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A37) Mr- 977-U 2T MY
FisUm twordogo, tols, v. 5, no. 3. Mar 1963, 843-849.
Ths~ interrelation betwena r*I&3i&ti= and the dielectric ftwtant (s)
mW loss aftle (tvin 6) of sitals of the. cordierijo system was studied in the
fro=-4--l02to3.7-l0l'*-;cps. The sital samples wore pr*-
conditions (TIO2 used as crystallization
J~-Fdfe under -varying crystallization
CdOlYsto of reduction., The experimental data Indicate
and vW7UW d061 040
POI&ft" to anarently iWe in rature, is due to struc-
Wral. detects. and is mu& more sharply defined in sitals man In silicate
dielectrics, *Uch also have .1028 due to the' r*lwmUon of weak
ionic bonding. The frequency of naUtral oscillations of the relwation oscU-'
latoir4is low (v lo* to loll c pA), pr9bably owing to extremely weak
AID Nr. 977-11 27 MaY
Dn=== UMU [Cant I d) 8/182/63/005/003/021/046
banding of the rela2ation ions with the lattice .. or to relaxations not of indi-
vidual ions but of ion complexes. The character of the frequency and tem-
perature dependence of F., C',' and tan 6, as well as the calculated param-
eters, agree well with Debye: formulas. All samples showed a tendency
towards a gradual vanishing of the maximum on the curves for tan 6 (t.*C)V4hich
wai even greator for C" (t. 0 Q, proceeding from f...In the direction of higher
frequencies. It was not possible to determine the type of the relaxation ion.
PolycrystaUine cordierite samples containing small amounts of impurities
do not show a relaxation maximum. With decreasing frequency, tan 6
undergoes a monotonic increase up to 10-2 at 100 cps. The cordierite
phafie of the sitals studied may contain ionic impurities or solid dolutions
which result In a more intensive appearance of relaxation polarization.
Card 2/3
An) Nr. 977-U 27 NO
DZNWIW" 1~ tos",&) A/W63/005/003/021/046
At fiL %A%AW are much higher than fjs&Vtan 6 continues to decrease,
and C mined from the Cole- Cole diagram, is much greater
thin. ~t -This may be due to the presence of another component
6f ro Larization. Further research, including detailed structural
studies, Is needed for a complete analysis of the nature of relaxation polar-
Ization. This work was done at the State Scientific Research Institute of
Electrotechnical. Glass, in Moscow. [EDW)
Cut 3/3
L 48~73 U
AMMIGN no AP300IX13 Wk911QVW00074011742
TMEs Dielectric losses In 218*6 at weve 100ths or 8 M
Sotme7' Pialks tvanbgo telaq ve 5p noo 69 1963p 1740-1742
70PIC TAGSs dielectric lossp glassp wwe le"619 f"*Pencyp Us, So Alt Bet cat
Pbq Nag Kq Liq r9sonancsq absorption
_m, ABSTRACTs 7h9 author has Investigated the. tw4wrature dependence of the diolec-
tric constant and dielectric lose for wave lengths of 0 m In -a number of glassesq.:
Cam w Ing these results with similar data for w-v lengths of 34 cme With
Increase In frapencyp the dielectric constant declines some-that and the time
dependence gradually smooths oute The dielectric loss Increases -sharply at
temperature, and Its rate of $Rcrease with tamperst eater
,Yge proves to be mch
at higher fre"encles (3e7olW'J as compared with 10 cycles)e Alkali-fr"
I glass** are characterized by no Increase In dielectric loss In the ten-pezature
interval 0-400C,, In contrast to alkali-booring glassesp vshich shm a imarked 1e: j
increase* No specimn of alkali-bearing glass Investigated showed a woothing
Cwd 1/2
L 18573-63
AC=1ON Ma AP3001303
';9 to:
of thik temperature dependence !'of ofteloctrio lose for 9 w wwo lwqths* "litt
those of 3#2 m# Onwo for these glasses for both wave lwqtho are practically
Identicalo Load-bear
Ing glass** show the highest fro*mwy dependence, Oirwes
of, dielectric less In the ultra-high-frequency rang& apparently zoposent only'j
the beginning of the absorption band due to elastic Ionic vibration In the Infra-
24W part of the spectrum* Those results may be Interpreted on the basis of
resonance loss* By assuming that an Increase In teVerature leads to Increased
"damping" of resonance absorption and to a corresponding expansion of the absorp-
T. tion curveg one may understand why the ts"raturs dependence of dielectric losw
for wave lengths of 8 mm to sharper then for wave lengths of 302 ame Crige art.
hose 2 figures and I table*
SUMarrEDs 04FA63 DATE AM OlJul63 2=1 00
SUB CM91 PH ND REP SDVt OM .0nM9 00:
C. M 2/2
AMOR: Hashkovich, M. D.
TITIZ: Dielectric properties of glass ceramic celaian system
SOURCE: Fixika tverdogo tela,, v, 6, no. 6, 19", 1M-1863
TOPIC TAGSs dielectric property, ceramic material, crystallization temperature,,
dielectric constant, dielectric loss, temperature dependence, frequency dependence
ABSTRACT: The dielectric properties of glassceramic simila to calslan
BaO OA'203-2S'02 containing TL02 as a mineralizer were measured as a function of
frequency and crystallization temperature. It was found that according to the
changes of the dielectric properties there were three distinct crystallization
temperature regions, With increasing crystallization temperature up to - 1200C
there was a gradual decrease of tg 6 at 1J 0 cps and a more rapid increase at
400 cps. With the transition from Class to glasseeramic E sharply increased,,
and in the interval 1000-1200C It remained relatively constant. In the second
region 1200-225M there was an almost discontinuous change in the properties, a
i significant iurease in and a sharp decrease in ig. 7 at 4W cps. In the
interval 1250-13oor, C and tg 6 remained practically constant. Above 1200C there*
was a gradual increase in the density, as wel.1 as a sharp increase of the average
crystal dimensions,, Detailed investigation showed that the most pronounced
dependence of tg S on fk-equency and temperature was observed for glasseeramic
samples crystallized at 120OCo The data for glasoceramics of the colsian system
!vere o"pared with previously obtained data for glasseeramice 6f the cordierite
system (No Do Mashkovich* ITT# 59 8439 1963), The electron microscopic Investiga-
C ttion of the samples was performed b7 No M. VaysWid. The nazw3s- were prepared
'b7 To. Go Panseyan under the guidanco of L. Go Bayburt. Orig. art. has:, 3
ASSOCIATION: Gosudarstvenr" nauchrio-inaledovatellakly institut olektrovakwmaW,
Istokla Moscow (State Scientific Research Institute of Blectravaomm Glare)
-SUBMITTEDs 03Aus63 ENCL: 00
-.-;SUB CODES mr,,. ZK NO RIT SbV: 0014 OTHM: 000
t?A(*$)-2/EW (I)AVr(m)/EEC(t)/E'WP(b)/EwP (e) Pq-k/Pt-10 !JP(*)
.1 ACCESSIONINR -Ap5oo5296 8/0181/65/OGT/002/052k/0529
AU M-R- ;M
!ABSTRACT! The di 1 ctric constant and the tangent of the lose angle were measured
6ncie 1~ ve 0
at frequ4- a and 1010 cps In glasses of the system PAO-A1203-SiO2 (Me =
Ca, Sr, ft). The SiO2. A1203, and 14eO contents were 50-70, 12.0--19.5, and 10.5-!
33.0 molar P ents respectively. The dielectric properties were measured with a
Q-meter at lei 'COPSIand in cylindrical cavity resonators operating in the Hol made
b+ 1010 RrA 1-7 x 1010 ems. The dielectric constant at both frequencies increased
C ned practl~,-Vv,,&W-f
gig -Aftle remad
coal,*- An.
*SV ot.--of.,the,, Igo& .4ag-U Lagrmw vith Itmrsasing 1%0-,~ At
IOJ-IJ cps U6 vkristi*n or the, lose w4la is; sorw camplicat Iode An ansusis of the
~Sxoa 4qjw- -
ordlnatjbjw~ of thi - Ai3+ -1 0 1008 and the co-
one -in tb* olass &.StrM-effeat an the-tituettle
Arig SWo'biatij- A-d 2 aW I table.
'MMhOO-i4fledovattlisily lustitut jaektrovakummW
steklal, 16 si~
Resiarch ImUtuts af
fro EM
NR REF SOVI 009 004
S-ON R-Pa,
s,-.Wre made,b a
-qz-9zd ln~tbe
#gclft --thl resonantl
_'_ *Oin
cm, jac crioi_
0 Wn~
ste Is
M~ m
Till R
- WE,
of --- tbia
icrao bf tbese
Heat conductivity of semprocessed chealcal products of wood.
Gldrolis, i Issokhis. proa. 16 no.6s22-23 163. (MIM 16:10)
1. ?Sentrallnyy nauchno-issledovateltskiy I propktnyy inatitut
loookhimicheskby pronyahlennosti.
... . ..-
Efficient r-,Tameters of earthmoving machiner,y for tranal'OT-tatifin
constructicn. Transp. stroi. 15 no.4:40-42 Ap 165.
1. Zamestitell rukovodJtelya laboratcrii TSentrallnogo nauchno-
iselediovatellskogo instituta svyazl.
USUOTIOL 00 # Inshe
Istershansuible leveling equipmnt for drag-line excavators. Tramp.
strelo 10 &"900-32 8 060* WRA 13:9)
(BZC&V&tlng ZSChIAOry-Squipment and sWpliss)
1081MCH P O'No 0 link*
TMwb djaw an t1w W%-353 Muntor. Tramp. gtrole 12 no.2:33-35
F $(A, (B=avatlft useldwry) (MIBA :5%7)
PZDOROVp DoIss kandetekhnonauk; MASHKOVjCR,,-GwXwy-joshw-
Introdum tion earth-wwking machinery inU
cOnStrucUM rOr tbo transportation indu&U-y. Tmwp. stroi.
22 no.5t22-16 Ky $(a. (Excavating machinery) (KEU 15 % 6)
. goViCH?
LlRlUv G.K.
Basis for the prospective typification of earthmoving machirms
In the construction of transportation mystwme. Transp. stroi.
15 mo.9W-45 s 163, (MIRA 18:11)
1, VessayusW naunbno-isaledowatellakiy inotitut tranoportnogo
TROUNOVSKIT, A-V.; KWIOVIGR P.S., inshener,..rateensent; KOLIUSHOV. V.A.,
radektar; r0 or; MUNAYWWA, T.T.. toklmicheskly
riboamising on electric energy In the electrolysis of vim and
capper; tamic electric obaracteristlas of the processes and
electric eqpIpwnt used) Aronoults. elektroamergit pri elektrollso
telnk& 1 medl; ammovsWe elaktr1obeekle kharaktortatiki protsessow
I elektrooborudovanila. Moskva. Gas. asuchno-tekhnicheskoe is&-vo
Ilt-ry pc chernol I tevetsol netallurgil, 1954. 166 p. (MM 8:1)
(Ilectrolysts) (21ma-Inectrometallurgy) (CM~r--XL*ctro-
Mig r# p~# i( ic, 11/
d=-- #W -- d "a ku - - . .
.ow"ll 14, W Ift ~4~Lfiff&W-
"441-WK-flifthd _. _ a.,
I F~;. Aw'. M. No"
Ifte, aa
4 Oct 1947
out. OMMMMAM so mobomwo of wo Q"Ogim at No "a
zrmto~r ind tomAlemba lafts"W at am Bova" at Riolebm at as
asiboodp sewmis vier so I
9~ so Iwo Ss Age Iwo goo ter ow LrAm"m at an WAIMOM
of as FASO at *dmlyuo ad mint Imbffift se
an ftWI46 at Himlebm =Won& at$ T. A. ro W. ad4preywo
a. W. amtm 1. It* Lmmftfto me IP. 1.
LC low
7,V-' ~7Z -=-
Prrult]. Ott 01
b' 95 J,
I ., 6 1 1 e%, re s., &p. DWB, DLC-The author
dEvelops -.i expre!mri 6
t which die u'dC% t,f A-11 circula6m its represented physically as the
anguhr velocity of rotation of the at,Tjf~spht related to t-be earth and devcribc~ a procedure
for calculating tile index of znual (irrulatioll an-A al.(; for describing tile Velocity Of West-east
transport- over any part of thia Nurthvio Hemisphere. Tuble5 and riaphs are prewated
6~ mjo
gjVihkt monthly values of the index of konall circulation at560 mb atsJ 700 mb surface
fosrestclitd SIXY,eam mean monthly index o.
zonal circulatkin at leveI3 of 500, 700 and 1000 mb.
-4t differmt pl;itud--* and theteasonal values of tile itulfte of c'
nd Wiltmflt-levels,
-F e le~if Wi i~i~ band 13 Ism. West-
ilitifit 'the-
pr6ilonlinaut condition of t!;e atim-pliern at 19 kits heigh t during the
--iteasba, vintle during the stammer an oppwftv zonal circulation pmvalls. Vle Aulltial
Vii6iian.-Wthe zonal circulation Is shnilar at all levels, In the troposphere and lower titrato-
spheiv, Subjea Headings. 1. Zonal eirettlation 2, Zotaid Indext-I-L. A P
M ---
a - M-8
-.- --'.
Heasonal chang" of Jot stream. Noteor.1 Je 156.
(Atmosphere) (KWA 9,.9)
SOV/1 24- 57 - 7 -8035
Translation from: Referativnyy zLrnal. Mekhahika, 1957, Nr 7, p 85 (USSR)
AUTHOR: Mashkovich, S. A.
TITLE: Concerning the Problem of Calculating Vertical Currents in the Atmos-
phere (K voprosu o raschete vertikallnykh tokov v atmosfere)
PERIODICAL: Tr. Tsentr. in-ta prognozov, 1956, Nr 43 (70). pp 29-33
ABSTRACT: To determine a vertical velocity in the atmosphere the author uses
the vorticity equation, writing it in terms of the spherical coordinates
a v0 "Wcos-0 opw
d; a Zw sin 0V.L~ =) 3z
a _c') ~ 5 ' asin -a a Xa P
wherein: is the vertical vorticity component; v.0 v)~ and w
are the velocity components along the axes -3, X, and z, respect-
ively; t is the time; p is the density; w is the angular velocity of
rotation of the earth; and a is the earth's radius. In evolving his form-
ula for the calculation of a vertical velocity the author makes the follow-
ing assumptions: 1) The air temperature in the troposphere decreases
Card 1/3 linearly with increasing altitude, but remains uniform throughout the
Concerning the Problem of Calculating Vertical Currents in the Atmosphere
thickness of the stratosphere; Z) the vertical velocity in the friction layer is deter-
mined fromAhe surface -pressure field, i. e., is found by means of the well-known A.
F. Dyubyuk formula [ Dyubyuk, A. F., K vychisleniyu vertikallnykh skorostey po
polyu davieniya (On the Calculation of the Vertical Velocities From the Pressure
Field). Tr. NIU GUGMS, ser. 11, 1947, Nr 24]. A working equation for calculation
of the vertical velocity (in mm/sec) at the H = 5 km level is adduced bv the author
in the iollowing form-
W I = 0-70W + 0.79x 10-5 - -6
Z=H h 'U.0. (0) +2.5 1 x 10 ao (2)
- 2.84x 10-4 2.~ _ 1.53x 10-4 -
ax 60. A40
wherein ep and designate, respectively, the elevation of the 500 -mb constant-
pressure surface and the thickness of the 500-to-- 1000-mb constant-pressure -differ-
ence interval, wt, is the vertical velocity at the upper boundary of the friction layer
h, and wherein, in the calculatica of the corresponding Jacobians which is done by
the method of finite differences), the unit of length adopted is 1, 000 km. An example
is adduced of calculation of a vertical velocity, wherein the calculated ascending
Card 2/3
SOV/IZ4 -57-7 ~8035
Concerning the Problem of Calculating Vertical Currents in the Atmosphere
motions of the air are compared with the observed positions of actual precipitation
V. V. Bykov
Card 3/3
AUTHOR: Mashkovich, S. A.
TITLZ: Forecasting of Terrestrial Pressure by Means of Rapid Electronic Computwe
(Prognos nasemnogo davlenlya a pomoshchlyu bystrodoyetvuyushchikh elektron-
mykh vychislitelInykh mashin)
OftIODICAL: Xetsorologiya I Gidrologiya, 1957, NO 1, pp &18 (U.S.S.R.)
ABSTRACTs Report is devoted to the problem of forecasting the pressure at sea level
by the utilization of high speed computers. The application of the
Fridman equation which describes the changes in vertical component of the
velocity vortex in a given part of the air and the Green function w1dch
Is exp. seed throudi elementary transcendental functions, is explained.
In order to compute the pressure, it is necessary to know the condition
of the ataosphAre in the entire space. The solution of the problem through
the utilization of data for several (fow or five) atmospheric levelocan
be obtained by the BMW computer but the calculations In this case would
be very complicated and time-consuming. For this purpose, the author
employed a such simpler and quite reliable model of polytropic atmosphere.
In a polytropic atmosphere, the geopotential height of any isobaric sur-
face is expressed through the geopotentials of two arbitrary selected
surfaces, consequently it is possible to operate with geopotentials of
only two Isobaric surfaces. The evening of Oct. 13, 1954 was used as an
Card 1/2 example for the forecasting.
Forecasting of Terrestrial Pressure by Means of Rapid Electronic Computers
Basic terrestrial pressure charts are shown in Figs.2a and 2b resp. The
actual terrestrial pressure chart for evening of 10/14 is shown in Fig.2v.
The synaptic processes for the given period are explained by the rapid
shift of the cyclone from the North Sea region toward Finland and 1te
consolidation with the great depression existing :in that region. The
entire calculation including printing of results took 40 minutes of work
of the SM computer. It is pointed out that improper selection of a
certain Ct value my result in mathematical instability, the solution
loses its physical aspect and the process will be described incorrectly.
A caqarison of manual calculating methods with that of modern computers
showed the West advantage of the latter.
12 Charts.
Card 2/2
SOV/1 24-58- 11 -1 Z786
Translation from: Referativnyy zhurnal, Mekhanika, 1958, Nr 11. p 123 (USSR)
AUTHOR: Mashkovich, S.A.
TITLE: Contribution to t esideration of the Effect of the Nonlinear Terms
in Short-range Pressure and Temperature Forecasting Equations
(K uchetu effekta nelineynykh chlenov uravneniy pri reshenii zadachi
o prognoze davleniya i temperatury maloy zablagovremennosti)
PERIODICAL: Tr. Tsentr. in-ta prognozov, 1957, Nr 60, pp 22-31
ABSTRACT: Several methods are offered for the approximate solution of
the nonlinear equations for the forecasting of metorological elements.
In particular, the author examines the solution of the problem of
the forecasting of the pressure at the "mid-level" of the atmosphere
[ i. e. , that level at which thermal advection does not result in pres-
sure changes; generally close to the 700-mb level. Transl. Ed.
Note] over the northern hemisphere. Here the author follows Ye.
N. Blinova who employs the equation of the transfer of vorticity on
aspherical Earth for the solution of this problem. 117he solution of
the linearized equation (linearized with respect to the zonal motion)
Card 1/6 of the vorticity is obtained in the form of a series of spherical
Contribution to the Consideration of the Effect of the Nonlinear Terms (cont,
functions with coefficients determined from the initial values of the stream
function 41
1; C sin (a- t + Mk + 4) P (COs 0) (1)
n n n n
whe re
a' m = Z(G + W) m - a m
n n Fn + -I)
This equation, it is proposed, is now to be refined with the aid of corrections
pertaining to the nonlinearity of the vorticity equation. One of the proposed methods
for the determination of the corrections g consists of the following steps. The
nonlinear terms of the vorticity equation (w ich are disregarded in the linearized
approximation) are placed on the right side of the equation. In ihese components
the desired function 4j is replaced by the solution of the linearized equation as
provided by the series (1). The product of series obtained is transformed into a
series in terms of spherical functions. As a result the problem reduces to the
Card 2/6
Contribution to the Consideration of the Effect of the Nonlinear Terms (cont. )
solution of a nonhomogeneous linear equation with a known right-hand side. The
right-hand side is found in the form of the sum of paired products of the coef-
ficients of the initial field of 4j . Yet another method for the solution of the
equation for the nonlinear corrections is proposed. More specifically, the non-
linear combination of the derivatives of ~ with respect to the coordinates, which
has been placed into the right-hand side of the equation. is not re-expanded into
a series with spherical functions, but is considered as a time function t that is
known from the results of the linear solution. The values of that function at vari-
ous points of the map can be determined from the field of the stream function com-
puted in the linear approximation, for example, by means of numerical differen-
tiation. Furthermore, the function 0 can be represented in the form of a series
in terms of spherical functions with coefficients that are functions of the time t.
A nonhomogeneous equation is obtained for the determination of the nonlinear
correction 4s2, Its solution can be expressed, in particular, by means of an
integral contaLhing the influence function
t ?_W W
f f f G X- V , t-T) 0((), V , -r) dO' dX' dT (2)
0 0 0
Card 3/6
Contribution to the Consideration of the Effect of the Nonlinear Terms (cont.
where Zn +1
G Z i; ~nn+ ~ sin 0' Pn (cos -Y n)
Cos -V ri sin 0 sin 0' cos [ crn (t- -r) + + Cos 0 Cos
2 CL + W
T - -n- -(n -+l ) - C L
(The method of the solution of the vorticity equation by means of the influence
function was proposed by Ye. N. Blinova. In particular, she reduced the solution
(1) of the linearized vorticity equation to that form). The computation of the
higher-order (third) derivatives of 4j for the determination of 0 can be replaced
by the computation of the first derivatives. Pbr that purpose solution (2) is
transformed accordingly by means of bi-quadratic integration by parts. Thereupon
we obtain a new set of influence functions which contain second-order derivatives
of G. Arplication of the given method has afforded a refinement of the forecasts
Card 4/
Contribution to the Consideration of the Effect of the Nonlinear Terms (cont. )
obtained within the framework of linear theory. In conclusion an examination is
performed of the numerical solution of the nonlinear dynamics of the atmosphere
(short-range forecasting) without preliminary linearization. Here the fore-
casting problem is solved in a quasigeostrophic approximation on a "flat" Earth.
The atmosphere is considered to be polytropic. The solution of the corresponding
system of equations of the partial first derivative of the geopotential with respect
to time a H/ 8 t is taken in the form proposed by N. 1. Buleyev and G. 1.
Marchuk, -namely, in the form of space integrals containing the temperature
advection and vorticity advection multiplied by the corresponding Green func-
tions. The polytropy hypothesis here permits expressing the pressure and tem-
perature throughout the entire space in terms of the pressures at two reference
levels. As a result the expression for c) H/ a t reduces to a surface integral
evaluated over the two reference levels. The 500-mb and 1, 000-mb levels are
selected for that purpose. The basic data are taken from these two levels and
the forecast of H is obtained for the same two levels. The inte qration interval
with respect to time is divided into a number of steps 6t. The geopotential
H in the time function is found by Euler' s method (method of tangents) provided
the values of a H/ 8 t can be computed for any desired moment. In the
computation of the derivatives and integrals with respect to the horizontal
Card 5/6
SOV/IZ4-58-11- 12786
Contribution to the Consideration of the Effect of the Nonlinear Terms (cont. )
coordinates x and y, corresponding difference approximations are introduced. The
programming for the high-speed electronic computer is set up for the solution of
the problem. The computer yields a Z4-hour forecast of the sea-level altitudes
of the 500-mb and 1, 000-mb surfaces for Europe and Western Siberia in about
40 minutes.
S. L. Belousov
Card 6/6
0 SOV/124-58-11-12788
Translation from: Referativnyy zhurnal, Mekhanika, 1958, Nr 11. p 124 (USSR)
AUTHORS: KashkAX:ich, S.A.. Kheyfets, Ya. M.
TITLE: Operational Forecasting Experience Relative to the Mean Monthly
Surface -temperature Anomaly Using the Method of Ye. N. Blinova
(Opyt sostavleniya operativnykh prognozov srednemesyachnoy
anomalii nazemnoy temperatury po metodu Ye. N. Blinovoy)
PERIODICAL: Tr. Tsentr. in-ta prognozov, 1957, Nr 60, pp 37-43
ABSTRACT: The authors adduce the results of the compilation of operational
forecasts relative to the mean monthly surface -temperature anomaly
according to the method of Ye. N. Blinova. The calculations wer-e
performed on electric "Mercedes-Euklid" calculating machines-' The
fundamental forecasting equation for the nonzonal and nonstationary
portions of the temperature has the form
j a a kff a 8T I dT a
-8t , + ark) T --AT - Tz- (k 1_rz2 -a c4i
a7 a sin 0
Here T and J~ are the nonzonal, nonstationary portions of the
Card 1/4 temperature and stream functions, respectively; t is the time,
Operational Forecasting Experience Relative to the Mean Monthly (cont.
X is the longitude of the locality- Js the geographic latitude; 4) z 0. 5 Tr
4~ Artical I oordinate; & is the twodimensional
a is the radius of the Earth; z is I
Laplace operator in spherical coordinates; k' is the turbulent thermal diffusivity
coefficient in the vertical direction; k" is the horizontal large-scale mixing coef -
ficient;-& is the relative angular velocity of the atmosphere relative to the
Earth; T is thI zonal temperature, assumed to be given by the formula
T= To + M sin 18; To is the temperature at the pole; and M is the temperature
difference between the pole and the equator, The following initial and boundary
conditions were assumed in the solution of the problem: At the starting moment
the temperature is to be a known function of the coordinates 0, X , and z. At
the ground surface the condition of heat balance is fulfilled. Here the nonsta-
tionary portion of the temperature of the underlying surface is determined
separately from the equation of heat conductivity, assuming that it is known at
the starting moment. In addition it is assumed that the temperature varies con-
tinuously in the transition from the soil into the atmosphere. (The process is
assumed to be a steady-state one). The forecasting formula for the prognostic
computation of the mean monthly surface -temperature anomaly proposed by
Ye. N. Blinova has the following appearance
Card Z/4
Operational Forecasting Experience Relative to the Mean Monthly (cont.
- - 2M
T a2(ft +W) 2; [ am(O) cos mX + bm (0) sin mX
where M M m M M M M M
am 0) = 2; C n Z In (0) - Dn Z2n (0), b M (0)= 1; Dn ZIn (0)-Cn Zzn(O)-
Here w =7. 20xI0-5 sec- I is the angular velocity of the rotation of the Earth;
n and Dm are determined by means of the coefficient of the expansion of the
initial field of altitudes of the 500-mb surface; and ~l (0) are certain standard
functions that contain as parameters the circulation in3ex ( a/w ) and other
constants which characterize the physical properties of the soil and the air, Using
this method, starting in 1952, the Dynamic Meteorology Section of the Tsentrall.
nyy institut prognosov (Central Forecasting Institute) has prepared forecasts of
the mean monthly surface temperature for the Eurasian land mass. The solution
obtained in the referenced work depends essentially on the circulation index
which is variable both in space and in time; that quantity must be obtained first.
Just how great the importance of the correct determination of that paramitter is
has been shown by computations in which the values of the actual circulation
Card 3/4
Ope~rational Forecasting Experience Relative to the Mean Monthly (cont. )
index were used. The attached tabulation shows the results of computations for
19S2, 1953, 19S4, and 19S5. The operational forecast verification of the mean
monthly surface temperature over the territory of the USSR (in percent) is
shown as follows: 1, Long-range Forecasting Section; 11, Dynamic Meteorology
Section; III, Dynamic Meteorology Section utilizing the actual circulation index.
Ye4r 19SZ 1953 1954 1955 Mean
1 74.0 74.4 77.7 71, 8 74.5
11 76.2 72.0 78.4 77.0 75.0
111 83.8 80. 3 8Z.3 80.1 81. 5
Sh. A. Musayelyan
Card 4/4
T11W: On the Numerical Prediction of Atmospheric Pressure by Keane of
& High Speed Xlectronic Computer. (0 prognose ataosfernogo
"Ju bystrod*jstbyju*4ich elektroanyoh
davlen1ja posclic
Ty;IslIt*lAYch Basin, Russian)
PMO]MCAL*. Voklady Ak&deali Nauk SSSR, 195T, Vol 112, Nr 2, py 245-248
Received: 3 / 195T &*viewed: 4 / 1957
ABSTRACT: The investigations carried out by I.A.Z13ZLI, N.I.MULZKV,
G.I.XARCUK *t al. permit the formulation of the problem of the
short-term prognosis of meteorological elements. However, before
the production of high-speed computers the methods of solving
this problem could not be employed. The present work describes
a method based upon the use of modern computing devices.
The problem of the short-term prognosis of meteorological
elements above the "plane" earth can be reduced to the solution
of a system of 4 equations, which have the following signifi-
cance and by which the following is described: a) The change
of the vertical component of the rotation of velocity in a
given part (domain ?) of the air, b) ka adiabatic process is
Investigated, c) A formula for geotrophio wind. The equations
are obtained by a simplification of the equations of notion,
Card 1/3 d) The static equation peraits the elimination of temperature
PA - 2098
On the Numerical Prediction of Atmospheric Pressure by Means of
a High Speed Electronic Computer.
from the equation b). After son* further transformations the
following equation is obtained for 9:
a 252R a2a &K 2 1 &1] _I j_ [~2 (IL, R
+ R
The following basic conditions are taken into account:
1) Vertical velocity on the surface of the earth Is equal to
Sero. 2) On the upper bounder the flow of the mass In vertical
direction is equal to xero. 3~ A solution which is limited at
V__2_ 2
x +;F is sought. Whom solving the above equation
x +y --> W
U/bt is selected as the required function and the derivations at
3 according to the coordinates are considered to be known. The
problem is then reduced to the solution of an elliptical
equation with the aforementioned boundary conditions. rroa the
value of B which is valid for the time t the value for t+bt
aan then be found.
The author based the prognosis-schose worked out by his upon
this method of computation. In this war the problem can be
Card 2/3
PA - 2098
On the Numerical Prediction of Atmospheric Pressure by Moans of
a Nigh Speed Blectroslo Computer.
solved only by moans of high-speed computers. The author selected
the machine of the B95M (- ?) of the Acad my of Sciences. Two
further simplifications were assumed: 1) go model of the poly-
tropic atmosphere, 2) Only the data for Zurope and Northers
Siberia were used. After none trial computations 6T a 2295 min
was selected. The computing time necessary for "one period of
time" 6% amounts to 35 sea and the time seeded for the compute-
tion of a prognosis for 24 hours in 40 minutes Including the
introduction of data and printing of results. In the came of a
forecast actually carried out a cyclon was, e.g. correctly pro-
A W LABLZ: Library of Congress
Card 3/3
A'4sllk a V / C // S. 4.
Tsentrallnyy institut prognoz0v
Voprosy dlmsl~heskoy meteorologii (Problem of Dynamic Meteorology)
Moscow, 61drometeolzdat (Otd-niyo), 1958. 110 p. (Series: Its:
Trudy, vyp. 78) 1,,300 Copies printed.
Sponsoring Ageneys USSR. Glavnoye upravl*niye gidrometeorologicho-
skoy slushby.
Reap. Ed.: Ya. M. Kheyfets; Ed.: Yu. V. YjWr&;j*ch. Ed.: I.M.
PURPOSEs This collection of articles is intended for research worlers
In dynamic meteorology. It may also be of Interest to advanced
students In the field.
COVERAGE: These articles deal with hydrodynamic methods of a short-
range forecasting of meteorologic elements, the theory of climate,
Card 1/3
Problem of Dynismis Meteorology
and questions of general atmospberic circulation. The article by
by S.A. MashkovIch discusses the formation and retention of zonal
circulation beat under the influence of the Incoming solar heat
for given albedo values of the earth's surface. U.N. Dobryshnan
presents a linear theory for long-term humidity forecasting.
S.L. Delousov explains the errors accuring In solving forecasting
problems for a mean atmospheric level by replacing differential
equations with difference equations. V.V. Dykow offers a solu-
tion of tie spatial problem In forecasting meteorologic elements
assuming quasi-solenoidal notion. V.P. Sadokov presents a fore-
eastIng method (a spatial problem) adapted for a fast electronic
computer. There are 4T references: 30 Soviet, 13 English, and
4 German.
'Naahkovieh, S.A. Shaping Zonal Circulation
HashkovichP S.A. A Theoretical Model for Studying the Development
ar general ITioipherle Circulation and the Climatic Pields of the
Meteoric Xlements 3T
Card 2/ 3
Problems of Dynamic Meteorology
Dobryshman, U.N. The Problem of Long-range Forecasting of Humidity
Fields In the Troposphere 64
Belousov, S.L. The Study of Errors Occuring In a Numerical Compu-
tation of the Equation of Vortex Transfer at-9961h Atmospheric
Levels 73
Dykov, V.V. Taking Into Account Wind Deflection from the Ono-
strophic In Forecasting Meteorologic Elements 83
Dobryshman, Ye.M. Solution of the Equation for Oeopotential Chang*92
Sadokov, V.P. A Numerical Method for Computing the Dario Field for
a Case or Baroolinic Atmosphere 105
AVAILABLE: Library of Congress
Card 3/3 8-13-59
3 (7)
AMOR: 11ashkovich, S. A* BOV/50-59-3-23/24
TITLE: All-Union Conference on the Theory of Pressure Variation and of
Prooes**a of Cyolo- and Anticyclogenesis (Teesoyuznoye soveshch-
&all'* po toorii. issekenlya davleuiya i protsessov taiklo- i
PERIODICAL: Meteorologiya i gLdrologiyaq 1959#.Nr 3$.,pp 63 - 64 (USSR)
ABSTRACT: The All-Union Conference dealing. with., problems arising from the
theory of atmospheiric pressure variation and of processes of
oyalo- and auticyologenesis was held-in,Mosoow in December 1958-
The Conference had been organized by the Teentrallnyy institut
prognozov (Central F-arecasting Institute). It was attended by
delegates of the following organizations: Gidromateoalluzhba SSSR
(Bydrometeerologioal Service of the U85R), Institut fiziki at-
mosfery AN 333R (Institute for Atmospheric Physics of the AB
USSR), Moskovskiy gosudarstrennyy universitet (Mos-.,ow 3tate Uni-
versity), Leningradskiy gidromet*orologicheakiy institut (Lenin-
grad Rydrometearologioal Institute), et al. A total of 30 lec-
tures was heard, most of them being devoted to hydrodynamia fore-
Card 1/3 casting methods, some of these combined with the use of electro-
All-Union Conference on the Theory of Pressure Varia- BOV/50-59-3-23/24
tion and of Processes of Cyclo- and Anticyclogenesis
nic computers. The problems discussed wore essentially the fol-
lowing: 1) Pressure forecast in the middle troposphere by the
aid of a barotropic modell 2) Forecasting of pressure areas on
various levels (different variants of the baroalinic model)l
3) The influence deriving from the circumstance that observa-
tion data and artifiiial limit conditions are not elucidated
upon the accuracy of the forecast; 4) Consideratien (.f the cir-
ounstance, when making the forecast, that the wind is not geo-
strophiol 5) Forecast ~~f the evolution of baric fcr-nations and
looal pressure variaticn under eonsideration of wind datal 6)
Forecast of the baric zone according to various graphic methodal
7) Forecast of the baric zone at various atmospheric levels by
the aid of empirical functions of the influence; 8) Investica-
tion results concerning various syn-optio methods of forecasting
the shift and evolution of baric formational 9) Elaboration of
methods of objective analysis (b;r the aid of machines) of ob-
erv&tion datal 10) Methods of analytical representation of
etearologio&I zoneal 11) qualitative analysis of local pres-
Card 2/3 sure variations by the aid of various theoretical schemes.
All-Union Conference on the Theory of Pressure Varia- BOV/50-59-3-23/24
tion and of Pvo*essos of Gyclo- and Anticyclogenesis
luvestigationwin the field of numerical forecasting methods
are statea-as "ving expanded and a asrtain success in this re-
Card Is noted- Son* of the success made in the field of the
hydrodynamic ior9oasting methods is due to the application of
modern high-speed computers. The Confsr*noo decided to set up
within th* shortest time ametserologioal computing center at
the GUGH8. It also recommended to intensify research work by the
application of synoptic methods.
Card 3/3
A-:, ~ ~'Jo V: ~Q' W , '~' - 4.
Moscow. Teentral Inyy Institut progDosov
Voprosy dinemichoskoy notoorologii (Problem in Dynmlc Meteorology) Moscow,
oidramsteois"t, 1959. 69 p. (Series.- Its Trudy, vyp. 86) Errata
s3lp inserted.. 900 wMiss printed.
Sponsoring Agemy: Glevnoye uprawleniye gidramet"rologicheskoy sluzhby pri
Sovete Kinistrov SM.
Ed. (Title pW)-. S. A. Mashkovich; Ed. (Inside book): L, V. Blinnikov;
Tech* Bdo: Is Me Zarkho
% This Issue of the Institute's Transactions Is intended for specialists
working in the field of dynsiale and synaptic meteorology.
COMUM: ?hIs eolleftion of articles treat problem of short-rangs veather
forecasting ming the methods of dynade meteorology. The use of an
eloatrOnle oaq tin afthine -Po~ In short-range(36 h=r4 fOrOOSAting
of pressure flelds; at sea level and at 300 ab is ftscribed. The progranning
end coding system we discussed in scme detall. The wathor coneludds that
the forecasting aeauracy of the method he describes in an a per with
Card 1/2
Problamis in Dynamile Meteorology (Cont.)
corresponding statistical techniques used in non-Soviet countries. References
accampaW emb article.
Belov, P. N. Short-Range Forecast of Pressure Fields by Using the Electronic
Compater -PopW 3
Mae B A. Simplified Method for Integrating Vorticity Equations
for rozee I Purposes 42
Gromova, L. 0.1, and,S, A. N*Ahkovieh. Certain Results and Numerical
Forecasting of boric Fields at Sea li~"-l and in the Middle Troposphere 49
Dobrymbsion, Ye. M., and R. 1. Nozedze. Relation Between the Pressure Fields
and Wind In the Dwatrople Atmosybere 55
belov, P. 1. The Problima of flvrnal Pressure Variations at Various
Altitikdds 63
AVAILA=t Library of Congress W/ag
Card 2/2 11-3-59
.9 z; I 1-43
A i
V-3 V 01 143~
, I
S I P .
a a SJUS1
23 5
13-1 Sol
-3, D228/ "302
AUTHORS: Mashkovich, S. A. and Kheyfets, Ya. M.
TITLE: The theory of long-term forecasting with allowance
for the atmosijhere*s vertical stratification and tur-
bulent mixing
PERIODICAL: Referativnyy zhurnal, Geofizika, no. 1,. 1962, ',7, ab-
stract IB365 (Tr. Tsentr. in-ta prognczov, no. 93,
1960, 3-15)
TEXT: Equations, linearized in respect of an east-west transfer
(depending on the altitude), aie considered for the eddTing and in-
flow of heat in the atmosphere over a speherical earth in the
reading system moving together with a west-eaat transfer at a cer-
tain average level with allowance for horizontal large-scale tur-
bulent heat-conductivity). The flow function and the vertical velo-
city w are unknowns in these equations. The zero parity of the ve-
locity at an average level and o 'f the vertical velocity at sea-le-
vel is taken as the marginal height condition. An initial value i~k
Card 112
3/16 u2/000/001/059/083
The theory of D228YD302
assigned for the flow function in the whole atmosphere. The tran-
sition to an end-difference scheme for the height Is accompiished
with the calculation of data at three levels (one of which Is the
sea-level) so that the values of the flow function at three levels
and of the vertical velocity at two levels become unknown quanti-
ties. In addition to this the known equation of Ye. N. Blinova Is
derived for the flow function at an average level, so that the aye-
tem of four equation with righthand parts, which depend on the solu-
tion of Ye. N. Blinova's equation, has to be actually solved. These
four equations are solved by means of spherical-funct.,on series,
and a numerical analysis of the stability of elementary wave solu-
tions in time is made with certain fixed values entering into the
meteorologic-parameter equations, i.e. the supposed parts of the
correspondingly proper frejuencies are determined. All elementary
waves appear to be stable (apart from the weak Instability of the
longest waves), from which the conclusion is drawn about the possi-
bility of using the considered linearized three-level model for
purposes of long-term forecasting. Z-Abstractor's note: Complete
translation. 7
Card 2/2
SWMW-W~M-d at stmospbwlo morsproo"som* 2ndy IIV se.93#
35-37 igo. (Wmtbw foreawfilva) (KMA 13:u)
Smamating $bs, acauzW of solving vorticity eqmtIoum br the Itmation
ImetwA. bady IIV m*993 -." 160~ (KMA 13: U)
(Wmtbw forometing)
Boma readta of maefteal pr"swe fls2d for~tlng by Qw a" of
the "ftr*2&-39 slectroula c&Uulatlv4g machimo TrW T8V pee2%s62-
61# 86D. (*M'13:22)
(Atmosphwic ipressurs)
(Ilectrosic calcm2atind awbines)
5/720/61/001/10OU/Ouz 00~
A. UT HOY Mashkovich, S.A.
T IT LE -. Automation and meteorology.
SO ~j RC E: Ktbernetiku - na sluzhbu J 7; long waves are stable. It was found that
the rate of zonal movement increases more rapidly with altitude,
the stronger the instability of movement. All waves are stable
if the basic condition is quasi-barotropic. Increased stability
of movement was observed on the reduction of the level of the
tropopause, Temperature advection promotes the appearance of
instability, whereas vertical movement compensates this efft_,ct
to some extent. It follows from the obtained results that the
rate of movement of waves is greatvr in winter than in sum,:-,er.
If the disturbances, whose amplitude and phase were identicai at
the initial moment at all levels, appeared to be unstable, then
the size of the amplitude in the troposphere's upper and lower
layers rapidly increases,and in the middle troposphere it de-
creases feebly. The baric disturbances localized at 'the initiai
Card 2/3
S/ 169/61/000/012/(J67j("-,',,-,j.;,
The theory of pressure... D228/D305
moment in the lower layer appear to ue quasi-stationary, -,.,ih.-,e
those localized in the upper troposphere are unstable; ttie :7i:)st
kinetic -energy is generated in the iatter case. The conversion
of the potential energy of the disturbances into kinetic enE-ri-y.
occurring in the movement of a single wave, is the resuit of tne
vertical redistributicn of thermally-heterogeneous massr--s
the action of ascending and descending currents. Z_Abstra.-ter s
note: Complete transiation.-7
Card 3/3
Some characteristics of zonal atmospY=ric circulation ovpr Ure
Northern Hemisphere during the International Geophysical Year.
Trudy TSIF no.111:50-51 '61. OXIRA 14:9)
, -I-:-- -- " ,. ..... . .-I -:4.1'. : -." - ... .... .
,-- . I ...
--- . i -
: ~ -1 -- 7 - r. - :_- .. - . . - - -.
-- -:--, ll-~t-- - -- ' - - - , --; '- --i -:~T. , _- -1, , : -% , , : 1.
--- - . . ... if. .!1- -:1 ~I.,~! ~ - . . - ~ , ~, ~ ~--Jff -- , - ;-,--.-,.7I -17,17-4- - ~- - - t I
T-- - - - ~ r , ~ : ~ - .- 1 1. .. . . I I. - 7, _-. - ~ - I : -: . - .. I ~ . ; I . ~- .. .,
.,w -.1'. - :.,.. . I -
. . - - .
.,,--, --- .--- =-- -, . . - I . . . - --.2 - I . .1 - . - . . -
-I -- 1 , . . . - SP . I . I - ~ % .- - . I
- - - , i. ~n . . - . -
- .1 ------ -- - - -- . .. - - - - ,
- . - -- . -~ - : -- . . - - - . . . ~ - % ;.- I-
~. 7t-7777-77~ - W7 F~ -'T' -~ ; - . , - - . - -- - : -.7- ~-, - & ~ 1 - - ..
---- - - - ;! - . .. ... u - - . I..-. ~ ~ - - .1 . . - - . ..
U"-f -L~-.N;--.------: -- - -, , - ',~ ~ -- -.. i ~--A- -=- -i- -~ -. - "l- ~ -,7, ~
" - . , ~r 71-: 7o. - I I .::;- -- I . .. . .
'.. . .. - - - : ~ -1 - ~ . - o..- 1. . 5 1 ~ , -- -1. -
Is " YA.M.
Practice in numerical forecasting of ground pressure for some
days in advance. Trudy i'61P no.126:8-19 163. (MIRA 1b:11)
T-ki into account the diabatic effects in numerical short-
range pressure forecasting. Trudy TSIF no.126:3&-46 163.
(MIRA 16z11)
Arcsmm vRo AW23378
!AUrHDRv NmsbkvwU go A*
TIM$ An ObjeAl" mdrds of WMIGOOMKI md the a it SO
84" vp a makwak of stsu~
WMIgs AN Mo Isve SWIP lp~ to X940 asswal
AMM I The 4iAfAbw disomm a moft" of 4bjwUvQ (ON&IFA) m2rals 4c
we at
&w%logLc4 do" In Ww swUms bemimpinme The wthed Is bead as Mw
ut"s at I An analra" mw mWe for &
Of PdASAD SAMUM4 WAINW ssm~ at muld"m MmAd
Tbe OOmpdd4mW fd~ ~ east" so an a Kab4ow serfawe TKS
SAW-umb"I 34 mulastaft OC wo I= musm" ff~- 9 a
stsu~ ~ th~ 3) 0=94UG WN vubw at PLIJ (a UNMI
vauw- or rrdLatim Nona at not ~mmfift NMY= U ink
dmww-~Im or a vskm at svmid~ at
Poo + v, 1, 2. 3......
(mbare pi Is the factor to be deteradnadq is the goVabsublals and I refers, So
Aee= Of obgn."&Iom at Um station)p 5) solving for p:L# and 6) coqrAjag
iths W
of interyclation W.vr. Mw nmate of the coqWatlon give an 1110pleft NW
showing interpolation errors, This W Is sbumn In Fige It and In based on the
geWsphic points indicated in rig* 2 of the Snolosorese The problem of station
distribution is discussed, and a method of computation to proposed for sels"ing
station location to Instwe the best objective analysise In doing this. stations
vere Inserted betwom the original polatx# and a am ran at the o A or woo nodo#
with subsequent 44terminstion of Interpolation arrore Then more stations were
added and nm runs mde, Righteen stations were added an thm first =4 31 mm
an the second, 42 mrs ou.tbe third. On t4w Ahird rms with a t" of 91 aw
i.stations,, almost &U arrove ameadift 0.5 disqRmarele With 295 am stablows au in excess of 0.2 Alm-ppearadj, ad it was conoluded that, this gave sufflai"
accuracy for reliable long-range foracasting. Orig* mt. base 3 figams I
Card 2/7
Aacmum ims AW23378
tab2o,, and 3 fw=Ll"-
ALWCI&2=o OUM TAMAltairm SLR' -'ro- %looll"
DM ACQo aver& mLs
an oms n so EW am$ am ~l 000
ACOUICK Us M4023378
To oard 5/7
A=sim us AP4023378 ZNCLMVU t 02
To'card 4/7
C&O 5/7
Fig. -1. Intave2ation arrars clor"i"M4ag to thas network of
stAlam shmn In fig. 2*
A*Z"= URI AKM375
To card 7/7
gucLOSUU 9 03
--- Card An -
To card 6/7
immosuass o4
9w4 7/1
FIS. 2. UsUmrk for aarological data represautiag the nwMI
of available Obawn.bim at WhO prOSOM UNISO
RO Z_ 7ial
I --,. opr
S .0
aik Ot 10,
-q~ ~M
AU,%hUd:ocg=, Europe and
part ~f tho
gAd.4"pted,in -such, a Way~-.-
1-taZIMUC arger-area,
ong-range o e-,
On' 0 ~o r_,.hAi*AaMid
-article giyes
he~ fioliliop4orea 'This
~OVO iffetoorologiclidbidy tsentr'
~a iu&;~ ti6jrk iled out~at the Mir
i 7
r. r7 --7-7-
-ee-F fi'i_
.'Z iologtow-
6lementat the Junctions of a regular grid on the basis of observational data from
..Thelatter sUge.can bo divided into a search for
stations, i46"A'erviii6nal data should be used'for' computing the values of the'meteoro-
al elcxn~nt at a particular junction of grid lines and computation of the value of the
Meteorological element at this junction by interpolation or extrapolation on the basis of
ed-dtsqpqsicR of-the tage-a
U 09"
_00# nic~~
)gr )W
h' th'-
'o arts: or 6
narthern hemisphere can be done. simultaneously for three isobaric surfaces. Thelatitude the gricl is 10%. longitude interval iB 5'. Analysis was for the region between
utes.-on-die-6omp. u
The ricithod &scribed ensures aa.extremel
A 'M_
WO, C Py P
Y's. ~ ~ I ifi.- *. f. A. g fLrge'
1, Of
-;M-,oX' :plef 0- -tbaer o -an ys A~ -an-WT6OO-cb9rt-_- -Analyses Of