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MMUMIYEVA, Te., dotsent - , Jersey cattle in Ryazan Province. ftuka i pared. op. v sallkhoz. 8 no.4:51-54 Ap 158. (MIRA 11:5) 1.Moskovski7 gosudaratvannyy universitat Imeni M.V. lemonosova. (Flazan Province--Jersey cattle) MIUR YEVAI_YeLyppiyA~ CHAYEVA, Yo.Q.p red.j GEORGIYEVAP _Kmeftatinowa; NEC tekbn. red. (Jersey cotle arA their hybrids in the U.S.S.R.; biological principles of acclimatizing and crossbreeding cattle in connection with the problem of increasing the butterfat content of milk] Dzher- seiskii skot i ego pcxosi v SSSR; biologicheskie osnovy akklimati- zataii i skreshchivaniia krupnogo skota v sviazi s problemoi povy- sbeniia zhirnomolochnosti. Moskva, Izd-vo Mosk. univ., 1961. 255 P. (KRA 14:9) (Jersey cattle) 1f:7!VUR I 'i"TVA, YE. K. Dissertation defenlel at the Institute of Genetics for the academic degree of Doctor of Biolo.--ical Sciences: "Biological Features of Jersey Cattle upon Acclimatization and Raising, and Prosrects of Their Use for Increased Butterfat Content." Vestnik Akad Nauk No. 4. 1063, on. llq-145 MIKLE,S.; HEMRIYEVA, Ye.K. Fetal hemoglobin in cattle. Nauch. dokl. vys. shko17; biol. nauki n0-4:178-181 163 (MIRA 16:11) 1. Rekomendovana kafedroy genetiki i selektsii Moskovskogo gosudarstvennogo universiteta im. M.V.Iomonosova. 1-1!aKUl-.1 `EV'A , 'ft=vj-z?,r,iya 'r.rn:-!.~int-;ncvna t-' -, o m.-- - T-~- ri -, - : ~, ~~-,'ngl '-o-, ~)-- - _j - metr- v ,~- r~- I ; 'I) -:, , ~ ~ , : No.~"ra, Kola.3, 1~1, ' . -~~G P. .. .-t - - I MERKURIYEVA, Yevgenlya Konstantinovna; SYSOYEVA, N.V., red.; MALAKHCV, ~-_ -red, ; YEFOIAKOV, M.S. , tekhn. red. [Principle.3 _i biometry] Osnovy biometrii; uchebnoe p, sobie dlia biologioheskikh fakulltetov gosudarstvennykh universi- t c- v .Mc,-k,,,n, Iz(]-,r,) Fosk. univ. 1963. 236 p, (MIRA 16:10) (BlOn"t r7) PEUN, R.; tiERKUSHp N. Secretory activity of the stomach iu chronic liver diseases. Rev. sci. med. 7 no.1/2:3-U-114 162. (LIVER DISEASM) (GASTRIC JUICE) 1,70WSHEV~ A. V. (Cand. of Vet. Sci.) "Some peculiarities of the shoeing of horses." SO: Veterinariia 25 (4), 1948, P. 35 YERMTSMV, A. V. , Sverdlov Aggric. Institute "Use and neutralization of the blood at slaughter establiEhrients." SO: Vet. 26(g), 190, p 51 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 KffaMHE:V, A. V. . 11 - .. I - ~. Trichinosis in wolves and foxes. Med, parazit., Kosk7a no,1:99-100 Jan-Feb 1953, (CM 24:4) 1. Of Voronezh Zooveterinary Institute, ------- ~--- 1 1. 1 - --, --1------- -- 7.'7 ', . , Tric' - -, -1-sis and "--le 1-m~ -If its 3-, a-7~~Si ~. " :~r 7~' :~C- I - -- o-- 11 i 7r~ e'--~r4namr inst, ~ I -;~ '-'. -~O '-, -e") r5i .- - I u - . - I - r - ~* I so: sun. No. 631, 26 Au- 55 - Surv,!y of Scienttfic and Technical Jissertations Defended at TISSR '-Ilpher Evbical-i-i~-al T-stituti-ns (if:,) MIKUSHF,V, A. V. Cycle of Trichinalls. iavasion umder natural conditiones anxi in its natural foci. Ked,paraz. i paraz.bol.24 no.2:125-130 Ap-Jts 155. (KLRA 8-10) 1. 1z Yoronezhakogn zootekhnichasko-voterinarogo instituta. (TRICHINDSIS, epidemiology. in Ibissia, natural foci) HS M SHMV, A.V., profeasor. ..-. . 'I-,' Localization of trichinosis in mice. Yeterinariia 32 no.4: 74-76 AP '55. (KLRA 8:5) l.Torozwzhskiy zoo tekhnJ chesko-ve tar inarayy Inatitut. (MIGH-DISILM) (TRICHINA AND TRICHINOSIS) ?,6j`MSffOV, A.T.; SEMENIOVA. V.P. The 'Bollahevik" to a state poultry breeding fam. Ptitsevadstvo 8 nn.8:8-10 Ag 158. (MIRA 11:10) 1. Direktor govkhoza "Bol'shevik." Voronezhakoy oblanti. (for Herkumhov). 2. Glavnvy zootekhnik sovkhoza "Bollahavik." Voro- nezhskoy oblasti (for Sonsnova). (Vnronmzh Province--Poultry breading-) KMIMSHEV, A.T. Birds as possible carriers of trichinosis. Wiadouiosci parasyt. 6 no.4:318-319 160. 1. Voronezhakiy sootachnicheako-veterinaruyy institut, Voronezh. SSSR. (TRICHIHOSIS transm) (BIRDS die) M RMISIEVI A. V. Vla- ~ I "About trichinellascopy in pigs." Veterinariya, V81- 37, No. 5, 1960, P. 69 V tk--~ -P 7-,~~t - ~mi - DAO VAN CHUNG, retorin.vrach; MEWUSIIEV, A-V., prof. Veterinary ser7ice in the Democratic Republic of Vietnam. Taterinariia 37 no.7t82-83 Jl 160. (MIRA 16:2) 1. Ilachallnik otdeleniya veterinarii pri upravlenii zhivotno- vodstva Hinisterstva sellskogo khozyayst7a i lesovodst7a Demo- kraticheskoy Respubliki Vlyetnam (for Dao Wn 17hung). 2. Tbro- nezhskiy zooveterinarnyy institut (for Merkushe7). (Tletnam, North-Teterinary medicine) -KMOSE[gV, A.-V..- - Role of birds in the circulation of Trichinella apiralis in nature. Zool.zhur. 39 no.2:161-164 Y '60. (MIR& 13:6) 1. Voronezh Veteriaar7 Zootechnical Institute. (Arctic regions-TrIchina and trichinosis) (Birds as carriers of diessase) --- . -1 - ~.: I- - - Ii I- - ~ - . 11 - MOKUSHEV, A, V. Testing of piperazine in trichinellosis with the use of biopsy for earl,v diagnostic purposes. Wiadomosci parazyt. 8 na.1:75-79 162. 1. Voronezhkiy vetarinarno-zootekbnichaskiy institut. (PIPERAZINES ther) (TRIGaINOSIS ther) (BIOPSY) Z,-AGAYE;VSIaY$ L, S. (Professor); WRKUSHgV, A. V. (Professor) and IL'Iff, M. M. (Assistant) About the book - --- "taboratory and Practical 3tudies in Veterinary-Sanitary Emmination" (A reviev of the bobk vritten by G. V. Kolobototakii,,, M. Sel'khozgiz, 1960) Veterinariya, vol. 39, no. 5, May 1962 P. 85 14ERKUSHEV9 A. V. ...... -- - wOn the differential diagnosis of pork by waas of trichinogcopy.0 Mort to be submItted at tho 17th World VOtOrin2ryl Congms,, Hanover,, Weat (jerwry,, 14-21 Auz 63. HEREUSFIEV9 A.V. 100 years of the research on trichimosis in the USM. Wiad. parazyt. 11 no.4:229-231 165. 1. Vaterinarnyy fakultat, Voronezh, SSSR. FLMOV, B.H.; HERKOHEV, I.M. Cyclone with a high coefficient of air purification. Der. prom. 9 no.1:23-24 Ja '60. (HIRA 13:4) (Pneumatic-tube transportation) (Woodworking induatry--Fquipment and supplies) An-h. -.- li" -F - Cyclone ceparator. Der.proj.. 10 nc.~--20-21 Jit 161. ('TA 1 :2)' (Separators (',~-,chinezq)) WEMUSEMV..R.H. dotsent, kandidat tekhaicheakikh nauk; BARAHOV, I.V., '~ Re,--- KOSTIN, I.I., dotsent, kandidat tekhnicheskikh nauk, re- nuz euer; daktor-, GELIKAY. A.S., inzhener, nauchuyy redaktor; BZGA , B.A., redaktor; PZRSON. M.N., tekhnicheekly redaktor. [Track and trackless transportation on the building site] Rallso- vyi i bezrallsovyi transport na stroitellnoi ploshchadke. Pod ob- shchei red. I.I.Kostina. Moskva, Goa. izd-vo lit-ry po stroitellstvu i arkhitekture, 1954. 343 P. (MLEIA 7:11) (Railroads, Industrial) (Transportation, Automotive) (Building) W11 ~I. "I'll v, -~ -.1 ~ ",.I i -, ~ "~ IRTBINSKIT, P.P.; KDSTIN, I.I.; HEMSHXF R.N.; EDSTMTSKIY, K.P. kandidat tekhaichoskikh n`a*a~,z BNGAK. B.A., redaktor; IMYJMW, L.Ta., tekhnicheskiy redaktor [Transportation In industrial enterprises] Transport promyshlon- nVkh prodprliatit. Moskva. Gos.izd-vo lit-ry po stroit. I arkhit 1955. 282 p. (MLRA 8:10) (Transportation) I GRACREV, Viktor Anatol'-yevich; STOYLIK, Mikhail Alekseyevich. Prinimal uchastiye FADEM, V.G.; FEDOROV, V.V., kand. tekhn. nauk, retsen- zent;_ME4KVSKU,-RJL~~. tekhn. nauk,, dotsent, red.; BORUNOV, Nal., tekhn, red, (Railroad transportation in the peat industry] Zheleznodorozhnyi transport torfianoi promyshlonnosti. Moskva, Gos. energ. izd-vo 1960. 291 p. (KRA 14:101 (Railroadq, Industrial) (Peat industry) 1. -t . -, I. Y~KUOIMI Z) 2. U13,9 ~600) 4. Linoleum 7. Using linoleum in furniture production. Der. i lesokhim. nrom. 1 no. 8 1952 9. Monthly List of Russian Accessions, Library of Congress, June 1953, Unclassified. -1--i ro r '--~c 9. Monthly List of Russian Accessions, Library of Congress, -1953. Unclassified. I I . 1. , ~: - - ~, ! ; , 1: -, . 1 11 1 , I T I - - - 11 ~ o I , . I. I . pl~~ s T- ~ c 5 fl. :;) ~ ~ i -. ~ , , ~ ~ -i m f, 1 '01 , 1 1 ) : , , f-, .* . . I I : ( 1; , . . : . . I i ~ :-( 'M . ) . I I . , I . .. A . I I - I I . , 7 i . I . , . I ' t - . . I - . I - 1~,,n hl:., Li:st of "ussian Li, - " ~':), , ' n ' ,:, ~ - i c . V. LEI' FurriiLure :economizing on ',.ard dec-'(iu~)-s do 0,!~; prom- 2, Nc). 4, 1)53. Library 3F ~,or~-rezs, dune Monthl Lis' of 'wssian 7' M MI'M I S. V. Preventing deformations in doors on wooden furniture. Der.1 lasokhim.prom. 2 no. 6:25-26 Ja '53. (KTRA 6:5 ) 1. Leningradskaya mebellnaya fabrika imeni Khalturina. (Doors) (Furniture) MMMOV. V.A. Protective cap for the AT-1 telescope mirror. Bial.sta.apt. nabl.isk.sput.Zem. no.1:8-9 160. (IMILk 1-3:5) 1. No-vosibirskaya stantsi7a mblyudnniy ls~msstvennykh sputnikO7 Zemli. (Telescope. ReflectIL129) AUTHOR: TITLE; U20 SIO 35/62/ox/o -i 2/oo6/064 A001/A101 Merkushev, V. A. On improving the accuracy of determining coordinates of Earth's artificial satellites in visual observations PERIODICAL: Referativnyy zhurnal, Astronomiya I Geodeziya, no. 12, 1962, 13, abstract 12A145 ("Tr. Novosib. in-ta Inzh. geod.. aerofotosdiemki I kartogr.", 1961, v. 15, 117 - 126) TEXT: The author analyzes causes of errors in determining coordinates of Earth's artificial satellites. In observations of satellites with AT-1 te- lescopes the error Is composed of the inaccuracy o f determining obserriation time and the error in position. The latter is determined by the accuracy of drawing the field of stars, satellite and the map scale. The total error may attain + 10 incKand S-. In using a 10" universal instrument adapted for observations of satellites, the accuracy of their coordinates is affected more over by in- strumental errors and errors in measuring angles. The use of an annular micro- meter makes it possible to reduce tha value of the total error to + 315. rAbstracter's note: Complete translation] ,J. Card 1/1 WRKUSHEV, V. Observations of satellites with a transit instrument. Biul.- sta.opt.nabl.isk.sput.Zem. no.23:8-11 161. OCRA 15:3) 1. Novosibirskaya stant-d4a nabl4wAeniya iskusstvennykh spu'trlikov Zemli. . .1. . I I .1. (Artificial satellites-Tracking) AUT110F: Merkushev, - V. 41268 ,q/035/6P-/000/0 10/009/128 AO01/A1Ol TITLE: Multiple time instant recording at satellite observations with AT-1 telescopes PERIODICAL: Referativnyy zhurnal, Astronomiya I Geodeziya, no. 10, 1962, 15, abstract 10A143 ("Byul. st. opt1ch. nablyudeniya isskustv. sputnikov Zemli", 1961, no. 23, 11- 13) TEXT: When a satellite transit occurs not accross the center of the AT-1 visual field, time instant of increased accuracy can be determined as an aver- age value from four pairs of readings on symmetric.annular*wires for a point whose position is fixed by intersection of the-perpendicular from the reticule center to the projection of the satellite track. This perpendicular will be'the bisectrix of an angle formed by two tangents to one of the concentric circles of .the reticule. It is necessary to have two measuring grids in order to find quick- ly this point: one- reticule in the visual field of AT-1, and the second - above-mentioned angle. M. Illenko [Abstracter's note: Complete translation] Card 1/1 , 1, . - -, - . - . ~: - - ,; -', ~; 1 - - ;- ~, - ~ :~ . - - , :_: 7i~ . , . L 143048-66 EW(l) /EEG (k) -2 ~W ACC NR: AR6014275 SOURCE GODE: UR/C313/65/000/01-1/0010/0010 AUTHOR: Merkushev, V. A. TITLE: Device for determining the personal difference in observing rapidly moving celestial bodies SOURCE: Ref. zh. Issledovaniye koamichaskogo prostranstva, Abs. 11.62.100 REF SOURCE: Tr. Novosib. in-ta inzh. p no. 1, 1964, _,eod.,_aerofotos1'yemki i kartogr., v. 18, TOPIC TAGS: artificial satellite obsorvation A5~k ABSTRACT: A device for determining tho por3onal diffaronce in visual observations- of artificial ea-rth satellit~es (produce-i -a'- the '1107031bLrsk Engina-ring Inztitute of--G-60'1e~.7, Aez-ial PhOtOF-,M;~n7; an~ irzt.1tut inzhenerov goedezii, aerofotcn"yomki i kartofrnfii) ) is a point lir-lit fjoiLrce which can 'bo movod in the forward or backward dt.rort.LOTM. Tho actual momonts of observing the point. 11jlit sourco, which are compared wlLh tho observed moments, are determinod with the help of a contract device. Tile difCorence of these Card 1/2 ACC IR: AR6014275 moments determines the personal dIfference of t'he observer. The rOSUltS of deter- mining the personal difference of five observers are resented. The random error in dete ning he personal difference is +-(Os.004--O .005). A. K. Liranslation of abstract SUB CODE: 22 Irl I USSOR Zooparasitolog7 Holraint hs - Abs Jour : Rof ".hur Biol., NO 18, 1958, No. 81725 G-2 Author : Yorkishova, I. V. Inst : Nof Titlo : A Nov Nomatodo -- Citollina Skrjabini Sp. Nov. from tho Intostine of tho, Spattod Sualik (Citollue sualica GUld.) of tho B(Jorusalan SSR C-ie Pub : Izv. MI B3SR, 1955, No 4, 103-1o6 Abstract : No abstract givon Card 1/1 14 MEIMSHETAL.-Vi.. - , . -- . Study of the helminthe of rodents in the southern part of White Russia. Biul. !net. biol. AN BSSR no.2:259-263 '57. (MIRA 1:0) (White Russia-Worms, Intestinal and parasitic) (Paranites-Rodentia) YERKUSECCVA, LV. StjAy of helminth parasites of water rate (Arvicola terrestris L.) in White Russia. Dokl. AN BSSR 3 no.6:279-283 Jo '59. (MIJU 12il0) loProdstavlano akademikom AN BSS'R V.A. Leonovym. (WHITE RUSSIA-WORM, I MiSTIVAL AND PARASITIC) (FAILASIAS-WATER VOIZS) .01, MMUSHEV9 I.V.,,, nauchnyy sotrudnik Helminthic fauna of the Europl3an hare (Lepus suropasus Le) and the blue hare (Lopus tiaddus L.) in White Russia. Trudy NIVI - 1t211-216 160. (RIM 15:10) (White Russia-Parasites-Hares) (Vetarinary he2mintho.Logy) DYLIKO, I.V. Parasites of the cO7Pu (M70POta'3us cOYTus Molina) in whIte Russia. Dold. AN BSSR 4 no.10:441-443 160. OGRA 13:9) 1. Otdel zoologil i parazitologii AN 3SSR. Fredstavleno akademikom All BSSR V.A. Leonovym. (White Russia-Parasites-Coy-pu) MERKUSIIEVA I.V.; KRAYEVSKAYA, L.I. Parasites in the wood grouse, black grouse, and hazel grouse in White Russia. Dokl. All BSSR 7 no-3:212-;~1-5 Mr 163. (MIRA 16:6) 1. Otdel zoologii i p.Fazitologii AN BSSR. Predstavleno akademikom All BSSR R.S.Chebotarevym. (White Russia.-Parasites--Birds) MERKUSHEVA, I.V. [Merkuahava, I.V.] Role of rodents in spreading helminths among people, dc=estic and game animals in 'White Russia. Vestsi. AN BSSR. Ser. biial. nav. no.3s94-98 165. (MIRA 18-11) '.V~ T.V.j ~;0'7 Of '-"c i a ';I~-atl, Y4 ~ b, "Cuad -,7-, r -i r : , : Eu-sia, ~,N 60S~i. billa' * :.,jiv, nirtll j:, 1 ('11, " ~ .17 ~t- i~ : ~ *. , M17, n,STIEVA, T.V. Bird cestodes parasitizin-p, rr~ roderAL;- Dckl. t"UT ESSR 9 no. 5:341-351 IMY 165 (MI:u n.-I) 1. Otdel zoolc,gi! i paraaltologJi All BSSR. Submitted june I, 1964- I ACC NR. AP7001154 SOURCE CODE-: --- UR/0439/66/-OV5/006/0850/0835 I AUTHOR: Arzamasov, I. T.; Merkusheva, 1. V.; Petrovskiy, Yu. T.; Dyllko, N. I. ,0R0: Division of Zoology and Parasitol~ogyp Academy of Sciences,,Belo- russian SSR Minsk (Otdel zoologii i parazitologit Akademli nauk Belo- ruaskoy SSRI TITLE: Parasites of squirrels in Belorussia !SOURCE: Zoologicheskiy zhurnal, v. 45, no. 6, 1966, 830-835 TOPIC TAGS: -zcZZaM parasitologyf,parasite, arthropod, helminth, protozoa, rickettsia 1 ABSTRACT: Data on parasites of the grey squirrel were collected in the Belorussian SSR between 1963 and 1964. The specificity, distribution, and dependence of 46 parasite species on the living conditions of the host werp analyzed. In all, 39 arthropod, 3 helminth, 3 protozoan, and I rickettsial species were found in arboreal squirrels, while in ground squirrels and burrowing squirrels 14 arthropod, 6 helminth, 1 rickettsial, and 1 microbial parasite species were found. [LP EWA-50; CBE No. 14 SUB CODE: 06/ SUBM DATEs none/ ORIG REF: ol6/ OTH REP: 0-02 UDC CHEMYSHEVA, A.F.; MERKUSHEEVA, L.A.; ZLOKAZOVA, V.M.; KOSTINA, G.M. I Economic and geograplhdlc~al study of small rivers in the llotkinsk Reservoir region for the purpose of developing transportation. Uch. zap. Pem. gos. un. 101:57-69163 (MIRA 18.2) MERKUSHEVA, yU.S. (Moskva, D-252) Novopeshchanaya ul., d23/7, kv. 374) Error in the diagnosis of bronchocutaneous fistula. Vast. Khir. 91. no.10:134 0 163. (KIRA 17:7) 1. Iz fakul'tetskoy khirurgicheskoy kliniki (zav. - prof. I.S. Zhorov) sanitarno-gigiyen-*Lcheskogo fakullteta i-go Moskovskogo ordena. Lenina meditsinskogo instituta imeni Seahenova. i rentgeno- logicheskogo otdeleniya (zav. - I.A. Sanpiter) 61-y go--l'skoy r1RU klinicheskoy bollnitsy (glavnyy vrach - kand. med. nauk L.N. Vasilevskaya). AKULINICHEV, I.T.; ANDREYEV, L.F.; BAYEVSKIY, F..M.; RAYKCV, A.Ye.: BUY101, G.G. GAZEENKO, O.G.; GRYUNTAL', R.G.; ZAZYKIN, K.P.; KLIJV--T,'-"OV, Yu.F.; ~Sjffjjj, Yu.G.; MOHLKHOV, A.,i.; PETPOV, A.P.; D.G.; RYABCHENKOV, A.~.,"l UTIL-lYSFEW, R.I.; FREYDELI, V.R.; KHILIKEVICH, B.G.; SHORINTSLT, I.S.; SHIEVANDINA, S.B.; ESAULCV, N.G.; YAZDOVSKIY, V.I. Method and means of medical and biolo.-ical studies in a space flight. Probl. kosm. biol. 3:130-144 164. (MIRA 17:6) . ..... .. -------- ZAYKOV, M.A.; TSELUYEOV, V.S.; YAMINSKIY, DjZOCFhII%I, INN,; L'A"Ok~INA" F.G.; MESH CF. FRY,~Y OV, P.A., Prinimali uchastiyP: ~-je.RYTITOV 'A- I.-LI-41,11, PqOKOPIYFV, KAFT, X, M.T.; ZHURAVLEV, M.A.; 1,11ARDTIN., P.G., NASIPIUDIN, Lk3chEv5fIY, 1.7.; FFI-[AVSJcrY, SERGETEV, V.V.; CYN.WV, L.h.; LOBYLEV, V.h.; KUC"O, I.I.; 1-:IqEIJSYIY, M.L. Pressure of the metal on rolls in rolli,iF ca&,on and alloyed steels on a threp-hi-b billet mill. Izv. vys. uchet,. zav.: c~,ern. met. no.8:7P-'3 '(1. 1. SitirFkiy mpfallurgicheskiv institttt. mdlls) ZAYKOV, M.A.; TSELUYKOV, V.S.; KAMINSKIY, D.M.; DADOCHKIN, N.V.; I-WHCHERUKOV, P.A.; MARINIli, P.G.; MIRMISKIY, M.L.; PROKOPI-EW, A.V.; OVCHINNIKOVA, R.F.; Prinimali uchastiye; BELZAVSKIY, M.A.; KAYrANOV, M.P.; KUGHKO, I.I.; LARIKINA, F.Ye.; MANCHEVSKIY, I.V.; MARAMYGIN., G.F.; MERKUTOV, V.N.; NASIBULIN, A.S.; NEFEDOV, M.K.; PERMYAKOV, V.M.; CHELYSHEV, N.A.; CHVANOV, L.K. Investigating conditions of rolling on three-high billet mills. Izvy vys. ucheb. zav.; chern. met. 6 no.10:74-83 163. (MIRA 16:12) 1. Sibi-rskiy metallurgicheskiy institut i Kuznetskiy metallurgic~wkiy kombinat. FFCW.ROI P.S. I M~! GRIMM, G.A., BURHISTFJDVAS Z.F., DALIKLj M.L. Dissociation of fluid petroleum products in an electric discharge. Raport presented at the 12th Gonference on high molecular weight compounds,, devoted to monomerx,, )3aku,, 3-7 April 62 -: . - - ~ .. :' ~ 7"~:. -. ~- - -1.1 -1 1 r ,-:L , - - - - REMILADZE, 7,urab Ivlianovich; MOZAIDZE:. G., red.; KMATA, Al., takhn. red-. (Brigades of co-miniat labor in metallurp,7] Brigads kommunisticheakogo truda metallurgov. Tbilisi, Gos.izd-vo "Sabchota Sakartvelo*. 1959. 37 P. (MIRA 13:7) (ROtallurV) MERKYPLOVS I. "Faster Than bound," from the Soviet journal "October, 12 Doc 55. President, Sci. Tech. Sommittee of J3t Technology of the Central Aero Club im. Chkalov, Tushino, USSR. D 389782 JASKONIS, J., red.; KANOPKAITFROZGIFZIE, S., red.;,ts.;WS, A., MIKAIAUSKAITE, D., red.; BARTUSEVICIUS, V.., iekfixif- i-a. [Problems of physiology and biochemistry; a festschrift in honor of the 70th birthday of Professor vl.Lasas, M.D., Corresponding Member of the Academy of Medicine of the Lithuanian S.S R. Member of the Academy of Sciences of the Lithuanian S.S:R.jFiziologijos ir biochemijos klausimai; TSRS Medicinos mokslu akademijos nario korespondento, Lietuvos TSR Mokslu akademijos akaderniko, medicinos mokslu daktaro., profesoriaus Vl.Laso 70 metu sukakciai pamineti. Vilnits, 1962. 27/+ p. (14IRA 15-9) 1. Lietuvos TSR Mokslu akaderrija, Vilna. Botanikos institutas. (PHY SIOWGY) (LASAS, VUDAS, 1892- ) (BIOGIIIMS'fla) MMLI, ki. From the experience of the Falticeni Wr,od Indus tr i ali 7ation Unit ih DrO.7liction- cost reduction. P. 2, (Constructorul. Vol. r~, n . -~- . Au . 1".7, 7--ururf!s!l-.' , P: -innJ -i) index of East Elirop(,an Accessi-ons T.!7. Vol. 7, n-.,2.. Februai-7 1958 YERL-7, ~-ndrzej, vg,- inz~ Foasibillty of awl.tching, ~-7 meami -j-' liolall-or:sj 11-D " ' tranaforrat-rs und4r no-load conditions, Fnargetyka Po' 11 no.UiSuppliBlul inat energetykL 6 no.11/12~541-1,8 ' "'i. 1. Npartmant of Flectricity of the lwrtltuta of Powe.- Engineering, 1,ar3aW, BUGUEL, N.; TESU, C.; MUMCU, E,., PITUC, P.; IOIEL, A. Salinity tolerance of saw fruit tree species planted on the salt soils of the Jijia-B&hlui Depression. Studii biol agr Iasi 13 no.2:333-340 162. EXCERI-TA 'IMMCA 5ea 13 Vol 13/55 D,-Mlato]LOEY Yay 59 1122. CONSIDE RAT IONS ON DERNIATOSES AND OCCUPATIONAL STIGMATA IN ENGINE' DRIVERS AND sToKERS - Consideratit asupra dermatorelor pi stigmatelor profesionale la fochiptii .91 mecanicii de locomotivi - - Me riescu G. - DE;RM. VENER. (Bucure;ti) 1958, 3/2 (145-1157) Graphs 4 After ea-Tn-.-.ff-7Wengine drivers and stokers the author established the following incidence of dermatoses and professional stigmata among them: oil acne 11.161%. facial teleangiectases - 30.58%. traumatic pigmentation of right forearm 21.36%, palmar keratoderma - 45.14%, depilation an the hands and forearms, owing to burns - 49.901%. The above injuries may sometimes iead to a temporary disability to work and should be considered an an alarming symptom of deeper disorders. The sanitary and hygienic measures the author prescribed have noticeably reduced the incidence of the above dermatoses. Antonescu Bu~harest (XIII. 17,190) Arh. i. MMICH. B.V.; SPITKOVSKATA, S.14. Elatchettine frcm T:,Rnacp.--pathia. Kin. 155. (PaRA 9:9) l.Llvov. GosudnrstvenW universitet imani Ivann Franko. (TranBcarpathia-Hatchet tins) Geol-Min MERLICH, B. V., Cand SmOll Sci -- (diss) "Repr;ujaP"iztm of the formation of mercuric mineralization in Transcarpathia." L'vov, 1957. 19 pp (Min of Higher Education 14c~-SSR, L'vov State Univ im. Ivan Franko, Chair of Search and Prospectim+ 4f A, Mineral Rvsmwvq" ), 110 copies M. 2-58p 111) -16- MERLICH, B.V. Characteristics of the formation of mercur7 deposits in the Vyshlwvo region (Transcarpethia). Geol. sbor. LLvovj no.4-.89-106 157. (MIRA 13:2) l.Livovskiy gosuniversitet imeni Ivana Franko. (V7shkovo region (Transcarpathia)--Mercur7 ores)) MERLICH, B.V.; SPITKOVSKAYA, S.M. Faleogene phase of volcanism in the eastern Carpathians. Geol. abor. LL7ovJ no.4:171-177 157. (KIRA 13:2) l.Ltvovskiy gosuniversitat imeni Ivana Franko. (Carpathian Mountains--Volcanoes) . - Dtfliz-fik -drilling mud of rocks from the Lvov-Volyn' Buin for the i)reparation of Jig solutions. DDp. ta pov. LIviv. un. no.7 pt.3: 167-171 '57. WIRA 11:2) (Lvov-Voly-nl Basin--Boring) ~R-4 RR M-m ma m M. w q %-a-qp, ISRLICH, B.7. Mineralogical associations of Meogens ore deposits In Trans- carpathia. Kin.abor. no.11:122-127 '57, (H!RiL 13:2) 1. Goauniversitat imeni Ivana Franko, Llvov. (Transearpati-hia--14ineralog7) .W-2-MM BARYSHNIKOV, N.K_._;_n~HCH, B.V.; SLAVSKAYA, &,I. Metacinnabarite from Transcarpathla. Min.sbor. no.11:342-346 1.57. (MIR& 13:2) 1. GoolnechaelaLya okspedituiya Urallakogo goeuniversitota, Beregovo Gosuniversitet im. Ivana A'ranko, L'vov. (Trnnscarpathia--~tatacinnabarite) .'ri-2-49-/62 L y e t 'A :)i, S.. r p L t I'L S L I e~ -i r w. :c r f V,. 1 1- r 1~) ~.t~ L t r, 7 n n i'~j 1 ;.~-s ri r. c af t's a a t 1-al"er"; r):, :11., 7: s S EL r t I:S or r. r I r i E: s --k e r J t ab i Z L t i c) n j f t Y. e i r- r 1 i - v e s a v c c t i v ii y E.-a r. e Y- c ter r~..-iained andepitil cov. r.. a n e,: - i s fu i, ii e I s o:' vo ; c in i c ') r ~,, c c a T ~: i s 1 -a t t e r i t 'r; 0 o :' r r, r.; k. s o c a r r n n t h o a b o v P r. t c, n e d r ev i o are tozether by taifac,--oAs and 3ed2-,.-.(-rtary ~aat'~ri--11.'ic 7 ~nd.---nce Ol Dreccian com,.~o:~itiari -.n that c~ ccnt-~inimy rock~-~ could he The %nall.isis (,,' th,~ ce,:~ent witri the oll' tnn-t ruwion and -li.!-~-ested a -e-- -tic ab.-~-nt .11J.9 pr~eventq 7 of' !~re;:cia a::ij.,.,.-- for,-,aticri-i duv(Aoi), iridur 'hr~ influ~,ricc V., 11 c,--a n i c 3:- e r, i a r. L i-: eq o f Tra tis c~i rpa t 11 ia . 20-2-49/62 of' tectonic 1-:; --i-o! g _s..-ecially imi.rnbable for tectonic zones ar(~ t I e 3 (1. t nt t S i r 3C t'-l .:i thoat fis ur ee e-l e%-_- t ion! I- a nr: J Jfl.; I Lt., ~,. L .~ ; . ,~ i :-i A r a c e~,.%r e t t'c* ; ', L*~,,, ;=n,,.i,.-al-cL! t n t 1- n t Ie 0 1 -3 i t r, i L f 1; t~: l____ 0t'Srlr,7 ':3 rIC I r! 1 .3 f a a Y; L, -. x E 1 r., i~ n C (~a v t h f.-. Of :1 Vz 1 L8 1 1 v t a. n- no C A 11 i i v i, t t n H-As il.jcctur, t i a 7 1 rL C t f r at o oa c e r e.:,. f f c e e r, t (;%a r a c t -r k)l' t r_jn3fori::.-it I n o f notorious t u~:* Or~i J L 1 n t r,; S ii V t~:~-ai:nentary i. :3 L) C.: -,a f: a a C v l l ~-56i;~ o.9 s I ev s I nd 1 1, N Ll 1-3,- i - i.,.a .E~ e r c . T;: 1 r r 11_~ :~.3 C: e r 1', !lit t" ;1. e n t r; :,j pib ,i a 1 rc ?:s n d e,3 a C: 1 -_~3 1 1 i C f :_il,- for:!iaticns C I - t t C- r e t a r~~ L i f:, r'S e a e r,i en r -I:,*, v Volcanic Breccian Ilikes of Transcarnathia. 2o-2-49/62 rocks into tne ro,,,ions of s,:dLffl,~-ntary can only b-~ 3tar'-, that already existing tect:.nic changes controlled trie of breccia.The :naterial aisc-ussed here leads to tht- c3rclusion the breccian di'kes have an exi)losion wereziis 7;.,-.ich isciose to t.'Ic- zenesis of voicanic funnels. ~n a con-,iderable depih explo3ionF~ volcanic ga8es occarred which accanilated in the uppur part of column of bagic Phesc zaseo together with ovcrh(~-ItCLI penetrated nder hiKh pres,3ure into thu open '-,%annels K'nich we r c formed by th~, ~-xplosion. On a drop ol preosurp, tho gaseg broke furi:i from the mullc of the channuls anG caused a second explosion curii.,: w-Ach --,any bitii o! rocks ~;erc- torn away, (,--' illastr~it ions, z; 3lavic refu~rence3')- ur. Wvovskiy gosudarstvenzW universitet im. Iv. Franko -S -14T --I) BY r, u IiL Z if I,"-'o K IY L em o u r o i t n 't c a 1 Y , Feb. 12, 1957 u T,. TTT z.D Dec. 24, 1956 V., : '~ .-. 3 -1 -'Library of Congrtz;s. bard 3/3 CH .- B.- V. . _. ; Chnracteristics of mercury minernlization in Transcarvathim. Sov. geol. 1 no.2:73-8q '58. (MIRA 11:4) 1. Llvovskiy -osudnrstvenTkvy universitet. (Transcarpnthia-Mercury ores) AUTHOR: Merlich, B.V., 11-58-3-4/14 - TITLE: ---------- Explosive Brecciated Dikes in Trans-Carpathia (Eksp1czivnyye brokchiyevyye dayki v Zakarpatlye) PERIODICALt Izvestiya A-kademii Nauk SSSR, Seriya GeologicheakaYa, 1958, # 5t PP 46-57 (ussR) ABSTRACTt The author of this article describes the brecciated dikes in the Vyshkov rayon oO Trans-Carpathia and propounds the theory that they are not of tectonic origin, as it was stated previously by other geologists, but of explosive, voicanic origin. He substantiates his theory by way of specie:1 geologic surveys and also by microscopic and chemical research. The dimensions of these intrusions range from 200 m to 2 km. They are usually of an irregular oval shape, often elongated. Their composition - pieces of granodiorite-porphyry, diorite- porphyrites, gabbro-diabases, sedimentary rocks and tuff - is cemented together by sedimentary and tuffogenous naterial. The fragments represent 70-80%, while the cementing r2ass is only 20 to 30 of the breccia. The cementing mass ia usually of a grey or greyish-green color, which, when put under a microscope, shows that it contains clastic materials formed Card 1/3 by fragments of quartz and plagioclase, as well as fragments Explosive Brecciated Dikes in Trans-Carpathia 11-56- 3-4/14 of eruptive and sedimentary rocks. In some of these cements, a large admixture of clay material formed by pulverised ar- gillite is observed, especially in dikes located in the sedi- mentatry stratum. Very significant also is a total absence of fragments in the breccia materials of these dikes, which supports the author's theory of their volcanic nature. Moreover, in- tensive studies disclosed uniformity of the composition of the fragmentary parts and the independence of the brecciated dikes from the surrounding rocks, which leads to the assumption that there is a common source of breccia material for all dikes, and that this source is located at considerable depths. As to the mechanism of formation of these bracciated dikes, the author presumes that explosions occured in the rising magma as deep as 500 m. At that moment, the exploding gases and the overheated vapor were forced under high pressure into open canals or even into closed cavities, which were formed by previous explosions. After the explosion, these gases escaped from the walls and cavities, causing secondary explosions, which crushed and broke away pieces of rocks. These fragmentstogether Card 213 with pulverised magma, were pushed into hiEher sections of fis- Explosive Brecciated Dikes in Trans-Carpathia 11-58-3-4/14 surea, sometimes even reaching the surface. When cooling occured, the vapors became liquified and the whole mass moved along the fissures. Thus were formed brecciated dikes consisting of fragments of rocks of lower strata and cement (crushed parts of volcanic materials and possibly, of pulver- ised lava)- The hypothesis of the eruptive origin of brecciated dikes is in concordance with the geologic development of the Vyshkov rayon and explains the otherwise strange peculiarities of these dikes. The tuffogenous character of cement, by its simi- larity to the andesites in composition, tends to prove once more the volcanic origin of these dikes. There are 6 figures, 1 table, 7 Soviet and 2 American references. ASSOCIATIOSs Llvovskiy Gosudarstvennyy Universitet imeni Iv. Franko (L'vov State University imeni Iv. Franco) SUBMITTED: December 21, 1956 AVAILABLEj Library of Congress Card 3/3 B.V. ., ~ , ~-- . ". .. -, ~, - - . - F, ~ Tectonic factors governing, the formation of lleogone oro deposits In Transcarpathia. Geol. abor. [Lvov] no.5/6:95-101, '58. (PaRA 12-io) I.Gosuniversitat imeni Ivana Franko, Llvov. (Transcarpathia--Geoloa, Structural) (Transcarpathia--Ore deposito) WLICH.~-'V. [Narlich. V-7.1; SPITKOVSMTA, S.M. [Spitkovalkat 8.11. 1 Development of the Tertiary volcanism in the Soviet Car- pathians. Pyt.gool. no-9:3o-49 158. (MIRA 13:4) (Carpathian Mountains--Volcanoes) IGMICH, 3.V.; SPITKOVSKA-TA, S.11-1.[Spitkovs 'Ica, S.M.) Ago of hypab7asal intrusions In the 770bV070 region in Transcarpatbla. no.1:27-31s 1.58. (Tre.nacarpathia-Rocks, Igneous) 7,, TAZAR , T9.1. ; "RI, CH. B. V. Principles for mineralogical classification of complex sulfide ores for industrial purposes. Probl.gsokhim. no.1:218-227 159- (KIRA 13:7) (Sulfides-Classification) MIRLICH, B.V. --- Genetic relationship between mercury and lead-zinc ores in Transcaucasia. 1*robl.geokhim. no.l'-249-235 '59- (KM 13:7) (Transcaucasia-4ra deposits) RequJarity of the forTation of mercury rinerali-,ation In tvje Transar athian Bticure-sti, Riiyr,-nia Vol. 12, ro. 2, Aor./June 1059. Monthly List of East European Acceiqi,-,ns '77,,J) TC, Vo'.. 0, ',o. 7, J,.nuary Ir460. Uncl. MLICH, B ~aneral associations of the Neocene mineralizations In the Transcarpathian region. p. 74. A-NALELE 110'M1!TO--rDC!T17TCF. SMIA GEOLOGIE-GEOGRAFIE. Bucuresti, Ru-mania Vol. 12, no. 2, Apr./ June 1959. 14:)nthly List of East European Accessions (=Ai) Lc, vol. 9, No. 1, January 1960. Uncl. i~TIRTICVI 1.;3PITKOVSKATA, 11. Ap-e of the hypabyssal intrusions of the Vyshkovo District in the Transcarpathian region. p. 81. ATTALELE ROMNIO-SOVIETICE. STIMIA GEO-O-jIE-GEO,--RAFIE. Bucresti, Rumania Vol. 12, no. 2, Apr./ June 1959. 1,bnthly List of East European Accessions 09AI) LC, Vol. No. 1, Jmuary 1960. Uncl. GILL&R, Ya.L,I-kg~Cff, B.V.1 SPITKOVSKAYA, S.M. Hy&ororneite from Transcarpathia. Min.abor. no.14:285-296 l6o. (14IR-A 15:2) 1. Gosudarstvenn-yy universitet imeni Ivana Fran-ko, Llvov. (Transew,pathia..-Hydroromeite) I-Eld,IGH, 13 V ; "'AYTS-EVA V 1; ; -' 1,: ; -'.ljL;jjj, G,G. p I N r-- ~ - - - 11 : I- ooCone volcoxic iaecl- -n " -, r=arpathia, ~eol.3'bor. fLLvov] no.7/8:107-128 ~61, (MIRfi 14:12) 1., Gosudarstvennyy uidverositet imeni Iv,Franko, L'Vov, Zakarpatska~-u ekspeditslyn. (Transcarpat'rua-Volcanic ash, tuff, etc.) MERLICH,,--k,V,"-PITK(YISKAYA, S.M.; DATSENKO, N.M. Classification of aggregate varieties of mLlfur in the Rozdol deposit. Min. sbor. no.16:210-226 162. (MIRA 16:10) 1. Gosudarstvennyy universitet imeni Ivana Franko, LIvov. (Rozdol region-SulTur) MERLICH, B.V. Genesis of metacinnabarite from Transcarpathia. Geol. rud. mestorozh. 5 no.5:95-99 S-0 163. (MIRA 16:11) 1. Llvovskiy uriiversitet imoni Ivana Franko. MERLICH, B.V.; SPITKOVSKAYA, S.M. New data on the association of the Neogene mineralizat-lon of Transcarpathia with igneous activity. Dokl. Ml SSSR 153 no.6:1./+07-1410 D 163. WIRA 17:1) 1. Llvovskiy gosudarstvennyy universitet im. Iv. Flenko. Predstavleno akademikom V.I. Smirnovym. MRLIGH) B.V.; DATSENKO, N.M.; KOROBMIKOV, N.S. Time of the oxidizing disintegration of sulfur ores in the Rozdol deposit. Min. sbor. no.17:105-112 163. (MIRA 17-1-1) 1. Gosudarstvennyy universitet imeni, Franko, LIvov. MERLICH,_B.V.; DATSENKO, N.M. Character of the processes of the exogenetic disintegration of sulfur ores in the Rozdol deposit. Izv.vys.ucheb.zav.; gaol. i razv. 6 no.10:60-67 0 263. (MIRA 18:4) 1. L'vovskiy gosudarstvenriyy universitet im. Iv.Franko.