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IYUGOSLAVIA OLUJIC, B. I-AR-KC;VIC, an ILIC, d D. MILETIC Zafflllatlons not :,Ive:,,/. 0 -7 "Clinical Silterations an,,-, Spread of 3tr. ~Szalantiae in thp Udder of the Cow or. Lart;e Livostock Fa.-ms am the V.1cinity of Belgrade." Bclgrade, Veterinarski Giazn!-'~, Vol 17, 'Nlo 6, 19~3, P~) Abstract; ZA--uthorc- summary -nod~fleV The authors exanined a tGtal Of 2340 nows. Clinical alte-ation~ In 'the udder (atrooh.,-- and induratilur.) Post cor.Imon in -REd Danish cows (57.4 percent), less --om-mcon in S.'emenshal co,,,s (49.1 percent), and leas'. common in Friesian cows (26.1 percent). Str. an-alactiae vas isolated in 28.1 perccint of the Friesian cows, 9 percent of Red Daniolh cows, and ?.4 percent of Sie=enthal cows. Yu3-cslav references. 11/1 4 SIMIC, M.; GIRKOVIC, D.; DIMMOVIC, D.; SIJIVIC, V. Incorporation of Na-formiates-C into bases of desoxyribonualeinic acid and ribonucleinic acid of the spleen cells in vitro after primn y antigenio stimulation. Bul sc Youg 7 no.1/2:14 F-Ap 162. 1, Institut "B. Kidric," Vincal Beograd, -K YLUGOSLAVIA / Plant Diseases. Forest Trees. 0 Abs Jour: Ref Zhur-Slol., No 13, 1958, 58851. Author Marinkovic, Pr,; Marinkovic, 8, Inst Not given. Title The Effect of Rot on the Quality of Mood in Brush Pla:ntings of the Scrub Oak In Srem. Orig Pub-. Shumarstvo, 195?, 10, Nos 3-4, 1.68-178, Abstract: The effect of tree-destroying fungi on the quality of lumber was Investigated. The clear loss of wood pulp constituted 1,?47,', (by volume, at the exnense of the kerf). Among discovered species,, the . most widely distributed and most energetic destroyers of wood pulp are Polyporus sulphureus and P, dry- ophilus. It Is recommended to discount the role played by the tree-destroying fungi at the deter- mination of tree-felling rotation,, taking It into Card 1/2 J-~ARP I 11KOVIC, B, _ Is it better to afforest Ue Karst areas with isolated or grouped Aleppo p1r1rus and cypresses? p. 101, (GLASNIK, Vol. 80, No. 3/4, Ifar./Apr. 1956 SO. Monthly List of East European Accessions (E-LAL) Lc Vol. 6, No. 12. Dec. 1957 Uncl. MARINFDVIC~ D. Is the time for felling trees in the Mediterranean area of Dalmatia correctly planned? P-308. SUT-1ARSK! L13T. Zagreb. Vol. 79, no. 9/10, Sept./Get. 1955. SOURCE: East European Accessions List (E'AL), Library of CmEress Vol. 5, No. 6, June 1956 I'-.7,,T:'KC',TIC, 5. 17 OpuntiL fic-us i.-iaica ..1 4. Contribution to the 'movile, : -:- of ~)Iar't ILi. -. 4- - Z reb Vol. 79 n( /2, J in./Feb. 1955- S!T7:AFSKI LIST, Zaj ) -). 1 1" 30: Vonthly last of East Europ-2an Acceession5, (;!'--~,AL), LG, Vol. i,, no. 1c, uct. i955, Uncl. MARDIKOVIC, B. "The use of wo,)d in shipbuilcLing." p. 1. (Drvna Industrija. Vol. 4, no. 7/8, July/August, 1953. Zagreb) SO: Llonthlv List of East European Accessions. Vol. 3, no. 3. Library of Congress. Harch 1954. Uncl. of T,T-' '01 YlLc, OSI P71 of 7a~-'. 7- I'Lutim-Ovic, B. I'Desulfurization of cast iron." Kemija U industriji, Zar=eb, *Vol 3, No 1, Jan 1954, r. 32 SO: Eas~ern Eurouean Accessions List, -l.'ol 3, 'lTo 10, Oct 1954, Lib. of Congress KOVACEVIC Zoran; IMBIKOV, Strahinja li .1 ~- .- . - 5-hydroxytryptsmine (serotanin) and clo,..- retmcti-on. Yed. preal. 17 no.7:339-345 164 1. Institut za medicinska istr-dzLvanja u Novom Sadu (Direktor: Prof. dr. Strahinja Harinkov). YUGOSIAVL1/1(u mn and Animal Physi oloa. Dlood T-4 Abs Jour : Ref Zhur - Diol., no 14, 1958, no 65148 Author : Marinkov So, Kapamdzhiya Ve Inst Title : The Serum Factor AssociatdC with Retraction of the Blood Clot. Its Nature and Mechanism of Formation. Orig Pub : Acta med. Jucoslo, 1956, 10, VO 3, 273-279 Abstract : The Serum retraction factor is absent in stabilized citrated plasm containing thrombocytcs. retraction activity appears when CnC12 is added to it. If I)rothrombin is removed from the plasm by adsorption on.,U(OH) then the addition of CaMn no lon3-er restores retractioRlactivity, Howcver, neit6r prothrombin or thrombin possesses retraction activity. Probably in the activation of prothrombin one of the com- ponents necessary for retraction is formed.. the so-called serum retraction factor.--A.T. Platonova Card 1/1 27 YUGOSIA-VIA/Hi=n and Aninal Physiology - Blood. Blood Coagulation. T Abs Jour Ref Zhur Biol., 110 3, 1959, 12676 Author Marinkov, S., Kostich, D., Kapaimtsija, B. Tnst Title Anticoagulatory Action of Hepari:i and the Blood Platelets Orig Pub Med. pregled, 1956, 9, No 4, 221-224 Abstract Heparin (I) manifested an inhibitory action on the coagu- lation factor in blood platelets (P). Coagulation of bovine plasm with the addition of solutim I and CaC1 2 did not take place for 20 runixtues. Addition to this zaixture of P, which possess an anti-heparin action, cur- tailed the coagulation time to 2 minutes 15 seconds. Heparinized thromboplastin and throbbin were completely reactivated by the addicion of suspension 1. -- V.Ye. Fastorova Card 1/1 - 47 - 14ARWW,,. Strahinja, dro Determination of the protein fractions in urine and Its significance for the evaluation of the blood protein changes, SrpskI arh. celok. jok. 82 no.7-8:963-967 July-Aug 54. 1. 11.1nicki laboratorijum Tojne bolnice u Movom Sadm, nacalnik: VaAnkov. dr. Strahimj& (PROTEMS, in urine determ., relation (URINE to blood protein changes) proteins, d6term., relation to blood protein changes) C3 ant (O9WA u r the fliftlance (it RAI plus two culywo T-u4tac LM thc=bQcyftG and pl,,M. Jrlw wad ph&" of cetact(Go vccun=== acu on fibeim IL Gumm MOLLOVP Stoil, inzh.; MARINVOI!, Ste-Can, inzh~ 4 - -P'- 4LV Northern F-,=pi-ylg Station. F-h-fdrats-kh u'oration of the ~;, I A i meltor 9 no,q-,269-.2yO 164. T J ABSo JOUR, I R22TJZ* iYN, 5 1960s 90- 175231 AV7110R t AMITACT 50-100 ml water, 3 ml of 1%, AgN("3 Solut'on, an(' I.o gms (?"H")2'C~00' the resulting Solution is re- fluxed for 30-45 min, cooledl 20 ml of cone HSC~ ar,, added, followed by an excese of 0.2 N Mohr ealt solution, and the. solution is ti- trated with C.I a Ktlnok (the total. Cr conte.-It determined). Toe Cr(3+) conttnt is obtainA by difference. 114. Turkovich A Ut 2112 ul,7a rin Nle c t, i;,,! z.,, hiya r. I Ma r L ri.!co v n n d Ko Z,(r v Xv 1.0 t ~,i "')12 Pre r i,-,,! De tc- rr-. on 7 f C h rom, 4~um, "n Chro C a r 3 i rl -i n',7; r, e r t r o L Y t t% F, Lek-] Jo L?-Ig kl'959` 90 ~nl cf are jij Ih Na,er to ey- u t i c n A o f the ~731iiri-or, obtatr.t-kj r e t r e I a", o "~ 0 - 10 0 m I v,, a L e r , h ~? a , a t o, o o 1 -, i :. -~ x i t 1) ' C m.1 c v n c ,:, -c 04 . thi e r e 1) 1 t n ~r I s c ~. u L i o n i i ~ e d w z h a i -- o c e.,-i s C! f G o n r Lt reou.o red am, urt of Mohr salt is tile sample ar. d mi.-ied graphically by tt~e sp ji;r of fitratpf~ wih. 0,1 N F.Mn(j, -~olurion (the ccrt,-nt. of lr('+~ is A second 2C-r.-I sam-p,'e of A it~ t r eatea ?~-i tP. 10-12 :7.1 cc) c 1/2 ICL. U T Bulgaria H -12 C I ~ If f -~T ~,hemical TeclInoiag-j-Chemical P-rod'uctis and Their App.Licatioi;5--El.ectroc,lieir4-caI industries. *. Elec- ABS. JGU-R. 21 " o. 75'56 :.'Xiariakcv, N. D., Krizar,-v, Kh. N., and Mnrd4 rosov, :'Not givvn T 1 Li E14,ctroiytes for the N-,ckel P lating of Cast, Iron and Steel Art,-cles OaIG PUB. Leka Promis~lenost, 7, ~-io '12, 10-21 ~1953) A study ef the effect of tne addition of orvanic acid-9 to nickel plating baths has shown that optimum results are obta-Ined wlt*n a ~,ath o"; com- 250, NqL,j position (in gmsllite,, ii, 7 10, 11j BO, 10, Illa, SS04 --:,0, raulfanilic a~;-Jd 0.5, PH ti-u, ~eni,erature 30-.~1501 Dc Ecathoi-ic current denvit7l 2-3.5 amps/dM2, rate of Aeposttien of Fji 30-35,,U Per J.r. The deposits adhere well to the base metal and have a low porot3ity (about pore per I cm'). Plating. Galvanic calls. 180 MARIMKOV# He; MMIRDSOV# N.; KOZAMp KH. . TECHNOlm Periodical-. TXKA PROMMAMEMOST. Vol. 7# No. 9, 1958* MAIMOVv N.; MMIROSOV9 N.; KOZAMj KH. Glazenickel bath, MMU, p. 21. Monthly List of East European Accession (MI), L099 'Fole S. Noe 2v Februar7 1959, Unclass. RRN 4MCI a of 2 1~ P,764CMIO :-Mompta. Kota). y Vodenich-grovi T&v.,Dyaiwisk6o i -M .-Mg V.~ 'ICURf. s f 77 77777 1". (Softa)-2 awLe fl can be &epd!*cm;& Urge pd. of riw~mafer hi limit lf f r ft h 6 th i iU , s se - esis o e S nt s - Fa W s s (Xv) d ) & di t 633 g d v _ . w s o ; .W 4oTz g., 1E added to- inah itatnelave; 465 t e y i . . ~7' ,P 36W w is imffbimly heitte(i sa tfutt; -it thii end'd * * , Ii im 7 l wn ib mam 8 e ruc a t i it .t p. ]of- 2w r ;t, %:th ' ,maintained - lia-M-'rain ' the c6utd" trafisfirvid to aa ' th raducts tator disc qu= i(,_t f , a -- , J L MIX tV W - t the4oh, 61 teted, a ~ A go , 2M U - wd, with., UW, fa-su tha 107 ch qu=tity t the off of the ' ' i1viviting medium is abcut,4-.~ The ~pt.~rs In ofk~ the toi~k a I ~ bitc. flalk~y seclaneat., 4~ art. 40ttlins'.0e, Ila &e w j ' :~Pvi .1s filter*& off.*aahed with. C61d distdi 14 Q~:ai,4 drie-4 . : 'tt 7Q* 'A kield bbal W 4 f 864% Wd r~ T- . , o ' -V( a Q- E a U v ab cu 61 iu id A79 te h t 10C =m&ed ob he . M c 0 F b 6 ~ T d- tj~ I e t j ve de e as an 9& M 14 ~ 176 I k b f r t - O a 4er, W, .MARINKOV, L.G.; ZUPAKCIC, M.T. Circuits of the level 19209. Bal ln~t Mucl 13 no.2:&-16 J1 162. 1. The Boris Kidrich Institute cd Nuclear Sciences, D6partment of Physics, Vinca. AkRI dlorad So; ZUPARCIC9 Maden T.; STEPICI, ,-9PVj Lazar Go; KLADENOVIC9 Y Rista S. Internal. conversion spectrum of Pt-192 and Cs-192. Bal Inst ftcl 1.0: 7-13 Mr 6o. (EUI 10: 5) 1e Institute of Nuclear Sciences "Boris Kidrich" Laboratory of Physics. , (Spectrum analysis) (Magnetism) (Platinum) (Osmium) 1 fvan.Luontlyevich; YE%i'El,1YaIIOV, AXI.# ved. [Business accountir4 ariJ prof;tabllenei,~ cj-, sta7:e Khozraschet i rentabellnc-st' v sovkhcZaA. unilv, 1964. 269 p . tp" il I a." -i , 1; " I-MRINKO, 1. Ir Problems in strengthening business accounting on state fa-?=j3* Vop. ekon. no.9:60-67 S 162, 25:9) (State farms-Finance) VASHOTSEVAI, V.H.; VOLKOV9 H.I.; ZHAHINq V.A.; ZHUKOV, F.G.; GHUBUKv LF.; KMSTIN,j Ye.I.1 KOZWVAp N.G,; KOROCHM9 V.V.,- KULfKOVr i.V.; ARINM- T-L,"OTCRAW7r B.K.; ROW-OVp B.V.; FEDOROV, V.I.; SMMSiM, I.D.; MMGAUZP A.9 red.; S=Kt Hot teklme rvTd& [How to study the economics of socialism] Kak izuebat' politichs- skuiu ekonamiba sotsWima; pasobie d3la rukovoditelei seminarov sistemy partiinogo proaveshchaniia. Moskvag, Hook. rabachii, 1961, 239 p. (MIRA 140) 1, Dom po3itichaskogo osveshchonlya, Moscow. Econamics-Study and t4aching) SKIMROV, P.A.; SOKOLOVSKIY, T.Ya.; PIMMOV. A.P.; ROHAITOV, B.T.; -.j dots3nt; AGAMOGYN, A.G.; FEDMV. V.P.; gPJ2M~LL TUZOA, T.Tu., red.; YKRMKOV, H.S., teWm~red. (Increasing labor productivity Le the main factor In expanding agricultural production under the seven-year plan) Povyshenis proizvoditellnesti truda - glavnoe uslovie rosta aellskokhoziaist- vennogo proizvodstve v semilet1m. Hoskva. Izd-vo Hook.univ., 1960. 134 p. WRA 14:1) 1. Moscow. Universitet. (Agriculture-Labor productivity) Monmov Ivan leoutlyevich; RABINOVICHv Vladimir MikluqI - 0-~ 7 -jE conomle accountability amd production costs on 7stmatae ffax-m~s-il.- KhoslaistvenrWi rascbet i sebestolmost' produktaii v smflx~%~kh. Kaskva, gelfkhosgis, 1960. US (ML l4t7 (State farms--Acc~Mt4l MARINKO, I.; RABINOVICH, T. Regulating wages and bonuses on state farms. Top.okon. no.6: 152-155 Je 1 51 (MIRA 12:9) (Sta . farms) Ofagea) I-C KARISKO Ivaa Leontlyavich, L-andidat ekonom'chaskM nauk; ZAYTSIV, V.p., remalctor; ATROSHCHENKO, L.Ya., takhn chask y radaktor [State farms and their role in affecting a sharp raise in agricultural Sovkhovy i ikh roll v oaushchostvlaaii krutogo podmema sallskago khozialstva. Ho9Lva. Tod-vo "Znanla." 1956. 31 p. (Yeasolazaca obahchs- stvo pq rasprostrananitu politichaskikh t nauchnykh tnanii. Ser. 3. Zkonomika sallskago khoziatetya. Typ. 2. no.10) (nn 9:12) (State farms) MARDWO. 1. In every way possible strenthen business accounting on state farms. Sov. profsoluzY 3 no.5:22-27 K7 '55. (MLRA 3:8) (State farms-AccomtIng) MAUNKEVICH, P. TI. Criteria of reliabilitv and the4 detterm-ination in --*r4--,i!Ig M,01~cr Vehicles under variable operating conditions. 31 no.-5: 1-4 My S65 (~JT RA 19: 5) 1. Ullyanovskoye oblastnoye ii-pravleriiye avtomobillnogo transporta, MARINKEVICII, P41 , in.zh. Causes fo- an uneven breakdown of bodies and suspension parts of the LiAZ.-158 motorbus. Av-l.. tz-.A.,isp. 41 no.6:49- 1 Je 163. (MIRA 16M KARIMMVION, P. I insh. Applylizg new 20-1 servIce regulations in the %%I Hountain refion. Avt- transpe 37 no.g.,22-23 Ag 159. (JaPA 22:22; (Ural Nountain region--Antomobiles--Ilraintename ana repair) ; (C_ ,11/A (7o- IVA ~,-, I HARIMVICH, P. ------ --- _- -, - - - 1 1. . Current repair of cars operated under difficult conditions. Avt.transp. 35 no-11:11 N '57. (MIRA 10:12) l.Glavnyy inzhener avtoupravleniya kombinata "Kizelugoll.11 (Automobiles--Repairing) KORITSKIY., K.I.; Prinimali uchastiyet SHISHKINA, R.M., ispolnyayushchaya obyazannosti starsbego nauchnogo sotrudnika; YAGUBOVA, Yu,G.; MARINT111k. Yu.S., m1adsh-ly nauchnyy sotrudnik _I._-".I-.._I-A.__._-7 ... Core yarn, its structure and propel-ties. Nauch.-issl.trudy TSNILIKRBI 160 [publ. 1621:25-55 (MIRA 18:2) l-, Ui~ ': , , t , I - .:, w..- I . - -, ..'. - . - - 1. 1 , ~ . a - . ~ ~ ~ - ~ "., : ~ - - '. . ~ ~ ~ - - 11 - . - - - - - -_ - . -- I - - , - . - * - , . . . - . - . - -.1 .- ; .- ~- , ~ 1', .-. , - A- -V - -: - - . -- . -. S11901611 00 3/005/013/014 .The influence-otthe... B110/B230 (present in this exaE$ination). Contrary to the strength of metals, in- organic glaases-ete., the strength.of polymers is largely dependent on temperature (Fig. Ot particularly within and above the range of vit.rifica- tion,.'I-With a-rise of-.teaperaturel-tensile strength decreases sharply. At 50Cs adhesive and cohesive strength are equal. There are 4 figures and 4 references: 3 Soviet-bloc and I non-Soliet-bloc. The reference to the. 'English-language publication reads as follows: W. Weibull: A Statistical '2heory of the Strength of Materials, Stockholm, 19-39. ASSOGIATIONs Gosudarstvennyy indti-tut stekla Moskva (State Institute of Glass# Moscow) SUBMITTEDs October 100 1960 Card 3/6 P-15170 S/igo/61/003/005/013/014 The influence of the... B410/B230 present work, the influence of the size factor (area of contact) and temperature upon the adhesion of polyvinyl butyral to glass was examined, because the influence of the size factor had not been taken into con- sideration up to this time. Its role in adhesion is, however, more important than in strength tests. As the results of measurement are widely spread, the mean value of 10 to 15 measurements was taken. Fig. 1 shows the characteristic distribution curve of the values of adhesive strength, where Q(a) function of distribution which enters into the equation AN M NQ(cv).A;, AN being the number of tests yielding strength values within the range from a to 6 + Ad, and N the total number of testa. Similar curves are obtained by tensile tests of solid bodies, Dependence of the adhesive strength on the nominal contact area S as shown in Fig. 2 is analogous to the Weib U I formula for solid bodies expressed by the following lawt a - C/S On. 7::r '~h~ Dolymer tested n - 2, 6 - K/D, 1here D - diameter of the contact area. -When a is ex- pressed in kg/cm and D in om, the oonstant K - IA7., The stat'.etioal character of adhesive strength is ensured by the augmentation of defects with an increase of the contact area, Like in the case of solids there is also a difference between the theoretical and technical strength Card 2/6 -0 S11901611003100510131014 B11O/B230 AUTHORSt Bartenev, G. M., MarLnina, V. T,, TITLRa The influence of the a1ze factor and teape-4ture upon the adhesive strength between polymers and glas:t PERIODICALs Vysokomolekulyarnyye soyedineniyaq v; 59 no. 59 19619 763-786 TEM For testing the adhesion between two surfaces of different character there exist two mechanical methodsi 1) pulling-off method which, like the tensile test, determines the pulling-off force b in kg/cm . 2) The frequently applied method of layer separation measures the specific energy A in k9/am and depends on the rate of separation as wall as on other factors. Since, in the case of 2) a complex and non-uniform state of stress exists in the polymer film, numerous Zorces act in the crack, and part of the energy appliea is conaumed by mechanical losses, the authors believe method 1) to be more reliable. The pulling-off force determined by method 1) is called henceforward the adhesive strength of two materials9which depends only on the adhesion between the polymer and the solid body, and on the conditions of manufacture and testing. In the Card 1/6 USSR/Chemical Technology - Chemical Products and Their Application. Silicates. Glass. Ceramics. Binders,, 1-9 Abst Journal: Referat Zhur - Khimiya, No 19, 1956, 62236 Abstract: carbon dioxide somewhat better, in low vacuum (4.10-4 mm Hg) better than in argon and carbon dioxide but less than in air. Wetting takes place beat in air which is due to active part of oxygen. The most important factor of good wetting, all other conditions being equal, is the preE;ence of oxidic films of correspouding metals. Card 2/2 tri A R _,EN:r IVA,, V, T USSR/Chemical Technology - Chemical Products and Their Application. Silicates. Glass. Ceramics. Binders, 1-9 Abst Journal: Referat Zhur - Khimiya, No 19, 1956, 62236 Author: MarininaY V. T. Institution: None Title: Wetting of Solid Surfaces by Fused Borate in Different Atmospheres Original Periodical: Tr. Vses. n.-i. in-ta stekla, 1956, No 36, 27-38 Abstract: The tested sample of borate melt is placed on a freshly cleaned surface of the solid and is held in the furnace for a definite length of time at the temperature of the experiment; after the given length of time the outer contact angle of wetting is meas- ured. Experiments were conducted in an atmosphere of air, argon, carbon dioxide and in vacuum. As a result of the work it was ascertained that: wetting in different atmospheres depends on forces of interaction between atmosphere under study, melt and solid. In an atmosphere of argon solids are poorly wetted, in Card 1/2 MiO IN DIP., V. T. Marinina, V. T. - "Investigation of the Phenomenon of the Adhesion of Glass to the Surfaces of Solid Bodies." Acad Sci USSR. inst of physical Chemistry. All-Union Sci Res Inst of Glass. Min Construction Materials Industry USSR. Moscow, 1956 (Dissertation for the Degree of Doctor in Chemical Sciences). So: Knizhnaya Letopist, No. 10, 1956, pp 116-127 MARDIIIIA V.. ------ ip~ surfac and - . . . LV* t~, V' ASH 59 3 Kki.. 1953, No. 72M.-ThIs.tdy Was carTied out with (used silicate and bomte Clasm, 'emantel, mad.enattiel base. The solid surfaces used wet Ceramic-, R, and Cu. Wetting Was cfetd. at 450-960' by A mcmdag tho CoAti -mt antle. 11"t wtttc*; qme Pt Omd Cu, gmund We and ctliftcl Wetted tMAt, follomqd by bocate gtam, and rittally by otd(ituy g1ma. . The deff" of wtttfag i 'depended an the temp.~ oorntia. of ihe fuze& matertal. and the kind:cf solid surface. The-cerandc affface wz3 not wetted by lasses below M*. while enamel and enatftd wettinr a cer4ralc smfam at 750'.. Pt was wetted. by glass at and by anamel base at 700*. J -ting at & by eng-el Cu was wetted by glass stu %* and and cmam--I base at 6W*. Cu and Pt had the best hedou to fused ciffettes. The temp. ofadheslono(cmdhiary Lm to a c=amtc surface was 700% to Pt GW*o and to I ~F. 545'. The of bmt. Cu" was 6001. 6M*, and 615*. resp., whife for eamd bm It was WG*. MI. =4 600'. few. ~~IITINAP N. New projects, uniform prices,, better coUectives. Obshchestv. pit. no.12:43-44 D 161. (14MA 16t12) MARININA,. L.S.; GORELOV, Yu. K. - - --,-0 , Third All-Union Conferen,-e on the Zoogeography of land. Izv.AN Turk. SSSR. Ser.biol.nauk no. 6:91-92 163. (MIRA 17:5) 1. Institut zoGlogii i parazitologii AN Turkmenskoy SSSR. MMGELIDYYEV,,O.N., BABAYEV, Kh.; MARININA, L.S. ;* -- Notes an the fauna and ecology of animals in the takyr-ridge complex of the Karakum. Izv. AN Turk. SSR.Ser. biol. nauk no.2: 51-56 162. (MIRA 17:4) 1. Institut zoologii i pe-razitologii AN Turkmenskoy SSR. TEREKHOVA, Yu.P.;,JWM2jA,-K.M.; SUKHORUKOVA, L.L.; GIMOV, Yu.P., kand. fiz.-mat. nauk, otv. red. [Programing wthods for the comrjuter] Metodika programirovaniia na mashine "Minsk-I". Frunze, Ilim, 1965. 113 P. (MIRA 18:12) ISHADOV., N.., naachnyy sotrudnI-k;Jjk.MNINA 1!.4 _agachnyy sotrudnik SHENKMIJ. F., starshiy nauchnyy sotrudnik; LUPPOVA, A.U. nauchnyy sotrudr-ik labor's friends and enw4es in the desert. Tekh.M01. 29 no.10:24-25 161. OMU 14 10) 1. Sek-tor mlekopitayushchikh AN Turkmenskoy SSR (for Ishadov, Marinina). 2. Akademiya nauk Turkmenskoy SSR 2for Shenkman, Luppova). (Kara Kum--R6dentia) (Iarkmenistan-Fish culture) (Turkmenistan--Termites) r I n % V,) MRININ, Z. Creative Initiative. Stroi-mat. 3 no.10:37-39 0 '57. OURA 10-.10) (Bryansk-1sbaston cement) RAIIIIIIN, Z- (9. Toakramensk), So=es of production achievsments. Strol. mt. 3 no.4:7-8 AD :57. (yoskremensk-Cament induntries) (MLRA 1~:6) KARININ, Z. labor heroism. Stroi,mat. 3 no.3:8-10 Kr 157o (KM 10:4) Noscow-]~rick industry) MARININ. Z.(g.vollsk) - ~-- Skillful kiln liners of Vollsk. Stroi.mat. 3 no.1:24-26 Ja 157. (Vollak-Kilna, Rotary) (MLRA 10:3) ACC NR: AN7003744 SOURCE __ C.ODE: __ U.R./90216t67/000/029/0003/0003- AUTHOR: Marinin, Yu. (Scientific commentator AP.13) ORG: none TITLE: Why the Cape Kennedy tragedy? SOURCE: Turkmenskaya iskra, no. 29, 3 Feb 67, p. 3, col. 3-7 TOPIC TAGS: space flight simulation, a space hazard ABSTRACT: After describing various aspects of the US space program, the author writes that there apparently occurred a breakdown in the electrical system followed by the burning of the wires; then there was a sudden flash in the atmosphere of pure oxygen.and death. However, one should not expect an early finding of the cause, since it is a very complex problem. If it is only chance that saved the Mercury and Gemini spacecraft from fire, it will be necessary to abandon the use of an oxygen atmosphere in the Apollo space- craft. This would necessitate the radical modification of the spacecraft, which would requirelwithout any exaggeration,several years. It may turn out that the oxygen atmosphere was not at fault. in which case it will only %z necessary to co-rrect the defect. SUB CODE: 22/ SUBM DATE: none/ ATD PRESS: 511~ ;Card 1/1 UDC: itone M&RININ, Yu. Hov rockets are made. RTO 5 no.5:60-61 My 163. (MIRA 16:7) (Rockets (Aeronnutics)) Rocket fuel. STO 5 no.3:60-61 Mr 163. (MM 16:4) 1. Akadsmiya pedagagichaskikh nauk RSFSR. (Rockets(Aeronautics)--JVel) l iARININ,,Ye..S-.,,kapitan 1-go, ; ,IIKOLIYEVP 11 a N.K., podpolkovnik The Atlantic Fleet of the U.S.A. Mor. sbor. 49 no.11:82-88 N 165. (MIRA 18:12) MARINI R, Yo ~ 51% , kapttam 1-ga rqnga The Pacific Fleet of thT V.S.A. Hor. abor. 4' no.9t7&83 3 164. (ERA 180) AVILOVAY T.P.; BYKOV, V.T.; GWSHCHENKJ, V. Yu*; MARININ. V.P. Synthesis of polyzirconoZ;rganosiloxane. Vysokom. sced. 8 no. lt 11-13 Ja 166 (mm 19:1) 1. Dallnevostocbnyy gosudarstvamyy universitet. Sahnitted Febr=7 3, 1965. 52 ~:ACCNRt, 5=75 4t Tba- D'=DOS -'W'a&:-fo-und that ad ura"Was to cop3ra prepos ~ Vs- a hijdsir"thw 'he 2 f J1111100-- tafbiw arw OPM-'Mwi OTIE,'M t OOOL M I-liff KO VA.n. ,-L L Y!' U 0 f i',~ 1, v A P Spial, n, I L F, t o the F-?umetry Of trc,~! e-,' ca coa:lial i~,;rl f I I J. on the parariv~kei%~ Of rlasir:a cl0t&- ";'r- zhur. ro.0 1023-1025 S I 6,,~ . 1. Livovskiv ~rosujars~.vonn- 49: ar 6t tssR* Itu. ie, V. u. men a S h I fi r"y of -ri!Ie frcqUe-cy of the 1r,"tp-ractiOll bet,---- rascnr plasm clOt and a sr-etially mr"Clulated Inacglip'tic field. Ukr. fiz. (Milk 1816) zhur. 10 no-3-341-346 Mr t65. rjz-jjo-tekhniche,-;!dy 'Alstitu, tt NlikIrS~'T, Xharlkov. MARININ, V.G. (Marynin, T.H.] ....... Motion of electrons in mutually perpendicular electric fields and spatially modulated magnetic fields. Ukr. fiz. zhur. 8 no.7:733-739 J1 163. (MIRA 16.-8) 1. Fiziko-tekhnicheskiy institut AN UkrSSR, Khartkov. (Electric fields*) (Magnetic fields) ACCESSION NR: AT4036058 ENCLOSURE: o1 Diagram of set-up: Card 4/4 .1 - vacuum chamber, 2 - solenoid producing homogeneous magiietic field, coils producing pe- riodic magnetic field, 4, 5, 06 cathode, guard cylinde4 and anode of electron gwi, 7 - analyzer, 8,:q - cylindrical capacitor, 10 - to Oscilloscope ACCESSION NR: AT4036058 great help during the work." orig. art. has: 4 figures and 10 formulas. ASSOCIATION: None SUBMITTED: 00 SUB CODE: NP, ME DATE ACQ: 2lMaY64 NR REF SOV: 001 ENCL; 01 OTHER: 000 Card 3/4 ACCESSION NR: AT4036058 of motion of an electron in a right-hand-cylindrical system of co- ordinates and checked his results experimentally. The equipment consisted of a vacuum chamber (tube 4 Cm in diameter and 120 cm long) pumped out to 0.7 x 10-3--o.133 x 10-2 n/m2. A homogeneous magnetic fieldyas produced by a long solenoid placed over the tube, and a system of coils coqnected to buck each other produces a peri- odic magnetic field of period 4.8 cm (total number of periods -- 5). The experiments have shown that when the electrons move in crossed electric and spatially-modulated magnetic field, the resonant inter- action between the electrons and the spatially-modulated magnetic field occurs for a different relation between the longitudinal elec- tron velocity, the cyclotron frequency, and the period of spatial modulation than in the case when there is no radial electric field. This indicates that the presence of a negative potential in the sys- tem does not cause the electrons to go out of resonance, in spite of the decrease in the longitudinal velocity. "In conclusion, the author is grateful to V. D. Fedorchenko and B. U. Rutkevich for Card 2/4 ACCESSION NR: AT4036058 6/2781/63/000/003/0192/0198 AUTHORi Marinin, V. G. TITLE: motion of electrons in crossed electric and spatially modu- lated magnetit fields SOURCE: Konferentsiya po fizike plazmy* i problemam upravlyayemogo term.oyadernogo sinteza. 3d, Kharkov, 1962. Fizika plazmy* i prob- lemy* upravlyayemogo termoyadernogo sinteza (Plasma physics and problems of controlled thermonuclear synthesis); doklady* konfer- entsii, no. 3. Kiev, Izd-vo AN UkrSSR, 1963, 192-198 TOPIC TAGS: plasma magnetic field interaction; plasma electric field interaction, electron trajectory, cyclotron resonance phenomena, electron resonance ABSTRACT: In order to ascertain the influence of the electric field present in the system on the interaction between particles and a spatially-modulated magnetic field, the author solved the equation Card 1/4 689151 The Temperature Dependence of the Diffusion S/054/60/000/01/006/022 -oefficient of Hexane and Castor Oil in a B013/BO07 Tetrachloroethane - Tetrabromoethane Mixture component. The mean activation energy of diffusion thus does not only depend on the binding energy of the molecules of the diffusing substance with the molecules of the solvent and of the diffusing molecules among one another, but also on the binding energy between the molecules of the solvent. The curve Otc) becomes flatter with increasing temperature and approaches addi- tivity. Here il denotes viscosity and C the percentage of tetrabromoethane in tetrachloroethane. The greatest deviation from additivity is found in a mixture of 50% tetrabromoethane; it amounts to about 210C 37-0% and WOO 24-5%- 1 comparison between the dependence of mixture viscosity as well %a the diffusion coefficient of hqxane and castor oil upon the composition of the tetrachloroethane - tetrabromoethane mixture shows the followings The curves (*tC) and (DO) In both cases 3how a negative deviation from additivity. The deviation of the 7,urvea ftC) and (DC) deoreases with increasing temperature. The --uthor thanks Professor V. 9. Tsvetkov for his interest in the present paper and for discussing the results obtained. There Card -1/3 are 7 figures, 3 tables, and 9 Soviet references. 68919 The Temperature Dependence of the Diffusion 3/054/60/000/01/006/022 C6efficient of Hexane and Castor Oil in a BO13/BOO7 Totrachloroothane - TetrabromoetharAe Mixture diffusion coefficient of the mixtures of hexane and castor oil used here is between the diffusion coefficients and the temperature coefficients of the two components of the mixture. The diffusion coefficient and the viscous flow of the mixture depend in a simple exponential manner on temperature. Table 3 contains the activation energy of diffusion and of the viscous flow of the mixture. In the experiments discussed here no notice- able difference between the activation energy of the investigated substances and the activation energy of the viscous flow of the solvent could be detected. Within the limits of observation accuracy, the activation energy depends on the compoaition of the mixture. With a two-component liquid mixture U = U G 2+ 2U 0 C + U G 2 holds for the mean activation 11 1 12 1 2 22 2 energy of the viscous flow of a mixture. Here C I and C2 denote the molecular coneentrations of the mixture components; U119 U221 and U 12 are the binding energies of the molecules of the first and secend component respectively and of the rA m-.Ieelfles of the first component with those of the second 68919 A HORS Marinin, V. A. S/054/60/000/01/006/022 B013/3007 TITLE. The Temperature Dependence of the Diffusion-Coefficient of Hazanel and Caetor Oil in a Tetrachloroethane - Tetrabromoethane Mi-z'Eu-re Pir"RIODICAL, Vestnik Leningradskogo universiteta. Seriya fiziki i khimii, 1960, Nr 1, PP 41-47 (USSR) ABSTRACT: Card 1/3 The present paper gives the results obtained by miiasurements of the diffusion coefficient temperature of hexane and castor oil in a tetrachloroethane - tetrabromoethane mixture with different ratio of components (25t 50-and 75~ tatrabromoothane). These measurements were carried out within the temperature interval of from 21 to 600. The diffusion coefficient and the viscosity of the mixture were measured by means of already previously described (Ref 41) devices. The experimental values of the diffusion coeffi- cient, of the viscosity' of the mixture, and of the concentration of the dissolved substance are shown in tables I and 2. Figures I and 2 show the dependence of the diffusion coefficient of hexani and castor oil on reciprocal absolute temperature. The experimen- tal points fit straight lines which are inclined to the abscissa axis under various angles. This inclination increases with an increasing percentage of tetrabromoethane in the mixture. The Temperature Dependence of the Diffusion Coefficient of BOY '/76-~3-6-41/44 Some Substances in Tetrachloroethane and Tatrabromoethane substances investigated in (1), as well as in (11). The a-:~tivation energy of the diffusion process determined by the inclination of the straight line lgD w f(!IT) does not depend on the value of the (AV) of the diffusiAg sub8tance (Table 3), and is similar in magnitude to the (AV) of the solvent. The results obtained do not confirm tae assumption of *Ref 3) that in ithe diffusion Drooess the moti-a of t-he one mol;cules with respect tfj the o&r requires a freii energy, the value of vhich lies between that of the free (AV) of each of the two subatances. Fina4lly the author thanks Profe,3sor Y.N.Tavetkov. There are 2 figures, 3 tables, slid 5 references, 3 of which ara Soviet. ASSOCIATIONs Loningradakiy gosudarstvennyy univeraitet im. A, A. Zhdanova (Leningrad State University imeni A. A. Zhdanov) SUBMITTED: January 31, 195T Card 2/2 5W AUTHOR: in, Y. A. SOV/76- 33-5-41/44 TITLEt Temperature Dependence of the Diffusion Coefficient of Some Substances in Tetrachloroethane and Tetrabromoethane (Temperaturna,ya zavisimost' koeffitsiyenta diffuzii nekoto- rykh veshchestv v tetrakhloretane i tetrabrometane) PERIODICAL: Zhurnal fizicheskoy khimii, 1959, Vol 33, Nr 6, pp 1430 - 1433 (USSR) ABSTRACT: Corresponding to the data in the papers (Refs 3, 5) it is to be expected that in substances, which are dissolved in tetra- chloroethane (1) with another activation energy of viscous flowing (AV) than in tetrabromoethane (11), also a different temperature function forthe diffusion coefficient (DC) will be observed. Starting from this assumption, hexang (111 ') and castor oil (IV) were investigated as diffusing substances in the present case. The (DC) of (II), (JIT), and ~V) in (1), as well as of (1), (111), and (IV) in (11) was measured in the temperature range of 21-60 C. The values Dq/T were computed from the measurement results obtained for (DC) (Tables 1, 2). Card 1/2 The value Dr) T decreasee with a rise in temperature for all The Diffusion Coefficient's Dependence In Twperature Upon 76-32-5-10/47 Methanol and Sugar in a Glycerin-Water Mixture SUBMITTED: January 14, 1957 1. Solutions--Diffusion 2. Diffusion--Temperature factors 3. Dithioglycerol solutions--Solvent action Card 3/3 The Diffusion Coefficient's Dependence In Temperature Upon 76-32-5--18/47 Methenol and Sugar in a Glycerin-Water Mixture. mixtures equationsfbr the calculation of their activation energies are mentioned. The experiments showed that the activa-.- 6on energy of tne s0stances increases with the increase of the content of glycerin in the mixture with a maximum being ob- served at 65-75% glycerin. It is assumed that the activation energy of the diffusion process is also determined by the bind- ing energy between the molecules of the solvent, with no spe- cial differences of the activation energies having been ob- served in this work as low concentrations were used ana thus only small values of the binding en? rgy between the molecules of the solvent and the dissol-Ted substance were present, The determined function of the diffusion coefficient vs. the viscosity of the solvent (mixture) can serve for computations of the diffusion coefficient in solvents at various tempera - tures. Finally the author thanks Professor V. K. Tsvetkov. There ar~~ 3 figures, 3 tables, and 4 references, 4 of which are Sov.'.-,~t. ASSOCIATION: Leningradskiy gosudarstvennyy universitet im. A. A. Zhdanova (Leningrad State University imeni A. A. Zhdanov) Card 2/3 AUTHOR: Marinin, V. 11. 76-32-5-18/47 TITLE: The Diffusion Coefficient's Dependence in Temperature Upon N'ethanol and Sugar in a Glycerin-Water Mixture (Tempratur- naya zavisimoat' koeff'itsiyenta diifuzii metilovogo spirta i sakhara v smesi glitseri-q-voda) PERIODICAL: Zhurnal fizicheskoy khimii, 1958, Vol, 32, Nr 5, pp. 1o68-1073 (USSR) ABSTRACT: The diffusion coefficient and the viscosity of the mixture were determined in apparatus described in an earlier work and the results were given in form of tables. From a comparison of the graphically given results can be seen that the dependence of the diffusion coefficient over the viscosity of the solvent on the absolute temperature, as well as the temperature func.- tion of the diffusion coefficient and of the viscosity in pure solvents follow an exponential law. From the determinations of the activation energies of methanol and sugar can be seen that the binding energy forming between the molecules of the diffusing substance and the molecules of the solvent does not exert any special influence on the mean activation energy of the diffusion Card 1/3 process while for binary liquid mixtures as well as for ternary 'Electriq Double Refraction of Polystyrene Solutions SOV/54-58-3-8/19 constant of styrene. The behavior of the polystyrene solu- tions in a constant electric field is analogrous to their be- havior in a magnetic field (Refs 2, 3). As a comparison the molecular Kerr constant of benzene was examined. Measuring msults of this constant in carbon tetrachloride at various concentrations are given in table 2. The quantities K 2 for styrene and benzene were determined from the dial-,ram plot-- ting K 12 Versus"C 2o The coefficient of the angular de- pendence K 12 m T (C2) permits to determine the quantity K. for infinite dissolution. The computation showed that the molecular Kerr constant of styrenes is by about two times higher than that of benzene. It was found t2hat the KP_rr constant of the polystyrene is independent of the mo2e(,,u1e.r weight. Its sign is positive and in its magnitude it T-~- sembles the Kerr constant of styrene. These facts prove the conclusions made by the authors (Refs 2, 3, 7). The authors exprees'their gratitude to V. 1-1. Tsvetkov for his interest. Ther& are 2 figures, 2 tables, and 7 references, 4 of which are Soviet. Card 2/3 SOV/54-58-3-8/19 AUT17ORS: Marinin, V. A., Polyakova, L. V., Korallkova, Z. S. TITLE: ilectr~icDo~utle ~Refraction of Polystyrene Solutions (Elektricheskoye dvoynoye lucheprelomleniye rastvorov polistirola) PERIODICAL: Ventnik Leningradskogo universiteta. Seriya fiziki i khimii, 1958, Nr 3, pp 73-77 (USSR) ABSTRACT: In the Dresent paper experimental data on the electric double refraction in polystyrene solutions are given. The solutions of 7 polystyrene fractions were investigated. Carbon tetra- chloride served as solvent. As the experiments showed the dependence A = f (E ) remains linear in the domain of the concentrations used. The Kerr constant was computed for all measured polystyrene fractions according to the diagram A versus E2 (Table 1). For reasons of comparison the Kerr constant of styrene (Table 2) was ascertained too. The Kerr constant of the solutin of various polystyrene fractions (molecular weight 40-10 - 50-10 ) is,evidently,within Card 1/3 the errors of observation, of similar magnitude as the Kerr (Y) V. ~N C** thine &oA' Zhur. ffix. AWN. 27. 999-02 c 47 1Q743ae-(CH&CQ% (1) an (CHMOS R, W& mixts. , of stertalsomers, were compared. with substances htLvWg one . permanent dipole mornent. The molar Kerr const. Ku.' Of SOlm- 12 CC14 Was a. Untar function Of Mote ftVCtlOa C (measured tip to c - 0.00) of the solute for I and PhCI, and a 5* d 70' b ll f etween 1 . an or a Hilear function of temp. ( ) f th l K e ar err const No o Iola*, In Mo. From K11 the mo salute wits Cecd. go - 91 + Kit - K, /411 KI Is the'volt. ~~ and 17.5-17.8 X, (cw CCJ4.. The K, ter I and Is 0 P. Was ost. Independent Of temp., wheress Ks Xi ts 0 t 20% 104 at 70% PhEr (135 and 106) to f Ph a or , MeICO (97 at 201, St at W), and PhR(h ( at 1'- 19 at 506) decreased when temp. CHCI. ( 23 s For e cem . KS could be cvlcd. from the Increa td known Keff Consts. of.the T The ratio of coacd. JrCv n to expt], K# was > I and = Qegndent of temps. for IL- t < I PhCj PhN0 CHC4 MV0 d was ( . an an . , 1, creased when temp. rose for 1. The mate fraction of the "cis".(polar), Isomer apparently Increases with temp. From the temp. dependence At Ks and an equation at Vol'keushteftt (Vesiftib Lenialr4d Uxicr. No. 2(19471) this mate fraction was catcd. to be at 20 and 70*, resp., 0. 1 arul,. 0.13 for 1. and ORM and 0,063 for ff. These values acm from the effective dipole moment wItU those calcd . . AJV A R$19=4:101111, time Go! do 4911C&SC _A (Leltivcmd -54AW V1; ;, W'4 VoCt![Od C4 Iffattle- and jfamks (C.A. $4, 314z?) was applint to ckc. 11 of wifely vxryiac WL-ity V. The If IMLICA601111 tittle! T COMSiStS I" Ule2l"Iring the p1mic SWI 0 between the light btmnls modulated b 'v tile - with Is, Kerr efloct In 2 fiquids. r 6 given by, tan Ip - wr. and, . -~W.Ujh (*here A is the W%Vt IC"Cth Of tile XUpCCYAjUk: WXVC 1. the fiquitt). t - can (2V&%jX)/W. of. it 'or 14 scuAll, t - AX/Affl. UkrophutogrAms; of photocraphs, ut a runut'1114 SO 'Mic wave Its nUxts, of mineral'sit with MM4. of Glo 7 42 Poise.aud a mixt. of C.11. with Ilhzm M. r h. of . UAXXG pube reveal Ito sigulfkant shift of tile V1,111011 Ilr- saniewave. TbasaluemultwAsfound with rld"t" soon. V coal ad with R-3fcQr,4N'Ov andtill C411a with *-NlcQII4NOI_ The best mkmCram MMU peorttift dctcctian (d a shift of the cur-ma by 0.01-0.02 mm. This Wool taken as the fivulot alf accuracyof the method. r isat mos(equal to, or 1"% than. 2 X 10-4 wc. The sAmo cmclu%lou lit Arriml at by &f the dlklec. comst. e. Ito IJ X 101 fictle. in the wull?. range Own - 10 to +&)*. III (ogre IllicWtAl kill Ulf'I in taixt... with Ph.Nch. 0.52, 0.7s. aft.1 1.23 C./Itx) C~ ad. With fallial; temp., It dorst Lmovases, somewhat. then. froor 217-W.1%awn. (Ails rapidly. Tbe retAmation tiax% detd, fmzi IClunfirall the cu"Clumm treall the sfxabo~cuolic frivolled. Ex- 11119MIAtitlll Of tftO- Ilk-All IF 10 9 Of Ph.NOI At ;XI' JiV" T - 21 x IWII locc. This onice of macraltuJo of r Is III conflict with tile vntue of to-* Wc. exid. by If, all'i M. (I.W. cil.); the shift (d taultdi obiervol by thcw authors tattit tuve been due to sceltrldlaty factors athet thAu rclaarx"t. .N. Ttum U.S.SR/Chemistry Ultramouid J~M. 51 of Ultrasound in Certain Liquids and B(o- ~Iutions,ll V.. A. Marinin, Phys Inst, Leningrad State U IiOdi A A Zhdanov "Zhur Piz Khid' Vol XXV, No 6, pp 641-646 ~By stroboscopic method measured velocity of sound.". ift CS~I CC141 CW13 , EW12, many a6romtic cpmpda .4,adAil C6H6 soins of various aromatic compdo. CAIqOL molar velocity and coeff of adiabatic com- Masibility. Caled with greater accuracy and:to Oome I extent anew values for increments of. certain bonAs-, between C and C, H, 0, Cl, S, and between N hmi~try Ultrasound'(9ontd) jiM: 51 and C, H,.O, N. Discusses dependence of velocity '.of.sound on temp (and on conca in dil C6H6 601A6) Method is applicable for &etg molar velocity of, CMp" having high ap.