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MARAPULETS, L.A. - Results of the exam-Ination of the population of Mosc-;w and its suburbs for leptospirosis. Trudy TSIU 68:55-57 164. (MIRA 18: 5) MARAPULETS, L.A. Sheep and goats as the s-,ur-ce of leptospirosis infection. Trudy TSIU 80:33-35 165. (MD~A 18:11) 10,RAPULETS, L.A. Possibility of survival of leptospira. in media. with various degrees of acidity. Trudy TSIIJ 80:67-68 165. (MIR.A 18:11) MARAPULETS L A Evaluation of low titers of antibodies to leptosDira isolatdd in the agglutination-lysis test. Trudy TSIU 80:133-1~35 165- (MIRA 18:1-1) USSR/Human and Aninal Physiology. Metabolism. Nutrition. T-2 Abs Jour: Ref Zhur-Biol., No 12, 1958, 55307. Author Inst Title The Influence of Food on Certain Metabolism Indica- tors in Infants Suffering From Hypotrophy. Orig Pub: Pediatriya, 1957, No 7, 27-2.9 Abstract: The metabolism of 45 infants in the age group of 2-5 months (11 healthy infants and 34 sick with hypotrophy of the second degree) were examined after they were fed with a kefir and milk mixture for 3 days. The diagnosis was based on the nature of the infants' glycemic and weight curves. The milk mixture ifts found to have stimulated the protein Card 1/2 1. IIARARETTKO E. A. 2. USSR Wo) ' 4. Soils 7. Water and mtrition cycle of the soil In connection with periods for which it Is sodded clown in orcharls. Sbor.stud.rab.Umanak.sellkhoz.inst. no.1, 1952. 9. Monthly List of -~tussian Accessions, Library of Congress, April 1Q53. unclass. AARASANDV, B . I - Trade-union groups should be administered on a dail7 basis. Sov. profsojuzy, 4 no.7:40-42 Jl '56. (MMA 9:10) 1. Starshiy instruktor Kaliniskogo oblprofsoveta. (Trade unions) .MARASANOV I. S.,, inzh. Mechanization of heavy operations in the woodworking shop. ~udostroenie 28 no.10:55-57 0 162. (MM 16:1) Wpodwork--Zquipmnt and supplies) Shiplbuilding---Xquipmeut and supplies) ~ MARASANOV, I.S., Inzh. Automatic control of wood drying conditions in batch operation chambers. Sudostroenle 30 no.2:53-55 F 164. (~GRA 17:4) MARASANOV, R.A. (Brest) Public health in the Hungarian People's Republic. Sov.zdrav. 21 no.7:73-74 162. (MIRA 15:8) (HUNGARY-PUBLIC HEALTH) MARASaOV, R.I. - Equipping school vorkshops for voodvork. Politakh. obuch. no-5:69-78 Vq '57. - . (HTBA 10:6) 1. Uchitel' Gursufskoy aredney shkoly No.12 Krymskoy oblasti. (Workshops--Equipment and supplies) (Woodvork (Kanual training)) e2 c-ra-)h c- rr~z',cr '-c-l(-, ".Cr Z irl" e Z. i -- I I nc E t i 14AUSANOVI, S.,t ( Engr-Col) Author of article,, " On the Overheating of the Tank Engine., " Concerning measures to prevent overheating in tank enginesp ( Tankistp Moscow., No 4,, Apr 54 ) SO- SUM No. 239,, 13 Oct 1954 SOV/175-58-6-37/41 AUTHOR: Marasanov, S., Major General of the Engineering --T-edZff1-d-a-I-_-S-e_rvi ce TITLE: A Book About The Development of Tanks PERIODICAL: Tankist, 1958, Nr 61 PP 59-61 (USSR) ABSTRACT: This is a review of the took written by Mostovenko, V.D., Candidate of Technic;~' Sciences, Docent, Engineer Colonel, entitle~."Tanki" . (Ocherk iz istorii zarozhdeniya i razvitiya bronetankovoy tekhaiki). Tanks (Essay about the history of origin and deve- lopment of armored equipment).Second edition, revised and enlarged. "Voyenizdat", 1958. 203 pages. -Price 4 r.) There is 1 photograph and 1 Soviet reference. Card 1/1 - MARASANOV,I-I podpolkovnik Consider the conditions of fire. Voen. vest. 42 no.7s74-75 Jl 162. OaRA 15:6) (Antiaircraft artillery) I-ftPASAITOV , Yu P irizh irzi; Theory of an inertless spring- type hydra-~,Jjc drilr- r," mine hoisting macnine. iiv. v7rs. ucO-,--b. zav. ; gor, zh,,L-. 7 0. 111-117 164. (MIRA 18: 3 1. Sverdlovskiy gornyy instil.Gt !men! Ilaklin-ishava (for lilassan-v 2. Permskiy politek-hnicheskiv institut for Stepanovi. 'Pekc~renti- vana kafedroy avtomatizatsij prnizvr~dstvennykh protoes,-nv 3v-r,!- lovskogo gornogo instituta. 0 MARASANOV,,jj~,t,,_~nzh. Method for-the improvement-of the throttling characteristics of the hydraulic brakes of mis* ;, hoisting machinery in emergency braking. Izv. vys. ucheb. zav.; gor. zhur. 6 no.9:113-122 163. (NIRA 17:1) 1. Sverdlovskiy gornyy institut imeni Vakhrusheva. Rekomendovana kafedroy gornoy mekhaniki. -KCMRMOV,, V.G.; MAZINGO 14,A.0- MANDELISHUM, S.L.;_NLR~A4W,,-.Tuj,_ Using a Fabry and Perot etalon for the study of line widths in pulse discharge spectra. Opt.i spektr. 11 noo4:556-558 0 161, (MIM 14:10) (Electric discharges) (Scintillation spectrometry) MARASAHOVp Yv.F., inzh. Effect of piston friction on the operation of the hydraulic brake of-a mine hoist. Izv. vys. ucheb. zavo; gor. zhur. 6 na.6:164- 170 163. (MIRA 16:8) 1. Sverrllovskiy gornyy institut imeni V.V. Vakhrusheva. Rekomendovans, kafedroy aTtomatizatsii proizvodstvennykh protsessov. (Mine hoisting-Brakes) (Automatic control) MARASANOV, Yu.P., inzh. I U ~ ~- - -,~ -,. ~ ~ Wa,ys of improving the hydraulic brakes of mine hoisting machinery. I2V.vys.ucheb.zav.;gor.zhur* 7 no.7:133-139 164. (MA 171l0) 1. Sverdlo7skiy gornyy institut imeni Vakhrusheva. Rekomendovana kafedroy avtomatizatsii proizvodstvennykh protsessov. VASILIYEV, A.A.; GERSHMAN, M.B.; VASIWYEVA, T.A.,- Prinimali uchastiye: IWAZU.-A _; CHERNOEROVA, R.Ye.; MATROSOVA, V.S. __ MA N. Preparation and properties of sulfonic acid homogeneous membranes. Zhur.prikl.khim. 35 no.10-.2288-2294 0 162. (MERA 15tl2) (Sulfonic acid) (Membranes (Ciiemistry)) I A P(ILISTIM,, j. ..;- ZKHUS, I.D.; GUSNA, A.N.;. VAGINA, G.P.; VASILIMA, L.B.; DOWSMOr R.G.; UNITS, N.V.; LAGIM, KARASANOTA. M.T.; E-6 XMWA~1-. P.M.; BROD, 1.0.,; NK&AY~HYA. ~Nzd-va; TUKANOVSKATA, Te.r., red.iod-va; MAK-UNI, Ye.-T.0- (Organic matter and clay minerals in eastern Ciscaucasia; torrigenaus Mesozoic and Maikop sediments] Organichaskoe veshchastvo i alinistya mineraly Voutochnogo Predkovkaslia; terrig6nnye-mazozoiskie i maikopokle otlozheniia. Noskva, Izd-vo Akad.naulc SSSR, 1960* 205 P. (KERA 14:2) (Caucasuag Northarn~Clay) (Caucasus, Northern-Organic matter) ZKOS, I.D.; J~vjnjmalj uchastiye: VAGINA, G.P.; VASIL&YEVA, L.B,-,_!LAWAWU,, N.V MEVA, V. S. s; SHKU Characteristics of changes in clay minerals as related to ail formation. Biul.1W'IP.Otd.geol. 35 no.4:22-29 T1-Ag 160. (MIRA 14:4) (Clay) (Petroleum geology) ZKHUS, I.D.; MARASANOVA, N.V. Some characteristics of the distribution of clay minerals in Upper Pliocene sediments of the Krasnyy Yar area (Astrakhan region). Izv.AN SSSR.Ser.geol. 27 no.8.106-110 Ag 162. 04IRA 15:8) 1. Institut geologii I razrabotki goryucbJkb iskopa:yemykh All SSSR, Mbskva. (Astrakhan region-Clay) i4ARASECU, C. Normali7.ation of power consumption and the te&nical and economical indexes in petroloum refineries. 1. (To I-e contd.) p. ~8. P-R)L SI GAZE. 'kAsociatia Stiintilfica a Inginerilor 91 Tehnic-'-enilor din Rominia si Ministerul Ind,,,,striei Petr-)liilui) Ncuresti, ~-turnania, V-)I. 10, no. 2, Feb. 1959. Monthly list of Fast European Accessiins (EPAT) LC/no. 8, Aug. 1959 Uncl. MARASEK, Andrzej, inz.; OLBMZKI., Witold, dr.inz. Wells without filters. Gosp wodna 22 W-8:352-357 162. 1. Centralny Urzad Geologii, Warazawa. MARASEK, Andrzej, inz. - .- - - ---- - -----------, Hydrogeological measurements and observations in connection with borings. Gosp wodna 22 no.9:409-4-U S 162. 1. Centralny Urzad Geologii, Warszawa. FIKH. B.H., kand.istor.nauk; ARMFAYBVA, L.Vs; HARSZGTAU, H.T., kand. Istor.nauk; MO. I.P.; GRIGOROYEVA, Z.G., kand.iotor.nauk; " -KARASH Ts N kand.lotor.nauk; KARKOVSKIY, D.S., kand. 'iM uk2- HMM, F.S.; OOLUBTSMA, P., red.; MAVYAWIN, I., is (Grodno: historical study] Gradno: istoricheakii ocherk. Hinsk. Goo.izd-vo B&M, Red.sotsiallno-okon.lit-ry, 1960. 150 P. (MIRA 14:3) (Grodno--History) (Gradno-Sconomic conditions) tj ~ I . ,~ . ) z I, . ~, ?, ,GT' ,F ~ ~ . ,'. r~ ~ I.. m. A,14 z~ H EV A I z , --I " : - ~ - , " " . ; , , , ~ Zt,-~j?jylljg .* ", :, -; , , -, r -,! I . '. ~, : -.1 , -, ". ,- .", - , f -,:-- -7, .-, I - - 3 -- I - , K~:zN' - -~, F. : 2 2 31 5, 2 C! PODBELISKIY,, G.Hor kind. tekhn.,nauk; M~RWEV4, N.I.t imzh. Wor4 (riality, in the sorting of Kuznetsk Basin coale. Ugolf 39 no#%606;m6l .-MY !64, (MIRA 171:8) 1. bznet6k4-y nauchne-isoledovatellskiyA proyektno-konstruk- torskiyAnotitut ugleobogashcheniya. MARASHIZJKO, A.A. 1A i of the UPI zachines in malrIng raised surfaces on peat plots. Torf. prom. 33 no.8:33-34 156. (MT-RA 10:2) 1. Lltovokly torfotrest. (Peat machinery) MARASHINSIKA Wood control. NTO 3 no.9:54 S 161. (MIRA f4:8) 1. Zamestitelipredsedatelya soveta Nauchno-tokhnicheskogo obahchestva Ufimskogo khimichoskogo zavoda. NTO 3 no.9: 54 S 161. (MIRA 14:8) (Herbicides) 14ARASHOV, G. M. "Qiamti,-Mechanical Form of the Periodic System of Elements," SO: Zhur. Obshch. Khim., 19, No. 3, 1949. c i z t IR MAN IA ce) Ac ticn r- vi ti. POPESGUI P. . ing.; MARASTEM 0 ing. Tocbnical and economic results obtained in the production of asphalt mortars made of road bitmiens and bituminous sands from the Crisena region, Rev transport 8 no.ll:/+75-480 N 161. (Rumania-Road construction) (Bitimiinous materials) RAi_v6ij_Lv_,vI, Sh. 'n. MMUSULOV, BH- R. -- "Optimal Vorking Conditions of a Drawing Devico of an R.TP-192 Fly Frame." Min Higher Education USSR, Moscow Textile Inst, Tashkent, 1955 (Dissertation For the Degree of Doctor of Technical Sciences) SO: KnIzIanava let9gial. No. 3Z. 3 Seytember 1955 14AR".sul'ov, s;).R. Inf,--vi.,-.ation on the monograrh of M.L.Fladzhinova on luhtq effw-t of cotton fiber damag6 on' e qUalitTr of teXtla p, .h. 0 Izv# vya, ucheb, zav*; bu.