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0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 o 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 a 0 SAO -'0o 00 -00 -00 0. 4- 'o 00 -00 00 00 1 ~. J- r,".Ir k, Th, nd go* 00 09 1 0 0 0 0 : 0 moo 00 ISO 0 'Z 0 1400 00 1900 ,00 go I . , . , . - . . I I . 0 . , I, I . I A III , . . I, . , . 0 0 0 06 0000 0 0 0 0 a 0 0 0 0 o 0 0 0 0 9 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 a 0 0. 0 0 o *10 o 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 Is al 0 0 0 0 & 0 0 0 0 - Mathematioal. RaTiews 01 . 14 ?TC). 7 ~ ' El k ~uly - h 1 t t trodynarn k der 1 Mitignete., e illn 2 i ugus ,953 , izir t' 84 ( 9 2) (Russian i n Mathamatioul Physic.. field 'a de"JOPed in din p ni,ignetir Jil)ole, as 0 well wella t flese maRne -tir dipoles is IuvinR th t e Fidditional term Fa ili the tistial ,ti . Inagni-tir Moment t . on elIMOr. 1-riveff. fro*M Which h t e in., 01" Ili obtaineil ansmR, Mic hj 3 M 3 -tic lidd in ok"i"g all6wrotyk Ifr rl",, [r. f"Im e..l . . I . .. - . . . - M &--x, G., i it ti S7.ttnr,,-,i, G. Relptivkt.c motion in a sWar IP/9 4 Th, 'n, ey~ it oll~; of 71i,tion of a particle ill a " 0! 1-11~~.:"A it is klund that A~ _ MIlsq I- ;J~ _ il!"il: fit T-h, t a.- of a scalar, at- tractive w( :i,,i the total mass or crvr~: . v. -v t- front the center of )r,-e r;d J' 1-v il-iti," - that of lkvht. Foi sill !he particle will ho I~vj Umled rim' " " N)XH . am , .41 I .9-r I-;-. r 291 AC ...... 4. St. Pungary V ;i r v 1 Tune 59 - C nc ~ ".-I.." , '. I 1 .1 1 . . %, - e T; e :, ~ *y i:- 1, ~ ~l s - , p -. - ~, r a -,. , a 1 *~ ; t: - - . !,- I ~ ~ - *- r i c s . n lr.:,:,;i-.. P. 29 i..','.A . :%daf,e5t. I ol . i.' :.t). ~,, 3, i ~ " ~ : ~~,zt Europ,ar-i Acce cijDnis '-j,~*~ EEA"), 'I- 'o '-~, No. 2, f - February 1,66 7* ----7=' J 0 Nag. LWVIMR)-. P, S C-ourant's owthad (CA. T, 3562) for the trftt- meat of the stutwe tensiua of fluids Is epplied to a cWm. of the urface ener" of at. nuclei as a futaction of tetup. The '=Xts show that the surface lensiou of nuclei decream Lip- preckably with the enem of ewitation. It is mgL-,sted that this fact should be of importance in the interpretation of nuclear processes. H. If. '11T E,F,X, GY - Open discuss-icn about the disserta,-,.on by Lajos Kesztnel~i, candidate In physics. p. 379. KGZ,,'.T4ME1. Budapest. Vol. 5, no. 3, 1955. SOMCF: East European Accessions List (EFAL), LC, iol. 5, No. 2, 1956 r t a: -~m, r a i c i~ I ;A r -)I' %no board the Un~on -f Me "at. -r L al-- tr-~ f- t w e e r. e r a. i e r; z a i. .~ r., a ~e A:. us z a..: e~- rrn.P-~ 7 - t!,I,-l -.K 7 ;,i-i t., itt- e. ,, -ape 6 J:- -,: --w ~ r ~ f-ar. . MARX9 GY. Composite elements of the atom. p. 453. Atomic technology. p. 458. TEMMESZOr ES TA,56ADALOM. Budapest. Vol. 114, nc,. 8, Aug. 1955. SOURCE: East European Accessions List (EFAL), LL, Vol. 5, No. 2, Feb. 1956 MARX, s4 ~:5 ~ ~O.5 PODUM'. Th e,j.- e i - a- PI- y -- i- ~41 E~e-._:Ajnamics. B-- Abs Ref Zhir N Auth )r Ma [-"-, -~ InEA Titlo Or ~ 6 P--,Ib P:-- 1 _9~,t-. '4, N~ 29- J--I ~I Abstra_-- Tn~ 5 ~jaai p Inc 1 ple of the e t' r s t no r, Lon s ~e- d j,~ - vg r Z~t, equat.ons of motion M~I~,* kff r. rE-,at~vistic hydrody- ralmzI.,; :.f an Iq~:! it' n~ empLoys as the Lagran- to obtain in it i_z; possib-e tAn c -.,is ua martr '--i- ?-r.3,.r, -quaLions of motion; these eq-)ztI-)riz_ -an in t-be form analogous to taat~ 1'-,iveri tY a~u_- F1 zl,?,at 1954, 1 _'077) f -1 r tll-, e eq j_~a t r! M~! : )f, L, tv:e scalar meson field. IT, trie sec:~n-: 1,;- --ti. v- argument,s are generaIL- zed Card 1/2 POLAND,!Theureti-a~! Physi:~~3 B-3 Abs Jour Ref Zhur - FLzI*t-a., No 4, B4oo to in(-iudt- a -Iielei:tx-L - -.quid, having a certain space ze. By supplemen;.'nr the La~7angian ;nvariance con- har L nected with the eie~_,tr-)dynamlii- f'e1d, we obtai.n '.h- ener- k:(-mument~= ~ensnr as a resulL t-if applying the varl'atLo- nal method. 'Mis ten5~3r is a --ovariant ;enerai~fzat_un of ..e Abraham tensor. The res~i_'tant tensor is examin?d 'n ..;reater detaij f )r %he a,-,e of neogipressibie L q,:d- :; L s the sum of tnt teie~ r a mov:ng iiea~. i.cj,dd and the ',-.,r a J-eLe:-I_ric at rcsl.. C.)ns'.,Ie- ring that the dens'ty ~Af the !,Jelectric medium is increa- sed by the piiarLzation enera, the author finds ~.hat the res,,LLtant express.on is %ho~~ sim -Af the tensor of the mo- ving ideai lj.,pid and the tensor :obt.a;ned by Kiuitenberg. (Kluitenber~',, G.A., Thes R,,t,ter(lam, 1954) by a ther- Y&Aynami~- .~ons-._deratiori. the At~rahan, E.IrLste.n- Laub, and rire :art_:ralar --a:,e,; of %he tensor 'he u '-!i )r Card 2;'2 C-.-.t-;,or-,, : --,OL-LND/Th('G rc ti c . I 1-hy s i c s - C I a a a i a al El Oc t ro dymmi c aB -71 ,bs Jour : aif Zhur - Azika, No '1. 1957, No 5644 :JInI. i i.~Ialsompfia% N.-xd' , Y. J. ..i t s OPT~.ndEtvos U:dvc-rsity, Budap, st, Hun,~ ry, ri U,;,,mLir th;- imnsfnr of' lkwa-rutwa by Cuntirtuous Acctro- magnutic -xv-D in Dioloc~rio M-:di-.. Ori,,: i,ub Byul. vollskoy .,N, 1936, Otd. 6, 4, No 2, 75-77 ,bs,.7.1ysis in giv,-:, of thk. drjrivaUwi obtaimd by 'ubincivich. (~icl-'-rat Lhur Fizi!ca, 1956, 21772), on ~,h- bt~sir, of-.-.n L.v~,S- tii>dou of''s urwrq;y-mumoAum ti-isor, -.oac-.r-dw- ~h(- ,.r,uisVur of' to .. Alicloctric by th, movia, Slirf-.Ocs of .-h disconti,adLy of' :L Acc.rOltL,-.glL-tiC fi;;Id LnL'~nslty, Thr, di3continuity AE cr:,.tf ti in th --i.;IocLric %ij Licr rn(,iLt Lit pol m, i, or ch--.rkros. *Mi,, ctormapolading %.rwity oC p,,111-~riz 'i.,: lirr-!n (, i s f -1)/4 Tr) v, 6 E , :h,. r(. v i s thi L p d of ~:av- )rope 'E:-Jion in th iLL,.c ric, T . L -Ul.: 3 L caso tho i,. diwn s houtil b; 7,.ct,d upr)n - t th-~ po-ln.. of disro-!ti - uity, by Lh-- s.,.m,. forc -.i, i s produc od i.i th. cas.~ r) f +hz. co:iduc- C -I rd 1/~ - -- : -.. - . - o I -. : j. . I i . . . I t . - - -7- * . . - . - . -. , I ; -- .: IF , - . . . I . I I I . .. , - I I I I , . . . .1 . . / - Nw, Gydr ; anJ RomAn, Pil. Energy and inomen- al ftO7 of fields.; I Magyar Tud. Nkad. K" 1 (1'956), 269-287. (Hungarian) Fiz. szt. . oz . This paper contains an exposition (if the different methods one can use tu generaic the tiiergy-momenturn tensor in field theories Then,-! inethods aic based on the invariance of the Lagrangiari under certain variations. 1) Hilix-st's nietho& The invariance of the Lagrangian with respect to variations (it the inetric tensor es the (symmetri( ) energy-momenturn tensor - 2) fante's method: The invariance of the Lagrangian with respect to variations which correspond to infinitesimal inhornogene- ous Lorent2 transformations enables us to construct a nonsymmetric canonical energy-momentum tensor which can be symmetrized. giving the energy-momentum, tensor. The authors then show that the two methodsi generate the same energy-momen!um tensor, if the system is dosed (i.e.. it the divergence of the energy- momenturr tensor is zero); if the system is open, only method 1) tan be uaed. Large numbers of applications are* given; the authors construct the energy-momentum tens" for scalu fields. pseudo-scal-a fields, spinor fields' and Maxwell-fields. without and with sources. N. L. BWws (Chicago. IU4 IY AW Theo --.- - I . . . . . . R : , . . . I. . I I . . . - . . I. . - : , . ... 77' vIT I ) I r I I, 'A' (H., ,i I., HbqIGARY/Theoretical Fhym~cs -- LaILI vi,,',,. ~'Jal fled Field Theor-y ::,-j 7L Abs Jour Ref Zhur - Fiziv,~, No b, -I' Author l4arx.~yorgy Inst Not Given T-1 tie Relativistic 11yd_rodyrFari,:,,3 Orig Pub Magyar fiz. folyoirat, 195Y, 5, r4o 2, 91-io4 Abstract The author gives the fundamentals of relativistic hydrodynamics, following from the variational principle. The problem of the propagation of elastic waves is considered; the lava of motion of a charged Uquid are derived. The conclusions obtained are applied to the case of motion of an electron beam. Car4 principles of therm-cKlynami,~-s with the use of the Planck quan. tum hypothesis. It turns oixt Lhat in the formation of sur- face tenBionp a great role In pl-Ved by the so-called capil- lary waves whirh have a (riant= character. The application of the law to nuclear pheurmena gives a correct order of the energy of evaporation of the rucleus (corresponding to a case where the surface teaBioa equads ~n zero'). Card 1/1. Jt 1 Pod Ate 9istril U1c/%F3c/4E3d 1.4 The Ifiroreirl of ilse coniervalitin of lite fertiflon number and the principle of lite Initimin utimber of stAtes In the theory of the Fletitrillo.11 (1-%--AL.1.LA- .1 Al'if"I'ar J!'I'doma.,vol .1 "1 117, P--l--77,Tj , it :,! ,. i -11119.-1 .4 th'. I'lijilt'a RQUIll CILLU-41tuti, [fir I'l-sil-S,if I Ill- I IIIIIQ~11`1.1;1 A. Mit m% Swivitevs) V,d 5,- 145Y."No. T jill :111.1 -01. 1 'J'wi !jIlliplifYing prinvilib-s litav 1w inin,ilmid i .n t1w 11vt1trilm. the th'-frill A the s,f ill:- lottiltoll IIIII'll.-Ir and thf, IllinfiIIIIIII roWills"ll 1"r ill,- Ilumberof fit(- if . itiliviflarv I'mils It , Alwaig the lwlit~jii- 0--m- tht- fiTA 1!.4 :,, ,vjit,-d I,i ill(- F,-rmi th-r% ill(. I,s- ill,, Al.ijorana tju-ii I'll, r if [)It (*"w,-TviIIIwI ')f l"Ifit bl'th A111111t (I 0111111tall, iml~k .1 ,1 vn it,-w I !I,- ."A I .: 1-til ay Ill, --le, 1:. 1 11 MARX, Gyorgy FlpmF-nts of juaw~jm. ,r.ys:cq. 1---. ~ - z 9 r- " -. - . I- - - ~-2-7-3 AP-JE: 117. 1. Eg~eterrd ~ lm, I F-ti F I z - k-ai In ~--zet, ;3udtq:r-3L; '***. zjkl~4 Kut,ato Intezet Atomfizl~iii lsz,,ki~va; "Fizi-Oij -;zer-nlW' biz(,ttsagi titgja. N'V~ 1~x , - - g, v la!rnen' - ~-)' -:7 - - .. ~ - - - . I- ". . -- . ~ -. z 7. r k e. t-,. Gyrrgy 2 a Z P-- 13 Eg:'.~tf-n; "I:n- F 7 V', 'k/A NIARX, ~;yorgy 11.7. 7hp -)m~t. ~17 - - --. - ~ -.;- I 1. Euetemi Ejmpjo~j Fizikai in!--.-, ~ V ., . - -' :` -, 4 ka I K~,i tti t,-) ln~ezet Atr~mfizlkal ':sta~y'~ " -- ~ /'I'Plt !1--r"~ZtO hizottsagi tigJa. !/;', 1? 1 , Gyn rf,-., r -z -.1 , -i, .4:1Y ~W ' '~'7. t:ng 2 -.. r,,,w i. .;tne'~- ' i. i ~ ..~,-r - 'I ~ 1. !.gyets~in; ~,Iim#--I~it-~ FIZIkI,i lj~, .. FAMiud K u t.,-i t, e) In. tf-zt-1. t,. mf ~ k,I i ;.!i Ia 1p, , " ~ ,i, , ti lz-,r.-,If," s:~-rk,,F t,) i - zrAt9mk,l *,,r, MARX , Coll -, r vy )bristure f,lant. V r,,..4:115 Ag '57. 1. Egypteml F'jz'kiii W.P7.vt, *Kozl)onti Flzlkal Kulato ln~-zr-t A*,. mfi~::knl ~)sztnlpj, "Flzik~tl :;z,-inle" szF-rkF-.fl z tf) -,izott,q)lgl HUNGARY/ Nuclc-r F17,.ysics - 71o-.r;nfrry Frrticl.;..- A b o J,, -,Ar R,-f Zhur - Fizikr, fJ,, 11, 1958, N, 241,~,J;5 liuthc.r Innt P. Ectv--- 'jnivr,r::ity, '~,~-ntrpl 7~--F,~-rrch ini-titut- f TYyric5, Buil!'post, ffix,j-~-ry Tit] Solocti(n Ful(s in the,, 0m, n Th,...ry Cr i F Pab ',ctr phys. AcEd. sci. hunj~., 19'17, 7, li.-. 4, 469-47,-, ,'bstrr-ct Thu rutnrr (-xp!inc6 c,.-rt-ir. sc;locti-n rulcr., ,,hich ~-ccur in th(.~ nnnihiliticin ~f r, frun~ nucl-,--,n-rntinuclcxn ~y-tor- (nucle- onitz. !-,"rtj with f-r-rtinn -f nd -,-, c; rl~,.He rcxt in- v,~rtigrtc,i the, -',-,cry -f ncutr-1 Ath -11twrne, frr tht.; c-nerjrv.-tion (f' n,:binel' I-rit.y. C c r d 1/1 7 I - Qurntu- 1,;,-chrnicfj r.- 4 .iUelG;'.RY/Th,.,:r(Aicr I Physice s J -4 P,_,I' Zh%ir - Fizik-, IT -), 19')A, N. ic/,,~I lout 1. - ri. :r--rx Inot : Gilron TitIc s Dcas Nrturo Hrvf-, r, '~-irr r Sy- Ary? ~r i i- Fu b:Fiz. 1957, 7, N~ 9, 15o"i-!~4 Ab3tr-ct : ~-urvoy rrticle, djv-tud t th,, pr(Alfx- (T n:n-conno~rvrti,n -f prrity. Tho w,~rk -f Yrnr rnd L-jo i~; Af-,cu-_;,_c,I rlom, with ,xr.ori- entrl ro.,ult,,: t,h--+. c.-.nfir nm-c)nso~~rv-ti-r. f Irrity in . (;- 7 int,~r-cti r,.,, --n-! thu hYTOth-'i.': ;-f tho tw--c,--T_,.-ront nuutri-,r.. Thccr.A2_c,-1 - n!1. o.uunc.._- -f nrn-c- n:?r;rvrti, n -. f prrity -ro fiscunre.i. Crrd 1/1 Physic,- - Struct-jrc- rind Prcp(2xti, s cf' f'uclei c-4 Abc jc,,r Rr-f Zhur - F~ zik No 4) No ' 155 Author A~rx G.Yorgy Title Unsolved Problom in the Thcury of j3 Crcay Orig -Dib Marx fiz. folyoirat, t, No 5, 261-27,, Abstract No abstract Card 1.5 IL Ob 6" move 4"""a ad as """ eater of larlwo 0 arx, A Magyar 2%dandn" Akmkmia Kox= 'Isk- I- K ftk 41rocamhu" of Lbe 1"ilgie to v a at sh"m VOL 4, IOU, No. 5, pp. 384 -396. DoWled jAud" acoordims t4i Voyninan won, modLw" an mome pft6b~ vol"ing to tm 4-oclips" of the SOMW f6Wm by * wovu e%u"Jua of the mmxwW ardor, s. p. oa %bow of iml~-dkm& The pamnib"Y of ropman"" OA is.- &m&" F I by a tow souWamm& quimor is prummmw. 7W, foodils"s the N"pulmsbaft uf the eaum"04tion tow OW MAY now" Um imvariss~ proport6o of the TfUV',,',RY/Theo-cticai Physic~~ - Quaiitui.i 7.,.eory -f FicL--17,. s j -if Ref aur Fizika, Dir, !96~ 5 'e, i*"Al. Marx Gyrrgj I::st Pu-1dru--ic~A-n! Tl,.c-)rc::: .-,f Conti.,.;Jous Transf-.=,-ti~-.3 L, Quant iu, Tlie,,)ry Pub MaFyar tud. nkad. k)zp fiz. k,itato iiit- ki,:41- , 1~)58. N") 5, 39-(-4(),~, VTI At:-tract 5tartln_ .)-at wit! 't:~e ficid equatic-ns and V.c c,:,-l--.-utati- relations, tl-.e c-,nstr-!cts a imitary opcrat %A-Ach 13 the genuratirG functi--)n of sy,-j.,c:try trar-,sf-.,r- .,-rttirj-- in HiLbert spa~-e. 'Aic sequei,cy rf t'.e aut: i*'-. rirgrumcl,t5, IF the oppifite of Viat tised by Schwirw,--r I:. Lhe covariant fc,:,iu.Latjr)!. '.f (JU.-VALU3 theOr-y: thili Uli.d- nates certain inconsista-i:cies Li tlc preccedl.-,c MAn, Gyargy y %4uszaki Kony7kipkdo. NBlue Books"; physics series puLlished tr Fiz szemle 8 no.1:30 Ja 158. 1. "Fizilcai Szemle" f9szerk!!szt*ja. MM, Gyorgy Catalog of data an I-r" diffraction issued by the Jkerican Society for Testing Platerials. fts esmle 8 no.2t68 F156 1. *F~zikai Smemlel Fooserkeaztoje. rly. FIZIKAI 3Z;-'KLF. (Eo-. -)s Lorand FizIkal Tarsul~it) Budape5t New trondl in resoarch In elementary par-tle!lo~q. p. ?4C Vol. 8, No. 8. -Dct. 1)58 Monthly List of East European Acessions 5'-A1). L-. Vol. 8, lio. ). March 1-!5,- Unclass. MARI. Gyorgy Neutrino. Fis aseale 9 no.6sl67-175 Je 159. 1. Zotvos Lorand Tudoamnyogyetea Elmoleti Fisikal Inteseta, so IFisikai Szeml, 4 fosurkeastoje. MARX, Gyorgy, ___ I Catalyzing amIgamation by .//-meson. Fix ssemle 9 no.71A, of cover ji 159. The largest accelerators. Fis sseale 9 no.74 cA-* cover Jl '59. 1, Visikai Susule" fasserkenstoje. -MARX, ryorgy Five-million atmospheric pron-w,re. FIz s-,-.amia 1, nO.'(j:z. -,-.f' 'Over 0 '59. 1. "Fizikai Szemle" MARX, Gyorgy - "Irze bubble chamber. Fiz szeir,'p 1-1 no. 10:4 of : 159. Large-5 I ', IfFizikai Szemle" fOS7erkesztoje. I DROLTHUY. F. -.. KOX. G. Strong Interactions of the foar-divionsional isotopic space. In Inglish. AcU pbys.Rung. 10 no.4,-42l-W8 159. (=A 1 9: 4) 1. Institute for Theoretical Physics of the Boland Botvos Unlrersity, Dwspost. (mesons) (Ime loons ) t4i.jjx, ryorgy, ir , v os-3',' ~-- ' .' ;'!~ - t r - Z, ~ 'i I * ~-,! Ila r. ." G 1e . ~ ~ PA ., 1 1, . ~, 'i - %~- w '- ~ - .1 - a: , , - -1 . :- :; t ,~ : , - z - - - - . - ~ 8 ;1 Irf e -a Tre n,, . . . ' 1 6r MM, Qv-PrA7--- The famous classic 9quatic-n of notion of the electron. Nagy fiz rolyoIr 8 no-33247-254 260. (ERA.I 10:1) 1. Botyos Lorwd TudomwWogyetex 91weleti Fizikai Intezete. (Electrons) KAM - 8wrn- 3 MAM, Nora On the possibility of neutrino astranoW. Xaa fis falycir 8 no.6; 507-517 160. (EW lot 5) 1. Ratvas Larand TodamWeVetm KUwletl Tialkai Inteseto (for Mnm). 2. Naaar TudamMos Akadmia Knpcnti Fizikal Kutato Intesete (for lbyWhard). (Neutrinm) (Astrancow) A% -W %W KUM, Q~mrgy - Reflection of radio vaves from Venus. Piz szemle 10 no.1:32 Ja 160. 1. Ofizikai Szemle" fooserkeaztoje. MAU, Gyorgy The validity limit of quantum electrodynomico. Pis aseale 10 no.1* 32 Ja 160. 1. "Fisikai Ssmlo" foo2arkesstoje. KUM. G"my O?he work of Einstein &nd its effect upon our age" by Leopold Infeld. Reviewed b7 Gyorgy Mam Fiz ssemle 10 no.4:125 Ap 160. 1. ffisikai Ssamls* foaserkaostoje. MAU, Gyorgy Solar energy. Fiz asemle 10 no.4.,227 Ap 160. 1. "Fisikai Szemlo" fosserkeeztoje. MARI, Gyorv____-- Reactor forming high neq%ron density. Pis asemle 10 no.4:128 Ap 160. 1. "Fisikai Szemle" fooserkosztoje. MA , Gyorgy acsill-as sati sykar7y, 19602. Reviewod by Gyorgy Y-a=. Fis sxe-~ 10 no. 5s159 My 160. 1. "Fiaikai Sxsmlol fossorkaostoje. MANCE, Gyorgy