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X A,27X=TUA,&b,,O
Blolea of TUrpura lap$jlus (16.) In the region of the 31astern
Norma Coast. ft~ Mum. biol. sta. 2:48-61 055. (I=A 1028)
(Harman Ooast--Dag whelk)
~- Z~
Causes and effects of the Irregular distribution of Fabricia
*abell& Nhre wW Arenicols marina L. worse In litteral zones.
Dokl. AN 3M 105 no.2:370-373 '35. (Wak 9: 3)
1. Predstaxleno skademikom U.S. Phyloveirim.
URGIN, V.A., akadsnik; MANAMA, T.A.
High voltme wmlt;i-ch#Lnber clectrodlalyals. Pekl. AN SM 105
ne.2:294-297 155. (MIRA 9:))
1. Veasoyasnyy nombno-looledovatellskly instltut khtsichookikh
AUZHORS.; Karging V. A.t Member, Academy of SOV/64-50-5-1/21
Sciences, USSHp Lastovskiyj R. P., Professort Matveyeva T. A
TITLE: The Analysis and Purification of Substances by Means of New
Methods of Electro-Dialysis (Analiz i ochistka veshchestv pi-i
pomoshchi novykh metodov elektrodializa)
PERIODICAL: Khimicheskaya promyshlennost', 1958, Nr 5, pp. 261 - 267 (US'SR)
ABSTRACT: In the introduction an electro-dialyzer according to Pauli
(Ref 1) and the principles of the electro-dialysis itself are
outlined. In this case the method of high-voltage-electro-
dialysis was applied by which a five-chamber-electro-dialyzer
was constructed which operated with a voltage of 300 V between
the lateral- and auxiliary chambers and with a potential
difference of 1500-1800 V between the lateral chambers, so
that a considerable improvement of the purification of weak
electrolytes was achieved. In order to increase the sensitivity
of the method in the separation of insoluble substances, a
so-called "stream of ions 11 is introduced, With this kind of
electro-dialysis the basic substance remains unaffected# whereas
Card 1/3 the admixtures undergo a chemical modification. For this
The Analysis and Purification of Substances by Means SOV/64-58-5-1/21
of New- Methc~ds o of - Elect ro-Dialysis
purpose the schedule of operation was slightly re-arranged and
TiO 2- and SiO2samples of iron and heavy metals as well as
cellulose were purified by SiO . The results are given in a
table. A schematical drawing oi a three-chamber-electro-dialyzer
is given for the pUirification of non-electrolytes of salts
and it is said that thicker membranes are employed with a
higher electrolytic resistance "d resistance of diffusion,
because the speed of purifioation-will be increased and diffusion
losses will be reduced. In addition tests were carried out with
a 5-chamber-electro-dialyzer to purify water by applying
radioactive isotopes to check the quality of the working power.
A graph of a multichamber-dialyzer is given with a description
of the operating characteristics as well as a graphic represen-
ta.tion of the pH-distribution in chamberej it is pointed out
that a concentration and a determination of the admixture is
possible up to quantities of from 0,01 - 0,00001%. Finally a
detailed debeription is given of the working technique for ana-
lyses of substances acoording,-to the method of olootro.-dialysis
as well as for the purification of substances and it is found
Card 2/3 that high-voltage-lialysis serves for, the extraction of extremdly
.The Analysis and Purification of Substances by Means SOV/64-58-5-1/21
of ~,N~l~~Methedg-'Vf,-~E':Lectro-Dialysis
pure tD spectroscopically pure substances, for the extraction
and for the concentration of' precious admixtures, for the
purification of electrolyte contaminations and for the
separation of some oation-oompounds. There are 8 figures, 12
tablesp and 6 references, 5 of whi.,ch are Soviet.
ASSOCIATION: Ysesoyuznyy nauchno-isoledovatellskiy institut khimichaskikh
reaktivov(All-Union Scientific Institute for the Research of
Chemical Reagents)
1, Electrolvtes-Purification 2. Materials-Separation
3. Materials-Analysis 4. Electrichl equipment-Performance
Card 3/3
e U 0, A
Uoun H
OU ' ry
,,,. Ejectrocheiric 1 Industries.
Category ftc-1 r,~cjL!OjOp
Mectrcrlating. Galvanic Calls.
Aab,-,'. JO
Abs. Jour tRef ZhiLr-X',1iim.'YaNo 14, I959.,Ro 50214
Author :Kargin,, V. A.; Lastovskiy, R.P-;,Y~ey~eva, T.
Inftitute :-
Title t Analysis and Purification of Substances with
the Aid of Now Electrodialysis Methods
Ori g Pub. : Te-zhka Drom-st, 1958, 7, No 11, 12-18
Abatroct : No abstract.
I Card- 1/1
AUTHORSs Kargin, V. A., Lastovskiy, Re P., )Iatveyeva, T. A.,
Ryabchikov, D. I., Zarinskiy, T. A., and Fars, onov, Me Me
TITIX: Purification of titanium dioxide and meta-titanic acid by the
method of high-voltage electrodialysis
PERIODICALt Zhurnal neo:rganicheskoy khimiij ve 69 no, 5, 1961, 1017 - 1019
TEXT: A method of purifying titanium dioxide and meta-titanic acid by
high-voltage e~lectrodialysis was devised* The laboratory set-up consists
of a d-c source (capacitY 5 - 5#7 KW)p an eleotrodialyzer with five
chambers of organic glass and control equipments for measuring amperage
and voltage. The electrode spacing is 10 - 12 on. The titanium dioxide
to be purified is put into the central chamber of the electrodialyzer in
the form of a suspension* Purification from the impurities Mgp Fe, Al,
Cap Sbj Pb, Sn, Cd, Bi, and Cu is carried out in an ionic current of C10
and NO3~ at maximum electrode potential. To remove SiO 2 from titanium di-
oxide, a dilute KOH solution is added in the anode chamber of the dialyzer,
Card 1/3
Purification of titanium oee B121/B208
which reduces the SiO2 content from 003 to 0#03 %. Traces of Hf, Nb, and
Ta are separated from "102 by conversion to oxalate complexes, Purifica-
tion was examined by means of the quartz spectrographs of the MCIT-22
(ISP-22) or 14CIT -28 (ISP-28)-typeo The spectrographic method for the de-
termination of Wbj Tag Up and Cr is precisely described. Titanium dioxide
purified by high-voltage electrodialysis, and meta-titanic acid havi the
following contents of impuritiest Zr# Hf# Nb# Ta less than 1 . 10- %,
Mg - 5 - 10-1 %V Si - 1 10-3 %9 Pe - less than 1 10-' %, Al - 3 - 10-3%,
Ca - less than 1 . 10-4 Sb - less than 1 . 10-4 P less than
I : 10-3 %o Cu - less than 1 0 1CI-4 %9 Sn - less than 1 10 -4 %, Cd - less
than 1 . 10-4 %, Pb - less than 1 . 10-4 %. There are 4 tables and 6 re-
ferencess 5 Soviet-bloc and I non-Soviet-bloc.
Card 2/3
Purification of titanium ... B121/B208
ASSOCIRIONt Institut chistykh khimicheskikh reaktivov
(Institute.of.Pure Chemical Reagents)
Institut geokhimii i analiticheskoy khimii im. V. I.
Vernadskogo Akademii nauk SSSR
(Institute of Geochemistry and Analytical Chemistry imeni
V. 1. Vernadskiy of the Academy of Sciences USSR)
SUBMITTEDt March 17, 196o
Card 3/3
~~. ~In2h.
Practical aspects of the making of cutters.
Ag 160.
(Woodworking machinery)
Der.prom. 9 no.8:22
WERA 13:8)
I Vz
Telegemma-therapy of lxmg cancer; izaecliste results Ewtth summary
In Bagliabl. Khirurgila 33 no*12:25-28 D 157o (MM 11:2)
lo is Oosuderst-rennogo onkilogicheekDgo institute imeni P.A.Gertserm
(Nauabrqy rukovoditell - chlon-korrompondent ANN SSM Prof. A.I.
Savitskly dire - prof. A.U.Novikov. save rediologicheekto otdelemiyem
lmndidet zwditainakikh mmuk R.A.Volkove)
(GAHM BAYS, there use
telegamather. in cancer of lungs)
Dybomicig of Vhe roontgenolqgical picture or cancer of the lung
under the Irfluence of telegamma therapyVop,cmk, 7 no,-3:.12-
otherapy,of imlignant, tumors of the root of the tongue as
revealed by materialo of the P.A. Gertzen State Oncological
Institutes. Vop. onk. 7 no. /+sIO3-107 161. (MIRA 14:4)
1. Is radidlogic:3~oskogo otdoloniya (zav. - starsbi-y nauchnyy
sotrudnik M.A. V,31kova) Gosudarstvennogo onkologicheskogo instituta
imeni PA, Gertagna (dir. - prof. A.N, flovikov). Adres avtora: Moskva,
64U, 2-y Botk:L-ukiy proyezd, 3* Closudarstvennyy onkologifwakiy
institut Imeni P.A. Gertsena.
NOVIKOVS A.W., prof.; GARrfix N.D.0 doktor mod.nauk; GOLIBERT, Z.V.,
kand.wd.naxiq VDIKOVA, M.A.,, KISELEVA,, Ye.s., MATVMVA, T.14,; VAVAKIN, A.D., -
Initial expwience In the combined treatment of pulmonary
cancer. Xhimirgiia no.8t22-28 4, 162. (MIRA 15-.8)
1. Iz Gosuds:7stvennogo nauchno-issladovateltakogo onkologichoskogo
institute, imani P.A. Gertsena (dir. - prof. A.N. flovikov) Mini-
q~cestva zdravookbraneniya RSFSR.
.9 ..-- --- . .
Morphological changen in lung cancer under the influence Of
preopgrative-te-log&mstheyspye Vope onk. 11 ro.8:3-8 165,
(XIRA 18: 11)
1. U patologoanstomichaskago-I r.1kdiologiebeskogo otde2.eniy
Gosudamtvemogo onkologicheakogo instituta imni P.A.Gertsens,
(direktor - Prof. A.N.Novikov).
/t,/ / ~~ i-IIZ-: P,11, 77,1 -'
Washing and dysing
no,l'-55~_56 is 158.
wool fabrics In the same bath. Tbkst. prom. 18
(MIRA 11:2)
(Dyes and dyeing--Wool)
MAMMA. T. 5-
imm. D.V. [translator1iwkW.%WIW-- [translator); IASMICH, Yu.I.
[translator]; 082RUKOVA-ii~HiiiR, V.P. (tranalstor); KHVOSTOVA,
V.V.Ctrauslatorl; IIARANOV, P.A., recloktor; ASTAUROV. B.L., professorp
redaktor; SYSINA, H.A., redaktor; IOTLEVA, F.A., tekbnicbmakiy
(Pol"loidy; collention of articles] Foloploidila; abornik statel.
Perevod D.Mebedaira i dr. 1 9 precliol. P.A.Baranove i B.L.
Astsurova. Moskva,, Izd-vo inostr.lit-ry. 1956. 398 p. (NLRA 10-6)
1. Chlen-korrampondent Akademil nauk SSSR (for Baranava)
RLRMV, T.S. --
Polyploidy as -a nothad In experimental Wany, Diul, Glav. bet.
sada no.31:49-37- '58. (MIRA 1-0:5)
I.Betanichosid,r lustitut im. V.I~. Komrova AN. SSSR.
U&TVBYIWA. 2.13.
Polyplold forarof nemesis. Biuloftavabot.ssla no*)2343-45
958. (MIRA 1215)
1"Botsuicheekly Inotitut im. V,L.Iomarova AN SSSR.
(leningrad-Nomeals) (Polyploldy)
BARWOV,, F.A,. [deceaBed:j; HAVEMA, T.S*
Role of polyplo-Idy In experimental botany. Trudy MOIF. Otd.biol.
5.on-20 f62. WRA l6$5)
1. Botanicbeski-Ir institut ineni V.L. Kcmarm AN SWR, leningrad.
-W ===P--
PblnAoW in ornmental plantso, Trudy MOIP. Otd.biol. 59333-
359 1629 (MIRA 1615)
1* DDtanicbeally Institut imeni V.L,- Nomarova AN &WRj, laningrad.
(nAMp 01MMOTAL) (POLUWnff)
ZHUKOVSKIY, P.M., otv. red.; TROSHIN, A.S... otv. rel.; ASTAUROV',
B.L., red.; ZHINKIN, L.N., red.; MATVEYKVA, T.S., red.;
SLM"V,, V.V., red.; FEWROV, A.C.---YM.-;,ffWMOVA
W.A. . red.
IP03.YP.Ioidy and breedingi transactions) Pollploidiia i se-
lektsiia; trudy. MosWav Nauka., 1965. 322 Pe
(MIRA 18:6)
1. Soveshchaniye po poliploidii, 1963. 2. Deystvitellmyy
chlen Vsesoyuznay akademii sellskokhozyaystvennykh nauk
imeni V.I.LenJrq '(for Zhukovskiy). 3. Chlen-korrespondent
AN SSBR (foi all except Zbukovskiy).
. 'Pathological Changes in the Human Brain During Acute OXygen Deficiency."
Cand -Med Sci, Central Inst for the Advanced Training of Pbysicivas, 30 Dec 54.
(VM, 22 Dec 51,)
Survey of Scientific an,l Teehnical Dissertations Defended at USSR Higher
Educational Institutions W)
SO: Sum. No. 556, 24 Jun 55
Pathmrphology of the human brain In am'to alwxla. Zhur. nmr. i Do Ah
,58 no.12:1435-1464 138. (NM 12: 1)
1. 75outrallmay sudobnomeditsinakwi laboratgriya (itudhw rukoyoditell-
prof.j#H.,I, Avdeyev) Moskm,
(ASPHYKU. pathol.
bralim (Rw
(BRUE, patbol.
In sapbyxia (Ran))
Two types of disorders in focal. vascular lesions of the brain
beyond the linits of the principal focus. Nauch trucly Inst.
nevr. ANN SSSR n0-1:450-456 160. WRA 15:7)
1. Laboratorlya patologii nervnoy visteny chelove)m Inatituta
mozga MI SSSR,, direktor - prof. S. A. Sarkisov.
Patbology of nerve fibers and syzwptlc junctions of the humn
7)ralm In-foeal iascuUr lesiono. Ima.mmr,l polkh. 60 no.l.,
18-25 160. (NIBA 13$6)
1. Uboratoriya patologil mairvzoy tsistmW (sav. L*A. Xulmyev)
Institute. =02g& (dir. - prof. S.A. Sarkimov) ANN SSSR, Moskva.
(BUIN pathol.)
M f) T V F-- Y r--- Vti, T S I
Pyramidal tract In the system of the motor analywr, ZlWrp nerv, i
PAM. 60 no. 2:129-134 160. (KUM 14%41
1. Labordioriya -patologii nervnoy sisteny cheloveka (zav. L.A.
Xu~uysv) lfttitu-ta nozga (dir. - prof. 8,A. Surkisov) AM SSSR,
--KOM- I-Iis.
Pathology of the emnections of the motor anslysor 1n the vas-
cular foci of the brain. Zhur. nevre i psikhe 62 no*3.2:3.769-
1776 162. (MMA 16813.)
1. rz laboratorii patologii nervnoy sistwW cheloveka (zave-
L*.A. Kukuyev) Thstituta mozga (dir. - prof. S.A. Sarkisor)
AMIT SSSF6 Hook-m.
Prolonged development of a inelanoma with metastasis into
the brain; clinicomorphological observation. Zhur. nerv.
i poikh. 64 no.8:1132-1135 164. (MIRA 17:12)
1. Institut mozga (dirketor - prof. S.A. Sarkisov) ANN SSSR,
laboratoriyEL patologii nervnoy sistemy cheloveks (zavedtwushchiy -
prof. L.A. Kukuyev), Moskva.
~ ~: -.-
Lipid dystrophy of nerve cells as a synptom if retrograde de-
generation. Diur. novr. i psikh. 64 no. 12:1805-1308 164.
1. Laboratorbra patologii nervnoy sisterq cheloveka (zavedu-
yushchiy - prof. L.A.Kukuyev) Institute mozga (direktor - prof.
S.A.Sarkisov) ANN SSSR, Moskva.
ca"1011111 patesm dwift Oplaft ceirs". S. 1).
Ommsov and T-X-Manva (Acad. Sd. U.S.S. R., %IcA-
Zkbw. Fis. Kkim. U 281-W196W).-The kinelks,
It and 0 depolarbatift ;;n motah and alloys is motuffirol.
The rates of If evolution 0m) and 0 abiorplim (n) we
measured (C.A. 40, 17739) e,g. during IW-
150 hys. Values cl the ratio Wen for A) Cu. Cd. Fe. Xn.
and MR (11125". 700 mm. W pit, in a 0 .a k NOCI golu.) we,
ort-V_ 101. 137. 33, and 0. Various At lolloyt are
also studied in a 0.5 N NaCl moln.; with low mms. of
f(wtiln tkments the! Corrosion of The allay thanses with ft:
bw alloys with WlIb" camm", ft don lotot rhanxe much frown
OF on a duraInyMn calbaoic is jd3o ioludirol in a Variety cd conoll.
lions (tenrip.. inwwm;ob. 0 oolot., raisins of mAj).. 041lion
of "A. Periodic vrrttinx Of calbodr): the different laclars
i-how I but the increase im r, is due to t he net. dificream r0m.
In conditions l4noulatins tat". corrmkon of ME. ft nuty be-
emar equal to or even Imuser than rm I" contrim with the
lwh4vior 4pf Mg in salt totohoc Michel Ilooodart
Hydrogen *ad oxylpa depolarisation in corrosion of metals. Trudy
lust O'71s.ftim. Alud. Nuuk S.S.S.R., 2, Issledownius, po Norrosli Metal.
No.l. 146-65 151. (MLRA 4:10)
(CA 47
no.24t695D 133)
W .er! kid
Y.Sis'- Of igb-pa' so
lymer~- lutions, -.vK. _A.- Vije~zu ki
&-d-MWAini Acad L, P.
ct me ta OVISM
lop OfAzinaft in 1
so a 12
Aim X-M-M M-1
19M); cf. WA. 43, 0144d.-During a study of
t, Mou ses, I the IS
to of catbodle abow don of dh--
adve -ii on e
lecirclYsh-was Observed. A WOored O.5N
I I N&CI ( V 9.2) vm electrayzed in a Pam 0 atm.
th smooth Pf cadWe at cA; vslues be-
A weet D.09; and 2.0ma./sq. cm. 71)e rates of H tMution
"i 10
iry ( a
to the limiting dil-
on (
). to. hir
-1 rUrrMt, VaTW fMM 0 to .91 WW 0.011) to 0.03 CC./
$4. cgs. br.. vesp. - 'Tht value of It vw max. when the ed.
'was I ina./sq- on., The effeet cf M evolution an the limiting
Ion cunmnt was due to the derresse in tbicknas cf the
Alffosion layer that resulted from the Wes, I
pre re of H bu
W.' Lawebers.
Effect of a cathodic hydrogen on the diffusion flow limit of o37gen
depolarization. Trudy Inst.fiz.)Mm. no.5:153-158 155. (KLUA 9:5)
(Electrolytic corrosion)
M1?7-V,EY,6V,j 7, V.
TORASHOV, i1kon Danilovich. PrinimBli uchastiye: TYUKINA. M.N.; PALEOLOG,
SHORIGOLEV, :P.V.. UG(MOV, N.G., red.izd-va; KUZIMIN, I.F.,
[Theory of the corrosion and. the protection of metals] Teoriis
korrozii i zashchity metallov. Moskva, Izd-vo Akad.nauk SSSR,
1959. 591 P. (MIRA 13:1)
(Corrosion anti anticorrosives)
.26,1609-0 A0061AOOI
"l-anslation from- Referativn3-j zhurnal, Xhimiya, 196o, No. 17, PP. 74-75,
AUIHORS. Fokin,_M.N., Matveyeva. T V, Tomashov- N,D
TIM: Cells for Testirg Metal-Solution Systems Under the Effect of Elec-
tronic Radiation With Consideration of Polarization Phenomena
PERIODICAL-. Tr. In-ta fiz. I:himii AN SSSR, 1959, No. 7, PP. 114-118
Tm-z Designs of a cell are suggested where the metallic electrode is
polarized anodically (cell a) and cathodically (cell b) during electronic irradia-
tio-n of the metal-solution system. Characteristics of radiation are: electron
energy/---/ 1 Mev; density of ite electron flux: 3.3 x 1013 electron/cm2. sec; V~
power of dose a layer of the solution near the electrode of 1-mm thickness,
~6.6 x 1019 ev/cmi%ec. Thiclaiess of the lNfer of the circulating solution (3%
NaCl) over the electrode In efill "a!': 1 and 10 mm (less and more than the thick-
ness of the layer of full absorption of the electron radiation energy). In cell
"ar at a thickness of the solution lay6r eclaal to 1 mm, the corrosion rate of
Card 11'2
Cells for Testing Metal-Solution Systems Under the Effect of Electronic Radiation
With Consideration of Polarization Phenomena -
! A 18 Vi 97 (M18N9T) steel Is by 2 orders of magnitude higher than that of a non-
irradiated epectmen. The nature of destruction and the corrosion rate in I-rradia-
tion are different- from those with anodic polarization of -the specimen from an
external current source. These differences were not observed i-I the thickness of
t1he layer was 10 mm. The placing of:..a protector or cathodic polarization of the
specimen in cell tla!' protects it against Increased corrosion during irradiatiort/~r
D. Kokoulina
Translator's note. This is the full translation of the original Russian ab-
Ca-rd 2/2
AUTHORS: Matv ~~Yoq Tyuk1nay McN.p Favloval V.A.p and
. KUSXA4 ---7
Tlo-mashovp N.Do
TITLE: Investigating the anodic oxidation of titanium in
sulphuric acid solutions
SOURCE: Akademiya nELuk SSSR. Institut metallurgii. Titan i
yego splavy. no. 6, 1961. Metallotermiya i elektro-
khimiya titEalap 211 - 220
TEXT: The results of investigating the anodic oxidation of Ti in
aqueous H~Nt solutions Emd the properties of the oxide films in
relation o he conditions of anodizing (concentration and tempe-
rature of electrolyt4j, time of anodizing and anodic current densi-
ty) are reported. The material studied was annealbd Ti sheet from
an experimental batchq having an olongation of 14.8%%v produced
powdermetallurgically and heving the following chemical composition
0.13 % Fe, 0.15 % Niq 0.17 % Sit 0.050 % 0, 0.098 % N2 and 0.34 %
Cao Ti iodide and Ti of ispecification M were used as reference
specimens in individual experiments. The specimens were cleaned
Card 1/3
S/598 61/WS~006/028/034
D217 D303
Investigating the anodic oxidation ... YD
with emery papert degreased with acetoneq etched for 15 seconds at
room temperature in a solution Consisting of 15 % HF and 5 % HN03
and rinsed with water. Anodizing was carried out in the same way as
for Al. The solution was agitated and the current was supplied ac-
ross anodized Ti terminals. In thet course of anodizingp the voltage
was changedq the anodic current density being kept constant. The
properties of,the films obtained were determined by means of a drop
method developed the authors, using a solution consisting of
1.22 % HF9 0.91 1603, remainder - water. The time taken for in-
tense evolution of gas bubbles to begin after application of a drop
of the above solution to a restriated film surface, was noted.
Films possessing the beat protective properties (according to their
drop test performance)9 were also tested for their corrosion resis-
tance by semi-immersing the specimens in 40 and 75 % solutions of
H2SO4 at 300. The weight of the films was determined from the loss
in weight sustained by the imodized specimens on removing the film.
The films were removed by cathodic, polarization without noticeable
dissolution of metallic 711, using a current of 1.5 mA/cm2 in a 20 %
B3PO4 solution with addition of 0.1 % CrO 3 at 800. The film thick-
Card 2/3
Investigating the anodic oxidation D217/D303
nese waa calculated form the weights It is shown that anodic oxi-
dation,alf Ti in H2SO4 solutions at, room temperature requires a
high terminal voltageg as a result of which films of low quality
form. Raising the temperature ot the electrolyte to 800 and above,
results in a decrease in terminal voltage and enables films of bet-
ter protective qualities to be obtained. The following methods of
anodizing Ti in H2504 solutions were found to give satisfactory
reaultst 1) 18 % H2SO4 solutiong temperatures 800, anodic current
densityt 0.5 A/dm2, anodizing times 2 - 8 hours; 2) 18 % H2SO4 SO-
lution, temperatures 1000, anodic current densityg 2 A/dm2, time
of anodizings 2 hours. There are 9 figuresp 3 tables and 14 refe-
rencess 3 Soviet-bloc and 11. non-Boviet-bloc. The 4 most recent re-
ferences to the English-language publications read as follows: P.D.
Miller, R.A. Jefferysp and HoAa Prayq Metal Progressq 1956, 699 61;
H.A. Johanseng G.B. Adams and P. van Rysselberghep J, Electrochem.
Soc-9 1957; 10*9 3391 H. Richardq 'Kettal Finishing Journal, 1957,
39 10; H. Nagasaki, H. Ishidag Keikindzoky Light Metaleg 1956, Op
Card 3/3
S1,080116 i/ 0'2) 4 1 00 6
AUTHORS: ML z v ey e v a, 1. V, , Tyuk ina, 1.1. N. , and Pavi o v a, V. A.
TITLE: Depei:d,~,n:;e Df the rate of corrosion of anodized binary
aluraini.~m--base alloys on their copper content
I'BRIODICILL: &iirnal prikiladnoy 1chimii, v. 34, no. 6, 1961,
1365 - ~-,-;67
'2EXT. The role of ~k);)per concentrataon on the rate of corrosion of
-~CL'uminum ailoys a-rid 1;he proper-ties of anodic oxide films, produced
()"- their surfaces, was investi,gated, The rate of corrosion was de-
~~-i-mined by the volune of oxyger. alsorbed and hYdiogen evolved,
an apparat,.3 aes,riued ly Tomashov and T.V. fda-t-jeyeVa
(Ruf. 3: Tr. Ifis-- fl.-~ lihim. AN SSSR, 5t 2, 39, 19~5i). Btx-aiy a,u-
M-Inym-baq~s a-lloys 3.06, S.A8 ani '7.L~
De!, w8fe testi~d, the iLaLeriais us'~a -,C.r the prepavaticin C.f
alloys being AB000 (JiVO0G) aiuminuz, (99-99 %) and spec-~r:)s,-o~i2a14
pure cDpper. Ali aiioyq were '~Iiomogen.~zed a-. a -Lempera-,ure vf 4850
Card !,,5
Dependence of the ral,e of
S/080^/ -,,03541/ 0 G 6C
D 2 4 7 / D 3 ~_,' "
for 240 h-jurs, fo-l-lovect Ly quench:Lng .n viater aT room temperatUre.
luetallographic analyfiis showed that alloys containing ;,p to "~.06 -,
copper were nomogene,.,i-js solid solutiorks. Alioys containing 5.48
and 7.6~ 'I"- Ou :onsi.e-.ea of a mixture of s.)!-,d oo-,ution and
Anodl-c oxidation was ,.rrled ov :r. a 4N Suiohuri_
at a current deris-ity oi I A,,'o-,ijl &-na a t~_mperature rf for 20
,minutes. The thi-.kne~is of the 'Li--,;s produ-ed was Corroslor
tests were carried ~.;iit by fu-IL amersing trie specimtns in a
H sodium ~-..h-loride so..u-.Ion at a -,emperature of 250 ana a pressa_-.r,
of 760 mm Hg. Fig. .~ shows tn.e rzIatioriship betweer vol-,.tme of iiy-
drogen evolved (and oxygen ~Lusorbed) and -time in the corrGs:on of
anodized aluminum al'!oys of various copper contenta, and Fig. -
shovis the same relatlOnShlp for non-anodized alloys. From these
two graphs it can be seen that corrosion of the alloys tested in a
0.5 N sodiu,,.r chlorid,~ solution take.,:, plaLe wiLh mixed oxygen-hydro-
gen depollarization. En va.Ll, th,~rmDst:ati,_-ally controlled
of -the above compos:tion, the rate ~:f corro6llor. of Al-Cu alloys,
anodized by the norm.:-.i sulphurdc acid me"hod, is approximateiy
Card 2/5
034/r_`/C~ 51`~2'-
S/080/6-/ _V_
Dependence of the rate of" D247/D305
ha:lf that of non-anodized alloys. As the copper content ircreazes,
~entlai`y 'Due to an
so the rate of corrosion increases, at first esf~
increase in the rate of depolarization by oxygen, and subsequently
only-due to depolarization by hydrogen. There are 2 figures and
3 Soviet-bloc references.
SUBMITTED: July 19, 1960
Card 3/5
De'pendence of the rate of D247/D305
Pig. 1. Dependence cf -Volume of ox
ygen absorbed (continuous lines)
and hydrogen evolved (dottled lines) on time in the corrosion. o-~
anodized binary altzminum-co 8r alloys in a 0.5 N NaCl solution.
legend: A - volume (=3/dU5;
13 - time V
(hours); copper content A
of alloys W: 1 - 7.63, 2 - 3.96,
3 - 5.48, 4 2.95, 5 - 1.9.
4 n
17 ZS fa 75 too rZ5 150
Card 4/5
Dependence of the rate of ... D247/D305
Pi~_ 2. Dependence of volume of oxygen absorbed (continuous 14nes)
and hydrogen evolvei (dotted lines) on time in the corrosion o~
binary aluminum-copper alloys covered with natural films in a 0.5c/','
NaCl solution. (C_,n3/dr2); B - time (hours); copper content of
Legend: A - volume
a116ys W: 1 7.63, 2 3-969 3 1.9, 4 5.48t 5 2.95, 6
0.98. A
Card 5/5
50 too '7
L ~4394-66 EWT(m)/'I~A~O/ETI 1JP(c) JD/JG/WB
AUTHDR; 7bma9hOv#---1R. D.; Wtveyeva, T. V.
ORGs Institute of pbteLcal_~~emlatry, AN SSSR (Inetitut fladcheakoy WWI AN SSSR)
TITLE: Corrosion and electrochemical behavior of rhenixn
14 -1 1 1
SDURGE: 'shchita metallov
&" , V. 2j, no. 11, 1%6t 57-62
70P*-'- TAGS: rhbnium,, Corrosion resirtance, electrochemical analysis, electric po-
twiLit-1, sL.furfla acid, h_ydrochloric acid, phosphoric acid
..), I . ~r -L~ /
ABSTRACT: !'as .-te of Re corroblot, (Re co-itained Oa,0075 Kit OeOOD9 Nat-< 0o004 Ca,
O.Wj Fe., 0. 000. 2 %,, 0.0006 MiO 0.00015 Al, and 0.00(Y7% W) was studied at 25C and
IODC irs sol-31o, - of H SO HC' H-PC KfjH MO H 0
:j 40 -1 - 40 - 2 2j, and N&C1 at various concen-
trations &:... in ~:'--Sti ed IR20* in the prea-Ace olta~7;spheric oxygen and at, 25Cs, the
rate of cori-oal n vzs very small (dstilng stnrs inrlit~a-,;et I,hat rno(-el , -ith Covectuive core fits only main-sez-uence strrs,
but ftils to explain giants or rab7iants. Authors Vnanh Acvd V. G. Fef7enk,ov Vor ac'v`-ce.
Submitted ROV 56.
__ L.:Zzj
Calculations :for a star nodel with center convection for
different lawo of absorption and its adaptation to main
sequence starn. lzv. Astrofts.lust, AN Kasakb.SSR 1 no.
1/2:143-171 ,;5. (mm 9:10)
MATT= .'iTi2hener.
WA. -V-P-
G.V. lopkin designed centrifugal role*, for SMI-11 scraper
conveyers. Ugoll 32 no.6:42 Je 157. (NLRA 10:7)
1. Dom tekhn!~~ki tresta lWbyahevugoll.
(Conveying machinery) (Blectric relays)
On the rateIof photosynthesis in tti6 cotton leaf, Uzb.biol.zhur.
96.2:16-3.8 66. 14-*-5)
1. Institut
(,.H,genetiki I fiziologii rasteniy AN UzSSR,
FETROSYAN, G.A., inzh.; MITIN, S.A.,, Innh., MAT.VUUA.,,,:LT-.,,.Xnzh-;
SARMICHA, A.P., irtzh.
Concerning E.F.,Kiy-pichev and A.P.roniaevts article "Results f
testing MP-VTI ash collectors having scrubbers with 4,100 MM.
diameter." Te-ploenergetike, 11 no.2t96 F 164. (MIRA 17:4)
MATV7,Y"-IA, Valentina Vasillyevna
Amount of Micro-organi-sms -in Atr of some Locations and Ways of
Sanitation of Air Surroundings.
Dissertation for candidate of a Medical Science degree. Chair of Gener,l Hygiene
( head, Prof. L.I. Los') Defending bi Soviet Kazan Medical Institute, 1954
MKUKHINA, Raiss, Semeiwvna~ MATUYEVA, V.V., red.
[Electroemeph-alographic studitis on condItioned reflex
reactions and their analysis In the light of 1,.E.Vveden-
ekii'a theory],,sofalogi*aficheakie issledova-
nila usloviiareflektornykh reaktaii I ikh analiz v svete
teorii N.EAvedenskogo, Leningrad, Izd-vo Leningr. univ.,
1964. 156 p. (mIRA 17:9)
LIVOVICH, Alaksa-ndr Yurlyevich; PULYAfftbV, N.N., otv. ~-ed.;
mATVEYEVA V.V., red.
[Statics; u3thoiologlcal instructLons no.1 in the cour-=o
of theoretical mechanics 1,.'or aecond-your tAudonts] "AntAkri;
motodlcho,skio ukazan'lla no.1 17)o kursu tooretichen' -11 ine-
khaniki d1la studentov 11 kursa. Leningrad, 1964. 20 1-
(MIRA 17:7)
1. Laningral. Univerfdtot. Otdel zauohnogo obucliardya. vla-
t( wratilo-me khani a lie skly fc&.ul'tc;t.
IIOVOSEIDV, Viktor Sergeyevich; R)LYllqiOVI N.N., otve red.;
1,,'ATV,E~'EVA , IV. I red.
(Dynamics of a material po. nt; methodological instructions
no.32 on thc course of theciretical mechanlns for the third-
year correspundence 13tudento in state universitJes with
opecimIties "Mathemati~,s," "Mochanics" and "Astro=7"] m-
nandka materiallnol to,~hki-; matoft,heskie ukazaniia h1o.3.
po kursu tecreticbeqkci mnj(hanikl dlia studentov III kursa
zaochnogo olvwhenlla. gosud1.'%T'f-:tventjykb unJvorsitotov po
spetsialtnoi~tiam "Nmternatilca," "I-1,3khan-4ka" i "Astronomila.fl
Leningrad, 3.964. 3' .1 p. OAIRA 17t9)
lo Leningracts, Univorsitelk. 11tilel zacohnogo obucheniya. Ma-
tematiko-m-3khanichoskiy tot.
WOVOSELOV, Viktor Se:~geyevich; FOLYAKHOV, N.N.., otv. red.;
MATVEMA, V.11., red.
[Dynamics of a material system; methodological instructions
No.1 on the cciurse of theoretical mechanics for third year
correspondence students of state universities specializing
in "Mathematics," "Mechanics" and "Astronomy") Dinamika ma-
teriallnr' siEtemy; metodicheskie ukazaniia No.1 po kursu
teoreticbeekbi. mekhaniki dlia studentov III kursa zaochnogo
obrucheni~a gosuda:,-stvennykh universitetov po spetsiollno-
stiam "Matematika," 'Mekhanika," i "Astronomiia." Leningrad,
1964. 40 P. (MIRA 16:3)
1. Leningrad. Universitet. Otdel zaochnogo obucheni-ya.
Matematiko-mekhanicheakiy falculltet.
BUKHARNOV, Georgiy Nikolayevich; YGLYAKHOV,, 1,.N., otv, red*;
MATVEYEVA, V.V*.q red.
(Kinematics of a point and an ideaL solid body; method-
ological instructions no.2 in the course on theoretical
mechanics (fc,r 2d year correspondei,ce studentB of state
universities specializing in mathematics, mechanics and
astronomy)] hineratika tochki. i abEoliutno tverdogo tala;
metodicheskie ukazaniia No.2 po kursu teoretichoskoi me-
khaniki (dlia studentov 11 kursa zE!ochnogo obuchenlia go-
sudarstvennyk-i universitetov po spetsialtnostiam; matema-
tika,'mekhanika i astronomiia). Ler.ingrad, 19(:d+. 56 p.
..W (MIRA 18:1)
~ , -A,. v V,,. red.
[Economic geot-otenical zoning o
gradkoi oblasti. Leningrad# Iz
1964. 126 P.
Leningre univ.,
(MIRA 18:3)
MOSELOV, Viktor Surgeyevicb; POLYAKHON', N.N.., otv. red.;
M.ATVEYEVA, It. V.., red.
[Dinamics of material systemsi methodological instructions
Wo*4 on a course of theoretical mochanics for third~year
corresponder.ce students of State universities majoring in
mathematics, machaniest and astronorVI Dinamika material'-
noi sisterq; m9todicheskie ukazaniia No.4 po kursu teore-
ticheskoi mekhtmiki d1le. studentov III kurea zaochnogo
obuchenlia gosudarstvenvykh universitatov po spetsiallno-
stiam "Matematika," "Mekhanikaft i "Astronomiia." Lenin-
grad.. Izd-vo b9ningr. univ., 1964. 40 p. (MIRA 18:4)
1. Leningrad. 11niversitet. Otdel zaochnogo obucheniya.
Matematiko-mAhanichealdy fakul'tet.
SDIAKOVP VON.P prof,,, ctv. red.1 MATVEMIA V V red,
-- 0 0
[Soil and geobotanical research in the Northwest of the
U.S.S,R.) AgropochvemWe i geobotanicbeskis issledovaniia
S-evero.-Upade S3SRj abornik etatole Leningrad, 1965,p 134 p.
(KIRA 180)
1. Uningrad,Universitet,
SWENOV, Severin Pavlo-vich; KALMOV, P.V., prof... otv. red.;
MATVEYEVA., V.V., red.
[morphology of the vegetative n9rvous system and
interoceptors] Morfologiia vegetativnoi nervroi sistemy
i interoretseptorov. Leningrad) Izd-vo Leningr. univ.,
1965. 157 p. (MIRA 18:9)
1. Chlen-korrespondent A144 SSSH (for 14akarov).
LBBEDEV, V.I.# plof,) otv. red.; MORACHEVSKIY, A.G,p dotB., otv.
red.; PRoKHoRovA, M.I.p prof.# otvs red.; TRUInIEV, A.G,l
prof,, otv, red.; PDZI)ySflEVA, V.A.0 red.; PETROVICIXVA,
06L., rel.; )~AT~MEYAJ, VOVO, red.; SKOhYNINA, N.P.p red.
[Chemist:-y in the natural sciences] Khiraiia v estestven-
rjyk,h naWcakh. Leningradv Izd-vo Leningr. univ., 1965.
216 p. (MIRA 18:9)
.1. Leninitrad. Universitet.