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CHAYLAKHYAN, M.Kh.; MEGRABYANO A.A.; KAPAPETYAN, N.A.; KAIADZHYANq II.L. Growth promoting substances in secretions of nodule-forming bacteria. Dokl. AN Am. SSR 40 no.5:307-314 165. (MIRA 18:7) 1. Institut mikrobiologJi AN ArmSSR. 2. Chlen-korrespondent AN ArmSSR (for Chaylakhyan). Submitted September 15, 1964. M&GELOYANJ A.A.;, -mUTVJNFel, R.K. Eler;ti-,,,erice,-)hair)g-raphic pir-ture of the depersn-vilfzation ormdrome. I, - -7.1 I 164a 1 , .,)k . -+ (M--PA 18811) :. Kafedra paikhiatrii Yerevanskogo maditsinEkogo instituta i P:-oblemnaya laboTatorlya Yerevanskoy psikhl-a',ric-heskoy bollnitay. MEGRABYAN. A.A.; ARUTYUNYAN, R.K.; AVAKYAN, S.L. . -- ------- ..,- Electrophys,"013gical data on the disorder of the clarity of consciousness in epilepsy and symptomatic spasms. Zhur. eksp. i klin. med. 4 no.2:47-54 164. (MIRA 17.8) 1. ArEVanskaya respublikanskaya psikho-nev-rologicheskaya kli-nika. ISAAKUS, A.L; KHZHALYAM. Z.Tq_!!!IA ~~!. G.A. Hicroflora parasitic on moth flies and its significance in epideniolagy [in Armenian with sumwzy in Russian] Kikrobiol.sbor. n0-3:27-38 149. (ARMIA--KOTH FLINS) (MIRA 9:8) (INSECTS AS CARRIM OF DISIOASE) (STRIPTOCOCCUS) MIRZOTAN, G.I., prof.; AVAKIMDVA, E.A.; MF)GRABYAN, M.TS, Functional state of the pancreas in organic lesions of the brain. Trudy no.11:397-402 F60. (MIRA 15:11) 1. Iz kliniki nervnykh bolezney fakullteta usovershenatvovanlya vrachey (zav. klinikoy - prof. G.I.Mirzoyan) Yerevanskogo meditsinskogo instituta. (PANCREAS) (BRAIN-DISEASES) -IMRA3rAN. R*T. - Xlectric heating of autoclaves repldcad b7 the high-temperature heat-transf4r medium vapor T. Suggeation by R.V.Kagrabian. Prom. emerg. 11 3w.4:22-23 Ap '56. (KRA 9:7) (Heating) U33R/Mcrobiolo[Sy. Hc-,no~,lo'----L-iop",iillic Bacteria F- 5 Paateur,~lla.-,~ Abs Jour : Ref Zhar - 3iol., :,o 14, 1958, No 62421 Authov : -1.,~-rcdaJ7,L; G,-omia-'. 3cl-,nL.-ific Res.-,,arc.1 Inst-Itute of Anl- mal ilusb~indr~~- --.nd V.,An-riiry :ediccinc. Tit! On ~,)uestio--.s of 'o--~centrL~.tin:;, -,--,d Dr,,- in!-, 3,-~ S a ru'll. Ori3 Pub : inform. !'Iruz. n.-i. in-ta zhivot2.ovodstva i vet., 1957, --,,.-o 2, 34-38 1~ .--bstract: --~'o U,-'0,9'zr-;Uu Card L/l 26 MGRELIDZE, D. (Tbilisi.); SHMOYAN., A. (Tbilisi) Neebanized potato varehouse. Sov.torg. 35 no.7:57-60 Jl 162. (MIRA 15:11) (Potatoes-Storage) I-TEGRELT-77~', K. V. Viticultt~-re - 2zerbaijan I~ro,n,ress of the 11-1,artuni Sta?.*e Farm, of the Karabck'- '-dne Trust. 12 "0. 3, 1952. 71-.1 Monthiv List of Russiar-,-.:~ccessi):is, Ll~.Im:r-, of ConCress, June 1;,)52. , ' C 1- -- ~ . I-MGRELIDZE, K. V. Nlagornyy Karabakh - Wine and Wine Vaking. Rkatsitel.i wine in Nagormyy Karabakh. Vin. SSSR 13, No. 3, 1953. Monthly List of Russian Accessio , Library of Congress, June 1953. Unclassified. MEA36LIME, K. V. Cand Tech Sci -- (diss) "Technology of the r -Ur- Wines of NNESSUMMUIM Nagorno-Karabakhakaya Oblast 4F fA I v Azerbaydzhan SSR." Nos, 1957. 16 pp 21 em, (MOB !L~al--AA &ag Inst of Food Industry), 100 copies (KL, AM 25-57, 113) - 6d - NEGRELISHY11,1v L.K.; GVENTSADZZ, V.I. 84mod&W filter box for determining the dust content of blast- furnace gas. Koks i khim.- no.7:32-33 J; 161. (MIRA 14:9) 1. Zakavkazskiy metallurgicheakiy zavod. (CoW.industry-Equipmeat and supplies) T Treatment Soob. All" 106S 1099 AUTHORS: Kalatozishvili, N.I., viii, R.I:,. TITLE: A discrete remote control arrangement of remote 27367 S/194/61/JOO/003/031/046 D201/1)306 N ~. Nadiradze-, G.I. and Negrelish- system using a contactless control and remote signalling PERIODICAL: Referativnyy zhurnal. jAvtomatika i radioelekLronika, no. 3V 1961, 44, abstract 3 V359 (Soobshch. AN aruz SSR, 1960, 24, uo. 3, 325-327) TEXT: A description is given of a remote-measurement system (TO (TI)) with discrete readings, which utilizes a contactless arra-1ge- ment of remote control and remote signalling (TY-TC M-TS)). The system (C (S)) uses binary counting, since if using decimal count- ing, the number of the distributor elements would have to be that of the number of scale divisions of the measuring instrument, -for an accuracy of measurement equal to that of one scale division. The remote measurement system consists of a transmitter, remote-control Card 1/2 27367 S119LV6 1/000/00 3/0 31/04 6 A discrete remote control system... D201/D306 and remote-signalling arrangement and of a receiver. The previously developed contactless remote control and signalling arrangement is used, with the number of distributor elements equal to the number of binary number digits. The sensing device may consist of any mea- suring instrument with angular output indication. The transforma- tion of this indication into the code is made by means of a perfor- ated disc and a photo diode 6 digits counter. The Grey binary code is used, as the normal binary code might lead to considerable errors when going from one digit to another. The receiving installation has a decoder and a receiver - milliameter. The decoder has 6 contact relays and 6 resistors. The transposition of the Grey code into a binary one is achieved by a relay circuit. The system of remote measurement does not require any special communication chan- nel and depends little on its state. The accuracy of measurements is arbitrary since it is detei:mined by the number of distributor elements. 2 references. fAbstracter's note: Complete transiatio,1211 Card 2/2 ACCESSION NR: AT4021668 S/2748/62/003/000/0057/0066 AUILHOR: Kalatozishvili, N. I.; Nadiradze, G. I.; MeEp:e1ishviU9 R* P. TITLE: Linear units for ferrite-diode contactless remote control and ronote signalizaticn apparatus with unequal informaticn flow in opposing directicns SOURCE: AN GruzSSR. Institut elektroniki, avtanatiki i telemekhaniki. Trudy*, v. 3, 1962, 57-66 TOPIC TAGS: rerrote control, remote signalization, linear unit, oorntactles-, r,--- mote control, unequal information 'low, cost reduction, size reduction, optimal equiamnt ABSTRt'--Mr: Several variants of linear ferrite-diode caitactless control units for re:-oze control and mmote signalization are described. These units are used in systers where unequal amounts of information flow in opposite directions. The pur7,ose of the investigation is to design units without excess distribution ele- ments, so as to keep the cost and size down. The different features of the vari- ant-s are discussed in sarie detail. All variants were tested under laboratory ccn- ditions, and it is ccncluded that none can be regardeed superior to the others, SO that the choioe of the ultimate variant depends on the spec-10-1- ccnditicns. Card 1/2 ACMSSION NR: AT4021668 Orig. art. has: 7 figures and cne fonnula. ASSOCIATION- Institut elektraiijci, avtanatiki i telemkhaniki AN.-GruzSSR' (InstitLte of Electr~cs, AutaiLation,, and Teleir~~cs, AN &uzSSR) su&mr=: 00 DATE ACQ: 07Apr64 ENCL: 00 SLS COIZ: COO IE NR REF SOV: 002 OIHER: 000 Card . 2/2 ACCESSION NR: AT4040443 S/2748/63/004/000/0089/0095 AUTHORS: Kalatozishvili, ff. I-i Nadiradze, G. I.; $egrelishvili, R.P. TITLE: Discrete telemetering system for a comprehensive remote- control, telesignalization, and telemetering apparatus SOURCE: AN GruzSSR. Institut alektroniki, avtomatiki-i telemekhani- ki. Trudy*, v. 4, 1963, 89-95 TOPIC TAGS: analog digital conversion, automatic control system, digital data transmission ABSTRACTt A discrete system is described designed to enable a remote control and telesignalizotion system to p6rform telemetering.func- 'tions without the use of an additional channel. The telemetered q"*n- tities are measured intermittently by means of an analog to digital (Gray code) converter of the slotted disc type. Several schemes for Gray-to binary code conversion.are described. The pulsed output cam 1/5 ACCESSION NRt AT4040443 of the analog to digital converter is sent to the line by illumin- ating photodiodes with commutator lamps. The telemetered pulses are converted into dc wbich is measured by the receiving instrument. The decoder used for this purpose is described briefly. The accuracy of the over-all system is determined by the number of binary digits employed, and the circuitry errorware minimal. The systeri has passed laboratory tests and is presently in operation. Orig. art. hass 6 figures and -1 table. ASSOCIATION: Institut elektronikis avtomatiki i telemekhaniki AN GruzSSR (Institute ofSlectronicee Automation, and Telemechanics, AN GruzSSR) SUBMITTEDs 00 ENCIts 03 SUB COM DP RR R3F SOVs 002 OTHER: '000 Card ACC=CN NRs AT4040443 ENCLOSMSs 01 4 3 6 11, tr Mock diagram of telW--tWing SYstem mter, 2 ooder, 3 - cmverten, 4- -.zeno ccntml and sigadlngt*jstem~. S deCoder,,6- irAicator Cu-d- 3/6. 02 AW&WlCg VRl A74040443 *:A j..ous readingS intO cmv4ersion of amt birUY d5lals pard 4/6 ACCF.WICN NRs AT4040443 ENCLOSMI 03 D vier, which ec cmvexts the tollerstering . . W . PkilSCS intO . . . .. . . . .. . . " . . 0. . ? ,,direct current .a - with mlays - omtactless b low 7- j Card 5/6 INI.W - x!- ACCESSION NR: AP404Z495 S/0103/64/025/007/1101/1103 AUTHOR: Varshamov, (Moscow); Megrelishvili, R. P. (Moscow) TITLE: Estimating a class of error-correcting codes SOURCE: Avtomatika i telemekhanika, v. Z5, no. 7, 1964, 1101-1103 TOPIC TAGS: code, error correcting code, packet error correcting code .ABSTRACT: A class of linear error -correcting codes which can resist "packet"- type noise is considered. Based on R. R. Varshamov's theory published earlier (Tekh. kibernetika, no. 4, 1964), formulas are developed which permit esti- mating, within upper and lower limits, a minimum number h,.(rn, t) of additional qigits required for transmitting a message of m digits with a correction of r random and independent errors having a "packet" form and being not shorter than t. The formulas cover aU known estimations and their generalizations. Orig. art. has: 14 formulas. ASSOCIATION: none SUBMITTED: 03Sep63 ENCL: 00 Dp SUB CODE: NO REF SOV: 00 1 OTHER: 00 1 Card WGRELESHVILI,,._A,P.-(Tblli9i) Methods for correcting errors in cyclic codes. Avtom. i telen.'26 no.6tIO63-1066 Ja 165. (MIRA 180) L 37661-66 EW (d) GD ACC NR- AT6012351 AUTHOR: Megrelishvili, R. P. ORG: none SOURCE CODE: UR/0000/66/000/000/0160/0164 ~114 TITLE: Decoding method for cyclic codes that correct multiple error bursts SOURCE: Nauchno-tekhnicheskaya konferentsiya po sredst,~.,am promyshlennoy telemekha.aiki. _Moscow. 1963. Promyshlennaya telemekhanika (Industrial telemechanics); materialy konferentsii. Moscow, Izd-vo Energiya, 1966. 160-164 TOPIC TAGS: error correcting code, signal decoding ABSTRACT: A method is suggested for decoding binary cyclic codes that correct multiple error bursts of any specified duration t. The method is applicable to those cyclic codes whose parameters obey the relation n >111+t, where n is the dimension; r of the code vector, m is the number of information symbols and r is the maximum number of correctable error bursts. The code is regarded as a subspace G of a vector space (in defined over a field GF(2) with this condition: any vector 1/2 L 3766i-M J. ACC NRz AT6012351 0 x' xi+j, .. , xn-11 XO, - - -, Xi-1) obtained as a result of cyclic shifting the components of the code vector XO'=,(xo, ..., x,.,-,) by i positions belongs with G. A block diagrarn of a decoder operating alor, -ae above Lines is ahown. Orig. art. h": 2 figures and 14 formulas. SUB CODE: 09 / SUBM DATE: O8Jan66 / ORIG REF: 001 ACC.NR: AT6022303 S OURC.E-CODE -'.-tJA[0000/66/000/000/0018/0021 AUTHOR: Megrelishvili, R. P. ORG: none TITLE: On the problem of synthesizing linear burst error correcting codes SOURCE: Vsesoyuzna~4 nauchnaya sessiya, posv-yashchennaya Dnyu radio. 22d, 1966. Sektsiya telemekhaniki. Doklady. Moscow, 1966, 18-21 TOPIC TAGS: error correcting code, communication coding, coding d-"t, i.ABSTRACT-. The author generalizes the concept of a code distance for the error :"cor-r-ecting codes in binary data transmission. The new formulation encompasses a wide ,'ra-age of channel distortion characteristics, particurarly those associated with burst error distortion with specific length and rate of occurrence. This code distance definition includes the Hamming distance as a particular case.' The author derives the necessary and sufficient conditions for synthesizing linear code vectors which will guarantee data.tranamission with specified reliability. Orig. art. has: 1 formula. SUB CODE: 09/ SUBM DATE: 24Mar66/ ORIG REF: 001 1/1 MEGRELISHVILI, T. G. Elektrokolorimetriya sumerek (Electrocolorimetry of TvLlight). Akademiya Hauk SSSR. Doklady, 1946, v. 53, no. 2, p. 127-130, tables, diagrs., 7 refs. AS262.s3663 WEGMISHMI.' T-.- Cr-.' Camd. Physicomth. Sci. Dissertation: "Stydying Certain Fhysical Properties of the Upper lAyers of Atmosphere by the Method of Twilight Flectro-cal6rimetry.0 Geophysics Inst. Acad Sci. USSR. 10 Dec. 1947. SO: VacherayM Upskya, Dec. 1947. (Project #17836) 0 vliianii imeneniia tsvets sumprek na rezulltaty issledovaniia v,ysokikh s-Loev atmosfery surnerec'mym metodom. (Akademiia lauk. SSSR. loklady. Novaia seriia, 1947, V. 55, no. 8, p. 713-716, table diazr.~ Title tr. - Effect of c ange in t.'-.e color o' ttAli~`-,t on the re- s~ilts of upper air research by crepuscular r.ethod. Also publisned in English in Comptes rendas de 11A~caderie des Qciences de l'UR.9'. Nouvelle serie, 194F, v. 55, no. ,, D. ;05-70~, (-1,60.A52) A.5262.S3663 v. 55 SO: Aeronautical Sciences and Aviation in the Soviet Union, r i brar- of Congress, 195-1-). ,V):; 6 fl L J-) S 0 L/' /- J) T C AUTHOR: Megrelishvili, T. G. 20-5-13/48 TITLE: .......... Luminescence of 'Twili- t Sky in the Infrared Region of 0h tne Spectrum (0 lyuminestsentaii sumerechnogo neba v infra- krasnoy oblasti spektra). PERIODICAL: Doklady AN SSSR, 1957, Vol.116, Nr 5, Pp. 766-768 (USSR) ABSTRACT: The author determined data which speak in favor of the existence of an intensive twilight luminescence of a thin atmospheric layer in the infrared region of the spectrum of about A - 9400 1 at a height of from 35 to 40 km and of from 90 to 100 km. The brightness of this layer appears clearest in that part of the sky which in the sun vertical is situated at 200 above the horizon (There the multiple dispersion of the light is least noticeable). The measurements were carried out with the light filterM KC -3 and with an electric photometer. In 1953 the author observed systematically the twilight in the infrared region of the spectrum in the zenith and lateron also in the near of the horizon at a height of 200. ThuB he collected about 100 zenith observations and 10 observationB at a height of Card 1/3 200. The observations were then expressed in form of the Luminescence of Twilight Sky in the Infrared Region eO-5-13/14.8 of the Spectrum. ratio (1/I) dI/dh (I . the brightness) h = the hei,-cht of the effectively scattering layer. Furtheron the author constructed an analogous curve for the dependence of the deduced brightness on the height. For this a model of the atmosphere was used which was deduced from rocket datn.. The really existing clearly outlined luminescent (luminescent or addiotionally scattering) layer existin.- at a certain height will not be clearly noticeable in the twilioht curves because oil the great thickness of twilight. Without additional calculations it is difficult to make conclusions with regard to the real dimensions as well as to the posi- tion of the layer. The course of the curve (1/J)dI/dh is calculated by means c,' American rocket data and is shown in a diagram. Furtheron the same curve is determined under the condition that a 10 kin thick layer at a height of from 60-70 kin causes additional luminescence. From the observation material the following conclt,3ions can be drawn: There are two layers at a heiJht of from 35-40 km nd of frora 90-100 km. The higher layer is less steady than the Card 2/3 lower. The curves taken in other spectral regions do not Luminescence of Twilight Sky in the Infrared Region 2&-5-13/48 of the Spectrum. show these layers for which reason this phenomenon can be attributed to luminescence and not to dust particles. The second scattering of light in the zenith has a great influence. The lower layer is thicker than the upper layer. There are 4 figures, and 7 references, 3 of which are Slavic. ASSOCIATION: Abastum-ani Astrophysical Observatory,AN Georgian SSR (Abastumanskaya astrofizicheskaya observatoriya Akademii nauk GruzSSR). PRESENTED: Hay 15, 1957, by A. A. Lebedev, Academician SUBMITTED: May 16, 1957. AVAILLBLE: Library of Congress Card 3/3 4)-. 'THOR:, INI~ 11 -Ili T, G. IT LE -T~'-Ie Possibi lity of Investigating Aerc6ci Layers by a Twili-rtT, U liiE-~.'aod (0 -,.,C7MC-zbnost-;L issled~)-anaya aerozol`nyld, slcyev metcdom.) -,E -'AL: R I OD T r- A.Kadeui4i Nauk SSSR. Serlya Gecf-zL,-hezkaya. 1918, Nr PP '160--563 (USSR) U1 STRACT ir, is suppc,-,ed in the theory of tivilighr that the light C.D is srat-~-ered ~Irom air molecules and the effect of la--e aerosol parti,ies is negligible. The author has previous- ly put forward IhE- suggestion that the excess brightness C.) of the tw-Jli',~ (which is observed in rocket data) may be iue tc, aerosoi particles ~n 4[be upper layers of the atmos- PI,ere. Thesj -articles are assumed to be of meteoritic origin? aithou-h par~'-icles from the Earth's surface might also arrive in the stratosphere from mixing with the tropo- sphere, The aurhar meia-~ions the work of Bigg (Ref.2), StLtaude (Ref,~-) ~xrandmontagne (Ref.4), Link (Ref.5)- Vau- oulcurs (Ref,'), Karandikar (Ref."),qnd Shvestka (Re'f.8). Somiz of 1-hese alithors mention a in the twiliChtu curve which can lnte--P~.eted as :i.ndJ.,,iati-ng strongly scattlering dl-,si: layer, in the. high atmoqphere. The author examines in detall, The author states that, he -1im- 49-58-4-15/18 i,)f inv~sttgatin- Aerosol Layers by a Twilight Meft!Dd L I j a U. sr;lf Las nr~-.f~_r fourld this break, Irls appearan~~e pperhaD_s; depends on the srability of rhe t---ansparency of t~e -uropc- spheric layers. Thus the atmosphere above the Abastuman V Observatory, where lae carried out his work., was very stable. Th-17~,; hypothpsis sciems to be confirmed by Karandikar's results. These would seem 'o lead to the following conclusion:- if the dust p_srticlez are of radias 10-ILON and a-re evenly di~_--- tributed in a layer three_km thi3k, then the maximum concen- tration is only 10-8 - 10 9 partic_les/cm3, However, absence of breaks in i.hp ii-ht ounye need not indicate absence of ie,les in 1-1he upper layers.-. merely shows that there are no --.early dr-fined layers. Link. (Ref-5) suS.ests that r'ie I-art-icles ar~, evenly distributed throughout the atmos- i,,here. Tn-~ autlaor next -ives a det-ailed cr-_; of Big,,-,'s paPer. Bir;-- :.arried out h'.-E observations in the eclipti,:~ in th!~ beiief tha'.- 'he particle scattering effect would thereby be Increased. It: also detarmlqed the temperature at the, oame Bi,,-- p2oted graphs of rate by sen(I-*.riir Uj; 80.,IU3 t -- -, f han'D (- c~ f i I " rr-h t in t e n against the hei6ht of the s~,adc,.,, He obtained maxima for -the former at hei-hts 80' I-Tn, There were tbi-ee separa-i;e maxima. at the if o q.-- r p (:'s an . -,,;r)i-ch 7~_-t7ua -d at the temp-~rature- inver- L~ -)-56-14 --l 5/18 "_-,e Possibility of InvestirTlatin- Aerosoi Lay,~rs by a T-wilight llethod. ED Sion height, Bigg decided t-'-Lat tiiere were dust accLLnalat- at these hei-hts connect-1 with the inversion, The 0 author now stat=s t-hat Bigg's theory contradicts the twi- CD light theory~ Big- is incorrect in that he uses the height CD _CDO C~ of the Earth's shadow, but this is not the height at which we have meoimum scatt-ered light for a -iven zenith distance. The theory of the twilight method of studying high atmos- pheric layers was put forward by Fesenkov (Refs.13, 14). The twilight brightness is given as an integral expression which depends on the scattering constants of air and the intensity of Sunlight. Only a small layer is important in the scatter- ing of sun_.Light. since the upper layer is not sufficiently dense for zca-Itering and the lower layer absorbs. Thus the li-ht can be treated as if it bends round the Earth at about 20 ~m from the surface, The author now obtains a formula for the height of the effective scattering layer giving the maxi- mum scattered light,. This shows that 20 km is the lowest level at whif7.11 it is wortL making measu--ements., Bigg obtain- ed maximum rates of change of intensity when the Earth's slaadow was at heights of 15-20 km, In this case the heighU CD of the eff~?ct_ive scattering layer is 35-40 The next change in B-1- s work which is required is in the resolution. I.ard 3/5 0 -~-,C! 49-58-4-15/18 The Possibility of Investigating Aerosol Layers by a 2wilight hiet_,_:,d The twilight phenomenon depends on a layer which is only a few tens of kilometres thick. Hence if vie have two thin dust layers., and the interval between them is saall in com- parison with their thickness, they :annot be observed by this method,, Thus tohe closely-.packed maxima of Bi~l-g's curves cannot be interpreted as being due to different layers., The author next gives a graph calculated on the assumption of molecular Ecattering Of light, using data supplied by the .USA Rocket Panel. This gives change of intensity with height. He supposos that a narrow layer- thiclaiess 10 km. is situated at a height Of 0-0-70 kmi, creating an extra illumination equal to that from molecular scattering in this layer, He gives the -raph of 1 dI (T - ill,.imination intensity, h - height) I dh a~Tzainst effective height for this case, and also for the Case --T - 5 1 ,'1'~n anotder layor is 6icuated 1cm lower, He shows that, the 4 S resultin- di.'L-'ur,-nc,. indetectable so that Bi-g's senarate close maxima between 10 a--ld '20 Im do not correspond to r~~al layers, The -u:-laor then ~,-_)es on to his own results. T~--io t -::,: i "L ih t dravin fro!a measurements made at the 3ame ti-:.e in -~ns Of tfle soectrum (X = 52'~O 491-58-4-15/18 "de Possibi I ity of Investi-atinp: Aerosol Layers by a T,;iili~ t " - d 0 - ~h Me i, - ~ _; . 94-00 The curve for X = 5270 R gave a monotonic fall in the value of 1 dI The infra-red curve, however, I TT was ent-.irely d-ifferent,, (Both curves were constructed to be dependent not on the height of the Earth's shadow but on the height of the effective scattering layer). The infra-red curve gave a maximum of 1 dI at a height of 4? km and a IE ,second maxim-xn at 100 1cm., This -could be interpreted as being due ro flucreacence,, Big-, from his measuremonts in CD IDU the infra-red, deduced the existence of particle layers, but, in ttis case, there should be a similar maximum in other re---j'ions of ~,~e spectrum. Acknowled-ements are made to I. A. 0 C.3 Khvostikov for his useful advice and criticism. There are 3 figures and 15 ref,,.-rences, of which 10 are Soviet, 3 English 0 and 2 French, ASSOCIATION., L.,ademiya naWi Gruz, SSR, Abastiannskaya astrofizi--hes- kaya observatoriya (Academy of Sciences Georgian 5SR, AbastumariAstrophysical Observatory) SUBMITTED- June 4, 1957, Car(! 5/5 1. Sky brightness-Theory 2. Light-Scattering 3. Particles (Airborne)-Properties 4. Mathematics SOV/169-59-4-4209 Translation from- Referativnyy zhurnal, Geofizika, 1959, Nr 4, p 139 (USSR) AUTHORS-. Megrelishvi i, T.G Fishkova, L.M. TITLED On the Investigation of the Upper Atmosphere Glow PERIODICAL- Mezhdunar. geofiz. god, Inform. byul., 1958, Nr 5, pp 43 - 44 ABSTRACT-, The authors report on electrophotome-tric and spectrographio observations of the%'Wlow of the night and twilight sky, which were performed by the Abstumanskaya astrofizic-heskaya ob-serva- toriya AN GruzSSR (Abastumani Astrophysical Qbservator7j of the AS GruzSSR) in accordance with the IGY program, There are brief descrivtlons of TMP devIces w".h which the aforementioned investigations were performed. The bdsic purpose of the spectro- graphic observations during the IGY was the discovery of lines in the night sky spectrum, belonging to the spectra of the aurora polaris occurring in low latitudes during Intense geomagnetic disturbances, especially in years with maxiarum solar activity. CL/ Card 1/1 L-T. 30) SOV/30-58-11-7/4e AUTHORS: Kharadze, Ye. K., Dzhapiashvili, V. P., Megrelishviii, T. G. TITLE: Investigations of the Moon and the Planets in Abastumani (Lunnyye i planetnyye issledovanlya v Abastumar-i) PERIODICAL: Vestriik Akademii nauk- SSSR, 1958, Nr 11, PP 42-4'~ (USSR) ABSTRACT: Many important data for research-work on the moon and the planets are obtained by photometric, colorimetric, and polari- metric examinations. At the Abastumanskaya astrofizicheskaya observatoriya. Akademii nauk Gruzinskoy SSR (Aba3tumanskaya Astrophysical Observatory of the AS Qe0-_Z_1= SSR) pciari- zation properties of the moon surface were investigated according to the method of precise electro-photometry in the course of recent years. Photometry of the moon is also ix- portant in connection with lunar eclipses. During the great Mars opposition in 1956 visual, photographic, and electro- polarimetric observations of the planet were carried out at the Abast=mi Observatory. . Recently at this observatory a self-recording electro-polarimeter of the system according to V. I. Myukhkyurl has been installed and is now employed for Card 1/2 systematical measurements of the 3= surface. This d,~vice will SOV/30-58-11-7/44 Investigations of the Moon and the Pip-nets in Abastuman' also be used for the observation of Mars, Jupiter, and its satellites. V. G. Fesenkov, Member, Academy of Sciences, USSR, worked out the theoretical basis of a method for the investi- gation of night effects in the terrestrial atmosphere. By this method it was possible to investigate the terrestrial atmosphere up to an altitude of 120 to 130 km. Since 1952 electro-photometr-4c observations of the luminescence of nocturnal sky especially in the infrared spectral reEion arc carried out at the observatory Abastuman'. Card 2,12 NEGRELISHVILI, T.G.; KHVOSTIKOV, I.A. law bands In the ffpectrum of twiligbt skies. Astron.teir. no.197: 6-8 K '58. (MIRA 12:7) 1. Abastumanskaya astrofizichaskaya observatoriya AN GruzSSR. (Twiligbt-Spectrum) SOV/49-59-6-16/21 AUTHOR: Megrelishvili, T. G. Z__ TITLE: The DeteT~r-m-6i-n-aFt~'1-*'o-n---oT--C~'j Infrared Spictrum of the Twilight sky PERIODICAL: Izvestiya Akademii nauk SSSR, Seriya geofizichLeskaya, 0 1959, Nr 6, pp 910-918 (USSR) ABSTRACT: The analysis of observations of thinleyers of tLe atmo6- phere at 35-40 and 90-100 km hi.-h made by the Abastwnar'. astrophysical observatory is described. The photometer U_LS was employed, the range of which is X = 6000 to 11 00011, The purpose of the investigation was to establish the presence of a luminous layer on the upper layers. The ana.lysis is based on the relationship of l/I dI/dH,-, to the heicght of the layer Hef , Figs 1-3 illustrate some of the curves for the sun's azimuth h = 200 (z = 700). The comparison of the theoretical curve (Fig 4, curve 1) to that obtained experi- mentally, shows a discrepancy which is explained by the exist- ence of the luminous layers. This can be assumed when a luminous independent layer 10 km thick at the height 60-70 km Card 1/3 SOV/49-59-6-16/21 The Determination of the Infrared Spectrum of the Twili,ght Sky is considei~ed (Fig 2, curve 2). As can be seen, the ef-fect of such a layer would be noticeable far above or below it, e.g. 40 km on both sides. The intensity I of the light C3 in this case can be calculated from the formula on P 912, where z a - sun's zenithl F(hT) - air diffusion7 IhT - intensity of sun's rays, hT - height of the earth's shadow. As an example, the calculation was performed for z. = 92'15' and 94034' (Pig 5). Fig 6 iilustrates the results of cal- culation for the layer 5 km thiok at a height of 60 to 65 km for intensities B = 1 (curve a), B = 2 (curve b), B = ~ (curve c) and B = 4 (curve d). If an increase of the ill- uminatin- surface (shaded area in Fig 5) in the case of B L is taken as a unit 9 then for B = 2, 3 and 4 this increase will be 1.4, 1.8 and 2.1 , respectively. Thus the addition- al luminous layers can be determined for different thick- nesses and heights (not-bss than 15 to 20 km) (Fig ?)~ The curves constructed from the data obtained by observations are illustrated in Figs 8 to 11 for the sun at its zenich, These curves show two luminous layers at 35-45 km and at Card 2/3 90 to 100 km. This type of curve was obtained in 3? cases SOV/49-59-6-16/21 The Determination of the Infrared Spectrum of. the TwiliE;hu S-~7 out of 50. A metl.,od of Ilu /I 0.?U was also applied, Tli-'Ls is illustrated in Figs 12 to 15. The c3inparison of t metliods is illustrated in Fi-s 16-18, silow,-.-,- a generai agreement. It is assumed that tae addi~;ional iuminosi--,,y the atmosphere can be caused by its own lumintscence or by diffused light. This was actually observed when iatin- filters were applied, Aii exal-iple of sucid a dDable luminosity is illustrated in Fig 15. Thaniis are .-iven for advice, to 1. A, Mivostikov. There are 18 figures. 1 table and 19 references, of waich 12 are Soviet, 2 Frencii ana 9 English. ASSOCIATION: Abastumanskaya astrofi,-,ich-eskaya ob.3er'iatoriya YLN SSR (A:oastuma2d Astroplr~ysical Ob:=vaUory., Acade:.~y of Sciences. Geor-ian SSR) SUBMITTED: July ill 1958. Card 3/3 HEMLISMLII T. G. and IMVOSTIKOV, I. A. "02a Emdasions, 1n the Spectrum of T41ight." report muA presented at the 12th General AssenZly of the Intl. Union of Geodesy and Geophysics, Helsinki, Finland, 25 July - 6 Aug ig6o. MCaRELISHVILI,, T.G.1 TOROSHELIDZEp T.I. Twilight luminescence of OH. Astron.tsir. no.225.'9-10 S 161. (MM 16si) 1. Abastumanskaya astrofizicheakaya observatoriya. (Night sky-Zpectra) (Hydroxyl iroup) MEGREUSHVILI, T.G.; TOROSHELIDZE., T.I. New CH emission in the spectrum of twiUght sl~v. Astron,tair, no.2251ll-12 S 161. (MIRA 16s1) 1. Abastumanakaya astrofizichoskaya obsgrvatoriya. (Night sky--Spectra) (Hydroxyl group) ACCESSION NR: AT3012983 3/2501/62/000/029/0093/0102 AUTHORt Megreliahvili,.T. G. TITLEs Light polarination of tho twilight sky SOURCEi Abaetumani. Aotrofizich. obaervatoriya. Byul., no. 29, 1962. Isoledovaniya po programs MGG i mezhdunarod. geofiz. sotrudnicheetva, 93-102 TOPIC TAGS: light polarization, atmosphere, twilight sky, aerosol, scattered light 'ABSTRACT: This paper is based on observations made at the AbaatumanBkaya !astrofiziche6kaya observatoriya (Abastumani Aotrophysical Observatory) from 1946 to 1952. The author points out that the degree of polarization in polarized scattered light of the twilight s1V depends not only on the position of the sun but also on .the physical state of the atmosphere -- on the scattering capacity of the atmos- phere. He has plotted the relations between average (monthly and seasonal) degree of polarization and the zenith position of the sun for the years 1948, 1949, 1950, and 1911, and he has indicated that almost all curvos show a minimum of polariza- tion that apparently corresponds to high layers of partiolos coarser than molecules (i.e., aerosols). The minimum ocaurs at zenith distances of 98, 99, and 100 and is probably due to layers of dust at these hein)ita. Orig. art. hasi 8 figures and 1 table. Card 1/2 ACCESSION ITRi LT3012983 .ASSOCLMONj Abastumanakaya astrofiziohaskaya observatoriya (Abastumazii Astrophysical Observator7) .suBmiTTED, oopeb62 DATE ACQt 150ot63 ENCLs 00 ,SUB COIGs ES, OP NO REF SOVI 011 MTERI 004 Card 2/2 =ESSION UR: AT3012984 3/201/62/000/029/0103/0109 AUTHOR% Mogrelishvili.. T. G. TITJZ: Spectral investigation of hydrcoWl anis9ion in twilight sky SOURCEi Abastumani. Astrofizich. observatoriya. Byul., no. 29, 1962. loaledovaniya po programme 4MG i mezhdunarod. geofiz. sotrudnichestva, 103-109 TOPIC TAGSi hydroxyl radiation, twilight sky, spectrograph, SP 48 spoctrograph ABSTFUCT: The spectral investigations viere made at the Abastumanskaya astro.-Cizichosicaya observatoriya (Abasturrani Astrophysical Observatory) from 1957 to 1961 with an SP-48 spectrograph directed to the north at a zenith distance of 670. The rain purpose of the paper is to furnish data on observed OH omission in the ti- ght sky during the summer of 1960. OH bands consistently appear in t'-Io twilighlt spectra, and photometric studies sliow tliat changes in intGn3ity of the bands depend on zenith distance. Different hydroxyl bands were noted (6.1) and (9-3). Mw~imums of OH luminosity woro observed in November., DocGrabor, and Janiax-f. The bands were obtained in a spectrum of the twiligbtu slqr chiefly at an Cardl/2 I ACCESSION hrRi AT3=984 angle of sun's inclination of 8.8-16'). Errors in temperature measurement were patently large, but the values were used to define rotational temperaturo by means of the hydroxyl bands of the twilight sky. The exact, nature of the hydroxyl luminosity at twilight is not known, whether it is a superposition of night a~x- glow or whether it is purely a twilight effect. Grig. art. hasi 5 figures and 2 tables, ASSOCIATION: Abastumanis Astrofizich. observatoriya (AbaBtumani Astrophysical Observatory) SUB,=LMI 0OFeb62 DATE ~OQi i5oct63 =L: 00 SO CODE 3 OP, ES No Ra sov , oo5 OTHER: 003 3rd 2/2 L 37703-66 DT (1) /EWT (m) /F CC/EMP W /ETI IJP(c) GW/JD ACC NRt AT6017165 ~/V ) SOUICE GODE: UR/2501/65/000/032/0165/018 AUTHORS: Megrelishvili., T. G.; Torosholidze, T. 1. ORG: none TITL,-,-: The problem of variations in sodium --jussion at twilight ~-T ( SOURCE: Abastumani. Astrofizicheskaya observatoriya. Byulleten', no. 32, 1965, 165- 182 TOPIC TAGS: sodium, solar radiation, astronomic observatory, twilight, spectral line, line intensity, solar radiation intensity in ilj47 ABSTRACT: The results of a study of seasonal variations in the tensity of tw Jit sodium emission are given. The data were obtained in spectrographic observations in 1961, 1962, and 1963 at the Abastuman AstroDI-Lvsical Observatory with SP-48 spectre- jzraRhs.,,Jhe elevation above sea level is 170CI M, (p = 41045'N,, I - 2D~51m E. The spectrogYaphic observations were made simultaneously in three directions: 1) in the solar vertical (h - 20--250); 2) to the north (h - 230); and 3) at the zenith. For the north direction, the principal maximum is observed in April and somewhat more weakly in November and in July. Unlike the observations in the solar vertical, the seasonal variations for morning and evening differ in the north direction. A study of the change in the elevation of the maximum of the emitting layer in two directions I L 37703-M k'- ACC NR, AT6017165 40 separately for morning and evening showed that. vertical displacement occurs without a doubt and that it deperxLs upon the season. Orig. art. has: 17 graphs, 5 tables, and 1 formula. SM CODE 2 03/ SUBM DATE: none/ ORIG REF: 001/ OTH Ra: 024 BOSHBYAK, Leonid Loonidovich; BYZOV. Lev Hikolayevich; KBEMTSKIY, P.P.. )csnd.tekhn.aauk, retsenzent;.WRIN, ItG,, inzh,, red.; FMCM. A.G., red.izd-va; 'RAR IRA, A.A.. [Nessuring small consumptions of liquid] Iswrenis malykh raskhodov shidkostai. Koakva, Goo.nauchno-takhn.lzd-vo mashinastroit.lit-ry, 1961. 77 P. (KIRA 14:4) (Plowmaters) Mau fits A I PSIDMAIS aim 00"19 eel, F"Pumid" of L"Up"64" - OWNin. ud 1G A . ,.JW Mett" Mt. BMW. law. Amd, Sca. AFP*444 ee 194S. U. No. 4, IUZ-9(4% (3.2 K.) am 12 Jom " w -e b~itcd to " 2M -8- f " 0 1 1i or 4m. to yk 8313 'i5 ;do,, eta. I I-.* Ow w go O's go *0 AA ! If . iH l S L A_~ two I eel Sivadam map ~%v 4dt eo 6 lots lee; at;. g V 6.0 im~.* I a a ~*- ::: &,-,& a -91a A a - 0 OALAU go Ito 0 000 Woo free so 0 woo tree Ito" ""Viv 4111M1 ON 4kv Ail to GO! a 0 a I w 0 0 do I t 0 OZO 0 : 0 We 0 e WS 0. -0 0 W.40 erva"O MEGROYAN., -R.A.; TONAKANYAN, S.N. Microdetermination of sulfur in organic compounds. Report No.l: Now -ELriant of the quantitative method for the microdetermination of euLfur in organic compaimds containing CV, H, Op S and Cp H.,PjA~ S. Izv.AN Arm.,SSR,Miimsnauki 15 no.1:33-Y7 162. (MIRA ,,7:7) lo Institut tonkoy organicheskiy kbJmJJ AN ArmyansUy SSR. (Sulfur organic compounds) (Sulfur-Analysis) KEGROYAN) R.A.1 TONAKANYAN, S.N. Microdetermination of sulfur in organic compounds. Part 1~ Version of quantitative method for the microdeterminaticn of sulfur in halogen-containing organosulfur compounds. Izv. AN Arm.SSR. Khim. nauki 18 no.21219-221 165. (MURP 18~11) 1. Institut tonkoy organiQheskoy khimii AN ArmSSR. Subirdtted July 10, 1964. K Name: MIPURFANU, MLIL Dissertation: Epidemiological characteristics of scarlet fever In pediatric institutions in Leningrad and means for reducing it Degree: Cand Med Sci '00 D OR Leningrad Sanitary Hygiene Yledical Inst A- -2- Min Health B,14?SR,, pubL)C-ATio ---- -- Place: 1956, Leningrad Source: Knizhmya letopis', No 52, 1956 45~~- ; , 1, * , - Epidemiological characteristics of scarlet fever in Leningrad children's establishments. Trudy LSGAII 32:35-55 '57. (KIHA 12:8) 1. Kafedra apideniologit LeninFadekogo eanitarno-gigiyaniche- skogo meditsinskogo Institute, zav. kafedroy - prof. V.A.Bashenin). (SCARLET FEVER. epideniol. in Russia, in child. institutions (Rue)) MEGURRAHU, A. N- ~- -M, ~,- :;A,4 ~- . 1 Some data on the imrmology of scarlet fever. Trudy 1,SGAI 1.- 32:56-62 '57. (KM 12: 8) 1. Xafedra epidemiologii Lenirf, adskogo sanitarno-gigiyeniche- skogo meditsinskogo inatituta av.kafedroy - prof. V.A.Bashenin). (SCARLET FEVER. Immmol. Dick test in child. Institution (Rua)) KONJAJEV, A,;-,MEGU3AR, F, Changes in the soil microfl,)ra in forest solls used for agricultural pruposes. Zem.'Jiste b11.4ka 12 nc,1/3:34',- 348 Ja-D 163. 1. Faculty of Biotechnology of the University of 1,jubljana, T.Jubljana, ,0 VODOPIVEC , Frano., dr. iiin.. ~ -MMUS A%R, Jane z p dlpl . inz. mote ltxgl j s Effect of the noncildized aluxLnur, and n1-trogen e-ontent on tha austenitiq grain size irn Irc-n and stee-l. Rud met. abor 3.- 297-305 164. 1. MetaUurgieal InatitutA, IjubIjana, Lapi pol. 11. '"FRNYAK , 1". . rA . ; It,- . M f NA . . i . ; 1. -.4YINUYL. A. , er, IK 11 Lr'N(N , 11 . I . ; !X 1~1-1-1,1-1?7HKTNA, V.I. I ignition tr-mperaturn of' : weir-resistint vqriql:!,,i. for the oxidntLon of milt'lir (ILoxJr!4-. WhPn. prom. 41 F 16~. 'M , -T(A 1A!4) Megyar, A. Educational problems in the technical colleges of the construction industry. P. 83. EPITESbGYI SZEYIE. Budapest, Hungary. No. 3, 1959. Monthly list of East European Accessions (EEAI) LC, Vol. 9, no. 1, Jan. 1960. Unc-1. Gi'-SY;A?,DY, Goza, dr.; MEGYERI, Agneo, jr. 7he gc-Oy ~'.dney. IC~-, (-) l2c- 17 e 1 ~ 5 .3-i lrtf-,zet, "Gol R~nourria Csztal-v 1. Orszagr~s Rheurn&- es F~iHjaug (f4-orvns: Glaspardy, Cj-.-,,a, dr.)- MEGYEP.I, Bela, hegeaz tote chnikas Teckmological bases of CO -welding and their technological data tabula- tions. Gep 14 no.2:69-73 F 162. 1. Wilhelm Pick Vagon- es Gepgyar, C~,or. MIKOLY, Tibor, dr.; BAUER, Ferenc; ME:GMM,..Bela Some data on the tecbnology of arc welding performed in the C02 protective atmosphere. Gepgyartastecbn 3 no.5:168-171 W63. 1. Budapesti Muszaki Egyatem Ifech. Techn. Intezete (for Konkoly and Bauer). 2a Wilhelm Pieck Vagon- es Gepgyar, MEGYERI, GY. New instruments and their application in the oil indust, . p. 621r. '.ITY,~-MATI LAPOK. Vol. 11, no. 10, 6 . Hungary . (BA. Oct. 195 Y7 SO: Monthlv List of East European Aceessions LC, Vol. (-, no. (, Jw1a 19-57. Uncl. r T,JF,TRY . 3 Ln P ZYII!n - j CUT C) ilo T o A93TRiX 1: u v c 0, V bL c on Cf HUNGARY/Cosmochemistry. Geochemistry. Hydrochemistry. D Abs Jour Ref Zhur - nimiya, No. 8, 19577 26551+. Author V6ro"s, Istvan, Megyesi, Imre. Inst Title Microelements in Hungarian Bauxite and Their Practical Application. Orig Pub Ba'nygszati lapok, 1951+, 9, No. 12, 658 - 664. Abstract Ko abstract. Card 1/1 MIGnMI, Istvan, Dr. Plant fibers as substance causing reral calculi. Mag7. sebeszet 12 no.2:158-160 Kir 59. 1. A Szombathelyi Markusovsky Korha2 (Igazgato: Dr. Fadas Iaszla) Urologiai Osztalyanak (Foorvos: Dr. Zoltan Tibor) kozlemenys. (KIMUM, calculi caused by -)lant fibers (Han)) dr. Lithiasis in renal tumors. Yagy. sebeszet 14 no.2'128-132 Ap f6L 1. A, Szombathelyi Markusovsky Korhaz (Igazgato: Dr. Cselko Laszlo) Urologiai Oaztalyanak (Foorvos: Dr. Zoltan Tibor) kozlemanye. (KIDNEYS neopl) (URINAlff CALCULI atiol) WMFM, Istvan, dr. on the problem of ureteral valves. Magy. sebeazet 14 no.4:263-269 Ag 161. 1. A Szombathelyi Markusovszky Korhaz (Igazgato: Caelko Iaszlo dr.) Urologial Oastalyanak (Foorvos: Zoltan Tibor dr.) koslemonye. (URETEW abnorm) In"MyUZ I, J. Comparative investigation of s =--er plankton in lakes; a preliminary atz;dy. p. 4-411 .r- Vol 2, 1952, (published in 1954) A '.a.GYAR -ITDr.--'.M HZIi-== -~I-' -,GTAI INI Z-- r4-7~-- - -.7E EVOW72E. T~EGEDI RFSZ. Budapest, Mingary. t~ So: Eastern European Accession. Vol 9, no. 4, April 1956 j. Fauna and f1cra ii. scme rer~i cr~r ztz.Enbrit ,cc:ls in a meadow cf the Eorzscny Ycunt.Lins -r; iLp.-zr Hungtiry. ..L.L. --nert,! considerations. In C-f3ri-rbr,. p 5, vio. 3!4, 19'4. 4-.'Tt~ EhIcCicii. SCL:-,~XE Eudtj~est, Fungary So: !Las t --.--rc,-, ez n Acc es sc I ay milm, J. In-gesti.-ation of plankton in the Szeged sedtion of the Tisza River. p. 280. HimmcGiAi KozmNy. umoixaCAL JOURNAL. ( 14agyar 'Mdrologial Tarsasag) Budapest. Vol. 35, no. 7/8, Ju2Y/Aw-- 2955. SOURCE: East European Accessions List (EFAL), Vol. 5. No. 2, February 1956 mim-zP'T, T. Peport on the three-year activity, 1' 52-11 55, of the Szeged Group of the Hungarian Biological Society. T. 72. BICL(GIAI KC7,LEI:h:YEK. '(Magyar Biologlai Tarsasag. Altalanos Biologiai Szakosztaly) Budapest. V01. 4, n0-1, l"' t'. SOME: East European Accessions List (EEAL), Library of Congress, Vol. 6,, No. 12, Decomber 195& /prc VC-p- / / T. HUNGARY/General and Special Zoolo!,y. Insects. Iixlurious p InsoctB and Ticks. !?osts of Cereal Crcps Abs Jour : Rof Zhur - BiDl., No, 11, 1958, -No 49579 Author t Mo3ycri J4, Szokor T. Inst Titb Watcr Posts of Rico Ori- Pub i~-rurtudo-.3anyj 1957, 9, No 6, 31-36 0 Q Abstract No abstract Card 1/1 BMSSYP -4.ndras; BIRARI, Imre; MEGYFM, Jeno Determination of 3ableway arcs from their geomi-tri-, data. Mat. kut. kozi. MTA 8 Series B no.4,617-,630 16"14publ. 164). lo Mini-sta-y of Transportation and PasLa2 Affairs, Budapest (for Mogyari). MEqXERI, Jeno, okleveles mernok, egyetemi tanarseged Dstemimtlon of cablewa;r curves by graphIc methods. Kozl tud oz 14 no. 6: 271-274 Ja 164. )p,- li5,GY-ERJ Jerlo egyetemi I~etermination (Z zk,6 tiag of (-al-,!-wuy r!urv,-s on -,hr, -zi--"~ ~)," dynamics. Kozl tud sz 14 no. 8~363-366- A;- Ir,4. w MEOERI, Jeno, okleveles mer-nok, egyatemi adjunktus '" Analy-tic detemination of cableway arches. Melvepitestud szemle 14 no.8/9:403-409 Ag-S 164. 1. Chair of Road Construction, Technical University of Building and Transportation, Budapest. ___a A Jeno, okleveles mernoko egyetemi tann seged Detei-mining cableway designs by means of the-wgrh&rcanslytic methodo Kozl tud Sz 13 no.7~0'421-326 Jl 1630 .-. Jy. I gggZJjL. Jeno, okleveles marnok, tanarseged Accurate and approximate computation of the cable curves of cableways. Melyepitestud smemle 13 no-4.-171-176 Ap 163. 1. Epitoipari es Kozlekedesi Muszaki Bgyitem Ut-Vasutepitesi Tanazeke. SZABOr Zsolt, dr.; MEGYM.-Azaef , dr. Autopsy material on infants under I year of age with and without congenital abnormalities. Gyermekgyoaaszat 12 no.11:3"-348 N 161. 1. Tatabanyai Megyei Korhaz (Igazgato: Lalmtos Istvan dr.) Korbonctani Oaztalyanak (Foorvos: Szabo Zsolt dr.) koslemenye. (INFANT MORTALITY statist) HEGYNRI. Laszlo; SZILAGYI. Janos; SOLTZSZ. Margit Essential pulmorALz7 hemosiderosis and tuberculosis in the adult Tuberkulozis 13 no.9:277-279 s f6o. 1. A Debreceni. Orvostudomanyt Eg7stem Korbonctant Intezetenek 'kIgazgato: Endes Pongrac Eg7etemi tanar) es The Klinikajanak (igazgato: Pongor Ferenc egyeteml docens) kozlemenye (TUBERCULOSIS, PULMORW case reports) (HEMOSrMOSIS case reports) (LUNG DISEASES case reports) NEGYCRI. Laszlo, dr. Visceral thromboangiitis obliterans. Orv.hetil. 102 no.8:361-362 19 F 161. 1. Debreceni Orvostudomanyi Bastem Norbouctani Intezet. (THRO14BOANGIITIS OBLITERANS case reports) KMMZTURY, S.; MgGr=, L. Histology of renal pyrwdds with special regard to changes due to aging. Acta Morph. Acad. Sai. Hung. U no.2:205-215 162. 1. Department of Pathological Anatomy, University Medical School, Debrecen (Director: Prof. P. Endes) (KIDNEW anat & histol) (AGTJIG) MEMERI . Iaszlo, dr. Renal adonomyosis (bilateral renal endometriosis). Magy. sebesz. 15 no.3:187-191 -Te '62. 1. A Debreceni Orvostudomanyi Fgyetem Korbonctani Intezetenek (Igaz- gato; Dr. Endes Pongrac egyetemi tanar) konlemenye. (KIDIMS neopl) (ENDOMETRIOSIS case reports) HORANYI, Janos, dr.; MEGYERI, Zoltan, dr. Presternal bronchial cyst. Mag7. sebeszet 14 no.2.-92-94 Ap 161. 1. A Budapesti Orvostudomanyi Egyetem II. az. Sebeezeti Klinikajaziak kozlemenye. (CYSTS case reports) (BRONCHI neopl) ethc Is cf 'Z-' cd c ic 7'~u' s" li7~F "a- rl -,ap-st, r ist rf " rh 5 5