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S/02 62/1 i,vest-i, of hi-h-7) r`ty... B1 1 9YD1 44 Q -u . tests t-- agents mentioned were made under condition3 effectin,~ a reaction of zero order. The dissolution rate constant for Sc of bo~~-. de- 1- ,,rees ol' T)urity was 0.75 mg-l'cm-2-min-g-eq at 250C for H SO and ""Cl, and 2 4 5-015 for IIINO 3* According to calculations, the activation ener~;-f of the dissolvinE process was 9.0 � 0.2 kcal/g-eq. SC reacts very slowly aitlh -':aO!T solutions of more than 1&/-,. From 97 - 99-5,~u, t;,"e PurJtY of t"Ie sp.:I~jfl 11L3 a- much stronger effect on the physical than on the che'.Tical of Sc. There are 4 figures and 2 tables. The most i.-.,,portan-L' reference is: F. H. SpeddinC, A. H. Daane, G. Warkefield, !).2n,nison, Trans. .1"Ietallurg. Soc. 216, no. 4, 608 (196o)'. -SK'7*.'--r'IO,Y: .:osIxovskiy gosudarstvennyy universitet im. 1,-. lomc- a i V. -os-,v, (j."oscow State University imeni IM. V. Lomonosov)' S-, -2 E'D january 12, 1962 Card 2/2 ACCESSION NR; A24019503 5/0078/64/009/003/0766/0767 AUTHORS: I'len1kov, A.A.; Komiscarova, L.I. ...-- _--- ........... - ____ TITL'"*: X-ray Inve3tigation of scandlum iodide SOURCE: Zhurnal neorg. khImIL,, v.9. no.3, 1964, 766-767 TOPIC TAGS: scandium Iodide, preparation, structure, x ray analysis, density ABSTW.CT: Anhydrous scandium Iodide was prepared by heating a 10% ex- cess of metallic scandium with Iodine at 7000 in a quartz ampoule un- til violet iodine vapors disappeared. X-ray study showed that Sc13 crystallizes In a rhombohedral lattice with the following parameters: a = 7.939 * 0.00 Xx Mx = 1/1.00202 2) a - 20-360 t 0.010 KX, c/a 2.85, z = 6. 323 approximates the FGH3 t;P9 structure and consu- quently is characterized by the R73(Cs'&) Fedorov group. $013 density5 4atermined by.z-ra7 mathod*is-4-.70 and pyknometrically is 4.63*gm/cia "Authors expreas thanks to L.K. Kovbe and coworkers of the X-ray ana- lytical laboratory for help In the work, OrIg. art. has: I table. Card 1/2 ACCESSION UR: AP4019503 .ASSOCIATION: None SumaTTED: I SAPT63 DATE ACQ: 31 HAX64 ZKOL: 00 $US CODE: PH IFR REP 80V: 002 OTMM:'002 Card 2/2 A,A.; i-N. ....... wl~ - ~--. -1 X - ~- a v d ~lf I :- ~- , ~~ -, -. ex,-~n~ n~- - i0 -- 5 c F--l", " in.~! ". " -. neorF. kfilm. '-, ,T 1 161_ " M ".-"A . , : ~, MZNBKM, B*V.# student V kursa nl;~~". Theory of impact-free unloaders for use in Moscow Basin mines. Hauch.rab.stud. GHSO HGI no.4:25-103 '57. (MTRA 11:11) (Moscow basin--Mine hoisting) (Coal handling machinery) HENIKOV, B.V., aspirant Possibilities of widening the area of using hoisis with a friction puUey. Nauch. trudy, Mosk. inst. radioelek. i gor. elektromekh. no.44:11-27 162. (MIRA 17.9) I asp a rfint SHARANOV-Y'I1SF'II",K NKOP d. tokchn. naul(; MI"~"Y'OV, B~"- YU.P., kan Tapering cff of thO 5hear 3'.ra'?' 4r, P-n fricticn, pulley, linir.g. NaDch. trij-y Moak. irit. radioelek. ! gor. -- (YE elektromekh. no.4-4i2g-33 162. k IFA 1749) DUBDVIK, Konstantin Aqtonovich; t994'KOV, B.V., otv. red.; ABARMRC=t F-1., redAzd-vm; SHKLYAR, S.Ya., tekhn. red. (Increase in the service life of hoisting ropes] Povy- shenie aroka aluzhby pod"emykh kanatov. Moskva, Gos- gortakhizdat, 1962. 88 p. (MIRA 16:7) , (Wire rope) ',d: 14 1 F kan(i. (,V, B. V. ) Determinatic-,. ~7,f ' ~,,; ' I .:,, - a I.' -.- "'. ~ f :,. --- p . r Flektroteknr,'.~'-a 36 1-,- : - I kand. tekhn. nauk I,E, N I J~q ,3,,jj-V Deterndning accelerations and t,;me Gf starting a short-circuited asynchronous engine of a xultiple-rope hoisting machine. Ugoll Ukr. 9 no.12:50 D 165. 04IRA 19: 1) MEN-KOV Gr. External respiration of trained youths during static work. Dokl. na nauch. konf. 1 no.4t7O-73 162. (MIRA 16.8) (Respiration) 1~ , .ME'N I ordinator Formation of an artificial stomach; experimental study. Trudy 11:33-38 160. (YJRA 15:8) 1. Iz kafedry gospitallnoy khirurgii (zav.kafedroy prof. A.M. Aminev) Kuybyshevskogo meditsinskogo instituta. (STOMACTi--SURGERY) (IIITESTINi-iS-TRANSPLANTATIOII) KROL', L.B., doktor tekhn. nauk~ ICEMELMAN, G.N., inzh.; MEN'KOV, N.N., inzh. Fxlerimental study of a component of a steam-to steam intermediate superheatc-r. Meploenergetika 11 no.5;11-18 My 164. (AURA 17;5;' 1. Vse3cy-uznyy teplotekhnlcheskiy Institut. KROLI, L.B., doktor tekhn. nauk; KEWLIMAN, G.H., inzh.; VENIKCV, inz'n.; PAYMUKHIN, V.B., insh. Experimental study of intermediate superheating contfal using steam- to-steam heat exchangars. Teploonargatika 12 no-018-24 Ap 165. (MIRA 180) 1. Vaesoyuznyy toplotakhnicheskiy institut i Zainskaya gosudarstvannaya rayonnaya elek'-I-rostantsiya. MEN' K C) \I, V. POZHIIAYXV, N.N.J AMGZYZV, V.Ta.; MMUNKIT. B.?., doteent, kAndidAt takhnichaskikh nauk; 11 -A-tSent; KOIKU. D.K.. kandidat tekha askikh nauk. Response to H.P.Gorbachav, V,S,Kudrtavtseva, and T.A. Prolovais.69 review of B.I.Truevtsev's book "Mechanical tachnoloey of fibrous materials". Taket.prois. 15 no.l: 50-54 J& 155. (MM 8:2) 1. Zavedayushchiy kafedroy materialovedenlya Klyevskogo takhnologichaskogo Institute, legkoy promyshlennosti (for PozhidAyev). 2.Gl&vW Inshener fabrIkI tekhatchookikh sukon kombinata in, Tallmam (for Sergeyev). 3-Prepoda- vatell leningradskogo tekstillnogo instituta (for Khme- levakiy. I~sn!kov--and Kofman). (Truevtsev. R.I.)(Textile industry) HIRZABIKYAN, R.O.; K011KOVA, K.A. The ability of antibiotics to infiltrate into plants and to naintain their activity against pi7topathogenic microorgm imns. Izv. AN SSSR. Ser. biol. no.6:10-19 U-D '55. (MIRA 9:3) 1. Inatitut genetild Akademil nauk SSSR. (PLUT DISHASH ) (ANTIBIOTICS) MIRZABMANj R,O.; IMISKOVA, K.A. Effect of antibiotics an plants. Trudy, InBt. gen. no.29: 373-378 '62o (MIRA 16:7) (Plants, Effect of antibiotics on) M IKOVA, N.M.; SHAVRINA, R.F., red.; GERASIIIOV, V.F.,, tekhn. red. [Some types of centrifugal, starting., and safety clutches]Ne- kotorye vidy ti3entrobezhnykh puskovykh i predokhranitellnykh muft. Moskva, In-t gornogo dela im. A.A.Skochinsko o. 1961. 30 P. 6A 15:0/) (Clutches (Machinery)) MENIKOVA, N.M., inzh. Design of centrifugal clutches with a fre4 solid filler. Vest. mashinostr. 43 no.80-6 Ag 163. (KM 16:9) (Clutches (Machiri:ary)) MENIKOVA, N.M.. inzh. Changes in the characteristics of a shot-filled clutch with a leading casing. Vest.mashinostr. 44 no.12133-36 D 164. (KRA 18s2) SPITSYN, V.I.., akad., red.; KOLLI,, I.D. , kand. ldlim. nauk, red - ZHELIGOV- SKAYA, N. , kand. khim. nauk ftranslatorl; ME1 IIKOVA, D.,*ftranslatorl* Y PATSUKOVA, N., kand.khim. nauk [trans lAo--r-J-,;"~MF�N- , A., kand. khim. nauk (translatorl- PIYJiYEV, A., kand. khim. nauk- rtranslatorl; ! . nauk ~translatorl; TUROVA, N. [translator]; SE24ENENKO, K., kand. kh:Lm MUYLOVA. G.M., red.; RYBK12TA, V.P., tekhn. red. [Inorganic polymersl Neorganicheskie polimery. Moskva, Izd-vo inostr. lit,-ry, 1961. 470 p. Translations from foreign journals. (MLU 34-13) (Polymers) USSR / Human and Animal Physiology (Normal and Patho- T logical). Bliod. Blood Pressure. Hypertonia Abs Jour: Ref Zhur-Biologiya, No 21, 1958, 0/7529 Author : Mentkova, T N. Inst : Gor'ki Medical Institute Title ; Blood Pressure in Children of School Age Orig Pub: Uch. zap. Gorlkovsk. med. in-tap 1957, vyp 2, 162-168 Abstract% No abstract Card 1/1 MFNIKIIVA, T.N., Cand tiled Sci -- (diss) "On the nroblem of 1,4-,Ll~ll hypertany in i,children atc~ool ageli., Gorlkiy, 1958, 13 i,: (Gorlkiy State Med Inst im S.Y. Kirov) ~00 ro;-ies M, 50-58, 130) - 1,37 - III-YAZOVA, N. il-, -,%I9NKO71cll) M. P. Sprats 11 -~ - 5, 1 lotation washing anri sortinE of sprat." Ryb. Ichoz. 21 no D52. Monthly List of Russian Accessions --v 1952. (*''lNt`,LA56IFiLT). ,, Library of Congress, Octobc 10KOVIGH. SCAT (Kiyev). I ~Books for teachers of mechanical drawing. Politekh. obuch. no.4: 87-89 AP 158. (Bib 1i ography-Mechanical drawing) (MIRA 110) I f\VV CkttWcd c3cipoddon tad nutritive value at wme Utbek- MAhkAinovalut J I= I'm-, I~uT zji. k (T M Llnstj~ Gijicx4iS4xiI.0','Z.N.-4 11 321-4-Anailyses of rnain food clernenti in varkous varicti- ofrice, wheat, am] beans from the area are presented, The bcAn and the r'wc Iwottins are equiv. nutritionally (umm.,c G. XL Kam4APcd 7 AW A:Gv IGH, v - ra - .. I - I Hygienic characteristic of milk from babY food kitcheno in Tar,h.kent. ?ediatriia ao.7:59-6j Jl '57. Olla6 ii-10) (T.6SHK3NT-MILK-ANA LYS Is ,uD EXAMINATIulf) !I CH -Y-.Yaw~-- ~Mzklp Enrichment of some fruit-berr7 and vegetable juiceer with vitamin 0. Kons.i ov.prom. 16 no.1:10-11 Ja 161. (MIRA 13: 12 ) 1. Uzbekskiy nauchno-issladovatel'skiy institut sanitarii, gigiyeny i professionalinykh zavbolevaniy. (Fruit juices) (Vegetable Juices) (Ascorbic acid) IMNIKOVICH,-T.Ya. Vitamin.C content of the canned veoetables of Uzbekistan. Kom i 0 ov.. prom. 16 no.2:9-10 F 161. (MIRA 14-4) 1. Uzbekokiy nauchno-isoledovatel'skiy institut sanitaril, gigiyerly i professionallafth zabolevaniy. (Uzbekistari.-Vogetables-Preservation) (Ascorbic acid) Ixt r 0. L 21701-6-6 ana-Mcc ald ACC NRs XT`60=02 SOURCE CODE--.I UR/317SIFSS/0001025/0009/0015 kciv, V., Aumm ken ORG:~ In stitute 6:F e6physics UFAN SSGR Cinstitut geofix ki UFAN SSSR) TITLE:'. Instrument.fdi~ magnetic' profi ling and probing IV I SOURCE:. LISSR.,Gosudarstvennyy geologicheskiy k6mitet. Os6boye konstruktorskoye byuro. Geofizicheskaya apparatura,,, no. 25, 1965, 9-15, TOPIC-TAGS: 'geophysic instrixftent, seismic pirospecting A3STRACT:. A magnetic probing technique based on measurements of magnetic intensity of ore.excited by~dc current of.a square circuit.-is described. This technique is us- a n ed1for determining the size and depth of an ore deposit.- -Its advantage over existing i-methods include a larger, range of de.tection-.and greater sensitivity. Experiments , show- .1 ed-that -it's sen.sitiv'itv devends upon the square- circuit. The reliability Of 'th' edevice~was improved through the introduction..of a magnetic field pulse. The .output signal was amplified through various1combinations of transformers and by a pho- tocompensating amplifier. Using this.improved technique of magnetic probing, ores were located at._ depths of 120 meters.- The accuracy of the readings was confirmed by actual drilling.' T6, circultry of.the,magnetic:profiling and probing instrumept and Card 1/2 TTU'IMNIKOV,, B.N., tW'KOVBKAYA, N.K.; YAVLINSKIY, M.D. *~ Nitration of vapor-phaas Daraffins. Ukr.khim.chur. 20 no.1:87-92 154. (KLRA 7:3) 1. Ukrainskiy nauchno-iseladovat8l'skiy institut Dishchavoy promysh- lennosti. (Paraff i no )(Nitration) 0000 see 0 a a a 0 4 tic 4~ a a #,t a #-*1@ 0 a 0 6 4 a a a 0 c c 4 0 a - 11 11 L 11 be n A, 11 0 11 1., I AA I* W tt 1; t4 4cia 00 00 06 6 * 0 00 00 IA 0 L3 q 1 1. 1 6 1 1 f k3 (I if 14 to 14 11 W (V a It U 11.9 00 rims. V/ Mm" 00 A rcvL-W fit the In Imm tha point of v 1hr s*Jfw industry i 00 041 C. z J *0 Ir 0 U LIND 141711 1411311 MIS 64 0v is IV '1 44 41 4, A- I - I A& QCC M ff1 4 Ig caur atic At. A. Ift-akav I coaff. Ply 2. thods ezialux AM Uwd in ptacticle -00 w of 21w plob1cm of develaptacut of the 11. 4. S. R - -00 -00 zoo Cos 00 see coo ve 0 zoo ~00 ves a I k a&ITALLIAGIC&L LittRAT011 (LAWOKA1110ft - , i-I - U a At b W-i 11-4-1 A66 rx, Lt9 ff CY If LT OF dC K it K 91 of ft (c I i tn. ado Ili--w* d"a 0 0 a 0 * 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0.0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 * 0 1 0 0 0 00 0 0 0 0 0 to 0 000 Oi 6 404o * 0 O'~~ - __ is 0 4 c W 0" 4 4 1 6 1 1 0 IV 11 11 it W IV 4 11 4 It a I 1i nun All-MMIR3 It U U W b is U is 0 4 0, tj IV or* r- L__1_ I C-L - I - 1, " 14 cr W M 4 4 IL 00 Saltsur "d cWtut ". 1. V. 14alwbInAd god-M-A.-- .00 of k(rVoko, Y'real, loll. U44'rral (U. 14. S. U.) so 00 to-yelle Vof-14LU, t7l~-"-rhc wuA J thot Imtatuee .00 on the cecovitry (A al am U(Ification of dotation 1-distal 00 8j. Of Pytitex to HIASM, Producticit also bckdy feriewed. rut 00 betist crusits in the petoductitto, of S. for,m%SA %. sr"v al,tatned With, hostaxite ontlity" am C Go Co. 1116 Bloom we" 00 r Imc4 front LVS, M and H.S. and CO was completely -00 uzWiwd by a tireatinerst at *04W with Sol or ILh. 'n&e mill. cwtaivecl St. COt. No and Uttle Soo (ask) C.5i ISO j COS and H.S, (tam which .8, VMS PP(d. h the 00 a torgansicar (Locurts, Hanciall And Itichovisky. C. A. 11. Usto) 06 A combined method Vows 4evet-9ml for cWtUttittas I mold . 416 j tie So (was docatflas Pyritev, in 2 C(N altu.. Itusubta the M h t 4 i b S d SC S 00 tst . uvc. e met uc . as 4 avA re h to Ft ng recovery of So how S am is based on subbanitm in CO, + 00 No atua. Etanotak and cam. advacitages of trAng pyrites 0 00 Z dotation taitiop im gencratittg 50,, for the H.SO. p"l- dLKtka we disocuseed. The otoorn obtsomed as a by- 0 11c"luct It sufficktit for the fecimmments of the 11ah .0* of production. Some features tit an hiteet,ifit-d IWOa two- 0 0 ductica am given. Chat. BLAM zoo .400 .00 tL. ' 0 ro U_ 00 . 41 . . . 1, . Otto M, "'IJ.41401 1 a rw 0 1 0 S. I A 3 1, e, to 1. so W IN At it so if (I M If 144 % 8 0 10 : 0 10 0 4 IS Ca 6 0 6 4 0 0 ~ 'A 11 It 11 W ts 1$ 11 a 4 Ila Da a ftIyxmt1jjf U It ld A" ~1 L 4 J.0 14"11% ?-7 -1WOMIUlAtItIll 41 tWO gWfUf $Ad blt=tttg (D COM11149ii8d ' ' guf and V. N . M. At,_.~fvq_kovskd, L. A. Kiwl - ft 00 kI ova. Za%xxfjkTy4 Ldh. 6, 3'j4-7(1937).--In the 00 a &m. (it 8 in ufts and iu Crude S derived (Turn them, the , 0 Iwo mulls 'Arli, Ollaillrd by 1114- 41110tv IlIVIII(id; % 11~ 0 , 110) . ,. 0o 8 NitOll. I he Nj,~Yh I, their drid. kidottictri. oo El l vAlly. Introduce 0.5 C. of t~wd. Lample Into it 501-m 0 Ilask, wet with a litilt alo.. add 2,00 cc. of .0% Xa,,Ws.7- 11.0 and feftux until all the 8 to dlutilvvd. Whet. wash the reidue fiev frotti the %"%0, and treat the ututed MITaLe Aild wa*h water% with 10 cv. of 44U% thl. thc -111. to Uio ce.. ShAc WC11, withdraw Mi cc.. 44141 a Icw dropb of plictiolpliAhalcin and CA,,css of 10 i:e. of to(,-. A,01L and titrate with 0.1 X I in the prescricr of starch oln. One (v. of 0.1 N I - 0.0"32 X. S. For thi, dctu. G( l'itunims, rrmo%v S by rdluxing a ,-g. &unple with -)it) v- of 15% Noa~';-WLO (or Wash the ivxiduc with 11,0, ifirts dty at roorn truip. and ext. in a i Soxhlo alip. for I hr. with C1110 or A mixt. uf 41C. gad P~ CqUo. After cvapx. the solvent. work up the residue with Me* I(Cf. 111CU dfY in a VACUUM dcsitCAtol Alid weigh. chas. Blarse a S L A 44TALUAGICAL L1Tt4AT6*9_CLAS%IFICATfGM -as- U a W 0 14 Is U 0 -00 T 'w ow a W9 a to, 0 at a 0 0 a 0 ore 0 0~4 0 0 4 0 0 Is 0 9 0 0 0 0 1.00 Z:049 Cie 0 see 0 -to a t4m I V M-11OVSK1 fp 114. A # Na~ive sulfur. Moskva, Gos. nauch.-tekhn. izd-vo khim. lit-ry, 1949. 207 p. (50-25587) A TN890.M45 d al., ~chcskjt arma uglef Coal).- ,'%!a cow, '1952. 159 pp. MMOVSKIY. M.A.. (Ghemical processing of coal] Xhimichesimis, tekhnologita uglia. Koskva, Ugletekb1zdat, 1953. 70 P. (HLHA 7: 8) (coal) MRMOVSKIY, M. A. I ,C: 614.89 - V5 Vvedeniye v lditmicheskiy analizugley (11:ochestvermyy I kolicb,~-stvennyy analiz) (Introduction to the chemical analysis of coal (Qualitative and quantitative) by) 11-1. A. I-lenkovskiy, N. A. -etrov, i A. A. Flodin. '-Ioskva, TJgletekhiadat, 1954. 238 P. Diagrs., Tables. PMOV. N.A.. [deceaesdj; LITTIN, K.I.; CHERHAVSKIY, D.S. Reciprocal solubilit7 of bromine, h7drobromic acid and water. Zhur.neorg.khtm. I no.7:1658-1664 Jl '56. (HLEIA 9:11) 1. Moskovskiy gorn" institut, Kafedra khtnii. (Bromine) (H7drobromic acid) ICONKOVSKIY, M., profeasor-doktor. ~ Chemistry in coal mining. Kaot.uglia 5 ao.1:23-24 Ja '56. MU 9:5) 1. 7,aveduyuahchiy kafodroy khimit Moskovskogo gornogo institute, imeni Stalina. (Coal preparatioa)(Coal mines and mining--Equipment and supplies) MMMOVSKIY, Mikhail Abramovich., prof dolctor tekhn.nauk; RYKOV. N.A.. - otvetstvennyy redo; GARBER, T.U., red.izd-va; AIADOTA, Ye.I., tekhn. redo [Chemical technology of coal] Khimicheskaia tekhnologiia uglia. Izd. 2-oe. ispr. i dopo Hoakva. Ugletekhizdat. 1957. 97 P. (Coal) (MIRA 11:5) SOV/137-58-9 -18436 Translation from: Referativnyy zhurnal, Metallurgiya, 1958, Nr Q p 35 (USSR) AUTHORS: Gordon, S.A. A, TITLE: On the Reduction of Ferric Sulfate With Coal (0 , osstanw lenii uglem sul'fata okisi zheleza) PERIODICAL: Sb. nauchn. rabot. Mosk. gorn. in-t, 1957, Nr 1, pp 49 ~52 ABSTRACT- Ref. RZhMet, t957, Nr 9, abstract 16427 1. Iron sulfates--Reduction 2. Coal--Performance Card 1/1 GORDCH, S.A.: MENKOVSKIT N.A. Carbon reduction of iron sulfates. Zhur. neorg. lehim. 2 no.1:30- 33.Ja 157. (PaRA io:4) (Iron sulfates) (Reduction, Chemical) doktor khim.nauk; SPANDVSKIT, T.S., dots.. kand.okon.nauk.; SUKHAMOV. A.F., prof., doktor tekhn.nauk Basic problems in the complete utilization of coal ia the economy of the U.S.S.R. ITauch.dokl.vys.shkoly-. gor.delo. no.4:251-253 1 58. (MIRA 12--l) 1. Predstavleno Mookovskim Gornym institutom imeni I.V. Stalina. (Coal--By-products) (Coal gasification, Underground) AUTHORS: Gordon, S. A., Tolkov, K. Yu., Menkovskil, Id.-. A. 307/'1-58-4-11/ 1 71 TITLE: On the Forms of Germanium Content in Coal (0 formakh soderzhuniya germaniya v ugle) PERIODICAL:' Geokhimiya, 1V5d, Nr 4, PP. 384 - 386 (USSR) ABjTRACT: Brown coal, the dull part (durite), the bright part (vitrite) and a concentrate served as well us nineral coal (gas- and coking coal) for the investigation. The coal samples are characterized in a table (bitumen A, humic acids, mineral contents, germanium content of the ash). Bitumen was extracted in the "Sokslet" apparatus with an alcohol-benzene mixture. Then the humic acids were extracted by repeated working with a 1~6 soda lye ~bolilng slightly for b hours). The solved substt~,nces were separated by centrifuging (25 000 revolutions in 10 minutes). The pit coals were washed out with soda lye with an addition of hydro,,.,en peroxide. The germanium contents of the various extructions are given in a table in their absolute values and in per cent Card 112 Furthermore, the dependence of the extraction velocity of On the Forms of Germanium Content in Coal SOV/(-5b-4-11/13 germanium on the vitrite content of the coal, the extraction of germanium with humic acids, and the dependence of the solubility of germanium on the formation. of soluble humic acids in pit coals were calculated. Hence follows that germanium occurs in two forms in the investigated coalst (quantitative data in Table 6): 1) As g,2rmaniura humate, connected with the organic mass. 2) In the mineral admixtures. There are b tables and 5 references, 2 of which are Soviet. ASSOCIATION: Moskovskiy gornyy institut im. I. V. Stalina (Moscow Mining Institute imeni 1. V. Stalin) 3U3ih*ITTSD: September 29, 1957 1. Germanium--Determination 2. Germanium--Sources 3. Germanium --Separation 4. Coal--Chemical analysis Card 212 A. H=V=.'ET. -K., prof.; GORWIW, S., starshir cauchnyy sotrudnik. . Chemistry and coal. Mast. U91. 7 ne.U.,22-23 If 158. (MIRA 11:12) 1,Zavedu,vuahdhi.v kafedroy khimli Maskovskoge gornego instituta. imeni Stalina. (for Mankovski7). (Coal) (Chemistry, Technical) A/ V/ MWAIII10 It RENOTiDFUE MINKE M PACC.FAIIHLIE XIEMEnTU a Yrile gtr ammeMl M& 'Pllf-d Cb-d-U7 ft Ot Cbmls" WA of rwim, phl. %I A". Got. ma,=rMloc, #A be , , , A mwttame q3qwv~. HENKOVSKIY, Hikbail Abramovich; FLODIN, Aleksey Alekseyevich; SMIVANOV, V.L.. GAR MR, T.N.. red. izd-va; MIINSKAYA, G.I., (Analytical chemistry and technical analysis of coalej Ansli- ticheakaia khimiia i tekhnicheakii analiz uglei. Moskva, Ugle- tekhizdat, 1959. 335 P. (MIRA 12:11) (Chemistry, Analytical) (Coal--Analysis) 5(2) AUTHORS: ?Aenkovskiy, 'M. A., Aleksandrova, A. N. SOV/32-25-2-17/78 F1_ TITLE: An Accelerated Method for the Determination of 'Germanium in the Ashes of Coal Minerals (Uskorennvy metod opredeleniya germaniya v zole iskopayemykh ugley) PERIODICAL: Zavodskaya Laboratoriya, 1959, Vol 25, Nr 2, p 161 (USSR) ABSTRACT: In the method described the coal sample is fused by heating in phosphoric acid and treated with hydrochloric acid; then the germanium chloride which has formed is distilled off and the germanium is determined colorimetrically with phenol fluorone. In comparison with the analogous analysis of ores by Strickland (Ref 1) twice as much phosphoric acid and no nitric acid is used in the present case. Coal samples (brown coal, types D, G, PZh, K, and PS) were determined by the method described and at the same time by a method in which the decom- position was performed in a mixture of hydrofluoric acid and sulfuric acid. A comparison (Table) of the results showed a remarkable agreement. In the presence of larger quantities of chloridoo (more than 10,A) loonea of frormanitim may occur in tho fusion process, as was shown by I. P. Alimarin and B. N. Ivanov- Emin (Ref 2) in the case of the hydrofluoria acid - sulfuric Card 1/2 acid mixture. Duration of analysis by the method described: An Accelerated 'Method for the Determination of SOV/32-25-2-17/78 Germanium in the Ashes of Coal Minerals ASSOCIATION: Card 2/2 1.5 hours. There are I table and 3 references, 2 of which aro Soviot. 11oskovskiy gornyy institut im. I. V. Stalina ('Joscow Mining Institute imeni I. V. Stalin) MIKOVSKIY, M.A,, prof., doktor tekhn.nauk Compl6te utilizattin of the substance c-,ntained In coal and some nonferr')us metal ores. Nauch. trudy MOI n,,.27:5-12 '59. (MIRA 14:6) (Coke iridustry--By-products) (Nonferrous metal industries--By-products) SURMILO, Grigoriy Vasilyevich; KIRZHIM, David Hironovich; KENKOVSKIT, -,-.MikbaU..Aj~;a=Qyich; GOLUBTATNIKOVA. G.S., red.izd-va., GAWOTA, V.V., LGhemical industr7 and mining] Xhimichaskaia i gornaia pro- myshlannoat'. Koskva, Gos.aauchno-talchn.W-vo lit-ry po gornomu delu. 1960. 76 p. (KIRA 1317) (Chemical industries) Mass and mineral resources) e! KOKOVSKIT Mikhail Abramovich, prof.; MINGIR, I.L.,; GARBER, TA. redAi-d---Ya-.-3 ~ffSKATA, L.Sh.,; LOKILINA, L.H.,, [Chemistry in coal mining] Xhimiia v ugol'noi promyshlennoeti. Moskva, Gos.nauchno-takhn.izd-vo lit-ry po gornomu dolu. 1960. 151 P. (MIRA 13:5) (Coal mines and mining) (Chemistry, Technical) SOKOLOVj A $.I hqWKOVS4n.,-_H.A.; BORISOV~ V.M.; SERGEYEVA, N.A., red. W- va; IY 'AV; te.S.,, tekbn, redo [Industry's requirements as to quality of mineral raw materials) Trebovaniia promyeblennosti k kacheotvu minerallnogo syrfia; spravochnik dlia geologov, Isd,2,, poer, Mo&7ap Goes nauabno- tekbn. iad-vo lit-ry po geol. i okhrane nedr. N0.41. [Native mifurl Samorodnaia ierae Hauabnt red* VeMeBorisove 1961. 42 P. (MIRA 1402) 1, Hoscow, VessoyumW nauchno-issladovatel8skly institut mineral'- nogo 97r'yao (Slaft-r) , MIKOVSM, ~Ukhajl Ab_ramoviph, doktoz' takhn. nauk, prof.; MITROIFANOVO 14.1., Otv. red.; OVSEYEUKO, V.G., tekhn. red. SABITOV, A.,, tekhn. red. [ComPlete utilization of fuels and no=etallic minerals] Kom- plekanoe ispolIzovanie goriuchikh i nerudnykh iskopaerrykh. Moskva, Gosgortekhizdat, 1962. 146 p. (MIRA 15:6) (Mineral industries) MENKOVSM, 14. 0 - CHURBAKOV, V.F. Simplified quantitatt" X-ray diffraction determination of firee silicic acid in rocks,, Zav.- lab. 28 no.9:1102 162. (MIRA 16:6) 1. Moskovskly orrqy institut. Nilicic acid) (I rays--Diffraction) blEMOVSKIYY M.A.; GORDON, S.A.; NURM.INSKIY, N.N.; ANTYKOV, A.P.; KIZAS, , -AA4.1 USACHEVA, N.I. Exchange of experience. Zav.lab. 28 no.11:1321 162. (MIRA 15:11) 1. Mbskovskiy gornyy institut (for 149nkovskiy, Gordon, liurminskiy). 2. Hauch;iyy institut po udobreaiyam i insektofigisidam imeni Ya.V.Samaylova (for Kizas, Usachava). (Chemistry, Analytical) S/02 62/144/002/021/028 B1 01 YB1 44 AUTHORS: Menkovskiyj M. A., Gordon, S. A., and Churbakov, V. F. TITLE: Interaction of iron oxide with germanium dioxide PERIODICAL: Akademiya nauk SSSR. Doklady, v. 144, no. 2, 1962, .767-370 TEXT: The interaction of Fe 20 3 with GeO 2' which bears upon problems associated with the geochemistry, chemistry, and technology of germanium, was studied by coprecipitation with Na0H or NE4 OH at molar ratios of Fe203 : GeO 2 - 4 : 1 (1); 3 -. 2 (11); 2 : 3 (111); and 1 : 4 (IV). The Ge content was determined in the filtrate and wash-water which contained no iron. Results: At IV, 90.4 and 94-1~6 of Ge were coprecipitated with NaOH (a) and NH OH (b), respectively; at III, 96.9~a with a, and 97-18% 4 with b; at 11, 99-72% with a, and 99.81% with b; at 1, 99.86% with a, and 99.96% with b. Thermograms and X-ray patterns of the precipitates-dried at 105-110 OC were recorded. Results: (1) The thermogram of pure Fe2o 3 displays dehydration effects at 150-200 0C, and an exothermic effect at Card 1/ 3 S/02 62/144/002/021/028 Interaction of iron oxide ... B101 YB144 -5000 C, which, as confirmed by X-ray analysis, corresponds to the crystallization of a-Fe 2031 but GeO2 showed only two dehydration effects in the range of 100-2000C. (2) Precipitate IV showed dehydration effects at 200-2300C and exothermic effects at 620 and 6JOOC. The X-ray pattern of the sample calcined at 6200C showed Ge02 lines and aloo.linea of a new phase, and, after calcination at 6201C, new lines differing from those of GeO2 and Fe203* The formation of 2Fe 2 03' 7GeO2is assumed. (3) Precipitate III displayed dehydration effects at 200 and 4000C, exothermic effects at 610 and 6800C, and decomposed at 9100C. 2Fe 20 3* 3GeO 21 which forms in the range of 630-6800c, decomposes into 2Fe 203* 7GeO 2and Fe203 at 900-9100C. (4) The thermograms of precipitates III and I are similar. Here again, 2pe203* 3GeO2forms (at 740-BIOOC in the case of III, and at about 1000C lower than this range in the case of I) and decomposes into 2Fe 20 3' 7GeO2 and Fe 203at 910-915OC- (5) The X-ray patterns of mixtures of dry oxides (calcined at 700 and 9000 C, 6-12 hrs) displayed only the li-S a of Fe2'0 3 and GeO 2' and their thermograms showed onlydehydration affects. -Card 2/3 5/02oj62/144/002/021/028 Interaction of iron oxide ... B101/B144 Hence, dry oxides do not react with one a nother. There are 4 figures and 2 tables. ASSOCIATION: Moskovskiy gornyy institut (Moscow Mining Institute) PRESENTED: January 9, 1962, by S. I. Vollfkovich, Academician SUBMITTED: January 7, 1962 Card 3/3 HOTLMKIY, H.A.; AISKSAMROVA, A.N. Using the acid demineralization method under reducing conditions for determining the characteristics of germanium compounds in coals. Dokl. AN SSSR 146 no,4:868-870 o 162. (MIRA 15:11) 1. Hoskovskiy gornyy institut. Predstavleno, akademikom S.I. Vollfkovichem. (Germanium compounds) (Coal) (Pyrites) CMEHKOVSKIYIJ~.A. ; GORDON, S.A.; KAZXITSEVA, K.I. Some data on the germanium distribution in the oxidation zone of a coal seam. Dokl.AN SSSR 148 no.4019-920 F 163. (MIRA 16:4) 1. Mookovskiy gornyy inatitut. Predstavleno akademikom D.I. Shcherbakovym. (Germanium) FUTILOVA, Iya Nikolayevna; LETMIT, Grigoriy Yefimovich; iiAYTSYN, Genrikh Aleksandrovich; 1-01KOYSUY, Mikhail Abranovich; KROT0%, Ivan Vasillye-,rich; LOSEV, Boris Ivanovich; STUXOVN.Ul,, N.D., red. [Course in general chee,3try] Kurs obshchei khiinii. [By] I.N.Futilova i dr. Moskva, Vysshaia shkola, 1964. 444 p. (INI RA 18: 1) CPMBAKOV,, V,F.; GORDION, S.A.; Synt-hesis of ferrows-ferric oxide containing bivalent Geckhimiia no.5.-483-485 ~~y 164. (~aRA 18:7) 1. Moskovskiy institut radicelek-troniki i gornoy elektromekhanlki. ~sgm- ACCESSION NR: AP4029190 9/0078/64/C)09/004/0917/0920 AUTHOR: Gordon, S. A.; Menkovokiy, M. A,; Churbakov, V. F,, TITLE: Interaction of ferrous oxide and germanium dioxide SOURCE: Zhurnal neorganicheskoy khiniii, v. 9, no. 4, 1964, 917-920 TOPIC TAGS: divalent germanium ion, oxidation reduction reaction, excitation potential, atomic radius, germanium, iron, divalent germanium Loa stability, spincl. structure, F,eOjGeO sub 2, thermal stability ABSTRACT: The possibility of the, exjst~ncc of divalent errmanium tons and of the oxidation-reduction reaction 2Fe+3 + Ge 2 - r.- 2Fe 41 + cc 44 was evaluated. Comparison of the eiicitation potentials and atomic radii of Fe and Gi indicates the existence o~,,GefZ is not only entirely possible but that th,c Ge 4. ion can be as stable as Fe . The interaction of- mixtures of the dry reactantu FcO and Ge02 as well as coprecipitation of the hydrate of FeO with Ge02 results in an end product having a spinel structure which decompones at 900-1000 C to form rhombo- hedric alpha-Fe203' X-ray data are given. The theraml stability of this 113 Card ACCESSION RR: AP4029190 F00.GeO 2 spinel ia much higher than of the FeO.Fe203apinel (figs. 1, 2). 1 t-. I suggested the partial reduction 2FeO -+ GeO 2 ~ Fe203 v GeO and 0ic isomorphic substitution of the divalent Ge for the divalent Fe takes pia,e: FeO .-~GeO + Fe203 - (Fe,Ge)O.Fe,03, Orig. art. has: 3 tables and 2 figures. ASSOCIATION: Moslcovskiy instLtut radioclektronilci L gornoy elektrormekhaniki (MoscGw InatiCute of rodioclectronics and Mining Electromechanics) SUM41=D: 2lJan63 DATE ACQ: 29Apr64 ENCL: 01 SUB CODE: GC NO REF SOV: 005 (M[ER: 002 213 Card ACCESSION NRs AP4029190 tv Fig. 1. Themogram of mixture of FeO and Ge02 (1:1) ENCLOSURE: 01 get Fig. 2. Thermogram of mixture of PeO and Fa203 (1:1) Card 3/3 j D'~. 0iX,5,/I6b/=/032/0Q32/qTj4 AMMS101.1 NR 00 3.059 it AIJI 711ont Gordon.,.. So A'.-; Eenkovskiyj, M Eler, V; R9, 1-1runn- cha_"aot~rlzetian- of -genmanium-in cyndes -and, asphaltitas :Lmiya :L teldmolog .iy.a topliv i Ma .eol.,/no, 12P 1 crude petro1etim :-petrolewn refinsu roduct r TOPIC -TAGS. gei anJnh,.,- i_1~1-listr&ct: Inview of the almost total lo s of germanium in thet a mple as -the i n'ti. of petroleum, g i (in of the mazut obtained ~by.evaporating.th6~:crude~ the-authors propose&.~a procedur or determining"- germanium-in4etroleiim: *r--petro-leuu;~,prodiic_ts, -oonsisting-:of -.mixing- the- --with an oxidizin-mixtur rate a- netrcil e-um --prodiact e- MUnganic nit nd manga- -ide by slow oxidation or the sample__until complete nese di'ox decolorization of the mixture; 'the.residue-is then dissolved. in 10% Sul- ~~urio a7cid-, iron Lammonium alum i4 dded- &'nd ferric byAroxide is precipi- amm Mia (the germaniiim quantito-tively coprecipitrates with it tated wi th o -filtered ashed and germanium tetrachloride is distilled I the residue iz 1',off"'folloved-by clorimetric detemination with pheaylfluorone.- Germanium -encountered in practically all ;ractions of petroleum n poundn- are Cced GORDON, S.A.; K-47,ANTSZVA, K.I.; MZNK0VSKIY, M.A. Some characteristics of germani= accumulation in 7F-T.-,,s zones of coal oxidation. Geokhimila no.7:864.-869 Tl 165. (MIRA 18-.11) 1. Moskovskly institut radioelektroniki i gornoy elektromekhaniki. Submitted October 17, 1964. MENIKOVSKIY, T.N.; VOLKOV, A.S. rl-iinforein.- well walls by freezing. Razved. i okh. ned-r 30 no.12i 46-14.8 D 164. (,14TFA 18-4) KLDWT, V.; HROMEC, A.; MNIMA, R. ThromboembeHe disease in gynecology and obstetrics. Cask. gyn. 28 n&.4:217-218 Fq 163. 1. Gyn. par. odd. Mestakej nemocnice a 2 pol-iklinikou v B Bratislav4- vaduci doe* dr. V. Kliment. Int. odd. Meatskaj nemocnice ; 2 poliklinikou v Bratislava, veduci doe. dr. K. Holoman. fOMMOLOGY) (THRMIBOMABOLISM) PREGNANCY COMPL., CARDIOVASCULAR) KLIMENT, V.; R.; HROMEC, A. Comments 0m the etiopathogenesis and diagnosis of thromboi- ambolic disease in gynecology and obstetrics. Cask. gyn. 28 no.4:222-224 MY 163. 1. 11 int. odd. Mastskaj nemocnice a 2 poliklinikou v Bratislava, veduci doe. dr. K. Holoman I gyn.-por. odd. Mestskaj nemocnie s 2 poliklinikou v Bretislave, veduci doe. dr. V. Kliment. (THRONBOEMBOLISM) (GYNECOLOGY) (PULMONARY EMBOLISM) (DIAGNOSIS, DIFFER101TIAJ) Lj r-mued Cyclis na. ez ek aki -L h -47 chbim, rrilatn' aii admo 1-titottopic It 015 mg rrf~) (0 . , , Pnd x-imdiatisn Che fitumm erg-AR13m reafts with,ruMk de. M. !on of url~ acid amd 11~0~y. mve Im ku-.~YfF~3 and c3cm jl~ -zj IIIII-1,F15711TIA., R.A. Atomova enerria a zdravie. (Atomic EnerF-- an-~ lliealt.h.) ~rat-',la%,a Slov. ustav zdravot. osvety, 195". 27 D. Vol. 26 of the series 7-Ir-vntni;.-kp aktuality (ContemnoraT-, pr ollems of health). The book conce trates mainly on ha-mflil effe,-ts of radiation not. or.'--. durinF explosions of atomic boribs, but also in oe,-.ceflil uses of ~itoriic energy. 7ibliorraficky katalog, CSR, Slovenske khih,,, Vol. VTII. 105'7. No-Q. n '7 ..2.6. I -=M111t, -1 .1 4 1 1 . Some poss'--'~illtles of -i s'-7--ipllfic ' us of P-crameters. in or -~ev t.-) t~.n economical oTr--ration o-l' hy3roelectric-pouor : lr.nts. P. 14'5, (Stro.ilnooleldrot~,chii~-clic~r C-.sopLs) ':ol. P, no. -~, - :"", C i So: v.onthlr Index olf East European Ace-,-qic)-,~F ',, "o. 12- '1"Ovc:--~r MENMA, Vladimir, inz. Unfavorable influences on the measurement properties of a screw water meter. Stroj cas 13 no.21l23-135 162. 1. Vyakumny ustav energeticky, Bratislava. MENKYNA, Vi., inz. Conditions for optimum starting and shutting-off of water- power plants. Bul EGU no. 6:5-9 163. MNMIA., Vl&dJliiiri, inz. (Bratislava) Liquid qu+ ity flowmeter. Energetikn Cz 13 no.12:679 D "3- C, RENKYNA, Vladimir, inz. Complete coordination criteria for the opt_irlu-_ distribution of generation, optimu;n time for starting and cutting off the operation of hydroelectric power plants in a combined power system. Stroj cas 15 no. 1:66-76 164. 1. Vyskumny ustav energeticky, Bratislava. OKOLOVICII, S.; KM,- A For rapid and organized daliver7 of grain from remote procurement points. Muk.-elev.prom. 21 n0-11:3-4 K 155. kMLELA 9:4) l.Kinisterstvo avtomobilOnege transporta i shossey-n7kh doreg SSSR. (Grain-Transportation) OKOIA)VICH.S.; MFM,A. Proper organization of truck transport for hauling sugar beets. Avt.transp-33 no.9:10-12 S155. (KTJ?A 8:12) (Smar beete-Transportation) tMi. A.; OKOLOVICH. S. Transport grain for remote places in good time and without losses. Avt.transp. 33 no.11:9-11 N '55. (KLEA 9:3) (Grain--Transportation) MAKSIVIOV, A.;-HENN, A. _ CentralizinF Avt.transp. MM 9 A * automotive freivir-t transportation in railroa-d functions. 39 no.9:14-17 S 161. (M~ 14:9) (Transportation, Automotive) Improve the freight and 04mrlercial work In public automotive transport organizations. Avt.transp.34 no.5:11-13 My 156. (Transportation, Automotive) (MIRA 9:9) MFM. A., inzhaner. 4,~~ %- !.;r, i-~~ . Eliminate lost time of trucks delivering new g7ain. Kuk.-elev. prom.22 to.7:3-5 JI 156. (MIRA 9:9) (Graix--TransportatioR) 1. ~E N 1 7 f. . . Fnr thp welfare of T,&n. Av~. '.ransr. 4-1 n-,.9:l,-,-12 .-~ ' S 5 . ~ "-f : -~~; is : 9 ') l. Ministerstvo avt-mcbA'noe,i 'ranspp-rt.a 1 srosseynykh dorog F -'- F~; F. , USSR/Geology, - Stratigraphy' J4w/Feb'50 Paleontology "Development of Biostratigraphy in the Stalin ~Five-Year Plans,". V. V. Menner, 5 pp "It. Ak Nauk SSSR, Ser Geol" No 1 'Generally discusses theoretical pri-nciples or blostratigraphy and micropaleontology, and criticizes delay in eradication of old- ideas, ("'tiniversalY stratigraphic scales, etc.). :Studies during five-year plans have revealed error of classical biostratigraphical vorke in underestimating importance of facialanalWa:W 156T,36 USSR/Geology - Stratigrapby (Contd) Jan/Feb 50 and,in failing to consider variability of in. dividual complexes in time and space in depend- ence upon actual geological background. am 156,236