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SAYASOV, TU. S. . IGL I H IKOV, V. K. Theory of the capture of particles into the synchronous accelera- ting regime alloving for the nonconservation of the equation of motion. Zhur. tekhn. fiz. 30 ao.6:656-664 Je 16o. (XIM 13..8) 1. Institut khImicheskoy fiziki AN SSSEL, Moskva. (Particles (Nuclear)-Capture) M~INIKOV, V. K. and SAYASOV, 1U. 3. "The theory of particle capture into synchrotron acceleration reE:,..e with account of non-conversation of motign equations." Paper presented at the Intl. Symposium on Nonlinear Vibrations, Ydev, USI~R, 9-19 Sep 61 Institute of Chemical. Physics of the U_5Si Academy of' Sciences, U_33,k I)~),, -7 ~ S/020/61/139/001/0()3/018 j :2 -Z Cl, 1 11'(;222 AUTHOR: Hellnikov, V. TITLEi Determination of the capture region for a system approaching to the Hamiltonian system PERIODICAL: Akademiya nauk SSSR, Doklady, v 1961, 31-33 TEXT% Given the system + f(X~Y,T, 6), 0H g(x.y,t, where H H(X:,Y) is ana.~ytic in x,y; f(x.y~t,J ). g(x~y,t,f ) are analytic in x,y, L and coatinuous together the first derivative in t, and 21K-periodir; 1.11 tL Let (x,-y,) be a whirl of the ffystem (1 0) (i,.e. (Ijith ~,= 0) . where the maximal nei,,hborhood of (To.yo ) which is filled up by clcsed trajectories of (I ~ lies in a bounded region of the plane. Let all positions of equilisr,ium of (1 0) be simple. Theorem '-. Let- (%sye) be an arbitrary saddle of (1 0), Then there exists a coordinate transformation x 't t;f(u+ P-P(t, i-))C0qtP-- (v+ ~-q(t. ~-))slnf Card 1 Determination of the capture region S/020/61/!39/001/003/018 C-111,IC222 + ct(u+ f P(t. f, ) )ijintf (v+,;-q(t ';co.9 (f, Y - Ys CIV- I where ovand .? are conatant; p(t, 1, ) and q (t.,;~ ) are analytic in L in the neighborhood 'of ';, - 0 and 2 TC-periodic in t ard have continuous first and second PaTtIS3. der~7atlVeS with respect to t, so that the system (it) in the now variables assumes the form 0H0 4 -- -h u + g(u, V, t.~ + + v u where N>O. f (0, 0 g(0, 0, t, ~F 0, and the development of *H - T(u,v) in the neighborhood of (0,0) begins vii-th terma of at least third order, (II,.) is called the standard form of (11") ~n the neighborho3d of the saddle. The solution Oa /t)~V (t)) of (11,t) is called a boundary solution if it is defined for all t being greater than one t ot jue(t)j+ lve(t)j --!00 for t--*Ow , and there exists a tj so that !Lju~.(t)1O for t-poo 7t - Y d has continuous partial derivatives vith respect to tA,~ Re f- and V- Im which f or all t '~p tsetisfy the Cauehy-Riemannian conditions, 0 Theorem 5: Let G 0 be the maximal neighborhood of (X09y c ) filled up by closed trajectorles of (1 0),, All positions of equilibrium of the saddle type lying on the boundary of G c are numbered clockwise from 1 to n. The motion on the closed trajectories of (I lying in G is carried out C also clockwise (if it is not the case then it can always be reached by replacing t by -t), Let (X i(t),Yi (t)) (i=1,,'2_..,n) be the solution of (10) tending to the i-th position of equilibrium of the saddle type for t -31, -co and tending to the (i+1 ) 8t position for t --,.,+oo (for i = n, the (i+1)8t position is the first position of equilibrium).. Let the co ij(t,)= ,,O)~i(t)--g(xi(t),Yi(t),t-tO,O)ii(t)~ dt -Vf(Xi(t)"J(t)'t--t Card 4/5 25471 Determination of the capture region,_ S10201611139100110031018 n 2V ClIlIC222 ,be so that Ii(to)dto> 0, For 5>0 let G- CG be the set of points CA C 0 r of GQ the distance of vhich from the boundai-j of G C is greater thanO let G + '-->G be the 8-neighborhood of Then for sufficiently small CIS a E > 0 there exists a 0 so that alcl solutions of (To which for t = t originate from the region G_ a hile their o c~g (,,.) are oscill ting v trajectories for tZ~t do not leave the region G + '"here 0 for t ->+O. 0 C S(4-7), The author thanks S.V.F3min for aid- There are 4 Soviet-bloc and 2 non- Soviet-blo-, references. ASSOCIATIONsOb"yedinennyy institut yadernykh issledovaniy (United Institute of Nuclear Research) PRESENTEDs February 21,, 1961, by P.SAleksandrov, Academician SUBMITTEDi February 1, 1961 Card 5/5 MEL'NIKOVA V.K.; SAIUNTSEVA, V.R. I [Lines of force of magnetic Ifteld] 0 silovykh liriiakh zag- nitnogo polia. Dubna, Ob"edinennyi in-t iadernykh issl., 1962. 9 p. (MIRA 15-4) (Magnetic fields) -TELINIKOV) I I V. K. ["Qualitative description of resonance phenomena in a non- 'Linear syster, (I)]Kachestven-Tioe opisan-te rezona-nsnykh i--,vle- nii v nelineinoi sisteme (I). Dubna, ObIledineraVi irt ia----er- rrjkh issl., 1962~ 16 p. (MI"'A a5:10) (Cyclotron resonance) MELINIKOV, V.K.; BLUM9 E.Ya. Hh,perimental, method for determining the integral coefficient of beam absorptivity for a furnace medium. In?,h.-fiz.shur. 5 no.8:34-39 Ag 162. OaRA 15:11) 1. Institut energetiki AN Latviyskoy SSR, Riga. (Heat-Rad.iation and absorption) W S/020/62/142/003/007/027 L/ C 35 AUTHOR: 1~_ Inikov., V,' -Lj_ _- TITLE. The behavior of the trajectories of a syst-m which is very similar to an autonomous ffamiltonian system PERIODICAL: Akadehi-ya nauk SSOSR. Doklady, v, 142, no. 3., 1962, 542-~1,4r) TEXT: The author considers the system H/ y + ~ f ( x,y, t, -c y H/ ~ x + d g( x, y, t , 6 where 9 H(X~Y) is analytic in a certain neighborhood of (0,0); f and g are analytic in a neighborhood of x = y =f = 0 , 2 Zo-periodic in t and cont,-nuous in t together with the first derivatives with respect to t. Furthermore, let for x=y=O , ~H/-) x = ?H/) y = 0, L = ( ~ 2HI,~12)(D 2H/~ Y2 - () 2El/~ X)Y) 2> 0 . Besides (1, ) the author considers the system (1 0) which arises from (1e ) for E = 0 and which has a vortex point in (0.0) under the above assumptions.. Instead of the variables x,y the author Card 1/4 S/020/62/142/003/007/027 The behavior of the trajectories C111 /C335 introduces the new variables H = H(X.vy) , q =,-p(x,y) . -here ~f in a f , certain sense acts the r6le of time on the solution curve3 o 1 and is defined with the aid of the orthogonal trajectories of the solutions of (1 0);ip satisfies the equation PH D P 3 H 1 Ty -,;-x - J x 4~yl = After two further transformations of the variables the author brings (I., to the form u = AAA (v) + 'p- 2R(u,v,t,/,-) v = ,k au + 2, (U,V,t,/,-) 0 A,- - where 1,A- R and S are analytic in u,v, ~v , continuous in t togetheT with the first derivatives witn respect to t and 2m-C-periodic in t, while A 0(v) is defined by 2 -rl~ A (v) = --I- C. f(x (t + V)-,Y (t + V),t,O)~ (t + v, 0 2 m 0 0 0 + g(x0 (t -, V). Y 0(t -t- V)t~O)x 0(t + V) dt Card 2At S/020/62/142/003/007/027 The behavior of the trajectories C111/C333 where (X 0(t), Yo (t)) is a 2~-m/n-periodic solution of (1 0 the function A0(v) is analytic in v and has the period 2'C/n. The behavior of the trajectories of (IC ) is described with the aid of the function A O(v). 2 If A (v) possesses no zero, then every solution of (1,, ) with 0 beg-inning in the domain H m, n < H(x "V) < Ha, n + 4~. 9'0 f ort 0 will remain in the domain H(X,Y)< R m,n - '"-o or H(xl,y)> Hm n + ofor all t> c 0114, (theorem 1 ) . If A 0(v) possesses simple zeros, then (5 /4- ) is further transformed, and that in order to obtain a system analogous to that from the paper of the author (Ref. 1 . DAN, 139, no. 1, 31 (1961)). Und~ir the assumption that A0(v r) = 0 , aAo' (yr)> 0 ' the author gives without proof two theorems on the behavior of special solutions for the transformed system. The author Card 3/4 S/02 62/142/003/007/027 The behavior of the trajectories C111 YC333 asserts that one can show with the aid of these results that under certain assumptions the neighborhood of x-y=0 is decomposed into pairwise dis- Joint domains Gk (k = 1,., m) such that every solution of (1c ) beginning in G in the moment t = t comes into the domain Gk in the moment t = to + 2kX (0< k:!~-m), where m can be arbitrarily small for sufficiently small 6 / 01 There are 2 Soviet-bloc references. PRESENTEDi September 4, 1961, by N.N. Bogolyubov, Academician SUBMITTED: August 26, 1961 Card 4/4 3/020/62/144/004/007/024 B 12 V. B 108 AUTHC F (..I 'nikov V. K. Tnc lines of forct, of a m,~rnetic field P I C L) I C AL Akade-~iya nauk 3jjR. Dokl-idy, v. 14,, no. 4, 1-462, 747-750 X'7: 1 -n Thc: motion 01 '1 plasma in a riven magetic field can be studied by r_4 findinF thQ lire~-, of force of this fic:ld. As -an example, th_ -rrotational' field riven by the scalar potential H 0z + P(x, y, z) is investigated. The function (x, y, z') is periodic ir, z with the period 2tand satisfies 2. the Laplacian equation. : .,-(x, y, 7.),Iz - 0. From t~,e equations forthe 0 2 lines of force of this field, the equations du/dz - F,'(u, v) H and 'JIV//J7, -- -F,l(u, v) H' follow for the trajectories shown in Fig. The lfull 1 0 lines in FiC. 2 show t~ie section of the si~-,niratrix of the equations for the lines of force in the plane z-z 0. The dashed line is found after replacing z by -z in this system of equations. The arrows Card 1114~~* The I'nes of force of ... j.')2(-~/6211 ,4/004,1r'!--7/,-,24 -,1-"5//B1 a ni ark the ]i --fc tion Df -Iis:)larement o " t~,e )o ~ n to of the sect ion c~iu s ed 1 1, Y a z-ii.9-A.-icement '~z~2~ .~~omc 3--)Lut~,on8 csin be outside the sharlle,l refion in Fir. 2 v.,hen z increases. The oelcenta~~e of solutions outside this sha,led re-~.ion depenIs on the distance ,3. For Ho-,; this dist-inc,~ tenis He toward z,--ro as e 0 -,,;here , C). A helical field /disturbed b y a corrupated field) With three turns h-is the tra3ectories shown in Fig. 3. There are 4 figures. ASSOCIATIONs Cb"yedinennyy institut -a,lp-rnykh is,31edovaniy (Joint Insti- tUtC' Of NUClear "?esearch) p R 7.3 :~,-T`D: "arch 7, 1962, by N. N. BoFolyubov, Academiciarf 3 U B?~: i T-ED iFebruary 17, 1962 IC C Card 2/4" MELINIKOV, V.K,, inzh. Survey of devices for measuring radiant heat flow in furnaces. Teploonergetika 10 no.7:47-51 JI 163. (MIRA 16:7) 1. Inatitut enorgetiki AN Latviyskoy SSR. (Furnaces) (Heat-Transmission) S/020/63/148/006/004/023 B112 Bla6 AUTHOR: Mellnikov, V. K. TITLE: A qualitative description of a strong resonance in a non-linear system PERIODICAL: Akademiya nauk SSSR. Doklady, v. 148, no. 6, 1963, 1257-1260 '-~TEXT: The system x - 1'y + f (X9y9t)1 y - -,-X + 9(X9y1t) (1) is considered, where '0, and where f(x,y,t) and g(x,y,t) are analytic U functions for JxJ < R,, Jyj < R,, JIm t I < "o (R0 0, ,o ~ 0). Furthermore, f and g are assumed to have the period 2n with respect to t and Dower series expansions with respect to x and y without terms of the first degree. Conditions for strong resonance are derived and,for this case, the course of the trajectories is described. The method may be applied to investigating the stability of radial oscillations in an isochronic cyclotron. There are 4 figures. Card 1/2 A qualitative description of a strong ... ASSOCIATION: Ob"yedinennyy institut yadernykh (Joint Inatituto of Nuclear PRESENTED: November 25, 1962, by P. S. SUBMITTED; September 1, 1962 S/020/63/148/006/004/023 B112/B186 issledovaniy Roaearoh) Aleksandrov, Academician Card 2/2 HELINIKOV, Y.K. Lima of force of a magnetic field composed of helical currents moving around a tore. DokI. All S&A 149 no.5:1056-1059 Ap 163. (MBU 16:5) 1* C[bO'yedinennyy institut yadernykh iwledovaaiy. Predstavleno akademikom L.A.Artaimovichem. (Magnetic fields) .81-66. , EViT(!)/T IJP(c) L 2.17 WC NRg XM 6362 SOUIRC171 C 601 am: UR/03?1/65/000/004/0099/03.0(; ZTE M-R 1--allnikov, Ve K.-4talnikov, V. B Institute of Power Endneoring, V1 LatSSR (Institut onergetiki"All TatSSR) -for the ex;wrizental detormination of tho dogma-of blaokness of solids TITIL~ Method SOURCE:- AN LASSR. IW~Mstiya,~ Sor3qa.fizicheskikh 3. +,ekhnicheskikh nauk, no* 41F :1963,~99_lo6 TOPIC TAGS: radiometer,, optle black body, furnace, 'refraotoi-y, metal property -ABS- 0- describes--an exper me -'apparstualor determining .Lo,AC-j:, The articl. I ntal the blackness of hard materials at pressures of 50 - 130 n/n2 and tez- 0 ~peratures upto 1200 C. The principal units of the apparatus are a model :of a blatk'body, a',radiometer, a heater, and a hermetic chamber. Serving Ck a an Lelectric tubular furnace, w!~ldei4~ ~Pnd as the model-of th I=de 'of steel The results of th6'1fiVestiga#On__of` ceirt'ain.metals and reft*ctorieff are given.' results for thi'ietals sh64 tthat '6ilov ataidspheric pressure the degree'of.blackness is mainly determined by the surface oxidation., The values obtained,for the coeffleiente of emission for the refractories ,!were found to be In strong d1zW'eeaent with existing data. The~authdr concludes that the results obtained. make it possible to further reseArch in-to the ealAsIve characteristics..of,hard ma- peratur terials 0 hIgher tam ea'andL lower pressures. Orig. art*, has: 5 figure --3 formilas, and- 41 tablail' - fJPR_S7--., _SUHK DAM' 07Atw65_/ ORM REF: 005 OM REFt. 001 SMCOM. 21. 20 ,14ELINIKOV, V.K.; BLUM, E.Ya. t Reply to A.-S. Nevskii's remarks. Inzh.-fJ-z. zhur. 10 ro.1:137-138 Ja f66. (HIPIA 19:2) 1. Institut energetiki All Latviyakoy SSR, Riga. Submitted July 5P 1965. KKLINIKOV,--~T.K.; SERGEYEV, L.I.: SAKHOV, N.S. Radioactive phosphorus as an indicator and stimulant of physio~'- ogical processes in woody plants. Trudy That. biol. UFAN SSSR no. 43:99-102 165 (MTRA 19:1) 1. Institut biologii IrELBhkirskogo gasudarstvennogo universiteta. L 58334-65 n Po;4/Pab-I0/Pi-41 G) W V VI AT '36/64/0op/668/0001/0010 ACCESSION NM AT5010442~ UP/313 AUTHOR z k -'r. :.TITIAvwz :On-the-dcompensation-of perturba.tion-of.a---helical magnetic field- I ose(m. T -atomnoy energii. Doklady, no. 668, 1964. 0 kompensar- SOURCE:: -notitut tsii vozmushcheniy,-vintovogo~ magnitnogo, polya", 1-10 - makneti- -frap- -z field configuration _MPIC IMM i~ -p asma perturbation _C a 2 magnetic fieid-f-er-ru-METW-1-Moma, containment ABSTRkCT*. Continuing -earlier--vork by~'Qne. o~f -the- ~_a_uthors ___(Mell nikov,.- DAN no. 5j io56 `1~63)j who- roposed the Idea of -emponsating the pertutbations_~*"a - I p heucal magnatic-field resulting from the drift- of . some part of the -force lines the.authors rep from the regioi bounded by separatrix.branches, ort that they have - confirmed experimentally the conditions under which the perturbations can be com- pensated for. They also show that-in tbe-case-vhen-the-CC-ILDenzation -conditions-are Th not, satisfied,, the drift. of the force lines,becomes stronger. e particular p ~_turVation considered is that:-of a triftlar: helical magnetic field-by a c=binatioli of a bift-Lar vagnetic field and & Conat=t perpendicular rAgnetic field. The ex-. _Nd ~, .V~3 ~r. -"- - , ~- ~m ~1;w ~ , , - m ~'A ..... . . .. I "I A - 2 L 2.10-1-66 FWP(e)1F4(m)1WF(w)1EW(c' (i)/T/EWP(t)/94~(b)/WA(e) P/Vd/WH 'FY ACCESSION NRi ~AP50232931. UR/0371/6 /000/004/000 5 99/01d6 i AUTHOR: Mainiko V8 V. (HeVn1 0 TITLE: Method of. experimental -determination of the emissivity of solids SOURCE: A14 LatSSR.. tzvesti a. Seriya fizicheskM i.tekhaicheakikh nauk, no. 4 yl~ 1965 99-106 TOP-I, C JAGS black body radiation, metal property, ptmissivity, refractory ABSTRAM-- An experimental device for studying the degree of-blackwas of some ry materials at,pressure bel tmo metals:and rdfr4cto s ow a spheric is~described. -Basic ally,, the device consists of a sample~of a black body, a radiometer, a heater, and a seal4:chadber. It was I..used to.measur e the emissivity of steel, r hite.V and: refractory - clay at pressures ranging from 50 to 130 N/ca2,.* -1 j and tempe ures up to-1200C. Ila the case of the',-nietals, it: was. -found that emissivityNit Presauies,below atmospheric is.determined chiefly by the oxidation of the~surface~ thl a finding is in ag, teeaient,with ex.i9ting data.. However, the.values of emissivity obtained for ..refractory materials were found to be in I 'sharpAisagreement withexisting.dat ~Tt is concluded that,data obtained with; A L.2107-.66. I ACCESSION N R: APS023293 this tevice .,can e usedJor prac*ti&l pur6oses only in the first approximation. prig. art. has: . 5 figures- i 2 tables, and3 formulas. [JR] ASSOCIATION: Institut. eneigetik-i All. Latv SGR t(Power,.Zhoneering -Institute. AN LAtvS9R)-' r) SUBWTTED: _074pL6_~`_ EftCL:,. '00 - SUB CODE: _9 00 ' I NO. REF sov:~ 5 MR: -001 O ATD S S 0 ACCESSION HR:,APS020722 UR/0057/65/035/009/2385/1339 XMIOM Karmanovt F* V.,~ Hollnikovi, V. K': 53 'TITLE: On.compensating distortions of a heli agnetic field cal m SOURCE: Zhurnal takhniche-skoy f lzikl v. 35, no. 8, 1965, 1385-1389 TOPIC TAGS:-, helical magnetic field, combined magnetic field, transverse magnetic field# perturbationi plasma-confinement -One of'the authors has previously given a theoretical treatment of dis- ABSTRAM, tortions of ~- a. helical magnetic field and their compensation 1(V.K.Mel'n11.cov. DAN SSSRP - 144.1 No. 4, -747, 1962; ibid,149, M6.5, 1056, 1963; Trudy Moskovatc. matem. obshch.,- 12,.'39' 1963). Because',of the-large distortioni of-the separatrix pro- duced -by comparatively small. perturbing f lelds,. the authors consider it over-opti- mistic to.46ticipato only-a small loss of particles to the walls of a stellarator. .0wing,to-the-toroldal geometry of the tube.- The present.paper reports an experi- mental. test- of -the helical f leld perturbation compensation theory. A triple 11811- cal. f ield -of 150: cm, reciprocal pitch was prodmed in a, 5 on radius, 230 cm long cyllmrical_~chav;ber by it 7 am rddius.winding; a 100 cm reciprocal pitch double 1/2 I Card '66. L .2490- ACCESS ION M. AP5020722 helical by a 5.. 6cm radius winding, and.a plane cam- pensating f iold normal to the axis of, the chamber was also provided.- In addition to ~ thes4: f lelds, there was a 400 Oe uniform magnetic field parallel to the axis oUthe,_chamber.-_.Eleetrons were injected at one end of the chamber, apparently by a hotfcathOde that wasrotated to assure an axially symmetric beam, and were caught on a1luoresceni screen at the other*end of the chamber. The electron patterns on the fluorescent screemwere photographed for differefit strengths of the main heli- cal field, the perturbing helical field, and the compensating field anS1 are cam- pared-viththe-'predictions of the theory (loc cit supra), which are deiived'here anew.:..The experimental results were In agreement.with the,theory authors Ider it th I I mt duty-to expsess their gratitude to Nrl , ye-x.- ons 119M c and P. 'F-r; val a 6-Sednnvkh uable advice and assistance .&V -6y, or as with the work. Orlga~~drt* has.~:13 f mul and 7 figures. ASSOCIANOW.none SUEJU MeaG4 ENUMAO SUB CODE: EK# ME NR MF si*'.. 003 OrHER: 000 MLLIN"OV, V.M. Childbirth in the case of conjoined twins. Zdrav. Bel. 7 no.6:58- 59 Je 161. 15:2) 1. Iz rodil no o otdeleniya Zhlobins%6 rayonnoy bollnitsy. 'MOR (WTETRICS)) Wivi) fT I- MINIKOVe V.M., In%han.r. Irrigation in Egypt. Gidr. i mel. 8 no.12:4q-59 D156. (KIRA 10:1) (FCrpt-Irrlgation) AUTHOR: '~!'--V/99 -5 9-1 -5/13 Mel'n'' ;7 Engineer TITLE: To Increase the Operating Efficiency of Irrigation Systems (Povysit' proizvo,litel'nost' orositel'n,,kh sistem) PERIODICAL: Gidrotekhn'j_ka i melioratusiya, 1959, Nr 1, pp 29-30 (USSR) ABSTRACT: The total length of irrigation canals in the USSR is 500,000 km, and at the height of the season, total water deliveriea are 8-10,000 cu m per second, of which about 50~o are lost by filtration. The author recommends the use of prestressed pre- fabricated concrete parts for the lining of these canals and irrigation structures, and the use of ceramic and asbestos - cement pipes. Losses of water as well as the water-logging and salination Card 112 v /) 9 _:~ 9 - 1 - - /, - -j :)/ i3 To Increase the Operating Efficiency of Irrigation Systems of irrigated land will be greatly reduced. He 0 also recommends the introluction of the sprin-- kling method Card 2/2 300) SOV/99-59-11-1/15 AUTHOR: Zasukhin, S.V. , and Engineers TITLE: Some Urgent Problems in the Development of the Country's Water Resources PERIODICAL: Gidrotekhnika I melioratsiya, 1959, Nr 11, PP 3-8 (USSR) ABSTRACT: This article deals with the development of water re- sources in the Soviet Union, particularly in relation to irrigation and water supply, drainage and reclama- tion work. The authors first review recent work in these fields and the current state of water resources in the country. For the period 1952-1958 over 9 bil- lion rubles were invested in water resources, of which about 7 billion rubles were for irrigation. During this period the overall irrigated land area increased by 1,100 thousand hectares, 540,000 hecta- res of which were in the cotton growing regions. In this same period 2 million hectares of land were drai- ned, and between 1956 and 1958 480,000 hectares of land in Lithuania, Latvia, anZEstonia ' vaie . drai- Card 1/4 ned, In connection with large scale land reclamation SOV/99-59-11-1/15 Some Urgent Problems in the Development of the Country's Water Resources projects in the Baltic states. As of January 1, 1959 there were about 150,000,000 hectares of irrigated pas- ture land in the entire USSR. Between 1954 and 1958 50,000 bore and cartesian wells were sunk. Among the technical facilities in use on water resource develop- ment, the authors mention 5000 excavators, 3,700 bull- dozers and 3000 scrapers. 20 billion rubles are to be invested in water resources development during the 1959-1965 period; the irrigated land area will increa- se by 2 million hectares, by over 1 million hectares in the cotton growing republics alone, during this period, drainage work will embrace an area of approxi- mately 4 million hectares, and 79 million hectares of pasture land are to be supplied with water. Reference is made to a resolution of the Council of Ministers of the USSR entitled "On Measures to Assure the Com- plex Mechanization of Work in Cotton Growing" which pointed to unsatisfactory utilization of land and wa- Card 2/4 ter resources in irrigated areas; the authors also Some Urgent Problems in the Development of the Country's Water Resources 6OV/99-59-11-1/15 note non-utilization of land with a guaranteed water supply,particulariy in Kazakhstan and the RSFSR, as well as in Azerbaydzhan. The problem of reducing the amount of manual labor in irrigation operations is treated; mechanization of cleaning irrigation systems of deposits and vegetation deserves special attention. The need for wider use of sprinkler sys- tems is dealt with; the USSR, state the authors,,has developed and successfully tested sprinkling equip- ment which should be put into serial production. Necessary also is expansion and improvement of the drainage system in order to combat soil salinity in the cotton growing regions of the republics of Cen- tral Asia, Kazakhstan and Azarbaydzhan. Another se- rious problem is water loss in irrigation systems through filtration. In addition it is noted that irrigation systems are poorly equipped with water distribution and measuring equipment; communications Card 3/4 and transport facilities are inadequate at present. Some Urgent Problems in the De-1,relopment of the Count:ry's Water Resources SOV/99-59-11-1/15 The authors dwell on the subject of necessary land reclamation and development work, particularly in areas outside the black soil belt. Improvement in the mechanization of this work, the development of new excavators and machinery for land reclamation work is also treated. The importance of rational utilization of pasture land in dry areas of the USSR, and water supply on this land is stressed. No less important is the problem of water supply to livestock farms and the need for increased mechanization in this field. The authors conclude with a note on the res- ponsibility of state and collective farms vis-A-vis irrigation systems, and the role of scientific-re- search institutions in their further development. Card 4/4 PLEKHANOV, G.V.; AFODVYSOTSKIY, K.S.; MELINIKOV, V.M. Review of the book "Mine bratticeaff by IA. Z. Bukhman and P.G. Molotkov. Gor. zhur. no.6t8O Je 163. (KM 16:7) 1. Glavnyy Inzh. shakhty "Magnetitovaya" Vysokogorskogo zheleznogo rudnika (for Plekbanov). 2. Komandir 4-go Voyenizirovannogo gornospasatellnogo otryada Tysokogorskogo zheleznogo rudnika (for P6d+fsotskiy). 3. Nachallnik ventilyatsii shakhty "Magentitovaya" (for Mellnikov). (Mine ventilation) (Bukhman, IA.Z.) (Molotkov, P.G.) WLINIKOV, V.N. Selecting tha optimum color of enraeshing fishing gear. Izv.~Yg.- ucheb.zav.,'.pishch.tekh. no.ls99-102 163. (MIRA 16:3) 1. Astrakhanskiy tekhnichaskiy inatitut rybnoy promyshlennosti i khozyaystva, kafedra promyqblennogo rybolovatva. (Fishing nets) MIIIIKOV, V.N.. inzhener; SHEMM, M.Ye.. inzkiener, ll~?,~~-:- " 11: `tL j ~:~- -!71~, One hundred Wenty fifth anniversary of the first Ebissian industrial exhibition. Vest.caah. 34 no-11:91-93 N 114. M 7:11) (Russia--Industries--Exhibitions) GORLISMTEYN, D.K.; GUDIA'OV, A.A.; KOSOLAPOV, A.I.; LEYFTSIG, A.V.; 'Ll[EL'I"IKOV) VJ,.; MOKSHOTSEV, K.i3.; FRADKD, G.S.; CHERSKIY, N.V.; TROFDAUK, A.A., akademik, nauchn. red. vyp.; HOMEO'll, I.S., glav. red.; KOHEMYATSKIY, I.A., zam. glav. red.; SHATALOV, Ye.G., zam. glav. red.; BONDAREEKO, V.I., red.; GRI1,113ERG, G.A., red.; YELOVSKIKE, V.V., red.; RUSANOV, B.S., red.; SEM21OV, G.T., red.; TKACHRIKO, B.V., red.; KALANTAR011, A.P., red.izd-va; GUSEVA, A.P., tekhn. red, (Basic stages of the geological developrient and prospects for finding oil and gas in the Yakut A.S.S.R.] Osnovriye etapy geo- logicheskogo razvitiia i perspektivy neftegazonosnosti IAkut- s'!-.oi ASSR. [i~y] D.K.Gornshtein i dr. Moskva, Izd-vo ANI SSSR 1063. 238 p. (1-111RA 16:12) (Ya'-utia--Petroleur, geolog,,) (lakutia-Gas, Natural-Geology) s/o96/62/000/002/003/008 E193/E383 AUTHORS Rassokhin, N.G., Candidate of Technical Sciences and Mellnikov, V-,N., Engineer TITLE Corrosion- and erosion-resistance of zircontum alloys in circulating water PERIODICAL Teploenergetika, no, 2, 1962, 6o - 62 TEXT Experience has shown that zirconium alloys provide most suitable materials for jackets of heat-emitting elements of atomic-reactor piles, in which water is used as the moderator and heat-exchange medium. The efficiency of reactors of this type can be increased if the active zone of the heat-exchanger operates under conditions of stable surface boiling. Data on the behaviour of zirconium alloys operating under such conditions are scarce hence the present investigation concerned with the effect of various factors on corrosion- and erosion-resistance of a zirconium alloy containing O~95% Nb, tested on tubular specimens (10,3 mm in diameter) in a specially designed apparatus The experimental conditions are given in Table 1, the chemical analysis of the water used in the experiments being given in Table 2 Card (q5) s/o96/62/000/002/003/008 Corrosion- and E193/E383 After each experiment , the test piece was removed carefully from the testing machine, dried, photographed and subjected to microscopic examination and spectrographic analysis The results can be summarized as follows- 1) visual0examination of specimens tested at temperatures of up to 320 C showed that surface boiling had no effect whatever on the erosion of the alloys studied-, 6 6 2) variation of the heat flux in the 0.3 x 10 1,5 x .10 kca.1/m2h range, under normal heat-transfer conditions. had no effect on the rate of corrosion of the Zr-Nb alloy irrespective of the presence or absence of surface boiling The rate of corrosion did not depend on the presence of the vapour phase in the stream of cooling water, 3) a changeover from pure convection to surface-bolling conditions did not affect the intensity of the formation of encrustation on the surface of the test piece, 4) the composition of the surface encrustation depended on both the heat-transfer and water-flow conditions,. Wben both Card 2/16 S/096/62/000/002/003/oo8 Corrosion- and E193/E383 corrosion productsand hard-water constituents LAbstracter's note calcium salts] were present in water flowing over the test piece the encrustation in the convection zon%onj%~jtnT4 of the corrosion products, that formed in the surface-boiLling zone comprising mainly the mineral constituents, 5) Localized (even of very short duration) disturbances of the normal heat-transfer conditions which caused the temperature of the test piece to rise above the permissible limit brought about localized corrosion. On returning to normal conditions, the process of corrosion did not cease, spreading to previously unaffected portions of the test piece- There are 2 figures, 2 tables and 4 references, 3 Soviet-bloc and 1 non-Soviet bloc The English-language reference mentioned is., Ref. 2: R.T,Esper W,E- Hopkins, Cb. Jacklin, J.H. Phillips - Proc~ Amer. Power Conf.,, Chicago, Illinois, v.20, 697-708, March, 1958.~ ASSOCIATION. Moskovskiy energeticheskiy institut (Moscow Power-engineering Institute) Card 3/ 6 S/096/62/000/002/003/oo8 Corrosion- and E193/E383 Table I Key. I - No, of experiment, 2 - No, of test piece, 3 - Duration of test, hours, 4 - Heat-loading on the test piece, kcaJ/m2h, 5 - Rate of flow of water cooling the specimen, m/sec 6 Water temperature, 0C 7 - At the entry of the experimental zone, 8 - At the exit of the experimental zone; 0 9 Temperature of the external surface of the test piece C, 10 Water pressure, atm, (See Card 5/6) Card 416 ', --'L ' 11 -0 V , I - N - .-- , r En-4 neer' s manual- )n oyen T ~ t m; nin-. lzd. e-. , rerer. i i-),. . --va , ~-' -dat, I 4~;~ I . (- 7-147--'.4 " j T,,2-,f 1. 1-14 I'll' 2 IELINIKOV, N.V.; SHEYMEYSTER, Sh.Ta., gornyy inzh.; !~ LtNIKQY,-YN. , gornyy inzh. Plan for strip mining in the Akkermanovka iron ore deposit. Gor. zhur. no.4:14-17 Ap '61. (MIR4 14:4) 1. Institut gornogo dela AN SSSR, Lyube.-Asy Moskovskoy obl., chlen-korrespondent All SSSR (for Mellnikov). 2. Giproruda, Leningrad (for Shekhmeyster). 3. Orsko-Khalilovskiy metallurgicheskiy kombinat (for 1491'nikav). (Akkermanovka-Iron nLLnes and mining) (Strip mining) !~;L'NIKOV, V.N. Visibility requirements for stationary fishing gear. Izv.vys. ucheb.zav.; pishch.tekh. no.1:114-116 164. (K[RA 17:4) 1. Astrakhanskiy tekhnicheskiy institut rybnoy promyshlennosti khozyaystva, kafedra promyshlennogo rybolovstva. KNLIHIKOY, T.H. Reaction to intracutaneous introduction of staphylococcus and smallpox vaccine in stimulation of the higher sectors of tho central nervous system. Zhur.mikrobiol.apid.1 im=un. no.4:79 Ap 954. Off-RA 7:5) 1. Is Uf1makogo inatituta vaktain i syvorotok i kafedry patologicheakoy fisiologil Bashkirakogo meditsinskogo institute. (Staphylococcus) (Smallpox) (Phenocoll) USSR/1,1edicine Typhoid Fever Card 1/1 Pub. 148-8/26 FD-1628 Author Mel'nikov, V. N. Title The effect of drug-induced excitation of the central nervous system on the course of typhoid fever toxicoinfections in white mice and the accumulation of agglutinins during convalescence in rabbits Periodical Zhur. mikro. epid. i immun. 7, 33-38, Jul 1954 Abstract The effect of phenamine on the rapidity and lethality of typhoid fever toxicoinfections in white mice and of phenamine and strychnine on the production of LWglutinins in rabbits was investigated. The results of the investigations are presented on six charts. No references are cited. Institution Ufimak Institute of Vaccines and Serums imeni YRchnikov (Director-U.S. Yenikeyeva; Scientific Director-Prof. N. I. Mellnikov) Submitted October 13, 1953 U.SjR / Microbiology. Microbes, Pathogenic to 11,11an and F Animals. General Problems. Abs Jour Ref Zhur - Blologlya, No 5, 1959, Nc- 19550 Author Mel'n1kov, V. N.; Gadeleva, A. D. Inst Ufim Scientific-Reaearch Institute of Vaccines and Sera Title Concerning the Effect of Intervals Betweer Immunizations on the Titers of AgglutinlzinE Sera Orig Pub Tr. Ufimsk. n.-i. ln-ta vaktsln I syvorotok, 1957, vyp 4, 75-79 Abstract No abstract given USSR / Microbiolo~,y. .Laerobic L~acil!L. C> Abs Jour: Ref Zhur-Biol., No 15, 1958, 72196. ,,Wthor ;,.,Ieltnikov, V. N.; Krasilvnikova, T. V. Inst : Ufa Scientific-Research Institute of Vaccines and Sera. Title : Materials for the Sti~dy of Toxin Formations of Tetanus Bacteria. Report I. For...,iation of Tet- anus Toxin Undor Difforant Conditions of Gulti- vation of' Tetanus Culturo. Orig Pub: Tr. Ufiitisk. n.-i. in-ta vaktsin i syvorotok, 1957, vyp. 4, 1?5-180. Abstract: No abstract. Card 1/1 73 Card 1/1 MEL I N 11 F C:VI V. IN. 'i I r-, -* lj-i 1 ~ ty c I, I f 5 :~ r:,r7 e-; - -- - I rZ W a '-E :- El U :- ~ -,a ~e - *,S - ' E: -;,. -~Chi rig a bi I t v. Trudy *"I' RO 1 6~ . ( M ., FIA 1 ~ ! ".) MrJLLER, R.L.; DAIIIIA)V, A.V.; MAUOVA, T.P.; ~MLIIUKOV, V.N.; NIKOLISKIY, A.B.; REPINSKIT, S.M. Kinetics of solution of germanium in acid and basic solutions of hydrogen peroxida. Vest. LGU 15 no.4:80-87 '60. (%IIRA 13:2) (Germanium) (Hydrogen peroxide) RASSOKHIN, N6G., kand.teklin.nauk; MEPNIKOV, V.N., inzh. Corrosion resistance of zirconium alloys in t~e c4rcu2atinr water medium. Teploenergetika q no.2:60-62 F '62. 'K3,_ I j: 2- ) k 1. 'Iloskovskiy energeticheskiy institut. (Zirconium--Corrosion) MELNIKOV,_ V. N.., Li-Chi-Min, NEFEDOV, V. D., RYUKIIN, Yu. A., TOROPOVA, M. A. Wsa) "Study of' Isotope Effects in Beta-D~!cay of' Naturai lzotopej of' Learl". paper submitted for the Symposium on the Chemical Effects of Nuclear Transfonnation (IAEA) Prague, 24-27 Oct. 1960. :/12 A ~) s AUTHORS: Preobrazhenskiy, B.K.; Tsvelikhovskiy, V.P.; Mellnikcv, V.N. TITLE,: Ion-exchange separation of a group of elements. TV. Elemor!tF (-,f' thf, III. -analytical group PERIODICAL: Hadiokhimlya, v. 2, no. 1, 19~0, '13 - ~7 TEXT: In the present paper :. method of io~i-cxchange separat'lon fcr elev ants of the third analytical , -ui~ Is (lescribed. ;L can be applied in raJ!c- chemistry (to the preparation of elements with or without carrier), or analytical chemistry. Many investigations were already made to separate some elements of this group, but if separation from a more complex mixture has to be carried out. none of these methods can be used without knowing the behavio-; of the other ele- ments. In the present paper the following references are given: Ref. 1: --,.T. Ryabchikov and V.Ye. Bukhtlyarov, ZhAKh, 9, !96 (1954); Ref. 4: I.E. Ye.P. Tsintsevich, Zav. lab., 21, 29 (1955); Ref. 6: A.K. Lavr-ukhina, L'1~1. 119, 56 (1958); Ref. 7: B. Lister-, T. Chem. Soc., 312'~ !~-f. 8: -.- Huffman, J. Am. Chem. Soc.. 73, 4474 (1951); Ref. 12: O.V. A 't5huler 't, a ZhNKh, 3, 1192 (1958); Ref. 13: T.A. Belyavskaya et al., ZnAY0'., 13, 668 Card 1/6 To.-ex-change separatinn of a group -X elerrfntF. T% Re f. I t) :D.I. Hyahchikov, and V.F. Os"pova, ZhA,,'I,, 1~ -he pr--sent me-,hol the authors considered two ~rlncl,-', --Ial sclectivr_- complex-forming agent for each elc,rijero_ ro-,,l 2) f I. ,inns for the separation with varying ccroientraticii,, A' a slnglt~ c.*r.- 1-x-f(-~ agent. In order to avoid hydrolysis of sGmie of the :;vest1v 'at,~Cl min --ral acids were used as elutrignts. Hydrochlorllc ind solutior.- were study chloride complexes. It was observed, however, that data give:-. 5-. i.. a-Qd F. helson have to be checked. The present experiments were carried (~Jt thekY-2 (KU-2) sulfo-styrene cation exchange resin (-6% divinylbenze!.- capacity 4.7 mg equiv/g) and the strongly basic 4-17 (AV-17) anlor-e~,,,hangr- res- in, or Dowex-1. The resins were used in H4' or Cl- form, and I - 2 1 100 mm columns were used. Flow rates of' about I drop,/~Fidn were mairita-:.-.1 -:Ii separation was controlled by means of radioactive Isotopes or spot te~t~~. :',C. details concerning the technique are described in previous papers Li(ef- 3, 119 (1 58); Ref. 19: ZhNKh, 2, 1164 (:957); Pef. '.C,: hadio'~hdmlyr,., 68 (1960)1. The first experiments demonstrated that th- ~7,1,,ric-nts cannot be separated using only one ion-ex&.anj-- cation- ano change resins must be used. The following methou ;,.z de -eloped by the presc.-A authors: the concentrated hydrochloric aold Sol,ition Lht M- tdrc- Card 2/6 3/186/60/002/001/012/022 Ion-exchange separation of a group 6f elements. IV.... A057/A!29 all the elements is passed through the column with the anion-exchange resin. Tine elements which form anionio'complexes are adsorbed, and thus two sub-groups are .separated. The elements adsorbed on the anion-exchange resin w-~re removed selec- tively by varying the HC1 concentration (corresponding to the c--)nstant of the anion complex). The elements which are not adsorbed by the anion-exchange resin were passed into the column with the cation-exchange resin and were then removed selectively. The conditions for the partition of the elements are presented in Figures 1, 2 and 3. If rare earths have not been removed preliminarily, they can be washed out quickl3r with 5'N HN03 after elution of aluminum wid are separated by special methods ( s. 18, 19). Fe and Ga are removed from the anion-exchange resin together and c?ef be separated later on the cation-exchange resin according to the greater tende 0y of iron to form neutral complexes (like FeCl 2+ 3) or the less dissociated HFeCl4 (compared to HGeC'4). Ni and Tl+ are removed almost together. Oxidizing the latter by saturating the elutriant with chlorine, Tl+ can be removed before Ni?+. Thorium must be removed by sulfuric acid from the cation-exchange resin. Elemeints separated on the cation-exchange resin do not form anionic complexes in HU solutions, even here separation occurs due to se- lective formation of mainly neutral complexes. Thus Ni and Tl (.-an be removed from the cation-exchange resin with 1 M HC1 solution, but not with I M HNO 3 solu- Card 3/6 I . s/i86/6o/ooP_/oo1/o12/022 Ion-exchange separation of a group of,elements. IV.... A057/A!29 tion, i.e., the anion of the-acid is,important, indicating that complex formation occurs. The adsorption of several elements on the cation-excheange resin stops already in 2.5 M HC1 solution and they can be removed although they do not form anionic complexes. This indicates formation neutral complexas, for instance of the type [MeCl.10, for the elements Cr3+, ~+, Ni2+ and Tl+. Cr3+ forms a stL- ble neutral complex. Thus chromium*can be easily separated from all other ele- ments. This can be applied to serial analyses of metals, etc. The three refer- ences to recent English-language publications read as follows: Ref. 3: K. Kraus et al., J. Phys. Chem., 58, 11 (1954); Ref. 5: 1211HC~ BOR 6n,4m., 20CL 0.4705it MCL K.A. Kraus, G. Moore, J. Am. Chem. Soc., 75, 1 ! I 91 "" I Ti if: Z, Co, F,.r,, !460 (1953); Ref. 9: J. Benedict et al., J. z . . 0 Mn I i . Am. Chem. Soc., 76, 2036 (1954). There are 3 E - J'n Zn Cd figures, I table and 19 referenoes: 10 Soviet- bloc and 9 non-Soviet-bloc. Cd ~;l Figure 1: Separation of the elements of the H Gil -exchange res- III group, adsorbed by the anion in from concentrated HC1 (anion-exchange resin f 2 3 4 5 6 763 fU ff 12 Q 4 f5 fS, 1718 19 of AV-17 type or Dowex-1). 10 free volume; (9) free volumes of the column cation. Card 4/6 S/1 86/ ~"1/003 /020 '020 ~51 /A 12 9 eW?,S: -2 fT LE v e1 Inikov, y ukh i n"'U 7 3 zP-ag:L~' Grache Separation of Cd log wi t-hout a carr-'er from a cyclotron -.arget PE.110DICALi Radiokhimiya, v 3, no 1, 1961, 116-116 IW^ T-::'X TThe radioactive isotope Cd log i3 formed ;,,hen irradiatne silver ~n P_ '109(d, 2n) Cd'09. The CdlO9 decays cyclotron according to the reaction: ~.E; by X-capture with a half-life of -70 days. The energy of the monochroziatic gnm a-emission E = 87 kev. in addition to Cdl09 the long-lived 'soto:~e of silver Agllom (T=270 days) is also formed according to the roactJon - AE109(d,p)Agllom. The problem of separating Cdl09 without a carrier is re- daced to the separation of micro-quantities of Cd from larger quantities of silver and copper. Reference is made to certain other methods of Cd sepa_ra- tion from silver, such a..- the thiocyanate method (Ref 1), the ditison method (Refs 2-4), the diethylcarbamate method (Ref 5), and it is pointed out that all these methods Pale unsuitable for the separation of U109 without a Card 1/5 S/l86/061/OC-,/OC_I/-020/020 log Seraration of Cd without a carrier A051/.1199 caz,rier in the Dresence of very large cluantities of copper and silver. authors recommend the following method of Cd'09 separation without a carrier: The target on which the silver was placed was submerged into concentrated nitric acid and the silver layer was dissolved. After vashing the target with distilled water, the combin . solutions (nitric acid and aqueous) ware transferred to a triple-mouth fl-.3k (~Fig 1). The solution was heated. 71-e silver iodide and copper semi-iodide were precipitated by adding a 1 z so~u_ tion of HI, while mixing. The solution was separated from the precipitate through a porous quartzite filter with a pore size of 20-35 into a seua- rating funnel. The precipitate was washed 2-3 times with a 151 solution of after which the solution was poured into a quartzite container through the lower tap of the separating funnel and was evaporated until dry. The precipitate was processed twice with distilled concentrated HC1 17ith subse- quent evaporating until dr and was dis3olved in 10 ml of 2n HCI. '."he further purification of T69 from copper and traces of silver was conducted by using an ion-exchange column. The column with a diameter of 10 mm and a length of 70 mm. was submerged in - -17 (AB-17) resin vrith a grain size of 50-100 . The resin was washed eliminating iron and transferred to a Cl-con- Card 2/5 S/18~0)403/001/020/020 Separation of Cd log without a carrier A051 ,129 tainer. The initial solution was passed through a column at a rate of 0.15 ml per uinute. Then the column was rinsed with 70-80 ml of 2 n HC1, whereby traces of copper were removed. Cdl09 was evaporated to the required volume. The radiochemical purity of the obtained sample was checked by taking the gamma-spectrum using a scintillation gamma-spectroi#eter With'automatiO re- gistering of the gamma spectra. A NaI crystal was'.used as the scintillator, having a counting efficiency of the gamma quanta with.a 100 kev energy equalling 18%. Fig 2 jb�ws the famma-spectrum of the initial nitric acid solution containing Cd and Ag 10M. The 87 kev energy peaks belong to U109, and the 447, 883, 936 and 1382 kev peaks belong to Ag1lom. Fig 3 is the gamma-spectrum of the AgI precipitate. The gamma-spectrum of the Cd109 sample formed without a carrier is shown in Fig 4. The presence of the only line with an ener of 87 kev in the spectrum indicates the radiochemical purity of the Cd19 sample obtained. The integral change of the activity of all ~he gamma-lines with an energy over 100 kev proved that the radioactive contaminations of the sample are much below 0.1%. There are 3 graphs, 1 diagram and 7 references, 3 Soviet-bloc, 4 non-Soviet-bloo. Card 3/5 7:7 V "~nc Effcta of' ~Y-e In terart I on In an'! report prezented a. the. Intl. Coaference on HIph En,!rv- Gen,~va, 4-11 JiLly 1902 Inat. of Theoretieml and Experimentml Phyalca, ~baccrw, MR 8/056/62/042/005/041/050 B108/B138 A"JITHORS; Grashin, A. F., Mellnikov., V. N. 'T LE: , n - n interaction in nucleon electromagnetic form factors I P_--'RIGDICA.L: Zhurnal eksperimentallnoy i teoreticheskoy fiziki, v- 42, no. 5, 1962, 1404-1409 TEXT: The isovectorial form factors of the nucleon with consideration of 7, - q interaction as calculated by W. R. Frazer and J. R. Fulco (Phys. Rev-, 117, 1609, 19060) involve some inaccuracies. For this reason the i)resent authors calculated these electromagnetic form factors in two-meson 4proximation, using the results of A. D. Galanin and A. F. Grashin (ZhZTF, 41, 633, 1961) for the n + n--:O~N + R amplitudes. Rescattering corrections are ignored. Use was made of an expression for n interaction that is more general than the Breit-Wigner model: HL (X - Xt) 6, arctg (PI M = -.k I X X (X) + Q (9). Card 1/3 S/0 56/6 2/04 2 /005/041 /05 0 n - n interaction in nucleon ... B108/B138 This led to the absorption part of the nucleon form factor: I m Fv, (1) 81g, I q,~ (1) 1, ,, -) -x 0 0) A, ix-x,l' FI" x JX (x) - L~ (x)) I X (x) ~-+2x (x) I; x I m JF~ (1) = 1 -!-9l I p, rx/-OT X) (11 where W Ix-X412 x x(X(x)-L,(x))V(x) -b[-+~(X)-Q(x)Inx X(x) and Q.(x) are arbitrary polynomials; the xk are the roots of the 2 equation X(x) + Q(x)-[--x - 0, Re-11---x,>O; g . 14.51 E - 4/m - 0.151 Card 2/3 3/056/62/042/005/041/050 n - n interaction in nucleon B108~B158 m and ~j are the nucleon and pion masses, respectively. Results consistent with experiment can be obtained for the case of kinematic resonance at an energy of about 750 Mev (effect of the Q-meson). There are 3 figures. ASSOCIATION: Institut teoreticheskoy i eksperimentallnoy fiziki Akademii nauk SSSR (Institute of Theoretical and Experimen- tal Physics of the Academy of Sciences USSR) SUBLITTED: January 6, 1962 Card 3/3 AUTHORSs TITLE: S/05 62/043/006/047/067 BIIIYBI02 Galanin, A. D., Grashin, A. F., Mel'nikov, V. N., Nikitin, Yu. P. I Nucleon-nucleon scattering in two-meson approximation with consideration of the nn-interaction PERIODICALs Zhurnal eksperimentallnoy i teoreticheBkoy fiziki,'v. 43, no. 6 (12), 1962, 2245 - 2254- TEXT: The explicit calculation of the two-meson contribution to the nucleon-nucleon scattering amplitude has been possible do far only for large values Of the orbital angular momentum 1 >)-I. The accuracy obtained was + p2/p2 )/(l + 1), where p is the'lpl'on-mass and p is the -auclapn m-omentum in the c. m. a. In order to achieve more accui results, the absorptive part of the NN-amplitude must be calculated by using the nN-amplitude in the nonphysical domain. In the present work this calcula- tion given by X1 (x)=eO1(x) sin 81(x) = Q(')(x)V-Xllx(,)(X)-iQ(t)(X)V-xl; Card 1/3 V_XCtg6j(X)-X(')(X)/Q(')(X); I.O(S), I(P), 2(D), (5) S/05 62/043/006/047/067 Nucleon-nucleon scattering in B111YBI02 was performed for 442 0(4mp (t is the momentum transferred and m is the nucleon mass) using the nN-amplitude obtained by A. D. Galanin and A. F. Grashin (ZhETF, 41, 633, 1961). The un-sba1tering having the iso- topic spins I - 0 for even~:l and I - 1 for*odd I was taken into account. X(l) W, Q W (x) 'are arbitrary polynoM'ials in x, x being the square of the three-dimensiofial meson momentum. The accuracy achieved is found to be NtAm and ~%Jp 2/m2 in nonrelativi8tic approximation. The calculations showed that the NN-amplitude depends dnly weakly on a RA-sm- plitude which is free from resonance. In practice, it is the S-amplitude of the nn-ocattering only (isotopic spin I-0) that affecto the central forces between the nucleons, but also in this case-the NN-acattering experiments fail to give any insight into the parameters of the nn-ampli- tude. It is only the nn-amplitudes with kinematic resonances vanishing near the point of resonance that make significant contributions to the NN-amplitude, in particular to the spin angular momentum forces and tensor forces. In the simplest case of a kinematic Poresonance at 750 Hev (x-meaon) it is impossible to make the results from the two-meson approxi- mation of the electromagnetic nucleon form factors and from the elastic -Card 2/3 S/05 62/043/006/047/067 Nucleon-nucleon scattering in ... BlIlYBI02 NN-scattering ampl'itude consistent with the experiment. Finally, the present results ar6 compared with previous data. There are 1 figure and 2 tables. SUBMITTEDi JUlY 5, 1962 Card 3/3 RASSOMINO N.G., kand. tekhn. nauk; ATTENSHTADT, K., inzh.; MELINIKOV, V.N.g inah. Experimental study of beat emission during the boll'Ang of vater in airoular channela. Trudy MEI no#6301-58 165. (MIRA 18-s.12) e a TV ET ~::)V M6" 1,14 FK01V 1~ .'~ .- , ai;i p It , -r' irf.-ntal study -,f hycirmut,- cr-.31v.ance durJng the "'~).j c' vapor arid Water 1r.'"xt,-re In cirrular ch~irulplls ollth ,r,,,dy ~!,, ni at ciiatting slirfaco. -,o.(,I-,73-.7P 165. 0-,*R~-,. "P 1~ 0(3,0), 94(l) AUTMR. Sok.lcv., T..3., Candidt. of T-hl..1 S.t ..... TIT", A sci..tirto c..r.r .... on the of uttras-d I- the Lose." lg.ti.. or matter 7=0121CAL. 1-..Liy. y..hM -h.bu,kh -.d..iy, ftedloL.khnik., 1959, Vol 2. Or 3, p 380 (U=) ADSTB=. Proa Psbrukry 10-14, 1050, the Se,,uth Scientific C,afam..* on the Appll..tion of Ult-..-d for the f V. t- as, cdavened in L!osegm at the 11,sk,wakly Obl&st-noy pedo,,-.t~h- bl; --. I.;K. Krap.hoy (ki ... ~ West P.dg.gic.1 losti- tat., i."1 N.K. O-m, 1-y.). Ab..t 500 rum t..tru.tor. f- v-, Leningrad. Ore... , .*,. K--., ead .. t- the Gorman Dm-_tJc I.Pbli:p"d P.1-4 pr?I.ip.t.d in ". 14. or. ,b. 80 p or. ver. -4 .%, the -f.-- Th. ... ti-%-r. rg-i..d t this r d2.tI .soawti... I. i"t"T of P"P&&stim o a t~:!oajlp t 1-4 1. ..., bodies, 4-..etr.ti. 0 c...- tit.1 ph---' Ia sob-1. end -.. At the first pl-.Iy .... i.., C-4 1/3 the p,,p.r of V.P. No.dr- wo. -d 'Phy.k-l Pli-j~l- of U.. of L-A.-Ilt.,l. p.p. dustry.. Tb a pra th_;, _b It tiDa Of Silicl Gel =d ItsDarL~tl-'; P~' I ~_.P:! to i,. pb- Is.t I- of the Uol ... I.r K--- r..or7 f P f We'-- -tth . IA-it-d Aplit-d.-j Lj, -7t. Th,;ry __A~ -h Z.It..' sud s ,per of Pr-f .... r P. K-h.,, I- d. VIA.:!Irc d f It-..-d - rop.g.tion to j- quAds ees the !nubth.:tr!;Ith. F.'- of R.B. jWjy-t..,. S.A. Vol- yan, L.G. B.Itook"T., 0,A: 11-'r I I IUl~l rtl-ll I .h rants, W.a. Shirk-L , L P. j N.L. ryukh _d :.A. 0.1.-Th. pp.r J.i.tly B.D. V.p. ..Arse, N,!; K*e 1. ead V.P. _'-t~d I. the - re :hI. tb .t of bl- 2r. d.,i .... d ~ r.p%d .t.te of tr.4 ly i..o..I yoo-i C-rd 2/3 ..r. off th: reports of ...T 'A'N. Tr.rj-. A.I. R3-_, L.D. Firo.hik.~, L.P. Lei-dl., P.L. L' k..hl., I *L. M- chanko 4;d others. The report of L.A. 01'ah-kly, A.T. lrl~..,_ &- and oth:r. dealt with the application of altmsw,d '.Id- Ing. 1. the ..tiqu. of r....,ch, the ~-r- f the T,7",'ath.' or. -4, D.t. 9-1-7ae-1, Y.F. W-i- r - rb... -p-t. d tag ..tb. fond it-.,-d. ?h tI. b,.:rp M" iof tdI...I id dl.. se. the ..bA..t f th. of -te.y- and th r.t irz ~th .tmti- t end f.1j.. i.g -;,.1t. J.ji- ed G-b.,s!,I -4o ..t.1 _ ypl,,, ij.T Ul ~.._4.1 3- Prft~V, 'LD c 'dl :..t.r f, I _Tjr_ -:t t "*d L C-d 3/3 purp fr-.. -!I.p Ing L:t .... t.i. prob 1,71.1 .;1 ;pp d t t f -it - Th. -b , of p.rti,lp-t -b_ f ..b- SUMITM. rII 1 949 1.4 ~I~Z7L WMIZI ~/, I//' KARPUKHIN, V.V.; ZAYCHENKO, G.K.; ZILIBEWAN, A.S.; POPIAVSKIT. VA.; SOKOLOV, B..&.; HIKITIN. N.G.; DVORYANKIN, M.M.; MELINIKOV, V.P.; OLICIMV, P.P.; BABCHENKO, V.m. Two-zonal electric furnace for the caking of solid alloys. Prom. energ. 14 no.1:40-41 Ja '59. (MIRA 12:1) (Electric furnaces) MELINIKDT, V,P. About the article "Flanged joints made of laminated wood plasticaw letter to the editor. Bum.prom-31 no-3:26 Mr 156. (MLHA 9:7) l.Glavny7 mekhanik Glavtollyulozy. (Laminated plastics) ICLINIKOV., V.P., inzh.; SLATIN, V.A., irzh.; NOI~-AREMAN, K.L., inzh.; -... I -IFATOV, A.I.J. i-r:,zh.; 6HYxURO, L.A., inz~i.; TYUTYUNNIKOV, B.D., i.nzh. q~uaiVaquipment to the reinforced-conerete- lat u.% g1va -bigk- products plantsl Tran p. stroi. 12 no.3:30-33 Mr 162. (MIRA 16:11) ALEKSLrfEV, Ivan Mikha-flovich; MELINIKOV, Vladimir Petrovich; SHVYDCHENKO, L.I., red. -- (Manual for niral 'buildersl Spravochnik :3ellskogo stroitelia. Rostov-na-Donu, Rostovskoe knizhnoe izd-vo, 1959. 509 i,. (MIHA 17:4) i--- I . : i - ! . I . HZLINIKOV. V.S. Reducing trnds expensea in oolling mnnufsatured gooda. 25: F34-1)4 157. (Russis-Annufacturea) Izv. KPI (F41RA 11:3) KFWVIKOV, V.S. - Resources for reducing trnde ernenses in selling mnnuf-ctured goods. Ixv. KPI 25:159-1%33 157. (MIRA 11:1) (Russin-Mnnufoctures) ~EL'NIKCV, V.S. 4 Reinforce control over the observanre of standards. Der. prom, 12 no.1:14 Ja 163. (JAJRJ4 16: 1 ~ 1. TSentrallnyy nauchno-issledovatellskiv institut mekhanicheskoy obrabot1ki drevesiny. (Lumber-Standards) TE~LCIJ , Ilikolay Leon'. 11"evich; retsenzent; K, Cji3SCN, A. Kh., red. [--rterfercrxe re,*,i(--, f --r, ting systems' Forekhous toich voat -s ei~ c~. noi informatsil. I ZA-vo Ilsviaz"! MaIMOV, V. so PA 20/49TIO7 USS/Radio Facelvero oot 48 Vacuum Tubes - Diode "Measuring Senaltl7ity of Recel7ers With the Aid of a Noise Diode Tube," V. S. Mellniko7, Engr, 3 PP "Vest Svyazi - ElektrosTYa%'" No 10 Treats subject under the following: 'sensitivity of a receiver, measurement of noise sensitivity of a receiver, changing h to microvolts, circuits and construction of noise diode, system of output measurement, and method of taking readings. In- cludes three diagrams. 20/49T107 a a a a ;144464c0*4 cr ew ell 14 IS 0 a a a a a 0 to It of w ts is It to to a a n is Is a 0 It u a III is A N 1, V. so m a L_ 84 a et# sm U 00 L 6646M fwodm NMKAIW. IL--A. e --An" May- 00 .11111114 ~ low 41 - Ammbw,-Mw 1 is undiior 00 fNL -00 00 UP40%ank""m h 00 bdWy. - Mel ~ da I " 6 Of UWARdMWM Vftt((V e 00 -Kom 4M.Wks" The rift(4 com&. IN s umd-biky offAm ftw hw*qxr4m %,Mt. *0 as* 00 go 0* 00,3 COO Ille 001 6 i Iva Z; 00 coo =Iba Its 0 00 t: 00 130* tie* *ON woo -Ir 0 Ir An A, 1 4 Od 0 4 0 '1 W7 It I Q Cl 3 TTR 0 0 00 00004 0 Is 4 igo 0 0 0 0 0 0 6 0 a 0 0 0 Is 0. MELTIKOV) V. S. and NIKOLAYEV, B. A. - ---- -- - ~ .. 1.- 11 Brief Rei-jort on ReEi.Llts of Obsen.,ations ot' Short-Wave K! Tele!,~~Gne Reception," Radiotekhnika, No 'I, Central icientific Research Institute of Cumirwitcations, Ministry ot, C~:i:m;u:llcations (TsNIr,) ., ~E - I :,,*IKOV, V. 3. If-re-uency Hadio Tele7raphy". One of a 3eries of Teleco-mmunications- ~ev-ures driven oy axrerts in the s-~-cntifi-c re3e--rch in3Litutes and ea-~cational insti~uLes. SO: Vest. 3vyazi, p 24, No. 6, 1952. MELNFK 011.9 V . "Frequency wireleS3 telegraphy." So. Radio, Vol. 5, p . 39, 1952 V. Te'err-nh, `-Iirf-less Radlotcilof~r.-i-lhy. I- - R,clio !10- -",, 195'; 2 1-:ontlily Qat of Rusgian Apcesslons, Libr-ry of Conj- -, A,itrjBt - res- - I 1,TsL'NIKOV, V. "Frequency radio -telegraphy," Radio, No. 5, Publ. of the Min. of Communication-, 1952. MELINIKOT, V.S. '-- Calculation of the antenna ccmpling of the shortvave receiver for main-line radio communication. Elektresviazl 10 ne.3:5-12 Mr 056. (Radio--Antennas) (MLRA 9-?) KEL'NIKOV, V. (Moskva) Lead outs from television antennas. Radio no.10:45 0 '57. (MIRA 10:10) (Television--Antennas) AUThGR KELINIKOV V.S.,Ordinary Member of Radio society. 108-5-5/13 TITLE Fecullaritle-d-of the Operation of Coupled Long Lines in the Case of Aperiodic Coupling. (Osobennosti raboty svyaz&xmykh dlinnykh liniy pri induktivnoy raspredel- ennoy svpzi - Russian) PERIODICAL Radiotekhnika, 1957, Vol 12, Nr 5, PP 37 - 41 (U.S.S.R.) ABSTRACT The special case is investigated where there is only one inductive coupling between two electric lines aid where capacity coupling is lacking. This can be attained if there is an electrostatic screen between the two linesyThe system of aifferential equations is derived and then the wpecific case with two lines of ii-ifinito length is investigated. The coupling between the two is taken to be weak. Equations are obtained from which the following con- clusions may be drawn on the condition that there must be only one feed, namely at the beginning of one line, and that there must be no reflections. 1.) The voltages at random points of the coupled lines, which have the same distance from the outset, are moved in quadrature, their amount, however, changes along the line, passes from one line to another and vice versa. 2.) The points on any line consist of two components: one basic component, which coincides with the line voltage according to its phase and ite charac- ter of changing along the line, and an additional oemponent, w4hich coinci- des with the -,r-,1tags of the nsighbouring line as regards the phass and the Card 1/2 character of rne change. This latter component forms a certain reactive po- Feculiaritiss of the Operation of Coupled Long Line@ in the 105-5-9/--.3 Case of Aperiodic Coupling. wer in the two coupled lines on in the two lines does not change loads at the ends of the lines are ease with travelling waves in the (1 illustration) which occasion the total reactive power with the length of the lines. Then the determined for developing a working pro- case of a finite line length. ASSOCIATION Not Given. PRESENTED BY SUBMITTED lo.lo-1956 AVAILABLE Library of Congress Card 2/2