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s/126/6z/c1Vcc2/oi--/-.-1.,-1 D e -d end enc e o El 9 3/ E3 0`3 cri~c') V:,ryin,- betv.,ceii 10 aiw, 10 ec lkle resul,G-r; Lrc le-)roctuce(:~ ill t'~ie forui of ~-rl:Ais, ~~:Iollin-: concentration- do-)cndc,,,c(- of the rite of creel) un,-:or various x,):)liecl rcl,ition3:lip between 'L:-,c rcite of creep alid tlic yield )oinL; stresz-c:e,)elidoiicc of 'L::io activation onergy for creel) of tae alloy's f:t~idicd; stress- and o-r t,i(-, i; of creep. The colic lits ion-- r(',1ChCC1 call be SUM lal:iZCL, ~-,S 1) Sli~) is the preCominaut ::ioc!ianis;.i of plaotic crco,.3 at relatively low to,-.qperatures and himIld-rosses. Th e rc1o,tion!--,ip beti,.recn the rato of creep under these coilditL~):i-,, on the one hand, Lind temperature and stress,on the other, caii be described by an exprcs-giou duc to /,Iiurlrov and Sanfirova (DAN SSSR, 1955, 101, no. 2, 257): Q-Yor RT F-0e wh or e Q is the activation energy for creep at o, = 0 ar, I i0 and y are constants. Under these conditions, tlip r--ite of Card 2/11 s/126/62/01/i/002/012/01L; Dc,)eliCc:LCO of .... E193/E-383 cree:, cz-i:,, be correlatec' .ritli tile yield point of the alloy. 2) ';1l tcjx)cratures and undcr lo-.., stresses the In CrOO2 at hi., diffusikm i.iecliani:3m of )lastic deformation predominates and there i:-~ ~,. definite tmiperature an(~ strcs8 rai-if-c within ...,hich tle rz-,to of ~;rccq iricre.-i5es linear 1y .-i-ith incrr'asinL stress. 3) 1:1 t:1,2 inter::iediate ran,,~e of stress and temperature deformatioa by slip txlzc-- placc side-by-side with the rela.-ation proc ez,; cs. The appro.-cii-iiate rate of creep can be obtained,undcr the3e condit ions, f rom an equation due to J.J. Weertman (J. Appl. phys., 1()55, z6, 1213): c((Ya/RT)cxpoQ/RT) (2) 1-111 Or 0~1 is U10 cliprgfy for diffusion, ar is the strcs-'i arid a a coefficient O~'Uallirlj~ --11. T'll-c r-aZo of tc~.i,)evature and stress iii ..-Iiicli the diffusioll mechanis;:i of deformation predominates is wider in alloys than in pure metals. The same applies to the range in which plastic Card 3/1! S/126/62/014/00'-I/012/016 Dependc.-zcc of .... E195/E383 defor---Mti~)n iii creep is described 'by Weertman's er~uation. T:1us tae otrcr~.-: dependence of tLie activation energy for cree-) ceaseg 4.o be ii;icar at 6 - 71,c~~/mi" for :)ure nic1ccl and at 10-1-^ 1: , /::11-.1 for ttic 60" Co-Ni alloy. 5) Tlic onset of tlic diffusion of plastic deformation iri the alloys studice. is facilitated by polygonization. There are 12 fiZures. ASSOCIATION: Inotitut fiziki metallov Ail SSSR (Institute of Physics of Metals, AS USSR) SUB,'.,IT"L'ZD: July 23, 1961 (initially) I-larch 2, 196-1 (after revision) Card I'A PAVWV, V.A.; GAYDUKOV, M.G.; NOSKOYA, N.I.; MEL'ITIKOVA, V.V. Plastic deformation by shear and diffusion during the creep of nickel-copper alloys. Isal. po zharopr. aplav. 9:23-30 162. (MIRA 16:6) (Creep of metals) AP6 ---- 00 735~9- E.yp J'a or 01?c, V. '4 rist - , _ . ; JD /J .1 but e f so COD COZ) ----O--C 1~ I - V. T.JTL lie 'p R : Tile- ].Vsj - "'Ics ~ 0~226 ppe, Pochark 0226 6 Opj 66 Of Jkle t Lan k4 n e Of POZ-Gs N. 31 t a file 10 C:" al e C2,00 - A13s-,Pp - p InetQ10veriet, Z' creep roe d~"e AN )ack. Th. cilzin, V. 21, s ).11`2 'eas no- 2 -Qsi?) ~~ tlcz u del-rec PI e In )~Was vile p Ilts det Pore d C oppe, 296 6-P 309-310 Ore den lie POsult O'Mned or'81 tv and tile Sit 'i _r e y ifas cl c C).c a or -'cperj'-n' ete D Vv ar., zro ontal rea X71irled bjr a f'"c t Cy 0v and Qts are "s arid ya. 0 njj o" t'~ 'j; 100 ppe~lonte re, tjrfl-,- Tile ener.., d c OPJ, Q12 e 0 3kI -lnlreatl Y ;-I ri CQ and bulk den -zj, 296 gat~Orl -c~ 0 P. (see pig, LI 0/0 0 sa rn 3, .16 Z: C40 Ig. D -Z) . eas uz .0 632). tile d ellelldence of a -e rile . t' Of 0 to -irat - c-peatIon 9, 20 ~'O at sted a t .101, 0 r cr Pore C, af 2 57 Op f Onal t _5C. or ancl c 3:ilvez, Y on Opper to3t Ou L 3bt~98-)b AC_CN_R_._Ae600 73 59 pores in the metal during creep is strongly dependent on tile magnitude of the defect packing energy. No increase in pore dennity or decrease in bulk density, w a result of croep, was detected in aluirLinum. It is suggested that further studies are required before a concluvion as to the causos of pore formation can be dravm. Orig art. hass 2 graphs. SUB CODE: Il/ SUBM DAM 1814ar65/ ORIG REF: 003/ OTH RZF 1 001 Card 2/2 SHMELEVA, V.A.; ZOBOV, Ye.V.; SHCHELKUNOVA, M.S.; Prinimala uchastiyes MELINIKOVA, S.K. Using the electrophoresis method for determining the washing away of epoxy resin hardeners from the protective coatings of wine veasels. Lakokras.mat.i ikh prim. no.5:50-52 162. (MIRA 16:1) (Wine-Analysis) (Electrophoresis) (Protective coatings) NRL'BIEDVA, Ye.A. -- Now construction IIV-l leveling instrument. good. no.9:43-45 155. (mmA 9:6) (Leveling) MELINIKOVAj YE. A. Dissertation: "An Investigation of the Effects of IHighly Dispersed Aerosols of Vanadium and Cadmium eh the Central Nervow Systeme" Cand Med Soi,, First Moscow Order of Lenin Wical Inst, 28 Aug 54. (Vechernyaya Moskva, Moscows 5 Aug 54) SO: SU14 393# 28 Fab 1955 L AUTHOR: Mogilevskaya, O.Ya., and Melaikova E.A., Candidates of Medical Sciences, and Me-zMtZ6Va-,A7ffS1BFtant. 136-4-11/23 TITU: Investigation of the toxicity of tita-nium and its compounds. (Issledovanie tiksichnosti titana i ego soedineniy) PLRIODICAL: "Tsvetnye Metally"(Non-ferrous Metals), 1957, No.4, Pp. 51 - 55 (U.S.S.R.) ABSTRACT-z Relativr _y high concentrations of titaniferous dusts and titanium-tr rachloride vapour are becoming more frequently encountere . as titanium production increases. The present investig,, ion aimed to fill the gap in both Russian and foreign literat- -,e on the toxicity of such substances and the plecaut- ionar- aasures. Tho authors' observations have not confirmed the - ew that the solubility of titanium in the biological media is jpreciably higher than in water. The compounds studied in V. present investigation were'titanium dioxiae, titanium car- _Lde and titanium tetrachloride, and these were caused to act on animals under conditions fairly similar to those encountered ty industrial workers. Among the conclusions reached are the followinGi altiioug4 the action on the organism of titanium, Cexdl/2 titanium-dioxide and titanium-carbide of dusts is relatively mild they cannot be considered inert. Special care should be taken to avoid mixed dusts, particularly those of titanium Investigation of the toxicity of titanium and its compounds. (Gont.) 136-4-1.1/23 compound with silica, since these mutually stimulate their harmful effects. Workers exposed to such dusts should be medically inspected at least once a year. The high toxicity of titanium tetrachloride vapours necessitate the most care- ful hermetisation of apparatus, and maintenance of ventilation equipment. Suitable protective clothing must be made available. Symptoms of titanium-tetrachloride exposure include chronic bronchitis, pneumosclerosis, tuberculosis of the lungs, bronchial asthma and all breathing-organ illnesses. Further Card 2/2 research on this subject is recommended. There are 12 references, 8 of which are Slavic. ASSOCIATION: The Moscow Medical Institute (Moskovskiy Medits- inskiy Institut). AVAIIABILI: k: L 'i'V VA/Y t': - 14. "Data on the Determination of the Allowable Concentrations o' Cadmium -ind Vanadium in th-~ lir if Industl,i'111 by Ye. A. Mallnikov,~, Candidate of I'edic-,l .,cicnce~, Caqlm- OL, E-Abor ~11y~dctw, ~ji-st Ordor o,,' L,-,nin Fedical T.n- stitut-~~, G.i,jyt~na i ~~unitariya, Vol 22, 110 3, i-hr 57, rp -2: 5 - 3 1 Thi:3 arti~:IQ reports the resulto of e:fperiizents conductad on X.'-hite- rats to determine the effect of hi-Thly dispersible aeros--)Is formed by the vapors of vanadium and cadmium in plants where these metals are proc- essed. As a result of the e~:per:Lients- it was established that the al- lowable concentration of vanadium -- 0.0001 milligram per liter -- eo- tablished -Dreviour,',y by I. V. Roshe'ain -.nd Ye. P. Vishnevokayadas correct; such a concentrr-ition of caJmiw.1 iray be permitted only temporarily; hi-her concen tr~tt ions of ae-,os~ols cf th. r.~et~ils may cause functional disturbances of the afft-,ctini~ the ne*,,vc)us syzteLr, first. Acute and chronic in- toxications by vanadium aerosols are more pronounced thann those produced by cadmium. (U) .1-2&O EXCERPTA MEDICA iec 17 Vol 5/3 NMI: Health Mar 59 1023, OF T1'I X%117NI H.Tit AV If I AM I W: (Ittismum text) - Nivinikova (i1(;.1 ,NA"". 11,511. 5 (--7-A1) 'Fitblem I --- --l' v stutiv 'Aam olativ ~J 111v t"Xit ity (,f hyd.r,.ge. --- ride whi( h aci. at ilit, tooment i-f flirnimion. ato (if the w-oduut t)f Ilvdi-olysis of TiC14. Lx- 1.~is-)nirig was 1K:i formed m im, e for a pvrio~ of 2 hr. in a chamber witi, a vi)iumv of wo i. The authm, suidied the (oncentrations which killed the :11111nalS in 2-6 days (0.4 nil. TiCII) and also smaller doses. There were consider- able disturbances of respiration. The irritant action of pure hydrogen chloride was more pronounced but Caused less mortality, and disturbances 6f respiration were slight. During poisoning with ricl4l the signs of oedema of the lungs were rn(,re pionounced. The higher toxicity of TiC14 chloride depends on the physico- chernical state of the aerosol product of hydrolysis (the highly dispersed phase favours its penetration into 'the deepest parts of the lungs). MININDVA, Ye.A. Faqtors Impeding and accelerating the process of rusting in salt fish. [with summary In Buglish]. VOP-Pit- 17 no-5:59-63 3-0 158 (HIRA 11:10) 1. 1z kafedry gigiyeny (zav. - prof. F.S. Okolov) Embenskogo, meditsinskogo, instituta, Xrpnnodav)** (FISH. salted fish, factors impeding & accelerAting process of rusting (Ras)) (F=. same (Rua)) "0 - t~A - -- - - ---- --- -- -- . -. --- - .. - -- - 9XCERPTA MEDICA See 2 Vol 12/7 Physiology July 59 3159. TOXICITY OF A HIGHLY DISPERSE AEROSOL OF CADMIUM OXIDE (Russian text) - M e I n i k o vDept. of Industr. Iiyg., i. M. S-~!chenov First Kfo-s-c-o-w --- M-e-d. Inst., Moscow - FARMAKOL.1 TOKSIKOL. 1958. 21/2 (72-78) Graphs 2 Tables I Mhere cadmium is used in industry there is a possibility that the atmosphere may be contaminated by a fine dust of cadmium oxide. This is highly toxic; a threshold concentration of 0. 002 mg. per Ittre of air for the appearance of morphological lesions in the organs of rats has been reported by previous investigators. In this Investigation a threshold value of 0. 001 a Mg. for rats waa established. OLSHIKOVA, Ye.A.,,nauk Toxicity of titanium tetrqchloride [with summary in English] Gig i san. 23 no.5:27-11 My 158 (HIRA 11:6) 1. lz knfedtry gigiyeny tnidn i Rofikovskogo ordena Lonina moditoin- okogo Instituta iment I.M. Sechenova. (TITANIUM, eff. of titanium tetrnchloride in mice (Rus)) .1 1- 1 1--l'. . ~~L 1 : X1, -, J. , i , 11 tp '1 2;. A . ) U'iL,E:J`,()VA , 1, . V . , 71- 1 Y~vA , .~ . , . "'rho e r ~ - nci of c t idy of the r~ff,--t aeroaols nf - vtld~~ on Lhe I f - j,-, c t 3 r-, in -1 ,, t Ei 11 c- r-,,' ~he--,-rvoua _r:r1r. 1 nd u~Ar I a I ce -irl ~ t 1 ons and e xper I rrenta t i on. 11 reper-t zu~ - I 'I ed at the I I! h on ~.,- rirress - f `~y - I I - - - , f-ieni L3f,s, a i,]er- i --,.I -~, ~ i' -, arir~ InfectiM-dsts, 1959 - MZL,rq~QVA J~.A. Toxicity of titanium tetra~,hloride. Trud7 !-go 11U 5:13-19 159. (MIRA 13:2) 1. Iz kafedry gigiyeny truda (zav. - prof. Z.1. Izraellson) 1-go Moskovskogo ordena Lenina meditsinskogo instituta im. I.M. Sechenova. (TITANIUM CHLORIDES--TOXICOLOGY) OGII%NKO, T.G.; MELINIKOVA, le.A., dotsent Study of noise on diese2 and steam engines at the Krasnodar Railroad Junction. Gig. i san. 27 no-3:92-94 Mr 162. (MIPA 15-4) 1. Iz kafedry fiziki i ka-fedry gigiyeny Kubanskogo maditsinskogo instituta. (NOISE--MF.ASUR,,MNT) (iLTIASNODAR-LOCOMOTIVE SOUNDS) ROTENBFM, R.I.; MWN-IKGVA,,Te,.A.; POLTAKOV, Ta.G., inzhener, redaktor; GOLOVIN, riAaktor- TIKHONOV, A-Ya., teklmicheaki7 redaktor. [Mastering the casting of crankshafts from spheroidal graphite iron] Osvoenie otlivki kolenchatykh valov iz chuguna so aferoidallaym grafitom. Moskva, Goo.nauchno.-takhn. izd-vo mashinostroit. i sudostroit. lit-ry, 1954. 16 p. (Moscow. Vessoiuznyi proaktno-tekh- aologicheakii inatitut. Obmen takhnichookim opytom, no.13) (MLRA 9: 8) (Cranks and crankshafts) (Founding) RMUHIERG,H.I.; SOIDATENKO,V.I.; KKLINIKOVA.Ye.A. . . Technology of founding magnesium cast Iron crankshafts. Lit.proizv. no.9:22-24 S'55- I (97,RA 8:12) (Iron-magnesium alloys) (Cranks and crankshafts) 14EL-INIKOVA, Ye.A., starshiy prepodavatell, inzh. laboratory work In motallography for the cource on the tockmolorgl of metals and other materials. Uch.zap.Kol.pad.inst. Polltekh.sar. 4 no,lt6l-81 '59, (MIRA 14-4) (Metallography-Study and teaching) .. ',~ - 1-.1 MELIYIKOVA, Ye.A., dotsent; PANASENKO, Z.G., vrach; ARTAMONOVA, T.A., vrach Changes in the serum proteins in persons working with gasoline and ethylated gasoline. Nauch. trudy Kub. goer. med. inst. 19: 77-83 '62. (MIRA 17:8) 1. 1z kafedry obshchey gigiyeny (zaveduyushchiy - zasluzhennyy deyatell nauki Kirgizskoy SSR prof. F.S. Okolov) Kubanskogo gosudarstvennogo meditsinskogo instituta. MELVINIKOVA, TSOPPI, Talizaveta Ernestavaa-, SPEWSKII. G.M., professor, saaluEhanuyy dayatall naukt; KALIMIKOVA, Te.B.. redaktor; GAMMIAND. M.L. takhaicheskiy rela-Mto [The work of narses in chillran's institutions] Rabota meditsinakoi sastr7 v detakikh uchreshdaniiakh. Pod red. G.N.3paraaskogo. lzd. 2-s, ispr. i dop. Koskva, Go*. izd-vo mad. lit-ry. 1956. 259 p. (KI,RA 9:7) 1. Daystvitallnyy cbDlen Akadamii maditainakikh nau SSSR (for Speranskii) (CHILDREN--CARS AND HTGEM (MMSSS AND NMING) MEL-INIKOVA, Ye.E.; TSIRKIN, YU.M. Use of Complement-fixing culture diagnosticum for the StUd7 G_' Th9 Ser'Um of patients with tick-borne encephalitis. Vop. virus. 9 no.2.158-162 I Mr -Ap 164. (MIRA 17s12) 1. Institut virusologii imeni Ivanovskogo AMN SSSR i Institut medl- tsinskoy parazitologii i -ellmintologii imeni 1-tartsinovskogo, Moskva. ACC NR, AP6034387 _'_ _(fi_)__SOUR .CE __ CO DE UR/0402/66/000/005/0599/0601 AUTHOR: L'vova, A, I.; Hellnikova, Ye. E.; Galegov, G. A.; Gaydamovich, 1 S. Ya. ORG; Institute of Virology im. D. 1. Ivanovskiy, AMN SSSR, Moscow (Institut virusologii AMN SSSR) TITLE: The stimulating action of L-glutamine on multiplication of Venezuelan encephalomyelitia virus SOURCE: Voprosy virusologii, no. 59 19669 599-601 TOPIC TAGS; virology, virus disease, encephalomyelitis I GZ a r-/7,7 7 016 ABSTRACT: The ability of glutamine to stimulate Venezuelan encephalo- myelitis virus in Henks solution was demonstrated. Glutamic acid does not have this stimulating effect. Chromatography showed that glutamine' is assimilated more rapidly by cells infected with Venezuelan encephalo- myelitis than by healthy cells. Since exogenous glutamine is necessaryl for optimum conditions of multiplication of this virus, structural analogues of glutamine or its antimetabolites may be of interest for chemotherapy of Venezuelan encephalomyelitia. Orig. art. has: 1 fig- ure* [W.A. 501 1- SUB CODE: 06/ SUBH DATE: 1OFeb66/ ORIG REF: 001/ OTH REF: 001 Card 1 / 1 LJDCs MO. 25,Q9_5_-1bh15_7M. 64 BARIBSKIY, R.L., redaktor; KARGULIS. U.Ya.. redaktor; HELINIKOTA. Te.l., .WI . redaktor. [High-energy nuclear reactions] IAdernye reaktsli iakh. Yol.l.[Photonuclear reactions: collection Yotaiadernye reaktaii. Sbornik perevodov. Moskva, lit-ry. 1953. 227 p. physics) pri bollphikh snergi- of translational Ixd-vo inostrannoi (KY-RA 7:2) (Nuclear (Photons) USSTF~uman and 1knillial Plervous System. Abs Jour Ref Zhur - Biologiya, No 13, 19,18, No. 60782 Author pielinikova, Ye. I. Inst al Circulation of a Functional- Title Injury of the Cerebr Dynamic Charactor Orig Pub .i.r. ab.: Vopr. klinich. nerropatol., Irkutsk, 1957, 63-83 Abstract :The result of the clinical studY of 36C patients is presented, in which there were sudden transitory dis- turbances in the cerebral functions. 59.4% of the patients were in the age group of 41 - 60. In 91% of the patients the disturbances in cerebral circulation (cc) were conditioned by hypertension, 24-7~ of them In the stage 1, 51.6% In II and 23.7% in 111. In 85.3% of the Card 1/3 146 USSR / Human az-.d Anlrl. pry.iology ~Normml mlA Patnoiogicaij. Nervous system. Abs Jour Rof Zhur - Biologiya, No 13, 1958, No. 60782 Patients,, SYMPtdias ofl~rteriosclerosiq 'waie uncovered. In 60%,or the 6d,#es the d~qtui~baTe fact was preceded ~y Ora, pred,919 41ng to4eWs the rise in blood pressure (physical 107 intallect~al OV36i6kfon, anxiety). In the beginnllig 4,the disease$ there were rarely headaches or loss Of consciousness. The main symptoms Of the disease are: vertigo (66%), disturbance of the ftinction of the hYPOglossal nerve (73%)y Paresis of the ex:tromities Pathological reflexes (51%), patholog. (56%), v of abdominal reflexes (72%), bilateral conduction symptoms (53%), asymmtry in the face innervation (97%), speech impairixnt (35%)- In 63% of the patienta the dynamic disturbances of CC developed in the system of the inner carotid artery, in 16.5% In the system of the vertebral artery, and In the remaining cases the question of localization remained Card 2/3 USOVA, M.K.; ILIMA, N.A.; KKLINIKOVA, Ys.K. Clinical and physiological analysis of the effectiveness of acwunc- ture in radiculitis; preliminary communication. Zhur.nev. i psik-h. 59 no.6:723-728 159. (MIRA 13:1) 1. Laboratoriya igloterapii (nauchnyy rukovaditell - prof. N.I. Grashchankov) Institute, psikhiatrii (dlr. - prof. D.D. Tsdotov) Ministerstva zdravookhrananiya SSSR, Kosk7a. (ACUPUNCUTES, in var. die. radiculitis (Rua)) (NMVES, SPINAL, die. radiculitis, acupuncture (Rua)) GRASHCHOKOV, R.I.; KASSILI, G.N.; USOVA, M.K.; VRYN, A.M.; WINA, N.A.; KAMEMSKATA. B.I.; MKLINIKOVA. Ye.M. Application of acupuncture in certain diaeases; clinical ph7siological In7estigations. Zhur.nov-r.i pelkh. 59 no.10:1159-1166 159. (MIRA 13:3) 1. Laboratoriya reflaktorno7 terapii Instituta paikhtatrit (direktor - prof. D.D. Fadotov) Kinisterstva zdravookhraneniya SSSR, Kookva. (AGUFUNCTM) KASSILIJ. G.N.; BOYLVA, Ye.M.; VEYN, A.M.; KAMMTSKAYA, B.I.; MALIT,",IIIA, V.S.; MEL'NIKOVA, Ye.M.; FISEMAN, M.N. Mechanisms of therapeutic effects in acupuncture. Vest.AMI SSSR 16 no.3:37-47 161. (MIRA 14:7) 1. Iz laboratorii reflektornoy terapii (rukovoditell - deystvitellnyy chlen ARtl SSSR N.I.Grashchenikov) Instituta psikhiatrii (dlr. - prof. D.D.Fedotov) A101 SSSR. (ACUPUlJCTU,T,,) MELINIKOVA, Ye.M. Effect of acupuncture on the neuromuscular apparatus (elec- troMographic investigations). Sbor. trud. CMI no.9:56-62 162. v (MIRA 17:2) 1. Iz laboratorii reflektornoy terapii AMN SSM (zav. - chlen-k-orrespondent AN SSSR N.I. Grashchenkov, nauchnyy rukovoditell prof. G.N. Kassill). KASSIL', G.N.; BOYINA, Ye.M.; VEYN, A.M.; KAMENETbKAYA, B.I.; MAL'TSINA, V.S.; MFL'NIKOVA Ye H - RAYT, M.L. P . t --- . .., Acupuncture s a reflex method of treatment and its specific characteristics. Vop. kur., fizioter. i lech. riz. kul't. 28 no.5:415-419 5-0 163. (MIRA 17:9) 1. Iz laboratorii reflektornoy terapii AI*I SSSR. BOYEVA, Ye.M., kand. med. nauk; GRASHCONKOV, N.I.,,prof.; KAIMTETSKAYA, B.I., kand. med. nauk; KASSILI, G.N,,,,Prof.; MELINIKOVA, Ye.M. FISEM14N, M.N., kand. biolog. nauk ( kva) Dysfunction of the hypothalamic region of the brain in the acute stage of closed craniocerebral injuries. Klin. med. 41 no.9:113-119 S'63 (MIRA 17:3) 1. Iz laboratorii klinicheskoy neyrofiziologii ( zav. - dey- stvitellnyy chlem ANN SSSR prof. N.I. Grashchenko) AMN SSSR i laboratorii ney-gumorallnoy regulatsii ( zav. - deystvitell- nyy chlen ANN SSSR prof. N.I. Grashchenko) AN SSSR. BOYEVA, Ye.M.; GRASHCHENKOV, N.I.; KAMENETSKAYA, B.I.; gBL'Ifl~KOVA, IG.M. Use of steroid hormones in the acute period of a closed cerebrocranial trauma. Zhur. nevr. i psikh. 64 no.3:380-385 164. (MM 17:5) 1. Laboratoriya klinicheskoy neyrofiziologii (zaveduyushchiy - prof, N.I. Grashchenkov) AMN SSSR, Mosk7a. '~L MEV MIYLOVA, TO.P. Standardization of electrodes for electric arc welding and building-up. Sta-adartizatatia 24 no.8:30 Ag 060. (HIRA 13:9) (Electric welding) (yelectrodes--Standards) MELINIKOVA, E. P., NAU.,10VA, Z. K. and VANSHhXDT, A. A. "Synthesis of methylendiurea anti its Tol er homologs", J. Gen. Chem. (USSR), 10, 1968-72, 1940. r Methylenediurea, may be obtained b9 condensation of HCHO with urea, in the presence of traces of HC1 in the cole or at 100 along eith an admixt. of less-sol. produabs of polycondensation. Dimethylenetriiwea is prepd. by condensing methylolmothylenediurea with urea in an acid medium. Trimethylenetetraurea. is prepd. by cond -sing the di- methylol deriv. of methylehediurea with urea in an acid medium. In order to prep. good yirled of mesomethylenapolyurea it is mecessary to use wicess urea in the above method. B. A. Kamich. wi s- VIC- L V Xyk w=lt:. , C~144, P-';. tin-4p~"CH. vlab chlora- ayd Y:i ji n' 2 h -7P, i r h 0- V's. (1). The dcii-m ,f 'it add f L'j) ta Afz 0 tlul~ T 'r V.4, Pad, *e 1 &-rim quaraitmiMy.- 'I'llus ,v4!TC prcpd; ' J) dhalide, m, 174 A, -eerlm of Ph., 0 7 7 -Ald VANSEITM, A.A.; KZL:g ~()V~ ~~ .; KUKHAIWA, L.T.; KRAKOVYAIC, M.G. !ww. !!' Method for the synthesis of dichloromethyl derivativea of naphthalene and diphenyl oxide. Khim. nauka i prom. 3 no.21 287 158. (MIRA u:6) 1. Institut vysokomolekulyarnykh soyedinenly AN SSSR. (Yaphthalene) (Phenyl ether) VANSHEMT. A.A.; MF:LINIKDVA, Ye.P.; KUKHAREVA. L.V.; KR.AKDVYAK, M.G. Soluble poly-n-xvlvlene. Zhur.prikl.khim. 'Ill no.12:1898-1900 D '58. (MIRI 12:2) 1. Institut vysokomolekulyarnykh soyedineniy AN SSSR. (Quinodimethan) (Polymers) MEL'NIKOVA, Ye. P., Cand Chem Sci -- (diss) "Synthesis of ..-'~-.',~riiiethyl derivatives of aromatic hydrocarbons and the production of pcl,,ners of regulated structure on their basis." Leningrad, 10,,60. 15 P-' : (Ministry of Higher and Secondary Specialist Education RSFSR, Leningrad Grdel- of Labor Red Banner Technological Inst im Lensovet); 200 copies; price not given; (KL, 28-60, 158) Fig !A a Iff ni w 54 .44 W- t:-4 o 91 57 13 8 J 9 1 g-g I 1 8 g 1 .110 . AUTHORS: Kukhareva, TITLE; Application mers of the Sodium With carbons 8ABO S/190/60/002/009/011/019 B004/Bo6o _jB__P_, Vf~nsheydt, A. ., Kra~ovyak, M. G., L. V. of the WUrtz Reaction to the Synthesis of Poly- Polyxylylene Type. I. Interaction of Metallic Bis-chloro-methyllDerivatives of Aromatic Hydro- PERIODICAL: Vysokomolekulyarnyye soyedineniya, 1960, Vol~ 2, No, 9, pp. 1383-1390 TEXT- The authors discuss the production of polymers of the type (-CH2ArCH 2-)n (Ar - aryl residue) by means of the pyrolysis of dimethyl- silbstituted aromatic hydrocarbonsl This reaction does not succeed if, as happens with m-xylene, no quinone monomer can form, or the methyl groups in derivatives of diphenyl methanelare bound to different aromatic rings. The WUrtz reaction is recommenTp-d for the production of polymers in such a case. After a survey of publications concerning the application of the WI-Irtz reaction to the synthesis of polymers (Refs. 4-11)i the authors Card 1/4 83480 Application of the WUrtz Reaction to the 3/190/60/002/009/011/019 Synthesis of Polymers of the Polyxylylene B004/BO60 Type~ I~ Interaction of Metallic Sodium With B;s -hloro-methyl Derivatives of Aromatic Hydrucarbons describe the syntheses made by them, The initial products used were the ,;ubstances listed in Table I with their melting points: p-bis-(chloro- methyl)-benzene; 2,5-bis-(chloro-methyl)-1,4-dimethyI benzene; 4,6-bis- (ch"oro-methyl)-1,3-dimethyl benzene; 4,4'-bis-(chloro-methyl)-diphenyl methane, and a difficultly separable mixture of bis-(ohloro-methyl)- naphthalene (1,4 + 1,5). The reaction of the compounds with sodium metal t(,ck place in a nitrogen current in n-octane-, xylene-, and chiefly dioxane solution at temperatures kept near 20-250C by oooling. Table I shows the analysis of the products obtained. They were: poly-p.-dimethylene benzene; poly-2i5-dimethylene-1,4-dimethyl benzene; poly-4,6-dimethylene-1,3-dime- thyl benzene; poly-4,41-dimethylene-diphenyl methane; poly-4,4 I -dime thylene diphenyl, and polydimethylene naphthalene (1,4 + 1,5). Although the reac- tion according to equation nClCH 2 ArCH2Cl + 2(n-QNa - Cl(-CH 2- Ar-CH 2)nC' + 2(n-I)NaCl made expect the formation of linear polymers with chlorine atoms at the ends, some of the polymers did not contain any chlorine. The Cara 2/4 83480 Application of the WlArtz Reaction to the S/1 90/60/002/009/011/0 19 Synthesis of Polymers of the Polyxylylene B004/BC60 Type. 1. Interaction of Metallic Sodium With Bis-ohloro-methyl Derivatives of Aromatic Hydrocarbons authors doubt the possibility of a cyclization, and discuss the reactions that might cause a reduction of polymeric dichlorides. Reference is made to papers by Sborygin in this connection. The determination of the mole- cular weight on the basis of the chlorine content is not possible by the methods described. A variant of the synthesis from bis-(chloro-methyl)- m-xylene under elimination of the sodium excess led to the chlorine-con- taining product C whose molecular weight was found to be l(C1OH12)nC1' 4000, n = 30, while the same chlorine-free polymer obtained with sodium excess had a molecular weight of 1800, n = 14, The polydimethylene-m- xylene was readily soluble in chloroform, and its molecular weight was 1800 - 4000 depending on reaction conditions. The polymers of dimethylene benzene, p-xylene, and diphenyl methane with CH 2- groups in p-position were soluble in bigh-boiling solvents only. The determination of their molecular weight was not possible since the apparatus required was not available. The polymers from bia-chloro-methyl derivatives of diphenyl and naphthalene are spatially cross-linked products, insoluble in organic solvents, Card 3/4 83460 Application of the WUrtz Reaction to the S/190/60/002/009/011/019 Synthesis of Polymers of the Polyxylylene B004/BO60 Type~ 1. Interaction of Metallic Sodium With Bis-ohloro-methyl Derivatives of Aromatic Hydrocarbons There are 2 tables and 25 references: 3 Soviet, 9 US~ 6 British, 6 German, 1 Fr-:~h, and I Swiss-, ASSOCTLATTON- Institut vysokomolekulyarnykh soyedineniy AN SSSR (Institute of High-molecular Compounds of the AS USSR) SUBMITTED: April 11, 1960 Card 4/4 5630 S/190 60100210"2/010/019 B055 B01 Y, 14. G-t 'gliI.J Ye. _P of Poly- i T the S thesis %el U tt~.-V- Yn 1,011con- A10TROTLS: Wi~ha r 8 V a I W,rtz yte ctlon In of the . Rydro- 0 f the 11 roperti"ed Aromati lication s. Met ylat polymel TT,TLEI Type of Diehl ro 129 1y products,jo sodium 101. 2, 11o' 4etal ,jansat O,,.jth 1 1960, carbons e soye dineniYal of .OmOlekUlYarny onder'sat'on jysok 811-1 B23 d by PO'-Y'c sodium ,R 0DICA'LZ I prepare t,,, metall'o -nloro- I pp. of P03-y'lers b n5 W I - d from (lie ble rtieS O..tic hydrOcar 0 prepare easily fus3. sical props Of ar polymers are phy . tives t the in para Tr,XT% The thl der"va found ths s in meta POs't'ollt groups are ine V I by group the C112 s in aichlOro- - atedll~ Was CIL Which "V6 St 19 et 2 in . t t dissolve ,were il m_.jLylene I thylene P-%-ylene t melting Poinp,oly-4,41 - ,,ethylene me thYl polydime ther 03000' soj~ab 10 a hig 08 above MVers, tur and is crystalline ant' tha Positiont hthalene Only 01. _brOMO nap Card 1/2 86323 Application of the Wurtz Reaction in the S/190/60/00-/o12/o1o/ojq Synthesis Of Polyxylylene Type Polymers. B017/B055 II. Properties of the Polycondensation Products of Dichloromethylated Aromatic Hydrocarbons With Metallic Sodium d-iphenyl methane is less crystalline and dissolves at temperatures lower by 1000C than p-xylene derivatives. X-ray analysis of these polymers con- firms their crystal structure. The radiograms were taken on a YPr_ -50 (URS-50) X-ray apparatus. They show that all the polymers prepared are more or less crystalline and that the turbidities appearing at fusion or during the cooling of solutions are caused by crystallization products. Insoluble threedimensional DOlymerizates formed from dichloro-methyl derivatives of diphenyl and naphthalene are high-melting crystalline com- pounds. They dissolve after boiling for 4 h inak-bromo naphthalene with- out suffering a change in melting point. The differences in polymerizate properties are evidently closely linked with the different stabilities of their crystallites towards higher temperatures and hot solvents. There are 6 figures, 2 tables, and 6 references: 2 Soviet, 2 US, 1 British, and 1 German. ASSOCIATIONt Institut vysokomolekulyarnykh soyedineniy AN SSSR (Institute of High-molecular Compounds of the Academy of Sciences USSR) SUBMITTEDs May 20, 1960 Card 2/2 MISHEYDT, re.p.; MHMVA, L.V. Synthesis of dichlorcmethyl derivatives of p- and mr-xylenes. Zhur- prikl. khIm. 33 no.9:2151-2152 S '60. (KIRA 13:10) (I~rlene) VANSHE)MT, A. A.; MELINIKOVA, Ye.P.; 'ZALLIYER,, YumAe Chloromethylation of benzene derivatives and xylenes (m and p) b.v paraform and hydrogen chloride in the presence of stannic chloride. Zhur.prikl.khim. 34 no.3:705-707 Mr 161. (MIM 14:5) 1* Institut vysokomolokulyarnykh soyedinenly Akademii nauk SSSR. (Ch.loromethylation) (lylene) (Benzene) VANSHEIDT, A.A.; MELINIKOVAIa.P.; GLADKOVSKIY, G.A. Preparation and properties of polyphenylen-e-type polymers. Part 2: Preparation of polyarylenemethyls by polycondensation of aromatic hydrocarbons with their bis-acetoxy and bis-chloromethyl derivatives. Vysokom.soed. 4 no.9:1303-1309 S 162. (MIRA 15:11) 1. Institut vysokomolokulyarnykh soyedineniy AN SSSR. (Hydrocarbons) (Polymers) MEELINIKOVAY Ye.P., VANSHFYDT, A.A.; SIMANOVSKAYA, S.A. Synthesis of tri f-bloromethyl)-,-Yylene and of srume prc&ucts of its transformation. Zhur. prikl. kbim. 38 no.7:1629-1631 il 165. (MIRA 18s7) DIVYATNIN, V.A.; M&LINIKOVA, Ye.Ta.; CHWMO.A.I. Vitamin ABj and B2 content of cheese. Trudy VNIVI 6:240-242 '59. (MIRA 13:7) 1. Vaesoyuzuyy nauchno-iseladovatellskiy vitaminnyy institut. Khimiko-analitichaskaya laboratorlya. (CHEESE) (VITAMINS) DMVYATNINO V.A.- ITANOV, A.G.; MINIKOVA, To.ra. Vitaminization of confectionery products with ascorbic acid. Trudy VNITT 6:242-244 159. NIRA 13:7) 1. Khimiko-analiticheskaya laboratoriya Vaesoyuznogo nauchno- issledovatellskogo vitaminnogo instituta i 6-ya Lenin.-radskaya konditer0nya fabrika. (ASCORBIC ACID) (COMCTIOMY) MRVYATNIH, V.A.; IOTRISH. H.P.,; MEL.'-RIKQYA, Ye.Ta. Preser7ation of vitarain G in hOne7 fOll(rding its vitaminization. Trudy vNivi 6:244-245 159. (MIRA 13:7) 1. Khimiko-analiticheakaya laboratoriya Veeooyuznogo nauchno- iseledovatellskogo vitaminnogo instituta. (ASCORBIC ACID) (HOM) DEVYATNIN, V.A.; SOLUNINA, I.k.; FEDOROVA, G.A.; MEL'NIKOVA, Ye.Ya.; SAMSONOVA, G.S.; ZHELTOVA, I.S. - - Vitamin 'loss in cooking. Trudy VNIVI 8:93-96 161. (MIRA 14:9) 1. Khimiko-analiticheskaya laboratoriya Vsesoyuznogo nauchno- issledovatellskogo vitaminnogo instituta. (Vitamins) GAYDAMOVICH, S.ya.; OBUKHOVA, V.R.; IqL'NIKOVA, Ye.E. Cbtaining of antigen for the complement fixation reaction of tick-borne and JAT)Rnese encephalitis viruses from tissue Md' -12fteh,'ked. infoTwi. AWSM . cultures. Nauch. - InforK no.1:31-33 161 (MIRA 16:11) 1. Institut virusologii im. D.I.Ivanovskogo (direktor - prcf. P.N.Kosyakov) At-III SSSR, Moskva. KMYAKHOV, r.1.; MM'HIKUVA,,-TU,S.; TRRBIN. G.F.. KAZAKMA. A.V. Determining water saturation and oil recovery factors of sands on the bnois of drill core analyals. Neft.khoz.34 no.6:28-34 UTp_ 156. (Oil well logging) (Petroleum engineering) (MLRA 9:9) MELINIKOVA. Tu.S. Effect of bituminous process on physical and mechanical properties of soils. Uch.zap.Mosk.un. no.177:171-192 '56. (KLRA 10:5) (Bituminous Materials) (Soil mechanics) MELINIKOVA. Yu.S.: BARAY. V.S. Lithological characteristics and physical parameters of the Khadum producing area in the Palagiada region of Stavropol Territory. Geol. nefti Supplement to no.8:111-122 '58. (MIRA 11:10) l.Vaeso7=nyy nauchno-isaledovatel'ski7 institut neftyanoy pro- m5rahlennosti i Vsesoyuzny7 nauchno-issladovatellski7 institut gazovo7 promyshlennoBti. (Stavropol Territory-Geology, S#.,ratigraphic) (Water, Underground) KOTTAKHOV, F.I.; 1,0LINIKOVA. Tu.S.; SEMRMMIKOV, S.A. Method for calculating recovery factors in vater flood operations. Trudy 7NII no.24:37-63 '59. (141RA 13:5) (Oil field flooding) KOTYAKHOV, F.I.; WMINIKOVA, YU.S. Area of disturbance of linear flow in fissured rocks. Hemch.- tekh. sbor. po dob. nefti no.15slO-16 161. (MIRA 15:9) 1. Vsesoyusnyy neftegazovyy nauchno-isaledovatellskiy institut. (Oil reservoir engineering) KOTYAKHOV.. F.!.; MEL711IKOVA., Yu.S. Detendning the physical parameters of thinly inter"Dedded arenaceous-arg-iLlaceous rocks.. Trudy VNII no.34.86-.9/, '6~. (UtA 15 - ) (0.-'.1 larAs) KOMILKHOV. F. 1. 1 i-iLL I N I KOV A Yu.s. ; YURCHAF, V.P. --- ~ bi 1. i L-r (-) f i i tr, o i,:)g i ca , ~ y ,ri 1 f () --m Fand a bone a i n v-'r, D- 6f the Nymazy -,il flield. Nefteprom, delo no.t~~!7-9 165. (YjRA 28.a0) 1. Vsesoy-uzny-y neftogazov.U i.9sledovat-ellskly ALIS.IIOYZV', T.R.; BMSZKIN, V.G.; MELINIKOVA, Yii.7. Stfact of phase trand.tions in the stationary phase on the chromatographic charactarlaticB of the eluates. Z-hur. fiz. khim. 39 no* lt2OO-202 Ja 965 (MIRA l9ri) 1. Institut neftekhindcheskogo sinteza A14 SSSR. Submitted January 13, 1964. MELINIKOVA. Z., assiatent Concerning structure of *other' diseases. Okhr.truda j gote.strakh. no.7:56-57 Jl '59. (14IRh 12:11) 1. Kafedra organizataii zdravookhrananiya Svordlovskogo meditsin- skogo instituta. (IMDICINE:. INDUSTRIAL) MEMNIKOVA, ZJI.; DUDARI, N.M. Effect of those who are repeated ill on the level of disease incidence with temporary loss of work capacity. Zdrav. ios. Feder. 5 no.8:13- 16 At,, 'u'l. (MIRA 14: 10) 1. Iz kafedry organizatsii zdravookhraneniya Sverdlovskogo medit- sinskogo instituts. (dir. - prof. A.F.Zverev) i Sverdlovskogo oblprofsaveta. (INDUSTRIAL FYGIENE) MELINIKOVA., Z.M. (Sverdlovsk) Correlation of general morbidity (according to patHents' recarc=' and morbidity with temporary loss of working capacity. Sov. zdrav. 21 no.2:4.1-43 1621. (M]TA 15-3) 1. Iz kafedry organizatsii zdravookhranoniya i istorii meditsiny (zav. -- dotsent N.M., Mamzina) Sverdlovskogo meditsinskogo instituta (dir. - prof. A.F. Zverov). (INDUSTRIAL HYGIENE) BARATS, S.S.; MEL'UIKOVA_, Z.M. Hypertension and coronary atherosclerosis amoung workers of the Ural Machinery Plant. 26 no.8:13-18 Ag 162. (MIRA 15:10) 1. Iz kardiologicheskoy gruppy usileniya (nawhnyy rukovoditell - prof. B.P.Kuzhelevskiy) pri Sverdlovskom institute fizioterapii i kafedry organizatsii zdravookhraneniya Sverdlovskogo meditsinskogo instituta (dir. - prof. A.F.Zverev). (CORONARY HEART DISEkSE) (SVERDLOVSK-MACHINERY INDUSTRY WORKERS -DIS F Abl!b ANL HIGIENE) BE"'~G, Lksell Ivanovich, akaCIe:. ik; Zl%.'.. , red.; RAKITIIN, I.T. , .,a i nznqz,,,r,( 'Cybernetics and reli,,~Ijiiity] Kibe.-Yioti, L l,'oskv,--,, Izd-vu "Znanie," 30 (I:ovoe v zid-mi, naw~o, tekhn-ike, IV Se---iia: Tekhnika, na.21) (1-a-,,A 16:12") 1. Clden-',)rre~-~ondent Ali OSSS'11' (for Derg). (Automatic control) (Electronic iniustries-Quality contrul) UL-WISK.-Y) Aleksey Aleksardrovich; -MELINIKOVA, Zhl.t,!~, red.; NAZ,U-,,OVA, A.S., tekhr.. red. [Food is prepared by automatic m-ac~- 'ifies] Pishchu goto-;i,~A avtorj~aty. Moakva, lzd-vo "Znanic," ll,.-.,~3. U. (NIL'itA 16.!2) (C,-,okery) ('Machinei-y, SHAROLI, Leonid isaakovich; MELINIKOVA, Zh.M.,, red.; NAZAROVA, A.S.0 tekhn. red. [Gybernetic machines of the highest order] Kibernetichookle mashiny v-ysshego ranga. Moskva, lzd-vo "Znanie,," 1963. 36 P. (Novoe v zhizni, nauk-e, tekhnike. IV Seriia: Tekhnika., no.24) (MI RA 17 -. 1) TaLieush Y;inusiievich, kw-. 111111k; NELINIKGVA, Zh.!.'.1 red. [I:ondestructi,vo of ~,:.etals; i.hysica--- means of providing relittic-Iiityl, Ne,-az-usMiuEhc'.,Iii konl-roll metal- lov; fizicheskie ;ri~a-tvii ohesi.echeniia npdoziinostui. No- 1 lzci-,.,o 3" F. (Novoe v zhiznL, na- . ilkva . I _ -a: no.1' I A 17 - .,:e, U1 PLONSKIY, Aleksandr Zilippovich, kand. tekhn.nauk, 6ots.; MELINIKOVA, Zh.N., red.; RAKITD, I.T., [The crystal and radio electronics] Kristall i rad-io- elektronika. Moskva, Izd-vo "Znanie," 1964. 39 p. (Novoe v zhizni, nauke, takhnike. IV Seriia: Tekhnika,no.1) (MIRA 17:2) VENDA, Valeriy Fedorovich; MELINIKOVA, Zh.M., red.; *,IAKITIN, I.T., tekhn. red [Operator and the machine] Operator i mashina. Moskva, Izd- vo "Znanie," 1964. 47 P. (Novoe v zhizni, nauke, tekhnike. IV Seriiaz Tekhnika, no.5) (MIRA 17:4) REYNBERG, 'Mikhail Germanovich, kand. tekhri. nauk; YIELINIKOVA, Zh.M.. red. [The future of computers] Budushchee vychislitellnykh mashin. Moskva, Izd-vo "Znanie," 1964. 47 p. (Novoe zhizni, nauke, tekhnike. IV Seriia: Tekhnika, no.6) (Ml.---A 17: 11) KLAVDTN, Boris Vasillyevich; MELINIKOVA, Zh.M., red. (Irrigation technique] Tekhnika orosheniia. Moskva., Izd-vo 117 11 1964. 'Novoe v zhizni, nauke, tekhnixe. manie . 31 p. \ IV Seriia: Tekhnika, no.7) (MIJRA 17:5) DICHAROV, Zakhar Llvovich; tIELIMKOVA,__Zh.M., red. (man tarnes rivers] Chelo7ek Lokorfaet reki. Mos~-,a, lzd-vo "Znarde," 1964. 47 P. (Novoe v zhizni, nauke, tekhnike. I'V Seriia: Tekhnikat no.9) (MI'lU 17:6) - .. , I ., , "': , ~-'k 7 '. ~- , - ! ., , ", r.~~ 'A - , , I -A I I - .4' , T 11:. - " . -.k -,; I .): - 1.~; I Ir: ~ ,, 'm. red. n e s I D he I o d a,7,. VASIL'YEV, Boris Vasillyev-1ch, kand. khim. nauk; PSIMICHNIKOV, AlekBandr Georgiyevich, kand. khim. riauk; FRUMKIN, A.N., akedemik, red.; VIELINIKOVA, Zh.M.p red. ~ I-- .. . ... - - (Horizons of electrochemistry] Gorizonty elaktrokhimii. Moskva, Znanie, 1965. 42 p. (Novoe v zhizni, nauke, tekh- nike. XI Seriia: Khimiia, no.4) (MIRA 18:4) SAFRONOV, Yuriy PrAvlovich, kand. tekhn. nauk; MT1,1111 V 7 Im A, red. [Infrared rays] Infrakrasnye luchi. Moskva, Izd-vo "Znanie, TV 1965. 32 p. (Novoe v zhizni, nauke, tekhni-ke. IN Serlia: Tekhnika., no.4) (VIRA 18-3) I-APIK'YAR, Hobert Tatevosovic~; MELINIKOVA, Zh.M., red. .~Chemistry in the fields] Khimfia - plla:7.. Id.c 3ki -a, Znanie, 1965. 38 p. (Novoe v zl)izr;14, nauke, tekhniRe. IX Seriia: Khimiia) (XIHA 19:1) FAVIIOV, Vladimir Pavlovich; MIMINIKOVA, Zh.14., red. ',,~Diymers and metalls) Polimery 1 mietall. Mo-qkva, Zr-F-- nie, 1965. 45 P. (Novoe v zhizni, nauke, takhnike. XI Serila: Khimiia, no.10) (MIRA 18-10) SIRED , V-1-tally Grigor lyevich, kand. tekhn. nauk; I~E, Zb 'I, -- .kj red. [Now CflrbOrWI RI~jtA-T-ifLI.,] Novyo liarbonillnyo materia-ly. 140- skva, Izd-vo "Znanip-," 196-5. 46 p. (Novoe v zhizni, nauke, tekhnike, XI Seriia. KlAriila, no.E) (IMIRA 16: 8) REUTOV, Oleg Aleksandrovich, akademik; MELINIKOVA, Zh.M., red. (Architects of molecules; stereochemistry] Arkhitektory molekul; stereokhimiia. Moskva, Znanie, 1965. 47 p. (Novoe v zhizni, naukep tekhnike. XI Seriia: Khim-iia, no.7) (1111RA 18:7) FIll DTLY Ali DER , .1 ()S.'1 f II :~j- Lekhr- xil~uk~ IMEL'~.IKCNA, Z11AII, red. t-,-- [Aluminum and its allUs! Ai~ljmlnlj 1 ego splav7. Yloslknve, , .1 Izd-vo i1i'narip,: 1965. b() p. (Novoe 11 7.hi:,ni, viuke, tekhnAke. X! 3erlia, KhIrri-,la, (MIRA 18~11) PABROV, Lev VAter(.-vin-h~ MEMIKOVA, M.M., red. [Mathematics of molecules] Matematika Molel.U-1- Mcskva, Znanie, 1965. 6? p. (Novoe v zhizni, nauke.. tekhnike. IX Seriiai Khimiia, no.9) (MIRA 18:8) NOVIKOV, B.S.; RUBINSIUEYN, A.M.; BRIJIKIN, N.I.; HUNIKOVA, Zji. Causes of low stability of palladium catalysts under conditions of dehydrogenation catalysis. C.R. Aced. Sci., U.R.S.S.9 149, 689 1049- 1051. (KLRA 2:10) (BA - A I Ja '53:84) 'i C&W KIMMUROV, Yuriy Sergeyevich; YEL1N1KOVA,-Z'1.i.M,, rod. [Computer control of' tranrrortfitllwil A-1trivity",- liaiut transportor, Nloskva, Zriante, 1964. 22 p. (Novoe v zl7dzni, nauke, tekhnike. IV Seriia: Tekhnika, no.18) (',.IqA 17:q) MOROZOV, Sergey Alek.-jandrovich; Ml-;I,'1;!KOVA, U.M., rad. (The photographic of the ocirint.j,it.; on the ocasj,'n of the 125th armi-ie:-sar-i rf the inventi~;ri of photcgraphy"' Fotoglaz uchenolpo; k 125-letil!i izobrt-teniia fotografdi. Mosk-va, Znanj.t,, YO~4. !,I/ p. (N-)voe v zhi-zni, nauke, tekh- nik,i. IV Soriia: 1'/:,)) achines un(~r~;- ~he eartri j zd 1'~ 64 . j! De. -vo rat uk e -7: KIRLIM Valentina Khrisanfovna; KIRLIM , Semen Davidovich; t,.'FL'-,N1KOVA, ZhJl.~ red. [In the world of wonderful dischargeel V mire chudesrWkh razriadov. Moskva. Znanie, 1964. 39 p. (Novoe v zhizni, nauke, tekhnike. IV Seriiia: Tekhnika., no.20) (VIRA 17.1-1) GOLOVIN., Sergey Yakovlevich, kand. tekhn. nauk; MK INIKOVA, Zh.M., red. [Progressive foundry practices' Progressiv-nye vidy litlia. Moskva, Znanie, 1964. 31 P. (Novoe v zhizni, nauke, tekhnike. N Seriia. Tekhnika, no.23) (MIRA 17:1-1) TSAYEV, E=.anuil A-ronovich; MELINIKOVA Zh.M., red. (Image on a magnetic tape] Izobrazhenie na magnitnoi lente. Moskva, Znanie~ 1964. 15 P. (Novoe v zhizni, nauke, tekhnike. IV Seriiat Tekhnika, no.24) (MIFLA 17: 11) i,U t 'T.',u . , Vlad lad r V i u,3 'I vpv ! ch , j -k'i,,"-. ik ; NI-I I M 1r. %,.:1 . I) -Pd . [ LnorganI7 poiymers ~ NeGrganichf-skir., 1, In 3 Y v a,, lzrl-vo IlZnanie," I'k,5. 30 P. (Novoe v ria-,,ke, 'Arinike. XI 3t-"J4at Fh'~.m--"a, nc,.5'i (v !%~ O,C~ .. . .- . -I I h , "liIKOVA, Z. Ya. USSR/Chemistry - Oxidants Nov 51 IlRoaction Botween Carbon Monoxide and 14anganuze Dioxile," 11. A. Shumov,-kaya, B. P. Bruns, Z. Ya. Mel Inikova, Inst of Nitrogen Ind, Moscow "Zhur Fiz Khim" Vol XXV, No 11, pp 1306-1312 Investigation of kinetics of interaction of active Mr'02 and GO at temps -500 to 000 showed that rate of interaction is detd by rate of diffunion of 0 from solid phase of Mn02 to its surface. Data obtained here refute conclusions reached by earlier investigators that Mn02 surface is highly nonuniform PA 196T14 K3L'NIKOVA-ODZSMTA, L.A.; DENISOV, U.S. Characteristics of chondromatosis of the hip joint in roentgenologic representation. rad. no.6:59-64 M-D '53. (MMA 7:1) 1. Is Irrafedry rentgenologii (zaveduyushchiy - zasluzhennyy devatell nauki professor S.A.Heynberg) i kliniki travmatologii i ortopedii (zavedayushchiy - zaaluzhennyy deyatell nauki professor N.I.Fridland) Teentrallnogo institute. usovershenatvovaniya vrachey (direktor V.P.Le- bedeva) Minister9tva zdravookhraneniya SSSR. Baza - klinichaakaya bollnitna im. S.P.Botkina. (Hip joint--Tumora) (Diagnosis, Radioscopic)