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Z~w VL/Lsllr.)V) V. il. Alrao I-r. *'Kf~ I` jIj,.(j b_or,~ :7~f '~' 'Zv- '11.01d. i, ! , . A. Ii SS,- R r - . ~ "74-P 1 ' ' I ( !I,, ~,., i -, :,7 ) k',-'T1-11OR: c) V Sub- ' ' c~f Chrom. ~ h TITLE: - o Alet A s t C e "'o )C, (Ussjr-) RIODIC,~,L: 'n 7 ~,e BY73 11t - of janu:~ry - 3 14 11 T C r r of' Chomic -1 19 56 s-b- u G t 1-Y - s h n. CUt -'Clutions; cutting f , - -a -"hi cz t --i,. c --, S W i ttU: - . . , e o- s by feeding 'he tion proces I U t-e d,,=A-4on of tne sel-ara throu:~~h porous or - -oluti~n into the coluzm w a s h i n , I I fiLt-ration level. an - : w--- DATYDOV, Vladiri.- lvanovic~).; ".A., AS, Ilf~ LT D23-66 ElIT(!)/E'.'IT(m)/E,iF,~'i)/, (-)/Ei0-P(b) IJP(c) JD/GG _2: ,ACCESSION NR: APS024566 UR/0070/65/010/005/0758/0760-56i 548.522 iAUTHOR: Masl0V,_V.__N.-L Shaforostov, M. P. -W, 7 FY~ JITLE: Growth of doped acicular ani filamentary gallium phosphide cr-y-stals from the gaseous phase 7/ SOURCE: Kristallografiya, ;r. 10, no. 5, 1965, 758-760 iTOPIC TAGS: gallium compound, phosphide, acicular crystal, semiconductor crystal, crystal growth ABSTRACT: The simplest equipment for growing doped acicular arxl riffbon-filammt crys- tals of gallium phoslhide from the gaseous phase consists of a two-zone furnace.(wit6 a t'e4eratux:e *of 1100-- 12000 in the reactiob zone and 400-500C in "Jie i4.os- i phorus beating naziLa) and a quartz rube 100 mm in diameter in the reaction' xone and 25 mm in diameter in the phosphorus heating zone. A quartz crucible is placed in the reaction zone with a 20-30 gram charge consisting of a mixture of metallic gal- lium with gallium oxide in a 3:1 ratio. A quartz boat is charged with 4-6--grams.)bf .-ed phosphorus. The phosphorus vapor is carried by a stream of pure argon'to re- act with gallium gubbat&6c vapor formed by the reactidn Ga%Oj + 4Ga ~ 3Ga:O, Cad 1/3 3593-469, ACCESSION NR: AP5024566 Transparent yellow-orange acicular and ribbon-filament crystals 2-6 cm long are.grown on the sides of the crucible in 2-3 hours. Since reaction products are removed from the surface of the charge by the argon stream, there is no chance of a tough sur- face crust of gallium phosphide preventing the evaporation of the gallium suboxide. Chemical and spectral analysis show that the impurity content in the non-doped crystals is no greater than the impurity concentration in the initial reagents. Sulfur, zinc and tellurium were used as dopants. Sulfur changes the shape of the crystals as well as the electrical and physical parameters. When 70 mg of sulfur is added to 5 g of phosphorus, 100% formation of ribbon filaments results. Zinc was introduced by adding zinc oxide to the gallium cnarge in the crucible, since ad- dition of zinc to the phosphorus resulted in growth impairment and change in crystal color to grayish-orange. A tNlrd heating zone was added to the firmace for doping with tellurium. This doping methoe is more convenient than the other two since the impurity content can be controlled over a wide range. This method was used for ro- ducing n-ty-e crystals of gallium p"iosphide vith carrier concentrRtions fr M 101 to 1017 cm-3. Howqver, the dopant_cont~!nt in the crystals is not a single-valued function of the tellurium vapor pressure cormsponding to the temperature in the tellurium heating zone. An increase in thp temperature in the phosphorus zone reduces the ,charge carrier concentration i- the crystals. The temperature in the reaction zone ,also has a definite effect o- the impurity concontration. High 41opant'concentra- Card 2/3 L 3593-66 ACCESSION NR: AP5024566 tions cause imperfections in the crystals which make them useless for applications as finished xT although they make good starting material for producing_ppi- taxial layers _ allium phosphide with the use of gas transport reactions. Orig. art. has: 3 figures, 2'forlmulas. (14] ASSOCIATION: Gosudarstvennyy nauchno-issledovatellskiy i proyektnyy institut red- kometallicheskoy promyshlennosti (State Design and Planning Scientific Research_ Institute of the Rare Metals I idustny-T 11 -1. SUBMITTED: 30DecE4 ENCL: 00 SUB CODE: SS NO REF SOY: 002 OTHER: 001 ATD PRESS Card -J~/'3 _L191L-~6 EVIT WlYkj-f (m)/~,NP( IJP (C) JD,/GG ACCESSIM M i AP5018077 tu~/oo2o/63/i63/oDi/oO76/0078 AUTHOR: A.,, _P~konqvj_ L. 1!';~ MasLov V. j Sakbarav, -B. TITLE: EVit&xW izrcrwi of single-!crystal gallium pbos bide ,/ - ~i F, AN SSSR Ili' SOURCE: . Do aO, v. 105, no. 1 19~~5Y6-778 TOPIC TAGS., epitaxial growing, gallium compound, semiconducting material ABSTRACT: The purpose of the investigation wan to check on the applicability of the sandwich method (E. Sirtl, J. Mys. Chem. Solids v. 24, no. 11, 5~~963) to fid nv a the production of large plate-like gallium phosphide single cry_s_t_ajr1~ 'to i e tigate the main factors influencing the growth rate and the quality of the epitaxi- al layers. The epitaxial growing was by means of the gas-transport reaction with water vapor 4Gap + C-1120 c; Me~20 + P4 + 2.H2 using needle-like single crystals obtained from the gas phase by interaction be- tween phosphorus -vapor and gallium monoxide in an argon stream. The details of the growth procedure are described. Samples up to 700 p thick WEre grown in 70 hours at a rate which &taxted at 3o--4o p/hr and sl(r4ed dawn to 7-15 p/hr. The presence of moisture UrAdered the epitaxial growth by causing oxidation of the substrate surface. The inarphology of the epitaxim.1 layers depends on the orientation of the Card 1/2 L 3075-66 ACCESSION NR: surface and on the perfection of "the substrate crystal structure. The best results were obtained .)n substrates with (M) orientation. ALhough the Del-ye pattern of the epi*vaxiaJ.Iy grown single crystals indicates the presence of only one phase in the sample, the presence of several per cent of gal-Lium arsenide impurity hqs been noi'iced. Although the content of this impurity can be reduced by 'Lowering the sub- strate temperature, this leads to a deterioration of -the photolumineseent and elec- trolnminescent properties of the sample. The gallium phosphide obtained had n-type conductivIty, with carrier density 108--lo'B cre3, carrier mobility 114 cn?/v-sec at densisy 2 x 1017 cir-3, and renAstivity 0.2 ohm-cri at room temperature, with a gallium arsenide content of 6 niol.%. This report was presented by N. P. Sazhin. Orig. art. has: 2 figures and 1 formula. ASSOCIATION: Gos-Lidarstvennyy nauchno-issledovatel'skiy i proyektnyy institut red- kometallicheakay promyshlennosti (State Scientific-Research and Design Inatitute me. the Rare-Metal Industry) i . - -, V . I . .- . .. "v- * , 1.1" !"", 13 ~~ ", ~ , ; , - - . . - , , - , , . - - . . . , L ; I r I I- . .,- I - - I I - .11 USSR/Geology OMateriale for Investigation of Fossil Algae of the USER. Fossil Chara, Their Importance, Anatomy and Methods of Their Study," V. P. Masiov, 15 pp "BYull Moekov Obah lap Pri, Vol MM, No 3 After short review of importance of Chara. and of usual methods for their determination, author sug- Seats his own method based on the longitudinal trans- pajvnt thin sectionn of the fose.11. Gives &imenBi=a and brief characteristic sketches for four of the oogonia fossils of the Kirghiz region- Chara marlani Unger, Chara meriani -17er. delicate. var. nov., Chara marlemi -var. acutalia. var. Doll1us et Fritel Gi~ies nov., and Char& crassa distinguishin4g. character- ?'ASW,7, V.P. Girvanella ali-~e ;ind stratir ,raphic sigm-ificance. B17:1. MOIP. Ot.". ~Ip.,: . -- nc.,':P14-I0O 149. WIRA 11: ~5 ) Fossil) 17"43 USSP./Geophysics - Algae, Red Nov/Dee 50 New Data on the Reproductive Organs c--,7 AULle Most Ancient Red Algae (Phodophyceae Rhodophyta)," V- P. Maslov "1Z Ak Nauk SSSR, Ser Geol" No 6, pp 119-128 Critically reviews existing representations of foreign investigators concerning structure and distinctive peculiarities of reproductive organs of very early red algae, Improves on these repre- sentations by using detailed Soviet data. 4WD% 177.T43 USSR/Onology Stratigraphy Jan 50 Algae ~5\ "Importance of Rhodophyceae for the Stratigraphy of the U,13.1:3R," V. P. ?4aslov, 4 pp "Dok Ak Naul, SSSR" Val LICX, TJ-- 1 ni-w families from collection of algae from Western Georgia and Abkhazian ASSR, one of which showed clear, comparatively rapid evolution and vari ability during Cretaceous period. T)eBcribeE; one new f=11y, Palaeophyllum gen. nov. , and discusses im- portance of this family and other Cretaceous forms of Rhodophyceae in Western Georgia. Table shows 155T21 USSR/Geology - Stratigraphy (Contd) Jan 50 vertical spread of Cretacnous Rhodophyceae and an- other leading form for Ukraine and Mediterranean area. Submitted by Acad D. 2. Belyankin 4 Nov 49. 155T21- * -- --- - - I - -2 USSR~Geophystcs - East ~-'I'Upria may IJlln 9~:, "Does an interruption Exist Betw--n MAddle Carif~rian and Verkholensk Fo-mations in Eas-,ern -":lberia?" V.P. Mas lov "Iz Ak Nauk, Ser Geoog" No I, ii, Q' -100 Discusses controversial opinions ~n the connecl.ion between carbonate Cambrian and red Verkbolerisk tor- mation in eastern Siberia. EstablisheB existenc-, of stratigraphic interruption bet-ween these era.,. 22,-T64 1. HASLOV, V.-P. 2. ussR (6oc) I,. Concretions 7. Carbonaceous nodules of organic origin. Biul. MOIF. Dtd. geol. 27. No. L. 1952. 9. Monthly List of Russian Accessiens, Library of CongresF, January Cmlassified. S TXPAIV ~ V . V . y E, . -v , v . P. Vasa'emrna -F-7,-Lg , s t,-,na ~*s origi:i and Its d-urability in structureq. ~ I rl. Akadoml ' a nail K SS-:7R. Vo~ r, sy pet rogr&f ii I mineral ogii . Kos kva , 19~~. Vc!-. 1, T..4bo-47j) (MLRA 7:4) (Bunaiiig stones) MASLOV, V.P. Kethode of coWarjag sections in Garboaacecus strata. (In: Akade-miia %auk SSSR. VoTrusy T~etrcgrafii 7c-'. 4, 1 mineralogii. Hoskva, '953. p.477-4Q4) (XLRA 7:4) ~Ku.ybyshev Province-Goology) Oeology-Kuybyehey Province) M,(-)nt h I v L. ~ ---! , ~ ' '~,-sz, iir. Ac--Ssl~ ns - ~- i t- rary - f Curigr-ss , I -, --, I-II;cI- . Y,ASWV, Y.F. Principles rf norle-liclature i-ria ice of strcnj-to:it#-v. lzy.,aN !;-SSR- Ser.geol. no.4:105-112 JI-Ag '53. (gjaA 0: ~ ) (P&IeO:)Otu-%v MASLOV, V.P. Some rarieties of river rilople marks and their origin. Biul.Kom.chet7.per. no.17:64-75 '53. (MlMA 6:11) (Rip-ple marks) .ran s -a "r- L e :,-a , IL '7 7!, c,r, a 0 ni zrnem s ilare L.:)-i.-e r -C s G r 7 z 'j 0, 7,~o s cow, z -VC. s KASLOV,V.P. Reply to I.I.Belostotakii, Biul.Kom.chetv.per. no.20-106 r55. (Ripple marks) (MLRA 8:11) 1-I . - -.., i ~", " MASLOV.V.P. Round carbonate enigmas (oolites, "onkolites," coprolites, congula, and other similar microf ormat ions). Trudy Inst.geol.nank no.155: 156-164 '55. (MLRA 8:10) (Rocks, Sedimentery) WUIV V OF* Intervals in sedimentary deposits in Cambrian and Silurian variegated series of the southern Siverian Platform. Ixv.AN SSSR. Ser.geol. 21 no.601-" Je 156. (K[RA 9:10) 1. Geologicheekly insitut Akademil nank SSSR, Moskva. (Siberian Platforn-Goology, Stratigraphic) - mosommommoomm" - 1". -,I,,, ,--. wil, :~ ., "1~ I ~z ~-- , - . - . , I .- -q - 4- I- , ", iiJ . ~-~ . ~, - ': -:,I, ~ , -~, , ..'..:- ,- - I - z~ - -- , - - HASIM, VPVFO~~-. 1~ On la now f ossil family of Red Algae and two sev goner& of Blue- green Algae from the Carbosiferoas. Dokl.AN SSSR 107 no.1:151-154 Mr 156. (MLRA 9:7) l.Institut geologichaskikh w3uk Akademli sauk SSSR. Predstavleao -k-d"mikon B.H.Strakhovym. (Algae, Possil) Sew Devonian red algae from the Kuznetsk Basin and the evolution of Corallinaceae. Dokl. AN SSSR 110 no.2:28D- 283 S '56. (HLRA 9:12) 1. Geologicbeekly institut Akademli nauk SSSR. Predstavleno akademikom N.M. Strakhovym. (KU2netsk Banin-Algas, Fossil) AUTHOR WASLOV, V.P., PA - 3177 TITLE A Contr-MuNT-on to the Probiem of Classfication and Phylogenesis of Charephytes. (K vopresu o klaesifikataii I filogeali kharofitov - Hussiax) PERIODICAL Deklady kkademii Nauk 85SR0 1957, Val 113, Nr 3.- pp 676-6Bo, (U.SoSORO) Reeeivrm; 6/1957 Reviewed 7/1957 ABSTRACT A mrrvey of the oharophytae still 6XiL*IRg and these which are ex&, tinat is given. From this we soo what &A important part the fsssl~- le of this type have played and how few groap8 of them are still extant. A hypothesis on the connection of the great groups of *he- rephytae in the past is given. In the Cambrium or in the Ordov-4 there were two ordersi the Sycidiales and the Troohlisoales. Another group branched off from the sycidiales in the Devon which represents a transition to the aharales and is possibly related to the Atapa- sharaoese, This latter group maintained Its existanoe as a fossil of this transition group te the real Charaphytao which is uLknown to us~ The development of the Charales began in the Paleozoic age and reached its climax in the Mesozoic and Kaneoic ages, Another period of the Chrophytas began with the Perm and reached its oli- max in the Tcrtiary.A number of kinds became extinct at the end of the Tetrtiary. (With I illustration) Card 1/2 PA .-- 3177 A Contributien to the Problem of Classification and P6ylogeneals of Chrophytes,. ASSOCIATION PRESE17TED BY SUBMITTED AVAILBLE Card 2/2 Imstitute for Geology of the Academy of Science of the USSR STRAKHOV.v N.M_) Member of the Aoademy, 19,10-1956. 21~3-1956, Library of Congress. AUTHOR: Maslov, V. P. TITLE: A New Repi;~4~"Cive Organ of a Devonian PlaLt (Novyy organ razmnozheniya devonskogo rasteni _ya PERIODICAL: Daklady Akademi i Nauk SSS[(, 1,,117 , Vo I (U.SSR) ABSTRACT: Since spores of organized plants were fourd i!. the Lower Paleozoicum it haq become p.-o'.)at)le that therQ 0XILit _9111Y 01'(~Iirlized than terrestrial plants which are more 0 1 Pailophytes are in the Devonian and eailier. Some aiith(!--, draw the conclusion that terrestrial, woods existed alrea(-~ in the pre-Cambrian period. Withot- takinE a stard on t,~is conclusion, the paper under review discusses a sample f: in Devonian calcareous rocks from the Russian plate bin, Bobniysk Oblast, Belorussian SSR, depth 74'3-7'~~ The stone consisted ofcarbonate shallow-water rock wit, ad- mixture of clay and rests of Altrae. In one of the polis~,?Sa lon,3itudinal section of a formation has been found w",ic,. :%ay Card 1/3 be considered as a propa4.ation organ of a plant (fig-iire,! A New Reprodixtive Organ of a Devonian Plant 20-2-511u0 Nr 1 - 3 of the paper under revi The orglanic remainrier is a clear yellowiah carbonated envelope of ci!-ar snape . tapering towards the top and blunt at the base. Or~ t,,-,e t, there is a dense-fringe of bristLes with preserved celiu'.Lil structure. At both ends of the bag there are 1.ores ahic~, are linking its interior cavity with the surrounding medium _'he central part of the inner surface hae. round protuberances, The length of the entire bag amounts to 3.5 mm. The aut~ior of the present pqpr suggests for the above structure the nume Hirsutocarpon extensum Fen. et nov. . :2he exterior shape of the bag resembl,s thf, megasjnrophyll genus Lepiu~Ll- carpon from the Carboniferou!j of Engla.-d, but differs in ills inner structure and also in -.ts having ~:istles. Brist.:e3 and a similar shape of the 'external envelope are known tc. in Idiadesmia membranecea C. Bertrand, again from the ferous of England, Lhe difference lies in the inner stn~cture of, and in 'the pre.,~ence of several envelopes in the Erq-_Ias~, form. Both of the above species belong to the class of L~g)po- diales, group of Lepidospeririae. As the author of the papc- tinder review is not in a position to identify tnis jer~tra tive organ with the vegetative parts of any fossil plant. Card 2/3 opecies described before, he places it presumptive-.,; Wlt~. !~!e I A New Organ of a Lr--V0nl8D PIBrt L,ycopodiaceae. It remains u.,.~- :eur berances in the interii.r ar~-- seit.~rate wbich, after liavinf,,i, :e!,ej t, If this assumpt-or, iLi -orre-t, wo as a sporantiophor described above 1.9 considered as a ore ;-h! Psilophyts *here are ASSOCIATICN: Geological Institute AS USSFi eo I o;, 1 Akademii nauk S3SR% PRESENTED: February 1 1 IL3~ it ;,.:h,~v S U B11, 'I T T E DFebruary 6, AVAILABLE% Library of Con--r-~~3 Card 3/3 ! ~' T ) ' ,' ' . _ P., 0. IC-,Dj",~Caj Lil- ~ , _r,j~;~jj ), ~ al -)z el. uLi) ~ aL- l 1_ . C _ i C 11~~al .reo~-5 i ~ss-i Al. -,,e ~,-- :.f- ': c A,- a e: , -i~ I c ~t -.- ~s - -- -, - - . ..)r tltis woi-i -- -ece."'ve" aa.--i ,,, Prir-oria, ',,D. 2, 1,~~ . -P. 13-1-ILL - AUTHORS: Vaslov V "trobin, V.N, S,w /11 -, 6-1. 7ITLE: fhe ':'Xppnsion of --ed Algae of the -erti--,,, ~---:~J r 7.- Te rri tory of the -Tkra i n in n S-'R, a nd The ir Corre 1. a t -ea Transg-pssions (Rasprostraneniye tretichnykh vodorDsley 7krainskov SSR i svyn~, uh s transgress 1yam-1 morya) PERTr,'D'CAI: Tzvestiya 4kademii nauk S7SR, ---,eriya peologicheskayR. -.CC.F, ,Nr 12, pp 7~-91~ I . - n j ABSTFACT: The article gives an exhaustive geological survey of differen- parts of the "krairian SSR where the Tertiary calcareo,.;s -red algae (Rhodophyceae' has been found. This s,.rvey showed at the Tortonian (TTpper Miocene~ stage a shallow sea covered the plpteau parts of the Ukraine, and the expansion of -,n-2 red algae corresponded to definite stages of the development of these sea basins. The following -.oviet geologists Pre menticned by the author: V.G. Morozovq, A.7. Yoyseyev, V N. Utrobin, L.V. Linetskaya, 1-.P,, Bashkirov, '.3. Vyqlo-i, 1"hizhchenko, V.P. Yozakova, M.Ya. Serova, L.N. Kudrina, V.;. I I,ivental', A.A. Rogdanova, V.V. Clushko, I..". Tishvqnrvfi, Card 112 G.I. Molyavko, D.P. Naydin And V,P. Maslov. -Zclv/ I i - ~ a - -1 2 - ,I" lc~ . a on t~-- The Expansion of Red 11gae o~ t!,-- 'ertJa::-y Per 40' Ukrainian SSR, and Their -orrel9tion wit~i F~ea Transgressions -here are 7 maps, .- profil.~s, 1 scheme, 1 table an! ferences, 1n of' wKAch arp ;ovipt, 9 Polish and ASSOCTATI,'~N- ;eologicheskiy inst-I Ltut AN 7,5SR, Mo.~'k~.% (The Goo", -~i- 1-5- the A~, Woscrln) T.,vovsk9ya P_ speditsiya 7krnef tegazraevedki " "~,e - v v pedition o~ the 'Ikrneftegazrazvedka. SUBMITTED: August 21, Card 2112 AUTHOR: Maslov, V. P. -1 SOV/20-121-2-451/5~ TITLE: New Finds of Algae in the Jurassic Formation of the Crlz~-a (Novyye nakhodki vodorosley v yure Kryma) PERIODICAL: Doklady Akademii nauk 535R, 1958, Vol. 121, Nr 2, ~,p- 35-3-7 (USSR) A3STRACT. Since the collection of the soleropores and lino:)orelles in the Jurassic limestone of the Kr3m-Yayla (Kryz,,ska~7a Yayla) there have beer) no data on new types of alg-ae in this area. only recently V. F. Pchelintsev and N. P. Kyansep mentioned a farther spreading of the solenopores. The author fo-ind iiitL-r- esting Siphonea of the Upper Jurassic in the westtrn 'fayla They belong to the type C H L 0 R 0 P H Y T A , class ISO.'CN- TAE, order SIPHONALES, family Dasycladadeaes genus Actinooorel- krymensis sp.nov. Fie-ure 1 a - d, ant la A'th., 1882. Act. (? 2 g. A de5criptiT-riof this new type is :,iven. Listributicn: Karabi-Yayla- Genus Triplo.~horella Steinmann, 1880, Tril~!- kara- biensis sp-nov. Figure 1 ye and 2 ye, zh. Munieria Deecl~e, 15133. Mun. baconica Deecke, 1883. Distributiont limestone in the Yayl=u~-th-ermore Actinop_orella sp. and Solenophora so which Card 1/2 could not be determined to the genus, as well as rests of sev- SOV/20-121-2-,,1_/5A New Finds of Al.-ae in the Jurassic Formation of the Crimea eral types of Coscinoconus Leupold were found. The binding of Actinoporella krymensis and L'unieria baconica seems to indicate polyaiorphoas I estones from deeper water (not deeper than 50 m). Triplophorella karabiensis anc Solcnophora sp. were found in coarse detritus lim.-st-_,ne, i.e. in a facies of the shallow water near to the r_-ef or shore. 'There are 2 fi-uies and 3 references, 0 of viich ara Soviet. ASSOCI-ITIC11: GeoloEicheskiy inctitut Ak-a-demi-i naak SSSR (Geo)o.-ical In- stitute )AS JSSR) PIUSLINTED: March 4, 1958, by 11. S. Shatskiy, Member, Academ,,, of Sci~~nces, USSR SUBMITTED: February 28, 1958 Card 2/2 AUTHOR: Maslov, V P SOV/2o- 121-3-41/17 TITLE A Fo,-ind of the Gen-L;a Coscinoconus Leuj)o.~' in the Jurassic of the Crimea and t~.e Heal Nature of This Gemis (lTa'k:ho&a v Yure Kryma ro0a CosciDoconud Leupold i yego istinnaya priroda) ,I PERIODICAL; Doklady Akademii naiiv SSSR, 1956, Vol 121 , "r ')I pr, 5,15 - 546 (USSM) ABSTRACT: In 1935 Lou,-mold found tl-.e remnp-nts of t'.e or7anisms -entioned in the title in Switzerl-t--d and called them foraminifera (Ref 3). There tas no ~Iofinitr- decision on the po~-,ition of this ort,anism ir, the system (Refs 1,2,5-7,) The author investi,-:.ted Coscino- conus remnants found by L. G.Reznikov-- in the Kineridgian staj-,e of the Crinea-Yayla (Krymskzya Yayla). Tl;e author succeeded in fin'in- Leu-old's j1)1nion wrone as well as his m,~thorls of descril,tion The author ~7ives q. new description of th;~ je.,,us which he classifies amonl- tle type Chloroph,~,ta, class Isocontaez order *Sii)honales, family Dasycladaceae, Tribus Acetabularieae(?)., In 1935 the author described the type Coscinoconus alpinus Leu- poll (Fio 1b) as ori,,ans of reproduction of the vihorl-lihc, siphona-lil,e rtlgaae The ve ' tative pn 'rts renain unkrr,,,vn 6 new Card 1/2 Coscinoconus types were furth-r described: C-fuciformis si;.nov. A Found of the Genus Coscinoconus Leupold ir. the SOV/2r- 121 - '-4 1j Jurasci(. of the Crireh and the Real "'.ri tL!re of Thiz (FiCs la,2a,3b) from Krirabi-Yayla njid Aypetrii-Yayla (Aypetrins- kaya3myla); C co,iicus sp nov, (Figs 2b,3d), Karabi-Yayla; Che.-emoch- and Rybnitsa river, n-)rthern slope of the Carpathi,..ns (severnyy shlon K.-.rat), materia- by L,V,Liric-t!-,I,aya;C,,-iinutiis sp,noir. (Fig 3a) from Ay-Petri; C~obloi2~~ sp,nov.(Figs 2v,3v) from Ay~,Petri; C.pagodaeformis Rigs 2 3u)from Karabi-Yayla; C,,assymetricus sp nov from Karabi-Yayla,. At the end of the paper the position in the system and the distribution of the mentioned types are discussed Th--re are 3 fi.,ures and 7 references, 1 of which :.s Soviet, ASSOCIATION: Geologicheskiy institut Akademii nauk SSSR (Institute of Geo- lojj7AS USSR) PRESMi'TED: March 4, 1958, by 11 S.Shatskiy, Member, Academy of 5ciences, USSR SUBMIf."TED: February 28 195P Cari 2, P MSLOV' V.P. Lime algae as indicators of factors governing the formation of sediments. Sov.geol. 2 no.12:126-128 D 159. (MITIA 13:5) (Algae, Fossil) (Geology, Stratigraphic) 3(5) AUTHOR: laslov, V ~ P. TITLE: Stromatoliths and Facies 'Stromatolity i fatbii) PERIODICAL: Doklady Akademii nauk SSSR, 1959, Vol 12~, Nr 5, I)P 1085-10,~~B (USSR) ABSTRACT: Stromatoliths are the only widely distributed organic form.,-3 of the Precambrian. Not until the last decade have several directional methods of description, nomenclature and classi- fication stood out: 1) the paleontologic direction (Refs 1-3). Definite stromatolith genera, which are assigned to the Cyanoph,yceae, are described here. 2) "botanical" direction (Refs 4,5), in which the microstructures of the stromatoliths are considered as comparable with those of the recent Phaeo- phyceae'and Cyanophyceae families, however, the exterior form remaii3ed unnoticed. 3) lithologicpaleontologic direction (Ref 6);!'\the micro- and macrostructures are considered to be forms of bomplex origin. They are classified according to a special morphologic system, which deviates from thb biologic system. The traces of -lgae and animals are discussed separately. 4) lithologic direction (Ref 7 and other.4). No Card 1/4 special names are given to the stromatoliths or their *- .0 Siromatoliths and Facies SOV/20-12;-,-T'6/tA structures. Their systematic is formed on the basis of the exterior form and the character of the! stratification. Further treutment occurs in the present work accordine to standpoint 3. This multiplicity of conceptions goes back to the complex genesis of the stromatoliths. Various complexes of primitive algae took part in their formation, depending on t'.,ie salt content of the water, the quantity of terrigenous material deposited, depth of the water, strength of water movement (currents and surfN and further, origins unexplained for the time being (eg. PH . Further, the presumed living conditions of the stromatoliths and the formation of onkoliths and ooliths are portrayed. The stromatoliths are more closely connected with the sedimentation than with the petrographic composition of the sediment. The familiar standpoint that the stromatoliths are involved in the life activity of primi- tive algae does not always explain the formation of some structures which occur in them. The experiments of V. 0. Kalinerko (Ref 9) have shown that the bacterial factor of the carbonate deficiency may not be neglected. I-e bacterial colo- nies are able to change the acidity of the iter locally. Thus, Card 2/4 under favorable circumstances, Stromatoliths and Pacies SOV/20-125-c-36,'~i microscopic spheres and grains are deposited with-in the colony. All of these methods of deposition, including car- bonate sedimentation by algae, are closely related to the envirenm,--ntal conditions. The optimum conditions for the growth of the stromatoliths suggest the boundary between sea water und fresh water or the transformation of sea water into a brackish water lagoon along with the dtherwise necessary conditions mentioned. All of the factors acting on the stromatoliths are closely connected with facies. The algae and bacteria could be replaced by others in the course o~' geological time. The sedimentation conditions were also changed. Perhaps the stro- matoliths will be helpful in understanding these transforma- tions. Thus tne conclusion is' drawn that the study of the stro- matoliths as the result of sedimentation and an a guiding stratigraphic index is very complicated. There are 11 refer- ences, 6 of which are Soviet. Card 3/4 .S*tromatoliths and Facies SOV/20-125-5-56/61 ASSOCIATION: GeologicheBkiy institut Akademii nauk SSSR (Geological Institute of the Academy of Sciences,USSR) PRESEKED: December 31, 1958, by N. S. Shatskiy, Academician SUBMITTED: December 25, 1958 card 4/4 MkSIA)Vq Vladimir Petrovich; SHATSKIYq N.S.., akademiko glavnyy red,; TAIMIAWMVP V.A. 9,; ZELBNOVI, K.K.9; IIIIAP N.S.P red.izd-va; YM ININP I.F.P, [Stromatolites; taoir genesist riethod of studyt relation with faciesp and geological significancep based on studies of Ordovician deposits of the Siberian Platform] Stromatolity; M genaziep.metod izueBeniia, W.Laz' s,fatsl-ami I geolog .Loheakol' znachenie na primere ordovika Sibirskoi platformy, Mosk-vat Izd- v,,% Alrad. vauk SSSRt 1960. 166 p. (Akademiia nauk SSSR, ~.Logicheskii fiwtitute Trudyt no. 41) (MIRA 1412) (Siberian Ratform--Stromatolites) HASIOV. V. F. Acicularia and their significance for the stratigraphy of the U.S.S.R. Paleont.shar. n0-3:115-122 160. (XLU 13.' 10) 1. Geologicbeekiy Institut Akadeall nauk SSSR- (Algae, Fossil) VYAWVv O.S. (MR).i MASIDV. V.P., (SSSR); WDDWIkMp St. (M.Bks); OLTdICZs Z.R". (FO-lGE0-;-WVAK,, V. (Pollsha); SIAVIN, V.I. "UR) MSUUMAJO N.1 (SSSR) VYALOVp O.S. (SSSR); EEERZIN, A.G. (SSSR) BDNDUMHUKl V.;. (SW Participation In diseussione. Mat,Kerps-BMeaesots. no,3.1157- 179 160, (MIU 14:12) (Carpathian Mountain*-4jology) PASWV, V. P. Microscope object holder (system MD-I). izv. AN SSSR. Ser. geol. 25 no.9:113-115 3 160. (MIRA 13:9) 1. Geologicheskiy Institut AR SSSR, Moskva. (Microscopy) )miauAj. Coprolites dnd traces of boring orgamd-sms and for 3ithologists. Izv. AN SSS7a. Ser. geol. 25 their significance no.lOs8l,86 0 160. (MIRA 13:10) 1. Geologicheskiy inetitut AN SBSR, Moskva. (Coprolite) 3 (5) AUTHORS: Zhulc-Pochekutov, K. A., Maslov V P. SOV/20-130-1-40/60 TITLE: Problems Re ardin --4;om the Botogollskiy Mountain g Graphite (East Sayan~ PERIODICAL: Doklady Akademii nauk SSSR, 1960, Vol 130, Nr 1, PP 140-142 (USSR) ABSTRACT: Considerable deposits of hiah-quality graphite are knovm. to occur iiL the alkalint Botogol'skly massif . 'raphite occurs a'-most in all rocks, but the bulk of large graphite bodies is concentrated in the northern part of the massif and is bound to leucocrate-ne-heline-syenites and to alkaline and nepheline- pyroxene-ayonites. Large individual granite bodies are bedded in limestones or in their contact areas. Graphite either is dispersed in rocks or forms little pockets and roundish or lens- shaped bodiee of different size respectively. Larger deposits (bodies to 50 times 35 m in diameter) are ellipsoidal or roundish. Of this deposit, A. N Labuntsov (Ref 1) classified the following graphite varieties: 1i massive, a olid- crystalline, 2) arborescent, 3 drop-shaped ("somatoid") and concent:Lical- ~ spheroidal, and 4 imbricating graphite. The first variety is the most frequent one. The genesis of Botogolskiy graphite has Card 1/4 not been completely explained. The age of the Botogol'skaya Problems Regarding Graphite From the Botogolfskiy SOV/20-130-1-40/69 Mountain (East SVan) intrusion is determined to be Lower or Middle Devonian. MVt researchers agTee that limestones are the source of carbon. Opinions, however. differ as to the formation cond-itions and the sedimentation age of graphite. According to B. M. Kupletskiy (Ref 2), besides organic remains of limestones, carbonic acid which was released during the CaGO 3 dissociation, also took part i-xi the graphite development. Hydrocarbons were able to g liberate carbon with CO 2 separated frc-m the limestones during V the interaction of gas-saturated magma. N. A. Florensov and V. S. 3obolev agree as to the source of carbon. However, they hold the opinion that graphite was developed by the CO decomTjosition (reaction of Boudoir) in the obligatory presence of bitunen. Graphite sedimentation set in alr6ddy juring the mag-matic stage,, Its bulk, however, was deposited 'oy post- magmatic hydrothermal solutions. According to V. P. Solonenko the transformation process of limestones into ayenite favorea the carbon concentration. The hydrothermally deposited Card 2/4 graphite is said to be of organic origin. Fiaally the authors Problems Re6arding Graphite Prom the Botogollskiy SOV20-130-1-40/69 Mountain (East Sayan) describe a new tubelike variety of graphi,~e from the Potogcllskiy massif (Fig 1). It forms gr,)ups of parallel tubes with an intermediate space of 1-2 mm, a length of 20 mm wid walls 0.1-0.3 mm tbick. The middle part of the tubes is filled 'hy zonated minerals In the 95quence: calcite, pyromene, microcline, nepheline (from outside . Thick tubes dichotomize in a sharp angle. The authors arrived at the conclusion that in this case graphite was separated earlier than minerals of the syenite part. The latter are of metasomatic origin. Graphite tubes originally )x-y have been composed of organic carbon compounds. In theix embedding they remained hard and became graphite without considerable mechanical deformations. If this assumption is true, this problem is to have a name: Botogolia saianensis gen. et sp.n. These "Organisms" (as a working hypothesis) probably belong to algae of the species Phaeophyceae. Finally the authors are of the opinion that it is much simpler to explain the formation of graphite by this theory than by the assumption of a complicated carbon concentration by metasomatic processes. The authors also Card 3/4 mention S, V. Obruchev. There are I figure and'4 Soviet Probloms Regarding Graphite From the Botogollskiy SOV/20-13V-1 -40/69 Mountain (East Sayan) - referoncen. A5.';OCIATION: Geolooicheskiy inutitut Alr-ademii nauk SSSR ( nstitute of Geology of the Academy pL Sairince , USSR) PIU~SJ-iTZD: July 5, 1956, by IJ. S. Sh,,k,rkiy, Academician SUBIUTTED: July 71, 1956 Card 4/4 KASLOV, V.P. Now Cretaceous algae from Kopet Dag (Turkmenistan). Dokl.AB SSSH 134 no.4:939-941 0 160. (MIRA 13:9) 1. Geolbgieheekiy inetitat Akaaemii nauk SSa. P-edetavleno akad. N.S.ShateLim. (Kopet Dag--Algae, Fossil) MASLOV V.P. Biohenps and algae as indicators of facies. Geol.sbor. [-Ivovj no.7/8:4.41-449 161. (MIRA 14:12) 1. Geologicheskiy institut AN SSSR, Moskva. (Reefs) (Petroleim geology) (Algae, Fossil) MASLOVY V.P. Algae and carbonate sedimentation. Iz-7.AN SSSR 26 no.12z81-80' D 161. (,\aRA 14-:12 ) 1. GeologJc-heskiy institut AN SSSR., Mosk-va. ('11gar.) YAS tc) ; BOLKHMTIU., N.A.,q otv,red.,- VEWTAK., G.V. ed.lmd-va,* GUSIKOVA, O.M... [Fossil red alga in the U.S.S.R. and their amociation with faclesi IskoparMs bpgriazqe vodoroo:Li SSSR i ikh oviamle fataiiami. Hbskva.." lzd-vo Aksdonauk SSSR 1962,, 2U p, 36 plateo. (Akademiia nwAl MR. Geologicheskii inotitut. Trudy, no.53). (Ahodopbyceae,, Foovil) (MIRA 15:7) Concerning E. V. Romaneva's article ONeepne Chara species frolm eastern Kazakhstan.' Faleonto zhur. no.1:174 (162. MIRA 15:10) ,. Ggologicheskiy institut AN WSR. 46 (Emakbotan-Algas, Fossil) (Romanoval E. V-) KRIVIR, A.L. [deceased); WLOVO V.P. fiew data on algae and the stratigraphy of the Upper Cretacems and Lower Faloocene of the Marmarosh Masmif. Izv. AN SSSR. Ser.pola. 27 no,, 12:63,71 D 162. (MIRA 16:2) 1. Geologicheskiy inatitut AN SSSR, Institut geologii poleznykh iskopayenykh AN Ukr=. (Tranuccrpatia"-4Geologya Stratigraphic) (Transcarpathia--Algaej, Fossil) ViASJ9V,- V.P. Paleogene stromatolitee of the Givsar Range. Dold . ~J~' 6!ZR 14~ no.3:690-691 Ja '62. (HIRA 1.5-1) 1. Geologicheskiy institut 0 SSSR. Predstavleno akademikom N.M. Strakbovym. (Gissar Range-Stromatolites) FAXIBEEM, B.G.; WISLOV, V.P.; KCRNILOV, G.I. I Bemote, control of surface substations at the S.1-L Kirov Mine. Sbor. nauch. truc4 KG.RI no.19:30-35 162o (MM 16:5) (Krivoy Rag B Asin-Electric substs~tions) (Remote control) .fto FAIMMM, E.G.; KCRNILOV, G.I.; Apparatus for remote control of block-type fans in the S, M, Kirov Mine. Sbor. nauah. t7ad. KGRI no.19,'35-38 162. (MM 16:5) (Krivoy R3g Basin-Fans, FIlectric) (Remote control) HISLOV, V.P. Remote control af the operation of automatic shuttle belt conveyors. Sbor. nauch. trud. KMI no.193105--108 162. (MIRA 16:5) (Conveying machinery) (Remote control) !~ASIDV, Vladimir Yetrovich; GOLLERBAKH, M.M., otv. red.; VAKHRAMEYEV, V. A.F otv. red.; PEYVE, A.V., glavnyy red.; MARKOV, M.S., red.? MENIIERJO VV... red., TD40FEYEV, P.P., red.; VANYUKOVA, O.M. , r!td. izd-va; CUSIKOVA, O.M., tekhn. red. [Introduction to the study of fossil charophytes.] Vvednie v izuehenie iskopaemykb kharovykh vodoroplei. Moskva, Izd-vo Akad. nauk SSSR., 1963. 103 P. (Akademiia nauk SFSR. Geologicheskii institut. Trudy, no. 82). (MLRA 16: 11) 1. Chlen-korrespondent AV SSSR (for Peyve). WLO Articulate red algae of the genue Janis 4rom Ffiddle Sarmatian bioherms in Moldavia. Paleont.2hur. no.1:311,-322 163. (,%,(IRA 16-4) Is Goologicheakiy inBtitut AN SSSR, (FIoldavia-Algae., Foosi.1) MULOVI V&PO Find of a line corolla and the structure of the apical part of the fruit-bearing organs in fossil Charophyta, Dokl. AN SSSR 149 no.4t97A-956 Ap 163. (NIRA 16:3) 1. Geologicheskiy inetitut AN SSSR. Predstavleno akademikom N.M.Strakhovym. (Algae, Fosell) MkS,TGv, V.P. Germination of the oospore in fossil charopWEes, and a new form-genus. Dokl.. AN SSSR- 152. no.2:443,"5-S '63L (MMA 16:11) 1. Geologicheskiy institut AN SSSR. Predstavleno akademikom N,M. Sti-akhovym. MASLOV, V.P.; RENGARTRI, N.V. Find of fossil calcareous no.3:579-581 N 164 algae in loess. lbkl~ AN SSSR 159 (MIRA 18-.1) 1. Goologicheskiy Institut AN SSSR. Predstavleno akademikom N.M. Strakhovym. MA-SLO':, V, P, Kcpetdagarla, a new tribe of vf;rti~-I'Ilate -'-',,honeae (green algae). Dokl. III SSSR 164 no-5:1154-1157 0 165. (MIRA 18: 10) ~. Geologicheskiy institut AN "'SSTI. bubmittee December 8, 1964- plas 16 L), c I) UM/Theoretical Physics B-4 Abs Jour Referat, Zhur Fizika, No 5, 1957, No loB63 Author maslov) VOPO Inst Title Correction to the Quasi-Classical Energy Approximation. Orig Pub Tr. 3-90 Vses. mtem. s"ezda. 2. M., AN S&M, 1956, 164 Abstract No abstract. Card 1/1 NASLOV, V. P. Caad Phys-Math Soi -- (diss) "Certain problems of the theory of disturbances." Mos, 1957. 4pp 22 am. (MOB State Tjniv in M. V. Lomonosov). 110 copies. MO 15-57, 104) -6- so* 0.0 dos I IS A K 2- ST. OR wellem 4w lots npu" 48 w" wpudm. K. K. Amdrwv and V-P-Madow..., Cipseps. read, amd. sa. .00 V. P. S. $Z= 111=0'n hwish)-7*0 MAN of ooo 'g2pis. w" to 011m. WA kow" pre"Um -laid tbt otbar M hisb pmantm) to amcmaln tie make .00 ct-fas I* , on "M npkdvn md to p_g the ej pb @A& p%cr4 is a aile am) &m4 Ue '00 br& wt faO In (C. A. 3% 40M. In the am Orm (1), tetro- (91) 1 a aim twbe. 25 um, in dium. and 1.5 0. ions, =141 jW) mm tgWed. Now of tb- ex- '00 eta Was AW wkb 0 H-0 Ida. alltr evacustim, and a sums eithff explo&d or, wbevitbesumenjaw. w wbm U and III wcTv logo ww. d c2pkohv (dw a adiditied = 0 law=! =njtw pmwure d 3 *13M., c Tum pbred on a pk" at Fe in trr Of I Ism The Fb StUlt 20 IA "VftlWiWt" CXVIO- sea The U-0 mixt. was detomi"i t1ty firinj pt 13 rnjr. ellwv wo for Ps pressam of 7w. 400 210 ratu. In tbe 2rAd I 1 1. as dectrolytic g" muxt . so, was inuvdamd into on evaccullmll Bud tube (38 mm. bmr golll and I n. 1=g) &W epWW by pb sji& as beleft- mnw DK3t whb 1, 111 am bl"d2s platin D; at ago* ""MM M &a SOL bM or CXP" 5 and 10 alms. it bunwd wilboat cimmins the tube: 090 'blk at aim hish" p"fint" It elpw" and, be tubt WS. Allf = to *Mi. IUl (C") waq I-A to laum of r% - '06 lft& at 6 (w 11) alms.; at 15 alms, = '10 Zi .00 pww at 20 ftmi.; twhise III (powd.) em 1.5atins. Jw"foundtotv-&tZ)&W24&txu.&Wex- "04, that lbtfriwis Wit umaimd ag"n the &-ductiom snn& from lbvir cakav. '00 Flank Goll" e 0 and theary. SOON SIT'sal" *Dow 60"Aftv Wei few MAP Vv a&( ug"C"I mi4arl an am All a w " #A I I a 1 311 9 do 0 2 6 v By to Alle, so I Ift 0 0 ; 0 0744 0 : : :1 0 000000 dos* 00 IF1 00.00 WO 0 * 0 0-0 0 0 0 -film ARM _91) v SUBJECT USSR/MaRMTICS/Functional analysis CARD 1/2 pl~ 17'; AUTHOR MASL9X V,p TITLE Ti-r-fai-baion theory at the transition from a discret f?pL,4 to a continuous one. PERIODICAL Doklady Akad. Nauk 4 267-270 (1956) 109, reviewed 11/1956 The author generalizes his earliar results (Doklady Akad. NaukQ.A_ on the approximations for the one-dimensional Schr6dinger equation to the more- dimensional case. He establishes that for the eigenfunctions of a more- dimenaional Hamilton operator in a certain sense converge to the comb,'nationa of more-dimensional 6 -functionig. This result holds for an arbitrary quantum mechanical operator which corresponds to a physical magnitude which can be measured. If in the three-dimensional ease there exists a function R such that with respect to the norm n All +-!U(X,Y,Z) R 2m n 1h n 71 0 for h ---> 0 and ~A n(h) them Rn ia the asymptotic of the eigenfunctic-i of the Hamilton operator. The fwrattan rn(71) gives the awymptotic of the elgen- values forh ----> 0 in the three-dimensional case of the Schrddinger equation if the potential function possesses a minimum. Here the distance of neighbored Doklady Akad. Nauk 109, 267-270 ('956) CARD -212 PG - 3174 . pointa of the apectrum has the order IS for /on(t) ---o -A . n 00 t --* 0 INSTITUTIONt Lomonossow University, Mosoow. P1 P. -4 51P.M4 Theory of perturbations of linear operator equations and the problem of the small parameter in differential equations. DokI. AN SSSR III no-3:531-534 N 156. (WRMA 10:2) 1. ~bskovskiy gosudarstyenrjy7 univercitet imeni N.V. Lomonosova. Predstavlono akademikon N.N. Bogolyuboy". (Differential equations) (PnWonal analysis) SUBJECT USSR / PHYSICS CARD 1 / 2 PA - 1997 AUTHOR KASLOV,V.P. TITLE A~e ~as ~ed on the Perturbation Theory for the Determination of the Spectrum of Ordinary Differential Operators with Small Parameters for the Oldest Derivative. PER10DICAL Dokl.Akad Nauk 111, fase-5, 977-980 (1956) Issued: ; / 1~5_7 Lot fAkJ be assumed to be a aeries of self-adjoined operators with discrete spectrum which converges considerably in the direction of the self-adjoined operator with a continuous speotrum. If ? (11) and E(1) denote the asymptotic k k behavior of the eigenfunctions and eigenvalues of the operators Ak in the case of large k, the first correction of the asymptotic behavior of eigenvalues ca~i be expressed in the following manner, which is similar to that adopted in the case of the ordinary perturbation theory: (cr(l) (1))/(T(1) V(1))) - E(l). This naturally holds only if T(l) belongs k 9 Ak % k ' k k k to the definition domain of Ak and if T(l) (i.9. the eigenvalue in first k is not degenerated. For the purpose of determining the following approximation) approximations it is necessary in each concrete case to make use of one or the other modification of the perturbation theory. The method discussed below is suited for the purpose of solving boundary value problems in the case of ordinary bokl.Akad.Nauk 111, fasc.5, 977-980 (1956) CARD 2 / 2 PA - 1997 linear differential equations with small parameter in the case of the "Oldestf,(?) derivative. The author explains this method on the basis of the SCHROEDIRGER equation: - (F,2 /2eA)(d2/dx2) T. +fu(x) - En ~ Yn - 0 with the condition rQD 2(x) dx < oo . Here ~ 2/2 is considered to be a small parameter, and L OD 2 2/dx2) the HAMILTONIAN operator R 12e,)(d + u(x) at h---> 0 on this occasion converges considerably towards the multiplication operator u(x). H.A.KRAMERS, Zs.f.Phys., a, 828 (1926) found the first so-called quasiclassical approxima- tion for the aforementioned SCHROEDINGER equation, and the following approxima- tions are discussed in the course of this article. In this connection u(x) - E in assumed to have two simple roots. The first approximation of the eigen- values of the SCHROEDINGER equation investigated here is found with the aid of a BOHR eqrAtion. For the determination of the following approximations a re- currence formula is set up which connects the (i+l)-th formula with the i-th approximation. On the basis of the asymptotic behavior of the BESSEL functions it is possible to write down the second approximation for the eigenfunctions of the problem under investigation. In conclusion, the determination of the asymptotic behavior of the eigenfunotions is described. INSTITUTION., Moscow State University. KASLOV, V.P. -"~- --- --- *~ - -- - ti'i'if-ehange of quantun mechaEics to classical. Vast. Hosk. un. Bar. mat., makh.. antron. fiz., khim. 12 no. 6:107-116 '57. (MIRA 11:10) 1. Kafedra matematiki dlia fizicheekogo fakullteta Moskovskogo gosudarstvennogo universiteta. (QUaLtum theory) (Mechgnlcs) 20-5-11/60 AUTHOR MASLOVIV.P. TITIX Degeneration ca Passing from a Discrete Spectrum to a Cj ptinuous and Transition from Quantum Mechanics to Classical Lechanics. (Vyyozhdoniye pri perekhode ot dAskretnogo spektra k ne- pr kvnomn i,perekhod iz kvant,-.,c4, makhanlki v klassiches- kuyu%- Russian) FERIONGAL Moklady Akademii Nauk SSSR 19571 Vol 114, fir 5t PP 957-960 (USSR) ABSTRACT te k S here denotes the aystem (k - 1,2,... of the orthcj- i normed bases in a certain HILBERT'S space H; a certain sequence of whole numbers depending on k. Further lim nk - co ic true. Furthermore, the index m jnj is k -.*. o o eliminated here. First, the conceptions "element pf the space K 0 [ek] " and "element of the space 9 [ey- I are defined. Also the elements equivalent to zero are defined. In H C ek I a scalar )?roduct is defined. The apace n i N k is a separable HILBERT space. If at cD the CARD 1/2 . [oil 20-5-11/60 Degenration on PRssing from a Disarete Spectrum to a C~ntlnuous and Transition from Quantum Mechanics to Classical Mechanics. difference (n-no) -> co then the spaces U [e ki and i n M I te~3 are orthogonal in the sense of the scalar pruduot n t k L i ' 'Y r- e 614 lim (xk xk 6- M , F- e n 1 k n I k 4 oD Now [AkA Is assumed to denote a sequence of selfadjoined positive definite operators with a discrete spectrum with the ei,~Tenfunotions Lxkj and with the eigenvalues i These operators strongly converge towards the selfadjoining operator A with a continuous spectrum. ?\is assumed to denote a point of the spectrum if the operator A; the space M [ -x j The following theorem Akj is denoted by M I, n , applies: The conclusion of the operator ~ A,~ in Mit ~A~ is the operator of the multiplications with the number A, (No Illustrations) ASSOCIATION: Moscow State University 11M.V. LOMONOSOV11 PRESENIED BY: N.No BOGOLYUBOV, member of the Academy on 31-10-1956 SUWTTED-. 17-10-1956 AVAIL"Ll; Library of Congress. GM 2/2 ULSLOV, V&P. --w] ~5'fikdiv for the passage from the quantum to the clabsical limit. Hauch.dokl.vys.skoly; fiz.-mat,nauki no.1:63-67 '58. (KRA 12:3) 19 Moskovskly gosudaretvewWy univerdtet Im. H.V.Lomonosova. (Quantum theory) (mechanics) AUTHORS: -NjaaIax,-V-2-.-,Samarskiy, A.A., Fomin,S.V., SOV/42-13-6-31/33 and Shirokov, Yu.M. TITLEs I.I.Golldman and V.D.Krivehenkov, Collection of Problems for Quantum Mechanics, Moscow, Gostekhizdat, 1957, 275 Pages, 15000 Copies, 5 Rub. 15 Kop. (I.I.Golldman i V.D.Krivchenkov, Sbornik zadach po kvantovoy mekhanike, M., Gostekhizdat, 1957, str. 275, tirazh 15000 ekz., tsena 5 r. 15 kop) PMODICALt Uspekhi matematichoskikh nauk, 10,58,Vol 13,Nr 6,pp 234-237 (USSR) ABSTRACTs This is a very appreciating review of the above book. For the further editions it is commended to consider the group- theoretical methods of quantum mechanics and to give instructions for some difficult problems. Card 1/1 240), 9(9) SOV/20-123-4--14/53 AUTHOR: Maslovz. _V-P.- TITLE: The Asymptotic Behavior of the Ei.,-enfurictions of theEqLntionA,.i+k2u=O Nith Boundary Conditionr .'. tlon,:~ Equidistant Curves and the Scattering of Electroma(,mt~tic Waves in a Wave Gaide (Asimptotika sobstvennykb funktsiy uravneniya Au + k2j, _ 0 a krayevy mi usloviyami nu ekvidistantnykb I-,-ivykh i raoseyaniye elektroma,gnitnykh voln v volnovode) PERIODICAL: Doklady Akademii nauk SSSR, 1958. Vol 123, Nr 4, pp 631-631, (USSR) ABSTRACT: The author investi,,,,ates the equation Ayk + k~k ~ 0 in a certain domain which is bounded as follows: a) either by 2 closed equidistant curves, or b) by 2 equidistant curves and 2 verticals to the3e curves, or c) by 2 equidistant curves extendin(T towards infinity. ~kjP is assumed. In the two first cases the spectrum will be concrete, but in the third case it vri~l be continuous. Thearc length s of the inner equidis.ant curve and the lenl-tli r of the correspond- ing normal are introduced as a new system of coordinates. Card 1 An equation for ~k(r's) resuitin(., under these conditions is