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MLINIKOVA, M.M., assistent flyaluronic acid and hyaluronidase in so:-ie gynecological diseasses. Zdrav. Turk. 5 no.5:6-11 5-0 161. OcliA- 14: 1. Iz kafedry akusherstva i ginekologii (zav. - dotsent M.S.Seyradov') Turkmenskogo gosudarstvennogo meditsinskogo instituta imeni I.V. Stalina (nauchnyyu rukovoditeli - prof. A.B.Preysman i zav. biokhimicheskoy laboratorl y doktor bioloeicheskikh nauk B.S.Kasavina). (11YALURONIC ACIDr (11Y,~LUROIIIDASE) I-EILINIKOVA, M.M.-, assistant Second All-Union Gonference on t:~e Patholo,-,.y and treat,~ent cf terminal States. Zdrav. Turk. 6 no.1:1,3-.'.5 J,'1-F '62~ (K: A .1 ": 4) 1. Akus,'-iersko-ginekologicheskaya klinika Turkmenskogo meditsinskogo instituta. (DEATH, APPARENT) (RIZUSCITA' to") HELINIKOVA, M.M. Genital tuberculosis according to materials from the Republic Hcspital. Zdrav. Turk. 6 no.3:18-23 Yfjr-Je '62. on~-' -'5:6;' 1. Iz kafedry akusherstva i ginekologii (zav. - dotsent M.S. Seyradov) Turkmenskogo gosudarstvennogo meditsinskogo instituta i Reipublikanskoy klinicheakoy bollnitsy imeni N.I. Pirogova (glavnyy vrach M.B. Shapiro). (GEW.RATIVE ORGANS, MIAIL-TUBFRCULCSIS) RMINIKOVAP MO P. Prepuadw,d 6-ithospItafructokhma In highly-pistifie form. NdZ~. M. P. Md'nilcova, and F. V. - -' - - _S=Jr 91, 557--6o IT* uS S Mozhalro. Doklady AEX. 953).-TILe foflowisscscherne yields 6-phosphofructokinase 2 the form of almost hocnagencous catalytically active pro- tein. The back and hind leg muscles of killed rabbit are minced in the cold and extd. 30 min. with I vol. cold HA then with 0.5 vol. cold H&O 15 min. The extq. are filtered through cloth, treated with until 03 satd., filtered and the filtrate Is treated with (Nll,~SO, until 50%44W., yielding a filtrate with pit 5.9-6.0. The Chemical. Abst. filtrate is ti4W dism(led anti the ppt. taken tip in 11,0. VOL 48 No. 4 Adjustment with 5% NILOH to-pit 8-8.2 is followed by " Th e agitation 2-3 min. at 57 , followed by rapid cooling. Feb- 259 1954 ottin matter Is filtered Off by suctioa flocculent ppt. 0l Tt Biological Chemistry and diwarded. filtrate is acidified -;th 0.5?f AcO!l e i to pit 5-5.2 and tae ppt. of denatured proteins is filtercd oft and discarded. -Ijte filtrate is immediately adjusted with 5% NH40H to pH 6.8-7.0 and treated with satd. (I%TH,),SO, previously adjusted to pit 8.3--8.5 with N11,011, adding 0.8 vol. sulfate soln. to I vol. filtrate, thui achieving 0.44 level of satti. The ppt. formed is the most active protein fraction. Its activity h detd. readily by (Ictn. of the amt.. of fructose-1,13-4liphmpbate forrited (min fructoic-plitiq- pbrtte with the gill of pure Aldolme in conjunctioll Willi 'I hate formed. The NaC.M to capture the triose plamp above purification stheme permits concii. of the enzyme by a factor of 25. Ultracentrifugal examn. of the final product gave sedimentation const. S - O.&S X 10-11 sec. Thus the product is a globulin, with mol. wt. approaching thatofserum-r-globulins. A widening of the sedimentation _J- peak suggests admixt. of some pzkial-y den~'iure~'pfotelrt The enzyme has optimum activity at pH 7.2-7A. Dissocri: const. of enzyme-r-lbstrate complex is 1 X 10-,A1. Molar activity at 37' Is low: some 3W moles (if substrate per, 106 C. protein. The enzyme is free of other enzymic activity expect myokinase and phoqphohexose isomerase; it also is capable of transfer of phosphate from adenosine triphog- ph2te to glucose-6-pbosphate. Complete fernoval of phos- phoisornera3c was achieved by a second heat treatmolt at 58* whieh completely Inactivated the latttr enzyme, while 73V. kinase activity was retained. The product was active thus in phosphate transfer from adenosinetriphosphate to fmctose-8-pbosphate but not to glucose-6-pliosphate. The trace of myokinase could not be removed. G. M. P 0 natwe mid pvoprtiin of 6: T h mact -h, eq S. A. -Ak -zlgrud,). , C- E xp ti , 2%. Ac, , awl -H '5 M 1 rn ti t dim > h i C en . - , I v~ ) a Bic , 4- -S ( If, se b diffillilon, illethridi 'the -mol. ur. cu (Prr,~ Ival; jound t~o be.L`0,051 ~-~ If),, , Thtcu%Unt C." uuymc in Twet fiitl~JQ-, rilriln'R t1,-rf!h 0.3 nr,.d OIL ' ' lle, ple'-wace in tile W"tt"I ta i The iictbrlty of dic enzyme k pracia of frce tin,61 grutipA aiid ulf Mg io,1,5, iu Tile - gill N-1 oi in iibit~ry, -actioa IlYth p ~'iwms, ai-4 was studiud. (A tL--t a 1 T 'rise catitlytic owt,t, Of the cn*me 1vm:AcW., jo-U4, anil tht- tmmovtr - no. 4r.jmg. ry tls~Euc~ - 2U n encrey of ac-6intior, 6. 0 cai.jmla. The tniz, -. activity g, c! rat rhabdomy&Wla~tmfui is 1.6 t:mtis azi high ;L5 in per norsil, t U.3.S.R. Human and ,ni-mal Physiology. Metabolism. T Abs Jour: Ref Zhur-Biol., No 5, 1956, 21923. .,uthor Neyfakh S. ~., Mlelnicova M. P. Inst Not given. - Enzymatic Groups Determ -n-in-g---the Mlaxiffium Rate Title of Glycolysis. Orig Pub: Ezhegodnik. In-t experim. med. acad. med. .nauk SSSR, 1956, 216-219. .t"I.bstract: The rate of glycolysis in a systera of dialysed muscle extraat (rabbit muscles), substrata (gly- cogen, glucose fruc ose-6-phosphate), coenzymes (ATF, Cozymase: MgSo inorganic phosphate) and stabilizer Of glYCOly3iSj reached a maximum at a definite optimal concentration of coenzymes and produced 8-12 micromoles of lactic acid in 1 hr. per 1mg of protein of muscle extract. Card 1/1 1'. fLI111 ~'). A. Chemmlst.-; z;.n' Me'j-'L -Isn. C;trb nydral ~,EF w- firiour-', -C.iference in Ms,tc~)w J v 121, pqyjj~,olory Fob 59 2 Vol 645. ENZYMATIC LINKS RESPONSIBLE' FOIL TnE HIGHEST RATES OF GLYCOLYSIS IN' MUSCLE (RuEsian text) - Neufach S. A. anii Mel- ;,,Ok~,,v a 1,1,j P, Depl. of Biohem., ln,,t. of Exp. Med., Lcningr;_d_U.SSR ill, ,IV 1958, 23/3 (440-452) Graphs 9 Tables 3 It is assumed that rates of glycolysis maY lie V,,iverned by different factors under varying functional conditions of the cell and varying levels of glycolysis. The maximal level for rates of glycolysLs in n)LISCIC in situ (about 1,500 JAM lactic acid/ g. /hr.) can be reproduced in vitro by means of a reconstructed system consisting of dialysed muscle extract ATP, DPN1, NIg, (r LlCtOSe- 1 -6 -phosphate, orthophos- phate, nicotinamide. cysteine and glycogen. When the rate of glycolysis follows a linear course, the 'slowest' enzyme of glycolysis may be identified directly by the acceleration of the process which accurs on introducing the purified enzyme. it is shown that none of the enzymes aldolase, 3-phosphate-dehydrogenase or lactic dehydrogenase, hitherto believed to be the slowest enzymes of glycolysis, act as such in reality when their activity is displayed in a medium with sufficient co- enzyme content. This is the condition prevailing in the body when muscle activity is great. Depending on the value of 6-phosphofructokinase (PFK) activity a 4- to 8-fold increase in the rate of glycogen degradation follows. when purified PFK is introduced. Linear growth of the effect accom;Kinies increasing increments of I'FK. The rate of glucose degradation may even increase to 10-14 times the original value when purified hexokmase hiits been introduced. The same result has been obtained with a fresh, non-dialysed muscle extract. It is suggested that as the rate of glycolysis in skeletal muscle depends upon PFK activity it is a function of HK in nervous tissue, heart, erythrocytes and tumours. NELNIKOVA M.P. KAZAKOVA, T.B., TUROVSKY V.S., NZYF-KH S.A. (USSH) "The Mechanism of the Glycolysis-Accelerating Action of Mitochondria " Report presented ~,t the 5th Int'l Biochemi6try Congress, Moscow. 10-16 Aug. 1961 NEYFAKH, S.A.; KAZAKOV4*.T.B.-,,.MEL'NIKOVA, M.P.; TURCVSKIY, V.S. "Membrane" mechanism of the regulation ofthe glycolysis rate in cells. Dokl.AN ESSR 138 no.1:227-230 YT-Je 161. (K[RA 1414) 1. Institut eksperimentallnoy meditsiny Akademii meditsinskikh nauk SSSR. Predstavleno akademikom V.A.Engel'gardtom. (GLYGOLYSIS) (KILOCHONDRIA) NEYFAK-14;~ S.ik.; GAYT3FI'0KT, V,,-S.; KAUIOVA, 'T.B.; -!,ELINIXOVA,. ,ljlic)vLKly V.sq. Ch~.n7doal rziture of the altochondrial fa,.tor st!jwdarilag g1lic--olyshl. Do~,-I,AN S5JR 11,4 no.21.1+1+9-452 I-W ~02. (I'ma 1. Imitiiit ek9pellmentallm-y Akadeaiii meditEOrl3k,'k-)~ SSSR. llred-tivleno ~~wiomlk--m A..,-.Oparlr*m. "GLY-cousis) ~c I;LL3 ) v C, L I N IKOVA., I M.h.; BLOK, I.B. Case of acquired toxoplasmosis with distrubance of neuropayebic activity. Vrach. delo n0.5:138-139 Mu 161. 0-aA 14:9) 1. Somaticheskoye ot4eleniye Kiyevskoy psilchonev-rologicheskoy bollnitsy imeni akademika I.P.Pavlova (nauchnyy rukovoditell - prof. I.A.Polishchuk). (TOXOPLASMOS IS) (NERVOUS SYSTZ~L..ZISFASFS) MIZPJ=, I-A., prrof.: TUR=CH, O.M., zasluzhennyy v-r-ach UkrSSR, DANI-LYUK, S.1 MEL'NIKOVA., M.R~ 13ormhohexonium treatment in arterioscleroti, psychostH., 7Tan. delo no.2dl5l-152 F '63, (MIRA 1. Kiyeirskaya poikhonev-rologictieskaya bol ritsa imeni akadp,-nika I.P. Pairlova. (HEXON'lU,l---THERAPEUTIC USE) (ARTERIOSCLEROSIS) (psycilosr.5) M(CHINOV, Vasiliy Sergeyevich. akademik; HZ~'NIKOVA,,.H..61. red.; STAROS'JEOKOVA, K.K.. red.izd-va; ATROSk 6, L. a., [Prospects for the development of the economy of Eastern Siberia] 0 Derspektivakh razvitiia ekonamiki Vostochnoi Sibift. Moskva, Izd-vo *Znanie." 1959. 28 p. (Vaesoiuznoe obahchestvo po rasprostraneniiu politichaskikh i nauchnykh znanii. Ser. 9. no.2.) (MIRA 12:4) (Siberia, Eastern-Economic conditions) ULAKi'101; , P.N.; SHUINAKOVA, A.A.; GOLCVI,,Vi' A., spets. red.; 1,1I.ELINIKOVA, M.S., red. (New pcisonous chemicals for protecting farm cr,ops aF,,.Inst pests and diseases] Novye ia.okhir,,ikaty (dlia z~xshcl;ity sellskokhoziaistvennykh kul'tur ot vredit.elei i bole--ne'l. ri.p.) Vystavka dostizhenii narodnogo khoziaistva SS.-,, (n.d.) 22 p. (MIRA 17:L) a . PHASE I B--,X EXPLOITATION SOV/5215 kkademiya nauk SSSR. Mezhduvedomatvannyy ko~itet po prov,,denlyu razdel progr Rozhdun&rodnozo geofizicheikogo Code. III ~~.-_~y LOG: Z~oy MAgnotim I ze=y.-%q toki. zCMII Lorotkoperiodichookiye kolebVLnIYM clektro=agnItnogo Polya t (Short-Period oscillations of the Barth'a ElectromaLma Is Field) Moscow, Izd-vo Ai; sssn. 1961. in p 1,800 coplos 3 printed (3orlex Its: Sbornlk atatey, No. 3 heap. Ede.: A. 0. Kalashnikov, Doctor of Phyaloo and Mathematicav and V. A. Troltakayt, Cnndidate of Phyajen and Vathematica; Zd.: Ya. P. Shchukina; Tech. Ed.. Ye. V. Kakuni. PURPOSE: This publication Is Intended for geophyniclate. COVULP-OF: Thin colleetion of artiolon, publiched by the Inter- dcpart=ntal IOY C~' "ttoe of the U::-',*.'l Ac&dc=Y of Scl-cra, treats proble= or gco.aZnetIrm and tell.ric curr,.nto. In- dIvidual articles deal with variola3 (chort-Veriod, k;AE%n'L1c, AteadY, etc. ) oscillations of the terrestrial clectrc :,,j-,,etjC field, particularly In the &_rctic reFlon. Ho porrionulitt,,, are rentioned. Brief EnS115h mbntract5 accct:pany each trLtcle. References follow Individual articles. TABLE OF COMMM, Afanamiyeva. V. 1. Short-Period Oscillations of the Earth-o a Vield Kobuladmc~ V. V. 3020 Regularities Of the DIbtu1'bvd Yield of kii-th Curreiita 11 Okhatoln5kaya, M. V., Yu. B. Ramtrusin, I. I_R~'_Ityan kly, - - " A 'R_ She he th t RaLUIBritloa in an _pc nov. or i Shor~tll r od Oacillatione In )Uddle Lat -.u;.3 17 I Vinografty. P.. -A. Short-Perlod Oacillationa of the Electm- Vellar~ Yield (According to Observations in Ir;cutah) 23 DubrovalcI4, V. 0. Rapid Geoclectric and Geor.~gnetlc Variations and 71~cfr Rwg~X&ritie3 (According to Obeervationn in Anhulftt,aa) 35 Troitakaja, V. A. Steady Oscillations and Chain Oncillfttiona In the Arctic and kntaxtic 41 pAbm~~va, E. P. Preliminary Results of Earth Current Oboar- _ vationi 1~_ fikal Bay 62 01kitliLa_ N. X. Preliminary Reaults of Earth Current Ob%or- _vatl7o~a aC"_tiiW_Barentsburg StNtIon (Spitsbergen) 69 ~utarcva' E. P., 0. 1. Korobkova, 14. X. 14ikltlna, and V. A. Tioltifcaj'a-.7-101gatritic PulsaClon3 in the Soviet Arctic During the 1935-1956 Period 76 Baroukov, 0. H., and X. Yu. Zyb1n. Nonperpendicularity of the NectZra dr-Ehe E and H Variations of the Farth'a Electm-g- natic Yield 83 Troltakaya, V. A., and It. kov Characteristic Intervals Of 050111atf69f; 0.1a. R ler a Period (lu-1 see), In the Earth's Electro.-gnetic Field. and Tlicir hulaLlon- chip With Ph.n~rcena In the UPPCr At.on-phor., 100 'd 11 F r1_'A_hr')(qva_ 0. V., X. ru. Zybin, _ t~gululiLlea T_nth. Pchavlo.- or . , I C -i;-- t trz Short-Perlod CNacjllmtjOn3 of tne 0_zrt7-.ctIC In a Ntnblr Begins ( PC 108 '?, q000 3 (6) 66162 AUTHORS: Troitskaya, V. A., Mellnikova, M. V. SOV/20-128-5-14/67 TITLE: On Characteristic Intervals of Pulsations Diminishing in Periods (10-1 sec) in the Electromagnetic Field of the Sarth and Their Connection With Phenomena in the Upper Atmosphere PhMIODICAL: Doklady Akademii nauk SSSR, 1959, Vol 128, Nr 5, PP 917-920 (USSR) ABSTRACT: Extremely fast recording (1/2 mm/sec) of variations of the electromagnetic field of the Earth during violent magnetic storms revealed the existence of intervals of short-period pulsations of periode diminishing from 10 to 1 sec. Data evaluated up to the present show that these intervals of short-period pulsations constitute that morphological kind of static of the terrestrial electromagnetic field which is directly correlated to the development of strong atmospherics in the upper stratosphere. By means of the extremely fast recording mentioned above it is possible to determine the point of time at which magnetic storms begin, and when the most intense atmospherics in the upper stratosphere take place. A scheme of the development of these intervals of short-period pulsations is given in a diagram. However, the Card 1/4 relative duration of the various pulsations is not expressed 4"' 66162 On Characteristic Intervals of Pulsations Diminishing SOV/20-128-5-14/67 in Periods (10-1 sea) in the Electromagnetic Field of the Earth and Their Connection With Phenomena in the Upper Atmosphere in this scheme. The most characteristic element of these periodic pulsations are pulsations having a period of 2 to 4 seconds. Pulsations of precisely these periods can continue unattenuated for some dozens of minutes. An amplitude modulation passing over into a pulsation is characteristic of all pulsations occurring in this interval. According to the data available at present 1 to 4 intervals of short-period pulsations may be observed in the course of a magnetic storm. An interval of this kind usually lasts no longer than 1 h. All the big storms occurring during the International Geophysical Year contained intervals of the kind discussed in the present paper. The second diagram shows the propagation and development of the short-period.pulsations of September 29, 1957 for various stations. This diagram shows, among others, the following: (1) There were 2 intervals of short- period pulsations during the magnetic storm of September 299 1957, The first lasted about twice as long as the v--" wit1h irrea-ular iDulsations and ended with Card 2/4 pulsations of short periods. (2) The devciopment ot siiort LV 66162 On Characteristic Intervals of Pulsations Diminishing SOV/20-1 28-5-14/67 in Periods (10-1 see) in the Electromagnetic Field of the Earth and Their Connection With Phenomena in the Upper Atmosphere period pulsations indicates simultaneousness of the beginning and end of the pulsations. This simultaneousness extends over a vast territory. (3) The periods of the pulsations within the interval of short- eriod pulsations vary in a similar manner (with slight changes~ at all stations. (4) Apart from the excitation of the short-period pulsation described above with reference to the universal time, this phenomenon is influenced essentially also by conditions determined by the local time. Similar investigations were made of the other storms listed in the present paper together with the date of occurrence, in moat cases the interval of short-period pulsations begins at 5 p.m. approximately Greenwhich time (for western stations). The beginning and development of these short-period statics correspond to the appearance and development of red polar-auroras. Diagrams illustrating the state of the ionosphere on July 8, and on September 4, 1958 are attached. There are 3 figures and Card 3/4 3 Soviet references. 4~ 66162 On Characteristic Intervals of Pulsations Diminishing SOV/20-128-5-14/67 in Periods (10-1 seo) in the Electromagnetic Field of the Earth and Their Connection With Phenomena in the Upper Atmosphere ASSOCIATION: Institut fiziki. Zemli im. 0. Yu. Shmidta Akademii nauk SSSR (Institute of Physics of the Earth imeni 0. Yu. Shmidt of the Academy of Sciences, USSR) PRESE11TED: July 6, 1959, by D. I. Shcherbakov, Academician SUBMITTED: July 4, 1959 Card 4/4 8 OV/138-58-8-3/11 THO B. n T .1 Li6 'Ve 7~ 2 1 nL ) o T~_: No e o b, y Ab iv P T IT LZ (" e s r~~ n i I r .3 - I n y p o Shku., T: s~ PE-ZIODICAL: K,;,uchu'r i Rezina, Nr 14 AD3'j.`,iACTt Thr Soviet Cr. d . r I Ic. ~inl 1:ht, Lonal st trA tr 1 160 17 we---r test. v inst -~Lbr-_-_Lbive pt r on a 3ri~3ciel s t s L Iv e --- o n 3 1 -1e rub le s r~ -A; e -, a n,l the index of the 8decimr.-- alters if t'~c, *Lr -1 ~~ -7 i s c!--. n_r e d lie' Soviet t, a r, d a rd 0 6'-:' 4' - 1 . A&_,rc~-im;jte fornula~_ 9 r. aU j- o o L3 y s rcl- Cal Jnd Eechanical proi)er-.ies., a-nd ',.o its f01' of ,r"'iL-1 LihC-S vers,,:~; (Units cm abr-~~,,icn 1-.1-e in minutes). Dip ,ersi.s vie-ar rate r-tpidly at first, and tl-ler. -critinue3 at a stable r~tl,_, for qor~- 'I"he -Ar~_ Ls of the curv--s ~~qutl and corresdond to voli_),-_-, -orn "re S~ecimer)s, ~ L - 7:~-. all of starte(3 Protrusion f-mil the The st~,ble _,7e -Lr TIa -C, C 0.-. Card 1/5 after not morc t~ian h-.~.lf of t1ne '~ei_r Weav (Testinr) of 'Rubber by Abrislve Paper BOV/138-58-8-3/11 a,,,iay. The wear index should be determined by thistill-le rate o-f weart but the difficulty is to detirinine ',-,"ien it beLins. The reasons for the initial instability of wear rate are examined. The abrasive puper Itself rirt_c,~ be conditioned, but as curves 2, 3 and 3 in FIE.1 show, initial instability is still exhibited wit"a a repeat test with a specimen of the same type of rubber on pre- viously conditioned paper. The authors review the sl~or- comines of existinC inethods of test, including the ISO Dupont method, 'XOST 426-1941, and the German stan(jard, test. Results with the first trio methods are compare,! with results to the ne~-,' GO;3T 426-1957 standard in Table 1. V is 'the specific 77ear index ando4the coeffi-_ic-nt of variation. The effpct of the heir;~t of the spe.,,'-- P I ~. 1) men-and the influence of bending -a are considered%/ I r. shoas the relationship between r te of wear (om" di versus, flexibility as del.~-_nrrined in formula (1). T'h I i indicates that the stable zone 3 commences .-then the value I The principle cal,3e lies between 0." and 0.3 T1111 of scat"er In the early part of the test may be ittril!t- ted to bendinL of the specimen. FI,,,.3 sho;~;s var'Lous 5ta,,es in the viear of a specimen of 1 cm x 1 cm area. Card 2/5 FiL.4 sho,,'is the Wear rates with specimens of various Wear (TestirIC) of 'Zubber by Abrasive Paper -)e s ne. blac'- q,w-mbols are for nejfhts, andvarious shai or 9 "Ihile lont., specimens, and the 7!hite for short rie. - C'Tlindrical or spherical shapes -ive stablp ,7e-. r, J~ is concluded that t1ir-, most suitable chare to i--nlre is to reduce the hei,ht of t'ne standard 2 cii -C 2) c,~! specimen fror 3 t~ 3.9 mm. This will aivt, a 3 t3 10 minute test a~ aLl'-L COTTInduln 15() paper. The r-ro--r- 1. i, lie plots acteristics o-' re rubbers tested to obtain t- in Fi,-.2 are niven Ill Ta.)le 2. The formula (2) relatL- L rate of wear ~o the proper-ties of t1ne rubber and t~e abrasive paper. &V Is the loss of material in Cm AccordirZ to GOST 42C-197J7, N the nonial load shorld he 2.6 kn,and t, time of teg'U, fivq minutes. K is a cn-r~- stant talcin~ in'..o account the abrasive paper and has in this test, of 0.1 kL- A stands a value, jcm- - . f or coefficient of friction and 6 for t'ne s t r e n I-S, t h ce mbber. 1q is the percentaLe extension of the in a standard test to Jetermine the elasticity of t:e L rubber. This fjor,Jula is Justified 'oy prActii-Al tebt the results of which are shown in Fif .7. The de Card 3/5 of the points representing; actualra+-e of we--r for a SOV/138-58-8-3/11 Wear (Testirg) of Rubber by Abrasive Paper very lar.,ge variety of rubbers, from the line calculated accordin,r to formula 2, is not more than 20/-0. A specific wear index coefficie t V is --iven in formula (3). Here V is eXpressed in cm F~'rw -h ou r -W is the worlc of friction. With Corundum 150 Raper, the constant A becomes 700. 6 is expressed in kE/cm , and as before, is a percentage -representin,s, elasticity. Since ro and depend only on the composition of the rubber the relationship of values of V with different abrasive papers should remain constant. This is confirmed by the results shown in Table 4, where four different rubbers were tested aLainst twopapers of different abrasiveness. The relationship V21V1 is con- stant. However, this -relationship 'rill not hold if the nature of the abrasive, rather than its _-r~-iin size, is altered widely. While coarse and standard electro- com-ndum papers Lave Lcod aLreement, a silicon )-q)er Card 4/5 gave a different result, as indicated in Table 5. Table 'Wear (Testin~u_) of Rubber by Abrasive Paper sov/138-58-8-3/11 3 in this paper relates the optimun PercentaCe of various fillers, with different types of rubbers, to give ~.-reatest stren-th, and to give least wear. These v-:tlues frequently coinefde. There are 4 Figures, 5 Tables and 15 1~ieferen- ces: 7 Soviet and 8 En-lish. ASSOCIATIOII:Z.Iauchno-issledovitelts'-i-.7 institut rezinovoy promyshlen- nosti (Research Institute of t1re Rubber Industry) Card 5/5 SOV/139-59-10-5/10 AUTHORS: h. L; Ivanova, 3. Sakhnevskiy S. ;ReznikQvBkiy, M. M-. and S-,.irrcria, i- ~ Ratner , TITLE: L Wear TestinL of i?ubber (Ob o'~sen~ce istirayernosti reziny) PERIODICAL: Kauchuk I ieziAn--i, i~5P- jit- 10, pp 1,3 - 22 (L36i) AB3T__LkC'r.': The cf abrasive w_-ar of is 1-,L)-2r_ft.-.tly unde.,slzood- Laborc-or-i with di.lre,,'ert types of eTa'-.P;ne"t Live incons!6ter-~, results, t,L,,.j results 0--r laborai.or:, te-ts du no!, Lri'_e c.i, icad t e L;,L, Li. rf:1 ;Lti( rb b a na - fric, ,ion.'tl ro_-.e. v, nom,al 1~)-.d, r,,l T~~ metprs, F , rubbin( speed ar- Three modes of L-st are possible: (a) F varlal)ie, E and Tj cm3tan', (b varlable Bind (cl U, wa, r 1 --t b IV-1se _1ve ~ndi:~(1'9' 11 ? V _".1il Vj&, w!nere V Is - PV""C 1 JU ific A I . n- 'CV"- n. In c,i- %-iar -1 spec r t ie . . I (cm, k-,,h) d 13 dex, r, ivec~, v - r "/ I L f r 1,, t Ion. 3, pecl'ic. wear index -i',e 9 done a(,uin 9 1 ' -er. into tcrou0 the coefflclenL of fri(~tion 01 rl-b 1 -r--C SIn,,e /k va- if-:, 4. r if _', rent. rubbers, c-0 Card 1/4 tween t're indi,2e.; VM9 IFF[ 4.-_3 the speclfi,~ index v, 'Near -J'estin,-:- o-' Ibibber 3011/139-9q-10-5/10 will vary -For di"erent rubbers. This is illustr-~,ted in Fi,, s. 1, 2 and 'd --.,!here the relative wear accordin, to different indices is plotted a~ain3t filler contert in the rubber saa~ple- Actual values for di-fflere-,- mio- bers o' the indices VNU- v 1A III V are i,iven In Ta`jlf~ I . I I t ' nly under -17s~ The speci"ic wear Ind-x v 1 .5 calcu ~k eu 0 const,ant normal lo,:td rerimp. 2he 11'in,~Al columnn In the table give relative v-Alues -for these InJices 'o-v rcm- parlson --ith rel-itive values obtained on ~ICtLfal Ser*V!Ce tests (Eiven in the last column). The indey VA, shows best correlation ,,rith service or roa-i te-sts, an~! it is suLLeste~ Vals Index -oul] be riiore updro,)ri~.,e when testin, n--bber intonded for tyrrzs. This i~- '-) touLht ouC, furtl-,-~r in 2i .4 .-Piere r-lAtl'le lflilre-i 05' ISLIY)r- atory t~?sts are comp-l-ri, rel Jive ln.actu-~tll roa(l ~~st6. '~dymbols 1, d ir- foFtests g.~ving an Inlex 7 syn~)ols and ive "I ini symooi 7 :, Tor index v-71' While irldi.ees V ~:Id #!-,tl should have bir:il-Lr corvel~Ltion, -~rror-6 3,LrI 1,71,en -,r is t,-411cen as an in- in a t e rubbin- Sur- L 1.-O E cols':t -ice 2', E 'ait I ni,3 0-~ tf-.3;. i U varial)le little aC,-.~rition, but is I t-ie conditions of -79:Lr Card 2/4 of since i'- r-z! I'Vear Testin,~ of 7hibber throuch sicildln~,- dear tests cnd-:!r la-bor~ttory C0111,1ons anI roid or serVice tests --alre differeri'- iqtensity, pa:'ti- ci) 1 a r 1 y cA 8 r P, 1_ a r d,-I t, i in 1), - i, i re T~--4ble 2 comj)~Ares con~'%('t pres8urp-, rubbirC speed ~Lnl terip-riture for -% Lyt--~ it -~O I -'j ,cm/hr with 31" slip with conditions under .he G05T A2-)-.li7 ("rove rame nt, Stajjd~jrd) List under coristant lo'-Ad coridl~lo-is on a Gra33el test -iichine. The contact i)r(.,3jure In !Ai'-, la')orutory t~-st !2 v,3ry ;m.,-n lower t`le tempera!-11~'~- is much hi-her. The we-ir Index "1-,T, is not proportion.-I to the normal lo,~~d N. Ho;!ever, tke, produ, V is pro! tional to N and is a suill---L")1-1~ -iear index as I s be or-oved on t-~3L3 iiLln IN -Prom 0.~~ to 12 I t j s s u g gesled that it -.-iould be more realistii 11~ conduct labor-atory tests it hlFln, contact pressures, but to reduce the coefficient of friction by uiirC less ab- rA~tve test surfices. Methods usinZ radioactive tr~tcers Card 3/4 dould enable the intensity of laboru'l-ory Iests Lo be Wear TestinE of Rubbe rs Sul/13 q- 5 q-iu-5/ lc brous-ht down to a level which would simlat,4 road tests more exictly and still retain sensitivity of test. There are 4 Fl,~iirps, ~ Tables and 25 ,References: 13 :1;riLlIsh, I 6oviet, 2 Frez-,ch ind '3Germun A3,~O'IATION: Lt--iLiLLIL sliInnoy promysh- le!inosti I 1nst1t-!-. Fozinovoy promyshlermosti (Scientific-Research Inst1tate of the Tire Indu9try and Scieyitific-RLzsearch'Institute of'the Rubber Industry) Card 4/4 Ct 4 a.,- E: r C) I., n JI y r c c c-, e., r c ri, n r ri jn 5/08 1,16 1 1 0(,01'024,/0~4 B 10 I/B 1 10 AUTHORS-, Ratner, S B , Kiitenik, C; S M t I ~ r~ iko v a TITLi~: Frictional wear (abrasion) of rubber P-~RIOLICAL; Referativnyy zhurnal Khimiya. no 2, 6 1 a b s t r a -~ t 24P432 (Tr 3-y 7ses. konferentsii po treniyu i iznusu v mashinakh. v. 2 N1 i A N S SS R , 19 o 0 . ) ~. - I G' ) TEXT: Abrasion (A) of runber with sandpaper on the Grasseli machine shows a considerable spread of values which is due to the bending o~ tne specimen This spread can be eliminated by reducing tne aPecimen height to 3 0 - 3 5 MM If A is caused by a metal network, it is not influenc~.-d by the oilin8 of the friction contact Thig makes it to in. vestlaate swelled rubbers For A th 1'eLe-c'rk with sanapaper and wi I - const P pc holds for- the intensitS I of wear PP is the spLcific normal load, c a coefficient For sandpaper c-.1 wnich correspor,,,s to ,,1 Hence the influence of rubber the Shalamakh equation; for network c > hardness differs with different loac A satisfactory correlatior, exists bet-been A with network and with steel disk The correlation oetween A Card 112 5/0~ V 6 1 Frictional viear (abrasion) of ruroer B 10 1 //i31 1, C with sandpaper ~nd A with the diolk is pourer The abs.olutt: -Nt----3r correlates ,~jitn t1he I' riction coefficient of r-u!Duer :.Abstracter .: i Complete tran3lationi i 1/1 Card 2/2 7 1 . . . 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