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PHASE I BOOK EXYLOITATION 1088 Chistyakov, Nikolay Iosafov-ich, Sidorov, Viktor Matveyevich, and 14-11nikov, Vik+,.-.)r Semenovich Radiopriyemnyye ustroystva (Radio Receivers) Moscow, Svyazlizdat, 1958. 895 p. 25,000 copies print-ed. Ed. (Title page): Chistyakov, N.I.; Ed. (Inside book): Galoyan, M.A.; Tech. Ed.: Shefer, G.I. PURPOSE: This monograph is addressed to students and engineering and technical workers in radio. COVERAGE: The book is based on the progrpm for the course in radin receivers at comm,tuications insti-%-x~es. The authcrs ass-.zn-- t*hat the zeader is familiar with the fundamentals of r~,-dio circuit therjr7 (including Irgasient pz--)cesses), with general methods of amplifier circuit's analysis, fluctuation noise in tnbes and electric circuite, the rrperating cha:rseteristics of vacuum tabes at, very high_ freqoRncies, and cther related problems. Because of the br--ad scripe of the book the airthars have dealt, only briefl-y with certain subjects, e.g., television receiver video tyscts, radia zy---.-lay lines (multichaimel reception of vey-y high frequeracies),, arki;t-anas, et.c. Tran-gistorized circuit theory has not been fu-Uy discassed beca7ase of i~.s etill early stage of devp.L~pwrit- Card 1/14 Radio Receivers lo88 N.I. Chistyakov wrote the Introduction through Chapter III, Chapter 111, Sect- ions 12 and 13 of Chapter VII, Section 4 of Chapter IX, Sections 1 through 10 of Chapter X, Chapter XII, Section 8 of Chapter XIII, Section 5 of Chapter XV, Section 7 of Chapter XVI, and Chapters XVIII through XX. V.M. Sidorov wrote Chapter V, Sections I through U of Chapter VII, Chapter VIII through Section 3 of Chapter IX, Sections 5 through 8 of Chap-ter IX, Section 11 of Chapter X through Section 6 of Chapter XI, and Section 7 of Chapter XIII. V.S. Kallnikoy wrote Chapter VI, Sections 1 through 6 of Chapter XIII, Sections 1 through 4 and Section 6 of Chapter XV, and Section 1 through 14 of Chapter XVII. G.A. Aleksandrov vrote Section 7 of Chapter XI, Chapter XIV and Sections 1 through 6 of Chapter XVI. L.M. ~Ushbits wmte Section 15 of Chapter XVII and Chapter XXI. Txx prepaxIng the book for publication, the authors took into consideration sug- gestions of the staff of the Leningradskiy elektrotekhnicheskiy institut svyazi im. M.A. Bonch-Bruyevich (Leningrad Communications Engineering institute imeni Bonch-BrAyevich) and the Moskovskiy aviatsionnyy institut im. S. Ord-zhanikddze (Moscow Aviation Institute imeni S. Ordzhonikidze). !he authors thank Profes- sor V.N. Ydllshteyn for his helpful suggestions concerning a number of chapters. Them am no references. card 2/14 The aain direction. Bow. profsoiuzy 6 no. 9:34-J7 Ag 158. (MIRA 11:8) 1. Predsedatell profsoyuznogo komitats kiyovskogo zavoda 'Tocholaktropribor.0 (Kiev--Electric instruments) AUTHOR: L-ie Vni ~-,o v, V - S 3G V/ 1 0,-j - 5 8 - 6 - 2 / 1 TITLE, Appi-1-cation of the 1,~,tential irft,~rf (-r-C'LCFC-_-t-~j"1 11 Theory to Problems of Short-v.,ave Telegraphic ComEunication (Prilozheniye teorii potentsial'noy ekhoustoychivosti k zadach-ar, korotkovolnovoy svyazi) PERIODICAL: Elektrosvyaz', 1958, Nr 6, PP 5 - 12 (USSR) ABSTRACT: The theory of potential interference-stability, develo,~edl by V A. Kotellni.cov (Ref 1) is not d-irectly ap:--licable to the problems of shortwave comrunications bu~ it can, however, be used. for narticular cases where the statis- tistical laws of the siC2,nals and interference are I~ no v: Cases are examined in whic'. the densit-v of the prol~ab- ilities of tLe components of the sirnal and of the interference obeys the normal lav., of distribution: 2 5ck 1 2(j~' W (~ck) - - e ck 2 ~r- a - Card 1/8 '~k SGV/106-58-6-2/1~, application of the Potential Interference-stability Theory to Problems of Short-wave Telegraphic Coz--u-nication where 5ck is the ar,.~-litude of the signal co:nponent, ack is the mean square deviation of the random val,io- and C2 ~ck k 2 W&) e 2 1-, a n where ~ k is the aril-litude ,-,f the interfereLice cc.-_;-,on.0n,-_, a is the mean square deviation of the ranAor,-. .ral--I(:-: ri _!;~c - Ye,A- Khmel'r-itskiy (Ref 2) considered a similar prob- lem but for siL;nals with constant phase a-nd randoM amplitude. In this .,.ork, the amplitudes and the of signals and interference are considr-red t,-) be rindo.:;. Card 2/8 Application of the Poter-tia-L Problems of Short-wave Tele--Ira:-.,.;'.-- C,- n -4c er, io n, .rotential interfcionce-stability ":~,.r f,-d- nj~, sJ_--i,-~Is: Two messages, A(t) co--rcspondin, to a and n_(t) correspondin-,; to a spoce, OT'e considr-red as for equal times I (one T"--e interf,~reilce V( acts simultaneously %-.,itl the signal A(t) or B(t) a combination of A(t) or 3(t) w i t h V(t) o c c U i_ sI each interval 3f tij:e 't during t~ e transi--is~.1,)n g.essa6e. The A(t) or B(t) an--', t'L'-e Inter- ference V(t) act durin_ the interval of tirLe -t , .., u equal zero outside tk.-L-Q A 11ven combin, the voltaGes A(t) or B( t) a rid V(t) dies riot p,,5ri:)rlic- ally repeat durin6 the time of transmission o'L a but if the time T is ra.ken sufficientlj lar-e, teen assumption becomes permis--ible. The siGnals A~'t), E.( t) and tLe interf-.L-e rice V ( t considered as Del-lodical. funct-ions, a.Le res-Aved. into a series of pt_,riodic_al ort-I, -)Ljnal fur-ictioris an,,i GiLICO tl.~_- initial functions (as r-ceived) are random, the cDeff.,cients of the series will also be randoin valiies. Due to the interference diiriyi~ tl,.e receptio.,, of nal-, I., Ca.rd3/8 3OV/106-58-6-2/13 ADolication of the Potential Int,_r_f. erence-stability Theor:" Problems of Short-wave'.c Comm-un-Loat-J!,-n the interval L it is riot nossible to det--rriire with certainty whether the received signal Z(t) corresponds to A(t) or to B(t) . It is pos,ible to assert, l.ov..'~-,;- r, that the probability tiat tl'~e rz-ceived siC-nal ZZJ( u ) from the summation of the interf,rence and A(t) j_s P.,(A) .~j and, similarly, t.",at U!e probability that tLc receivec IL signal Z(t) results from thie sumirnation of interference and B(t) is P The signal Z(t) is a rand'3~,., v!:iiiie Z(B) L_ being the sum o'L' the randoiz .:.aEnitudes A(t) + V r B(t) + V(t) there'l3re, t1-e probability t.,,at soi.!e OCC~U_rS 4 S P( Z) cular value of Z(t) -1. On tide it can be asserted that wi- 'en the siCnal A(t) i s t,~ mitted (which occ,,u,s vith the nro, ability P(A) ) 1.1-e- definite si~fnal Z(t) 1:.,ith a. probability P (Z) at the receiver. Si-rilari.7, ,,.i~en B(t) is 4rans-it-,,d (,rhich occurs with t.Le -~ro'babllity P(B) ), t".e D_1abi!`+- r of the same signal Z(t') is 11(B) Card 4/8 Application of the Pot.-ent.-'Lai Int-rfi~ience-stabilitly Problems of Short-wave Telegra7,hic Co-. The miationships: p (A) P(A)P A(Z) P(Z) and PZ(B) P(B)PB(Z)- P(Z) enable the received sii~.nal Z(t) Uo be decoded 71 i transmission of si~-nal A(t) , the followinC condi.Aion5~, must be fulfilled: PZ(A) ~PZ(B) and with the transmission of the siGnal B(t) , -.:.e following condition must be met: Card 5/8 PZ(B)> PZ(A) (10) SOV/106-58-6-2/13 Application of the Potential Inter'Le--ence-stability Theorv Problems of Short-wave TeleEra:17.'_-_'c Cc=-_in_4cF_tion A receiver meetinC th-ese renuirements will be interfc--,~.Ce- stable. Vext is evaluated the !-"robability tK-at the-e cond_"GL,~.,.-:~ will be fulfilled and the .-robability that they -~-ill i-~ot be fulfilled, The latter -probability -'Lves the I i t y of erroneous reception by a rcceiver, havin. interference-stability. The results are applied to frr7cuency the :particular cases when F(A5 = P(B) 0 ':5 A(t) = U sin(w t + "P U COS(P sin w t + U s n~ 0 CA A A CA A A CA A A B(t) = U sin(w t + "P U cos~p -in U _~n~4) CJS 7 CB B B CB B' (uBt + CB 4 A A (20) are applicable. Two cases are cDnsidered: 1) The values U CA and U CB are independent random values obeyin- RayleiEh's Law. The values and A Card 6/8 SOV/106-58-6-2/13 f:::-S'Uability Tl.f=.,, to Application of the Poteriti-1 Dt,---rfr,jerjr Problems of Short-wave Tele.7,ra;)-`.1c C-.,7:.,. uni cation are also independent raudorii vallue-; havin,,,- equ~iL bility an!~le. If ti-e iiean sq,jare values of the A(t) and B( t) are both eaual to Cr c , then f c)r uninterrupted transiaission: al = a. = b3 ~ b4 = a a3 = a4 = b I = b2 = 0 2) The second case dif f ers f rj,-, t1ne fir,,~t in t! - t t1.e mean square val-aes of' tl-,c: sir-nal comoonents are not eq ial, i.e. al / a2 and b 3 / b4 It is concluded t1aat: a) the probability of erroneous recentiDn of frequency telegraphic sJLI~nals v.,11--en the principles of the potential inferference-stability theory are observed and the number of errors is small, is ~)roportional to the ratio of the power of the interference over unit b-andviidtl. Uard 7/8 to the power of the si6nal and inversely proportional to SOV/106-58-6-2/13 Application of the Potential Interference-stability Theory to Problems of Short-wave Telegra,-hic Com--undcat-Jor- the durntion Of the elemental messa:-e. b) asymmetry if the siC_,'nal componerts with constant t3tal power leads to an increase in tLe probability of err3ne-)-_is reception and is equivalent to a reductiin of the power. 's An example of t1e apn1l"c~4ti..)n Df the t,-.eor.-1, IIle n. I There are 2 Soviet references. SUBMI TTED: March 25., 1958 Card 8/8 1 Communication systems--InLerference 2 Commi-micaticri --Analysis 3 Communication '3yStems--Theory AUTHOR: Mellnikov, V.s. sov/lo6-59-3-3/12 TITLE: -ihe-P-otential Noise Stability of Signals in Amplitude and Two-Channel-Frequency-Telegraphy with Fading (Potentsiallnaya pomekhoustoychivost' signalev amFrlitudnogo � dvukhkanallnogo chastotnogo telegrafirov- aniya pri zamiraniyakh) PERIODICAL:Elektrovyazl, 1959, Nr 3, pp 18-26 (USSR) ABSTRACT: According to Kotellnikov, a receiver which has potential noise stability distinguishss the transmitted signals according to the inequalities (1) and (2). These are given more explicitly by (3) and (4) in terms of the basic probabilities of the appearance r~f the signals. The signals themselves and the noise backgrvv-nd ara defined in (5), (6) and (7) in terms of random quantities, the distributions themselves are defined in (8) and (9). Using these definitions the Ltiequali-cies (1) and (2) can be expanded into (10) and (11)~ In amplitude telegraphy two cases are distinguished, in each case the signal has a Rayleigh distribution and the phase is equiprobable. In the first case the mean square deviations of the Card 1/3 signal components are equal and the probabil-ity of sov/io6-59-3-3/12 The Potential Noise Stability of Sig-,&Is In AM-plitude and T-c-Channel- Frequency-Telegraphy with Fading incorrect reception is given by (31). In the second case the mean square dev!at!;7,ns are -anequal and the corresponding probability is gi--,ren by (46). Comparison of these last two equations shows that the *robatility of inc.:;rrect reception incr,~asas with tha_ asynunetry in between the deviations. With -r-*o-c~hannel frequency telegraphy four signals in all must be considered whose overall probability is given by the system of Bayes equations in (47). The separete contributions are defined in (48) to (51)~ Tb-~ :onditions fcr c_~rrect reception in terms of the rand),m comp,)nent amplitudes aregiven by (57). The probatllity of erroneous reception of a signal in the telegraph channel is given by (60) and making the approximations which are found here, the resulting expression (61) ia seen to differ from that previously quoted by the author for a simple frequency Card 2/3 channel by only 200%, hence it is concluded that present sov/io6-59-3-3/12 The Potential ?- ise Stability of Signals in Amplitude and Two-Channel- Frequency-Telea-gphy with Fading methods of reception are not far from ideal. There are 2 Soviet references. SUBMITTED: 5th April 1958 Card 3/3 - MEL I NTKW V. S. v --- Separation of frequency-telegraphy signals during fading and ideal reception. Elektrovsviazi 14 no-3:3-8 Mr 160. (MMA 13:6) (Telegraph. Wireles) ZE ,-;LINIKOV, V. Addition of constant volt-ages using a fonTv-],- Of POLPtr4-- CP-1 sumations, Elektrosvimrl 15 no.9:70-72 S 161. 01,"L,:~~- 14:9) (Electric engineering) 1.0., S 6 92/ D_27/D~04 S T -~T LE: Ideal rre6.-:-,i7,na1 D f r).-.-Ise sub,jez.:t~-d faain~~ F _71? 101L "XT r r-,F'c- r e nsat y i anal y z e f c r- a e e p1, ~3 ee p: r a p h yEnri sea on g n la I ~ r -_ d --on when re_-i-.-n4 _n -czipare the er-or p -rb v o.' , -ype Th--- f rz 17're,_ij-ncy shif+ :,e Di j io _r! i n It r~ na.s vir.. -is - . ty N-7 P C' v 1r" er, ana vir r s- a ra y x iSn ~t -L sn h I r 1.1 11 i r F- r, 'em a, Re entarnykn rio L5Y I -_~k ~' Trjn-zm-- s aon i.,ds fjr Di~_-crete Signalo Based :,n ~he -D' Pa- r f Message Biements) Dissertat...)n I!-,r D...-t.,~r+s degr-.=e. I r, it r- ad ~ o t e kh e I e Ic t r (~ n. k i AiN 3 S S RTr.9 ftR ac Er, C_L-a; Ele-rr--jni:i~ of --I'S USSR a c d ~- rd r-, t n e u a I n:, r'g a 3 ~3 u m e kn,)viri I ti a n d 7 -egraph --,n T y -,he are s n If are rar,i:,m aii::' t r, g he R--iy- e-g~ C- "Inc - 77 r- X, X~ x r E7 an m 33774 S 1" 08/62,101 71'r).,)l OCj 7 Ideal predIctional recep-c--'cn of ... D2-,l//D304 and a, l: and 1~ T,e *,)-tall 'ues expressed in terms of U, U q' l 1A' -iB' signa" in the preceding interval is z UI W - -!I f-)- (1-1)c (-,-l)s 11, In deriving correlation :oefficients only the rorrelalon between s-,m-,I-ar (either space or mark) component3 in tilt. two ad acent. int~--- v a s is considered; the correlation e:oeff-'--ient is defined aq a c a c a s a s R b _1_).b s b s 2 2 a a b where a and b are mean-square values of signals Akt) and B(t), res Pel-laively; -oefficients � are defined In terms of U 1A' Ui-BI '~i' t' T and T. The effectiVEness of a prediction system is based on the "orrelation between components of the total signal in the interval and components of tile U.'3efUl s.1-na', in the interva, I . "h I,-, 0 ' ' correlat,,.on depends on the operational phaseshift I; WILh an !,. r b i 7.-a-r-y a there is a correlation nr~,t only between .-orresponding pairs ri '~ a rd 7 3 3 7 7L, S/ 1 08,~02,, 1~eal pre-d-r-tional receu7ion of -omponen~s, but also a cross---orrelatir~n On-!-,- -~he va!,-~e~ C'f 9("' ai,J '50: are. however, considered for it an~". al-'- are wrizer: out f~~r these .wo --~4.seS ',h,~y are 'ne 0 b a, R ac I a-, a a in --,rder '~o find the coriditiuns of idea. reception it ne~,Pssary find the probabilities P(A)P A(Z) and P(B)P B(Z) --n the interval, when comuonents and the type (spacp -Dr mark) of he totai s--gna- n , ding interval are knomn, -~he prece a s--gnal A(t) i,- se;iL in 'n-~-r~,7al i- the condition of rec-ption is P(A)P A (Z) ->- P(B)P B (Z)~ .ed analy--it:' a 9 gi-ven f,)r tl,i~, AnJ al.h-r 9 If a -arid a.-suming P(A) und P(B) 4 B(t) a!js sent in the interval --1) and signa, A-) ~he r. - va ~he ----)nd.1ticn of c,-=e,:t re,;ep~',:)n Js 33774 S/108/62/017/001/001/007 Ideal predictional e6c6tion of ... D271/D304 t U(~ + )" + vft + R 2 2 iac ic I bias is ,,(u + v (27) The probability-ofinco~rectlrece~tion is equal to the probability~ of non-satisfying the inequa ity 27), or analogous inequalities for other cases. From th~ formul4e which are derived it is clear that the probability of -tneorrect--reception depends on the stored amplitu,~e of the total OFal in the preceding interval; this is' termed U. It is a random jalue correlated with the amplitude in the yet preceding intervalp e~c-; it obeys the Rayleigh law. The prc-ba- bility is determined of prkor in receiving the signal A(t) in JoA f, signal A(t) was also transmitted in (i-1) and the amplitudes A El;,L I nals in all preceding intervais Nassume all possible values; the .' 9- t-,*:'* error probability is r I + -2 2a2 a. + al p2 P(B instead of AA),~, r ( 2r, 11. - - n ,)+ a# (I - R9 (42~ A 16 Ra I/ a _,2~- a, ( a,27 + a,) and it is the same in the other three cases, i.e. R. instead of A, Card 5/7 33774 B/108/62/017/001/001/007 Ideal predictional reception of D271/D304 etc. Finally an expression is found for the error probability of any signal in any interval. It is concluded that prediction methods are effective when there is a strong correlation between signal and interference components in adjacent intervals, and'the error proba- bility is then 2.5 times smaller than for the conventional frequen- + cy shift telegraphy. As the correlation weakens, the advantages gra- dually disappear until, with small correlation values, phase-tele- graphy is leas reliable than frequency shift telegraphy; predictio- nal phase telegraphy has a certain intrinsic error probability inde- pendent of interi:erence. A preliminary and approximate evaluation of analytical results on the basis of available experimental data shows that predictional phase telegraphy may produce good results when T = 3 msec, but tb,~-rb is no hope for it when T =20 maec. There are 3 Soviet-bloc referuiie,_-s. ASSOCIATION: Nauchno-tekhnicheskoye obahchestvo radiotekhniki i el- ektroavyazi im. A.S. Popova (Scientific and Technical Society of Radio Engineering and Electrical Communica- tions im. A.S. Popov) [Abstractor's note: Namp of as-o- Card 6/7 laeal predic-tional receozion of s IJI BY. ED- 33774 S/108/62'P 17,1001100,11br," D27 1 /D3QA ~;ia-.ion tu~cen from firs-t page of. -,)L~rnal, A-cr,_1 '51, IC)61 [Abstractor s n,:)te. ri m::~- print Card 7 AYNBINDER, A.B.3 YEREMEENK~-), A ~ '~,ZELINIKOV, V.S. Automatic eqlii-pmenl~ if-)r -vi-I-riming mold cavities for die casting. Lit. Proa,z-7~ k- 163. (KRA 16. 10) BALANCHIVADZE, V.P.; ~EL'NIKOV, V.S. output of conifer 'umber in ac~ordanca q1th the new All-Union Sta-.e Standard. Der. prom. 12 no.11:7-1) IN 163. (MIRA 17-.l) -SOURCE CODE: UR/3032/66/000/073/~2A' 30 7 K - I I A e v F. ; Mcl'nil ov, V. S. 0:~.G: none T" stat-Ic 'frequency converters designed with magneLic elementri SOURCE: Moscow. VsesoyAiznyy eiektrateki-micheskiy institut. Trudy, no. 73, '9o6. regulyatory vozbuzhdeniya (Autornatic excitation 213-222 TOPIC TAGS: frequency converter, frecuency muitiplier ABSTRACT: Thi-ce types oi a new magnetic frequency mult;pi"'er were developed by VEI; -.-eir characteristics are: input, 3x380 v= 30%, 45-55 cps; output, cps, 10, 200, and 600 va; frequency ratio, 9; output-voltage var-lation, 110 v, 45G I 0.5-1% per 10% input-voltage variation and 1-1.Z% per 'L'/'o frequency variation. Card 1/2 AGG NR. A-16V~22719 The multiplier contains 9 saturated transformers whose primary windings are connected in a complex star; the secondary windings form an open nonagon. The 0 output voitage equals the geometrical sun-, of err-d's of all secondary windings. A 0 circuit diagram, a vector diagram, and voltaue waveshapes are shown. Formulas and curves for designing such a rnultipiier are reported. The multiplier is 0 .'ntended "or rna-netic amplifiers of field regulators ana similar applications. U ni -.' mi -, e dlifetime of the multipliers is claimed, and their successful "I.Ong-time'' oDeration at several Soviet power plants is noted. Orig. art. has: 6 figures and 1 12 I-ormalas. SUB CODE. 09 SUBM DATE: none / ORIG REF. 002 Card 2/2 KUDRIN, L.N.; MELIK OV,,_V.S-.q- IORYS11j Z.1.; TIMCHISHIN, Ya.D. - - i~ Mineral composition and the structure of fossil and present-day shells and skeletons of marine organisms. Min.sbor. 18 no.2:231- 235 164- (MIRA 18:5) 1. Gosudarstvennyy Univer8itet imeni Ivana Franko, L'vov i Institut geO1091i i geokhimii goryucbikh iskopayemykh AN UkrSSR. HELISIKOV, V.V. Toxicity of' beryllium oxide. Farm. i toks, 21 no.3:73-77 K7-Je '58 (MIRA 11:7) (BNRYILIUM. toxicity oxide (Rua)) MELINIKOV, V.V. _;~ I-, ---tZ2 -~,jj _~ Toxicological data on ber-Zilium acetate. Faxm. i toks. 22 no-3: 261-269 ffy-Je 159. (MIRA 12:7) (BMYLLIUM, beryllium acetate tox. in animals (Rae)) MELIVIKOV, V.7. ffhalyvis of an oxyhemogram in the inhalation of oxygen. Trudy Khab. med. inst. 23 no.2:61-63 162 (MIRA 16t'2) Correlation of the ti-me of the blood flow from the lungs up to the ear with the growth, frequency of the pulse, arteriall pressure and other magnitudes. rbid.:64-67 1. Iz ka-fech-,r fiziologii (vremenno ispolnyayushchiy ob-ya- zarLnosti zaveduyushchego kafedroy P.F.Konovalov) Khabarov- skogo meditsinskogo institutao MELINIKOVi V.V.; MISHIN, V.S. Ifethod of measurine the velocity of blood flow in man. Fiziol. zhur- 46 no.10:1293-1295 0 160. 0111k 13-- 11) 1. Kafedra finiologii Meditsinskogo instituta, Khabarovsk. (BLOOD-CIRCULATION) MMNIKOV. V.V. Amlysis of the oxyhemogram during respiratory arrest. Fiziol. zhur. 47 no.9:1142-1148 S 161. (MIFA ll.:9) 1. From the Department of Physiologys Medical Institute, Khabarovsk. (APHOEA) (BLOOD-OXYGEN CONTE14T) ,MELINIKOV, V. V.; LITVINOV, N. N.; PARFENOV, Yu. D. Some new data relative to the blastomogenic action of SrqO. Vop. onk. 8 no.7*10-14 162. OaRA 15:7) 1. AM SSSR (rukoviteli raboty - deystv. chl. AHN SSSR, prof. N. A. Krevevskiy, prof. D. I. Zakutinskiy) (STRONTIUM-ISOTOPES) (CARCINOGENS) ACC NR. AT7004346(4/0 SOURCE CODE: UR/2657/66/000/015/0213/0232 AUTHOR: Yevseyenkov, P. T.; Melnikov, V. V. ORG: none TITLE; Short-wave and vhf power amplifiers designed with new Soviet-made transistors SOURCE: Poluprovodnikovyye pribory i ikh primenentye. abornik Statey, no. 15. 1966, Z13-232 TOPIC TAGS: power amplifier, transistorized amplifier, hf amplifier .ABSTRACT: The results of an experimental investigation of sev.-ral 20-100-Mc transmitters designed with Soviet and-U.S. transistors are reported. The V. M. Bogachev et al. method of transmitter calculation ("Calculation of stages of transistorized transmitters. " MEL. 1964) based on a harmonic analysis of base Card I I Z 621.396.6.029.55(6Z):6ZI.382 AGG NR: AT7004346 and collector currents is regarded as the most accurate (differs from experimental data by Z5-30'fo) and reliable. A common-emitter grounded -collecto r circuit is the simplest and most convenient for practical use. Effective heat removal, such as described by K. H. McPhee (Electronics, 1961, v. 34, no. 18, pp. 76-78) largely determines the success of using high-power transistors. These transistors were tested in a single -transistor oscillator at frequencies between 9 and 150 Mc: Soviet, KTOOZA, type I experimental, type 2 experimental, type 3 experimental; USA, 3TX-004 Clevite, ZN2947 Motorola, ZN3632 RCA. Further, several 3-stage transistorized transmitters were developed and tested with these results: New Sov-iet transistors permit constructing transmitters up to 10 w at 100 Mc, or 30 w at 50 Mc, or 40 w at 30 Mc, or 100 w at 20 Mc; in all cases, the output stage has one transistor, and the efficiency is fairly high. Orig. art. has: 9 figures and 2 formulas. SUB GODE: 09 / SUBM DATE; none / ORIG REF: 008 / OTH REF: 006 ard 2/2 ACC NR: AP6009064 SOURCE CODE: UR/0207/66/000/001/0148/0152 AUTHOR: Mellnikov, V. V. (Moscow); Rykpy,_ G. V. (Moscow) ORG: None TITLE: Experimental investigation of a stress-strain state of loesstal soil of different humidity under the effect of an explosion SOURCE: Zhurnal prikladnoy mekhaniki I tekhnicheskoy fiziki, no. 1, 1966, 148-152 TOPIC TAGS: underground explosion, soil mechanics, soil property, detonation wave ABSTRACT: The present authors, in cooperation with S. S. Grigoryan and G. M. Lyakho'4 had earlier (Vzryvnyye volny v lessovom grunte. PMTF, 1963, No. 4) presented results of experimental investigations into spherical detonation waves fn loessial soil of undis- turbed structare and natural humidity. The pre if-a-ri-teTe-presents the results of analogous Investigations performed In the same goils, but with a different humidity (w = 19-2 1% and 6 = 1. 34- 1. 38 g/ern3; where w to the humidity by weight, and 6 is the specific weight of the skeleton of the soil). Some of the experiments; were performed in Card 1/2 L .7 ACC NR: AP6009064 3 a soil with a disturbed structure (6 = 1. 30- 1. 34 g/cm with w = 19-21%). An analysis of the results obtained shows that with Increasing humidity the coefficients of internali friction and cohesion decrease. A disturbance of the structure of the soil leads to a more abrupt decrease in these coefficients. R is noted that during both the application and the removal of the load, the state of plasticity coincides. Ile authors are grateful to GrtgRryan r participating In the experiments and discussions on this work, and to G. M. ----L~ak~hov and HL. %--M~~or help In the organization and the execution of the expert- ments. Orig. arL has: 8 figures, 9 formulas, and 3 tables. SUB CODE: 089 19 / SUBM DATE: 141un65 / ORIG REF: 003 Card 2/2 L 2886-M FSS-2/9-JT )-m31FCqZEWA(d) /GW (1)/FS(V 11/91A(h) -TTk k-ESSION MR, A C AT5023607 UR/0000/65/000/000/0381/0381 AUTHO,',: Vernov6 S. N.: Mel'nikov V. V. Savenko~ 1. A.; Savin, B. 1. PgnLaja., T. I. -d TITLE: Retirding of charged particles of energies of 04-10 kev with a spheri~c ai electrostatic analyzer SOURCE: Vsesovuznava konferentsiva vo fizike.koamicheskago o!!q~pqtva. Moscow, 1965. Issledovaniya kosmicheskogo prosti~anstva (Space research); ti~d-j-ko'-n-kferentvij Moscow, Izd-vo Nauka, 1965, 381-387 TOPIC TAGS: satellite, satellite data storage, particle counter, electron density, ion,density/.Elektran 2 satellite ABSTRACT: Identical spherical electrostatic analyzers were used to record posUtve and ngggtive particl~J~Eth vonergies of up to I kev on Cqsios-12~and Cosmos-15%Gd UP-to 10 kev an Elektron-2~~ Each analyzer was comprised of A spherical capacitor Al some-60 mm in ameter, with input apertures leading to plates spaced 12 ma apart, on whicha, periodic high voltage was programmed so as to allow passage through the, annular gap,df on -particles of a desired energy range...-A Faraday, cylinder at the 1y. cc L 2886-66 ACCESSION NR: AT5023607 gap output served as the collector. The input apertures and the Faraday cylinder were furnished with biased grids to eliminate thermal particles and secondary emis- sion, respectively. kdiagram of the two analyzers usedon Elektron-2 is shown in Fig.1 of the Enclosure; accumulated.charge was converted to binary -ad'. e The Coa- generally showed that electron flux at the 1"kev level did not exceed 107.1cm2/see/ke .v at night and was only slightly higher by day. A maximum was noted during the southernmost portions of orbit, in a region south of New Zealand, attaining up td 12 x 106icm2lsec/kev. Electron fluxes recorded, on Elek.tron-2 showed strong variations at sunrise and sunset (referred to the satellite),*.these variations reached~valuea on the order-of 109/CM2/sec/kev. irregular.,.V~riationa in flux readidga correlated with knowngeomagnetic;e~djjts observed during the flighti Data show tha the satellite 'was. at. all times. within- ~'the magnetosphere._t~ositive ion flux regis- tered by Elektron-2 in the 0.1-1646v range did not..(eK_c_ee&1.5, x 167/cm2/sed*. Orig. art.' has: 5 f iguri4 and I 'tabie*'~'_` [SH11- ASSOCIATIONi one ISUBMITTED: 02Se 651'' ENCL.. 01 -SUB COM ES OTHERt 0' ATD NO REF SOV: 008 0 3 PRESS, d. C ar hELINIKOV, V*V. (Monkva)l RYKOV, G.V. (Moskva) Effect of the deformation rate on the compressibility of loesa soils. PMTF no.2tl58-160 Mr-AP 165. (MIRA 18:7) f L 2759-66 EVIT(d)/FSS-2/EVJT(i),tt--S(V)-3/EEC(k)-2/FCC/Eit 'ACCESSION NR,: AP5021063 6) 51&~WVRT51 523.165 AUTHOR: Savenko, 1. A.; Sevin, B. I %1;n.1kov .,; Shavrin. P. I. z --_A F. Markelova, T. H. ~TITLE, Study of 1-kev charged Rarticle Fitreams by Kosmos-15 SOURCE: Geomagnetizm I aeronomiya, V. 5, no. 4, 1965, 749-T51 TOPIC TAGS.- charged particle measurement, satellite/f~o _jmos 5 1111A ABSTRACT: A spherical electrostatic analyzer, adjusted to 1-kev electron energies and c ontaining a +1~ v grid at its opening to protect the instrument compartment from positive ion bombardment, was installed on "Kosmos-15",Iaunched 22 April 1963-~ The analyzer's maximum sensitivity was 20 mv, which corresponded to -. 1.2-107 par- ticies/cm2.sec kev. The Imeasurement program included four stages, the first two stages consistirig In recording-l-kev electrons, the third stage - 1-kev positive ions, while during the fourth stage the spheres made contact with the satellite body The cyclevas thereafter repeated. Measurement results (see Fig. I of Enclo- surei Indleatedithe presence of two plaxima at identical latitudes on either 131de card 1/3 L 2759-66 ACCESSION NR, AP5021003 of the equator,,where the daily shift of these maxima exhibited a motion toward the north. Orig. art. has: 3 figures. [WC) ASSOCIATION: Institut yadernoy fiziki Moskovskogo goaudarstvennogo universiteta (Institute of Nuclear RIMsics, Hascow State University) SUBMI 05Oct64 ENCTJ: 01 SUB CODE- ES, UP 140 REF SOV., 003 OTHER: 000 ATD PRESS., carj L 2759-6~ ACCESSION HR: AP5021003 'fe Ij 0, -a' -'k -0-0-0 -'fj .~a 1 10 41 CO a a 1..S - f za -is d my tit min too n"12 C6 'j 13 il zi Is 3z gL Z4 I Z4 14 ' SJ 4-A. L--- j ~-~Pr ;- -0-4w A 'Ire za to 53. U1 - 7 -5L __ _j -.,- - At 1 aw 3 -is , - - W-e! IV.. YA W Crd 3 ENCLOSURE.- Ot Fig. 1. Measurement results for first few days of flight Column at left indicates date. and time of passage over night equator on a given orbit. Vertical scale indicates difference in potentials on storage capacitor-in mV Geographical latitude, + - electron measurement; x - positive ion measurement; 0 absence of field. AUTHORS TI TLE: /-0, !00(';~ol 'C D055 'L I 'Mi-I I nikov V 7 311v e ni- o A. and 37 n Th c U '3 00 C4~ 10 C, t r 0 '1 ' n. t, fl nL I Yf',IrI-.,-I f' charged component of cos.,.iic rayj PERIODICAI: G e om agn e t i z r, i ae ro n o m i7 a, /. I , no. TEXT: The authors describe the -ase of soheri_-al electro5t~itic an-ilyze-3 high li::-h-t-int.--3ns-I-y with lar-e ,entry Por studying- t'lle Fa r -i d a y 7, y I ~. n, 1 ~, r -x t 1-1 low-energy particles in cosmiic radia"on. -n electrometrical circuit may be as,-d a:-, a :,!evi-e. and liz-ht inensity for particles ,,!it- ener,7,: -~re al--~Ial-e,I for analyzers -.-,,ith either an acute anCalar or sens--tivity. T-e influenc;_~ of scattered fields is no' included --.n the calc,_ilations and it is assumed tl~a' tl-.e width of t-e :~-ap hetneen the 0 trodes of the deflect-in~~ caDacitor ,wis 3mail., co=~,a_~ed ,,.-ith tI-Q 77'ea-n --~_-us of the -an. The study of Il-'-.,2 soft --on and -~~Iec'-on com~on_nl-.s -,n Cn.rd 1/2 The use of electrostatic DO~,~J/D!13 impor'ant appl '_c-Ltion in spare radio com-.-,~:nicat;on, radio naviCation, Between 29119 and I?r,!, sevQrai d"Ifferent analy--ers were developed at the Inztitut yadernoy fizziki Nuclear Physics). They have the follouin~7 advanta,-e.,3: a dlr!7erentia! enerU spectrum. of narticles can be 01"talned; Li-ht iritensil,:, k I much 2~reater than in a ma6neti- analyzer of ~-omrarablo electron multirlier is uzed as a detector, very omall flovis o~7 -.1e/ sec-sterad with energies of 102 ev anI hiL;her .-an be deteotel; th- ana~,-/--,r~ electronic. and optical properties do not depend on the particlel~ ma_-s. There are 8 figures and 6 references, I Soviet anJ ~ non-Soviet. T-_ Engl~sh-languag6 references are: F,T. Rogers. Rev. Sci. In:3tr., lq',I, 71-; 723-726; M. Walt, L.F. Chase, J.B. CladJ3, 71.L. Imhof. Fir~~, Space Science Symposium, 'Tice. 1960, no. 11-16, uo. ASSOCIATTO'f~': Yoskovskiy i7osi_idarc~vennyy -jniv~~,rs-. te t i m L c~:r 3 D a i 1, 4 ' I Institut yadernoy fizi.., _oSCo.,,j :3t3.te jnivPrs _,I.V. Loiriono2ov. lnstJ.t,itc of' 'Ili-lear TJTB7-_TT7_D- Octoci-r 1~, !-,r' Card 2/? 19 PeVP!-V?k' VPJ-4,4 TTVA5 71104A-115- A"GESSION NR. AP5065i9T- 5/0203/65/005/001/0148/0154 AUTHOR: tavenka_,_ -1-. B. - -1. X S a vin.,- - Shavrin.- P-1. TITLE: Experience in the S-i2 use- of-an electrostatic analyzer on C smo V. 5, :no :148- 154 __SOURCE;.,_GeoT4&netizm i aaronomiya, TOPIC STAGS z -rv. -ioniz atio-fi- me-asu,rezent,-Aon.cui.-~snt. 6paceborne: nizatioa,measureme t --electron:detect-ion S-15 ABSTFACT4 Cosmos42 japo'gee-, 40.5- km;-~ perigeei- :211 ~kp) and Cosma' (apogee, 371 per e-c n ers for th -study ~,i iere equipped with-identical el trostatic a alyz e ,g ee, 173 km) i currents with energies of I kev. The an~ryzer---_(see of alectron and Posit ve ion Fig.11 of tnclosure) is -basically 'a-spherical capacitor.with symmetrical potentials applied to the plates.-The charged particles.entering into the gap-between the. plates are deflected by the electric field and strike'a Faraday cylinderl, which set".res -as the.collector. The angle'oUdeflection:_of a p-article--projected along the, Zero equipotential inthe gap was 120*,- Additional deflections at the input and output -of -thb-- Aid :not- exceed_-2.5,~. -The copper-c4pacitor plat,~s were si~verolatad -gap red tice light --tef liction. in the- ulf,~raviolet,rv.gion_., The radius of tlhe~ outer --suv- Z3ce ot, 6f mm t ~h, at -_ o -shi elds jr -inner were mounted f t4e~ gap-'was X -,--54--.nm ---Conical Card 1/3 ACCESSION -1,'R.' AIP5005197 ENCLOSURE.' __0I Gr i4oal Spherical- - capacitor- oltage onverter 7 rid 44J G 8 i circuits r 0 d -Collector to-relay Fig. 1. Electrostatic:analyzer Card 3/3 3-3-16/40 AUTHOR; Mellnikov, V.V., Dctsent, Candidate of Technical Sciences TITLE; Students Gain Productior Skil-IS(Studenty priobreta.Tut proizvodstvennyye navyki) PERIODICAL: Vestnik Vyashey Shkoly, March 1957, # 3, p 67-71 (USSR) ABSTRACT: The Radiotechnical Faculty of the Ural Polyterhnical Institut has experience ir teaching engineer students. In the first course the students are taught the cold machining of metals and the assembling of radios. In the training workshops they learn the fitter's trade. The article then deals in detail with the necessity of early training in radio repair and the various operations which the students are taught. The next section cf the article describes student practical laboratory work, where methods adopted by the Moscow Physico-Technical Institute and the Moscow institute of Fnergetico are applied, The last section quotes a few examplou from the Faculty's practice showing how practical skill is )btained by the utudents in connect- ion with their course-examination. The experience of the Card 112 Radio-Technical Faculty proves that the students can be The Students Gain Production Skilla 3-3-16/40 taught practical skill at all stages of training. One must only know how to involve them into the working process which considerably depends on the initiative of the instructors. ASSOCIATIM Ural Polytechnical. Institute imeni S.M.Kirov (Urallskiy politekhnicheskiy institut imeni S.M.Kirova) AVAILABLE: Library of Congress Card 2/2 K&LINIKOV, V.~'., inzheaer. Hachining the rim of turbine rotor disks with the aid of a FA-2 pasumatic machine. Slak.sta. 25 no.3:47 Mr 154. (KTRA 7:6) (Steam turbines) - 14EL'NIKOV, V. V. ____ __ Svarka trekhfaznoi dugoi. (Yest.i. Mash., 1350, no. 12, -_ 34-36j Three-phase arc welding. DLC: 11,14-V4 i SO: Manufacturing and Mechanical Engineering in the Soviet Union, Library of Congress, 1953. KMIITIKOV. Y.T.. Inzhener. Installing a 41.3 ton boiler dram with a bridge crane of 30 tons capacity. Slek.sta. 24 no.9:50-51 5 153. OGRA 6:8) (Granes. derricks, etc.) ri v -zkh5h5kflya and -iLi.-mr-2kaya ,3ci, rn.;t of Rotan,., A c a c ~enln-Ta!-!, 54 3u: 3u:n 43