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XACLS, J.; KOIAR, J.; MARX, F.; PALECEK, L.; POTOCKY, V. Osseous changes as sequelae of post-trainnatic vascular diseases. Cesk. rentgenol. 16 no.2-109-115 AP '62. 1. Radiologicka klinika fakulty vseobeeneho lekarstvi University Karlovy v Praze, prednosta prof. dr. V. Svab. (BONE DISEASES etiol) (VASCULAR DISEASES PERIPHERAL compl) i3390-M Vom -66 ACC~~Ml- AP6M737 SOUHGE CODEt aVW16510oo 7b2o,/62 'AUTHMS :Budinova-Swelas, J.; Fryntovaj, Ao; Kaell, J q=se Npartiwnt of Vasewlar Diseases of the Brain,, Thomayar's Hospital., fraguo (Orldolerd pro cevrA newel mzkI ThonVerovy nemocnice); Hadiological Clihic, Faculty --.of.G*neX4L1 Hedicim; Charles University, Prague (Radlologickaklinika fakeyseobe lek*Kg) TITIE: Influence of premedication upon the carotid angiogram 'SUMCE40- Ce6koslovenska neurologieAno. 4 1965, 264-266 TOPIC TAGS: drug treatment,, brain, blood, circulatory system disease The -krMixence of hypo- 0. -drugs freqiiently used in premedication upon the cerebral _h. dyrwAics in discussed. 5 cases are analyzed; it in probable that in these cases premedication caused contrast filling of the t * ery and of its branches during carotid angiography... ~:SUB COM 06 SUEN DATE: 180et64 01116, MW 1 001 OTH REF: 010 1A FRYNTOVA, A.; MARX, F. Obliteration of the internal carotid artery ih the roentgen picture. Sbarn. lek. 64 no.11033-339 N 162. 1. Oldeleni pro nable prihody mozkove Thomayerovy nemocnice v Fraze 4. prednosta doe. dr. J. Budinova-Smela Radiologicka klinika fakulty vooobocneho lakarstvi University Karlovy v Fraze, lwednosta prof. dr. V. 3vab. (CARDTID ARTERY DISEASES) (CEREBRAL EMBDLISM AND THRONBOSIS) (CEREBRAL ANGIOGWHY) LEHMN, Hans, prof., dr. ing.; MARX, Gunter, ing. !fVestigations on the behavior of the flaw of suspensions containing c4ay mineral. Epitoanyag 12 no.6t201-208 Je 160. 1. Clausthal. (Nemetorszag) Banyaszati Akademia. o 0 o o *#*a* 00000 U 66 t? 10 14 w 8 60 a 4--j A- AA -V A a .1 :80 1 A poplas am 04 ft 1* "AM Iluftw. ArAs MYS, I (NP. 6) 3642 (1930) bVerama ba W* ka - U am thmd" 6a do *n l1w PhL*vn "n h5tv iW willun bot rAn o, Is hm drduind by "alurd maximen., Oquatim WiLb the wine awthw movjovw for dft~ mtkbm oq"Oolo 7he WM opwralor b INA. %'M VITA - TAT, MId VAT. T-TI - TA- 00 00 * 0 0 0 0 0 6 0 0 00000#000:10 a 9 a jp 0 0l 4 a a 4 0 1 k -2 - A- -40 -00 -00 -40 "00 Apo* Do* _.~M!ATWI CLASPPICATION AG;T so.-LAW 0.- 40 #still cm Is 0 AV 9 it ft~ a :iq 0000 0 0 0 o 0 0 0 0 0 01,02 10 10 No 'Old 00 Is' No " We **so 100960900069000010 oooe:o::::::::i MM, G. ie'vivws m -G.-Itp6dwisdothe Mdrtiodynpalk &r spot& Vol 24 No& :7 Scl. Hungv. 2, 644 (1952Y. (RuWan J, ml Btj Augu y wtnmary) - ics Ph A theory o! the electromagnitle fieM- h .&vw W in W ' * y which there are pemanent' ma gnefic d" 6 well as charged putighm The premen6i of thew niagnaic,dip6lem Is' taken into account by iqtroducink the iddliloem! termi . -jF*M61 into the Lagranglan, Where Pm Id -a the umal ntl- symmetric tensor and Ma th rn tlc- mopient tenmDr. am . 44 7 V The esterky-momenturn tenso m *Wh the i. derived, exp!vm~vn for. the foke oij~ the ningfiet Is obtainC4. C. KikxcJW (Fast Lansing, Mich.). Ar. :,a rX U]II--tatIx'I 032i I -ta ',-h--sicL ar c 30: M~ U, . r,,. hunfary : 1: ',7:1 -',)r" Roland ~Iotvcs 'In-.v., iuIa,,.ezt "Tnteract;.cn of ele:jt,.ntaQ- , artic] ar,~, t.Ye r- nsurva'.~ cr, law!-.*' Acta Phys. Acad. Sci. !-.ui,[,. 3, (191-~3) "in Geman). r. c, ITARX, G Bulletin - Vol. 2, no. 10, 1954. Relativistic motion in a scalar field. In English. p. 4?5. SD: Monthly list of East European Accessions, (EFAL), LC, Vol. 4, No. 9, Sept. 1955 Uncl. lu-uc~ "&-)u,ations of Motion of a Ma.-netic Dij~olell. Byuj. Y-o-sk. AN Otd. .3.1 2, No 5, PP 217-222, 1954 The Linstein-Infeld-Hoffman concept of gravitational field is used for derivinE equations of motion of a particle having elect.-ic and mai7netic momenta. Solutions of Maxwell's e-uations ar,� presented as sum-, of the external field and the field of the particle: the latter is expanded in series in 1/c powers. The ::oef*icient5 of these series -are determined and formulas present the solutions of the emiatuions. (RZhFiz, No 10, 1055) SO: 3um No. 812, 6 Ft~b 195b Category : HUNGARY/Theoretical Physics - Quantum Field Theory B-6 Abs Jour : Ref Zhur - Fizika, No 1, 1957, No ?18 Author : Marx, Gyorgy)Szamnsi Geza Title Tlo-t ~on of a Nucleon in a Scalar Meson Field Orig Pt4b Magyar fiz. folyoi-rat, 1955,'3, No 2, 141-156 Abstract General Treatment of the Luthors' previously-published works. See Referat, 'Zhl.Lr-- Fizika 1956, 9567, 1~7066; 1957, 2a7. Card 1/1 MA RX 0 Gy. "Proper momentum of electronB and nuclei in the Dirac theory." p. 291 14AGYAR FIZIKAI FOLYOIRAT. (Magyar Tudomanyos Akademis) Budapest, Hungary Vol. 3, No. 3, 1955. Mon-thly list of Ea--t European Accessions (EEAI) LCI Vol. 8, No. 6, June 1~59. Uncl. -I NAGY, K. The energy impulse tensor of radiation in dielectrics. In German. p. 29 ACTA PHYSICA. Budapest. ~ol. 4, no. 3, 1955. SOURCE: East European Accessionu List MAT), LIv Vol. 5, No. 2. Pdbruary 1956 Quar*un Electrc-dyramics, B-c,. Hunoary.~Theoretfcp.! Ph 8-*cs Abst Jo,=na_!: Refera,~ Zrur F-zLka, N-. :_2 33 Authc.r: Marx, G. In st itu'-� -,n: Pudap-:s* , HufSary Tii1e: On the Prc-blem -f SCa4 +=r..-g Pt:~.:,rj_q bv Y~~.z'.rfn-s TT Original Perfc~dfcai: Acta ptyq. A.-act. sz_-~ hi_-g.. Nc, Abstract: The s~atter'_ng --f pt_- t,-.rjq by reu*r_'_rc-a I-s considered. ir, accordan, e the perturbatic-n thecry as th-E, dec-,Tp(,s'_'_cm rf tte ncutrilr-l iDto 2 virtual n-_i: and an ele-ctrcn, the rf the by the virtuall elec,~ro,_), ar.,I 'h~-- mation of the firal neutr_r-L T~h,_- mgL'r.tx element -.-:~rresponding t.,-% th-e. - e e fs the electrcm charge... and f -s ~ne FF~rm! process is proport 4 (;7a- interaction constaLt. Thx: dLvergen:-2 -..s eliminatt-d by cutt',mg cff -~J-Le v_fr~ua, par . c~e vith raspec* -~,- ~tj~: Th~- :;ross a estj~mated at ~Pj:-__K,,Ta-'Y 10- 0 cm. A hyp,:-%ht~,,e .'.s zrAdt that alcng w-:Llr szatt.~r!rg -;f ty I-wh- scattering rf 111.~~a bv r_Ev; % s Ut-F.3 .%:, "..aI LI, eeses. ) 'r I Open discussion about the disaertation by Lajos Keszthelyi, candidate in pbysics. P. 379. KOZLEMENM. Budapest. Vol. 5, no. 3, 1955. SOURCE: East European Accessions List (EEAL), LC, Vol. 5, No. 2, 1956 MARX, GY. To the memory of Albert Einstein. p. 21. 5evelDpmert of the ship-~-_JiidirE -nc,~ztry the German Democratic Republic. p. 23. March 30, 1'Y55, resolution cf tne board -f' Ur&xkcVtw Building, Wood-Using, and Building Materials industries or. cooperat-_'~n between the trade-union and the scientific organizations related t~ v)ese industries. p. 2h. MIJSZAKI ELET, No. ID., May 1955 (Muszaki es Temes7. ~ttudomanyos Fj- yesuletek Szovetsege) Budapest 11 SOURCE: East European Acce--sions List Vol. 5, No. 1 0eptember, IW.6 . MARX. GY. Composite elements of the atom. P. 453. Atomic technology. p. 458. TWIESZET ES TARSADALOM. Budapest. Vol. 114, no. 8P Aug. 1955. SOURCE: East European Accessions List (EM), LC, Vol. 5, No. 2, Feb. 1956 MARXP G , IlRelativistic 74""Pes Ir Ppnw,, 'hiclel" PublisbAd Ircgn Inst. for -henrAticrtl Phvsics of 1!niv. of 'url'ar-Pst, April IQI;6. SO- Nuclekr Physics, Vol. 1, ~,Jo. C3, 1(11,~ . POLAND/Theoreti-cai Physics - Classical Eiectrodynamics. B-3 Abs Jour Ref 2,hur - Fizika, No 4, ;'957, 84oo Author Ma J~~~ Inst R. Eotvos Univerp,-.ty, Budapest, Hungary Title V~Lriational Prim'iple for Dielectrics. Orig Pub Dyul. Poi-sk, L V. Otd. iii, 1956, 4, No i, 29-35 Abstract The author consile-is t~"e rariat.ionai principle of the electrodynami-cs cf dielec-T-rics. The first portion is devoted to the derivation of the equations of motion and the er-ergy-momentum. taan,:;or in relativistic hydrody- namics of an ideal liqjid. If one employs as the Lagran- the simplesi invariant, it is possible to obtain in the usual mnnner the known equations of motion; these equations can be represented in the form analogous to that given by VeTlet -'Referat Zhur Fizika, 1954, L1077) for the equations of motion in the scalar meson field. In the second DOItiOr the above arg=ents are generali- zed Card 1/2 POLAND/Theoretical. Physics -- Classical Eiectrodynamics. B-3 Abe Jour Ref Zhu:r - Fizika, No 4, 1957, 8400 to include a dielectric liquid, having a certain space charge. By supplementing the Lagrangian invariance con- nected with the electrodynamic field, we obtain the ener- gy-momentum tensor as a result of applying the variatio- nal method. This tensor is a covariant generalization of the Abraham tensor. The resultant tensor is examined in greater detail for the case of incompressible liquid; it is the sum of the tensor of a moving ideal liquid and the Einstein-Laub tensor for a dielectric at rest. Conside- ring that the density of the dielectric medium is increa- sed by the polarization energy, the author finds that the resultant expression is the sum of the tensor of the mo- ving ideal liquid and the terisor obtained by Kluitenberg (ICluitenberg, G.A., Thesis, Rotterdam, 1954) by a ther- modynamic consideration. Thus, the Abraham, Einstein- Laub, and Kluitenberg tensors are particular cases of the tensor obtained by the author. Card 2/2 /7)/V-lCA/S G. x Ontogory : POIAND/Thoorotic-I Pkvsios - Classical Blectrodyn=ics B-3 .',bs Jour : Rof Zhur - Fizika, No 3, 1957, No 6644 ,x"Ithor I Ilm"0064% Nadl, K. List I'7o-rmd Eotvos Univorsity, Budapust, Hungary, Titlo : Collourning tho fransfor of laomontum by Continuous ~;Icotro- magno-tic 'avos in Diolootrio Modin. Orig Pub % Byul. Pollskoy .,N, 1956, Otd. 5, 4, No 2, 75-77 .,bs'v-ract,:.,.nmalysis is givon of tho dorivation obtainod by ".1ibinovich (Roforat Zhur nzi,--a, 1956., 21772), on Lh,; basis of an i-.xc;s- tigation of ..brahrmls onurgy-momontum tansor, concur-lin- tho trnusfur of momuntum to a dicloctric by thu movin;~ starfacca of th,, discontinuity of &.: oloo~,roiuagiwtic fiold intonsity. Tho discontinuity AE croatos in th.. J ioloo~ric au iacr mont in pol-.rization, i,a., a motion of cluirgos. TlicMrroSponding dcnsity of polarizition --. urronb is f-( F- -1)/41r)v-,A 1j.. vhcro v is tho s pz;~-!d of wavc propa&-ation in th, licloo'ric, In this oaso tho mrdiumshould b.) actod upon --A tho poinz of diBCO.Iti:,- uity, by tho samQ forc- %a is produeA iii th~, oasj of thcs conduc- Card 1/2 Dist-_r: bIRPI. 2 ; and lRomb, P11. energy and inomen- MILE g ift V_of fields.,' Magyar Tud. Akad. Mat. Fi7 OMMA. 6 0_9756 F,269-287. (Hungarian). This paper contains an exposition of the different methods one can use to geneiate the energy-momentum. tensor in field themies. These methods are based on the invariance of the Lagrangian under certain variations.' 1~ Hilbert's method: The invariance of the Lagrangian with respect to variations of the metric tensor gives the (symmetric) energy-momentum tensor; 2) Belinfante's method: The invariance of the Lagrangian with respect to variations which correspond tu infinitesimal inhom(Npue-, Ous Lorentz transformations enables us to construct a nonsymmetric canonical energy-momentum tensor which ;can be synunetrized, giving the energy-momentum, tensor. The authors then show that the two methodal generate the same energy-momentum teensor, if the- 1 system is dosed (i.e., if the divergence of the energy- momentum tensor is zero); if the system is open, only m'etW 1) can be used.11arge numbers of appfications are' given; the authors construct the energy-momentum tan for scalar fields, pseudo-sealar fields, spinor fields' and kaxwell-fields. without and with sources. ~N. L. Bakas (Chic%gq, 1114 Theo ret ic;j t Ei,~i r' tv 1'e.-, -,Ina,-. rv 36; Vtr..; 7 HUNGARY/Theoretical PhyAcs ivi'-y. ~t-li,ilfied Field Theory B-2 Abe Jour : Ref Zhur - Fizika, No 1~F,8, 1`10 7564 Author : Mam.~yorgy Inst Not Given' T Iq tle Relativistic Hydrodyriami,:s Orig Pub Magyar fiz. folyoirat, 1;95'j, 15, 14o 91-104 Abstract The author gives the fundamentals of relativistic hydrodynamics, folloving from the variational principle. The problem of the propagation of elastic waves is considered; the laws of motion of a charged liquid are derived. The conclusions obtained are applied to the case of motion of an electron bean. Cara 1/1 HIJNGARY/Atomic and Mol4cular P~hysics qjA Is T-)-8 Abs Jour : Ref Zhur - Fizika, lio 4, 1958, 4c, 810", Author :_lUx.%,_C~yorgy, Szam(,si Geza Inst Eotvos Loramd Tudomaryegyft-rem Eiraeleti Fiz. Intezete., Budapest., Hungary Title Theoretical Relations of' the Fotyos Law Orig Pub Magyar fiz. flofolrat, l9,'--',7, 55, No 2, 123-135 Abstract An article of survey character. The authors, following Born and Courant (Born M.., Cou_rarat Physik Z., 1913, 14, 731) derived the Eotvos law of surface tension on the basis of principles of +Jweimodynamics with the use of the Planck quan- tim hypothesis. It turns- out that in the formation of sur- face tension, a great role ie pLayed by the so-called capil- lary waves which have a T-jantm character. The application of the law to nuclear phenomena gives a correct order of the energy of evaporation of the nucleus (corresponding to a case where the surface tension equals ~o zero). Card 1/1 Matrs' We/" 3d. 15. Selectivity rules lp the siditle-K-piiii bror I r. ! Af ar TudowdAvos A allemia Ards- N1 LixA L P d rocm ( : Itute for n rc", 1 1 ugs of t of ! 0-- t !~ !V ~ -No. -the enc-STAFol. 5, 1 , SCI Hunk arl A,,,d , kl pp. Selectivity rules for the 01ILS as well w 11"cleon-autinucleon -09 Lr i9to X Ines numons into Pi nwsons have been vi., MU-tive decay of a nucleon-antinuckan be ly suitable for d sin l idi h th l ec er on e y a ng w g article forum a'k-uwson Uwsou exists or whether this p parity doijb&ct. , P - N f I)Istr; WacAB31cAE13d 'I The thearem of (lie conservation of the fernfl a A nutilber and the principle of the nilglinvin rill1iiiiii--oFi stilles In the theory of the Alagyar 'rudawb,p)s Akatti'm3-5 lostam 12114-Ptelti-h Kozleuti`uvei Wroceet-111195 of the Qumlid, -JLL-_ -s of tile Hungarian Acadvilly ----Rest u iiWUL(,Lftsr Physit Pf N'oj. -305-11'1.' Two simplifying principles may lie 1111TOIJUCed Mij- Al ct-ruing tile neatritio, the theinvidof the conservatitirl of tht, ,feuniun mmilwir und the mininitim condition for tile mon1wr of I lie possible ,;tates of elementary particles Among tile "classival" Heittri"m theories tile fitst fins lreeii avcel)ted by tile Ferill theory, tile Eirmid living ICI adcpted t1j, the Majorana theory. -Ifter ilispensing 1%,Itli The law o tile collsetvnUoh of Imity both principles 111.11- 1K. applit-11 shilliltancolisly (is vall lie seell from tile, I'm ICILtIl the-iry. The possibilitv of applying 1)()tll priss- ripivs forthe decay (if /i illesoil. investigated. other partirivs ii, I 14 --a-g-Z HUNG~-M/Thecretical Physics - Classical Electrodynamics. Classical B-3 Field Theory Abs Jour Ref Zhur - Fizika, Nc 5j 19580 No 17245 Author un~ -r4ro-gw.,, Szariosi Geza Inst Not Given Title General Forms of Motion of a Pcint Mass in Relativist4.c Dynamics Orig Pub Magyar fiz. folyoirat, 1957, 1, No 5, 431-448 ;.bstract The article is devoted to a study of the motion of .,-n %Irbitr~lry point mass in space and tine under the influence of forces of general type. Card 1./ 1 HUNGARY/Thocraticrl Fhysics - Clrssicrl ~~loctrodynp.-ica. (, Thcory of Flolds lrssicrl B_5 !,bs Jour : Rof Zhur - Fizike, f~c 10, 1958, No 22o64 'JyorFy .-uthor : 8zarosi Vezr, ilarx Ins'. : ll'ot G4vcn Tit 1 E-; I .;criv---Iionpl ~rincirlos in 1~elptivistic DyncuAcs Orig Pub I 14agyrr fiz. folycirpt, 19517, 5, No 6, 511-522 Abstrect t Sao lleforet Zhur Fizike, 1957, 8, 1B909; 111c 12, 295'~q. Cprd : 1/1