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Publication Date:
December 31, 1967
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M&HTYIffUK, A.G. b4art~rniixk. A.H.]
garia on t cardiovascular
Reflex tafl,lpacee from mrinai-i ore he
a,rBteyn in man. Fiziol.zhur. 1UIcr-j 5 no-3:380-385 My-Je
15P. (MIRA 12:10)
1. Stalisla4ciy medichniy Institut, kafedra goaDltal'noi khi-
KURTSIN, I.T. (Leningrad); ZOIA)TARFVSKIY, V.Ya. (Moskva); MAPTYNY.UKk A.-G.,
prof .
Reviews. Sov. Med. 27 no.12:120-124 0 164.
rOW/glectricity Substations, High- Jul 51
"Automatization and Telemechanization of High-
Voltage System Substations," T. F. Musatov, A. K.
Martynyuk, Engineers
"Babochiy Energetik" No 7, PP 13-16
Describes the pulse-time telemechanization system
VW-48, developed by the Cen Sci Lab, Min of Elee
Pover Stations and produced by the "Energodetall"
Plant. This system can be used for telemechaniza-
tion of 35-kv distribution substations either from
dispatcher points or from the main 110-220-kv
USSR/Electricity - Substations, High- Jul 51
Voltage (Contd)
substations. Telemechanization of a substation
includes (1) remote control, (2) remote signaling,
and (3) telemetering.
A. .; '.!,
Electric Felf--Ys
I - e - . !~ , '~ . I . I , - . I I - ,4.
C-Feration of !; n El r ~ F, y ~. J -:. -- e , r, - El t e -, -, , - - ~ " ., k, ~ .. rl , P C , , - r, S . :, . -I , -
~:onthi List of' 1-ussi,-,n Accf-5ticn5, Li:zi.: .- of C~nVress, Lctc-~,er I ',t2. ~-' '---t''--'. -E ~-.
MRTYNM, A.K.. inzhoner; MUSATOV, T.P., inzhener; GRIJDI=KIY, P.G.; LXBRDBVA, V.I.
Blectric circuit scheme in the form of a *rectangle." llek.nta. 24 no.11:0-
46 19 '5 1. (M LRA ',:11 )
(SlectrIc circuits)
MARTUYUK, A.K., inzhener.
Testing verv damp insulation of stator windings in synchronous
machines. Blek. sta. 27 no.2:57-58 7 156. (KRA 9:6)
(Blectric insulators and insulation--Testing)
TITLEs On a Certain Generalization of the Variation Mtt~~d
(C nekotorom obobshchenii variatsionnogo metoda)
PERIODICAL: Doklady Akademii Nauk IQ5-1, '~oi. 117, fir. 3, pp. 374--T(7 (Usm)
ABSTRACT: Let the linear operator A in the equation
(1) Au - f f (-.. H
be defined on a set being dense in H and let it admit the
(2) A - A
where A
is selfadjoint and A
is closed. The operator A with
the representation (2) is called positive in the generalized
sense if for every element u6 D(A) being different from zero
there nolds!
(3) (Au,A
(4) (u) = (Au,Au)-(A,u,f)-(f,Aju), uE D(A).
The proposed generalization bases on the
Card 1/3 Theoremi If A is positive in the generalized sense, then the
On a Certain Generalization of the Variation Methol 20-3-5/52
solution of (1) is equivalent to the determination of that
element of uC D(A) for which the functional j)(u) reaches a
A is called ositive-definite in the generalized sense if for
avery u tD(A~ there holds.,
2 2
(5) (Au, A, u) U 0
u 112 4
1 _: C 2(Au,A1U), C '~- 0,
Let the operator A being positive-definite in the generalized
sense be defined on the set M - D(A) being dense in H. Let the
scalar product in M be
(6) lu,v] 1 - (Au,Aly) U'v Ev.
Let the closure of M in the sense of the metric (6) be the
space HI'
Theorems All elements of H 1 belong to R too.
Theorems In order that the sequence ffn~ ' ifn E.D(A) is complete
Card 2/3 in H1 it is sufficient that ~.& T.)is complete in H.
On a Certain Generalization of the 20-3-5/52
Let the sequence n] , unr=D(A) have the property that
lim (~ (un) - inf, (D(U)
n _.O=
Theorems If A is positive-definite in the generalized sense,
then every sequence ~un-j with the above property in the space H,
converges to an element which gives a minimum to the functional
4i (U) -
Theorems If A is positive-definite in the generalized sense, then
the Ritz method converges for (1) in H1,
Here, in the last theorem, the Ritz method means a certain
generalization of the classical method.
2 Soviet andno foreign references are quoted.
ASSOCIATION:Omsk State Pedagogical Institute im.A.M.Gorlkiy (Omakiy
gosudaretyennyy pedagogicheskiy institut im.A.M.Gorlkogo)
PUSENTED: By S.L.Sobolev, Academician, 31 May 1957
SUMITTEDs 26 November 1956
AVAILABLEt Library of Congress
Card 3/3
TITLE: Some Ner Applications of t)-.e '..etnods rl' %e '-'~,pe of
PERIODICAL: Matematicheskiv sbornik, 1959,Vol 4'1, !,"r 1, p- 65-106
ABSTRACTi The author investigateB the method of B.C.Galerkin generallize-,
J~. T S11, '--Ref E) 7, for
by G.I.Petrov Ref and jy
special case where this generalizati,.)n is equi-i-t-lent to the
momentum method of 11.1-4.'rylov. The autho--- Fives several axa-nles
for this method, called the Galerkin-Kry-lov-method, e.j~. -,-e
solution of
(n) (k) n+1
Z'S (X)U
/-J"l-1u +k=o Pk
u(a" = ul,a" U~ 1~a)' 0, 0
E. e t"- ) 0 -4 s
it is uroved that the region of ap~jlicabiL-
essentially greater than that of the Gale.,kin-method- The author
thanks S.G.Yikhlin for the revisi,,r, of Ll.e manu;3c.ript. He zer-,lons
G.A.Zhdanov, and S.L."obolev.
There are 9 Soviet references.
SUBMITTED: December 16, 1957
Card 1/1
- I j
teCTT I ~. -!~' -1-) 0 0 68144
AUTHORt Mart-ynyuk, A.Ye. SOV/20-12-1-6-7`6~
TITLEt isra Tona TMtho~~sin Boundary Value Problems for Weakly
Elliptic Equations \\-/
PERIODICAL: Doklady Akademii nauk SSSR,1959,vol 129, Nr 6,pp 1222-1225(U5SR)
ABSTRAM. The author considers boundary value problems with vanishing
boundary conditions for the equation
(7) --1 1- 1 i)1 DIu
A UW ~ (a 1-k k + a (Xgy)u- f(x,y)
0 -I_il i \ ik(x'y) 0
i-o k-o Dx ' jy ~x y "
and similar problems under the supposition that A 0 is weakly
elliptic, i.e. if
1 2
ik I k
0 IC-0
is satisfied for arbitrary real and all xqy':~- domain
in which (7) is considered), where C (k) are binomial coefficients.
Card 1/2 1
Variational Methods in Boundary Value Problema for SOV120-1211-4-7/~'-
Weakly Elliptic Equations
The author provea the convergence of
Galerkin, Galerkin-Krylov. The method
boundary value problems for
I h-1 h
Lu Q (-I)h-1
h=1 i-o k-o xh-i-1 -;Yi
the methols
can also
a(h) (71y)
of Ritz-Krylov,
be extended to
U "(X.Y)
XY-k Y1,-,
if L is weakly elliptic in + S
There are 3 So-71-vt- references.
ASSOCIATIONt Umskiy pedagogichaskiy inatitut imeni A.Y. Gor'kogo
(Omsk Pedagogical Institute imeni A.*!. ror,kiv)
PRESENTED: Feoruary o.b. 6onoiev, Academician
SUBMITTEDi PebruarY 4, 1959
Card 2/2
TITLE: Application of the Galerkin-Method and the Galerkin-Momentum-Method
to Some Partial Differential Equations of the Type of I.N.Vekua.
PERIODICALt Izvestiya vysshikh uchebnykh zavedeniy. Matematika, 196C,
Nr-3, pp.188-204
TEXT. � I has am introducing character. For the proof of the convergence
of the method of Galerkin for equations of the type
(1) Au + Ku - f, fCH, D (K) D D (A)
the author recommends the scheme of S.G.Mikhlin (Ref-4~: It has to be
proved that 1) the operator A is positive definite-tnd selfadjoint on a
certain set of functions and 2) the operator T - A K is completely
continuous in a certain Hilbert space H0which corresponds to A. Besides,
the author proves the auziliary theoremi Let the finite region &I of tile
(X,Y)-plane be bounded by a smooth, central symmetrical curve S. Then the
(4) ~' f(SU)2d Dji!~- u2dA , r>0
Card 1/6
Application of the Galerkin-Methoa and the Galerkin-Momentum-Method to
Some Partail Differential Equations of the Type of I.F.Vekua
is valid for every function u(X,Y) continuous in 4~+S together with
'&U %U
6u - V +,;w- and vanishing on S.
In � 2 the author considers the boundary value problem
M-1 k tip
+2: &k(X'Y)g U f(xly)' m >11 1
m even M+'
1-1, m odd 2
(1) uts. 0' suls. O'.."Sl-lu is - 0 for m even
(2) u - 0' Su - 0' ... 1~1-iu . 0 for m odd,
Is1 Is Is
It is assumed: 1) " is bounded by a smooth central symmetrical curve 3;
S1 be one of the halfs of S which one obtains by cutting S with a straight
line y - -x+w, where d4is chosen so that this straight line passes through
Card 2/ 6
Application of the Galerkin-Method and the Galerkin-Momentum-Method to
Some Partail Differential Equations of the Type of I.N.Vekua
the center of symmetry of S; 2) the coefficients a 0 to a1 are continuous,
the a 1+1 to a M-1 are sufficiently often differentiable in T1. If m is odd,
then let besides be
h 0; k - 1+1, 1+20 .... m-h-1;
(3) 6 'k+h(X$Y) IS-S1
3) f(x,y) be continuous in XL1 4) The boundary value problem has a unique
solution. Under these assumptions the author investigates the convergence
of the method of Galerkin (for m - even) and the momentum method of
Galerkin (for m - odd) for the application to the given problem. The author
denotes: Au = (-1)'Amu, A u - Su, Kit m-1 )6ku . The region of
Ir- &k (x 0 y
definition of A is the set M0(Ml) of the functions continuous in a together
with Sou and satisfying (1) (resp.(2)). if m is even, then with the aid of
the above auxiliary theorem it is shown that A on M 0 is positive definite
Card 3/ 6
Application of the Galerkin-Method and the Galarkin-Momentum-Method to
Some Partail Differential Equations of the Type of I.N.Vekua
and selfadjoint ( in the sense of Lagrange)~~ If m is odd, then A is
positive definite on M1 in the generalized sense; according to the author
(Ref.2), for the proof of convergence of the momentum method of Galerkin,
this replaces the first claim of Mikhlin (Ref.4) (cf. above). Now the author
introduces the spaces H0 (reap. H1) with the scalar product Iu.v]o- (Au,v) -
- (-1)'(9'u,v); u,vC-M 0 (reap. lu,vj,- (,Lu,k,v) - (-1)s(Smu,Sv); u,v6Mj)
and it is stated that the operator T - A- 1K is completely continuous in
H0 (reap. H1). Herewith the convergence of the investigated methods is
proved for an application to the formulated boundary value problem.
Uniform convergence holds only for mo 3. An effective construction of the
Green's function of the operator A is given for m-2, m-3, where a
coordinate system is used which is turned bY 450.
In � 3 the author proves, with the same scheme, the convergence of the
method of Galerkin for the boundary value problem
Card 4/6
85 2
.9/140760~ OW003/008/011
Application of the Galerkin-Method and the Galerkin-Momentum-Method to
Some Partial Differential Equations of the Type of I.N.Vekua
(_,)n tlnU+ T (6 n-k u) f(x,y), n >,I ,
where L Pq(x,y)
k ai p+q -0(/ with the boundary condition
vitk x Yq
(1) uis. 0, lals. 0'~hj'. 0.-... u 0, k-0,1,...,n-1.
6x 'by -bx n-k-I %Y k1s
Furthermore with the same scheme, for
(N) (_,)n62nu+ n Lk(,S2(n-k)u) - f(:x,y), n>1
and (1) the proof of convergence of the method of Galerkin is given.
Card 5/6
Application of the Galerkin-Method and the Galerkin-Momentum-Method to
Some Partial Differential Equations of the Type of I.N.Vekua
The author mentions I.N.Vekua_ There are 4 Soviet referenoes,
LAbstracter's note; In each of the three paragraphs the numbering of
formulas begins with (1) BO that the same number has a different meaning
in each paragraph,
(Ref.2) is a paper of the author in Doklady Akademii nauk SSSR, 1957,
Vol-117, No.3; "Ref-4) is a aper of S.G.Mikhlir. in Uspekhi matematiches-
k1kh nauk, 1950, V01,5, NO,6N
ASSOCIATIOM Omskiy pedagogicheskiy institut imeni A,M.Gor,kogo (Omsk
Pedagogical Institute imeni A.M.Gorlkiy)
SUBMITTEI)i September 12, 1958
Card 6/6
Cand Phys-Kath Sol, Dias -- "on the problem of expanding the scope
of linear problems solved by Galerkin-type methods". Omsk, 1961.
7 pp, 22 cm (Min of Higher and Inter Spec Edue RSFSR. Kazem, order
of the Red Labor ]Banner State U imeni V. I. Ullyanov-Lanin), 120
copies, Not for sale 11 ref in bibl at end of text (KL, No 9, 1961,
P 175, No 24256). 2ti-54849
Solution to a fundamental boundary value problem for certa-im
linear even-order partial differential equations. DAL AN
SSSR 147 no.6:1288-:L291 D 162. (MM 16.1)
1. Predstavleno akademikta S. L. Sobolevym.
(Differential equations, Partial)
(Boundary value problems)
,~ 11) ~, i I "), " [~ . , . "i t, .
-, I
. , .:, , r L '- '. .- r~~ . I . . .
L-A403-66 E,1rr(d)/T/EV1P(j) ijp(c)
ACC M1 AR66~6620 SOURCE CODEt UR/0044/65/000/012/B118/B118'
:AUTHOR; Martynyuk, A.,Ye. 6
!TITLE: Certain new criteria for convergence of the method of successive approximations
'SOURCE: Ref. zh. Mate-tika, Abs. 12B622
REP SOURCEt Uch. zap. Kazansk. un-t, . 124, no. 6, 1964, 183-188
TOPIC TAGS: successive approximation, approximation convergence, operator equation
ABSTRACT: The author establishes general criteria for direct application of the
method of successive approximations to a fuixly wide class of operator equations with
unbounded operators. Let A be a positive definite (in the generalized sense) operator,.
with domain of definition D(A) dense in H, which can be represented in the form of the(
product A - A0 AQ. (1)
where ko is a self adjoint and A., a closed operator. Corresponding to the operator
A, one introduces the auxiliary Hilbert space HCX with norm
a 12, = (Au. A,u),. uED (A) (1A)
and considers the linear equation
1 Am + Ka - 1. D (100D (A), JEW (2)
Lcord 1/2 UDC& 516:517-948
Jo 45403-66
ACC NRt AR6016620
To establish conditions for unique solvability of equation (2) and to find approximate
solutions to (2), one uses the method of successive approximations. The following
theorem is proven: Let A be a positive definite (in the generalized sense) operator
represented in the form (1), and let K be a closed operator satisfying the condition
I KU I (Au, AA. 0 < q < 1; (3)
then equation (2) is uniquely solvable, and the method of successive approximations
for this equation converges in the space H,, . Varying the operator A , one can
obtain various special forms of inequality (3), which is a simple and practical
criterion for unique solvability of linear differential equations of form (2) and
convergence of the given method of successive approximations for these equations. A
convenient formula is obtained for estimating error. Some applications of the theorem,
to ordinary linear differential equations are given (2nd and 3rd order equations are
investigated). A numerical example is presented which shows that in the given case
cunvergence of the method of successive approximations is faster than convergence of
the method of Galerkin. Bibliography of 5 titles. I. Shelikhova ZTranslation of
ACC NR: A;'7009573 SOURCE CODE: UR/0140/66/000/006/0085/0094
AUTHOR: Martynyukv A. Ye. (Zhiromir)
ORG: no .....
TITLE: Certain approximation mothads of solving non-linear equations with
unbounded operators
SOURCE: IVUZ. I-latenatika, no. 6, 1966, 85-94
MPIC TAGS: approximation method, mathematic operator
ABSTRACT: In an earlier paper tho author pronented a method for successive approY.
rations of 'tha equation Au + Ku = f, D (11) - ) D(A)., F H,, related only to th3
highert operator A, which he calls the method of A-aucceacive approxirztiOns
(simply, the A-method). In this paper he established the convergence ariteria.
of the A-=thod for the operator equation: Au - Ku a f D(K)-_,D(A), f ( 1) (1)
with a generally linear operator K. The elomant U0 - A-i is taken as the zero
approximation of equation (1)., and tho Galerkin-Krylov method is combined with
L,10 successive &pproximtion mathod and applied to (1) both in thO UGu&1 way an-4
in tli3 A-form. The inverse operation A-1 is definite in the entire Hilbert apaco
H, vidah is real, complete, and so?arabhio. The methods evolved are appliod to an
ordinary second-ordor eqUation each aa (1). 11%m thearms iv which can ba
of arq order
the fam
applied to othor nonlinear differential equatiOnD. Of R)"
inGlUding thg f~Xjst.-Orig. art. has: 32 formulas. ifi P~6; ' 40, 0'5 jO
Card i/i UDC: 519.55+517.432
MARTYINYUK9 B.F.t inzh.-makhanik
S.poecial aspects of-the performance of KhM-MIMF.SG fuel pumps.
Mokh. oil'. hoop. 12 no. ltl5-17 A 161. (MIM 14:1)
(Fuel pumps)
"Poisonoug DlantS Of the Fpr East".
31a.~oveshchensk- A.-mrizdat. 1952. 160 paf-es with illw:t.-Ptions.
SO: Vet., JulY 1952, Unclassified.
0 0 0 0 0 0 0 * 0 9 0 9 0 0 0 0 * 0 0 * 0 0 0 * 0 0 0 0
~ tARMM 9 D & F s Far-Sastern Zonal Sci Res Vot Institute
Cattle - Disease
Scurvy in Cattle., Veterinariia, 29, No. 2, 1952. page 21
9. Monthly List of Russian Accessions, Library of Congress, April 195V Unclassified.
E6T(d)/a;P(v N /F:-,P(10/EdP(h)/E6T (1)
L 05385-67
FACC NRt AP6024533 SOURCE CODE: UR/0041/66/018/004/0117/0121
AUTHOR: Martynyuk, D. I. (Kiev); Fodchuk, V. I. (Kiev)
~ORG: none
TITLE: Asymptotic integration of quasilinear self-regulating systems with delay
SOURCE, Ukrainskiy matematicheskiy zhurnal, v. 18, no. 4, 1966, 117-121
TOPIC TAGS: automatic regulation, asymptotic solution, ordinary differential equation
~ABSTRACT: The nethod of N. N. Sogolyubov (Sb. tr. in-ta vtroitel'noy mekhaniki, M
.SSSR, Vol, 10, 191!9) for constructing asymptotic solutions of quasilinear self-regul-at-
jing systems with many degrees of freedom when the characteristic equation of the gene-
!rating system has one pair of critical (imaginarv) mots is extended to the case of
quasilinear self-regulating systems having many degrees of freedom and also a time de-
.lay. The system considered is
di W + + ar. (t) 4- b,1xj (t - A) + b,,x, (f A) +
+ 14. (x, M' X, (01 ... I X~ (0. X, (t - A).. (I - A), p)
(s - 1. 2_
Cord 112
ACC NR; AP6024533
along with the characteristic equation
D + bje--' - 6,,X 0
'Orig. art. has: 29 fbmulas.
SUB CODE: 1v SUBM DATE: 17Augb5/ ORIG REF: 004/ OT11' REF: 001
!Card 2/2
- ~ 2
We increase the production of silicate brick. Sill.buri. 14'
( i , . ~~
no.7:15-16 Jl 'U. ~, I -,.,
1. Predsedatell soveta Dzerzhinskogo mezhkolkhozstroya ZhitomL-skoy
oblasti (for Martynyuk).
(Sand-lime brick)
MARTTNTUK. Fedor Nikitovich
[Socialist industrialization of the
industrializataiia Ukrainy. Kyiv,
TJR5R, 1959. 134 p.
Ukraine] Sotsialintychna
Darzh.vvd-vo polit.lit-ry^
(MIRA k3:3)
Volumetric rpethod for determinlnp water vapors in gases.
Zav.lab. 31 no.~:332-'1,33 165.
(MIRA I.R:1;)/)
I)ntg~rmining the technologic-al par-imet-erB :,f
furnaosa zsmelttug by means of controlling Oie furw:--,) a-.Mc"9pnere.
Met. I gornorud. prom. noJE22-25 MYTe 165,
(M 1 kk ,- P, , 'k I )
P.A.; KISEL.EV, Yu.Ye.
Using ceramic metal filters for the purificallon o" sample.6
of flue gas from open-hearth furnaces, Porosh, met, 5 no,10;
100-106 0 165. (MIRA IP-.'I'
1. Institut. problem material ovpder, 4 ya AN tlkr.;SP.
laying and removal of rails with a rail-laying crane. Futl i p,it.
khoz. no.4:26 Ap '59. (MIRA 13:3)
l.Glavny7 mek~.anik putevoy mashinnoy stantsil - 6. stantalya Var1rhovtBe-
vo, Stalinsko7 dorogi (for Frolov). 2.Nachallnik kolonny, stantsira. Var-
khovtoevo, Stalinskoy dorogi (for ~tartynyuk).
USSR/Frr-.: Ani:,clf~. The Swine Q_L
AbF Jour : Rcf Zhur -- Biol., No 11, 19~~, 11c 500')G
Author : _* t Ik' K. A.
- ' "c,
_"T - I
Intt : F",r+S~~--Seicntific Ro.,-crrch InE-tituto , f Frriln,,.-
Tit I t Utili~.inL Firh SiIrFQ fcr Frttunin~- of Svirinc.
OriF Pub : Dyul. nruchno-tokhn. infor-. Drl'nevo t. nvi. in--. v. kh.
1997, 5, 513-54
Abrtr-cl, : Onc ~-roup of pig , chofen for bcin- f.-ttr_noi, v.,. ~7 kAvC'n c,-,rn-
firh rilr,-c (50 pcrccnt of corn, 50 p,3rcent of frc.5h fi h), nne thr
!,ccond -rour of pip wrr fad corn-fi h in Irycr, (70-
B0 ci - of cc rn, 20-3C cr- of f I - h) .Th, t 1-dr.1 : rou,- of pi, F
ccrvod 7c - control jrrur. AvcrrE.-c Irily --ci- h' _--rin --ount -
c' to '28 L-r, ~75 vr, rnd '-20 j-r for c.-ch rcrj-cctiv:ly.
Foe.~cr (-.xpcnditur(-.r per c-ch k,,- of ht incrc:-!-c rrcuntc~
tc 6.0, ').9, rn~ 7.2 fr_e~ unit! for c.-ch of th,,- rour-,
Crrd 1/1
Successful use of Dabroy's nail simultaneously in both hips.
Ortop.travm. i protez. n0-3:70-71 My-Je '55 (MLRA 8:10)
1. Is khtrurgicheskogo Welenlya (zav. A.P.Rudakov) Kamensk-
Shakhtinakoy gorodakoy bol'nitey (glavrqy vrach--l.I.Leyko)
(HIP, fractures.
surg.,intramedullary nailing, bilateral)
hip, surg.,tntramedullary nailing, bilateral)
----~Device for the removal of Dubrov's nail. ortop.trarm. I protez. 18
no.6:43 N-1) '57. (MIRA 11:4)
1. Iz khirtirgicheekogo otdelentya (zav. - A.F.Rudakov) Kamenskoy
gorbollnitay (glavnyy vrach - I.I.Leyko)
(CRTHOPEDICS. appar. and instruments
device for removal of Dubrov's nail)
Surgical treatment of osteoarticulnr tuberculosis in a hosnital
serving several districts [with summary in French]. Probl.tub.
36 no.3:44-46 158 WIRA 11:5)
1. 12 khirurgicheskogo otdeleniya (zav. A.P. Rudskor) Kamenskoy
gorodskoy bollnitsy (Glavuyy vrach I.I. Ieyko).
indic. & results (Rua))
Reconstructive resection of the hip joint in tuberculous
coxitis. Probl. tub. 40 no.61104-105162 (MIRA 16:U)
1. 1z ortopedo-travmatologicheskogo otdeleniya (z-8--. K.D.
Martynyuk) Kamenskoy gorodskoy bol Ir. itsy (glavnyy v-rar,.h
RYABOXOTIS, Ye.A. (A3*hangellsk, naberezhnaya Lerina, d. 93, kv-6);
K.D. (Kamensk-Shakhtinskiy, Arserallnaya ul.,d.57-b);
LOPATIFAP M.A. (Irkutsk, ul.Timiryazeva, d.1., kv.51);
SAGDULIAYEV, 11. (Andizh=, UzbSSr,,, Bul-harskayn ul.,d.l,kv.~')
Abstracts of articles received by the editors. Ortop. travm.
J. protez. 24 no.2:78-80 F163. (MIRA 16:10)
1. Iz travmatologicheskogo punkta Arkhangel's1ra (zav. - G.L.
Chernyakovskaya) i kafedry operativnoy khirurgii (zav-. - prof.
S.I.Yelizarovskiy) Arkhangellskogo meditsinskogo inStituta (for
Ryabokon'). 2. Iz ortopedo-travmtologicheskogo otdeleniya (zav.
K uk) Kamensk-Shakhtinskoy gorodskoy bQ11nitsy (for
). 3. Iz khirurgicheskogo otdeleniya (zav. -
nauk. Ya.D.Vitebskiy) Xurganskoy oblastnoy bollnitsy (for
Lopanina). 4. Iz kafedry operativnoy khirurgii s topografi-
cheskuy anatcmiyey (zav. - B.G.GELniyev) Andi-
zhanskogo meditsinskogo instituta (for Sagdullayev). 5. Iz
Yerevanskogo instituta travTaatologii 9 orto edii (dir. - prof.
I.G.Isaakyan) (for Isaak-jan, Kristotsturyan5.
MAR7YNYUh; K.D. (Kamensk--Shakhtinskiy, A--senalla-qya u1. d. r17-v.)
-- ---------
~', , ~.:-p -
Mathr>dc,I'c,gy of .he Ilixation of tibl'ofibular syndeamosla., Ort-,r _ M,
i protez. 25 no.2870-72 F 164- (MIRA "
1. 1z or*.cpedi>-t,-avmatologicheskogo otdeleniya (zav. - V.G.CbH-!-noshchekcv)
Kamensk-Shakhtinskoy gorodskoy bollnitsy (g-lavny-j vrach G.M.,%Ierzlyakcv)-.
or" No
W to V,
jum UA
id tr~'
Miss ft
I %spnAi4'"m -r*lj*tir- SUDAK D.N*
[Self-service In student Alsing haUs] Samosbalushivanie v studenche-
skel stolovel. Moskva, Goa. Isd-To torgovial lIt-ry, 1954. 19 ps
(Restaurants, lunch rems, etc.) (KLIA 9:4)
GERMANYUK Ya 7. [Hemaniuk I.&WHENKO, O.Yu.;-MAhffNYUK,_ M.N.
[Aff~Z;-;fUk, M.M.]
Effect of pyrodo-/4rie, in.-'~.-Ijn and glucose on the transaminaBe
activity, of the erytIn-oc
yt,es o" various animals iri vitro. Ukr.
biokhim. zhur. 34 no.3&4j.7-423 162.
(AURA 1815)
a.. Kafedra orgamicbeskr~y i b,Cirigicheskoy khimii Llvovskogo
zooveterinarnogo Jnsz,4tutn.
*V"A 7rom I::~
yxv 4
-Intis e,.-,-Opmrelm 0
Sib lit; urve
the -.awr
P 0, n arti ',whicki ui6 .
id -,:
creag -t "Point",
third'; dn. after
ti Tegi
Wress bill .-V
-AhVt p9esidbilit-
y f
--z -'tpo y in
repqg~,-o 6
blIM i.- ,h
9k66W-6 " 35ADD,:IiA~ Ott alY=-,--I 6pe
cm zid irit
-,Curw-o provi dh,-~-and. FO,
0* , 4014 IRA
Wft' A, M-,
cii*63d milOr
V7 iki
W ~ a Wdy
ov Y-1
:~Tnst tu ---Ii "~,---NoX.
., Fkt~,q5-,
or-cow Awive
L ?
Thermodynamics of polymers. 71.-. -- ~,:mp-essibility of amorphous
polymers. Koll.zhur. 26 Jh-F 164. (MIRA 17:4)
1. Moskovskiy oblastnoy pedRg- institut i Moakovskiy
universitet, fizicheakly f;ik'111-,+.
Volume relaxation and brL:lk visr.-osity of polystyrene in tlie
softening region. Vysokom. soed. 7 no.11:1978-1980 N Ib5.
(MIRA 19:1',
1. UnIvers-Itet druzhby narodov iineni P. Lumumby. Submitted
Decembe:- 28, 1964.
BASKAKOVA, V~ b. j G(I"', !N, A~V.; j
J,~u I at I on ~,f t-rie -3f rcAln i from
an-I the ciot;,riri~nant. of tho st,libillity (~f a sAl:~ Aku-
nc,.2. .--3,- 1 1-'-, 5
o - kov 1,
Mj- :i y -in
PSTkO '16'; ii ~11
.9 5TIRD21,-" inzh.
P -A
A word about the brakes of the Tu-104 airplane. Grazhd. av. 22
no.5:20-21 My 165. (MIRA 18:7)
1. Nachallnik laboratorii Gosudarstvennogo nauchno-issledovatellskogo
.instituta Grazhdanskoy aviatsii. (for Peyko).
XARTY17.'! ~, N.I.
2'.L 'AB
S's a n vla It,
AUTHORS: Smiryagin, A. P., Potemkin, A. Ya., 78 - 3-4 - 3/38
TITLEt Investigation of the Phase Diagram Nickel-Molybdenum-Chromium
(Issiedovaniye diagrammy sostoyaniya nikel!-molibden-khrom)
PERIODICAL: Zhurnal Neorganicheskoy Khimii, 1958, Vol. 3, Nr 4,
PP. 853-859 (USSR)
ABSTRACT: The nickel corner in the phase diagram of the system Ni-Mo-Cr
(up to 40% molybdenum and up to 40% chromium) was investigated
using the thermal and microscopic analysis.
Eight polythermal sections of the nickel corner in the phase
diagram nickel-molybdenum-ch--omium were constructed. The phase
composition and the hardness of the alloys were investigated
at temperatures of 12700, 12000, 9500, 8000 and 7000C. The
saturation limit of the ternary solid solution cf the
basis of nickel was determined at temperatures of 7000, 600'.
9500 and 10000C.
It was shown that with a drop of temperature the solubility
of molybdenum and chromium in nickel decreases markedly. Also
the sectional diagrams with a constant content of
Card 1/2 4%, 8,5%, 3,5% and 20% of chromium were constructed.
Investigation of the Phase Diagram Nickel-Molybdenum-Chromium 78-3-4--3/38
The hardness and the temperature coefficient of the electric
resistance of three-component alloys was investigated in the
following states: after annealing and after hardening at 1200c,
9500, 800' and 7000C. Also the hardness of the cast alloys in
vacuum was determined at temperatures of 200, 2000, 3000, 40007
5000, 6000, 7000, 8000, 9000 and 10000C.
There are 10 figures, 1 table, and 13 references, 1 of which
is Soviet.
ASSOCIATION: Gosudarstvennyy nauchno-issledovatellskiy i proyektnyy institut
obrabotki tsvetnykh metallov, Moskva (Moscow,state Scientific:
Research Institute for Working Non-Ferrous Metals)
Card 2/2
Investigating the system Cu - Si - Mi. Isal. eplav. tsvet. met.
no.3:98-107 162. (AURA 15;3)
(Copper-silicon-4Bsnganese alloys)
M4nMGnq A.P,l MRTMUS, R.P. Edwvnwd-
Manow in the microbwtmo of inch, trial UtnnUm and the
VT.M allay depending on boat troating amidItionoo TrWy
Giymtovot3vWbmbDtlm no.24s325-332 965. DMIA 18 911)
CC Nl~-. AT6006485 SOURCE CODE: UR/26130/65/000/024/03L4/0332
'AUTHORS: Smiryag~n, A. P.; (deceased)
~'--'ORG.- S~qte-Sdientific Research mid Desi Inatitute of Allply and Nonferroup
tidworki Moucow kGo
sudarstvennyy nauchno-isaledovatellskiy i proyektnyy
splavov i obrabotki tevetnykl
i metallov)
~TITILEt Change of microhardneal of technical titanium and alloy Ig a function
thermal treatment conditions
SOURCE: Moscow* dosudarstveimyy nauchno-isoledovatellskiy i proyektnyy institut
Asplavov i obrabotki tavetnykh metallov. Trudy, no. 24, 1965. Metallovedeniye i
lobrabotka tsvetnykh metallov i splavov (Metal science and the treatment of non-
ferrous metals and alloys), 324-332
Iftitanium, titanium alloy, metal beat treatment, nonferrous metal alloy/
-V'T-5D allOY"
I v
ABSTRACT; The object of the estigation was to determine the effect of tempera-
:ture and duration of anneallag, air on the icrohardness of technical titanium
and alloy,VT-5D. The microbardness and the microstructure of the specimens were
d_1 ..... . ..... - -- ----
~L 24431-66
ACC NR: AT6006485
determined after annealing in air at various temperatures (from 700 to 1200C) over
a period of 15-360 minutes. Several photographs of polished sections of the
specimens are presented. The experimental results are presented in graphs and
toles, (see Fig. 1)
a b
I Ito
413 4
firs a2v J.
Distanoe.ofmarkings from end stance of markings from end of
speoimeny iqm
of opeciment, mm
Fig.:A. Change in microhardness of specimens in different zones as a function of
the period and temperature of annealingo, Speoiriens.were annealed at 1200C for 15,
CC NR: AT6006485
6, 6o, 180,'and 360 minutes and quenched in water. a - technical titanium; b
~allpy YT-5D*
lIt was found that during annealing of technical titanium at 700C the diffusion
layer formed an its surface was of negligible thickness, but that the rate of forma-
tion and thickness of the diffusion layer increased with increase in the duration
_-_-band temperature of annealing. Annealing of the alloy VT-5D at BOOC resulted in a
Isiow formation of a brittle surface layer. It is therefore recommended that
intermediate products manufactured from alloy VT-5D should be cold-worked at
,temperatures of 600---BOOC. It was found that the rate of formation of the diffusion
layer' is more rapid in 0( titanium than in 6 -titanium, and that the allotropio
t~iansrorma-bion a takce plaoe at - 9000 in technical titanium and at 10000
in the. --allcy VT-5D-- Orig. art. has' 3 tables and 9 graphs,
OTH REFs 001
CODE. 10 SUBM DATEt none/ ORIG REFs 0031
~Card_ -3/5
K I Zl:.Il
ve ~- ,.a rIF e r.
MARTYNYUK, V.I., inzh.
Automatic recioslng n-!twork of' a threr---.. "nil ng trannf5rny--r of ftn
electric substatic)n with remote control. Energetlk 11 n,-.5.
~-14-3b Ky ~ 1,3. (MIR-A 1(-7)
(Eleu~rl- subgtati~,ns) (Rerriotp ~`-)ntrol)
(Flectri.: transformers)
MARTYNYUK, V.I.P inzh.; LUGANSKIY, V.A., master
Schematic of automatic recloBing, reaperve cutting-in, and *,~.E-
sectional gwitch of a substation w.Lth remote control. Elek.
sta. 34 no.10:83-85 0 163. (MIRA 16:12'.
- 'i
Interoceptive component In the development of certain pathological
states. Trady Inst.fiziol. 8:240-253 159. (MIRA 13:5)
1. Laboratoriya patologicheskoy fiziologil (zaveduyushchiy - V.S.
Galkin [deceased]) Institute fiziologii im. I.P. Pavlova AN SSSR.
Mar~ynyuk, V. V ~Yioscow)
I rive s tigat ing cert a in c I avo(?6 of func ti ~n,- r,
valued 'Logics
SOURCE: Problt-my kibernetiki, no, 3, Moscow. 1,66: j
TEXT: The author proves the precom-pleteness of certain -_asset
funct,-ons- Aft;--r some definitions of `.asic :3ncPpt6 In
tbe,Dry of multzvalued logic, the concept of monoton-i_-.~~Y
to par-tial ordering is introduced, In conner-tion with thin. ~I :er
tain se~ of func-~.,Dnal classes is Implicitly defined as a
zation of 1he 21asses of monctonic functions, and it is
these classes are not identi.~al, The criterion of pre,--mpletere~'--
is formulated 1~or a class which is a member of this set (the
lation of this .,,ri-erion was communicated to the author
proof by A V Kuznetsov). The necessary and sufficient na-,uy(.. i
the criterion is proved Finally, the criterion of pre_,~)mTj_,,?*,t_-f;-:.~-1
is proved for the fk,~n_-tiDnal class TEsR which is a genera Ii:z-a'-,
Card 1/4
S/56 2// 60/ 00 ID 7'~
Inves' 1 gL~tin-F,ain c' asses 0-1, D222/D305
of the :.asses T., nvestigated by S-V. Yablonskly (ref Tr~~:i~,
M a-, E mir.--,a AN SSSF 51 1957) A c' ass of N funciions )f k ~, !. .-"
lcg~~ ~a (.alled precomple,,e if a system of functions of N ~-- n
whatever function f(x,, - o x ) N is alr~.&d t.-.
the --!ass N the resulting system wil'., be
fun,tic)n is called mono'onic with respect to a pariial
if fc-r any sequences (x - a,, .,, an and 0 z (Pi: I I On I
't, h a 1. ar 6, the relationship Na' -r_- f(P) ~s fulfilled Th e
of a!,' functions of k-valued logic monotonic withiL respe-t to
called ~he c.,ass M. Theorem 1 states that if r, and r arp
ren' partial -)rJei inC,-=~, then Mr, and Mr,, are id-ntl~al 1I I, arci
f r- - r, Her~, oenites an ordering in which the sam,~ p,.t i r
numbere are -omparable as in r1 and if a--:::~: b. then b