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126-3-25/34 Influence of the changes in the equilibrium degree of inversion with temperature on the thermal capacity of a spinel. (Coat.) ZnFe 0 since it is known that for k > 0 this ferrite becoiet'ferromagnetic and in this case the characteristic of the heat capacity is affected basically by the change in the magnetic energy. King (6) gives data on the heat capacity of CaFe 204 and CaFe2 05 for which heat capacity anomalies were observed in the temperature ranGe 150-390 K but no data are available on the structures of these crystals. Acknowledgments are made to A. N. Orlov for his comments and useful advice. (Note: This is a full translation except that eq.(2), p.545, has not been copied; in this equation 0 and m are elasticity Card 5/5 coefficients). There are 6 references, 3 of which are Slavic. SUBMITTED: February 28, 195?. ASSOCIATION: Sverdlovsk Agricultural Institute. (Sverdlovskiy Sellskokhozyaystvennyy Institut). AVAILABLE: Library of Congress M', A.R. ; ORLOT, A.R. Binding energy theor7 of transition metal oxides. Isal. po zharopr. splav. 3:364-371 158. (MIRA 11:11) (Cr7atal lattices) (Metallic oxides) AUTHOR: Men' A N SOV/120--6-5-3/43 TITLE: Dependence of the Equilibrium Value of the Lattice Constant of a Mixed Spinellrom-Composition (Zavisimost' ravnovesnogo znacheniya postoyannoy reshetki smeshannoy shpineli ot sostava) PERIODICAL: Fizika Metallov i Metallovedeniye, 1958, Vol 6, Nr 5, PP 781-785 (USSR) ABSTRACT: The author deals with a spinel-type lattice. Such a lattice is typical for many ferromaEnetic semicor~ductors (ferrites). The spinel lattice may be represented as a face-centred lattice o'L oxygen atoms, wit'a varicus metal atoms in the tetrahed--T-al and octahedral positions between lattice sites. To calcula+-e the birding energy of lattices of this type Orlov and lie-a' (Ref 2) used a simplified spinel model which represents su'Lficiently well its main properties. Ttis mod--! has the following characteristics. (1) The negative and positive charges due to the oxygen electrons ar-d nucle-i are regarded as smeared out throughout the lattice. This means that the total electrostatic potential of this lattice is Cardl/4 equal to zero. (2) The excess electrons of oxygen ions SOV/126-6-5-3/43 Dependence of the Equilibrium Value of the Lattice Constant of a Mixed Spinel itch Composition and the valence electrons of metal at3ms (3d, 4s and 4p electrons in the case of iror.-like atoms) are re~~arded as distributed with a consta-Tit density throughout the lattice. The interactions of these el,~trons with metal ions are allowed for, using the statistical method of Gombash (Ref 3). (3) The phase spaces of electrcns with left--handed and right-han-~ed spias are considered separately. Calculations were carried out on th'.e assumption that in the expreSE_J~,n for the lattice energy it is sufficient to Lnclucla the following tvio te:7ms: (i) electrostatic interaction 0 .-ons and electron gas; (ii) repulsion energy due to -oenetration of the "external" electron gas into ion frameworks (this 6as is considered to be smeared out uniformly throughout the crystal). The author calculated constants s. . each cf which represents interaction of the electron gas with a Card2/4 particular ion framework. The values of s A (Table 3) SOV/126-6-5-8/43 Dependence of the Equilibrium Value of the Lattice 'onstant of a Mixed SpinelFrcm Composition were then used to find, from the lattice energies, the structural lattice constants a for 11 mixed spinels (Table 4). The experimental 0 (Table 4, cols. 2 and 5) and calculated (cols. 3 and 6) values of the lattice constants a 'ere found to agree to within 0.1-0.2 for a0 of th8 order of 8 R. The experimental dependence of the lattice constant of a particular spinel, e.g. ZncCdl-cFe2o4') on the concentration c of one component (e.g. zinc) was found to be fully reproduced (Table 5) when the values of s. listed in Table 3 were used to calculate the lattice constant ao. The paper is entirely theoretical. Acknowledgment is made to A. N. Orlov for his advice. There are 5 table and 6 references7 4 of which are Soviet and 2 English. Card3/4 SOV/126-6-5-3/43 Dependence of the Equilibrium Value of the Lattice Constant of a Mixed SpinelFwm Composition ASSOCIATION: Sverdlovskiy sel'skokhozyaystvennyy institut (Sverdlovsk Asricultural Institute) SUBMITTED: February 18, 1957 Card 4/4 SOV/58-59-5-10516 Translation from- Referativnyy Zhurmal Fizi-ka, 1959, Nr 5, P 98 (USSR) AUTHORS- Orlov, A.N., Men', A.U. TITLE: Statistical Theory of Bond Energies 1~ In Oxides of Cubic-Lattice Transition Metals PERIODICAL. Tr. In-ta fiz. metallov. Uraltskiy fil, AS USSR, 1958, Nr 20, pp 43-52 ABSTRACT: This article is a survey of the authorst studies based on a generalization of the method of solving the Thomas-Fermi equation for a diatomic mole- cule (RZhPiz, 1955, Nr 8, 16122) to the case of a crystal with allowance for electrons with two senses of spin (the d-shell of the transition metals). The bibliography contains 21 titles. Card 1/1 ORWVO A.R.; K01, A.U. Statistical theory of bond energy in spinel-type crystals. Piz. tvar. tela I no.2:195-202 F '59. OGRA 12:5) (Spinal group) (Crystal lattices) MMHO A.N . ~_j ORWV. A.R. Vibrational frequency spectrum of a gimPIS Model of an ordering allay. Isal.po zharopr.splav. 4:96-101 159. (MIRA 13:5) (Crystal lattices) (Spectrum. Atomic) AUTHORS: Men', A411, and Orlov, A.11 c3OV/3.26-7-3-3/44 TIT M" to The j1pectLM of Vibrationn4Frequencies on the Simplest Modef of an Ordering"iAlloy. II. PERIODICAL: Fizika metallov i metallovedeniye, 1959, Vol 7, Nr 3, pp 335-340 (USSR) ABSTRACT: In Ref 1 the present authors have considered the vibrations of a chain consisting of atoms of two types having almost equal masses and located over the chain sites with an arbitary degree of long-range order -9, an arbitrary relative concentration c. and interacting elasticaliy in such a way that the elastic coupling coefficients between any two neighbouring atoms are the saae. In the present paper the treatment is generalized to the case Lu which the elastic coupling coefficients are different but not very different. An approximate calculation of the frequency spectrum shows that such a chain may be replaced by a completely ordered chain made up of effective atoms whose properties depend on c and n accoi-ulng to BqS (2) and (3). It is shown that the maximum (Debye) :~recjuency, as a function of Card 1/2 the ratio of masses and coupling coefficients, may V/1" O"OV/126--7-3--3/44 The Spectrum of Vibrational Frequencies on the Simplest Ulode! of an ordering Alloy. Ii. either increase or decrease as the degree of long-range order in the chain increases. The theory is in general agreement with the reduction in the Debye temperature which was observed by Iveronova et al. (Ref 4) in ordering Cu A:And Ni Fellalloys. Z) =3L There are 1 figure and 4 Soviet references. ASSOCIATION: Institut fiziki metallov AN SSSR (Instit-ute of Physics - of bletals, Ac.Sc., USSR) SUBMITMED: November 2,2,, 1957 Card 2/2 AUI:hUR: Lie W. A - 11 SUV/126-7-3-27/44 -II2L-,: The Fieauenc7 ~-Pectrum ol a Chain of Atoms9OLtaine-d by Taking into Account Interactions between Neighbours o~ any Older (Spektr chastot tsepochki atomov pri uchete vzaimodeys'L-Iviya sosedey lyubogo poryadka) PEi~IODD- L: F--zika inetallov i metallovedeniye, 1959, Vol ~, Nr 3, Pp 4550-L03 (USSR) The present note discusses the vibrations of a linear chain made u-o of DI-atoms of one type. It is assumed that the chain is closed and the equation of motion for the nth atom is given by Eq (1), where X is the displacement of the atom and cL(j) is the coupl~nE; constant. 'Solutions of Eq (1) a-c-P, souS~-ru in the form of -L~q (2). Express.ons are derived for tae freuuencies w and are Given by ." qS (8), (9) and (10). These equations are 'Lound to reduce to all the special cases considered previousli, u (Refs 2-4). There are 4 references, 3 of which are ~3oviet and 1 A,~b-W'lk~iGN: O"verdlovskiy sel'skokhozyaystvennyy institut (Sverdlovsk Agricultural Institute) Z-1 SUB!,-,iIT' D: June 12, 1957 Card 1/1 5OV/126-7-4-22/26 AUTHOR: Men', A.N. TITLE: On tile Determination of tile Number of Long-Range Order Parameters for Multi-Component Alloys PERIODICAL: Fizika metallov i metallovedeniye, 1959, Vol 7, Nr 4, pp 633-635 (USSR) ABSTRACT: It is shown that if the number of types of atoms is m and the number of types of sub-lattice sites is ml, then the number of arbitrary long-range parameters is given by p = mml -(m + ml - 1). There are 4 references, 2 of which are Soviet, 1 Japanese and 1 Polish. ASSOCIATION:Sverdlovskiy sellskokhozyaystvennyy institut (Sverdlovsk Agricultural Institute) SUBMITTED: February 10, 1958 Card 1/1 ~.2 ~. 6 d-00 66905 AUTHORS. Men'. A.N. and Orlov, A,N. SOV/126-8-1-23/25 ---------------- - I TITLE: On the Theory of Vibrational Spectral'of Solid Solutions PERIODICAL: Fizika metallov i metallovedeniye, 1959, Vol 8, Nr 1, PP 154-156 (USSR) ABSTRACTz The authors have calculated (Refs I and 2) the frequency spectrum of elastic vibrations on a one- dimensional model of an ordering binary solid solution, using the method of "effective atoms",, Lifshits and Stepanova (Ref 3) have also introduced this idea in their work on the vibrational spectrum of the three-dimensional binary solid solution of isotopes. The method of fleffective atoms" may be used when the mass difference between atoms of different kind M - NIP and the difference between the elastic coupling coefficients Ajj: - Ajtfjfl' are small, as a result of which the change qq qq, in the vibrational spectrum of an ideal monoatomic crystal of given symmetry, due to the fact that the atoms Card 1/2 are not identical and their distribution over the sites is different from the ordered distribution, may be 66905 S0V/126-8_j_2-,/25 on the Theory of Vibrational Spectra of Solid Solutions considered as a small perturbation, In the present note it is pointed out that the method of "effective atoms" is applicable both to the one-dimensional and the three-dimensional case even if the coupling coefficients are different and the number of atoms per elementary cell is arbitrary, There are 8 Soviet references., one of which is a translation from German. ASSOCIATIONS: Institut flzlki metallov AN SSSR (Institute of Aetal Physics, Ac.Sc_ USSR) and Sverdlovskiy sellskokhozyaystvennyy institut (Sverdlovsk Agricultqral 14s_t;Lt_ute_) SUBMITTED: August 25, 1958 Card 2/2 0 0 1) /13 66220 AUTHORS: Men', A. N. and Orlov, A.N. SOV/126-8-3-3/33 TITLE., On Binary Solid Solutions with Interatomic Bonding of Two Types PERIODICAL: Fizika metallov i metallovedeniye, 1959, voi 8, Nr 3, PP 337-341 (USSR) ABSTRACT: In the theory of binary alloys the energy of the crystal is often represented in the form of a sum of the energies of interactions between pairs of atoms. It is assumed that the interaction energy for a given pair is determined only by the type of the two atoms. However, in general this energy depends on the nature and the disposition of all the atoms surrounding the given pair X-Y. Moreover, even if one limits ones attention to the interaction of the pair XY with the nearest neighbours, then th? il nergy of the pair VXY can take on a number of valffes V XY where i denotes the number of the configuration surrounding the pair XY. One could try to take this into account by expressing the energy of the crystal not as a sum of all the possible XY and i but as the sum of Card 1/3 energies of complexes formed by each atom, with its 66220 SOV/126-8-3-3/33 on Binary Solid Solutions with Interatomic Bonding of Two Types nearest neighbours. In that case the energy of eqc4 complex is taken as equal to the sum of energies Vkay XY correspondIng to a given pair of atoms of given type XY in the complex of type a. If the energy levels of electrons in the atoms of a complex are close (almost degenerate), then the formation of resonating orbits becomes possible. This case is realised in pure metals, If the levels are very distant, then the resonance is less probable but, under certain conditions, localized covalent bonds may be formed. If the atoms of a complex do not have a sufficient number of electrons in order to ensure the saturation of all the localized covalent bonds, then some of them will become unsaturated. One might expect that this would lead to a relatively stable local distortion of valence angles and interatomic distances in a complex. The distance between atoms which take part in covalent bonding will be smaller and the interaction energy greater between neighbouring atoms of the same type but not coupled in this way. This leads to the appearance of interatomic bonding of two Card 2/3 types which can conventionally be designated as weak and. 66220 sov/126-8-3-3/33 On Binary Solid Solutions with Interatomic Bonding of Two Types strong. An expression is derived for the free energy of a binary solid solution with these two types of bondin,;. From the condition for a minimum in this energy the authors obtained at a given temperature the number of strongly and weakly bonded pairs of neighbouring atoms of different types. It is found that the number of pairs of different types does not depend monotonically on temperature. It is suggested that this effect may lead to an anomalous temperature behaviour of resistivity in certain alloys of transition metals, There are I figure, I table and 6 references, 3 of which are Soviet, I German and 2 English. ASSOCIATIOM: Institut fiziki metallov AN SSSR and Sverdlovskiy sellskokhozyaystvennyy institut (Institute of Physics of Metals, Ac.Sc., USSR and Sverdlovsk Agricultural Institute) SUBMITTED: September 4, 1958 Card 3/3 /000 66235 AUTHOR: Men', A.N. SOV/126-8-3-19/33 TITLE: On the Determination of the Number of Arbitrary Short- range Order Parameters for Multicomponent Alloys PERIODICAL: Fizika metallov i metallovedeniye, 1959, Vol 8, Nr 3, PP 449-452 (USSR) ABSTRACT: The problem considered is that of a n-component alloy containing X sublattices. It is shown that the number of independent short-range order parameters is given by N (n - 1) (mzn - 2m1) a 2 where n is the number of types of atoms, mzis the number of elements in the matrix Z = fZ1111 , (1) zILV is the number of nearest sites in sublattice'l to a given site in sublattice IL and ji,V = 1,2 ... X, Card 1/2 MI is the number of elements in the matrix Z fo 66235 SOV/126-8-3-19/33 On the Determination of the Number of Arbitrary Short-range Order Parameters for Multicomponent Alloys which V> j&. A. N. Orlov is thanked for his valuable suggestions. There are 2 figures and 3 references, I of which is Soviet, I Polish and I English. ASSOCIATION: Sverdlovskiy sel'skokhozyaystvennyy institut (Sverdlovsk Agricultural Institute) SUBMITTED: January 2, 1959 kr~ Card 2/2 S/139/60/000/005/019/031 X032/9114 AUTHORs Men'9 L.N. TITLE: Derivation of the Thomas- and the Thomas-Formi- Dirac Equations Taking into Account Partly Filled Electron Shells 4 PERIODICAL: Izvestiya vysshikh uchebnykh zavedeniy~ Fizika, 196o, No. 5, PP 112-117 TEXT: in using the Thomas-Fermi method to calculate the charge density in systems containing ions of transition metals, it is necessary to take into account the experimentally established fact that the inner electron shells of these ions have non-zero resultant spins. Moreover, in accordance with the so-called maximum multiplicity rule (Hund's rule) the spins in the d-shell are oriented so that the resultant spin has the maximum possible value. The statistical theory which does not take into account the spin-orbit interaction is unable to explain this fact. It can, however, be taken into account by assuming that electrons with left and right spin directions are located_in different effective fields with potentials 11 and V2 where Vl - V2 is chosen so as to Card l/ 7 B/139/60/000/005/019/031 E032/Ell'+ Derivation of the Thomas-Fermi and the Thomas-Fermi-Dirac Equations Taking into Account Partly Filled Electron Shells obtain the required relative number of left and right oriented spins.. The present author gives a derivation of the Thomas-Fermi and Thomas-Fermi-Dirac equations for these cases. The system is assumed to be described by the Hamiltonian n H = a2 Z gzh + ~ d- - e 2 Vei + 1.2 (1-3) 2 r 1 2 m 2 rij g1j, gh i=1 ij where z is the atomic number of the nucleus g, V 9 is the potential due'to the nuclei, and I is the additional potential. The sum of these potentials is denoted by Vgi so that V91 = V9 + 1. (1.3a) The ground state energy of the system is then calculated from E d q (1.10 where Card 2/ 7 S/139/60/000/005/0i9/031 R032/9114 Derivation of the Thomas-Fermi and the Thomas-Fermi-Dirac Squations Taking into Account Partly Filled Electron Shells 0 (1.1) (112 .... n) = (n')4 d e t 4ul--,un~ and uj are. the spin orbit functions which are linearly indepeAdent but are not necessarily orthogonal. The ground state energy is then given by B = 22 'zgzh Vgl e(11) d q, - 1- e Ve OU31) d q, + 29,h rgh 2 + 2 Q2 ZL1 2 p (l 51) d q IL2~1~ d q d q,,, (1-7) 2 m 1 2 r12 where V d q2, (1.8) Card 3/7 S/139/60/000/005/019/031 903 2/3111+ Derivation of the Thomas-Fermi and the Thomas-Fermi-Dirac Equations Taking into Account Partly Filled Electron Shells The kinetic energy Ek and the exchange energy EA are assumed to be of the form Ek X Ik ~ e5/3 d q, (1-9) where X 3 h2 (1.10) k 5 EA a d q where 3 a 2 e and when these are substituted into Eq, (1,7) the final expression for the ground state energy as a function of the charge density p is given by Card V 7 B/139/60/000/005/019/031 E032/Ell)+ Derivation of the Thomas-Fermi and the Thomas-Fermi-Dirac Equations Taking into Account Partly Filled Electron Shells t~ Y , 1& - " Vg, p d q -- ;L 6SVaqdq + 2 g, h r gh 9 2 1 ~ p+/3 d q UJ3) + X k ~ '0 5/3 d q a The expression for the total energy of a cryst-al consisting of a mixture of two electron gases with densities V1 and e2 corresponding to the two spin orientations is then E e V (qp 1 + p 2) d q V + e2) d q + S 9 2 g, h rgh 4 + 5/3 + 5 d q X1 .'/3 +P 2 /3 dq k (el e2 a It follows from these equations that the Poisson equation connecting the potential with the charge density is of the form Card 517 S/139/60/000/005/019/031 E032/Elll+ Derivation of the Thomas-Fermi and the Thomas-Fermi-Dirac Equations Taking into Ac2ount Partly Filled Electron Shells A V = 4. ')- e ( p 1 + , (1.23) oo tz I I~ 2), - 3 0 [(V - V, + "')f + -r 0 1,2) where 9 2 ((V V, + + 91 0 0 (1 1,2), (L,21) and I f, )+x 12 -1 3 e ZA T 0 A_ . (1~22) 0 k 15x' a k Thus the final Poisson equation de5cTibing the system and Including the effer.,ts of partly filled shells is of the form V = 2 n e a 0~F( V - V + + -i~()] 3 + 1_0 + Z103 1 L(V - V 2 + V/ Ca-r-d' V 7 0 S/139/60/000/005/019/031 E032/E114, Derivation of the Thomas-Fermi and the Thomas-Fermi-Dirac Equations Taking into Account Partly Filled Electron Shells The usual Thomas-Fermi-Dirac equation can be obtained from this by putting V1 = V2 = VO and the Thomas-Fermi equation by putting 'Co= 0. The solution of Eq.(1.7) is subject to the boundary conditions lim i)V = zie~ lim V = 0. (1-31) Fi r i -) co This is an abridged translation. Acknowledgements are made to A.N. Orlov for discussions and valuable advice. There arT-8 referencess 6 Soviet, 1 German and 1 English. ASSOCIATIONs Sverdlovskiy sellskokhozyays.tvennyy Institut (Sverdlovsk Agricultural Institute) SUEMITTED: November 16 1959, and after revision May 9 1960 Card 7/7 AUTHOR: TITLE- 6ii26/6o/oo9/o6/ool/O25 Men', A.N. E032/E314 lre-E-ermination of the Number of Independent Long- and Short-range Order Parameters in Multicomponent Solid Solutions PERIODICAL-. Fizika metallov i metallovedeniye, Nr 6, pp 8o1 - 8og (USSR) l9bO, Vol 9, ABSTRACT: The present work is concerned with the discussion of the concept of long- and short-range order parameters in multicomponent crystals having a complex structure, the determination of the number of independent parameters and the generalization of previous results obtained by the present author in Refs 2 and 6. Surface, linear and point defects are not considered, although the mathematical apparatus developed can be used to allow for them. The discussion is quite general. In the determination of the long-range order, the distribution of atoms over both equivalent and non-equivalent sites (these are defined in Refs 2 and 6) is taken into account, while in the case of the short-range order both the distance and the position of the atoms in the intermediate spheres are accounted for. Cardl/2 A method is given for finding the number of independent S/126/6o/oog/o6/001/025 Determination of the Number of A-.,rdeE0eaX'nR4ong- and Short-range Order Parameters in MulticompaL=tnt Solid Solutions short-range order parameters which takes into account second- order neighbours. The treatment is highly abstract, but the results obtained can (and should) be taken into account in the statistical theory of order in multicompaient. solid solutions and, in particular, in the study (-.;f temperature and concentration dependuras of short-range order parameters in the first and second coordination sphere's. /I Acknowledgment is made to A.N. Orlov for discussions and ,e helpful advice. There are 10 references, 7 of which are Soviet, 1 Japanese (in English) and 1 English. ASSOCIATION: Sverdlovskiy sellskokhozyaystvennyy institut (Sverdlovsk Agricultural Institute) SUBMITTED: April 22, 1.959 Card 2/2 - MM', A.11- Theory of the oxidation-reduction equilibrium in wfistite. Fiz.met.i matalloved. 10 no.1:142-145 j1 160. (HIRA 13:8) 1. Institut metallurgiiUrallsko.--o filials AN SSSR. (Wustite) (Oxidation-reduction reaction) M&111, A.H. Determining short-range order in a rmlticomponent disordered solid solution. Fiz.met.i natalloved. 10 no.1:145-148 J1 16o. (MIRA 13:8) 1. Institut metallurgii Ural'skogo filiala All SSSR. (Solutions, Solid) (Crystal lattices) MI, A.M. 1%4 Configurational free energy of multico=onent so,114 solution consi- dering the distribution of atoms J &n. sublattice interstices. ?is. wt. i metalloved. 10 no.4:63o-6.31 o 16o. (MIRA 13:11) 1. Institut metallurgUAN SSSR. (Crystal lattices) (Solutions. Solid) S/126/60/010/005/003/030 B032/E4i4 AUTHOR: Men TITLE: Calculation of the Correlation Parameters for the Second Coordination Sphere of an n-Component Solid Solution PERIODICAL: Fizika metallov i metallovedeniye, 1960, Vol.10, No-5, pp.655-66o TEXT: This is a mathematical paper and a continuation of the previous work by the present author in Ref.1 to 4. A calculation is given of the correlation parameters for the second coordination sphere of a multi-component solid solution. The disposition of the atoms on intermediate sites is taken into account. The theory applies to an unordered solid solution with equivalent sites containing Ni atoms of type i, where i = 1, 2, 3,...,n, There are 6 references: 5 Soviet and I Non.-Soviet. ASSOCIATION: Institut metallurgii UFAN SSSR (Institute of Metallurgy, UFAN USSR) SUBMITTED: April 11, 1960 Card 1/1 21510 S/i3g/61/000/002/005/018 E032/E414 AUTHOR: Men'. A.N. TITLE: Approximate,.Solutions of the Thomas-Fermi Equation for U: an Atom PERIODICALt Izvestiya vysshikh uchebnykh zavedeniy, Fizika, 1961, No.2, pp.42-45 TEXT: Analytical expressions giving approximate solutions of the Thomas-Fermi equation for an atom 3/2 1/2 /X have been given by H.C.Brinkman (Ref .5), T.Tietz (Ref.6) and K.Umeda and S.Kobayashi (Ref.7). The approximate solutions of (1) are based on the fact that Eq. (2) is a slowly varying function (assumed constant). The arbitrary constants are then chosen so that y should agree with tabulated values. The present author uses the method of Card 1/8,, 21510 73/139/61/000/002/005/018 Approximate Solutions-of ... approximate integration of differential equations put forward by A;,ChAplygin (Ref,4) to obtain approximate solutions of Mq.ft), in this method two functions z and u are chosen so that > 0, a"-U""1X'/- < 0. (3) The choice of the functions z and u can be made with the aid of the following two lemmas. -Lemma 1. If two functions f(x) and V(x) are differentiable in the region Q and satisfy the conditions fl(x)*> TIW and f(xo) = (p(xo) then for any XEG the.following inequality will always hold: (X f (X) > (P Lemma 2. If two functions f(x) and (p(x) can be differentiated n times and satis'Ay the conditions Card 2/8 21510 S/139/61/000/002/005/018 Approximate Solutions of E032/E414 then for any x(-G the following inequality will always hold; f(x)> 9(x). Consider n6w the differential equation y1n, = f(X, Y, Y" Y ".-YO-1), (5) where .H Y (X-) = Y., Y, (X.) = YY("-I) Gr.) Let us now set up another differential equation of the form z(n) = (P(Xsz,zl 'ZI, ... z(n-1) (6) wher e Z(X,) = YO, ZI(XO) = Yol..., Z(n-1)(,o y,(n-1) In Eq.(6) the function 9 is chosen so that V> f in t~e)> Y(,), region G. It then follows from Eq.(5) and (6) that z n i.e. using Lemma 2, we have z >y. Proceeding in a simila'r way for ~p y > u (7) Card 3/8 s/i-,)/61/000/002/005/018 Approximate Solutions of ... Consider now Y11 Nxty) (8) where af > 0, Y(xo) yo, Y I (xo) Y 10 BY Then, according to the above, one can find the function z satisfying Eq.(7) from the differential equation z" = (P(X,Z) (9) Consider the equa-tion zill = f(x,z) (10) One can show that z> z].> y. In fact from Eq,(9) and (10) we have z" z1 11 (X, Z) - f (X, Z) > 0 (11) Cqrd 4/8 Approximate Solutions of ... s/139/61/000/002/005/ol8 E032/E414 It follows from Lemmx 2 that z > ZI (12) Subtracting Eq.(8) from Eq.(10) we find that Z111 - Y" = C(x,z) - f(X,Y) > 0 (13) and since af > 0 and z > y, we have In accordance with 3Y Lemma 2, ZIL > Y- Proceeding in a similar way with the function y we are led to Eq.M. By continuing this process indefinitely, we can establish the limiting functions zn and un which are as near to y as required. In order to find the functions V and (P for Eq. (1) let max from which it is clear that Card' 5/8 21510 S/139/61/000/002/005/018 Approximate Solutions of ... E0712/E414 19=10 -a, (e 11 ~ ~ - II- " )J, WO W, (15) The solution of the equation z1f = z (16) x subject to the condition Z(O) Z,(O) Y,(o) gives z ql7c K , (2V~ x%), (17) where KI is the modified Bessel function of the second kind and C 0.42. The solution of the equation Ulf = !L2 subject to the condition u(o) 1, u,(0) Card 6/8 31, S/139/61/000/002/005/018 Approximate Solutions of ... E032/E414 gives 61L U_ + Vgi-)2 (19) The quantity IL can easily be found from the data reported by P.Gombash (Ref.2) and is found to be. 0.70 (20) Expressions similar to Eq.(17) and (19) have been obtained by H*C.Brinkman (Ref.5) and P.Gombash (Ref.2) from the condition const and are of the form y cj/_XK, (2 1/!-L x'!-), I-t = 0,64, c = 1,73, y = 61,. (x + 0,58. There are 7 references: 4 Soviet and 3 non-Soviet. Card 7/8 21510 S/1,39/61/000/002/005/018 Approximate Solutions of ... EC-*.2/E414 ASSOCIATION: Sverdlovskiy selfskokhozyaystvonnyy inatitut (Sverdlovsk Agricultural Institute) SUBMITTED: November 16, 1959 (initially) May 9, 1960 (after revision) Card 8/8 I 'I- IMENI 0 A.N. Distribution of cations In a multicomponent stoichiome-tric spinel. Fiz.tver.tela 3 no.4:1054-1060 Ap 161. (MERA 14:4) le Urallskiy filial AN SSSR, Institut metallurgii., Sverdlovsk. (Spinel group) (Cations) I A ...... Effect of cation diatrilution in a mullticonwonent sto:!~hiomtric spinal on the equillbriun pressure of oxygen. Fiz-tver.tela 3 no.4:1.101- U04 Ap 161. (KMA 14:41' 1. Uralfskiy filial AN SSSR, Institut metallurgii Sverdlovsk. (cations) (Spinel groups MIS A.11. Deterdination of the configurational heat capacity of a malticomponent spinal.' Fiz. tver. telaJ no.8:2466-2469 Ag 061. (MIRA 11*:8) 1. Urallskiy filial AN SSSRS Institut metallurgUt Sverdlovsk. (Spinal group-Thermal properties) 'et -doe) AUTHOR: Men' A. 30 3 S/141 1 004/0 4/020 E192/E382 TITLE r----VFn-_a_pp_rox1mat e method of analysis of non-stationary fluctuation spectra PERIODICAL: Izvestiya vysshikh uchebnykh za-edeniy, Radiofizilca, v. 4, no. 3, 1961, pp. 521. - 533 + 1 plate TEXT: Experimental investigation of the fluctuations encountered in the propagation of u1trahigh-frequeney waves in the troposphere by a number of authors (Refo 1. - A.P. Deam, B.M. Tannin Proc. IRE, 43, 1402, 1955, Ref. 2 -,-,.the author and his team DAN SSSR, 125, 1019, 1959- Ref..3-- - ditto - this journal, 2, 848, 1959; Ref. 4 m,.6. Thompidn.% H.B.Yanes,. ~.Res. NBS, 63D, 45, 1959; Ref. 5 - the author '-'.Radiotekhnika i elelctronika) showed that their aUtocorrelation: ,and spectral characteristics were non-stationary~. ConsequentlyD in order to determine the average spectral characteristiesq it is necessary to employ the statistical method of analysis of'_44hole series of independent measurements which should be r;arrl~e&_out under identical conditions. This inethod is based on the *spectral analys:b Card 1/8 30763 s/i4l/61/oO4/oo3/oi4/o2o An approximate method .... E192/E382 of a given process by an analyser having a high resolving power; this consists of a large n1amber N of narrow-band filters and is a very complex equipment. Howevero in many cases, it is sufficient to employ a more simpleanalyser.consisting of several (e.g. 2) wide-band filters which cover the whole fluctuation spectrum. In the simpleat two-filter,analyser it is possible to determine approximately the relative bandwidth of the spectrum by an integral coefficient y 0 which is equal to the ratio of the fluctuation powers at the input of these filters. The experimental application of this method for deter- mining the phase-difference fluctuation spectra LE(investigated 'i easured in this wor1r. The phase-difference spectra were M at a wavelength of X = 10 cm overa distance of L = 33 km The spectra were f o un d for various heights of the receiving and transmitting antennae h and h 0 i respectively, and distances d between the antennae. The spectra could be determined from the coefficient y , which is defined by: Card 2/8 50 63 /~1/004/003/oi4/020 93 P An approximate method .... J2 y(d) = &B/oH = (6(p 6T )2/(6T 6~p 2 (2) 1 d B I dTH wh or e &B and (rH are the average square values of the phase-difference fluctuations measured at the output of the high- and low-frequency filters, respe.:tlvely,., and Y1 and Yd are phase flu%:.tuatians of the signals at the points spaced by a distance d . In general, y is a function of d., h. ho . L and time t The parameter y is also dependent on the I.i.miting frequency FC between the bandwidtb.~of the filters and this should be chosen in such a way that y shoul.d be near to unity, The coefficient y as a function of d can be expressed by; Card 3/8 30763 s/i4l/6i/004/003/01.4/020 An approximate method E192/9382 2 r r y(d) = 6YB B, __ =- Y B (4) 6Y2 r r H H H where rB and rH are the spatial correlation coefficients for the high- and low-frequency fluctuations, respectively. It is shown that these coefficients can approximately be expressed by: H d d rH erf rB erf - (8) 2d CH 2d 1B where erf X e,-t2dt is the probability Integral and Card 4/8 An approximate method .... .,./J.4i/61/004/003/014/020 7192/E382 11 and B are the charactoristic scaling factors characterising the size of the nonhoi-4ogeneities which produce the fluctuations. In the case when the i-,rave propagates over a sharp discontinuity the phase-difference fluctuations can be e.-cpressed by (Rcf. 10 - the author and his team - DAN SSSR, 2, 740, 1959; Ref. 11 -ditto- this journal, 2, 388, 1959): r,(z) 2 = 0, 2 5 r. 5, (2 J.:_)2 "" [_1 - I + r,(-,) tg' (,p,/2) L I - n, (Z) + r, (z) tg' ~2) (13a) i-,rh er e rH(z) and rB(z) are correlation coefficients of th e fluctuations in the direct and reflected waves for the discontinuity. These coefficients can be o.-:pressed by: Card 5/8 3076.3, s/141/61/0.04/003/014/020 An appro.-timat e method E192/E382 r,, (z) erfz r. (z) erfz (14) 2z I. 2z Z= 2hh,, (14a) h+h, , wh er e (p is the spatial delay angle between the direct and reflecteA waves. The coefficient y can be express'ed by: z 2i'ld Td-canzt(h, L) erf ctg2 ( + 14- -V eff x k 2z L& 2z (15) :15) Ctgj ( 2-m hh,+ z x erf erf 2z I. LX 2z -wh er e x is a constant given by: erf erfd (15a) 2d 2d 1" Card 6/8 An approximate method .... Eq. (15) can be simplified for various s-)(-,cial cases, such as z -\-) ~ Bor z '~~ / H Some of the results obtained with this formula are illustrated in r'iL;. 56, where y is plotted as a function of the distance L for various values O.L H and B The calculated an,,. t1he experimental data show that as thL I e n !7 th of the transmission route is increased, it is possible to observe a relative broadening of the fluctuation spectrui-a which is due Z.o t, e presence of a boundary surface and the nonhomogeneity of the medium. The time dependence of the spectral characteristics of the fluc- tuations was also studied experiment ally; in particular, their dependence on the velocity and the direction of wind was measured. It was found that y was almost independent of the direction and strength of the wind. Tlhere are 8 figures and 13 references: 10 Soviet-bloc and 3 non-Soviet-bloc. The English-lan-cui3e riot iiontioned in the text is- Ref. 6 - R.B. Muckutiore and A.D. Wheelon, Proc. IRE, 43, 1437, 1955. Card 7/8 S/I!il/61/004/003/014/020 An approximate method .... E192/E582 ASSOCIATION: Institut radiofizilzi i ele7,troniki AN UkrSSR (Institute of Radiophysics and Electronics of the AS UkrSSR) SUBMITTED: December 1, 1960 g kl~ Q% Q- Card 8/8 qW I p A. N. Frequency spectrum of a linear chain of a special form, IZVVYBG uchob.zav.; fiz. ao.5:101-108 161. (MIU 14: 10) 1. Sverdlovskiy sellskokhozyaystvannyy institut. (Spectrum, Atomic) ~,J~~I t~.A.N. Determination of short-range order parameters for the first co- ordination sphere of unordered solid solutions. Fiz. met. i metalloved 11 no.3:347-352 Hr 161. (MM 14:3) 1. Institut metallurgii Urallskogo filials, Akademil nauk SSSR. (crystal lattices) (Solutions, Solid) MEN', -A.N. Heat capacity !if sYstrms vitb a sPecial additional t~aram-eter. Fiz. met. i metalloved. 12 no.1:15F-16C U'l '61. (1",IRA 14:8) 1. Institut metallur ii Ural'skogo filiala iuN SSSR. I ~Alloys--I'hermal propertips) S/048/61/025/011/017/031 B104/B102 AUTHR: Men' , A. N. TITLE;: Determination of parameters characterizing the cation di~:,tri- bution in multicomponent spinels PFRIODICAL: Akademiya nauk SSSR. Izvestiya. Seriya fizicheskaya, v. 25, no. 11, 1961, 1385 - 1387 TFUT: The structure of spinels containing N i (i = 1,2 ...... n) cations of kind i was studied. The cation distribution over tetrahedral and octahedral lattice sites is described by one parameter 1. The dependence of,~ on the composition c, is determined from a solution of the equation dF/dj = 0, I i,;hpre F = K(-1 , Ci , T) - kT 1n w(.1 , ci). The author bases on his own experi- V// mental results (Fizika tverdogo tela; in print) regarding the relation It =~(Ci), to represent the equation: d 1n w 1 dK d kT d It Card 1/4 5/048/61/025/011/017/031 Determination of parameters... B104/B102 derived from the relations indicated above, in the form (3c, + Xt + r) alt (I - X, - r) (3cL - A.,) %.I (I - 3c, + ).2 - r) (7) (3c, - X3) (3c, + 3c: -1 -~3+0 where NA, -NI,' . N( - ; X, - --- N I Cl = N 'V I h n (5) r = -;V- Y, N A N,-- 3N. i=3 (6) at exp (kc, T) kT Card 214 Dpterminnfi-,n of parampters . . . S/046/61/025/011/017/051 B104/B102 If, for thij ca,,;o lim 0, f is independent of A (low 'Lumperatures), it, T-; 0 follows: (a, + otbi a, = 3c2 + r-1, b, = 3c, + I - r, d, = 3c, (I r), (9) a2 ~ I - 3c, - r; bg = 6r, 4- 3c, - I + r; d, = 3c, (3c, + 3c~ + r). For the case of high temperatures, C1, X2 - 3cl i~3 Card 3 '4 5/048/61/025/oil/017/0"1 Determinntion of parametern ... B104/B1G2 is obtained. The proposed function f~k) is well satisfied for the systenis 1, Mg, -)0 ; 14gFe Mn 0 kO.8 ~c~ 1.2), and 14e I -,I mg'~(Fe I +j--( 4 2-c c 4 Fel- Ti (Ni 1+C Fe 1-2c+.). Ti c-A)O 4' In case of magnesium ferrite, a good agreement with experiment is attained if f is taken as a linear function of 1. Experimental results concerning the system N 1+0 Fe 2-2c Tic04 are in good agreement with theoretical data if f i.-i taken as a linear function of ( and of c. There are 1 table and 13 refererces: 9 Soviet and 4 non-Soviet. The two most recent references to Englisb-language publications re~td as follows; Kriessman C. J., Harrison S. F., Phys. Rev., 103, 857 (10~1-t); Neel L., Ann. Phys., J, 137 (1948).~' ASS-"CIATION: Institut metallurgii UPAN SSSR (Institute of bletallur;4y of the Ural Bray1ch of the Academy of Sciences.USSR) Card 4/4 33337 3/181/62/004/001/003/052 2L1. -1100 B102/B138 AUTHOR: Men', A. N. TITLE: Cation distribution in multi-component spinel PERIODICAL: Fizika tverdogo tela, v. 4, no. 1, 1962, 14 - 21 TEXTt Formulas are derived for the concentration and temperature dependence of the parameter ?i - W'IN for a spinel-type lattice containing j j N cations in tetrahedral (A) and octahedral (B) sites. HILis the number i B i of i-atoms in.IL (tt - A,B) sites; I + N Ni (i = 1,2 ... n). The sub- i script j runs.from I to n-1. At T=O, 1 0. 'k i(T,ci) is sought, 0 1 NiIN. For (T,c,) a set of n-1 equations is obtainedt aj=expl- I Jul, Nkr dkj Aj (d, 1j) =aj U=.1- n (6). d, = b, (ey -)j) (dg -- Xj) ajc4-4- Card 1/3 (I= 1, 2) 3 's.3 3 7 S/181/62/004/001/003/052 Cation distribution in ... B102/B138 For example, for the system Fel-Mgi (Fej+jMgj-j) 01 IUO r (10) is found, and for Fel-ITix [Nij,,Fej-zj+xTI,-i) 0# ' I U, Ill - 2C X) = e- T7. For U IAT - 0.96, the results agree with experiment. For spinels of type Xz 20 4 which may be normal or inverse at T-0, X i - -(1+2a)+ 1+8a 2(1-a) (L. Neel, C. R. 230, 190, 1950); ?~norm. t ~Ba+a where a =exp(-U~d~ 2(1-a) At T-T 0 dX/dT has a maximum, To U 1/kx 0 , where a [x0 (I -1- 2 (1 - x,,,% (b +3a"') 0. (16) and-a 2 1 a 4+5a, b Ba + a ' 5+4a, b I+8U. Numerical n. n. inv. inv. Card 2/3 33337 3/181/62/004/001/003/352 Cation distribution in- B102/B136 solution yields (X dinv. c12,75, (xo)n. ~~24,65- U, may be defined as the activation energy of an elementary event of Cation diffusion, Tc:~L4400K, (U Oinv,n~0,07 ev. For N(T) at T-T., (U On./Pi4nv = 1-8' followin'g, the system Ninv, (T0) = m64, X n.(T0) = 0,008. In the xcY1-c z204is treated analogously, the results are tabulated. There are 1 figure, 4 tables, and 19 referencess 11 Soviet-bloc and 8 non-Soviet- bloc. The four most recent references to English-language publications read as follows% A. Miller, J. Apple Phys. Sup. 30, No. 4, 249, 1959; J. B. Goodenough, A. L. Loeb, Phys. Rev. 98, 391, 1955; C, J. Kriessman, S. F. Hairison. Phys. Rev, 103, 857, 1956; K. Muramori, S. J. Miyahara, J. Phys. Soc. Jap. 15, 2354, 1960. ASSOCIATION: Inatitut metallurgii UFAN Sverdlovsk (Institute of Metallurgy of UFAN, Sverdlovsk) SUBMITTED: May 24, 1961 (initially~ June 13, 196, (after revision) V, Card 3/3 S/18 62/004/004/009/042 B108YBI02 AUTHOR; Men', A. N. TITLE. Concentration and temperature dependences of the correlation parameters of a three-component spinal PERIODICAL: Fizika +.verdogo te).a, V. 4, no. 4, 1962, 889 - 895 TEXT: The author establishes the correlation Darameters of a three- component spinal with the composition X cY1-Cz2 04for which the distribution with respect to the sublattices is determined by the probability of finding a certain cation at a definite lattice site. Extensive formulas are derived, which ce .nnot be presented in this abstract. There are 1 figure, 3 tables, and 10 references: 7 Soviet and 3 non-Soviet. The three references to the i;n8lish-language publications read as followst N. Yiyata. J. Phys. Soc. Jap., 16, 2o6, 1291, 1961; j. M. Hastings, L. J". Corliss. Phys. Rev., 104_, 328, 1956. ASSOCIATIONs Institut metallurgii UFAN SSSRSverdlovsk (Institute of Metallurgy of the Ural Branch AS USSR Sverdlovsk) SUBLIMED: November 9, 1961 Card 171 44174 8/18 2/004/012/023/052 !to B1 04YB'102 AUTHORS: Ment, A. N., and Na7sh, V. Ye. TITLE: The term splitting in multicomponent disordered crystals PERIODICAL: Fizika tverdogo tela, v- 4, no. 12, 1962, 3522-3525 TEXT: The theory of term splitting in crystalsp developed by Bethe (Ann. de Phys-, 3, 133, 1929) is extended to multicomponent disordered crystals. It is assumed that a multicomponent crystal comprises N sites. In the case of n types of atoms, Nt (t . 1,2,.... n), 7- Nt - N holds. Each site is t - characterized by a set M of four symbols (ikla). i characterizes the color (the type of atom) of the point, k the number of atoms of a given type, 1 the spatial distribution of the other points with respect to the one considered and a gives the condition that among sites of equal color there may be such as have different magnetic moments. I(R) characterizes an island in space which is bounded by a sphere of radius R. M is the set of all sites, whilat the set Mi(i,k,l) of all sitep of the same type is a Card 1/2 S/181/62/004/012/023/052 The term splitting in multicomponent B104/B102 subset of M. A sequence R(j) < R(j) < R(j) is obtained if one point min 1 max is connected by rays with the remaining sites and if the distances apart of two sites are ordered. 1(R ) '< 1(R12 holds for the symmetries l(Ri,) il > of the island if R ii