of T a zero-order reaction will always end up in an explosion, at any w. If w is smaller than the rate of establishment of thermal equilibrium, the process before the explosion becomes quasi-stationary. Explosion occurs when the heating rate w which is due to the burning out exceeds the critical rate w crit' (N> Vcrit). In the constrained quasi-stationary system the rate of temper4ture change in the reaction zone almost equals the heating rates dT/dT 054 1 .By us i ng the method of D. A. Frank-Kamenetakiy (Ref. 3s Diffuziya i-teploperedacha Card 2/6 28735 S/020/61/140/003/017/020 qua8i-stationary theory ... B11O/B1O1 v khimicheskoy kinetike (Diffusion and heat transfer in chemical kinetics), Izd. AN SSSR, 1947), the exponent neighboring the temperature of the most intensive reaction Toi is factorized according tos exp(-E/RT)ctLexp(-E/RT 2 )exp E/RT 2 )(T-T Introduction of the 01 L( 0i OA - dimensionless quantitiest gi- (E/RT2 )(T-T.j); LQEk exp(-F,/RT /(RT2 as/V); 9 0= (E/RT2 )(T -T j); 1 0 oi 0 0 0 2 oi . 21)]; E/RTO, ~Q/Q) (RT /E) W/ exp(-E/RT )11.[E/(RT ( 0 0 0 0 9 0 -Ir inlo (1) results in (Q 9 + 0) ~P I/ ') (Q - go) -(4p 0; 9 0 4~dj/dg) ' e (p(j) as quasi-stationary reaction course at linear heating., I For a monomolecular reaction, it has beon found that w crit ' e ; degree of reaction before the explosions ~expl exp(-e/Gj). Fig. 3 shows the results for the parameterst k,,=, 1018sec- 1; E - 45,000 cal/mole; Q 1000 Cal/Om ; a 10-3 cal/cm~.Sec-deg; S/V - 4/dj d - 0.44 cmi 3 c 0.3 cal/g-deg; Q 1.5 g/cm . It has been established thatt 1) w crit Card 3/6 28735 B/020/61/140/003/017/020 Quasi-stationary theory ... B1101BI01 is inversely proportional to the diameter of the reaction vessel; 2) the heat increase before the explosion is a function of the critical temper- ature as in the case of T - const (W = RT2 I/E); 3) the high 0 crit 0, crit reaction degree before the explosion (9crit w, 63%), Which is typical for the quasi-atationary reaction course, decreases with increasing w/W crit; 4) the dynamic temperature T O,crit)d is greater by the quantity AT crit than the static temperature (T O,crit)at* The temperature of the nascent explosion decreases with increasing w/w crit t T O,expl '-(T O,cr-t)st; 5) the criterion of the quasi-stationary properties in dizLq..nsionleas quanti- ties is: K 0-Atbuncf. Since t is 10 -2 - 10-3 in reactions capable of ther- mal explosion, them system is always quasi-stationary with Ko . e)Pe