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NMROVS L.Y.; MIKERICE, H.S. 7bres-group method for calcuUtimg the thermalization In the cell of a heterogeneous motor* Atom.energ. 13 no.6:563-~%7 D 162* (MM 15112) (Raclear reactors) MAYOROV, L. V. et al "The chemical binding effect on neutron thermalization." report presented at the 3rd Intl Conf, Peaceful Uses of Atomic Energy, Geneva, 31 Aug-9 Sep 64. MAYOROV, L.V. (Moskva) Correctness of ore inverse Trot:en. "'hur. vych. mist. i MaT.. f--'z. 5 no.2:363-365 !.!---Ap '65. 1 !~,- - E : z~ , MATOROV, M. Industrial efficiencv resources are inexhaustible. Sovo profsoiuz7 7 no.12:15-17 Je '59. (MIRA 12:9) 1.Sekretarl Vladimirskogo obkoma Kommunisticheskoy partli Sovetskogn 807was (Vladimir Province--Industrial efficiency) MILY-OWN.-I B.Aft Designing gating system of die-cmwting molds for molding therawsetting materials and industrial resins. Av.prom. 26 noe,8:50-54 Ag 157. (MIRA 15:4) (Plastics-Holding) MkMWV. N.Y. w7r--- Semiqa"tltative method of spot test for zinc. Zap.Len.gar.iftat. 30 no.2:192-20Z 955. (MLIRA 9:7) (Zinc) (Spot tests (Chemistry)) VATORDV, N.Y. 1% - ---- Carbonate surveying method in the case of limestone mapping. Zap.l--en. gor.inst-30 no.2:203-209 055. (MIaA 9:7) (Carbonates (Mineralogy)) HAYOROT. N.F. Using the spot analysis for determining zinc and lead in a sample. Zap. WJ 36 no. 2:101~-107 059. (MIRA 13:12) (Zine--Analysis) (Lead--Analysis) MAYOROV, N.F. Semiquantitative drop method for nickel, copper, and zinc from one batch. Zap. LGI 39 no.2:145-148 161. (KIRA 15:2) (Ore deposits--Analysis) MkYOFI,OV, N.F. Technique of the analysis of veget.--ble bedding assays in biochemical surveys. Zap. ILI 45 no. 2:107-113 163. (MIRA 17:5) 14AY01-tovi N, W, J CApt 3d 11ank Scheduled to defend Vablie3y his dissertation, "The Exploitation, Destruetion, aDd Impaverlebment of the Majority of the Population of Capitalist Countries: The Means of Insuring Maximm Capitalistic Prof- its.* for the degree of Candide of Economic Sciences, at the Military- Political Academy iment Lenin, on 28 September 1954. Krasnays Zvezdav Moscowp 15 Sep 54 SO: MN 291, 2 Dec 1954 mf~xc-Rov, N e, 18(5) PHASE I BOOK EXPLOITATION S 011/13 4 7 Korotkov, Konstantin Petrovich,, Nikolay Pavlovich Mayorov, -1ch Aleksey Anotollyevich Skvort6bo'V~~~~~ Akimenko Promyshlennoye primeneniye siepre--yvnoy razlivk:L stali (Industrial Applications of Continuous Casting of Steel) Leningrad, Sudpromgiz, 1958. 150 p. 2,200 copies printed. Scientific Ed.: Malakhovskiy, G.V.; Ed.: Shwarak, Ye. N; Tech. Ed.: Frurikin, P.S. PURPOSE: This book Is intended for designers and technologists worldng in the field of the cornt-i-Wuous casting of steel. It may also be useful to students at metallurgical institutes and tekhnikums, as well as to eagineers and technicians. Cavd-lyt&- Industrial Applications (Cont.) SOV/1347 COVERAGE: The book gives an account of the experience gained at the "Krasnoye Sormovo" (Shipbuilding] Plant (in Gorlkiy] in the operation of industrial equipment for the continuous casting of steel. It is stated that by 1960 the production of steel in the USSR by this method will increase the annual out- put of rolled steel by 1,000,000 metric tons, with an expected economy of about 2 billion rublea. Among the advantages cited for this method are the absence of shrinkage cavities and elimination of laborious teeming operations. The "Krasnoye Sormovo" Plant put its continuous-casting installation, said to be the largest of the few existing in the world, into operation in 1955. The plant management is planning another continuous-casting installation, and "many more" Soviet plants are scheduled to be so equipped. The book is based not only on the practice and experience of the "Krasnoye Sormovo" Plant, but also on work done at the Nauchno-iasledovatellskiy institut chernoy metallurgi (Scientific Research Institute of Ferrous Metallurgy) and at the Gorlkovskiy politekhnicheskiy institut (Gorlkiy Polytechnic Institute). No personalities are mentioned. There are no references. Card 2/6 AxnmM, A.D., kand.takhn.nauk, dotsent; SKMRTSOV, A.A.; kand.takhn.rukv , dotsent; MTORDY9.F.P., InZho Power conSuaption aspects of continuous steel pouring equipment. t2T. V7GUeheb92VLV*; energ. no-5:60-64 My '56. (MIRA 11:8) I,Gorlkovskly politekhnicheekly institut imeni A,A. Zhdanova (for AklmenkoI Skyortsov). 2.Zavod "Krasnoye Sorvovo" (for Mayorov). (Blootric power) (Steelwork~-lquipment and supplies) PHASE I BOOK EXPLOITATION SOV15383 Anstoliy Dmitriyevich Akimenko, Konstantin Petrovich Korotkov., Nikolay Pavlovich Mayornov., Aleksey Anatollyevich Skvortsov., and Lev Borisovich Shenderov I--- Osvoymiye i.,epreryvnoy razlivki stali (Mastering the Process of Continuous Steel Casting) Leningrad., Suapromgiz) 1960. 225 P. 3p700 copies printed. Scientific Ed.r G.V& Malakhovskiy; Ed.t M.A. Aptekman; Tech. Ed.s R.K. Taal. PWOSEs This book is intended for designers and process engineers of continuous steel-casting plants and for staff members of scientific research orgm.izations engaged in the investigation of the continuous caBUng T)roeess. It may also be used by students specializing in this field of metallurgy. COVERAGEt The authors discuss results of experience in setting up and putting into operation the first industrial plant for continuous casting of steel at the '"Krasnoye Sormovo"Warks. Attention is also given to an investigation of the eon- tinuous casting process and to the design of the second continuous steel-casting plant which is now under construction at the same works. In 1958 a group of staff nmubers of the Novotullskiy and Sormovo Warks,(G.V. Gurskiy, M.D. Gritsun, V.A. Ka2anskiy, N.L. Komandin,, K.P. Korotlov,, N.P. Mayorov,. car L 37209-66 EWT(m)/EWP(j) RM. MC N R Ap6ol4412 SOURCE CODE: UR/0062/66/000/004/0746/0'114-,77I AUTHOR: )3erlip, A. A..; Gafurov,, Kh. M.; Mayorov, N. S.; (decease-dl- ORG: Institute of Chemical Rhysigg. Ac-3demy of Sciences SSSR (Institut khimicheskoy fiziki Akademii nauk SSSR) TITLE: Effect of local activation in zone melting of polynuclear aromat I 'ic hydrocarbons I SOURCE: AN SSSR. Izvestiya. Seriya khimicheskaya, no. 4, 1966, 746-74(i TOPIC TAGS: polynuclear hydrocarbon, anthracene, chemical purity, paramagnetic material, zone melting ABSTRACT: The possibility of using zone melting to completely purify condensed aromatic hydrocarbons of ara agnetic particles (FP) was investigated. Synthetic anthracen stiTl contained 1014- 101-~ PP per gra after zone melting and PP were found in samples which had no detectable PP before zone melting. Similar observations were made with p_yrene a it, ~nd s3 fluorene. Apparently PP are formed in the zone melting procEss its lf,~ hence zone melting will not free polynuclear aromatic hydrocarbons of PP. Orig. art. has; 1 table and 1 figure. SUB CODE: 07/ SUBM DATE: 16Aug65/ ORIG REF: 005 UDC: 538.113 15-57-12-17198 Translation from: Referativn y zhurnal, Geologiya, 1957, Nr 12, p 67 (USSRT AUTHORS: Akhmerov, D. Kh., !~ ~Yoro~v TITLE: The Petrography and Causes of the Variations in the Granitic Rocks in the Small Intrusives of Sarymat (Petrografiya i prichiny raznoobraziya granitoidnykh porod barymatskikh melkikh intruzivov) PERIODICAL: Tr. AN TadzhSSR, 1956, Vol 58, pp 86-93 ABSTRACT: Three intrusive granitic rocks, cutting Upper Silurian deposits, occur in the lower course of the Sarymat River (left-hand tributarK of the Archa- Maydan, Zeravshan River basin). plite veins cutting skarns, are found along the left band of the Lrmat River. By far the greatest number of the Sarymat in- trusive rocks are granodiorites, which grade into Card 1/3 quartz diorites at contacts with limestones. In 15-57-12-17198 The Petrography and Causes of the Variations (Cont.) districts where skarns are developed, granites and quartz monzonites are encountered. Compared to the granodiorites, these rocks are not widespread. The granodiorites are compbsed of plagioclase oligo- clase-andesine, rarelT andesine, quartz, microcline without grid twinning hornblende with extinction angle to Ng from 160 to 190 Ng-NP - 6.030-0-038),, and biotite. Pigeonite and tourmaline are found at the contacts with skarns. The chemical composition is Si02 64.68 percent, Fe203 1.34 percent FeO 3.37 percent, T102 0.70 per- cent, NInO 0.16 per ent, A1603 14 '61 percent, CaO 3.66 percent, MgO 2.33 percent 1120 3.2 percent, Na20 2.94 percent, others 3.75 percent, H26 --; total 100-74 percent. The quartz diorites, facies varieties of the granodiorites, consist of plagioclase, potassium feldspar, hornblende, biotite, and quartz. Diopside, hedenbergite, actinolite, and pigeonite are found in some specimens. Tonalites, developed at the contacts of granodiorite and skarn, consist of oligoclase-andesine, brown homblende, brown biotite, quartz, and potassium feldspar. The granites, encountered at the Card 273 15-57-12-11198 The Petrography and Causes of the Variations (Cont.) contacts of intrusive bodies with shales and in areas of skarn outcrops, consist of orthoclase, quartz, plagioclase, hornblende, and biotite. These granitea were apparently formed by pneumatolytic- hydrothermal metamorphism. The quartz monzonites have a somewhat greater content of potassium feldspar and dark minerals than the granodiorites, and a markedly smaller quartz content. The aplites contain oligoclase, orthoclase, and quartz. The sequence of sepa- ration of derivatives from the magma was aplites,.pegmatites, lampro- phyres, quartz veins, and ore segregations. The change in compo- sition of the magma from granitic to granodioritic, the occurrence of quartz diorites at the contacts of granodiorites and limestones, and, apparently the formation of tonalites are the results of assimilation. buring metamorphism such secondary rocks as granites and quartz monzonites were formed. Card 3/3 0. V. Bryzgalin AKHMKROV, D.Kh.; MAYOROV, H.V. Vein rocks In the Chinarsa7ekly intrusives Trud7 AN Tadsh. SSH 77:113-134 157. (MIRA ligg) (Zeravehan Range-Mineralogy) IMOMOV. V-K.; KAXOROV, O-N-; BELOV. Tu.S.; RUBOV. Yu.N.; MALAROV. A.B. Formation of stationaz7 vaves on pneumtic tires at high rolling ppee&.. Kauchi rez. 19 ne.12.*40-44 D 160. (MIRA 13:12) 1. TaroolavBkiy shinnyy savodo (Tires, Rubber--Testing) SMMMV. V.; GRIIEZRG, I., inzh.; LUK IYANOV, V., inzh.; inzh.: MDRKOVIN. G.. inzh. Against conservatism in technology and mech~Lnical engineering. BTO 2 no.4:32-35 Ap 160. (MIRk 13:6) 1. Predeedatell Boveta pervichnoy organizateii Hauchno-takhnicho- skDgo obahchestva konstraktorskogo byaro mashinostroitelinoy promyBhlennosti. Moskva (for Semenov). 2. Chleny Nauchno-tekhni- cheskogo, obshchestva mashinostroitellnoy procphlennosti. Moskva (for Grinberg, Luklyanov, Mayorov, Morkovin). (iactory management--Technological innovations) PHASE I BOOK EXPLOITATION Sav/4896 floskovakly does nauchno-telshnicheszoy propagandy Imenl Is. Z. Dzerzhinsicogo Avtomatlchevk~re rotornyye linil - aredstvo kompleksnoy avtom3tizat3ii prolt.odat" (Rotary-Transfer-Pachine Lines- Means of Full Automation ci Production) Moscow, Maahgiz, 1960. 2;11 p. r0. 000 copies printed. Ed.; L. S. goahkina; Ed. of Publishing Houses I. Vm3ll'yeva; Tech. Id.s 0. V. Sw%rnova; Managing Ed, for Literature on )isstalworking and Rachine-T"I Makings V. 1. Kitin, Engineer. MRPWRz the booic In Intended for technical personnel In the machin- ory Industry. COVERAOS: This collection of articles explains the pripelples or full Automation based an the use of rotary transfer machines In varlou Ind- tries. The rotary operational transfer machines used for ba:Ic processing are discussed, and also the special power equlp~ont and assolossorisus fw the" asashines and CProdustlon) Lima. So Personalities u,t sestLacd. Tmrw we - ref.rws. jLosh Basic Problems In the Pull Automation of Product Kanufacture 3 jj,dOrezqj._L,_A, Installation and Working Principle Of lrdtois for Inspection Operations 62 Anchkov, Yu. A. Rotors ror Regular and 'Hersetic" Coating 76 a,go or Lo... and Ll,uld Materials In 85 Grinberg. 1. 1. Rotors for Assembling and Packing 94 Quotov, A. A. Rotors for Transfer and Feeding 108 PART JI. SPECIAL PGW3R EQUIMNT AND D--gCZS FOR ROTA-RY TRAX3PZR MACHINS LINES 119 -An-dreyev, A. 0. Mechanical Rotors jhmgIevssjCIZ, V. V. Hydraulic Drives for Rotors 133 Zqjy& ea. A._p Electric Devices ror Rotors (Used) for -L6Aj;oZcfj~0-nOQj7n& Operations 148 P.dOtOv N A algh-prequency Electric Equipment for -vtRFr-;--fff~`ad--F-f0--r Heat Treatment 162 ZaZr#jftjShjj0.v~ V. X, Squipment for Rotors [Used) ror -Thermochemlcal rrOVIVOIlIng 177 PART III. SPECIAL ROTARY TRANSFER RACHrl(E LINES 3emon9m,-Y.-N, Automated Multiproduct Rotary Transfer 185 'WaW-Ns Line for Manufacturing or Plastic Articles Chagin, V. P. Assembly Line ror 38 mm Pitch Boller 196 Soicolgy__Y--.S- AutossatIC 80t:r -Trardrer Machine Line for ,Me-?Qjhufactura of Welding 31 arodes 209 AVAILABLZI Library Of Congress (Till8g.M6) VX/dwm/O8 cam 4/4 4A4/61 MAYORCV, P.Ye., inzh. Fundamentals (,lf tnt neLiin -' ru-,-,r2 for the oroportic-ninj7 by -ecirme and weight of pm-rdorn;1I ~,7!,nullae mAterialn. Trudy '111,11 ,62. (VdRA 17-.2) MkYOROVP S. (Ki-movsk) Axlelesa variable capacitor. PAd4.o no.907-38 5 164. (?/JRI! 1-7,'2, 96/m GS I S. F. AYOR S.A. and VORGITLOV) M ---,~~Vl -- - 1 "1 J- TvjCr.,~ Ba, I Bear.' ngs . ~Tcri- : ,, '-,~ ( " ., ') - ) Tr.6 trl, PAYOROV, S.A.. kandidet tekhmichemkikh nauk. _ Slip in centerless grinding. Vest.mah. 35 no-12:34-37 155. (mm 9:5) (Grinding and polishing) AUTHORS: Mayorov, S.A. and Slomyai-skiy, G. A. TITLE: On the gyroscopic effect and rotation of I J r, ball bearings. (0 j~iroskopicheskozm effekt~, i -v, F. i sharikov v sharikopodshipnikakh). PERIODICAL: Izvestiya Akademii Nauk SSSR, Otdeleniye Te.1--ftr1ict,.es1:i,.h Nauk, 1958, No.2, pp.58-63 (USSR). ABSTRACT: In previous work, knuvm to the author, tle of balls in a ball bearing caused by gyroscopic forces has been considered only in thrust bearin~,S. Ii, the pres~-,nt paper an anLular contact ball bearing is the sul,ject of analysis when high speed causes appreciable forces on the balls and the outer race ic statianai~y. On the assumption that the an6ular velocity of the ball for:~1-,i a small angle with the line joininG the contact points between the bEll and the inner and out-.1-1 e,--- a jj E- e of geometry considerations considei-ed in '-e p-.-.j-1t.,r, th-e an-ular velocity of ball spinning about itE, ,;n LD of cage rotation are derived, Eqs.(11) 0 -1-le gyroscopic moment i-- found and the iaini..,ium be~;-L~_ lo,'id, below which sliding begins, is obtained. These 'ormul~,e coincide with the thrust bearing expression foun(. --7 Card 1/2 P&gren. The limiting values of bearing,, load beyo,-- ihich On the gyroscopic effecL and rotation of the b;-ills iii 1,,ill slidinE under the action of ,,yroLcopic destructive are found ~n the basis of Lj sp(i(~if.3c 1~:.21 loadini~ of 0.008 kg/mm In an exa_-Tle of L-n bearinG of 1.588 ma bore, rfl-~a o.d. OT-'er- -iL 24 000 r.p.m. the apex half-aji~,Ie of ljlir- rol-,e to the outer race trick is 12u and tli.,~: ensure that ,Yroscopic forces are thouL,h only ~v'iLh a marcjn. In ano,,---,r `,,C:;-,1:_i,1; of 3.175 m;--1 bore 10-055 o.d. 30 000 the 6yroscopic :31idi~aL, of thu ballL; v,3 ef fecl. T~-e spirminL~ of t~.- b~,IlFz ;~Lu(l-( t'.c n thr(~,u!:,:- tb~l~l -L-".,.o coytact poiiit.,: ir~ also leu,l t.,~ r~qjid .,-e a r. There ~jre 3 fiiuru'~ !"a'' 2 Ru,~;sian SUBMITTED: August .20, 1957. AVAILABLE: Library of Congress. Card 212 25(21) SOV/119-',6-11-14/15 AUTHOR: ,!a-,orev, A., Candidate Tectaiicql Sciences TITLE: A~.-aratus tr-o- *~ ion in the Ciiinese People's Republic (Priborostroyeniye v Kitay.-koy Marodnoy Respublike) PERIODICAL: Priborostroyeniye, Nr '1. PP 31-31 (USSR) ABSTRACT: P.1ready at t.~e end of 1949 ten factories for the construc- ','-'on of apparatus Laid devices were re-organized. They mainly priJ,-iced mechanir:al measurirg inotruments such as micrometers, indica'kcrE. -zalibe:-3, oi,firal, such as biological micr3scopes, thecdolites, mction.-picture projection appara- tus-, opti.~:ai r7l,-.6ses, elucti-ical indicating devices, such as ammeters, voltmett?rs. freq,,:Pn7y-T,-.eters, meteorological, hydro- te-hnical, ariC-. 7iedi-*-.1 hit;h-precision instruments. Firms manufacturin-g ap;~aratus are linder the supervision of the corresponding main ad-i-istrations in the ministries. From 1953 tc 1956 about 300 000 electrical high-precision inst--urients were im,)ort,pd from other countries. In 1958 already ~60 000 of suc-1, devites were produced in China. The crganization and levp-ol,ment, cf a rew apparatua-building in- Card :12 .,JtstTl~ was tump-~,red ,F,_ t irul -_irlY )~~.y the lack of experienced SOV/119-58-11-14/15 Aplaratus C,'~nnr,ict _*)n 4-n 'Kr~ Chinese .' eo.: le's Republic en..-ineern. 71c-w .he first erif-ineers for apparatus construe- tion who .-rerF, trained ir, China have already graduated from Chinese lln.lversitie8. A further obstacle hampering develop- ment io tl-e lack cf a i.niform system of weights and measures in China. '"his di_~,adva!-Aa,- must, lho-..vever, be remedied by the Staie. According to tiie 5-year ;Ian 10 new factories are to he buil.41. Al T)3-e-ent , heated di,3cussion is going on as to whether smal", An,l speci-all-tved or large i!niversal factories should be 'biiil'. In a number of already existing factories the prod~_~oti(,n prroess is ar, present being modernized. The of standar.-I.IzP-1 ninjle parts as e.g. permanent -e n,fac-,uiel fur the entire Republic by one fa~;tcry -)n1j. suitalt,ili%' -f devices for use in tropical 11,rn,s t~ie obJe(L )f special studies. There is 1 Card 212 3/146/60/003/005/017,/017 B019/BO54 AUTHORS: a Qx~_ ---.,Khu Dzyun-guyen TITLEt Calculation of Raw Material Dimensions for Membranes of a Complex Geometrical Form PERIODICALt Izvestiya vysshikh uchebnykh zavedeniy. Priborostroyeniye, 1960, Vol~ 3, No. 5~ PP- 136 - 142 TEXT: The authors suggest an approximation method for determining the dimensions of raw material for elastic elements of a complex structure. They deal, in particular, with corrugated circular membranes which are normally worked out of circular plates of the diameter D', and the thick- nes-s h According to N. V,, Polyakov, the mean thickness of the finished workpiece is indicated with h 5 , (1-05 - 1~15)h mean' On the premise that the finished membrane has no corrugation on the edge, and that thickness fluctuations of the material can be neglected, formulas for D 3 are derived for vario~us membrane forms. Results are summarized in Table 1. Plate Card iA Calculation of Raw Material Dimensions for 5/146/60/003/005/017/017 Membranes of a Complex Geometrical Form BO19/BO54 diameters determined by theae formulas showed errore of 12-15% as compared with practically tested plate diameters. The publication of this article was -recommended by the Kafedra tekhnologii priborostroyeniya (Chair for the Technology of Instrument Construction). There are 5 figures, I table, and 2 Soviet references. ASSOCIATION: Leningradakiy mekhanichegkiy institut (Leningrad Mechanical Institute). Kharbinskly politekhnicheskiy institut (Kharbinsk Polytechnic Institute) SUBMITTED: September 25, 1959 Legend to Table 1! 1) membrane form, 2) formulas for calculating D Card 214 S/146/60/003/005/017/017 B019 B054 mem6paii PavicTuas +opmyia ami otilmaeacimsi pa3NlCpOB 3arOTORKH n -op 8a IN d -C AL M -a f 4 11 (2 n I) DI, - 2 i((i+l)a+iat) 8 H 1-)2 D3 p - D sin 2n ~d. ~j S/146/60/003/CO5/017/017 B010054 D,=y h, fD? rj2 + (d -2 a)2 -4- 8H 4-.) [,,D,, _Dp7-_tl 1(2i-1) . ,V TI- k ~. p 360 2 n A Ob d-4 B D~ 2 D,, -D2 4- (J24- 87:r[nDP-4 r(2 1 - 1)]) p f (D2 - D2 + 0 - 8:t (Dp-2 r) h, D-d n' r,2 H D-D'-~-,j2-j--'j6 nDp--~-,~j(2i-1)]fl4- Cos 0 d 0, h, p 2 ~Y - - TKALIN, Ivan Mikhaylovicb; SHTRUM, Viktor.Llvovich; MAYGROY~,,S.A..._ kand. tekhn. nauk, retsenzent; B1SkHS11TEYN, i~zh., red.; SODDIEVA, Ye.M., tekhn. red. [Automation and mechanization in the manufacture of electrical instrumpnts]Mekhanizatsiia i avtomatizatsiia v elektropriboro- stroenii. Moskva, Gosenergoizdat, 1962. 331 P. (MIRA 15:12)) (Electric instruments) (Automation) BALASHOIFI, Yevgeniy Pavlovich; MAYOROV, S.A.,, red. (Pull-current magnetic memory device using diode- magnetic core memory cells] Folnotochnoa magnitnoe zapominaiushchee ustroistvo s ferrit-diodnoi iacheikoi pamiati. Leningrad, 1964. 18 ~. (MERA 17:11) L 01988-67 EWT(d)/FAT(l) IjP(c) BE/GG ACC NR3 AM6004713 Monograph R/ Mayorov, S. A. 1~1/ Technology of computer manufacture (Tekhnologiya proizvodstva vychislitel'nykh miash1h) Moscow, Izd-vo "Mashinostroyeniye", 1965, 410 p. illus. biblio. 10,000 copies printed. TOPIC TAGS: digital computer production technology, computer reliability, micro- circuit, electron beam, plasma beam, electron treatment, ion beam treatment, ultra- sonic treatment, laser treatment, integrated circuit, ferrite,magnetic film, in- crusted assembly, printed microcircuit PURPOSE AND COVERAGE: This textbook has been approved by the Minis~ry of Higher and Special Seconiary Education of the RSFSR for students of instrument-engineering specialties in schools of higher education. It may also be useful to engineers and technicians working in the field of instrumentation and automation. The book deals with theoretical and practical foundations of manufacturing computers and industrial; conWol machines using semiconductor and ferrite elements. Principles of such pro- gressive technological methods as electron-beam treatment, accurate reproduction of electronic circuits, production of integrated circuits, etc., are discussed, as well as the assembly and field-test methods of digital computers.- F. G. Staros. T. V. Berg A. M. Skvortsov L. G. Frolova, M. S. Lur'ye, B. V. Gutman N. A. Sibiryakova N. G. Khitrikova, T. V. Mes'kin, R. T. Shileyko,, S. A. Laptev, and R. A. Lashevskix assisted in preparation of the manuscript. There are 70 references: _3'Z_9_0=Vet and 18 non-Soviet. L 01988-67 ACC NRo AM6004713 TABLE OF CONTENTS: Foreword 3 Part One General and Theoretical Problems of Digital-Computer Manufacture -- 7 Ch. 1. Basic concepts and definitions -- 7 1Developmental stages of digital-computer manufacture -- 7 2Influence of microelectronics on the production technology of complex electronic systems -- 8 3Basic concepts and definitions -12 4Factors influencing construction and technical-economic indices of digital- computer production technology -- 14 5Basic principles for developing technological processes -- 15 6Reliability of digital computers -- 16 45 Ch. II. Technological methods of securing high-reliability digital computers -- 27 1General technological requirements for the constructim of digital computers -- 27 2Dimensional and physicochemical interchangeability of elements, microcircuits, units, and whole machines -- 28 3Principles of securing high accuracy and reliability of technological processes and controlling their stability -- 33 Card L o1988-67 r AC6 NR. AM6004713 Ch. III. Brief physicaloprinciples of electron-beam and plasma-beam technology 39 I.Determination and classification of methods of electron treatment -- 39 2 Electron-beam treatment -- 39 3 Electrons and electric-field interaction 44 4 Electrons and magnetic field interaction 47 5 Electron-beam melting 51 6 Zonal melting -- 54 7 Electron-beam welding 61 8 Ultra-precise dimensions in processing materials -- 63 9 Film and multilayer coating deposits -- 65 10 Methods of electron technology based on particle orientation in a strong electric field, and their application -- 66 11 Brief information on the ion-beam treatment method -- 70 Ch. IV. Application of electrochemical, optical-electronic, and other methods in the manufacture of digital computers -- 72 I Accurate circuit-reproduction methods -- 72 2 Outline of the technological process in making masks -- 74 3 Peculiarities of pulse-exposure application -- 75 4 Electroerosion method of treatment -- 77 5 Coded-disk production methgos -- 81 6 Automatic production of function-generating CadW disks -- 89 7 Ultrasonic treatment methods -- 94 '1 01988-67 ACC NRs AM6D04713 8 Laser bean as the means of material treatment 9 Process flow for producing light-weight mickominiature elemento -116 Part Two - Physicechemical. Principles of Integrated Circuits. Production Technology o4, Digital-Com*uter Standard Elements Ch. V. TechpDloXy of thin-film integrate-d-circuit production -- 123 A Brief physicochemical principles of the technology of films -- 123 B MeOwde of 4taining film in vacuum -- 137 C Technvlogy of Standard elftents for integrated-film electronic circuits -- 169 Ch. VI. Technologi*cal peculiarities of semiconductor integrated-circuit production I Introducpion to the physicochemical-principles of technology -- 186 2 Integrated-semiconductor circuit-production methods -- 196 3 Epitaxial growth of semiconductor circuits -- 209 4 Chemical-transfer reaction method -- 214 Ch. VII. Characteristic features of technology in the production of magnetic elements. for digital computers -- 216 A Structure of the ferrite-element production process -- 216 B Structure of the magnetic-film production process -- 249 Part Three - Assembly, Adjustment, Control, and Standard Tests of Digital Computers L 01988-67 ACC NR, AM6004713 Ch. VIII. Method of Assembling diSital-computer standard elements and units -- 263 1 General information -- 263 2 Methods of assembling digital computers -- 264 3 Methods and means of digital-computer semiconductor-element control -- 268 4 Regularities in the technological spread of parameters in semiconductor devices-268 5 Technological effect of transistor-parameter spread on the reliability of digital, computers constructed with direct-coupling circuits Ch. IX. Methods and means of digital-computer assembly 1 Wall-mounted assembly 2 Incrusted assembly. Flexible tapes and microprinted windings 305 3 Printed circuit -- 310 4 Peculiarities of printed microcircuit-production technology 338 5 Soldering -- 343 6 Welded circuit-production methods -- 348 7 Making contact by means of Kontaktal' -- 350 Ch. X. Assembling and adjusting of standard elements, devices, and whole digital computers --- 352 1 General informaLic, -- 352 2 Outline of assembling, adjusting, and field-testing of standard mountings -- 353 3 Principles of assembling standard units of digital computers -- 362 4 Adjusting a standard digital-computer unit -- 369 'L 015~38_67 ACC NR. AM6004713 5 Peculiarities of standard-module assembly -- 375 6 Peculiarities of grouping the circuits on thin films -- 379 Ch. XI. Methods and means of digital-computer control -- 384 1 Functional control of modules -- 384 2 Functional control of mounting plates -- 385 3 Methods and means of digital-computer control -- 387 4 Peculiarities of digital-control computer field testing -- 400 5 Standard tests of digital computers -- 402 Bibliography -- 406 5W 8 C 00 E a q SUM VA-rIV lojuI45' ORJ6 )?EC,' ".;I-/ 'OrH 'VwA-" fv Card A/A MAYOROV, S.A.; YMITEYEV, F.Ye.v prof.t retsenzent; TUDOROVSKIY, -'-?MV,~ kand. tekhr.. nauk, red. [Technology of the manufacture of' computers] Tekhnologiia proizvodstva vychislitellnykh mashin. Moskvap Mashi-no- stroenie, 1965. 410 P. (14IRA 18:9) USSR / Farm Animals. General Problems. Abs Jour: Ref Zhur-Biol., No 12, 1958, 54695. Author : JjLyorov, S. 14. Inst : No_t--gI7VPM-. Title : On the Nutritive Value of the Cottonseed 14'eals as Feed of Farm Animals. Orig Pub: Tr. Kostromsk. s.-kh. in-ta, 1957, vyp. 1, 104-112. Abstract: On the basis of experimental studies, it was es- tablished that the poisonous effect of feeding cottonseed meals to farm animals depends on the hemolytic properties of gossypol which they con- tain. The process of hemolysis takes place as a result of the adsorption of gossypol on the surface of erythrocytes (swelling of erythro- cytes), gradual diffusion of the adsorbed gossy- pol into erythrocytes, and their disintegration. A direct correlation between the rapidity of hem- Card 1/2 7 I USSR / Farm Animals, General Problems. Q-1 Abs lolir: Ref Zhur-Biol., No 12, 1958, 54695. Abstract: olysis and the concentration of the acting gossy- pol, as well as the depressing action of zinc sulfate on the hemolytic destruction of ery- throcytes by gossypol, was noticed. Card 2/2 Prinimali uchaBtiye.- NAZAROVA, Zh., student; STEPANOVA, MAYOROV -1. T.F., student; KUZNETSOVA, G.P., student; KALINDIA, S.A., student; SAKHRMO, A.M.; student; CBERKASHCHRIKO, V.I., student. Content of vitamin C in onions of the Romanovskii and 14sterskii varieties. Vop. pit. 22 no.lz8"O Ja-F'63 (MIRA 16:11) 1. 1z kafedry khimii (zav. - dotsert S.Ne Mayorov) Kostromsko- go pedagogichoskogo instituta i iz Wedry khimii Cherkazakc- go pedagogicheskogo instituta. M&YOROV, S.F. laying steamipes underground. Inergetik 1 no.4:18-19 3 15). (MLaa 6:8) (Steamp ipes ) MAYOROV, S.P.; CHUDNOVSKIY, D.M. Development of the precast reinforced concrete Industry in Moscov. Bet. I zhel. -bet. no.8:301-304 Ag 157. (MIRA 10:10) l.Nachallnik Glavmoszhelezobatona (for Hayorov). 2.Nachallnik planovo-ekonomicheskogo otdela Glavmoszelezobetona (for Chudnovskiy) (Moscov--Precast concrete) KAYOROV61zu....,~_ - Measures for improving the quality of production at the plpnts of the Moscow Chief Administration of the Reinforced Concrete Industry Gor.khoz.Hosk. 31 no.6:1 Je 157. (MLRA 10:7) 1. lachal'nik Glevmoo2helesobstona MoBgorispolkoma. (Moscow--Concrete plants) .0 h-JOW, WvA4 - ', CHUDITOVSKIY. D.M. Some results of and prospects for the expansion of the precast reinforced concrete industry in Moscow. Gor. khoz. Moak. 32 no.9:1-4 S '58. (MIRA 11:9) l.Nachallnik Glavmoszh elezobetona, (for Mayorov). 2.Nachallnik planovo-ekonomicheBkogo otde la Glavmoszhelezobatona (for Chudnovskiy). (Moscow--Precast concrete construction) MAYOROV, S.P. Industrial sulTly base for large-panel housing ccristruction In Moscow. Bet.i zhel.-bet. no.6:251-2,53 Je 160. (141RA 13: 7) 1. Zameatital' nachal'nika Glavmnsj;rnmstro~rmterialov. (Moscow-Precast concrete) HAYOROV, S. V. NObturation of Inminous Flux In Motion-PIcture Projector." Thesis for degree of Cand. Technical Scl. Sub 28 SePt 50, All-Un4on Sci Rmim Inst of Cinemptogranhy Summary 71, 4 Se-n 52, Dissertations Presented for DegTeer in Science and Engineering In Moscow in 1950. From Vechernvaya Mopkva, Jan-Dec 1050. BEZSOIJDV. P.A. (Moskva); BELYAYFV, V.I. (Kolomns); BM&TITUrv. P.A. (Orenburg); KABANDV, G.I. (Melekess); MAYOROV -S-Y--~-(Hoskva); PerwBkoy oblasti); HMVIN, K.S. (Poskva); PRXMI.,V.G.. Kb SIKORSKIY, K.P. (Y4skva); TARASYUK, V.Ye. (Kiyev); MUBIB, R.A. (Samarkand). Discussing plans of programs. Mat.v shkole no.1:4-24 Ja-F 160. 04M 13:5) 1. Zaveduyushchiy kafedroy vysshey matematiki HoskovBkogo instituta khimicheskogo mashinostroyeniya (for BezBonov). (Hathematics-Study and teaching) MIZYURIWJ, S.R., kand.tekhn.nauk; KUZNETSOV, Ye.A.; MAYCROV, S.V. Reciprocating parametric motor. Trudy MAI no.133:113--119 161. (MIRA 14:5) (Electric motors) MAYOROV, V.D., inzh. Oil-filled speed relay. Ag 962. 4--kh.i avtom.proizv. (Automatic control) 16 no.8:27-28 (MIRA 15-9) aMV,,, G. go # I .#'BOVIN, A. I., BRV-EJKHOV, S.A., ILI IN, B.A., " py, PASYUTIN, I.A., RAYW., O.A., ROOS I. L.V., NIKIFOROV,. A,S.. red.; . GORYUBD:VA, P.X., red. lzd-va, SUSLINIKOVA, L..I., red. izd-v,a, SHMOVA,#L.,A.. red. 12d-va,; BACMJRIWA. A.M.0 tekhn. red. [Forest industries in Canada] Lesnaia promyshlennout'Kanady. Moskva, Goelesbumizdat. 1957. 246 o. (MrRA 11:11) (Canada--Lumbering) DOLGOV, A.I.; MAYOROV, Y.F.; PETROVSKAYA. H.H., red.; SHWINHEIKO. U.N., red.; KOIA)MZM, V.Z., tokhn.rod. (Production and use of laminated short-plank panels in Canada] ProizvodBtvo i primenenia kleenykh panelei iz korotkikh dosok v Kanade. Moskva, TS8ntr.biuro tekhn. inforimtaii Glavstandartdoma, 1959. 34 p. (MIRA 13:1) (Coaada--Plywood) MAYOROV,--V.F,.,.kapitan 2-go ranga -- ------ -- Ill-eparing calculationa for submarine chasers and submrira boats in tactioal training centers on shore. Mor. sbor. 46 no.7:59--63 Jl 163. (MIRA 16:11) MAYMOV, V.F. lxi;,is ()f tia(::u: 4 kr MAYOROV, V.F. Introduction of new equipment in the enterprises of the lumbering, woodworking and paper industries. Biul.tekh.-ekon.infom.Goo.nauch.- issl.inst.nauch.i tekh.inform. 18 n0-1:46-49 Ja 165- (MIRA 18:4) S/080/61/034/001/006/020 2200 1 01,13, 1 1 C) 45 A057/A129 AUTHORSt Goroshchenko, Ya.G., Babkin, A.G., Mayorov, V.G., Fedyushkina, S.A. TITLE: Continuous Separation of Niobium and Tantalum by Extraction With Cyclohexanone PERIODICALs Zhurnal Prikladnoy Khimii, 1961, Vol. 34, No. 1, PP. 43-49 TEXT: Based on previous investigations [Ref.l: Ya.G. Goroshchenko, M.I. An- dreyeva, A.G. Babkin, ZhPKh. 32,9,1904-1913 (1959)] on distribution of niobi- um, tantalL-- aiiu uidrof.L)___Lc acid between diluted sulfuric acid and cyclo- hexanone, a flow-sheet for the continuous extraction of niobium from tantalum has been developed. The method ensures the treatment of residual solutions obtained by conventional processing of titanium ores. In the present investi- gations these solutions contained: H SO 340-400 9/1, (NH 180-200 g~l, 2 4 4)2S04 Nb 20 5 7-15 g/1, Ta205 1.5 g11, T102 3 4 9/1- The main process is a consec ive cyclohexanone extraction with tantalum extracted first, because for the extraction of niobium a considerably higher concentration of sulfuric acid than for tantalum is necessary. The separation occurs continuously in coun- Card I/10 S/080M~034/001/006/020 A057/A129 Continuous Separation of Niobium and Tantalum by Extraction With Cyclohexanone terflow-extraction columns (see Fig.1) with cyclohexanone saturated with hy- drofluoric acid. In column No.1 tantalum is extracted from the aqueous H2SO4 phase, in column No.2 from the tantalum-bearing cyclohexanone phase niobium impurities are washed out, in column No.3 tantalum is re-extracted with am- monium fluoride solution, in No.4 niobium is extrgeted from the aqueous H2SO4 phase and in NO.5 niobium is re-extracted with ammonium fluoride solution, in No.6 cyclohexanone from the tantalum circuit is saturated by hydrofluoric acid from the spent sulfuric acid solution and recirculated, while in column NO.7 cyclohexanone from the niobium circuit is saturated with hydrofluoric acid. Transition of tantalum and niobium salts from the aqueous into the or- ganic phase eliminates titanium, iron and rare-earth metal impurities. Tile scope of the present work was to determine the design of the columns and the optimum conditions for extraction. The experiments were carried out in a non-packed laboratory column. After equilibrium conditions were reached, periodically (in 10-15 min intervals) samples of the emulsion were taken out along the column (from top to the bottom). Thus the fractionating capacity was determined and from the experimental data combined diagrams were plotted: Card 2/ 10 -22525 S/080/61/0,34/001/006/020 A057/A129 , Continuous Separation of Niobium and Tantalum by Extraction With Cyclohexanone left - extraction as function of the height of the column, right - extraction as function of the number 6f equilibrium stages (Fig-3-6). From these dia- grams the height of the column equivalent to one equilibrium stage and the' height required for the extraction was determined. Corresponding to the ob- tained experimental results in a table (see table) daia related to the de- sign of extraction columns are given. In order to avoid linear or spiral flow of.the liquid, it is recommended to design the mixing zone in the form of a 11squirell cage','. The described flow-sheet permits ihe production of tantalum pentoxide to be carried out containing no more than: T102 0.15%, S'02 1-0~6, Fe20 O.t%- SO 0.40%, and niobium pentoxide containing no more 0.15%. The content of Nb i than: TiO9 0-3;%,'*~02 015%, Fe2O3 0.25%, S03 nu Ta and of ~a in Nb (*n be regulated by changing the extraction conditions. The presented method is also suggested for extraction of Nb-Ta concentrates and other related ra materials. In presence of chlorine ions and iron, the latter must be elimihated to avoid extraction with cyclohexanone. There are 6 figures, I table, 'and 4 Soviet references. Card 3/10 GOROSHCHEEKO, Ya.G.; MAYOROV, V.G.; VOROBEYCHIK, A.I.; CHELPANOV, L.G. Rotary-ring type furnace for the sulfuration of titanium-bearing materials. TiUn i ego splavy no.9:162-165 -63. (141RA 16:9) (S~lfuration-Equipment and supplies) (Titanium ores) GOROSHCHENKO, Y&.G-; HAMOV, V-G-; FEDYUSHK.UIA, S.A. Salting but double titanyl and ammonium sulfates from Sulll'L-Xic acid solutions containing iron. Titan i ego spiavy no.9-.158-161 163. (MIRA 16.9) (Titanyl arknonium suVate) (Hydrometa-IluP .4gy) S/081/61 /000/021/071/094 BI 38/B101 AUTHORS: Mayorov, V. I., Ponomarenko, V. I., Savel'yev, A, Pt TITLE: Homogeneous pyrolysis of hydrocarbons PERIODICALs Referativnyy zhurnal. Khimiya, no~ 21, 1961, 402, abstract 21MB6 (Vest. tekhn. i ekon. inform. N,-i. in-t. tekhn.-ekon. issled. Gos. kom-ta Sov. Min. SSSR po khimii, no. 10, 1960, 18 - 20) TEXI: The article reports the results obtained in working up the process of homogeneous pyrolysis, i. e., the thermal decomposition of saturated hydrocarbons, using a gaseous heat carrier, on a pilot plant with a capacity of 60 kg/hr. The first series of trials was carried out with a mixed gaseous starting material and with low temperatures for thecontact gas in the reaction zone (7250C), The C 3H6 yield was 22 to 27.8% of the weight of the starting material, When the temperature was raised to B250C the C3H6 yield diminished but the C2H4 yield increased from 6.1 to 18%. Another series of trials was carried out with the burner working on Card 1/2 Homogeneous pyrolysis 02- enriched air blast zone. The C 2H4 yield given, Abstracter's S/081/61/000/021/071/094 of hydrocarbons ... B130101, with a temperature of about 9280C in the reaction wan 23.1 ~ by weight A diagram of the plant is note: Complete translation. I Card 2/2 MALIOROVI V,I,; KON&MA3, Z.F.; MLRKEVICH,, 3.~L; TALISHM, L.V. Homogeneous pyrolysis of a raw hydro=bon stock to ethylene and acetylezto Xhim-promo no.6t379-380 je 161. (MM 14&6) (EydrocarbDns) (Etbylene) (Acetylene) MYOROVo V.I.--;,, MUKHINA, T.N. Equipment for manufacturing ethylene and acetylene by the process of hydrocarbon homogenous pyrolysis. Gaz. prom. 6 no.12:42-46 161, (MIRA 15t2) (Acetylene) (Ethylene) S/065/63/000/001/003/005 E075/E436 AUTHORS: Mavorov. Mukhina, T.N. TITLE: Pyrolysis of straight run benzene in the current of superheated water vapour PERIODICAL: Khimiya i tekhnologiya topliv i masel, no.1, 1963, 34-38 TEXT: The pyrolysis was carried out in a laboratory apparatus using steam superheated to 9500C in an attempt to increase the yields of lower olefins. The benzene used had the boiling range of 42 to 166*C and contained 59-58,'o saturates, 38.70%naphthenes, --1-72% aromatics and had the specific weight of 0.720 at 20*C. The duration of the experiments was 30 to 60 minutes. The reactor consisted of a tube 15 to 45 cm long and 30 x 2.5 mm diameter (depending on the conditions of the experiment). An increase of the pyrolysis temperature to 9000C favours the formation of CH? and H2- The yield of ethylene reaches 36% and that of diviny 4.8%Q. The maximum yield of propylene and butylene was obtained at 8500C (13 and 9.8 wt.% respectively). The yield of ethylene increased from 27.3 to 35.41o with temperature increasing from Card 1/2 S/065/63/000/001/003/005 Pyrolysis of straight ... E075/E436 750 to 9000C. An increase in the ratio steam :feed promotes the cracking process. When the ratio increases from 0.7 to 3.0 at 8000C and the contact time of 0.4 sec, the yield of gases increases from 64 to 735'0 and the yield of ethylene and divinyl from 23 to 32% and from 3.7 to 5.2 wt.% respectively. The yields of propylene and butylenes were not affected. The pyrolysis with superheated steam gives a combined yield of olefins and divinyl,of 60.5% instead of 539'0 obtained with the usual process of pyrolysis in tubular furnaces. There are 4 figures and 2 tables. ASSOCIATION: MISS Card 2/2 GOR1SLAVLTS, S.P. [Horyslavtf~sl, S.P.], kand. 'r?k-hn. rauk, KOZ11.hLN, ., kand. tekhr.. nauk; 1~-YOROV V.I. kand. tekhr.. nauk; MUKr'NA, ".N. P~ --: L [Mkhina, T.M.], kand-.-I"e"lih-ni. rauk; 1,Y., xan~. nauk Block steam superhet~ters. Khim. prom. no.4.-29-30 0-11, 164. (M,:RA 1P. -,), WHRINA, T.N.;.BRAGINSKIY, O.B.; MAKAROV, O.V.; MAYOROV, V.I. Effect of pressure on the pyrolysis of straight-run gasoline in a'aurrent of super-heall.,ed watsir vapor. Nefteper. i nefte- khim. no.3slO-12 165. (KRA 18s 5) 1. Nauchno-issledovatellskiy institut sinteticheskikh spirtov. BOODABOY. Aleksandr Yesillyevich: PAT9-QL-UUALIQ"UAULUUW FROKOPOVICH, VIktor Pavlo*T-cE--. BIMHBVICR, I.I., kandidat tekbuicheskikh nauk, redektor; STIUMO. T.V.. tekhnicheskiy reclaktor LRemote control of railroad junction transformer substations] Teleapravlente transformatornymi podetenteiiest thelesnodorozhnykh uslov. Moskva. Goe.transp.zhel-dor. Izd-yo. 1957. 128 P. (MLRA 10;8) (Remote control) (Railroad-Blectric equipment) I MAYOROV, V.K. Shortcomings In the work of railroad electrification. Elek. I tepl. tiRge 2 no.2:45-46 F 158. (MIRA 11:4) 1. I]Achnl'nik sluzhby elektrifikatail I energeticheskogo khozynyctvp Yuzlxnoy dorogi. (RAilroads-Electrification) ., HAYOROV. V.K. We shall electrify the section ahead of schedule. Blek. i tepl. (MIRA 11:12) tiaga 2 no.11:4 N '58. l.Nachallulk sluzhby alektrifikatsii energeticheskoge kh02yayetva Yuzhney deregi. (Kharkov Province-Railroado--Blectrification) RAYOROV, V.K. L-;6- he lofty title of brigade of Comunist labor. Ilek.1 11 triving for t topl.tiaga 3 no.6:6-7 Js '59. (KII61 12 - 9) 1. Bachal'zdk sluzhby elaktrifikateit I energaticheekogo khozyayBtva Yu2hnoy eopirogi. (Electric railroada-Repair shope) HAYOROV, V.K. %atructive experience. Blek.t tepl.tiaga 4 no.4:25-26 160. (MUU 13:6 ) 1. Bachallnik sluzhby elektrifikateii i energeticheskogo khozyaystva Yuzhnoy dorogi. (Alectric lines-Overhead) jj~YOROV, V.K., inzh. (Kharlkov) Improving the operation Of power supply systems. Zhel.dor. transp. 44 no.5:80-82 My 162. (MIRA 15:5) 1. 11achallnik aluzhby elektrifikatsii i energeticheskogo khozyayttva Yuzhnoy dorogi. (Electric railroads--CurTent supply) 11AYOROV, V.I;., inzh, Improvingr the main-~ona-rce cf power supply aysteza. Zhel.dor.trar-sp. ,45 no.9481-83 3 '63. (~aRA 16:9) 1. Nuchallnik aluzhby olektrifiketeii i energeticheskogo khozyaystva Yuz)moy dorogi, Miarlkov. (Electric railroads-Subtitations) 11YOROV, V.K. Organizing the repair of the overhead contact system 'uring short "intervals." Zheldor.transp. 46 no.12:74-76 D 164. (MIRA 19:1) 1. Nachallnik sluzhby elektrifikatsii i energeticheskogo khozyayst-Na Yuzhnoy dorogi. YAYORCV, V. M. "Conveyer Lift Along Inclined Shafts and Its T*se in Conditions of the Karaaand.a Coal Basin." Sub 4 Jul 51, Moscow 1,11ining Inst imeni 1. *,'. Stalin - .., I -,~ Dissertations presented for science anti envineerinp deFrees ir Mlosccrw durinp 20~1. SC : Sum. Eo. ZqOP P Mav 55 MAYOW V. M - 25(2) PHASE I BOOK EXPLOITATION Sov/1625 Tikhonov, Nikolay Vasillyevic;h, and Vasiliy Mikhaylovich Mayorov Novyye konstruktsil konveyyerov dlya gornoy i metallurgisheskoy promyshlennosti (New Design for Conveyors Used in the Mining and Metallurgical Industry) Moscow, Metallurgizdat, 1957. 76 P. 3,500 copies printed. Ed. of Publishing House: A. Ye. Smoldyrev; Tech. Ed.: M.K. Attopovich. PURPOSE: The book is intended for design and production engineers and for technicians in mines,, metallurgical plants, and in the building trades who deal with the transportation of large quantities of materials. COVERAGE: The booklet describes basic types of Soviet and non- Soviet conveyors, together with their technical specifications Card 1/3 New Design for Conveyors (Cont.) SOV/1625 and performance data. A comparison is made between the various types used in underground operations and in open pit mines. The second part of the booklet deals with the design and performance of vibrating conveyors used to handle ._Wlurgical abrasive, hot, or vapor-producing materials in mg plants arA In the building industry. The text contains a number of illustrations and tables. There are 15 references of which 8 are Soviet, 4 German, and 3 English. TABLE OF CONTENTS: Introduction 3 I. Conveyors 5 1. Car-type conveyor 5 2. Steel cable conveyors 16 3. Rubberized steel cable conveyors 30 II. Vibrating Conveyors 36 1. General layout and component parts of conveyors 36 2. Design of vibrating conveyors 43 Card 2/3 New Design for Conveyor3 (Cont.) SOV/1625 3. Testing vibrating conveyors Bibliography AVAILABLE: Library of Congress (TN335.T48) GOlrj 5-29-59 70 78 Card 3/3 lbadesigning of the water economizer of the TS-35~-u boiler. Energetik 10 no.lQ:9-11 0 162. (KIRA 15:12) (Boilerv-Design and construction) ~~ OV U 'Mathemat:lcal - Rmlews 15, No., 4: Apr v.- 1954 Geometi~y F TOY, Invariant cbAracteristic df a generalized TOY, -pMntW wM',WMady Aks4 NaA SSSR (N,S.) 90, 065-m (Rusiian) Vill The paper is concerned Ath nets of curves on a surface dete rmined by three unit vector fields a, b ani u. The mwn result is to the effect that any two of the following conditions imply the third,- (i) the three sets of flow-lines form a hex- Agonal configuration; (4) the lines of the vectors a and b form a rhombic net; .(iii). tfie~ field sin- (b, it)/sin (a, it) is ult'ply, diagonal:with- respect to the Wds a and b. rDubnbV. Trudv Sem. . Vektor. Tenzor. Analizu 9, 7-49 (1952); these- Rev; 14,1014J. By a generalized potential net is.understood one in Aerms- of 'which ~ the line element is given.-by dO-~;(at~la~)d~!+2fdodv+(a.10v)de where co=w(uip). The author proVes.1hat'isoonal geodesic nets and rhoinbic nets i iu~ generalized potential nc6. M. S. Kiiebdinan (Pullman, Wash.). &,tjtZ MAYOM V.M. Invariant characteristics of certain nets. Uch. zape IAr. goo. ped. inst. no.34:127-154 160. (MRA 15:9) (Vector analysis) (Spaces, Generalized)