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MARCHENKO., A.I. ............. ReBtoratibn of the Oeratir-n of the wet air pump of the Gra- VI steam enginG, XnergetJl: 11 no.10:23-24 0 163. (MIRA 16:.U) Kineral waters of Soviet Bukovina and their use outside of resorts. Vop.kur,*fislotere I lech,fir,* kullte 23 no.5:463-464 S-0 158 (MLU 11: 11) 1. Gasudaretvennyy manitarnyy Inspektor po okhrane lachebnyl& faktorov Chernovitskoy oblastle* (CHERNOVTSY PROVINCII-MIMMAL WATERS) . ~RG, V KHRISTENKO, I.S.;__~A . M.",L._~~heruovtzqy). Bukovinao the land of future health resorts and sanatoriums; Vop. kur., fizioter. i lech. fiz. kul't. 29 no,4:363-364 T1-Ag 164. (MIRA 18i9) R&BINOVICH, V.I.; MAMRENKO, A.L. Advisability of forge rolling of joints between thin-walled tubes and thict slier,+-~!- cm. svar., -15 no.3:64-67 Yx '62. (MM 15:2) 1. !;arnau4~skiy kotel"nyy zavod, (Tubes-Walding) (Boilers, klater-tube-Welding) CRL9,1, B.D., 1;kiad. te~J~.n. nauk; Y--,.V., kanc~. LeK,.n. na-k; 1,1JORCIf-EM(Cl , " u arv: resistance *,.,e-'O'-',nlr. Controlling rl,,ia_L4*y C.,~' SpC' Svar. proizv. nc:.7:11-12- U'l 165. 18-:F) 1. Moskovskiy avDLt5l-,nn-,r - y tt2khno',)gio!.eskiy institut. L43925-66 E,Md )/Ftr(mVE N P c I/ Elf I-, T/Cl I/ EW rkic ;1E A d[ 7 ACC NRt AP6027440 SOURCE CODE: UR/li 66f6OO/608fH64 01 AUTHOR: Orlov, B. D. (Candidate of technical sciences); Marchenko. A. L_.._._.(Engineerj;,,L~o,,skiy, P. 1. (Engineer) ; Zaytsev, M. P. (Candidate_-0 technical sciences),-i ORGi MATI TITLEt Selection of parameter for automatic control of spot welding of aluminum alloys SOURCE: svalochnoye proizvodstvo., no. 8, 1966, 4-7 TOPIC TAGS: aluminum base alloy, copper containing alloy, amgiesium containing alloy, metal welding, weld evaluation, automatic control/ D16AT aluminum alloy, AMg6 aluminum alloy, AMtsAM aluminum alloy ,,retical and~experim ABSTRACT: Results are presented of 9~theo ental D16AT I!A6~land MtsAll 'aluminum alloys jil investigation of spot welding PA to determine a reliable parame~t~,_-on which an automatic _qpality control, of spot welds can be based. Effects of welding time, welding current, spot spacing. electrode rndius, and electrode pressure on nugget diam- eter and thickness, magnitude of electrode "push back" (under effect of thermal expansion of welded metal),voltage drop on electrodes, and power were studied. Alloy specimens 30x2OOxl-2.5 mm in size were Card 1 / 2 UDC: 621.791.763.1.08:669.715 L 4~92~,-66 ACC NR: AP6027440 welded in an HTPT-40 9_E2 der. It was found that the electrode---- _~ welder push-back is the most sensitive indicator of the nugget diameter and thickness; it reflects quantitatively the process of nugget forma- tion. A decrease in nugget diameter by 0.3-0.5 mm reduced the push- back by about 0.01 mm. With welds of sati8faccory quality, the average magnitude of push-back is 4-5% of the total. thickness of welded sheets, with deviations of 13.5-5%. With a lack of fusion, the magnitude of push-back is only one half the above value, On the basis of these results, the MTPT-400 welders are being equipped with the automatic quality control system. In AMg and AMtsAM alloy (3x3 mm), a minimum nugget diameter is ensured with a push-back of 0.30 mm. OrLg. art. has: 8 figures and 2 tables. (AZ] SUB CODE: 13/ SUBM DATE: none/ ORIG REF: 003/ ATI) PRESS:'P60 V Card 2 / 2 L- 46U42~~ EWT(1)/EWT(m)/EWP(v) WEAP4) /Ell IFEW 2(k) iip(c ID/H _1U/J,4-.--- ACC NR, AP60314o8 OURd CODt: UR/0l3c/66/ooo/oOg/oooi/ooo4 AUTH OR: Orlov, B. D. (Candidate of technical sciences); Marcheako, A. L. (Engineer) .....................i.......... ORG: Moscow Institute of Aviation Technology (Moskovskiy aviatsionnyy tekhnologiche- iskiy institut) TITLE: Statistical evaluation of the endurance characteristics/of spot welds SOURCE: Svarochnoye proizvodstvo, no. 9, 1966, 1-4 TOPIC TAGS: spot weld endurance, spot weld endurance evaluation ABSTRACT: Six series of spot-welded (single-spot) specimens of AM96 alloy sheets 2 ithick were subjected to fatigue tests under loads of 70, 80, go 155 and 195 Xg,'~ fie SO SO ' n m. - W r H Fatiguecurves for spot welds Fig. 1. in AMG6 aluminuZ-bLiloy specimens 2 + 2 mm with various failure pro- babi'itles. I SO W 2 9 SO "' , N i Card 1/2 -'number of cycles - L 46114--66 ACC NR: AP60314o8 all exceeding the fatigue limit, which was found to be 60 kg for 10,000,000 cycles. On the basis of obtained results, a ccmp-Ae fatigue diagram for failure probabiliticp from 0 to 99% was plotted (see Fig. 1). Comparison of obtained characteristics vith those for riveted joints showed that they were almost identical. Orig. art. has: 7 figures and 3 tables. [T~] SUB CODE: 11, 13/ SUBM DATE: none/ ORIG REF3 005/ ATD PRESS: 5087 i-Card TOTSKIY, L.V., marksheyder marksheyder Mine surveying in workings with a weak roof and heaving bottcm. Ugoll Ukr. no.6:27-28 Je"61. (MIRA 14;7) 1. Donetsko-Sevastlyanovgkoye Komsomollskoye shakhtoupravleniye. (14ine surveying) TERZIM, P.G.; KkRCHENKO A M - ABRA14OV, A.R.,,-mashinist gidroochistki; SHABkLIN,, A. In the country's steel =e1ting plants. Metallurg 7 no.5:20-21 My 162. (MIRA 15:5) 1. Kommunarsk-iy metal-lurgicheskiy zavod (for Terziyan, _Marchenko). 2. Cherepovetskiy metallurgicheskiy zavod Tfor Abramov). 3. Verkhne-Ufaleyskiy metallurgicheskiy zavod (for Shabalin). (Open-hearth furnaces-Equipment and supplies) (Steel ingots) MARCqP-NFO, A. N. 577?- Uplotnenna-ya poaruzka sel'khosmaship Do st. Bezhetsk severnoy zheleznoy r1or-oi. Yaroslavl', 1954. 165. s iii; i-1 skhem. 20sm. (~~Vo pute.y soobshchpntya SSSR. sev. zh. d. dommerr!b. sliizhba, DorNITO i tekhr.otd. doro7i. oh-ien o-.-top, inform. Fis'no No. 22 (27). 250 ekz. B. ts-sost. ukazaTly nn oborote tit. 1. (54-15651zh) 656.225.2st ~656.225.435 '0: Kntzhnaya, Letopis, Vol. 1, 1955 MARCHENKO, A. N. Use of novurit in circulatory insufficiency. Vrach. delo no.7: 132-133 ii 162. (MIRA 15:7) 1. Vinnitskaya oblastnaya klinicheskaya bollnitsa; nauchnyy rukovoditell - Prof. B. S. Shkiyar [deceased). (NOVURIT) (BLOOD-CIRCULATION, DISORDERS OF) MARCHERD, A. P,- and TESIE14KOO 'A.D. "Mobile and Stationary Oxygen Producing Stations,8 Voyenizdat, 1949 t 46olo-66 EdT-(-l) iw '-ACC Nkt---- AR6029454 SOURCE CODE: UR/0169/66/000/005/DO17/Doi-7---7~~ AUTHOR: Andreyeva, R. 1. ; Qdgje_vq44y.4,_ Ts. M. ; Lositskaya, Ye. P. ; T. I Klitochenko Marchenkp, A. P..; Razumenko, G. F.; Sokolova,,__N.__T_,_~ Chayka V. G. TITLE: Compilation of composite seismic maps of the southeastern part of the Dnepr-Dcnets basin SOURCE: Ref. zh. Geofizika, Abs. 5D115 REF SOURCE: Tr. Uk.r. _n. -i. geoloaor_azved._i_n--t, vyp. 14, 1965, 132-139 TOPIC TAGS: Dnepr basin seismic map, Donets basin seismic map ABSTRACT: A second interpretation is made of seismic data obtained for the southeastern part of the Dnepr-Donets basin, using supplementary data obtained in drillings. Structural maps to the scale of 1:50, 000 and 1:100, 000 are plotted for four horizons, from the Cenomanian to the Lower Permian. Iso-pachous Hne maps, plotted on the basis of data obtained in seismic exploration, are also discussed. A detailed analysis is made of the tectonic structure of the Upper Paleozoic, Mesozoic, and Cenozoic stages on the basis of the above-mentioned Card 1 / 2 UDC: 550.834 L 46olo-66 ACC INR: AR6029454 meps. A regional subdivision is made of the territory from the point of view of natural gas and petroleum deposits. A. Titkov. [Translation of abstract) [SP] SUB CODE: 08/ 2 MARCHEMG, A. R. enko, A. R. - II(In the rise of coefficients of an odd ;ginFle-leaf function," I March Uchen. zapiski (Leningr. g03. Un-t iM. Zhdanova), Seriya frialem. nauk, Ismae l), 1949, P. 135-41. SO: U-3736, 21 May 53, (Letopis lZhurnal IrVIkh State.,7, NO. 17, 1949. -wz;- M&NEWO9 A.R. _ - - -. I-, - - The grovth of the coefficients of an odd unlyalent function. Uch. zap. LOU no. 111: 135-141 149. (KM 10!,8) (Panations of complex variables) KLROKUM, A.R. t--- Sam* extramum problems in the theory of unAvalest functions. Uch. sap Lea.un. so. 144:257-269 152. (WRA 9: 6) (ftactions) k.S. : "Tie theoretical -rinciples of designing corrugated st-inds for hydraiillc labor- torieF!". Voscow, 1955, Mir, Hicher Education 'T-5~7. Moscow Order of Labor Red aanner Structurat Engineering Inst. imeni 7.V. Kuyb-vshev. (Dissertations for the Degree of Candidate of Technical Sciencer). FO: Fnizhnaya letoris' NO Ll-i,,, 29 Cc-.tob-r 1955. Yosrc7-r. MARCEINNEO A A. inzheaer; SHIRNOV, G.N., inshener. , Device for determining the height of a wave descending a banko Sbor.trad.MISI no.9:56-61 155. (mIalA lo:3) (Waves) (Hydroplict) I - I . Y)j~* /~-' 1- J) t i? ~~ '~")j. I DOLGACM. F.K., inshenet"KA4L A.B., inshener; SMIRKOV, G.N. inzhener. ~-. Device for measuring the height of waves in laboratory conditions, Sbor.trud.KISI no.9:62-64 '55. (KUtA 1033) (Waves) (Hydraulics) 8(2) SOV/32-25-2-25/7e AUTHORS- Pavlov, I. S. , XELhen1,o.,__A. S. TITLE; Elimination of Errors in Measurements With Q-meters (Ustraneniye pogreshnostey pri izmereniyakh na k-umetrakh) PERIODICAL: Zavodskaya Laboratoriyaq 1959, Vol 2', Nr 2, PP 175 - 179 (USSR) ABSTRACT: The following sources of errors are possible: 1) 77rong calculation formulas, 2) errors due to imperfections in tl;e design, and 3) errors due to individual parts of the design. In order to determine the effect of design imperfections, the Q-meters KV-1 and UK-1 were examined. It is assumed that the quality of measurements improves with the dtiration of operation, since the data obtained on the q-met~r chan;re greatly in due course (Fig 1). Voltage fluctuations do riot discernibly affect the measurement accuracy. The article goes on to quote observations made by Lapshin and Fradkin (Ref 4), as well as Shelyubskiy and Indenbom (Hof 5), and lescriben an examination method for the operation of -'C-m~-tors based on a model-method, i.e. the measurement of real substitution Card 1/2 patterns used as references for the examination oamples. Elimination of Errors in Measurements With Q-meters SOV/32-25-2-25/'78 The diagrams obtained with the q-meters KV-1 (Fig 3) ana UK-1 (Fig 4) for an air condenser are not in agreement with the theoretical diagrams. For the purpose of comparison with the samples investigated a substitution pattern of the air condenser and reaction-free, highly stable resistor of the VS, LYIT etc,types was compiled. The change of the measurement accuracy of the two-i-meters examined is represented graThil- cally (Figs 5,6). By the examination metho,3 described most of the complicated calculations, the exchange of parametric lamps, the errors due to irregularly graduated scales etct can be eliminated. There are 7 figures and 5 Soviet references. Card 2/2 - MA.RCHENKO A.S, Detexmination of -ximm wind velocitieein tornadoes and tropical cyclones, MeteorA gidrol. n0.5:11-16 My f61. (NnA 14:4) (Cyclones) (Tornadoes) MARCHENKO, A.S. Determining some climatic characteristics of winds by way of calculation. Meteor. i gidrol. no.404-39 Ap 162. (KRA 15:5) (Winds) 14ARCHENKO , A.S. Connection between climatic characteristics of wind. Trudy NIIAK no.16:57-75 162. (MMA 15:11) (Winds) K9WHEM A,Sa Distribution of the modulus of the wind vector. Meteor. i gidrol. no.2tl5-20 F t63. (MIRA 16:2) 1. Nauchno-isoledovatellskiy institut aeroklimatologii. (Winds) (Vbctor analysis) MARCHENKO, A.S. Accuracy of mean climatic characteristics of wind. Trudy NIIAK no.9,.77-85 163. (MI%A 16: 1-1) ACCESSION NR: AT4o28301 S/2667/63/000/024/0066/0091 AUTHOR: Guterman, lo Go; Ounayov4p So Iss Zverova, Yea P*j _C;hgql% Be _ V ~_ So -TITLE: Climatic characteristics of the wind In a model of the standard atmosphere SOURCE: Moscow. Nauchno-Issledovatellskly Institut aerokilmatologli. Trudy*, no. 24, 1963, 66-91 TOPIC TAGS: standard atmosphere., meteorology, climatology, wind, wind velocity, wind direction, troposphere, stratosphere ABSTRACT: A method has been developed for processing aerological observations ford a 10-year period (1950-1959) to the 30-mb Isobaric surface for the determination of wind characteristics, averaged over large regions and the hemisphere. The de- termined characteristics are recommended as the first variant of a model of a standard atmosphere for the northern hemisphere. Wind parameters were determined for January, for July and for the year to a height of 25 Ign. The principal para- meters used for-this model were the mean scalar velocity of the wind for the month and the year and the resultant wind vector (value and direction). Both character-ir istics were determined using data for 200 stations, a total of 470,000 observa- tions, processed by electronic computer. Principles and methods emOloyed'in this study are described fully.' The many difficulties in handling this complex problem. Card A13 ACCESSION NR: AT40283QI are discussed. Wind parameters are summarized and analyzed for six geographic iregions within which the character of wind distribution can be considered homo- geneous In the first approximation. Nonuniformity of station distribution and de-- creasing number of observations at greater heights are taken into account. In this process data were averaged for 206 equal-area squares in the northern hemisphere. . The six regions for which data are generalized are: polar regions; Europe and part Iof Asia; North America and the North Atlantic; North Africa and Central Asia; North Pacific Ocean and the Far East; and the equatorial and tropical regions. The following section headings Indicate the nature of the development of the paper: Introduction; characteristics of the data used; priAcipal geographic regions defin- ed for the purpose of description of wind over the northern hemisphere; the wind vector as a random value; determination of the climatic characteristics of the wind; general principles for determining mean parameters for regions and'the hemi-I sphere; averaging data for stations; averaging data for regions and the hemisphere;' determination of wind characteristics for standard heights; practical computation of derivatives of wind parameters at standard heights. Orig. art. has: 29 formu-,- ilas, 11 figures and 3 tables- ASSOCIATION: Nauchno-issiodovatellskly InstItut aerol~llmatalogll. Moscow (Scientific Research institute of Aerocilmatolosy) Card 2/3 ACCESSION NR: AT4028301 SUBMITTED: 00 SUB CODE: AS Card DATE ACQ: 16Apr64 NO REF SOV: o14 MARCHENKO., A.S. ~ - Floating unit for engineering-geology studies on the sea. Razved. I okh. nedr 29 no.11:51-53 N 16Y. (III RA 17: 12) 1. Chernomorniiproyekt. kjV~~:j f-4 J- arn- f v.- __q M t fli n k I m.4 -Trffd 8y .---c-i _a 6i - - -------- I-VUUt:tS -LO A-;tLAL%-U.LCLL,=U- ULW -L,A,%o4M-.Ly the 3-11 es--:-*'-Itii#'., ACCESSION NR: AP4041783 S/0191/64/000/007/0043/0046 AUTHOR. marchenko, A. S., Mazurenko, L. V. TITLE: Mechanical properties of epoxy resine used for model investigations of Iconstructions iSOURCE: Plasticheskiye massy*, no. 7, 1964, 43-46 TOPIC TAGS: epoxy resin, engineering construction model, 'elasticity modulus, filler, hardener, plasticizer, expoxy resin mechanical property, modeling, plastic model ABSTRACT: The successful use of plastic models in the. study of engineering constructions requires accurate infbrmadon concerning the physico-~mechanical properties of the model material, so that the results obtained may be applied to the actual construction materials.. The authors therefore Investigated the effect of hardening agents, fillers, plasticizers, time and load on the fatigue strength and elasticity of epoxy resin 1200. The plotted results: show that the elastic and plastic properties of epoxy resins can be varied over wide ranges -- by the appropriate selection of components. The strength of such materials Increases i; with an increase in the dmount of hardener to 10%, but a further increase leads to I strength loss, the modulus of elasticity, however, increases steadily with increasing. 7 amounts of hardeners. Dy adding a filler to epoxy real-is, the elutioity modulus and 1/2 N ACCESSION NR: "4041783 ultimate strength can be decreased. Epoxy resins containing fillers become more brittle. Plasticizers cause the brittleness to decrease and the elasticity of the composition to in- crease, but the strength decreases. Epoxy resins with plasticizers are characterized by residual deformation, which has no aWficant effe'ct on the elasticity modulus. The material recommended for models of reinforced concrete constructions ensures the ob- servance of the modeling conditions in the elastic state, but its rheblogical properties In the elastic-plastic state. must be taken Into consid%Tation. Orig. art. hfts: 9 figures, 1 table and 2 formulas. ASSOCIATION: None SUBAUTTED: 00 ENCL:00 SUB CODE: MT, 1E NO REP BOV: 007 OTHER: 000 IL ILL Ora L 2/2 MARGHSHKOp A*S& Stability of estimates af nathenatical empectation and dispersion for connected meteorological time series. Izv. AN SSSR. Fla, &t&. i okeana 1 no.9006-913 S 065. (MIRA 1819) 1. Vychisliteltnyy tsentr SIbIrskoga Weleniya AN SSSR, MRCE[ENX.0 A S..,-Anzb.; MZUPENKO, L.N.; IIASIL'YEVSKIY, Yu.I, Full-acale testing of embankment horizontal loading. Transp. a.troi. 15 no-4:45-47 Ap 165. WRA 18:6) MARCHENKO, A.S., kand. tekhn. nauk; DUDIK, -;',.F., inzh. Using clayey soil for the formation of harbor areas. Transp. stroi. 15 no.11:21-22 N 165. (MIRA 18:11) A il jO~0011','( 2OURCE CODL: UlVo-(,2/(,6/oo2/oU~/c)89]/UJ'9,,I Acadcqy of Sciences SSSR, Siberian Department, Computation Center (Akademiya liali), SiSR, SIbIrskoyc otdeleniye, Vychialitel'rwy tsentr) TTTLE: On the optirality of an objective analysis from the point of view of prediction accuracy LSOMICE: AN SSISB. 1--vc:;tiya. Fizilca atmorfcr7 i okcana, V. 2, no. 8, 1966, 891-892 TOPIC TAGSS: mathematic prediction, weather forecasting, inteipolation, error minimiza- t -.; On AIRSTRACT: The author calls attention to the fact that optimal interplation, cu-stomari- 1-Y used in various models of objective analysis of initial meteorological information for hydrodynamic forecasting, and consisting of linear statistical interpolation ill a stochaztic discrete field with Gaussian compatible distribution of the components, is not optimal from the point of view of the minimum forecasting errors. The analysis is: confined to the case when the system of forecasting differential equations is exact, and the errors of the finite-difference approximation of the differential apparatus in' noglidibly small, and refutes the prevailing opinion that the best method of reducing the mean square forecasting errors in the presence of exact forecasting equations but inexact boundary and initial information is to minimize the mean square errors in the initial and,boundary data. It in shown in particular that optimal interpolation in L Card- UDC; 55~-51*-3 T 10247767 ACC NR: Ap6o3oo87 the initial field will be optimal from the point of view of minimum error only when the forecasting operator is linear with respect to the discrete field, but the proper operator of forecasting is by its very nature nonlinear. The same conclusion holds for the case of inexact forecasting equations. Orig. art. has: 9 formulas. suB coDE: c4, 12/ suBm DA-LE: 12jan66/ OHIG REF: 003 Ccrd_ ACC NRi AR7004086 SOURCE CODE: UR/Olr,9/66/000/012/13056/13056 AUTHOR: Krylov, Ye. V.; Marchenko, A. S. . . .. . ....... TITLE: Evaluation of accuracy of probability characteristics for connected meteorological time series SOURCE: Ref. zh. Geofizika, Abs. 12B408 REF SOURCE: Sb. 3-ya Nauchno-tekhn konferentsiya Novosib. fil. N. -i. in-ta aeroklimatol. Tezisy dokL Novosibirsk, 1966, 19 TOPIC TAGS: meteorology, mean square error, random process , probability, correlation function, practical meteorology ABSTRACT: Formulas were obtained to calculate the mean square errors of probability characieristics, taking the correlative connection of the elements of the time series into consideration. The theoretical relationship between the time correlative functions of meteorological elements and the correlative functions of the respective indicator processes was tabulated. The latter are used to evaluate the accuracy of climatic probability characteristics. Examples of such calcula- tions are given. The theoretical results are compared with factual data obtained ti-- Card I / 2 UDC: 551,501,45:551,580(018) ACC NR' AR7004086 by processing archival material covering a 25-yr period obtained from several stations in Western Siberia. A good correlation of theoretical and factual con- nections between correlative functions was found. Utilization of these connections eliminates the need for highly complicated statistical processing of indicated random processes. [Translation of abstract] [GCI SUB CODE: 04, 12/ ACC N AR7004087 SOURCE CODE: UR/0169/66/000/012/13056/BO56 AUTHOR: Marchenko, A. S.; Pomozova, P. M., Chubenko, M. A. -'TITL.E: Characteristics of time structure and utilization of some meteorological elements in the territory of Western Siberia SOURCE: Ref. zh. Geofizika, Abs. 12B409 REF SOURCE: Sb. 3-ANauchno-tekhn. konferentsiya Novosib. fil. N. -i. in-ta aeroklimatol. Tezisy dokl. Novosibirsk, 1966, 20 TOPIC TAGS: meteorology, electronic computer, meteorologic observation correlation function, climatology, eigenfunction /Western Siberia I ABSTRACT: Computer methods are described which are used to calculate the time correlating functions of various meteorological elements according to data covering a 25-year period, and obtained from several meteorological stations in the southern part of Western Siberia. The iesults are interpreted in the light of differences in the physical and geographic locations of the stations. A period long enough to insure ptability of the enumerable correlation functions is determined by a gradual lengthen- card 1/2 UDC: 551. 501. 46:551. 582.1(571. 1) ACC NRs AR7004087 ing of the sample periods over a number of years. Examples are given of the utilization of time correlative functions to calculate the estimates of accuracy of climatic characteristics (temperatures, wind pressure, relative humidity), and of the statistical time extrapolation of these meteorological elernimts. These elements were expanded according to eigenfunctions of the time correlative matrix, and the oscilla- 1. tions carrying the basic information load were separated. (Translation of abstract I j SUB CODE: 041 12/ JGCJ 2/2 MARCHE=, A.T.;- ZLOTITIKOV, M.L. Observance of gHealth Ihy8 in a rural district. Zdravookhranenie 2 no.1:51-52 Ja-F 159. NM 12:7) 1. Glavrqy vrach Strashenskogo ray6na,(for Marchenko). 2. Zamestitell glavu6go vracha Stre6okenkogo rayona po sanitarno-epidemiologichaskoy sluzhbe (for Zlotnikov). (STRUMUTT DISTRICT-FOLIC HULTH) I.Z.; H&RCHENK0. A.T. method for the rapid determination of immmogenic potency of polionVelitis vaccines by single vaccination of white rats, Acta virol.lagi.Ed- 3:250-252 0 '59. 1. Scientific Research Institute of Anti-poliomyelitis Preparations, Moscow. (POLIOMYELITIS J=m=oj) (VACCIN&TION exper) GHMMN,, I.Z.; MARCHEM, A.T. Use of white rate for testing immunogenic properties of -poliomyelitis antigens. Acta virol. Ingl. Ad., Praha 3 no.2:89-95 Apr ~9. 1, The Tarasevich State Control Institute of Medical Biological Prep- arations and the Moscow Anti-poliomyelitis Preparations Research In- stitute, Moscow. (POLIONULITIS, immunology immunogenic properties Of DOlio. antigens, testing in white rate) GEhTO1)j Yu.Z,; KHESIN,; MARCHEUKO, A.T. Reversion of the genetic characteristics of the vaccine strains of Sabin's poliomyelitis virus by means of in vitro and in vivo.passage. Trudy Moak. nauch.-isol. inst. virus. prep. 2:84-101 161. (MIRA 17:1) GENDON, Yu.Z.; U-SLAY5KIY, V.G.; NARCHENKO, A.T. Some problems of expediency in the preparation of polio- myelitis vaccine. Trudy Mosk. nauch.-isal. inst. rirus. prep. 2:107-110 161. (MRA 17-- 1) MARCHOKO, A.To Further study of the evaluation of the imwwraorgenic proper- ties of a poliomyelitis antigen on small laboratory animals. Trudy Moak. nauch.-issl. inst. virus. prep. 2:122-131 161. (MIRA 17-1) LEVENBUK, I.S.; ZASLAVSKIY, V.G.; MARCHENKO, A.T. Griterion of the proper introduction of test vaccines into the sp#al cord of monkeys. Trudy Mosk. nauch.-issi. inst. virus. 'prep. 2:364-369 16:L4 (WRA 1711) GHWON, I.Z.-, KARCMWO, A.To Comparative investigation on the pathogenicity for monkeys and the Ability to utultipli at 400 0- of different poliomVelitle viras strains. Acta virol.Engl.ld.Praha 5 no.2:91-92 Kr 161. 1. The Koscow Scientific-Research Institute of Virus Preparations, Moscow, U084SORM (POLION M ITIS VIRUSES immanol) /7) A R a 14 9 J,(ko j 1q, T~ GFUDON, I. Z.; MARSCHKNKO., A. T. Swaluation 'of the immogenic - properties of inictivated poliomVelitis vaccine by single- vaccination of small labomtor7 animals. (Guinea pigsp chickens and white rats). J. b7g. epidam.,, Praha 5 no.3:320-329 161. 1. Research L-stitute for Anti-viral Preparations, Moscow. (PMOMMJTIS im=ol) GEMNp Yu. Z.; MSIN, Ya. H.; ROZDIA, E. E.; MARGHENKO,, A. T. Investigations into the virdemia caused Ir Sabin's attenuated pollo- virus strains.. Acta virol.EEngl.Zd.Praha 5 no.4:201-209 JI 161. 1. The Moscow Scientific Research Institute of Virus Preparations, Moscow. (POLIOMYWTIS immol) GENDON, YU.z.; DISK111A, L.S.; MAUMMO, A.T. Infection of a tissue culture with viral #bonucleic acid as a r--,tbod for isolating clones of poliomyelitis virus with sUbIA-genetic characteristics. Vop. virus. 6 no.6:651-656 X-D f6l. (MIRA 15:2) 1. Moskovskiy nauchno-issladovateliskiy institut virusnykh preparatov. (FOLICKYELITIS) (NUGLEIC AGIDS) SOWVIYEVD V.D.; BEKTEMIROV, T.A.; MARCHENKO, A.T.; NIKOLAIEVSM, G.P. . V'accinia and variola viruses in Study of cross imqfinity to monkeys. Vop.virus. 7 no.6:701-705 N-D 162. (MMA 16:4) 1 1 . 1. Kafefra, virusologll TSentrallnogo instituta usovershenstvo- vaniya vrachey Moskovskaya gorodskaya sanitarno-epidemiologi- cheskaya stantsiya i Mauchno-issledovatellskiy institut viruanykh preparatov., Moskva. (SMALLPM-PREVENTIVE INOCUIATION) MOC14EI'aO) A. T.; GENDON, Yu. Z. "Izucheniye me-khanimov nasledstvenn,,y imenchivoctl vftrisa poiiorfiielita ./ protsesse passazhey v kui'ture tkani Pri poniznenncy temperature." report presented at Symp on Virus Diseases, Nloscow, 6-9 oct 64. Moskovskiy nauchno-issledovatellskiy institut virusnykh preparatov. MARCHENKO, A.T. Oncolytic effect of viruses in vivo. Vop. onk. 10 no.7:1~9-104 164. (!'.IRA 18:4) 1. 1z 14oskovskogo nauchno-issledovatellskogo instituta virusnykh preparatov (dir. - S.S.Unanov). Adres avtora: Moskva, Zh-88, 1-ya Dubrovskaya. ulitsa, dom 15, Moskovskiy nauchno-issledovatellskiy in.9titut virusny preparatov. KARCHENKO. A.Te. Expulsion of Z74 ascarids (28 through the mouth) in a 2 1/2 year old child. Pediatrita no.3:86-87 NY-Je 154. (KLRA 8:1) 1. Iz detskogo otdalenlya Omakoy zheleznodorozhuoy bolinitay (nauchny7 rukovoditall - profeaeor T.L.Mariupollakaya) (ASCARIDS AM ASCARIASIS) POKHODNTA, I.K.; MARCHENKO, A.Ye.; BEYNISH, A.M. High performance electrodes with iron powder in the coating. Avtom. avar. 14 no.10:52-68 0 161. (MIIU-. 14:9) 1. Ordens, Trudovogo, Krasnogo Znameni Institut alaktrosvarki imeni Ye.0. Patona AN USSR. (Electrodes) (Metal powders) I' FILTIM, A.Ye, E-5M-type electrode, of the 9467-60 state standard.. good for welding with an alternating current. Avtom. ,-var. 11+ no.12:88 D 161. (Electrodes) (MIR-~ 14:11 ) FOKHODNYA, 111K,; %YITISH.. A.M,,- I-LIRCHENKO, A.Ye. Highly productive low-tw~city 00-1 electrodes. LVtcm, - avar. 15 no.3:19-26 Mr 162. (MIRA 15:2) 1. Ordens, Trudovogo Krasnogo Zmmeni institut elektroavarki imeni Ye.0, Patona All USSR. (Electrodes--Testing) POKHODNYA, l.K,-, MARCiENVI- A-Ye. Hyd.rcgen In wald~ed joints made by e1w:trodes .i-,.h a --ut-"e csat.,rig. Artom. avar. 17 n,-,.5,40-/,6 My 164. ,',CJ4A - : ~ I- -1 I. laetitur- elektrosvarki '-meni --atona AN TJkr.SSR. MARCHENKO. A.Ye.; POKHODNYA, I.K.; ASNIS, A.Ye.; BEYNISH, A.M. Strength of welded joints in 09G2 steel. Avtom. svar. 17 no.7:20-24 J1 164. (MIRA 17-8) 1. Institut elektrosvarki im. Ye.O. Patona AN UkrSSR. POKHODIIYA, 1.K.; A.Ye.; I.R. Standard, iow-tox'--:ity, AW-3 and ANIC.-4 electrodes. Avio~-. svar. 17 no.8:1j-18 Ag 1~4. (MIPLA -17 - 11) 1. Institut elektro3varici im-nI i,at()r,.a A17 ~krSSR. I POKHCLNYA !.K.~ MOGFEMKO A.Ye.j KOSTENKO, B.A. I L-_ - I Duration of the interaction of the liquid electrode metal with slag and gases during welding. Avtom. svar. 18 no.5:8-10 My '64. (MIRA j8i6) 1. Inatitut e'Lektrosverki im. Ye.O. Patona AN UkrSSR. 27538 S/123/61/000/1014/t36/645 A004/A101 AUTHORS: Roginskiy, I.yu.,.Marchenko, B.M. TITIEt- Selecting the sensitive element circuit for an accelerograph PERIODICALt Referativnyy zhurnal. Mashinostroyeniye, no. 14, 1961, 4, abstract 14zh3o ("Sb. Leningr. int tochnoy mekhan. i optiki", 1960, no. 41, 36 - 44) TEXT:. It is pointed out that the basic condition which determines the selection of the sensitive element circuit is the measuring range and the magni- tude of the "given total error. The authors investigate the effect exerted by each component of the total error (inertial errors, errors caused by the effect of parasitic vibrAtions, errors from lateral acceleration components, errors caused by the method of converting displacements of the inertial mass of the sen- sitive element, errors from the decoding of the recordings, errors caused by tem- perature variations,and fri6tion errors) on the selection of the sensitive ele- ment circuit. The maximum effect on the measuring errors is exerted by vibra- tions. All investigated types of sensitive elements permit to measure accelera- tion in the range of.� 0.5 - + 100 g at natural frequencies of the sensitive ele- Card 1/'2 27538 S/12 i/ooo/014/036/045 Selecting the sensitive element circuit ... A004 lol ment. from 5 - 100 cps. In this case the measuring errors fluctuate in the range of 0.5..- 3% of the maximum value of the accelerationebeing measured. It is shown thaUebr the recording of accelerations which cause small displacements of the Ineriial mass, various types of electromechanical pickups are used, with the aid of which it is 'possible to record the displacement of masses from a few microns and more. Pickups with varying resistance (of the rheostat, tensometer and car- bon type) have simple circuits and make It possible to measure accelerations in the range of 0.02 - 50 g with up to 2% errors at natural frequencies of the , sen- sitive element up to 500 cps. The most simple pickup circuits are of the induc- tion and tube type. Maximum accelerations are measured with piezoelectric pick- ups. Acceleration recordings with these pickups are effected with the aid of vibrator oscillographs. There are 13 dia7grams and 3 references. R. Skulkova L~bstracter's note: Complete translation] Card 2/2 DANIWV' V.I.; YHNCHBVICH, I.B.; ZAMLODCHIKOV, B.I.; MARCHENKO, B.N.; HOVIK07, 9D.L.; POLFEROV, E.A.; ROZANOV, Ye.I.; SAVENYOV, A.i.; SAFONOV, A.N. IncrOa3e in intensity of a proton beam in a six-motor synchro-cyclotron of the United Institate of Nuclear Research. Atom. enarg. 16 no.1:9-11 Ja 164. (MIRA 17s2) --------- - --- L 05392-67 ijp(c) ACC-NR,- AT6031503 SOURCE CODE: BU/2503/66/014/000/0005/0019 AUTHOR:- Danilov- VJ,,,Enchevich, I. B.; Marchenko, B. Polferov, E. A.; Safonov, A. N.; Shestov, A. V. ORG: none TITLE: Increasing the internal beam current of the gynchrocyclotron of the Joint Institute for Nuclear Research by additional electrostatic focusing SOURCE: Bulgarska akademiya nanaukite.. Fizicheski institut. Izvestiya na Fizicheskiya institut S ANEB, v. 14, 1966, 5--T9---------~ TOPIC TAGS: synchrocyclotron, electrostatic field, electrode, duant, accelerator, rectifier, proton current ABSTRACT: A description is given of the effects of an electrostatic field in the central region in the synchrocyclotron of the Joint Institute of Nuclear Research upon the accelerated proton current. As a result of theoretical and experimental research, the chosen aperture of the focusing electrode is equal to the aperture of the dee. In view of the need for a stable installation for long periods of work, 30-mm gaps were established between the screens and the electrodes and a 170-mm Card 1/2 L 05392-67 ACC NR' AT6031503 distance was established between the dee and the electrodes. In such conditions the maximum current magnitude attained is Us = 13 kilovolts. As a result of the increase of focusing forces in the central region of the accelerator, the beam curreff on the finite radius increased from 1. 1- 1. 2 to 2. 1- 2. 3 , M. In conclusion, the authors thank senior technicians V. I. Ivanov a Yu. V. Maksimo for the produc- tion of the 30-kv rectifier; designer I. Kh. Nozdrin and K. A. Baycher, director of the machine shops of the Laboratory of Nuclear Problems, for their efforts in the development and production of the focusing installation, and G. 1. Selivanov, chief engineer of the Laboratory of Nuclear Problems. Orig. art. has: 16 figures. SUB CODE: 20, 09/ SUBM DATE- none/ ORIG REF: 003/ Card 2/2 ARTAMONOVp K*Io; LEBEDEV9 N.I.; YEHGALIYEV, E.Ye.; LESECHKO, A.K.; YAKUSHINo M.Ve; KAZAKOVj V.N.; BRYUKHANOVv N.G.; NIKITINA, L.I.; KHVESYUKt F.Is; Frinimali uchautiye- MAVI--YEVp A.T.; KOV.'JM, S.I.; ROMANOVV V.S.; MARCH=,-AE,;,ZUDU,IAp T.I.; 01,V%ROV, M.H.; PECHENXIN, S*N,; LUKINj Ye.G; KHLUDKOV, M. Shaft-furnace copper smelting with an oxygen-enriched blow. TSvet. met. 34 no-3:32-39 Mr 161. (MA 14:3) 1. Irtyobakiy polimetallicheakiy kombinat (for Artwaonov, Lebedov, Yergaaiyevs Leseohko, Matveyevp Kovalevp Homanov, Marchonkof Zudovaq Omarov). 2. Vsesoyuznyy nauchnoiseledovateliskiy institut tavetnykh metallov (for Yakushin, Kazakovp Bryukhanov, Nikitina, Khvesyuk, Pechenkin, Luking Khludkov). (Copper-MAtallurgy) ((bcygen-Industria.1 applications) MARCHENKO, D. Maintaining formal rules. Grazhd.av. it no.8:8-9 Ag '61. (YJRA 14--a) 1. Komandir korablya Il-18 Kazakhskogo upravleniya Grazhdanskogo vozdushnogo flota. (Airplanes--Piloting) MARGHENKOJ, D.A. Determining specific capital investments in oil production; topic for discussion. Neft. khoz. 39 no-4:1-6 161. ~mMA 14: 6) (Oil fields-Production methods) (Capital investments) KACHAN, I.K.; KARCHENKO, D.A.; ROZXtTBFM, D.A.; ANISIMOV, A.P.; BFJMTSTSKIY. M.M. Use of poles made from centrifuged reinforced concrete in building electric transmission and communication lines. laerg.biml. no.6:6-13 Je 153. Oq#A 6: 6 ) (Faectric lines-Sles) M11 AID P - 787 Subject USSR/Electricity Card 1/1 Pub. 28 - 2/5 Authors Kachan, I. K., Marchenko, D. A., Anisimov, A. P., Shishkin, 0. P. C1 I. Title Experience in use of a movable electric substation for electric power supply in oil fields Periodical Energ. byul. #2, 9-15, F 1954 Abstract Brief description of electric substations, movable by railroad or motor transport to a center of oil prospecting. The substations have lower costs of construction and operation than the stationary units. 4 photo6raphs, 1 table and 2 Russian references in the text (1953). -Lastitution Inter-Departmental Experimental and Technical Council of the State Inspection of Electric Power and Power Inspection (MES i EP) Submitted No date IAGHAN. I.K.; HARGjIHW&*)t ~; ROMBERG, D.A.; ANISIMOV, A.P.; __M B ER STE Experience in planning and building high-voItage electric trans- mission lines on supports made from centrifugal reinforced concrete. Bnerg.biul. no.3%19-25 Hr '54. (MLRA 7:3) 1. Treat Boargomontashnaft'. (Alectric lines--Poles) Subject USSR/Engineering AID P - 519 Card 1/1 Pub. 93 - 6/12 Authors Kachan, I. K., Marchenko, D. A., Rosenberg, D. A., An is imov, A. P M. , Engineers Title Supports for electrical transmission lines made from centrifugal reinforced concrete. (Tested by the Trust Energomontazhneft') Periodical Sbor. mat. o nov. tekh. v stroi., 6, 15-20, 1954 Abstract The Tbilisi Scientific Research Institute of Construc- tion and Water Power Engineering (TNISGEI) with the assistance of Prof. Mikhaylov, V. V. and Mikhellson, Ye. E. has designed a new type of support for 6-10-35 kv transmission lines. The supports are assembled from prefabricated tube-shaped members made of reinforced concrete, which is poured into forms by a centrifugal method. 3 photos, 3 tables. Institution : None Submitted : No date 61 .01 Iq - WHO, I.K.; YARCHESKO. D.A.; ANISIKOV, A.F. Use of posts Made of centrifugal reinforced concrete in building overhead cm-nication lines. Yest.sylazi 14 no.10: 5-6 0 '54. (MM 7:11) 1. Upravlyayushchly trestom *ftsrgonontashneftl* (for Kaohan) 2. Glavnyy inshener tresta "Inergomontashneft" (for Marchenko) 3. GlavW energetik proyaktdonaladochnoy kontory tresta "Inergo- montashneft" (for AnIsimov) (Telegraph lines--Construction) (Telephone lines--Coix- struction) AID P - 1921 Subjecto MSR/'Electricity Card 1/1 Pub, 29 - 1/31 Authors : Kachan, I. K., Anisimov, A. P., Marchenko' D. A*$ and Levit, Ye. S.., Engineers Title : Use of reinforced concrete supporting structures in building 35-kv transmission lines Periodical : Energetik, 3, 1-4, Mr 1955 Abstract : The authors give an account of the experience obtainedl- by the technical personnel of the Trust "ENERGONONTAZHNEFTI" in producing concrete poles and in building transmission lines with them. They give technical details of production and construction. Two photographs, I drawing, and 2 tables. Institution: "ENERGOMONTAZHNEPTI" Submitted : No date I'l - ~LkRCdUfl~o-t~~, T. (Iftyev) 'n ~ODractical applicAtions in tenching Direct and indirect wayu of usin mathemat"Zo. MAt.v shkole o.5 -45 3-0 '57. WLU lo. 9) (Mathematico-Study and teaching) MARCHE &,(XYOV) Use of graphs in eighth-grade algebra. Nat. v shkole no.3-.50-58 H.v-Je 158. (MM 11: 5) (Algebra--Graphic methods) -menate-Podollskiy). Computer techniques in mathematics textbooks for secondar7-school grades 7-12 of the German Democratic Republic. Mat. v shkole no-5: 62-65 S-0 158. (MIRA 11:10) (Germany, East--Mathematies--Textbooks)