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red. izd-va; D:-7TriA, t,3k-bn. red.
[motor vehicle engines and their modifications]Av-totraktornye
dvigateli i ikh modifikatsii. Moskva, Mashgiz, 1962. 74 p.
(MMA 15-9)
(14otor vehicle s-Engines)
_j4AjjqOIjN a-L Orel)
Oscillograph for classroom. demon3trations. Fiz. v shkole
21 no-1:59-6-V Ja-F 161. (mi-,u 1L:~)
(Physics-Sxperiments) (cathode ray oscillograplt) '
Erperiments vItb electron tubes. Fiz. v shkole 16 no.6:
60-62 ILD 156. KRA 9:12)
1. Podagogichaskiy inatitut. g. Oral.
(Mactron tubes)
A demonstrator ultrashort-wave generator and Its &Verizental demoa-
stration. riz.v shkoie 14 ao,1;57-63 jv,-r 154. (KLPA 7:1)
1. Orel. Pedagogicheakly institut.
(Zlectric waves)
,,LARCOLIN, A. Z. :Master "led Sci (diss) -- "The use oi fructo-glucose in pre-
serving blood". Minnk, 1958. 20 pp (41-fin Health Beloruss SSR, Minsk State Med
Inst), 150 copies (KL, No !,, 1951), 145)
U,9c~R/Hun n and :,nim.1 FaysicloLy Pioc;d Transfusioi.
and Blo-id Substitut,~s,
Abs Jour nef Zhur - Biol., Nj 18, 1958, 84051
Author '1,ar&)l�n A Z PerevozkLia, Yc.S.
Inst Belorussian Scientific Rescai-ch Institute for 3,1r-.J,,!
Title PreserrinG of Blood anC, -)'-' thu Erythrocytu Mass in
Invert SuL-.-,r.
Drir Tr. Belorussk. r,.-i. in-t-) --.-,crclivariya krovi, 1957,
f~bstract k1c ab-,tract.
Card 1/1
USSR/11U,-jan and Aninni Physiology (Normal and Pathological)
Blood. Transf)Asions mid Dlood Substitutes.
Abs Jour: Ref Zhur-Diol., No 17, 1958, 79429.
Author Margolin, A.Z
Title Glucose-Saccharose-Citrate afid Fruit-Glucose-
Saccharose-Citrate Solutions for Preserved Blocd
Orig Pub: Tr. Delorussk- n-i in-ta perlivaniya luovi, 1957,
6, 83-89.
Abstract: No abstract.
MARGOIMI, A.M., kand. med. nauk; MEDVEDKOVA, A.A., kand. med. nauk;
N.P~, rn-ladshiy hauchnyy sotrudnik.
Significance of Candida in the antibiotic treatment of chronic
inflammation of the biliary tract. Kaz. med. zhur. no.5:15-17
S-0163 O-MRA 16:12)
1. Terapevticheskaya klinika (zav - A.M.Margolin) 4 inikolo-
gicheskaya laboratoriya Leningradskogo nauchn,-i:7sledovatell-
skogo instituta. antibiotikor, (nauchny-y rulcovoditell - prof.
A.V. Markovich).
Use of mystatin in clinical internal diseases. 39
no*3:71-74 Hr 161, (MA 14:3)
1, Iz Leningradskogo nauchno-issladovatellskogo instituta. anti-
biotikov (dir. - doteent, A.V. Loginov).
.;;. ped. zhur. no.4:
Pathogenesis and treatment of chronic pne=onia. Ka
23-26 JI-Ag 161. (MIRA .15:2)
1. Leningradskiy nauchno-issledovatellskiy inafttut antibiotikov
(direktor - dotsent A V.Loginov).
Nystatin therapy in cholecystitis with yeastlike fungi in the
bile, Sov. med, 24 no. 7:110-1.13 Jl 160. (14IRA 13: 8)
1. Iz Laningradakogo muchnc-isaledovateliskogo instituta
antibiotikov (dir. - dotsent A.V. Loginov, zav. direktora po
nauchnoy chasti - prof. F.N. Kashkin).
MA9GOLIN) A.M.; Amsimon, ii.A.
Treatment of chronic nonspecific pneumonias with terramycin. Eks
i klin. issl. po antibiot. 2:94-97 160. (MIPA 15:1S*
Gllnical manifestations of candidiasis observed In patients during
antibiotic treatment. Eksp. I klin. issl. po antibiot. 2:89-93
l6o. (MI FA 15: 5)
Materials for studying the practical use of antibiotics in same
Leningrad therapy departments. Eksp. i klin. issl. po antibiot.
1:431-433 158. WIRA 15:4)
I-ROdbLIN, A. M.
Gharacteristics of pne=onia in Leningrad. Eksp. i kain. isal. po
antibiot. 1:427-430 -'58. (MIRA 15:5)
MAZOLIN, A.M.. kand.mad.nauk
-- 111~~ I
-1 -vi~p,hrAgMAtIC flutter. Teran. arkh. 29 no.8:47-51 157. (MIRA 11:4)
1. Iz Kirovskoy oblastnoy bollnitay (glavnyy vrpch-zasluzhennyy
vrnch RSFSR U.K. Popova)
(DIAPHRAGM, diseases,
flutter (Rus)
MARGOLIN, A.H.,kandidat maditsinakikh nauk
Galculous pancroatitis with calcification of the pancreas.
7rach. dalo no.1:85 Ja '57 NMA 10:4)
1. Kirov7ka7a oblastnay-a bol'nitaa.
,Griain problems In the specialization for p1welcians and therapeutiets
at local centers. 18 no-5:36-37 Ky t54. (M- A 7.15)
1. Glavnyy terapevt Kirovskogo oblzdrevotdala.
(Hadicine-Study and teaching)
MARGOLIN. A.H.. direk-tor maditainakikh nauk; SHUBINA, T.H.
. _ -
Analysis of the history of a disease during therapy. Sov. zdrav.
13 no-5:33-38 5-0 '54. (MMA 7:12)
1. Is Kirovskoy oblastnoy bol7nitay.
analysis of hist. of die. during ther.)
Analytical means of determining the accuracy of mining gacmetric
plans. Trudy VNII no.36s210-226 '62. (PIRA 15:11)
(Petroleum geology)
L 63868-65_
ere feeds the blocking to a press with an electric drive mechanism for assembling
all the elements of the track framework into a section which is ready for laying.
An upper pair of conveyers Is equipped with a pneumatic pushrod and rollers for feed I
ing both rails to the press. The car also contains a mechanism for moving the as-
sembled section along the Installation unit. 2. A modification of this device with
~a centering unit for placing the croasties in the roadbed on a curve. The centering,
unit Is made in the form of a horizontal bar which Is an extension of the pneumaticl
cylinder rod with a epring-raturn clamp hinged to its end. 3. A modification of
~this device with provision for simultaneously pressing both ends of the cro at ni
a to a -,
!to all vertically standing spikeg at once.' The press is made in the form of a cranN
shaft and connecting rod mechanism interlinked with a press table which in located
aymetrically with respect to the longitudinal axis of the press, The press Is
equipped with slectroukWetic punches.
ASSOCIATION3 Proyektno-konstruktorskeys byuro, khab&rovskogo Inatituta inthaneraw
zh,sIeznodorozhno&o transports (Dante and Planning Office of the Khabarovsk insti-
~iute of Railroad Transportation UngIneers). I ,: I 1~,T S
SUBMITTEDS ~02MC63 "M 00 SU13 -Clow) GO
No REP d0vt 000 0MR1 ow,
L 60 EWT(d)/EWP(h)/9dP(1),
~ACCESSIOK MRt qlf ly A~,/ -1, ,
orov G., Dan
AUTHOR- Bor~o:ain, AN.; Golltsman, V A.1 Grig iaw A
Kbkh. V. K.-s-Wa-re-a-Un. A.
TITLM A device for mechanical installation of railroad track sections. Class 19.
No. 172345 Y / ~-5, -) I I
SOURCE: Byulleten' izobretenly ! tovarnykh znakov. no. 13, 1965, 24
TOPIC TAGS: rallroad, railway construction. railway engineering
ABSTRACT- This Author's Certificate introduces: 1. A device for mechanical instal-
lation of railroad track sections. The unit consists of a flatcar which can be tROV4
ed along the track. The devices needed for mechanical installation of the track
sections am located on the frame of the car. The device is designed for efficient
mechanization of the process and for continuous and uninterrupted operation. The
Installation mechanisms are made in the form of synchronously moving conveyers
mounted one above the other in pairs.. A lower pair of conveyers carries clamps for
the croasties. A middle pair carries a pulsating rack with catches for picking uP
the blocking# which is finished with spike tips upward. This middle pair of convql
LIPNITSKIY, M.Ye., kand. takhn. nauk; MARGOLIN, A.G.p insh,
Standardizing multistory industrial buildings. Prom. stroi.
41 no.5115-18 Yq 164. (MIRA 18111)
1. Leningradskiy Gosudarstvennyy proyektnyy institut po
obahchostroitellnomu i sanitarno-tekhnichaskomu proyektirovaniyu
promysh-lennykh predpriyatiy Gosstroya '110SR.
IVANOV, V.F., doktor tekhn. nauk, prof. (decensed]; ONTUFRIYEV, N.M.,
doktor tekhn. nauk, prof.; ROT, A.V., kand. arkh. dots.)
GRIGORIYEVA, A.,V., arkh.; ZAKHARIY"-JSKAYA, M.A., kan-d. tek-.,-n.
nauk; ZELITIFAN, L.V., kand., arkh.; KRAVSKOY, V.A., arkh.;
KUNT-SMAN, M.S., kand. arkh. dots.; LOKRANOV, G.I.,, arkh.;
NIKOLAYEV, A.I., doktor tekhn. nauk, prof,, OSIPOV, Ye.A.,
kand. tekhn. nauk, dots.; SAKHNOVSKIY, K,V., doktor tekhn.
nauk prof.; TRULL', V.A., kand. tekhn. nauk, dots.; KAHRq
V.v,., inzh., nauchn. red.3__~~GqLIN A.G., inzh., nauchn.
(Elements of buildings and structures] Konstruktaii zdanii
i sooruzhenii. Leningrad, Stroilzdat, 1965. 48? p.
(MIRA 18:12)
LUNILT,"TTY, M.Yo, "...G.,
Mounted arid se. 1 f--upp-)rtjn,~ wail paneh, c;i' lin:iuot r~'- all; bu' lfling!~.
Prom.atrci. 42' n,).I'L.-13-15 H 164.
1. I.4--ningradskly gosudarstvennyy proyektny-.y in.,ititaT, pc obf~;hchc-
stroitellnomu i sanitarno-teklan!cheskomu proye~tirovanll-yii
Framyshienrivkh credpriyatiy Gosstroya SSSR.
MARGOLIN A G JLnzh.; RAKOV, F.V., :Lnzh.; Prilaimal uchastiye
IEI SKIY1 B.A., arkhitektor; NADGORNYY, M.P.# inzh.,
nauchn. red.; ROTENBERG, A.S.# red.izd-va; PULIKIHA,
Ye.A., tekhn. red.
[Large-panel exterior wall elements for industrial build-
ings] Krupnopanellnye stenovye ograzhdaiushchie konstruktsii
promyshlenrjykh zdanii. Leningrad, Gosstraiizdat, 1963. 142 p.
(MIRA 17:2)
1. Lenpromstroypvoyekt, (for 14argolin,, Rakov., Braslavskiy).
--m- ~
Arachnitis not caused by inJury. Zhur.aevr. i osikh. Supplement:
11-12 157- (HIRA 11:1)
1. Klinika nervnvkh bolezney kzav. kefedroy - dotsent L.M.Shendero-
vich) Arkhangellskogo meditsinskogo inatituts.
Cultivation of dwarf apple trees. Priroda 50 no.8:114-115 Ag 161.
(MIT'-'. 14:7)
1. Nikitskiy botanicheskiy sad (Yalta).
(Dwarf fruit trees) (Apple)
Dwarf Apple and Pear Trees in Crimea SOV/26-59-4-28/43
There is 1 photo.
ASSOCIATION: Otdeleniye stepnogo sadovodstva Gosudarstvennogo Nikit-
skogo botani-cheskogo sada (pos. Gvardeyskoye, Simfer-
opollskogo rayona, Krymskoy oblasti) - Department of
Steppe Horticulture of the Nikitakiy Botanical Gar-
den (Gvardeyskoye settlemen*,, Simferopol' Aayorf,
Crimean Oblast )
Card 212
30(l) SOV/26-59-4-28/43
AUTHOR: Margolin, A.F.
TITLE: Dwarf Apple and Pear Trees in Crimea (Karlikovy-ye
yabloni i grushi , Xi-~=)
PERIODICAL: Priroda, 1959, Nr a, pp 109-110 (USSR)
ABSTRACT: The author pciints out that by the end of 1965 orchards
and vineyards in 1~he Crimean Oblast will have spread
over many dozens of tLousands of jaectares. He de-
scribes the economical advantages of cultivating
valuable fruit varieties on grafted dviarf tree stems,
trees which bear fruits much earlier -after planting
than other trees. The Gosudar3tvennyy Nikitskiy bo-
tanicheskiy sad "'Drate Botanical Nikitskiy Garden)
took the initiarive oC further deveioping these cul-
tures and in the fall of 1957 provided a collective
fruit seedling area of dwarf trees comprising 5 ha.
Card 1/~
of t
,-a j IV v
U91S ) R
catrq;".~ Y
r-, EF -_, t4UP-810L. .21, IND -6,;0
J. t, It
- 'n Dw-arf Hortiou-Iture in the
-l' r I d P, r -3 t ,r C, -1, 1 q r, tIC) (I
~~ItVo J~ryjq,,I, "T0.2,
j.b3.trsr,t "Cibnarvat' ons i~:aLa over rian1v vdars have indicated
that .-jith a sno---i ac~7-ar 3.6-15 c,,i thick t1he root
aysr,~~I'S of sov--~ral t""OtS 01' dTvnrf Paradise, Dusen
anl ',,yva stoaka w3lthstand any St!VL;rC- w-inter conli- it
t i ons .-fn the 0:!im-ee. stocks of the type 11 anr," 1111
Dusen and ty-pe 7111 and IX Paradlse and the Krym-
SkaYa are the mont frost-har,"~r. Type V Dusen and
type ITT ?-arRdis6 are less frt)9-,-r,!,c3iatr-,nt and can
be ellotted to repi -n~rts In the foothill and southern~
shor 11 zones only. The most drought .-esdistnnt are
typo IT. and I of the "kisen, type VI , IX Paradise
Growing dwarf pear trees. Friroda 46 no.5:107-108 Kv 157.
(HLRA 10:6)
1. Lakhvitskiy sortoispytatellny- punkt plodova-yagodnykh kall-
tur (Poltavskaya oblast'. VqSR).
(Dwarf fruit trees) (Pear)
tivation of dwarf apple trees. Priroda 45 no.3:98-100
Hr '56. (KLRA 9:7)
l.Lokhv1tsk17 sortolop7tatelln77 punkt plodovo-yagodnykh
kulitur, Poltavskaya oblast', USSR.
Dwarf fruit trees. IUh.nat. no.2:29-30 Ky '56. W-RA 9: 11)
(Dwarf fruit trees)
*sApoOLIN, A. F.
MvTo;( 6111)1,614 V [A method of coi)troflin,
feaf chlorosis.] CI;~ 11 f )p1pirk (Orchard & (Y'arden I, M;M, 3, p. 76, 1953.
Leaf 0111orosiR was Observell oil apple [cf. ig, p..7 1.11 and pear (Inc, cit.;
ibid., 24, P- 1121 sevillingq in 9, imm,,ry in t1w Poltava region, U.S.S.H., during, the
summer of 1952. Ten to 15 dayg aftu spraying thv crowim of the plants with 2 1)(,r
cent. ferrous sulphate, chlorw'-14 disappeared and the Icaves became green.
Groidng dvrarf apples. Est. v shkole No. 2, 1953.
9. Monthl List Of Russian Accessions, Library Of Congress, June 1953, Uncl.
1. m-momij A. F.
2. ussR (6oo)
4. APPle
7. Raising early-bearing dwarf apple trees in tubs. Sad i og. no. 1, 1953.
9. Monthly List of Russian Accessions, Library of Congress, may -1953. Unclassified.
Plants - Frost Resistance
Resistance to frost of the dwarfed stalk., Sad i og., no. 2, 1952.
9. Monthl List of Russian Accessions, Library of Congress, mny - 1952, Uncl.
5 23 (2 6,
EVIT (I )/EViP(M)/EWT'km)/F-Ff~(.~-)/r-.TC/EPF (G)-2/E1-"iG(M)/EWF'(J)/T/FCS (k)/E VIA (c)
ACC NRs AP502bObd "97M757
EV4A(A1.)_; RFL. -;nq1jVPtfflff, 90DE: 1,/U405/b5/0067009M5
AUMOR: Gostintsev, Yu. A. (Mosccr-r),; Margolin,~A..D., (r-bsc,ow)
ORG: 'none.
TITLE.: Can-vective heat and mass transfer in combustion 'of chemically active substan
in the _hQundigy Ia r:, ona porous surface
SOURCE: Nauchnb-tekhnicheskiye probleqr goreniya,i vzryva, no. 2, 1965, 69-75
TOPIC TAGS: combustion, heat transfer, cooling, transpiration cooling, combustion
'ABS-TRAM Thermal protection of wells by injection of a~liquid or gaseous coolant
-through the- porous wall.was analyzed onthe basis of experimental data obta Iined pre-
viously Iby N. G.,'Kulgein -(Journal of Fluid Mechanics, 12, 3, 1962) with methane in
jected through the wall into an air.'stream. Jn the present article, methane'jj%xygen.
and carbon dioxide concentration profiles in the boundary,layer with and wit out com-,
bustion were plotted. , The- validity of analytical solutions is discussed on the basis
of a. plot of the skink friction coefficient, *Stanton number, and mass transfer coeffi-
cient vs Reynolds number. The dimensionless relationships obtained correlated with:
the experimental data with an accuracylof +30%. -SystemaMc experiments using other
types oCcombustible systems in&luding liquids,are recommended. Orig. art. has:
rmulas. (PI
2 figures.and 10:fo
-Card 1/1
AiA 5-3---6,6
ACC NRs AP6011660
:kb'drI F1 -0 Mr, I
ar T
usec Fig. 2o Schematic represen-
170 2 N�095 1
10 t
175 2:38-+0, to 0 63
ISO 1~96:EOJO 0,47
t90 .
1 0 33
05 0
30 j
jiLtromethatle f
86 7:LO 5 2 54
so 4:F.0 5
93 3�
,5 05
2d.0.5 0 GI
10P 015:F-0,25 .33-
tit -351-.05
I:O:L.0:2 OkM
- 4
tio 0,5:60
p 16; ibar;
2.26 Ilsed;
P 74
kb~L T , !,
for nitrometh=e'
card 1/11
VLVAN)AW? D/ Vit/ R14/WW/;W/Wz';
ACC. M. AP160116610 SOURCE-00DE': UR'/OOPO/ 6/16T/0O3/o6jjp/a612
AUTHOR: Vaskoboynikorl 1. kago=010*5 V. M.; Margolin A. D. I ARLak
A. Yaw.
ORO: Institute of Chemica11 Physics, Academy of Sciences SSSR Institut
khimicliesk6y fiz_Y_kiAkddemiL nauk SSSR)
TITLE:. Determination of decomposition times of pxplosives in M ghoC'k:-
SOURCE: AN SSSR. Doklady, Y. 167, no. 3, 1966, 61o-6i2
TOPIC TAGS: explosive, explosion, shock vave..kineties
ABSTRACT:- The purpose of the measurement.of the decompo-~
sition time of liquid n1t-wef,-h;L1Le'9%\liquid tetranitromethatieland mono-
arystalline.hexogenq'(RDXI under the infiuence,of e. vIeve,
using; the ezp'e~MWta1A&rr&nkement shown in Figure 1:
Card UDC: 534.222.2+541.k2T.6
ACC NR: A-P7001570
and for very long time3 the solution is the same as that of a rigid body with very
small angular velocity. A second method is introduced which consists of a vortex
boundary layer approximation 6 - T1/2 . Using the Karman-Pohlliausen momentum
integral method, this analysis leads to an identical result for small times as the
first method described above. Grig. art. has: 10 equations and 2 figures.
SUB CODE: 20/ SM DATE: 13May66/ ORIG REP: 005/ OTH REF: 002
ACC NR, AP7001570 SOMG,-, CODE: UV.0
AUTHORS: Gostintsev, Yu. A. (Yoscow); 1-varoolin, A. L. (moscow)
O'.~G: none
T!Ta: Boundary layer on the free surface of a flat vortex
SOUiC": AIN SSSR. Izvestiya. Mekhanika zhidkosti i gaza, no. 6, 1966, 45-49
TOPIC TAGS: boundary layer, incompressible flow, vortex flow, Laplace transform
ABST,kCT : The rotary motion of a viscous incompressible fluid is analyzed with a
cavity of radius ro in the center. The flow is assumed to be unsteady and governed by
the equation av.
V (~V. + j av'; -V"
The boundary conditions are 0 at r roy V --r 0 as r --v co , and the initial
8r r ,p
condition is ~V' - at t - 0. The solution is obtained by using a Laplace
transformation. The inversion of the transformation is obtained for two limiting
cases only. For small times, j/ t/ro,the tangential velocity is
,,V,(r ro, t)
2are +
r0 V--% rQ3 Y-A
Card 1/2
L 46316-66
ACC NR, AP6027959
valid only at lov temperatures. The criterion derived by Istratov and
Librovich (Zhurn. prikl. mekh. i tekhn. fiz. , No. 5, 38, 1964) and the
criterion derived by Novozhilov (ZhPMTF, No. 4, 157, 1965) are valid
over the entire temperature range studied. Orig. art. has; 4 tables.
L 46316-66 EV1T(d)/EWT(1)AwT(m)/T TJP(c) WW/,AV/IqD
ACC NR; AP6027959 SOURCE CODE: UR/0020/66/169/003/o6ig/o6211
AUTHOR: Zenin, A. A.; Leypunskiy, 0. 1.; Margolin,--A. D.; Nefedova,
0. 1.. Pokhil, P. F.
ORG: Institute of Chemical Physics, Academy of Scienc-s SSSR (Institut
khimicheskoy fiziki Akademii nauk SSSR)
TITLE: Temperature field at the surface of burning gunpowder and
combustion stabilityll
SOURCE: AN SSSR. Doklady, v. 169, no. 3. 1966, 619-621
TOPIC TAGS: gunpowder, combustion stability, temperature field,
ABSTRACT: Tei- distribution at the surface of burning gunpowder
H was measured at initial surface temperatures ranging from -196 to
140c and pressures of 1-20 atm. The experimental data were used to
determine the values of combustion stability criteria for various tem-
peratures and pressures. Comparison of the experimental results with
published theories showed that the Zelldovich stability criterion
(ZhETF, 12, 498, 1942), which was derived on the assumption that the
temperature of the powder surface does not change with changing burning
velocity and that there is no heat release in the condensed phase, is
UDC; ~41.126+536.462 ---
ACC NR, AP6029751
in",the second flame zone de-reazed from %., :-,im Ft' ',.--/C,12
Temperature fluctuaticns, r~xp ':C*sk~_'-'_'?~I 11"
p 45 kg/cm2. -W r, ~: C, e
ana in the flarne at luwer teiirpnrRtures ar.6 ]P"_-ro-FIS(_-'~ as
and pressure increased. The Sul-face temperature Or ~Io' -L)w-linL "-tr./I
with its boiling point. Temperature and pressure changes in e~_tch z-,~rie are dis-
i cussed in detail. Heat ba-lance in the condensed phase, the bimiing ve-Locity, al-'d
the burnina mechanism,~.are also discussed in detail. Orig. art. has: 4 tables,
5 figures, and 7 formulas.
SUB CODE: 19/ SUBM DATE: 1IFeb66/ ORIG REF: 015/ OTH REF: 001 I-Y'710 ~~U-
-Card __2.12
RR_.AP6029751 A -S 0 UR _CEC O-D E_ : U _R/ o 4 14 -/- -6 -6/ o 6-o _/0 0- 2-/ 0- -0 _10 /_0 0-2
AUTHOR: -Margolin, A. D. (Moscow); Fogel'zang, A. Ye.
ORG: none
TITLE: Burning of _.~2~1
SOURCE: Fizika goreniya i vzry-va, no. ~-, 1966, 10-20
TOPIC TAGS: teti-yl temperatiir~ profile, burning velocity, neat 1)alance,
ABSTRACT: Temperature prof Iles and burn-ing veloc; ties were measured as a ""I C t 4 0
--- --- I I n
of pressure p(up to 45 kgkm2) for tetr-il charges with densities d = 1L.U-I.70 g/cm3.
The experiments were conducted In a con-~t~uit pressure bomb with wlln(~Lws Cor
U~Icillographic registration of the chev.,ges in tprnperature rtnd l-)Urn1,-,t- ve~"_CI,7
e temperaturc. prnfiL-F, ~31~k~.,W
the ohservation nf the chiLracter of burning.
zcnes: 1) the initia-1 telrlver!lture ~',Onp, cCr1,0sP01-1-1:, ~,~ tile
the sol id rnfj!-,e ""i I'll be ~-W ~kjf'; t.)".
r:nrrespondin,~~ tc tlic, tf.,mp~,r!Lturf- (,n 'LIhc~ !,he
fin-Ine Zone In which llc:ml
and the ~_,econd Vlamve zone in uhIch ~,~e 7
P kg/cm2. The d1st-ance from the charge to tfle m-LY_1'L;iiim
Card 1/2 IJDC: 541-42'~.6
1:41446-66 `FS�,;4/ (M')/ im
ACC NRt AP600'90'5' SOURCE OH/020'[/66/000/001/0104/0~09
n1tr4/R14 , CODE
AMOR: Margolln_.,A-~D- (Moscow); Chuyko. S, V. (Hoscow)
ORG: none,
,TITLE: Form of, thesurface of I.iquid explosives burningtyand a ztability limit
SOURCE: Zhurnal prikladnoy mekhaniki i tekhnicheskoy fiziki, no. 1, 1966, io4-iG6
TOPIC TAGS* liquidexplosive, combustion instability, combustion, 2R~qsiv~~
I I r-
ABSTRACT: Based on Landau's theory of the normal burning of liquid eiplosives
(Landau L. S. K teorii medlennogo goreniya. Zh. eksperim. i teor.~fiz., 1944,,14,
.,No..4), a-theoretical study was made of the form of perturbations.on the surface
-of burning ethylene nitrate in a cylindrical vessel~and of the effect of the vessel
diameter on the combustion stability. The form of surface perturbations was also
studied experimentally by high-6peed photography (2000 frames/sec). The pictures
were taken through the.liquid explosive from the end of the reaction vessel utilizing
the.self-illumination of the burning surface.' The light refraction at the liquid
explosive.surface rev6a7ed its surface structure..,Etylene nitrate and dietbylene
Itic;2 bur 15 and 54 atm respectively
dinitrate with cr ning instability-pressures of
were.used in.the experiments. The pictures were taken at pressures rangingfrom
14 to 6o atm. In,addition to the perturbed surface and turbulent burning which was
observed for both ethylene nitrate~jand diethylene dinitrate, a swirling motion
Card 7 40
Evi~ EW .00 W.
1 218.52.;66 'A. /h JVEVMW/W(11)/3WA(d)/jWAW V*,/44,
~ACC NRt_'.AP601l5Q7:, SOURCE CODEt 7':UR/0414/65/000/00410
AUTHOR: KiaeleVo Ye. Xe# (Moscow); Margolin, A. D. (Koscow); Pokhil, P. F. (Noscow)
GRG: none
TITLE: .-Shock-wave ignition of gun powder
SoUka::: Fizika- goreniya i vzry4a, no. 4, 1965 83-84
TOPIC STAGS:, gurt powder, nitroglycerin, nitrocellulose, shock wave ignition
ABSTRACT: Ignition of nitroglycerin and nftr1xa11UL2Se&awder by a shock wave was
studied in a shock tube 4.7 m long V41 mm in diameter.- The tube was divided by a,
copperdidphragm into a low-pressure chamber filled with air and a high-pressure
chambers killed with compressed nitrogen. The pressur Ie in the shock.wave w4s 3-25 atim
and temoerature'was 500-1500K. The ignition delay decreased as tile pressure and gas
reflected shock wave increased.. At a gas temperature of about
100,0K, the.-.ignitian-occurred within milliseconds. The effect of the powder surface
temperature and the.surface on-theIgnitiod process-was discussed. It was
sugges.ted-that charges with rough surfaces, ignite. at. much lower surface temperatures
th surfaces Ir th speciall
an charges:with:smooth his was proven by experiments wi
prepared smooth-sutface charges. The surface ofthe nitroglycerin and nitrocellulose
powder-was.,molstened with acetone and pressed against a glass plate. After aeverall
days, the powder charge,was separated and ignited in the shock tube. Under the same
Card UDC: _5 6.46+532.593
~L_4388&(h in
ACC NRt -..AP6aC4427 SOURCE CODE:- URIG414165100/003/6027T
~n_ 'A 13
AUTHOR' . Marg;oli. ffbac") Ca!gko, (Moscow
ORG:: none
TITLE :Con4t,1,on--,._6.E i Ition of pore- walls in combustion of porous charges
SOURCE:, Fizika gorefiLya L vzryva, no. 3, 1965, 27-35
T_ PIC TAGS: co~hus lion-, solid propellant, combustion-instability.
ABSTRACT:,-. Several investigators have previously concluded. that instability is con-
-nected with:the. ignition of -pore walls but the conditions have-, nok been analyzed. I
The ignition or,~:pyioljsii of uore'-walls is,c'onsidere4 ta~be'a necessary but not a.suf-
ifistability,to-accur, the ftxzit of the
ficient ~condition for combustiou'Lihi6bility.. For
ignition -or, pyrolysis ikust- move-. iraster uxan the. noy-ma F CoMbuStiolm front. Percurbatioic
of.,'the-normaL coinbusftoii regime ca-it take place' either~4j; enetration of gases into 7
the pores or by:heating the- gases: contained id:the pores. -In the present. study, the
ed in
fo.llowing1cases were mathematically analyzed andAgnition criteria were deriv
terms of pore.-dimensions, gas and' Propellan&;~-~pei;atures_, pi~essure, etc.; , heating
nd penetrating hot. gases,~,Igaition of pore wall ed by
ignition'of.porii-walls hy caus
in in contai d In'the pores and he ting of gases by adia-
.flame propagat 6 to t e'gases ne a-
8 a.": The-effects of imperfections in pore structure- are also discussed.
Orig. art.~has: 22 fdribul [EFVI
I Card -119. UDC: 536.46
ffnFa_ _RM!
L 31324-66
iACC NR: AP5026o68
Jresults do not correspond to the experimenta-I results because the processes in the
gas and condensed phases are not quasi-steady state as assumed in the analysis.
Orig. arte has: 20 formilas and 3 figures. fA-TD PRESS: 412ff
-SUB CODE:' 21
SUBM DATE: 24Feb63 ORIG REF: 022 OM REF: G,~l
card 2/2
L 31324-66 EwT (M viw/JWD
ACC NR: AP5o26o68 SOURCE CODE: UR/0405/65/000/002/0069/0075
~AUTHOR: Gostintsev. Yu. A. (Moscow); Margolin, A. Do (Moscow)
ORG: none
TITIE: Nonsteady-state powder combustion under the action of pressure pulses
SOURCE: Nauchno-tekhnicheskiye problerg gore-niya i vzryva, no. 2, 1965, 69-75
TOPIC TAGS: solid propellant, combustion, combustion theory, nonsteady state
combustion, combustion instability, solid propellant combustion
ABSTRACT: An analysis was made of the nonstoady-state combustion of
lantbinduced by rectangular or triangular pressure pulses. Combustion of a sorid-
infinite charge was analyzed on the basis of the Zelldovich theory of powder com-
bustion. The nonlinear equations of heat conduction were solved through the use
of integral relationships. As a result, a diagram was obtained which shows the
regions of flame extinction as a function of the intensity and duration of the
pressure pulses.; The optimum condition for extinction exists when the duration of
the pressure pulse is of the saw order of magnitude as the thermal relaxation time
of the heated propollwit layero, With very short pressure pulses, the theoretical
Card 1/2 UDC: 536.46+532-501-32
tr; ra
where a, - (d In uj/d In y) Yo ; a2 - (d ln.U2/d In y)yo;
v, - (d In uld In p)y, V2 - (d In u2/d In p)Y; Y,,and y refer to
the distances between the zones., and ul and u2 re r to the burning
velocities in the two zones. According to this theory, the anomalous
pressure dependence of the burning velocity is explained as follows:
at_low pressures the gas-phase reaction is a controlling factor with
v vo - (d In u./d In P)T; the reaction then follows the region of
strong interaction between the zones at low v (v< v1; v the inverse transition. T,
Eq.(3) is valid, the position of the point of intersection depends -)a th-
ratio of the temperature coefficients (3 of burning rate u:5=(Kri,.~/ aT-,
,6u,/8T O)E _/8T E L; (a I n u /aln T O)E (31n u_jaln T 0 E,
SubscriDt holds for T 0> T E; subscript - , for T 0< TOE' It is
that the total kinetics in the gaseous and the condensed Phase fe;!Ciws
the Arrhenius equation. Then, for E/kT>>I, Eq. (3) can be expressea c.-
E /T ' (E /T2 (a//8T )q/c 1 (5) (subscript g refers to the gas~---
9/ 9 c C 0 p
phase; sub 'script c, to the condensed phase). The increase of rs wth
rising temperature found by other researchers becomes evident from t'l-1-
function ~(T 0 )~ At T 0> TOE' the leading part passes over from the gets-
Curd 2/4
S/02o/61/14 ', /005i/0'4, 10'e
B I 01/B 144
AUTHOR: 14argolin, A. D.
TITLE: Leading stage of burning
PERIODICAL: Akademiya nauk SSSR- Doklady, v. 141, no. 5, 1961,
TEXT: Basing on the model by A. F. Belyayev (ZhFKh, 12, 93 (1958"'') and
Ya. B. Zelldovich (ZhETF, 12, 498 (1942)) the author assumes two burp.:n,-
stages: Burning in the gaseous and smoke phase, and burning in the ccn-
densed phase. Fig. I shows the dependence of surface temperature of -
condensed phase and burning temperature T on the initial temperature T-
of a powder. If the gaseous phase is the leading one, the temperature
the condensed phase increases along the line CED. Due to heat transf~~r
to the reaction layer ` heating occurs along the line MEN:
TMEN z T0+ q/Cp (1). If the initial temPeratures are in the range