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- -- . f f-~. : 4 1 6 'r 'CUSION, NR '9R/0293/651003 A '1~ AP5009646 /002/0268/020 AUTITOR: Markov, .14. N.,- Herson. -Ya. 1. Shami y TITLE- Seasonal variations inthe field of thermal radiation'.of the earth and- atmosphere in the infrared region of the spectrum (on the basis of measurements from geophysical7 balloons'. in 1962-1963)- _V SOURCE, Kosmicheskiye issledovaniya; 3, no. 2, 1965. 268m283 TOPIC TAGS -z thermal radiation, atmspheric radietion,.- upper atmosphere,- aeronocV,,,, stratosphere, omesosphere, troposph6re, geophysical- -balloon, infrared radiation ABI&TRACT: --Investigat Iions of -the -earths- -in' on frared radiatil -by instrumentscarried aloft in geophy~'ical balloonslin-1960-1961-tevealed-that this method yiel s_im---, portant -,data for,.determining the-general.-pict ure'of-the-ridiation of -earth ~,nd -1 -space.- The purpose.of this paperizl -to-report and interpret d at a' 6n t-he an'gular distribution of integral irif rared -,radiation of the -under summer-and-winter-conditiona., These measurements, made in 1962-1963, -have yielde rWich important information on the troposphere, stratosphereand mesosphere. Onlyl limited information is Stvenon -the apparatus used since is--m6st respects-it Card' 1/3 ,3!97 ACCESSION -NR: AP5009646 -Was similar t-9 that used previously Oil. :N. blarkov, Ya. 1. Merson,and It. R. Sham_ilev~ XoAUh. -'issled._,, v, I.-no. 2, 235)_. The instruments were carried to- a- h6fght- of, 25--29-km _b a balloon. of greater volume than.used before. K y s e photo esembles those u ed-in th graph 61 the balloon accompanies,the text; -It r United States -for high-level atmospheric research, but no details ate given. ..There were some changes in the instruments making it possible to Measure the . no, e arth's thermal radiation duri the day~time despite the preserce- of maximum s her temperature gradients-in the surface bour. _1q of the-atmo p e and at the, ezirth's 6u rfacei -Measurements were made in'thecentral zone of the European -LosRa- the records vere- obtained during the --day imean-d-at--n-hogles of -the-miaa~~-j bove Zhe' horizon -Which- were approximately identical in'switner and_winter-_,..1n- two -A-ummer flights there were 8 periods of measurements with a total duration--of 90 minutes, and 30 -curves were obtained of the angular distribution of terrestrial radiation, -U.nre-was one -'essful -winter ing 10 ciurves-off--angular succ flight yield distrib~utlo_ -F- n-. -Among -the. conclusions dmwn, a7ce that th-_ radiation f rom -Ppace u w Aes of_night:~10-20'R tains4-minim in the space-earth transition.-region-Ut ang upward from the -horizontal). Close to the zenith (W-500), the inten-.,- sity ettains a maximiLm, but at an 00 from the zenith, the intensity _,anele 20-3 a- j;_ai nde 17. re as-e-s. Thisagrees with-the -o'bservations of- 190-1961C- --The followi gi _n 'Sord -2/3 L ~798-66. FSS-2/LWTW)/FCC~~ aslq~ MRt AT5023~64 UR/0000/65/006/006/0040/0093 !AUTHOR: Harkov4 H. NI.; Merson, Ya. I.; Shamilev, H.R ;TlTbE:- Investigation of.the-angular distribution of terrestrial and atmospheric radiation using-agophvaleal rackets and bgaLloo ASOURCE.: Vsesoyuznaya konferentsiva PO fizike ko'smicheskogo Rrostranstva. Hoscow, 4965~ Issledoviiniya kosmicheskego prostranstva (Space research); trudy konferentsn..; Moscow, Izd-vo Nauka, 1965 90-93 JOPIC TAGS: radiation,,angular distribution, meteorologic vocket, meteorologic balloon, IR radiation 'ABSTRACT: The authors report on a systematic study of infrared radiation from the learth which,was.begun in 1958. The angular distributionof terrestrial radiation [was measured in the.0.8-40 p spectral region using rocket equipment at altitudes of 10o-500 km and geophysical balloons at altitudes up to 30 km,. The viewing angle wa i 12w angular resolution was 2-10-3 rad, threshold of sensitivity-10-8-10- watt. The.readings were recorded by self-contained systems and by telemetry. The rockets land balloons were launched during various seasons of the year4 at various times of I Card V1 L, 2798-66 'ACCESSION RR, AT5023569 ,.'day and under various geographical conditions within the boundaries of the Soviet iUnion. About 50 launchings in all were made. The experimental setup is shown in : as found that the contribution of atmospheric radia- ,,fig. I of the Enclosur~,,,,, iti to'the heat flo '~'L , on- . w iniandat, na from the planet is considerably greater than could ibe accounted for by existing hypotheses (especially at great thicknesses which cor-i respond to lar - zenith-angles). -It is therefore assumed that the effective alti- ge tude of the radiating atmosphere reaches 150 km.: The high-altitude distribution of! (atmospheric radiation has a layered structure (which is clearly defined at altitudes. labove 150 kn). An increase in radiation intensity is observed, chiefly In the 2.5- .,u spectral region, at altitudes of about 280, 430 and 500 km. There are no small- iscale non-uniformities on the curve for Angular distribution of terrestrial radlia- Ition. . Diurnal.variations in the curve are also smallo Seasonal changes and those 'due to variations in climate and geography are more pronounced. Orig. art. has: 6 :figures, I table. (141 none ;SUBMITTED: 02Sep65 MCL: 01 .-SUB CODE: ES SW ATD POSS: IRO REF SOV: 000 OTHM. 000 Card....2/3 L 2798-66 ~ACCESSION ORt ~AT5023569 Fig. 1. Diagram of the ex,perimental procedure ENCLOSURE: 01 card 3/3 L 28ol-66 -ajT(.1)/FCC/WA(h)- as/dw ACCESSION MR: ATS023573 UR/000 0165/000/000/0112/0119 'AUTHOR: Harkov, 14. N.; Herson, Ya. I.; Shamilev, H. R. ~TITLE:. IR-radiative layers in the upper atmosphere 'SOURCE,- Vsesoyuzhaya kdnferentsiy : a po fizike kosmicheskogo prostranstva. Hoscow, :;1965. Isslelovaniya kosmicheskogo prostranstva (Space research); trudy konferentaii 1965, 112-119 :TOPIC.T,AGS:. IR radiation, atmospheric radiation, upper atmosphere 'ABSTRACT:. The Authors proposeatheoretical model for the IR-radiative layers in ithe upper atmo-sphere,at altitudes.of 280,'420 and,500 km. It is assumed that the ;emitting layers are O, thick and-that there is practically no absorption in the ~interlayerzpace_. With the further assumption that radiation intensity is propor-, ',tional to-the length of the emitting.layer.(taking radiation dilutioninto account)ol'- I I dl ';theoretical curves are plotted for radiation intensi -as a-functibn of angular ty itribution. A com- I retical:curves shows satisfac parison between experimetita and theo itory agreement at all three altitudes and4t intermediateheights. The:proposed model is,also used for calculating isotropic radiation fluxt.and the number of n6n- Card L 28bi-66 ACCESSION UR: AT5023573 events in the emitting layers. The isotropic radiation flux -,from all layers can be no more than a few tenths'-6f the solar constant. It is esti- mated that there is a single radiation event each second. The conceritration of neu- .!tral NO molecules in the lower layer is calculated at 109 cm-3, the total number of .:radiating particles being -101'7, assuming d path about 500 km long. No assumptions Are made about other neutral molecules in the' upper atmosphere which might radiate tin,the infrared zone. Rough approximations indicate that the effective temperature 7for the.observed radiation reaches 1u20000K. It is assumed that the radiating mole- ;cules are activated by corpuscular streams frorm the sun. A corre.Lation-is estab- ilished between Infrared radiation in the upper atmosp-here and flares close to the central meridian of the solar disc. The results of these investigations may be used T r 'ing hypotheses-on our planetary atmosphere, particularly iithregar,4, o develop t Inof gases in the upper .atmospher determining the,compositio e #9m their emission spectra, verifying the theory-of the nature ionosphere.1and determining the itemperature distribution in the thermosphere from,the Intensity and width spectral emission lines. Orig. art. has:., 4 figures 'ASSOCIATION-.* acme c rd . - - . , I 11 ... .1 ~,: 0 i i ENCL, 00 SUB CODE, ES i OTH.ER,. 002 ATD PPMs: I L 45154-66 FSS_2,rZWi M ACC NR: 028339 SOURCE CODE: UR/0293/66/004/004/0592/0600 AUTHORS: Liventsov, A. V.; Yarkov., M. N.; Merson,Ya.. I.; Shamilev, M. R. __0 ORG: none TITLE: Investigation of the angular distribution of the earth's thermal radiation in outer space during the launching of a geophysical rocket on 27 August-1958 SOURCE: Kosmicheskiye issledovaniya, v. 4, no. 4, 1966, 592-600 TOPIC TAGS: thermal radiation, infrared radiation, geophysic rocket, earth atmosphere, geophysic experiment, radiation measurement Al~,STRACT; The experimental apparatus and the recorded data of a geophysical experi- ment conducted on a rocket, launched on 27 Auzust 1958, are discussed. In part I of the report, the instrument is described that was used in measuring the angular distribution of the earth's IR-radiation. The various components and electrical circui'.7-j of the radiometer are described in great detail. The two halves of the optical ends of the instrument were placed end-to-end on a small rotor to scan simultaneously in the vertical the earth's atmosphere and outer space. The instrument was calibrated using a low temperature radiation source. The rocket flew to an altitude of 450 km during which time a total of 50 scanning cycles was completed. In part II, the recorded results are given in graphical form as radiation intensity versus angular distribution a-ad altitude curves, observed along a horizontal direction. Card UDC: 551- 521-32 ACC NR: 1,P6028339 The results show characteristics of nonisothermal radiation in the earth's atmosphere and several maxima in the IR-radiation at various altitudes. The following persons participated actively in the work: V. M. Yermakova, V. P. Glazunov, V. A. ZinovIyev, and S. S. Dudukin. The mechanical developments were the work of V. Ye. Shervinskiy, and the magnetic recordings were performed by Polyan kiy. The authors express their thanks to G. G. Boldyrev, A. M. P~et~akhin, and K. A. Razin for their constant interest and influence on the work. Orig. art. has: 9 figures. [041 SIM CODE: 04/ SUBM DATEs 15M&r65/ ORIG REFt 0()6 1 ATD PRESS: 5081 LCard 2/2 ACC INR, SOURCE CWB: UR/0020/66/167/004/0803/0806 AIL71 i !OR: Nlarlrl-ov, M. N.; :.,crson, Ya. r.; Shamilev, M. R. OAG: None TITLE; A study of ionospheric layers in the inrared spectral region SOURCE: AN SSSR. Doklady, v. 167, no. 4, 1966, 803-806 TOPIC T41GS: ionosphere, ionosphere layers, infrared phenomena, ionosphere infrared i radiation, solar radiation, nitrogen oxide, ionospheric nitrogen oxide A13STMCT: This paper reports and interprets the results of a study of the Earth's and its atmosphere infrarea radiation in the .8 - 401A, spectral region, - into the cosmic space. The infrared radiation was measured at various heights (25 to 500 km), at various points and in various directions. Tile results of measurements are sutnari- zed as follows: 1) maxima of IR power were observed at the altitudes of 250-300 km, 420-450 km, and near 500 lan; 2) the IR radiation energy was concentrated in the spec- tral region between 2.5 and 8t ; 3) The maximum derectional radiation intensity was along the layer tangent, equa to(3 - 7)10 ur/m?; integrated ov r a layer ray len th OC- about 1000 km., this is equal to an isotropic radiation of 10-sergs/sec per I m9of air; 4) the radiation intensity depends upon the solar radiation; it is correlated with the solar activity. Because of lack of reliable data on the composition of the at~ Imosphere at great heights, interpretation of the obtained results is proposed on the i I i iCard 1/2 UDQ* 550-338 ACC NRs AP6011431 basis of a simplified atmosphere mode 4 which has a) 3 layers, 5 ?_m thick, at 280, 420 and 500 km.b) no absorbing gases between the radiating layers. 'V;ith, some ninor ad~liti-:' onal assumptions it is then possible to compute the expected angular dependence of tne! radiation at various heights. It is shown that the model delivers a satisfactory cor- respondence between the computed and the observed results. The possible mechanisms of the radiation are discussed, with the conclusion that the NO ions and molecules have a! decisive participation in the radiation process. The effective temperature, detemined on the absorption band of NO, is of the order of 20000K. The activation source, by ex clusion on the basis of energies involved, is thought to be the cor uscular solar flowl having peak enegies, in the a.;tmosphere, of thousands of ergs/ . The correlation of the IR radiation of the ionosphere with the flasLies at the central meridian of the figures, I table. I Sun can be considered as established. Orig. art. has 2 SUB CODE: 04, ZO/ SUBIM DATE: 2ljul65/ ORIG REP: 007/ OTH REP: 002 UDMLa, Pavel. 14UDr.., MT21- A. St. HUDr- Situs inverous ventriculi. Cook. roentg. 10 no-3:125-127 Aug 56. 1. Z radiologicke kliniky KU v Kosici&ch, prednosta Doe. MUDr. %gen Kunstadt a z internej kliniky KU v Kosiciach, prednosta Doc. WJDr. Frantisak Por. (SITuS INVXRSUS transposition of stomach) (STOMACH, abnorm. transposition) HMAUXR, 3.; IONSTEN, A. Electrolyte clearance in chronic renal insufficiency. Gas. lek. cesk. 97 no.12:380-384 21 gar 58. 1. Interns kliniks, UK v Kosiciach, prednosta doe. Fr. Por. 01,401MULONEPHRITI3, blood in electrolyte clearance (CZ)) (ZLECTROMM, in blood clearance in glomerulonephritis (Gz)) MKRST-W, A.; SUIA, IL; MFMT9N-OVA. E. Ityna.,nic-roentge no log iial diagnosis of strom. Cesk. rent4. 13 ao.4: 238-241 Aug 59 1. Interno-,'Dlucna katedra lekarskej fakulty UK v :(osiciach, veduci doc. MUDr. 7r. Por. (GOIM,. diag.) KIRSTEH,A._I C%FAIA,R. Clinico-roentganological importance of intestinal malrotation in adults. Gesk. rentg. 14 no.2;105-109 Ap 160. 1. Interno-pluena katedra ledarskej fakulty univerzity P. J. Safarika v Kosiclach, veduci doc.HUDr. Fr. Por. (INTICSTINIS abnorm. ) IEMTEN, A.; SCHWEITZEii, P. D&MMY I.; Difficulties in interpretation of the roentgenological picture of pulmonary edema. Cesk. rentg. 15 no.607&-383 161. 1. Interna kliniki Univ. P. J.S&farikA, Kosice, prednosta doe. dr. Frant. Por. (PULI"o-ata LMM radiography) CZECHOSLOVAKIA GOMBOS,, B; MM=t_A. Internal Medicine Clinic of the Medical Faculty UPJS (Interna kmxlr klinika LekarE'--ej fakulty UPJS), Kosici (fcr both) Prague, -Rozhledy v tuberkulose, no 5, 1963, PP 351-353 "Unilateral Silicosis." MERSTEN,A.; MAAROVA, E.; MERSTE210VA,E.; SCHWEITZER,P.; BLASN;;-'., B. Anomaly of the aortic arch. Pseudocoarotation, Arcus aortae bicurvatus. Cask. radial. 19 no.3tl78-181 My 165 1. Interns, klinika (prednostat prof. dr. F. Per) a Ustay pre sudne lekarstvo (prednosta: doe. dr. J. LLkaci) TAkarskej fakulty University P.J. Safarika v Kosiciach. MSTMN, A.; SFAIA, R.; 142:11STRINOVA, R. IVnnraic-roentgenologicRl diagmais of etroma. Cesk. rentg. 13 ao.4: 239-241 Aug 59 1. Intertio-i)lucna katedra lekarslcej falculty UK v Kosiciach, 7educi doc. MUDr. Fr. Por. (GOITMR. dlatg. ) BRO,M0WIGZ, J.; MERT, B.; ZAJGNER, J. Intraspinal, hemorrhage from angioma of the spinal cord in labor. 1-feurologia etc. polska 11 no.6:858460 161. 1. Z Kliniki Neurochirurgii WAM w Lodzi i z Katedry Hadiologii WA14 w Ladzi. (LABOR compl) (SPINAL CORD neopl) (M-WIGIOMA in pregn) MEK, 0. MICLY J. Significance of waterciass as a stabilizer in bleacaing vith hycLro~-en peroxid,.!. p. lR2. (Textil. Vol. 12, no. 5, Ma.-,: 1957. Praha, Cz choslovakia) SO: 'Monthly List of East Euro-ean Accesslirns ( . A.L) LC, Vol. 6, no. 10, Octo.,er 1957. *"ncl. CZECHOSLOVAM/Chemical TechnL)luv Chemical Products and Their Application, Part 4. - Ming caid Chemical Treatment of Textile ~L-terials. Abs Jour Ref Zhur - Khimiya, No 14, 1958, 49o96 Author Stefan Plesnik, 010rich Mert. Inst Title Synthetic Thermopla8tic Rcsins. OriU Pub Textil (Ceskosl.), 1957, 12, No 10, 379-381 H-_~4 Abstract Review. A description of thermoplastics ard of metho(Is of their application for sizing fabrics is presented. Bibliography with 9 titles. Card 1/1 Distr: 4E2cCJ) ;-'Tke uenciof inorganic and organic acid ~on the anilde fiber Siton. _0jdrkU~cL-uud Stcfaf_jljt2a., Vedil a t-yzRum v pri-miysTu le.&I. 4, 1480, decreases the inech. properties of fibers; (fit. JJCOI po has no effect. The duration of the influence is more im- portant than acid concii.; fill is the most important fart,~r. lE ~-L-23IL96-66 vML (n)JT J11 ACC NRi-AM01"821 SOURCE CODE: PO/0046/65/010/007/0457/04581 OR: M--rta, Kroysztof AUTH Andrzej; Zarn cwiecki -ORG: -D6partment-of Radiological Protection, Institute of Nuclear Research, Warsaw (Zaklad-Ochro-ny przed Promieniowaniem Instytut Badan Jadrowych) TITLEI.- Application of motor-car engine for control of air pollution with ra Iva-, aerosols SOURCE:, Nukleonika,. v. 10, no* 7, 1965, 457-4 58 ~.TOPICTAGS:. radioactive aerosol, air pollution, vehicle engine, gas filter, .radioactivity measurement ABST11ACT: The cazburetor of, a runnin automobile engine is used to provide a 9 negative differential air pressure--to-pasd atmospheric air through a particulate filter._ In-aeries 'with the filter, and ahead of the carburetor.suction chamber is a gas.-flow meter, which'g1ves a measure of the volume of air passing through a given filter so that the radioact ivity count of the filter can be related to the air volume. The advantages of this system and the variations in the methods and the conditions of measur'ment, are discussed. Some yields in terms of volume of e air filtered per.unit time are given for two different arrangements. Orig, art. has: 2 figures. [KAJ ~SUB.CODE: 18 SUB14 DATE:~ none Card I ~ .,;, "'RTA, J. let spries or JIK c-* rcuit breakers for cil,cuits up tn 2, xn., . and 500 volts, ,rtjj 3 r,-at,-,r~,ict delaye-l-action device. p. 257 (Elektrotechnik) Vol. 12, rio. P, Aucr. Fraha, Cz;~chosj - A - I . ), ovakfa ;-r, :~ r- Sr': !ND *X 'F -1'U:,.,-! A - -1-L'I -:T3 ( ) LC, VCL. 7, NC. I , Jan. 195F -MERTA 0. TECI N-OLOGY Periodical: PALIVA. Vol. 38, no. 9, Sept. 1~58 IMERTA, 0. Our fuel and heating oil. p. 297 Monthly List of East European Accessions (EEAI) LC, Vol. 8. no. 3 March 1959 Unclass. -,~~TA )-J~t "Gas heating."P.38 KDRAVOTNI TECHNIKA A VZOICHOTECHINIKA (Ceskoslovenska akademie ved. Ceskoslovenska vedecka technicka spolecnost pro zdravotni techaiku a vzduhoteci.niku) Praha, Czenhoslovakia Vol. 2, no. 1, 1959 Monthly List of East European Accessions (EIA-L) LC, Vol. 8, no. 6p June 1959 Uncl. MERTA, 0. Use of gas for he6ting. r. 86 F~.LTVA. (Ministersivc. yaliv a Ceskoslcvenska vedecka technicka sT'Olecnost pro vyuziti pri Ceskoslovenske ekademi ved) Praha, Czechoslovakia. Vol. 39, no, 3, Mar. IP59 Monthly List of la-t European Access ons (FEAI), LV, Vol. 8, No. ?, Ju3,y 1959 Uncl. MERTA, 0., inz. New trends in heating techniques. Nova technika no.2:57-59,93 160. (Heating) I - --l-7:1, , . :: ~ - -- , ~ --- - -1 ---- - . I , 1 .1. z HERTA, Oldrich.. inz. - Experi,once of the Bobimln locam-otive depot with heavy freight transportation. Zelez dop tech 10 no.12.-370-372 162. MERTA, 0.: inz. Rcatizi~, of how-ev in Prague, Faliva 42 no.7..;-,l'/ -218 J1 16'~. MERT&I Oldrichq Inu Ensuring trouble-free eparWon of heatiag aptema. Zdra7ot to-ch 7 n--%6z26&-2?0 164. 1. Technicke sluzby, Prague. I~MTASLOVA, N.B. V ar I a b J- I t tj v r 1,~3 m i~ e ~- e. t --; r x- 9. - d sa I i r , t -! I n " h P, No T-w ~ 91 e-'l F-- a , T-ric~ GOIN .nc.81,22431-251 165. "'wk.'t 18~-).O) RAPPOPORT, D.M.; SEDOVA, L.I.; WMZKHIN,, I.I. Apparatus for determining the fuel consumption and the number of crankshAft revolutions. Trakt. i sellkhozmash. 31 no.1:18-20 Ja ?61. (MMA 14: 1) 1. Nauchno-issledovatellekiy avtotraktorW institut. '(Traotors-Engines-Test:Lng) RAPPOPORT, D.M.; MERTEKHIN I.I.; SUVOROV, A.M.- KHRIPIN, V.V. Mobile laboratory of the Automobile and Tractor Scientific Research Institute. Trakt. i selkhozmash. 32 no.3:20-24 Mr '62. (MIRA 15:2) (Tractors--Testing) MERSTIM.A.; MAAROVA, H.; MMTE210VA,E.; SCHWEITZER,P.; HiJ-Sh*;;,.-, B. Anomaly of the aortic arch. Pseudoccarctation, Arcus aortae bicurvatus. Geak. radiol. 19 no.3tl78-181 My 165 1. Ihterna klinika (prednosta., prof. dr. F. Por) a Ustav pre sudne lekarstvo (prednosta: doc. dr. J. LLRacl) Lekarskej fakulty University P.J. Safarika v Kosiciach. XENOVA, Jirina MALKOVA, Hadazda; ME A study of the after-effects of morbilli encephalitis. Cesk. pediat. 16 no.7/8:6ii-614 Jl-.4g '61. 1. Infekod klinika Praha 8, Bulovka, prednosta'prof. MUDr. J. Prochazka. (~MASLES compi) (ENCEPHALITIS etiol) j BLAHOVA,O.; MERTITOVA,J.; KROO, A.H.; SIXTOVA, E. ftre of patients with acute stenosing laryngotracheobronchitis. Cesk. pediat. 19 no-5:412-4-15 MY'64 1. Katedra dptske otolaryngologie fakulty detskeho lekarstvi KU [Karlowy university) v Praze (prozatirmi vedouci: doe. dr. J.Klos, Me.) a Infekeni klinika v Praze 8-Bulovka (prednosta: prof. dr. J. Prochazka, DrSc.) USSR/Physics - Photoeffect Jan/Feb 52 "Negative Photoeffect in Silver Sulfide," Ye. G. Miselyuk, E. B. Mertens "Iz Ak Nauk SSSR, Ser Fiz" Vol XVI, No 1, PP 115-120 Investigates the effect of light and of elec field on the formation of neg photoeffect In silver sul- fide and other substances. Studies experimentally the spectral distribution of sensitivity and the dependence of cond on temp. Indebted to V. Ye. Lash- karev. 35- Device for Germanium Crptals "Laboratory Installation for Growing and Alloying Germanium Single Crystals," by E. B. Mertens, Ye. G. Mise P. r oroS _Eyal~chuk, and G. A. pynu, troyeniye, 4, Apr 57, pp 26-27 The installation described is based on the method of pulling a sin& crystal of germanium from a melt. The installation contains devices for control of speed of crystal pulling, rotation of crucible with moltim r-nlum, temperature of crystallization, cooling of crystal, and the rate of introduction of alloying elements. The over-all dimensions of this crystal-pulling installatiop Is 1,200 x 1,100 x 650 mm, and it weigim about 360 k,9- The basic components of the installation. are vacuum systemp resis- tance melting furnace,, and mechanism for pulling the crystAl and rotating the crucible. The vacuum is produced by an oil-vapor diffusion pump and a prevacuum pump VN-461. The melting furnace is pInred in a glass bulb vacuum chamber. A vacuum of 2Xlo-5 mm is obtained in the chamber one hour after the pumps are started. The melting furnace is maue of a conical quartz crucible with a tungsten heating element in the form of a virt; wound around it. A graphite crucible carrying the germ nium charge is placed inside the quartz crucible. The size of the crucible is such as to permit the growing of a 300-9 single crystal. The linear speed of crystal pulling is 0.2-6 mm per min. Power supply to the melting furnace is taken from an ac: power line through a ferroresonant stabilizer and transformer type LATR-1. Power consumption by the furnace is about 800 w for pulling a 300-9 crystal. To grow a 100-g single crystal takes about 2 hours at a pulling speed of one mm per min. (U) AUTHOR KVASNITSKAYA,A.N., 0-RTENS,E.B., YIISELYUK,E.C., PA - 2530 SKOP3NKO,A.I. TITLE: Germanium Point Triodes with Low Lifetime of Minority Carriers, (Tochechnyye triody iz germaniya s malym vremenem zhizni neos- novn,vkh nositeley toka, Russian) PERIODICALi Zhurnal Takhn. Fiz., 1957, Vol 27, Nr 3, PP 437 - 440 (U.S.S.R.) Received: 4 / 1957 Reviewedt 5 / 1957 ABSTRACT: Investigations for the development of Germanium point triodes which are suited for fast acting impulse-schemes are described. The duration t of the process (reduction of the collector- current after the end of 'Che impulse of the emitter current from the value which corresponds to the saturation state, to the value corresponding to the final state of the triod) can by a manyfold exceed the duration t a of the process of the increase of the collector current up to the value corresponding up to the 0 state of saturation. The factors whcih influence t were determin- ed in order to find ways for the reduction of t c, the relations between t0 and ta were investigated, as well as other relations between factors which influence the frequency characteristics and the actual life of the unreal (minority) current carriers eff, Life was measured by means of the photoelectric method. Vard 112 The samples were of n-germanium with the specific resistance PA - 2530 Germanium Point Triodes with Low Lifetime of Minority Carriers. of 2 - 4 and Z eff of from >, 10 7' 15 to ~,, 0,3 '.- 0,5 sec- The measurements were carried out in an impulse- scheme of the amplifier with earthed triode-basis in the case of small and in the case of great injection-levels. The process of decrease of the collector-current is in thise two cases determined by various physical factors. 71hereas t in the case of small C injection-levels is chiefly determined by the scattering of the times of flight and in the case of small 1 (distance between emitter and collector) practically does not depend on the quanti- ty Z- in the germanium, t in the case of great injection-levels ff C e is essentially determined by 'r and i (emitter current) and . eff depends only to a very small extent on 7.. Analogous results were obtained in the case of measurements in the impulse amplifier with an earthed emitter of the triode. The characteristic data for this case are shown in a table.(2 t1lustrations and 1 table) ASSOCIATION: Institute for Physics of the Academy of Science of the USSR,Kiev PRESENTED BY: SUBMITTEDi 17.7-1956 AVAILABLE: Library of Congress Card 2/2 V.F~-~-s~arshiy vikladach Differential work norms for tractor operations on collective farms. Mekh. sill. hosp. 9 no. 7:28-29 J1 '58. (MIRA 11:8) 1. Ukraiaslka akademiya sill s'ko-gospodarchikh nauk. (Tractors) NTMENS, V. P. First results obtained in using machinery owned by the collective farm. Mekh.sill.hoap. 9 no.11:18-20 N '58. (MIRA 11:12) 1. Starshiy propodavatel' Ukrainskoy akademil sel'skokhozyayntvennykh nauk. (Agricultural machinery) W-MIIOV,. H. MEMMEa; New designs 25-28 '57. for cold storage warehouses. Hias. iad. SSSR no.2: (MIRA 10: 5 ) 1. Direktor Gosudarstvewwgo inatituta po proyaktirovantyu predprivati,y kholodillnoy, molochnoy, maelyanoy i syrodeltnoy pronwahlannosti. (Cold storage warehouses) 5:61 161. P-Tlr() t; ing BULGAKOV, V.P., inzh.; MERTESHOV, M.N., inzb. Production of refrigerating machinery in Fr;nce; '.ow refrigeratin compressors. Khol. tekh. 38 no.4:61-64 jl-~g '61. OKIRA 15:1) (France--Refrigeration and refrigerating machinery) BULGAKOV, V.P., inzh.;_ MERTESHOV, M.N., inzh. Refrigerating machinery manufacture in France; machines of rrkiium and large refrigerating capacity. Khol. tekh. 38 no.5:69-72 5-0 ,61. (MIRA 15-1) (France--Refrigeration and refrigerating machiner7~Y HETMCARIJ~ I-P ing. Conference th,? N.C. Er.r-- G= f r A.3 c F&r F-as t . C 1 . h r~ n 6 Ta I IERTICARUJI -N., Ing, The Calarasi Fulp and Plaper Mill. Cpl hir,~ie 13 no.Pi306-309 Ag f64. LORDICZI, Kamer, dr.; JWM, JOzsef, dr.; PEPJWYI, Katalin, dr, Dar experiences with pentemidine in the treatment of inter- stitial plasma-cell Fneumonia. Gyermekgyogyaszat 15 no.74: 207,212 J1164 1. Fejer magye es Szekesjeher7ar Varos Korhaza (Igaz-gato: Szoro, Zoltan, dr.) GyermekL-sztalyanak (Foorvos: Merithl, Jozsef, dr. ) kczlemenye. GIAMAN, B.A.; SAVINYKH, A.G.; GLADKOVA, A.A.; LYUKHANOV, O.F.; KIJNDIN, V.M. ; MERTINS, I.P. Automation of h7drolysis processes. Gidroliz. i lesokhim. prom. 17 no.7:25-28 164. (MIRA 17:11) 1. Krasnodarskiy gidroliznyy zavod (for Glazman, Savinykh, Gladkova, Lyukhanov). 2. Proyektno-konstr-uktorskoye byuro Severo-Kavkazskogo soveta narodnogo khozyaystva (for Kundin, Mertins). 6/ooq/oo5/002 ACC INR. AP603L939 (AI) SOURCF CODE. UR/0146/6" 0/0022 "u-InCIR: "';ertins' V.; Karpov, Yu. S. ORG: Leningrad Electrotechnical institute im. V. .7. Ul'yanov -Lenin, Novgorod Branch (,Novgorodskiy filial Leningradskogo elekt rote khn i che skogo T:TLE: Low frequency voltage fluctuations in film resistors SOURCE: 1TjZ. Priborostroyeniye, v. 9, no. 5, 1960', 20-22 I'OPIC TAGS: fixed resistor, signal to noise ratio , low frequency ABSTRACT: Low frequency.noise in the 120-20,000 cps range of L,nin .".1m arid VS, and ULM type commercia.1 resistors was measured. The com;~ercial resistors '.-.&d no-'nal values from 12 to 180 kP.; t,-,e thin film resistors, made from vac-,.iu.-,-IJe:)osJ"ted N'ichrome on a glass base, had nomdrifti values from 2 to 70 ka. Thle -,2asurements were made by comparing noise voltages developed across samples tr, t",ose developed across a standard, reactance free, -wire-wound resistor. The meas-aring equIpment ---cluded a low-noise tube-type preamplifier w'th a calibrated attenuator, and ar. R,I-S voltage analyzer. The noise for a!.' of thle samples decreased with frequency and was relatively independent of Lie applied voltage across resistors. OrJig. art. '--as: 2 figures and 1 formula. SUB CODE: 09/ SUBM DA=: 3lJan66./ O-RIG REF: 003/ OTH RZF: oo8 Card 1/1 jDc; 621-391-822.3 MERTIRS011, 1 Yorks of X.T. Mentakil in the field of Investigation of 9tructure and biological significance of proteins. Fiziol. zh. SSSR 37 no.6:680-687 Nov-Doc 51. (CIML 21:4) 1. Department of Biochemistry, Tartu State Universit7. KWL. Antonin, KUDr Our experience In therapy with reflex conditioned sloop. Maur. psychiat. cook. 18 ao-3:207-210 gay 55. 1. Ze statni locabny psychiatricke v Kromerizi, reditel KUDr Alois Pliskal (SIOW, therapy reflex conditioned aleep in mantal disord.) (KVNTAL DISOMMS, therapy sleep, reflex conditioned) (REFISX. CONDITIONED, ther. use sleep in mental disord.) -ZIT~~ Em M HEM RAVLOVIC, Vratislav; IfMTL, Frantisek Holeless flow counter Z . Jaderna energie 7 no.9:312-314 S 61. 1. Fyzikalni ustav lekarske fakulty Karlovy unitersity v Plzni. 2. Nyni: Katedra fyziky lekarske fakulty Karlovy university v Hradci Kralove (for Havlovic). MATOUSEK, J.; MERTL, F.; PATOCKA, S. On the problem and detection of so-called ahot" particles. Cesk. hyg. 8 no-4:241-246 my 163- 1. FyzikELlni ustav lekarske fakult KU, Plzen. (RADIOAUTOGRAPHY) TAEROSOM) EYBL, V.; SYKORA, J.; MEM, F. Effect of calcium complexes of aminopolycarboxylic acids an acute experimental cadmium poisoning. Prac. lek. 15 no.6: 234-238 Ag 163. 1. Farmakologicky ustav lekarske fakulty KU v Plzni, prednoota prof. dr. Z. Kocher Oddeleni pro choroby z povolani fakultni nemocnice v Plzni, vedouci MUDr. F. Huzl, CSc. Fyzikalni ustav lekarske fakulty KU v Plzni, prednosta doe. dr. M. Petran, CSc. (CADMIUM) (CHELATING AGENTS) (HEPATITIS, TOXIC) (KIDNEY) (GASTROINTESTINAL SYSTEM) (SPLEEN) --F IST NT j~ 3~~ MATOUSEK, J.; 14ZRTL,F.; PATOCK.A,S.. Artifl-cial radioactivity of the atinosphere and fall-out during the period between July 1960 and December 1962. Gesk. hyg. 9 no.2t85-96 Hr 164 1. Fyzikalni ustav lekarske fakulty KTJ, Plzen. k_V25o_66 ACC NR& AP6006040 SOURCE CODE: CZ/bO53/65/0l4/0O4/0V9.3/02Cj3 AUTHOR: Eybl* V.; Sykora, J*; Kert4 F.~ ~ORG: ~ Institute of: Pharmacolog3rt Kedical Faculty, Charles University, Plzen (FarinakA6 I cky-ustav lek* fak: U ; Department of Occupational Disease, SFN,, an K) (Odd -charob-s*~pov6lani SFN); Ins tituW-.6f:'VhjsL6sp-Medic41 Ficultyi Qaries universi _P1r*en_(Fyska1hi u3tav leki fak, UK) . MTM: Tran6fer~of cadmium and cadmium complexes of EDTA a nd DT PA through the l acentil- barrier;, . (This paper was presented duri6g the Twelfth Pharmacologic Daysp P Smolenic*46, 29 Jan.65-J. ~SOURCE:%~ Cesko4lavenska fysiologie, v. 14, no- 4- 19650 293 -J TOPIC TAGS: radioisotope,, tracer study,-blologic reproduction, pharmacology,, animal physiology, organceadmium compound,, rat, aliphatic carboxylic acid, chelate*compound ABSTRAZT: Study in 3-week pregnant rats given Cdll5mCl2 with carrier, CaEDTA and GaDTFA.and the cadmium radioactive complexes revealed that cadmium chelates easily penetrated the placental barrier and destroyed the fetuse ZJPRIS SUB.CODE: 06 SUBM DATE: none ISOV REF: 001 card: 1A X), du - 4i- w- C Z 36, " J3 i, OVill'. IA zY,'L, V.; !0---Ai:OVA, N.; J.; KOC:iM, Z.; 17.~-,)_OL PO; Pharmacolop-jcil and 11 loical J.; f ;.:cd`cine, Ch.,irlez 17niversity; DonarLi-,icnt of Occupational Diseases a 1,'ysilcalni Ustav Lek. FaIc. KTJ a Od~:elcni pro (;'klor~:)by z Pov,)lani), SFN CAbI)raviation not explained-7, Plzen. --ct of Dibonz, amine Salt3 of CaEDTA." ylei, ylenedi, Pra-ue, Ceci-osloven.,ika Fysiolor-,ie, Vol.15, No 5, Sep 66, p 419 ,)--tract: ie w'~'oct of 11-.1he 6ibenz,leth, ylenedinmine salt of r ,.,JTA on the excrotion of i-In and on its distribution-in the or- r,anisi-. was investif-,atod. 'Cho content of En in tho liver is red- uced af'(er the an lication of the discuosed substance. Tho level of c;-,(-l~tcs in tle or!7anism is incronsod. No references* Sub- mittec at 14 Days of Pharmacology at Smolonice, 17 Feb 66. 1/1 NXFATL~ A., "Erection of power poles on piles." t ENERGETIKA. Praha, Czechoslovakia, Vol. 9, May 1959. Monthly List of East European Accessions (EFAI), LC, Vol. 8, No. 8, September 1959. MERTL, K. New method of erecting power poles by rRans of blasting. p. 304. ENERGETTIKA. Praha, Czechoslovakia, Vol. 9, No. 6, June, 1959 Monthly list of East European Accessions, (.7,FAI) L~, Vol. 8, No. 10 Oct. 1959 Uncl. MERTL, Vaclav Czechoslovak power generating machines and equipment at the /+th Inter- national Brno Fair. Tech praca. 14 no.9:679-682 3 162. 1, Technoexport, Praha, L 3h50-66 ACC NIs AFW25513 SOURCE CODE: GZ/O014/65jUW/U1Z/V40Y/v47v AUTHOR: Kryze, Jiri (Engineer; Candidate of sciences); Mertl. Vladijzdr (Engineer ORG: nQ ie TITIE: Equipment for recording the volt-ampere characteristics of tunnel diodes SOURCE: Sdelovaci technika, no. 12, 1965, 469-470 TOPIC TAGS: recording equipment, tunnel diode, volt ampere characteristic ABSTRACT: The ai'.Icle describes equipment for recording the volt-ampere characteris- tics of tunnel dioles. The principle of the device is explained and diagrams are presented. Better than 1% accuracy is obtained. Orig. art. has: 4 figures. 1JPRS: 34,6911 SUB CODE: 14, Or, / SUBM DATE: none / ORIG REF: 001 / SOV REF: 001 OTH REF: 002 MMT;~, Vladislay -tLl Blistering of baked alkyd-melamim coatingp- in humid surroundings. Tech praca:Suppl.: Saterove hmoty a natery 15 no-4m.p. Ap 163. I-ERTLIK, M. Present state and further development of longwall mining In the brown coal basin of nothern Boherils. p. 268. MMI (Hinisterstva, paliv) Praha, Czechoslovakia. Vol. 1, no. 11, Nov. 1959 Nonthly Ust of East European Accessions (MAI), Vol. 9, no. 1, Jan. 1960 Uncl. L 30191-66 FCC SOURGE. CODE: W72-50W5ro5~[U-J0143[0156 ACC NR1 AT6020303 AUTHOR: Marez, F.7:_~Lle 9,_F. ORG: Research Laboratory for Geoplgsios, 14TA , Sopron TITIZ: New results in the field of point-dischargo currents SOURCE: Academiae sciontiarum hungaricae. Acta technica, v. 52, no. 1-2, 1965, 143-156 TOPIC TAGS: atmospheric electricity, diurnal variation kBSTRACT: The results of the observations conducted at the Station for AtMuLhc-ric Ele t * 't it the VI. Os A. Kozl.. v. 32 ct ~C3-T' ~ 4 Geophysical Observatory in Namr on (cf. MITA 1963, 137-144) between 1960 and 1963 were presented a discussed. Ihe diurnal and seasonal variations in frequency, point-discharge current quantity, distribution, ar4 relation3 between point-discharge currents and other phenomena were investigated. The findings reported in the previous study (loc. cit,.) were confirmpet airl interpreted'. Orig. art# hast 14 figures and 1 table. -fOrig. art. in Gorman.7LJP L!D SUB CODIE 1 04 / SUEM DATE s laApr&~ / OTH REM 004 / SOV REF: 001 ACCE-SSION NR: AP4030643 AU7110R: Marts, V.I.; Nitsho, R. 6/0048/04/028/004/p681/0682 T ITLE -Forroelectricity in SbSI and other compounds of Group V, VI and VII CIO- molita ffloport, Symposium or. Forromixtynotiain and Forroolactricity hold in Leningrad 30 May to 5 Juno 1969 SOURCE- AN SSSR. rzv. Sor.fiz. , ,r.28, no.4, 1964, 681-682 TOPIC TAGS: SbS1, ferroolectricity, photoconductivity, photoconductivity sensitivity , , absorpt ion -(!Ce shif t , piezoelectric Ity, dielectric constant tf-inpprature ma x i mun dependence, spontaneou8 polarization temperature dependence, coercive field, first order ferroelectric transition, super Corie point hysteresis, double hysteresis looi~ polarization switching A!;STR%CT: A number of properties of SbF3'j arl_, r1ported. Some of them -ir,, remarkable. 71141 matcri;tl crystalizu"; in loll[; noodler, willi cleavage planes parall I I.o the long (c) axis. It is b,jth photoconduct. ,1vo ~.,nd fori-olectric. The maximum plwtoconduc~ive sensitivity occurs at about G350 i~, The Lempora Lure coefficient of Aie energy gap is extraordinarily great (0.0015 eV/C). When an electric field is applied parallel to Card 1/2 ACCESSION ", AP403OVi3 the c axis, the crystal exp.'Ind.9 in th15 directl,)n and the :.hsorption edge shifts to ,h~,rter wavelengths. The ib:;oVpLi1)n r--dge displa(,ement is muci, greater than Ind in th,3 upposite direction frm-, what would be expected on thp. basiq nf the. Frarlz-Kel-"~*~sh efl'fect (VI.Franz, 1..V.Ke1(Jy*sh,Zhur.eksj).i 1,3B,1958). The material ha!i a forroeloctric Curic point at 112oC. "To 1-01'~Xatlon Was ,-)I)-;er-vc!d at frFCjL.(-'nr~1;!S up to 10" con!;tant: par;)Ilel to '-10 C axis is 50 000 at the ctlri(-- point. 'Mo temperature dependoncq of thr const.inL i~i typic~11. At 0')C the spontaneous polarization is 25 micr,)cf)--z!,.,rabq/r-m2 ~,,,,d ,!~,e coercive ficid is 10C) V/(--m. The square of the spontaneous polarizaticni is a ne.-ir f,inction of the temperature. Although there are many indications that the fer- ruelcctric transition is first order, no doublo hysteresis loops were observed above the Curie point. nlie polarization reversal LLMC is 3 microsec at 1400 V/cm and is approximately inverg;ly proport-ional to the cube of the field for fields between 70 and 1400 V/cm. 2 formulas. ASSOCIATION: none SUBMITTED: 00 DATE ACQ: 30Apr64 ENCL: 00 SUB CODE: EM NR REF SM. 001 OqUER. 002 Card2/2 V.i , L-, 1"', 1 , ;' . i..Irin~jz Cn th~,- determd.-,%ti on cf ~Ilz-,, ; ,IT -encr- ir~ ! ~.- tiitnc-, - -.r-. - i -.- , :' -. : - ~ f-, fricticn laYer. gidrcl. -c. 1 1%,-',. Mcnthl"' List of l-'uss'an, Acces3`cno, ' c-" ---.jrps:~, ectober ','- 1. . T'-- ~ ~ ~j:; _ t , , rc. . . I - - -- " - - I I " - AID P - 3843 Subject USSR/Meteorology Card 1/1 Pub . 71 , -a - 6/35 Author Mertsalov, A. N. Title On establishing the "vortex" part of the pressure changes on maps of absolute pressure topography Periodical Met. 1. gidr., 6, 30-31, N/D 1955 Abstract The article gives a mathematical analysis of pressure changes which in certain cases consist of the "vortex" part and the divergence, depending upon the wind direction. One diagram. One Russian reference, 1954. Institution None Submitted No date TL 53 ir f "Pri;su f) 'jajjGnf j- _Mi~ili;.`t L prC4_ fj, 1 oiilng, ;:fl 55 A . t -1 7 I'M. -_7~ r- q -_777 11 . I - it l' _~; -j' .'- -lit of I't n1l.;vc liv; IOtt ~m - 'i- vm4~r o!:,! fi!1,ri::f kh( ; I w , . , . 1~ I IWM!!j~ A.S. Role of divergence and convergence of wind in the change of cyclonic and anticyclonic processes. HeteorA gidrol. no.4:62-65 Ap 156. (KIBA 9:8) (Winds) KMTSALOV, A.N. ~; --- Shift of pressure formations on the earth's surface. Keteor.i gidrol. no.10:14-20 0 '56. OUU 9: 12) (Atmospheric pressure) SOV,IZ-4 57 7 8071 Translation from: Referativnyy zhurnal. Mvkhanika 1957, Nr 7 p 9-4 (USSR) AUTHOR: Mert.salo%. A. N~ TITLE: A Qualitative Determination of Ordered Vertical Motions of Air Through a Pressure Field (Kachest-ennoye opredeleniye uporyadochenrivkh vertikal'nykh dvizheniy vozdukha po baricheskonm polyu) PERIODICAL: Tr- Tsentr in-ta prognozo~-. 195h, Nr 45 (72) pp ~Q-b-l ABSTRACT: Referring to a paper by B D. Uspenskiy (R AhM ek- h 1 14 ~r, abst ract 1561) the author proposes the relationship I 6Q d 0 1 dQ D T T- wherein: D J U, d X c) i t he horizontal di-,crgence of the wind velocity; x y and z are rectangular coordinates the axes x and y lying within the reference horizontal plane (siwaied at the given le-,el), the axis z beinX directed upward; u %' and w are 'he corresponding wind velocity components; R - -1 - sin (D is the Coriolis parameter ( w being the angular velocity of rotation of the Card 1/2 earth and (D the geographic latitude); Q d v/ d x - d u , d y SOV.124-57 7 8071 A Qualitative Determination of Ordered Vertical Motions of Air Through (con! I !s the vertical vorticity component at the reference Level; 6Q/ 6t is the varia- iion of the vorticity with time at the reference level; d Q /'dt is the %'Or*ticltV varia lion with. time referred to a moving particle, with allowance made for Lhe displace ment of the particle from one level To another. AsSM11ing the motion Of tile "r to be geostrophic, the author rewrites his formula (1) in the forrii, b 6 -^~,H J b dAH D -6t dt v,,herein b is a certain constant (approximatelY constant) I-j is tile absolute geo 2/ In acidthot, fro"' fOrt*nula (Z) which is 4 1 j y 2. potential. and A -- d + written in terms of the natural coordinates, the author draws qualitative conclusions. Sh A Musayelyan Card LOV I,A J-\1 PHASE I BOOK EXPL01TATION 36o Moscow. Tsentrallnyy institut prognozov Voprosy sinopticheskoy meteorologil (Problems in Sinoptic meteorology) Leningrad, Gidrometeoizdat, 1957. 129 p (Series: Its Trudy, VyP- 52) 1,100 copies printed. Sponsoring Agency: Glavnoye uDravleniye gidrometeorologicheskoy sluzhby pri Sovete Ministrov SSSR Ed. (Title page): Tomashevich, L. V.; Ed. (inside book): Pisarevskaya, V. D.; Tech. Ed.i Soloveychik, A. A. PURPOSE: The collection of articles is intended Vor employees of the meteorological service as well as for these interested in the activities of the Central Institute of Forecasting. COVERAGE: The collection of articles analyzes the causes of incorrect short-term weather prec1ictions and explains the nature of the errors. Card 1/8 Problems in Sinoptic Meteorology TABLE OF CONTENTS: 36o Isayeva, Ye. N. Nature of Errors in Weather Forecasting In the Sunnner of 1954 3 In 1954, weather forecasting in Moskovskaya Oblast' fell short of expectations, being correct to only 73.5 percent as against a 72 percent average f or the ent1re year. The author examines each individual cause of error and concludes that precipitation, temperature, and especially errors in fore- casting the baric field ot a low gradient were the deciding factors in faulty predictions. The author explains how incormt analysis of air stratification or one of developing front3 affects the forecasting. There are 3 tables and no references. Bachurina., A. Ats- Analysis of the Incorrect Weather Forecast for May 31) 1054. 9 Card 2/8 Problems In Sinoptic Meteorology 36o The forecast for this particular date was rain at night and cool during the day. The prediction was based on the observed cyclogenesis by night (and early in the morning) on May 30. The enclosed maps show2 1) weather conditions at 3 o'clock a.m. on May 30 2) thermal and baric conditions at 6 o'clock a.m. on May 30 3) forecast for 3 o'clock a.m. for May 31 4) actual weather situation at 3 o'clock a.m. on May 31. The prediction failed: there was no rain by night and the temperature on May 31 was 22' C. The error was due to Incorrect forecasting of baric pressure; this Is illustrated by two additional maps. There are 5 maps and no references. Ylertsa:lov, A. N. Two Cases of Convective Rain 15 The article discusses two cases of erroneous weather preduction in Moskovskaya oblast' for July 29 and 30, 1954 due to convective rain. On July 28 in the evening, the prediction for the follow- Ing day was no rain. This prediction was repeate,~- the next morning. Nevertheless, it rained heavily with precipitation Card 3/8 Problems In SInoptIc Meteorology 360 mouxiting to 35.2 mm. The prognostics for JulY 30 read: scattered showers. In fact, it rained throughout the entire Moskovskaya obla3t' with precipitation ranging from 8 to 18.9 mm. As a cyclone was moving westward covering the whole oblast-, the rainfall was caused by convective instability. Because of an incorrect diagnosis of the baric field on the eve of the rainfall, the move- ment of the cyclone was not predicted in the forecast. There are 12 s~moptic maps illustrating the above two cases and 3 Soviet referenoes. Isayeva, Ye. N. Analysis of the Erroneous Weather Forecast for July 28, 1954 31 The forecast for Moskovskaya oblast' for this date was rain. The error was caused by incorrect prediction of the movement of a cyclone approaching Moscow from the Baltic area. Two maps show the baric pressure near the surface and the thermal and baric situations on the morning of July 27. The author explains the mistake made in the analysis of this situation and shows how and why the expected cyclone by-passed Moscow. There are two synoptic maps, I table and no references. Claxd 4/8 Problems In Sinoptic Meteorology 360 Tomashevii:;h, L. V. Analyels of the Erroneous Weather Forecast for Kay 2, 1954 '5, The Moscow forecast for this date, con-firmed on the morning of May 2nd read: partially cloudy, no rain, -with daily temperature of 20 to 220C. The error was caused by an unexpected retaraation in the movement of two warm fronts from the South, which produced rain and 41-th It a drop in temperature to 10*C. 11hei,e 9--e 3 ay-noptic maps and 2 Soviet references. Ba3hurina, A. A. A-r-alysts of the Incorrect Weather Forecast for ji.Lne 26, 2.954 40 The Mos.-Iow fore~~aet for th-IT ~iate read: some cloudiness, no rain, daily temper'a'ture from 22 to 270C. Thie waB confirmed on the morning of JIMe 26ti-i. The error was due to incorrect eva-l,,Latlon of the factors cau3ing precipitation. The capital was hit by torrentl---2 ralnB and the rain was persistent. Evolution of the zone of rq-in Drogressed from the direction of CaTd 5/8 Probiam2 in SInoptI,- Met~~oro.Aog-j 360 Smolsr-~~k but th.1 e had b~-'T, fore---en by the foreca3t- Lzker,- I Thez,e a--e 6 figures, 2 table-q and no references. GorodoveL, M. I. St-orm on JiLly 4, 1954 The atorm was not predi(,04"ad in the mor-,"IrA forecast for Moecow. The synoptio map for thiB day waB made at 3 ol,51ock in the mom Ing. Although a alowly Lr..o-,,-ip-g anticyclone was expected to reaah the area of Mos3ow Bome ti-me in the afternoon, no immediat-e rain was predicted. Navertheleas, the storm came at 5:30 a.m. ~Lnd laated unt'il 11 a.m. The etorm resulted from instability prodwed by the adveot-Ion of satuzuated air, while the adiabatic gradient craated conditionn for convective rain. There are 7 draiidngs, 2 tables and 3 Soviet 4--fax-encae-A. 47 Card 6/8 Pz~oblems in Sinoptic Meteorology 36o Cherkasskaya, V. M. Torrential Rains In the Ridge of High Pressure on August 12 and 13, 1954 57 For August 13th the Moscow forecast read: no precipitation. However, the whole oblast was hit in the evening by torrential rains amounting to 30 mm in the capital. The prediction was based on the position of Isallohypsal lines and on the calcu- lation of the movement of a depression, the axis of which expected to be east of Moscow towards evening. The convective Instability was created by adiabatIc decrease in temperature at 500 millibar level and by the advection of colder air at a 700-850 millibar level. There are 8 figures and 1 Soviet reference. Neronova, L. M. Mstribul~-Ion of Summer Precipitation in Moskovskaya Oblast' 67 Since the majority of incorrect weather predictions In 1954 In Mo5kovskaya oblast-1 concerned precipitation, the author Card 7/8 Problems in Sinoptic Meteorology 36o analyzes the total distribution of rainfall throughout the entire oblast from the point of view of both intensity and occurrence. The author refers to previous attempts by I.I. Kasatkin to sum up the distribution of rainfall in the a.rea of Moscow. The article includes a map of all meteorolog- ical stations in the oblast and draws general conclusions as to the amount of rainfall from both frontal zones and air masses. In the appendix there are tables showinj maxima of precipitation under various synoptic situations ridge, cold front, antioyclone, depression _. etc.) and a listing of average monthly rainfall observed at each atation. There are 9 maps, 16 tables, and 6 Soviet referenoes in the text and 5 tables in the appendix. AVAILABLE: Library of Congress (QC85l.m64v-52) Card 8/8 MM/vm June 26, 1958 MMSAIDY A (- - Two cases of convective precipitations. Trudy TSIP no.52:15-30 157. (wLa& 10:8) (Precipitation (Keteorology)) Q 7- /Y Z_ L_ /Y AUTHOR: Mertsalov, A.N. 50-2-18/22 TITLE: Nomograph for the C-6-mputation of Divergence and Turbulence of the Wind Velocity (Nolno&,ramma d1ya ra3cheta divergentsii i vikhrya skorosti vetra). PERIODICAL: Meteorologiya i Gidrolo,7iya, 1958, Nr 2, PP. 48-51 (USSR). A.BSTRACTt A nomograph is given in the "handbook" and a method for the determination of the horizontal divergence is pointed out. This method is carried out according to the data given on the map of the barometric topography of pilot balloons. According to this method it is necessary to find for the wind divergence the dimensions of the corresponding component of the wind in the points given in the nomograph. As it is mentioned in the paper, it is necessary to carry out carefully the computations for the determination of the wind divergence, and the explcitat- ion of as great as possible a number of pilot balloon posit- ions on the axes as well as out3ide of them is pointed out. If these conditions are not satisfied in the computations, the result will be dubious. A nomograph (fiE~ure 2) is given for the detection of the divergence of the wind which is based Card 1/2 upon the radial component and wind diverEence. The application Nomograph for the Computation of Divergence and Turbulence 50-2-16/22 of the Wind Velocity. of this nomoi-raph eleminates the errors in the detection of the wind divergence mentioned in the paper. The suggested nomograph takes especially into account the distance from the point for which the wind divergence is determined up to the position of the pilot balloon. In order to be more objective in the selection of the pilot balloon positions, the de- terminations recommended in the Taper are to be made separat- ely for 8 districts in relation to one another and to the point for which the wind diver~-ence is determined, as it is shown in fig-ure 3. The problem of a rational classification of these districts and contours demands an additional ex- planation. There are 3 figures and 1 Slavic reference. AVAILA.BLE: Library of Congress Card 2/2 MERTSALOV. A.11. Anal7zing unjustified weather forecasts. Ti"ldy TSTP I 158. (MI-U 1l:( ) (Weather forecasting) I T L ~i n-, r.~ u i rccn t . I ,- t j ::-v -1~71'r 1, The e Q f I :ic-!- -i ~3 -,,%j co of t h v; h nIf~7 T h,~ t,:tween liver.-ence-c:- f pres-nrz~ is, '--)inte:-! n t o th. ;- r; n ro b I f o -1 7- u s Pf) bt?ft,-,-e, th~~ cjnver,~;c-nce i n 3 r -r. 0 r1ri o f P c au s e 9 f r) r of the viin,', as one of O,e fr,~- t,hr, Anoth,-~r r?ir,2ct r:-., -iqc '~,r advec tion -)f d ensi t.-%- is tile one avorpzci niong thn i On the Problem of tl-:e Correlation .'ct:.,e.7:i Divergence of the 'Wind, the Change of th~~ of Chnrige of Pressure The f,~(.-t th!!-L with Mlhc~ -in i vr 7CC (an' ;-r, I th pres~-mrc- rises most frr-qu -.-h-ii- ~:ith tl- uin-.~! convor7Qnce on t*,As Iv-1. provi--s f~nl.,,~ an prncea:3-, rrvi P. divercence-conv~~rt--T:cc~ of 'he :in~ 7;~--ith 1-snr-ct In most cl--ses if a -Nina corvv(--~~.r~ce i3 7CC -h-q,irfnc,- th---- i-3 a oth-r (us-u-.Ily prevai' in,:~ tll.~, --- Ln:1 -,n,t---r,-c--nc ~ -~n 1.1~, in not the cnuse, but :-nl-- .1rop. in ',hf, s,.-r, -tiyj - vtin; ii--rer-enre -~n is mostly accomranie~ by n- strnngrer convrrg-n-~, L,r vailing, cold -.Jv-rtion in the ot~.-r Inyers, ;,n-~ i f-, a symntofn for th-~ rige in nr-.,3 Thc, unequ:l si,,-,ns of the .-iinl v -? r -,~. n co ,1 1f p -r the atinosplic~re coul-I h- to the conccpt nard 2/4 For, un,1 or, th j s conc--.; tilp (,~,,arnc! ters r) t' c i r(-,U'L,ki On the Probl,?,q of thc, Divergence of the -,htnj.-r,- the of Prp---uro differcnt lay-:,3 of fli- a*-7o3pK--,- iirections. It is shc-.Vn here. th~it :It -F; i)os iibl- t,- circulation 7it~,. -~q'.,al ~i~-n o:--c-ors in ri the atmosph,~re -.,i1th si,.-n of the i-i-1,v is ~Ivrn f n ra r a t d i f f e ren t -, I t i ti jr::zt; 1;-, which the advection of thq e-ld:r of V'~loci'''y 1 r, m ji -I vertical axis Z. It is then n ~u- ; thp-t, at n c,~rtain n' 0' time, the edly of veloc; t,,r lin--,.rly with h~-i~nl- and the solution of ( 1 is f ou'ri'l in f orm of formul-i Formula (~)" is then Civon for the pqrtial iifferenti.-l quotient of the eddy of vel-city rith time. - Figure 1 n'iow- the ~Iistribution of the -o-1v rEpnce- !iv.:?rb-ence of thl~ win'i '-e-" height, which causes no c`-,anpe o.' Pressure Ih,--, 1.1h, 171:~ of cyclonic circulation into ~;gher lay, -- 7, . Fo r m,! I r. (3) show that in this case thr- r_'clonic c i r 1 a t i o n with time over all altitu~4ps !~irher than point A, in th- wind ~iverzence at these altitudes. This may al,3o oc- in those cases where, at the initial po int of th- CnH 3/ 1.1 vertical pralient of the -~'y of ig On the Problem of the Correlation 3-twen t~-.-? Divergence of the Wind, the '7hange of the T~,-Iy of Velocity, an~ Change Df Presiure this monont tl~e motion ahove, and also r. 1-ittio is anticyclonic. Figure 7 -.-,-o o-nsoof the convergence-diverjenc- of the iv;nd by hoi~~,ht, a rise in pres3ure and a uropagation of the c.yclloni- ci.r lation. Thr! cyclonic c~lrculation snreads ch can pr,~vq- f--ist into th,-i upper la-,o-s, (2) and There ar-c, 2 figirc's 'trli I Sovipt rof, r Card 4/4