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-1, . I I--, S/046/62 1/008/001/010/015 B125/B10, A:'J'V', I OR S e rk u 1 v Yakovlev, L. A. 'I:*Ii'LE': Peculiarities in the spreadinF and reflection of ultrasonic beams in crystals -RT Akusticheskiy zhurnal, v. 8, no. 1, 1962, 99 - io6 ODICAT : T7-',,'T: -Equations for calculating ultrasonic waves in piezoelectric crystals are derived by determining the group velocity. The reflection on a free boundary is studied. From the initial equations (that connect elastical and electrical quantities) 05,t. r P-Uj CQI- ej Q. ax T--k k (3) D =e P 119 q + 4n - ep,rs - U". one obtains for the solution of the system of equations E 4:t (ej,k, - qj - q,,) (ep, rm, qP, qd P - (02, 611r. - Ci*ltn - q1 - qk U~ = 0. (4) 1 P Card 1/ 5 f '0 4 6/ 6 2 j'~ I PeCUliiLritieJ in "he spreading ... B 12 5/11 V ? for the co~T,.r),-)riento of the ~! isplacement vector. I t i s a j Z u:.-. e'~ t ! I a t div 0 A J also 0; the wave is considered to be :nionochroi-ilat.-C. "I aenotes the components of the displacement vector in the elastic zave, uIm the components of the deformation tensor, D P the components of the electric induction vector, E the comDonentn of the electric fieldstrerij-,tn, ciklm the modulus or elasticity at a constant electric field stren-th, ej,,, the Piezoelectr 4C constants, the comoonents of the dielectric p q constant at constant deformation, the crystal density, I the direction cosine of the wave vector. q, - q-1, in valid. With E lin (el. 1j - qj * qk)'(ep, "n, qP, qr)5 F(. = Cfkj,.-qjqk + ep'q - q, - q, systern (4) only has solutions different from zero when IQ,j26 1 im imi- (6). The totality of q forms three surfaces of wave vectors. The velocity of sound in a crystal is chang,ed by the piezoelectric correction. The direction of sound waves in crystals is giver. by Card 2/5 S/046/62/008/001/010/018 Peculiarities in the spreadin,-... B125/B102 a JP~ L("h . (P. V2 8QhA L j k cat ali (n Qhh) + al, 1=CfkI.Pk'(PII.,+P,,,-1j).(10) (10) and the velocity of sound in one bean, is Lgiven by V~. = (V, -L i I 1 (11). V,., + V,.) 2 - j~~ j (Y i-I The reflection of a spreading sound wave in a crystal is described by O/Vo J/vj at the boundary surface. The indices o and sin a (n) = sin a (n) refer to the incident and reflected wave. The interrelation of the amplitudes is given by c n , j j . -..r iqo.r J.U + q Uj)-elqj C(qo-Uo + qo-[Jo)-e + (q. - - I= 0 (15). iklp i M 1 1 m M 1 1 M -1 The sound field can be made visible in optically permeable crystals Card 3/5 3/046/62/009/001//010/016 Peculiarities in the spreading ... B125/3102 (Cluartz) wiLn the hell) of the shadow method. The index oj* refraction changes periodically due to the rotation of the Fresnel ellipsoid and the chanre of the ellinsoid axes in length. Longitudinal, quaoi- longitudinal and quaritranovernal waves alwayu chan,-e tile velociLy of light, but purely transversal waves only in the case of certain 9,-!~mmetrical properties of the crystal and a specific direction of propat""Ition of the jound beam. These special properties of ultraoonic waves are also noticeable -,-4hen usin,-, a pulae method. There are 7 figures, 1 table, and 8 references: 4 Soviet and 4 non-Soviet. The four references to English-lancuage publications read as follows: F. E. Borgnis. Specific direction of longitudinal wave pronagation in anisotropic media. Phys. T?ev., 1955, 28, 1000 - 100~'; M. J. P. Mlus~'rave. On the propagation of elastic waves in aeolotrooic media. I. General principles. Proc. Roy. Soc., 1954, A226, 339 - 355; 11. Mueller. The intensity and polarization of the light diffracted by supersonic waves in solids. Phys. Rev., 1937, 52, 233; R. Bechmann. Elastic and piezo- electric constants of alpha-quartz. Phys. Rev., 1958, 11o., 1o6o - lo6l. Card 4/5 S/046/62/008/001/010/018 Peculiarities in the sprea,iinfy... B125/B102 ASSOCIATION: Leningradskiv elelctroteklinicheskiy institut im. Ullyanova (Lenina) ~Leningrad Electrotechnical Institute imeni Ullyanov (Lenin)) SUBI.,ITTED: April 3, 1)61 Card 5/5 5/046/u2/006/002/007/016 B100158 AUTHORSS -Merk UaL,-L-Z-,--ZZkovlev, L. A. TITLEs Ultrasonic delay lines of crystals with ray deflection from the normal PiRIODICAL: Akusticheskiy zhurnall v. 8, no. 2, 1962, 199 - 203 VEXT : An ultrasonic quartz delay line (Fig. 1 ) is studied which was out out perpendicular to the crystallographic axes. The ultrasonic ray (transverse waves) shown in Fig. 1 is calculated with the aid of equations (L. D. Landau, Ye. MI. Lifshits, Yekhanika sploshnykh sred - Continuum Kechanics, M1,9 GITTL, 1953) which describe the propagation of sound waves in crystals; P - otn' - U, ~ Qi,. - U~" (1) I Qirn - to - V2~- 61- i ~ 0, (2) V(n) is the Yelocity of the wave front, 6 ik is the Kronecker symbol. From the results (Table 1), the delay times were calculated for two different ray pathss theory: 37.4 and 105-4,u-sec; experimentt 37-~ and 105,P-sec. There are 3 figures and 2 tables. Card 1/2 S/046/62/006/002/007/016 Ultrasonic delay lines of ... B104/BI38 ASSOCIATIONs Leningradskiy elektrotekhnicheskiy institut im. V. I. Ullyanova (Lenina) (Leningrad Electrotechnical Institute imeni V. I. Ullyanov (Lenin)) 5 UBI'~ITT ED. April 24, 1961 Table 1. Calculated ray parameters. Legend: (1) ray number; (2) direction cosines of the wave normals; (5) direction cosines of the rays; (4) propagation rate; lo-5 cm/sec; (4a) in direction of the normal; (4b) in direction of the ray. 0 2 1~= 0,86, 1~= 0,51 0.87, 0,5 ltu*-O, 03, 13 w- 0,78 X2---o,A7, 3, Oo b, 07 12=-0,48, 13 = ---0, 88 111 , 0. ~) q!, .3,85 ".18 1 5 Is=-0,63, I,-= 0,78 k2-0,57, 0,82 5, 06 5, 07 6 1..- 0,86, la- 0,51 (),87, 4,~ 0,5 3 31; :3,36 7 1,= 1, 13= 0 kj= 0,92, 3 92 2G Fig. 1 L 4 4 Card 2/2 S,'04Y6 B108 B1C4 AUTF~,R; MI.-rkulov, L. G. TITLE*i Ultraoonir obrervttion of dislocations in fla.'l cry~3tals Akusticheskiy zhurnal, ;. 5, no. 34C - .54z, T --X'7: Tl.~ ~Hvelopment cj' dislocations in NaCl cryltals under stress was studied ~:_- --!n ultrason.`:~ tLcnnique (Aku_~t. zh., 6, 2, ?44 - 251',- This tect,nique is based on recordin, ti,v, cran._e in tI.e ,bsorption cot!ffici,.,nt )f ultrasound occurs xren the stress in the crystal C"-af,~:,es .The absorption coefficient of ti.e crystals Aould increase on compres-.;iuri but vould reeain its ori.-inal value wher, the stress was re- T m, o v,-, I .in the case of claitic loads t~-e increase in absorFtion was found pru ortional to the square of tr,e load. With higher load the squ;'re 1--1'a -wulu 6radually approach linearity. RelaxatJon of absorption wi,:3 (-.,-)n- ,-iderabl 7 -as ,y slower. Nhen load 7. further increased the specimens retain(.d a residual deformation and absorption did not drop to its oriF:,inal value. The disJoclitiono in anne-aled specimens are scarcely mobile and do not con- tribute much to the abscrption of sound. The movable di3loc;,tions -Ari~-,inir 2/C06/00 3/006/GG7 I~x Card 112 -,7 Oltrasoni rjbserv~;ti~,,n If . . . 1"1C6//R1C4 on J.(,n r~,:)i 1; 1,- -.n nun.~E,r- ti~,--n loc;~i if: lie leadin, t- a in 1hese r~,,sult!; r. Lo"):~i ~;Lt r t w iti, t I ieo :-j ~iz t tt.-ii ned ny an c,~ t i (~ -1 th,, Theri~ aru f i f~u r e s . !.E~nin.,radsk -Jy ele- tro tckhri C~.eskiy ins ~ 1 1 -;t im . V. I . U1 I Vanova ( Lenina) ( Lenin -rad - El cc trotecLn i ral in~~- ti tutu i men' V . Ul I ytr,ov ~Leni n April 6, Card 2/2 S/032/62/028/002/017/037 B100108 AUTHORS: Golubev, A. S., It! u~_G., and Shchukin, V. A. _2~~ TITLE: Attainment of maximum sensitivity in ultrasonic echo defectoscopy PERIODICAL: Zavodskaya laboratoriya, v, 28, no. 2, 1962, 196 - 199 TEXT: The maximum attainable sensitivity of the echo method depends on the defect-reflected signal-to-reverberation noise ratio. A study of the structure reverberation in solids can in first approximation be made similarly to the study of volume reverberation in the sea. The frequency dependence of the reverberation noise is mainly determined by V_c,_exp(_(cx+cE,)r) p where a = ap+ anis the total absorption coefficient in a polycrystalline body. aTE is the absorption and aPthe scattering coefficient. a' takes account of the attenuation of the scattered waves. With increasing frequen- cy the reverberation noise initially increases dde to the increased scattering power of the medium. At a certain frequency where V'T =eexp(_(a+a1)r), a maximum is reached. If the frequency increases p Card 11,3- 12- S/032/62/028/002/017/037 Attainment of maximum sensitivity ... B104/B108 further the noise decreases owing to increasing attenuation. If the scattering power of the medium increases the maximum is shifted to lower frequencies. If the ultrasonic wavelength X is considerably larger than the mean grain size of the medium, reverberation noise will be weak. If X is approximately equal to the mean grain size, an interference-type noise is observed. The authors calculated the frequency dependences of the reverberation noise (Fig. 2), of the useful signal, and of the useful signal- to-noise ratio (Fig- 5). The signal-to-noise ratio can be improved by increasing the transducer area. There are 5 figures and 6 Soviet references. ASSOCIATION: Leningradskiy elektrotekhnicheskiy institut im. V. I. Ullyanova-Lenina (Leningrad Electrotechnical Institute imeni V. I. Ullyanov-Lenin) Fig. 2. Calculated (a) and experimental (b) dependence of the relative reverberation noise on frequency for 1X18H9T (1Kh16N9T) steel. Legend: (1) mean grain size 1.2 mm; (2) mean grain size 0.3 mm. Fig- 5. Useful signal to reverberation noise ratio as a function of frequency for acylindrical defect (diameter 1 mm). Card 2/X-, MERKULOY, Lev Grigorlyevich, kand. tekhn. nauk; MIKHAYLOV, T.G., red.; FREGER, IF.F., red.izd-va; GVIRTS, V.L., tekhn.. red. (New achievements in ultrasonic flow detection) Novye do- stizheniia ul'trazvukovoi defektookopii. Leningrad, 1963. 20 p. (Aningradskii dom nauchno-tokhnicheskoi propagandy. Seriia: Elektricheskie metody obrabotki materialov, no.!) (MI RA 16:63 (ntrasonic testing) IVAIIOV, V. Yo.; MERKULOV, L. G.; YAKOVLV, L. A. Damped piezoelectric detector of an ultrasonic defectoscope. Zav. lab..28 no.12:1459-1464 162. (MIRA 16:1) 1, Leningradskiy alaktrotekhnichaskiy institut im. V. -. Ullyanova-Lenina. (Ultrasonic testing) ACCESSIM NR: AR4032186 S/0058/64/000/002/HO56/HO57 SOURCE: Ref. zh. Fiz., Abs. 2Zh349 AUMOR: Merkulov,, L. G. TITLE: Ultrasound waves in crystals CITED SOURCE: Sb. Primeneniye ulltraakust. k issled. %reshchestva. M. 9 vy*pe 179 1963, 15-33 TOPIC TAGS: Ultrasound, ultrasound in crWtals, sound velocity in crystal,. sonic m-Istal optics, ultrasound in piezom-ysta.19 nonrescnant surface wave exci- tation, ultrasound absorption TRANSLATION: The fundamental equations of sonic crystal optics are obtained. In view of the facat that the acoustic properties of crystals~are detenained by a fourth rank elastic constant tensor, the lawa of propagation of sound in crystals' I are r4lathemat! ca I I y more o=plicated than the lawa for light propagation . since the optical properties of crystals am determined by a second rank tenscr. Rela-: tims i are obtained for the directims, of the ultrasound rays in crystals. The reflection of ecund waves from the fm a is investipted. It is noted card 1/2 ACCESSION NR: AR4032186 that the reflected ray must not lie necessarily in the plane of incidence, except when the latter coincides with the crystal symmetry plane. A12 the ob- tained results are valid also for piezocrystals. The propagation of sound waves was also investigated experimentally in crystals in which these waves.were ex- cited by the method of nonresonant excitation of the peizocrystal surface (RZhFiz, 1960, No. 8, 21264). With the,aid of this method it was possible to in- vestigate the absorption of sound at high frequencies ,Ld at rwn tezWxetures in different crystals, particularly in quartz crystals, up to hyperscnic frequencies 2000 Mcs. In transparent cryStals9 the Sound waves were dx5erved optically by the shadow method of visualization of sound (the Tbepler method). It is shown that the longitudinal, quasilcngitudinal, and quasitransverse waves always cause a change in the velocity of light and therefcce can be Cbserwd by the shadow metiod. Paely transverse waves may = sore cases not lead to a diapp in the velocity of light. RIM i 3VWbyg 17 titles. A. Polyakan. DATE ACQ: 3lMax,64 SUB COEE: PH EUM: 00 2/2 Card MERKnOV, L.G.; YABLONIK.J. L.M. Performance cf a piezoelectric transducer in the presenr;5 of several intermediate layers. Akust. zhur. 9 n0.4.'"9-459 163. (MIRA 1?-.-3) 1. Lening-radskiy elektrotekhnicheskiy inst-Itut imeni Ul'yanova (Lenina) i Leningradsk-y filia-1 Vses:)yuzr-cgr- nauchno-issledovatelf- skogo instituta elektromekhaniki. GUSEVA, Ye.K., DYMSHITS., Ye.R.. L.G. -*,n A.--jt3-. ~~, 4 86 '63 . ~ '-' . RA - 7' 3.) 1. Leningracslic-.y -men, "'- Ivano-,.-a (Lentna) . (I ";Vop K. V a Y- L~ 6. ; 1, 1 Ye . L). 1, t t,,~nuatj oL !f a -1 r-za -1, . -cids J ;-, a L !a t-6 w I th frei) bc---;f.4~ ni,~ s . Akust. zhur. 1~-, 1 12 III-J) 1. in.,3titut Imani V. 1. lillya--iova (Ieniria). ACCESSION NR: AP4039262 S/0046/64/PIO/002/0206/0212 AUTHORs Merkulov, L. 0. TITLEt Decay in plates immersed in liquids SOURCEt Akusticheekiy zhurnalp Y. 10, no. 2, 1964, 2o6_212 TOPIC TAGSt normal wave, dispersion equation, symmetric mode, asymmetric moday damping coefficient, isotropic pl4te, wave propagation, ideal liquid ABSTRACTs The decay of normal waves (caused by radiation lose) from plates immersed in.a liquid has been studied analytically for arbitrary values of k1h (k 1 -wave number, h - plate thickness). The dispersion equations of normal wave propagation.' in an unbounded isotropic plate in an ideal fluid are given and solved to a first order approximation, where polp is assumed much smaller than unity, and ki - k + A j1,61 1-4,k. The solution leads to exp3~eosiona for damping coefficient in the sy;=etrio mode ph ph (th Vh'- rth !Lh-)] th eth 2 2 2 4 2 Us JP p3kj4th(ph/2)-- 4pkA YkoP + .Card 1/2 ACCESSION Mls AP4039282 I Ph. and the symmetric mode c,.f -j-[-(th Gth, (th eth + I 2. 2 I t 2(30 - [ yz .-P2 A::[ . k2 + p2. 4pOP Yk.2/kz - I th (Ph/2) The equations show that**for a given fh value (f --fr-equenoy) the damping coaffiaient is inversely proportional to plate thickness. The limiting cases of small and large f~ are considerede For large fh the damping coefficient increases linearly with f. A numerical calculation is given for )0 - 7-8 gD/cm3, P0 - I g/=3 and To - 1-5 x jo5 cm/seo corresponding to the case of a steel plate in watero , Orig. art. hast 17 formulas and 2 figures. .~SSOCIATIONs Leningradekly elektrotekhnichookiy inatitut im, V, I* Ullywov`5 Lenina, (Leningrad Institute of Electrical Engineering) MMMITTEM 24jun65 DATH ACQs 12Jun64 EUMa 00 SUB 00DEZ UO RW BOYS 002 0=1 00i Card 2/2 ACC NRs AP601/4419 SOURCE CODE-i UR10381A510001005100131002-1 AUTHORS: Merkul -ov, L. G.; Verevkin, V, ML. ORG: Le trotechnical TrIBtItUto _JM. V. 1. U11yanov (Lenin) ~~ad Elec Leningradski,y elektroteldinich TITLE: Transmission and reflection of --in iiltrasozilc impulse for a plann-parallel plate in' a-nq-ui-d- SOURCE: Defektoakopiya, no. 5, 1965, 13-21 TOPIC TAGS: sound wave, sonic Pulne, sound ABSTRACT: A theoretical analysis of tho ti-nnsmis,111-)-l and rot locticn of, UD impulses by a plano-parallel plate i=errod -in -~i lio-,iid was r,,%I--r-',ed o,--t. ana-1- ysis was developed by means of the Fourier Inte,-ral nothod. rwo cn.,3es for-n, were treated: 1) the signal shapa had a b(311-3h8`e~ gv.n b~- P, W - eju.1- 6"" and 2) the signal had a rectangular shape given trj ~Pj (t) e1(..1-2 1/2 UDC i 62-0.179.16 le 371141-66 f ACC NRi Ap6oi4ag The shapes of the derived transmitted and reflected 3i~-nals for the ~Wc' shape signals are shown graphically. Distortion of the shapes cAf tho t-nna-It.,od and reflected signals depends on the ratio of the sorLic resistancos of the PI-1-9 and liquid medium. To decrease signal distortion, it Is recommended that tho pjaflnl thickness correspond to one quarter of the soaic wavelength. Orig. qrt, has, igraphs and 31'equations. SUB CODE., SUBM DAM 22Sep65/ ORIG REF: 003 0/ Nondestructive testing 2/2 af .1 SOURCE-COD :_1M 0 U0 0 ACC NR, A,60295 AU71..-,OR: Verevkina, L. V. ; Merkulov, L. G. Tursunov, D. A. ORG: Leninlr-rad Electrotechnical Institute im. V. 1. Ullyanov (Lenin") (Ler..rirfradrskiy ,elektrotekhnicheskiy institut) :TITIZ-;: Surface waves in a quartz crystal S(YURCE: Akusticheskiy zhurnal, v. 12, no- 3, 1966, 289-295 TOPIC TAGS: quartz crystal, crystal surface, surface wave, crystal symmetry !ABSTRACT: In view of the number of obscure points still remaining in the general the- ;Ory of waves propagating along a free boundary of an anisotropic elastic body, the lauthors investigate the propagation of elastic waves in the free surface of X-cut lquartz. Al-I the expressions are presented in invariant form for a coordinate system I 'with one axis coinciding with the direction of propagation. Solution of the equi- i librium equation by means of an electronic computer shows a number of features speci- ific in the propagation of a surface wave in a crystal. One of them is the fact that ;the angle between the plane of the displacement ellipse and the wave vector does not, !remain constant but varies with depth. In addition to calculations, experimental mea- surements of the velocities of the surface waves were made for different directions of: ,the YZ plane of the quartz crystal. An optical method was used, based on the lateral 'displacement of a reflected ultrasound beam when the surface wave is excited. The experimental data obtained for different crystal samples coincided almost completely. iCard 1/2 UW: 5~4.252.1: 553.621 ACC NR: AP6029521 At most angles the experimental results agreed with the theoretical values, some dUs- icrepancies being connected with a change in the type of the surface wave. The re- .sults also confirm that for all the directions of the symmetry plane only one surface :wave propagates. It is concluded also that the experimental data can be used for %,heoretical calculations, since they make it possible to establish immediately those ivalues of the velocity at which the roots of the boundary-condition determinant can !be determined. Orig. art. has: 4 figures and 1T formulas. !SUB QODE: 20/ SUM DATE: 20atI64/ oRiG Rw: ool/ om REF: oo8 Cord .2/2 .i ~)' - U ".1 r, (Y 1: % -L i1.,j r .~-' *t ~I 'i, ACC NRi AR6o17815 SOURCE CODE: UR/O058/66/0oo/0ol/Ho63/Ho63 AUTHOR: Merkulov, L. G.; Timoshenko, V. I. TITLE: Calculation of the coefficient of acoustic coagulation SOURCE: Ref. zh. Fizika, Abs. lZh42l REF SOURCE: Sb. Primeneniye ul'traakust. k issled. vesheiii6tva. Vyp. 20. 14.~p 1964, 187-191 TOPIC TAGS; coagulation, particle -'-a onduc t qi~, acoustic field ABSTRACT: vfbe paper deals with the calculation of the coefficient for determining the coagulation rate (changes in the particles per unit of time).,, It 1B assumed that f orces e6kale-, .9 the particle in the acoustic "field at a certain distanced'--"' e particle (from the coagulation surface)which lead to insiantan'A-Q'ua'v~.'~,.' coagulation. The coagulation process is considered stationa C.3 determination of the coagulation probability uftdl-x these assu ods becomes an electrostatic problem: the determination of field near the.... s.urface of a charged conductor. L. Zarembo. (Translation of abstract. CNTJ SUB CODE: 09/ r~,A 1A 11b 1,F,RK UT ("I j k Inm-arq"iv- ne i ;meni- N.N ME, RKncyv, L.I.; BOGOMOLOV, S.A. Prophylaxis and treatment of the re3idual effect of depolarizing re- laxants. Vast, khir. 93 no.9~86-93 S 164. (MIRA 18:4) 1. 17. anesteziol,,gicheskogo otdoleniya (nachallnik - S.A.Bogomolov) Glavnogo voyennogo gospitalya Imeni akademika Burdenko. ,A,RKnr, - -%f I I - Zadacha o tukhFalterskcmu uchetu v Fromyshlenncsti dlia bu~-.i.ELItercv (2-e I-erer. izd.) yproblem for hcckkeerer5 on indus'trial accountir~E7- Gosstatizdat, 1953. 223 P- SO: Month~.y List of Russian Access~~ Vol. 7 No. 1 April 1954. IN-RIMOV, 1. A. BukhEalterskiy fotov".-A bukh-alterov Industry, by) S. 1. Gosstatizdat, 1955. 350 p. dla~-.rz_ uchet v prouZrshlerinoatl; u7hebnoye I-osobiyo 11Y% porl.- v ',mr-~o','Oy - .jetl ITTIX '~:7TT SSSR a-~'min~lnr- ;n So-1(3zniv, P. 7h. Shney-.a-; I K. A. Morl,-ulc-. Mos"a, tablos. SOROKIN, S.S.; SELEZNEV, S.I.; MERKULOV M A GALUZINSKIY P.A.; KRIVOPAWV, V.I.; MAYAT9IY, I.G.; PAWIMIN, N.V.; SUDARIKOV, V.R.; MERKUIDV M *A TARBEYBV, A.A.I.ILIYUSHEMKOVA, T.P., tekhn .~~e (Accounting in #dustrial enterpriaea-]Bukhgalterskil uchet v promyshlennykh predpriiatUakh. Pad red. S.S.Sorokina. 2., perer. izd. Moskva, Gosstatizdat, 1962. 333 p. (14IRA 16:3) 1. Russia (1923- U.S.S.R.)TSentrallnoye statistioheskoye up- ravleniye. Upravlenive podgotovki kadrov schetnykb rabotnikov. 2. Upravleniye podgotovki kadrov schetnykh rabotni]~Ow TSentrall- nogo statisticheakogo upravleniya SSSR (for all except Illyushenkova). (Accounting) M WnOV. M. D. Eng. Dirll (Agricultural Implement) Combined grain and grass seed drill SZTK-47. Sellkhoznashina No. 5, 1952. Monthly List of Russian Accessions, Library of Congress, December 1952 UTICLASSIFIED KLYUCHNIKOV. A. I.; MERKUWV. H, D& Peanuts Machines for harvesting peanuts, Sellkhozmashina, No. 7. 1952. 9. Monthl List of Russian Accessions, Library of Congress, QctnhAr - 1952, Uncl. KLYN lilli I ~ (111!, 1. ; I t- V, !.~. D. Feanuts Machine-~ for harvestinE tpeanAs, ~eil~hozmnsiina, Nc- , 195~. , L I CT - c -1; 7 kD Monthl ',.ist of fLssian Accessions, Library of ConErt5s, Octcuer 1'5.-. 11 ;- t%,J ~ - - . 1. MMJT' - M- I)-, Eng.; ZHUYOVA, A. V., Fng. 2. IJSSR (600) 4. Peanuts 7. New machines for preparing seeds and sowing peanuts. Sell khomashina No. 5, 1953. 9. Monthl List of Russian Accessions, Library of Congress, April - 1953, Uncl. I I ONUCHAK,A.I., kandidat selskokhozyaystvannykh nauk; HEMLOV,M.D., inzhener E--MWII Nev machines for groving peanuts. sesame and filbert. Trudy VKNII no.10:72-74 '54. (HLRA 8:9) (Uricultural nachinery) ITAIn-IOV) 1. F. Dissertation: "The Effect of Synestrol and Testosteronepropione on of Absorption of Radioactive Iodine by the Thyroid Gland and on the the Central Nervous System of iabbits.11 Cand Med Sci, Second Yoscow Inst imeni I. V. Stalin, 23 Jun 5h. (Vechernyaya ?,'Loskva, Moscow, IL the Dynamics Reactivity of -State Medical Jun 5h,' SO: SUM 318, 23 Dec. 195h 1,ERKULOII TA F Noscow) "PharmacolopT of Synthetic Sex Hormones" Paper given at Piarmacolo.-Ical Conference in Ryazan, 17-19 June 1954. Author found that character of absorption of radioactive iodine by thyroid gland of a rabbit is subject to considerable individual variations. Using various methods of introduction of an iodine isotope (intravenous, subcutaneous, peroral) the highest level in 'the thyroid gland uras observed 24 hoars after achAnistration of the iso- tope. He showed that in the female rabbit I'synestrol" reduces the ability of the thyroid gland to absorb the radioactive iodine, a nd in the male rabtit the same effect is caused by testosterone Pronionate. This observation suggested testing sex hormones in treatment of hyperth-yroidosis. KWHICUT V. M.P. Relation of thyroid absorptiou of radioiodine and the mode of admiaietration. Fami toks. 19 supplement:21-22 '56. (KIRA 10:7) 1. Kafedra farmakologii (zav. - casluzheanyy deyatell nauki. daystvitellnyy chlen ANN SSSR prof. 7-1-Skvortsov) II Mookovskogo gosudarstvenaogo meditsinakogo instituta iment I.T.Stalica. (IODINE**radioactive, thyroid uptake, off. of mode of admin. (Rua)) (THYROID GIAND. metabolism. redioiodine uptake, off. of mode of admin. (Rua)) MKIJWV. H.P. (Hosk7a) Lqcaligation of labeled thyroglobulin in thyToid structures Rt various p6riado following the administration of radioiodine [with summpry In R~giishl. Probl. andok. i gorm. 3 no.6:26-31 R-D '57. (MIRA 11:3) 1. ix kafedry farmakologil (sav.-daystvitelinyy chlen ANN SSSR Drof. V.I.Skvortsov) II Pookovskogo meditainakogo inetituta imeni Y.I. Firogova (dir.-dotseut B.I.Milovidov). (IODM, radioactive. determ. of intrathyroid labeled thyroglobulin in vArious ueriods after admin. of radloiodine (Rua) (THYROID GLAND. same) USSR / Phnxmcoloa and 71oxicology. Tranquilizers. Abs Jour : Ref Zhur - Biol., No 16, 1958., Ho 75709 Author : Merkulov, M. F.; Pedorov,, N. A.; Poberiy, 1. A. Inst Second Moscow Medical Institute Title Autoradiographic Study of the Spread of s35-Aniaazine in the Tisetues of Ebts. Orig Pub Uch. zap. 2-go Mosk. med. in-ta, 1957, 6, igo-196. Abstract 50 ag/kg of aninazine-s35 (1) was introduced in rats inter- nally and slowly; in 20 mnutes the anirl-als were sacrificed and the content of I was determined in the tissues. With the methods used in treatuent of the tissues, a significant part of the radioactivity was washed out; therefore, the autographs obtained showed the spread only of those frac- tions of I that were solidly connected with the structural parts of the cells. In the lungs, a selective nceuTaulation Card 1/2 5 Influence of synestrol and testosterone propionate on the dynaaics of absorption of radioactive iodine by the thyroid gland in rabbits. Trudy Vsas. ob-va fiziol., biokhim. i farm. 4:157-159 158. (MIRA 14:2) 1. Kafedra, farmakologii 2-go Moskovskogo meditsinskogo instituta (zav. ka~edroy prof. V.I. Skvortsov). (PHENOL) (TESTOSTERONE) (IODINE-ISOTOPES) (THYROID GLAND) MERKLJWV, 1I.F. Effect of synthetic substitutes for sex horno es on functional conditions of the thyroid gland Evith sumwry In IngliZe- Farme 1 tolm, 21 noe'3 34-38 VT-,,Te '58 (HIRA 11:6) 1. Kafedra farmnkologii (zav. znslyzhennyy dayntell nauki doystvitell- nyy chlen AMN SSSR prof. V.I. Skvortsov) II Moqkovqkogo gowidirstvennogo meditainskogo instituta imeni N.I. Pirogovno (THYROID GLAIM. effect of dnigs on, sex hormones, synthetic prep. (Rus)) (SRX HORMONMS, effect. on thyroid g1pyid. synthetic hormones (Run)) Historadiography [with summnY7 in English]. i rad. 33 n0-3: 40-48 Ky-Jo 158 (MIRA 11.-8) 1. Is kafedryf armakologii (zav. - daystvitellnyy chlen AMU SSSR caslyshenyy deyntellnauki prof. V.I. Skvorteov) Il Moskovskogo meditainalrogo inatituta imeni V.I. Pirogovs. (HISTOLOGY. photogrnpbic impression of tiesue contnining radioisotopes (Rua)) (PHOTOGRAPHY. same (Rua)) (ISOTOPF.S, same (Rua)) KMUOV, M. F. Role of colloid in the hormone-avnthesizin,-, function of the thyroid gland. Biul.eksp.biol.i med. 48 no.11:61-65 Ir '59. NIRA 13:5) 1. Iz kafedry farmakologil (zav. - de7stvitalluy7 chlen AMU SSSa V.I. Skvortsov [deceased] II Moskovskogo meditsinskago Instituta imeni N.I. Pirogova. Prodstavlena de7stvitelvnym chlenom AMN SSSR V.I. Skworteovym [deceased]. (THYROID GLUM hormones) I ~ ~MMLOV, M. F. Distribution of radiosulfur compounds in the thyroid gland after the administration of S-35 thiourea. Probl. endk'ok. i gorm. 6 no. 1:40-45 Ja-F 160. (MIRA 14:1) (THYROID GLAND) (UREA) (SULFUR-ISOTOPES) - MMLOV. M.F.;- MEDESTOV, V.K.; MASLOV, N.P.; POBERIY, I.A. Distribution of radioactive iodine in thyroid gland tumors. Vop. onk. 6 no. 9:31-37 3 160. (MIRA 14:1) (THYROID GLUM-TUMORS) (IODIW.-ISOTOPES) Jo MEAKULOV M. F. MOVANSKAYA, M.G, Tissue respiration and iodine metabolism in the thyroid gland of rats after a single admWbtration of antithyroid preparations. Farm. toks. 24 no.3047-354 IV46 161. (Mli~A 15:1) 1. Kafedra farmakologii (zav. - prof. V.V.Vasillyeva) i TSentra-11naya nattchno-issledovateliskaya laboratoriya (zav. - dotsent E.M.Kogan) 2-& Moskovskogo gosudarstvennogo meditsinskogo instituta imeni N.I.Firogova. (THYROID GLUM) (IODINE IN THE BODY) (114IDAZOLE) MIKREYCV, I,I.; MMKITUN, v'~ -11. Ways of in-.reasinu o-Deratin.c, effl-~--*ency- uf Dier. pro.m. 10 no.L2 - 4- 6D 161. (: ~ !RA 14: J 2 ) 1. Llvovskiy leuotekhni:heskiy institut (for Mikheyev~. 2. Moskovskaya mebellnaya fabT-ika No.5 (for Herkulov). ',Sanding machines) MERKULOV., M. I.; GORBUNOVA, R.I. Chair finishing with colored varnish. Der.prom. 10 no-12:19- 20 D 161, (MA 14:12) 1. Moskovskaya mebel2naya fabrika NO.5. (Chairs) (Varnish and varnishing) pr od vcr"J I P/ MERKULOVP M. P. Cand Agr Sci (diss) "Meat-yhebd of young Animals of the y Bestuzhev stook accelerated fattening." Kuybyshev, 1957. 21 pp 20 cm. (Min of Agr USSR. Saratov -7ootechnological-Vet Inst), 115 copies OKI, 14-67. A7) 117 C:..Ij% K L, L _, v , , t /, f -1 MOKULOV, H.P., zootekhnik. Accelerated fattening of young cattle. Hauka i pered.op.v sel'Idioz. 7 no.9:17-19 S 157. (MLRA 10:10) (Cattle--Feeding and feeding stuffs) U111AUKHOV, Ivan Frof:o~'Iyuvich, dotO.; .11,!UKY, Vasiiiy Ki-i1jc',.ici', prof.i VE-ESO'., Fcnstantin lilko)a-yevich, -Icts.; Bc,"DkEENEC, NiRolay Vasil. 'yevich, dotS.; Konstwitir; Georgiycvich, oots.; LANGE, K.F., k-riti. sellk!-.oz. nauk., retsenzent; VERnMIJ, kari(i. :~ellkhoz. nauk, dots., knn(i. ,ir.11kh(z. nauk, dots., retsenzent- OSICLIKO, 1.1~.) 13t, preroo., r(itsenzerlit; SAii-'M:GVA, O.G., st. pi-epod., ret-,t-.n~,-nt; YE---'T'-'(-W A I :-ed. [FundameLtals o!' Crr.~,,,-y 3. pere;-. izu-. 5. 64 6 (MiRA 18:3) 1. KWbyshevski-~ ped~-jgogic1,pq1:i-; in.:titut (fur Lange, Mlerk,-Iuv). 2. Orlovskiv. -ed a--oi, ic lies 11i il- institull (~cx ~:ovikov, Nosullko, Safronova). I-MMLOV t N. Thus a col2ective decision is born, Sov. profsoiaz7 18 no-13:25-2- Jl 162. 1.:6) 1. Za:,estitell predsedatelya komiteta profsoy-uza Penzenskogo velosipednogo zavoda. (Penza ProvInce-Trade unions) KALYUZHNTY, M.D.; TURCHENKO, V.I.; M~R~ULOY_,__N.A.; KIRILLOV, N.P.; BORISOVICH, V.G. Exchange of practices by the enterprises of economic councils. Torf.prom. 40 no.5:32-34 163. (KRA 16:8) 1. Pirotchinskoye torfopredpriyatiye Sumskoy oblasti (for Kalyuzhnyy). 2. Zavod Ivtorfmash Verkhne-Volzhskogo soveta narodnogo khozyaystva (for Turchenko). 3. Torfopredpriyatiye "Vasillyevskiy mokh" Kalininskoy oblasti (for Merkulov). 4. Larlyanovskoye torfopredpriyatiye (for Kirillov). 5. Leningradskiy gosudarstvennyy trest torfyanoy promyshlennosti (for BorisaOich). (Peat Industry) PAVLIKOV, Arkadly. Alekseyevichj FEDOROV, Aleksey Sergeyevich; LEBEDEV, S.A., akadczLik, red.; SOIDVIYEVA, L.A., red.; MURASHOVA, N.Ya., tekhn. red, [BFZM electronic digital computerlglaktaonnaia tsifrovaia vy- chislitellnaia mashina EESM. Pod obahchei red. S.A.Lebedeva. Moskva, Fizmatgiz. Vol.3.[Memory systems of the BZSM-2 computer] Zapominaiushchie ustroistva, WSM-2. [By] N.I.Merkulov i dr. 1962. 286 p. (MIRA 16:3) (Electronic digital computers-Memory systems) %MRKUL40V, N. New equipment for Moscow Basin mines. Maat.ugl. 8 no.2:8 F '5 9. (MIlb, 13:4) 1. liachal'nik otdela ispytani7a i viiedreniya novykh mashin Giprout.-lemasha. (Mofcov Bilain-Coal mining machinery) MKMWV. H.; BAR0113MV, Te. Seven high prizes out of ton. Mast.ugl. 8 no.):25-26 Mr 159. (14IRb, 13: 4) (Bruxelles--Exhibitions) (Coa.1 mining machinery) i 11tuka I zhin--r' 28 no. .1:17 (Coal mc-,chi-jr:,) CHFMTAK. I.L.,inzhener; inzhener; NOVIKOVA, N.M., vedushchiy redaktor; KMIRA. E.A.,teichnicheskiy redaktor [Safety instructions for handling ethylated gasolina when receiving. storing. removing and delivering it at enterprises of the Chief Administration of the Supply of Petroleum and By-products] Instruktaiia po meram bazopasnosti pri obraahchenii a atilirovannym benzinom pri ego priamIce, khrananii, otpuske i perekachka na predpriiatiiakh Glavueftesbyta. Hookwa, Gos. nauchno-takhn. izd-vo neft. i gorno-toplivnoi lit-ry, 1956. 102 p. (MLRA 10:5) (Gasoline--Safety measures) MKRKULD7j__~_i_k_Ql&y. Sergeyevich. ; GORI KOVA, A.A., ved. red.; FEDOTOVA, 1. G., t8khn. red. [Tank farm mechanic] Hekhanik neftebazy. Moskva. Goa. nauchno- tekhn. izd-vo neft. i gorno-toplivnoi lit-ry, 1.959. 266 o. (HIRA 11:12) (Tanks) 14(5) SOV/92-58-12-18/24 AUTHORS: kfe~~~enkell, B.A., Tsimbler, Yu.A., Members of the Moscow a Transportation Administration Rosglavneftesnabsbyt TrEZ: Automatic Heating of Viscous Petroleum Products Kept in Storage Tanks (Avtomatizatsiya podogreva vyazkikh nefteproduktov v rezervuarakh) PMODICAL: Neftyanik, 1958, Mr 12, pp 22-24 (USSR) ABSTRACT: Referring to K.A. Taran's article, published in Neftyanik, 1958, Nr 5 und r the title "Automatic Devices Regulate the Tempeyatizre in Storage Tanks", the author states that though tie system developed by K. A. Taran for the re- mote measurement and regulation of the stored petroleum product temperature works satisfactorily, it does not show, however, the true average temperature of the whole mass of liquid laept in the storage tank. In addition the system has some further defects which prohibit its ase in storage tanks insfA-lled at a dVistance exceeding 40-50 m from the controlling office. Nxthermore, tbp- auto- matic operation of this system requires purified compressed air, the pressure of which exceeds 2 kg/cm. I" bulk plants such compressed air is not readily available. For this reason the PKB RM developed another system regulating and controlling temperature of the viscous petroleum products kept. in storage Card 1/2 Automatic Heating of lrisco-uw (cont. ) sov/92-.58-12-18/24 tanks automatically. rhis system, which is shown ir. (Fig. 1), c=siste of a EW temperature regulator, an electrical m%wmetric thermometer of the EXT-1 type, and a thermostatic condensate outief, arrangement. The a,-,thcr explaIns how the PRT temperatin-e regalator, which consists of a aumber of parts sach as a regulating valve, sensitive thermal system, separat-Ing arrangement, works. He also shows its design in (Fig. 2 ). Tempe ratvxe ccatrol. and remote signa)-iz- ation to indicate the disruption of vperating conditioas is effected bir an electrical thermometer installed at the storage tzmk and bvilt of resis+Am+. material. Any deflection of the temperature or drop in fbe 'Liqaid level below the line of the thermal cylinder Is comnnzixicated to the controlling office either by sound or light signals. Tae thermostatic coxtdc-n-sate arrangement of the 45kch6br type serves to drain the condeusate., the temperat-,.re of which dropped below 80--850C. All. +17e above -mentioned apparat,,Lq -have beea tested in the- winter, and it has been fci2zrl tba~ 4.. y Cpejst- satiSfacf , t. -be There are 2 figures. ASSOCIATTOU: Moskovskoye tovaro-transportnnye --praxleciye Rcsglavreftesnabsbyt (The Moscow Transportaticon Administration Rosg.larneft.--snabsbyt) Card 2/2 14(5) SOV/93-58-12- 13/16 A17HOR: Merkulov, N.S., Frenkell, B.A., and Tsimbler, Yu. A. TITIE: Autcmatic Regulation and Control of Viscous Gil Heating in Storage Tank (Avtcmaticheskoye regulirovanlye i kontroll -.>odogreva vyazkikh nefteproduktov v rezervuarakh) PYMODICAL: Neftyanoye khozyaystvo, 1958, Nr 12., PP 62-67 (LTSSR) ABSTFACT: The 04-TG pneumatic regulators in conjunction with control valves assure stable temperatuxee control. But these regulators requ!.ree a continuous supply (if pure, dry, and ccmpressed air at a minimun pressure of 2 kg/sq cm. This is difficult to produce at taak farms, and furthermore, since the capillary tubes are limited in length to 60 m, they can serve only those t-k which are within a 40-50 m radius fran the control post. Therefore, the 14TI!U Planning arid Design Bureau of the Roaglavneftesnabsbyt developed.a new comtrol system (Fig 1), con- sisting of a PRT direct action regulator (Fig 2), an M-1-VZG manometric ther- mometer with electric contact (Fig 3), and 45kch6br thermostatic condensate eductors (Fig 4). This control system was tested at air temperatures to -23" and 1-1-5 atm of steam pressure at the Pervomayskiy tank farm in 1957-58. The apparatus satisfied the requirements for open air operation and assured regulation of high accuracy. Table I gives data on the efficiency of the condensate eductors at various atmospheres -,f steam pressure. There are 4 figures and I Table. Card I /I 10 jj' 11 _SerMVviqh;,GOR'KOVA, A.A., vedushchiy red.; wtp#v ~j" rea. G [Tank-farm mechanic] Mashinist neftebazy. Moskva, Gos.nauchno- tekhn.izd-vo neft. i gorno-toplivnoi lit-r7, 1959. 326 p. (MIRA 12:11) (Petroleum-Storage) I IMMULOVO N. Yk. "The New 'Karlik' Type Battery Electric Locorotive" (NoW tip akkurmijatornago, elekttovoza "Karlik"). Izd Byuro tekhnicheskoy infomataii 'Unisterstva stroltell stva tcplivWkj predprlyatiyXSR (Publishing House of the Bureau of Technical Informa- tion, Yinistry of Construction of Fuel Enterprises USSR) 7 pp., I I , . I, C',I,, RIK fl, I k~ 1), 1 ~ , .'-a.I11. 11. 11 introduc4 ion of' -,oal '0 -lr-)-llreE:' 11 kh ~ '~:,az~- .--a' r.)+ . IF" - - 11 - q,_~ ~~ -0 ". ""el) 1951 9, MERKUTOV, 11. Ya.j. Laureate of Stalin Prize USSR/Mining - Coal, Equipment Oct 51 "Coal Combine UKT-1," N. Ya. Merkulov, Laureate of Stalin Prize "Nauka i Zhizn" Vol XVIII, No 10, PP 37,36 ascribes coal cutter for thin seam , designed at prouglemash (State Planning-Designing and Exptl Inst of Coal Mach Bldg). Machine consists of operational member, elec motor., feeding mechanism and detachable guiding ski. It may travel along face of longwall in both directions. In 1951, en- gineers A. D. Gridin, Ye. I. Kudryashev, A. A. Ichugim and I. Ya. Burtsev were awarded Stalin rite of lot clAss for developing UkV-lo 213TIO7 Cutting, i~dne passar-es with thp PK-2 combine. no. SO- Monthly List of Fa~--,t Furo,?Pan Accef-sionr, (TI-AL), If, Vol. No. ill-le 19.55, Uncl. IVANOV, K.I.; ff~t,~Aja,; SOSHOV. V.D.. redaktor; ABRAMOV, V.I., redaktor; ILI MAYA, G.K., takhnichaskly redaktor. [woric practice in operating UKT-1 cutter-loadars in mines of the Voroshilovgradcoal Combine] Opyt ekspluatataii kotibainov UKT-1 na. shakhtakh kombinata Yoroshilovgradugoll. Moskva, Ugletakhizdat, 1954. 75 P. (KrRk 8:1) (Coal-mining machinery) JSJCRQ~Vj~ ~.Ta.; ITANOV, K.I.; IPATOVSKIT, P.A., nauchnyy radalctor-, KORWJEW, Ye.M., redaktor; IRTROCHKINA, K.T.. tekbulcheskly re- daktor. (Use of machinery in mining] Nekhanistrovannala prokhodka profth vyrabotolt. Koskva. Teas. uchabno-pedagog. izd-vo Trudrezervis"t. 1954. 66 p. (NWA 7:9 ) (Mining engineering) (Xining machinery) U~M-M VEMNEWIKOV, Viktor Ivanovich; MMULOV. Uikolt4 j#QvlI3vich; KMAROV. , Uikolay Ivanovich; KHORIYJAI.. 4-r~e7i; BbRWU,G.G., tekhnichaskly redaktor; KOROVEUKOVA,Z.A., takhaicb"kiy redaktor [Experience in operating coal combines for mining sloping thin seams] Opyt ekepluatataii ugollnykh kombainov dlia vyemki polo- gopadalushchikh tonkikh plastov. Mosk7a, Ug'letekhizdat, 1955. 242 p. (KLRA 9:3) (Coal mines and mining) IMJLGV. IF.Ya., gornyy inzhener. Blizinate obstacles to the creation of nev machinery. Nekh.trud.rab 9no.10:11 0 155. (KLRA 9:1)' (Coal minIng machinery) MERKMOV, N.Ya '. ` I ra r44~w~ -~, The K-57 coal mining combine. Biul. tokh.-okon.inform. no.7:3-4 158. (MIRA 11:9) (Coal mining machiner7) mERKUWV, N.Ya. The A-2 coal cutting and extracting unit. Biul.tekh.--ekon.inform. no.7:4-6 '58. (MIRA 11:9) (Coal mining machinery) ~f:H;Rmcv, N.Ya. TIP K-52,m narrow-grabbiru, com"Anp. Biul. 158. (mm", 11:10 (Coal mining mtt(-hlnnry) 14KMIDV, N.Ya.; BOOK, U.S. The coal-mining combine. Biul.tekb.-eicon.iriform. no-7:3--4 160. (14IRA 13:7) (Coal mining machinery) RMLOV. N-Ya.; BRUK, U.S. The SM-1 combine. Blul-tekh.-ekon.iDform. no.8:6-8 160. (KIRA 13:9) (Coal mining machinery) NER0101 9 N. Ya. Over-all mechanization of operations in stopes. Biul.tekh.- ekon. inform. no.2:7-9 t61. (MIRA 14:3) (Gaal mining macl-.inery-Technological innovations) I , , r, . _. " __Uw', i%Y_.; YEL.S. Tiie jL-3 coal-., izdr,,L~ Lni.t. telch.-A-c'n. c. .:,- 01. ' - -4 .-) 11 11 - - ',. (Coal i.achir:ery) IZ1100 AUTHOR: Merkulov, N. Ya. 23-893 S/ 193/6 I/OC-0/,~r 5/0,~~ 2/` A004/A 104 TITLE: The RK-6 (PK-6) drifting combine with balanced operating organ PERIODICAL: Byulleten' tekhniko-ekonomicheskoy informatsii, no. 5, 1961, 16-19 TEXT: The Giprouglemash Institute has developed and fabricated a pilot model of the new improved PK-6 combine intended for drifting operations in coal and rock of medium hardness. The PK-6 combine has been designed on the basis of the RF-3 (PKG-3) combine of which the following units have been replaced: operating organ with reducer and cardan shaft, bench cutters, bracing bogie. The combine is caterpillar-mounted and has an operating organ equipped with teeth which cut the face of the stope while special mechanisms remove the cut-cff masses from the face space, loading them onto the conveyer installations of the mine. M e operating organ consists of two disks revolving in different. directions. M Teeth are fixed to the disks in special holders. The disks are made in two versions, one for coal the other for rock. The operating organ cuts concentric slots of 40-45 mm into the rock or coal face while the blocks of 95-150 mm formed between the slots are broken off by special shearing mechanisms. --he inner di-slk Card 1/3 21893 The RK-6 (PK-6) drifting combine ... A004/A 104 consists of two bows revolving clockwise while the outer disk has four bows revolving anti -clockwise, which ensures a balanced operation of the comt-ine. For harder rock it is possible to fit additional cutting teeth. All cutters are equipped with6q 80 (VK8V) sintered carbide bit.9, In 1960 the oomblne wris riitjt-ct, ed to tests at the Myachkovo stone pit near Moscow. Drifting was carried out, In a limestone seam of horizontal occurance some 4 m thick. The hardness of 1,~Ie limestone varied from 0.6 to 4.2 points according to the scale by professor Protod'yakonov. Three drifts of 48 running meters at a speed of up to 6 running meters/hour were cut. Then the PK-6 combine, after having undergone ar. Inspec- tion, was subjected to service tests at the Bereznikovskiy kombinat kaltynikh soley (Bereznikov Potash Salt Combine). During the firs" month of servi-e a driftirZ rate of up to 4 m1h was attained, while the productivity of the (ShEM) combine amounted to only 8-9 running meters per day. The shif'~ capacity of the PK-6 combine during the tesTing period came up --o 20 running meters. From December 6 to December 15, 1960, the combine cut 200 running meters during two- shift work. The author presents the following technical data: productiv'ty. for coal faces - 14.4 m/h; for rock faces - 8.14 m/h; dimensions of the cuts being drifted: diameter - 2.3 m, rough cross section area - 4.32 m2; mear spec1a! pressure on the ground - up to 1-1.31, kg/-,m2; electromotors: a) cperatl,-,g organ a-rd 2 1~ C ,/3 21893 s/iq3/6i/6oo/vj5/oo2/cG6 The RK-6 (PK-6) drifting combine A004/A104 drive: power 75 kw, rotation peed 1,485 rpm; b) ca- terpiller drive- Pa.-ier 8 kw; rota- tion speed 980 rpm; -/V overall dimensions of the combine (in k operating position) height and width (at the face shi eld) 2 ,300 art'; length (without reloading . device) V - 6, 552 mm; weight (without re- loading device) The 17,700 kg. illustration shows -6 drifting the new PK combine. There is fi 19~S' ard MaaULOV, N.Ya. Mechanization of stoping in steep beds. Biul.tekh,ekon.inform. no.11:3-5 '(.I. (MIRA 14:12) (Coal mining machinery-Technologicil innovations) MEMULOV, N.Ya.. ILIIIISKIY, S.G. New equipment for the coal mining industry of the Kemerovo Province Economic Council. Biul.tekh.-ekon.infarm. no.12: 14-18 161. (MIRA 14:12) (Kemerovo Province--Coal mining machinery) PETRENKOP P.V-; KIKIN, I.L.; KAZAKOV, S.S.; VOZHIK, D.L.; DENISOV, V.V.; PUCHKOV, V.I.; BOGUTSKIY, N.V.; SAVZLIYEV, I.P.; KOLOTSEVP M.T.; 14ERKULOV, N-Ya ; VERKLOV, V.A.; OVSYANNIKOV, P.A.; SOSNOV, V.D., otv. red.; CHIZHOVA, V.V.,; ZHUKOVA, A.?., red.; LEVINA, T.I., red.; PRONINA, N.D., tekhn. red.; OVSEYENKO, V,G,, tekhn. red. [ Practice of using cutterloaders j0py-t ispol I zovaniia ochi- stnykh kombainov; sbornik statei. Moskva, 1962. 102 p. (MIRA 16:2) 1. TSentrallnyy institut tekhnicheskoy informatsii ugollnoy promyshlennosti. (Coal mining machinery) MERKULC7, N.Ya.; IL'INSKIY, S.G. The FK-7 cutting combine. Biul.'.ekh.-ekon.inform.Gos.nauch.-issl. inst.nauch.i takh.inf-orm. no.5:/-2-25 162. (KRA 15-7) (Coal mining machinery) MKRKULOV, N.Ya.; ILIINSKIY, S.G. Conveying in coal mines. Biul.tekh.-ekon.inform.Gos.nauch.-iflsl.- inst.nauch. i takh.inform. no.6:8-12 162. (MIRA 15:71, (Coal mines and mining) (Conveying machinery) _ MERKULOV, N.Ya.; IL'INSKIY, S.G. Hydraulic coal mining in the Kuznetsk Basin. Biul.tekh.-ekon.inform.- Gos.nauch.-issl.inst.nauch. i tekh.inform. no.8:10-15 162. (MIRA 15:7) (Kuznetsk Basin-Hydraulic mining) ~ERKULOV, N.Ya.; ILIINSKIY, S.G. Mechanization of development mining operations under various geological conditions. Biul.tekh.-ekon.inform.Gos.nauch.-issl.inst.nauch.i tekh.inform. no.11:23-28 162. OaRA 15:11) (Coal mining machinery) MERKULOV, N.Ya.; IL'IN-SKIY, S.G. Using eqiLipment gets wIth powered portable PiiL. takh.- ekon.inform.Gos.nauch.-issl.inst.nauch.i tekh.inform. 17 Tio.1:19- 23 164. (PaRA 17:2) SAMSONOV, Georgly Nikiforovich; ELIKIN, Iosif Lazarevicii; NE10LO', y -N#-C~147 Yakovlevich; BOGLITSKIY , Nikolay Vasil 'YevfAi -rXZ1!-7-1' Stanislav Semenovich; IVA110i, Ivan Konstant-'knovich; , V.I., inzh., otv. red. [The K-524 (lK-52M) narrow-cut cutter-loader) Uzkozakhvatf,'y; kompleks K-521.1 (lK - 52M). Moskva, Nedra, 1964. 207 p. (MIRA 18:4) N.Ya.; SAVELIYEV, I.P.; GUDYRIN, Yu.N. MERKULOV, Economic efficiency of narrow-cut coal mining. Biu-'.t--kh.---C;;, n. inform.Gos.riauch.-issl.inst.nauch.i tekh.inform. 18 no.21:0-65 N 165. (MIRA 18:12) MERKULOV, Nikolay Semenovich, shofer; BAZW , Ivan Nikiforovich, shofer; GRAKHOVSKAYA, T.M., red.; GORYACHKINA, H.A., tekhn. red. (Gas-tank trucks work round-the-clock. As told to M.S. Blanter] Benzovozy ra~iotaiut kruglosutochno: Literaturnaia zapis' M.S.Blantera. Moskva, Avtotransizdat, 1963. 29 p. (MIDI 17:3) 1-17!ahmcv, -11. U.~SR/Petroleum Industry ~Ieological Prospecttng FA 64'T81 r ;~P "Study of Str~-tum XII of the Tashkalinsk Petrolewn Bed to Deterr-ine the ---ffect of Int-er- ference," G. M. Sukharev, 11. Ye. I-Ilerliculov, ~;roznyy, ~-' pp "Neft Khoz" No 4 General evaluation of the perfor-mance of Strat~im XII. Described briefly three secarate studies conducted at the Tashkalinsi, Petrolewn beds. Subject stratm is ~zi--qilar to '-tratiLm XVI of the Oktyabrfskiy deposits. Authors urge further study to determine reasions for interference in Startum XII. PA 64T81 'U 7~.-.7 C no 0 5 j Pub.1-10 :12 29., k-- ta'_ P I r k4i~id6_:Use on versal -d uni krifidi' -machines, for. milling flat stripperk~ ng ki Cal I Stan ..: stt --.10 page 2 Oct 195~ A ~'rt' s o -,desetiptidn'. pTe s'e nt,fthe ~operation and -. structure .'of- k' dev ice, urliverda;l-:gHAiding-machiiies -for milling -.splined, strippere-plates 4-1 HlOwwVP P, I. ul ,ire More attention to young efficiency promoters. Izobr. v SSSR 2 no.4: 40 AP '57. (KIRA io:6) (Inventors) i, &%1JULOV, 1. 1. ~ red.; DEIL",A 17 M-,* , L.A., red. [11-'anu a I r~n '-I c- rr,,~licti n f r,z. -- I an I. rowt Spravochnik po kache~3t-%nl ~.rodul-ov rastenicvocis-~.Vfa. Vc- skva, iossel"r-hozizdet, 1,9164. 31S 11. (MIRA 17- 6)