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KOSYAKOV, K.S.; LIBIKOVA, N.I.; MERKINA, T.N. Excretion of desocyc7tidine in the urine in ar-ute raWliation sickness. Red,rad. no.301-35 162. (141RA 1513) (RADIATIOU SICKIWM) (CYTIDINE) ORKIS, A.I. - G*=n,ge in the activity of certain oxidizing enzymes and in chlorophyll content in the gourd family following vegetative hybridization. Biul. no.20:17-23 155. (MTBA 8:9) 1. Botanicheskiy sad Villnyusakogo gosudarstvennogo universiteta. (Vine crops) (4bridization, Vegetable) 1,EREIS, A. I. MERXIS, A. I. --"The Test4nF of Down Cereal Plants." Moscow Order of State U imeni M. V. Iomonosov, Mogcow, (Dissertation for the detree of Candiate C~emnical L-nin an6 1956 in Bin'oFIc-1 V4thods agaiLst Flattered Order of IAI-or Red B anner Sci-nees.) KNIZHNAY MTOPIS No 41, October 1956 TMOVA. if. S.; IMH S, A. I. 111Wsiological investigation of the lodging of cereal grains. Vest.Hout.un.Ser.biol.,pochv.,geol.,geog. 1) no.4:19-27 '58. (KIRA 12:4) 1. Kafedra fiziologil rastenly Hoskovskogo universiteta. (Grain) '-~FRViS, ... T. (U3FR) "3i!,nifi- n~e of Transformat;.:)ms of ATP ind 01~it--Itnionp for , . ant r1rowth -ind (',eo~ro, ism." -11 Reoort or-sent,cl at the ~th Interniti r,~,! 3i.;-hemi-~tr,- 'onF_'re7,s, Mos -ow, 10-16 ^ug 1`~ 1 MERKIS, A. I. "Tran-formatlion e-jf ~rjerg~ ir, a-t 7 on. report submitted Vor .',)th Int! A ;,I, AS Lith SSR. KMKIS. V.M. Improved elements for the orbit of minor planet 592 Fathesba. Astron.tair. no.149:5-6 My 154. (MM 7:7) 1. Tillnyu8ska~u astronomicheskaya observatoriya Villuyusakogo gosudaretvennogo universiteta. (Planets, Ninor-592) ~ERKL, Ferenc, tobbszoros uji- , villanyszerelo (Varpalota) Forum of .innovator:. jJit DIP 16 no.23:3C-31 10 D '64. MMnER, D.; PERLSTEIN, A. Precordial pain in dissecting aortic aneur7sm. Mad. int., Bucur. ? no.4:88-93 Oct-Dec 55. 1. Spitalul unificat Timisoara. (AORTIC AlWHYSM, mnifestations precordial pain, in dissecting aneurysms) (PAIN precordial pAin in dissecting aortic analarysms) 7" 4285. 'MERKLER D P.-WEEL V. and %:COLAZEV:C: A- PP asupra T'- e i e c e o f v a m . n P P c .n ec.nanges :n -.~e ECG of d4abet'cs abc-.;*, .zv REV. FIZIOL,NORNT. PATIOI- -.355. 35(553-588) 'At was observed that ad-ml .~strat,.on c* the.-aDe,-.t-.c doses Caused :he maior4t%- of the cases rnod~fvcat:o-~s of the ECG wh'ch Werc ndependent of the blood sugar level and of the dose of adm.-.--~ ste red. 17. most patients, these modifications could be compensated and with v-.zamin PP (90 mg. is thought that these ffunct4onal modIfIcations caused by -msulin might lead to ~r- 4'?,?5 C ON W reversible dystrophic les4.o.-.s of tne myocardturn- if .'s ad--i-nistered for long periods, but that this could be preverted by adm'='stration of vitamir. PP which, moreover. enhances the hypoglycaemic effect of "uUn. Graur - Bucharest (XVU!, 6) MERKLIN, R. L. LOw/MO&&*&ve -- Shellfish Me*be6ne- -- Variation iE :D.~ lj/-;9T74 Kar/Apr 48 *Varlatloas in the lada Sabfragills 1R. Hoera Group Fouad la the Tartchmn k Coal Fleldo" R. L. Marklia, Paleoatol last, Acad Sol USM, 10 pp *Iz Ak Nauk SSM, gar Biol" No 2 Discusses adaptmbility dispUqed by mollusk rAda In specimens collected in nrch peninsula. MRIKE114, R. L. 36,634. K Poznanlyu Paleoekologii PbllyusYovoy Fauny Iterkhnetarkhanskikh (Spi.rialsovykh) Glin Kerchenskogo Poluostrova. Izvestlya Akad. Mauk SSSR, Sertya Geol., 1949, No. 6. c. 209-15.- Bibllo.,r: 8 .,Iazv. SO: istopis' ZhurnalInykh Stgtey. Vol. 50, Moskva, 1949 5n T-Oda !,a- r7l L(,+ On s ZM I -71-fi 2-1 HZRKLIN. R. L. _ A new subspecies of Oncophora, from southeastern Ust-Urt. 3iul.KOIP. Otdgeol. 28 no.2:42-48 '53. (MLaA 6:11) (Ust-Urt--Kollusks. Fossil) (Mollusks. Foasil--Ust-Urt) MMUMIN, R. L. Stages of developuent of the Konka Basin during the Miocene in the southern part of the U.S.SI.R. (author's sum ry). Biul.KOIP. Otd.geol. 28 no.3:89-91 153. (MIRA 6:11) (Konka Basin--Geology. Stratigraphic) (Geology, Stratigraphic--Konka Basin) BBaMN. A.G.; -97-RUM, R.L. 'Discovery of marine Chokrak fauna in the overburden of Nikopol' District.' U.N.Karlov, M.F.Nosovskii. Reviewed by A.G.Aberzin, R.L.Kerklin. Biul.KOIP.Otd.geol. 29 no.1:89-91 Ja-P '54. (14TA A 7:4) (Nikopoll District--Paleontology) (Paleontology--Nikopoll District) (Karlov, N.B.) (Nosovskii, M.F.) MMIN, R.L. ~t $4 Characteristics of the form of life of bivalvular mollusks from the ruperfamil.7 Lucinacea. Biul.MOIP.Otd. geol. 29 no.6:101-104 11-D '54, (MLEA 8:2) (Lamellibranchiata) NI E 9 f~ L 1 &1) R. Lt. SOKOLISMA, A.B.; SARTCH&VA. T.G., otvatstvennyy redaktor; KKRXUX redAktor; GRAKOVA, Te.D.. tekhnichaskiy re- _MM9UA&k*A tor. StrophomenidAe of the Russian Platform. Trudy Faledn't. inst, 51:3-191 154, (KLRA 8:2) (Russian Platform--Brachiopoda, Foanil) ,MZRKLIN, R.L. The Konka beds of the northern shore of Kara-Bogaz-Gol gulf and the presence of inarticulate brachyopod Lingula, in them. Dokl. AN SSSR 95 no.1:155-158 Hr '54. (KLRA 7:3) 1. Paleontologicheakiy institut Akademii nauk SSSR. (Kara-Bogaz-Gol (Gulf)--Brachyopoda, Fossil) (Brachyopoda, Fossil--Kara-Bogaz-Gol (Gulf)) K&MIM, R.L. Contribution to the study of the Tertiary marine fauna of north- eastern Siberia. Dokl.AN SSSR 95 no.2:379-380 Kr 54. (KIRA 7:3) 1. Palsontologichaskiy institut Akademii nauk SSSR. (Siberia--Paleontology) (Paleontology-Siberia) NET KFOILIN Rom . "o IM-SKAYA, Lidiya Aleksandrovna.;ZBERZIN, A. G., otvetetvemxyy redaktor.;KORDE, K.B., redaktgr izdatqVstva.;ASTAFIYZVA, G.A., ~ekhnicheskty redaktoiri. ClianNhook on Miocene bivalvular mollusks of Turkmenia and western Kazakhstan.] OpredeliteP dvustvorchatykh molliuskov miotsena Turkmenii i zapadnogo Xazakhotana. Moskva, Izd-vo Akademii nauk SSSR, 1955. 117 p. (Akademiia nauk SSSR. Paleontologichaskii institut. Trud~y, vol. 59) (KIBA 9:11) (Ttirkmenistan-4amel'14hranchiata, Fossil) (Xazak-hstan--Lamellibranchiata, Fossil) GERASIMOV. Petr Aleksandrovich; HKMIN,R.L., redaktor;VF.RVAK,G.V., redaktor; POPOV,H.D. , te0;nVc~_~sATr_IyQ_-redaktor [Leading fossils of the Mazosoic era of the central provinces of the European part of the U.S.S.R.] Rukovodiashchis iskopaemve mesozois tsentrallnykh oblastei Evropeiskoi chasti SSSR. Pt.l. [Lamellibranchim, Ga9tropoda, Scaphopoda, and Brachiopoda of the Jurassic period] Plastinchatozhaberays, briukhonogis. ladlenogie molliuski i plechenogie iurskikh otlozhanii. Moskva. Gos.nauchno- tekhn. izd-vo lit-ry po geologii i okhrane nedr. 1955. 378 P. (Paleontology--Jurassic) (MLEA 9:2) DRUSHGEEITS, V.V.; ORLOV, Yla.A., otvatstvennyy redaktor; HERKLIN, R.L., redaktor; TEREKBDVA. D.P., takhnicheakiy, redakfor (Lower Gretaceous ammonites of the Crime& and the Northern Caucasus; 4tocaratidae, Tatragonitidae and Phyllocaratidae] gizhaamelovye ammoulty Kryma i Savernogo Kovkaza; litoteeratidy. tetragonitidy i fillotseratidy. [Moskva] Izd-vo Moskovskogo univ., 1956. 149 P. (MLRA 9: 10) 1. Chlen-korrespondent AN SSSR (for Orlov) (Grimaa--Ammonoidea) (Caucasus, No rthem--Ammo no idea) AU TH CR !,erklin, R.L. 2 9/5 TI TL7: Impressions of the I'lunparian "'.iocene ~Vpechnfleri-;a o ven- perskom miotsene), PZRICDICAL: 11yulleten' :.o7kovs1krgc) --bshcnestva ispytatelay rirody., ~-tdel geologich~~ski: , 191;9, j.'r 3, I)p - 156 ( ,:~ 6;R ) ABSTRACT: This is a regume ),' ~i lecture giver, on Feb 7, 1958. The author compares fo~lsil (huposits f,,und ir. Lktzigurian 1 iocene strata with those located in Tertiary leposits of the Cri- mean-Caucasus r,,~pion. Daposits of th-,~ 1; ,armatiar, .3tn,-? in Hunpary cont~lin saveral species of mollusVs vfiich are cha- r,-.Cter4r ~,tiC Of th,:~ L,;,.,ipr Sarm,-tian ;t,-iFe of the Crimean- Caucasus region. 1. Geology--Crimea 2. Fossil moliusca Card 1/1 SOV/5-58-6-7/13 AUTHORS: Garetskiy, R.G., I'llerklin, R.L. and Yanshin, A.L. TITLE: The Marine Deposits of the Lo,~,er Miocene Period in the Aral -~ea ReFion (Morskiye nizlinemiotsenovyye otlozheniya v Priaral'ye). PERIODICAL: Byulleten' Yoskovs'-,ogo obshchestva ispy- tateley prirody, Otde' geologicheskiy, 1958, Nr 6. p 99-108 (USSR) ABSTRACT: The authors describe the sandy, shallow marine deposits on the north-western shores of the Aral Sea. These del)osits belong to the Lower Miocene period and contain the fossils of Pelecypodae and shark teeth. These deposits cover the eroded layers of the Aral (bliocene) suite containinF, Corbula, I-eir "urn ielmerseni 1.ikhai, and are in Card 1/3 covered by a sandy layer containin- Rzehakia SOV/5-58-6-7/13 The Marine Deposits of the Lo%v,-~r rTiocr!ne Period i n Aral Sea Region (or Oncophora) socialis Rzeh. Similar marine deposits are vi'dely spread in the north- western part of the Trans-Un-uz Karnkum moun- tains. They represent the shallow viater de- posits of larcre bays of the Upper-Ma7kop (Oligocene-Liocene) sea and are singled out in the loc~_,l stratographic scale under the name of the Yintykche suite. The following geologist3 are mer-,tioned by "he author: Ye.I. Belyayeva. -E.D. Dzh,-_-ia-,'.1ov, I.I.S. Glik- man, G.P. Ylikhaylovskiv, B.i. Zhizhchenko, V.I. Samodurov, A.G. Elberzin, V.I. '~romova, V.V. Ylenner, B.Z. Urets!~:iy, V.P. Miroshnik, Card 2/3 V.T. Balakhmatova, I. A. rrusova, A.S. SOV/5-11-58-6-7/13 The Marine Deposits of the Lov,,er Liocene Period in the Aral -Sea Region Stolyarov, L.3h. Davitashvili and G.D. Kharatishvili. There is 1 map, 1 profile, 1 photo and 21 references, 17 of which are Soviet, 3 German and 1 Czech. Card 3/3 AUTHOR: Merklin, R.L. -nV_q I y of -rhe ~:elvetian --ea TITLE: The Hydrology and Hydro-Biolog South of the USSR - According to Data on the Fcology of 14ollusks (0 gidrologi.L i aidrobiologii gel'vetakovo morya na yuge SSSR - po dannym ekologii mollyuskov'. PFPIODICAL: Ryulleten' Moskovskovo obshchectva ispytpteley prirody - 0 td e 1 geo logi chesk iy, 191 P,31; r -, pp 14 (- -14. ` ( ABSTRACT: "'he author deals wit?, the cuestion of the extent of the Helvetian layer and describes the characteristics of bpsins in which Oncophoric strata ( 'called after the mollusi~ _'n- cophora') and their stratip-raphical eq *ulvalents qre to be found (Kotsakhuri horizon of the ~Iiocene epocr in !3eorgia~ The following three charactpristic fentures cin Ibe distinFuis~.ed for Oncophoric layers; 1) ',,ncophoric layers appear to be coastal formations; ?) they occur as isolated strata. t~-eir course often spreads over a few hulndreds of meters only-, 3) their fauna consists mainly of Tollusks, occPsionally in- cluding vertebrates and teeth of sharks (Priaral'ye),. Card 1,12 The Hydrology and Hydro-Biology of the "!elvetian in the -o :'..r of +"e 7SSR - According to Dnta on the E-colopy of Vollusks The names of some Foviet geoloFists Rnd paleon~olowists who did research work in this field are mentioned : YP.7. Liv~rcvskrya., T. Yeznerich and V. ~'hekhovich, There is 1 map. 1. Geology 2. Helvetian Sea 3. FaleoecologY 4. Hydrology 5. Biology Card 212 I IGRKLIN. R.L. 'Treatise on marine ecolog7 and palooecolo,,7'. Faleont. zhur. no.l: 13 P-144D '59. OMIRA 13:1) Narine ecology) (Paleontology) YERKLIN, R.L.; ROM, Zh. Some new data on Tertiary pectinids of the Ukraine. Mat.k 110sn. paleont.0 no.3-08-60 159. 09J~L 150) (Kra,gnokamenka region (Ukraine)-Fectinidae, Fossil) 3(0) AUTHORS% Aleksin, A. A., _Ye~r__j~ ~,R.~ polr/2o-124-2-39/71 TITLE. On the Presence of Middle Miocenic Oyster Beds in the Remnants of the South-East Ustyurt (OpriautEltvi-1 srednemiotsenovykh ustrichnikov v ostantoakh yugo-vostochnogo Ustyurta) PERIODICAL: Doklady Akademii nauk SSSR, 1959, Vol 124, Nr 20 PP 380-382 (USSR) A.BSTRACT: The first mentioned author found a stratum with Crassostrea in the Tuzgur hill, about 100 km west of Tashauz (Turkmenian SSR). The authors present a general view of the Neogene sediments east of the Caspian Sea from Ustyurt to Kopetdag basing onpublications (Refs 1, 2-6, 8). They state that oyster beds have been found in several places of the area mentioned. Oyster beds withCrassostrea are usually parallelized with the sediments of the Krymsko- Kavkazskaya (Crimea-Caucasus)(Ref 8), as they are deposited below the Chokrakskiye strata. quite recently, the opinion wasexpressed (Ref 1), that in the Middle-Miocene there might be an older horizon than Tarkhanskiy. Its deposits are said to be maritime deposits, especially Crassostrea oyster beds. This Crassostrea horizon, however, is believed to be placed higher than the Card 1/3 Kotsakhurskiy "Oncophorall horizon. M. F. Nosovskiy (Ref 6) also On the Presence of SOV/20-124-2-39/71 Middle Miocenic Oyster Beds in the Remnants of the South-East Ustyurt suggested a Helvetian age of the Crassostrea oyster beds. In the opinion of the second author the Crassostrea and Oncophora strata may be some synchronous adjacent sediment facies of one and the same water; both were probably widely spread in the northern shore region of the Helvetian Paratethys. The authors describe sections of the oyster beds of Tuzgur with the fossils found there in three places and conclude that the strata there belong to the Konkskiye sediments. They are deposited transgressively. Here, the lower and the middle horizon are missing. The transgressive contact takes its course between the upper part of Konka (within the Veselyanskiye strata) and the Crassostrea strata. The latter thus cannot be younger than the Tarkhanskiy horizon. In the South-East Uatyurt (near Aybugir), and a little north a sand parcel with shark teeth is deposited (Refs 3, 7) on Paleogene loams. Further up follows a stratum of Chokrak shell rock. Karaganskiye sediments are missing; on the Chokrak Sartaganskiye strata of the Konkskiy horizon are deposited. Possibly the shore lines of the Chokrakskiy, Karaganskiy and Kartvel'skiy waters passed west of Tuzgur and also west of Aybugir the Chokrak-waters excepted. Sartaganskiye Card 2/3 strata of Tuzgur were reassorted without any doubt, since 44 Oil the Presence of 307/20-124-2--5 W71 Middle Miocenio Oyster Beds in the Remnants of the South-4East Ustyurt mollusks from waters of different salinit3( -icro occurring together. It can be stated that in the first half of the M-4ddle-Miocene the open sea extended to the lower course of the Amu-Darlya. The salt content may have been normal and the annual temperature high. A big stream provided nutritive detritus and terrigenous sand as well as calcium carbonate and caused a reduction of the salt content in the shore waters (Ref 9-10). There are 10 references, 7 of which are Soviet. ASSOCIATION: Paleontologicheskiy institut Akademii nauk SSSR (Paleontological Institute of the Academy of Sciences, USSR) PRESENTED: July 18, 1958, by A. L. Yanshin, Academician SUBMITTED: July 18, 1958 Card 3/3 -MERXIIH,I"; MORDZOVA, V.G.; STOLYAROV. A.3. Blostratigraphy of Maikop, deposits in southern Mangyablak. Dokl.Aff SSSR 133 n0-3:653-656 Jl 160. (HM 13:7) 1. Tsesoyusnyy institut mineral'nogo syrlya. Predstavleno akademikom A.L.Tanshinym. (Vang7shlak Peninsula-Faloontolog7. Stratigraphic) MMIKIIN p R. L. A nev Tertiary subgenus of corbulids. Paleont.zhur. no.1:82-88 161. (MMA 14:8) 1. Faleontologicheskiy institut All SSSR. (Lamellibranchiata, Fossil) MERKLIN., R.L. Stone borer from the Paleogene of Fergana, Paleont,zhur, m.3:127-129 161. WIRA 15:2) 1. Paleontologicheskiy institut AN SSSR. (Fergana-Mollusks, Fossil) NERKLIN, R.L. New scap~.opod species from the middle Eocene in the Northern ~;auca- sus. Paleont.zhur. no.4:156-158 161. OMIRA 15:3) 1. Paleontologicheskiy institut AN SSSR. (Caucasus, Northern--Scaphopoda, Fossil) VARSANOFOUNA, V.A.; EOGDAIlCiV, A.A.; KUZ17,TSOV, Ye.A.; idilIGE, O.K.; NERKLIN R.L., !,,U.*-iATOV, M.V.; PFA4YAKOVA, A.I.; PETRUSIE-VSKIY, B.A.; SOK01k)V, D.S.; SHVETSOV, M.S.; YALSHIII, A.L. Nikolai Sergeavich Shatskil. Biul. MOIP. Otd.geol..16 no.4: 3-6 n-Ag 161. (MIRA 14:9) (Shatskii, Nikolai Sergeevich, 1895-1960) MERKLIN, Roman L'yovich ; PETROV, Clog Mikhaylovich; AI-111ROV, Clog Vladimirovich; MEMIER., V.V., otv. red.; NEVESSMA, L.A., red. Izd-va; SINKIIIA, G.S., tekhn. red. [Atlas for the identification of mollusks in Quaternary sedJments of the ChWtchi Peninsula] Atla3-opredolitell mol- liuskov chetvertichnykh otlozhenii Chukotskogo poluostrova. 1.',oakva., Izd-vo Akad. nauk SS9,,, 1962- 56 P. 12 tables. (Chukchi Peninsula-411ollusks, Fossil-Classificationj DRUSHCHITS, V.V.p dots.; ASTROVA, G.A.; ~MRKLIN, R.L.; SHIMRISKIY, V.N.; ORLOV, Yu.A., akademik, otv. red.; ROTMIM-EVSKAYA, P.S., r,,I.; YERI-MOV, M.S., tekhn. red. [Paleontoloey of invertebrates] Paleontologiia bespozvonochrqkh. Moskva, Izd-vo Mosk.univ., 1962. 467 p. (MW 15:7) (Invertebrates, Fossil) MERKLIN- R. L. Observations on the problem of the bovmda'7 between the Neogene and Quaternary. Trudy Kam. chetv. per. 20:159-160 '62. (MM 16:1) (Geology, Stratigraphic) ME RMN 2. R. L. A new system of bivalved aollusks. BiuA. HOIF. Otd.geol. " no.3:136 MY-Je 162. zm~ :m-w (Mollusk$,, Fossil-Classification) WMMIN, R. L. Resolutions of the Second Plenary Session of the Committee on the Neogene of the Mediterranea~L Sea held in Sabadell.-Madrid, September 10-21v 1961. Hiul. WIP. Otd.geol. 37 no-4-131-132 JI-Ag 142, (MDU 16-5) (Mediterranean Sea region-Geology, Stratigraphic--Gongresses) MERKLIN, R.L.; STOLYAROV, A.S. Solenoy horizon of the vestern Kopet-Dag. Biul.NDIP.Otd.geol. 37 no.5:61-68 S-0 162. (K[RA 15:12) (Kopet-Dag-Paleontology,Stratigraphic) MKLIN, R.L. Horizons of the middle and upper Oligocene deposits of the southern part of the U.S.S.R. Dokl.AN SSSR 144 no.2:420-423 Vq 162. (MIRL 15:5) 1. Paleontologicheskiy institut AN SSSR. Predstavleno akademikom A.L.Yanshinym. (Russia, Southern-Geology, Stratigraphic) MERKLIN. R. L. Paleoeceological out-of-town session for studying the Ordovician and Devonian of the Northwestern U.S.S.R. Faleont. zhur. no.4tl27-129 162. (KERA 16s1) (Rus#Up Northwestern-Paleontology, Stratigraphic) MERKLIN, R.L. Find of mar'ne -15 *-ii~- If 1-11-~ I - Lake BaAkal reg'.-)n. Izv. AN '-., .' - 1 89-90 Ap'64. ( mc-y~,-k 1,.? ~, r, ) 1. Pale ow. o' aL ~ ch Y !I! S 'A ".", AN It I MERKLIN, R,L.i FE'I'R(,V C.M. ; GOPKI INS, U.M. t'fiopkins, D. 1; WK-IVEYL, F.S. 4~-~e iI F.S' Attempting the ccrrelation of Liite Cenozoic marine sedimients the Chukchi Peninsula, northeastern Siberia, and western Alaska. 12v. AN SSSR. Ser. geol. 29 no.10:45-57 0 164. (MIRA 1"': 11) 1. Paleontologicheskly institt''. AN SSSR, Geologicheskiy institut AN SSSR, Moskva i Geologiches~aya sluznba SShA, Kaliforniya. WRKLIN,, R.L.; BCODAIOVICH, A.K.; BURYAK, V.N. Fauna form the upper part of the Ritsa and Boltshoy 7elenchuk Rivers (Forthern Otd. geol. 39 no.4:52-56 Jl-Ag 164. sediments of the Kubdn Cauoasua). Biul. MDIP (MIRA 17:10) BROW~VGI, V. A. ; 11, Kil -- 11, 1 - G. -, MERf Li'-;., . I.;.,: . i ~ ~ , i , "') . I nryu e 11 - :,tratlgra~hy of sed-Ilm-TI73 ~srll - " ~ - -, -'* I~irt c -, I t',-,e Chagrrays~oye Plateau. P"ul. F)';'. 3~) S-0 164, 0".F-~ lp-.~)) R.I., inzh.; SAVINOT, S.G., inzh.; STARUKHIN, N.K., inzh.. naucbzW red.; TYMUNTA, L.M., red.izd-va; O=IKO, L.M.0 (Laying plank and parquet floors] Ustroistvo doshchatykh i parkatnykh polov. Moskva, Gos.izd-vo lit-ry po stroit., arkhit. i stroit.materialam. 1959. 155 P. (MIRA 13:2) 1. Akademiya stroltalletva i arkhitektury SM. Institut orga- nizataii, mekhanizataii i takhnichaskoy pomoshchi stroitellstvu. (Floors) KMUING, M.I., inzh.; RODIN, yu.1%, inzh..g nauchzWy red.; CHEKHOVSKMA, - - - - - - T--F--Pred. izd-va; OSEUKO, L.M., tekhn. red. (Organization of supplies at construction sites] Organizatsiia skladskogo khoziaistva na stroitel'iVkh ploshchadkal-h. Moskva, Gos. izd-vo 2-it-ry po srtroit., arkhit. i stroit. materigaam, 1961. 82 p. 0AIRA 14:10) 1. Moscow. Glavnoyo upravleniya po zhilishchnolau i &azhdanskomu stroitel'stvu. Tekhnicheskoye upravleniye. (Building sites) BOYCHENRO, Aleksandr Maksimovich, inzh.; GINZBURG,, Shmilyk Moiseyevich, inzh.; ZBERDETSKIY, Fetr Fedorovich, inzb.; FRISEDIKO, Boris Stepanovich, inzh.; ~-- _., inzh., nauchnyy red.; YUDIVA, L.A., red. izd-va; 01MISON, P.G., tekhn. red. [Construction of apartment houses from large slabs) Stroitell- stvo zhilykh zdanii iz krupnykh panelei; iz opyta Glavkiev- stroia. (By] A.Y.Boichenko I dr. Moskva, Gos. izd-vo lit-ry po stroit., arkhit. i stroit. materialam, 1961. 128 p. (MIRA 15:2) (Kiev-Apartment houses) (Precast concrete construction) HFJUUING. M.I..,, inzh.,- SAYBOV, S.G., inzh.,- ODDIOKGVI S.D., kand. tekhn. nauk, nauchrWy red.; TABUNINA, M.A.,, red.izd-va; IGNATIYEV, V.A., tekbn. red. [Laying plawk and parquet floors] Ustroistvo doshchatykh i parket- nykh polorv. Izd.2., ispr. i dop. Moskvap Gos.izd-vo lit-ry po stroit.arkhit. i stroit. materialamp 1961. 159 p. (MIU 34:12) 1. Akademiya stroitellstva i arkhitektury SM. Institut organizataii, mekhanizataii i tekhnichaskoy pomoshchi stroitellstvu. (Floors) POFOV, Lecnir,, Nikolayevich, -.arv;. tf.'klui. nauk; nLuchn. red.; KAS"All-N.' , ... I . I J [Qual ity - ~ (,:' . on ~j F on tx~.Il f,t -j i str~~i tt_ I ,_~tvc.. ~Aoskll~i, VY3~;ha'.!t I~t, 1' 19 i .. (MlEtA 1'7:1,1) HERKOV I. .j.. Problem of re&ucing the weight and diminishing the size of roller mills. Muk.-elev. prom. 28 no.1:13-14 .A 162. (MIRA 16t-1) 1. Odesskiy tekhnologicheskiy institut. (Graln-,millLig machinery) MERKO, I., kand.tekhn.nauk The 40th anniversary of the Odessa Lomonosov Technolagical Ins"itute. Muk.-elev. prom. 29 no.2:29 F '63. (MIRA 16:8) 1. Sekretarl partiynogo komiteta Odesskogo tekhnologicheskogo Instituta im. Lomonosova. (Odessa--Technical education) I r, 't -L ( - !!,3'2,K0, I. T., Cand of T,ach '13i -- (Cliss) th-) -Mcioncy o". Mil!F- of 'jrindin,,2- System '.'iith .'arious Kinamltic Ind ;oomctric P ramaters,11 Odessa, 1959, 19 pp (Odr3ssa Technolo -ic---i jnf!tjtilte i_ 7a I . V . :-) t a 1 in )(11L, 116) MMO,-, I.T. Investigating the effectiveness of grinding systorr, roll-mills in milling technology. 1zv.vys.uchab.zav.; pi3hch.tekh. no.4:112-116 159. (MIR-h 13:2) 1. Odasskiy tekhnologichaskiy institut imeni I.Y.Stalina. Kafedra takhnologichaskogo oborudovaniya. (Grain-milling maebinery) MKO, I.T. Effect of the diameters and kinematic conditions of the opera- tion of roller mills on the effectivenep of crushing. Izv.vys. ucheb.zav.; pishch.tekh. no.5:98-103 59. (MIRA 13:4) 1. Odeaskiy- tekhnologichaski5r inatitut imeni I.V.3talina, kafedra tokhnologichaskogo oborudovaniya. (Flour mills) , OOPOPII'~ I - MFMO, 1. , inzb. r, Effect of working surfaces of rolls and peripheral speeds on the efficiency of grinding process. Muk.-elev.prom. 25 no.9: 27-28 S 159. (MiRA 12:12) 1. Odesslciy tekhnologicheskiy institut im. I.V.Stalina. (Grain milling) ;1:~00738 66~-'z -~-.ACCESMWHR.' -AP5621994 ENCLOSURE: 01 Fig.. 1. 1-m-frante; 2--extensible -pnitiotat grip; 3 Le cylinder, nder rdd J Ti'w -W W.9 r , :w T", USS'-R/D', So,lsl's Et Y - kbs Jc;'-Ir F'~3 f Zhur A i Ai i t LrIst s u i tr,-)I-~i &'in,! 2d, i- T it I Irs Tt 3 CL,r-t r, un,~v v" Y Pub Z 'Y11 7; 2 95~ C) 1 r -IC t N r3 ie i m,~ n6. Ac, no MMOV., A. V. HA=T, A.M. ~ 1.4;' . !21 . 1 Discussion on P.A.Karshinalkov and 3.JA,Swlavich1s article, OThe subject and methods of statistics.* Gic. i san, no.6:49-52 Je 054, (MLRL 7:6) (PUBLIC HRL M 0 statistics, *subject & method) MMOV, A.M., profeasor (Moskva G-48, ul. Usachevs. 19 a. kopr* 1. kv*45) Pulmonar7 cancer and its relation to smoking; review of statistical data of foreign medical literature. Too.onk. I n0-5:109-116 155. (SHOXIITG, (KLRA 10:1) relation to cancer of lungs, review) MGS, neoplasms, (1 relation to smoking review) AID P - 21`8 Subject USSR/Medicine Card 1/1 Pub. 37 - 7/18 Author : Merkov, A. M., Prof. (Moscow) Title : Methods of studying the general sick rate of the population Periodical: Gig. i san., 3, 31-36, Mr 1955 Abstract Describes and illustratcs by examples and tables the present conditions of public health statistics in the USSR. Present methods used for calculating the rate of general diseases are considered in- adequate. Suggests improved statistical methods and gives various recommendations,among others, that the data gathered should be reported to a centralized regional office and processed there by qualified public health statisticians. Institution: None Submitted : Ag 26, 1954 MMMOV. A.M., professor (Moscow) Practical studies on variational statistics treatment of clinical data. N.I.Roatkovyi. Reviewed by A.M.Herkov. Klin. mmd. 13 no.7:93-95 JI '55. (KLRA 8:12) (MOSTKOVTI, M.I.) (MM)ICAL STATISTICS) 149UOV-. A.M..professor (Koskva, G-4,8, u1. Usacheva. d. 19-a, korp. 1, kv. 45. ) C-~ `~ I - 1117~-'~!-77.1-vlff---g A-"- Incidence of malignant tumors in the U.S.A. Vop. oak., 2 no.6:752-762 '56 (KLRA 10:4) (BROPLASKS. statist. in U.S. ) KgRKOV, A.M., prof , '- ~Eftblic health statistics in the U.S.S,R. during the last fort7 years, 1917-19571 Sanitarnaia statistika v Soiuze SSR za 41j let, 1917-1957 g9. Moskvs, 1957. 39 p. (MIRA 11:4) (PUBLIC MALTH-STATISTICS) HERKOV, ft.H., orof. Courne of the development and basic achievements of Soviet sanitar7 statistics during the last 40 years. Sov.zdrav. 16 no.10:24-30 0 157. (MIRA 10:12) 1. 1z Instituta organizataii zdravookhreneniya i iBtorii meditairor Iment N.A.Semashko Kinisterstva zdravookhraneniya SSSR. (dir. Ye.D. Ashurkov) (PUBLIC HEALTH, statist. in Russia) KMOV. A.M.. professor (Hoskva) Some demographic and health statistics on the U.S.S.R. [with sumnary In Inglish). Gig. i san. 22 no.1:6-12 Ja 157. (KLRA 10:2) (POPUIATION demographic data on Russia (Rua)) (MIMIC INS in Russia, statist. (Rua)) NOTOSELISEIT, Serggy Aleksandrovich,1872-195).;.MMKOV, A.M.,; LTUDKOVSKATA, 11.1., tekhn. red. (Problems in demograghic and health statistics; selected works] Toprosy demograficheskoi i sanitarnoi statiatiki; izbrannye proizvedentia. Moskva, Goa. izd-vo mod. lit-ry. 1958. 214 p. i (41RA 11:12) (MEDICAL STATISTICS) (VITAL STATISTICS) E~-CERPTA MEDICA See 16 Vol 7/5 Cancer Fay 59 I ril i, i . Statistical evaluation of the effectiveness of treatment of malignant tumours (Russian text) ME.IAKO,.- A. M. Moscow 1'npr. OnAol- 14511. .11-1 18;1 If,; I Tables.1 - '['lie ostial statistical methods for theevaltiation (if treatnirnt tdcatirer patients are critirizcd. The basis Gir the traditional inethod of evaloation is the stirvival after trratnicut. Wh(-Fi this k done, the inaterial should he %obdividcd according to I% fie fir the turnoor, l4icalization, clinical stage and treatnient : patients sho%ild be classi- fird according to age and sex. Calculation4per cent sorvivai,after it certain period. haw.d (in the total ritiniber of treated patients or on the ntiniber of observed cases i% incorrect, since in the first instance increased, and in the second redticed, sorvival ratc% are cstabli%lied. This Is I result of failing to itichide the stibiects rhininated Front nic(lical observation. 'I'aljlct of ;iir%-Ivtl of (lie type iiied ;it dentogralphif, statistics are recononended. Brandt Berlin KHROV, A.M., prof.; KOSTA.UTINOV, G.F.,; GRAZMI. V.S., Practicality of standardizing Soviet and international nomen- clature of diseases and causes of death. Gig. i san. 23 no.?: 47-56 -T1 158. (MIRA 12:1) (ROMMOLATMM dis. & causes of death, necessity for unificat-.on of Soviet & internat. terminol. (Rue)) MKOV, A diy Miklaylovich. prof.; ZHUK. A.P., red.; ZUYEVA, U.K., (Ibmographic statistics (population statistics); a brief manual for physicians] Demografichaskaia statistiks (atatiatika naaelaniia); kratkoe posobia dlia vrachai. Moskva, Medgiz, 1959. 187 P. (HIM 12:6) (VITAL STATISTICS) OVCHAROV, V.K.,; SHASKOLIMATA, N.G.,; !~OV--A.M.-, Prof.; DZYCHKAR, E.I.,; REYNSM, G.A., prof. IKanual on the use of tile Soviet and intern8tional nomenclatmras ;f diseases and the caus,)s of death; alphabetical index of the names of diseases and their numbers] Posobie k pollpoveniiu sovetakoi i mezhdunarodnoi nomenklaturemi boleznei I prichin smarti; alfavitnyi ukazatell naimenovanii boleznei i ikh shifrov. Hoskva. M-vo zdravookhraneniia SSSR, 1959. 446 p. (KIRA 13:9) 1. Koscow. Institut organizataii zdravookhraneniya i istorii meditsiny imeni N.A.Samashko. (MMICINE-TMINOLOGY) MMOV, A.M., prof. Method for comrPiting longerity tables and the determination of life expectancy. Sov.zdrav. 18 no.6:41-53 '59. (MIRA 12 - 8) 1. Iz Institiita organizataii zdravookhranenlya i istorii meditsiny imeni N.A.Semushko (dir. Ye.D.Ashurkov). (VITAL STATISTICS method of eatimtion of life tables & detern. of life expectancy (RuB)) MMMV, AoMo, prof* (Moskva) Dynamics of mortality in the U.S.S.R. and in capitalistic countries. Gig. i san. 24 no.1:59-64 Ja 159. (KRA 12:2) (VITAL STATISTICS, mortal.. comparison of Russian capitalistic statist. (Rus)) MMOV, A.M., prof. Reply to the reviewer. Gig. i san. 24 no.lOt69-70 159. (KIRA 13:1) ~ -UBLIC HUM-STATISTICS) 'v MSHKY_, Arkadiy Kikhaylovich, prof.; ZHUK, A.P.. red.; ROMAXOTA, Z.A., - ---- -- . (General theory and methods in statistical analysis in public health; manual for physicians] Obahchaia teoriia i metodika sanitarno-statistichaskogo isaledovaniia; posobie dlia vrachei. Moskwa, Gos.izd-vo mad.lit-ry, 1960. 205 p. (MIRA 13:9) (PUBLIC HRALTH--STATISTICS) 1~ j A.11', - PrOf - 0'10-91cv~~ - the pblic f mortaliti in ellaltatir,,~ Sir,rijf-Icance of in6exes 0 lr-pp 16C. (mrr~A 13: 1C I 0 2) ~ Zdrav. Truk. 4 no. .7-11 1' i-.e -~ (,vofTALITY----:;Tl'-,TISTICS) MERKOvy A.M. Scientific studies in the field of statistios of malignant tumors. Vop. onk. 6 no.4j7-22 Ap '60. 041,~A 14- 3) (CANCER--ZTATISTICS) MMOV A 11 , * prof. Statistical material. Sovadrav. 19 no.5.-92-96 160. 04MA 13:9) (PUBLIC HEALTH--STANDARDS) ,mmov 9 A.M. p prof e "Processing of clinical and laboratory data (use of statistics in the scientific and practical. work of the physiclan)" by L.S. Kami nskii. Reviewed by A.M. Markov. Sov. 2drav. 19 m.7 -.86- 88 16o. k milut J..) : 8) (MEDICAL STATISTICS) (UMNSKII, L.S.) MF-RKOVq A.M.9 prof. Work of the section on social hygiene at the First All-Russian Congress of Hygienists and Sanitary Physicians. Gig. i san. 25 no. 12:103-105 D 160. (KMA 14:2) 1. Iz Instituta organizatsii zdravookhrananiya i istorii maditsiny imeni N.A. Semashko. (PUBLIC HEALTH-CONGUSSES) MERKOV. A. M. (Moscow) Use of standardized indices in the study of the spreading of malignant tumore. Vop. onk. 7 no.6:3-8 761. (MIRA 14212) (CANCER) MERKOV., A.M., prof. (14oskva) Comparison of mortality and fertility statistics in the U.S.S.R. and-bi capitalist countries. Sav.zdrav. 20 no.2-.68-72 161. (14IRA 14: 5) 1. Iz kmfedry organizatsii zdravookhraneniya (zav. - prof. N.A. Vinogradov) TSentra.1 nogo instituta usovershenstvovaniya vrachfiy, ~VITAL STATISTIGS) --MF-RKOV,__A.1~., prof. "Public health in the U.S.S.R. A Statistical Collection compiled by the Central Statistical Administration of the U.S.S.R.' Reviewed by A.M.Merkov. G;g. i san. 26 no.5:121-122 My 161. 04IRA 15:4) (PUBLIC MALTH-STATISTICS) MERKOV, A.M., prof.; OVCHAROV, V.K., Incorrect understua-nding of the selection method in srtudies on disease incidence. Gig. i san. 26 no.8:88-93 Aa 161. (MIRA 15:4) (DISEASES- REPORTING) mrgxn , adi"ikhWIovich, prof.; CHAKLIN, Aleksandr Vasillyevich, ~ i kand. med. nauk; ZHUK, A.P., red.; BALDDIA, N.F., tekhn. red. [Statistical study of malign=t neopla=s; methGdological YA,nual for oncologists] Statisticheakoe izuchenie zlokachestven- zWkh novoobrazovanii; metodicheskoe posobie dlia vrachei- onkologov. Moskva, Medgiz, 1962. 219,p. (IMIA 15:7) (ONCOLOGY-STATISTIC9) MOKOV, A.M. , prof. (Moskva) methods of analyzing birth amd, death statistics. Zdrav. Ros. Fader. 6 no,2:45-48 F 162. (14IRA 15 - 3) (VITAL STATISTICS) MERKOV, A. Mo, prof. (Moskva) Precise methods for the analysis of materials on the birth rate and mortality. Zdrav. Ros. Feder. 6 no.6:43-47 Je '62. (MIRA 11:7) (VITAL STATISTICS) -P-MOVO A. M. (Moskva) 9-.-- Statistical methods for measuring relati.cma and their use in 0i -, "I'U I'. (MM 15:4) , qa. Vop. onk. 8 no. 30-11 '62. (ONCOLOGY) (MEDICAL STATISTICS) , 1, MERKOV,--A.M.j SADVOKASOVA, Ye.A. Nomenclature and classification of diseases , injuries and causes of death. Vest.AMN SSSR 17 no.8:68-74 162. (MIRA 15:12) 1. Inatitut organizataii zdravookhranenlya i istorii meditsiny imeni N.A.Semashko. (NOSOLOGY) (DEATH-CAUSES) (TRAUMATISM) ~ prof.; SADVOKiWOVA, Ye.A., dotsent (Moskva) Specialization and postgraduate training of ph7s-ici-ans in sanitar7 statistics; based on the work experience of the department of organization of public health of the Central Institute for Fostgraduate Training of physician Sov. zdrav. .21 no.1:23-25 162. (~IIRA l512) NOICAL STATISTIW) MERKOV, A.M., prof. (Mos~-Va) Once more on the comparison of mortality and fertility rates in the U.S.S.R. and L-i the capitalistic countries. Sov. -adrav. 21 no.9-.58-59 162 (MIF! l7t-1,.) -1 ------- -- 4 -- ~:~, - ~'- -1 - ~- ~~- - s 757-., ~- -~-- -, -~7 7~ P, i: I- -~:- - ~'. ~, %1 1. ''. - - HERKOVV A M, prof. (Moskva) Population reproduction of the U.S.S.R. and same forelp countries. Zdrav.Ros.Feder. 7 no.2332-36 F 163. (KMA 16:4) '(POPULATION-STATISTICS)