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*POAIU'Z SfAodumTOJ'~)1G1~ J[T:4sAONsdR -T f i-'ET ., e:,, -;,:7-ou le -qle-, -Ai?Z 'DJ'R D-P u JOJ 80J',Or- TUOTWOU009 UV 'V'W 'HXfl9TiAV ' *-'9~-'-A-)('A~V)USVW !'I*V 'HaMVHG MIMKp N.S.; LEMHINSKIY, N.A.; LISKOVETS, O.A.; MASIYKIN, A.S. Experience Im the diagnosis of brain tumors with the aid of a *Ural-10 universal computer. Zhur. nevr. i psikh. 64 W.3- 453-458 '64. (MIRA 17:5) 1. Kafedra nervnykh bolezney (zaveduyushchiy - prof, N.S. YAeyuk) Minskogo meditainskogo institute i vychislitellrqy teentr (zaveduyushchiy - dotsent P.M. Chegolin) Belorusskogo gosudaretvennogo universiteta imeni V.I. lAnina. ONISHCHIE9 B.P.; VTrHER(YVI V.G.; MASTY-KOV, G.F. Electric swIting of oxidized nickel ores for the production of iron nickel. Biul.tekh.-ekon.inform.Goe.nauch.-issl.inst.nauch.i tekh.inform, 16 no.8:3-6 163. (MIRA 16:10) MASTUO, 0. S. 37469. K Voprosy Krov-enabkieniya Konschnostay I Sukhozh:Utnykh Vlagaliabeh S,gibateleiy Loshaal. (Avtorefoiat imd. DIssertatail). Uchen. Zaplskl Viteb. Vet. In-t&, t. IX, 1949p a. "-49. SO: Latopis' Zhumallnykh Statey, Vol. 7. 1949 MASTYKO, G.S., dotsent; BAGRINOVSFAYA, Ye.M., assistent; ZHUIC, M.M., ----fteeistent Intravenous administration of novocaine during periodical eye inflammation in horses. Veterinariia 37 no.10:53-54 0 160. (KRA 15: 1. Vitebskiy veterinarnii institut. (Horses--Diseases and pests) (Eye--Inflammation) (Novocaine--Therapeutic use) 1,!AiTYKC, G. S., Dr. ~Iut. Sci., -- (diss) ,Reaction symptcms of do.---e-ftic anirnals I to traumas and their clinical v6lue," Vitebsk, 1961, 24 pp (Leningrad State Veterinary Institute) (1, A~Supp 9-61, IF17) MSTYM., G. S. (Docent) and ZM, N. If. (Assistanty Vitebsk Veterinary Institute) - "Surface novocain skin blockade in congunction vith bicaycin..." Veter-Warlys, vol. 39,, no. 2, February 1962 pp. 60 MASTYKO, G.S., doktor veterinarnykh nauk Prophylaxis and treatment of prepuce inflammation in bulls. Veterinariia 39 no.1:47-49 Ja 163. (KRA 16:6) 1. Vitebskly veterinarnyy institut. (Bulls--Diseases and posts) (PenIB-Diseases) MhSTYRO., G.S., prof. ~ i ~- -r- Characteristics of pododermatitis in cattle. Veterinariia 40 no.10:37-39 0163. (MIRA 17:5) 1. Vitebskiy veterinarnyy institut. MASTYK 0 1 - -G r-i-9 -Or-ly doktor veter. nauk prof.; DORIA~HMCH, 0., red. [Advice to the stock raiser and veterinary spec-I*a-liit,, Sovety zhivotnovodu i vetspetsialistu. Minsk, Urozha~l 1965- 102 p. (MIRI, 19-1) 1. Zaveduyushchiy kafedroy obshchey i chastnoy ki,ir-urgil* Vitebskogo veterinarnogo itwtitutu (for Mastyko). M.AS7YKO.-G.S.,- prof. Use of cold and heat. Veterinariia 42 no.8:70-71 Ag 165. (MIRA 18:11) 1. Vitebskiy veterinarnyy Institut. MASTyUKOvA, yu.n.; KHOM,; SARAYEVA, N.T.; SMUROKOV, A.A-; PMEELIk.A. Nature of intracellular inclusions in measles. Vop. virus. 8 no.l,.Z7-31 Ja-F'63. (MIRA 16:6) 1. Mookovskiy nauch-no-issledovateliskiy institut epidemio- logil i mikrobiologil i Moskovskiy nauchno-issledovatellskiy institut viruanykh preparatov. (MEASLES VIRIUSES) (PATHOIDGY, CELIBLAR) MASTMU, M. Control exAmination of i3ationts operated for goiter in 1946-49 in the Surgical Clinic of Poznan. Polski prsegl. chir. 24 no. 2: 161-171 Mar-Apr 1952. (QLML 23:3) 1. Of the Surgical Clinic (Head-Prof.Roman Drove, M.D.) of Poznan Medical Academy. MASTYNSKA, Maria Case of gastric cancer. Polski tygod. lak. 11 no.22:991-992 28 May 56. 1. Z II KlInikI Chirur. AM Poznan; kier. prof. dr. R. Draws. Poznan, II. XI. Chir. A.M. (STOMACH. neoplasms, case report (Pol)) MASTYNSKA, Marla Indications for surgery in diseases of the spleen. Poiski przegl. cbIr. 28 no.2:173-182 Feb 56. 1. Z II Kliniki Chirurgicznej A. M. w Poznaniu. Kier.: prof. dr. R. Drewe P02nan. ul. Pr2ybyesewpkiego 49. (SPLUN, die. surg. indic., review. USTYNSKA. Maria: GORAL. Roman; HDGALA, Jozef Significance of potassium in pre- and postoperative theraMr. Polski przegl. cbIr. 28 no.8:853-856 Aug 56. 1. Z II Klinik-i Chirurgicznej A.M. Poznan, Kier.: prof. dr. R. Drews I z Zakladu Chemii Fiziologiczuej A.M. Poznan, Kier.: prof. Z. Stolzmann. Poznan, ul. Hetmauska 13 m. 5. (POTASSIUM. therapeutic use. In postop. care (Pol)) (POSTOPERATIVE CARE, potassium replenishment (Pol)) MASTYY3KA, Maria Repeat procedures on the bile ducts in hepatic calculi. Polskie przegl. chir. 28 no.12:1251-1260 Doc 56. 1. Z II Kliniki Chirurgicznej A.M. w PoWniu Kierownik: prof. dr. R. Drews. Adres autora: Pozw6. u1. Hetmanska 13 m. 5. (CHOLELITHIASIS, surg. postop. compl. surg. (POW ---NLSTYNSKA, M.; PLUCK, Z.; HIRROWSKI. M. Potassium & sodium levels in skeletal muscle & blood. Polski tygod. lek. 13 no.29:1117-1120 21 Ju3,v 58. 1. 2 11 Kliniki Chirurgicznej A.M. w Poznaniu; kierownilc: Prof dr Roman Draws 1 2 Zaklada Chemii Fizjologicznej A. 14. w Poznan1u: kierownik: prof. dr. Zdzislaw Stolzman. (POTASSIUM. metab. skeletal musc. & blood. eff. of surg. (Pol)) (SODIUM, metab. same) (MUSCIM, metab. -potassium & sodium in skeletal musc., eff. of aurg (Pol)) (SURGERY, OPMUTIVIC, eff. on potassium & sodium in skeletal musc. (Pol)) MASTYESKA,. Maria, WOJCIGKI, Ka.zimierz Primary cancer of the duodenum. Polski przegl.chir. 30 no.2:181-187 Mar 158 1. Z II Eliniki Ghirurgicznej A.M. w Poznaniu* Kierown1k: Prof. dr R. Drews. Adreat Poznan. ul. Przybyezewskief.-,o 49. 11 Kl. Chirurgiczna (DUOUMN. neoplasms. primary, case reports (Pol)) MASmYNSKA. Maria (Poznan, u1. Przybys7ewskiego 49) Splenectomy in hematological syndromes. Polskie arch. mod. weva. 29 no-3:351-354 1959. 1. Z Il KlIniki Chir-urgicznej A.M. w Poznaniu Kierownik. orof. dr mad. R. Drew. (SPLINN, surg. excis. i.n hlood dia. (Pol)) OLOOD DISNASIS, aurp: anlenectomy (Pc.-)) k MLSMSKA, Maria; GOLENIOWA, Anna Contribution to cardiospasm in children. Pediat. polska 35 no.8: 893-896 Ag 160. 1. Z II Kliniki Chirurgicznej A.M.,w Poznaniu Kierownik: prof. dr med. R.Dress I z Kliniki Chorob Dzieci A.M. w Poznaniu Kierownik: prof. dr med. T.Rafinski (CARDIOSPASM in inf & child) MASTYN3U. Maria Effect of selected surgical interventions on the course of liver injuries produced with carbon tetrachloride in the rabbit. Poznan. tow.prz aciol nauk, wydz.lek. 21 no.4:1-46 161 ILDER DISFMFS exper) (CARBON TETRACHLORIDE toxicol) 14ASTMKAL, Maria ResultP of surgicall therapy of cardial surgery. Polskd przegl. chir, 33 no - 7b - 741-743 ? 61. 1. Z Il Kliniki Chirurgicznej AM w Poznaaiu Kierownik: prof. dr R. Drews._ TOM -Z surg) (S A ACH 9BOPIASI IWTYNSKA, Maria Hard fibromas. Polski przegl. chir. 33 no.10:1091-1094 '61. 1. Z 11 Kliniki Chirurgicznej AM w Poznaniu Kierownik: prof. dr R. Drews. (FIBROMA) PO LA.X- D 1 Maria and CIOK, Jerzy, Second Surgical Clinic (II MASTY'NSKAt IM [Akademia Medyczna, Medical Academy] in Poznan (Director: Prof. Dr. Roman DREWS) "Sur-ical Treatment and Its Results in Older People." Warsaw Polski TX7odnik Lekarski, Vol 18, No 23, 3 Jul 6'.1, pp 101~-1022 Abstract; [Authors' &i,lish summary mudifiod] Autlnurs una- lyzed the success in operations performod on pacients (~C) years of age or more during-, 1950-1961 at tho clinic. Ai,era-e mortality from surgery involving acute disoases, -usLric. ulcers and choletithiasis, and nooplasms, amounted tu 11.1 per cent, and was highest (27.3 por cent) for the acuGe cases. Considering their clinical experience, the authors recommend even major operations for a,,,,od persons, prf,)-vicled they are in good general condition and their premeclication careful. There are 15 references: 2 Polish, 3 Soviot, 4 German, and 6 in English. 1/1 MASTYNSKA, Maria; WOJCIECHOWSKA, Maria-, WOJCICKI, Kazimlerz Distribution of microorganisms in operating rooma. *-Y?- lek. 19 no.33:1272-1274 17 S '64. 1. Z II Kliniki Chirurgicznej (kierownik: prof. Hr Fomsn Draws) i Zakladu Mikrobiologii Akademii Medyczne,l w Pczn,,Til,,., (kierownik: prof. dr Jozef Wiza). MASTYNSKAJ. Maria; CTOK, Jerzy; PEZACKI,Zdzislaw Kffect of ligation of bl6od veBuels eupplyIng tr.i- wr...I le- struction of the p' iitary on the development of hepntic *li)-Yr,(-,rs. Pol. przegi. chur. 36 no.12:1-437-1440 D 164 1. Z 11 Kliniki Chirurgicznej Akademii Medycmej w N-mian-ii (Kiero-,,mik: prof. dr. R. Drews). -M6,TxNSKA,_MrA4; PION, Edmund; KAB7A, Regina Effect of partial thyroidecto=y on the blood iron level. Endokr. Pol. 16 no.5:525-528 165. 1. 11 Klinika Chirurgiczna AM w Poznaniu (Kierownik- prof. dr. R. Drews) i Katedra Medycyny Sportu AM w Poznaniu (Kierownik: prof. dr. E. Preisler). t-!, - t % ~ 7 , - -v, -Edniund, ; K A 157-4, in T,h- blcr~d rf pa, 4eri~e In early st-,hf~,~s al-Ler varioiis surgical operations. !,o1. tvg. iek. /-."! no.~~-. U? 10 ~y 16,5 I' Ch~rt.rgicznei AM .~ Poznaniu (Klerownik: prcf 7 . 1',r-wq' i z Katedry M,:dy%y-,iy Sportu AM. a Pozran:-1- MASTYNSKI, Z. Poplar stands in Czajcz. p. 46 SYLWAH. (Wydaial Nauk Rolniczych i Leanych Pulakiej Akademii Nauk i Polskie Tcywarzystwo Lesne), Warszawa, Poland. Vol. 101, no. 2, July 1957 Monthly List of East European Accessions Index (ERAI), LC, Vol. 8, no. 6, June 1959 Uncl. MASTYNSKI, Zdzislaw Improving our forest econaW and management. Sylwan 104 no.3:87-92 Mr 160. USSR/Physi cal Clici-xis-cry Th,2rmd3n-i--mics.. Therriocherdstry. P-3 Equilibriw-i. imalysis. P!i,-)s,2 Trans.11tiens Abs Jour Rvf,:rat 7hur Nr) 2, 3731 Author Grigor'yev L.T., ?-,rituieymonov I-A., 'Sokelovsk-ar- Brnina T,V , Mastyw:ina 14 V, Inst 111stitutc Of 'cneral aiTI-Itiorganic Cherdstry. Acad-21."I of Sciences USSR Title Livest'-gation of -1.1loys cf the PaIIadittm-Ccb-a1t-NizkeI- System Orig Pub Izv. Sc:ktora Fiz.-khim. analiza IONM, AN SSSF, 191-)6, 27, 185 197 Abstract By 1.iethoC3 of therml ano-lynis, investigations of r-Loro~- structur,2, hardnoss anrl electric resistance, a study has been m-le of th-, Pd-Co-Ni system. Shape of liquidus and soli,.'.us curvus of ser -,iors with constant Fd cont'-!nt) and also the =-cr-ost,-uct,-,--3 of th,.: alloys, ineicate th~~t the componants of the ternary system Fd-Co-Ni form vitn one Card 1/3 -80 - USSR/Physical Chemistry - Mermc)dynamics. Mernochemistry. B-8 Equilibrium, lbysico-Chemical Analysis, Phase Transitions Abs Jour Referat Zhur - XhImiyaj, So 2, 1957) 3731 another a continuous series of solid solutions. Addition of CO to Pd-Ni alloys results in a lowering of the hard- ness of the latter. Small additions of Ni to Pd-Co a.1- loys decrease greatly the hardness of binary alloys rich in Co; in the case Of a.U.OYS less rich in Co, additions of M result in slight decrease of hardness. Specific electric resistance of alloys increases with rising tempe- rature. Lines of equal specific electric resistance at 25P show that it '... decreases from the palladium corner of the system, toward the Co-Ni aide and at the smae time the temperature coefficient of electric resistance decrea- ses from the palladium corner of the system, toward the central part of the diagrara and then increases again to the Co-Ni side. It was found that changes in properties of allo.vs, depending on the composition (liardness, elec- tric resistmice), on sections of constant Pd content, Card 2/3 81 0. %t -, ~.r ;' . , .... - :. I I.M. I irizr., k * ';r~a! 1, ,,, -:~ - or, . I . , . ~ . I - ". , k 'Y .Se rpe n n v ka I MASTYUKOVAP B.N.; SARAYEVA, N.T.; KOZACHENKO, N.F. Utilization of the hemagglutimation inhibition reaction for the titration of antimeasles antibodies. Vop.virus 7 no.4:114-116 R-Ag 162. (MIRA 15-8) 1. MDekovskiy nauchno-issledovatellskiy institut epidemiologii i mikrobiologil. (MEASLES) (BLOOD-AGGLUTIANATION) (ANTIGENS AND ANTIBODIES) "A 3t~-Lj- f 4. and 7-t,,i F 0 V1 1, Y J i I - SOLOVIYEV, V.D.; HASTYUKOVA. Yu.N.; DMENK0, 5.1. Toxic properties of ezmllpox vaccine virus. Zhur. mikrobiol. epid. I immun. no.10:48-53 0 '54. (HIJU R-.1) 1. Direktor Gosuclaretvennogo kontrollnogo instituta vaktsiz i eyvorotok Imeni L.A.Tarasevicha (for Didenko) 2. Otdal virmsov Gosudaretvennogo kontrallnogo inetituta vaktain t syvorotok imani L.A.Terasavleha (for Solov'yev, Hastyukova) (SMALLPOX VIRUS) (TOXINS AIM ANTITOXINS) T_X. W. Optiaml conditions for the propagation cf vaccinis, virus in developing embryos. Mmr. mikrobiol. epid. i immin. no.11:15- 21 N 154. (MLRA 8-1) 1. Is otdela. virasor (zav. prof. V.D.Solov'yev) Gosudarstvannogo kontrolOnogo institute, imeni L.A.TaraBovicha (dir. S.I.Didenkc) (VACCINIA, virus, culture in chick embryo. optimal cond. (VIRUSES. vaccinia, virus, culture in chick embryo, optimal cond.) USSR/Medicine Hemoagglutination, Vaccinia FD-2314 Card 1/1 Pub 148 - 15/36 Author Mast3nakova, Yu, N.; Li Khe-min' [Li K'o-min) Title Hemoagglutination with the virus of smallpox vaccine Periodical Zhur. mikro. epid. i immun. No 2, 4o-44, Feb 1955 Abstract Found that chicken erythrocytes vary in sensitivity as far as the hemoagglutinating action of the vaccinia virus is concerned. Al- so found that the sensitivity of the reaction increases as the concentration of erythrocytes in the suspension is reduced (opti- mum at 0.5%) and the temperature is raised (optirmim at 22-370). Three references, none USSR. Institution : Division of Viruses, State Control Institutes of Sera and Vaccines Submitted : October 13, 1955 MASTTMVA,YU.N. Variability of the vaccinis. virus. Zhur.mikrobiol.epid. i i=un. no.8:14-20 Ag '55. (miaA 8:11) 1. 12 gosudarstvennogo kontrollnogo instituta syvorotok I vaktain imeni L.A.Tarasevichn-(dir. S.I.Didanko) (VACCIMA, virus. variability) (VI RUSES, vaccinia. variabilityi f-il t, c, v t t I%, , k1 11 MARMM]MVA, S.S.; MASTXU VA, Yu.N. Methods of determining viralence of imallpox vaccine. Zbur. m1krobiol.spid. I '-man. no.8:66-91 Ag 155. (MLRA 8:11) 1. Is otdola virmsov (=V.-prof. V.D.Solarlyev) Gesudaretvennogo kentrollnogo inatituta eyvoro*tok I vaktoin( air.-B.I.Didenko) (SWILPOX, Innunologr, vaccine. deters. of virulence) (VACCINES AND VACCINKTIOD, smallpox vaccine, determ. of virulence) ) -I/ I/ z,- ~, ~ t9, // , USSR/Virology - Human and Animal Viruses. E-2 Abs Jour Ref Zhur - Biologiya, No 1, 1957, 421. Author V.D. Solov'yev and Yu.N. Mastyulova Inst Title Investigation of the Laminogenesis of Smal I pox Vaccines Orig Pub Vopr. Virusologii, 1956, No 1, 23-26. Abst A method for testing Juminity b,...r intracerebral infection of rabbits preliminarily vaccinated with a neurovaccine has been proposed. On checking by this method 275 series of smallpox vaccines,a definite relationship between the the degree of inmmity caused by vaccination and the viru- lence of the smallpox vaccine was revealed. It was also found that the level of antih gglutinins which accumu- late in the blood of the vaccinated anin-1s reflects the state of their nonsusceptibility to intracerebral infec- tion. Card 1/1 Study of the immunogenic properties of smallpox vaccines. Wop. virus. 1 no-3:47-51 My-je 156. (MLRA 10: 1) 1. Xafedra virasologii TSentrallnogo institute usoverabonstvovanlys vrechey. Moskva. (VACCIM AND VACCINATION. smallpox vaccine, 1-mnogenic properties (Rue)) (SMALLPOX. 'Immunology, vaccine, Immunogenic properties (Rue)) A'14K'M'l~rKOVA.IC!S'.;'MAS,itjKOVA,IY'u.N.; AKATOVA, B.M.1 OGORODNIKOVA, Z.I. lCultivation of smallpox virus and vaccine In developing chick embryos. Vop.virus. I no.6:36-40 B-D 156 (KIRA 11:1) 1. Moskovskiy nauchno-lealedovatel'skiy institut vaktsin I syvorotok imeni I.I.Machnikova I Wedra virusologii TSentrAllnogo instituta usovershenstvovnniya vrachey, Moskva. (VIRUSES, culture smal1pox: & vaccinia virus in chick embryos, determ. of differences in pathogenicity) (VACCINIA, virus culture In chick embryos, determ. of differences in pathogenicity) (SMALLPOX, virus same) fil A ~s -/ vkl Al',' KAUENKDVA. B.S.; KASTTUKOVA, Yu.N. Methods for a laboratory diagnosis of amllpax. Yop.vlrns. 2 ne.2:115-117 Kr-Ap '57. (KLRA 10:6) 1. Hoskyookly Institut Imeni IjAschnikove I kefedra virusologit TSentrallnoge Institute xl6overshenstvovaniye vrachey, Moskva. (SHALLPU. diag. laboratory vathods URua)) USSR Virology. Human and Animal Viruses. Viruses of the Pox E-3 Group. Abs Jour Ref Zhur- Biol., No 20, 1958, No 9o648 Av t ho r a Marennikova,, S. S.; -N.; Ogorodnikova, Z. I. Inst Moscow Scientific Research Institute of Vaccines and Sera Title A Study of Inoculability of the Smallpox Vaccine Virus Cultivated in Developing Chicken Embryos. Orig Pub Tr. Mosk. n.-i. in-ta vaktsin i syvorotok, 1957, 9, 144-147. Abstract The smallpox vaccine virus was cultivated in chicken c=bryos in the course of 319 consecutive passages. The virus ru- tained its high inoculability, for children. The vuecina- tion process proceeded as in immunization vrith derrc%-acci1i,:. Card 1/1 USSR / Virology. Mman and Ani-3 Viruses. Viruses of the Fox E-3 Group. Abs Jour : Ref zhur - Biol., No 2o, 1958, No go655 Author ; Inat : Macaw Scientific Research Institute for Vaccines and Sera. Title : 1mraunogenic Properties of Smallpox Vaccines and Yethods of Their Determination. Orig Pub : Tr. Msk. n.-i. in-ta. vaktain i syvorotok, 1957, 9, 148-155. Abstract : 275 series of smallpox vaccines prepared by 17 production laboratories were studied. For an evaluation of their im- munizing effect the most suitable method proved to ba the intracerebral introduction of 1ODLO of neurovaccine into previously vaccinated rabbits. With the im rease in the in- fectiousness of the vaccines the survival rate of the rab- bits grew in proportion. Direct relation was established (;E.rd 1/2 20 ussfi -Y 1'-I'-srow "'CT"'fif ie--Rnsr~a 7- rl -'Tk:-, LC 1) 1.-1 Thc uf Variablliv,; of 'lic Suoilipox 'v';kc(-,n!- Virus r f )e -m('Vac c oi fif s T. 100 'i ~j c c (-.t V V, J-1, 1 0 b c 11 C"" ill 41 5 ~N F t-r r Lt.,! 0 1:1 d ? of dov ck cnADr-ji-5b "0.1. CUbfC 1, 7 t Aq jr,;C( tr(~ i! ()i !.b~ --rus is th, %vat; dtfturmnt~c-- kg, I 4tti-Lin;aLio-ii i ez~cricri; am] it wam &,.tenri 6 -:,LI,1.7tItit-LiVeIy by means ell imr--tdcr-mal titravion I-,, ti-,c- 1:6 ),9, Pin. C T corntae oi g%,inea pi,,s, and on the CAO. T 1. e cf ih- TV and NV were f-staUished for by of infecting therr, iritrdccrebr;-,IIy -irld intrp-teAicalarly-, for rni~ e, intracercbrally., for erribryo.,, -. an the CA.O. Th--~ ilifectioas and pithogenir propertie~i of both C-V variauts- which they acquireli dur-kag the c,,o-rse of prolonged successive passag,~,:, were reinforced herc-riitarily ind were not a1tcred rv T>r,ssages through. chick embryos which constitute a m cdiurn for stabilizing the pr3pertics of the Ao. ?%ir,, 9960 Ns i A 337'A sniallpox rus. 31/3 7XCERPTA MICA See 4 Vol 12 Med. Micro. Apr 59 1156. STUDIES ON IMMUNOGENICITY OF SMALLPOY VACCINES. 111.(Russian text) - Mastyukova Yu. N and Ya roslavskaya N. V. - VOPR. VIRUSCTI,77~~ -M~Wfables 1 .In previous reports the immunogenic properties of smallpox vaccines were it-sted by intracerebral inoculation of immunized rabbits with neurovaccine. The inter- dependence between the infectivity of vaccines and the degree of immunity has been revealed by this method. Considerable differences in immunogen.ic properties of vaccines prepared from different strains have been demonstrated. The differences were found to be associated with the difference in the infectivity of vaccines and not with that in their antigenic structure. This paper reports that immunogenic properties of smallpox vaccines depend not only on the quantity of active virus particles in a vaccine, but also on their virulence. It was established that the 13resence of hae maggluti nation - inhibi ti ng antibodies in sera of immunized rabbits and the resistance of the latter to intracerebral inoculation with neurovaccine reflected solid immunity and testified to a high potency of the vaccine. (IV, M UM VAI 3. A. ; ML6TYMVA,,ju. H.; PISHCHURINA, N.M. Studies on vaccinia virus multiplication in rabbit cornm epithelial cells using fluorescent antibodies. Acta virol. 3ngl. Ed., Praha 2 no.4:250-252 Oct-Dee 58. 1. Department of Epidemiology and Biochemistry, Gamaleya Institute of Epidemiology and Department of Virology, Ceittivl Institute for Perfection of Physicians, Moscow. (VACCINU, virus maltiplication in rabbit corneaf epithelial ce no, demon- stration by fluorescent antibodies.) SOIGTIYBV, V.D.; KASTYU)WA, Tu.N. Method of titration of vaccinia and smallpox viruses and of neu- tralizing antibodies Lwith aummar7 in English]. Vop.virus 3 no.6: 342-346 W-D 158- (MIRA 12:1) 1. Katedra, virusologil TSentrallnogo inatituta usover8henstvovaniya vrachey. Moskva. (SKALWM, titration of viruses & neutralizing antibodies (Rus)) (VACC191A. virus, titration (Rus)) HEYSELI, M.N., GIUKIM. I-V-8 NASTY-MA, Yu*W. Fluorescence microscopic detection of viruses; 20th anniversary of fluorescence virusoscop.Y. Kikrobiologiin 27 no.LL:513-519 Ji-Ag 118 1. Inatitut mikrobiologii AN SSSR i Knfedra virusologii Uentrnllnogo institute univershenstvovaniya vrachey, Moskva. (VIRUSESO demonstration by luminescent microscopy (Rue)) MAS ty k ~ov 33 MAST-YUKOVk-,IYU. N., SOLOVIYEV, V. D., MARENNIKOVA, S.S. "Virus vaccines and problem of Bmallpox vaccination." report submitted at the 13th All-Union Congress of Hygienists, Epidemiologists and Infectionists, 1959. SOLOVITIV, V.Dj__MASTYUEDVA, Tu,N, - Study of the multiplication of vaccinia virus in tissue cultures. Vop.virus. 4 no.4-.470-477 Ji-Ag 159. (MIRA 12:12) 1. Kafedra virusologil TSentrallnogo Instituta usovershonstvovaniya vrachey, Moskva. (VACCINIA, cirology) 17(4) SOV120-126-1-481'62 AUTHORS: Khesin, Ya. Ye., Sarycheva, 0. F., hastyukova, Yu. N. TITLE: Changes in the Volume of Nuclei of the Hep-2-culture Taking Place Under the Influence of Smallpox Vaccine (Izmeneniye ob"yemov yader kulltury Hep-2 pod vliyaniyem virusa ospennoy vaktsiny) PERIODICAL: Doklady Akademii nauk SSSR, 1959, Vol 126, Nr 1, Pp 175-178 (USSR) ABSTRACT: As is known, the dimensions of the cell nuclei of different organs in various species of animals are considerably constant (Refs 1-4). The nuclei of every species have a special size and cannot be smaller than that. These sizes are the first cat;egory of the volume of nuclei; nuclei of other cells of the species concerned, have the volumes 2, 4, 8, 16 times etc as big as category I. The variation curves of the volumes of nuclei cal- culated according to the usual methods of variation-statistics, have an unaymmetrically enlarged right section. This proves (Ref 5) the tendency towards enlargement of the cells, contrast- ed by a restricting action of the organism as a whole. If this Card 1/3 action is stopped or reduced (by explantation, denervation, or SOV/20-126-1-4a/162 Changes in the Volume of Nuclei of the Hep-2-culture Taking Place Under the Influence of Smallpox Vaccine by chemical poisening and bacterial toxication as well as by malignization (Refs 5-9)), the cells grow a little. This may also occur temporarily or be functionally conditioned in glands: When they studied the subject mentioned in the title, the al.- thors found a surprising enlargement of the cells (Fig 1). Figure 2 shows a symplast section in a single-layered Hep-2- culture after an infection with theNirus given in the title- Figure 3 shows a variation curve of the volumesof nuclei. Figure 4 illustrates the mitotic activity in the infected cul- tures. From theachieved results the authors drew the following conclusions: 1) The cell nuclei of the breed mentioned in the title are enlarged by 13-17% under the influence of smallpox vaccine. 2) The mitotic activity is reduced due to the influ- ence mentioned above. The number of the multinuclear elements increases. This leads to the formation of gigantic aymplauts containing sometimes several hundreds of nuclei. 3) The forma- tion of these ByMplasts takes place in relation with a diminu- tion of their nuclei to about half of their size. This seems to Card 2/3 prove the development of the symplasts caused by amitosis of SOV120-126-1-0162 Changes in the Volume of Nuclei of the Hep-2-culture Taking Place Under the Influence of Smallpox Vaccine nuclei without being followed by a zytotomy. There are 4 figures, 1 table, and 19 references, 4 of which are Soviet. ASSOCIATION: Moskovskiy nauchno-issledovatellskiy institut preparatov protiv poliomielita (Moscow Scientific Research Institute for Prepara- tions Against Poliomyelitis) PRESENTED: January 21, 1959, by N. N. Anichkov, Academician SUBMITTEDt January 16, 1959 Gard 3/3 BEKTMMGV, T.A-A, JJ~ASTYUKGVA, YU.N. Effect of internal irradiation on infections. Report Wo. 1: Effect the susceptibility of white mice ~ virabo 5 no* 2:221-2-25 My-3 160% 1, Kafodra virusologii vrachey, Moskova. ('VACCINIA) (-PHOSPHORUS-ISOTOPFZ) experimeotal viral and rickettsial of radio"tive phQsphorms an 'o vaccinis viruses. Vop. (MIRA 14:4) TSentrallnogo institut usovershonstvovaniya MASTYUKOVAy YU.N.; KRAIT, S.L. Use of tissue cultures for a quantitative determination of the specific antibodies in antimeaBles gama globulin. Vop.virue. 5 no.3:339-346 W-je 160. (NIERA 13':9) 1. Hoskovskiy institut epidemiologii, mikrobiologii i gigiyeny. (NFASLES) (GAMMA GLOBULIN) (ANTIGENS AND ANTIBODIES) KRESIN., Ya.Yis.; FORUBELI, L~A.;- HASffUKDVA, YuoNa Morphological study of the cytopathogenic effect of the measles virus on ~n-m transplanted BEp,-I and amnion cell cultures. Trudy Mosk.."nauch.-iael. inst. virus. prep. 2* -315 161. 05 (MIRA 17t1) 3 MiSTYUKOVA Tu )L: SMUVA, N.T.; KAZACHENKOI N.F.; YAROSLAVSKAYA, N.V.; "i--- , G.N.; SHVAFMMALN, MIN. Studies on results of ,mallpox 4accination. Vop.virus. 6 no.2: 189-196 Mr-Ap 161. (MIRA 14:6) 1. ~Dskovskiy institut epidemiologiis mikrobiologii i gigiyany i danitarno-opidemiologichaskaya atantsiya Sverdlovskogo rayona Moskvr. (SMALLPOX) P~~ ~UKO~. . - SARAY01A, N.T. - KOUCIL.14KO N*F'- YAIIOSLAVSIUYA, N.V.; 11AYUSHI&P G.N.; SlIVAII&AAA, M.N. ' Study of the results of smallpmc vaccination. Report No.2. Vop. virus. 6 no.5:573-576 S-0 161. (M~110, 15: 1) 1. Moskovskiy institut epidemiologii, mikrobiologii i gigiyeny i annitarno-epidemiolggicheska a stantslya Sverdlovskogo rayona Moskvy. (SM&LLPOXT ,, MASTYUlWVAq Yugli,.;- YAROSIAVSKAYAt N.V, On smaUpox antibodies. Vop. viras. 7 no. 1:67-74 ia-F 161. (MIRA 14:4) 1, Kafedra virueologii TSentrallnogo inatituta usovershenstvovaniya vrachey i GosudaretvamMy kontrollmyy institut meditsinskikh biologicheigkikb preparatov imeni L,A. Tarasevichal, Moskva. (SMALLPOX) (ANTIGENS AND ANTIBODIES) MASTMOVAV Yu.N.; KABAVOVA, Ye.A. Problem of Guarnieri bodies. Vop. virus. 7 no. 1:79-82 Ja-F 61. (N3RA 14:4) 1. Kafedra virusologii TSentrallnogo instituta usovershenstvovaniya vrachey i otdel epidemiologi-i Institute, epidemiologii i mi obiologii imni N.F. Gamaleu A14N SSSRt Moskva. I (VACCINIA) SOLOVIYEVP V.D.;_ ~WTMOTA, Yu.N.; YARDSLAVSKAYA, N.V.; SARAYEVA, N.T. Mechanism of antismallpox immunity. Report No.4: Production of antibodies during the formation of specific insusceptibility. Vop. virus. 9 no.2:143-3,48 Mr-Ap 164. (MIRA 17-12) 1. Kafedre, virusologii TSentralinogo instituts, usover-shenstvovaniya vrachey i Moskovskiy nauchno-issledovateliskiy institut epidemiologii i mikrobiologii Ministerstva zdravookhraneniya RSFSR. SOLOVIYEV, V.D.; MASTYUKOVA, Yu.N. Mechanism of antismallpox immunity. Report No-5: Role of cellular reactivity in the manifestations of specific nonsusceptibility. Vop. virus. 9 no-3:296-301 MY-Je 164. (I,IJRA 18: 1) 1. Kafedra virusologii TSentrallnogo institute uBovershenstvo- vaniya vrachey i Moskovskiy nauchno-issledovatellskiy institut epidemiologii i mikrobiologii. KOLESNIKOVA, L.I.; MASTYUKOVAP Y".N.; KHOLCHEV, N.V.; KO',-ACHENKO, N.F.; PETROVA, G.V. Results of hyperimmunization of animals with measles virue. Vop. virus. 10 no.1:87-90 Ja-F 165. (MIR11 18: 5) 1. Moskovskiy natichno-issledovatellskiy institut epidemiologii i mikrobiologii. SOLOVIYM V.P.; MASTYUKOVA, Yu.N.; YAROSLAVSKAYA, N.V.i SARAYFU. N.T Plossibility of experivental transformation of smallpox virus into vaccine virus. Vop. virus. 10 no.3007-315 W-Je 165. (IC RA 18: ?) 1. Kafedra virusologii TSentrallnogo Instituta usovershenstvovaniya vrachey I Moskovskly nauchno-issledovatellakly institut apidemiolog-.11 i mikrobiologii. SOLGVIYEVf V.D.; MASTYUKOVA, Yu.N.; SUMAROKOV, A.A.; SARAYEVA, N.T.; GUTKINA, A.V. MechaniBm of antismallpoy. immunity. Report NO.6 Role of antigen in the phenomena of specific insusceptibility. Vop. virus. 10 no.5:583-589 S-0 165. (MIRA 28-11) 10 Kafedra virusologii TSentrallnogo inatitut.usovershenstvovaniya vrachey i Moskovskiy nauchno-issiodovatellskiy institut epidemio- logii i mikrobiologii. SARAYEVA, N.T.; MASTMOV.A., Yu.N,i 't(AAT'YYVA, G.V.; lFDSN--,vA, KFLIA-6ICH.. .501-030gical &na-lyBin of tr'e clinl~~al an-i oj,ijamlnogi--ni I effoctiveneoe of various (-17.10bulin dosoti in Lhe firtivoritt ~i of meai..qs. Zhur. mik-robl .o1., epId. i imuun. 42 no.11: 44-48 N 165. (1 ;~ ~7 ~,h. ~ ~ . , " I . Mo n k c)v,3 k i y i nD t itu t t~ 1) id (tin I o 1 -)(!, i i J ,r!' k i - r, bl, o I or ii . ' !!. - . , ' - - June 4, !965. IGNAT-YKVA, G.V.; SARAYEVA, N.T.; KHROMETISKAYA, T.M.; LiD -NENA, A.r,., YU.1j.; INESTHROVA, T.F.; ALAFUZOIA, S:,P,; YE~,,S,~iGVA, A.S.- 47 A BARANUVA, T.7.; BEKLD2~HEVA, Ye.D.; Si-,'IF07A, Ye.?.; 371"KHANC"'A, KHLYABIGH, G.N.; KHANTSIS, S.S. Clinical and epidemiological effectIveness of a reducod r,.f ?-globulin (1.5 ml) In seroprophylaxis of measlem. Zhur.mikrobiol., epid. i. ilrmun. 42 no.12t57-61 D 165. (MIRA 19~'-) 1. Moskovskly Institut epidemiologli I mlkrob-'ologil; institut v1ru.- sologli imenI lvanovskogo AMN SSSR; Moskoiskaya san!tarno-epidemiolo- gleheskaya stantsiya; Rybinskaytt sanitarn-:)-epidemaolc)pichesxaya s"antslya; VladimirBkaya s&nituarno-ep.idemiologicheskaya 9tantsiva A Ob"yedinennaya detskaya pchkl1nika, MaVnachkala. MOSTMOV, S.A.. professor; GABIDULINA, S.Sh. -WA Penicillin therapy of diffuse s=purative T)eritonitle. Xhirurgiia n0-3: 41-44 Mr 153. MR& 6:6) 1. Kafedra obahchey khirurgil lechebnogo fakullteta TaBhkentskogo medi- tainskogo instituta imeni V.K. Molotova. (Penicillin--Therapeutic use) (Per itonit is ) M~Sllmcv, S.A. --- Surgical indications in acute cholecystitis. Ehirur&iia. Moskva no.5: 48-55 MaY 1953. (CIKL 25-1) 1. Professor. 2. Tashkent. NALMINA, I.M.; KAMOV, S.A., professor. direktor. Hasked perforation in gastric and dnodenal ulcers. Ehirurgila no.7:34-37 J1 153. (MLRA 6:9) 1. Gospital'uWa khirurgicheskaya klinika lechebnogo fakul'teta Tushkentakogo meditsinskogo instituta imeni V.M.Molotova. (Stomach--Ulcers) (Baodenum--Ulcers) YASUMOV, S.A., profeesor Technic of novocatne anesthesia In surgery of the upper half of the abdomen. Rhirurgita no.2:32-34 1? '55. (MM 8:5) 1. Kafedry propedeticheskov khtrurgii lechebnogo fakullteta Tash- kentskogo meditBinakogo institute, imeni V.M.14olotova (dir. doteent A.G.Gulamov). (ABDOMEN, Burgez7. anesth., procaine) (PROGAINB. analgesia and anesthesia. in abdom. surg.) (ANUTHFISIA. procalne, in abdom.surg) 01 MASMIOV, S.A., Drof. Surgery In gastric and duodenal ulcer. Sbor.trud.Tnshk.KHffP no.1:95-125 156 (MIRA 11:1) (PEPTIC UTICER) MLMMOV, S.A., prof. Histopatholog7 of goiter in endemic foci of Uzbekistan. Yed. zhur.Uzb. no.8-9:59-67 Ag-S '58. (NIRA 13:6) (UZBEKISTAN-GOITIM) -- MASUMCIV,, S.A..., prof. Pathogenesis and treatment of acute panereatitis. Mod. zhur. Uzb. no.1:3-3.2 Ja '61. (MIRA 14:6) 1. Iz kafedry gospitallnoy khir4rgii Tashkentskogo gosudarstvennogo meditsinskogo instituta. (PANCIVAS-DISEASES) - josooo -9-0 0 09040*04100 0 r I11 4 41a 0 9 As it u 1) At It be I] a I it W I o 30 a v a a a 0 6) 4) OR .- 11 00 A AI - 0 t t : AIA'S Lim 11 ov _V, r -90 410 0 c C-isim"M or owet pmw k 0 s . COMMINIS' 111111INAMbIft It L o I 0 i - ; ~ V- L M!tMM PAW EMM., No. 7,4-7 (1*. IM) _fi- Y"7- t2 100 004 ", ' i O m4phude of the pow" fact" &BM"d b OW -041 0 Gos . y Power sawly system ta Ow kAkWrWcorMW*f shmid . 0 004 be dovaItined by the baltr" of rowim pma in the 00 system, Suploy Sys"M &%WA6 aspICIM14 dffMW 060 COMP-M tion of feWi%v pwwr by CWMWW% fed by fior lOkVcab)a WW than 2km. ADexiohg COO 00,3 MINIAM Of Pf komwwt OwId be uldind bdom eo~ 00 ralbu of now c-qv_1W tqv4wwg b dew. i-d. ApOkati- Of NXUc Mondenom (6 or 10 kV) app- to be OVA WorM&M WA its ewnwrks 0 0 40S1 "uM be corAMead berom aft mgm compnutW4 A, 99 9 *Qu4w-, is apmw& EkWins tordh ob" bs zoo fvviW 10 63umb3c 1`1 RNWOMM" by 1ndAWrW 'j, I. L"A&UVACZ zoo fg! 41 S L A oj1IA1LIJ*Q1C41. LITIVATURI CLASSIFICATIC& 14 troo A wee 7 03 It i !"AAA SODAO %*low 5 63 a a W 0 A, It at , A " . 5 0 0 0 41 o 0 0 * * 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 & a SO 0 o 0 0 0 o 0 o * 0 a 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 000000:00*00000000 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 a 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 IL 00 1 NASIUJMYA~N, G. Ya. "Peculiarities of Pneumonia in Children in War-time." Thesis for degrep of Cand. Medical Set. Sub 3 Oct 50, Central Inst for the Advanced Training of PhvSIC12ns Summary 71. 4 SOP 52. Dissertations Presented for Degrees In Science and Engineering In Moscow In 19~0, From Vachornvaya Moskya, Jan-Dee 1950. HOMAN, 0. Ya. Synthocycin therapy of bacillary dysentery in young children. Pediatriia no-3:72 W-Je '53. (MLHA 6:8) 1. Bakinskays. pervaya gorodskaya detakays bolinitea. (Antioblotice) (Dysentery) 00 00110001900!0001111 000 0few 00000000000000000 ! 4 1 1 0 0 1 . . .i I , f" , ,r' 'I if ItA I t 11N A It ,, V '19 .. 1, ". t, , , . . , - www- : . .~ !' a S.. I ml K I f 0 p I 1 14y I L At 60 2- 00. go., = apdwdt adds oxidId" *W tracawa of 00 S toweawftak. ' Maud N. Ltvkopk&. AwbalAOcipakov hilt-yin &v 1 ION 00 e0 0M , No. 10, 77-112-7be twst oxiiiatitm Y4 IMP. is I-*)* SIM the f"t joir Me Is 0.3 vu. m. per hr. -00 ive &S. 4 Mtwk. An.** the catalv-tu Itird. Nis naph. 0o Ihenair *a* n"i artivr, ond to Is orrchO onle, Im the 00 InWatim of the "likulion. Refirms CAI% vmdure the ~4114111 00 Iscittr Itsulls; tht acM yidd aniumats, to 4t" its A it- I 1 .00 00 ty lin 4 an cyc"S. Ifigher vitmo of SC14 exrc*vyv fammilion of hyfiroxy M46, Tile olifull,w wow '0"Tini out in sit "Sit Hit" Slip. VII&I; giv" tN)IIIIIIII.M. o* 00 "wallia. A A 11whilittek 00 oe 00 -60 -00 00 ' 00 : ii D o 3 04' 00 roe M) I a rw 0 0 ft I #I a 3 I to n 1 1. ~ a 0 0 0 0 0 04 0 0 0 0 0 0 o 0 4 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 6 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 ~ 000000;0 0000*0*000000000 00000000000400 J : 000 o 'A 1 00 A NJ) No 30jv site 41 a" 4r* &I. fit .-P J-D cool*$ too ..0 0. get P&C-Citill Aftv .0"1 1.1% .Vi. it pr&Watwm of &y3fftb*tk selds by girldilft a W160 ff*t- by adding 7.10; 110) ((,it I lie map w1hg.) anti reatmen, wif It 11. K 11. Uk I:ve steam, (urtfirt te"Ittval id )it In-ing carvied out 13 an Si.All.-I air bushill. Ma,,smyan slut N. Kh. lxvkoPlll,,. Ater itroolawtu-m 4 m.11 aolt%. ~I ker-me dimillair, Th 'hu"Id Jw 1111"hief-I at !-.-, lie)'. f,41,,md by an KAM.1410111 19M. Nit. It 12. procx-%,g .-- In an a, iVnipt to the 18-hr. willing: livrVal offer each r"moval id tomp,nified 1,17-0: Vt. C. A. 29, A0341 M,,, jSw,j4E emwitimn im the ext:i. tA the wide oxi- '111.1an- *(,he 4,14 -11 Ole al-ve manner I-.rln&millx V%pjl. "oli% are re"wiled, A c-ofmilled 40~e hyth-v. aclel, 4flt7, avid* -+ in prdimkwv gesishinX of ibe widie oil with 11,0 is not "- 90vilit"I") 4191 2NIq on,,jimili,hh. 'U1.1811c" rtic COO 00 seviial. 'I he afrital ion i% carried (fill first with air and them, -ffnful SCid'higg.1,1,01-32.1 11.32,*01-1111. IN, '-VN),3. acid 00 whb %leant, 71r pP4K-r welix-tifas of the sirmxth of the no. M.2 and a 1-4WN, while the v,,rrv,IKggdinX data 1., .00 ergo (film. and :0,1911#1 can he made only after large. hidroxy'""11% were: 1 (1943, 12.74, 1,14% A, KXA andR mak eWS, nr golit. of alkali *Mlfod,.ed %hould exceed 1.414n. Ammliptelid frt*nfafapi(f%ntwiaintdliy~piltlI 0,09 "PtIOng"t-I Oil (1411% -1,1111ing) and %vnibetw wid% if j- g 25% of Ihst reqoired I and the (4ge"tifiri %hould sed ICTr UZIM L, cw7kd out in thr umumil manner in Mi 1p. not a ratio J -, :1. had %alit,nd. fat- 74XI%, acid no. INN .a, L -tkm of thV tot the sawtut. faw, fivitiall,ind. anti tump,ififlatih, wit see ,0 ban jtj~-. The tertgoval of the niain pcl -tarwei (emlip,,ed W (1.7170 -nap,-nd- and 4111-7, It- the Wall "ns. is effected imu-jimifiabir sulv,tanct~). afkafir% if,, qrmll) M1,14% aged Ittv mikall 11"lle A. A. NAtg-htlinKk zl*o ff: a I at L a SITALLURGIC&L LITERAT4*1 CLASUPKAY100 1-Z Olt -40 04 v 4. a.W AT 00 it; -6 -1 w $1 0 -ii -a) V 0 it It 9 of a n 11 It 0 0 ov, fee 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 06 ilso 0069994 401-0000001000000W00000000000 '94640000410*990*94 MASUMTAN. V.Ya.-. MMITARYAN, Sb.A. so 'p- - Fluids for b7dranlic fracturing of oil sands. Azerb.neft.khoz. 35 nn.6:18-20 Je 156. (MTRA 9:10) (Petroleum engineering) 14.K.; ANNNOVA, K.I.-, SULTABOYA, Kh.M.; AMJSTAMV, A. S. Preparing Baku crude oils for processing. Sbor.trud,,AzNII SP no.2:16-33 Ag 58. (MIR& 12-6) Xku--Petroloun) (Petroleum--Refining) V ITanslation. from: Referat�vr-y-v zhurna~. lUilx-iya, .19,59, Nr 497 AUMORS Dar--iyelys-n;, M.K Art-c~~ova,, K.7- Slul-~',~Anc~Lra, KnW, -Mstamov,, A ~ S. TTITLF-~ The Preparation of Baku Peiroieu'm P-'O:-'~Selnz F&RaODICAL: Sb. tr. Az-arb, nx.!-i, in-7 lgr-,8,, Ivr 2, pp 16 - 33 (Azerb. summary) AB3TRACT: A comprehensive thermome~-ha--1-3a,! cro~A-zs has b~~n de-~relcL--d fzr pr-~'- paring Baku petroleum, for vro-ntzslrig. D-,mulslfioatlon Is 2ar-r~~-d at a temperatu--e of 110 - 1400C ard a pressure of up to 6 atm.. and de2omposition of emulsion is carried out in a mixer-, whers the prz--- llmir=vOy heated petroleum is subjeoted tc Intsnsive mixing. Thf~ separation of the prinOlDal ma-qs of d-rtll water is ~~r-TIed out the first group of dehydrators. The se---or-i mixer is f-d with petroleum. oontaining 2 - 3% of water, and w-xsh:lng water; as a result of vi-jgorjuE Card 1/2 mixing the salts pass Into thA- washing wateir. The ~,etll:Lng of *,be The Preparation of Baku Petroleum for Pro-2essiDg SOV/81-59-8-2890,~ washing water is carried out in the sex-nd seQtions of the dehydrators, after whirr v the petroleum is cooled and passes into the storage t-ank for the prepared petrol.~Um. The method deVeloped inakes it possible to reduce the consumption of demulsifler by 55 - 60%. N. Kel2tsev Card 2/2 KARAMOV, K.A., nauchnyy sotr.; MELIKUKOV, A.S.,, nauchnyy sotr.; CHERFAS, A.A.; Prinimall uchastiye: AMIROV, A.D.; BILANDARIN, A.A.; DURMISHYAN, A.G.; LAYTSEV, Yu.V.; KOCHAffARTS, Sh.M.; AK,V.Yq-.j TAGIYEV, Z.B.; CHMUICYOR-6-1KOV, IBRAGIVIOVp E.S.; MASUNY M.Z.0- KHAIAFBUOT, N.Kh. -- [Instructions on the hydraulic fracturing of producing and injection wells] Instruktsiia po primeneniiu gidravlicheskogo razryva plasta v neftianykh i nagnetatellnykh skvazhinakh. Baku, 1959. 58 p. (MIRA 15:4) 1. Azerbaidzhanskoye nauchno-tekhnicheskoye obshchestvo nefte- gazovoy pronyshlermosti. 2. ChlerW Azerbaydzhanskogo nauchrn- tekhnicheskogo obshebestva neftyanay promyshlennosti, Azerbaidzhanskiy nauchno-issledovatellskiy institut po dooyche nefti (for harapetov, Melik'--kov). Ml wells--Hydraulic fracturing) MASUMMY V.Ya., kand. khim. nauk Resources o" petrochemical raw materials and prospects of the production of surface-active agents in the Ukraine. KhJm. prom. [Ukr.] no-3:40-41 JI-S 164. (ULTRA 17:12) GUTYRU, V.S (Hutyrlia, doktor khim.nauk; PATRILYTIK K.I. [Ntryliak, K.1*19 kandotekhnsmuk; GALIGHt P.N. [Halych, P.M.),, kand.telchn.nauk; MASMAN, V Ya kandstqkhmnauk; GAPONMOj 0.1. [Haponenko,* 0.1.] Separation of aromatic hydrocarbons from kerosene-gas oil fraotions. Ihimprom, [Ukr.] no.2o.20-22 Ap-Je 165, (MIRA 16.6) BILAY, V.I.; PIDOPLICHEO, N.N. [Pidoplichko,, M.M.); GUTYRYA, ~!.S. 1HUtYria, V.S.); BUKHALO, A.S.; VIYUN, A.A. [V'iunj B.A.]; GALICH, P.N. [Halych, P.M.); KOVAL', E.Z.; MASUIVAN, V.Ya.; MTLIKO, A.A. (Millko, 0.0.1 Petroleum bydrocarbons as a source of carbon for microscopic nycelial soil fungi. Mikrobiol. zhur. 27 no.2:3-10 165. (miRA 18:5) 1. Institut mikrobiologii i virusologii. AN UkrSSR i Institut khim.ii vysokomolekulyarnykh soyedineniy AN UkrSSR. GUIYRYA, V.S.j, glav. red.; KLIMENKO, A.P., Zam. gjkxv. red.; GkLICH, P.N., red.; KAMAKIN, N.M., red.; MANIKOVSKAYA, N.K., red.; MASUHYAN. V Ya., red.; SERDYUK, O.P., red. [Petroleum chemistry; paraffin petroleum hydrocarbons) Neftekhimiia; parafinovye uglevodorody nefti, ikh vydelenie i pererabotka. Kiev, Naukova dumka, 1964. 138 p. (MIRA 17:10) Akademiya nauk URSH, Kiev. Institut khimii vysokoiriole- kulyarrykh soyedineniy. MASUIRAS M.0 --uVIKS 1. Bleaching hemicellulose. p. 44. Vol. 9# no.l., Jan. 1955s, Chemicke Zvestie SOURM: &wt European Accessions List (EEW., Lco Vol 5v no- 3v March 1956 MASURA, S. "How are Plants "Ouris'-:ed in Cold So~lz?v p. 41'3~9. (F:-~moam 1 Vol. (2), No. 7, 1953; Praha, "::ec"-.) I So: TIonthly List of East Duro:,ean Accessions, (MAL), Y, VOL. 4, '-o- L, April 1955, Uncl.- MASURA S. Usn.,, nosn. a Krcn. odd. stat. &L nom. v Yachaloveiach. Toxicky iitidptomyclinu pri liecbe meningitlidy Tcocic effects of streptony ucinok , c in in the treatment of meningitis Bratislavske lekars. Usty 1951, 31/5-6 (617-619) _?, i , - - A patient aged 30 with meningeal signs received 0.1 g. streptoLvcin intrathe- cally; 30 min, later he developed 3rd degree horizontal nystagmus, incontinence of urine., inability to sit up, loss of equilibrium,, aphasia, dyslalia and restlessness and irritability. Puncture yielded CSF under high pressure with no chemical or other changes except such as were present before the adminis- tration cif streptomyc1n. All signs or irritation of the leptomeninges dis- appeared the next day. It is believed that the cause was an allergic reaction, streptomycin given some days earlier being responsible for the sensitization. Prochazka - Prague (XX, 8) SO: Excerpta Modica, Section VIII, Vol 5, No lU