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VELUZINZ 0.,, inz,; FILMS, J., inz, Use of vibrocavitation in making reinforced conm-eto partz. Stavivo 41 no-4:146-147 Ap 163. MELUZIN, Vinoanc Some experiences in cold extrusion of steel from square semifinished products. Stroj vyr 13 no.3tl98 Mr 165. 1, Zavody Rijnove revoluce National Enterprise, Vsetin, Branch Plant Slavicin. USSR/FittinE CI& of Laboratories - Instruments. H- Their Theory, Construction, and Use. Abs Jour Ref Zhur - Khimiya, No 3j 1957, 8649 Author Berezin, I.V., and-Meluzova, G.B. last Title A Cell for Quantitative Spectroscopic Analysis in the Infrared Region and Description of Apparatus for Measuring the Thickness and Taper of the Cell. Orig Pub Zh. analit. khimit, 1955, Vol 10, No 4, 262-264. Abstract An infrared cell is described consisting of two crystal windows cemented to metal plates with Ag or Cu anialgam; the platea are attached to both sides of a cylinder with screws. Two holes fitted with ground stoppers are Iril- led into the cylinder and are used for filling and wash- ing the cell. The thickness of the cell is equal to the distance between the windows and is determined by the thickness of the cylinder; the thickness of the cell Card 1/2 USSR/Fitting Out of Laboratories - Instruments. H- Their Theory, Construction, and Use. Abs Jour Ref Zhur - Khimiya, No 3, 1957, 8649 can be varied by the insertion of gaskets. An apparatus has been constructed for measuring the thickness and ta- per of the cell, using the micrometer 'attachment of the microscope. The authors are of the opinion that the thickness of the cell can be measured with an accuracy o f + 1,~k Card 2/2 AUTHORS: Berezin, I. V.. Yelizova, '~. 3. SOV/75-1 2 TITLE: The Determination cf the Ketones, Esters, and Acids in the Products of the Oxidation of Paraffin Hydrocarbons in the Liquid Phase by Means of the Measuring of the Absorption Spectra in the Infrared Range (Opredeleniye ketonov. efirov i kislot v produktakh zhidkofazno,-,o okisleniya parafinovykh uglevodorodov po spektraw pogloshcheniya v infrakrasnoy oblasti) PERIODICAL: Zhurnal analiticheskoy khimii, 1958, Vol. 13, Nr 4, pp. 476- 484 (USSR) ABSTRACT: The methods of the functional analysis of aiixtures of oxy-en- containing orgnic compounds on the basis of the absorption spectrum in the infrared range (Refs 1, 2) as described in publications have a number of disadvantages: they either have an insufficient accuracy or they may be used only in the ab- sence of carboxylic acids. The latter makes impossible the em- ployment of these Liethods in the analysis of oxidation products of saturated hydrocarbons, t'rie acid content of' which, as a rule- is hir,h. In the Present pa.)er the -iutho.,s eiabcrate a met:'iod for the quantitative determination of ketones, esters, inc Card 1/4 acids which-, secures sufficient accuracj -and a uick analysis, SOV/75-13-4-19/1129 The Determination of the Ketone3, Ester3, and Acids in the Frcdu-t3 of the Oxidation of Paraffin Hydrocarbons in the Li;aid Phase by Leans of the Meas- uring of the Absorption Spectra in the Infrared Hande which conditions i;iust be wet in the kinetic investi-?ations as well as in the practical work of the oxidation of high iiolec- ular paraffin hyarocarbons. Substances Of Gifferent ori.-in were used for takinE the spectra: acetone, i~ethyl-ethyl ~ctone, d- butyl ketone, ethjl acetrite, alriiyl acet.ite, butyric acid, .9tearic acid, stearone (synthesized accordn.., to Hef 3), iaeth,rl stearate; further a mixture of synthctic fatty acids of z:ifferert com- position which mainij consister- of not ramified carboxylic acids, and which had been obtained by the oxidation of a mix- ture of high molecular paraffins (at tl-. SZELK --ombinat at Shebekino), methyl eaters of the synthesized acids, ~_ster3 cf the synthesized fatty acids .-ith the alcohol C,,, as well as a mixture of ketones with a mean molecular weight of 2,J9. It was found that ketones and esters may be quantitatively detcr- mined in Lixtures of oxidation products in paraffins On t~e basis of the absorption spectrum of the -C=O bond. The absorp- tion band of the keto group of aliphatIc ketones is at a fre- + 1 Card 2/4 quency of 1718 - 5 cm - , that of esters has on, of 1736 SOV175-13-,-"9112) The Determination of the Ketones, _asters, and Acids in the Prod'.Icts of -he 0:,idation of Paraffin Hydrocarbons in the Liqaid Phase by 1,1eans of the Meas- uring of the Absorption Spectra in the Infrared Range + -1, - 3 cm and that of carboxylic acids is at a freqAency of 1 1713 +_ 2 cm- . The extinction coefficients and the contours of the bands were measured f or individual sabstances and for mixtures of compounds with a carbonjl cyroup (by means of an apparatus of the ty,)- IM -11, and automatic recorders of the typ, a-p-09 (Ref 3)). The influence exerted by the mixing of the frequencies of the com~lonents on the extinction coeffi- cient of the absorption bands of the mixture was explained. Also the correction value3 and the extinction coefficients in mixtures of ketones, esters, and acids were found. Furthermore methods for the removall of the acids are described by which fact the accuracy of the determination of ketones and esters is increased. The wh-le complex of problems is dealt with in detail. N. K. !ilanlkovskaya 3u-~plied sa--nles of oxidized -araf- fin and of acids for the experiments. This is acknowi,~dged by the authors. There are 2 figares, 6 tables, and 13 references, Card 3/4 7 of w-ich are Sovi,--t. SOV/75-13-4-19/29 The Determination of the Ketones, LZtc-r3, and Acids in the Prod-cts of the Oxidation of Paraffin llydrocqrbons J,:-, thr- Li-jaid Pharje '),i of' th~- T-N-ap,- aring of the Ab3orption Spectra in fhe Ir:f'rar(-,,d R.inL;e ASSOCIATION: Moskovskiy -osadarqtvtji.n,,y universitet im. ilil. V. Lomonosova (Moscow State University imeni M. V. Lomonooov) SUBMITTED: May 16, 1957 1. Ketones--Determination 2. Esters--Determination 3. Acids--Determination 4. Organic compounds---Spectra 5. Infrared spectroscopy Card 4/4 50) AUTHORS: Meluzova, G. B., Dabaye-7a, Tr 7/7r -1 rV21 TITLE: Determination of Tertiary Butuyl Alcohol and Acetone Concent--ations in the Prodacts cf isobutane Oxidation by Infrared Absorption Spectra pr-~deleniye kontsentratiii tretichnogo butilovogo sDirta atsetor-p- v produktakh (-,kisleniya izobutana po spektram oogloshcherd.ya v infrakrasnoy oblasti) PERIODICAL: Zhurnal analit-icheskoy khi:niii, 1958, Vol 13, Nr 6, -DP 736-708 (USSR) ABSTRACT: The adoption of chemic.--ii met.--.ods for the determination of acetone and tertiary butyl alcohol Pon,- antrat ions ir tho products of isobutane oxidation in tile presence. of h eru V. 'bromide me" with great difficult-* -e,3. `-,erefore, t'-e aut,-o--s of the present paper aiouted the sDoct---a of the products in the infrarez,31 for t".e solution of this ;)i-oblF-.7-. A mothod described in t~.e li~i--Zatu.[.a ("Lef 1) pr-rve,! complicata-d, as the spoctromater pri= MIMI, b0 wbtl~itu.'.od ir. of the determination and moreovor a groat dilution, Cliir~- lor a corresponding great thickrecs of the bullh are r,~quirel. .)r- Card 1/4 taking the absorption s-pec tra --` a solution of the o"i --f Determination of Tertiary 7-3ut:,,l A!:--ohol and Ac:,tore Conpentrations in the Products of :sob-_;tan_a Absorption Spectra oxidation products of isol-cutane (tert.-butyl tert.-butyl al6ohol and acetnnp)1in carbon tptra_-hlcri~~e, bands appear in the 3700-800 cm- range, wh4ch are SU41~-Igl,~ for the determination. The band of the butanol at 9113 serves for the determination of the latter, without, and hydro-peroxide causing anLr dis,-.urbance.ITYe determia;ltion of acetone is based on the ba~:-d at 1718 cm- correspond-_'-I~- tc the C=O bond (Ref 2). The ado-pting of CC1 4 as solve"t determination cn "he basis 9'L these bands, by a single filiin~; of the bulb, the latter being o-rdly 0.3 am thick. The optical density D results from the s-ectrooram, the molar c6rcer_t_-It_JoM C is calculated from the Lambert-Beer relation D = K . C . 1, where 1 is the vessel thickness in cm and K the extinction coefficient in mole-' lite i./c I.Purest rar pro,_~uctt, tl-.e purity of which had been controlled spectroscopically, were used for the taking of spectra and plotting of calib-ratio-in Moasuroment of extinctior coefficients and qualitative annlysis were carried out vrith a modernized in-Prarcd , ri~cctrc- Card 2/4 meter (Ref 3) with special bulbs for processing easily Determination of Tertiary Butyl Alcohol and ~.cetone SOV175-13-6-1,81121 Concentrations in the Products of isobut-ane Oxidation by Infrared Absorption Spectra evaporating liquids (Ref 6). '7he connection between o-otical density and butanol concent---a-%ion is linear up to values off, -0.35 mole. The error of clete--mination depends on the reproducibility of the taking of spectra and amounts to � 3-1% . To carry out this determination, gaseous rGaction products are freezed out in a trap, cooled by liquid nitrogen and then solved in a certain quantity of carbon tetrachloride. The following values were established for the limit partial pressures of the reaction prol-acts: tert.-lutyl from 1 to 40 torr., tert-but-,l alcohol from 0.~ to 20 t6r--.V acetone from 0.5 to 25 torr. 'he content of tert.-hydro-neroxide was iodometrically determined, as the correspon-14 ng absorption bands are partial!.y covered by an abaorptior band of CC14 at 875 cm 1. There are 2 figures, 1 table, and 6 references, 3 of which a7e Soviet. Card 3/4 Determination of Tertiary Butyl Alcohol and Aceto,e Concentrations in the Products of Isabutane ~-kidaticn b-,- Iffrarpz Absorption Spectra ASSOCIATION: Moskovskiy gosudarstvennyy universitet im. M. V. :,rmonosova (Moscow State University imer-i 1% V. Lomonosov) SUBMITTED: October 12, 1957 Card 4/4 of t 01 G I.ea !Lle. 01 0. 1 foT J,a% ON Gess 050 _ ~es j&e ~~t O-C -p-ro or nFAS,9 o4hr Gat onsn't -bor1% -401- 019-0 0 N. ",'&-I e .,0e& of e n Vjee ,,eni1&) &escrl re'Do .1 &1 4, 13 ,,es Or& &Ies 01 - r J'a"D 4L) ee t~,Of~ &jqa r,"ne &SX&Ia. n tj~e %&'J rodll t'r~ose Ile 6, . .1. ide 3 689 zj~se Of IP 51 a,-,0 f?,re 7, &10 - I ; eT r ess tb:a 0-Dt& d6 6~8 t.IOTL 0 roe n. 6r e n~~Nxm i& - Ile 0 a It-jes C&I V r~"qt~-O , litl rro r~.G a1c -t1 TO -a So 001& 0. B 51. &~~110 01016, 'D n is ,.re goo& . tte V S&J CYLTI I Ne- 13,10 a, Ste t jjje te j & 0110 n& a I Nl:a P P~- SO 0 t& g-r e t O.T4 'ned6, 1 0.9 1 d'e T16, 01 t'OT, 1. 1pin -J, S ,fl y~e& $- ng e-VPl& OaeyLO &n& 3ste I r, J,136'a 0 Cr%JS t e Bs 1. S 0 . vrl 0, -40,1- ae& tje 04 . soll 50's 0. 0t se tyke t)re 5, 0t 'be V &r0'? f ov of ~te'r t.~.On A rev kjs 0. '0~Js & 0%. &ei et 'r 0.t ce5s ..,~s 1 0 OIU r -am tog se -ro, 06 Gov, 'tio-rle ~,n 9, 0-,Pv& ~011 1) 0XI-C S ~610 t ents r, e"r 0 f as, -rMat onvroz,--,,~ rL&a b e el~ ovavoll 'a& -re.1A Ine j0 tl~,:re 0G~or -re 5e d,~ag ,,pera BOO at IJ6 at e -o ell te to tet'VeT .e- 91 t a~jl -re tyke need,9OeT erot ter 111Ices jv~ te% are -ree ,.n,Tea,s ta ell On ca-r r, &.rd, 12 sc),~ 16-~2-6-5/46 ~~JJTHOP.;,* Berpz-,r,, 1. V., Fazanukaya, N ;'~Ieluzcva, G. 3. TITLE A Method of the ~Iuttrxl.'Itai.iva Analysis of Cyclohexanone and Cyciahexariol in Oxidaticn Products of 11"yclohexane by Means cf Infrared !,bsoruti.on I~De,~'rn (Mi-tod. kolicnestveniiogo anaitza 1 tL:,.VIoWt-kstLnoIa v produxtakh OKIBIeniya tsikIowr-kt?ana Pc t~ogl r,.--;hc hen iya v infra- krasnoy oblasti.) PERIODICAL, Zhurnal fizichesKoy kftirn~~i. 1958. Voi, 32, Nr 6; pp.1218-1225 (USSR) ABSTRACT: A method of' analysis serving ir a number of kinetic investi- gat,on- was developed, ~n infrared spectrometer of the type in -1 vith automatic re:~ording equipmen' EPP J0I and with ouvettes of sp-:~ciai construction wus use(I. A description of the apparatus and a eohematic figure are givens By making --e of the different intensity of the spectral bands the analysis could be conducted in such a way as to determine ketone and alcohol in the same cuvette, which is important Card 1/3 because of tfie smail amount of sample substance. The determina- sov/ 76-52-6-5/46 A Method of the Quantitative Analysis of' Cyclohexanone and Cyclohexanol in Oxidation Products of Cyciohexane by laleang of infrared Absorption Spectra tion of the concentration of the substances was conducted ac~:ording L,:, the Law by Lambert-Beer, employing the ex- tinctior, rc;~`Ific-ent, Athigher concentrations of alco-hol the sampi,- had to be diluted, A comparison cf the results obtained with that uf other methods showed that the determina- tion is not disturbed by the presence of peroxides, On the other hand, a ketone is present in trie sample, the cyclo- hexanone The presence of other oxidation products does not disturb its de,,erminRti(..n A hydration is proposed in order to prevent an increase of th,, results caused by the influence of substantial amounts of epters and acids. In order to be able to determine the in-Arer content, the extinction coef- ficien' of the oa-rbonyl band was approximately determined, as weil as of the mono- and dicyciohexyl esters of adipic acid The analysiq as to contents of ketones and esters in the oxidation mixture can only be conducted at optical densi- ties below 0 3, where the 3peotrpl bands separate from each other, in case they are present simultaneously. There are Card 2/3 5 figures, 4 tablPs. and 8 referenced 4 of wh-Joh are Soviet. SOV/ 76-32-05-5/46 -! (7 y - A M,?thnd of the nalvs-is of Cyr-12h xanone an . clohexanol in 'j%idRtion cf or c-,x tine b,,,r Means of 'nfrared Abaorption Spectra 1-1 T T n!T Moskovsk,.,r gc,,~urkivers,~-?t am. f,11. V~ lommazova (.Mcscow 3tate imerii uomonosov) 8 N', .1 T T ~~Pp'-e~r.hi?r 1. Cyclohexanones--Quantitative analysis 2. Cyclohexanols-Quanti- tative analysis 3. Cyclohexanes--Reduction 4. Infrared spectrum a r 6 NIEL'OZOVA, G. B., Candidate Chem ~7cli (diss) -- "Quantitative determinations of tho oxidation products of aliphatic hydrocarbons from. absorption spectra In t1he infra-red range". Moscow, 1959. 12 pp (Moscow order of Lenin qtat6 U Im M. V. Lomonosov, Chem Facult~~), 100, copieg (KLJ, TITO P3, 1959, 161) MANIKOVSKAYA, N.K.; MELUZOVA, G.B.; PROMIOROVA, Z.A. Composition of alcohols produced by the oxidation of paraff "m under industrial conditions. Khim. i tekh. topl. i masel 6 no.11:42-46 N 161. (MIRA 14-12) 1. Nauchno-issledovatellskiy institut sinteticheskikh zirozameniteley i moyushchikh sredstv. (Alcohols) (Paraffins) MELUZOVA, G.B.; KUYAZEVA, L.L. Studying chemiluminescence of the thermal deco=osition of hydrogen peroxide in water. Trudy VDIP. Otd. biol. 21; 161-164 165. (MIRA 18:6) 'ACOESSION NRO, AP4033399 .-8/0076/64/038/003/0593/0599 'AU7TOR: Heluzova, G. D. (140900W) ;TITLE: 0hemiluminescence during thermal decorAposition of hydrogen peroxide In water !SOURCE: Zhurnal fizioheakoy khimii, v. 38, no. 3. 1964j, 593-599 !TOPIG TAGS: chemiluminescenoet hydrogen peroxide, thermal decomposi-': ;tIon, kinetics ABSTRIOT: This article Investigates the weak luminesence in the :350-600 millimicron region due to decomposition of H202 1h water. 'The kinetics of change of chemiluminescence Intensity at 95-1500 .are Identical to the kinetics of the decomposition of H 0 The JI'2juescence experiments were conducted In sealed pyrex tubed. The Im -was detected by a PEU-19H photomultiplier -~th subsequent amplifioa-v tio f the photoelectric current and autogAtio recording of the la-t-t- on the chart of an ZPP-09 potentiometrio recorder. Due to t a presence of impurities in the water the.dooomposition of H jprooeeda in t-,To stages* The second and slowest step of tbla- iAess a determined by the decomposition Itselfi-:, Vkor Whioh the appar~zit A00-ESSION XR', A24033~99 energy of act",vation is 23 4 kcal/mole. A single stage homogeni- C> ous decomposition process was observed In quadru)ly distilled water ;The apparent activation energy was 6 t 0.5 M koalWole. ahe activati. .,,.::.~onergies determined from luminescence measurements agree with those determined iodometrioally within the uncertainty limits of measure- ments. It Is asnumad that the factor which to responsible for -,luminescence is the complazation of perhydroxyl ion with H20 "The' author expresses his gratitude to 1. 1. Voillnov (Institute OF "General and Inorgania Ohemistry im. 1. S. Kurnakov, Academy.of -Sciences of the USSR) for the furnished hydrogen peroxide." art. has: 1 table, 4 figures and 3 equations. 1ASSOCIATION: Moskovokly gosudarstvann" universitet lm.,X.V. Lomo- 0 va (Moscow State University SUBMITTED:-22Jan63. 100 IWOL: ISU33 00DB:':--'W" NR RBP BOY: 013 OTHER.: 002 2/2 KELUZOVA, L. A. Meluzova,, L. A. "Methods of using microorganisms to enrich dairy products with vitamins." Leningrad Technological Inst of the Refrigeration Industry. Leningrad, 1956. (Dissertation for the Degree of Candidate in Techical Sciences). Knizhnaya letc2isl No. Z5, IY50. Moscow NOVOTELINOV, IT.V.: MELUZOVA, L.A. Enricht;~, milk whe7 with ribovlavin with the help of Eremotbecium ashbyli. Izv. vys. ucheb. zav.; pishch. tekh. n0-3:49-52 158. 04IRA 11:9) 1. Leningradskiy tokhnologicheskiy institut kholodillnov pro- n7shlennosti. Kafedra mikrobiolooi i biokhimii. (Whey) (Riboflavin) KKLUZOVA, L.A. I -- -1- ... Determining riboflavin in milk and sonr-milk products. Izv.vya. ucheb.zav.; pishch.tekb. no.6:144-147 158. (KIRA 12:5) 1. Leningradskly tekhnologicbeekly institut kholodillnoy pro- myshlennoott. Kafedra obshchey i analiticheskoy kbimit. (Riboflavin) (Milk--Analysis and examination) MN=OVA. L.Z.: NOVOTELINOV. N.V.; YANDVIU. D.A. Biosynthesis of vitamins in lactic acid starters [with suzmai7 in English]. NikrobiologUa 27 no.6:733-739 H-11 '58. (MIRA 12:1) l.Leningradakiy takhnologicheskiy institut kholodillnoy promysh- leunosti. (VITAMINS. metab. bioeynthesis in lactic acid forments (Rua) (LACTIC ACID, biosyntheals of vitamins in lactic forments (Rua)) USSR/Chemical Technology -- Chemica~ Products and Their Application. Silicates. Glass. Ceramics. Binders, I-,_y Abst Journal: Referat Zhur - Khimiya, No 1, ig','I, 1505 Author: Mellvilenko, D, T., and Prodayvoda, N. Ye. Institution: None Title: On the Need for Using Anti-Stringiness Pockets in Giass-MeitiDg Tanks Original Periodical: Steklo i keramika, 1956, No 5, 25 Abstractj Pittsburgh pockets, which are used to collect contaminated and stri- ated glass, actually lower the quality of the glass drawn from the tank. This can be explained by the fact that the pockets increase the cross-sectional area of the tank wal, surface, thus causing con- siderably greater heat losses through the walls; this i-n turn leads to an intensification of the convection currents in the glass mass, which jLncreases the corrosion of the walls. As a result the glass mass in the pockets is saturated with impurities which are carried into the tank by the descending return currents. Card 1/1 I J = j P., Car. -r, it Ni~ -tMbittus~- (Filur -W die -acldnc -g~fi a -I dz:~;ulh j. rt _vn la VV, III I n. thdO, are Ascd Foctru.-mcm ratc--' for ~flllean: from .1 ~aa - -- n b modifl;td dla 7 i 1 th i ,~ le colupli. 0 40 nd t $ l q 13 Mightly Jj P1 SANKOVA, L.I.; KITRGUZOVA, F.I.; GOROBINSKAYA, V.D.; WLIVILENK0, D.T. Optical method of determining the chemical homogeneity of glass. Stet. i ker. 20 no.5:30-31 My 163. (MIRA 16:7) 1. Saratovskly zavod tekhnichaskogo-stekla. (Glass-Testing) Patching local burns in the crcAin of a glass-melting tank furnace without operation stoppage. Stek. i ker. 20 no.10:36-37 0 163. (KMA 16,10) (Glass lurnaces-Maintenance and repair) PENTKO, N.A., NIELIVILENKO, D.T. Important potential for ircreasing th- production o' shee*. glass. Stek. i ker. 21 no.905-36 S '64. (?aRA 1F:4/) USSR/Mathematics - Oscillations of 21 xul 52 Curved Rod "Integral Equation of Free Oscillations of a Curvili- M near Beam," A. S. Kelyakhovetskiy "Dok Ak Nauk SSSR" Vol 85) No 3j PP 513-516 Considers a thin beam whose axis is a smooth planar curve of invariable length L; at the ends the beam possesses elastic supports admitting tangentigal 6nd normal displacements and rotations of the tdrmiml sections. Writes the integrod if fe rent ial eqs of free oscillations of the beam in its plane from the Green ~35T% T=tloh ana corre4onding bound ary-va ue condi- tions. Problem is reduced to finding eigenvalues and eigenfunctions of a certain Fredholm eq. Sub- mitted by Acad S, L. Sobolev 19 May 52. t4 P. 235T76 124-58-9-10448 Translation from: Referativnyy zhurnal. Mekhanika, 1958, Nr 9, p 147 (USSR) AUTHOR: Melyakhovetskiy, A. S. T IT LE: On the Flexure Under Compression of a Curvilinear Beam Due to an Initial Deviation From a Specified Shape (0b izgibe szhatogo krivolineynogo sterzhnya, vyzyvayernom nachal'nymi otkloneniyami ot pr~vil'noy formy) PERIODICAL: Tr. Donetsk. industr. in-ta, 1957, Vol 20, pp ?-I--z6 ABSTRACT: A method is presented for the determination of the stress and strain in a compressed curvilinear beam due to initial deviations of the elastic axis from the funicular curve corresponding to the given external loading (X , ZO). A priori a demonstration is given of the theorem on 04 singularity of the division of any external loading- (X0, ZO) into two separate component loadings of which one (XI, Zl) evokes purely compressive stresses in the nondeformed beam, while the other (X,, Z2) produces solely bending moments and shear forces. A determination is then made of that loading, equivalent to the initial deflection, which would produce only shear forces and bending moments if the Card 1/2 beam were brought back to its specified shape; approximation 124-58--9-10448 On the Flexure Under Compression of a Curvilinear Beam (cont. ) formulas are provided for the determination of the displacements and bending moments. 1. Beams--Stresses 2- Beams--Mathematicai analysis Yu. S_ Shkenev Card 2/2 124-11-13110 Translation from: Referativnyy Zhurnal 1,,4ekhan,ka N r P Zo (USSR) AUTHOR: Melyakhovetskiy, A. S Vibration of a Curvilinear Bar. TITLE: Integral Equation of the koleban'ly krivoliney11090 sterzhny-) (Integral'noye uravneniy pp 2-7 - 39 tsk. industr- in-ta, 1957, Vol 2(;. PERIODlCAL: Tr. Done ABSTRACT: A general solution is derived for the vibration of a curvilinear bar of variable curvature and rigidity under the action of a perturbation loading of arbitrary form and a cyclic loading. Bars with rigidly constrained ends are examined. The flexural rigidity and the curvature oi'the bar vary according to smooth funct'-ons. The introduction of an influence function for the displacements reduces the problem to a system of integral- dif fe rential equations. The p.rob- lern of determining the frequency and amplitude of the free vibrations of the bar is reduced to the determination of the real numbers and fundamental functions of a second-order Fredholm integral equation. The solutions obtained afford a strictly exact basis for the method of the separation of variables (Fourier) and a number of approximate Card 1/2 methods. Integral Equati 'on Of the Vibration Of a Curvilinear Bar, 124-11-13110 A Igeneral solution (Continued) forced vibrations. is given for the various problerns, relating to 'Also investigated is the case of a perturbation force which varies s1nusoidally. (Yu. P. Grigorlyev) Card 2/? 0q JJA .4 MELYAKHOVETSKIY. A.S. [Meliakhovetalk5d, A.S.j (Stalino) Finding functions of the influence of a parabolic arch. Prykl. mekh. 5 no.3:340-343 '59. (141RA 13-2) I.Donetskiy industrialln7y institut. (Arciies) n MP.-n- soon- it-rrt-" mold oq% _nml-s-o ( --m-MN ~w v -W Witti mp, *"I ow ,o ~.%zodw m..r Onsm .1g." JT,.p ou ...q JD I"- _j fitm_ nn Mo- Mo --~l -(~oqw) Tt_ _m't Ms. Pone- -ovn in o,t~ tv~ T-4..m -j _tw.9 ftpm I (-T-Ilrn" T_,n -m room"Ri. 1T- MT. -T.9 .1". om p -T3.tnl..z I("") -Up-V -0 -S %at "I - ~_. .1 AJT_ Im M I(plftT-I) L. - no-vp Wt.-T P-moo lo -T ll-?M~Toolw-f -Tv~f) W-PrEw -1 "N Cut J. d:;,.A m=nzot.. ~) __l' 'VI 'A .40 9 wwn~-~ rwr o Tmv rmr=t l-rT_T So o'rT.1Z. In Inol. to -n-TO- -J ~~- -(;P-Al -,q1 'S '-I -IN w -"-td P vll-.,t3TTTqoI- , J. _Inns-aj Xsoo~ rooo" -nooloo a -1 .6 rat-noom p A Too m " 2- AXIN M om (-W -n--- ~ -r Mr- j- --ntm P-WO-*" =AOF -a, Max) vooo". d -1 rm..#) -'Son-" - jo -T-soz WTV.4 Poo vof_~ J. ftrp _V. M-T. ;. _TJ T%..ta (nna a-i "oom sm J. n-Tr.-I on 01 -Tqzls.zum.rL_" _T3 -to -(-oom) --M-m -a -w I-in -i -v -w PoTmmj G..--Au -G" ~Ivv Jo ftrr4mw sold. va i '09 J E U-r LZ -...w -m-n-TTY Uq 2. Wdw tBLIMIKOV9 S.Ya.9 assistant; KHATCHEliK09 N.V.9 Lumboscaral radiculities of tuberculous origin. Zdrav. Belor. 6 no. 10:35 0 160. (KM-A 13:10) 1. Iz kliniki nervnykh bolezney Minskogo meditbinskogo instituta, (zav.kafedroy - prof.M.A. Khazanov). (NERVES I SFINAL-DISEASES) (TUBERCULOSIS) ~gLIYANKOV, S.Ya.; KHATCHLNIK~-~, lli~*,. Disorders of the muscular tomis -f *--- in myotoni-a. Zhur. nevr. i psik', 65 16~. t.M~RA lq:S) 1. Klinika nervnykh bolezney (zaveduyushchiy - prof, N.S. Misyuk) Minskogo moditsinskogo instituta. 1CWYANOVSK1Y, P.A.; RIKILAMOKO, S.A.; KOTENKO, A.A. Bridge for measuring specific inductive capacitance of highly absorbii4,1 media in the radio frequency band. ?rib. i tekh.eksp. 6 no-4:92-95 Jl-Ag 161. (MIRA 14:9) 1. Khar1kovskiy politekhnichaskiy institut. (Bridge circuits) MELYAVOVSKIY, V.G., prof. Complications folloving mctraction of a cataract. Vest. oft. 76 no.l.-56--60 Ja-F'63. (MMA 16.-6) 1. Varshavokaya oftallmologicheskaja klinika, (CATARACT) KESHCHANIKOV. B.M.; STRAKHOV. K.I.; LEVIN. Yaje.; BOSIKO. K.P.-, MINIM, V.A. KZLYASTP YMMOV. A.F. Raw method of smelting and pouring oxidising alloys. Prom. energ. 12 no.3:25 Kr 157. (KIRA lotO (Alloyq) (smelting) L. MELIYANTSEV, V.G. 2. USSR (600) 4. Agriculture 7. Trout of the water reservoirs of Karel-Finnish 5-S.R. Petroz,vocisk, Gosizdat.KFSSR, 1952 9. Monthly List of Russian Accessions, Library of Congress, Ilarch, 1953.Unclassified. HEL'YANTSBV, V.G. - -.w - Possibility of utilizing the Konchozero lake group for commercial fishing. Trudy Kar.fil. AN SSSR no.5:96-102 156. (MIRA 10:7) 1. PetrozAvodskiy gosudarstvennyy universitet. (Konchozero iregion-Fish culture) SOV/124-57 -9-11061 Translation from: Referativnyy zhurnal. Mekhanika, 1957, Nr 9, p 164 (USSR) AUTHOR: Mel'yantsov, V. G. TITLE: Method of Bolt Design for High-pressure Flange Couplings (Metodik', rascheta boltov flantsevykh soyedineniy dlya vysokikh davleniy) PERIODICAL: Sb. stud. nauchn. rabot. Belorussk. politekhn. in-t, 1957, Nr i, pp 57-00 ABSTRACT: Bibliographic entry Card 1/1 ALNKSATTEROV, B.N., red.: GEDIMINAS, A.A., red.; GRIGCRIYT%'V. S.V., red.; maLl AU_SE7._Y_G,,red.; KOZLOVA, G.I., red.izd-va; KONI]RATIYEVA. LY [Biology of Inland waters in the Baltic Sea region; transactions] Biologiia v-nutrennikh vodoemov Pribaltiki; trudy VII nauchnoy konforentaii po izucheniiu vnutrennikh vodoemov Pribaltiki. Moskva, Izd-vo Akad.nauk SSSR, 1962. ?_86 p. (MMA 15:2) 1. Nauchnaya konferentsiya po izucheniyu vnutrennikh vodoyemov Pribaltiki. 7th, Petrozavodsk, 1959. (Baltic Sea region---Freshwater biology-Congressee) PREDTECHETISKAYA, I.A.; MELIYANTSEVA, A.M. Improving the quality of crease-resistant finishes of staple fabrics. Izv.vys.ucheb.zav.; tekh.tekst.prom. no.4-74-79 161. (MIRA 14:9) 1. Leningradskiy tekstilln3rj institut im. S.M.Kirova. (Crease-resistant fabrics) (Textile finishing) MAKIMIKOVA, M.V., kand.meditsinskikh nauk;JTLY~N ~Y Kj_ M.A., vrach Case of foreign bodies in the esophagus. Zdrav. Belor. 6 no.8:72 Ag 160. (14IRA 13: 9) 1. Iz kliniki boleAney ukha, gorla i nosa (zaveduyushchiy - professor N.P.Kniga) Minskogo meditainskogo instituta. (ESOPRAGUS-FORLIGN BODI~S) 1. HSLYASHMOVA, Mar'ya. For the glorious a=lvaraary. Rab. I sial. 33 no.9;4 Io , 57. (Vitebsk--Clotv~Iing industry) (Y, LRA I': ~~ i . Op ~,o k. Y2 -Yll Ull , N. , :VAS H-60, ";. ". . ~; - I ~ -, '':. - %~(, I,r-' nr "!~B 1 ~,,, F'A ,g -, n ',I ~, -, I' ~' '- -e.i '-~,M,5. ~:. - :--k. - -9 - 1) g~l"" 1.1no 1 (S2 . I'm 1 P,~ , - - L.0244L-67-- I_At'C-M-r:---AP6Ol8Ol7 SOURCE CODE: UR/0102/66/000/003/0015/0023 AUTHOR: Pavlov, V. V. (Kiev); Melyeshev, A. M. -- Meleshev, A. M. (Kiev) ORG: None TITIX: Compensation of perturbations and autonomy of infinite-dimensional systems SOURCE: Avtomatyka, no. 3, 1966, 15-23 TOPIC TAGS: automat1c control theory, computer simulatioti, winlog computer, auto- matic control system 1~ ABSTRACT: The authors study the problem of synthesizing control systems which would insure autonomy and invariance of a finite number of degress of freedom for infinite-dimensional objects. An ordered system of equations is given for an in- finite-dimension~Ll object treated as a finite-dimensional controller. Expressions are given for the control organs of an invariant system. Ilic system was simulated on an analog computer. It is shown that invariance may be produced with the aid of a finite-dimensional object if certain conditions are maintained. An exanple is given of the control system of an elastic object consisting of a uniform beam with a tracking force at its end. It is further shown that the coordinates characteriz-, ing the motion of tile center of mass of the object do not depend on the coordinates Ca-rd- 1P L 02465-67 --AC- C'--NR-aAP-60-If6O- I--T--- -- --- 0 1 ~ of the elastic vibrations of the object under conditions o 'I invariance. Figures i are given showing the reaction of the system to stepwise control with a rigid object,I I an elastic object, and an elastic object where invariance conditions are maintained. I I Orig. art. has: 4 figures, 14 formulas. SUB CODEO~ 1091 SUBM DATE: 06Apr65/ ORIG REF: 008 Mily-KUTI, Cs. - 14=KTM, Cs. - Harvesting smaIl seeds with harvesting-threshino- machine. P. 13. vol. 11, no.14, JulY 1956. Magyar Mezogazdasag - Budapest, Hungary SOURCE: East Euro-oean Accession.-5 List (EEAL) Vol. 6, No. 4, AprA 1957 BABILIUss Vincas, dots.p kand. t8kh". nauk; BIELI w kand. tekhn. nauk. NOVODVORSK, UNAS, Ksaveras, dots. rlauk; MELYNIEVE 0 S, Andriuss dots. 0 , D.p red.; SAjZKA , kand. telchn. , S.p tekhn. red. IS'tu~Yv Off mweltals-] Metalotyrao Vilnius, Valstybine POlitines ir mokslines literaturos leidykla 1961. 217 p. Netals) (I'[IRA 15:3) KELYUMUN, S.T. - ~ -w - 2 On naming the law.- I--mc . V'GstLejl.un- 9 noo5:153-155 MY '54. (Kass (Chemistry)) (Force and enera) (MI-RA 9:7) MYUKHIII.S.T., kandidat filosofskikh nauk Scientific foresight and religious "prophesies." Nauka i zhiznl 22 no.7:29-32 Jl 155. (MLRA 8:9) (Science and religiom) 4~_, kandidat filosofskikh nauk (Loni-agrad) , 1~ MWAIT.U4 4 Notion as a property of matter. Nauka, i zhiznl 23 no-8:35-38 Ag 156. (Motion) (Matter--Properties) (MIRA 9:9) 'Vielyukhin, Serafir. Timofeyevich Froblema konechnogo i beskonechnogo; filosofskiy ocherk LFroblemeof finity and infinity; a philosol.hical witlinol I-',oskva., Gospolitizdat, 1958. 263 P. tables. Bibliographical footnotes. SI: C, -,m AUTHORI Melyukhin, S.T.; Candidate of Philo3,:,pnicE~! TlTLE - Field and Matter (Pole i veslicilestvo) 1,EhIODICAL3 Nauka i Zhiznl; 1958, Nr 4. pp 7 '1 (USSR) ABSTRACT: The article discusses the development of theories on the correlation between field and matter, On the basis of dia- lectic-materialistic conceptions, it is concluded "hat there is no non-transitional boundary between these two forms -f matter. This concept is verified by the quantLm theory, A new theory, determin-ing the field-microstructure of matter must replace obsolete concepts, Hypotheses exist i that different fields, the quanta of which are "elementary" par ticles, represent excited states of one single field, The continuous connection between microparticles, and their abili ty of transmutation, indicates their deep inner unity, It is believed that there is a general law covering t~~ various stages and properties of elementary particles and fields, Modern science is approaching the discovery of this law. TYere are 3 figures and 2 Soviet references. AVAILABLE: Library of Congress ~-,ard 1/1 1. Science-Philosophy KUMMsoy, I.T.; OTCHIMTIKOY, H.F.; OHEL'YANOVEKIY, H.R.; UYEHOT, A.I.; __MyUKHIN, S.T,:._SACHKOV. TU.T.; SVXCHYIKOT. G.A.; MOTIK, I-B-0 red.izd-va; LAUT. T.G..; KARKOTICH, S.B., [Principles of casuality in modern physics] Problema prichinnosti v sovremannol fizilm. Moskva, 1960. 428 p. (mjFtA 14:3) 1. Akademiya nank SSSR. Institut filonofii. (PhyBics--Philosophy) SVIDERSKIY, V.I.., doktor fil. nauk; ShTOFF, V.A., kand. fil. naik; IZMAYLOV, S.V., kand. fiz.-mat. nauk; BPJiNSKIY, V.P., kand. fil. nauk; 1.10SIEFAIMIKO, 113., kand. fil. nauk;..U1X_VMB, S.T., kand. fil. nauk; VIKHLIII, Ye.I., red.; YELIZA.ZVA, -N-.A-._,tekhn. red. [Fl,ilosophical problems in the present-day theory of rwtion in nature]Filosofskie voprosy sovremennogo ucheniia o dvi- zhenii v prifode. Leningrad, 1962. 198 p. (FJ_RA 15:10) 1. Leudngrad. Universitet. (Science--Philosophy) (Notion) L 04249-67 EW'Ftl) GW L~- NK:WO04661 SOURCE CODE: --UR/0269/65/WO/010/0001/oooi AUTHORx Helyukhin,,.S. T. 17 TITLEt The principle of development in the sciences of non-living nature SOURCE: Ref. zh. Astronomiya, Abs. 10-51.1 REF SOURCE: Sb. Dialektika v naukakh o nezhivoy prirode. M., Mysll, 1964, 270-313 TOPIC TAGS: space matter, ABSTRACT: Development is defined as a complete, regular, and basically irreversible change in a qualitative state. It supposes the origination of possibilities and tendencies of change, which are new in principle, in the course of a sufficiently large segment of the time of the system's existence. Development in the field of living nature and social phenomena is usually connected with progressive changes. Applied to inorganic nature, the concept of progress is applicable only to those forms of development of matter which characterize its complication and transition fr~m a nonliving to a living substance. For the main part of the substance in the universe, progressive changes do not proceed higher than to a definite level. The process of development as a whole is distinguished from simple quantitative growth by the fact that it is related to the qualitative transformation of the forms of motion and mutual relations and to the appearance of new relations and possibilities. -ard -11362 L 04249-67 ACC NR: AR6004661 Modern proposals about the formation of the_p4nets, stars, and galaxies and about their evolution are set forth. The great influence of human society on tae develop- ment of the earth's nonliving matter is noted. The autilor illustrates a proposition according to which development can be progressive for a long period only in living ILature and in society. Development of inorganic nature is related either to gradual-, irreversible changes in the limits of an approximately identical degree of compluxity or to repeating cyclical processes. Nonlivijig nature is not developed progressively but is. only changed irreversibly by not returrilrig completely Lo previouO condiLions. The irreversibleness of the changes does not mean, however, the approach of development to a definite, final state because the infinite multitude of possible states of matter cannot be fully realized for any final segment of time. A. Zasov Oranslation of abstracy SUB GODEt 03 C jr- /2 f %- VAS IL Y-EIV, G.A.; 1*~; Yu . A il, f f e c t o f a c zat-ion tivity of rat 1. Kurs farmakolc~;i (z~-.v, 4 f, .- r~na I C, ! ~,; ~ ~ z Cj ZioloJ7,ji zu,.rc;dskogo p, (, s i;, J~,- k r., :r:--~x~a ~-r- rczc)rovsviy -..r~ e I . . i r~ .ender4 -.-i LIPKINJ, A.Ye.; FAVLYUCII~IJKO, V.I.;-14ELYUKOV, A.I. (Krasnoyarsk) Rebults of entrance examinations in mathematics at Yxasnoyarok inatitatiow of higher learning. Mat. v shkole no.4:27-29 Jl-Ag 161. (MIRA 14:8) (Krasnoyarsk--Universities and colleges-Zntrance requirements) Tn -c 2hosphorus aml C-ribim! tn th~ '3100d la r o," -' arA. a: im Su=ary 1-1. D,!c I). 1'"m!snnti(I F-,r T!, C!, 1-1 7-)n "I Va3ELOV 11. A. I,ELYUKOV, A. N.f f Pastures Utilization of sown pasturage. Sots. zhiv. 14, No. 5, 1952. 9. Month List of I~ussian Accessions, Library of Congress, August 1952. UNCLAS6IFIED. -- -- -1 --- 11 - - VIELYLJKDA~ AP- S --r?y with -.1tamin A,- l-'h1._ZAkh&Ntmvko. Viloi- LOG Y~ jursy i rsp~P=jxif, Aliad. Nauk S.S.S.R., Dw. im. A, ZY- Dahka - Sbornila 2, T-3.1 ;ummer green, fodder- fi. hj-h in tile early ~-tagen of iprow-th. In tilt Period of matun-ty Ir 1,5 reauced. to Summer green fodder rx- Aiarve. t I. -fore, L~. ited and dritti Were such o V -c sun as t rL in, lie. -A to qlry in tl; i J, mowh! dwin, sumintr gr,-Ln fodder zufferA hitense break- an do-wa of the 1. iv!licl. vin be V pre erited to a comqiderzible degree by ralking the grlsi Irtc, roU3 or sbock-- Whm ;4 if'-fz~z.2 ~,l -Lackc4 bi the ofer. P)r 9 m4aths ;'Atjguit-April), grf.*-n - : , _ 19 V" aad 87.4-L - of the I dq=dirij- ' ~ i " g tr ~ 1` 11 g ture of thr. grecu f[Adr-r v tu wii l - such great ' s a! tile vit!'lnia r-mains to pri'vent barm!ul ~ ian jjrc~ in cattic. -W) Uve'd m silage' com lim v.- of ii 'it ad African rtilkt 41J.G",,C 7his c'j*'t,~z'wt(-_s le--i of a lostj t11.111 b.'~ tilt of dryinF. R~!d c:"rro,6 and squ:~zb am par- f-vt- -h tfw3~ lose 42,2- all y r!;;,,, ir, viz~niir, t4ouj g t 'ring, wititz~_r Stor jg--. The riloit ~ujtab! l-vinter fcc-ling of miMt zi d Y ' and :'nd rvmprdigrE~d '.:z1 ar" vc3 d~-.':If: ~~Iijv4 oil mElimum of O'heile atilk t' - Supplementing R 4 tho hasli: ratioll with vitatlilng and D, J. Mrzloi (lust. zuot=~I. and, zool G.S.1Q. r6" -~59. -Fligh -gra 1C f ling - mA ratlow mcut~d liy it mi: f I t: ~cin 5, irm, -milk s suppl~z o it 1- k an -1 D_ n fod.Jer riei t vitatniii Fidd1flor. of vit~unin A con"atrafe to thf, ration of hlgu F. Kntilyrev :donSj. Rtnw..6, i~r. AtAm.-A ibid. t I! ' -r) :!if 'Ji m, mill- a 1.5-2.0 j.U. p-- tr, -a n r Icvd N-It f07 llk~-Pfoltldrq 'Ich Cot". r 'Y Qi mt ~ t sifti Ll c a'. 4: I.ICH "l-A C-.e Same bti~lf- Gr-ap I r-,- CxHlwv:! ~S izdl-. ~-;U. of vitw3iiq' A, -6W I.U. :t v-ta, Cc c -trottp 2 Cectived- A :Ind nb~ vv~' but nfj C!-~ Crow, lh't~ cr~!' Ic Q) g cxElt-. t'~(T 70 4-ay5. av, daflv Of 3L:i~ ' i " and oi grmlp A"!~ C:! gr,l!fl 3. 11A.'T. n 7-Up, -;,I in Cal ' A. W. I.Klyukgv ~Agr lvarww). lbri,]. 71-5.--Four Prtglral; Luw~; e-tch wac fed a daiN pre- .7zl bj%ic ratinnz. Gr -m) '~ rccei,,ed Ln ruldn, :I.I,Ofxl ;.U. 1'it, ay; & 'p 11 rc-EN~-d irl- L,11;u D pt'l lied pu d, imL 'k r~'r gtollp 11 -v -i-vc-d J;!r-. ".0 '.~. ui dh~- -.- iltz", plzr x !,mh thc vimur~iit~ zind,tltv r~uik; rz~iimtLs of gr,-;LP- TV, a5 One c"wm! mtknj ~)(xly. f"t wall h-r'~-g P. I "wer ~l 'fia! -Q~l ~irjJ 1.'4g. il Lipti. pt-l;cdl -'vi" in (f !A Ole ctiulrul ;!~r~Llltcd C! li, hcalti-, but not thut: in !,and Ill.- rcl -4 n t!v- av. k-,- 0 ia mr tl-r- wzlivr gr-,uj:zl and their pri;- it as !!,(I C., %-;t! i!:i'f v. c :Iljkle~ul 4rd tit ! 17 to j j ~r~idumc the da: ;Ztd~l-s Ca to it z5zoo;,i,1 "Gov ~x-dzitv- -D-r- -wamhh, thiir 6U&CICASUC lo~ -'Ve t. d no -f4 L~- in 11my-11 U 11 A t 9 hL Tile vit t~ vo!,,~Iruui cl -=111, 14 M,7h,~%'t LA I I ly vilmittil of tb~!. C:Zh~,awl i~ H, a, tht ftad poftj, it f"J i.-v,~* rf~,mti-v, 'cx-v~; -vit I 'A;,r) m,!" !ruw It'W's ~x.; tit; The a&bi. U I tn be (Uiizt,)i Tai -vitwunla A contznnt rA rhc! C*~Erula dcLrcc oatyr. T%e l4imtiNi of ft-AtUa Me viliv~,*I'-! -the c t4tir"t -B cmwa n! inlosintra. , mil m~ e vituptim A anA '-7 iLrA t ciinZ~11t e~~ llii! dii of, 071n)1 h e-mzircun. Ally mi!dor, V. Itarairl coaccatratell fir t,,;- fouling thtm f: tt no vk;l In Nlltam!m, (1w, AlamInA a-1 that vl' vit-:tsalu 2 c? th cow [u Oat br~tt~rfat the ity-L-, t)! vitar-i'll A ami U' .:7,! cl I 4L-.,.i inarta5u, -zurcu,"ll u.:'t in " 'uicily narwl!d %,:~L;nrtzr, Th e c =-it -i! i~ 2 vt etml v A N ard L. E. G-J'ko (.'K. A.-TL-.v,r3,iz---, 3-1 - Fl:c vit-miz A b i,_, h t ti i i i Fti:,- jw;~ TII-i av. v;L; I-ain wliT'Lil Inflik is 40-143 It i,-. not -4aliitct to Freat N u av. YR-~,fl-xvinc comcnt of milk b V61-U,,37 lizing in the montj"~;. a en OW-itni'm Pud 04f milk of fj-,-q dnini*- -A, Vi*, lm:tnil- and 8. Taudoii (Iwd. Znw h and L.%tv, lbij. I ; 0 ~it-vmim 1 A; F., C, ~:.Irl r vnad,~. 1u t1-.- rni!~: aTjd CoII5~L`Ufll (If CIT.V~- -,?IAr--' i Jai-) Vini-nila A wz!~- dI,td- Milt ti,e arl~t to- Af.-Imill A (in, IT17. -/a --1~11,uw; 1AC3E 4- R I P v,-kivt wt~ cf milk or col- C C!, -xt. i.1 nil., E txns~:tkm fa,~F~r, 1 ~,;u nq~, O-M. Vila, V m., acre L5 fthovc. - V itam'Ju L a, -in T oirr,: V la txt where.u fill. Ell-tcr d1i" factor; IMISli mg~ of s!,or4, ar-H dhm3!r.,d7- iV 1 nrfl. WY-111io' nmd rv-prr-~-at- Ing the aint. n,.F dild, milk iitcd in f;it- Vie irz-flic and to!-31irtim of ship, luld hog, arc hi4hr:c- in A a- -buttc- ',it and fat-~ot. vitamIni I -r. iZarc m~t, 17 , t iJIf, butier-lat comcn, c! wlikh i5 oniv i~.Lt u. c,,,v mW,-, lss cot pc,--)-cr in vit7inim A nlid E. "he vifamill 7ccut~:-cfof th-- milik wut lo:itruni ~f - arez, jl~-Lv, nau, wnd hW, b canditiciagi h7 the L-; n ol svnthr-L~ In On- aMnial mirud-,rts. It b hi-RIjen1mc E4 the cont"t of vitp min C, rJ flit- [red ard varita ivith Ote mnlintd C~ fts C-natnt U, W'~W~ i7liN, In '~e Lzcaili- "r;r 'r- cillf (I Olt a!", ;Lt tht O!L~Z' i-IMI W, milk af 51'rq) twf z as THI in, vitxaill C aft O-q r-- Mf or DuriI34 till! pz~tLuthlh' pcrifKi tf;Q il;( Qf vi:,unini C ..zu! A of zh,~ lowi!" Lt. i, I C:L, ill, l1ri! COCii [~)'Avr UIC Vit-Mailt A lu-Illill., Th-i ol vjt~mljlll C .!nj dtlu :d p IlAvIr. fit) !('ct ill Ow- cc"cs - t t nf And clad ill Oial thc-'c~ Ile vnptl.'~'11)' 01, -rit Oul!"ttiol" 21,'ie to di-'I;r f'v, i. , - . - . vii.; in Nor. f-LAag "t sll;a nj :,vuzably aff6-Li 6Q:r sucLlinjO. 11w CbWae cont..)I-a v fr o1oz;tnull and 1,- Cil,N;lr~ und cukrAfwll (J avilllub, L-cw.; c-laWy highur .;'feat of 'all fj0L*r Tt ruirs within &-riucdl limits iul to ott tht ~C:colul day aml barm:voa- -;z, t' ~C~.'AiTiil Mi!k:md ,Au-stull) 0. furm MiLz whethcr autur-.IA, or p U N of tLe milk" of 0'.' _1111,1k. Th" cf or,,xni ~f A. V;JPL-~tzt;f~ I z I_ -1 11. f~j 1A ~4~j:iyf- the d!gcsfi'u t.Rtt of fami mpitii3ls, A. Vuldtimuis (Iw~t- ZoDtL-i. ;mt Ac-ad. I;ci. Ltt- lbid.~ Tljo usc! of Vilamias j~,, D, U,, B, C, and pp in N". F, I'mit"12 and L. G, Tomme (All- unioll Sd, llc~vardl If;-,I, MV;1L Aid. Tho Oka of viz. -dill A and )) on tht, fertulty of f~rm- ar X. Se vL-" *~w I n ~. t . A n1 it 1.0 -V4421)[113 Morrhol, At~-id. Nal. 174-4,45. 4-,Ud D arlr.'t hv!%'fwL'kl!y Ow fertility v! imml-hun fur- 11-rodsicing, ~!!wqp ~mu! GI bog ~Tlic ciTectici; do~ca~ tor the A and-50-1000 1.11. of ftjr ram, CmVkj i.U. o' vitamin A and Irm yit;iwia D And I.G. of Vit.U11,11 D daiiy !11 flue.:; criective domci tire of V~tami-l A wil'i 7,000 i.-,. of Vit-oxnift P fur Cmal-., anJ IX, of vilamin-A and 15,060 I.U. of vitamin D p-- h,-d j-j~ &iv in :nafM The effLg of vita-, 111" - - r W* 'geduw 111~ A Old D -or, 'ho f, -iiy fif h-,- X. P. .13,1 r L Mosm;.- Vizt~ A,,.,id is;-N are es- uIT atty- tfit., 'xt~c as uhic-e. Tha -Ctive- -r - -'s 'cu'vargaLs in mhe feed- eff 'f vimm~ 1); CL Lig of pmng hc'gs' V_ %1% aad A. D. Artemov (All- i'lclu. of viiaTabzz A :~,_-Lh,~d ia unm7ducd '[Pxiiii cor,- a nd t~c' proEtablQ_ The V 11":' V V1 al ct!nfr~A- !-A ra!ziiig tiuck.11c.- pip. AL. Valdrauni, (Inst. zV1)tc!ui Laui ~ S.&R.t. Pi'd, 'T'd s"z V' Tha U~_, 0i .Lring. voung p1gs. 1. A. Grachev (Ani k:'; r,- e 'c:71 L6ift? A a -PA~; w wid.L.-OCC.- gelvI-4 11~nhh 11f for br'J3 Q.:d 7,004xg. -A LI 17, trc~;:; ard of the - It purv, ~If thi, fir und T"Ift u., her V-1p-TI3. At ub L,.-,- ridi in a!id .,I v ac -il. of The grcuq per IOU kg. d bnay A Iffl, du~;-- 0-2 K T in NA, wt. T!:~ it..- per jl'~"d 491 To Zdd M the iuzQrua: ai~d of vi'~imin A in addr.. ill th ~ p Ltz 'upJA~;i'lc~It-ul!;5! T- frc~ls and pra pr] !;V~r. Sad) ap -'ek, 41-1--c- af- apt-w Le h:um-ful dtia to -lie excvis tile t~'U%Oji'z ~'Idd ajvl tile 5d'.=!Utiou i~r the it; ty- UC V 41 CZ15 t ZI ry h Lng4~-" In tha toc'- H~rctl. I ' - b d - a nova G. a: re1 cf &.~cdL Mitt~,-n& A ;2ivtA-fAi-mA!i taln, fow!41 Ma3lieva rcr f 1~~. ;lc i M;,: y 0 of, wpok-S, W;163uss ef tile iigg' uld of a"Id TrCAlictive cg~'S' Z!z-! N-, ~ !amln "i, C. ct-~ -rile tEfe of V y~ s ua Chu tlf, geeae. M. va. Ell, ChDjk--,,? ay- (56. Ivr'l, Alok-uhule,~,.- lUd. m A, of a~tturul ferc1% zucb 'LlS net, ;Lm prifpns~ of thi: Vi'htn till: vit-vuir. A crntctit Of the f.l, - i ':1 (.0;lAitutc ardy .15-~01 , 11%ify w r-ml irs OTect r.-.1 be b;.ds, is tjl:! 'Pic an'd- aawtvilMian J 'itam"t A ia fowl, ;,nd zv,loig arc:(!v~l llo~ jenorl:-Jaafl,1111 of ~ftwfl;n UC47"ty fi.,3 fill , J, in wh ell chic s a!c V ;znj, z"Ohn., Acad- Scl.--Lil ty. S.S.E )I Ibie. %Ii~j -Z, lfa:wal ' 5crarter of 7itaraLrl BI. V. N Bukiii, L. S, Ytilzcva, aiA Z. r. Z,6!-~.cva (A~ N. R~~kh 11I.-YRIlial'i Acad- ~ci * U.S.S.R.). lin-,L M- 't7.-VjZall;if: B;, coa,,~Irt ;f Udwzy~,,'irver and inutitines 'if Lll~ ;Invetc t6~mc, L"!!i1cil that th, it:j qlliir-.~ty gr~uad to h ; rc, ~:Izt Ling ~e its a . 0 Otot:- for - me . f nl-im~r (frying Allf Ct A C',!lv ar - , tMt of 6c jr. -.ither tha~r- nd the e~i;re~~,- ic , -and i Cu. '15k-i Are ' tar 13,! ar, Nv, u~ a!-,) Fi0l. k*,"*Pcn ~Ax. - 16r f A iUld 1) f0r Z7- L n L ' " I glvvz, 1"id. a~ am V.- f, ~ " ,. - . '.. I MBLYUKOV,A.N. D-hypovitaminosis in calves. Vit.res. i ikh isp. no.2:71-75 154. (KIRA 8:10) 1. Ivanovskiy sellskokhozyaystvenwy institut. (Calves--Diseases) (Ileficiency diseases in domestic animals) (Vitamins-D) MRLYUKOY.p A , N,,,,A;andidat sel'skokhozyaystvennykh nauk. --- -~ _,~ - rn - , - Valuable experience In raising the young. Nauka I pered. op. v sellkhoz. no.10:8-9 0 156. (MLRA 9:12) (Ultraviolet rays---Physiological effect) (Stock and stockbreedirg) HELYUXGV, A.M., smadid t gal' skok:hozMe tvannykh nauk. Control of vitamin D and mineral deficiency in animals. Veteri- narila 33 no-3:77-79 Mr '56. (MLOA 9:5) 1. Opornyy pokaratel'nyy punkt Vaesoyusnogo inatituta mekhnizateii sel'skogo khozyayetva. (DIFICIENCT DISEAM IN ANIMALS) MELYUKOV, A. N., Doe Agric Sci (diss) -- "Methods of providing agricultural animals with vitamin D (Based on material obtained in the central zone of the USSR)". Moscow, 1959. 24 pp (Min Agric RSFSR, Moscow Vet Acad), 140 copies (KL, No 25, 1959, 137) - Aja- kand. sell skokhozzysomtvanr4th nauk 89= - , - - MY-15 lamps as a now source of ultraviolet rays in the Irradiation of farm animals aid poultry. Mauch trudy TJNSKH 4:113-IM '59. (MIRA 13:11) (Ultratlelet rays) MELYUKOV, A.N., kand.sellskokhozyaystyannykh nauk Optimum doses of exposure to ultraviolet light for dairl cattle and mdne. Nauch. trudy VIESKE 7:20-28 160. (KRA 15:8) (Dairy cattle) (Swine) (Ultraviolet rays-Physiological effect) 1,MYUKOV, A. 11. 1 RYZIMOMICOV, L. 1. and CURNYAKO Z1,, V. "Ultra-vioiet irradiation of animals and poultry in industrial conditions." Veterinariya, Vol. 37, Ito. 2, 196o, ~ (~-7 MELYUKOV, A. N., VNIIZH,, RYZBENKOV, L, I., Glavnyy veterinarnyy vrach CBEFUYAK, Z. V., Glavnyy zootekhnik Lyuberetskogo rayon, Moskovskoy oblasti MELYUKOVI A. N. Doe Agr Sci - (diss) "Basic problems of the ultraviolet irradia- tion dosaging and D-vitamin supplementing of the nutrition of agricultural animals." LLeninjiad7s 1961. 31 pp; (Ministry of Agriculture RSFSR, Leningrad VeteRnary Inst); 180 copies price not given; list of author's works on PP 30-31 (24 entries~; (KL, 5-61 sup, 196) MELYUKOV, A.N.; DEVYATNIN, V.A. ------ Chemical determination of sterols and vitamin 1) in feeds. Tr-udy VNIVI 8:114-119 '61. (MIRA 114:9) 1. Khimiko-analiticheskaya laboratoriya Vsesoyuznogo nauchno- issledovatellskogo vitaminnogo in5tituta. (Sterols) (Vitamins--D) (Feeds--Analysis) BAKHIREV, N.F., kand. tekhn. nauk; GAVANIN, V.A., i".; DANTSIG, N.M.; KODMTS, G.A., prof.; ~~.LYUKOV.A.11. kand. sellkhoz. nauk; PIGAREV . N.V., doktor sellkhoz . nauk; OSETROV, P.A., kand. tekhn. nauk; SVENTITSKIY, I.I., kand. tekhn. nauk; SOKOLOV,.M.V., doktor tekhn. nauk; SOLUN, A.S., doktor sellkhoz.nauk; SHARABRIN, I.G., doktor bet. nauk; SKOBELEV, V.M., kand. tekhn. nauk; TIRKELITAUB, M.V., inzh.; KOLPAKOVA, Ye.A., red.izd-va; YEPIFOOVA, L.V., tekhn. red.; SIMKINA, G.S., tekhn. red, (Recommendations for ultraviolet irradiation of farm animals and Wfow]JRekomendatsii po ulltrafioletovorau obIlLobonilu sell- skokhoziaistvennykh zhivotnykh i ptits. Moskva, Izd-vo Akad. nauk SSSR, 1962. 46 p. (MIRA 16:2) 1. kkademiya nauk SSSR. Institut biologicheskoy fiziki. Sektsiya po ulltrafioletovomu izIucheniyu. (ntraviolet rays-Physiological effect) (Stock and stockbreeding) -MELYUKOV, Aleksey Molayevich, kand. sellkhoz. nwik; LEONOVA, T.S., red.; FaKITIN, LT .' tekhn. red. (Biophysics and animal husbandry] Biofisika i zhivotnovodstvo. Moskva, Izd-vo "Znanie," 1963. 28 p. (Novoe v zhiani, nauke, takhnike. V Serlia:,Oellskoe khoziaiatvo, no.7) (MIRA 16:4) (Stock and stockbreeding) (Radiation--Physiological effect) IMYUSHEV, N.A.. inzbener. wal" - - Adopting the method of spraying the slurr7. Moment 22 no.4: 7-9 JI-Ag 156. (ten 9: 10) (Kilns. Rotar7) KSLYUSION, Yu.K. - - W - I ~ continuous thickness control of calendered rubber cloth. lzm. takh. no.1:82-85 KY-Je '5?. (KLRA 10:8) instrumente) (Rubber goods--Testing) (Measuring KAHT, Wladyslaw; MELZACKA, Miroslawa 11-ecyl derivatives of barbiturates. Pt. 3. Rocz chemii 37 no.5:591-592 163. 1. Department of Organic Ghemistry, School of Medicine, Krakow. NIEWOU.'ICZANSK!, H.; "'ELL'At J.- , K.; ", , , ''"" , - -L . - L. , .1 . ; i I , I . A double-beam phctoeler--tric lns* f',*z re~ n0.0117:1-19 1 ~4- 1. Institute 0', N cleEr ~rakui, -1- ~. u . 11 1 . . I - I - . I - - ~: I .. - . " ~ of Sciences. L 2 2 2 E'e 2 ACC WK: AP,6005175 SOURCE: COLE: UR10058165T600fff91~Yf81k0i AMORS Nevodnichanskiy, G.; I-L-llzatskiy, K.; Petrvshka, Y. - Pilyayeva, y. Photoelectric spectrcmter SOURI M: Ref. zh,. Fizika, Abs. 9A148 REF. SOURCE: 7Y,. Komis- P0 sPektr0skopii. M SSSRI t. 29 vyp. 1, 1964$ 665-669 TOPIC TAGS: spectrometer, photoelectric method, spectral line, line intensity/KS-55-' spectrometer TRIViSLATIGN; Apparatuz has been developoed, capable of recording the time variation of the inten'sities Of,tw0 spectral lines arbitrarily selected from the spectrum ob- tained ;-rith a type-E478 Hilger s -S!ApqgLro - -atically recor pectrograph or a type KS ff4phjPand of auto- g thespectrum, of a continuous souroe..of radiaticn. %o entrance slits separate two arbitr-My spectral lines. A system.of light pipes guides the radi.. ation flux from the slits to the cathodes Of tWo photomultipliers. 'llie slits can be moved with the aid of two microm-,er screws. One of them is driven by a syndu-onous 'rotor- 7he spectrum is alltoWatically recorded by using a seccnd synchronous motor. Tile apparatus can be attached to the spectrograPlbwithout any supplenvaitary changes in their construction.- SUB CODE: 20 C.rd not ThP tmont of Vol. T-rTT.C T 77 ccc- V,! Ir)c7 MELZER A. Determination of perimeters of sanitar-I protection at tne captation of undergrourA water. p. 119. (RIDROIT,CUICA. Vol. 2, no. 3,Mlay/June 1957, Rumania) SO: Monthly List of East European Accessions (E-EAL) LC. Vol. 6, No. 12, Dec. 1957 Uncl. 7[o,' nn. Tjjl I 12 77. A. P'ai-n nrolhlemr of word- -..'I t',,e 'le--L~' ('f ar. ar water. Nonthly 11st of Fast Fiirr)-,,r,;-r Ar~-!7rlrm,3 ~Inclaas. L, c - Ats Jour: -,,~;f uthor -lz-;r, ins t 7-ot n. 'J 0" Pub !je, 'Stract: -",--o Fr