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MENISHIKOT, P.N. msthods in proupecting for kimberlite pipes. Razved. i okh. necir 23 no.4-.42-49 Ap 157* (MIRA 11:1) 1. Zapadnyy geofizichoskiy treat. (Kimberlite) (Prospecting-Geopbvaical methoda) KHAZANOV. Ye.I.; KHLTUPINA, A.F.; BESSONOVA, A.S.; SHISHLTAITIIIKOVA, P.M.; MNISMOV, F.S. Sintering Uzhur napheline 87enites with limestones in the presence of a reducing agent. Trud7 Yost.-Sib. fil. AN SSSR no-13:134-143 '58. (MIRA 12-12) I.Vootochno-Sibirski.r filial AN SSSR. (Uzhur region (Kuznetsk Ala-Tau)-Nepheline 870DitO) (Limestone) (Sintering) MRITt STHIKO" P. 1. Men'shikov, R. i. an' Mar',o-, R. L. o-- ~-fs-ps in In th- sy=roria~7.: -Troach. rr!'-Oty M'.)ql-"V, Mo!,Cowl 19,J), r. li9-22 SQ: 7 Ij _,I. a -1~1 -!t ~ '~-hurn-l 'n,-,,! 01 estimation of the orror of an E~rbitrary approxi- Card 112 8249h S/040/60/:24/04/09/023 C 111//C 333 On an Approximative Method for the Calculation of Circular-cylinder 3hells V~ mation. These general al-ebraic results are then used for the fcunda- tion and extension of the theory of Golldenveyzer (� 5)- N. V. Bugayev and N. G. Chebotarev are mentioned in the paper, There are 4 Soviet refer,nces. SUBff!TTED: April 18, 1960 Card 2/2 MENISHIKOV, Valentin Pav1ovich[Men'9IWkov,,V.P.], kand. ekon. ntuk:; V.F.J, red.; IMTCHWKO, O.K., tekhn. red.; 1,EYEj,,OVICJI, S.L.,, National income and its distribution in the U.S.S.R.INa.- tsional'Wi dokhod i ioho rozpodil v SRSR. Kyiv, Derzh- politvydav URM, 1962. 36 p. (1,aRA 15: 11) 1. Kiyevskiy politekhnicheskiy institut (for Men'shikov). (Income) L 05918-67 T ( 1, ACC NR: AR6032154 SOURCE CODE: UR/0169/66/000/006/DO,',)7/DO27-----,---------'I I AUTHOR: Men'shikoKY. S. ITIT LE: Variations in the eomagnetic' field of the eastern trans-Baykal region SOURCE: Ref. zh. Geofizika, Abs. 6DI91 REFSOURCE: Vestn. nauchn. inform. Zabayka;lsk. otd. Geogr. a-vaSSSR, no. 4, 1965, 46-49 TOPIC TAGS: geomagnetism, geornagnetic field, geomagnetic varieLtion, diurnal geornagnetic variation, geomagnetic horizontal component, geornagnetic vertical component ABSTRACT: Measurements were made of variations in the Z- and of the geomagnetic field on the territory of the eastern Trans-Baykal region. The observations were made using "Fanzelau" magnetometer. An analysis of the data Iobtained produced the following conclusion: diurnal variations in thE. horizontal component (W) donotexceed 50v and are strictly regular; at the same time values of u are characterized by considerable irregularities, thevariationsin 8Z- on L_ different days being between 10 to 50 Y . The latter necessitates continuous Card 1 / 2 UDC: 550. 838 L 05916-67 ACC NR: AR6032154 measurement of U. in conducting high-accuracy surveys. On the other hand, the- smallness of the variations in 8z makes possible the main network in smau-scale surveys, B. Pivovar. [Translation of abstract] SUB CODE: 08/ Card 2/2 MENISHIKOV, V.V. Urinary excretion of catehol amines in hypertension and symptomatic hypertonia. Kardiologiia 1 no.2:18-29 Mr-Ap 161. (1-diA 15:1) 1. Iz gospitallnoy -'Ijerapevticheskoy kliniki imeni A.A.Ostroumova I Mookovskogo ordena Lenina meditsinskogo instituta imenL I.M. Sechenova i Instituta terapil AMN SSSR (dir. - deystvitelinyy chlen AM SSSR prof. A.L.M~rasnikov). (ADRENALITE) (ARTEMIOL) (HYPIMENSI 011) MEN'ShIKOV.1 V.V., Cand. Med. Sci... - (diss) "Functional condition of ti.e sympat~,oadrenal system (on the isolation of free cathecholamines with urea) in persons with normal arterial pressure and patients with hypertonic diseases and symptomatic tW-pertonias," ),(05~;oyj, 1961, 15 pp (AcacenT of Medical Sciences USSR) 250 copies (KL-Supp 9-61, 191) I--- MENISHIKOV, V.Ve Determination of catecholamines in urine. Iab. delo (71 no.4: 18-21 Ap 161. (MIRA 14:3) 1. Gospitallnaya terap4ticheakaya klinika (zav. - deystviteltnyy chlen AMN SSSR prof.*A.~.IlyasnikaO I Moskovskogo ordena Lanina meditainakogo instituta imeni I.M.Sechenova. (bMULINE) (URINF,-ANALYSIS AND PATHOLOGY) YESIKOV9 A.D,;,MBNISHIKOV, V.V. Fluormeter for the investigation of the amount of catecholardnes in urine. Lab. d4lo [71 no-4:22-25 Ap 161. (MITiA 14:3) 1. Gospitallnaya terapevticheakaya klinika (zav. - deystvitellnyy chlen AMN SSSR prof. A.L.Myasnikov) I Moalcovskogo ordena. Lenina maditsinskogo instituts. imeni I-W&Sechenova. (FLUORIMETRY) (ADRENALINE) (URINE-ANALIBIS AND PATHOLOGY) MENISHIKOV, V. V. Effect of reserpine, and h-7pothiazine treatment on urinary excretion of catechol amines in hypertension. Terap. arkh. no.9:i2-16 '61. (MIRA 15:2) 1. Iz gospitallnoy terapevtichookoy kliniki imenj A. A. Ostroumova I Mookovskago ordena lanina maditainakago instituta imeni 1. M. Sechenova i Instituta terapii A10 SSSR (dir. - deystvitel'rqy chlen AMN SSSR prof. A. L. Myasnikov) (HYPERTENSION) (RESERPINE-PHYSIOLOGICAL EFFECT) (THIADIAZINE-PHYSIOLOGICAL EFFECT) (ADREIIALINE) (ARTERENOL) MENISHIKOV, V. V. (Voskva) Urinar7 excretion of cateebol amines in kidney leslons. Klin. meed. no.2:94-98 162. (MIRA 15:4) 1. Iz gospitallnoy terapevticheskoy kliniki imeni A. A. Ostroumova I Moskovskago ardena lenina meditsinsko o instituta imeni I. M. Sechenova i Instituta terapii AMIT SSSR Tdir. - deystvitellny7 chlen AMN SSSR prof. A. L. Myasnikov) AMN SSSR. (KIDIIZYS-DISEASES) (ADRENAUNE) (ARTERWOL) MW113HIKOV, V.V.; MSALYK, L.S. Serotonin in cardiology; a survey of the literature. Kardio- log4la 5 no.2:83-87 263 (MIRA 17:2) 1. Iz mezhklinicheskoy gormonallnoy laboratorii pri Gospitall- noy terapevticheskoy klinike imeni A.A. Ostroumova ( dir. - deystvitellnyy chlen Al-21 SSSR A.L.1-tyasnikov) I Mookovskogo meditsinskogo instituta imeni I.M.Sechanova. z m e z r. c,,;~F!kcy a c)c ,-F- o r u r osr L.~ ,,e -,a; e,i t s EL e GRASHCHENKOV, N.I., prof., akademik, otv. red.; BANSHCHIKOV, V.M., zasl. deyatell nauki, prof., red.; KASSILI, G.N., prof., red.; KOVANOV, V.V.,, prof., red.; jg~t'~MUKOV, V.V.,, kand. Med. nauk, red.; SHREYBERG, G.L., ved. red. [Adrenaline and noradrenaline; reports] Adrenalin i norad- renalin; doklady. Moskvaj Izd-vo "Nauka," 1964. 310 p. (MIRA 17:6) 1. Nauchnaya konferentsiya "Katakholaminy i ikh roll v re- gulyataii funktsiy organizma (biokhimiya, fiziologiya, kli6ik&)O Moscow, 1962. 2. Chlen-korrespondent AN SSSR i Akaderiya nauk Belorusskoy SSSR (for Grashchenkov). 3. Dey- s'uvitellnyy chlen ANN SSSR (for Kovanov). 4. Laboratoriya neyro-gumorallnoy regulyatsii AII SSSR (for Kassill). MATLINA, E.Sh. (Moskva); MENISHIKOV, V,V. (Moskva) ?i )n the 3ynthesis and transformation of catechol amines In. tne -rganism. Usp. eovr, biol. 5.8 no. 3021-345 NeD 164. (MIRA 18s1) MEN13MOV V.v. kand. mcd. nauk; Modif4~at,.on of -~~_e :7F4- aciJ in urina. Kardiolo a i I a 3 no 1 -92 3-.r 1. Iz mezUlini:,he3xiay xmorial In-)y lahoratt,r` terap(jiltichf.5k, k ,I ni direv.,)r 4eyzi t,vl tr.-,,y SSSR prol'. A.L. '.!ynlnik!,v~ T inst"Ituta i-,,,)ni 'Jop. med. 'A-him. l') n; Ta-. -lechenov C.:,I-~r L,5ri-n Fir,*. NIK(DL,IYFV, AA.; 7ed. i.,b . 3~; A ZHUKOV.,;KIY, V.D.; MENISHIK-OV$ V.V.; SACUMT, V.I., USVAT(,VA, I.Y,3. Changes in the function of adren--i cortex during ellec-rr, narcosis. Eksper. khir. i anest. no.1.77-80 165. (MIRA 18:11) 1. Fakulltetskaya khirurgicheskaya klinika (zav. - prof. N.N. Yelanskiy [deceased]) gormonaltnaya laboratoriya (zmv. - kand. med. nauk V.V. Men'shikov) i kafedra fiziki (zav. - prof. N.M. Livantsev) I Moskovskogo ordena Lenina meditsinskoga instituta imeni I.M. Sechenova. MIENISHIKOV. V.V,., Methiodolag�cal problem5 ~-,f !zsing ch-3mist-?7 -in diagnoe-la. Tru(br I-go ?C,f-r 37a11-3-122 165. (KM 3.83 8) MENISHIKOVP V.V. Reviews. Kardiologiia 5 no,.lt9l-92 Ja-F 165. (MIRA 1819) MENISWkKOV, V.V.i BOLISHAKOVA, T.D. Methylation problem in catecbol amine metaboll.-. Vo-.. med. khi--. 11 no.2:3-17 Mr-Ap 165. (MIRA 1&10) lo Mezhkltnicheskaya gormonallnaya laboratoriYa pri Gospltallnoy terapev-ticheskoy klinike imeni A.A.wlstroumova I Moskovskogo or-dona Lonina maditalnskogo Instituta imeni T.M.Sechenova. '-,I N Sh. , ?-TN '31i I KOV, V.V, amines -)n meta'no---sm, a sur.-., literature. Probl. oridok. i grarm. 11 nc).~.111-121 j i-A~! I . L.a bora tor iya na,-vnykh 1. gumo ra Iny kh rkiMi 1.%, ei chier... korrespandent AM"' SSSR pro. N . I . G rasricne,-, t %Iezhki Ini che3 kRyF, g: rmonai I naya j7 orapevtIcheskoy klipike (djr- d;~, y3tvil-elInyy chl--n AXIN prof. A.!,. Myasntkov/~ I Mosl(o,/qkoeo o-d~-3nii I.enin.11 r, o ' j . i tu tn i me n . " ac, h o nuva . _j j rT MEIqISHrKOV,l V.V.; USVATOIIA, I.Ya.; LEBEDEVA, R.N.! MESHGF-ERYAKOV, A.T. Fmctional state of the adrenal glands and steroid therap7 in surgical interventiors. Khirurgiia 39 no.9:39-45 S163 MRA 17:3) 1. 1z gospitallnoy khirurgicheskoy kliniki ( zav. - deystvi- telln7y chlen AMN SSSR prof. B.V. Petrovskiy) i mezhkliniches- koy gormonaltno7 laboratorli pri gospitallnoy terapevtichesko-T. klinike (zav. - deystvitel"nyy chlen ANN SSSR prof. A.E. K7asnikov) I Moskovskog-) ordena Lenina meditsinskogo institiata imeni Sechenova. E;~ Y Vi, T A B 7:~n I n s PETROV, V.I.; GAZENKO, G.G.; BOBOV, V.S.; IV* . li . Brief newa. Lab. delo ro. i-1:699--l-j I . 2-: 1-2) 1. Glavnyy vrach Upravleniya klinikami I Moskovskogo ordena Lenina meditsinskogo instituta im. I.M.Sechenova (for Bobov). IVANCMKC, V.A.; MENISHIKOV, V - Ya. --.1 ------ -- - - "", Study of the relationship between fault conditions in mercury rectifiers and changes in mercury vapor density. Izv. NIIPT no.8:11-19 161. (MA 15:7) (Mercury-are rectifiers) MEV I WMOV, V. 7a, Fedstratign of faults in the operation of rectifiers using an eciu~valent,circuit. Izv,. N=.uo.9,.77-85 162. (HIRA 15:12) (Mercur7w4we reetif iers) MEffISHIKOV,O,.-Xa.* yefreytors makhanik-vcditell plavayushahego transportera On land and on the sea. Starsh.-serzh. no.6:32 Je 162. ("A 15:7) (Motor vehicles, Amphibious) . .111. t I '- I ~) , AN, YU.C., I El From tx~r, Or,_*anizationzl zxperience iliLii ...)nL~dy -Aical Dfl Ship. ; ':J~iY (-LL~L .. J ~ ~~AL ji,ii-11L) , --o -- , 1)55 . P. 7.1 Z . V . -, ;-l01'llNTTz"D I N , I. S . Fishing - Tmillcments and ApolAances, C7u t t ingg -)ut seine sections in staggered -"-,r-ation. A31h. khoz., 2~, :,0. '~, Monthly List of Russian Accessions, Lilnrary of Congress, October 191-",,. '~ ~- i ~' LA S-"-- F -- 7 7- . SKELOV. N.S.. professor, KRAVIN, I.B., BOLISHAKOVA. G.H.; HENISHIKOVA, A.I.; PROSTOVA. L?. Xffects of the adreaocortl,.cotropic hornone (ACTH) and cortisone in some skin diseases. Sov.mud. 20 ao-7:19-24 JI 156. (KIRA 9:10) 1. 1z otdela dermatologii (zav. - prof. V.S.Smelov) TSeatrallnogo kozhno-venerologichaskogo inatituta (dir. - dotsent N.K.Turanov) Hiaisterstva zdravookhrananiya SSSR i Vaesoywnogo inatituta andokri- nologii (dir. - prof. Te.A.Vasyukova) (SKIN DISEASES, ther. ACTH & cortisone) (ACTH, ther. use skin die., with cortisone) (CORTISONE, ther. use skin die., with ACTH) IAPfRV, V.A., dotsent, saslushannyry vrach RSFSI~~111*1~111KOTA nauchuy7 sotrudaik External therapy of eczema and neurodermatitis with a preparation obtained by dry distillation of wheat, rye, and oats. Vest.derm. i van. 31 no.3:43-44 KY-Je '57- (MIRA 10:11) 1. 1z otdala dernatologii (sav. - prof. R.S.Smalov) TS~ntrallnogo nauchno-iseledovatellakogo koohno-veaerologichaskago instituts (dir. - Irandidat maditainakikh nauk H.H.Turanov) Hinisteratys sdravookhreaeniya RSFSR. (ECZEMA. therapy. ointment prop. from cereals by dry distillation (Rua)) (NEURODARMATITIS. therapy, same) (CBMLS, ointment prop. by dry distillation, ther. of eczema & nourodermatitia (Rue)) RAMMALEVICH, Ye~M.; MISHIKOVA, A.I.; PROSTOVA, I.P. Functional conditions of the adrenal cortex related to ACTH therapy for certain skin diseases. Probl. endok. i gorm. 7 no.1:98-108 1619 (MIRA 140) (ACTH) (SKIN--DISEASES) (ADIMAL MGM) AE~-:V E'.; mp uoul,-h arid othei, TjjStjtjt,Fi~ A~gi SO-SR) Mosk.,va. en fs~dkova, A. K. - I'T",e Bacz-er'Lc--Ldal 1--e r cc,z L ':e; S-L c a o n '~ o D -5.3 e c t0 n illa-~e : - De::rt-c L)f' Can ,DisskrLa'.Lo-, f.-)i So: KnL--:inna LCLO is', No. VASHKOV, V.I.,;__MFIIISIIIKOVA, A.K.; MILYAVSKAYA, P.F. Use of bactericidal aerosols obtained by the sublimation of thermal mixtures; preliminary report. Zhur. mikrobiol. epid. i ir-In. 31 no.7:5-9 Jl 160. (MIRA .13:9) 1. Iz TSentral'nogo dezinfektsionnogo instituta. (FUMIGATION) 1,1106HIKOVA, A.K., (Mookva) ~ - , -1-11- ... - --"- Sanitary education as an importuit 'Lactor in the preveraian of typhoid fever. Med. sestra 22 no-5:58-59 My'63- (ZiMU 16:8) (TYPHOID FLWR--PlTXENT ION) (HEALTH LDUGATION) MITal-W., VA,,S 1,011SHIROV:10 A,V, kral,vala of tho dotaction characturiatica aff crjotema with vvxiable ruaolvUC pmore Mdiotakh* i oloktrone 10 no.22s2091-2098 D #65.v (MIRA IC)ll) 1, Submittad June 29s 1964- 0 DENISCMAP S.I.; ~EN HIXGVA.(~.P.; KAF&ULOVA, Ye.Ya. I-V J~ Isolation of a dark violet amphorus pigment from the mycelitm of Actin myces fulvoviolacem strain 9700. Trudy Inst. microbiol. no.8:338 160. (M M 14:1) 1, Institut eksperimen allnoy i klinicheakoy onkologii AMN SSSR. (ACTIN(14YCKALES) MEN!S,AIKOVA, G.P. Materials for the study of endonet-rioid c-Ysts of the o7ar4es. Akush. i gin. no.1;125-13C 165. (MIRA 18-.10) 1. Nauchno-issledovateltskiy institut akusherstva i ginekologii (dir, prof. O.V. Makeyeva, nauchnyy rukovoditell raboty prof. Ye.N. Petrova) Ministerstva zdravookhraneniya SSSR, Moskva. SOKOLOVA, Aleksandra Aleksandrov-ia; WO'SHJK_QVA,,..~yu~ov' Tladimirovna; PRODUVNOTA, R.P., red.; i-,IIOWft_T_A, TJ., tekhn.iisd, , , , (Utilization of the waste proZ-nts of tree falling] Puti ispolizovaniia lesosechnykh otkhodov. ArK:~:_-ngellsk. Arkhangellskoe knizhnoe izd-vo, 1959, 55 P. (MIRA 13:4) (Tree falling--By-products) PETMSHCV, A., doktor skouom.nau1c; APARASIU17. L.A., kand.ekonom.nauk; RANILITMR, M.V., kand,ekDnom.nauk; 7EGIAZAROVA, II.A., kand.ekmom. nauk; KOVAIEV, Te.T.; ICL'g M.A.; KUZNETSOV, B.P., kand.ekonom. nauk; KUTSOBIIFA, H.K.; KUMIMOT, T.A., kand.ekonom.n=4 -KU I SHI- KOVAV M*A.; RIKITERKO, B.A.; ONMIYff, Tu.G.; FRCKHOROVA. 'iiiii~ ip.; UWALI. N.M., kand.istor.nauk; MMOVA, A.M.; FARIZOV. 1.0.. kand.intor.nank; SHIFRI3, E.L., doktor ekonom.nauk; SHLIKEM , A.A., kand,ekonom.nauk; LISOVSKIT, Tm.P.; HARTYROV, V.D.; GARSIA, L,q red.; MOMMA, R., [Acriculture of capitalist countries; a statistical aanuall Sellskoe khoziaistvo kapitalletiche8kikh atran; atattaticheakii upravochnik. Moskva, Izd-vo sotsiallno-ekon.lit-ry, 1959- 829 p. (MIRA 13:6) 1. Akademiya nauk SSSR. Institut mirovoy ekonomiki i mezhdunarodnvkh otnosheni.v. (Agriculture--Statistics) SHLINHTER, A Alo'r,~ w ).--I a, 2) ; MARTYPITI , V.A.; j [ElectrJfication of' agrac-alture in Lhe travel nodes) Ob elektrifikatsii sellskogo khoziaistva SShA; puterye za- (MIRI 18:12) pi ski. Moskva, tlauka, 1965. 169 p. MISHIKOVA, Karlya Andreysvna; KHROSHATIVA. LG.. red.; VCRONTSOVA. ~eeq lieiliisiiid-, - [Surface ensiling of forage In Udzurtla.1 Slazamnoe, silosovanle kormov v Udzurtli. Ishevsk. Udmurtskoe knizhnoe izd-vo. 1960. 26 p. (MMA 14t12) (Udmrt A.S.S.R.-Yorage) (11nallage) I IUUMDV, V.A., kand. takhn. nauk; MONISHIEDVA, M.D., starshi7 nauchn77 sotrudnik - .1 - . - - - Fabrics made of a mixture of caprontibers with cotton. Tekst. prom. 19 no.9:35-38 S '59. (KM 12:12) I.Rukovoditall tkatakoy laboratorii Ivanovskogo nauchno-inaledo- vatel'skogo institata tekstillnoy promyshlannosti (IvNITI) (for Ilaumov) (Textile fabrics) MENISHIKOVAJ, H.D. Effect of the structural elements of the fabric on its permeability to air. Nauch.isol.trudy IvNITI 25:77-94 161. (MIRA 15:10) (Textile fabrics-Testing) MFNISIIIKOVA, M.D. Use of lavsan in bl8nds writh cctfon and omn rayon fibera (prelimina-ry report), Nauch.-Is-9:1.trudy I7'.1FLTI 26-t7~~83 163. (MIRA l8o4) USSR / Plant Physiology. Respiration and Metabolism. 1-2 Abs Jour: Ref Zhur-31ol., 1953, No 16, 72549. Author Men'shikova N1 1. T;7o' 1_~~ Inst mellsk State Pedagogical Institute. Title Dependence of Respiration on the Content of Carbo- hydrates in Plant Lea,,es. Orig Pub: Uch. zap. r'jomel Isk. gos . pe(' . in-t, 1956, vyp . 3, Z61-Z(-)8 . Abstract: The content of different forms of soluble sugars and starch was studied in th,~ leaves of the sunflower, pumpkin, rhubarb and tobacco. With r espirr-.tion in darkness for 96 hours at 200, the quantity of mono- sis and the general total of carbchvdrptes (soluble carbohydrates plus starch) respectively decreased in the leaves of rhubarb (in %) by 77.3 and 4L1.9, of tobacco - by 79,q and 10..4, of sunflolr,,~r - b-N., 96.1 and 8Z.2 and pumpkin - by 95.4 and 87.1. output Card 1/2 4 USSR / Plant Physiology. Respiration and Met3~Dlis-.. 1-2 Abs Jour: Ref Zhur-Biol. I 1958j No 16, 72549. Abstract: of sucro3e I n t he respira t I on T)roc es ri z I '. --cr,-,s of the plants wag very high (87-98/14). For JC hour-,3, the pumpk1n leaves expended carbohydrnt(,s 1.5 times more., and the sunflower leaves twice more, th::,n the leaves of rhubarb and tobacco. On thz- b2siS a comparison of the expenditure of the qupntily ~f carbohydrates and CO? elimtnated, the author con- cludes that in the res *DIrFtiori process of and tobacco leaves., some quantity of Co z i3 eli::A- nated at the exoense of decomposition of other sub- stances, other than carbohydrates (possibly, orga- nic acids), in the sunflower and pumpkin the carbo- hydrates are expended not only durling r,~.spiration but also In some other processes (possibly, 1ri the synt'riesi- of organic acids). Bib. 23 titles. -- V. V, Nikonova. C d Z USM/Cultivated Plants - Fodders. m-4 Abs Jour : Ref Zhur - Biol., fib 7, 1958, 29843 Author : Men'shikova, N.I., J4'for, I.Ii, Yevocyonko, A.V., Inst : Gomell State Pedagogical Institute4 Title : Alfalfa aa a Source of Boosting the Food Base for Animal Raising in the Bielorussian SSR. Orig Pub : Uch. zap. Gomellsk, gos. ped. in-t, 1957, vyp- 5, 138-145 Abstract : It has been established at the Experimental Training Plot of the Gomel' Institute and at the Kolkhoz im. Lenin in Gomellskaya Oblast' that the optimal alfalfa sowing time is the period from 5 to 20 June. The side-dressing of al- falfa with B in a concentration of 0.025% in the period of 50% flowering increased the seed output by 37.3% and that of green stuff by 75.SKiij, during which the number of Card 1/2 .MNISHIKOVAP N.I.1 SAVOCHKINA, V.I. Role of bacterial fertilizers in increasing a pcrtato, crop. Biol. v sbkole no.2:62-64 Mr-Ap 163. (HIRA 16:4) 1. Gomel'skiy pedagogicbeffkiy institut. (Potatoes) (Soil inoculation) G~M,.'F:NKO, G,S.,~ MENIS',10VA, N~I., 3ffr-,~CUTKO, V~I.-, MA-KaSPAOV, V,T, Synthes's of methyl eg-,er of trans-anti--- eth7l-3- (p-methox-yphen yl )-cyclopen tan -1-cn e-2-carb(-zq,,Ii c acid. Part 12. Zhur. org. khim. 1 no. 12,,2135,?14f) D 165 ,ruzny-i- nauchno-ig nvatel 1,91r: iv A e s sled ticheskiy 'nsti tu~. imeni Ordz~.anikidzze, Moskva, Sul-sm" tur~eri -mber 10, '19'4. Nove 1 0 W-N'SHOVA, N.I.; GRIINENKO, G.S.; MMONOVA, V.A.; MAKSIWV, M. H-butylamide and p2.peridllde of pentanone-2-carboxylic acid. Part 13. Zhur. org. khim. 1 no.8,, 1370-1375 Ag 165. OURA '18,11' 1. Vsesoy-uznyy nauchno-lsaledovatell3kiy khimiRo-far-inala,--7'.i,-hesk'~.V institut imeni Ordznonikidze, N IT' TT I SITIFO-11P.)N. N. Y Vo-orosu ob Insullnoterapil rjrl novyshennom ~xovyanom davlenii p. 124 V i3b Aktuallnyye Probie.V Nev:ropatclogil I Psikhietrii _,-i - --J-Kl~.ybb y 6 he v Iz GorIkovskoy ElAnicheskoy Palkhonevrologicheskoy bollniyty 15 A TjTPQP Forloo"Y %I ~,Ai v Men Ishi kov a, 'i,?m- 14-ns -f P~lit-n jum .', i 'ti Oth~,Y- Meta 191 vc- The ; Their P):!i, Inn in the 1',?ricli c! Tabli e -f Vei ' V vi i me d oy s t v 1y e p ! u ~,) n iy a S :1 - " P, i m i m- IL , 11 r-,T, .1, v rnspolnzhen~yem v norinq'chpsKoy E!i,,.teme :'. 1. Y- t - II)L8. VO, T- 1,, L lJoamaya onergiyn_ _ . L . Nr p- J. 14 "'H %'T (;n 'h- ba,-.i-q ~f phnoe d:tagrams charac,.er -f 1 11 [)IU*.~-jlA4I!M with a number (-,f cll;her el~?mr-ts rf 1. -1 ;s J,?2-r4b-!d. Oniv chavsc-z-_-;sti-u px:-tmr)il" i-hase 4,~agrams ark- g~vs~n for the f-.IjwinR n-, Ir*; Fu + Be. 'r-u - :,! , Pu ~h. ~u , _11~_ Fu - 1-L: F 'M) . I -L; ("0 , Pu T . ;~11 &itai" nd c c r u i ng t tie ~~ ry s -_ a 1 E~ ru r_~ u r -i cc m;~ p~ir1:.1 -added, in wh;,-~t p.,,-,t-,n:,;m cnmbined w_-!h h- - N a m - n t sC 11 g , Be, Mg , Eii I , T n, T a . C , R; . To. 1.1n, Fp, 0--,, N i , Os , Tli, and ~(,rejgn dal,a 1 . "r the comp' la *, i oil. Q*' thP Dhis, j al 1y the rap~rz by -he al!+:h,.),-- m-n- I 15 T h- Rr-a,~- ons of F, ~:e- V-n ~:F ~h R~-f~p- d i, Ta t, mde ! ey v Sibotidtakiy -a r, ti Smftritske,,m n, ar fig' I r -e nri no k o T.- qvii g Ag .1 4 4 Ell 1, Ila 'PIP, I S 1 RENISHIKOVA, V.A.,atarohiy nauchnvy motrudnik. Changes in quince during storage. Ref. nauch. rab. VNIZOP no-3:97-98 '55. (KI2A 9:11) (quince) XMISHIKOVA, Using ripe sweet red peppers in the canning Industry. Kona. I Ov. prom. 12 no.3: 12-15 Kr 157. (MMA 10: 5 ) 1. Stalingradskaya, opytno--selaktsionnaya stantalya Vaesoyuznogo nauchno-issledovatellskogo Instituta kanservnoyi ovoshchesu- shillnoy promyshlennosti. (Pepper) -AW C, VARENTSOV, I'I.; MWISHIKOVA, V.A. For maximm use of quince in the canning Industry. Kons.i ov.prom. 12 no.8:45-47 Ag 157. (KLRA 10:9) 1. Vassoyunnyy nauchno-iseledovatellskiy institut koneervnoy I ovoshcheaushilluoy pronyahlennosti (for Varentsov). 2. Stalin- gradskaya opytaoselektaionnaye. stantsiya Vsesoyuznogo nauchno- issladovatellsko o institute konservuoy I ovoahchasushil'noy promyshlonnosti ffor Ken'shikova). (Quince) 9, S3~4 A ITT HOR rr,~ Ir.iDt~ LE PERIODICAL, V_,!k -y -?6_ r,,. pp. 37-49 Ph t t or Phy,ice -3 2-h-t- of th, K,~Arli-l-~,l-.1;n.7 t i,jj_r.j %t t~~ I .- in, - I -1 .1 rC, r.. of !h.T CI th-, IIrh -t of r-. ..d P-1,1 h, r.,. rt, rr. . . F. 1. Fr-1 T..oh.r 1. S. L-L. (X~." r I -- ~ , - - ~ p,.fil., Vj tt, L... I S,~q ...... c -. En4-, in C.rd 1/4 cry or. Uoj,-it;'j I .gl rPoi.t. or P:-1.1 '.nd"Z~ n,7r ,c L J, on . . . . . . . -Th. of to C.,t.,, -M-7 th, th.,S;r Ight- 1- Ph :or. --r- 1-lt lith tn 'h. ty th; Ph, I ,, ). . . Ir.-i. . "". . . k Nrlj-ll~ of th I., ttof ApVI...! 11 In, 31,lr,;, YYt Illhll h; 1--l th. -A .4 Ar, st,i-t. ~f tT. X=Zt-l f St- th. R.t.kj- of C""o C-4 2/4 r..,, of Gh: Irl"c,,, ~i. f tF b r'ro p'r, ' tb. Fl.- d..l .1 b'5... ;,,~o in Clo=el mS-1-FT-h- V' P*d&4oCIcheskjy In.titut t Tl~_ "tf'~ Iof T r.,,o . on .... ' F' With in 1-b1- of phy.1c. or d. -t .1th lthrT:,re.;ort. by 3-M., T-h- K--1 of th. E~b.rl,na- 8. k.rl.1, .-Ity, ono ,~t:, D--% D-t % 1. F,nr of1~ f tb. 0d .. kIyP:littiihnioneakly in tIt(C)jo,sa jlojyt,c~.njc . It Ithhy ofail 3;.ci.l t%.:tCjo%v&3 - d .0 h t . I, ,d to a '~lli~h hn r~jy - r.p rt by Profoasor __:I , 'd zk,~A.--- - lzp~ , . r4p. ..IC.I.ting Ir--le err,".ts, to f .1 th M. 1~6 ..l.t-n t. on, of 1. o.,ph port by rt.nt h. C.rd 3/4 Ph A330CIATIOII: Xabmrdino-S~Ik,rmkly goou,-ar.t, ,:nny~y,,amlv,re%t,% (Y MENISHIKOVA, V. I._) Cand Phys-Math Sci -_ "on certain semi-reverse methods in the theory of the movement of ground waters with a free surface." Mos, 1961 (Min of Education RSFSR. Moskovskaya Oblast Ped Inst im N. K. Krupskaya). M, 4-61, 184) -28- MENISHIKOVA. V.I Some semiinverse methods in the theory of the motion of ground water. Izv. vys. uch.zav.; mat. no.5:47-58 162. (MIRA 15:9) 1. Stavropollskiy pedagogicheskiy institut. (Water, Underground) (ApproxImate computation) MavvixoVA, v.11. The effect of the conditions of temperture during the autoclavic hydrolysis proteins on the composition of the hydrolysate. V.V SADILOV, R.G. KRISTALLINSKAYA, E.V. LINDQUIST- RYSAKOVA and V.N. MENIST;TKOVA (Protein research laboratories of ALL- UNION INST. OF FOOD INDUSTRY, LENIGRAD ) vol. 1, no-3, P. 359, 1936 HANDIMOBOYH. A.B.; HIKHAYLOVA. Ys.H.; MENISHIKOVA, V.M. Blood prothrombin changes in endarteritia obliterans. Top. neeirokk-ir. 21 no.6:24-26 9-D 157o (KIRA 11-:2) 1. Laningradakiy nauchno-iseledovatellskiv neyrokhiruA-gichegkiy institut imeni prof. A-L-Folenova. (THROMBOANGILTIS OBLITNRANS. blood In prothrombin time) (PROTHROMBIN TIME, in various dis. thromboangiitis obliterans) UTII(AGAlfBF.TQV, H.H., kaLid.geogr.nauk; BEMAND, T.G., kand.geogr.nauk; BZMARMIY, Sh.A., kand.fiz.-matem.nauk; BAYDAL, M.Kh., kand. geogr.nauk; KUZMSOV, A.T., kand.geogr.nauk; CHUMKOV, L.A., doktor geogr.nauk; SITYMA, Yu.G., mladshiy nauchnyy storudnik; UTISM, A.S., kand.geogr.nauk; GOLITSBERG. I.A., doktor geogr. nauk; OVA, Z.D., starshiy nauchnyy sotrudnik; MISHIKOVA Y 2j4,,. mladBhiy nauchnyv sotrudnik; GELIMGOLITS. N~J" sf~isqy nauchn" sotrudnik; PRMOROV, I.I.. starshiy nauchayy sotrudnik; TKACHEUKO, N.S.. mladahiy nauchnyy sotrudnik; VIM OV . L.P.. red.; BRAYNINA. H.L. EClimate of Kazakhstan] Klimat Kazakhstana. Pod red. A.S.Ute- shava. Leningrad, Gidrometeor.izd-vo. 1959. 366 p. (MM 13:5) 1. Russia (1923- U.S.S.R.) Glavnoye upravleniye gidrometeoro- logicheskoy sluzhby. 2. Kazakhskiy pedegogicheskiy institut (KazPI) (for Utimagambetov). 3. Glavnaya goofizicheskaya observa- toriya im. A.I.Voyeyko7a (GGO) (for Berlyand, Golltsberg). 4. Ka- zbkhskiy nauchno-issladovatellskiy gidromateorologicheakiy insti- tut KazNIGKI) (for Bezverkhniy, Baydal, Kuznetsov. Uteshev, Kly- kova, Menshikove, Gellmgollts, Prokhorov. Tkachenko). 5. Insti- tut geografii Akademii nauk SSSR (IG AN SSSR) for Shvyreva). (Kazakh6tan--Climate) ~j, ~.,,-Lty of the spring melting of snow in moun'u-no. Sbor.; rab. ; " droi.. no.1-158-11-49 1.59. 15~iW 1. Ir)st0.,it All Kazakhsk ., ~',-Ivallaya Almaatinh-, Valiey"-.7hawing~) N 6 IV ' Yl 11h ' / r- 17' MMIHSIKOVA, Ye.A. Coefficient of precipitation preservation at the begioning of thaw- ing in mountain regions. Trud7 KazMIGHI no.11:101-102 ~59- (MIRA 13:6) (Traas-Ilt Ala-Tau--Saow) I-ENISHIKOVA, Ye.A. melting in the plans regions of Kazakhstan. Tndy Spring snow Kaz.NIGI-a no.16:69-,,.! 161. (MIRA 15 4 5) (Kazakhstan--Thawirzg)