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nzv fe: HLOMILEVICH, V.P., inzhener; OMELICHEUM, I.S. Insulation of the hearth pipes of continuous furnaces. Stall 15 no.2:183-184 If '55. (KRA 8:5) 1. Stalinskly- metallurgicheakiy zavod. (Metallurgical furnaces) r r" ri e 71 MNKO. A.; IQUIR, A. Preventing axial displacements of bottom rolls in the ZM roller mill. Vuk.--elev,prom. 24 no.12:21-22 D '58. (MIRA 12:1) 1.Sorochanskaya mollnita Ho.16 Vinnitskogo upravlonlya khleboproduktov (for Usenko). 2. UpravleniVe mukomollnokrupvanykh i kombikormovykh predpriyatiy Ministerstva khleboproduktov SSSIR (for Markin). (Milling machinerY) KHIGEROVICH, M.I., doktor takhn. nauk, prof. kllMKIll,-Aj-,p in2h.; KITA'YTSEV7 V.A., kand. tel-chn. nauk, dots., retsenzent; [Intensification of tbe =aLking of celhilla-- cancrs-'~-- b:,- vibrationjlntensifikatsiia izgotovleniia iacheistykh betonov putem primoneniia vibrirovaniia; doklad na seminare prepoda- vatelei i aspirantov stroitellno-tokhnologicheskogo fakull- teta i nn XX nauchno-issledovatellskoi konferentsii ins-tituta. Moskva, Moak. inzhenerno-stroit. in-t im. V.V.Kuiuysheva, 1961. 14 P. (MIRA 15:1.1) 1. Zaveduyushchiy kafedroy tekhnologii teploizolyatsionrykh materialov (for Kitaytsev). (Lightweight concrete) (Vibrated concrete) EHIGEROVICH, M.I,, doktor tekhn.nauk; LEVIN, S.N., kand.tehhn.nauk; - MERKIN, A.F., inzh. Manufacture if silicate air-entrained concrete artic:lp-s by vibration inflation. Strol. mat. 7 no.9:34-37 S '61. (MIRA 14:11) (Air-entrained concrete) KHIGEROVICH, M.I., doktor tekhn. nauk, prof.; LOGGINOV, G.I., doktor khim. nauk, prof.;JI~HKIN, A.F., inzh.; FILIF, A.P.~ aspirant; KITAYTSEEV, V.A., kand. tekhn. na-uk, ispolnya3rushchiy obn-az. prof., retsenzent [Vibration-inflated gas concrete; manufacture, macrostructure, and technical characteristics. Reports at the 22d Research Conference] Vibrovspuchenryi gazobeton; izgotovlenie, mak-ro- struktura i tekhnicheskie svoistva. Doklady na XXI nauchno- issledovatellskoi konferentsii. Moskva, 1962. 19 p. (MIRA 17:4) 1. Moscow. Inzhenerno-stroitellnyy institut. 2. Zaveduyushchiy kafedroy tekhnologii teploizolyatsionnykh materialov Nioskovskogo inzhenerno-stroitellnogo instituta (for Kitaytsev). LEVINP S.N.., kand. tekhn. nauk; AMMIMITSKIY, G.Ya.,, inzh.; HERKU, A. P. , inzh. Vibration in the technology of air-entrained ooncretes and &ir-entrained siUcates. Stroi. mat. 9 no.5:6-7 My 163. (MIRA 16:7) (Air-entrained concrete) (Vibrated concrete) MEIRKINP A.P.; FILIN, A.P.; ZZ14TSOV, D.G. Formation of -,he macrostructure of cela'Ldar --,oncrete. Strol'-wat. 9 no.12:10-12 D t63. (MIRA 17:3) MERKI~_-jj~-P.- kand. tekhn. nauk, "JAKHAEO-11, G.?,, inzi-i Yu.:., inzh. ~.2frfec--Ing :~he and Improv'r-g --e proper-es gyp S' y ,~~e -1n-.roduc-.-1ori ccf -M, P r odwi z. 3 '7 St.roi, mat, 10 r,o.t.0i- Q Jo 164~ TRA 17; 101 HIGEROVICH, M.I.; ~~?,KJJL, , KORSHIMOVA, A.P.~ -A,Z.; ZUYKOV, G.G,. 034ALOVY N,11,; DUDAK, N.Ya.; MUSATOVA, Z.1.; r&d. [Improving the properties of cements and concretes by the addition of synthetic products- from petroleum chemistry; a contribution to the problems of using chemical resources in construction] Uluchshenie svoistv tsementcv i betonov dobavkami. sinteticheskikh produktov neftekhim-iij k vopro- sam khimizatsii stroiteilstva. 4'j M.I.Khigerovich i dr. Moskva, 19t4. 38 p. (1~7RA 1. Mioscow. Inzhenerric-stroitelInyy institut. v.~ op ng -u e- r e Strsi. mat. (MIRA 18,W MARKOVA, O.A., inzh.; ,,,ERKjjj, A.P., kand. tekhn. nauk Determining the frost rps'.stance of porous materials. Stroi. mat. no.11:23-24 N 165. (,MIRA 18:12) 1,ERKIN., A.P.; FILIN, A.P. RelAtion of the strength of celluia-r concret-~s tG *rl-:~ 3"Ze Of the section of the pores. Sbor. trud. MIST no-50-148-50 165. ('MT-lk 18:12) TERMMOV, I.N., kand.takha.nauk, dotsent, kapitan 1 ran&m; SHIR.UOVSKIY. A.F., inzh.-kapiten, red.;,_~MIV, D 3 -mtem.nauk, ,-,, kand.fiz. starshiy nauchayy sotrudnik, red.; SHMAKOV, N.A., kapit-n- leytenoat. red.; BMUIKOTA. Ye.B., [Brief course in radio deviation] Kratkii kurs radiodeviatsli. Moskva. Voen.Izd-vo H-va vooruzhennykh ail SSSR, 1947. 85 p. (MIRA 14:1) 1. NIGShI voyenno-moriskikh ail (for Terakhov). (Radio in navigation) MP,RKDI, 7). R - !3:, 1 11 F, t YU. I KoSidY~~!~OV, V. N . C T,- t Vn' 0 V ;',C, I:ii,,I -. D. Ft. I'-'T'aI%p ~;yroscopc rlprtlain general pr-1pe un. 7, ~;.Io. 9, - that "he rnflvem-cnt :)' a material ter -.:it!, r) F ten 'tate. iE letd b-T esSentlally non-I-Inear 2d order 21-f-ferentAil eas, e.C., t..c eac of -.,tion Of 7-uca-il- ,--.-mscone 1.7ith, two dreCreeE -f froe-bm, a nrototyn-e ol !7o,--ern ::oc-s riot adr-au si-nlieication to a linear form (x" ai, ~~Ecer,~I~ai7y n-n- linear s:,stem) . -Studies material C:~-ros, -)-)ic systers ose veloc"ty -f oro--~er r-)tat--,)n is large in co=ar.son other an.-ular veloc--ties nresent 4- Cn--~ s-.-z~ter- Cites re7 ated worl )f nonli-near cpeciai4st. ,~.-.Kats ("Prnblem of CriteriDn of .-'--)i-ri,)dic Ztahility," - Na' -c 15 :0.l A - ~; I - Pri k. 19'~I) and A. 7-i1:'- nov (" Dc! endence f t-* nns -)f 'e, -ential -r,,-Lationz on a ~,rall Paraircter," "atemat. ~-:onthl,T,, List of Z, ~,a,-L ~;I. SOV 1/124-58-3-2599 Translation from: Referati-,-nyy zhurnal, Mekhanika, 1958, Nr 3, p 8 (USSR) AUTHOR: Merkin, D. R, TITLE: The Influence of Gyroscopic Forces Upon the Motion of a Non- conservative System (Vliyaniye giroskopicheskikh sil na dvizheniye nekonservativnoy sisterny) PERIODICAL: Tekhn. inform. po rezul'tatam nauchn. -issled. rabot Leningr. lesotekhr., akad 1954. Nr 15, pp .23-26 ABSTRACT: An abridged a( coan~ of the article (see RZhMekh, 1958, Nr 3, abstract 2598) Card 1/1 SO V,'l 24-58- 3-2-598 Translation from: Referativnyy zhurnal, Mekhanika, 1958, Nr i, p 7 (USSR) AUTHOR: Merkin D. R. T I T LE Yhe Influence of Gyroscopic Forces Upon the Motion of a Non- conservative System (Vliyaniye giroskopicheskikh sil na dvizhen;yc nekonservati,,-noy sistemy) PERIODICAL: Uch. zap, Len,.ngr gos. ped. in -t, 1955, Vol 103, pp 107-125 ABSTRACT: The paper exam,,nes material systems whose disturbed-moTion equations mdy be reduced to appear as follows P. b q + (C 0 (1) k k gkjqi kj + ekj ) qi whe re 4j - -9jk, C"i 7 cjk' andekj ejk and the corresponding forces are gyroscopic, potential, and nonconservative (the latter are referred to by the author as radial correttion tUr'L'VS ). F,~;r sut~h a -~Vstelll tile necessary conditions of asymptotic stability are studied, formulated in C,ird 1/2 a manner analogous to Thomson and Tait's classical theorems SOV' 1-14-58- 3-2508 The Influence of Gyroscopic Forces (cont. ) on gyroscopic stabilization, 't is demonstrated that if the gyroscopes which, form a part of the system under consideration possess sufficient kinetic mornent, th:~,i, for the purpose of obtaining the required conclit"ons of asympototic stabilAy durirg the presence of certain extremely weak condi- tions. it is sufficient to apply Gurvits' anal~,iis of inequalities for the two characteristic polynome-s of the n/2 power, one of which corresponds to the initial system of equdtions w,thout posit:oning terms while the other corre6 - ponds to the same equa*ions system with discarded nutation terms (the simplified system). It is proted thdt the Solution of this simplified system is acceptalble, i e. , it 1-i close to the solution of the nitial system. which - of twice its order. prc,~:ded orilv that the kinetic: moments of the gyrosccpe , are sufficiently large. B:bl.ograpliy,- 5 references. L. A. Rozenberg Card 2/2 SOV/1 24-58-4 - 3674 Translation from: Referativnyy zhurnal, Mekhanika, 1958, Nr 4, p 4 (USSR) AUTHOR: Merkin, D. R. TITLE: The Motion of a Balanced Gyroscopic System (Dvizheniye uravnoveshennoy giroskopicheskoy sistemy) PERIODICAL: Uch. zap. Leningr. gos. ped. in-t, 1955, Vol 103, pp 127-137 ABSTRACT: The motion of the axis of a free balanced gyroscope with respect to the earth is examined for a case when the support point has an arbitrary motion over the eart h' s surface. An assumption is made that the time of observation is not long enough to necessi- tate the consideration of the influence of the friction in suspen- sion systems. It is shown that the coordinates of the gyroscope axis, represented as functions of time, can be calculated either on the basis of geometrical transformations or on the basis of the so-called simplified equations of motion. The latter equa- tions can be obtained from the linear part of the respective Routh function. Bibliography: three references. 1. Gyroscc~pes--Analysis 2. Gyroscopes L. A. Rozenberg Card 1/1 --Motion 3. Mathematics IMMI, D. R. Gtroj~aicheskiye Sistewl (Gyroscopic Systems), by D. R. Nerkin, State PublishIng Nouse for Technical and Theoretical Liteis--ture, Moscow, 1956, 300 Pp This book presents the theoretical analysis and formulas for the calculation of gyroscopic forces, The extent to which they are governed by dimension, the action of systems subjected to gyroscopic forces only, the effect of gyroscopic forces on the action of conservative systems, the fixed action of gyroscopic systems, and the stability of action of linear systems. According to the author the book follows the general gyroscopiz principles originally laid down by W. Thomson and P. Tait, Treatise on Natural Philoso2hy, Part I, Cambridge University Press, 1 79, with revisions made in accordance with the work performed in this field in recent years. The author presents many practical examples to illustrate the theory of gyroacopic motion, d1l. of these being general rather than specific, as is the intended nature of the whole book. MERKIN, D.R. ------- Sufficient conditions for asymptotic stability of a nonlinear system. Uch. zap. Ped. inst. Gerts. 125:115-118 '56. (WRA 9:12) (Differential equations) R~ol.~24, Y 71 IV, -lori I t cunlnp~ in th-, ev UAIV N Z~N! Mne~ Z of gyrnac~-jllic yl. E:n- -.1 by 'OL"IrIc~ cz0l~'orl-' ocd"~.T t~ (zoilf, U'lur rj I a z: ~~O b 11C 047 :Tl7CW CO-ditlf-r-3 at"i "Inta thf! d-- 1 c z! 'if rSu'l-ing -),;s cr, '~:q' Into 5L~ 4-bavtc~s Vid an appCedix, Tb:- 1 '11 -dive -Sre dcz-auc~i 1'~Ca of:t~e sn~"Cqt* --12 wl caar~q tit , 'd, po' 'Cuit -7c6allcal sv~~tnma wa ---c of (rea c!r,r. --trommil Os 6110 dry Irian!; una 01 ay'srer, a c ro ~~o~?s5liilirjof !L~ppliE d ns' Jm- 7777777 7 - lr~f d dr 09., q, (pmbic-niti -Cyr j,: Lo - - ---- -3 _0 c," ..mishm Whmc-I by-a C.,tc,"I'lly - - 1 fr. ~ItttM "!att-a. Paper 1 ngc-ocd aic~37 I ~~wa !,. ivc i; ua* Int ' i v lo tov, I~oadltig .1 CF. run-4 w"th t~* the r of 0 eory of s-ab th"a booLvich way of pmlemAtion nps-cjmlmi wa,7'_U,-~& syv~- It A-- 'v Ac jz WRKIN, D.R., doktor flz.-mat.nauk Theory of a self-excited gyroscope. Izv.vys.ucheb.zav.; prib. no.1:21-24 '59. 04IRA 13:4) 1. leningradakaya ordena Lanina losotekhnicheek-aya akadamiya im. S.M.Kirova. Rokomendovana kafedroy tooreticheakoy mekhaniki. (Gyroscope) CHEBTKOV, Rafail Isaakovich; KFMIN, D.R., asuchnyy red.; SHAURAK, Ye.H.. red.; SRASTOVA, N.V., tekh-t-.Tsd-. (Jacobi's method in the dynamics of solid bodiesj Ketod IAkobt v dinamike tvardogo tela. Leningrad, Gos.soiuznoe izd-vo s-ado- stroit.promyshl., 1960. 323 p. (MIRA 13:9) (Dynamics) 24(6) S/146/60/003/01/006/016 D002/DOO6 AUTHOR: MerkiU."R.9 Doctor of Physical-Mathematical Sciences TITLE: On the Accuracy of the Calculation of a Number of Gyroscope Compass Parameters q PERIODICAL: Izvestiya vysshikh uchebnykh zavedeniy. Priborostroyeniye, 1960, Vol 3, Nr 1, PP 54-6o (USSR) ABSTRACT: The author investigates mathematically the influence of the connecting terms of differential equations of m..)tion of the "Anschuetz" ("Anshyuts") gyrocompass on the accuracy of a number of parameter measurements when the compass works on a fixed base. The accuracy of the calculations of periods, balance inter-effects is determined, The article was re- commended by the Kafedra teoreticheskoy mekhaniki (Chair of Theoretical Mechanics). There are 5 references, of which 1 is German and 4 Soviet. ASSOCIATION: Leningradskaya ordena Lenina lesotekhnicheskaya akademiya Card 112 imeni S.M. Kiro-.a (Leningrad Forestry Academy of the Order S/146/60/003/01/008/016 D002/DOO6 On the Accuracy of the Calculation of a Number of Gyroscope Compass Para- meters of Lenin imeni S,M. Kirov) SUBMITTED: December 1, 1959 01 Card 2/2 NEW RUN "MIN 13, /61 'Sq AUIZHORe TITIEt PERIODICAL: 21 6 049) 1/025/006/002/021 D299/D304 Merkin# D.R. (Leningrad) On the stability of motion of a gyroframe Prikladnaya matematika i mekhanikap v. 25, no. 6, 1961g 983 - 991 TEXT: The motion of a gyroframe is considered, with arbitrary dis- placement of the support point. By the method of an earlier work of the author, the equations for the precession of the whole eye- tem are set up. It is shown that under certain conditions the equa- tions of motion yield a first integral which can be used for con- structing the Lyapunov function and for ascertaining the sufficient conditions for system stability. As an example, the precession equations for a gyrocompass are set up. The precession equations can be derived by two methods. The second method is based on simpli- fying the expression for the kinetic energy; i.e. the kinetic ener- gy of gyroscope motion with respect to the trihedron Ox1*X2*X3* ban be approximated by the kinetic energy which corresponds to rota- j Oard 1/~~, 31336 3/040/61/025/006/002/021 On the stability of motion of a ... D299/11304 tion with respect to the symmetry-axes, (with sufficiently large velocities of rotation). The approximate expression for the kine- tic energy can be re-p_res -ented in-the-form .,.?. A! n 3 T C. (~. + I ajj, + Yj bj&.j' + T, + T, (2.2)- .where T, mv - (w X r,'), To = mv (w, X r,') + mvs (2-3) It is noted that Ti is a linear form of the generalized velocities Vand that To depends on the generalized coordinates q and the time t only, Using Rause's function ____CR R, + R, + T, + T, (2-5) where Ll~' k k 3 Ri H. aj.4,, R, E H. b) (2.6) the precession equations of the complete system are expressed in. Oard 2/t 2i336 9Z04Y6lZ025ZOO6ZO02ZO2l On the stability of motion of a D299 D304 th e formt 1-1^ dOR, OR, d ~Tj + OF~ + 8To dg a9i LO-L = Qj - q) di 891 dq3 oqj (2.8) where Q are the generalized forces. Assuming that the forces which act on the system are potential, Q '= a= (j = 1, ...' n), (3-1) i aqj where -I is the potential energy, and that Ro, T, and To do not de- pend explicitly on time, Eq. (2.8) yields a first integral: I'l - To Ro = const. (3.2) It is assumed that the motion q = 0 Q = 1p 2# s.sp n)p can be realized. In this case (2.8) represents the disturbed motion; if, in addition, the function 71 = v - V(O) (3-3) Card 346 21336 S/040/61/'025/006/002/021 On the stability of motion of a ... D299/D304 is of fixed sign. then the undisturbed precession q, = 0 is stable according to Lyapunov. As an example, the equations of motion of a gyrocompass are derived and its stability considered. After compu- tations, one obtains the equations of motion V (2H Cos a) sin 0 + 2H Cos e - cosop + 2H COS e -w- SIn a Cos V MI L (sin a sin T - Cos a-sin 0 COST) + m1cov (Cos a sin T -4~ di + sin a sin 0 Cos T) MI dv sinacos� cosy - CL Cos v Cos a sin 0 + w Cos 7F 2H Cos a R F - mI I-I sin 0 C05 T MI4wvcOS aCOSP COST -( R ) (4-17) 2H Cos e M, A (COS a COS T - sin Q sin 0 sin T)+ df w + m1w v (sin a COS T + c os a sin 0 sin T) (F - M -VR,-) 1 Cos sin T 2H sin e (a' sin 0 + T' +Cos a Cos � + w sin N (a) Card 4A, J6 61/025/006/002/021 On the stability of motion of a D2 99 YD304 (Fig.- 3)- Eqs. (4-17) are equivalent to the equations obtained by A-Yu, Ishlinksiy by other methodst (Ref. 2s K teorii girogorizont- kompasa (On the Theory of the Gyrocompass) PMM# 19569 v 20 no.4), If the motion a 0 can be realized, then Eq. (LM beco- mes 2Hcos e-w = mkov, 2H sin e N (a) 1) (cu. [21) R (5. where 2H cos ern1v L- ml VVrj + (VE + RU cos (p)l N(e) 4H* Cos a Sin'a If these conditions hold also at the initial momelitp then the gyro-~ frame will be in equilibrium in the syBtem Ox0y0z'j#-indioating all' the time the local vertical and the xorth. Further# system stabili- ty is analyzed on the assumption that v and w are constant# It is found that if condition Y2 2 F - M mRw >_ 0 R (F - gravity) is satisfied, then the function W Card (6.6) V V(O) is posi- S/0 47(9/6 25/006/009/0 21 On the stability of motion of a ... D299 D304 tive definite for sufficiently smallp at Pp y and 6, As its deriva- tive equals zero (W conBt)t (by virtue of Eg. (2.8))g the undis turbed motion of -the gyrocom ass a 0 is stable (by P Lyapunov's theorem)f Settin$,approximat- e 1y 2 v M Mgt inequality (6#6) becomes V 00 (6-7) Inequality (6*7) is not bnly the sufficient, butalso the necessary condition for-the stability*of gyrocompass motion. There are 3 fi- gurest 1 table and 6 Soviet-bloc referenceso SUBMITTEDi June 27, 1961 Card 6/t MERKIIN, D.R. DetA-rmining the t-ansion in t-he binding and form of bundles. Nauch. trudy LTA no.96gl3-18 161. OMIRA 17?3) I ,ITRKnT, nnyi Relchmillyevich; BAYEVA, A.P., red.; PLAKIM, L.Yu., tekhn. red. (Algebra of free and sliding vectors] Algebra evobodnyk-h i skoll- ziashchikh vektorov. Moskva.. Fizmatgiz, 1962. 163 p. (I-MU 15: 5) . (Vector analysis) BUTENIN, Nikolay Vasillyevich; POb77RKO,, S.A., nauchMy red,; MERKIN9 D R. doktor fiz.-wtem.nauk,, retsenzent; TROITSKIY,, retsenzent; SHAYKEVICH, I.A., red,; TSAL, R.K,, (Fundamentals of the theory of nonlinear vibrations] Elemerty teorii nelineivykh kolebanii. Ioningrad, Sudprcmgiz, 1962. 193 P. (MIPA 15t5) (Vibration) ANTONOVICH. Sergey 'Aleksandrovich; SHIFRDII M.Sh... doktor tekhn.nauk.9 rets4;--~~.,-D,Rv-.---doktor fi;,Jko-mat. naukt prof., retsn.; ICO, P.P., red.; .9 VOLCHOK, K.M., tekhn. red. [Fundamentals of the theory of automatic control] Osnovy teorii avtomaticheskogo regulirovaniia. Leningrad, Izd-vo "Rechnoi transport," 1962. 367 p. (MIRA 15-7) (Automatic control) BLEKHM, Illy4 Is-railevich, DZFWNELIbZE, GeQe iy Yustir-ov-lclb [deceased); MERKIN, D,R,; re~J. [Vibratory motion] Vibratsionnoe peremeshchenie. Moskva, Nauka, 1964. 4-10 p. (MIRA 17~12) SEREBREZINIKOV, Merdell Girshevich; PERVOZVAIISKIY, Anatoliy Arkadlyevich; Prinimal uchastiye ROMAIMV, M.F.; D.R.,--red. [Discovery of hidden periodicities] Vyiavlenie skrytykh periodicYziostei. Mosk-va, Nauka, 1965. 244 p. (M I RA 18 4) ACC N AR6036304 SOURCE CODE: UR/0273/66/000/009/0004/0004 AUTHOR: Merkin, D. R. ; Kalinovich, M. L. TITLE: Method of determining the frequencies of natural engine vibrations with consideration of elastic couplings SOURCE: Ref. zh. Dvigateli vnutrennogo sgoraniya, Abs. 9. 39. 20 REF SOURCE: Tr. Leningr. in-ta vodn. transp. , vy-p. 87, 1966, 7-12 TOPIC TAGS: mechanical vibration, shock absorber, vibration, vibration analysis, natural vibration, engine vibration ABSTRACT: A method is presented for determining frequencies of natural en ine vibrations, taking the elastic connections into ac,2ount. The engine is analyzed as a solid body, having six degrees of freedom, mounted ori shock absorbers with vertical and horizontal elastic couplings which are designed for compression and decompression. For each vehicular engine, it is necessary to determine the range of changes in the- natural frequencies for various permissible rigidity values and fastening points of elastic elements. The results of calculations have shown that Card I / 2 UDC: 621. 432-752. 001. 24 4CC NR- ARG036304 the parameters of shock absorbers and of elastic coupling can be selected in such a manner that the natural frequencies of the engine will be far from the resonance values. [Translation of abstract) [NT) SUB CODE: 211 Card 2/2 ACC NRa Al'u-054141 ATY2HOR: Merkin, D. Re eningrad) 0"'G: none SOURCS CODEt UR/0424 /66/000/005/0026/0032~ TITLE: On the motion stability of a Uroframe SOU-.iCE: Inzhenernyy zhurnal. Mekhanika tverdogo tela, no- 5, 1966, 26-32 1TOPIC TAGS: gyrocompass, gyroscope, gyroscope motion equation, gy-roscope system ;%BSTUt~;T: A study is made on the stability conditions of the precessional motion of &I Gyroframe. Conditions originally stated by the author (0b ustoychivosti dvizheniya g~iroraffiy. Pj.3.1, 1961, t. 25, 6) are generalized to the case in which the masses of casing and frame, and also the equatorial moments of inertia of gyroscopes, are considered distinct from precessional movement. Kinetic energy equationo in Cartesian ~-%pace are stated in terms of the individual moment of inertia and mass terms, and a S . ;n-le gyroscope system is expanded to include n-gyroscope3. The Fauna function for the n-gyroscope system is derived. The Jacobian energy integral is applied to the equations of motion for the entire PyBtem. The concepts derived are illustrated by an:- wialysis of the work of a horizon Cyrocompars. The analv,~ia verifies the results by V. F. Lya3hca?Q fZ toorii Uiroo~~rizcntkompana. P,111, 1963, t. 27, -rT1. i dostatochnjkh usloviyakh ustoych-ivosti v teorii girogorizontlcompasa. nud, 1963, t. 27, vyp. 6). The author shows that for constant v and 1i the nonlinear statement 1 Card 1/2 ACC NR: AP6034141 of the general theory of motion for a horizon &rrocompass introduces nothing new in the computation of the basic parametern and otability criteria as established Irf precession theory. Orig. art. has3 47 equations and 1 figure. SUB CODE: 17, 20/ SUBIT DATF-i 04Mar66/ ORIG REFs 007 Card Z/Z KPII, Veniamin Lipmanovich; KELIZON, Anatoliy Saulo,ich* Prinimali uchastiye: MUITSBERG, B.L.; USHAKOVA, G.N.; KO?,ENEV, G.V., kand. fiz.--m-at. nauk, retser-ent;j doktor fiz.-mat. nauk, retsenzent; ROMIGAUZ, N.M., red. (Theory of proportional navigation] Teoriia proportsionalt- noi navigatsii. Leningrad, Sudostroenie, 1965. 423 P. (MIaA 18:10) r: na-a rill ris r4 ri r a, 1 80 BAYF.V, I.P., inzhener; tGR H B.I., inchener. ltw,_ More efficient transport of ceinent and 'building materials. Zhel. dor.tranap. 37 no.6:54-58 Js 156. (MLRA 9:8) (Building materials--Transportation) AP70072o6 tA/) ____ SOURCE )5/0707 ACC NRt CODE 1 0186 66/008/006/07C AUTHORs Markin, E. N.; Ivanovskiy, M. D.; Borbat, V. F. ORGS none TITLE3 Study of the extraction of uranium, thorium and associated elements WiWL monocarboxylic acids -707 SOURCE: Radiokhimiya, v. 8, no. 6, 1966, 705 TOPIC TAGS: uranium, thorium, allDhatic carboxylic acid, fatty acid, solvent extraction ABSTRACT: The extraction of uranium, thorium and associated elements with fatty acids of the C7-C9 fraction w'as studied at 20+120. The dependence of the extraction on the equilibrium DH of the aqueous phase and IR spectra confirmed that the extraction con- sists of cation exchange reactions men+ + nHR :::t YeRn + ne, where nHR and MeRn are the organic phase and HR is the fatty acid CnH2n+lCOOH. The presence cf cation exchange permits one to expect the separation of the elements studied in sulfate solutions. On the basis of data reported in the literature and their own results, the authors suggest the following extraction capacity series: Card 1/2 uDc: 54-6.7911841172,621:542.61:547- 5- 29 ACC NRs AP7007206 Sn" > Bill > Fos, > UOj- 5 Th4- >; pbl* > All* > CUI* > > Cdx* > ZOO > Nis*> Cos* > Fos, > INIns. > mg3* > NAI. Orig. art. hast 2 figures. SUB CODE: 07/ SUBM DATE: 12Apr66/ ORIG REF: 006 2/2 14ERKIN, G.B. ca'Pacitor mat ra. Izv. vyS. 11cheb. zav.- z- Desl~ningw an7nehronous ~o elektromakh. 1 no.5:35-0 '58. (MIRA 11:8) (Electric motors, Induction) REMN, Grigori7 Borisovich, dotsent NOns7mmetric stei~dfy ~c~-tions in three-phase e7nchro-ous geuerators. lzv.vys.ucheb.zav.; elaktromekh. 3 no.2:80-87 160. (MIRA 13:7) 1. Kafectra elektricheskikh mashin i apparatov Severo-Zapadnogo zaochnogo politekhnicheakogo instituta. (Electric generators) ZHEZHERIN, RoatisUv; MERK11-171.. .2-t kand. tekhn. nauk, retsenzent; BAMMR, A.V., inzh., red.; ZHITVIKOVA, O.S., tekhn. red. (Inductor alternators] Induktornye generatory Moskva,, Gos. energ. izd-vo, 1961. 318 p. imIRA 15:3) (Electric generators) KWINI arigorly Borisovich, kand. tekhn. nauk, doteent As*ahronatt6 condenser-type frequency converter. Izv. vys. uo*b. zar~; elektrowkh. 5 no.7:739-746 162. (MIRA 15:10) 1. Kafedra alaktrichaskikh mashin i apparatov Severo-Zapadnogo sacchaego politakbnichaskoRo instituta. (Electric machinery) (Frequency changers) RYSIKOVA, Zinaida Aiekseyevnai '~,'ER.KIN, G.B., red,i ZHITNIKOVA, CIS P tekhn. red. [Electric transformers for contact-type electric welding machines] Transformator-y dlia kontaktnykh elfaktrosva:-och- nykh mashin. Moskva, Gosenergoizdpt, 106-3. 242 p. (VIRA 16-i1) (Electric transformers) (Eiectric welding) YEVSEYEV, M.Ye.~ WAAGIN, K~A.- 1,01KIN, G.D.3 VIOROZOVA, I.A.; ORANSKIY, M.? D.M., Prof., rr*,qenzc-nt,,. GOLIDIN, O.Ye.. dots., retsenzent; PITIES, G.Ya., &-ts., reteenzent; VOL'FE, L., red. (Alternating nurrent theory; manual on the solution of problems in the theoreti,,~al principles of electrical engineer!ng] Tooriia peremennykh tokov; posobie k re-- sheniiu zadaoh po teoreticheskim osnovam elektro- tek-liniki. [Byj M.E.Eirseev i dr. Leningrad, Severo- Zapadnyi za,7.chnyi politekbn. in-t. Pt.2. 1964. 337 p. (MIRA 18:7) 1. Kafedra "Tooreticheskiye osnovy elektrotekhniki" Leningradokogo, elektrotekhnicheskogo instituta uvyazi im. Bomh-Bruyevi-h (for Golldin, Pines). L 33115-66 ACC NRt AP6024083 WIWI-.' COORC -(Airoj44/66/000/002/0235/0236 WPM Zavlyillov 87U 11. P.; , A. S.; Gottman, A. A.j Holchanov, V. D.; Kra I Agranovs!~AZ, K. Yn.; Berger, K-. Ya.; Greyor, L. K.; Yonakov, V. P.; 1(-,!--,V.lI f7ar,man, Ke I*; Ab~ryutln V. N.1 G-ubaifo- V-.TOrang-RU~- ~*Ij~ Tovaoyov, fit Yo.1 -110-0 Ge Be; 6i'nolld~O~V'yo.~ DolyaYov, T. P.1 POWFO-r-~~. 1-.~--qtK~rnya- 011G.- none TITL,-': 0.-D. Bron (on his 70th bIrtJidwj) SOURCI-': IWZ. N'lektronnkl-tanika, no. 2, 1966, 235-236 TOPIr TAGS: electric ongincoring porsonnol, circuit breaker v ARMW.Tz Osip Borisovich Bron was born in 1896 in Klintsi. In 1920, ho gradiiattyi from tho physics-ruxth faculty of Khar1kov Tochnologicallnutitute. Ile bocam, a pro- fossor In 1930- Ile defonied his dociorl's thesis in 1940.. DuriKg th,) second world war, lin was in the na,.7. After donobi-Uzation in 1950, Engineer Colonel Pron ifent to work toa,!Iiinf; at the Loningxad Tndustrial Correspondence School. Ile became tho head of On Chair of Theoretical -Paaos of Electrical Techn6lo67UF1958- Ito Is clOGn1,v associated with scientific and developmant work, and has cooperated closely in Oita area vitlT, the LeningE!!4 "Clektrosila" plant since 1946. Ilia work has boon in the aroa3 Of "ric-damping and hi&-pcwar cU-vuit breakers. H~ has published over 140 scientific works and 19 invantionse Lj-PR-J7 SUB COM 05, 09 / SUBM DATKt none VISHNEVSKIY, Nikolay Yevgenlyevich; GIZJKHANOV, Nikolay Parmenovich; KOVAIAV. Ivan Sidorovich; STOLYAROV. V.I., retsenzent; IFU111 G 1. kaadidat tekbnicheakikh nauk, redakctor; CFURNOUSOV, N.P". .Z'L~ inzhener, redaktor; GCFMAN, Ye.K., redaktor izdatellstva; SOKOLOVA, L.V., tekhnicheskiy redaktor [High pressure apparatus with hermetically sealed electric motors] Apparatura vysokogo davleniia a skranirovannym elektredvigatelem. Moskva, Goa. nauchno-tekhn. izd-vo mashinostroit. lit-ry, 1956. 178 P- NIRA 9 - 8) (Electric motors) (Machinery industry) in7hener. Processing machine-picked raw cotton in the United States. Tek-st. pron.16 no.10:58-63 0 '56. (ITLRA 10: 1) (United Stntes-Cotton gins and ginning) RODICIM, B.D.1 KERKIN.J.B.; MILMOV. N.I.; POPELLO, A.?.; SOLOVIYEV. N.D.; SHEMSHURIN. N.A.; SORKIN, V.B.. reteenzqnt; SKIRUOV,.I.I.. retsenzent; ANIPH&M. Tu.I.. retsenzent; BRAYTT, Z.A., retsenzent; SGKOLOVA, T.Te., rod.; MEDUDEV, L.Ta., (Handbook on the primar7 processing of cotton] Spravochnik po pervichnoi ~obmaho-tke khlopka. Moskva, Gos.nauchno-tekhn.izd-vo lit-ry po legkoi promyshl., 1959. 687 P. (MIRA 13:4) (Cotton gins and ginning.) MM IN, I. B. Prospects in the development of cottonseed delinting processea. Tekst.prom. 20 no.2:16-21 Y 160. (J%4IRA 13: 6) (Cottoassed) (Linter) MERKIN. Isaak_. -. SOLOVIYEV, Nikolay Dmitriyevich; ---- V, Igor' vanovich [deceased]; TWNOV, S.P., kand. tekhn. nauk, retsenzent; SOKOLOVA, V.Ye., red.; TRISHINA, L.A., tekhn. red. (Linting of cottonseeds] '-Interovanie khlopkovykb semian. Moskva, Gizlegprom, 19,63, 268 p. (MIRA 16:9) (Linters) Cottonseed) ~aRKJN , 1-i-B., inzr . ; - , ~.,M. , I n --,!. . I ' n - ~ - = :-. ~-- S e 5 b 7 wa * e r a -- c --- za -. -- c F- - - J- - : -a - - 'nz" I ~ rif -i ca - 13"- ~:' -~ s ~ e:~, a -~ --- Mash inos zroar. i a no. 3: 4,3-" "'7-,:-6 'ID4- 1 " (MIlU 17: 1 , MERKIN, IAH.; RYCHOV, A.I. Equioment for sawing grooves in blanks for bent and saved-throvh parts. Dare prom. 7 no. 5:1-4 My 158. (141RA 11:7) 1. Giprodrovorom. (Woodworking machinery) - L ------- ~- MKMN, I.Kh.; AIIALITSKIT. V.V. Chanbers used in finishing skis. Der.prom. 8 no.1:22-23 Ja '59- (KIRL 12:1) 1. Gosudarstvenny-y instiluut po proyaktirovaniyu predpriyatiy derevoobrabatyvayushchey prorWahlennosti. (Wood finishing) (Skis and skiing) MKIN, I.Kh., inzh. - --------- Modernizing the belt. grinding machine. Der. prom. 8 no.7:4-5 Jl '59. (nU 12:19) (Grinding machinea) KATS. A.Ye. - MWITI. I.Kh.; BASKIN, V.Ya. Belt sander witb a wide belt. Der.prom. 8 no.12:19-21 D '59. (MM 13:5) 1. Giprodrevprom. (Sanding macbines) MMIM, I.Kh.; BONWEV, Tu.P. Automatic compartipent-ty-pe dx7ing chamber. F 160. (141BA 13: 6) 1. Giprodrevprom. (LLLmber--Drying) (Furniture) ACC NRt AP7000350 SOURCE CODE: INVENTOR: Goron, I. Ye.; Baranov, Yu. A.; Dembinskiy, V. F.; Merkin, 1. Kh.; ,Pankov, G. A.; Penchuk, N. V.; Smolyanitskiy, V. Z.; Volkov, Yu.-b-. !ORG: none .TITLE: Electromagnetic flaw detector. Class 42, No. 188737 SOURCE: Izobrateniya, promyshlennyye obraztsy, tovarnyye znaki, no. 22, 1966, 115-116, TOPIC TAGS: flaw detector, magnetic flaw detector, magnetic field U ABSTRACT: is Author Certificate introduces an electromagnetic flaw detector con- taining 1) a primary magnetic flux conductor for magnetizing the insperted article, 2) a secondary magnetic flux conductor for duplicating the magnetic field configura- tion of the article aurface, 3) generatdrs with aLternating magnetic field ensuring hysteresis-free transfer of the magnetic field con:L-iguration, and 4) magnetic re- cording heads. To inspect shaped articles, the conductor is clamped to the article with elastic rings stretched over the article. To maintain its cylindrical shape, the!- I secondary conductor in enclosed in a vacuum shell. Orig. art. has: I figure. SUB CODE: 14,W/SUBM DATE. llAug65/ Card 1/1 UDC: 620.179.14.08 BAYEV, II.P., inshener; MAMN, L.I. ^I W 4 * -MM 1;_7 ~ ~_, %_ y %_ For continued increase In the river transportation of cezent and building materials. Rech.transp. 14 no.4:9-11 Ap '56. (MLRA 9:8) (Inland water transportation) (Cement--Transportation) (Building mareriala--Tranaportation) inzh. Utilize all reserves for developing Inland water transportation of cerent. Rech.transp. 17 m-11:11-13 N '58- (MIRA 11:12) (Inland water transportation) (Cement--Transportation) HERKIN., N.; RODRIGES, Kh. Influence of technological progress upon the professional structuresP nature and contents 6f workers' labor in machinery manufacturing. Biul.nauch.inform.: trud i zar.plata 4 no-5:3-9 161. MIRA 14:5) (Machinery industry) RODYdGiS, Kh.; MKIN, IN. Changes in t' e job ,i !cs 7it --,Lc' innry 7LunlZacturi--l'. p2wlto. Fruf.- tek-h. obr. 18 no.l:-,-r -~ 16-, ('.a A 14: 2) 1 - ~L. (~ '-tc' `-i - r- L-idiu; Z-A .- -L- a MEMNP N.; LOWEVAYA, M. Training workers with several skills in machinery manufacturing. Sots. trud 7 no.10:47-56 0 162. (YIR.A- 15:.10) (Machinery industry workers-Education and training) IVAS-ENKC, Pavel ivanov~.-;Ihj NERK-IN, Nikt).'Jay_~94s~mntinovich; MOROZOVA, E.T., red. [Colle~~tive organizatl-ort and wages in industry and consi,niction) Kol:Lektivnaia organizatsiia i oplata tru- da v prom7sblennostl I strolte.,Istve. Moskva, Ekonomika, 19615. 149 P. (MIRA 18;7')' Imb. Stard for hydraulic testing of stop valves. Ila stroi. Moak. 2 no.9: 18-113 3 159. (MIRA 13:2) (Valves--Testing) MERKIN, R.. inzh. Locking motor-crane jib control. Avt.transp. 4C no.2;~' F '62. MRA 15:2) (Cranes, derricks, etc.--Safety appliances) -W11-1KIN, Roalld Mlikhaylovich ;_ SVI STUN OVA, Galina Ilikhaylovna; FiCUP'NKPJ45UV, D.Y., nauclinyy red.; BOGRIA, S.L., red. izd-va; RODIOROVA, V.11,1., tekhn. reed. (Estimated cost of construction] &Tjetnaia stoimost' stroitell- ntvn. 14oskva, GoastroUzdat, 462. la p. (141RA 15:7) (Construction industry-Costs) GEORGIYEVSKAYA, Nadezhda Alelcsandrovm; I-TRKIN Roalld Mikhaylovich- BASILOV, D.P,, nauchuyy red.; BOGii~~ -' OSENKO, L.M,, tekhn. red. (Capital assets in construction and ways to Lmprove their use] 0snovnye fondy v stroitel'st-ve i puti uluchshenila ikh ispol~- zovaniia. Moskva, Gosstroiizdat, 1962. 158 P. (MIRA 15:7) (Construction industry) ANDREYEV, V.P.; BUTKOVSKIY, N.I.; KOMAROV, L.A.; KLJDINOV, V.S.; MASHANSKIY, G.S.; MERKIN, RJ'11.; MERKULOV, V.A.; ZEM1YANIKIN, V.V.; SHOLOKHOV, Ye.j.; PEREPELITSKAYA, A.G., red.; AVDEYZVA, V.A., tekhn. red. (Toward the new achievements; the Russian Federation in 1963, concise handbook] K novym rubezham; Rossiiskaia Federatsiia v 1963. godu. Kratkii spravochnik. Moskva, Sovetskaia Rossiia, 1963. 284 p. (MIRA 16:10) (Russia--Economic policy--Handbooks, manuals, etc.) NERKIN, S., inzhener-podpolkovnik Workshop for repairing and calibrat'Ing dosimetric apparatus. Voen. vest. 42 no.7:111-114 Jl 162. O-ffRA 115-6) (Radiation-L'osage) F ~Fi i-L 22822-66 FWT(M)/E;WA(h) --Aci: NRt,~AP65009043 SOURCE CODE. TJR/0018/65/000/0 /0111/ -.-AU11"HOR:'.: rkin So (Engineer., :Colonel) me '~'ORG:'-:-- Saratov Ghei6ioail Troops School (Saratovskoye uchilishihe kh deijje~ ltj~i?~efiter er DP-311( SOURCE::. oyennyy~ vestnik~ no. 1l$ 1965, 111-113 -TOPIC., TAGS'::' 'radoactivity, measurement.,Mradioactive contamination, -eaigh -oomiconduotor device ABSTRACT: The:auth6r describes a special device used by the Saratov 9hemical Troops School for radioprospecting trainin .1 The device re- presents a.75 x'55 x 15 cm box contain various electric circuit elements and carrying a switch panel mounted on its front side. A de- :seriptive photo of tile front panel and a wiring circuit diagram ivere pros-ent6d.- :% Tho 11j)P-3 rotint6rennieter". model' conalated of meaouring, re ulating:aiid light-signal ci cuits. Tho 1 tter was composed of a rela r a ation thyratron of MTKh-90- type fed from a 1. 6-PMrs-8 cell via a ~P-M(P-201AI semiconductor triode. A mioro-ameter included between -the .measuring and regulating circuits was used for-measurements. The 4, Carcl - , . t ;~z -- ~ ~ " -. , , )~ " -I ~, - - - I I , , 91 .1 ~, - . - - - - .~ ~ , ~ , - - - - ~~, AUTHOR: Merkin, V.G. 30V/71-59-2-111/26 TITLE: Improvement of the Work of the Control Apparatus (Uluchsheniye raboty kontrollnogo snaryada) PERIODICALz Spirtovaya promyshlennost', 1959, Nr 2, Pp 33-34 (USSR) ABSTRACT: To insure correct recordings of the control apparatus KS-55, it is important to prevent impurities from entering the appa- ratus, and to maintain a constant flow and even temperature. The Distillery in Lipetsk (Lipetskiy SpIrtovoy zavod) has de- signed and adopted a so-called "Thermo-Filter-Compensator", which in accordance with diagram consists of 2 compartments. One serves to cool the alcohol in a coil pipe passing through cold water, kept at even temperature by a thermoregulator 04-TG-410. The second compartment is intended for filter- ing the alcohol by means of 4 screens (2 brass ones for rough Card 112 filtering and 2 silk ones for fine filtering. Its capacity Improvement of the Work of the Control Apparatus SOV/71-59-2-11/26 amounts to 120 dkl/hr of alcohol. There is one diagram. Card 2/2 MKIN, V.G. Automatic liquid level indicator In steam boilers. Spirt.prom. 26 no.2:26-27 16o. (MURA 13:6) (Lipetak--Boilers) (Liquid level indicators) GRYAZUOV, V.P.; BOGDAUOV, YU.P.; RZHECHITSKAYA, G.V.; TERNOVSKIY, N.S.; GRACHEV, B.K. (deceased] MERKIN, V.G.; POLEVAYA, K.G.; AKIFIENIKO, I.S. Double-flow beer rectification apparatus. Spirt. prom. 28 no.7:35-37 162. (MIRA 17:2) 1. TSentralInyy nauchno-issledovatellskiy institut spirtovoy i likero-vodochnoy promyshlennosti (for Gryaznov, Bogdanov, Rzhechitskaya, Ternovskiy). 2. Lipetskiy spirtovoy zavod (for Grachev, Merkin, Polevaya, Akimenko). IVANOV, A.I.; AKIWI~TKO, I.S.;.PERKIN, V.G.; 3140TRICH, B.A. Washing of fusel oil by mean3 (~"" hydrr-~Iynamic mizing. Ferm. i spirt. prom. 31 na.4:231-24 165. (MIRA 1-8:5) 1. Sovet narodnogo khozyaystva TSentrallno-Chernozemnogo ekonomi- cheskago rayona (for Ivanciv) 2. Lipetskiy spirtozavod (fcr Akimen- ko, Merkin, Smotrich). AKUIENKO, I.S.; KOU,'i, T.K.; II.G.; SM.-OTIUCH, B.A.; ~, !,. 1,!c-t!.(;d ri" -elitment c.P crern. ' ~--- ---- i -1 -.1-1- 31 no. 3 : 3--371 1 ~-rj . 1 .1.1 - ~ . I. , , ]. Li'-etskiy spir*~'L~-.av,A. AKI,'-'-PNKO, I.S.; VLR'K:'Jl V.G.; PC-LE1.1AY'A' V . G. -, , T, . ~, . 1, , '.. r-- Ir. --l - -~ Some exi--~riences c' ~-e J_; Distille ., - - - - . - - -- unit for the '-eat treut=E.:-,~ -:).*~' alco'-Ol. Ferm. -: :-. : - . -- -- no.5.-27-28 165. (Y-1:'A 18:8) L 1e-316-65 M(J)/EW(I)/FiP(e)/EWG(k)/FdT(m)/EFF(o)/EPF(n)-2/FPR/EEC(b)-2/ZWP(b) Fz-6/Pr4/Ps4./Pu44 IJF(C)/AFWL/SSD WIATI~Cf ACCESSION NR: AP4049532 S/0089/64/017/005/0329/0335 AUTHOR: Millionshchikov, M. D.1 Gverdtsiteli, 1. G.r Abramov, A. S._j Gorl;v, L. V.; Gubanov Yu. D.; Yefremov, A. A., Zhukov, V. ?.I n, V. K.i tel_~v, Ye. A.; Kosovskly, V. Q.# Ivanov, V. Ye., Kovy*rz'._1_-~1V' K~-, t., Ku-1EE_a_rRTn, -N. Ye.i-Kucherov. R. Ya.1 Laly*kin, S. P.; Markin, V. 1.1 ayevo Y Ponomarev-Stepnoy, . T.. A.; P L Marin, Yeu N~, Serov, V. Ya., Usov, V. A. Fedin, V. G.1 Y4kovlev, V. V.; -Yakutovich, M. V.; Khodakov, V. A.; Kompaniyets, G. V. TITLE: The "Ronnashka" high-temperature reactor -converter SOURCE: -Atomnaya energiya, v. 17, no. 5, 1964, 329-335 TOPIC TAGS: nuclear power reactor, reactor feasibility study, re- search reactor, thermoelectric converter/Rmashka ABSTRACT: The authors briefly describe the constriction, parameters. test results, and operating experience of the "Romashka" reactor- Card 1/q 1. 18316-65 ACCESSIOU NR: AP4049532 converter unit, which has been in operation at the Kurchatov Atomic Energy Institute since August 1964. The fuel used is uranium di- carbide enriched to 90% U235. G~raphite,~Knd beryllium are used as reflectors. Electricity is generated by silicon-germanium semicon- ductor thermocouples distributed on the outer surface of the reflec- tor and connected in four groups whi~ch can be connected in series or in parallel. The temperatures of the active zone and outer sur- face are 1770 and 1000C. respectively. The power ratings are 0.50- 0.80 kW electric and 40 kW thermal, the maximum current (parallel connection) is 68 A, the neutron flux is 1013 fteut/cm2 sec in the center of the active zone and 7 x 1012 on its boundary. The reactor has - negative temperature reactivity coefficient. The equipment has high inherent stability and requires no external regulator, and little change was observed in the thermocouple properties after 2500 hours of operation. Tests on the equipment parameters are continu- in% and the results are being analyzed for use in future designs. Orig. art. hast 8 figures and 1 formula. card 2/3 M M IN, Yu.B.. Inzh.(Leningrad) Promising a.c.elactric locomotives. Zhal.dor.tranap. J40 no.4: 10-13 AP '58. (MIRA 13:4) (Zlectric locomotives) KOZLOVSKIY. V.S.: HERKINA, L.G. Comparative rating for determining prothrombin Qmick-Kudriashov's and Borovskala's methods. Lab.delo no.4:14-15 JY-Ag '55.(WRA 8:8) 1. Iz 2-y kafedr7 terapti ( B.S. Totchal) i kafedry laboratornoy diagnostiki ( Te.A.Kost) Tsentrallnogo instituta usoverohonstvovaniya vrachey, Moskva. (PROTHROMBIN TIM3, determination, QgIck & Borovskalale methods, comparison) KOZL40VSKIY, V.N., podDolkOvnik med.sluzhby,, KMKINA, L.G. Borovskit's drip method for determinirtg prothrombin in blood. Voenamedozhuro no.12:6&63 D'57 (MIRA 11:5) (PROTHROKOIN, deiermination, Borovskii's drip method (Rue)) IZONOVA, S.; PARMHU-211KC, A.; DRUSSER, I.; 1-,CAKjNA,-jJ,- IMARTUIETITKO, G.; YEMMOV, Yu. (Leningrad); ITUTSYJY, Ya.; ARMOV, N.; ZIMIDSIKITY, Yu. We can learn from the practines applied in Leningrad. Mest.prom. i khud.promys. 3 no.5:13-20 My 162. (MLU 15:6) 1. ZwPostitell prodsedatelya Gosudarstvannotgo komitota ;ovota Md-nistrov ILSFSR po dolam me:3tnoy promyshlonnooti I khudozhest- ,m-nnykh promyslov RSFSR (for Leonova). 2. ]Jpravlyayuuhchiy kontoroy "Lengorvtorsyrlye" (for Parkhomenk-o). 3. Direktor Leningradskoy Snrtirovochno-moyechnoy fabriki No.1 kontory OLcningradsyr Iya" (for Brusser) - 4. GlavnTy inzh. Leningradskoy Sortirovochno-moy,3chnoy fabriki No.1 kontcry "Lengorvtorsyrlyell (for 11-11erkina). 5. Direktor fabriki IRTtorpromll kontory "Lengorvtorsyrlye" (for 1-11artynenko). 6. Spetsiallnyy 11-orresnondent zhurnala "14estnaya promyshlemiost' i khudozhestvenny-ye promysly", (for Yegorov). 7. Inspektor po Icadram fabriki "Trud" (for Nutskiy). 8. Direktor fabriki "Trud", LeningTad (for 9. Zarwatitell direktora fabriki "Trud", g. Leningrad (for Zhmudshiy). . (1,eningrad-Salvage (Waste, etc))