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NOWWVICH, - V.A-. .. inzh.
--- -1:1-
lAfficient use of the D-272 cutting and mixing machine, Avt.dor. 20
no.8:29-30 Ag '57. MIRA 12:4)
(Road machiner7)
--- --;ERKUWVICHI V.A. linzh.
The D-396 mounted ground crushing and mixing machine. Stroi.
i dor.mashinostr. 4 no.2:13-14 1 '59. (HM 12:2)
(Road mchinery)
The D-"5 motor grader. Stroi. i dor.mashinostr. 4 no.4:17-
18 Ap '59. (Graders (Earthmoving machinery)) (MM 12:5)
VOSHOBEIKO, B.I., inzh.; IMMLOVICH, V.A., inrh.
Nixing soil with binders and aggregates by the D-396 and D-J-11,15
ground-cruahing and mixing machines. Stroi.i dor.mashinostr.
4 no.10:16-17 0 '59- (HIRA 13:2)
(Roads, Soil-cement)
UMR, M.M., Icand.takhn.nauk; SERPIK. N.M., iazh.; YRNTSKOVSKIY, Z.L.,
lnzh.; MEMKULOVICH, V.A.. inzb.
Investigating causes of wear of transmission gear boxes of
the D-265 motor grader. Stroi.i. dor.mashinnstr. 4 no.12:
17-19 D '5q. (MIRA 13:3)
(Road machinery-Transmission devices)
HERM~IAVIGH_L V.A. p inzh.
New D-531 road cutter ma=ted on a self-prope3led grader. Stroi.
i dor. mash. 6 no.302-33 Hr 161. (MIRA 14:4)
(Graders (Earthmoving machinery))
Ln 07
Development,~l trends the crmplete rieebanizati(n -T SOviet MjnC-S.
P. 371 (F'rzeblad Ciorniczy. Vc-I . 12, n( . Yj, Oct. Katol-Ace, Poland)
I'monthly index of East DLropean Access-icrs ( 7--.-2 C. Vol. 7 , nc. 2,
Febrnuar-y 1958
Accelerated determination of moisture in green malt. 5Irt. prom
27 no.6:20-21 161. (Halt) MRA 14:9~
Fortieth anniversary of tz -~Oat"O-ctober Socialist Revolution.
Izv. v79. ucheb. zav.; pri. no.1:5-11 158. (MIRA 11:5)
(Russia--Economic conditions)
POLOZ, K., rdekhanik--teplotekhnik; I'lERKULIYEV, G.. smenr y tekhnik
Exceas atiff at an enterprise. Sots, ti-ad 7 no~8-129-130
A, '62. (MIRA 15?10)
1. Kerchenskiy mekhanizirovannyy steklotarnyy zavod Krymskogo
saveta narodnotgo khozyaystva.
(Kerch Peninsula-Glass manufacture)
1-sk-oa I -f ov, K. V.
Merkul I,-: ev, K. V. "Automatic measurement and recording of the SID2 content in
turmeric acido" Mateiraly Tsentr. nauch.-issled. in-ta
bumazh. pron-sti, Issue 37, 1948, p. 155-62
So: U-3566, 15 14arch 53, (Leltopis 'Zhurnal Inykh Statey, No. 13, 1949)
-- -
Une of elements of practical application In the teaching of geography.
Geog.y shkols no.1:43-46 Ja-F 154, (KUU 7:1)
(Geography--Study and teaching)
32' 000
1/3 B 102B 136
ALIT HORS s Antonov, A. V., Granatkin, B. V., Merkullyev,-ju. A.,_
Smolik, Ch. K.
TITLE; Pulse method study of neutron diffusion and thermalization
in water and ice in a wide temperature range
PERIODICAL: Atomnaya energiya, v. 12, no. 1, 1962, 22 - 29
TEM The method, apparatus and results are described, of the investiza-
tion of non-steady neutron diffusion in water and ice at 0.5 - 2860C and
down to -1960C. The pulse method used has been ciescribed by Dardel
(Phys. Rev, 96, 1245, 1954) and 1. M. Frank. The neutrons, from T(d,n)He 4
reactions, were modulated with a repetition frequency of 250 cpS at a
pulse duration of 15~tsec. The neutrons were recorded with a B 10 F3
counter, the counter pulses were fed to a 20-channel time analyzer (dead
time 10 psec), designed by I. V. Shtranikh, A. Ye. Voronkov, A. M. Volkov
and K. P. Dudareva. An apparatus was designed for studying neutron
diffusion in water at 0-5, 3, 7, 20, 71, 96, 136, 138, 159, 200, 250 and
Card 1/4
Pulse method study of ... B102 B138
2860C. The following parameters were measured: neutron life (T) anc
diffusion coefficient (D), coefficient of diffusion cooling ~C) non-
diffusion correction (d) (N. Sjo'strand. Arkiv fys. 15, 147 1959)) tran-s-
port free path (7-tr)' transport cross section (a tr)' diffusion length (L)
and mean cosine of neutron scattering angle ('~-OS-Q). For water at 210C
the following diffusion parameters were measured: T - 207 � 7 ~Lsec,
D =-(0.35 i 0.0l)-10 5 cm 2/sec' C_d . (0-04 - 0.01).105 CM4/sec. The
diffusion parameters for ice at -1960C are given in the ta"ble. The ex-
perimental values were approximated by means of the following formu!as;
D(21'Cj=(0,934 � 0,028) +
+ (0,289 �O,C)OCI) 10-21 +
+ (0, 106 � 0,03) 10- 4 t 3.
COs 9 1 - IS/Xtr (Xs - scattering mean free path),
Card 2/4
Pulse method study oft...
L (t) = t[ L- L~~ 1 '12 X
- (C - d) (1) (0
98 7 � 0
098) +
Q 294, t
(U ,
(C-d) (2t'C)
X + (0,6 111 0,03 1) 10-3 J +
t + 273,
I +0,06t4 + (0,.' .48 0, 104) 1 o I f 2. (10)
t D3 d In Xtr
+ V ~ x
U du
x (2 fl - 3)
(F- - energy transferred by une neutron per col'ision). The heat-exchangc
constant T - D 2/C was (3.1 0 t 0.35)*10 5 sec -1 1 F, - 0.23 t 0.07. Conclu-
sions: Anisotropy in the angular distribution of scattered neutrons in-
creases with temperature. In water at room temperature neutron thermali-
zation satisfies Dardel's theory (Trans. Roy. Inst. Technol. No. 75, 19~.'I;
when the deviation of the neutron temperature from equilibrium is only
small. In ice at -1960C t he neutron gas is in equilibrium with the ice.
Equilibrium is established 45 - 75 psec after slowing down begins. Thi~i
Card 3/4
S/069,~622/ 0121001100 3/019
Pulse method study of... 3102/3138
slowing-down time is much greater than in vater. The authors thank
I. M. Frank for interest, B. V. Makarov, V. M. Gulikov, V. V. Talakvadze,
and Ye. A. Velichenkova for assistance. There arL- 7 figure3, 1 table, ajr,&
17 refereribes:~ 3 Soviet-and 14 non-Soviet. The four most recent refer-
ences to English-language publications read tie followai K. Beckurts.
Symposium on "In Pile Neutron Spectra and Pulsed Neutrons Methods". Dori-
mark, 1960; D. Hughes et al. Phys. Rev., jjj, 672 (1960); D. Hughes,
R. Schwards. Neutron Cross Sections. New fork, 1956; K. Rackey, S. Skolxt.U~.
Nucl. Sci. Engng,.E, 62 (1960).
SUBM ITTBDj July 1, 1961
t, ,C
Q, cjcx3 I
T, 1). ":~. I
t 03 CM2 ~ (C-dj,"" I
05 C.
- 90�0,0t0
1o, M�to
2 0 0j5�() 004
0 105�0 001 (),02�0 01
0,025�0 tO t 43J:0107
I53�0 08 146-1. 6 !o 221.+0 Wli
"j:2/,4o:6to 0, to 0. 1~,
Card 4/4
Ch.K. If
Neutron diffusion for water and ice at temperatures near OOC and -
800C. Atom. energ. 13 no.4:373-374 0 162. (MIFU~ 15:9)
gho~ of the chemical combine tias been finished injqJAA~-
montba. Stroltell no-7:3-5 JI '59. Wki i~--10)
1. Glavnv.7 inzhaner tresta Stalinagorskkhimuglestroy (for Her-
kurov). 2 S t ial'W korrespondent zhurnala "Stroitel'(for
ker-Avane;OV31.3 11
(Stalinogorsk--Chemical plants)
(Precast concrete constructions)
i " f. `~ V\ Ij (I i ~ "- I
, I - -- V, 0 1--.
2. ussit (600)
4. Bee Culture
7. 17intering bees on honeydew honey. Pchelovodstvo 3U r1o. 1. 1953.
9. Monthl List of Russian Accessions, Library of Congress, April -- 1953, Uncl.
AUTHORSi Pechuro, N-S,, Merkurlyev, A,N., Grodzinskiy, E.Ya.,
and Sokolova., N. ~
TITLEi An investigation of physical-chemical changes
occurring in organic media under the influence of
electrical discharges, Decomposition of liquid organic
media during spark machining of metals
PERIODICAL~ Referativnyy zhurnal, Elektrotekhnika i energetika,
no,10, 1961, 41, abstract IOK 236. (Symposium "Problems
of electrical machining of materials", M., AS USSR,
ig6o, 14-24)
TEXTs The organic liquids used during spark machining of
metals (ligroin, kerosine, oil etc.) are decomposed by electrical
discharge. Investigations of the changes in the physico-chemical
propert-ies of petroleum products, Synthin and Esthonian shale
pitch after prolonged electric spark treatment show extensive
decomposition of their organic compounds accompanied by an increase
in the content of sulphur components and evolution of acetylene,
hydrogen and soot-. there is an increase in specific gravity,
Card 1/2
An investigation of physical-chemical... s/196/6i/ooo/olo/o28/*037
viscosity, flash and fire points and refractive index. The
investigations were carried out on a laboratory electric spark
equipment with a follow-up control system maintaining constant
conditions with a capacitAnce of' 12,5-500 microfarads, a voltage
of 100-200 V and a current of 1-5 A~ The petroleum products were
treated for 35 hours and the Synthin and pitch for 20 hours,
Characteristics are given of the materials before and after
treatment, with information about the influence of the construction
and material of electrodes on the evolution of gas and about the
possibility of using the treated fluids and gases in the chemical
and rubber industries.
11 literature references.
[Abstractor's noted Complete translation-]
Card 2/2
AUTHORS: Pechuro, N. S. , and A. N.
'rlTL,E: Investigation of the decomposition of organic liquids
in transient electric discharges
SOURCE: Problemy elektriches1roy obrabotki materialov. Tsentr.
nauchnoissI. labor. elek. obrab. mat. AN SSSR.
Ed. by B.R. Lazarenko. Moscow, Izd-vo AN SSSR, 1902.
TEXT: Although much work has been done on the production of
unsaturated hydrocarbons from natural and refinery gas, most
acetylene is still made from carbide, which is inconvenient. The
most promising ways of making acetylene are oxidative and thermal
cracking and various processes involving electric discharges.
Electrical discharges have mostly been applied to gas, but
relatively little has been done on the electrical treatment of
organic liquids. Following a review of earlier work, new work and
preliminary qualitative results from its first stage are described.
A petroleum product with a boiling range of 140-250 *C was cracked
by transient low-voltage electric discharges employing
Card 1/3
lnvestigation of t tie decompos It ion. 5/(J5b/t)2/(ju(j/()6(j/uij7/L) I I
V, 194/E 135
intermediate conducting contacts in the form of graphite bpiieres
between the main electro(tes. The influence of the nature (if the
intermediate contacts on ti)C OUtpUt and composition of cracked gas
was studied, The laboratory tests were run for up to one hour to
avoid errors in assessment of acetylene due to its solubility in
the liquid phase. The rectangular reaction vessel was r,.ade with
transparent plastic; near the bottom of it were six horizontal
electrodes of 20 or It() nun diaii;eter; the intermediate contact was
by spheres 5-12 nim in (liameter made from various Yrades of
graphite. In principle, the li,ititc! could be circulated but this
was not done in the tests described. Supply was from five a.c.
welding transformers whi-ch cotild be connected to obtain otitput
voltages ranging from 6L) to 300 V- Difficulties in measuring the
power output xn such a case are discussed. ()peration was iiiost
stable when tile number of' intermediate contacts was large ( -- loo),
and stable conditions facilitate measurements. The gas evolved
was of practically constant composition: acetylene and its
homologues forming 29-320/~; C H C H, about 2-b,,.;
and H2, 52-j'85.). n 2n n 2n + 2
Card 2/3
Investigation of the decomposition... s/836/62/()00/000/007/011
This composition was virtually independent of the applied voltage
in the range 60-3()() V. Rowever, the production of gas was more
efficient when, for a given voltage, the current was increased, or
with higher voltage with a given mean current. The apparatus was
run for about 5 hours to obtain a material balance and this showed
that about 2.5 kg of liquid feed are required to produce 1 m3 of
acetylene. The cracked gas could be used directly to produce
acetaldehyde with a satisfactory yield.* The liquid phase remaining
after treatment is unstable in colour on exposure to heat and
light, and there is some increase in specific gravity, refractive
index, iodine value and molecular weight. Some sludge forms,
There are 7 figures and 3 tables.
Card 3/3
AUTHORS: Pechuro, N.S. , and fierkurlyev, .&.,N~c
TITLL: A study of the process of gas formation during the
decomposition of organic liquids in low-voltage
transient electric discharges .
SOURCE. Problemy elektricheskoy obrabotki materialov. Tsentr.
nauchnoissi. labor. elek. obrab. mat. AN SSSR.
Ed. by B.R. Lazarenko. Njoscow, Izd-vo AN 553R, 1962.
TEXT: A high-speed cawera developed by B.N. Zolotykh was used
to study the process of gas-bubble formation by electr-ic discharges
through organic liquids. Camera type CKC-I (SKS-1) made runs of
I second duration taking 4000 frames per second. The subject was
illuminated by lamps to a total wattage of 3.5 kW. Two test cells
were made, of transparent plastic: one contained two graphite
spherical electrode.-i with a 3 min gap bridged by an intermediate
contact in the form of a graphite sphere 8 - 9 mpi dlanieter; the
other had six main electrodes, 20 min diameter, with five
intermediate contacts made of graphite spheres 8 - 9 min diameter,
Card 1/3
A study of tile pf-oc-~s of' gas ... 5/656/62/000/000/009/011
the arrangement being the same as was used in the study of the
decomposi.tion of organic liquids in electric discharges (present
collection of articles, 161-191). Tests were made with a
petroleum di,,itillate ol builing range 140-230 -3 C and with
ethanol. The voltag4~ ranged from ou to 180 V. Typical records
of gas-bubble formatxon obtained at differen.t voltages are
illustrated and described. The processes were very similar
whether ethanoJ or distillate were tised but were much eabier to
observe with ethanol because less carbon was form*-d. High-speed
films and oscillograws of tile process were taken simultaneously
with the multi-electro(ie cell and confirmed that 5everal
simultaneous discharges are recurded on the oscillograir. as a
single impulse. It was also found that gas bubbles and hydrau.1ic
shock have consiticrable influence in displacing the interwediate
contacts during discharge. From the simultaneous films and
oscillograins preliminary conclusions are drawn concerning tile
mechanism of tiischarge initIation and development. One kind of
discharge initiation commences with breakdown of' a microfilm of
liquid dielectric between the intermediate contact and one of the
Card 2/3
A study of the process of gas s/656/62/000/000/009/011
electrodes, the other electrode being in direct contact with the
intermediate contact. This contact is broken down and a second
channel opens up within 0.25-0.5 milliseconds. In other cases two
discharge channels are formed simultaneously within 0.25 milliSecs.
This seems to occur when the voltage between the electrodes is high
enough to break down both microfilms of dielectric simultaneously
or when the output of the supply source is such that after the
first breakdown there is a considerable,increase in the discharge
current, which immediately forms a second channel. Energy
dissipation in the discharge channels gives rise to high
temperatures which decompose the organic liquids with the
formation of gaseous products. Under the 'action of the gas and
o'lectroinagnetic forces the intermediate contact is forced away
from the electrodes, extending both discharge channels, thus
increasing the volume of liquid exposed to high temperatures.
There are 11 figures.
Card 3/3
AUT1i0HS: Pechuro, N.S. , and f-feirkUrlyev, A.N.
TITU: An investigation of transient 61-607Vi-ical dimeharges
used to decompose organic liquids
SOURCE: 1,roblemy elektricheskoy obrabotki materialov. Tsentr.
nauchnoissl. labor. elek. obrab. mat. AN SSSR.
Ed. by B.R. Lazarenko. MOSCOW, IZd-vo AN SSSR, 1962.
TLXT t During the invest-Lgation of the decomposition of
organic liquids in transient elcctric discharges (present collection
of articles, 101-191) it was decided to take oscillograitas of'
current and voltage during the diSchargesj using an electromagriet.Lc
Oscillograph typemnr,-2 (NPO-2) with 'film speeds ranging froin 250
to 5000 win/sec. The open circuit voltage of supply could range
from 60 to 300 V and heavy currents could be passed. It was clear
froin numerous oscillograms that when a single intermediate contact
's used the current and voltage curves are very similar to thobe
of a transient a.c. arc. Analysis of the oscillograms shows that
there are two cases of initiation and development of interrupted
Card 1/ 3
An investigation of transient ...
E194/E 135
(I is charge n the 1' irst case , vo It a ge is app I ie(i at the i ust a nt
when the inter ... vdl.tte contact ib directly on the electrucies; -11
the voltage is high enough the breakdown occurs instantaneously
and the voltage fall!- If tile initial Voltage 15 110t high enOllgh,
breakdown occurs as soon as it hits risen to the breakdown value.
In the second case the intermediate contact -is away from the
electrode wnen the voltage is applied, and discharge is initi-ated
when it approaches closely to the main electrodes, the actual
conditions depending ul.)on the instantaneous value of voltaSe at
that time. Oscillograms were also taken when there were a number
of intermediate contacts, and it was found that several discharges
could occur -simultaneously. in this case oscillograph element-s
were connected between the various pairs of electrodes with various
nuiiibers of interinediate contacts. In general, discharges are
transient and follow one another at irregular intervals and tht-y
also vary in amplitude. 11owever, on carrying out 100 successive
Uischarges it was lounu that as the number of intermediate
contacts is increased there is a charige in the stati.-3tical
distribution ol duration, mean current and energy of individual
Card 2/3
An investigation of transient s/856/62/000/000/011/011
impulses. This suggests that in many cases a number of discharges
occur simultaneously, the oscillograms recording only tile wean
current and voltage. L)ata are given about 'the discharge
frequencies with various values of supply va.1tage under the
particular experimental conditions used.
There are 7 figures and 2 tables.
Card 3/3
~~AUTHORi Pechuro, N, S. (Professor, Doctor of technical sciences); Gol'din, V. I.;
ORG: none
TITLE: D3composition of pure hydrocarbons during electroerosive machining using a
,dynamoolectric pulse generator
SOURCE: Moscow. Eksperimentallnyy nauchno-issledovatellskiy institut metallorozhush-
chikh stankov. Khimichaskiya reaktsii organicheskikh produktov v alektrichaskikh
razryadakh (Chemical reactions of organic products in electric discharges), Moscow,
Izd-vo Nauka, 1966, 164-172
TOPIC TAGS: electroerosion, alkane, aromatic hydrocarbon, cyclohexane
ABSTRACT: The effect of various types of hydrocarbons used as interelectrode media
6-heptane, n-octane, n-decane, tetradecane, cyclohexane, benzene, o-xylene, tetralin)
Ion the chemical reactions taking place during electroerosive machining was studied
under conditions approximating those prevailing in the operation of making holes (d
20 mm) in steel uarts. The power source was an MIG-2B dynamoelectric generator with
a pulse repetition frequency of 600 cycles. The physicochemical properties of the
~pure hydrocarbons were found to have a considerable effect on the characteristics of
~he process of electroerosive machining of the metal. &w1rical equations are derived
C.'d 1/2
ACC NR, AT700684?
for the decomposition of the hydrocarbons. Thermodynamic calculations and results of
oscillograDhic analysis showed that the energy exDended on the chemical processes
varies widely and amounts to 5.52-27.92% of the total energy of the pulse for r)araf-
fins and cyclohexanot 1.73-6.52% for benzene and o-xylene, and 10.02-11-36% for
tetralin. The erosion of the anode and the total electrode wear increase in the
series: cyclohexane, paraffin hydrocarbons, aromatic hydrocarbons. Orig. art. hasi
I figure, 6 tables and I formula.
FACC NR: - AT7006W CODEt __ UR/0000/66/000/000/01'73/0180
AUTHOR: Merkurlyly, A. N Posin, 0. Yu.; Pechuro, N. S. (Professor, Doctor of
ORG: none
TITLE: Study of the decomposition in condensed discharges of liquid organic products
used as interelectrode media in electroarosi:- machining of metals
SOURCE': Moscow. Eksperimental'nyy nauchno-issledovatel'skV institut metallorezhush-I
chikh stankov. Khimicheskiye reaktsii organicheskikh produktov v elektrichaskikh
razryadakh (Chemical reactions of organic products in electric discharges). Moscow,
Izd-vo Nauka, 1966, 173-180
TOPIC TAGS: electroarosion, aromatic hydrocarbon, alkane, cyclohexane
ABSTRACT: Eroeriments were carried out in order to determine the nature of the de-
comDosition of, pure organic coLn-ounds used as interelectrade media in electroerosive
I machining when they are acted. upon by condensed discharges. The compounds studied
were representatives of pareffins, naphthenes, and aromatic hydrocarbons (n-heDtane,
n-octane, n-decane, n-tatradecane, benzene, o-xylene, tetralin, and cyclohexane).
The yield of gaseous decomoosition Droducts was found to depend substantially on the
type of medium. The maxirium amount of gas was formed by the decomposition Of Daraffin
hydrocarbons, and the minimum by the decomposition of aromatic compounds. Relation-
Card 1/2
ACC NR: AT7006848
shiDS were established between the structure of the molecule being decomposed and the
nature and amount of the products. Fmpirical decomposition equations were derived,
and "Che fraction of energy consumed by the chemical reactions was determined. The
dependence of erosion on the nature of the interelectrade medium is discussed. Orig.
art. has: 6 tables.
SUB CODE: 107,13/ SUBM DATE: none/ ORIG REFI 002
Oil reclamntion as an imnortant menns of im-oroving the economy of diesel
locomotive trnetion. Elek. i tenI. tinga 2 no.2:21-22 F 159.
-I' , . . . (MIRA 11:4)
1. Glnvnoye uDrnvleniye lokomotivnogo khozynyst,~a.
(Diesel locomotives) (Oil reclamation) (Diesel fuels)
N=W-M, G. D.
Now standards. Elek. i tepl. tiaga 3 no-3:22 Mr 159.
(Diesel engines--Lubrication) (MIRA 12:5)
Transformer oil for electric locomotives. Elek.i tepl. tiagga
5 no.32:36-38 D 161. (MIRA 15:1)
(Insulating oils)
VORONOVp Hikolay Mikhnylovich; BLIDCIIENKO, Ignatly Fadorovich;
GONCHAROV, Viktor Mikhaylovich; LOBAKOV, Vasilly
Vasillyevich; !ZRKUIIJZY,,_~~~e~vich;
BLAGOVIDOV, I.F., kand. tekhn. nauk,, rateenzent; EMINOV,
Ye.A., inzh., retsenzent; GROMOV, G.N., inzh., retsentent;
LOSIKOV, B.V., prof., red.; SOBAKIN, V.V., inzh., red.;
MEDVEDEVA, M.A., tekhn. red.
(Petrolewn fuel and lubricants in railroad transportation;
handbook] Neftianoe toplivo i smazoehnye materialy na
zheleznodorozh.nom transporte; spravochnik. Moskva, Trans-
zheldorizdat, 1962. 322 p. (MIRA 16:6)
(Petroleum products) (Railroads--Fuel)
"=Iyev. Gennadiy Dnitriyevich
Lubricants and their use in electric rolling stock.(Srrazochny*ye materialY* i
ikh primeneniye v elektropodvizhncxn Gostave) Moscow, Transzheldorizdat, 63.
0125 p. illus., biblio. 5,000 copies printed.
TOPIC TAGS- lubrication, lubricating oil, electric traction, packing material
PURPOSE AND COVERAGE: The book contains brief information on the main physical
and chemical properties of oils and lubricants, and a detailed description of the'
conditions under which lubricants can be used in rubbing parts of electric rolling
stock. Nonis for lubricant consumption are presented. The book is intended for
mechanics specializing in electric rolling stock, their helpers, and the railroad
yard repair personnel. Principal attention is paid to the quality of lubricating
oil and its applications. Ceneral problem involving friction, oil refining, and
manufacttm of Wxicating oil are mentioned only briefly.
TABLE OF MIUM [abridged]:
Fbiewwd 3
Card 1/2
Ch. 1. General information on friction and lubricants 4
Ch. II. Main physical and cheinical properties of lubricating oils - - 19
Ch. III. Technical diamcteristics of lubricating and packing materials used in
electric traction - - 30
Ch. IV. Dibrication of main rubbing parts of electric rolling stock - - 56
Ch. V. Recovery of used lubricating oil - - 100
Ch. VI. Organizaticn of lubrication administration in an electric laccmative
7 yard and norms of lubri ing-material ccnsunpticn - - 108
Appendices - - 1.14
Literature - - 127
OZER: 000 DM ACQ: 30Nov63
L -01806-67 BiT(m)/T DJ
IACC NR, AP6030589 _U' - E-C6
0 RC DE.- IJR/0413/66/000/016/0073/0073
INVENTOR: Ismailov, R. G. A. 0. ; Mamedov, M. A. A._O. ; Spektor, Sh. Sh.
Seidov, M. M. M. 0. ; Vartapetov, A A - Shchelkonogov, 1. A.; Kyazimov,
A. 0. ; Aliyev, A. A. G. 0. , Tangiyeya. T. A ; Kese 'man, L. G. ; Lobanov,_
__4v. ir. ; Chikunov, V. A. ; Blidchenko, 1. F. ; Tarumov, G. _ A. ; Bombandirov, P. P. ,
Merkurlyev, G. D. ; Petrov, S. A.
ORG: none
TITLE: Lubricating- oil for bushings. Class 23, No. 164997
SOURCE: Izob reteniya, promyshlennyye obraztsy, tovarnyye znaki, no. 16, 1966,
TOPIC TAGS: lubricant, bushing, petroleum
ABSTRACT: An Author Certificate has been issued describing a lubricant for
bushings, with a solar fraction and mazut base. To expand the operating tempera-
ture range of the oil, a petroleum fraction with a boil-away of 4-570' at '240-3 20C
is added to the lubricant. This fraction is obtained from the petroleum distillate
at 300-310C. [Translation] (NTJ
.rd I /I J, _j UDC: 629. 11. 012. 26
G. 'A.
Cotton Carding
Oeducing the irregularity of lap by chanf~ing the drawing in
11 1 1
Tekst. prom., 12, No. 3, 1952.~
9. Monthl List Of RU5sian Accessions, Library of Congress, - A:)ri 1 -1953:, Uncl.
MERKURIYEV, .Gennadiy Sergeyevichl SAVOSTIYANOVI Yevgeniy Ivanovich;
, B. ., red.; KWROVA, N.F., teJdaL, red.
(Brigades and the shock workers of communist labor]Brigady i
udarniki kommunisticheakogo truda. Moskva, Uchpedgiz, 1962.
123 p. (MIRA 16:3)
(Socialist ccmpetition) (Communist youth league)
USM/ Electronics Material testin
Carl 1 1.:
~wo &a 2
erkur,, yeri
L_ gi e use o t, t 'i t f,
a- vn o the 'f -he pens mt ng proper y,o mm&.,rays,
to~ lo-cate- hidden dof6cts in-metal fts.- N6 t6th --one
pA ode are described
~called -the pkOt hod zation method. The.
ogr4phie* met and, the ioni
-.*rmer,:pro'duc" a photographic image on which hollmi places in an objectar6
revealed through greater penetrati n of the:rays
.0 and the latter recor
their:penetration 0u the Geiger,: counter prirlciple. Technical details, of
~_the parts of-the apparatus with directions fortheir assembly.
grams,; graphs,
Submi ted-- -
AUTHOR: Merkur'yev, I.
TITLE: Burning Issues (Nabolevshiye voprosy)
PERIODICAL: Radio, 1957, Nr 6, p 11 (USSR)
ABSTRACT: A new AF 20 -watt amplifier designed by the author was displayed at
the Ninth All-Union Exhibition of the Radio Amateurs - It won fourth prize.
Its description was submitted to the Ministry of Communications; the Ministry
never replied. A description of a new gamma-ray crack detector, submitted
to the Ministry of Radio Engineering Industry, was shelved there for over five
months; it was examined only after interference by public organizations. The
author has designed over fifty various instruments during twenty years. He
finds that very little attention is paid to the important matter of radio amateur
inventions. Currently, he is developing a new portable dosimeter with AC
supply, weight under 1 kg.
AVAILABLE: Library of Congress
Card 1/1
BOLOTOVSKAYA, T.P.; BOLOTOVSKIYp I.A.# kand, tokhn. nauk, dotij.;
I.A. ; S-,IRII'OV,
blandbook on the geometrical calculation of involute toothed
and worm gears] Spravochnik po geometricheskomu. raschetu
evollventnykh zubehatykh i cherviachnykh peredach. [By] T.P.
Bolotovskaia i dr. ',,,oskva, Yashgiz, 1963. 472 p.
(MIRA 17:4)
Ln-,~., 'T~ -------
IZERKURRYEV, I. S. Cand Tech Sci (diss) "Developrent 0&-,Fnl and methods
for the hydraulic calculation of automat rc_~tubul aA water -meter regulators."
Mos, 1957. 23 pp with diagrams (Min of Agriculture USSR. VASKRNIL. All-Union
Sci Res Jnst of Hydraulic Engineering and Wai*amxk"w), 100 copies (KL,5-58, 102)
16t'omatic tubular water meter and regulator used i_- izrigatjoa
97stems. Blul. tekh.-okon. inform. no.1:61-62 157. (KIYA 11:4)
AGI'HOR! Merkurlyev, I.S., Candidate of Technical Sciences
TITLE- Letters and Comments of the Readers (Pis'ma i otkliki chitatele-y,
Hydraulic Resistances on Head Water Discharges (Gidravliches-
kiye soprotivleniya na vkhod napornykh vodovypuskov)
PERIODICAL; Gidrotekhnicheskoye Stroitel'stvo, 1958, Nr 3, pp 46 -48(USSR)
ABSfRACT, Based on a Bernoulli equation, calculations are presented to
determine hydraulic resistances on head water discharges. The
author critically appraises the calculations offered by I.A.
Zababurin on the same problem. There are 2 graDhs and 4 Soviet
Card 1/1 1. Bernoulli equations-Applications 2. Fluid flow-Resistance-
Mathematical analysis
WRKUR'YEV, I.S., kand.tekhn.nauk
Lightweight hydrant-tqp~ slliice j7aates rf sys,~en~s ,cith dis-
1. -
tributing pipelines. Gidr. i mel. 14 rc_I.7,.I,[_'-46 - 162. NIRA 17:2)
1. Vsesoyuznyy n.-ailchno-is.-~ledovatp-llskiy irstitw. gidrot.,~khniki i
BELOSTOTSKIY,Anatoliy Avrumovich; VAL'DENBERG, Yuriy Stanislavovich;
- CL..JVaj~qy c1i; Prin;mal uchp
(Use of electronic corrputers in the automation of inaustrial
procesooL:] Primenenie vychislitelInykb mashin (ilia I!Vtomati-
.,.atsii proi::v~dstvennykh protso.,,,sov. Mos"ra, Znerg-ia,
19(~4. 23F P. 01-~IhA 17:12)
A C' C-N R_ j
m6oo4715 Monograph
Belostotsklcy, Anatoliy Avrumovich; Valldenbergp YUriY Stanislavovich;
Merkur' yev,,jeopid_.1vanoy:kq4
Use of computers for the automation of production processes
(Primeneniye vychi-glitellnylch ma3hin dlya avtomatizataii proiz-
vodstvennykh protsessov) Moscow, Izd-vo "Energiya", 1964-
238 P. illus.p biblio. 9800 copies printed,
TOPIC TAGS: computer, automation equipment, industrial automation,
automatic control system, automatic control, computer application
PURPOSE A14D COVERAGE: The book is intended for a wide circle of
technicians concerned with the automation of various production
proc'esses. It describes the basic problems involved in the use of
computers for the control of1hEce processe3. Numerous examples-taken
from Soviet and foreign practice show the role and the position of
control computers in different technological processes. Scientific
and technical problems arising with the utilization of control
computers, as well as trends in their development, are discussed,
The main emphasis is placed on the use of control computers in
chemistry, power engineering, metallurgy, and.transportation, The
introduction and chapters 1, 2 and 3 (except ss 3-1 and 3-4) were
written by Yu. S. Valldenberg,�� 3-1 and 3-4 by A, K, Davydovskiy,
Card 1/4 uDc 681.1
ju46004~1 5
chapter 4 (excepti� 4-5) and S5 6-3,
chapter 5 and �g 4e-5, 6-1, 6-2, and
Belostotskiy. Materials on Soviet
by V, M. Kagan, B. N. Malinovskly,
6-5. and 6-6 by L,I, Merkurlyev,
6-4 and the appendix by A. A.
control computers were furnished
N. 1. Borodin, and G, 1# Gillman,
Ch. I. Automation and computers -- 9
1-1. Partial and full automation -- 9
1-2, Information-type computers -- 11
1-3. Computers which advise the operator -- 21
1-4. Control computers -- 31
1-5, Theoretical problems involved in the use of control computers
1-6. Some problems of control-computer designing 45
Ch. 2. Control computers in the chemical industry 50
2-1# Optimum control in chemical productions -- 50
2-2. Linear progranuning in controlling chemical processes 64.
2-3. Control of product-mixing processes -- 77
2-4, Control in oil refineries -- 85
Ch. 3. Control computers in power engineering -- 85
Card 2/4
'4CC P*1600471 5
3-1. Use of digital computers in ower distribution 85
3-2. Control in power plants -_ 98
3-3. Control of the boiler-turbogenerator unit -- 99
3-4. Digital adjustment of power facilities -- 106
Ch. 4. Control computers in the metallurgical industry 110
4-1. Automation of blast-furnace production -- 112
4-2. Control of converter production -- 118
4-3. Control of rolling mills -- 124
4-4. Control of material laying-out processes -- 139
4-5. Statistical simulation of open-hearth plants -- 145
4-6. Complex automation of a metallurgical enterprise -- 149
Ch. 5. Computers In transportation -- 158
5-1. Use of computers for the automation of bookkeeping in rail
transportation -- 158
5-2. Use of control computers in railroad operations -- 165
5-3. Automation of industrial rail transportation -- 183
Ch. 6. Soviet control computers -- 200
6-1. "Dnepr" (multipurpose control computer) 200
6-2. TZI-I-NKh 2o6
Card 3/4
ACC NR: Am6oo4715
6-3. VN11E-1-1 -- 211
6:4. 7M-1 -- 213
6 5. "Stall -2 " -- 218
6-6. "Zenit-3" -- 222
Appendix: Characteristics of foreign control computers 227
Bibliography 234
SUB CODE: Oq/ SMI DATE: 14Nov6V ORIG =-.,: 058/ OTH REF. 043/
- MERMIM, N -.? inzhener.
High-speed entr7 driving. Mast.ugl. 5 no.6:26 je 1.56. (MIAA 9:8)
(Pechora Basin--Coal nines and mining)
KgRKUROYEV, Hikolay Dmitriyevich; ABMIGH, P.L., red.lzd-va; BYKOVA.
[Prospecting for asbestos] Asbast i ago poiski. Moskva, Goo.
nauchno-tokhn.izd-vo lit-ry po geologii i okhrans nedr. 1959.
26 p. (MIRA 13:7)
IWIKURIYEV, Nikolay ABKEVICH, P.L., red. izd-va;
'--7ffR&Vi,"~.V., tekhn. red.
(Asbestos and searching for itlAsbest i cgo poi~;ki. Izd.2.
I-loskva, Gosgooltekhizdat, 1962. 23 P. (MIRA
4V,--Ha- (Dbskva)
_ j~~lj R I T
Problems of prevention and treatment of thronniDoeevol-ism in the
system of the pulmonary artery. n0.4:148-151 162.
(1411a 15.5)
---I - 1.
Specific featilres of prospecting for deposits of piezooptical raw
materials. Razved. i okh. nedr 27 no.1:15-18 Ja 161. (PIRA 17:2)
1. Vnesoyuznyy nauchno-issledovatellsi-ly institut plyezooptiches-
kogo syrIya.
Translation from: Referativnyy Zhurnal, Elektrotekhnika, 1957,
Nr 1, p. 215 (USSR)
AUTHOR: Merkurlyev, N.K.
TITLE-. Mechanization of Production Operations at the Plant
"Proletariy" (Mekhanizataiya proizvodstvennykh
protsessov na zavode "Proletariy")
PERIWICAL: Inform. tekhn. sb. M-vo elektrotekhn. prom-sti SSSR.,
1956, Nr 5 (89), PP-13-18.
ABSTRACT: BibllographjLc entry
Card 1/1
AUTHORS;~ Bukhman, G,D., and Merkurlyev, P.T.
TITLE, A luminescent method for finding leaks in (steam)
PERIODICAL,5 Referativnyy zhurnal, Elektrotekhnika i energetika
no.11, 1961, 28, abstract 11G 166 (Elektr,
stantsii, no.4, 1961, 86_87)
TEXT, Experience with the method in high- and medium-pressure
power stations of the Sverdlovenergo system is described, The
luminophores used were (I) fluorescine, and (II) sodium
fluorescinate, Because of the poor solubility of (1), causti-c
soda is added to the water when it is used, In preparing the
condenser for hydraulic testing, a quarter of the volume of the
steam space is filled with water, then solution (II) ts added '
after which the condenser is filled with water to above the tube
level, The condenser pump is operated through the recirculation
line for 25-30 minutes to ensure good mixing of the solution,
The fluorescine concentration should be greatey than 5 mg/lItre,
Card 1/2
A luminescent methcd for fl-nding s/lq6/6i/ooo/oli/ol4./o42
When looking for leaks the lamp should be moved along the tube
plate from top to bottom at a distance of 50 70 mm from the
tubes in a darkened water chamber, Solution which escapes through
small leaks in the tub-- system shines with a bright v-?!L--w-greeri
colour, Lamp type 4!'~ (,UFO-4A) with glass gra-!~, 6
(UFS-6) was u5ed. Supply was at 12 V a,c~ The te~4t lasted
4 to 8 hours,
EAbstra-lor s note
Compl-c- t7anstatior
Card 2/2
%A,t the use of mireral fertilizers under control. Ze-mledelie 27
nos5c8l My 165. (MIRA 18:6)
Is Predsedatell Irkutskogo oblastnogo komiteta partlyno-gasu-
daratyannogo kontrolya,
In the countryts rolling mills. Metallurg 9 no.12:34-35 D 164.
(MIRA 18:2)
1. Magnitogorskiy metallurgicheskiy kombinat (for Yemellyanov),
2. Zavod "Krasnaya Etna" (for Skrobov, Kondybko). 3. Chusovskay
metallurgicheski7 zavod (for Ilyukovich, Merkurlyev). 4. Charepovet-
skiy metallurgicheskiy zavod (for Sarapulov).
Rolling special lighweight shape 02OB1 wheal rims -for the GzLZ 51,
automobile. M-talllirg 10 no.4126-217 Ap 165. t X! P A - C'. , ,
1. Chusovskoy metallurgichegkiy zavod.
ILYUKOVICHt B.H., starshiy kalibrovshchik; MERKURIYEV S.Ye., kalibrovshahik
Rolling of special sections for the screens of Jiggin
machinery. Metallurg 10 no.500-31 My 165. IMIRA 18t6)
1. Chusovakoy metallurgicheskiy zaved.
In the roLjing ,xiil.,3 ol' thsa '(' L) '-65-
I ,
I "ti I
~. it". LR-.J~
1. Chusovskiy metallurgichankiy zavod (for 711yukovich, Mnrkurlyev~.
. I _ ~ - I X
- 0~0~
Augment credit relations with
15 no.3:8-12 Mr '57.
the petroleum industr7. Den.i kred.
(MLRA 10:5)
4201 2205, It4 '16" 1 Lj-j Ll 3110/B230
AUTHORSj Yerusalimakiy, B. L.0 Merkurlyeva, A. V., Baykova, N. P.
TITLEi Polymerization of ohloroprene under the influence of organo-
metallic compounds
PERIODICALe Vysokomolskulyarnyye soyedineniya, v. 3, no. 5, 1961, 798
TEM Data published on the polymerization of chloroprene by methods
other than initiation by free radicals disclose nothing about polymeriza-
tion in the presence of conventional organometallic compounds. The present
authors found the polymerization of chloroprene under the influence of
organolithium and organomagnesium compounds to be possible. Butyl lithium
and the system [04H 9MgI + (C4H9),Q were used as initiators of polymeriza-
tion. This system, formed in the course of the organomagnesium synthesis
in hydrocarbon, has already been applied together with other organo-
magnesium compounds for the polymerization of isoprene. Under the in-
fluenoe of the system butyl magnesium iodide - dibutyl magnesium the poly-
mesization of ohloroprene takes place at a considerable rate between 40 and
60 0. At a concentration of the initiator of 0.012 to 0.025 and of the
Card 1/2
Polymerization of ... B110/B230
monomer of 2.5 moles/1, conversion amounts to -5 per cent per hour at 600a
at the beginning of the reaction. Applying butyl lithium and a concentra-
tion of the initiator of 0.008 and og the monomer of 4.0 moles/l, con-
version is 2 per cent per hour at 35 C at the beginning of the reaction.
Polymers obtained in hexane under the conditions described are soluble in
benzene to a limited egtent (,v50 per cent). Temperature of vitrification
varies from -46 to -50 0 for the individual speoim no. [Abstracter,s notei
Essentially complete translation]. There are 4 Merencest 1 Soviet-bloc
and 3 non-Sovist-bloo.
SUBMITTEDt January 28, 1961
Card 2/2
AUTHO~3: Dolgoplosk, B. A., Yerusalimskiy, B. L., Kavunenkol A. P.,
Merkurlyeva, A. V.
TITLF,- Polymerization of diene hydrocarbons unaer the action of
organoma,qnesium compounds
PERIODICAL: Vysokomolekulyarnvye-soyedineniya, v. ~J, no. 9, 1962, 1333-1337
TEXT: The polymerizaltion of butadiene (I), 2,3-dimethyl butadiene (il),
and chloroprene (III) by the system (C 4 H9)2Mg - C4 H 9b1gI was studied under
the same condi'ions as that of i3oprene described preyiously (1ysokomolek.
30,red., 2, 541, 1q60). Renults: (1) A solution of 25 - 30.mole"'Iin he)cane
.1 0 /0
yielded -1C~,~ polymer with 77 - 7Z 1,4 bonds at 100 C. Under the same
con-titions, II yi,11ded-40~-' polymer with 97~ 1,4 bonds. The poly-,nerizaticn
proceeds more alo .ly than that of isoprene. The polymers are completely
soluble in benzene and have lost -6-5,, of their double bonds. It is
assumed., therefore, that an intriiiji0lecular 0cyclization occurs.. (2) The
polymerization of III in hex'ar-d at 40 - 60 C yielded up to 20r,~.polymer.
The polymers had limited solubility in benzene, and their glass transition
Card 112
Polymerization of diene ... B101/B144
point was -40' to -490C. (3) The consumption of organoma,6,nesium initiators
during the polymerization of isopre:,,e -.,;as studied. The content in C4I'll 1()
libera .~ed by~ If2so ras determined chromatographically. The continuous
decreaLe in nitiator concentration and the continuous increase in
molecuiar viJ
ght during the reaction suggest a consecutive organometal
synthesis.. Monomer addition to the C-Mg bond is comparatively slow.
There Oe 1 figure and 4. tables.
ASSOCIATION: Institut vysokomolekulyarnykh soyedineniy AN SSSR (Institute
of High-molecular Compounds AS USSR)
SUBMITTkD: May 20, 1961
Card R/2
AU~!' .'0 R S 11~1 I j- i. e rmar. , Z . A L. A.
12 IT L :'Lrdro.-enation in t'-w PI-osence of Colloidal Palladium (Gidri
-r.j,rC. V 1,.
rov rjsut3wii '-oIluidal'nc,--.-c
IX. ro-unation of Viiiylpropyl- ar,~! Vinylbut,-,l-Acetylene
L, .1
(IX. Gidrirov,-L,,.iye vinil-,~ro,,~il - i vinilbutilatsetilen2v)
P-RIODICAL: :L"hurnal chshc:,ey Ihiriii 195"1", vol.2,-.., "r
ABJTRACT: One of the :-uthors earlier. investi -ated the ',,.ydro-eneticr cf
two clcse hc-ioloc:,Li--,s of vinylacetylere, namely vinyl::,.ethyI-
and vinyletulh~-l-acetylene. It was of interest to tes-. t1le sai:,-e
reaction also on ot.,ler derivatives ~Df v~ r:, lace tylene wi--h a
lon--er c'-.--in of ato~is. Tor tr,is nurnoce the authors ',.yJratle.~
vir,yll)ropyl- and ir t~ie presen,-;e of c:'-
loidal palladiu.i. The ~-!drc~eno--i~~n -ro~ucts ,,,ere zc-=atr-,~
fi,o.--, tho iriti~ll product and t:.o c.,- -Dlefincs and
olef ines 10 ro,~. --' r a t e d .Accuz,~"ML: ti t',,.e quantity of d-i- dn--'
tetra-bromide3,--d 1~y !--3tillation it was
Card 1/3 sible to cc;nclude "he 1,ro-portional :i--,~-ntity of an~
7 1- - ' - 2 -) / '__ 7,
J ro L-e n -- t i on i n t h c P re s e r. c e o 1" C o I lo, _; 2 ~_ 1 Pa 11 ad i u L:i . I Xa t i :; n
of Vinylpropyl- and Vinylbutyl-Ac,,t,,Iene
diolefinco. The -31hysical constants )" the c)zonolyqi~,, a..1
condensation with ':ialei,7--acid an',..-dride '-ave infor-,-LI ion
on the structuro of t!,,o olefincs ard diolef-ines reLencra'.ed
with zinc from the brouides. Accardin.- to tlie nature cf tne
curve which -ives the velocity pro,-,asq it can be s-en Thai.
the hydrocarbons Iwo be investiCuted are almost not (lil"ferr-r-
fit: --. their earlier irvcoti,~ated homolo-ues, vinyl::~ethyl- and
vinyle thyl -ace tylene (see dia-ran). On the basis of the In-
vesti-z-ti:)ns t was tl-,us lete=ined that in the
of vinylpropyl- -and vinylbutyl-ac-Aylene in the nresQnce,
colloidal palladium tl~e additi-Dn -Df t-al~es place -"-r
the same manner as in vinylmethyi- and vinyleth'.-l-acctyiene
i.e. at the triple bond, the further ~iydrojeznation of the
developing dienes to the correspondin- ethylene hydrocarbons
takin, place sinultaneously. It was round that the addit:~n
of a small anount of p-chlorobenzene thiocyanate ircrez-Cc3
t!-ie selection of tqe '-.-ydro~enaticn -,)roces,--. Octadienc.-1,71;
1,2,3,4-tetrabromoheptane and tatrabromooctane viere Char-,-
terized for the first time; the exact constants for ".~ejta-
C a r d 3 diene-1 3 were described. '2here are 1 fi~-,ure , 2 ta J1o s. and
Hydrogenation in the Presence o'L Colloidal Palladiuz. IX. Hydro.~ena--.icn
of Vinylpropyl- and Vinylbutyl-Acetylene
1.-1 references, 7 of which are Slavic,
ASSOCIATION: IenIngrad Techno1ogical Institute imai Leansovet
(LeninGradskiy tel:hnologicheskiy institut irn. Lensoveta)
SUBMITTED: January 4, 1957
AVAILABLE: Library of Con--ress
Card 3/3 1. Chemistry 2. Hydrooarbons 3. Yathematical analysis
USSR/Farm Animals. Cattle.
Abe Jour: Ref Zhur-Bicl-, No 17, 195,3, 78728.
Author : Koledcv, A.F.
Inst : Alitay Kray Scientific-Research Ut4irinary Station.
Title : On Periods of 1,Inting of Cows After Calving.
OriB Pub: Sb - nauch. mbot. ,Iltaysk. kraysvoy n.-i. -,ret. st.,
1957, vyp- 1, 192-197.
Absti-act: Nc. abstract
card 1/1
Chemical, electrophoretic and chromatographic ememination of
carbohydrates bound with blood aerum, proteins in cormary in-
sufficiency before and after surgical interventions. Kardio-
loglia 1 no.5:22--29t6l (MIRA 17W
Electrophoretic and chromatographic analysis of glyccporoteins
in the blood serum of patients with defect of the mitral valve.
Terap. arkh. 34 no.10.,84-89 01,62 (MIRA 17.4)
1. 1z biokhimicheksoy laboratorii ( zav. - prof. Ye.P. Stepan-
yan) Instituta, serdechno-sosudistoy khirurgii ( dir. - prof.
S.A. Kolesnikov) AMN SSSR; nauchnyy rukovoditell - akademik
A.N. Bakulev.
AUTHORS: Stepanyan, Ye. P., Merkurlyeva, R. V., Geselevich, Ye. L.
TITLE: Experimental study of metabolic acidosis in deep hypothermia
PERIODICAL: Akademiya nauk SSSR- Doklady, v. 147, no- 5, 19629 1250-1252
TEXT; Since narcosis with hypothermia produces often metabolic acidosis,
it was important to clear up the role of hypothermia in itself. This was
done by determining in heart, brain, skeletal muscles and suprarenal
glands of narcotized dogs (temperature in the mediastinum 100C) the
contents of lactic, pyruvic and ascorbinic acids, the glycolysis, the
content of protein and its fractions, the blood viscosity, the
electrolytes, the pH, and the blood sugars The tests were conducted in
3 groups: blood circulation interrugted for 30 min (I); for 60 min (II);
for 30 min followed by warming to 57 C (III)- Resultc: (I) The lactic
acid content dropped in heart and suprarenal glands and increased in
brain and muscle. Glycolysis changed in the same sense with exception of
the muscle. (II) Marked increase of lactic acid content and glycolysis
in heart and brain. (III) Maxima of both levels in the brain. In the
Card 1/2
Experimental study of metabolic ... B144/BlE36
brain aerobic glycolysis was observed also. This is explained by
adaptation reactions. A blood sugar content up to 300 mg-5f) and a p1l
shift toward acid values were observed with maximum cooling, both
returning gradually to normal values with the restoration to normal body
temperatures. The protein analysis revealed hypoproteinemia with reduc-
tion of the albumins and increase of al, a 2 and p globulins. The blood
viscosity was also reduced. The changes in pyruvic acid and electrolytes
were insignificant. The ascorbinic acid level dropped initially in all
tissues, it then increased sharply after 60 min in the suprarenal glands
and in all tissue3 after warming-up to 370C. This again is attributed to
adaptation. It is concluded that metabolic acidosis is not due to
hypothermia proper, but to interruption of the blood circulation and to
warming-up. There are 2 figures.
ASSOCIATION: InstitLt serdechno-sosudistoy khirurgii Alkademii
meditsinskikh nauk SSSR (Institute of Cardio-vascular
Surgery of the Academy of Medical Sciences USSR)
PRESENTED: May 21, 1962, by A. N. Bakulev, Academician
SUBMITTED: May 21, 190
Card 2/2
Study of carbohydrates combined with proteins in the aortic wall in
atherosclerosis. Dokl. AN S3SR 155 no.6: W,.4-1446 Ap 164.
(MIRA 17!4)
1. Inatitut serdedhno-sosudistoy khirurgii AMN SSSR. Prodstavleno
akademikom A.N.BW,