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MERKOVY A.M., prof. (Hosk7a) Method of calculatior and analysis of the indices of child mortality. Zdrav. Rce.Feder. 7 no.501-36 Ity'63. 101-- (MIRA 16:6) (CHILDREN--44MTALITY) BATKIS, Grigoriy AbraiT~Gvich, prv .(1895-1960); IMKOV,A. M. prof.. red.; PRIVEZENTSEVA, A.G., red. [Problems in health am vital statistics; selected worksi Voprosy sanitarnoi i damograficheskoi statistiki; izbran- rWe proizvedeniia. Moskva, "Statistika," 1964. 289 p. (MIRA 17: 6) 1. Chlen-korrespondent AM SSSR (for Batkis). MEAKOV, A.m., prof. [General theory and methodology of aauitary-statistical re- search; a manual for physicians] Obahchaia teoriia i metodika sanitarno-statistichaskogo isslodovaniia; posobio d1in vra- chei. Izd.2., dop. Moskva, TSentr. in-t usovershenstvova- niia vrachei. (IAIRA 17:4) V fin -N ~ro wc~-- in e cK~ c; . o a-na--:-za mortali ty in C" L 0 aetskoi stvovaniia vr;,enel 56 p. i3IRYUKOVA, R.N.; bOGLE, N.V., dots.; SLUCIIANKO,I.S.; MERYCV,A.M., inzh., red. ~ I [Practical aid in using health statistics] Praktikum po prijp.eneniiu sanitarnoi statistiki. Moskva, TSentr. in-t usovershenstvovaniia vrachei, 1964. 255 P. (MIU 18:2) MERKOV, A.M. (Moskva, G-48, ul. Usacheva, 19-a, korpus 1, kv.45) Problems of statistics and r,gional pathology of mali,7nan, ( ',~ 7 1--LA- tumors. Vop. onk. 10 n0-913-7 164, _;-_ NOTKIN, Yefim L, -arevich, doktor med. nauk; I-LITK0'V, A.M., pr~-:'., re (Statista,- in higiene research' Statistika v gii7ieniche- I skikh issiedovanliakh. Moskva, V.editsina, !-- 6 4~ .272 p. (M LRA 18: 6) 1~~KQ -4 -.1., prof., red.; TSMKOVOY, G.F., kand. med. nauk, _X,- -.1 red.; KAUFMP14, B.D., kand. med. nauk, red.; SIRIAV-DE-R, B.Ye., red. (Morbidity and mortality from malignant tumors among the population of the U.S.S.:t.] Zabolevaemost' i smertnost' naseleniia SSSR ot zlokachestvenwfkh novoobrazovanii. Leningrad, Mledgiz, 1962. 54 P. (MIRA 18:7) MERK,OY,-3,,P. (Mbskmm),~, GAUM -: Z.Ye,, KO~~*; 14,V,-. SYCHEN, K,.I. .- - (Karagbanda)~ U14AROV,, M.U. (Mbsk-va),-, SHUTLIV, F~A,._, xand.geo-I.- mbaeml.llauk Nerwa.9 em-ents, fatt3. Prtroda no.12399--.109 D 162. (MIRA l5fj2) 1. Donetskaya geologicheskaya partiya, Va,,-u--T'roitskoye,Donetokaya obl. (for Kobelep'). 2,, Mentral`nyy sovet Tearosstyskogo oboMhestva ok7hran7 priroda,, MoskVa (for Shut---Lv). I (Science newa) BOGUSIAVSKIT, Isaak Takovlevich; BOCHAROV. Turiy Grigorlyevich; LETCHENKO, Dmitriy Vasillyevich; PORTHOT, Moisey Tevoeyevich; fq4QV,_,S.-M.. red.; AVRUTSUTA, R.F., red.izd-va; ISLUTTITNA. P.G.. takhn.led. LY,stablishing norms and the work organization for the repair of metallurgical furnaces] Tekhnichaskoe normirovenie i organizat3iia truda na remontakh metallurgicheakikh pechei. Moskva, Goa.nauchno- tokhn.izd-vo lit-ry po chernoi i tavetnoi matallurgii, 1960. 316 p. (MIRA 13:10) (Metallurgical furnaces--Maintenance and repair) M~~,OV, N.A. ,~ , ~at ~ ng t~,ermal stresses in friCt~ -r ~-n` t3. ' 1- d 7 :, ~n,-,. 2, 9: .- 1+ - ~ .,. - I -1~: : ~ 11 , -~6 165- EKOVA-.---H.A- (Moskva. ulitsa Ueachava, dom 19-a, korp.1, h-.45); KCHNINOVA, Y.P.; GOLLAND, B.B. Late results of the treatment of Wasthenia gravis by Irradiation of the tbywas with X rays and of the resulting radiation ulcer Test.rentj rad. 35 no.i:45-47 Ta-F 16o. (MIRA 13-:6) 1. Iz radiologichookogo otdala (rukovoditall - prof. A.V. Kozlova) Nauchno-issledovatel'skogo rentgono-radiologichaskogo Instituta Ministerstva adravookhrananiya RSFSR (dir. - dotsent I.G. La- gunova), kaf6dry luchavoy bolazni (zav. - prof. A.T. Kozlova) TSantrallnoco inatituts. usovershenstvovaniya vrachey (dir. M.D. Kovrlglna) I Instituta nevrologil AMY SSSR (dir. - doystvitell- nyy chlen ANN SSSR prof. N.V. Konovalov). (KYASTMrA GRAvrS radiother.) (THMS GLAND radiation eff.) (RADIOTHMPY compl. ) OMIYANMO, L.M.; MERKOVA, M.A. Changes in the ner7ous system and internal organs during the late periods following radiotherapy. Ned.rad. no.3:8-13 162. (KIRA 15-3) 1. Tz kafedry klinicheskoy radiologii (zav. - prof. A.V. Koslova) TSentrallnogo instituta usovershenstvovaniya vrachey. (NERVOUS SYSTEM-RADIOGRAPHY) (RADIOTHERAPY) MOKOTA, M.A. .... Some data on the ecolW of the red-backed bank vole and the yellow- necked field mouae in southern Moscow Province and in the Tollermanovelmya Forest. Biul. KOIP. Otd. biol. 60 no,1:21-31 JaF 155. (KLRA 8:7) (Moscow Province--Field mice) (Voronezh Province-Field mice) 17(4) AUTHORS: Zimina, R. P., Merkova, M. A. TITLE: New Data on the Ecology of the Rodent Salen (Novyye dannyye po ekologii tyan'-shantakoy (Sicista tianschanica Salen)) PERIODICALt Doklady Akademii nauk SSSR, 1958, Vol 1121 (USSR) SOV/20-122-6-46/49 Sicista Tianschanica myshovki 122, Nr 6, pp 1119 - ABSTRACTs The topic mentioned in the title is interesting because this rodent is an example of a particular form of life: a small hibernating rodent having an imperfect heat regulation which in spite of this fact is able to stand the rough environmental conditions of the Tyanl- Shan' High Mountains very well. The data presented in this paper were collected in the Tyanl- Shan'skays, vysokogornaya fiziko-geograficheskava stantsiya (Tyan'- Shan' Physical-Geographical High Mountain Station) which is situated on the northern slope of the Terskey-Alatau mountain range in the catchment area of the Chan-Kyzyl-Su River. The 339 Sicistae which were caught were parasitological- ly investigated, weighed, and dissected. This kind was observed in the open and test breedings were carried out Card 1/3 with them. The ecological conditions of the region are New Data on the Ecology of the Rodent Sicista SOV120-122-6-46,140, Tianschanica Salen described. Sicista belongs to the eurytophic rodents and is widely spread in the Issyk-Kull basin and in the surrounding mountain chains. It is most frequently found in the shrubbery at the lower timber-line, in light spruce stands (Picea Schrenkiana) mixed with undergrowth, and in old clearings. It is never observed in settlements. After the Tyanl- Shan' wood-vole (clethrionomys frater Thos.) and the field mouse (Apodemus sylvaticus Pall.) Sicista ranks in the third place with regard to frequency of occurrence. In the period from 1948 to 1956 their frequency widely fluctuated. The minimum was in the year 1948, the maximum 1953 and 1954. The way of living of Sicista is described in detail. It eats plants and insects. Quite a rich fauna of ectoparasites was found in Sicistai Gamasid mites, lice, more rarely bigger ixodian ticks and fbas. A. D. Petrova found 12 kinds of gamasids. The Dermacentor ticks were determined by N. A. Filippova, the fleas by I. G. Ioff. ASSOCIATION- Institut geografii Akademii nauk SSSR (Institute of Geography Card 2/3 . New Data on the Ecology of the Rodent Sicista SOV/20-122-6-46/49 Tianschanica Salen Academy,of Sciomaes, USSR) PRESENTED: June 23, 1958, by Ye. N. Pavlovskiy, AcaiiemiGian SUBMITTEDs June 20, 1958 Card 3/3 ZIMIRA, R.P.; I-EMOVA9 M.A. Ecology of the birch mouse Sicista tianachanica Salen in the northern Tien Shan, Mat. k pozn. fauny i flory SSSR. O,td. zool no.38:183-207 t60. (HIRA 14:3) (lasyk-Kull region-Birch mouse) nUSEVA, Te.V.; MDRZNBM, E.I.; Kllq~, ~11-A- ~ qmall mammals of central Takutia and their role as natural reservoirs of some human 41seases. Zool. zhur. 39 no.11:1690-i6gg u 6o. (MIRA 1411) 1. Department of Infections of Natural Hidality, Institute of Kpidemiolog7 and Microbiology. U.S.S.R. Academy of Medical Sciences, Moscow. (Vilrv Valley-Rodents as carriers of disease) NERKOVA, M.A.; TELIYA]TENKO, A.A. Possibilities of ga:.r-ma-thPr,-,py of pituf ta--y twmors. '/R-d. ra-4. no.5:17-20 14Y 163. (MT:~.A 17: 5) 1. Iz kafedry klinicheskoy radiologii (zav. - prof. A.V. Kozlova) .itrallnogo instituta usovers hens tvovaniya vrachey i radiologicheskogo otiela (rukovoditel' - prof. A.V. Kozlova) Nauchno-issledovatellskogo rentgeno-radiologichoskoo,o instituta. *,t,!,r w; ~vh -t YE, I 'X A" N7YI'-~ sAVCHMO, In.% rarl-Jotherk-,y ,,f pat.ept-s with e4opbzgeal -;rudy TSeritr~ ro~lt.g. (m ~r P,~, LEMMA& I.A. (MoLma); I-SMOM, H.A. tZicalva) Sam abAractarlatics or am clImIcal aapacts of rallgmnt slmlstm2 tt== and rmatlam to racUotharapy In pmtlazita having had contact with racUaactiva aubatancous TrLdy TSentr. much.-laal. iwt. ivutg. I rod. 1.1 no.1:179-182 164- (MIDIN IS-.3.1) KOZLOVA, A.V., prof.; MERKOVA,. ~.A.; LEBEDEVA, I.A. Radiotherapy for malignant tumors of the spine. WA. rad. Ir) no-11:9-15 N 165. (MIRA 19:1) 1. Radiologicheskiy (zav. - prof. A.V. Kozlova) i nauchno- poliklinicheskiy (zav. - dotsent Kuznetsov) otdely Gosudarst- vennogo nauchno-issledovatellskogo renLgeno-radiologicheskogo instituta. Submitted January 25, 1965. mff"V2 140 1 - GORBUNOVAP AO I* - mm Varnishing bent chairs in a high-frequency electric field. Dar. prom. 12 no.2:22-24 F 163. (MIRA 16:4) 1. Hookovskaya nebellnaya febrika No. 5. ('Wwd finishing) (Chairs) OV A. H Now method for determining silicon dioxide in tungsten concen- trat-es. Vest.LGU 14 no.6:157 '59. (KIRA 12:6) (Tungsten) (Silica) I MAKAYEV, Sergay Vladimirovich; VINOKUROV, Izr&U Yakovlevich,- MERKSIN Boris Vasil 'yevicb; FEYGIN, Geshel I Davidovich; SiWi!-BrN',-H-Tijo-ra-y NikolaZ Konoibovich; LEDIVEV, M.P., retsenzeit; KOTSARI, Sergey Leonidovich, red.; BURIKOV, M.M., red.izd-va; MALIKOVA, N.T., tekhn. red. [Production of lightweight sections]Proizvodstvo oblegehennykh profilei. [By]S.V.Makaev i dr. Sverdlovsk, Metallurgizdat, 1962. 2-15 p. (MIRA 16:3) (Rolling (Metalwork)) RUDIZOV, VIktor Vasil'yevich, kandidat takhnicheakikh naak; KOMPANNUTS. Vladimir Yakovlevich. ksadidat takhatchaskikh nauk; FRCZOROV, Valentin Alakseyevich, intheaer; Dmitrl Aatoaovich, inzhaner; SHUSTOT, V.A.. dotseat. redaktor; MOIAWSOVA. U.G., tekhnichaskiy radaktor LP61actric machines and automobile and tractor electric equipment) Zlektrichaskie mashiny i avtotraktornoe elektrooborudovanis. Pod obahchei red. V.A.Shustova i T.V.Rudakova. Moskva, Goo. izd-vo sel'khoz. lit-ry. 1957. 302 p. (KLRA 10:6) (Alectric machines) (Tractors--Xlectric equipment) (Automobiles---Jilectric equipment) KOVCHIH, Sergay Alakeandrovich- KMU.UCHSV, Daitriy Antonovich; RUDAKOV, Viktor Vasillyevich.- n 0 e, I Ye.IF., red.; ROIDDTSOVA, M.G., [Use of electric powar in agricultural laboratory otudies] Primanania slaktrichaskoi anargii v sallakom khosiaistva; laboratorno-praktichaskie raboty. Pod red. V.A. Shustova. Koskya. Goo. izd-vo sellkhoz. lit-ry. 1958. 228 p. (KIRA, 12:2) (Electricity in agriculture) -MEMCm,_ Dmi#4 4~niqv ~q4 IVANOVI, B.N.9 insh., red.; FREGER, D.P., red. izd-va; GVIRTS, V.L., tekhn. red. '(Use of contactless relay components with semiconductor elements for the automatic control of pipe-cutting mills) Primenenie beskontaktrqkh ro- leinykh elementov na. poluprovoAnikakh dlia avtomaticheskogo upravleniia, trabootreznym stankom. Laningradq 1961. 13 p. (Leningradakii Dom nauchno-tekhnicheakoi propagandy. Obmen peredovym opytom. Seriia; Pri- bory i elementy avtomatiki, no.6) (MIRA 14:7) (Pipe cutting) (Automatic control) "T"1 -TL 111, - Vlccncmic-z Ir - ' - -' - ' ' - ' * i, : . 11 . . .. --panda- art-c-' - ~ - :---ls. .. c- - - - 1. 1". ?1 - . I. 3pl : . - - - - , . -1~11 .' -' -- - L~I , 11 Pe t ro 4- - v, i . ~-, r- v - ~ -,-. ~': . -, . .1. --, 9. Monthly List of Russian Accessions, Library of Congress, '.Z~y -1953. Uncl,ssified. I MERKUL, V. YE. , PHYSICIAN CAND ~ED SCI Dessertation: "Uhanges in the Electrocardiogram in a Case of Infarction of the Myocardim." 9 MaY 49 Sgcond Moscow State M*dical Inst imeni I.V. Stalin. ALIPERPI P. X., BAGLIA.-WROW A.A GUPM-MV11 I B LMVK)71~ F.E. .,-RKUL M., 'JOV,I, 7 &MUT N 'T u _I. MRX0 71: CIMY Sostolode aerdechno-rmaudistoi sistesW i krovetvorenie pei p,-,)r- tonichaskoi boletmi, ~Cdondition of the cardiovascular z*rstem ;j In byp;rt,,cn3io247 Tar. arkh. 23:2 Har-Apr 51 jmd homopoioui, p. 13-26. 10 Profe3aor BaZdasnrov, Correspondine Kamoar of tPA AcadwV of V11adical Science3 USSR,, 2. Of the Ho3pital, Therapeutic 01inic ,'.Dir-ecto-.,Proj", A. A. Bagdmwov) of the Pediatric Faaultv of tha Second Moscow Modical Xnatitute imani 1. So Stalin. CLML Vol. 20,, No, 10 Oct 1951 BAGDASAROV, A.A.;ALIPERIII, POH.-,GUREVICH, I.B.;LOGINOVA, F.I.;MOKUL, V.Ye. - Dynamics of cardiovascular changes in hypertension. Ter. ark-h., Moskva 25 no.4:48-65 JU17-Ang 1953. (GLKL 25:4) I* Of the Hospital Therapeutic Clinic (Director - Prof. A. A. Bagdanarov, Corresponding Member ANS USSR) of the Pediatric Faculty of Second Moscow Medical Institute Imeni 1. V. Stalin. BAGDASP-ROV, A.A., profsssor; ALTYMN, F.M., doktor maditsinskikh nauk; M-V,RKULI, V.Ye. Perforating myocardial infarction. Torup.arlch.27 no.5:13-23 '55. (HLRA 8:12) 1. Chlen-korrespondant MAN SSSR (for Bagdasarov). Iz gospital'- noy tarapavtichaskoy kliniki (dAr.-chlen-korrespondent AMN SSSR prof. A.A.Bagdagov) pediatricheakogo fakul'tata II Hoskov- skago maditsinakogo instituta iment I.V.Stalina. (WOCARDIAL INFARCTIOIT, complications, perf.) ALIFARIN. P.H., doktor med.nauk; GUIWVICH. I.B.; DORNIKOVA, N.P.; LOGINOVA, F.I.1 MWIMLI. V.Te.; RODIM. R.I.; SKACHILOVA. U.N.; TMOMOVA, A.A. functional changes 1A hypertemsion foll(wing sleep therapy. Terap. arkh. 29 no-11:58-68 N '57. (MIRA 11:2) 1. Iz gospitallnoy terapevticheskoy kliniki pediatrich'iskogo fakallteta 11 Moskovskogo maditainakogo inatituta imani U.I.Firogova i gamoterapevtichaskoy kliniki TSentrallnogl ordena Lenina instituta gematologii i perelivaniya krovi (dir. - chlen-korrespondent AMU SSSR prof. A.A.Bagdasarov) (HTk%MTXHSION, there 7. sleep ther. (Rus)s SLAMP, therapeutic use, bV.partension (Rua)) 47, LYUBOMILOV, V. I.; N. Isomft4c 2-ethylhexanols famed during 1-butanol condensa- tion. Zhur. ob. khim. 33 no.1.22-27 163. (MIRA 16:1) 1. Nauchno-issledevatellskiy institut plastmass. (Hexenol) (Butyl alcohol) :A BST&RCTI- U.- tf II -'Ghe- ~of --the- important -f act&es: deter m n ng tens t~-d -re ie-~ n t f if I ect ton- 6U~ nal-in.radar observations of the solar-corona Is the characterktfi~' 16fr dts--' a Sig tribution-of nonhomogenelties of 6lectron.denslty as a function of-radlus. This I p orona at. an analysis of the character of radio wave propagation in the c 1 the time of radar-abservations from the earth's surface,~ The polnt.of departure. Is OnInvestigation of the Intensity of 'the refier-tAed'signal on the Inner surface of a sphere passed through the tran%mitting antenna andhaving a radius of ip (see- Fig. I of the Enclosure). In the first app~oxlmatlon It 15 -assumed that tile Corona-. tias a spherlcally~symmetrlc structure and has no nonhomogeneltles. The derived I for,the-ener y of the received signal has the form expression C014 7~7: ,-K 9 v 5 ACCEStION NM -AP4046280- ~'jhl swork and zornmentst. A 5IThe author mi s- es o Egjyakzt f or: Int rest. mu as thank V_tJJ_, t --h 41:for t -Or 19.- art. as: _y~ for the problem," ~nd 1. AWAIDW -and figures. gnotlZma, tonosferyl?-l -rasprostranenlya Institut zemnOgOAm OCIATIbile. -tiss And Be-AL9, llvf phere Te '-I q1 11-a.LnSt I s t-(Institate of rrest radlovoln SO AN SSSF n- 50 -AU LS!01) ave_~rd-a att? SUBMITTED :SUBzcODE*. AA Nov63 ENCLI. 0 01 EP, 60 4 IA "T', igRVA. Card: 1/4 FRI, 1914:~ ? 1 M ~ 7 - ---------- r ~ -, - - ~ ; ~'-. -, - ~ :, !'~7, 1 t :. 1. ~~ -; ~r . ': -. - . wi ~e -.. ~6, ~ -, i:~l~n-'~--..Iz 1~-., -, ~-. - ,, -~- 1~7 :: - .,.-T . . ICRKULENKO, V.Ye. Radar contact with the atm. Geomag. i aer. 4 no.5:825~-831 3-0 164. (MIRA 17:11) 1. Institut zemnogo magnetizma, ionosfery i rasprostraneniya radio- voln Sibirskogo otdeleniya AN SSSR. Me g )(~If Z, En e mwj;u/Q=.-1 P-bl- -f fttj~Lory - T~.-. R~a T%-M. U. At. J- Af Zhw - al~l., lt~ 2, 1959, W9 A,cl- 9-t .. IG.' Sp-t"' a.' X., E.-r, K., N.cp,.. Q.. D. Titi. C.,tl. Sarxi AS7tk-Rjmlw.U4.- LXI Mi. OrIG Pub MAutk. -d. Ao~~dya, 1957. 1. K~ 2. aX-% At.trwt mbst=t. cbm 1/1 C, KUKVMSIU, I., prof . -,-----W"g'Miation of forensic accaunting expertise in the Rumanian People 'a Republic. Bukb,-,. uchet 15 no.5:69-71 vq 158. (MM 11:5) 1. Bukharestakiy institut ekonomicheskikh nank i planiravardya im. V. I. Lenina. (Rwiania--Accountin,-,-Iav) Pf-4/Peb_.; :-,L 4`500,5_6~: VC/MV i _-ACCES-SZON 7VIR-f- AP5011-4- 80-- - M! -UR/0029165/0~00/604/0024-/0025~-- "Y C7 THGIL-v TITLE-. The Nikhr" Is ready for f light designed Soviet :onc- man ~helicopter] SOURCE: .,.-,Te_khnika td0_1-ode:zhi-,-_no#:_ 4 - 1065, 24-25-- I'licopter de a ign, r am- TO P T C TAGS, one man helicopte'r e Pter rotor jet driven helicopter, helicopter rotor bushingi- helico assembly, rotor root, ABS.IRACT:.- An independent helicapter-design bureau At the jjSy~ ~sh e v~, the VLT-.hii' Aviation Institute has designed -1 light one-man helicopter which is now ready for atand tests.- The Vikhr' is equipped with rotor- and-riounLed ramjets weighing 1.2 kg, -developing 25 lip, ..and operating-,,,-- - on A 30-40 m/sec-rotor peripheral velocity is necessory cc roti ana _i -to - 4-eam t.-the raKj-e--t-b a engthof with a width of 140-.mmt -7he tricycle-landing goar's.t_wo -rear-wheals ara,equipped.with shock.Absorbers and.its front~wheel 112 KIRMWV, A. -.F ~ . The diesel-electric ship *Lenin.' Sov.mor. 17 no.15:7 Ag '57. (MIRA 10:11) (Shipbuilding) IW,RK=Vp A. Scouts of blue ways. Av. I kosm. 45 no.6:84-,89 162. (MIRA 15:10) (Airplanes-Flight testing) - MERKULOV, I- . High standards of labor are an irportAnt production potentia2. Sots. trud 8 no.8:69-76 Ag 163. (MM 16:8) 1. Direktor Rostovskogo, zavoda sellskokhozyaystve-nnogo mashinostroyeniya. (Rostov-Agricultur&l machinery industry-Management) MERKUIDV., A. P i=. (1-loskva) A page from the twenty year history of -,.hp Czechoslovak- Soviet cooperation. Tech praca L" no, 12; 996-99? D 163. MERKULOVv Andrey Our heart to in orbit* Av. i kosm. 45 no.9:91-93 162. (MIFA l5zlO) Hikolaev, Andriian Grigorievich,, 1929-) povich, Pavel Rcmanovichq 1930-) M MERKULOV, Audrey Romantic attraction of high altitudes. Av.i kosia.. 45 no.4i8o-82 Ap 163. (MIRA 16-13) (4pace flight) Ar AUTHOR: Merkulov, A.A. , Enr-inecr TITIE: R-esi-s-tors 0-Y-11anUanin (Soprotivleniya iz 'rarl_atjinovo, yannoy izolyatsii) PERIODICAL: Vestnik i ste" l ABSTRACT: Fire wircs used in thc ~.aiiuf~~cture )f csisto;:,L; aj-e from 3 - 10 1-1 diameter, witi insuLatio-a -)f 2 to L~ I_ '~'Lc breakdown volta[--e of t..e insulation is 1.5 to 2 Tiie res- istance of a metre of v.,ire may be than 60 000 T"re lf:-n~Eth of wire on a spool can be up to 3 kri. The design and i.-.a-1uf--,cture ~f resistors fro,~- ~~ucl, .-:ire-- is described. The fori-ers are made either of 'Jass terminals sealed in, f .)r of cera::ic. A normal 10 ;eCohr res- istor is 3 mm. diaineter and 50 mn lonc. If the accuraci required is of the order o- 11-. tl~e f inal t,,=in~_,tion is I- a-de before ageing. If Greater accurncy 1-- rocuired, tl:e final adJus-traent is made after aLei.,.,. The resistors must be h,ri:,cticLl1,, sealed to withstand Lu_mnid atmosplieres but soZe anscal_ed ~~'-"'-es are used in instrurcat --nuf-cture. The temmerature C_0.'j'i Ci0j_t -, f t'- ci: e was studied. As si-ov.'n ~n the grapl:s in Fi-,l) tll-e curves of diffpicnt Cardl/ 0 Resistors of Man;ania C~ U len-ths of fine frc.,~_ aiven sn ~ol are consistent but, as shown in Table 1 arid F_J'-,.2, LI.ere may '~,e an-rccialclc dilf- erences between spools. The Ers test tt-~-_erL~ure error is observed between + 0 and + 80 C a.--a t-he Lean1t e m, - e at,-i r e coefficient is net i-ol-D tLan 3 x 10-:) derees- As v!ill ',~c seen from FiC.-A Llhe resl* stors have i--,.uch lo~- er ten--,c. ture errors than ordinE rj tance colils. Thcsc. intended for lose over a wide temre-oture rn-L-'e can be very lar,,_ely cor.Dciasated for tem-Der.-,ture error-- by scili_'3s con-ection of ~tp-)ropriate lengths of fine iron -..-.-ire, as is sh-jv!n graphically- in Fi-, .4. Six-month a,---,-eins testS v,,ero :--arlc resistors ~-ith the reSults indicated in Tables 2 ar_~ 3, Ab_~ut 4CG of t-Ile rr~sistors less than 0.001%. TI-e re!~_-LstDrs al- v~rl- little affected by transport, vibration, moit~turc. and cold. Th(--- are qu-1-te s-table for use in hi-h-accu.-acy instrume-nts. R,. S4IS tnce boy.'s of a e 10 100 and evenl 000 jrneLolhms h_-ve tcen 7roduced ~.:ithout d if f ic -Uj- ty There are 3 tables, 4 fi~~Urcs. ASSOCIATION: VBII EP SUBMITTED: June 2L~, 1957 AVAILABIZ: Library of UonGress uard 2/2 kRASIKOVA, T.M.; MERKULOV, A.A.; PAVKRATOV, G F. High-resistance microwire measuring resistance coils. I=.tekh. no.1:43-45 Ja 162. (KIM 14: 12 ) (Electric measurements) KBRKUWY, A.A.,atarshiy nauchnyy ootrudnik. Combined continuous refrigerator and aulfitation apparatus for pureed foods. Ref. nauch. rab. VNIIK(EP no-3:50-54 155. (MIRA 9:11) (Refrigeration and refrigerating machinery) (Canning and preserving) MSLIR, Th. V,;KVSMT, A.A. Operating conditions for pea hullers. Kona. I ov. prom. 12 n0-3: 35-37 Mr 157. (NLRA 10:5 ) 1. Vsesoyuzn7y nauchno-Issledovatel'skly Institut konservnoy I ovoshchesushil0noy proeVshlennosti (for Reysler). 2. Krasnodar- skly filial Vsasoyusnogo nauchno-iseledovatellskogo instituta k--.n- servnoy i ovoshchoonshilluoy promyshlennosti (for Merkulov). (Peas) (Agricultural machinery) EN, A. A Prolonging the delivery period for cherries and apricots at the Melitopoll Canning Factory. Kons. I ov.prom. 12 no-7:32-34 JI 157. (MMA 12:4) 1. Melitopol'sk1y konservnyy zavod. (Melitopoll District-Fruit culture) KOMJWV, A. A. Mechanizing the cleaning and stuffing of vegatables In producing canned vegetables. Biul.takh.-skon.inform. no-11:56-57 1 58. (MIRA llt12) (Vegetables, Canned) NM,KUWV, A.A. Irradiation of cherries and apricots -with ultraviolet ray's. Kons. i ov. prom. 13 no.6:37-38 Je f58. (MIRA 11:5) I.Zagotovitellnaya kontora Melitopollskogo ray-potrebsoyuza. (Cherries--Preservation) (Apricots--I'reservation) I-ORKULOVo A.A. Preservation of intermediate fruit products. Blul.tekh.- ekon.inform. no.8:56-57 159. (VIE& 13:1) (Canning and preserving) MBRKUWV, A.A. Experience in the operation of equipment of pea-threshing stations. Kons. I ov. prom. 14 no.5:36-39 M7 ~59- (KIRA 12:6) I.Kraenodarskly nauchno-iosledovatellakly inatitut pishchevoy promyshlen- nosti. (Threshing machines) (Peas) (Peas--Harveating) 1~ ~ERKULOV) kle.ksey AlekoVdrovich; LELYAKOVAp Lt red.; MOLCHAITOVA,T., tekhn. red. [Grow nushrooms] Vyrashchivaite shampinforW. Odessa, Odesskoe knizhnoe izd-vo, 1960. 31 P. (MMA 15:6) (Mushroom culture) MERKULOV, A.A. ,j 0 Cherry fruit fly. Zashch. rast. ot vred, i bol. 8 no.7:53 Ti `3. (MIRA 16:9) 1. Melitopol'skoye proizvodstvennoye upravlendye. ACC NR, AP6033469 SOURCE CODE: UR/0413/66/000/018/0056/0056 ;;INVENTOR: Bichell, V. V.; Merkulov, A. A.; Pozdnyakov, L. P. ORG: None TITLE: A bent dipole antenna with a counterweight. Class 21, No. 185971 SOURCE: Izobret prom obraz tov zn, no. 18, 1966, 56 TOPIC TAGS: dipole antenna, bandwidth expansion ABSTRACT: This Author's Certificate introduces a bent dipole antenna with a counter- weight. The unit consists of an asymmetric bent dipole equipped on the lower end with a quarter-wave inclined multiple-rod counterweight. The working frequency band is expanded by connecting a second counterweight to the supply rod made up of Y.)ds tuned to the upper limit of the frequency range. 'Mr. I-loop; 2 and 3--cOunterveights I Card 2/2 i ISUB CODE: 091 SUBM DATE: 29ju163 I i F !,-Z?XU.LCV, inzhener (stants17a i-(,-ushnaya)'. .. Strengthen cost accounting "zi railrrad Zhal.dor.tranap. 39 no.7:79 Jl '57. (1-UPA 10: A) (lailroads-:icef-ints, etc.) DYMARSKTY, Ya.S. , inzhener-ka~ 1 Uin ~-Cc, vanga, kand. tckhn. i:a -; ~ERKULOV, A.D., "rzh. Methods of optimal distribution of irihomoi:eneoLs i means. 1-for. sbor. 4-1 no.S:2 -31 Ag 6/-. I - -1- . SOV/84-58-9-18/51 AUTHOR: Merkulov, Andrey G. TITLE: Masters of the Arctic (Khozyayeva Arktiki) /5' PERIODICAL: Grazhdanskaya aviatsiya, 1958.,/,Nr 9 pp 13-14 (USSR) ABSTRACT: This is a narrative of a flight from an unidentified point in Northeastern Siberia over Vrangell Island to the SP-7 drifting station. The author eulogizes the heroism, self-sacrifice, and endurance of polar pilots and the men of the drifting stations. Two photographs accompany the story. Card 1/1 ?-ERKULOV, A. G. "Is the Mechanism oil Bullbocapnine Catalepsy Central or Peripheral?" rrudy Inst. e, Evolut. Fiz. i Patolog.,r. Deyatel. J-Tr.. Pavlov, No 1, pp Y,~;-3~t~, 19~7 Translation - M-242, 7 Mar 55 I ULCX , A% . G . MERKULOOV, A. G. -- "The Synthesis of Variable Equalizers." Min Communications USSR. Lezingrad, 1955. (Dissertation for the Degree of CarAidate in Technical Sciences). So: Knizhnaya letopis 1, No 8, 1956, pp 0,7-1C3 3CRODZTUK. G.G.; STEPANOV, G.N.; DRINTSKU. N.H.; IO11TOT, L.Te.; KOTALEV, S.H.; BLOKHIN, A.S.; DVORTSOV, L.D.; LUGOVSKOT, K.Te.; MIRMOV, .k.G.- SHIRNOT. B.P.; ROGINSKIT. R.M.; BALA.4-111TEYSMA. A.; -iiiMIT, S.G.; "AT. H.B.; ZARIN, S.A.,; FMCROYSMA, L.N., red.; KARKOCH, K.G., (Multichannel apRaratus for high-voltage telephony on overhead lines and cablesJ Knogokaaallaaia apparature, vyaokochastotnogo telefonirovaniia po vozduahnym i kabellnym liailam aviazi. Moskva, Gos.izcl-vo lit-ry po voproaam aviazi i radio, 1959. 511 P. (HIRA 14: (Telephone--Xquipment and supplies) PHASE I BOOK EXPLOITATION S 011/4' 07 Merkulov, Aleksey Grigorlyevich Peremennyye vyravnivateli (Variable Equalizers). Moscow, Svyaz-- izdat, 196o. 67 p. (Series: Lektsii po tekhnike svyazi) 8,650 copies printed. Sponsoring Agency: USSR. Ministerstvo avyazi. Tekhnioheskoye uprav- leniye. Re3p. Ed.: I.V. Vakula; Ed.: M.M. Ryazantseva; Tech. Ed.: K.G. Markoch. PURPOSE: This booklet is Intended for engineers and techniciane en- gaged in development, adjustment, and operation of long-distance communication systems. It may also be useful to students of'gradu- ate courses in electrotechnical communicatlons Institutes. COVERAGE: The author describes the results of research on variable equaliz-ers with rheostat control used in long-distance radio Caitl-+/4- Variable Eqtia-lizers SOV/4 0`7 5 communication equipment. The book also presents Blethods of PqJJalizer design. No personalities are mentioned. There are 7 references: 4 Soviet and 3 English. TABLE OF CONTENTS-. Foreword 3 Ch. I. Generalized Parameters of Variable Equalizers 5 1. Derivation of general formulas 5 2. Variable equalizers with narrow adjustment range 11 3. Feasible characteristics of variable equalizers with wide adjustment range 13 4. Conditions for obtaining distortionless variable equalizer characteristic at a given operating resistance value which has been determined in advance 19 5. Evaluation of errors in adjustment 1 6. Adjustment range of variable equalizers 21 Ch. II. Design of Four-Terminal Type Variable Equalizers 24 1. General considerations 24 Card 2/4 SITIAYSKIY, N.A., J-nzh.; MERKULOV, A.G., ir)zh.; SHARLOIISKAYA, M.S., kand. tekhn. nauk Results of a reEmtgenographic analysis of power fuel ashes. Teploonergetika 11 no.12t65 D 164 (MIRA 18:2) 1. Khimiko-metallurgicheskiy institut Sibirokogo r)t,IeIen-!ya AN SSSR. Drill (Agricultur,-,l Irtillement) Increasing the life of su.~inv mac.',.inery. nr,. ',, 1054-1. Flonthl List of Pussian Accessions, Library of ConEress, Aui:-Lst Unclassified. ZATOMSKIY, A.B.; TABHOPOLISKIY. G.H.; LARIONDUKO. N.I.; OSTROUVOT, A.T.; ZArRARITANTS, V.M.; TAXOVMV, G.P.; WBAKOT. T.I?.; XUZBMTSOV, P.T.; KU&MV. A.I. Maximum satisfaction of the needs of the population is the most im- portant duty of comminication workers. Test.eviazi 14 no.2:23-25 Ir 154. NLRA 7:5) 1. Rachalenik otdala. pochtovoy syyaci (for Zatonskiy). 2. Machallnik 13tdela vautrirayonney avyazi (for Tarnopol'skly). 3. Zamestitall nachal'- nika, telefoano-telegrafnogo otdola (Larioneako). 4. Sachallnik telografa (for Ostroumov). 5. Nachallnik pochtamts, (for Zakharlyants). 6. Machall- nik mezhdugoradnoy telefonnoy stantaii (for Takovlav). 7. Glavnyy Inzhelier oblastnogo upravleniya avyazi (for Lobanov). 8. Zamostitall nachallnika oblastnogo upravlonlys evyazi (Iluznetsov). 9. Rachallnik oblastnogo upraT- leniya avyazi (for Karkulov). (TelecGzmanication) K;W;AT,,_-Aleksandr'Ivanovich; SHAYTOR. Petr Seliverstovich; SMRGXR, N.V., -OaWk~`di IftKOVA' '-L.A.. I red:qktor izdatellstva; SHITS, V.P.0 takhnicheskiy redaktor [The salvaging department in a woodworking enterprise; experience of the lolodarskii Spool Factory] TSekh shirpotreba na derevoobrabaty- 7ainahchom prodpriiatit; opyt katushechnoi fabriki imeat Tolodarskogo. Moskva, Goalesbumizdat, 1956. 40 p. (HLRA 9:12) (Woodworking industries) MERKIM Finite sets and natural numbers. Uch. zaP. voig. gos. ped. inst. no.11:171-179 '59. (MIRA 16:1) (Aggregates) (Numbers, Theory of) ',LI-~KLLLV' '~. II.- Drill (Agricultural lff,~lement) 'Work results of the nkrasnaia Zvezda" Factcry in ca:ryirE out ~"Pa~-es Iver -,c Comrade Stalin. Sellkhozmashina no. 4, 1952. Ionthly List of Russian Accessions, I,ibr&ry of Congress, Au~ ust 1952. UDICLAL~SIFIED. KZRKMV, A.M.. direktor zavoda. Vachines of the *Krasnala zvezdam Plant at the All-union Agri- cultural fthibition. Sel-khosmashina no.9:9-12 S 154.(XLRA 7:9) (Brill (Agricultural implesent) _-_MEqrJWV,_.A.H. - - Ways of lowering the manufacturing cost of the threshing mechanism and the axle of the SK-3 self-propelled combine. Trakt. i sellkhozmash. 30 n0-9:44-45 S 16o. '(MIRA 13:9) 1. Direktor Taganrogskogo kombaynovogo zavoda. (Combines (Agricultural machinery)) IERKUWV. A.144, Garrylng out the seven-year plan. Me-shi stroitell no.8:3 Ag 161. (MIRA 1-4:7) 1. Direktor Taganrogskogo kombaynovogo zavoda. (Taganrog-Combines (Agricultwal machinery)) - . - - ~, ~ . - 'j,. ,, -- -' - . , , , :-,_- -, ~' , -~. 1 71~ ~ - , - .- , ~, - - " , ; , ~~- , ~~ . ~ -1 - " I, ~: , --:- ~ T--nzm,,16 -i~ii - : "-, 7 ~, - --- ----- - -- .--- - - -- - ---- - - , - ~! ~ ~ ~ e:- `7.- -~- I-ERKUWV A.M. L-~ For 1%wther development in the building of combinso. Trak. i sellkhowash. 31 no.]-1:37-39 N 161. (,VJRA 14.' 12 ) 1. Direktor Taganrogskogo kombaynovogo zavoda. (Combines(Agricultural machinery)) MERKULOV., A,M. Achievements of codbine z*nufacturits in Rr,,~tc)-.,-orl.-Don. Mashinostroitell no.1:4-5 Ja 164. (MIRA 17:2) 1. Direktor Rostovskogo zavoda sellskokhozyaystvennogo mashinostroyeniya. MERKULOV, A.M., laureat Leninskoy premii Mechanization and automation is a road to a perfect organization of production. Mashinostroitelf no.2:.-I-4 F 165. (MIRA 1F f 3 ') 1. Direktor Rostovskogo zavoda sellakokhozyayst,vennogo mashinostroyenlya. ZONSHAYN, Semen IoBifovich; MERkIJLCV,A.P., redaktor, Inzhener; PETROVA, I.A., redaktor; 14YASISM retsenzent; YCHIN,B.A., dotBent, kaLdidat tekhnicheakikh nauk, reteenzent, KA.NUCHARCV,V.A.. inzhener, retsenzent; GLADKIKH,N.N., tekhnicheakiy radaktor CAerodynamics and construction of an Airplane] AerodinamikA. i kon- struktaita samoleta. MoskvA, Goa. iad-vo obor. promyshl., 1955. 243 P. (Airplsnea--Design and construction) (MLRA 9:2) KMUMLOV. A OL3, ~ I Investigating vortex tubes. Zhur.tekh.fiz.26 no.6:1271-1276 Je '56. (Vortex tube) (i,'MA 9:9) TW i : it x - O cn a -1wo o1 d "441 J.-n-d ol" s KEMLOV, A., inzh. P , Characteristics and calculation of the vorter- refrigerator. Khol. takh. 35 no. 3:31-36 Ky-Ja 153. (HIRA 11:7) 1. Kyybyshavakiy aviatsionnyy institut. (Refrigeration and refrigerating machinery)