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GMUTEMS V-P-; !~~~~amfimed.mauk (Moakra)
Alplenoportograpby and oplenm=metry in the diagamis of pm-W
hmrtemlon, 111m.medo 39 no.2t87-91 F 161. (MM 34t3)
10 12 goxpitallnoy t4rapertichookoy kliniki (dir. - ft"tvitell-
My claen AM SSSR prof. A.L. Mrasuftov) I Hoalrovokogo ordem
Lemilne ineditsinskogo inatituta imeni I&M. Sechemors.
(ANGIOGRM) (Hypmml(*)
A ]~.P? Obokvav G-59,, 3-y Barezhkovokly per.)
OM9"? U111., V.P.
Flortal hypertension of hepatic origin combined with thrombosis
in the portal vein system, Vest. rent. i rad. 38 no.1937-40
ja-F163, MIA UtlO)
16 Iz goopitallnoy terapevticheakoy kliniki (zav. - deystvitelf-
n" chlen AM SSM prof. AAA~aonikov) I Hookovokogo ordena
lanina meditsinakogo instituta imeni IeH.Sechenova*
MATUMA, L.T.; INKSBOM, V.L.. kand.tokhn.nouk,; GOLIMID
-,Ukhn. red.
[Dislocations in crystals] Dlelokateii v kristallakh:
bibliografichoskii ulmsatell. KoBkva, 1960. 114 p.
(KIRA 13:2)
1. Amdemlya nauk SSSR. Institut kristallografil.
(Dislocations in crystals)
M&TVEYEVA, L. V., Cand Tech Sci - (diss) "Study of the effect
of sulfur treatment upon the properties of non-tanned and
tanned leather." Mos, 1957- 12 Pp (Min of Higher Education
USSR, Mos Technological Inst of Light Industry)t 100 copies
(IKL, 52-57, 107)
- 62 -
nmy- jjjj6,Iinzh9zer.
, V, =71 ~ -1 ~ I MM ~*~ -
Treattent of raw hides with mull,,=. Leg.pron. 17 no.4:36-37
Ap 157. (Hideo and skins) (Sulfur) (KLEA 10:4)
Rffect of sulfur on the PrOPertlef of tanned leatber. Log. prom.
17 no.5:26-27 Ry 15?. (Hides amd skins) (KM IC:6)
NATV313M*. La.V*-9 irizh*
*feot'cf sulfur treatmut on the properties of unhaired bides
and tanned 2eather. Nauch.-Isel. trudy TBNI13P no.28:3-n '57.
(MIRA 11:10)
Lf 4
Il- fill
Vol 21 a
Handbook on Machiue-BuildingMateriftlS (Coat.) SOV/4419
'Electric insulatins materials and articles 319
Ebonite articles 319
Electric insulating materials =ad from sort rubber 321
Ch. VI. Paint Materiale (Belovitskiy, A.A., ana V-1. Ivanin,
Engineers) A
Cellulose eater enamels, primers, and lacquers 32~
Enamels, primers, and lacquers based on various synthetic resins 323
Enamels and prii4ers, oil-resin type 323
011-resin lacquers 464
)Lumiliary materials 476
Solvents, diluento, and thinners 494
Solvents for paint materials 498
Ch. M. Leather (Mikhaylov., A.N., Professo4 Doctor of Technical
Sciences,, and L*V. Matveyeva Engineer) 503
Ch. VIII. Textile Materials (heydeman, I.Yu., Candidate of Technical
Sciences) 508
KATYRTNA Irudmila Yevgenlyevm; UUMN, I.M., redL&Ictor-, KHOVANS11T. I.?..
-----f-eWnIch9skiy redaktor
[Aide for rural electricians; a bibliograpbr) T pomoshch' sel'skonu
slektrifikstorn; kratkii rokmandatellayl ukazatell literatury.
Moskva, Goa. biblioteka SSSR im. V.I.Leninz- 1955. 45 p. (Pomoahch'
sellakim rabochim professitax, no.1) (Km 9:9)
(Bibliograpby-Rural electrification)
(Blbliography--Bloctricity in agriculture)
Aftl , U. Etna Bergayevm; KAUDUS. I.H..
XHOVANBKIY-. X.P.. takhnicheekly reUktor
[What should I be? Vhat to read about Industrial and working
occupations; discussions of books] Am byt'? Chto chitst' o pro-
Isvodetvakh I rabochikh profeemitakh; besedy o knigakh. Moskva,
Gose blbliotska SSSR Im. Y.I.Imnina, 1956. 79 p. (MM 10:2)
MATVEV.EVA. M.,,-rltogRVMintolOg-
The nematode Aphelenchoides ritzema-bosl. Zashch. railt. Ot
vred.1 bol. 10 no.9-.49-49 165. (MIRA 18-.11)
1. TSentrallnaya karantinnaya laboratoriya Ministerstva isellskogo
khozyaystva SSSR.
L 39520-M GD
-"AOC'-NR. -AP6005166
SOURCE70ft: -UR/0348/65/000/011/0046/0047
:--ORG.- TaKL
TITLE: Strawberry nematode
SOURCE: Zashcbita rasteniy ot vrediteley i bolezney, no. 11, 1965, 46-47
TOPIC TAGS: helminthology, plant disease,animal parasite, plant injury, plant
disease control
ABSTRACT: The findings of a 1963-64 study (conducted by the Plant Quarantine Ser-
vice of the SSSR) of the spread of strawberry nematode are presented. The nematode
was found in several regions of the central non-chernozem belt, in the Baltic area,
Astrakhan, Northern Caucasus, Armenia, Central Asia, Western Siberia, in the Altai,
and in the Far East. Infected plants were most numerous and conditions for the
spread of the parasite were most favorable in an area bounded on the north by Gor'-
kiy and Leningrad Oblasts, on the west by Kaliningrad Oblast and the Baltic repub-
lics, on the south by a line running froin Brest to Kursk, and on the east by Kursk,
UDC: 632.651 : 634.75
Card 1/2
L 39520-6-5
ACC NR: AP6005168
Ryazan', and Gorlkiy Oblasts. Effective control measures include heating seedlings
10-15 min in water at 46-470 and application of a 1% tbiophos emulsion before they
,are set out. rumigation with methyl bromide is deemed ineffective. orig. art.
has: 1 figure.
2/2 TMb
Translation from: Referativnyy zhurnal, Metallurgiya, 1958, Nr 3, p 148(USSR)
AUTHORS: Danilenko, T. P. Matveveva, M.A.
TITLE: High- temperature Carburization in Shaft Furnaces (Vysokotem-
peraturnaya tsementatsiya v shakhtnykh pechakh)
PERIODICAL: Tekhnol. avtomobitestroyeniya, 1957, Nr 5, pp 24-27
ABSTRACT: Experimental research on high -temperature carburization
(C) was carried out in a shaft furnace of the Ts-60 type on speci-
mens made of 12KhNZA, 18KhGT, and 2OKh steels. The
following four procedures were employed in the C of the speci-
mens: 1) C temperature: 9200 ; carburizing agent (CA):
kerosene; a carburized layer (CL) 1.6-1.9 mm deep was obtained
after a period of 20-24 hours; 2) C temperature: 9200; CA:
spindle oil Nr 3; a CL 1.6-1.9 mm deep was obtained after 18-20
hours; 3) C temperature: 10000, CA: kerosene; a CL 1.6-1.9 mm
deep was obtained after 13-16 hours; 4) C temperature: 10000;
CA: spindle oil Nr 3. After C a portion of the specimens was
subjected to normalizing followed by tempering and stress
annealing. By means of mechanical testing and metallographic
Car 1/2 studies it was established that increasing the C temperature to
High Temperature Carburization in Shaft Furnaces
10000 doe-s not produce any large incl-Ca5CS in grain growth in steels 18KhGT
and IZKhNZA; in the case of ZOKh steel prain growth was observed at 10000;
it is, therefore, necessary to normalize this steel prior to tempering. At a
temperature of 10000 the C time required to obtain a CL of specified depth is
reduced by 20 to 30 peTcent. C at 10000 raises erb and ak values sometimes
and increases the resistance of the steel to static bending.
A. B.
Card 2/2
ZOBOVAP Z.T.. (Ybiskva); HATWEVA, M.D. (lbskva)
investigation of tar phenols from the continuous coking process.
Izv,AN SWR.Otd.tekh.nauk.Wt.i topL w*5:150-1~4 S-0 161.
(MIRA 14: 10)
(Coal tar products) (Phenols)
ZOROVAP Z.T. (Moskva); MATVEIZVA, M.D. (Moskva)
Rrvestigating weakly acid phenols from tar ott4dned in the contiruoas
coking of Cheremkbovo, coals. Izv. AN SSSR. Otd. tekh. nauk. Met.
i "ople noj-'130--~~4 MY-Je 162, (MlRA 15:6)
f- ~' E V /~ /.!/, -1)
Nature of the polyvalent action of zanthine oxidnee prepnrations
from the liver of healthy and tumorous rabbits (with summary
In English]* Ukr.blokhlm.zhur. 30 no.2t248-258 158 WRA 11:6)
Is Inetitut biokhimii AN URSR, KnT,
FASEONIKP A4M. [Pasicbmko A.M.];
_~~TvEyEvA, m . [Matviaieval, M.I),]
Study of fermentating activity J12 aerobic variantg of Bacillus
.perfringenist type Bp produced by X irradiation. Mikrobiol.
zhur. 22 no. 5,152-55 160. (MIRA 13 %10)
II Institut mikrobiologii AN Usmid,
PASECHNIK,, A.M. [Paigichnyk., A.M.]; -nTVF-7EVAL M.D. [Matvieieva, M.D.]
Studios oA the respiratory activity In aerobic varlantB of Bacillua
perfrigeno,, type B. obtained by I irradiation and by Murostsevle
ft,pthoa. #~Wobiol. zhur. 22 n0.4845-50 160. (MIRA 13in)
U K. % R
1. Iz Instituta mikrobiologii 91 Wfti
I J;
H. 11,
- . of X-ray &rJ -,cleetr on Q~:. perf7lngena.
R,~pcrt Nc,.lv f7hangea in t-Ite mo:-pi,ology and characteristics
of' 4 and B Ba--- ~perfringens produc~,3d by the ac t4 an of garma-
nekit.ron X-4~roblol. zhilr. 2 ~, n r) I . IC-- 16 If,
(!-qR A 1"
s I t kr ~It I IFICT -,..I
MATVEMA,,1j,,P*-,- nauchnyy sotrudnik (Chita); OGNEV, I.M.; LOGOVAp M.G.;
6 TkV "A.V., kand.biolog.nuak; ROKTANEN, L.P.; KALIBERGENOV, G.K.;
Effectiveness of entobacterin. Zashch.rast. ot vred. i bol. 9
no.21:26-27 164, (MIRA 18:2)
1. Zaveduyushchaya Minsklm entomo-fitopatologicheskim uchastkom
(for Logova). 2. Kustanayskaya opy-tnaya sellskokhozyaystvennaya
stantsiya (for Badulin). 3. Zaveduyushchiy kafedroy zashchity
rasteniy TSelinogradskogo sellskokhozyaystvennogo instituta (for
Roktanen). 4. Toksikologicheskaya laboratoriya, pochtovoye otdeleniye
Tolstopalltsevo, Moskovskoy cblasti (for Kallbergenovq Lyakh).
5. Zaveduyushchaya laboratoriyey biometoda, Lubny, Poltavskoy
oblasO-01 (for Petrova),
TOMASHMISM11, F.F., inzh.; CHUDAKOVA., P.V., inzh.; MUMMA, M.I., Jnvh.
Increase ir. the apecific charb; -intles of alkallne 4-ron-nirk-a
diesel loc- itive storage bat; im. E'lektrotakhnika 35 no.5a
40-42 MY'64 (M I RA 17 18 )
ACCESSION NRs- AP4034062 8/0126/64/017/OD4/0619/0622
A7MORSt Gufel'd9 I. L.;.~~Vtlraj Me I*
TITLEt On the formation of jointo at ultrasonic welding
SOURCEt Fiziks, met-allov i metallovedeniye, v. 17, no- 4, 19640 09-622
TOPIC TAGSt ultrasonic welding, oopper, aluminumt titanium# plastic flow, coherent
:scattering, diffraotometer URS 50 1, welding machine UZSM i, power generator UZG 10#
isolid solutionp aging process
i i
:ABSTRACTt The formation of Joints under ultrasonic welding was found to occur in
two distinct stages. The first one was characterized by an increase in temperature
!in the zone of welding caused by -the dry friction between contact surfaces, removal
lof oxide filmsp formation of cohesive compounds, and a low resistance to fracture.
iThis stage lasted for 0.1-0.3 sec. The process responsible for increasing the
Iresistanoe occurred in the second stage. The first group of materials chosen for
this study conelated of Cu + All Al + All and Cu + Al; the second group consisted of
'Ti + Cu and Ti + Tie The welding was performed in a UZSM-1 machine equipped with a-
power generator MS-50I* In the first group (under the influence of ultrasonic
oscillations) the surface flow of the sa9*1 led to the breaking down of blooks of
Card 1/2
,coherent scattering. The intensities of the lines (111) of Cu and Al were reduced
:significantly. The splitting of line (111) of Cu in the zone of,plastic flow of the
:compound Cu + Al indicated the existence of a solid solution of Al in Cu along with
1pure Cu. In the cohesion zone only the solid solution wao.observed. The appearance
:of Cu&1 accounted for the aging process. In the second group the breaking down of
scattering blocks was also observed. In the zone of plastic flow a solid
,solution of Ti in Cu was noted in place of Cu* The aging process was caused by the'
!appearance of the Ti Cu phase. The authors thank Ve Is Illina for discussion of the,
!results and for the NaLographic work,, Orig. art* has$ 4 figuress
;tSUMTM, 05AUS63 ENGLs 00
~SUB CODEe XX NO REY SOVt 002 1 000
Cora 2/2
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Cyclobexene - Nitration. Oxidation
The mechanism of nitration and oxidation of cyclohexane. Dokl. AN SSSR 83 no. 1, 1952.
. cessions Ll.brary of Congress, Augast 1952. Unclassified.
LIonthly LI-at of RueslLn Ar
"WebaniEm of oxidation and nitration of cyclobexane vith nitric acid and mtrogen
oxlMs. Part I." Titov, A. I., Vktveava, M, K. (p. 238)
SO: Jg=ml'qf General Ckemistry (Zburnal Obshchei Khimiio 1953,, Volme No. 23, No.2.
AUTHORS: Makarova# L. G., Matveyevat M. K. 62-58-5-6/27
TITLE: Decomposition of Phenyldiazonium-Boron Fluoride in the Ester
of Benzenesulpho-Acids and in Acetophenone (Razlozheniye
borftorida fenildiazoniya v efirakh benzolsullfokisloty i v
PERIODICAL: Izvestiya Akademii Nauk SSSR Otdeleniye Khimicheskikh Nauk,
19589 Nr 5t pp. 565 - 569 (UASR)
A13STRACT: The authors continued their investigations for the purpose
of proving the cationic nature of phenyl (References 1,2).
It was assumed with the dissociation of phanyl-diaconium-boron
fluoride that the entering of phenyl into the meta-position
with respect to the meta-11orientates" proves the cationic nature
of phenyl. With the decomposition of this compound, the products
of the entering of phenyl into the benzene-ring of the methyl-
and ethyl-ester of benzenesulphoacid could not be obtained. The
action of phenyl was directed to the sulphalk-oxyl-6-roup. Phe-
nylester of benzenesulphoacid proved to be the sole determinable
reaction-product in both cases. The yield amounted to 4o% in
Card 1/2 the case of ethyleatert to 35% in the case of methylester (of
Decomposition. of Phenyldiazonium-Boron Fluoride in 62-58-5-6/27
the Ester of Benzenesulpho-Acids and in Acetophenone
benzenesulphoacid). This phenyl thus acted exclusively on the
sulphalkoxylgroup. A mixture of the m-ard p-phenylacetophenones
(relation 4:1) is formed in acetophenone with the decomposition
of boron-fluoride of phenyldiazonium. These reactions prove
the heterolytic character of the decay of phenyldiazonium-boron
fluoride. There are 11 references, 3 of which are Soviet.
ASSOCIATION: Institut elementoorganicheskikh soyedineniy Akademii nauk SSSR
(Institute for EUxental-orgaao Compounds AS USSR)
SUBMITTED: December 19t 1956
I. Phenyldiazonium boron fluoride--Decomposition 2. Benzenesu-1pho
acid esters--Applications 3. Acetophenone--Applications
Card 2/2
5(3,) SOV/62-56-12-6/22
AUTHORS: Makarova, L. G., Matveyeva, M. K., Gribehenko, Ye. ~1.
TITLE: Decomposition of Aryl-Diazonium Boron Fluorides in Nitrobenzene
(Razlozheniye boroftoridov arildiazoniyev v nitrobenzole)
PERIODICAL: Izvestiya Akademijk nauk SSMI Otdoleniye khimicheskikh nauk,
1958, Nr 12, pp 1452-1460 (USSR)
ABSTRACT: In the present paper the authors investigated the decomposition
of aryl-diazonium, boron fluorides in nitro-benzene with aryl=
r,kenylv paratolyiq parachloro phenyl, paramethoxy phenyl,
orthocarbomethoxy phenyl, paracarbethoxy phenyl, orthonitro
phenyl, and orthochloro phenyl. Besides a direct precipitation
of reaction products by means of distillation and crystal-
lization, the relation between the substitution products of the
benzene nucleus - ortho-, meta- and para-isomers - possibly
forming in the reaction mixture, were determined by optical
annlynis. In the first i3ix cases the aryl formed in the de-
comp;sition of,aryl diazonium boron fluorides in nitro-benzene
entered the nitro-benzene nucleus only in a meta-pCBitiOrl to
the nitrc group. Of the 3 possible isomers (ortho-, penta-,
Card 1/3 para-) only one, the corresponding metanitro-biaryl, was
.Decomposition of Aryl-Diazonium Boron Fluorides in Nitrobenzene
separated. The optical analysis of these mixtures by ultra-
violet spectroscopy likeivise proves the presence of meta-
"Laomers only. Absorption curves of the investigated substances
were obtained by the spectrophotometer SF-4, a censtruction
by V. I. Dianov-Klokov. '?he authors thank 1. V. Obreimov and
1. Xachkurov-a for thoir optical measurements. The entrance of
aryl from the aryi-diazonium, boron fluorides into the nitro-
benzene in the meta-position proves the electrophil-~c, cat-
ionic, nature of this ary'. and EL heterolytic character of the
decompoaition of the diazonium salt. Only in the last two
cases the a:7y! unexpectedly entered the ortho-position of
nitro-benzene. Only 2 diphenyl derivatives were separated:
2,2-dinitro-diphenyl and 2-chloro-21 nitrodiphenyl. In the
first case a possible crosswise conjugation of the two nitro
groups with both benzene nucle-i and besides that a coplanarity
of two benzene nuclei in such a substituted diphenyl may be
regarded as the cause of that formation. In the second case
there is also a possible con3ugation of chlorine atom electrons
with the electron system of 2-nitro-diphenyl and a coplanarity
of such a molecule. In this case also the possible presence of
Card 2/3 a certain ortho-effect must be considered. It is expressed by
Decomposition of Aryl-Diazonium Boron Fluorides in Nitrobenzene
the interaction of the electron cloud of the chlorine atom
with the positive charge of the nitrogen atom of the nitro
group. There are 6 figures and 23 references, 2 of which are
ASSOCIATION: Institut elementloorganiAeskikh soyedineniy Akademii nauk SSSR
(Institute of Elementorganic Compounds, Academy of Sciences,
SUBMITTED: March 16, 1957
Card 3/3
AUTHORS: Makarova, L. G., Matveyeva, M. K. SOV/62-59-8-7/42
TITLE: Decomposition of the Boron Fluoride of Phenyldia20niUM
in the Raters of the a, O-Unsaturated Acids
PERIODICAL: Izvestiya Akademii nauk SSSR. Otdeleniye khimicheskikh nauk,
1959, Nr 8, pp 1386-1392 (USSR)
ABSTRACT: It is shown in the present paper that the boron fluoride of
phenyldiazonium can decompose heterolytically with compounds
containing a polar carbon - carbon double bond, such as the
eaters of a,p-unsaturated acids, in contrast with the Meer-
wein-Koelach reaction. Therefore, the decomposition of boron
fluoride diazonium was carried out in the eaters of acrylic,
crotonic, and methacrylic acids, which have the following
R \&+/--V 8-
structure: C=C-C.1005~' . The phenyl cation has an effect
H/ "I bR#l
upon the a-carbon so that the eaters of the a-arylated un-
saturated acids or products of a simultaneous addition of
Card 1/2 fluorine or, in the presence of water, hydroxyl in the
Decomposition of the Boron Fluoride of Phenyldia- SOV/62-59-8-7/42
zonium in the Esters of the a,P-Unsaturated Acids
P-position are formed. To go into greater ddtail, the
P-methylatropic acid forms with ethyl crotonate (after
saponification) as well as small amounts of dibasic acids:
C14H1604 or C 14H1404' With methyl acrylate atropic acid,
phenyl Lcrylate, and insignificant quantities of a-methyl-
-p-phenylglutaric acid form. With methyl methacrylate
benzylaorylic acid and further transformation products of
phenyl methaorylate are formed& ketophenol-2-methyl-5-
-oxyindan-l-on. The reactions are described in the experi-
mental part. There are I figure and 15 references, 4 of
which are Soviet.
ASSOCIATION: Institut-elementooz-ganicheskJkh soyedineniy Akademii nauk SSSR
(Institute of Elemental-organic Compounds of the Academy of
Sciences, USSR)
SUBMITTED: December 16, 1957
Card 2/2
AUTHORS: Makarova, L. G., N:atvayeva, M. K.
TITLE: Decomposition of Aryldiazonium Boron Fluorides in Nitro-
benzene and Ethyl Benzoate in the Presence of Free Metal -
Copper Powder
PERIODICAL; Izvestiya Akademii nauk SSSR. Otdeleniye khimicheakikh
naukq 1960, No. 11, PP*.'1974 - 1980
TEXT: In this paper, the decomposition of aryldiazonium boron fluorides
in hitrobenzene and of pheny1djazonium, boron fluoride in ethyl benzoate
in the presence metal - copper powder - was examined in order to
obtain a confirmation for the formation of the akyl radical during the
synthesis of organometallic compounds from aryldiazonium boron fluorides.
As had been ex_,)uL;L't-d, products of a homolytic reaction were formed in
nitrobenzene in the presence of a large quantity of copper powder. This
occurred during the decomposition of aryldiazonium boron fluorides. Tile
aryl occupies all of the three positions of nitrobenzene, especially,
the ortho and pare, positions. Phenyldiazonium boron fluoride decomposes
Card 1/3
Decomposition of Aryldiazoni-tim Boron S/062/60/000/011/005/016
Fluorides in Nitrobenzene and Ethyl Benzoate B013/3076
in the Presence of Free Metal - Copper Powder
in ethyl benzoate in the presence of excess copper powder likewise ac-
cording to a homolytio mechanismi.,The reaction products showed no traces
of phenyl benzoate. The main product formed with the entrance of phenyl
into the nucleus was the ethyl eater of biphenyl carboxylic acid. The
meta-isomer formed only in a slight quantity. During the decomposition
of aryldiazonium boron fluorides with aryle - phenyl, paratolyl, ortho-
carbomethox.vphenyl - in the pj.*-esence of copper in nitrobenzene, aryl
enters only the pars, and ortho positions to the nitro group of nitro-
benzenes 4-nitrodiphenyl, 2-nitrodiphenyl, 2-carbomethoxy-4-nitrodi-
phenyl, and 2-carbomethoxy-21--nitrodipheny1 are then formed. During the
decomposition of 4-methylphenyl- and 4-chlorophenyldiazonium boron
fluorides, the aryls enter all of the three positions of nitrobenzene,the
orthoisamr being formed first of all. The following compounds were iso-
lated: 4-methoxy-41-nitrodiphenyl and 4-methoxy-31-nitrodiphenyl. The
presence of 4-methoxy-20-nitrodiphenyl, 21-nitro-, 41-nitro-, and
31-nitrochlorodiphenyls was spectrographically proved. During the decom-
position of 4-carbethox),phenyldiazonium boron fluoride, the main
Card 2/3
Decomposition of Aryldiazonium Boron s/o6 60/000/011/005/016
Fluorides in Nitrobenzene and Ethyl Benzoate B013YI3078
in the Presence of Free Metal - Copper Powder
products separated were the ortho-isomer 2-nitro-41-carbethoxydiphenyl
and the meta-isomer 3-nitro-41-carbethoxydiphenyll which was formed in a
smaller quantity. In this case, like in the decomposition of paramethoxy
and parachlorophqny1diazonium. boron fluorides$ symmetrical azocompounds
were isolated from the reaction products: the diethyl eater of azo-
benzene dicarboxylic -4,4t-acid, 4t4t-dioxyazobenzenet and 4,41-dieliloro-
benzene. Besidesp products of normal thermal decomposition were isolated
in two cases: biaryl and an organofluorine compound. The formation of
homolytic reaction products thus indicates that,-th? heterolytic decom-
position mechanism of aryldia2onium boron fluorides in the presence of
a metal chang-es,into a.homolytic one.~ Theke are-6 references-_1 Soviet.
ASSOCIATION: Institut elementoorgan~cheskikhsoyedineniy Akademii
nauk SSSR (Institute of Elemental-organic Compounds of
the Academy of Sciences USSR)
SU13MITTED: June 19, 1959
Card 3/~
Decomposition of phany1diamium borofluoride In nitrobenzene in
the presence of powlered zinc, cadmium, and silver. Izv.A?l SSSR.
Otd.khin.nauk no.10:1898-1899 0 161. (KERA 14:10)
1. Institut elementoorganicbeskikh soyedineniy AN 555R.
(Diazonium compounds)
L 30711-66
WURGE CODEs UW0342/65/OOo/ooq/oo32/bo33
THORSs Tor2pova, Ye. 0.1 MatvezeMOA
~~ORG: Klin Combine for Artificial and -$ynt-hq-tkq--Fkb-&a-(Klinekiy kombinst
skusstrennogo i sintstichp kogo volokna)
~.TITLE: Capron fibers with noncircular cross section
SOURGEs Tekstilinaya promyalilennost', no. 9). 1965., 32-33
70PIC TAGSt textilep textile engineering, textile indaatry.. textile Inddy
nachineryq capron
-,a paper deals with a spinneret invented jointly by the Design Bureau
of the Hougorsovnarkhos and the Klin Combine for Artificial and Synthetic Mom
iTho apinnerst is designed for the production of cVron fibers of triangular cross
section* It was successfully employed for the production of capron nonofibers
Noe 450 (2.22 text.). The now nonotiber has found many applications in the
t Mis :Lnl~~37j' and the autbars hope that no" applications and uses will
be found In the future.
-SU9'CW1*----.11t OM DAM, none
Influence of phytoncides of plants on the bacterial flora in the
air. Gig.i san. 26 no.12:88-89 D 161. (MIRA 15:9)
1. Iz kafedry gigiyeny detey i podrostkov Perzaskogo meditsinskogo
Some reaui,,s of 1,,h9 tork of tLe Technical Pubber Gcc~ds Ir.&,str7
during 1964. Kauch. I rez. 24 no~11:39-41 165.
(MIRA 119:1)
1. Nauchno-issledovatellskiy 1113titut rezinovoy promyshlannosti.
j'j q I-VI: "(I-- v t~, V1. 0 -
Continuous solid solutions of metallic compounds PeCr and PeT.
Dokl. AN SSSR 98 no.5:787-790 0 154. (Eft 8: 2)
1e Institut metallur&41 In. A.A.BgWkova Akedemil nauk SSSR.
Predstayleno skademikom G.G.Uraxovym.
(Iron-Chromium alloys) (Iron-Vanadiva alloys)
Acc NR- AP6021826 SOURCE CODE-a- UR/0413X67(5D-70-/bfi/63~46/(5i~,6-
IMWORS: Matveyev, I* B.; Malveyeva, M. N.
ORG: none
TITLE: A hydraulic inertial vibropress. Class 58., No* 183070
SOURCE: Izobreteniya, promyshletinyyo obraztsy, tovarnyyo znakis no. 12, 1966, 146
TOPIC TAGS. hydraulic equipment, metal press, forge press, metal forming press
ABSTRAGT: This Author Certificate presents a hydraulic inertial vibropress containine~
a base in. the form of a closed power frame, and cylinders mounted in the frame and
carrying'm~vable working plungers (see Fig. 1). 'To improve the efficiency of the
0 43 :3
Card-.J/-Z- UDG 621.226:621.979
7AcCi4RP AP6021626 I
pross, a movable cylinder is held in the base. This cylinder contains an auxiliary
hollow which holds a shaft rigidly fixed to the base. The working plunger is
provided with collars through which power is transmitted from the cylinder to the
product. Orig.'art. hast 1 kigure.
SUB CODE: 131 SUBM DATE: 03Jun64
vm%iblmu ftems
Jaim so
6ftebibs, of unwthpum the ftqpwtaw or NotmIs aid A32cWs at Rt& Taqmutures Ih
IF~ As".16, "
I VOndtimip No Gi.
Wtnpm,o U4 et-AsW UwA Ab A'ShUftwip Aesa SA USMs, 27 IV
G=A*Wy dswWIbm anomtw (O-MMstUW 'Or OdIMM37 ImV g3am bwU Jay# vnci=
poft and Alnufta rar sbibbg In vamo b"dw of meW wxrpl"
=dw twAsm aw R x a I= at bI* t ~i entLoress, Deondboo opurstbw t9ebnlqmmm,
NOW aid dIS29 Insida azd octal& the jaw dm twoolons apr3led to smages b 2mw
0=0* *too &ftdtw a J~ft 49,
EVA ) M.I'--),
Wffi/ 1hysical Mpnistry - ThexmDdyrAmics. 2hermDchemistry. Equilibrium. B-8
Physicochenical analysis. Fbase tranoiti one
Abe Jour : Referat Zhur - Fbinlya, No 4, 1937, 11148
Author : Ivanar L.I.,, Kulikov I.S.,, NRtveyeva M.P.
Inst : Department of Technical Sciences, XMezu 6 Sciences USSR
Title : Method for Determining Vapor Tension and Diffusion Constants
Orig Pub : Izv. AN SSBR, Otd. tekhn,. n., 1955, No 8, 145-147
Abstract : A -eUod has been developed for determining vapor pressure of components
and diffusion constants in metAl alloys. In a cb or are placed, one a-
bove the other, two samples of the saw chemical coVosition one of which
contains a radioactive isotope. 7he samples are placed into ceramic hol-
ders vhich are inserted in. MD-pans. A vacuum (lo-b - lo-7 =a Eg) is pro-
duced -in the unit and heating is effected by mum of an induction furnace.
On heating the apparatus is disconnetted from the pinpe and a vapor pres-
sure of the components of the &Uoy, corresponding to the experiment tem-
perature, becomes established therein. A reaction of isotope exchange ta-
kes place between the samples, vhich can be followed by observing the ra-
dioactivity increase of 'the inactive saxple. Tenperature is mea ured
Card 1/2
UM/ Physical Chenistry - %hernodymmics. Thermochmistry. Equillbriiin. B-8
Thysicochemdcal analysis. Phase transitions
Abe Jour Referat Zhur - Khinlya, no 4, 1957, U148
vith a Pt - PtRh thermocouple and is regulated witbin-h 3. To decrease
the reverse flow of radioactive atoms the surface area of the Inactive
sample is made 20-30 tilwe greater than that of the active,. Absolute a-
nomt, of evaporated conponent Is determined, after cooling in vacuum, by
conparison with radioactivity of a standard sample.; Undf~r the described
conditions kinetics of isotope ecchange is deternined by the rate of eva-
poration of the tagged conponent from the radioactive sample and the ve-
locity of diffusion flow of tagged conponent from Internal layers to the
surface of radioactive sample. Me inclination angle of the linear por-
tion of Q = f (t) curve (Q - -anount of substance evaporated from the ac -
tive sexple) serves to determine the rate of evaporation. A forwils for
deternizdng the diffusion coefficient has been derived. 7he nothod, has
been checked vith technical. iron over the twpersture range 11W-12350.
A gDod allemmt with Uterature data has bmm attained. If the rate of
evaporation is hi& and the curve has w linear portion u diaphragmwith
a snall aperture can be inserted betwen the sanples.
Card 2/2
Ivanov, L. I., Matveyeva, M. P., Kulikov, I. S., "Concerning
the Question of the Determination of Themodymainic Constants of
Metals and Alloys."
in book Research on Heat Resistant Alloys, pub by Acad. Sci. USSR,
Moscow, 1956, 160pp.
Lnst. Metallurgy im A. A. Baykov
iv"Ov. lev Ivanovich; HATBUYA A&IJUso bmad.tekhnonauk;
UDALITSOV, A.H .7j1a-nwy red.; TOiCHINSKIY. Ye.M.,
[Methods and equipment for gouging the host of sublimation of
metals according to the rate of vaporation of open surfaces]
Ketocl I ustanovlm dlis ismerenits toplaty sublimatati metallov po
skorosti loperenile s otkrytol poverkhnosti. Moskva, lzr-t takhniko-
ekon, Inform. 1956. 10 p (Fribory i steady. Tome 4. no.?-56-427)
(Host of sublimation) (MM 11:3)
USMI Physical Chemdstry - Thermodynamics. 2hernochemistry. Equilibrium. B-8
Phyvicochenical analysis. Phase transitions
Abs Jour : Referat Zhur - Xhimlya, Bo 4, 1957, LU20
Author : Ivanov L.I.., Natveyeva M.P.., Kulikov I.S.
Lot : Institute of Metallurgy of the Academy of Sciences USSR
Title : On the Problem of Deternimtion of 2hermodynanic Constants of Metals
and Alloys
Orig Pab : In the book: Issledovauiya po zbw-oprochnyin splavam. M., Izd-vo
AN SSSR, 1956, ii-l.6
Abstract : description of three methods for determining thermodywadc constants of
metals and alloys, utilizing radioactive isotopes, which are used at the
Institute of Metallurgy of the Acadeny of Sciences USSR. 1. Determipa-
tion of the rate of evaporation from the anoxmt of substance evaporated
from open surface and condensed on calls cooled with liquid nitrogen. 2.
Daternination of rate of outflow of saturated vapor, into high vacuum,
from closed space through calibrated opening. In both methods amount of
condensate vas determined radiochemically. Dae to necessity of using high
activities the instrument for method 2 has remote control means. Both
Card 1/2
UM/ Phyaical Chemistry - thernocynamics. Thernochenistry. Equilibrium. B-8
PhysicocherAcal analysis. Phase transitions
Abs Jour : Referat Zbmr - Khindya, No 4, 1957, 11120
these methods do not ensure exact determination of partial values due to
changes in coucentrazion at the surface of saMle under study. 3. Deter-
nination of rate of isotope exchange through the vapor pbase, between ac-
tive and inactive somples of same composition. Me last mentioned method
nakes it possible to determine beat of sublimation, diffusion coefficient
and activation energy on diffusion in netals and alloys. Diagrams of ins-
truments for the described isethea ar shovn.
Card 2/2
M1)jYPYF-r/)/ MP
Category USSH/Solid State Physics - Phase Transformaticm in Solid Bodies E-5
Abs Jour Ref Zhur - Fizika, No 2, 1957 No 3796
Author Gudtsov, N.T., Ivanov, L.I., Matveyeva, M.P.
Title Radioactive Methods of Meta3.lophysica-ldv-eBtiEr-tions
Orig Pub Vestn. AN SM, 1956, 26, No 3, 79-83
Abstract Description of calculation methods and of instruments &veloped at the
Institute of Metallurgy, Academy of Sciences, USSR, for the determination
of the velocity of evaporation, vapor tension, and heat of sublimation
of metals in the solid state. Mie use of radioactive isotopes makes it
possible to investigate metals with low values of vapor tension at low
Card 1/1
Dew instrument for studying the
constants of metals by means of
AN SSSR no.1:104-107 157.
(Metals) (Isotopes)
vapor tension and diffusion
isotopic exchange. Trudy Inet.met.
(HIRA 10:11)
(Physical instruments)
SOV/137-58-7 15610
Translation from: R eferatil/nyy Zhurnal, Metallurgiya, 1958, Nr 7, p 242 (USSR)
AUTHORS: Matveyeva, M.P., Ivanov, L. 1.
TITLE: Determination, of the Heat of Solid-state Sublimation of 'Iron in
Iron-chromiurn Alloys (Opredeleniye teploty sublimatsii zheleza
v splavakh zheleza s khrornom v tverdom sostoyanii)
PERIODICAL: V sb.: Issled. po zharoprochn. splavam. Vol 2. Moscow,
AN SSSR, 1957, pp 52-56
ABSTRACT: The heat of' subli.mation (HS) was determined by the rate of
evaporation. Two specimens of alloy of the same chemical
composition are mcounted in. a ceramic cup, one facing the
other at a dista ce of I mm. The cup is placed in a vacuum
furnace ( - 10- mrn Hg), One of the specimens contains a
radioactive isotope of the constituent investigated. The
specimens arc! heated to a specified temperature and held at
this temperature for a specified time. The vapor pressure
of the components of the alloy corresponding to the tempera-
ture of the experiment is established in the space between
the specimens. A reaction of isotope exchange goes on between
Card 1/2 the samples, the rZLte of which is gaged by the growth of
SOV/1 37--58-7 -15610
Determinatioh of the Heat of Solid-state Sublimation of Iron (cont. J)
radioactivity in the specimen which had been originally inactive. To bring the
reverse current to a minimum, the area of the nonrarioactive specimen is
made 20-30 times as large as tbe surface of the active specimen. The HS of
iron in a number of Fe-Cr alloys (0. 8-87. 50/o Cr) was investigated in the
1100-IZ500C range. The relationship of the HS to the corTcp osition has the
appearance of a curve with d maximum in the region of. 50 ~o Cr. At 0. 8%
50%, and 87 '576 Cr the AHJPe is 98, 161, and 99. 3 kcal/g. atom, respec-
tively. The calculation of the variation in thermodynamic activity of the Fe
in relation to the Cr content in the alloy shows that 'in the region of inter -
mediate concentrations of Cr there exists a considerable negative deviation
from the ideal. This indicates that in this region the interaction between like
atoms is weaker than between unlike ones. This situation leads to the formation
,of-;:. cL phase on lowering of the temperature. Data on the heat-resistance
of Fe-Gr alloys likewise indiicate that the highest resistance is possessed by
alloys containing -6007o Cr.
1. Chroni:lum-iron alloys-Properties 2- iron--Sublimat-ion
3. Radioisotopes--Applicatioris L. B.
Card 2/2
Translation from: Referativriyy zhurnal, Metallurgiya, 1958, Nr 1, p 266 (USSR)
AUTHORS: Ivanov, L. 1. Matveyeva, M.P.
TITLE: A New Instrument for Studying the Vapor Pressure and
Diffusion Constants of Metals by Isotope Exchange (Novyy
pribor dlya izucheniya uprugosti para i diffusionnykh konstant
metallov metodom izotonnogo obmenal,
PERIODICAL: Tr. In-ta metallurgii. AN SSSR, 1957, Nr 1. pp 104-107
ABSTRAC T:. A method and instrument (1) based on the principle of isotope
exchange for the purpose of investigation of the vapor pressure
and the diffusion constants of metals are described. The Fe59
isotope is employed for study of industrial Fe and also of Fe ir.
a number of its binary alloys. The isotope is introduced into
the alloy by metallurgical methods. Measurement of the gamma
activity was on a B-type apparatus. An AMM/4 tube was used
as a counter E 0 radiation was not recorded in this study in
order not to introduce corrections for self-absorption and re-
flection from the surface of the specimen (S) ] . A tube was
placed in a lead housing with a device making it possible to
Card 1/3 set the radioactive apparatus in a strictly deterrninat~: p-sition
A New Instrument for Studying the Vapor Pressure (cont. )
relative to the counter. In order to remove all gas from the metal, the extra
specimen was first fused in vacuum. Industrial Fe was investigated in the
1120-12550 temperature interval. After a number of anneals of varying dura-
,jr,ific activity of the S was measured, and the amount of Fe con-
tion, the spF
densing o!-The target was counted. Under conditions of unilateral exchafige,
L e. , under experimental conditions in which the area of the radioactive S is
set at only 1/20 to 1/30 of the area of a non-radioactive specimen so as to re-
duce to a minimum the feedback of vaporized atoms, the solution of the prob-
lem of rj~ass transfer for the concentration of isotope is analogous to the
solution of the problem of heat transfer from a semi-infinite heat source in a
medium the temperature of which remains zero. A method of calculation on
the basis of the data of the kinetics of isotope exchange is presented, cover;.ng
rate of evaporation, vapor pressure, and the coefficient of self-diffusion of
industrial Fe. The data obtained were employed to derive the heat of sublima-
tion of Fe, AH=97 kcal/&-atom, and the energy of activation of self-diffusion,
Q=70 kcal/g-atom, which is completely in agreement with the literature data.
A diagram and description of an 1, making it possible to heat a number of
pairs of disk-shaped S simultaneously, are presented. Dishes containing the
S are placed in a special Mo adapter, which is placed in turn within a
graphite heater. The use of a graphite heater permitting heating in vacuum
Card 2/3
A New Instrument for Studying the Vapor Pressure (cont. )
to 1800', in place of induction heating, makes possible a considerable stabi-
lization of the experimental conditions and the creation of a uniform tempera-
ture within the adapter. Alloys of Fe and Cr were tested in the new I and
their thermodynamic constants were determined.
L . G.
1. Metals--Vapor pressure-Measuremmt 2. Metals.-Diffusien 3. Instri&-
mentation-4pplicatieve 4. lastroostaticm-.4haracteoriaties
Card 3/3
thermodynamic values and the strength of Alloys
at high temperatures. I-sel. po sharopr. sPlav. 3:50-55 1 58.
(MIRA 11:11)
(Metileat highterperatures) (Alloys--Thermal properties)
1 SOV/2117
3*v88hChAnI" Po sksperlsentallnor tokhnike macadam T"Okotenpars.
.. turnykh 1956
BkOPOrlmOnt8lons" takhalka I matod 14219dounly p,1 v7sokIM **a-
raturakhl trudy moveghahmnlyg Experimental Techniques and
Cthods of Krivestigation at High 1, Tanorstursel Transactions at the
Conference an Uperimento I?*c~tniquos anti Hathads or InW&g%IptI9M
at High Tsmj*raturss) Nomaum, AN MR, I!k5q. 78D V. (Serient
bAkadenlys nmuk S&U Instltut metallur 11. Koslaslys PC fillke-
thlulcheakim asnova; prolavcdetva stai'll 2.200 copies printed.
Swap. 14.3 A.M. Samarln, Corresponding frambar. USSR Academy of
Scianceal 1:6. of Publishing Nougat A.L. lankvitser.
PURrOSM This book Is Intended for metallurgists and metallurgical
COVIMAGNi This collection of scientific Papers Is divided oto six
partat 1) thersadynamle sctIvItv and kinetics at hlith-Uperature
processes 2) constitution dIs r& tudles 3) phyaleal propertlea
of liquid metals and stage 41 r1manalytIcal mothads and
duction of pure metals 5) pyromatry, and 6) general quearso.-
Par more spealfle coverage. see Table of Contents.
Utolln, N.A., and O.A. Y*Aln. 3clublIlty or Carbon In Iron
Alloyed With Various Elements
A Study was made Of the affect of Phosphorus, chromium,
manganese. sulfur'and vanadium an the solubility of carbon
In liquid Iron. and also Of silicon on the solubility of
carbon In wolt-in manganese and farrochrome. It wag shown
that rogularltl*m observed In the effect or the nature and
concentration of the addition as well an of the tampers-
turs, can be qualitatively with the old of the
theory of regular solutions.
Ivansir, L.I., I.S. Xuf'lkov. and N.F. Oblewt!'.. mathd. of
Measuring the Thermodyr I- 'r-&8 and Alloys
at High Tespefsture
An apparently rollable method was developed for 69ter7AU1jW 96
the hsat'of sublImation of metals. maklng use of the prln-
.1ple or loot*;* exchange In the pasous pi~ase of metals.
fte use of radioactive Isotopes Permits the deterainatlea or
partist. values or the following tharmodynanle oonstan%3 rate
of vaimr1tatles, vapor pressure. host f sublime Ion. she
the individual thernodynaxle activity :r oath ortthe elements
of the alloy.
2r 4.-,
"-, 6o;~~160
A 61
4 GIN 5 4. 14 G1
AUTHORS: Ivanov, L. I.,-,Matveyev4,,_M.P. and Prokoshkin, D.A.(Mmcow)
TITLE: Investigation of Plastic Deformation of High Melting_
Alloys at Elevated Temperatures -150
PERIODICAL: Izvestiya Akademii nauk SSSR, Otdeleniye tekhnicheskiy
nauk, Metallurgiya i toplivo, 1960, No.5, pp.79-85
TEXT: The results are described of investigations of creep in
torsion at various stresses and temperatures in titanium,
and g_h-r_gv_aaj_iVn."1vj The technique of investigation wa-s--si-m-llar To--fh-a-t
applied in earlier work (Ref.?). All the tests were carried out in
vacuum with a residual pressure of 10-5 mm Hg, both for constant
temperature and also for cyclically varying temperatures. In the
latter case the specimen was tested with a constant torque at
various temperatures. Straight line dependence on the diagram
strain versus time was taken as evidence that the steady state of
creep had been reached at the given temperature. The reliability of
the obtained results was verified by the coincidence of the
activation energy of the steady state creep during gradual increase
and decrease in the temperature. In the case of titanium,
metal of 99.5% purity was chosen that had been forged into rods of
Card 1/4
Investigation of Plastic Deformation ofHigh Melting Alloys at
Elevated Temperatures
12 mm diameter and also iodide titanium that had been purified by
zonal melting. The sDecimens had a gauge length of 12 mm and a
diameter of 3 mm. Their surface was carefully polished, The creep
was tested in the range of 0 modification (1000 to 1500 C) with
torques of 90.5, 109, 137 and 200 g/cm. Fig.1 shows the graphs
of the logarithm of creep speed as a function of the reciprocal
of the temperature for various torques,, It was found that the
results complied with the following relation
U = K exp ILCIF) (1)
where U - creep speed, energy creep parameter depending on the
app.Lied stress and temperature K - a constant which is sensitive
to the structure of the metal ?or the alloy). The activation
energies did not vary gre~atly, the average being 32.3 kcal/g.atom.
The creep of chromium WaS determined (on specimens with 14 mm gauge
length and 3 mm diameter) in the temperature range 900 to 1380 C,
using electrolytic chromium after resmelting in the suspended state
Card 2/4
8606 5
Investigation of Plastic Deformation of High Melting Alloys at
Elevated Temperatures
in an atmosphere of dried. and purified helium. The dependence of
the logarithm of the speed of creep of Or on the reciprocal of the
temperature for various stresses is graphed in Fig-3. Simi]Lar
results for niobium specimens are plotted in Fig.5. The dependence
of the activation energy of chromium and niobium on the applied
stresses is plotted in Figs. 4 and 6. The following conclusions
are arrived at: no temperature dependence of the activation energy
of steady state creep was observed for chromium, niobium and V)(
titanium. With increasing applied stress, the creep activation
energy of Cr and Nb decreases, whilst that of Ti remains unchanged.
The absolute value of the creep activation energy of titanium is
less than that of self-diffusion. The creep activation energy of
Or and Nb at r = 0 is a complex value equalling in the first
approximation the sum of the activation energy of self-diffusion
and the energy of formation of vacancies. Microscopic analysis
using special methods of etching has, shown clearly the validity of
the dislocation mechanism of plastic deformation of chromium at
Card 3/4
Investigation of Plastic Deformation of High Melting Alloys at
Elevated Temperatures
elevated temperatures up to 4000C. The process of polygonization V\/
has been investigated and it is shown that development of polygon-
ization can be observed even at the beginning of the second stage
of creep. There are 6 figures and 17 references; 9 Soviet,
1 German and 7 English.
SUBMITTED: May 27, 1960
Card 4/4
AUTHORS: Dekh -r. 1,, a., Ivanov. L.I., Matve-yeva, M.F and
Er-0, ~in,, D.A. (Moscow)
TITLE: Inf-, ce of Plastic Deformation on the Kinetics of
Evaporation of Iron from Type 10 Steel I./
PERIODICAL: Izvestiya Akademii n1ak SSSR,Otdeleniye tekhnicheskik:/
nauk, Metallurgiya i toplivo, 1960, No.5, pp.171-173
TEXT: The authors point out that crystal lattice defects
produced by plastic deformation must affect both partial and
integral thermodynamic properties. Dekhtyar et al. (Ref.1) and
other authors (Refs 2, 3) have previously shown that plastic
deformation affects many properties. The present work gives
preliminary results of an investigation of the influence of
plastic deformation (torsion) on the rate of evaporation of iron
from type 10 steel (0.10% C; 0.45 Si; 0.03 P; 0.02 S;
0.26 Al; remainder Fe), The apparatus developed and used is
shown in Fig.1; the hollow cylindrical specimen has its open end
closed with a tantalum diaphragm to form a Knudsen cell.
The specimen, subjected to torsion if required, is heated in a
Card 112
Influence of Plastic Deformation on the Kinetics of Evaporation
of Iron from Type '10 Steel
graphite inductor of an axially varying wall thickness. After
fabrication specinens were annealed in helium for 30 minutes at
1200 OC,, sealed in;quartz capsules and irradiated with thermal
neutrons, giving Fe59. The rate of evaporation was found from
the activity of the deposit on a molybdenum foil (polished to a
mirror finish) in an aluminium holder cooled with liquid nitrogen.
Fig.2 shows evaporation xates of iron for undeformed specimens of
the steel (curve 1.) and pure iron (curve 2). Fig.3 shows
evaporation rate for the steel (curve 1) and the corresponding
deformation rate (curve 2). The effect is complex and the
authors suggest a similar study on pure iron.
There are 3 figures, 1 table and 4 references: 2 Soviet and
2 English.
SUBMITTED: March 22, 1960
Card 2/2
ru o
AUTHOR: Matveyeva, M.P. (Moscow)
TITLE: -The Problem of Plastic Deformation4bf Chromium
PER deveniye tekhnicheakikh
IODICAL: Izvestiya Ahademii nauk SSSR, Ot
Vol 1961, No.1, pp.122-125
nauk, Metallurgiya i topli
1---, TEXT: Results are described of a microscopic study of the process.
.;~of lastic deformation of chromium in the initial stages under
conditions of torsion at high temperaturea. Tests were carried
out on electrolytic chromium (99.96%) remelted in an atmo
sphere 0
and purified hallum by the method of levitation melting.
~:Ca sting was carried out. also in an atmosphere of helium to give
;~castings of diameter 6 and length 45 mm. - Samples of diameter
3 mm, and working length 15 mm were prepared by electrolytic
dissolution from these castings and subjected to torsion testing&
The samples had a mirror-polished surface and were free from
stresses. Testing -'was carried out in a vacuum at 1200 to 1400*C
and stresses of 0.65 and 1.2 kg/mn2. Vhen a specimen w9s twisted
through 60% defozAation in the form of F) xik-Redd sources was
observed (Fig.1). Calculations showed that in order for this
source to generate dislocations, the stress required is about
:J Card 1/4
The Problem of PIcatic ...
0.5 kg/mm2 The actual stress was 0.65 kg/mm2 and about
30 dislocation loops were formed. Analysis of the structure of
the source showed that it was obstructed because the distance
between the internal loop', was almost 3 times greater than that of
the external loops. As a result of accumulation of groups of
dislocations, the stress concentration in individual-places may
increase considerably and lead to the formation of microcracks and
subsequent brittle fracture. For chromium this obstruction of
-dislocations can occur even at high temperatures leading to
brittle fracture. This explains why chromium has an
intercrystalline fracture up to 0.75 Tfusion- An a result of the
action of the Frank-Reed source, a large number of dislocations
are formed and slip lines appear. Fig,2.9hows the surface of a
sample subjected to torsion at 1300OC; Thus the dislocation
slip mechanism of plastic deformation at-high temperatures is
confirmed for chromium. There are 2 figures and 9 references:
8 Soviet and,I non-Soviet.
.,..SUBMITTED:', _June'20, ig6o
The Problem or plalstic
on the surface of cast chromium in
S/180/61- A 00/0 0.1 /0.1 O./O.J.5
S"P line- on the surface of
in torsion
a san,ple, of
(X430) cast chromium
Card 4/4
Investigating by the hot hardness method the resistivity of
chromium-molybdenum al-loys to plastic deformation. Isal. po
zharopr. splav. 7-210-211i 061. (MM lj~: 11)
(Chromium-molytdenum alloys--Testing)
(Defornations (Mechanics))
S/03 61/027/00.'2/010/026
BI 34 YB206
AUTHORSt Matveyeva, M. P. and Platov, Yu. M.
TITLE- Electrolytic method for the preparation of samples from
brittle chromium
PERIODICAL: Zavodskaya laboratoriya, v. 27, no. 2, 1961, 179-180
TEXT: Since studies of the properties ol, ~ pure chromium are complicated
on account of its brittleness, a method based on electrolytic dissolution
was elaborated for preparing chromium samples. A solution consisting of
95% phosphoric acid and Vc water (Ref. 1) is used as electrolyte. Work
is conducted with an anodic current density of 1.8 a/CM2 and a terminal
voltage of 7 v, a layer of 1.5 mui thickness being separated from the crude
sample in the course of 2 hr. Castings of electrolytic chromium, obtained
by floating melting in pure, dry helium atmosphere, of the following
dimensions were used as crude samples: length of the tapered part 15 mm,
diameter3-mm, length of the crown pieces, (at both ends) 5 mm, their
diameter 6 mm. These crude samples are hung into the electrolytic bath,
and current is fed through by means of molybdenum wire contacts. The
Card 1/2
S/03 61/027/002/ClO/026
Electrolytic method for the ... B13313206
crown pieces which are not to be dissolved are protected by rubber covers.
The samples obtained after separation of the surface layer were used for
torsion tests at high tenperatureis in vacuum. In order to prevent
possible irregularities during electrolytic dissolution, it is recommended
to turn the crude samples during electrolysis. The finished samples have
a polished and stress-free surface. There are 2 figures and 2 Soviet-bloc
ASSOCIATIOW: Institut metallurgii Akade:nii nauk SSSR (Institute of
Metallurgy of the Academy of Sciences USSR)
Card 2/2
Ivanov, L.I., MatyipyiLY.".p., Morozov, V.A., and
Prokoshkin, D.A. (Moscowr
On the self-diffusion of chromium
Akademiya_nauk SSSR. Izvestiya. Otdcleniye
tekhnich.e,skikh nauk. Metallurgiya i topkivo,
no.2, l5162; 10.4-106
TEXT; In spite of the fact that chromium is -widely used as
an alloying element and that it serves as a basis of development
of heat resistant alloys, its physico-chemical properties have
not yet been fully investigated. Furthermore, such data as have
been reported in technical literature are often very contradictory.
For these reasons a re-examination was made of self-diffusion of
chromium on specimens prepared from electrolytic chromium
(99.96s'a pure) with nitrogen content of less than 0.010% and
oxygen content of the order of 0.1%. The spepimens were prepared
by levitation melting and casting in copper moulds in an
atmosphere of dry and purified helium. The specimens'were in
Card l/ 4
On the self-diffusion of chromium s/iSo/62/000/002/009/018
the form of rings 16 mm in diameter. After polishing, Cr5l was
deposited on the specimen surface under a vacuum of 1o-5 mm iig.
Care was taken to ensure art even thickness of the deposit of the
radioactive chromium. Diffusion annealing was carried out at
1050-1400 OC in a sPecial vacuum furnace in a corundum crucible,
using simultaneously two specimens pouitioned face-to-face; the
actual annealipffig temperature being contz-ollecl by n2eans of two
Pt/Pt-Rh thermocouples. The self-diffusion coefficient of
chromium was determ:,ned by a method described previously by ';A
I.B. Borovskiy, Yu.11. Miller and A.P. Shcherbakov (Ref.B:
Samodiffuziya v a-Va. Issledovaniya po zharoprochnym splavam
(Self-diffusion in 1x-Fe. Research in Heat Resistant Alloys).
Izd-vo AN SSSR, 2, 1957, 208) and by L.I. Ivanov and
N.P. Ivanichev (Ref.9; Izv. AN SSSR, DTN* no-8o 1958)-
A layer with a thickness of abcout 10 microns was removed at each
stage, the thickness of the layer thus removed being controlled
with an accuracy of t 0.001 mm. The radioactivity determination
was on filter paper moistened vrith a 15~; NaCl solution using
scintillation counters and reference standards. The test results
Card 2/4
on the self-diffusion of chromium vift/62/000/002/009/018
are plotted as log :,, vs. X2 curves (I = intensity of radiation
and x = distance fromi the specimen surface). Coefficients of
volume diffusion of chromium were calculated from the above curve
and are reported for various temperatures. The temperature
dependence of chromium self-diffusion was found to obey the
following relation: 1) o.o647 exp 59200~ (1)
IRY-- )
where R - universal gas constant and T - temperature.
Investigation of the self-diffusion of chromium is also of great
interest because chromium has a body-centred crystal lattice
structure. If it is assumed that the vacancy mechanism of self- LAV
diffusion holds true for body-centred crystal lattice metals, it
can be shown that Do =_ a2v exp &S (3)
(R )
where; Do - self-diffusion velocity; a - lattice constant;
v - atom oscillation frequency; AS - entropy of self-diffusion
activation; R - gas constant. The entropy calculated in the
Card 3/4
On the self-diffusion of chromium s/18o/62/000/002/009/018
present investigation was positive although negative entropies
of chromium self-diffusion activation were previously reported
by other workers. However, it was also shown previously that
6S cannot be negat:Lve for metals with cubic crystal lattice
structure if the energy of activation of self-diffusion exceeds
10 kcal/g.atom and if the vacancy mechanism of self-diffusion is
assumed to apply.
There are 3 figures and 2 tables.
SUBMITTED: July 17, 1961
Card 4/4
FAVROS. 0 DO A. (Xoikva),- 141 WAy-SrP. (Moskva); PIATOV,, Tu. W.
Oberrving dislocations in cast and deformed polycrystalline
chroldua. J%v. AN SSSR. Otd. tekh. nauk, Not. I topl, zo.6:
107-in N-D 162, (MM& 36:1)
~]Dislocations In metals
Ktn%UVA9 M.P.
Investigating; the microstme-ture of chronium, Trudy Inst.met.
no.10:181-1(ril 062. (Chromim-HoteJ 3 graoy) On& :L5.8)
ACCESSION NR: AT4013922 8/2659/63/010/ODO/0022/0027
AUTHOR: Prokoshkin, D. A.; Matveyeva, M. P.; Morosov, V. A.
TITLE: An investigation of thei process of plastic deformation of chromium at
high temperatures
SOURCE: AN SSSR. Institut metallurgii. Issledovaniya po zharoprochny*m
splavam, v.. 10, 1963, 22-27
TOPIC TAGS: chromium, chromium alloy, chromium deformation, chromium stvess,
plastic deformation, creep, high temperature creep, molybdenum
ABSTRACT: The basic tasP of the investigation was a study of the influence of
the substructure formed in the process of creep at high temperatures on the
subsequent resistance of chromium and chromium alloys to plastic deformation.
The tests were performed with pure electrolytic chromium (99.967.). Chromium
samples 55 mm long and 6 mm in diameter were cast in pure helium and were then
tested for creep on the 724-4K machine under constant torque at temperature.; up
to 1500-1600C. It was found that one of the most important factors at high
temperatures is the position of the boundaries and the presence of processes
Card -1/2
arising at the boundaries. Photomicrographs in the article show the gradual
development of defects at the grain boundaries in2the process of buckling of the
chromium sample at 1200C and a load of 2.05 kgjmm . Another part of the experi-
ment involved tests on molybdenum. It vae found that molybdenum failure at the
grain boundaries started at a,significantly lower degree of deformation, which
showed that molybdenum has a higher resistance to plastic deformation and a
relatively lower plasticity in comparison to chromium. Thus, when creating
heat-resistant alloys, not only should the solid solution be strengthened, but
the possibility of strengthening the grain boundaries should be considered.
Orig. art. has: 3 figures.
ASSOCIATION: Institut metallurgii AN SSSR kqnstitute of Metallurgy AN SSSR)
SUBK=RD: 00 DATE ACQ: 27Fe%64 ENCL: 00
Card 2/2
AUTHOR: Matveyeva, M. P. ,Moscow); Morozov, V. A. (Moscow)
ORG: None
TITLE: Crack propagation in polycrystalline chromium during cyclic heat treatment
SOURCE: AN SSSR. Izvestiya. Metally, no. 4, 1966, 99-102
TOPIC TAGS: chromium, polycrystal, metal heat treatment, cyclic heat treatment,
crack propagation
ABSTRACT: The authors study the effect of cyclic heat treatment on the process of
crack formation in polycrystalline chr4mitmi. Test specimens 5 mm in diameter and
10 mm long were made from 99.96% purele Ilectrolytic chromium. In each heat treatment
cycle the specimens were .*aeated to 12001C vith holding for 5 min anq subsequent rapid
cooling in water to room 'temperature. No special measures were ta4n to protect the
specimens from oxidation. After each 10 cycles the microstructurelof the metal was
studied and the microbardness was measured with a load of 50 9 on the indenter. A
slight change in microhar(Iness from 210 to 250 kg/mm was observed after 100 cycles
due to the hardening action of cyclic thermal stresses and diffusion of oxygen from
the surface to the inner regions of the specimen. Cracks appear after 4o-60 cycles
preceded by dislocation pile-up in certain slip planes, The increase in dislocation
1/2 UDC: 539-4-011
density in these planes results in the formation of submicroscopic cracks which then
propagate at an extremely high rate of speed due to the increased brittleness of the
material. The possibility for development of slipping in the secondary slip system
or development of other processes, e. g. transverse slipping, results in relaxation of
the stress in front of the developing crack and propagation of the crack in the
parallel plane creating fwrorable conditions for "relay-race" crack propagation. Orig
art. has: 3 figures.
SUB CODE: ll/ SUBM DATE: 14jan65/ ORIG riEF: o14/ OTH REF: 001
rtion rpittion as a
ftaposis ci typ". Lsb.-delo
1* Biardlanddy nxucbno-i#s1edmmt4_'9kiy
valuable zwtbod for the laboratory
6 mo.034-36 JI-Ag 166.
(MIRA .13::2L2)
iwtitut pa profil fli
polladysUlm (d:Lr4b G*F*
L 08213-67 EWT(019WPM1Br1 IJP(c) JDIWB
AUTHOR: -Idpin, A. (Candidato of chemical sciences; Engineer; Lieutenant colonel);
Golovkina, fi.T1&m~eer);_MatveYeva, N. (Engineer)
ORG: None.
TITLE: Use and application of corrosion protection
BOURCEI Tekhnika i voorastheniye, no. 4, 1966, 63-66
TOPIC TAGS: corrosion pxvitection, el-ec olyte, electrolytic deposition, steel
M ic .0
I"; A,)rJ'-, Z/100-, CA 0MJ#Vn1
ABSTRAM Various considetrations on corrosion and preservation of metals are presented
on the basis of experimental ropearch and. ractica
_~,applicationov The mechanism of elec-
trochemical reac~tions in 21ne'labd cadmiumigoatingal in phosphate and other oxidelkilms is
explained and illustrated. It is j~e_ntioned that the corrosion of cadmium coated surfapes
can be 0.5 mm deep. The destruibtion of zinc films proceeds with a speed of 0.4 to 4
microns per year. In general, the electrolytic proces-es acre more effective. ~Icadmium-
zinc electrolyte containing in one 3_~ter 14 g of zindld%lphate, 12 g of cadmiini-bulphate,
55 9 of caustic potash and 55 g of Trilon A is considered the most effectlVe.~e effect
of the current density and of the concentration of zinc salts on the cathode coatings is
evaluated and graphically illustrated. The cadmium-zinc electrolyte has the same throwing
power as the pot 3 . C iide electrolyte. The favorable effect of Trilon A on the in-
crease of the ca de current density is stressed. The stability of cadmium-zinc electro-
I ~ip V
lyte is high. ; 0 sical. properties of cadmium-zinc are characterized by a microhard- of about 40 aq = iind by the disappearance of porosity in layers of 3 microns and
Card 1/2
L 08213-67
Nxt Ap6ol45o4
and thicker. A pyrophosphato electrolyte (9 gr of atannio sulfate, 13 gr of zinc aulphato,
'190 g of sodium pyrophosphate, 1 g of citric acid and 1 g of ammonium nitrate per ono
liter) is considered the m)st stable for obtaining a tin-zinc coating. Better results
were obtained with electro:.ytes where sulphates ware replaced by stannic chlorides. 7he
Trilon pyrophosphate electrolyte is considered the best for obtaining tin-cadmium coatings
One liter of this electrolirte contains 12 to 45 g cadmium sulphato, 15 6 of stannic chlo-
ride, 60 g of sodium p-Irophosphate, 25 to 85.g of Trilon A, 10 g of phenol and 5 to 8 ml
of triethanolamine. Its h~,gh throw power and increase of current denzity are airessed.
Corrosion-resistant proper';ies of various coatings were tested and compared. 7he beac
results were obtained with cadmium-zinc coatings containing 18 to 20% of zinc. In general
mechanical strength of metids were little affected by coatings. Some examples for certain
types of steel are cited. The T'ost effective phosphate processes are summarized in a
table indicating electrolyte solutions, processing temperatures and duration. In general,
combined phosphate and cad~dum films resist better against corrosion than ordinary phos-
phate coatings ( as shown .-.n a comparative diagram),, Orig. art- has: 3 diagrams and
I table.
SUB CODE& (77, 3.3/ SUBM Dj6E: None
Card 2/2
V-ISMUOVO G.F.,, in-Sh.; KALININA, K.S. p inzh.; MATVEXEVA.- N.A.,_Anzh.
Functioning 4X the veriti I ati an syBtms of zotioso-picture
theater auditorium in Moscow, Vod. i san. tekh. no.S:#~-n
Ag 162, (HIRA 15:9)
(Motioa-picture theaters-Ventilation)
KORSHAK., V. V.., GRIBOVA, I. A., and I-rATVEMA, 11. A.
"Progress in the Field of Synthesis of High Molecular Compounds.," Publishing
House Technolog3r, Moscow, 1953
Contains'811 references with many Western references including numer6us
British patents,
ixa - 1
1 : -
HAMHBIMD, G.D.. inzh.; HATVXWA!L N4.,D.-Inzh. (Riga).
~, -,
Creativity of efficiency promoters. Pat' i put. khos. no.6:27 Je
159. (MM 12:10)
kRailroads-Iquipment ancl supplies)